ECE IPR Question Bank
ECE IPR Question Bank
ECE IPR Question Bank
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043
The students will try to learn:
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Classify the intellectual property rights to provide the legal Understand
rights, patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
CO 2 Relate the World Intellectual Property organization to protect Understand
intellectual property rules and policies.
CO 3 Identify the world trade organization agreements for trade related Apply
intellectual properties rights and investments.
CO 4 Outline the importance of intellectual property in organizations of Understand
different industrial sectors for the purpose of product design and
technology development.
CO 5 Infer the geographical Indications of international development of Understand
law for policy and legal issues.
CO 6 Interpret the purpose in category of marks for the international Understand
trademark registration.
CO 7 Extend the fundamentals of copyright law and originality of Understand
material for the rights of reproduction.
CO 8 Demonstrate the international copyright law with respect to Understand
ownership for the registration of copyright.
CO 9 Summarize the trade secrets determination, misappropriation and Understand
protectionfor submission and litigation.
CO 10 Utilize the new international developments for trademarks law, Apply
copyright law and patent law.
Q.No QUESTION TaxonomyHow does this subsume CO’s
the level
1 Compare whether the Understand This would require the CO 1
following items would be learner to recall intellectual
protectable as trademark, property. Then explain
Copyrights, Patents or protectable as trademark,
Trade Secrets: a)a vacuum Copyrights, Patents or
cleaner (the name of a new Trade Secrets.
type of ice cream) b) a
company’s plans for its
future business operations
and possible mergers c) a
new type of rose d) a new
slogan to be used by Burger
King a new novel by Toni
2 Identify Mc Donald’s Apply This would require the CO 1
Corporation has filed a learner to recall intellectual
trademark application for property. Then classify the
MCMAGIC MIXERS for types of intellectual
new condiment blends will property. Then choose
the mark be protectable. protectable mark as
Page 2
3 Identify the types of Apply This would require the CO 1
copyrights in cinema learner to recall intellectual
autography in India? property. Then classify
types of copyrights. Then
utilize suitable copyright for
cinema autography.
4 Explain with one example Understand This would require the CO 1
types of copy rights. learner to recall intellectual
property. Then classify
types of copyrights
5 Solve the loss occurred to Apply This would require the CO 1
the US for infringement in learner to recall intellectual
IP and counterfeiting of property. Then classify
goods and piracy. types of copyrights. Then
utilize the time period for
copyrights protection
6 Compare the Trademark Understand This would require the CO 2
and Trade secrets? learner to recall types of
intellectual property. Then
classify trademark and
trade secrets.
7 What is dispute resolution Remember – CO 2
8 Identify the time period for Apply This would require the CO 2
the protection of son learner to recall intellectual
“Allentown” was composed property. Then classify
Billy Joel in 1982? types of copyrights. Then
select the time period for
copyrights protection.
9 What is the history of Remember – CO 2
World Trade Organization?
10 What is General agreement Understand CO 2
on tariffs and trade (GATT)
eight rounds explain in
1 Explain different types of Understand This would require the CO 1
intellectual property in learner to recall world trade
detail? organization. Then explain
the importance of
intellectual property
2 What are the functions of Remember – CO 1
international intellectual
property organizations?
Page 3
3 Illustrate the some of the Understand This would require the CO 1
agencies and treaties of learner to recall world trade
intellectual property? organization. Then outline
the agencies of intellectual
4 What is the importance of Remember – CO 1
intellectual property rights?
5 Write few lines about IPR? Remember – CO 1
Do you think this is useful
rights for us?
6 What is International Remember – CO 1
Organization, Agencies, and
7 Explain the following items Understand This would require the CO 1
would be protectable as learner to recall intellectual
trademarks, copyrights, property. Then explain the
patents, or trade secrets: a) types of intellectual
‘Freeze You’ as the name of properties like trademarks,
a new type of ice cream b) copyrights, patents etc.
a company’s plans for its
future business operations
and possible mergers c) a
new type of rose d) a new
slogan to be used by Burger
King a new novel by Toni
8 What is IPR and its types? Remember – CO 2
9 Explain why agencies Understand This would require the CO 2
responsible for Intellectual learner to recall intellectual
Property Registration with property. Then explain the
any two examples? need of agencies for
intellectual property
10 What is the importance of Remember – CO 2
International organization?
