ZF Transmission ZF s6 650 - 6s 750 Troubleshooting Guide

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906 W. GORE ST. ORLANDO, FL 32805

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Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Manual Transmission and Clutch

This section contains symptom based diagnosis and testing procedures. The symptom chart, and
the inspection and verification procedures aid in the accurate diagnosis of transmission and clutch
system related concerns.


Inspection and Verification

To guarantee an accurate diagnosis:
• get an accurate description of the condition.
• identify when the condition occurs; when hot or cold, during shifting, driving at a particular
speed or in a particular gear.
• have the customer demonstrate the concern, if possible.
• refer to the Symptom Chart in this section for additional source information and suggested test
• carry out the following Noise Evaluation procedures, as necessary.

Noise Evaluation
Note: Carry out this evaluation with the transmission cold and at normal operating temperature to
listen for any change in noise as the transmission warms up.
1. Start the engine.
2. Evaluate the noise in NEUTRAL with the vehicle is parked.
3. Listen for any change in noise while depressing and releasing the clutch pedal.
4. Listen for any change in noise while changing the engine rpm.
5. Drive the vehicle and shift through all of the gear ranges, including reverse. Listen for any
changes in noise in a particular gear.
6. Drive the vehicle in the gear in which the noise is most noticeable. Depress the clutch pedal
and leave the gear engaged. Listen for any change in noise. The vibration of the engine may be
amplifying the noise.
7. Drive the vehicle under the same conditions identified in the previous step. Depress the clutch
pedal and shift the transmission into neutral. Release the clutch pedal and allow the vehicle to
coast. Evaluate the noise as the rear axle assembly turns the mainshaft.

308-00-1 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Noise Evaluation for 4x4 Applications

• With the vehicle at a complete stop and the transfer case in NEUTRAL, shift the transmission
through all of the gear ranges and evaluate the noise at different engine rpm. Check for any
noise in NEUTRAL at different engine rpm.
• Check for any noise change when shifting the transfer case between 2H, 4H, 4L, and
• Refer to SECTION 308-07A for 4x4 system concerns.

Clutch Slippage Inspection and Verification

1. Check the wheels.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Depress and release the clutch pedal slowly to check if the pedal is binding.
• If the clutch pedal is not binding, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the clutch pedal is binding, inspect, and install a new clutch pedal and support bracket
assembly as necessary. Refer to SECTION 308-02. Test the system for normal operation.
Proceed to the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
4. Depress the clutch pedal.
5. Start the engine.
6. Shift transmission to fourth gear.
7. Increase the engine rpm to 2000 and slowly release the clutch pedal. If the engine stalls within
five seconds, the clutch is not slipping.
• If the clutch is slipping, remove the clutch disc (7550) and pressure plate (7563). Refer to
SECTION 308-01. Inspect the clutch disc and pressure plate for wear and damage. Refer
to Clutch Pressure Plate Check and Clutch Disc Check in this section. Inspect the
flywheel (6375) for glazing and damage. Check the clutch release hub and bearing for
binding, and inspect the guide tube. Inspect the input shaft for wear and damage. Repair
all components as necessary. Test the system for normal operation.

308-00-2 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch Chatter or Shudder Inspection and Verification

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to SECTION 100-02.
2. Inspect the engine and transmission mounts for looseness and damage.
• If the mounts are OK, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the mounts are loose or damaged, tighten, or install new mounts as necessary. Test the
system for normal operation. Proceed to the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
3. Check for loose bolts that retain the clutch pressure plate to the flywheel.
• If the bolts are tightened to specification, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the bolts are loose, tighten the bolts to specification. Refer to SECTION 308-01. Test the
system for normal operation. Proceed to the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
4. Remove the clutch disc and pressure plate. Refer to SECTION 308-01. Inspect the clutch disc
and pressure plate for wear and damage, and check the clutch disc runout. Refer to Clutch
Pressure Plate Check and to Clutch Disc Check in this section. Inspect the flywheel for
glazing and damage. Check the flywheel runout. Refer to Flywheel Runout Check in this
section. Inspect the input shaft for wear, damage and eccentricity. Repair all components as
necessary. Test the system for normal operation.

