Personal Writing

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based on personal experience through which you have grown or changed.
Central Theme
➢This is the main point or idea behind the narrative.
➢The narrative may be about a unique event, but the theme is a universal truth to
which anyone can relate that informs the narrative.
➢An epiphany is a moment of sudden realization or awareness of the truth.
➢ An “aha!” moment in the essay. A personal narrative may contain multiple
epiphanies in varying degrees.
➢Try to write in a way that keeps your reader wanting to know what will happen next.
➢If your readers already know how everything is going to turn out in the first paragraph, why
should they continue?
➢As with fiction, a personal narrative works towards a climactic event, a turning point, or
moment of action to which the narrative builds.
➢This is the highest point of tension in an essay. Sometimes the climax can also result in a
moment of epiphany.
➢Effective personal essays will reveal moments of vulnerability or weakness.
➢Honesty is key, even if that honesty is revealing or a little hard to admit.
➢Remember you’re in charge of how much you reveal, and you should not violate another
person’s privacy by revealing sensitive information about him or her.
➢Create the sensory images and emotions of your experience so that your reader knows what
you saw, felt, and thought.
➢Staying rooted in concrete detail is the best way to accomplish this.
Character Development
➢The people in your narrative, especially yourself, need to come alive and seem like real
and interesting people.
➢Using dialogue or mentioning a quirky character trait goes a long way in creating a three
dimensional character.
➢Not every person who shows up in your narrative will require characterization.
Chronological Organization
➢The organization is chronological, with events occurring in a particular sequence.
➢ Sometimes writers play with time by starting at the end and then backtracking, but some
form of time is usually the organizational principle.
Create a Life Map
Just as a road map helps a traveler plan a trip, a life map helps you identify
events in your life that offer intriguing possibilities to explore in your writing.
Charting the significant people, places and events in your life can give you an
overview of your life’s high points, low points and turning points. If you make a
map of challenges you have met and disappointments you have overcome, you
will notice pattern that will help you answer questions such as When do I feel
happy? What ae my interests? What type of work I like? Who are my friends?
Create a Life Map

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