When it was established?
11 What are the basic Remember – CO 2
principles of GATT?
12 Why GATT is changed to Remember – CO 2
13 What is the difference Remember – CO 2
between WTO and GATT?
Page 4
14 Why did the developing Remember – CO 2
nations negotiated for
intellectual property rights
during Uruguay Round
15 Explain in detail Uruguay Understand This would require the CO 2
Round Agreement? learner to recall intellectual
property. Then extend the
need of uruguay round
16 What were the objectives of Remember – CO 2
the Doha trade
17 What is Doha Declaration Remember – CO 2
on Trips and public health?
18 Explain with one example Understand This would require the CO 2
about world trade learner to recall intellectual
organization agreements. property. Then outline the
need of uruguay round
19 Extend the trade related Understand This would require the CO 2
intellectual properties rights learner to recall intellectual
and trade related property. Then extend the
investment measures. trade related investments.
20 Explain the purpose of trips Understand This would require the CO 2
agreement? learner to recall trade
related investment. Then
explain trips agreement
which are related to
1 Define intellectual property? Remember – CO 1
2 why intellectual properties Remember – CO 1
need to be protected?
3 What is the condition of Remember – CO 1
purchase a book and make
photocopies of it and sell, Is
it violation?
4 What is intellectual Remember – CO 1
property rights?
5 What is trade? Remember CO 1
6 What is trade protection? Remember – CO 1
Page 5
7 How long will the copy right Remember – CO 1
last if a novel written by
Moby Dick in 1851 and died
in 1891?
8 What are the tarde related Remember – CO 1
9 Define trade secreat? Remember – CO 1
10 Write few lines about Remember – CO 1
service mark?
11 What is the role of General Remember – CO 1
Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade GATT?
12 What were the significant Remember – CO 1
achievements of GATT
rounds of talks?
13 What is the name of the 8 Remember – CO 2
th multinational negotiation
of GATT?
14 What is Uruguay Round Remember – CO 2
15 What does a World Trade Remember – CO 2
Organization do?
16 Why Doha Declaration on Remember – CO 2
the TRIPS?
17 What is the use with Doha Remember – CO 2
18 What is the world trade Remember – CO 2
organization structure?
19 What is the technology Remember – CO 2
transfer of WTO?
20 Why dispute resolution Remember – CO 2
mechanism in WTO
1 Organize Paris Apply This would require the CO 3
Convention for the learner to recall world trade
Protection of Industrial organization then outline
Property, the intellectual property
agreements and choose
Paris Convention for the
protection of industrial
Page 6
2 Utilize PCT patent Apply This would require the CO 3
application process is best learner to recall world trade
understood as a global organization then outline
patent filing mechanism for the intellectual property
Paris Convention Patent agreements and identify
Filing Paris Convention for the
global patent filing.
3 Build the implementation Apply This would require the CO 3
process of Bern convention learner to recall world trade
with one example. organization then explain
the intellectual property
agreements and identify the
Bern convention for social
and technological
4 What are the differences Remember — CO 3
between Paris Convention
Bern convention?
5 How balanced international Remember — CO 3
IP legal framework to meet
society’s evolving needs.
6 Utilize the huge agreement Apply This would require the CO 3
for the agreement between learner to recall world trade
to organizations. organization then explain
the intellectual property
agreements and build the
relation between to
organizations with huge
7 Relate the differences Remember — CO 4
between Madrid agreement
with Budapest treaty?
8 Which provides business Remember — CO 4
services for obtaining IP
rights in multiple countries
and resolving disputes frame
with example.
Page 7
9 Identify the creation of IP Apply This would require the CO 4
services to promote and learner to recall world trade
protect intellectual organization then extend
property (IP) across the intellectual property
the world by cooperating agreements and Organize
with countries as well the IP services with
as international different countries.
10 Classify the types Understand
This would require the CO 4
agreements explain with one learner to recall world trade
example. organization then explain
the intellectual property
1 What is patent protection? Remember – CO 3
Which is the oldest
convention for patent
2 What is the purpose and Remember – CO 3
importance of WIPO?
3 What is the administrative Remember – CO 3
cooperation of WIPO?
