BF066 TechnolRev1972
BF066 TechnolRev1972
BF066 TechnolRev1972
The concept that electromagnetic gers in premature acceptance of The discussion which follows re-
forces might have any effect upon electromagnetic forces as a thera- lates only to the effects of continuous
living organisms-other than the peutic modality suitable for human or pulsed direct current. Evidences
thermal effect due to Joule heating- use. for non-thermal effects of radiofre-
was for many years rejected by the My own work began with the quency energy can be explained on
organized biomedical community. premise, derived primarily from the basis of its rectification into some
But under the weight of experimen- Albert Szent-Cyorgyi's theories, that form of direct current within the
tal evidence this attitude is chang- cells and other biological com- organism, with the subsequent ef-
ing; indeed, the medical community ponents might have various elec- fects then being by the mechanisms
is now expressing considerable in- tronic solid-state physical properties to be discussed.
terest in the possible therapeutic ef- such as semiconduction. We have Several of the effects of electro-
fects of direct application of small asked two basic questions: magnetic energy to be discussed are
amounts of electrical energy. Within o Are there control systems in liv- of considerable interest in the clini-
the past year reports of clinically ing organisms based upon electronic cal practice of medicine, and we are
useful effects have appeared in the conduction mechanisms that regu- currently witnessing several initial
scientific and the popular press. late important life processes? clinical applications:
Thus the arguments over the elec- o If such control systems exist, may o To promote healing of bone frac-
trical nature of life processes, which they be perturbed in a clinically use- tures and bone conditions involving
extend back at least to the work of ful fashion by the application of ap- inadequate growth.
Luigi Galvani, the Italian physician propriate levels of externally gen- o To promote rapid healing of
who wrote on "animal electricity" in erated electromagnetic energy? skin ulcers and burns.
1791, are reaching a new and very Both questions have now been an- o To produce general anesthesis
promising resolution. swered in the affirmative, and it may ( electronarcosis) .
My own laboratory began working truly be said that we are on the o To produce sleep (electrosleep).
in this area in 1958, and the response threshold of a new era in medicine o As an adjuvant to acupuncture
to our reports has changed from in which bioelectronics offers the ( electroacupuncture ), for producing
complete rejection just over a clinician control over basic life proc- regional anesthesia and to stimulate
decade ago through amused dis- esses which even a decade ago healing.
belief to-at present-enthusiastic could not have been anticipated. The first two of these are achieved
acceptance. I believe the field has Already it is established that elec- by application of direct currents of
now reached a stage of understand- tromagnetic forces can be used to 1 to 3 mp.amp. to the organ affected,
ing where it is important to assess change three fundamental life proc- the third and fourth by application
the present stage of knowledge, the esses in mammals-and probably in of unmodulated or modulated (to
implications of that knowledge, man: 700 Hz.) direct currents of 1 to 5
and-especially-the pOSSible dan- o Stimulation of bone growth. mamp., the fifth by using pulsed di-
Dr. Robert O. Becker received his medi-
o Stimulation of partial multi-tissue rect currents (variable frequency to
regenerative growth. 100 Hz.) of no more than 1 mamp.
cal training at New York University (M.D.,
1948) and joined the Veterans Adminis- o Influence on the basic level of I have little doubt that a number of
tration Hospital at Syracuse in 1957 as nerve activity and function. these will prove to be exceedingly
Chief of the Orthopedic Section. He has All of these effects appear to be useful and ·that enthusiastic ac-
recently given up administrative responsi- mediated through perturbations in ceptance will follow. But one must
bilities as Associate Chief of Staff for naturally pre-existing electronic con- understand that, despite its preten-
Research to devote full time to develop-
ing the work reported in this article, a trol systems. All are produced by tions to the contrary, medicine is
field in which he has published exten- low levels of direct current (con- not a science but an art founded in
sively; but he continues to serve as Re- tinuous or pulsed) administered di- empiricism-a random search for
search Professor of Orthopedic Surgery rectly to the organism. At this time tools that produce a desired effect
at the Upstate Medical Center of the on the patient. The history of medi-
State University of New York. This paper
there appears to be a power-density
is the substance of a report by Dr. Becker relationship centered at an ex- cine reveals enthusiastic acceptance
at the 1972 convention of the I.E.E.E. tremely low power level. of almost all treatment. modalities
Fibrous protein
~- ~
~ piezoelectric derstanding of the uses and dangers
of application of low-level electro-
magnetic forces. I doubt if such a
Apatite basic question as how such forces
Cells 1t Fibers Mineral crystals influence biological systems can be
answered without the multidis-
perloste~ ciplinary approach I propose.
I ..
peared to have their origin in semi-
conducting properties of some ele- Rectification-net energy
transfer and unambiguous signal
ment of the nerve itself. After sev-
eral years of studying this phe-
nomenon, we developed the thesis
that this property was organized into With the knOWledge of the bone's semi· signals are obtained from Intact bone
conductor capabilities, the author and when subjected to bending stress;
a primitive data transmission and his associates theorized a control system the magnitude of the signals is propor-
control system that dealt with such which governed the observed growth tional to the extent of the deformation,
modalities as the receipt of pain sen- of bone in response to mechanical and the polarity time-constant is very
sations (indicative of an injury) and stress. Laboratory studies then confirmed short-a matter of seconds.
the control of subsequent repair the existence of this system; electrical
processes (to insure that they were
appropriate and adequate).
The neural electronic system also
seemed to be related to levels of
consciousness and biological cycles,
- ~
PH funCtiOn
- DCaIgnat
and we have developed the thesis
that this system furnishes the linkage
mechanism between electromagnetic
forces in the environment and bio-
logical cyclic behavior. Thus we
may for the first time have a basis
bone growth - 0IfferenlIaI
... stlltlUlatioft
relationship relationship
present the possibility of inducing 100
Per cent of
currents or voltages comparable with electrical Cell
those now known to exist in bio- efficiency of dedifferentiation
logical control systems. producing cellular changes Cell
change degeneration
I am not suggesting that all clinical
investigation of this modality be
terminated; however, I do believe
I---~= = ~ I
__'~l _4 j 10
that it should be subject to the same Current, milA -
types of controls imposed on the use
2. Non-uniform field> Uniform field
of experimental drugs. Nor am I
suggesting that all use of radio-fre- 3. DC > AC (essentially no response above 1.0 cps)
quency radiation be terminated;
however, the application of energy
in new spectral regions or increases
in current field densities in metro-
politan areas should be carefully
Can the process of regenerative growth that question; already It Is clear, he
evaluated. which occurs in mammals when bone writes, that currents of 1 to 3 mil amp.
What I feel is urgently required is fractures are repaired be extended to yield results "extensive enough to
multidisciplinary research on the en- other lesions? Research is in progress warrant the prediction (of) ..• profound
tire problem of electromagnetic en- in the author's laboratory to answer clinical implications for humans."
ergy and biological systems, cover-
ing all areas-the direct injection of
electrical current into living systems,
their exposure to radio-frequency
fields, and pre-existing basic biologi-
cal electronic control systems. My
conviction is that this field holds
promise of containing the next great
advance in biomedical science.
Suggested Readings
Becker, R. 0., and D. G. Murray, "The
Electric Control System Regulating Frac-
ture Healing in Amphibians," Clinical
Orthopedics and Related Research, Vol.
73, pp. 169-98, 1970.