Clutch Drag Inspection and Verification

1. Verify that the clutch hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to the correct level.
• If the fluid level is correct, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the fluid level is low, add fluid as necessary. Inspect the clutch hydraulic system for
leaks, and repair as necessary. Refer to SECTION 308-02. Test the system for normal
operation. Proceed to the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
2. Depress and release the clutch pedal to check for a spongy pedal.
• If the pedal feels OK, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the pedal feels spongy, bleed the clutch hydraulic system. Refer to Clutch System
Bleeding - In-Vehicle in this section. Test the system for normal operation. Proceed to
the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
3. Remove the clutch disc and pressure plate. Refer to SECTION 308-01. Inspect the clutch disc
and pressure plate for wear and damage, and check the clutch disc runout. Refer to Clutch
Pressure Plate Check and to Clutch Disc Check in this section. Repair all components as
necessary. Test the system for normal operation.

308-00-3 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Hard Shifting Inspection and Verification

1. Verify that the clutch hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to the correct level.
• If the fluid level is correct, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the fluid level is low, add fluid as necessary. Check the clutch hydraulic system for
leaks, and repair as necessary. Refer to SECTION 308-02. Test the system for normal
operation. Proceed to the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
2. Depress and release the clutch pedal to check for a spongy pedal.
• If the pedal feels OK, proceed to the next step in this procedure.
• If the pedal feels spongy, bleed the clutch hydraulic system. Refer to Clutch System
Bleeding - In-Vehicle in this section. Test the system for normal operation. Proceed to
the next step in this procedure, if necessary.
3. Remove the clutch disc and pressure plate. Refer to SECTION 308-01. Inspect the clutch disc
and pressure plate for wear and damage. Refer to Clutch Pressure Plate Check and to Clutch
Disc Check in this section. Check the clutch release hub and bearing for binding, and inspect
the guide tube. Inspect the input shaft for wear and damage. If all of the components are OK,
proceed to the next step in this procedure. Otherwise, repair all components as necessary.
Test the system for normal operation.
4. Inspect the transmission housing, shafts, forks, and synchronizer assemblies. Refer to
SECTION 308-03A (Model S5-47ZF Transmission) or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
Transmission). Repair all components as necessary. Test the system for normal operation.

308-00-4 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Clutch Chatter or Shudder • Engine/transmission mount • CARRY OUT the Clutch Chatter
loose/damaged. or Shudder Inspection and
• Bolts retaining clutch pressure Verification procedure in this
plate to flywheel loose. section.
• Clutch pressure plate
• Clutch disc facing oil coated.
• Clutch disc facing
• Clutch disc runout excessive.
• Flywheel surface
• Flywheel runout excessive.
• Transmission input shaft
eccentric/not perpendicular.
• Clutch Drag • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • CARRY OUT the Clutch Drag
system fluid. Inspection and Verification
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid procedure in this section.
• Air in clutch hydraulic system.
• Clutch pressure plate
• Clutch disc damaged.
• Clutch disc splines
• Clutch disc runout excessive.
• Clutch Pedal Pulsation • Clutch pressure plate • REMOVE the clutch disc and
worn/damaged. pressure plate. REFER to
• Clutch disc damaged. SECTION 308-01. INSPECT the
• Clutch disc runout excessive. clutch disc and pressure plate
• Flywheel runout excessive. for wear and damage, and
CHECK the clutch disc runout.
REFER to Clutch Pressure
Plate Check and to Clutch Disc
Check in this section. CHECK
the flywheel runout. REFER to
Flywheel Runout Check in this
section. REPAIR all components
as necessary. TEST the system
for normal operation.


308-00-5 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries
Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation
Condition Possible Source Action
• Clutch Related Vibrations • Engine component grounding • CARRY OUT the Clutch Chatter
against frame. or Shudder Inspection and
• Accessory drive belt Verification procedure in this
loose/damaged. section.
• Clutch release bearing
• Bolts retaining clutch pressure
plate to flywheel loose.
• Bolts retaining flywheel to
engine loose.
• Flywheel runout excessive.
• Clutch pressure plate
• Hard Shifting • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • CARRY OUT the Hard Shifting
system fluid. Inspection and Verification
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid procedure in this section.
• Air in clutch hydraulic system.
• Clutch not releasing.
• Transmission concern.
• Excessive Noise • Clutch disc damper damaged. • REMOVE the clutch disc and
• Transmission input shaft pilot pressure plate. REFER to
bearing (7120) worn/damaged. SECTION 308-01. INSPECT the
• Crankshaft end play clutch disc for damage. REFER
excessive. to Clutch Disc Check in this
• Release bearing section. INSPECT the
worn/damaged. transmission input shaft pilot
bearing for wear and damage.
REFER to Pilot Bearing Check
in this section. CHECK the
clutch release hub and bearing,
and guide tube for wear and
damage. REPAIR all
components as necessary.
TEST the system for normal

