1805 00203
1805 00203
1805 00203
Abstract. We review and extend the vertex algebra framework linking gauge theory
constructions and a quantum deformation of the Geometric Langlands Program. The
arXiv:1805.00203v1 [hep-th] 1 May 2018
1. Introduction 1
2. Overview of the gauge theory setup 7
3. Boundary conditions, dualities, and junction vertex algebras 15
4. Quantum Langlands dualities of twisted D-modules 28
5. A family of kernel vertex algebras 35
6. Branes, twisted D-modules, and compactification functors 39
7. A simple example: U (1) gauge theory 55
8. A richer example: SU (2) gauge theory 63
9. General gauge groups and discrete θ angles 74
10. Other duality kernels 78
11. Some future directions 83
References 84
1. Introduction
A geometric version of the Langlands Program originated in the 1980s in the works of
Deligne, Drinfeld, and Laumon. In the early 1990s, Beilinson and Drinfeld discovered its
deep connections to 2d conformal field theory and representation theory of affine Kac–
Moody algebras at the critical level [10]. This led them to the insight that deforming the
Kac–Moody level, one should be able to obtain a quantum deformation of the Geometric
Langlands correspondence (see [62] for an early formulation). Today, this is usually stated
as a conjectural equivalence between derived categories of twisted D-modules on the moduli
stacks BunG and BunLG of bundles on a compact Riemann surface X for a pair of Langlands
dual simple1 Lie groups G and LG:
Sm : Dκ (BunG ) ←→ D−1/mκ (BunLG ) (1.1)
where m is the lacing number of G and we equip X with a spin structure2 (it is expected
that Sm 2 is the identity in the categorical sense). Here κ is a twisting parameter for D-
modules corresponding to the level of the affine Kac–Moody algebra b g shifted by the critical
value. The equivalence (1.1) is expected to hold for generic κ and satisfy some natural
compatibilities. For rational κ some modifications may have to be applied to the above
categories for it to hold.
The ordinary (non-quantum) Geometric Langlands correspondence appears in the κ → 0
limit of (1.1). In this limit D−1/mκ (BunLG ) becomes a suitably modified version of the
derived category of quasicoherent sheaves on LocLG , the moduli stack of flat LG-bundles on
X (see [5] for a precise conjecture).
In the past twenty years, a great effort has been made to search for general methods
and structures that could shed light on how and why quantum Geometric Langlands (qGL)
duality (1.1) comes about (see [22, 52, 51, 64, 43, 45, 35, 36, 15, 1] for a partial list of
It turns out that a lot of valuable information can be obtained from the study of dualities
in 4d supersymmetric gauge theories. In their groundbreaking work [52], Kapustin and
Witten related quantum qGL duality (1.1) to the S-duality of twisted 4d gauge theories and
mirror symmetry of Hitchin moduli spaces (see also [51, 65]). In their approach, S-duality is
manifested as an equivalence of certain categories of branes on the Hitchin moduli spaces for
G and LG, which they have linked to categories of D-modules. On the other hand, Witten
and one of the authors undertook in [39, 40] an in-depth study of boundary conditions in
4d gauge theory and their behavior under quantum dualities. This dramatically expanded
the class of 4d gauge theory data that one could employ to gain further insights into the
qGL dualities.
In this paper, we build on these results, as well as the recent works [35, 36, 38, 15], to
present a systematic study of the quantum Geometric Langlands dualities in the framework
of boundary conditions in 4d gauge theory and the corresponding junction vertex algebras.
Here we list the main ingredients of our approach:
(i) We heed a lesson of 4d gauge theory and consider, instead of a single duality Sm
sending κ 7→ −1/mκ and G 7→ LG, the full group (more precisely, a groupoid) of
quantum dualities. It combines Sm with the dualities T n sending κ → κ + n, n ∈
n(G) · Z, and G 7→ G, which correspond to the equivalences
Dκ (BunG ) ←→ Dκ+n (BunG ) (1.2)
1This can be generalized to reductive Lie groups. For abelian G, it has been proved in [57].
2Without a choice of spin structure the statement is modified in an interesting way, which we will review
later on.
given by taking the tensor product with a power of a “minimal” line bundle LG on
BunG (corresponding to level n(G)). The functors Sm and T n are then expected to
generate a categorical action of a certain groupoid GG
κ on the categories of twisted
D-modules on BunG (at least, for generic κ). Thus, for any g ∈ GGκ we should have
κ : Dκ (BunG ) → Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ), (1.3)
satisfying the relations in the groupoid GG
κ , which ultimately boil down to relations
between the elements
0 −1 1 1
Sm = T = (1.4)
m 0 0 1
in the group P GL2 (Z). The study of all of these functors together (rather than
Sm of (1.1) alone) allows for a much greater flexibility and leads to a number of
non-trivial consequences.3
(ii) We start with the basic boundary conditions of the twisted 4d gauge theory labeled
by (G, κ): Dirichlet, Neumann, and Nahm, and consider their images under the
action of the groupoid GG
κ . Thus, we obtain a big collection of boundary conditions
B. To each of them corresponds a ribbon category CG κ (B) of line defects (or a
spin-ribbon category if we choose a spin structure on the underlying manifold;
we could also view them as chiral categories). We describe these categories for
the basic boundary conditions explicitly (see Section 3.1). We then assign to a
boundary condition g(B) with label (g(G), g(κ)), where B is basic and g ∈ GG κ , the
same category Cκ (B). All equivalences of categories that this assignment entails
are assumed to hold (in particular, this way we naturally get the statement that
κ (Neumann) is equivalent to C1/mκ (Nahm), which is related to a conjecture of
Gaitsgory and Lurie [43, 45]).
(iii) For each Riemann surface X and a point x ∈ X, there is a compactification functor
from the category of line defects CGκ (B) to Dκ (BunG ). Thus, we can go from line
defects of boundary conditions directly to objects of the derived category Dκ (BunG )
(in what follows we will refer to them simply as twisted D-modules on BunG ),
bypassing the categories of branes. These functors have multi-point generalizations.
3For a non-simply connected group G only powers of T divisible by a positive integer n(G) are allowed as
quantum dualities. However, gauge theory predicts that an extension of the duality groupoid GG κ , generated
by Sm and T , acts on the more general categories of gerbe-twisted D-modules on BunG0 where G0 is in the
isogeny class of G or LG but does not necessarily coincide with either of them. The vertex algebra technology
provides information about these new dualities as well, and about further refinements which occur when the
choice of spin structure on X is removed.
responding modules over the vertex algebra VκG (B1 B2 ) for a non-degenerate
junction B1 → B2 (for such junctions it follows therefore that the spaces of coin-
variants of VκG (B1 B2 )-modules should be independent of the specifics of the
junction B1 → B2 ).
Although 4d gauge theory is a powerful motivator, many of these results and conjectures
can be understood directly and rigorously in terms of the junction vertex algebras and their
properties. Thus, the junction vertex algebras enable us to translate subtle and compli-
cated structures of 4d gauge theory into a simpler, mathematically rigorous world of vertex
algebras, their modules, conformal blocks and localization functors. In this world, the struc-
tures relevant to the qGL dualities can be expressed in terms of a kind of lego game, in
which building blocks are labeled by the basic boundary conditions and their images under
various dualities (a precise nomenclature is set up in Section 3.5).
To each junction between these blocks and a label (G, κ), which identifies the bulk 4d
gauge theory in which the junction is implemented, we assign a vertex algebra. (We want
to emphasize that a given pair of boundary conditions may have many different junctions;
the corresponding vertex algebras may well be non-isomorphic.) There are several basic
junctions for which we know the corresponding vertex algebra at the outset. For instance, a
junction from Dirichlet to Neumann gives us an affine Kac–Moody algebra, a junction from
Nahm to Neumann gives us the corresponding W-algebra, and so on. And then there are
two standard moves which enable us to produce new junctions and new vertex algebras.
The first move is composition: we can compose two junctions B1 → B2 and B2 → B3
with label (G, κ) to produce a new junction B1 → B3 with the same label. Furthermore, for
many junctions, we can construct the corresponding vertex algebra explicitly. For generic
κ, it is an extension of the tensor product of the vertex algebra associated to B1 → B2 and
the vertex algebra B2 → B3 by a specific family of modules.
The second move is duality: the vertex algebras arising in different duality frames of
a given junction should be the same. In other words, for each element g of the duality
groupoid GG κ , the vertex algebra assigned to a junction B1 → B2 with a label (G, κ) should
be isomorphic to the vertex algebra associated to its duality image g(B1 ) → g(B2 ) with
the label (g(G), g(κ)). If both junction vertex algebras can be constructed explicitly, we
obtain an isomorphism between them, which could be non-trivial (such as the duality of
W-algebras [21]). More often than not, however, only one of these vertex algebras is known
a priori, and then this move gives us a way to define the other vertex algebra.
Thus, we obtain “junction calculus” with two standard moves at our disposal: com-
position of two junctions produces another junction, and changing the duality frame of a
junction gives rise to an equivalent junction. Iterating these moves, we obtain a vast array
of junctions, and hence the corresponding vertex algebras, many examples of which are
presented below.
Since all these structures arise from the 4d gauge theory, we expect that this junction
calculus satisfies a kind of bootstrap consistency. In other words, whenever we obtain
the same junction by means of different sequences of the standard moves applied to basic
junctions, the corresponding vertex algebras should be isomorphic. It is interesting to ask
what sort of mathematical structure this represents and what are the minimal requirements
for its consistency (as a useful analogy, consider the Kirby calculus). We do not address
this question in the present paper, but hope to return to it in a future work. Here we focus
on various applications of the rich framework provided by this junction calculus.
The first application has already been mentioned in (vi) above: we can construct junctions
D0,1 G ) from Dirichlet to its g-dual boundary condition. The corresponding vertex
→ g(D0,1
algebra has two commuting affine Kac–Moody algebra symmetries: b g and gb0 , where g0 is
the g-dual of g (i.e. it is g or g depending on what g is). We conjecture that the sheaf of
coinvariants of this vertex algebra on BunG × Bung(G) is a kernel of the qGL equivalence
κ corresponding to g (see formula (1.3)).
Our construction of the kernels is automatically compatible with the expected charac-
teristic property of the functor Sm ; namely, that it should relate two important families of
xi ,λi
Sm : Dxκi ,λi ←→ Ψ−1/mκ , xi ∈ X, λi ∈ P + (G) (1.5)
which are local modifications of the sheaf Dκ of κ-twisted differential operators on BunG
and the Whittaker sheaf Ψ−1/mκ on BunLG defining a geometric analogue of the Whittaker
functional on the space of automorphic functions (the Whittaker sheaf may also be viewed as
a quantization the structure sheaf of the oper manifold, which appears in the limit κ → 0).
The second application is that we can express morphisms between various D-modules F1
and F2 on BunG in terms of conformal blocks of a suitable vertex algebra. The most basic
example is when F1 is the D-module of δ-functions supported at a point P ∈ BunG and F2
is in the image of the compactification functor corresponding to a boundary condition B.
In this case, Hom(F1 , F2 ) should be isomorphic to the space of P-twisted coinvariants of a
module over the vertex algebra obtained from the junction from Dirichlet to B.
For example, the fibers of the D-modules Dxκi ,λi at points of BunG are the spaces of
coinvariants of the tensor product of the corresponding Weyl modules over the Kac–Moody
vertex algebra Vκ (g).
As another example, the vector space
x ,µ∨
Hom(Ψκi i
, Dκxi ,λi ) (1.6)
is expected to isomorphic to the space of coinvariants of the W-algebra Wκ (g) obtained by
the quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction of Vκ (g).