4 What is Paris Convention Remember – CO 3
and what is the use of it?
5 Explain in detail about Understand This would require the CO 3
Paris Convention and its learner to recall intellectual
applications. property. Then extend
about the paris convention
for industrial property.
6 Illustrate the Paris Understand This would require the CO 3
Convention for the learner to recall intellectual
Protection of Industrial property. Then explain
Property. about paris convention for
industrial property
7 What is right of priority Remember – CO 3
and what is the relation
with Paris Convention.
8 What is agreement and Remember – CO 3
relate with paris agreement
9 What has the Paris Remember – CO 3
agreement accomplished?
Page 8
10 Compare WIPO with Paris Understand This would require the CO 3
Convention learner to recall world trade
organization then explain
intellectual property
11 How is Berne Convention Remember —- CO 4
12 Explain about point of the Understand This would require the CO 4
Berne Convention and their learner to recall world trade
importance? organization then outline
the international
13 What is the process of Remember —- CO 4
Madrid agreement?
14 Explain in detail of Understand This would require the CO 4
Budapest treaty related learner to recall world trade
with patent procedure. organization then explain
budapest treaty patent
procedure of IPR
15 What is agreement and Remember —- CO 4
relation with huge
16 What is the importance of Remember —- CO 4
huge agreement?
17 Explain the procedure to Understand This would require the CO 4
apply Budapest treaty learner to recall world trade
organization then explain
budapest treaty agreement
of IPR.
18 Madrid agreement Remember —- CO 4
19 Illustrate the international Understand This would require the CO 4
depositary authority (IDA) learner to recall world trade
in accordance with the rules organization then extend
of the treaty international depositary
authority of treaty.
20 What is the relation of Remember —- CO 4
WIPO and huge
1 What is WIPO? Remember – CO 3
2 How many countries are in Remember – CO 3
3 What is the purpose of Remember – CO 3
Page 9
4 What is Paris Convention? Remember – CO 3
5 What are the features Paris Remember – CO 3
6 Where is WIPO? Remember – CO 3
7 How many states are Remember – CO 3
member to the Paris
8 What is a Paris Convention Remember – CO 3
9 What does the right of Remember – CO 3
priority applies to?
10 What does WIPO mean? Remember – CO 3
11 What countries does WIPO Remember – CO 3
12 What is the Berne Remember – CO 3
13 How is Berne Convention Remember – CO 4
14 What is the importance of Remember – CO 4
Berne Convention?
15 What countries are part of Remember – CO 4
the Berne Convention?
16 What is the mean of huge Remember – CO 4
17 What does Budapest Treaty Remember – CO 4
18 How to apply for Budapest Remember – CO 4
19 Who administers Budapest Remember – CO 4
20 Madrid agreement Remember – CO 4
1 Illustrate the historical Understand This would require the CO 5
background of intellectual learner to recall intellectual
property rights property rights. Then
explain the history of IPR.
Page 10
2 Organize the need of Apply This would require the CO 6
universal law for learner to recall world trade
international protection of organization then explain
IP. the intellectual property
rights then identify the need
of universal law of IPR.
3 Compare IP and intellectual Understand This would require the CO 5
property rights accordance learner to recall world trade
with WTO. organization then outline
the commercial use of
intellectual property rights
4 Identify with one example Apply This would require the CO 5
of the following “Intellectual learner to recall world trade
property referring to organization then explain
products that come from the intellectual property
the creative mind true rights then utilize the need
intellectual property is of product of IPR.
imagination come from
5 Explain with one real time Understand This would require the CO 5
example of patentable and learner to recall world trade
non-patentable inventions. organization then explain
the patents and non-patents
of intellectual property
6 What are the criteria’s that Remember — CO 6
can be determine to be
patented in India?
7 Extend the process of types Understand This would require the CO 5
patent document are needed learner to recall intellectual
to register as patent rights. property rights then classify
the types of intellectual
property rights
8 What is the commercial Remember — CO 6
exploitation of intellectual
property is needed for
patent rights?
9 Make use of the strategy for Apply This would require the CO 6
managing a company’s learner to recall intellectual
intellectual property rights property rights then classify
portfolio. the types of intellectual
property rights and utilize
the need of IPR portfolio.