308-00-6 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Note: While verifying the • Lubricant level low/incorrect • ADD or REFILL with the
condition, determine whether type. specified lubricant. REFER to
the noise is gear roll-over SECTION 308-03A (Model S5-
noise, release bearing rub or 47ZF Transmission) or SECTION
some other transmission- 308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
related noise. Gear roll-over Transmission).
noise, inherent in manual
transmission, is caused by
the constant mesh gears
turning at engine idle speed
while the clutch is engaged
and the transmission is in
NEUTRAL. Release bearing
rub is some-times mistaken
for mainshaft bearing noise.
Gear roll-over noise will
disappear when the clutch is
disengaged or when the
transmission is engaged in
gear. Release bearing rub
will disappear when the
clutch is engaged. In the
event that a bearing is
damaged, the noise is more
pronounced while engaged
in gear under load or coast • Components grounding out on • CHECK for screws, bolts, etc.,
than in NEUTRAL. transmission. of cab or other components
• Noisy in Forward Gears grounding out. CORRECT as
• Bolts retaining transmission to • VERIFY that the bolts are
engine loose. tightened to specification.
(Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission).
• Bearings/gears worn/damaged. • INSPECT the bearings, the
gears, and the gear teeth for
wear and damage. REPAIR as
necessary. REFER to SECTION
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).

308-00-7 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries


Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Gears Clash When Shifting • Transmission input shaft pilot • INSPECT the transmission input
From One Forward Gear to bearing worn/damaged. shaft pilot bearing for wear and
Another damage. REFER to Pilot
Bearing Check in this section.
REPAIR as necessary.
• Gear teeth/synchronizer • INSPECT, and REPAIR as
damaged. necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• REFER to the Powertrain
• Engine idle speed too high. Control/Emissions Diagnosis
Manual 1.
• Transmission Will Not Shift • Reversing switch ball frozen in • INSPECT and REPAIR as
Into One Gear - All Others extended position. necessary.
OK • Internal components. • For the gear in question,
INSPECT the shift rail and fork,
the synchronizer, and the gear
clutch teeth for restricted travel.
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-03A (Model S5-
47ZF Transmission) or SECTION
308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
• Transmission is Locked In • Internal components • INSPECT the gears, the shift
One Gear and Will Not Shift rails, the forks, and the
Out of That Gear synchronizer for wear and
damage. REPAIR as necessary.
REFER to Section 308-03A
(Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission).

Can be purchased as a separate item.

308-00-8 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Transmission Jumps Out of • Gearshift lever boot installed • CHECK gearshift lever boot
Gear incorrectly. installation. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• TIGHTEN the bolts to
• Bolts retaining transmission to specification. REFER to Section
engine loose. 308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• INSTALL a new transmission
input shaft pilot bearing. REFER
• Transmission input shaft pilot to SECTION 308-01.
bearing. • Check axial clearance.
• INSPECT the synchronizer
• Axial clearance incorrect. sleeves for free movement on
• Internal components damaged. their hubs. INSPECT the
synchronizer blocking rings for
widened index slots, rounded
teeth and smooth internal
surface. CHECK the
countershaft cluster gear for
excessive end play. INSPECT
the shift forks for wear. CHECK
for loose shift forks on the shift
rails. INSPECT the synchronizer
sliding sleeve and the gear
clutch teeth for wear and
damage. REPAIR as necessary.
REFER to Section 308-03A
(Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission).
• Gear teeth worn/damaged. necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).

308-00-9 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Fluid Leaks • Engine, power steering, • REMOVE all traces of
transmission, clutch. lubricant on the exposed
transmission surfaces.
VERIFY that the transmission
vent is clear of foreign
material. OPERATE the
transmission. INSPECT for
new leakage. REFER to the
appropriate section for repair
procedures. REFER to
Section 211-02, Section 303-
01A, Section 303-01B,
Section 303-01C, Section
308-02, Section 308-03A, or
Section 308-03B.
• Input shaft bearing retainer • INSPECT and REPAIR as
seal. necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION
308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
• Shift rail detent plug. • INSPECT and REPAIR as
necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION
308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
• Top cover gasket. • INSPECT and REPAIR as
necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION
308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
• Sand holes/cracks in case. • INSPECT and INSTALL a new
case as necessary. REFER to
Section 308-03A (Model S5-
47ZF Transmission) or
SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission).