A pair of boundary conditions, B1 and B2 may well have different junctions B1 →
B2 which give rise to non-isomorphic vertex algebras. However, we conjecture that the
corresponding spaces of coinvariants of modules over these vertex algebras are isomorphic
to each other for all non-degenerate junctions. Some of these isomorphisms may be quite
The third application is that we can construct many interesting D-modules that are qGL
dual to each other. For example, take G = GL(n) or semisimple and self-dual with m = 1
(this means that G is a product of E8 factors). Then the entire group P SL2 (Z) is realized by
xi ,µ∨
functors EG,g 3
κ , and we have a relation (ST ) = 1. Furthermore, the functor T leaves Ψκ
xi ,λi xi ,λi
invariant, which implies that ST S must send Dκ to DST S(κ) . But ST S = T −1 ST −1 . We
thus learn (almost for free!) that under the qGL duality S,
xi ,λi xi ,λi
G ⊗ Dκ+1 ∈ Dκ (BunG ) ←→ LG ⊗ D−κ −1 −1 ∈ D−1/κ (BunG ). (1.7)
Many non-trivial and perhaps even surprising statements of this kind can be obtained this
Finally, we expect that it is possible to obtain a kernel of the Geometric Langlands duality
proper as a carefully defined critical level limit κ → 0 of the kernels constructed using the
junction calculus (see Section 6.7 for a brief discussion). We leave the details to a future
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give a brief overview of the subject,
summarizing the links between boundary conditions in 4d gauge theories, vertex algebras,
and D-modules on BunG . In Section 3 we focus on a specific class of 4d gauge theories,
the GL twisted N = 4 supersymmetric theories defined in [52]. For these theories, we
give concrete examples of boundary conditions and categories associated to them, junction
vertex algebras, compactification functors, and the action of the duality groupoid. We
also formulate conjectures linking conformal blocks of the junction vertex algebras and
morphisms between D-modules on BunG obtained via the compactification functors. In
Section 4 we explain how the action of the duality groupoid on the categories of line defects
associated to boundary conditions gives rise to qGL dualities between categories of twisted
Acknowledgements. E.F. thanks Joerg Teschner and Edward Witten for valuable dis-
cussions. D.G. thanks Alexander Braverman, Kevin Costello, Thomas Creutzig, Dennis
Gaitsgory and especially Philsang Yoo for valuable discussions and explanations.
D.G. is supported by the NSERC Discovery Grant program and by the Perimeter Institute
for Theoretical Physics. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government
of Canada through Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry
of Research and Innovation.
where one may describe a 4d topological theory as some sort of 3-category, with objects
associated to topological 3d boundary conditions, morphisms associated to topological 2d
junctions, 2-morphisms associated to 1d junctions of junctions, etc.
Topologically twisted 4d gauge theory is equipped with topological 3d boundary condi-
tions, which are the main actors in our setup. On the other hand, it admits no topological
2d junctions between generic pairs of boundary conditions. Instead, it admits holomorphic
2d junctions, which support interesting vertex algebras of local operators. These vertex
algebras are our main computational tools.4
In this paper we do not employ the full toolbox available to us in topologically twisted
4d gauge theory. In particular, this toolbox includes topological 3d interfaces (domain
walls) and topological 2d surface defects. These tools are invaluable for uncovering other
aspects of qGL dualities: the study of interfaces will enable us to construct functors between
the categories of D-modules on BunG and BunH , generalizing the geometric Langlands
functoriality (see Sect. 4 of [26]); the study of surface defects will allow us to introduce
ramification into the picture (generalizing [48]), and to set up a proper framework for the
local qGL dualities respectively. We leave these topics for future work.
Our main objective in this paper is to understand the compactification functor associated
to a (possibly decorated) Riemann surface X. Intuitively, this is the map from structures
in the 4d gauge theory T to structures in the effective 2d topological theory T[X] which
describes the compactification of T on X.
In the first approximation, this 2d theory is a twisted sigma model whose target as the
moduli space MH (G) of solutions of Hitchin’s equations [49]. However, this description is
incomplete and inadequate for understanding important objects and phenomena in this 2d
theory, such as boundary conditions. Mathematically, this can be expressed as saying that
in the first approximation, the category of 1d boundary conditions in the 2d theory T[X]
is described by some category of branes on MH (G), but this description omits important
boundary conditions. A better choice is the category of twisted D-modules on BunG , and
for generic values of the coupling constant κ (which corresponds to the twisting parameter)
we do expect this to be the correct answer. But for rational values of κ there are subtle
differences between the category of 1d boundary conditions in T[X] and the category of
κ-twisted D-modules on BunG ; this can be seen in the fact that some of the D-modules
may be unphysical because of various issues with the 2d theory (see Remark 6.1 below).
In this paper we will mostly sidestep these concerns. Our objective is not to identify
specific categories of κ-twisted D-modules on BunG for which qGL duality would be an
equivalence for all values of κ. Rather, we want to find an explicit and practical description
of the compactification functor mapping decorated boundary conditions of the 4d gauge
theory and various junctions between them to twisted D-modules on BunG and morphisms
between them.
Once we achieve that, the general machine of 4d gauge theory dualities will then allow us
to construct specific collections of qGL dual twisted D-modules with matching properties
4The resulting structure is a higher analogue of the structure which arises naturally in the study of 3d
Chern–Simons theory, which is a topological field theory but typically admits no topological 2d boundary
conditions. Instead, it admits holomorphic 2d boundary conditions, supporting rational vertex algebras.
as well as a variety of duality “kernels”. We expect that studying these data further will
ultimately allow us to define the qGL dualities precisely and in full generality.
See Table 1 for a brief summary of the role played by objects in various dimensions.
In a more careful treatment, we should replace ribbon categories with chiral categories
(see e.g. [59]), which are better suited for algebraic-geometric considerations.
Upon compactification of B on a Riemann surface X, possibly decorated by line defects at
points xi ∈ X, we expect to obtain an object in the category of 1d boundary conditions for
the 2d theory T[X]. This map should give rise to a functor from C(T, B)C(T, B)· · · , with
different factors corresponding to different points xi , to that category, which is compatible
with braiding and fusion.
Without loss of generality, we can focus on a single point x ∈ X and denote the corre-
sponding compactification functor from C(T, B) by FTB .
2.2. Vertex algebra at a junction. Given a 4d bulk theory T and two 3d boundary con-
ditions B1 and B2 , we can look for 2d junctions interpolating from one boundary condition
to the other. We denote such a junction as J12 : B1 → B2 . In general, the same pair of
boundary conditions may admit a variety of distinct junctions, with microscopic definitions
which may involve various auxiliary holomorphic 2d degrees of freedom.
Most of the time, we will suppress the specific choice of junction J12 in our notation,
unless we want to draw special attention to it.
To these data, we expect to associate a vertex algebra V (T, B1B2 ) of local operators
together with a functor
FT,B1B2 : C(T, B1 )∨ C(B2 ) → V (T, B1B2 ) -mod,
where C(T, B1 )∨ is the dual ribbon category to C(T, B1 ).5
5In special situations, the bulk 4d theory may admit non-trivial category S(T) of bulk line defects, with
functors to the categories of boundary lines. If that’s the case, the product should taken over this category.
Physically, the functor maps boundary lines to the spaces of local operators supported
at points where the lines end at the junction. These naturally form a module for the vertex
algebra V (T, B1B2 ) of local operators supported at generic points of the junction. See
Figure 1 for an illustration of these ideas.
This functor is not an equivalence in general, but we expect it to be fully faithful in many
interesting cases. If is it fully faithful, we will call the junction non-degenerate.
2.3. Conformal blocks. It is natural to consider conformal blocks (more precisely, their
dual spaces called spaces of coinvariants, see [27, 11] and Section 6 below) of a junction
vertex algebra V (T, B1B2 ), possibly involving the V (T, B1B2 )-modules associated to the
corresponding ribbon categories.
We will get such a space of conformal blocks for any choice of curve X, possibly decorated
by modules placed at one or more points xi ∈ X. By construction, the operation of
taking conformal blocks (or coinvariants) gives a functor from the category of N -tuples of
V (T, B1B2 )-modules to vector spaces, where N is the number of points. In what follows,
we restrict ourselves to the case N = 1, but a generalization to N > 1 is straightforward.
What interests us the most is that there is a direct link between morphisms between the
images of the compactification functor and conformal blocks of the corresponding VκG (B1
B2 )-module.
More precisely, let A1 ∈ Ob(C(T, B1 )), A2 ∈ Ob(C(T, B2 )). Then on the one hand,
these objects can be sent by the compactification functors to objects A1 = FTB1 (A1 ) and
A2 = FTB2 (A2 ) of the category of 1d boundary conditions for T[X].
On the other hand, FT,B1B2 (A∨ 1 ⊗ A2 ) is a V (B1B2 )-module.
Conjecture 2.1. Suppose that the functor FT,B1B2 is fully faithful. Then Hom(A1 , A2 ) is
1 ⊗ A2 ).
isomorphic to the space of coinvariants of the V (B1B2 )-module FT,B1B2 (A∨
This is the main tool we will employ to reconstruct the compactification functor.
We also have the following
Conjecture 2.2. Suppose that the functor FT,B1B2 is fully faithful. Then the category of
V (B1 B2 )-modules and the corresponding spaces of coinvariants (and conformal blocks)
depend only on B1 and B2 and not on the junction data between them.
In Sections 3.8 and 6.5 we will explain the significance of these conjectures.
The physical interpretation of these conjectures is straightforward. It involves the space
of states for the theory on a space manifold of the form [0, 1] × X, with boundary conditions
B1 and B2 at the endpoints of the segment.
By definition, the space of states computes the Hom in the category of boundary condi-
tions in T[X]. It can also be interpreted as the space of states of the 3d TFT resulting from
compactification of T on the segment.
The 2d junction descends to a boundary condition for such a TFT. Our conjectures can
then be seen as a variant of the standard relation between the space of states of a 3d TFT
and the space of conformal blocks of its boundary vertex algebras. See Figure 2 for an
illustration of this setup.
Remark 2.1. We can illustrate such a relation in further detail for the simplest situation
namely, a 3d TFT T [C] described by some modular tensor category C and a 2d rational
vertex algebra A. This is not an example which occurs in our setup (except when describing
some useful auxiliary degrees of freedom in later sections) but it is nevertheless instructive.
Any rational vertex algebra A gives rise to a modular tensor category A−mod. That
means A can always be found at a boundary for the 3d TFT T [A−mod] defined by A−mod.
The space of states of T [A−mod] on a Riemann surface X coincides with the space of
conformal blocks of A on X.
However, the vertex algebra A can also be found as the algebra of boundary local oper-
ators at boundaries of other 3d TFTs. The MTC A−mod has a universal property: any
boundary condition for T [C] supporting A can be factored as the composition of the canon-
ical boundary condition for the T [A−mod] 3d TFT and a topological interface from T [C]
to T [A−mod].
In particular, the functor C → A−mod from lines to local operators can be reinterpreted
as, or factored through, the functor which describes the action of such an interface on the
lines of the 3d TFTs. The interface, though, also controls the relation between the spaces
of states for the two 3d TFTs on any Riemann surface.
Hence in this basic setup one can derive sharp statements relating the properties of a
functor C → A−mod and the relation between the spaces of states of T [C] and conformal
blocks of A.
2.4. Boundary conditions with global symmetries. A final ingredient is the obser-
vation that certain boundary conditions are equipped with a non-trivial group of global
symmetries, which is defined independently of the gauge symmetry of the bulk theory.
Whenever boundary condition B has a non-trivial global symmetry group H, the com-
pactification functor can be modified by coupling the system to an H-bundle on X. This
gives families of 1d boundary conditions for T[X] parametrized by BunH .
Furthermore, junctions of the form B → B 0 or B 0 → B which preserve the H symmetry
will support vertex algebras with an H-symmetry implemented by an b h Kac–Moody subal-
gebra. As a consequence, spaces of coinvariants can be promoted to twisted D-modules on
BunH .
Morphisms between these D-modules can be used to give a concrete realization for the
spaces of morphisms between the families of 1d boundary conditions parametrized by BunH .
Each 4d gauge theory with gauge group G comes equipped with a special family of
“Dirichlet” boundary conditions with global symmetry G. These will be key to giving a
precise formulation of the compactification functors with values in the categories of twisted
D-modules on BunG (see Section 6.3).
The corresponding vertex algebra V (T, B1B3 ) in which we take as junction data the
composition of the data J12 and J23 is expected to include the tensor product vertex algebra
V (T, B1B2 ) ⊗ V (T, B2B3 ).
Furthermore, conjecturally, V (T, B1B3 ) can be built as an extension of the latter by a
(super)algebra object A13 of the category
[V (T, B1B2 ) ⊗ V (T, B2B3 )] -mod
which is the image of Id∨ ∨
1 ×Diag×Id3 under FT,B1B2 FT,B2B3 . Here Id1 and Id3 denote the
identity objects in C(T, B1 ) and C(T, B3 ), respectively, while Diag is a “diagonal object”
2.7. Spin subtleties. We should mention here an important subtlety which will be re-
curring in our analysis. A priori, the constructions we employ involve theories and defects
which are spin-topological or spin-holomorphic: they are defined only on manifolds equipped
with a spin structure. In many situations, though, we can refine the constructions so that
the corresponding objects become truly topological or holomorphic.