Page 11
10 Utilize the concerned of the Apply This would require the CO 6
following and explain with learner to recall intellectual
example “Intellectual property rights then classify
Property by owner itself in the types of intellectual
the business. In this form of property rights and choose
exploitation, the owner the exploitation of IPR.
produces copies of the
products covered by the
Intellectual Property itself
and sells them”.
1 Explain the importance of Understand This would require the CO 5
intellectual property rights. learner to recall world trade
organization then explain
the importance of
intellectual property rights.
2 What is the history of Remember CO 5
intellectual property rights?
3 Explain with one example of Understand This would require the CO 5
introduction to intellectual learner to recall world trade
property rights. organization then extend
the intellectual property
4 How the intellectual Remember CO 5
property is helpful to the
5 Extend the classification of Understand This would require the CO 5
intellectual property. learner to recall world trade
organization then classify
the intellectual property
6 Classify the types of Understand This would require the CO 5
intellectual property rights. learner to recall world trade
organization then classify
the types of intellectual
property rights
7 What is patent? How the Remember — CO 5
patents are related with
intellectual property rights.
8 What are the criteria Remember — CO 5
requirements for
an invention to
be patentable
Page 12
9 What are the Remember — CO 5
non-patentable inventions?
10 Compare patentable and Understand This would require the CO 5
non-patentable inventions learner to recall world trade
with one example. organization then explain
the patents and non-patents
of intellectual property
11 What are the legal Remember — CO 5
requirements are needed for
12 Classify the types of patent Understand This would require the CO 5
applications. learner to recall intellectual
property rights. Then
explain the types of
patents which are related
to IPR.
13 What is patent document? Remember — CO 6
Why patent document is
needed for intellectual
property rights.
14 What are the basic features Remember — CO 6
of the patent are better
suited to its initial
15 What are the important Remember — CO 6
procedural aspects and how
they are useful for patents?
16 What is the intellectual Remember — CO 6
property portfolio?
17 Illustrate the commercial Understand This would require the CO 6
exploitation of intellectual learner to recall world trade
property. organization then explain
the commercia use of
intellectual property rights.
18 How the protection of ideas Remember — CO 6
under patent law and the
protection of expression
under the law of copyright.
19 What is the process to Remember — CO 6
register in the intellectual
property rights?
Page 13
20 What are the important Remember — CO 6
procedural aspects to
register the patent rights?
1 What is the importance of Remember — CO 5
intellectual property rights?
2 What are the advantages of Remember — CO 5
intellectual property rights?
3 How intellectual property Remember — CO 5
rights are helpful to the
4 Historical background of Remember — CO 5
intellectual property rights
5 List some examples of Remember — CO 5
intellectual property rights.
7 What is the history of Remember — CO 5
intellectual property rights?
8 What is patent? Remember — CO 5
9 What is the patentable Remember — CO 5
10 List some examples of Remember — CO 5
11 What is the non patentable Remember — CO 5
12 How legal requirements are Remember — CO 6
needed for patents?
13 What are the patent Remember — CO 6
14 What is the patent Remember — CO 6
15 What is the specification of Remember — CO 6
16 What is the patent claim? Remember — CO 6
17 What are the procedural Remember — CO 6
18 What is the importance of Remember — CO 6
19 What is patent law? Remember —– CO 6
20 What are the applications Remember —— CO 6
of patents?
Page 14
1 Identify the WTO Apply This would require the CO 7
Agreement on Trade learner to recall world trade
Related Aspects of organization then explain
Intellectual Property Rights the importance of
(”TRIPS”) defines agreements on trade-related
”geographical indications”. aspects and utilize the
geographical indications and
2 Explain the design process Understand This would require the CO 7
of geographical indications? learner to recall world trade
organization then explain
the importance of
geographical indications.
3 Explain “Appellation of Understand This would require the CO 7
origin” is related with learner to recall intellectual
geographical indications. property rights then explain
the relation of IPR with
geographical indications.
4 Identify the rural Apply This would require the CO 7
development effects learner to recall world trade
according with geographical organization then explain
indications. the importance of
trade-related aspects and
organize rural development
effects with geographical
5 Contrast the international Apply This would require the CO 7
issues with geographical learner to recall world trade
indications. organization then extend
intellectual property rights
and solve the issues with
geographical indications.