308-00-10 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Clutch and Transmission Operation

Condition Possible Source Action
• Fluid Leaks (Continued) • Fill and drain plugs. • INSPECT the plug, the O-ring,
and the threads in the case.
REPAIR as necessary.
TIGHTEN the plug to
specification. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• Noise Occurs During • 4x4 system. • REFER to Section 308-07A for
Transfer Case Operations diagnosis and testing
• Transfer Case Jumps Out of • 4x4 system. • REFER to Section 308-07A for
Gear diagnosis and testing

308-00-11 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Case Breakage • Shock loads/alternating loads. • INSTALL a new case. REPAIR
• Jerky release of clutch. the transmission as necessary.
REFER to Section 308-03A
(Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission). DISCUSS
vehicle operation with the
• Bolt/size/length incorrect. • INSTALL a new case. REPAIR
• Bolt threaded into hole the transmission as necessary.
incorrectly. REVIEW the transmission
• Bolt not tightened to installation procedure. REFER to
specification. Section 308-03A (Model S5-
47ZF Transmission) or SECTION
308-03B (ZF 6 Speed
• Shaft Damaged by Brinelling • Vibration. • CORRECT the condition causing
the vibration. REFER to Section
100-04 for NVH diagnosis.
• DISCUSS vehicle operation with
• Driving at low road speed in a the customer.
high gear. • CORRECT as necessary. Refer
• Engine related factors (such to the appropriate section in
as crankshaft vibration damper Group 303 for the procedure.
damaged). • CORRECT the driveshaft
• Driveshaft imbalance. imbalance. REFER to Section
• Shaft Damaged by Fretting • Lubricant thermally aged. • DISCUSS transmission
• Inadequate lubrication. maintenance with the customer.
• Lubricant not meeting
manufacturer's specification.
• Towing vehicle with driveshaft • DISCUSS vehicle towing
connected. procedure with the customer.
• Gear Teeth Damaged by • Dust and abrasive particles in • DISCUSS transmission
Scratches lubricant. maintenance with the customer.

308-00-12 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Gear Teeth Damaged by • Lubricant contamination • DISCUSS transmission
Abrasive Wear resulting from wear or surface maintenance with the customer.
fatigue in other areas of
• Foreign material entering
• Gear Teeth Damaged by • Lubricant not meeting • DISCUSS transmission
Scoring manufacturer's specification. maintenance with the customer.
• Temporary lack of lubricant.
• Brinelling in Gear Teeth • Combination of inadequate • DISCUSS transmission
lubrication, high flanks loads maintenance with the customer.
and low peripheral speeds.
• Slight Pittings in Gear Teeth • High local contact pressures • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
on gears not completely run-in. the customer. Continued run-in
wear and a change in operating
conditions may stop this type of
• Gear Teeth with Heavy • Lubricant viscosity not meeting • DISCUSS transmission
Pitting Damage manufacturer's specification. maintenance and vehicle
• Lubricant temperature run too operation with the customer.
• Local sliding and rolling
stresses exceed material
• Gear Teeth Damaged by • Lubricant not meeting • DISCUSS transmission
Spalling manufacturer's specification. maintenance and vehicle
• Lubricant temperature run too operation with the customer.
• Overheating and Thermal • Temporary or complete lack of • DISCUSS transmission
Gear Deformation lubricant. maintenance with the customer.
• Gear Change Damage • Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.
• Gear Tooth Corrosion • Water in lubricant. • DISCUSS transmission
• Condensation forming due to maintenance with the customer.
unfavorable operating
• Lubricant aging.

308-00-13 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Idler Gear Damaged by • Transmission rebuilt with • INSTALL a new anti-friction
Brinelling bearing not meeting bearing meeting manufacture
manufacturer's specification. specification
• Synchronizer Ring • Water in lubricant. • DISCUSS transmission
Molybdenum Corrosion maintenance with the customer.
• Synchronizer Ring • Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
Molybdenum Coat transmission incorrectly. the customer.
Destruction • Driving at low road speed in a
high gear.
• Engine related factors (such • CORRECT as necessary. Refer
as crankshaft vibration damper to the appropriate section in
damaged). Group 303 for the procedure.
• Driveshaft imbalance. • CORRECT the driveshaft
imbalance. REFER to Section
• Synchronizer Ring Broken • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • INSPECT the clutch disc and
system fluid. pressure plate for wear and
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid damage, and CHECK the clutch
leakage. disc runout. REFER to Clutch
• Air in clutch hydraulic system. Pressure Plate Check and to
• Clutch pressure plate Clutch Disc Check in this
worn/damaged. section. VERIFY that the clutch
• Clutch disc damaged. hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to
• Clutch disc splines the correct level. ADD fluid as
rusted/worn. necessary. INSPECT the clutch
• Clutch disc runout excessive. hydraulic system for leaks, and
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.
• Driving at low road speed in a
high gear.

