Group Assignment
Group Assignment
Group Assignment
Group No.04
M.M.T. Peiris
Name with Initials: W.M.A.A. Bandara
I.U.S. Bandaranayake
K.R. Roshanthini
W.M.V.M. Weerasekara
Student Registration No: 958
Title of Assignment:
Student’s Statement:
I/We certify that I/We have not plagiarized the work of others or participated in unauthorized
collusion when preparing this assignment.
Marks Given:
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1. Letter of Transmittal 3
2. Executive summary 4
3. Introduction 5
4. Background 7
5. Different Disclosure 8
6. Framework 12
9. References 20
10. Annexure 21
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Senior Lecturer,
We have prepared the evaluation report as the consultant to evaluate the quality
of financial reporting of the alliance finance company. This report describes the
The primary purpose of this report is to evaluate the quality of financial reporting
of the alliance finance company. this report includes the details of different
disclosures, framework applicable for presenting that the various disclosures, and
how the management attends to maintain the quality of the report expected by
Sincerely yours,
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This report evaluates the quality of financial reporting of Alliance Finance Company
PLC. The year of 2021/2022 annual report identified the different disclosures.
Accordingly, there are two types of disclosures that can be identified as disclosures which
submitted in their annual report. The best amount of overall disclosure for each company
satisfy the bare minimum criteria, which increases their reporting by voluntarily
providing information. Reviewed the interim and annual Financial Statements of the
company as well as the financial information and disclosures made to the public relation
to the said financial prior to its submission and approval by the board. Accordingly, the
report identified the committee confirms that the company has compiled with the
requirements of the Code of Best Practice on related party transactions and compliance
with the listing rules in respect of requisite disclosures. The Committee confirms that the
Company has complied with the requirements of the Code of Best Practice on Related
Party Transactions and compliance with the Listing Rules in respect of requisite
The board of director has authority and responsibility to manage, implement and
maintain the disclosure policy. The corporate Governance committee meets periodically
compliance report is created once a year to ensure full compliance with the corporate
governance principles.
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process ends with disclosure, which takes the form of a complete set of financial
statements. Financial statements should provide information that is helpful to current and
future investors, creditors, and other similar users for give an exact understanding about
Financial Accounting Concept No. 1 stated under the topic of conceptual framework for
financial Accounting and preparation of financial statement, People with business and
economic knowledge should be able to comprehend this material (Gunawan & Lina,
Accordingly, there are two types of disclosures that can be identified as disclosures which
I) Voluntary Disclosure
Voluntary disclosures are information that provide voluntarily by the business. These
disclosures are the one that goes above and beyond what the relevant capital market rules
minimal standards for disclosure. The company has the discretion to make voluntary
disclosures in the annual report that gave rise to the diversity or variation of inter-
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Regulators compel businesses to disclose information that they may want to hide
(Darrough, 1993). The regulatory agencies' aim to protect the wealth of regular investors
is one of the reasons for disclosure regulation. As the information gap between them is
Accordingly, between these two concepts there is no apparent connection. The best
amount of overall disclosure for each company must be determined. Either businesses
adhere carefully to mandatory disclosures, which limits their choice over voluntary
disclosure, or they satisfy the bare minimum criteria, which increases their reporting by
Further, we have referred these two concepts according to Alliance company. In this
study we hope to give an idea about how Alliance company provided their annual reports
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Alliance Finance Co. PLC is the oldest finance company in Sri Lanka. The company is
Sustainability Standards and Certification Initiative (SSCI) and first Finance company to
introduce Savings Accounts. AFC has a shared vision to foster growth and prosperity of
its customers whilst building trust and long-lasting relationships with the company.
agenda, which embodies the company’s drive towards supporting local and global
sustainability priorities.