6 What are the articles of the Remember — CO 8
TRIPS agreement in
geographical indications?
7 Relate the TRIPS with Understand This would require the CO 8
geographical indication learner to recall intellectual
property rights then relate
TRIPS with geographical
Page 15
8 Compare designs and Understand This would require the CO 8
geographical indications learner to recall intellectual
with examples. property rights then explain
the WIPO with
geographical indication.
9 What is the act of law in Remember — CO 8
geographical indications
with examples?
10 Extend the application Understand This would require the CO 8
terms of design and learner to recall intellectual
geographical indication. property rights then extend
the importance of design
and geographical indication.
1 Explain about Standing Understand This would require the CO 7
Committee with learner to recall intellectual
Industrial Designs and property rights then explain
Geographical Indications. the geographical indications
of IP.
2 What is importance of Remember — CO 7
Standing Committee?
3 Extend the role of WIPO in Understand This would require the CO 7
Industrial Designs and learner to recall intellectual
Geographical Indications property rights then explain
the importance of WIPO.
4 Compare Protected Understand This would require the CO 7
designation of origin” learner to recall intellectual
(PDO), property rights then explain
”protected geographical the importance of designs
indication” (PGI), and geographical
5 What is Traditional Remember This would require the CO 7
Specialties Guaranteed? learner to recall intellectual
property rights then explain
the geographical indications.
6 Which are the types of Remember — CO 7
geographical indication?
7 What is the most important Remember — CO 8
criteria for an applicant who
seeks to register a
geographical indication?
8 Why do we need to protect Remember — CO 7
geographical indications?
Page 16
9 Explain in detail of about Understand This would require the CO 7
geographical indication learner to recall intellectual
design. property rights then extend
the design concept of
geographical indications.
10 What is geographical Remember — CO 8
indication is related with
11 Illustrate the convention Understand This would require the CO 8
application term of learner to recall intellectual
geographical indication property rights then relate
the geographical indication
with WIPO.
12 What can be registered for Remember — CO 8
geographical indication?
13 What is the eligibility of Remember — CO 8
apply for the geographical
14 What is the right of Remember — CO 8
agreement for geographical
15 What is geographical origin Remember — CO 8
in intellectual property?
16 What are the terms and Remember — CO 8
restrictions for geographical
origin in intellectual
17 Why do we need to protect Remember — CO 8
geographical indications?
18 Explain in detail the Understand This would require the CO 8
applications of geographical learner to recall intellectual
indication. property rights then outline
the importance of
geographical indication.
19 What is the importance of Understand This would require the CO 8
geographical indication? learner to recall intellectual
property rights and WIPO
then extend the
geographical indication.
20 What are the types of Remember — CO 8
geographical indication?
1 What is the design aspect of Remember — CO 7
intellectual Property?
Page 17
2 What are the the Remember — CO 7
geographical indications of
3 What are the basic Remember — CO 7
4 How to originating from a Remember — CO 7
particular company?
5 What is the procedure of Remember — CO 7
geographical indications?
6 What is included in Remember — CO 7
geographical indications of
7 Who can apply for Remember — CO 7
geographical indications?
8 Why do we need to protect Remember — CO 7
geographical indications?
9 What is the convention Remember — CO 8
application term for patent
10 Define geographical Remember — CO 7
11 What can be registered for Remember — CO 7
geographical indications?
12 How to submit the Remember — CO 8
application for patent filed
in the Patent Office?
13 Who can apply for Remember — CO 8
geographical indications?
14 What are the geographical Remember — CO 8
indications rights?
15 What are the geographical Remember — CO 8
indications restrictions?
16 What are the policies for Remember — CO 8
geographical indications?
17 What is the Geographical Remember — CO 8
Indications Act of India?
18 How to guide the Remember — CO 8
Geographical Indications in
19 How to register trademark Remember — CO 8
the Geographical
Page 18
20 What are the geographical Remember — CO 8
indications terms?
1 Identify how Copyrights and Apply This would require the CO 9
trademarks are both learner to recall intellectual
important tools in property rights and classify
protecting your intellectual the types of IPR and
property, organize copyrights and
trademarks with IPR.