308-00-14 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Synchronizer Ring Broken • Engine related factors (such • CORRECT as necessary. Refer
(Continued) as crankshaft vibration damper to the appropriate section in
damaged). Group 303 for the procedure.
• Driveshaft imbalance. • CORRECT the driveshaft
imbalance. REFER to Section
• Synchronizer Friction Cone • Normal run-in wear. • INSPECT the engaging teeth for
Slightly Worn wear if a severe, permanent
grating condition exists.
• Synchronizer Friction Cone • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Worn with Material system fluid. pressure plate for wear and
Displaced • Clutch hydraulic system fluid damage, and CHECK the clutch
leakage. disc runout. REFER to Clutch
• Air in clutch hydraulic system. Pressure Plate Check and to
• Clutch pressure plate Clutch Disc Check in this
worn/damaged. section. VERIFY that the clutch
• Clutch disc damaged. hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to
• Clutch disc splines the correct level. ADD fluid as
rusted/worn. necessary. INSPECT the clutch
• Clutch disc runout excessive. hydraulic system for leaks, and
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.
• Synchronizer Gear Shift • Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
Teeth Worn transmission incorrectly. the customer.

308-00-15 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Synchronizer Body External • Driving at low road speed in a • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
Tooth Splines Worn high gear. the customer.
• Engine related factors (such • CORRECT as necessary. Refer
as crankshaft vibration damper to the appropriate section in
damaged). Group 303 for the procedure.
• Driveshaft imbalance. • CORRECT the driveshaft
imbalance. REFER to Section
• Synchronizer Body Stops • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Broken system fluid. pressure plate for wear and
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid damage, and CHECK the clutch
leakage. disc runout. REFER to Clutch
• Air in clutch hydraulic system. Pressure Plate Check and to
• Clutch pressure plate Clutch Disc Check in this
worn/damaged. section. VERIFY that the clutch
• Clutch disc damaged. hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to
• Clutch disc splines the correct level. ADD fluid as
rusted/worn. necessary. INSPECT the clutch
• Clutch disc runout excessive. hydraulic system for leaks, and
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.
• Synchronizer Sliding Sleeve • Shift unit set incorrectly. • INSPECT for interference
Stop Deformed between the shift unit and the
vehicle. REPAIR as necessary.
• Synchronizer Gear Shift • Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
Teeth Worn transmission incorrectly. the customer.

308-00-16 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Synchronizer Inner Ring • Normal synchronizer operation • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Heat Discolored with Slight with high shift effort. pressure plate for wear and
Material Displacement damage. REFER to Clutch
Pressure Plate Check and to
Clutch Disc Check in this
section. CHECK the clutch
release hub and bearing for
binding, and INSPECT the guide
tube. INSPECT the input shaft
for wear and damage. VERIFY
that the clutch hydraulic fluid
reservoir is filled to the correct
level. ADD fluid as necessary.
INSPECT the clutch hydraulic
system for leaks, and REPAIR
as necessary. REFER to
Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Synchronizer Inner Ring • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Material Displacement system fluid. pressure plate for wear and
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid damage, and CHECK the clutch
leakage. disc runout. REFER to Clutch
• Air in clutch hydraulic system. Pressure Plate Check and to
• Clutch pressure plate Clutch Disc Check in this
worn/damaged. section. VERIFY that the clutch
• Clutch disc damaged. hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to
• Clutch disc splines the correct level. ADD fluid as
rusted/worn. necessary. INSPECT the clutch
• Clutch disc runout excessive. hydraulic system for leaks, and
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.

308-00-17 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Synchronizer Outer Ring • Normal synchronizer operation • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Heat Discolored with Slight with high shift effort. pressure plate for wear and
Material Displacement damage. REFER to Clutch
Pressure Plate Check and to
Clutch Disc Check in this
section. CHECK the clutch
release hub and bearing for
binding, and INSPECT the guide
tube. INSPECT the input shaft
for wear and damage. VERIFY
that the clutch hydraulic fluid
reservoir is filled to the correct
level. ADD fluid as necessary.
INSPECT the clutch hydraulic
system for leaks, and REPAIR
as necessary. REFER to
Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Synchronizer Outer Ring • Insufficient clutch hydraulic • INSPECT the clutch disc and
Material Displacement system fluid. pressure plate for wear and
• Clutch hydraulic system fluid damage, and CHECK the clutch
leakage. disc runout. REFER to Clutch
• Air in clutch hydraulic system. Pressure Plate Check and to
• Clutch pressure plate Clutch Disc Check in this
worn/damaged. section. VERIFY that the clutch
• Clutch disc damaged. hydraulic fluid reservoir is filled to
• Clutch disc splines the correct level. ADD fluid as
rusted/worn. necessary. INSPECT the clutch
• Clutch disc runout excessive. hydraulic system for leaks, and
REPAIR as necessary. REFER
to Section 308-02. BLEED the
clutch hydraulic system as
necessary. REFER to Clutch
System Bleeding - In-Vehicle in
this section. TEST the system
for normal operation.
• Clutching and shifting • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
transmission incorrectly. the customer.