Working with “spin” constructions is somewhat simpler. For example, the dualities of
gauge theories are well understood in the spin case, while the non-spin refinement of the
dualities is only known in some examples.6
6As the physical gauge theory contains spinors, the theory is initially defined only on spin manifolds and
the duality group(oid) has been studied in detail only on such manifolds. The topologically twisted theory,
however, has no spinors and can be readily defined on a manifold without a spin structure. But then the
duality group(oid) needs to be modified in ways that are only partly understood in the existing literature.
As the spinors in the physical theory transform in the fundamental representation of the SU (4)R '
Spin(6)R R-symmetry group, while fields of integral spin transform in the representations of SO(6)R , it
should be possible to couple the theory to SpinSU (4)R -bundles, i.e. bundles on a four-manifold M with the
structure group (Spin(4)×SU (4))/Z2 (which is a Z2 -extension of the structure group SO(4)×(SU (4)/Z2 ) =
The most immediate consequence of working with spin constructions is that boundary line
defects form spin-ribbon categories, a variant of ribbon categories in which the topological
twisting of an object is defined only up to an integral multiple of π (rather than 2π). Spin
constructions also employ spin-vertex algebras, i.e. vertex algebras in which some of the
fields have half-integral spin. Conformal blocks of modules over the spin-vertex algebras
are only well-defined on a complex curve equipped with a specific choice of spin structure
(i.e. a square root of the canonical line bundle).
If a spin-vertex algebra can be coupled to H-bundles and H has a Z2 central subgroup
which acts as −1 on the fields of half-integral spin, then instead of choosing a spin structure,
we can work with SpinH bundles rather than G-bundles (we could say we have a SpinH
vertex algebra) in this case). Conformal blocks then become dependent on SpinH bundles,
and they give rise to twisted D-modules on the stack BunSpinH of such bundles. See Section
7.4 for more details, including the definition of SpinH bundles.
Finally, notice that “spin” and “super” are distinct notions. Our vertex algebras are
allowed to be vertex superalgebras, in the sense of including odd (Grassmann) fields. But
these fields do not necessarily have half-integral spin, and conversely, fields of half-integral
spin may or may not be odd.
SO(4) × SO(6)), such that the corresponding SO(4) × (SU (4)/Z2 )-bundle has the frame bundle of M along
the first factor. The latter choice is probably better in preparation for a topological twist. It suggests that
the spin-refined duality action may already be probed within the physical theory.
7There is in fact a separate coupling for each simple factor of the Lie algebra of G, together with a matrix
of couplings for Abelian factors.
BunG , also shifted by the critical value (corresponding to the properly defined square root
of the canonical line bundle). We will denote this bulk theory by TκG .
The properties of the theory TκG are rather uniform as a function of κ, as long as κ is not
rational. A variety of new phenomena occurs for rational values of κ, such as the existence of
a non-trivial category S(TκG ) of bulk line defects. For simplicity, unless specified otherwise,
we will assume throughout this paper that κ is generic (i.e., non-rational).
(i) The Dirichlet boundary condition. The corresponding category CG κ (B) is the cat-
egory D−κ (GrG ) of right (−κ)-twisted D-modules on the affine Grassmannian
GrG = G((z))/G[[z]]. Recall that GrG is an ind-scheme, a union of its closed
subschemes of finite type (which are proper finite-dimensional complex algebraic
varieties). By definition, the support of each object of D−κ (GrG ) should belong to
one of those subschemes (see e.g. [28] for a precisely definition).
(ii) The Neumann boundary condition. The corresponding category CG κ (B) is the
Kazhdan–Lusztig category KLκ (G) [54] of finitely generated b gκ -modules M on
which the action of the Lie subalgebra g[[z]] ⊂ b gκ is locally finite and can be
exponentiated to an action of G[[z]] (equivalently, M decomposes into a direct sum
of finite-dimensional modules over the constant Lie subalgebra g which can be ex-
ponentiated to an action of G, and for any vector v ∈ M , there exists n > 0 such
that g ⊗ tn C[[t]] · v = 0).
(iii) The principal Nahm boundary condition. The corresponding category CG κ (B) is
the Whittaker category Whit−κ (G), of (−κ)-twisted D-modules on GrG which are
N ((z))-equivariant with respect to a fixed non-degenerate character ψ (correspond-
ing to the principal element appearing in the Nahm boundary condition). Here N
is the unipotent subgroup of G.8 See [30, 44] for the precise definition. The chiral
category structure is defined in [12, 58].
(iv) Other Nahm boundary conditions There is a more general family of boundary con-
ditions labeled by the extra data of a conjugacy class of an embedding ρ of sl2 into
g (or equivalently, a non-zero nilpotent conjugacy class in g). The corresponding
category Whitρ−κ (G) can be defined in a similar manner as for the principal Nahm
boundary condition.
• For each boundary condition B in the theory TκG and every compact Riemann
surface (smooth projective curve) X with a point x ∈ X, there is a compactification
functor FκG,B from the category CGκ (B) to the category Dκ (BunG ) of left κ-twisted
D-modules on BunG . In general, this is a functor between derived categories. This
functor has a multi-point generalization compatible with fusion and braiding in
CGκ (B).
(ii) The Neumann boundary condition. The compactification functor is the localization
functor ∆κ (see [27], Ch. 18, [24] and Section 6 below).
The standard objects in KLκ (G) are the Weyl modules Vλ,κ , where λ ∈ P + (G),
the set of dominant integral weight of G (i.e. highest weights of irreducible rep-
resentations of G). (Note that for κ 6∈ Q, KLκ (G) is a semisimple category with
each object isomorphic to the direct sum of finitely many Weyl modules Vλ,κ .)
The corresponding (left) twisted D-module ∆κ (Vλ,κ ) = Dx,λ
κ on BunG is the tensor
product Dκ ⊗O Vx,λ , where Dκ is the sheaf of κ-twisted differential operators on
BunG and Vx,λ is the sheaf of sections of the tautological vector bundle on BunG
corresponding to the finite-dimensional representation Vλ of G and the point x of
the curve X.
In particular, for the vacuum module V0,κ we have ∆κ (V0,κ ) = Dκ . This is the
image of the compactification map.
The brane on MH (G, X) corresponding to Dκ for generic κ is the canonical
coisotropic brane Bc.c. (see Section 6.1). This is a deformation away from κ =
∞ of the space-filling (B, B, B) brane Be associated to the undeformed Neumann
boundary conditions.
(iii) The (principal) Nahm boundary condition. Consider for simplicity the case that G
is simple. Then the Whittaker category Whit−κ (G) can be realized as a direct limit
of the categories of Whittaker sheaves (left κ-twisted D-modules) on the moduli
FT (µ∨ ·x)
stacks BunN 0 of B-bundles on X, where µ∨ ∈ LP + , the set of dominant
integral coweights of G (see [30]). For each of these categories, we take the functor
FT (µ∨ ·x)
of direct image corresponding to the natural maps jx,µ∨ : BunN 0 → BunG .
The compactification functor from Whit−κ (G) to the category of κ-twisted D-
modules on BunG is naturally “glued” from these.
The standard objects of Whit−κ (G) are the Whittaker sheaves Ψx,µ
κ , µ∨ ∈ LP + .
In particular, the Dκ -module corresponding to Ψκ is constructed as follows. Let
FT0 be a T -bundle on X (where T is the Cartan subgroup of G) corresponding to
the canonical line bundle KX on X and a cocharacter ρ̌. Note that we may need
to choose a square root of the canonical line bundle on X to make sense of this T -
bundle.9 Let BunNT be the corresponding moduli stack and jx,0 the corresponding
F0 F0
map BunNT → BunG . It is equipped with a natural map ev : BunNT → A1 , the
affine line. Let E be the D-module on A1 generated by the exponential function.
Then, Ψx,0 ∗
κ is a generalization to arbitrary κ of jx,0! (ev (E)). The construction of
the other Dκ -modules Ψκ is similar (for κ = 0, they can be obtained by applying
the Hecke functors to Ψx,0
0 ). See [30, 44, 12, 58] for more details.
For κ 6= 0, the (A, B, A) brane corresponding to Ψ0,x κ is the brane of opers.
This is a deformation away from κ = 0 of the (B, A, A)-brane of “classical opers”
(also known as the Hitchin section) associated to undeformed Nahm boundary
conditions. See Section 6.1 for more details.
Table 2. The basic boundary conditions that exist universally for all G
A few comments on the definition of the sheaf of “δ-functions” supported at a point. Let
Z be a smooth algebraic variety over C (or an ind-scheme such as GrG ) and p a point of Z.
By definition,
δp = ip! (Cp ) = DZ ⊗ Cp
is the (left) D-module push-forward of the constant sheaf at a point (viewed as a D-module
at that point) under the embedding ip : pt → Z. Concretely, for any open subset U ⊂ M
containing p, we have
δp (U ) = D(U ) ⊗ Cp ,
O(U )
where O(U ) is the ring of functions on U acting on Cp by evaluation at p. If we choose local
coordinates x1 , , . . . , xn at p, and choose vector fields ∂1 , . . . , ∂n on U such that the value of
∂i at p is ∂/∂xi , then
δp (U ) ' C[∂i ]i=1,...,n .
The definition of the sheaf of δ-functions supported at p in the categories of twisted left and
right D-modules is similar.
If we deal with a smooth stack (such as BunG ) rather than a variety, then a point P may
well come with a non-trivial group Aut(P) of automorphisms (in the case of a G-bundle P,
this is the group of global automorphisms of P, which is a subgroup of G). In this case,
9This is an example of how we may be forced to make a choice of a spin structure on X. Once we make
such a choice, there is a parameter for FT0 : an element of H 1 (X, Z(G)). For simplicity, we will assume here
that G is of adjoint type so that its center Z(G) is trivial.
• For a given G, only a particular subgroup of P GL2 (Z) acts by duality transforma-
tions. Furthermore, these transformations in general change not only the parameter
κ but the group G as well, so in fact it is better to view them as forming a groupoid
rather than a group.
Let us describe this groupoid, which we will denote by GG κ.
The group P GL2 (Z) naturally acts on the projective line, which gives rise to the standard
action on κ viewed as a point on the projective line with respect to a particular coordinate:
aκ + b
κ 7→ .
cκ + d
Now introduce the following elements of P GL2 (Z):
0 −1
Sm = κ 7→ κ̌ = −1/mκ
m 0
1 1
T = κ 7→ κ + 1.
0 1
Denote by n(G) the minimum positive coefficient of a well-defined Chern–Simons action
for Gc [16] (equivalently, the level of the affine Kac–Moody algebra corresponding to the
minimal line bundle LG on the moduli stack of G-bundles on a curve X).10 For example,
n(G) = 1 if G is simply-connected simple Lie group. Likewise, we denote by n(LG) the
corresponding number for LG. Let SG (resp., SLG ) be the subgroup of P SL2 (Z) generated
by T n(G) and Sm T n( G) Sm (resp., T n( G) and Sm T n(G) Sm ).
We define the groupoid GG κ as the category with the objects (which we will sometimes
refer to as nodes) labeled by pairs
(G, κ0 ), κ0 ∈ SG · κ, and (LG, κ0 ), κ0 ∈ SLG · κ̌,
where κ̌ = −1/mκ. We have morphisms (arrows) from (G, κ0 ) to (G, κ00 ) for each element g
in SG such that κ00 = g(κ0 ); from (G, κ0 ) to (LG, κ00 ) for each element g in SLG Sm or Sm SG
such that κ00 = g(κ0 ); and similarly for the morphisms starting from nodes labeled by LG.
Now we consider the action of these symmetries on the boundary conditions discussed
above and the corresponding categories.
The symmetry R sends the bulk theory TκG with a boundary condition B to the bulk
theory T−κ
G with a boundary condition that we denote by R(B). The resulting ribbon
for every g ∈ SG (in this case, g(G) = G) and g ∈ Sm · SG (in this case, g(G) = LG).
(i) The action of R preserves the Neumann, Dirichlet, and Nahm boundary conditions.
And indeed, the equivalences (3.1) to hold in these cases.
