LBP Routine
LBP Routine
LBP Routine
A simple exercise regime is given here please note that the exercises are to be done in
sequence given none of these should aggravate pain. If pain aggravates with any of
these exercise, immediately discontinue the exercise AND please call me.
Prone lying
Prone lying
Begin with lying on stomach for 2 minutes and relax think about your "good times".
Follow this with the exercises shown below
Standing arch
Standing arch
Stand with feet shoulder distance apart.
Place hands on hips as shown.
Arch backwards hold for 2-3 seconds.
Return to start position and repeat for 8-10 times.
Cat's Pose
Cat's Pose
Position in four point kneeling, spine in neutral look down at the floor as shown as shown.
Gently arch back downward (lower your stomach towards the floor hollowing the back)
Return to neutral and repeat for 8-10 times.
Bridging exercise
Lumbar bridging exercise
Lie on back with knees bent.
Lift buttocks off floor hold for 8-10 seconds.
Return to start position and repeat for 8-10 times.