Highway Reviewer
Highway Reviewer
Highway Reviewer
Question 1/15
It is the type of flow that occur at long sections of road where vehicles are not required to stop by any cause
external to the traffic stream.
A. Uninterrupted Flow
B. Interrupted Flow
Question 2/15
It is the type of flow that occurs at the long sections of the road where vehicles are required to stop by any cause
outside the traffic signal lights.
A. Uninterrupted Flow
B. Interrupted Flow
Question 3/15
Lists are variables used in an uninterrupted flow except:
A. Flow rate or volume
B. Road Length
C. Speed
D. Density or Concentration
Question 4/15
It is the number of vehicles passing a point during a specified period of time. Expressed in vehicles per hour.
A. Flow Rate
B. Road Length
C. speed
D. Density or Concentration
Question 5/15
Time mean speed is also known as ______________. It is the average of all vehicles passing a point over a
duration of time. It is simply the arithmetic mean.
A. shot speed
B. splotch speeed
C. spot speed
D. stop speed
Question 6/15
It is also the average speed but instead of using time (temporal) as the weight for each data, this one uses space
A. Time Mean Speed
B. Space Mean Speed
Interim Assessment 2 - HWRE BSCE201A - copy
Question 7/15
It is the number of vehicles in a given length of road at an instant point in time. Expressed in vehicles per km.
A. Flow rate
B. Road Length
C. Speed
D. Density
Question 8/15
It is the time interval between the passage of consecutive vehicles at a specifies point on the road with a unit of
time per vehicle.
A. Time Headway
B. Spacing
C. Time Occupancy
Question 9/15
It is the inverse of traffic density.
A. Time Headway
B. Spacing
C. Time Occupancy
Question 10/15
It is a useful measure of traffic flow which can only be measured if a detector is installed at a specific point on a
carriageway and is define as the total time a detector is occupied divided by the total time of observation.
A. Time Headway
B. Spacing
C. Time Occupancy
Question 11/15
SITUATION 1. Forty (40) vehicles pass aa given point in 1 minute and traverse a length of 1 kilometer.
a. Evaluate the flow, in vehicles per hour.
A. 40
B. 1200
C. 6000
D. 2400
Question 12/15
SITUATION 1. Forty (40) vehicles pass aa given point in 1 minute and traverse a length of 1 kilometer.
b. Evaluate the density, in vehicles per kilometer.
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
Interim Assessment 2 - HWRE BSCE201A - copy
Question 13/15
SITUATION 1. Forty (40) vehicles pass aa given point in 1 minute and traverse a length of 1 kilometer.
a. Evaluate the time headway, in seconds.
A. 4.2
B. 1.5
C. 3.0
D. 2.4
Question 14/15
Given the five observed velocities in kph: 60, 35, 45, 20, and 50, determine the time mean speed.
A. 42
B. 36
C. 39
D. 45
Question 15/15
The following data were taken on five cars traversing a 2.4-km highway. (CE Board Exam May 2017)
CAR TIME (minutes)
A 1.3
B 1.1
C 1.4
D 1.0
E 1.2
Determine the space mean speed, in kph.
A. 125
B. 110
C. 115
D. 120
Interim Assessment - Highway and Railroad Engineering BSCE201B
Question 1/20
It is an engineering discipline branching from civil engineering that involves the planning, design, construction,
operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of people
and goods.
A. Highway Engineering
B. Railway Engineering
C. Geotechnical Engineering
D. Civil Engineering
Question 2/20
A roadways that have a higher speed limit than other roads.
A. Highway
B. Expressway
C. Provincial Roads
D. Bypasses
Question 3/20
Are on of the superior types of access-controlled roadways where the entry and exit of it are partially controlled
by ramps.
A. Controlled-Access Highway
B. Expressways
C. National Highway
D. State Highway
Question 4/20
These are the main roads running within the states. They connect important towns, and cities of state with
National Highway.
A. Controlled-Access Highway
B. Expressways
C. National Highway
D. State Highway
Question 5/20
It is a classification of highways according to the system which is in, relating to, or characteristics of the
countryside rather than the town.
A. Rural
B. Urban
C. Arterials
D. Locals
Interim Assessment - Highway and Railroad Engineering BSCE201B
Question 6/20
Lists are three basic categories of Highway except:
A. Arterial
B. Collector
C. Local
D. Rural
Question 7/20
According to the Department of Public Works and highways in the Philippines, the Philippine Highway Network
is organized into three classifications except:
A. National Primary (Arterial)
B. Secondary (Collector) DPWH 3 CLASSIFICATION
C. Tertiary Roads (Local)
D. Rural (Collector)
Question 8/20
It is a highway classification with a funtion of supplying a combination of through movement and access to
A. Arterial
B. Collector
C. Local
D. Rural
Question 9/20
It is designed and constructed to maximize the mobility function. It provides the transportation links between
regions and provinces.
A. Expressways
B. National Roads
C. Provincial Roads
D. City/Municipal Roads
Question 10/20
These are roads that avoid a built-up area, town or city proper to let through traffic flow without interference
from local traffic.
A. Bypass Roads
B. Barangay Roads
C. Provincial Roads
D. City/Municipal Roads
Interim Assessment - Highway and Railroad Engineering BSCE201B
Question 11/20
It is a particular style of development of road networks, connecting various places.
A. Road Pattern
B. Plan Survey
C. Highway design
D. Road Design
Question 12/20
It is a combination of star and block patterns. the entire area is divided into a radial network of roads radiating
from the center outwardly with a block pattern network of roads in between the radial main street.
A. Rectangular or Block Pattern
B. Radial or Star and Block Pattern
C. Radial or Star and Circular Pattern
D. Radial or Star and Grid Pattern
Question 13/20
In this, the city centre is connected with suburban centres and neighbour centres with the shortest roads. To
make the road short; road alignment is made straight.
A. Hexagonal Pattern
B. Minimum Travel Pattern
C. Radial or Star and Grid Pattern
D. Radial or Star and Circular Pattern
Question 14/20
These are the studies involve in Planning Surveys.
A. Economic, Financial, Traffic or Road use, and Engineering Studies
B. Economic, Financial, Traffic or Road use, and Engineering Studies
C. Economical, Financial, Traffic or Road use, and Design Studies
D. Economic, Budget, Traffic or Road use, and Engineering Studies
Question 15/20
It is in a Preparation of Plan Survey that shows the distribution of population groups in accordance with the
categories made in the appropriate plan.
A. Plan 1
B. Plan 2
C. Plan 3
D. Plan 4
Interim Assessment - Highway and Railroad Engineering BSCE201B
Question 16/20
In is the Preparation of survey plans in which the existing road networks with traffic flows and desired lines are
obtained from origin and destination studies of traffic. Proposals received from other sources may also be shown
in this plan.s
A. Plan 1
B. Plan 2
C. Plan 3
D. Plan 4
Question 17/20
In Planning Survey how many numbers of studies involved?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Question 18/20
It is the Phase 2 in Preparation of Master Plan and its Phasing
Question 19/20
It is the Phase 3 in Preparation of Master Plan and its Phasing
Question 20/20
It is a road classification according to primary function where the speed limit is 20 and 45 mi/hr. It provide a
primary access to residential areas, businesses, farms, and other
local areas.
A. Local
B. Collectors
C. Arterial
D. Rural