(ii) The action of Sm exchanges the Neumann and principal Nahm boundary condi-
tions. The corresponding categories are therefore expected to be equivalent:
KLκ (G) ' Whit1/mκ (LG). (3.2)
This is essentially the statement of a conjecture of Gaitsgory and Lurie, proved by
Gaitsgory for generic κ [43, 45].11
10Here is the first place where spin subtleties occur: for some G, the minimal Chern–Simons action is
only defined on spin manifolds unless we replace n(G) by 2n(G). Equivalently, for those groups we need to
pick the square root of the canonical line bundle on X in order to define the line bundle LG ; without such
a choice, we can only define L⊗2
G .
11This is an example of an equivalence that for some groups requires a choice of a spin structure (or a
square root of the canonical line bundle), because the category KLκ (G) does not require such a choice, but
the category Whit1/mκ (LG) does require it for some G.
(iii) The Sm -dual of the Dirichlet boundary condition is much more complicated if G is
non-abelian (see [39, 40, 35, 36]). (If G is abelian, there is no difference between
the Dirichlet and Nahm boundary conditions, and therefore the dual of Dirichlet
is Neumann.) From the perspective of boundary conditions in 4d gauge theory,
this is the reason why it is difficult to construct the quantum geometric Langlands
correspondence. All we can say at the outset is that the corresponding category
should be equivalent to the category of right 1/mκ-twisted D-modules on GrLG .
Similar considerations apply to the intermediate Nahm boundary conditions.
In other words,
CGκ (T (B)) ' Cκ−p (B).
p G
In particular, the equivalences
Dκ (Gr) ' Dκ+p (Gr), Whitκ (G) ' Whitκ+p (G), ∀p ∈ n(G) · Z (3.4)
are given by tensoring with the appropriate line bundle on GrG .
Next, we denote by Ng◦(0,1) G
and Ng◦(1,0) G
(modulo the identification Nap,aq G ) the
= Np,q
images of these boundary conditions under g ∈ SG , with g acting on the pairs (p, q) according
to its standard action on the column vectors pq (note the switch of p and q).
where g(G) is either G or LG. At the same time, each g acts on κ in the standard way.
Further, for the orientation reversal R we define
R : Np,q 7→ Np,−q
In this case, R(TκG ) = T−κ
G , and so R(κ) = −κ.
G and N G,ρ starting from Dirichlet or
We can give a similar definition of the families Dp,q p,q
ρ-Nahm boundary conditions in the bulk gauge theories Tκ and TκG . For example, D0,1
denotes the Dirichlet boundary condition in TκG , while D1,0G denotes the S -image of the
Dirichlet boundary condition D0,1 in Tκ . Also, R maps Dp,q to Dp,−q , etc.
Using R together with the groupoid of duality transformations, we obtain various non-
trivial identifications between boundary conditions Np,q G (beyond N G G
ap,aq = Np,q ). Each of
them is expected to give rise to an equivalence between the corresponding ribbon categories
of line defects. Some of these equivalence are highly non-trivial. For instance, we have
(T−1/mκ , N0,1 ) = (TκG , N1,0
), G
(T−1/mκ G
, N1,0 ) = (TκG , N0,1
). (3.5)
The corresponding equivalences of categories are given by formula (3.2) and its analogue
in which we reverse G and LG, κ and 1/mκ. We will encounter more equivalences of this
nature below.
3.6. Extended families of boundary conditions. With some care, the duality groupoid
can be extended to a larger groupoid involving all transformations generated by T and Sm .
The nodes of the extended groupoid involve gauge theories with gauge algebra g or L g but
gauge group which may differ from G or LG. They are furthermore modified by certain
“discrete theta angles” [7]. It is possible to define well-behaved analogues of Dirichlet,
Neumann, Nahm boundary conditions in these generalized theories, but it requires some
extra structures, which we will describe in section 9.
As a consequence, one may accordingly extend the range of pairs (p, q) for which the above
families of boundary conditions are well-defined. The compactification functors should map
the categories associated to these boundary conditions to the categories of D-modules on
BunG twisted by appropriate gerbes.
3.7. Vertex algebras at a junction. As explained in Section 2.2, we can attach a vertex
algebra to a junction of two boundary conditions B1 and B2 in a bulk theory T, possibly
with some extra data attached to the junction. We now focus on the case of the bulk theory
T = TκG , as above, and denote the corresponding junction vertex algebra V (TκG , B1B2 ) by
VκG (B1B2 ). Then we have the corresponding functor FT,B1B2 , which we now denote by
Fκ,B . Thus,
: CG
κ (B1 ) Cκ (B2 ) → Vκ (B1B2 ) -mod .
This functor should satisfy the following conditions:
(I ⊗ I) = VκG (B1B2 ), (3.7)
where I denotes the identity object.
Second, if we apply any duality symmetry g ∈ GG
κ as defined in Section 3.3 to all data,
then the vertex algebra should be unchanged:
VκG (B1B2 ) ' Vg(κ) (g(B1 )g(B2 )), (3.8)
y y (3.9)
g(G) g(G) )g(B ) g(G)
Cg(κ) (g(B1 ))∨ Cg(κ) (g(B2 )) −−−−−−−1−−−−
→ Vg(κ) (g(B1 )g(B2 )) -mod
Third, under the orientation reversal R, we should have an isomorphism of vertex algebras
VκG (B1B2 ) ' V−κ (R(B2 )R(B1 )), (3.10)
compatible with the functors Fκ,B G
and F−κ,R(B and the equivalences
1B2 2 )R(B1 )
κ (Bi ) ' C−κ (R(Bi )).
Let us consider some basic examples. More examples will be presented in later sections.
(i) Let B1 = D0,1G and B = N G be the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions,
2 1,0
respectively. There is a standard junction between them described in [15] such that
VκG (B1B2 ) is the affine Kac–Moody vertex algebra Vκ (g).
In this case, we have
κ (D0,1N1,0 ) = (D−κ (GrG )) KLκ (G) ' Dκ (GrG ) KLκ (G),
and there is indeed a functor from the latter category to the category of Vκ (g)-
modules (i.e., b
g-modules of level κ). Namely, we view KLκ (G) as a subcategory of
gκ -mod and use the functor
F ∈ Dκ (GrG ), M ∈ KLκ (G) 7→ F ? M, (3.11)
where ? denotes the categorical convolution functor (see [10, 29]).
Beilinson has conjectured (see the Introduction of [9], especially Remark (ii))
that the category of bg-modules of any level κ is expected to “fiber” over the stack
of flat G-bundles on the punctured disc. This conjecture suggests that the essential
image of CG G G G G G
κ (D0,1N1,0 ) under the functor Fκ (D0,1N1,0 ) is the subcategory of
g-modules of level κ supported on the formal neighborhood of the trivial flat bundle.
(ii) Let B1 = N0,1G and B = N G be the Nahm and Neumann boundary conditions,
2 1,0
respectively. Then there is a standard junction between them described in [56, 38,
15] such that VκG (B1B2 ) is the W-algebra Wκ (g).
The corresponding functor
G N G : Whitκ (G) KLκ (G) → Wκ (g) -mod
0,1 1,0
is constructed as follows. Recall [21, 32] (see Ch. 15 of [27] for a survey) that the
Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction functor HDS is defined as the semi-infinite cohomology
of the nilpotent Lie subalgebra n+ ((z)) of bg twisted by a non-degenerate character
ψ of n+ ((z)) which takes non-zero values on the (−1)st Fourier coefficients of the
generating currents. This functor, applied to KLκ (G), defines the restriction of
G x,0
Fκ,N G N G to I KLκ (G)), where I = Ψκ .
0,1 1,0
For generic κ, it follows from the results of Arakawa [3, 4] that the functor
HDS is exact, and its essential image in the category Wκ (g)-mod is a semi-simple
subcategory with the simple modules M(λ,0),κ = HDS (Vλ,κ ). See also [60] for some
general results about this functor.
In order to incorporate the category Whitκ (G), observe that for any dominant
integral coweight µ∨ of G, we can twist the character ψ by the element µ∨ (z) ∈
H((z)). Let us denote the quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction functor with respect
to this twisted character by HDS,µ ∨ . This functor has been previously studied in
[29, 15].
G x,µ∨
For any object M of KLκ (G), the functor Fκ,N G N G sends the object Ψκ ⊗M
0,1 1,0
of Whitκ (G) KLκ (G) to the Wκ (g)-module HDS,µ ∨ (M ). This can be generalized
to arbitrary objects of Whitκ (G). Thus, Whitκ (G) can be viewed as the category
that controls the data of the Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction.
It is natural to conjecture that for generic κ the essential image of Fκ,N G N G is
0,1 1,0
a semi-simple subcategory of Wκ (g)-mod with simple modules
g G x,µ ∨
M(λ,µ∨ ),κ = HDS,µ ∨ (Vλ,κ ) = Fκ,N G N G (Ψκ ⊗ Vλ,κ ). (3.12)
0,1 1,0
(iii) More generally, if B is any boundary condition, then we expect that the vertex
VκG (D0,1
contains the affine vertex algebra Vκ0 (g), where κ0 − κ ∈ n(G) · Z, as a subalgebra.
We cannot determine κ on general grounds, because we can always modify the
junction data J12 by adding some holomorphic vertex algebra, and this operation
may shift the level by a multiple of n(G).
Furthermore, we expect that
VκG (N0,1
can be obtained by the quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction of this affine subalge-
bra, and
VκG (N1,κ−κ
The composition of natural functors Dκ (GrG ) → Dκ0 (GrG ) → KL−κ0 (G) (where
the first functor is tensoring with a line bundle on GrG and the second functor is
pulling back to G((z)) and taking G[[z]]-invariants with respect to the right action)
and the equivalence KL−κ0 (G) = CG −κ0 (N1,0 ) ' C−κ (N1,κ0 −κ ) gives a functor
Dκ (GrG ) CG
κ (B) → C−κ (N1,κ0 −κ ) Cκ (B).
(iv) Similar statements hold for general Nahm boundary conditions corresponding to an
embedding ρ : sl2 → g. In this case, the vertex algebra is the W-algebra obtained
by the generalized quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction of Vκ (g) associated to the
embedding ρ [50].
G whose
An important special case arises when B1 is the Dirichlet boundary condition D0,1
global symmetry group is the group G.12 Then we can choose as A1 the δ-function D-
module δP supported at P ∈ BunG . Thus, given A ∈ Ob(CG κ (B)), we obtain a family of
vector spaces Hom(δP , A). According to conjecture 3.1, they should be isomorphic to the
spaces of coinvariants of the V (B1B2 )-module corresponding to δp ⊗ A.
We note that important special cases of this isomorphism were studied (in the language
of branes) in [8] as an expression of a relation between the Kapustin–Witten and Beilinson–
Drinfeld approaches to the Geometric Langlands correspondence (in this regard, see also
Section 6.7).
In fact, as we explain in Section 6.5, we expect a stronger statement to be true. Indeed,
on the one hand, Hom(δP , A) is a fiber of the D-module A = FκG,B (A) at P ∈ BunG . On
the other hand, recall that we expect the vertex algebra VκG (D0,1G B) to contain an affine
Kac–Moody vertex subalgebra Vκ0 (g) of level κ0 such that κ − κ0 = p · n(G), where p is an
G B)-modules to G-bundles on X.
integer. This allows us to couple coinvariants of VκG (D0,1
Mathematically, this means that for any VκG (D0,1 G B)-module, we can define its sheaf of
coinvariants, which is a κ -twisted D-module on BunG . This D-module can then be mapped
to a κ-twisted D-module by tensoring it with the pth power of the minimal line bundle LG ,
a generator of the Picard group of BunG .
This enables us to define, under some natural assumptions, the compactification functor
Fκ in a mathematically rigorous way in terms of the localization functor for the vertex
algebra VκG (D0,1
G B ), i.e. the functor assigning to a module over this vertex algebra its
sheaf of coinvariants on BunG (see Section 6.5).
12More generally, the global symmetry group of the general Nahm pole boundary conditions N G,ρ is the
centralizer of ρ.
isomorphism (in the language of branes) was proposed in [56] as a possible interpretation
of the AGT conjecture [2].