308-00-18 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• General Bearing Wear • Lubricant contaminated. • DISCUSS transmission
• Lubricant thermally aged. maintenance with the customer.
• Lubricant not meeting
manufacturer's specification.
• High mileage. • REPAIR the transmission as
necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• Bearing Worn with • Lubricant contaminated. • DISCUSS transmission
Subsequent Damage • Lubricant thermally aged. maintenance with the customer.
• Lubricant not meeting
manufacturer's specification.
• High mileage. • REPAIR the transmission as
necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• DISCUSS vehicle operation with
• Vehicle overloading. the customer.
• Bearing Fatigue • Lubricant contaminated. • DISCUSS transmission
• Lubricant thermally aged. maintenance with the customer.
• Lubricant not meeting
manufacturer's specification.
• High mileage. • REPAIR the transmission as
necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• Bearing Collar Broken • Seizure. • REPAIR the transmission as
• Other transmission or driveline necessary. REFER to Section
components damaged broken. 308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
• Accident damage. Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• Operator error. • DISCUSS vehicle operation with
the customer.

308-00-19 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Bearing Damaged by • Inadequate lubrication. • DISCUSS transmission
Fretting or Seizure maintenance with the customer.

• Towing vehicle with driveshaft • DISCUSS vehicle towing

connected. procedure with the customer.
• Incorrect driveline angles. • CHECK the driveline angles.
REFER to Section 205-00.
• Sealing Element Radial • Thermal overload. • DISCUSS vehicle operation and
Shaft Sealing Ring Damaged • Lubricant not meeting transmission maintenance with
manufacturer's specification. the customer.
• Sealing Element Sealing Lip • Effect of dirt from outside. • DISCUSS vehicle operation and
Worn • Excessive temperatures. transmission maintenance with
• Case vent blocked. the customer.
• Vibration. • CORRECT the condition causing
the vibration. REFER to Section
100-04 for NVH diagnosis.
• REPAIR the transmission as
• High mileage. necessary. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• REVIEW repair procedures.
REFER to Section 308-03A
• Radial shaft sealing ring not (Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
pushed in evenly during or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
assembly. Speed Transmission).
• Shaft race damaged.
• Sealing Element • Incorrect seal installation. • INSPECT adjacent component
Rectangular/Lipped Sealing • Damaged by assembly tool. contact surfaces, edges,
Ring Sheared • Incorrect repair. insertion tapers, and REPAIR as
necessary. REVIEW repair
procedures. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).

308-00-20 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Symptom Chart - Transmission Component Wear and Damage

Condition Possible Source Action
• Sealing Element • Clutch damage. • INSPECT the clutch
Worn/Hardened components, and REPAIR as
• Vehicle overloading. • DISCUSS vehicle operation and
• Inadequate cooling. transmission maintenance with
• Contaminants. the customer.
• Grooves on contact surfaces. • INSPECT component contact
surfaces and REPAIR as
necessary. REVIEW repair
procedures. REFER to Section
308-03A (Model S5-47ZF
Transmission) or SECTION 308-
03B (ZF 6 Speed Transmission).
• Gray Case Iron Rectangular • Inadequate lubrication. • DISCUSS vehicle operation and
Ring Worn/Burring transmission maintenance with
the customer.
• Follow-on damage. • INSPECT adjacent component,
and REPAIR as necessary.
REVIEW repair procedures.
REFER to Section 308-03A
(Model S5-47ZF Transmission)
or SECTION 308-03B (ZF 6
Speed Transmission).

308-00-21 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch Pressure Plate Locating Dowels

1. CAUTION: Do not damage the
bore or the surrounding surface
When installed in an open hole,
use a drift to remove the dowel.
When installed in a blind hole, use
locking pliers to remove dowel.
• There are two dowels on the diesel
engine flywheel, and three dowels
on the gasoline engine flywheel.

1. CAUTION: Do not damage the
bore or the surrounding surface
Using a brass or plastic mallet,
drive the dowels squarely into place
until fully seated in the bore.