Alliance Finance is also the first company in South Asia to become a certified financial
Certification Initiative (SSCI). SSCI is the first measurable and certifiable sustainability
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❖ The Board of Directors recognizes that conflicts of interest may arise from
actual and potential conflicts of interest. They must disclose any and all
interim financial statements and the annual report. Both the Company's
website and the CSE website have the reports available. Shareholders
with concerns can get in touch with the chairperson, managing director,
or company secretary after the financial reports are publicly disclosed. All
the Listing Rules' corporate disclosure requirements, and the sale of the
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Rajagiriya property was one such case. The Annual General Meeting is
❖ The method used specifies the authority and approval levels, and
to engaging in transactions with the Company even though they are not
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evaluation methodology
Major transactions
• During the year, the Company did not engage in or commit to any major
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❖ Legal Development
In 2021, the Central Bank introduced several policy measures and prudential regulations
❖ IT Governance
framework with clear policies and proper segregation of responsibilities, with increased
the role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) was introduced in 2021 to oversee the
of the core banking system and other digital infrastructure projects. They also have a
skilled IT team that monitors and controls IT risks and supports the company's digital
Council (IIRC)
The report is prepared in accordance with the Integrated Reporting Framework of the
company addressed challenges and opportunities through its purpose, vision and strategy.
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company's growth strategy by influencing how objectives are determined and achieved,
how risk is monitored and assessed, and how performance is optimized. The main
company's commitment to comply with all regulatory requirements and corporate best
good governance.
controls to exercise the necessary controls over all operational activities, with particular
The system is designed to ensure, inter alia, protection of assets, maintenance of proper
However, there is no reasonable and absolute guarantee that any system will prevent or
The Board reviews reports arising from internal and external audits and monitors the
company's progress by evaluating actual results against budgets and industry standards.
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AFC's policy is to achieve best practices in the management of all risks that adversely
affect the company, its operations, customers, people, physical and digital assets,
strategic, operational and line management responsibilities and is integrated into strategic
and business planning processes. The Board and the Board Joint Risk Management
Committee are the highest bodies in charge of risk stewardship. Their duties include
The Board has paid due attention to the importance of understanding and complying with
program and is taught that compliance with regulations is essential. A mechanism has
been put in place to keep employees at all levels abreast and aware of the implications of
changes in the regulatory framework and various methods are adopted to communicate
such changes. The company's compliance officer will consult with management and help
enable this process. In addition, training programs and workshops are conducted at
framework and its impact through appropriate forums, both externally and internally.
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activities. These activities will ensure that AFC is committed to serving its customers,
employees, shareholders and suppliers with minimal business disruption in the event of
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In times of uncertainty, the strength of the balance sheet is critical, thus they ensured that
they had sufficient capital to support their strategic growth, to meet stakeholder
expectations while safely cushioning they against any potential future stresses.
❖ Sustainable Development
They aim to strike a balance between economic, environmental and social sustainability
across all facets of their business in order to provide sustainable value to their
and growth. AFC maintains efficient engagement channels with all its stakeholders to
identify their changing requirements in order to pro-actively cater to their needs and
❖ Sound Leadership
They have a capable and skilled board of directors who contribute practical knowledge
and experience from a range of diverse fields. They have four executive directors out of
their eight total directors, who see to it that board decisions are carried out promptly.
of the Company and furthermore has adopted a Corporate Governance Charter including
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therein the procedures and processes governing the different participants in the
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In compliance with the Corporate Governance Principles, the board of directors created
the Disclosure Policy. The board of directors also has the authority and responsibility to
manage, implement, and maintain the pertinent policy as well as to notify the public
the level of conformity with the principles, advancements in and practices of the law
aimed at ensuring full compliance with the corporate governance principles, and ideas
for improving a Corporate Compliance Report is created once a year and given to the
board of directors to assess the extent of compliance with the Corporate Governance
Principles in terms of scope and quality. The Under secretariat of Treasury receives a
The members of the board of directors and the general manager of our company may
provide information about our company's strategy, goals, and expectations, evaluations
of previous performance, information about targets and vision, and other disclosures not
On other matters, information may be disclosed by the CEO or business personnel the
In order to enlighten the public through disclosures, our company, adopting an active
approach towards adoption of the Corporate Governance Principles, takes every effort to
comply with the appropriate regulations and to follow the best practices from across the
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The tools and procedures that our organization will employ to comply with financial
• Annual Report
• Website
• Shareholder Meetings
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Darrough, M. N., 1993. Disclosure policy and Competition: Cournot Vs. Bertrand. The
Gunawan, H. & Lina, E. O., 2015. Mandatory and Voluntary Disclosure of Annual
Leuz, C. & Wysocki, P., 2008. Economic Consequences of Financial Reporting and
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These annexes related to the “Related party disclosures” set forth above. (Notes
that the Financial Statement in the annual report in Alliance Finance Company
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