Remark 3.1. This statement has a multi-point generalization: an isomorphism between the
x ,µ∨
space Hom(Ψκi i , Dxκi ,λi ) and the space of coinvariants of the modules M(λi ,µ∨i ),κ inserted
at the points xi ∈ X. Consider the case g = sl2 , X = P1 , and suppose that the set of points
xi is a disjoint union of two subsets; for points of one of subset we have λi = 0 and µ∨ i
is the fundamental coweight, and for points of the other subset we have arbitrary λi but
µ∨i = 0. Then, if we allow the points of the first kind to vary, we can view this isomorphism
as a reformulation of the quantum separation of variables linking conformal blocks of sl b2
and the Virasoro algebra [63, 64, 31] (at the critical level, it becomes the separation of
variables of the corresponding Gaudin model [22]). Thus, the above isomorphism (with
points corresponding to dominant integral weights or to the fundamental coweights) could
be viewed as a generalization of the quantum separation of variables to Lie algebras of
higher rank. We leave the details to a future work.
G by another boundary condition B, we obtain a generalization of the above
Replacing N1,0
isomorphism, which expresses coinvariants of modules over VκG (N0,1 G B) as Hom’s between
3.1, we obtain that the space of coinvariants of the VκG (N0,1 G B)-module H g
DS,µ∨ (A) is
isomorphic to Hom(Ψx,µ
κ , FκG,B (A)).
condition D0,1 , which is the group g(G). Therefore, arguing as above, for any junction
G → B in the bulk theory T G , where D G = g −1 (D g(G)
Dp,q κ p,q 0,1 ), we obtain a functor from the
category Cκ (B) to the category of twisted D-modules on Bung(G) .
G → B in the bulk
To determine the twisting parameter, observe that the junction Dp,q
theory TκG can be seen in another duality frame as the junction D0,1 → g(B) in the bulk
theory Tg(κ) , which gives rise to a functor (in general, of derived categories)
g(G),g(B) g(G)
Fg(κ) : Cg(κ) (g(B)) → Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ). (4.1)
g(G) g(G),g(B)
But the category Cg(κ) (g(B)) should be equivalent to CGκ (B), so Fg(κ) gives rise to a
g Fκ
: CG
κ (B) → Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ). (4.2)
The functors g FκG,B are generalizations of the compactification functor FκG,B (which corre-
sponds to g being the identity). They correspond to junctions Dp,q G → B in the same sense
in which the compactification functor FκG,B corresponds to a junction D0,1 G → B. Note that
in both cases there could be multiple junctions between these boundary conditions, but the
corresponding functors g FκG,B should be equivalent to each other according to Conjecture
2.2 (see Conjecture 6.1 for a more precise formulation).
Once the functors g FκG,B labeled by g in the groupoid GG κ have been defined, it is natural
to suppose that there is also a collection of duality functors EG,g κ , labeled by the same
groupoid, acting between the corresponding categories of twisted D-modules on BunG and
BunLG and intertwining the functors g FκG,B for all boundary B conditions. This leads to a
vast generalization of the idea of quantum Geometric Langlands duality (1.1), which from
the 4d gauge theory point of view is just one of many duality functors; namely, the functor
attached to the duality Sm .
Putting aside the subtleties related to the spin structures, which will be addressed in later
sections, we expect that for generic κ these functors EG,g κ are in fact equivalences between
categories of twisted D-modules on BunG and BunLG . In other words, we conjecture that
for each g ∈ GGκ there is an equivalence Eκ between Dκ (BunG ) and Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ) which
intertwines the equivalences CG κ (B) ' Cg(κ) (g(B)) via the corresponding compactification
functors, for all boundary conditions B.
Before stating the conjecture, it is useful to recall the subgroup SG of P GL2 (Z) generated
by T n(G) and Sm T n( G) Sm . Each element g ∈ SG gives rise to a particular element (arrow) of
the groupoid GG κ connecting (G, κ) to (G, g(κ)). In this case, we write g(G) = G. Similarly,
each element g ∈ Sm · SG gives rise to the element of GG L
κ connecting (G, κ) to ( G, g(κ)). In
case case, we write g(G) = G. Likewise, for g ∈ SLG and g ∈ Sm · SLG . When no confusion
can arise, we use the same notation g for the corresponding elements of the groupoid GG κ.
isomorphism of functors
ig,h : Eh(κ) ◦ EG,h
κ ' EG,gh
and these isomorphisms satisfy a cocycle condition for every triple of elements of GG
4.2. Kernels. Let us discuss these kernels in more detail. Let g be an arrow between the
nodes (G, κ) and (g(G), g(κ)) in the groupoid GGκ . Then, according to Conjecture 4.1, there
should be a functor
Eκ,g(κ) : Dκ (BunG ) → Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ).
We hope to realize this functor as the correspondence induced by a kernel
FκG,g ∈ D−κ,g(κ) (BunG × Bung(G) )
which is obtained by applying a localization functor to the vertex algebra
g(G) G G
Vg(κ) (D0,1g(D0,1 )).
G → g(D G ).
corresponding to a junction D0,1 0,1
Indeed, according to our general conjectures, this vertex algebra should have commuting
actions of the affine Kac–Moody algebras b g of level −κ and gb0 (where g0 is the Lie algebra
of g(G)) of level g(κ). Therefore we can apply the localization functor with respect to both
actions, which yields a twisted D-module in the category D−κ,g(κ) (BunG × Bung(G) ).
According to our general conjectures, it should be independent of the junction data of
D0,1 → g(D0,1G ) and should coincide with the image of the identity object
G )
G ∨
I ⊗ I ∈ CG
κ (D0,1 ) Cκ
(g(D0,1 ))
under the compactification functor of this category, viewed as a category arising in the 4d
gauge theory with the semisimple group G × g(G) and the coupling (−κ, g(κ)). In the next
subsection we will explain a general strategy for constructing these kernels. We will give a
number of examples in the later sections; in particular, two families of kernel vertex algebras
in Sections 5 and 10.
The following heuristic point of view on the kernels Fκ might be useful: let’s think
of the functors Fg(κ) as kind of bookkeeping devices, giving us “coordinate representa-
tions” of objects of the category Cg(κ)(g(B) ' CG
κ (B). Indeed, given an object A of Cκ (B), we
g(G) g(G),g(B)
obtain an object g(A) of the category Cg(κ) (g(B)), and the functor Fκ then assigns
to g(A) a g(κ)-twisted D-module on Bung(G) . Let’s think of the collection of its fibers (to
simplify notation, we denote Fκ (g(A)) simply by g(A) here)
A 7→ Hom(δP , g(A)), P ∈ Bung(G)
as a categorical version of the set of “g-coordinates” of A, relative to a specific “basis”
{δP }P∈Bung(G) in the category Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ).
Now let’s compare these “g-coordinates” to the “coordinates” of A relative to the standard
basis {δP0 }P0 ∈BunG in the category Dκ (BunG ):
A 7→ Hom(δP0 , A), P0 ∈ BunG .
As in linear algebra, converting one “coordinate representation” into another requires a
categorical version of “change of basis matrix” which we can think of as a D-module on
BunG × Bung(G) with fibers
Hom(δP , g(δP0 )), (P0 , P),
extension of the compactification map, taking values in Dκ,−κH (BunG × BunH ). We can
obtain the functor FκG,B,H (I) by applying the localization functor to the vertex algebra
VκG (D0,1
G B) (for appropriate choices of junctions). Indeed, on general grounds we expect
this vertex algebra to contain a Kac–Moody subalgebra Vκ0 (g) × V−κ0H (h), with κ0 and κ0H
could in general differ from κ by integral multiples of n(G) and n(H). Applying the local-
ization functor to VκG (D0,1
G B) with respect to this Kac–Moody subalgebra and tensoring
the resulting D-modules by a line bundle if necessary, we obtain the desired D-module in
Dκ,κH (BunG × BunH ).
As an example, suppose that B is also the Dirichlet boundary condition. Then H =
G. For generic κ, the compactification map should produce the diagonal D-module in
Dκ,−κ (BunG × BunG ), and the compactification functor should be the natural functor
Applying it to the identity object of the category D−g(κ) (Grg(G) ), we obtain a D-module
on D−κ,g(κ) (BunG × Bung(G) ) which is nothing but the kernel we discussed above. It can
also be viewed as the qGL image of the diagonal D-module in BunG × BunG under the
qGL duality g applied along the second factor. Just as the categorical integral transform
induced by the diagonal gives rise to the identity functor, integral transforms induced by
these kernels give rise to functors taking twisted D-modules on BunG to their images on
Bung(G) under the qGL duality g.
Thus, we see that junctions between D0,1G and g(D G ) are crucial for constructing qGL
dualities. Namely, we expect the sheaves of coinvariants of the corresponding vertex algebras
give rise to the qGL kernels. This begs the question: How to build junctions between D0,1 G
G )?
and g(D0,1
4.4. Building duality kernels. A particularly powerful method for constructing junctions
G and its dual g(D G ) is using compositions of junctions [15]. More generally,
between D0,1 0,1
this method can allow us to produce many interesting junctions between boundary con-
G and
ditions which do not simultaneously admit weakly-coupled descriptions, such as D0,1
G .
In general, we will always compose junctions along boundary conditions of type NpG0 ,q0 ,
whose category of boundary lines is semisimple for generic κ. This considerably simplifies
the construction of composite vertex algebras. We leave for future work calculations in-
volving composition along other types of boundary conditions, as well as the limits of the
objects we construct to rational values of κ.
G and D G by a compo-
Thus, our basic strategy is to “resolve” the junction between D0,1 p,q
sition of junctions of the form
DpG0 =0,q0 =1 → NpG1 ,q1 → · · · → NpGn−1 ,qn−1 → DpGn =p,qn =q , (4.4)
so that each the vertex algebra corresponding to each intermediate junction is a Kac–Moody
or W-algebra.
G D G ) is then an extension of an algebra which
The resulting vertex algebra V (T, D0,1 p,q
contains two Kac–Moody subalgebras at appropriate levels, together with a sequence of
W-algebras in-between. The extension involves diagonal objects in the products of two
categories of the form KLκi (G) or KLκi (LG) for appropriate intermediate levels.
As an important example, in which we don’t have to deal with the subtleties related to
the center and the spin structures, consider the case of the simple Lie group G of type E8 ,
which is Langlands self-dual; it is simply-laced, simply-connected, and has trivial center.
Then we can interpolate between D0,1 G and D G by N G .
1,0 1,−1
• We have T −1 (D0,1
G ) = D G and T −1 (N G ) = N G . Therefore, if we apply T −1
0,1 1,0 1,−1
to the standard junction D0,1 G → N G , we obtain the junction D G → N G , and
1,0 0,1 1,−1
according to formula (3.3), the latter supports Vκ+1 (g).
• We have RS(D1,0 G ) = D G and RS(N G ) = N G . Therefore, if we apply RS
0,1 1,−1 1,−1
G → NG
to the junction D0,1 (or equivalently, RST −1 to the standard junction
G → N G ), we obtain the junction N G G
D0,1 1,0 1,−1 → D1,0 (recall that the junction arrow
is reversed under R, see formula (3.10)). The latter junction supports Vκ−1 +1 (g),
because if g = RST −1 , then g −1 (κ) = T SR(κ) = κ−1 + 1 (see formula (3.8)).
• The vertex algebra corresponding to the composite junction D0,1 G → D G is thus
the following extension of Vκ+1 (g) ⊗ Vκ−1 +1 (g):
VκG (D0,1
D1,0 )= Vλ,κ+1 ⊗ Vλ,κ−1 +1 .
λ∈P + (G)
Conjecturally, if we apply the localization functor to this composite junction vertex al-
gebra, we obtain a twisted D-module on BunG × BunG with the twists κ + 1 along the first
factor and κ−1 + 1 along the second factor, which should be the kernel of the functor of
qGL duality EG,T ST
−κ−1 corresponding to T ST from D−κ−1 (BunG ) to Dκ−1 +1 (BunG ). We will
discuss a generalization of this junction vertex algebra, and the corresponding kernel, in
Section 10.
As a more basic example, consider the composition of basic junctions from D0,1 G to N G
and from N1,0G to D G . This composition gives the vertex algebra of (twisted) chiral differ-
ential operators on G, which has V−κ (g) ⊗ Vκ (g) as a vertex subalgebra [6]. For generic κ,
it is isomorphic to a direct sum of tensor products of the Weyl modules over bg of levels −κ
and κ: M
VκG (D0,1
D0,1 )= Vλ,−κ ⊗ Vλ∗ ,κ ,
λ∈P + (G)
where λ∗ = −w0 (λ) is the highest weight of the irreducible g-module dual to the irreducible
finite-dimensional g-module with highest weight λ. For generic κ, we expect that the local-
ization of this vertex algebra is the push-forward of the diagonal in D−κ,κ (BunG × BunG ).
