People's Relation

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with other people

It’s nice to have a lot of friends. You can enjoy many things together. All my classmates 
are rathernice but all of them have different characters. Some are courageous, kind-
hearted, curious, faithful,thoughtful. In my class there are no heartless students but ther
e are some egoists and selfish ones.Sometimes we can be idle and boastful but we are 
always ready to help each other in trouble. 
We can learn about different characters from books and films. We also read different ne
ws aboutpeople in papers. All of us like amusing games and funny stories. 
A good friend is a friend in need, who is always willing to do something useful for you, w
ho can givegood advice, who can keep secrets. Some of my friends are my neighbors. 
We live in the samestreet and go to the same school. 
My friends usually obey their parents and teachers. They never complain of anything, th
ey areworried about each other’s health. All of them are fond of nature. They like to take 
care of animalsand plants. In summer and in spring they help their grandparents to work 
in the garden: to dig thesoil, to cut useless brunches, sow seeds, water and weed plants
. At harvest time they gather cropsof corn, fruit and vegetables. They never do harm to 
birds. They protect their nests, make birdtables and put food on them. 
We have a lot of interesting conversations in our class. We discuss different problems. 
Sometimesdiscussions are very exciting. In the evening I often talk to my friends over th
e phone. When someof my classmates are ill they have a good reason to ring up their fr
iend and learn what thehomework is. We also exchange opinions on different matters. B
oys and girls get along well. Theydon’t quarrel. We have a lot in common. My classmate
s enjoy out-of-class activities and travelling.Travelling helps us to become friendlier. Bes
ides we are always full of impressions and excitement. 
It’s good to have a friend who has fine qualities in character: generosity, being reserved, 
reliable, intelligent, persistent in studying, straightforward, reasonable, decent, honest, p
olite, punctual, kind, faithful, warm-hearted .You can be always sincere with such a frien
d, you can think aloud with them.I hate selfish, flattery, lazy, indifferent, boastful, false a
nd greedy people. 
The proverb says: ”No man is useless while he has a friend”. 
But the greatest value that guides me in my life is kindness, and it’s no wonder. Usually 
kindness isharmoniously connected with other good qualities. If a person is not kind, if h
e’s selfish, if he caresonly about himself, then his other qualities — courage and will-
power are worthless. You can seewhat a person is worth through his attitude towards ot
hers. If he is devoted to people, he is devotedto his work. Kindness is the main thing, th
e essence of what is best in a human-being. 
It’s unpleasant to deal with unreliable people and there is no doubt in it. Such people do
n’t possessthe feeling of duty, they can let you down at any moment, they cannot be frie
nds in need. Whenpeople are stubborn, it’s also no good. They don’t respect the point o
f view of other people, they aresure that they are always right, they don’t follow advice o
f other people. Sometimes it’s dangerousto deal with such people, you can’t rely on thei
r support. 
I think it’s good to develop persistence and confidence in oneself, because if a person is 
notreliable, he is unable to make conclusions and come to right decision in proper time.

