Course Module Dept Dermatology and Venerology

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Course Module

Module Description : Dermatology and Venerology

Modul name Course Module
Module level, if
Code, if applicable
Subtitle, if applicable
Course, if applicable  Dermatology and Venerology
Semester(s) in which the Offered in 1st year
module is taught 
Person responsible for the
dr. Airin Riskianty Nurdin Mappewali, Sp.KK, M.Kes
Lecturer 1. Dr.dr. Siswanto Wahab, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
2. Prof. Dr. dr. Farida Tabri, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
3. dr. Alwi. A. Mappiasse, Sp.KK, Ph.D, FINSDV
4. dr. Safruddin Amin, Sp.KK(K), MARS, FINSDV, FAADV
5. Prof. Dr. dr. Anis Irawan Anwar,Sp.KK(K),FINSDV, FAADV
6. dr. Asnawi Madjid, Sp.KK(K), MARS, FINSDV, FAADV
7. Dr. dr. Khairuddin Djawad, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
8. Dr. dr. Faridha Ilyas, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
9. Dr. dr. Anni Adriani, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
10. Dr. dr. Sri Vitayani M, Sp.KK (K), FINSDV, FAADV
11. Dr. dr. Nurelly N. Waspodo, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV
12. dr. Dirmawati Kadir, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV
13. dr. Widyawati Djamaluddin, Sp.KK, FINSDV
14. dr. Sri Rimayani, Sp.KK, FINSDV
15. dr. Wiwiek Dewiyanti, Sp.KK, M.Kes
16. dr. Irma Helina, Sp.KK
17. dr. St. Nur Rahmah, Sp.KK
18. dr. Airin R. Nurdin, Sp.KK(K), M.Kes, FINSDV
19. dr. Idrianti Idrus, Sp.KK, M.Kes
20. dr. Widya Widita, Sp.KK(K), M.Kes
21. Dr. dr. Muji Iswanty, SH, MH, Sp.KK, M.Kes, C.Med
22. dr. Suci Budhiani, Sp.KK,M.Kes,
23. Dr. dr. Muhlis, Sp.KK, M.Kes
Language Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia)
Relation to curriculum This course is a compulsory course in the first year of the clinical phase
and must be passed by students to graduate as medical doctor
Type of teaching, contact The teaching methods used in this course are:
hours - Literature review
- Case discussion
- Bedside teaching
- Clinical Practice
Workload  Total hours 106.67 hours, in 4 weeks (ECTS: 4.27)
Credit points 2 credit point
Requirements according Students must have attended all classes and submitted all assignments
to the examination that are scheduled before the final tests.
Recommeded preequisites Students are graduated with bachelor degree and registered as a student
of the Medical Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine,
Hasanuddin University
Module objectives/ Attitude (A)
intended learning A2: Have a national perspective and carry out a profession by upholding
outcomes religious beliefs, morality, professional ethics, discipline, law, and social

Knowledge (P)
K1: Able to apply the Biomedical sciences, Humanities, Clinical
Medicine, and Public Health / Preventive Medicine / Community
Medicine to manage health problems holistically and comprehensively.

Skill (S)
S1: Able to work and be responsible in their field of expertise to increase
their own capacity in accordance with competency standards and
professional code of ethics.
Competence (C)
C1: Able to explore and exchange information verbally and non-verbally
with patients of all ages, family members, communities, colleagues and
other professions.
C3: Able to carry out clinical procedures related to health problems by
applying the principles of patient safety, safety of oneself and others.
C4: Able to manage individual, family and community health problems
in a comprehensive, holistic, integrated and sustainable manner in the
context of primary health.
Content 1. Basic Knowledge of Dermatology and Venereology:

● Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin and Sex

● Efflorescence
● Principles of dermatotherapy

2. Fungal Infectious Diseases:

● Dermatophytosis
● Pityriasis versicolor
● Mucocutaneous candidosis

3. Viral Infectious Diseases:

● Varicella
● Herpes Zoster
● Herpes simplex
● Morbili
● Molluscum contagiosum
● Verruca vulgaris

4. Bacterial Infectious Diseases:

● Impetigo
● ektima
● Folliculitis
● Furunkel
● Carbuncle
● Erythrasma
● Erysipelas

5. Parasitic and Helminth Infested Diseases:

● Scabies
● Pediculosis
● Cutaneous Larva Migrans
● Filariasis

6. Cosmetic Dermatosis:

● Acne vulgaris
● Melasma
● Post-inflammatory hyper and hypopigmentation

7. Mycobacterial Infectious Diseases:

● Leprosy
● Leprosy Reaction
● Scrofuloderma

8. Skin Tumors:

● Benign: Seborrheic keratoses, xanthomas, epithelial cysts, lentigines

● Malignant: Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma,
Malignant melanoma
● Hemangioma

9. Sexually Transmitted Infectious Diseases:

● Trichomoniasis
● Body duh syndrome
● Bacterial Vaginosis
● Condyloma acuminata
● Herpes simplex

10. Dermatology Emergency:

● Steven Johnson Syndrome

● Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
● Angioedema and Urticaria

11. Traumatology in Dermatology:

● Vulnus, Burns

12. Clinical Practice Module:

● Sampling and KOH pemeriksaan examination

● Taking specimens and examining body fluids using gram staining
● Specimen collection and microscopic examination of mites
● Examination of Auspitz sign, Koebner phenomenon, and wax drip
● Leprosy POD examination

Form of assessment MCQ Final exam: 10%

OSCE: 10%
Remedial: 5%
Case report discussion, referat presentation, case presentation: 75%

Study and examination Study and examination requirements:

requirements and forms - Students must attend 15 minutes before the class starts.
of examination - Students must inform the lecturer if they will not attend the class due to
sickness, etc.
- Students must submit all class assignments before the deadline
- Students must  attend the exam to get final grade

Form of assessment :
- Attitude and performance assessment
- Assessment of reading scientific assignments

Media employed Video and Powerpoint Presentations

Reading list 1. Andrews Diseases of the Skin Clinical Dermatology 10th Edition
2. Bolognia Dermatology 4th Edition
3. Bryceson Leprosy 3rd Edition
4. Fitzpatrick Atlas 8th Edition
5. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin, edisi VII, Departemen
Ilmu Pneyakit Kulit dan Kelamin FKUI, 2013.
6. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology 9th Edition
7. Fitzpatricks Dermatology Flash Cards, 1st Edition
8. Handbook of Dermoscopy
9. Holmes Sexually Transmited Diseases 4th Edition
10. IAL Textbook of Leprosy
11. Pediatric Dermatology 4th Edition
12. Pedoman Nasional Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kusta
13. Rooks Textbook of Dermatology, 4 Volume
14. Anatomy for Plastic Surgery
15. Clinical Atlas of Skin Tumor
16. Practical Medical Procedures at a Glance
17. Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery
18. Surgery of the skin
19. Baker - Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction 2nd Edition
20. Instrumentation for the Operating

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