Clutch Housing Locating Dowels

1. CAUTION: Do not damage the
bore or the surrounding surface
When installed in an open hole,
use a drift to remove the dowel.
When installed in a blind hole, use
locking pliers to remove dowel.

1. CAUTION: Do not damage the
bore or the surrounding surface
Using a brass or plastic mallet,
drive the dowels squarely into place
until fully seated in the bore.

308-00-22 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch Disc Check

1. Note: Use emery cloth to remove
minor imperfections in the clutch
disc friction surface. Inspect the
clutch disc (7550) for:
• oil and grease saturation.
• worn and loose rivets at the hub.
• broken springs.
• wear and rust on the splines.
• Install a new clutch disc if any of
these conditions are present.

2. Using a suitable slide caliper,

measure the depth to the rivet
• Install a new clutch disc if the
measurement is less than the

3. Using a suitable dial indicator,

measure the clutch disc runout.
• Install a new clutch disc if the
measurement is greater than the

308-00-23 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch Pressure Plate Check

1. CAUTION: Do not use petroleum

based cleaning solutions.

CAUTION: Do not immerse the

clutch pressure plate (7563) in
the cleaning solution.
If necessary, use a suitable
cleaning solution to remove any oil
film from the clutch pressure plate
friction surface.

2. Inspect the clutch pressure plate

levers for heavy wear associated
with binding. Also, inspect for
substantial difference in lever wear.
Inspect the clutch pressure plate
friction surface for scoring, burning,
heat checking, distortion, warping,
and dishing.
• Install a new clutch pressure plate
if any of these conditions are

Flywheel Check
1. Inspect the flywheel:
• for cracks.
• for heat checks and other damage.
• machine friction surface or scoring
and wear.

308-00-24 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Flywheel Runout Check

Dial Indicator with Bracketry

100-002 (Tool-4201-C) or

1. Push the flywheel forward.

2. Install the special tool against the

flywheel face 25mm (1 in) from the
outer edge of the flywheel. Zero the
dial indicator.

3. Turn the flywheel one complete

revolution while observing the total
indicator runout (TIR). The flywheel
TIR must not exceed the
• If the flywheel TIR does not exceed
the specification, proceed to the
next step in this procedure to
check the ring gear runout.
• If the flywheel TIR exceeds the
specification, remove the flywheel.
For additional information, refer to
Section 308-01. Check for burrs
between the flywheel and the
crankshaft mounting flange. If burrs
exist, remove them. Check the
crankshaft flange runout.

308-00-25 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Flywheel Runout Check (Continued)

• If the crankshaft flange TIR

does not exceed specification,
and no burrs were found
between the flywheel and the
crankshaft mounting flange,
resurface the flywheel or install
a new flywheel.
• If the crankshaft flange TIR
does not exceed
specifications, but burrs were
found between the flywheel and
the crankshaft mounting flange,
reinstall the flywheel. For
additional information, refer to
Section 308-01. Recheck the
flywheel runout. If the flywheel
TIR exceeds the specification,
resurface the flywheel or install
a new flywheel.
• If the crankshaft flange TIR
exceeds specification, repair
as necessary. Refer to the
appropriate section in Group
303 for the procedure.
Reinstall the flywheel. For
additional information, refer to
Section 308-01. Recheck the
flywheel runout. If the flywheel
TIR exceeds the specification,
resurface the flywheel or install
a new flywheel.

308-00-26 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Flywheel Runout Check (Continued)

• Install the special tool against the
ring gear face adjacent to the teeth.
Zero the dial indicator.

• Turn the flywheel one complete

revolution while observing the total
indicator runout (TIR). The ring gear
TIR must not exceed the
• If the ring gear TIR exceeds the
specification, install a new flywheel
and ring gear assembly.

Pilot Bearing Check

1. Inspect the transmission input shaft
pilot bearing:
• for misalignment and looseness in
the crankshaft (gasoline engine) or
flywheel (diesel engine).
• needle rollers for scoring,
discoloration, wear, broken rollers,
and inadequate lubricant.
• seal for damage and lubricant
• Install a new transmission input
shaft pilot bearing (7120) if any of
these conditions are present.

308-00-27 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding

1. CAUTION: So as not to trap air
in the clutch hydraulic system,
fill any disconnected component
(such as master cylinder, slave
cylinder) with the specified
brake fluid before connecting it.
Support the clutch hydraulic
system components so that the
reservoir is above the master
cylinder and the slave cylinder is
below the master cylinder.

2. Fill the clutch master cylinder

reservoir to the full line with DOT 3
Brake Fluid.
• Use Ford High Performance DOT 3
Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid C6AZ-
19542-AB or equivalent meeting
Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A.