Thus, for generic κ, VκG (D0,1
G D G ) is the kernel of the identity functor D (Bun ) →
0,1 κ G
Dκ (BunG ), the qGL duality g = 1.
with, say, p ≥ 1 and q > 1 has an advantage over the kernel for the standard qGL duality
Sm . And once it is constructed, it can be used to construct the kernel for Sm .
For example, if G is a simply-laced, simply connected group, then we have m = 1 and
we can take p = 1, so using the relation (ST )3 = 1, we can rewrite g as ST −1 ST −q S =
T ST 1−q S. If n(LG) ≤ 2, we can further take q = 2, to obtain T ST 1−q S = T 2 ST . But the
action of T and T n( G) corresponds (up to the spin and θ-angle subtleties) to tensoring with
a line bundle on BunG and BunLG , respectively. Therefore, once we construct a kernel for
the duality g, we can construct a kernel for S = S1 as well.
5.1. The case of G = SL2 , p = q = 0. We first construct the kernel for the duality S = S1
for G = SL2 (i.e. p = q = 0). For that we take the composition of the following chain of
D0,1 → N1,0 → N0,1 → D1,0
in the bulk theory T−1/κ .
The vertex algebra corresponding to the first junction is sl b 2 of level −1/κ. The one
corresponding to the second junction is W1/κ (sl2 ) ' Wκ (sl2 ), i.e. the Virasoro algebra with
the central charge
c(κ) = 13 − 6κ − 6κ−1 ,
because N1,0 → N0,1 = R(N0,1 → N1,0 ) and −1/κ = R(1/κ). The one corresponding to the
third junction,
V−1/κ (N0,1D1,0 ) ' V−κ (D0,1N1,0 ),
b 2 of level −κ, because
which is sl
N0,1 → D1,0 = SR(D0,1 → N1,0 )
and −1/κ = SR(−κ) (see formula (3.8)). Recalling the procedure of Section 2.5 for con-
structing compositions of junction vertex algebras, we obtain that for generic κ this vertex
algebra is M
X0,0 (SL2 ) = Vr,−κ ⊗ M(r,2s),κ ⊗ V2s,−1/κ ,
where Vm,κ denotes the Weyl module over sl b 2 with highest weight m and (shifted) level κ,
and M(m,n),κ denotes the irreducible highest weight module over the Virasoro algebra with
the above central charge c(κ) and conformal dimension
1 1
h(m,n),κ = (m(m + 2)κ−1 + n(n + 2)κ) − (mn + m + n).
4 2
Thus, the conformal dimension of the highest weight vector in Vr,−κ ⊗ M(r,2s),−κ ⊗ V2s,−1/κ
1 1 1
h(r,2s),κ − r(r + 2)κ−1 − 2s(2s + 2)κ = − (2rs + r + 2s).
4 4 2
We see this vertex algebra has fields with conformal dimensions unbounded from below,
which is a drawback.
However, if we apply the localization functor to X0,0 (SL2 ) (perhaps, in the derived sense),
we obtain a D-module on BunSL2 × BunP SL2 with the twisting −κ along the first factor and
−1/κ along the second factor. According to our general conjecture, it should be a kernel of
the qGL functor corresponding to the duality transformation S:
2 ,S
: Dκ (BunSL2 ) → D−1/κ (BunP SL2 ).
5.2. The case of G = SL2 , general p, q. We now generalize this to the duality trans-
formations g = Tep S Teq with arbitrary integers p and q. Consider the following chain of
D−p,1 → N1,0 → N0,1 → D1,−q (5.1)
in the bulk theory T−1/κ .
The vertex algebra corresponding to the first junction in (5.1) is slb 2 of level 1/(p − κ) =
p −p
T (−1/κ), because D−p,1 → N1,0 = T (D0,1 → N1,0 ). The vertex algebra corresponding
e e
to the second junction is W1/κ (sl2 ) ' Wκ (sl2 ), the Virasoro algebra with the central charge
c(κ) (for the same reason as explained above). The one corresponding to the third junction,
V−1/κ (N0,1D1,−q ) ' Vκ/(qκ−1) (D0,1N1,0 ),
b 2 of level κ/(qκ − 1), because
which is sl
N0,1 → D1,−q = S Teq R(D0,1 → N1,0 )
and −1/κ = S Teq R(κ/(qκ − 1)) (see formula (3.8)). Note that q has to be even, because
Teq is a legitimate duality in the bulk theory corresponding to SL2 , or equivalently, T q is a
legitimate duality in the theory corresponding to P SL2 (ignoring θ-angle subtleties), only
if q is even (indeed, n(P SL2 ) = 2).
In the same way as above, we obtain that the corresponding vertex algebra is
Xp,q (SL2 ) = Vr,κ/(qκ−1) ⊗ M(r,2s),κ ⊗ V2s,1/(p−κ) ,
The conformal dimension of the highest weight vector in Vr,κ/(qκ−1) ⊗ M(r,2s),κ ⊗ V2s,1/(p−κ)
1 qκ − 1 1
h(r,2s),κ + r(r + 2) + 2s(2s + 2)(p − κ)
4 κ 4
1 1
= (r − 2s)2 + r(r + 2)(q − 1) + s(s + 1)(p − 1)
4 4
(note that this is always an integer if q is even). Since r, s ≥ 0, conformal dimensions are
non-negative if p, q ≥ 1, and are strictly positive, with the exception of the vacuum vector,
if in addition either p or q are positive. But since q has to be even, this is equivalent to
p ≥ 1 and q ≥ 2.
Applying the localization functor to Xp,q (SL2 ), we obtain a twisted D-module on the
product BunSL2 × BunP SL2 . The twisting is κ/(qκ − 1) along the first factor and 1/(p − κ)
along the second factor. This should be a kernel of the qGL functor corresponding to the
duality transformation Tep S Teq :
ep eq
SL2 ,T S T
Eκ/(1−qκ) : Dκ/(1−qκ) (BunSL2 ) → D1/(p−κ) (BunP SL2 ).
Note that the junction D−p,1 → D1,−q given by the composition (5.1) can be transformed
by the duality Tep to D0,1 → D1−pq,−q = Dg(0,1) , where g = Tep S Teq . Therefore constructing
the junction vertex algebra for D−p,1 → D1,−q is equivalent to constructing a junction vertex
algebra for D0,1 → Dg(0,1) . This is why we have used the same notation Xp,q (SL2 ) for this
vertex algebra as we used at the beginning of this section. And in fact, if we make a change
of variables κ 7→ κ/(qκ + 1) in the above formulas, we obtain the kernel of
2 ,g
: Dκ (BunSL2 ) → Dg(κ) (BunP SL2 ),
where g = Tep S Teq .
5.3. General case. For a general simple Lie group G with lacing number m, we consider
the composition of junctions
D−pm,1 → N1,0 → N0,1 → D1,−q
in the bulk theory T−1/mκ
G , where p ∈ n(G)Z, q ∈ n(LG)Z.
The vertex algebra corresponding to the first junction is Lbg of level 1/m(p − κ) =
Tep (−1/mκ), because D−mp,1 → N1,0 = Te−p (D0,1 → N1,0 ). The vertex algebra corre-
sponding to the second junction N1,0 → N0,1 = R(N0,1 → N1,0 ) is W1/κ (Lg) ' Wκ (g). The
vertex algebra corresponding to the third junction,
V−1/mκ (N0,1D1,−q ) ' Vκ/(mqκ−1) (D0,1N1,0 ),
g of level κ/(mqκ − 1).
is b
In the same way as before, we obtain that for generic κ the corresponding vertex algebra
is M
Xp,q (G) = Vλ∗ ,κ/(mqκ−1) ⊗ M(λ,µ∨ ),κ ⊗ Vµ∨∗ ,1/m(p−κ) . (5.2)
λ∈P + ,µ∨ ∈LP +
Here Vλ∗ ,κ denotes the Weyl module over b
g generated from the irreducible finite-dimensional
representation (Vλ )∗ of g which is dual to Vλ . Since (Vλ )∗ ' V−w0 (λ) , we find that λ∗ =
−w0 (λ). The weight µ∨∗ of Lg is defined similarly.
Recall from formula (3.12) that we denote by M(λ,µ∨ ),κ (g) the Wκ (g)-module
M(λ,µ∨ ),κ (g) = HDS,µ∨ (Vλ,κ ).
The conformal dimension of its highest weight vector is (see [21])
1 κ
h(λ,µ∨ ),κ = (λ, λ + 2ρ) + (µ∨ , µ∨ + 2ρ∨ ) − hλ, µ∨ i − hρ, µ∨ i − hλ, ρ∨ i. (5.3)
2κ 2
We use the invariant inner product (·, ·)h∗ on h∗ = P ⊗ C normalized so that the square
length of the maximal root of g is equal to 2. This inner product enables us to identify
h∗ with h = (Lh)∗ = LP ⊗ C. We denote the image of µ∨ ∈ LP ⊂ h in h∗ under this
identification by the same symbol. In particular, the ith simple root of Lg is identified with
2αi /(αi , αi ) ∈ h∗ .
In formula (5.3), (µ∨ , µ∨ ) stands for the square length (µ∨ , µ∨ )h∗ of µ∨ ∈ h∗ . Note that
it is also equal to m times the square length (µ∨ , µ∨ )(Lh)∗ of this element with respect to the
invariant inner product on (·, ·)(Lh)∗ normalized so that the square length of the maximal
root of Lg is equal to 2. That’s why formula (5.3) stays invariant if we exchange g and Lg
and replace κ by 1/mκ (and not 1/κ).
We also use the canonical pairing
h·, ·i : P × LP → Z,
and the standard notation ρ and ρ∨ for the elements of P and LP , respectively, such that
hρ, αi∨ i = 1 and hαi , ρ∨ i = 1 for all i.
Conformal dimensions of the highest weight vectors of Vλ∗ ,κ/(mqκ−1) and Vµ∨∗ ,1/m(p−κ)
coincide with those of Vλ,κ/(mqκ−1) and Vµ∨ ,1/m(p−κ) , respectively, and are equal to
mqκ − 1 1 mq
(λ, λ + 2ρ) = − + (λ, λ + 2ρ)
2κ 2κ 2
m(p − κ) ∨ ∨ κ p
(µ , µ + 2ρ∨ )(Lh)∗ = − + (µ∨ , µ∨ + 2ρ∨ ),
2 2 2
respectively. Therefore conformal dimension of the highest weight vector of the (λ, µ∨ )-term
of the vertex algebra (5.2) is equal to
1 mq − 1
(λ − µ∨ , λ − µ∨ ) + (λ, λ) + (mq(λ, ρ) − hλ, ρ∨ i)
2 2
p−1 ∨ ∨
+ (µ , µ ) + (p(µ∨ , ρ∨ ) − hρ, µ∨ i).
The first term is always non-negative, the second and third terms are non-negative (resp.
strictly positive) if q ≥ 1 (resp. q > 1), and the fourth and fifth terms are non-negative
(resp. strictly positive) if p ≥ 1 (resp. p > 1).
We conclude that conformal dimensions in Xp,q (G) are bounded from below (in fact,
are non-negative) if and only if p, q ≥ 1. Furthermore, they are strictly positive, with the
exception of the vacuum vector (which appears in the r = s = 0 sector) if in addition either
p or q is greater than 1.
Applying the localization functor to Xp,q (G), we obtain a twisted D-module on the
product BunG × BunLG . The twisting is κ/(mqκ − 1) along the first factor and 1/m(p − κ)
along the second factor. This should be a kernel of the qGL functor corresponding to the
duality transformation Tep S Teq :
ep eq
κ/(1−mqκ) : Dκ/(1−mqκ) (BunG ) → D1/m(p−κ) (BunLG ).
Making a change of variables, we can rewrite it as the kernel of
κ : Dκ (BunG ) → Dg(κ) (BunLG ),
and conformal blocks appeared previously in [52, 56, 34, 41, 35, 36, 8]. A new ingredient is
identifying, under some mild conditions, the compactification functor with the localization
functor for a junction vertex algebra (up to tensoring with a line bundle on BunG ).
