Income Tax Planning
Income Tax Planning
Income Tax Planning
In general, a taxpayer is required to pay tax on all kind of earnings, including incomes from:
Business or Profession
Record Keeping
EA/EC Form
Medical receipts
Donation receipts
Zakat receipts
Marriage certificate
The calculation of the 7 year period begins from the end of the year in which the ITRF
(income tax return form) is filed.
Tax administration under SAS is based on the concept Pay, Self Assess and File
Pay : Monthly salary deductions are made for individuals having employment income, or
through instalments for individuals having business income.
An individual who earns an annual employment income of RM25,501 (after EPF deduction)
has to register a tax file.
With effect year 2010 an individual who earns an annual employment income of RM26,501
(after EPF deduction) has to register a tax file.
With effect year 2013 an individual who earns an annual employment income of RM30,667
(after EPF deduction) has to register a tax file.
Nevertheless, with effect year 2015 an individual who earns an annual employment income
of RM34,000 (after EPF deduction) has to register a tax file.
Application to register an income tax reference number can be made at the nearest IRBM
A copy of the latest Salary Statement (EA/EC Form) or latest Salary Slip
A copy of Identification card (IC) / police IC / army IC / international passport
A copy of marriage certificate (if applicable)
You can also register an Income Tax reference number via e-Daftar
Tax Rebate
Income Tax Rebates For Resident Individual With Chargeable Income Less Than RM35,000
Year Of Year Of
Assessment Assessment
2001 - 2008 2009
No. Tax Rebate Onwards
(RM) (RM)
a Separate Assessment - -
Wife 350 400
Husband 350 400
b Combined Assessment - -
Wife 350 400
Husband 350 400