308-00-28 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding (Continued)

3. CAUTION: Do not allow the
clutch master cylinder reservoir
to run dry.
Purge the air from the clutch
hydraulic system.
• Push the push rod slowly into the
slave cylinder until it bottoms out
the piston. Hold the push rod in
this position for five to ten
seconds to allow all trapped air to
rise through the system. Look for
air bubbles in the fluid in the
clutch hydraulic reservoir. Very
slowly, so that air is not drawn
back into the slave cylinder,
release the push rod (the spring
in the slave cylinder will force the
piston outward). Wait five to ten
seconds for the air bubbles to
rise. Repeat this process five to
ten times to make sure that all
air purged from the system.

4. Verify that the fluid level in the

reservoir is correct, and install the

308-00-29 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding - In-Vehicle

1. Fill the clutch master cylinder

reservoir to the full line with DOT 3
Brake Fluid.
• Use Ford High Performance
DOT 3 Motor Vehicle Brake
Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB or DOT 3
equivalent meeting Ford
specification ESA-M6C25-A.

2. Verify that the reservoir-to-master

cylinder tube routing is as shown
so as not to trap air in the clutch
hydraulic system. Correct the
routing as necessary.

3. Raise and support the vehicle. For

additional information, refer to
Section 100-02.

308-00-30 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding - In-Vehicle (Continued)

4. Unlock, and remove the slave
cylinder from the transmission.
• Compress and twist the slave
cylinder to unlock it from the

5. Disconnect the clutch hydraulic

tube from the floor pan clip.

6. Position the slave cylinder and the

hydraulic tube so that there are no
high points that could trap air in the
• Position the slave cylinder push
rod downward. Route the
hydraulic tube upward as straight
as possible toward the master
cylinder so that the air can flow
freely to the fluid reservoir.

308-00-31 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding - In-Vehicle (Continued)

7. CAUTION: Do not allow the
clutch master cylinder reservoir
to run dry.
Purge the air from the clutch
hydraulic system.
• Push the push rod slowly into the
slave cylinder until it bottoms out
the piston. Hold the push rod in
this position for five to ten
seconds to allow all trapped air to
rise through the system. Very
slowly, so that air is not drawn
back into the slave cylinder,
release the push rod (the spring
in the slave cylinder will force the
piston outwards). Wait five to ten
seconds for the air bubbles to
rise. Repeat this process until all
air purged from the system.
Verify that the fluid in the
reservoir is free of air bubbles.

8. Install the slave cylinder.

• Compress and twist the slave
cylinder to lock it onto the

308-00-32 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

Clutch System Bleeding - In-Vehicle (Continued)

9. Connect the clutch hydraulic tube

to the floor pan pipe.

10. Lower the vehicle.

11. Slowly depress and release the

clutch pedal five to ten times to
bleed any air still trapped in the
system. Verify that the fluid in the
reservoir is free of air bubbles.

12. Verify that the fluid level in the

reservoir is correct, and install the

308-00-33 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

Transmission ZF S6-650/6S-750
Troubleshooting Guide-Service Tips

ZF Industries

General Specifications
Item Specification

Pressure Plate
Pressure spring Belleville
Sensor spring Belleville
Total plate pressure KG (lbs.) 5.4l and 6.8l 1305 (2878)
Total plate pressure KG (lbs.) 7.3l diesel 1071 (2361)

Clutch disc
Lining material 5.4l and 6.8l F808 woven non-asbestos
Lining material 7.3l diesel F808 MCC woven non-asbestos
O.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 5.4l 303 (11.9)
I.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 5.4l 213 (8.3)
O.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 6.8l 303 (11.9)
I.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 6.8l 174 (6.85)
O.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 7.3l 330 (12.9)
I.S. diameter (approx.) mm (in) 7.3l 210 (8.2)
Facing area sq. cm (sq. in) 5.4l 730 (112)
Facing area sq. cm (sq. in) 6.8l 967 (149)
Facing area sq. cm (sq. in) 7.3l 1018 (158)
Compressed thickness mm (in) 5.4l 9.1 (0.36)
Compressed thickness mm (in) 6.8l 8.9 (0.35)
Compressed thickness mm (in) 7.3l 8.4 (0.33)

Flywheel TIR 0.203 mm (0.008 in)
Flywheel ring gear TIR 0.56 mm (0.022 in)

High Performance DOT 3 Motor Vehicle Brake ESA-M6C25-A
Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB

308-00-34 2001 Excursion, F-Super Duty, 250-550, Motorhome, 10/2000

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