2 Why article and Section of Remember — CO 9
the Constitution, commonly
called the ”Copyright
3 Utilize the IPR and explain Apply This would require the CO 9
the importance of goods learner to recall intellectual
and services. property rights and classify
the types of IPR and
identify the importance of
goods and services.
4 What is the major role of Remember — CO 9
Vienna classification in
5 Extend the trademarks Understand This would require the CO 9
procedure with example. learner to recall intellectual
property rights and explain
the trademarks procedure.
6 Make use of IPR how to Apply This would require the CO 10
protect distinct creations of learner to recall intellectual
copyrights and trademarks. property rights and classify
the types of IPR and utilize
distinct creations of
copyrights and trademarks.
7 What is the working of Remember — CO 9
infringement and passing off
in trademark?
8 Explain copyright Understand This would require the CO 10
assignment with related to learner to recall intellectual
IPR. property rights and extend
importance of copyright
Page 19
9 Explain copyrights Understand This would require the CO 10
procedure with example learner to recall intellectual
which is related to IPR. property rights and relate
procedure of copyright.
inintellectual property
rights and classify the types
of IPR and utilize distinct
creations of copyrights and
10 Utilize and explain the Apply This would require the CO 10
copyright infringement learner to recall intellectual
remedies to helpful for IPR property rights and explain
law. the IPR laws and make use
of copyright infringement
1 What is standing committee Remember — CO 9
and law?
2 Explain about Standing Understand This would require the CO 9
Committee on the Law of learner to recall intellectual
Trademarks. property rights and relate
the standing committee on
the law of trademarks.
3 Demonstrate the policy and Understand This would require the CO 9
legal issues relating to the learner to recall types of
international development intellectual property rights
of law. and extend the legal issues
relating to IPR.
4 What is the relation of the Remember — CO 9
WIPO with trademark and
5 What are the products are Remember — CO 9
related with trademark?
6 Compare trademark and Understand This would require the CO 9
copyright with examples. learner to recall types of
intellectual property rights
and explain the trademark
and copyright.
7 What are the products are Remember — CO 9
related with copyright?
Page 20
8 Explain copyright Understand This would require the CO 9
infringement remedies with learner to recall intellectual
examples. property rights and classify
IPR infringement with
9 What are the types Remember — CO 9
10 Explain the procedure of Understand This would require the CO 10
copyright assignment learner to recall the types of
intellectual property rights
and extend the procedure of
11 What are the types of Remember — CO 10
12 Explain copyright with real Understand This would require the CO 10
time examples. learner to recall the types of
intellectual property rights
and outline the copyright
which is related to IPR.
13 What is the process to get a Remember — CO 10
copyright and trademark?
14 Explain the process of Understand This would require the CO 10
copyrights with IPR. learner to recall the types of
intellectual property rights
and extend the process of
copyright with IPR.
15 What is trademarks Remember — CO 10
enforcement in copyright?
16 Explain the process of Understand This would require the CO 10
trademark with IPR. learner to recall intellectual
property rights and outline
the process of trademark.
17 What are the remedies for Remember — CO 10
18 What is the relation of IPR Remember — CO 10
with trademark and
19 What are the terms and Remember — CO 10
conditions for copyrights?
20 Illustrate the classifications Understand This would require the CO 10
of goods and services. learner to recall intellectual
property rights and classify
the IPR as goods and
Page 21
1 What is trademark? Remember — CO 9
2 What are the applications Remember — CO 9
of trademark?
3 What is the use of Remember — CO 9
4 What is service mark? Remember — CO 9
5 What are the applications Remember — CO 9
of trademark?
6 How to relate trademark Remember — CO 9
with IPR?
7 What is the expiry of Remember — CO 9
8 Where can be use Remember — CO 9
9 What are the types of Remember —- CO 9
10 How to get license for Remember —- CO 9
11 Define copyright. Remember —- CO 10
12 Relate copyright with IPR. Remember —- CO 9
13 How to get license for Remember — CO 10
14 What are the applications Remember — CO 10
of copyright?
15 What is the use of Remember — CO 10
16 What is the copyright law? Remember — CO 10
17 Define vienna classification. Remember — CO 10
18 What is trademarks Remember — CO 10
19 What is the infringement of Remember — CO 10
trademark enforcement?
20 What are the terms and Remember — CO 10
restrictions for copyright?
Page 22