6.1. Branes associated to boundary conditions. In their pioneering work [52], Ka-
pustin and Witten introduced and studied the categories of A- and B-branes on MH (G, X)
and MH (LG, X), and the equivalence (homological mirror symmetry) between them that
is a consequence of the S-duality of the 4d gauge theories T0G and T∞G (in the notation
introduced in Section 3). In particular, they studied the following branes, which can be
viewed as A- or B-branes in each of the three complex structures of the Hitchin moduli
spaces, relative to the hyperKäler structure described in [52]:
(i) The zero-branes BE – supported at a single (smooth) point E of MH (LG, X), each
of them has type (B, B, B);
(ii) Pairs (Fb , ∇), where Fb is a smooth fiber table of the Hitchin fibration of MH (G, X)
and a ∇ is a flat U (1)-bundle on it – these are mirror dual to the zero-branes BE
from (i) and have type (B, A, A).
(iii) The canonical coisotropic brane Bc.c. – it is supported on the entire MH (G, X) and
has type (A, B, A);
(iv) The space-filling (B, B, B) brane B
e on MH (LG, X);
(v) The brane of opers BOp – it is supported on the subspace of LG-opers in MH (LG, X),
has type (A, B, A), and is mirror dual to Bc.c. from (iii);
(vi) The (B, A, A) brane Bcl.Op of “classical opers” (also known as the Hitchin’s section)
on MH (G, X) – it is mirror dual to the space-filling (B, B, B) brane Be from (iv).
To make contact with the formalism of the previous section, we note that to each half-BPS
boundary condition B in the physical 4d theory we can associate a topological boundary
condition in the TκG theory with κ = 0 or ∞. One can also associate to it two families of
branes on the Hitchin moduli space MH (G): one corresponds to κ = ∞ and consists of
(B, B, B) branes; the other corresponds to κ = 0 and consists of (B, A, A) branes. They
arise from two different types of compactifications of the 4d theory on the Riemann surface
X, preserving two different SO(3) subgroups of the group SO(6) of R-symmetries of the 4d
theory (this is explained in detail in [35, 36]).
For a generic B, this is the end of the story. But for some special boundary conditions,
one of the two types of branes deform to other values of κ. If a brane does deform, then
the deformed brane always has type (A, B, A).
In the above table, the only branes that can be deformed are (iv) and (vi). The former,
the (B, B, B) brane B, e deforms to the (A, B, A) brane Bc.c. from (iii). The latter, the
(B, A, A) brane Bcl.Op , deforms to the (A, B, A) brane BOp from (v).
Table 3 organizes the branes according to the boundary conditions to which they are
associated (we only consider the basic ones: Dirichlet, Neumann, and principal Nahm).
Note that three of the branes in the middle column, namely, (i), (iv) and (vi), appeared
in the above list; as did two of the branes in the rightmost column: (iii) and (v). The branes
(Fb , ∇) from (ii) correspond to the dual of the (B, B, B) Dirichlet boundary conditions from
(i) and hence do not appear in our table.
Although the (B, B, B) Dirichlet and their duality images are not the κ → q/p limits of
the Dp,q boundary conditions which exist for generic κ, the vertex algebra technology can
still be used to explore their properties. We will comment on this observation only briefly
here, in Section 6.7, and leave a more detailed discussion to future work.
Now we give more details on the branes appearing in Table 3.
6.1.1. Dirichlet boundary condition. In this case, the (B, B, B) branes are the zero-branes
BE which appeared in [52]. They cannot be deformed away from κ = ∞ (this can be seen
from the fact that the deformation of MH (LG) away from κ = ∞ is non-commutative, so
points of MH (LG) no longer make sense). Likewise, the branes (Fb , ∇), supported on the
fibers of the Hitchin fibration, which are mirror dual to the zero-branes BE , as shown in
[52]. They cannot be deformed away from κ = 0.
The (B, A, A) branes associated to the Dirichlet boundary condition are the branes FP
on MH (G), where P is a semi-stable G-bundle on X. Recall that in the complex structure
I the Hitchin moduli space is identified with the moduli space of semi-stable Higgs bundles
on X. Hence it contains as an open subspace the holomorphic cotangent bundle to the
moduli space M(G, X) of semi-stable G-bundles. The brane FP is supported on the fiber
of this cotangent bundle at P (this map was called “the second Hitchin fibration” in [52]
to distinguish it from the Hitchin map to the Hitchin base). Note that since these fibers
are vector spaces, they do not support any non-trivial flat connections. Each brane FP has
type (B, A, A).
The branes FP can be deformed away from κ = 0 to the (A, B, A) branes which we denote
by FP0 . These are constructed in a similar fashion, but using the complex structure J, in
which MH (G, X) appears as the moduli space of semi-stable flat G-bundles on X. Then
an open part of MH (G, X) also maps to M(G, X), and the fibers of this map give rise to a
second family of branes, which we denote by FP0 , where again P ∈ M(G, X) (these are affine
spaces, hence they do not support any non-trivial flat connections). Note that the fibers
of this map are different from the fibers of the previous map, and hence the branes FP0 are
different from FP .
The κ-twisted D-modules on BunG associated to the above “fiber branes” are the δ-
function D-modules δPκ discussed in the previous section. More precisely, FP corresponds
to δP0 for κ = 0 and FP0 corresponds to δPκ for κ 6= 0.
Unlike the branes that are mirror dual to the (B, B, B) zero-branes BE , which have
been described in [52] in the case when E is a smooth point of MH (LG, X) (these are the
branes (Fb , ∇) from supported on the fibers of the first Hitchin fibration), the mirror dual
branes to the (B, A, A) branes FP , and to their deformations FP0 , are rather complicated,
and no explicit description for them is presently known (apart from a small number of
cases, including that of abelian G). However, as we argue in this paper, we can construct
vertex algebras which give rise to the twisted D-modules corresponding to these complicated
branes using the localization functor to BunG .
6.1.2. Neumann boundary condition. Then the (B, B, B) branes are the space-filling brane
e and its generalizations B
e xi ,λi obtained by applying the Wilson line operators correspond-
ing to the dominant integral weights λi of G at the points xi ∈ X to B. e These (B, B, B)
xi ,λi
branes deform to the (A, B, A) brane Bc.c and its generalizations Bc.c on MH (LG, X)
away from κ = ∞. The corresponding twisted D-modules on BunLG are Dκ (whose limit
as κ → ∞ can be identified with the structure sheaf on LocLG , the moduli stack of flat
LG-bundles on X) and its generalizations Dxi ,λi .
A Neumann-type brane that does not deform is the (B, A, A) brane B0 which is the zero
section of the cotangent bundle T ∗ M(G, X) ⊂ MH (G, X).
6.1.3. Nahm boundary condition. In this case the (B, A, A) branes are the brane Bcl.Op
x ,µ∨
of “classical opers” on MH (G, X) and its generalizations Bcl.Op i i
obtained by applying the
’t Hooft line operators corresponding to the dominant integral coweights µ∨ i of G at the
points xi ∈ X to Bcl.Op . These (B, A, A) brane (for the group G) are mirror dual to
the (B, B, B) branes B e xi ,µ∨i (for the group LG), which is consistent with the fact that the
category CG0 (N0,1 ) is S-dual to C∞ (N1,0 ).
The (B, A, A) brane Bcl.Op deforms away from κ = 0 to the (A, B, A) brane of opers BOp
x ,µ∨ x ,µ∨
on MH (G, X), and the branes Bcl.Op
i i
deform to the (A, B, A) branes BOp
i i
. Note that for
x ,µ∨
generic κ there are no bulk ’t Hooft operators, so BOp
i i
cannot be obtained by applying ’t
Hooft operators to BOp .
x ,µ∨
The κ-twisted D-modules on BunG associated to the branes BOp
i i
are the Whittaker
x ,µ∨
sheaves Ψκi i(see Section 3.2, Example (iii)).
This is consistent with the fact that the category CG G
κ (N0,1 ) = Whit−κ (G) is S-dual to
C−1/mκ G ) = KL
(N1,0 −1/mκ . The corresponding functor
: Dκ (BunG ) → D−1/mκ (BunLG )
x ,µ∨ x ,µ∨
should send the Whittaker sheaves Ψκi i
to the −1/mκ-twisted D-modules D−1/mκ
i i
x ,µ∨
BunLG corresponding to the (A, B, A) brane Bc.c.
i i
Finally, the Nahm-type brane that does not deform (which is mirror dual of the above
“zero section” Neumann-type (B, A, A) brane) should involve a Nahm pole of additional
fields σ and σ that appear in the dimensional reduction of the 4d gauge theory but are not
usually included among the degrees of freedom of the Hitchin moduli space, see [52, 39, 40]
(this boundary condition appears to be related to the Arthur’s SL2 in the classical Langlands
correspondence, see Sect. 6.2 of [25]). It cannot be deformed away from κ = ∞, just as its
mirror dual “zero section” Neumann-type (B, A, A) brane cannot be deformed away from
κ = 0. This actually provides an important insight into the expected behavior of the qGL
duality functors EG,g
κ , see Remark 6.1 below.
6.2. Branes vs. D-modules. In [52], Kapustin and Witten described a link between
the geometric Langlands correspondence and mirror symmetry of categories of branes on
the Hitchin moduli spaces MH (G, X) and MH (LG, X) in terms of the following triangle of
B-branes on M(LG, X)
D0 -modules on BunG
Here B-branes on M(LG, X) are considered in the complex structure J, in which M(LG, X)
is viewed as the moduli space Y(LG) of semi-stable LG-local systems on X. This category is
usually interpreted mathematically as the (derived) category of coherent sheaves on Y(LG).
Hence it is closely related to the (derived) category of coherent sheaves (or, equivalently,
O-modules) on LocLG , the moduli stack of flat LG-bundles on X. For example, the two
categories share some familiar objects: zero-branes BE on M(LG, X) (example (i) from Sec-
tion 6.1) correspond to the skyscraper sheaves on LocLG , and the space filling B-brane on
M(LG, X) (example (iv) from Section 6.1) corresponds to the structure sheaf on LocLG .
However, there are two important differences between the two categories: first, LocLG is
the moduli stack of flat LG-bundles on X, whereas MH (LG, X) in complex structure J is
the moduli space Y(LG) of semi-stable ones. Second, from the physics perspective it is more
natural to consider coherent sheaves on Y(LG) with respect to its complex analytic rather
than algebraic structure, whereas in the traditional formulation of the geometric Langlands
correspondence one considers algebraic O-modules on LocLG (see however, [18]).
The upper arrow in the diagram (6.1) represents the (homological) mirror symmetry,
while the lower arrow represents the geometric Langlands correspondence (up to the above
two subtleties).
The vertical arrow linking the two should be viewed, according to [52], as an equivalence
of two (derived) categories that is independent from both mirror symmetry and geometric
Langlands. Rather, it is meant to be a special case of a general link between the (derived)
categories of D-modules on a variety M (twisted by a square root of the canonical line bundle
on M ) and A-branes on its cotangent bundle T ∗ M (indeed, MH (G) is closely connected to
T ∗ BunG ). We refer the reader to [52] for more details.
The picture summarized above corresponds to the case of κ = 0 on the G-side and κ̌ = ∞
on the LG-side of the geometric Langlands correspondence. In [52], a deformation of this
picture to non-zero values of κ was considered as well. In this deformation, one gets a link
between the κ-deformed version of the above categorical mirror symmetry and a quantum
deformation of the geometric Langlands duality.
This is a beautiful idea that has led to important developments in mathematics aiming
at rigorously establishing equivalences of this kind between categories of A-branes and D-
modules (or constructible sheaves). However, in the context of the above diagram there still
remain several obstacles to making a precise mathematical statement about such an equiv-
alence. One of them is the difference between the variety MH (G) and the stack T ∗ BunG .
The other is that in order to have an equivalence between the categories connected by the
lower arrow one needs to modify one of these categories in a non-trivial way (see [5, 19] for
Thus, while the diagram (6.1) offers a useful perspective on the links between S-duality
(or mirror symmetry) and geometric Langlands, the technical difficulties involved in making
it mathematically precise encourages one to look for alternative proposals.
In this paper we make such an proposal. We show how to use a junction of a given
boundary condition B with the Dirichlet boundary condition (in the bulk theory TκG ) to
directly construct the compactification functor from the category of line defects associated
to B to a category of κ-twisted D-modules on BunG , bypassing the categories of branes.
Thus, at the outset, we consider the boundary conditions and the corresponding categories
of line defects separately from one other. A priori, we only expect that the groupoid
of quantum dualities of the 4d gauge theory acts by equivalences on the categories of line
defects associated to B. The corresponding functors on the categories of twisted D-modules
on BunG arise a posteriori, as functors that should intertwine the compactification functors.