Friendship & Love   

Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and films.
Others believe that it exists in real life.
Friendship is considered one of the central human experiences and for many people
it may be as important as love. There are different types of friendship. People have
close friends, pen pals or just acquaintances. Life-long friendship is a rare kind of
friendship and a lot of people even doubt that it exists in real life.
I believe that life-long friendship exists not only in books and films. For example, my
grandfather has a friend whom he has known from his childhood. They are devoted
to each other and they have much in common. My grandfather and his best friend
understand and support one another. Besides, they have similar tastes, interests and
life philosophies. Grandfather often says that when they were young, his friend used
to help him in times of need or crisis. They have always trusted each other and they
have never quarreled.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have no close friends. Some reserved
and shy people find making friends rather difficult. What is more, it is really not easy
to find a person with whom you can share strong interpersonal ties. Those people
who have not found best friends are sometimes sure that real friendship exists only
in books and films. But they shouldn't despair because they may find close friends in
the future.
In conclusion, I'd like to add that it is very difficult to live without friends. Your friend is
your helper, adviser and supporter. He or she gives you a sense of being protected,
emotional comfort and moral support. As the proverb says: "A true friend is the best
There is a proverb that says "a friend in need is a friend indeed". However,
many people believe that a friend's success may ruin friendship.
Different people have different notions of what kind of person a true friend should be.
Most of them think that a friend is a person who understands you, shows kindness
and sympathy, has similar tastes, interests and life philosophies. You can always
trust your friend and share your hardships with him or her. Besides, a true friend is
always ready to help you and to support you in times of need or crisis.
I strongly feel that a real friend is a person who doesn't only help you and give you
advice. A real friend should never envy you if you are more successful. And if he
does, then he is not your friend. To my mind, friendship between people with different
financial standing is rare, but possible.
However, a lot of people still believe that friendship is a union of the equal. They tend
to make friends with the representatives of their own social circle and financial
position. Most people are convinced that friendship will be ruined as soon as your
friend is promoted or succeeds in some other way.
To conclude, I'd like to say that a real friend is not only a person who helps you in
need, but the one who doesn't turn away from you in case you are luckier, richer or
more successful than he or she is. Friendship must not end when success comes.
So we can paraphrase the proverb: "A friend who never envies you is a friend
Some people say that love reveals our hidden talents, while others believe
that it makes us silly.
There is so much talk about love. It is a major theme in philosophy, literature, music,
poetry and cinematography. A great number of scientists have been trying to
understand how love can influence people's psychology.
In my opinion, love is a great source of inspiration. A person who has fallen in love
may suddenly have an urge to write poems or compose music even if they have
never done anything like this before. When we are in love, we are capable of
accomplishing feats, making discoveries, inventing new things and making
something unusual. Many painters, writers and composers created masterpieces of
art, literature or music thanks to this wonderful feeling. Love fills us with energy and
However, people who are in love sometimes behave rather foolishly. They are often
absent-minded and it is difficult for them to concentrate on their work and duties. All
they can think about is the person that they love. Studies have indicated that brain
scans of people who are in love resemble to those with a mental illness. Scientists
say that love deactivates the brain regions associated with negative emotions, with
social judgment and with judging other people's intentions and emotions. That is why
people in love are often unable to make critical judgments. But I don't believe that
love and madness are connected.
To conclude, even in this advanced age of science, when people conquer space,
clone animals and transplant organs, they still don't fully understand the nature of
love and the way it influences us. Anyway, I believe that love is the most wonderful
feeling in the world.
Some people say that jealousy is quite natural and it often goes hand in
hand with love and friendship. Others are convinced that jealousy wrecks
peoples relationships.
All people have experienced jealousy at some time of their lives. But is this feeling
absolutely harmless and how can it influence people's relationships?
I strongly feel that jealousy is destructive. It usually arouses such negative emotions
as sadness and anger as well as the feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Jealousy also
involves suspicion about betrayal, distrust, uncertainty, fear of separation and low
self-esteem. It makes us feel unhappy and left out. When we are jealous, common
sense and rationality matter very little and our emotions get out of control. To my
mind, having a jealous partner is exhausting. You will constantly have to answer his
or her questions about what you were doing and where you were. What is more,
jealousy can lead to aggressive reactions and violence. Sometimes jealousy leads to
scandals, embarrassing scenes or separation and divorce.
However, some people believe that jealousy is a sign of love. They are convinced
that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy. Researchers say that mild jealousy
heightens passion towards partners and keeps a relationship alive. It can encourage
people to appreciate each other. Small doses of jealousy can be healthy in a
marriage. But I think that when jealousy becomes irrational, it can be rather
To sum up, jealousy can destroy people's judgment and their love for each other. So
it is important to try to overcome this feeling. You should trust and respect the person
you love and share all your apprehensions with him or her.

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