A priori there is no reason to expect these functors to be equivalences (and in fact we only
expect that to be true for generic κ). This understanding removes seeming inconsistencies
between the statements that are made in 4d gauge theory and in the mathematical theory
of quantum geometric Langlands duality (see Remark 6.1 at the end of the next subsection
for more details).
6.3. From boundary conditions to twisted D-modules. The starting point of our
proposal is that for each boundary condition B, we have the category of line defects CG
κ (B)
associated to B in the bulk theory TκG . At the outset, we look at these categories sep-
arately (rather than considering all boundary conditions and the corresponding line de-
fects together). For each B, we then construct a compactification functor from CG κ (B) to
Dκ (BunG ), using a junction D0,1 → B from the Dirichlet boundary condition to B.
The Dirichlet boundary condition plays a fundamental role in 4d gauge theory. In fact,
one could argue that it is only after we specify this boundary condition that we fix the
gauge group Gc of our theory (and hence its complexification G). For the class of twisted
gauge theories we are considering, this means that identifying our 4d gauge theory with a
specific theory TκG .
The traditional approach is to first define TκG in the weak coupling limit (corresponding
to κ close to 0), and then argue that it can be analytically continued to other values of κ.
But we find that among the resulting theories, there are many equivalences given by the
duality groupoid (see Section 3.3). Therefore, a more fruitful point of view might be that
each orbit of the duality groupoid gives rise to a single quantum field theory that has many
different Lagrangian descriptions (each of them corresponding to a particular weak coupling
limit, for a suitably chosen parameter κ). Thus, for example, we see that the gauge group
of the theory is not really a well-defined object in a theory; rather, it is a pair of Langlands
dual groups that is well-defined (if we include discrete θ-angles, then we get an even larger
set of groups, though all of them belong to the isogeny classes of G and LG).
To summarize, given a quantum 4d gauge theory, we have a choice which boundary
condition (among many potential candidates) to call the Dirichlet boundary condition D0,1 G
of our theory. This choice implies a particular Lagrangian (weakly coupled) description,
and hence an identification of the theory as TκG for particular G and κ.
Now, suppose we have declared our choice of D0,1 G (which includes the choice of the
corresponding group G). The Dirichlet boundary condition D0,1 G has a special property:
it has a global symmetry group, which is nothing but the gauge group Gc of the theory
TκG . This allows us to couple this boundary condition to a background G-bundle on the
boundary. If the boundary is the product of a Riemann surface X and a real line, then
given another boundary condition B together with a line defect (i.e. an object A of CG κ (B)),
we obtain a family of vector spaces HB P (A) labeled by P ∈ Bun G . We then argue on general
grounds of TFT that these vector spaces must be fibers of a κ-twisted D-module on BunG ,
or more generally an object of the derived category Dκ (BunG ). For simplicity, we refer to
all of them simply as κ-twisted D-modules on BunG .
Thus, we assign to B and A a κ-twisted D-module on BunG , and this construction gives
rise to the compactification functor from CG κ (B) to Dκ (BunG ).
Let us explain this more precisely. What follows may be viewed a motivation from
the 4d gauge theory perspective. We will give a rigorous mathematical definition of the
compactification functor (under a few assumptions) in Section 6.5 below.
(1) Let B be a boundary condition in the theory TκG and X a Riemann surface. Con-
sider the 4d theory TκG on the product of X and an infinite strip, with the Dirichlet
boundary condition D0,1 G on one side and B on the other side. Then couple the
(2) Consider the same configuration as above, but with a line defect corresponding to
an object A of the category CG
κ (B) on the boundary of the strip on which we have
the boundary condition B. Denote the corresponding space of states, in the limit
when the width of the strip goes to zero, by HB P (A). Then, for the same reason as
in (1), we expect that HP (A) are the fibers of a κ-twisted D-module on BunG . We
denote this D-module by FκG,B (A).
Remark 6.1. Note that from the point of view of 4d gauge theory, we can only claim that
the essential images of the compactification functors FκG,B and Fg(κ) for a fixed bound-
ary condition B are equivalent. A priori, there is no claim that the categories Dκ (BunG )
and Dg(κ) (Bung(G) ) are equivalent. On general grounds, we do expect an equivalence be-
tween the categories of 1d boundary conditions in the compactified 2d theories TκG [X] and
Tg(κ) [X], but it is not clear that the category TκG [X] coincides with Dκ (BunG ). In general,
some of the D-modules may have to be excluded because of various subtleties with the
definition of the theory TκG [X]. On the other hand, some 1d boundary conditions may not
correspond to any D-modules on BunG .
For generic κ, we expect that Dκ (BunG ) is equivalent to the category TκG [X]. Therefore,
for generic κ we expect that each functor EG,gκ is an equivalence of categories.
For rational values of κ, however, we expect that TκG [X] is different from Dκ (BunG ).
Perhaps, a part of it can be described as a certain “tempered” subcategory of Dκ (BunG ).
This is motivated by the observation that in the 4d gauge theory there are additional fields,
denoted by σ and σ in [52], that appear to take care of the parameters for non-tempered D-
modules. For example, the “constant” D-module in D0 (BunG ) corresponds to the principal
Nahm pole for the fields σ and σ (see Section 6.1.3 and [25]). But these fields represent
additional degrees of freedom in the dual theory, which suggests that if we only consider
boundary conditions in the dual theory in which these fields are set to 0, then we must also
exclude the “constant” D-module on BunG , which is a non-tempered object of the category
D0 (BunG ) [5, 19].
to tensoring with a power of the line bundle LG on BunG ). In order to explain this, we first
recall the concepts of coinvariants, conformal blocks, and the localization functor.
6.4. Generalities on conformal blocks and localization functors. Here we recall the
notions of localization functors, conformal blocks, and coinvariants (see [27], Ch. 18 for
details; for a brief survey aimed at physicists, see Sect. 7 of [24]).
Let V be a vertex algebra and Ag,n the category whose objects are (X, (xi ), (Mi )), where
(X, (xi )i=1,...,n ) is an n-punctured compact Riemann surface (more generally, a stable n-
pointed curve) and (Mi )i=1,...,n is an ordered set of V -modules (we think of each Mi as
attached to the point xi ), and morphisms are holomorphic maps. Recall [61] that a modular
functor H is a functor from the category Ag,n to the category of vector spaces:
(X, (xi ), (Mi )) 7→ HV (X, (xi ), (Mi )), (6.4)
satisfying the well-known “sewing axiom” (see [61] for details). The vector space on the
right hand side of (6.4) is the space of coinvariants, which is dual to the space of conformal
blocks (see [27, 24] for the precise definition of these spaces for any vertex algebra and a
given collection (X, (xi ), (Mi )) as above).
Next, suppose that V is a vertex algebra containing as a subalgebra the vertex algebra
Vκ (b
g) of an affine Kac–Moody algebra b g. In this case, we will say that V has b g-symmetry
of level κ. Then the space of coinvariants HV (X, (xi ), (Mi )) (as well as its dual) may be
twisted by an arbitrary G-bundle P on X (see [27, 24]).
For instance, let V = Vκ (g), the affine Kac–Moody algebra b g of (shifted) level κ. Then
the ordinary (untwisted) space of coinvariants is the quotient
H(X, (xi ), (Mi )) = ⊗i Mi / (gout · ⊗i Mi ) ,
gout = g ⊗ C[X\{x1 , . . . , xn }]
(it is viewed as a Lie subalgebra in the direct sum of n copies of b g with their centers
identified). Its dual space is the ordinary space of conformal blocks:
C(X, (xi ), (Mi )) = Homgout (⊗i Mi , C) ,
Now let P be a G-bundle on X. Then we define the space of P-twisted coinvariants as
H P (X, (xi ), (Mi )) = ⊗i Mi / gPout · ⊗i Mi ,
gPout = H 0 (X\{x1 , . . . , xn }, P × g).
Its dual space is the space of P-twisted conformal blocks:
CP (X, (xi ), (Mi )) = HomgP (⊗i Mi , C) ,
For a general vertex algebra V , to obtain the space of coinvariants (or conformal blocks),
we take the quotient (or take invariant functionals) with respect to a larger Lie algebra, en-
compassing all Ward identifies of all fields of the vertex algebra V . If V has b
g-symmetry, then
this Lie subalgebra can be twisted by a G-bundle P on X. This way, we obtain the P-twisted
spaces of coinvariants and conformal blocks, HVP (X, (xi ), (Mi )) and CPV (X, (xi ), (Mi )), see
[27]. Thus, we obtain a modular functor HVP , and its conformal blocks version CPV , for each
G-bundle P. It is natural to call it a P-twist of H (or C).
As shown in [27], if the modules Mi are such that the action of the Lie subalgebra g[[z]]
g extends to the group G[[z]], then the spaces of P-twisted coinvariants are fibers (or
of b
stalks) of a naturally defined κ-twisted D-module on BunG . This κ-twisted D-module is
obtained by applying the so-called localization functor ∆κ to ⊗i Mi .
More generally, suppose that the action of the Lie subalgebra z mi g[[z]] of b g extends to
the corresponding subgroup of G[[z]], for some mi ≥ 0. Then we obtain a twisted D-module
on BunG,(xi ),(mi ) , the moduli stack classifying the data (P, (ηi )), where P is a G-bundle on
X and ηi is a trivialization of P on the (mi − 1)st formal neighborhood of the point xi . If
Mi is a highest weight b g-module (or a module from the category O), then we can replace
the trivialization of the fiber Pxi of P at xi (which corresponds to the case mi = 1) by a
parabolic structure, that is a reduction of Pxi to a Borel subgroup of G. In this paper,
we restrict ourselves to the case mi = 0, so our localization functors takes values in the
category of κ-twisted D-modules on BunG = BunG,(xi ),(0) .
Now recall (see, e.g., [53, 47]) that for a twisted D-module R on a smooth manifold Z,
the stalk of D at a point p ∈ Z is defined as
i∗p (R) = R ⊗ Cp ,
where Cp is the skyscraper sheaf supported at p; that is, the OZ -module Cp = OZ /mp ,
where mp is the sheaf of functions vanishing at p.
We can rewrite this as follows:
i∗p (R) = R ⊗ δp ,
The functor is right exact. One can show that the left derived functor of i∗p is equivalent
to the right derived functor of the functor i!p coupled with cohomological shift by − dim Z,
i!p (R) = HomOZ (Cp , R) = HomDZ (δp , R).
We will ignore this cohomological shift.
If the category of D-modules on Z twisted by the square root of the canonical line bundle
on Z is equivalent to the category of A-branes on T ∗ Z, then the latter Hom can be described
as a Hom in the category of A-branes on T ∗ Z (and similarly, for the categories of twisted
D-modules). And that’s because under such an equivalence, the A-brane corresponding to
the D-module δp to be Fp , the fiber of T ∗ Z over p ∈ Z. So, if B is the A-brane corresponding
to the D-module R, then we find that isomorphic to
Hom(δp , R) ' Hom(Fp , B) (6.5)
up to a shift of cohomological degrees. (We will ignore this cohomological shift as well.)
Therefore, for a semi-stable G-bundle P we can compare the space of P-twisted coinvari-
ants with a Hom of A branes (with respect to the symplectic structure ωK ):
HP (X, (xi ), (Mi )) = Hom(δP , ∆ (⊗i Mi )) ' Hom(FP , B),
if B is the A-brane on MH (G) corresponding to the D-module ∆ (⊗i Mi ) obtained by location
functor from ⊗i Mi .
This shows that the branes FP can be used to link the spaces of P-twisted coinvariants
and Hom’s in the categories of D-modules and A-branes.
If our D-module is holonomic (i.e. all of its fibers are finite-dimensional), we can express
the dual space to the space of coinvariants, the space of P-twisted conformal blocks, as a
Hom between D-modules in the opposite direction (and without any cohomological shift):
CPV (X, (xi ), (Mi )) ' Hom(∆ (⊗i Mi ) , δP ).
Alternatively, we can write it in terms of the corresponding A-brane B, which in this case
should be Lagrangian:
CPV (X, (xi ), (Mi )) ' Hom(B, FP ).
Similarly, we can use the branes FP0 away from the critical level.
6.5. Construction of the compactification functor as a localization functor. Recall
that we denote by D0,1G the Dirichlet boundary condition in the 4d gauge theory T G . Let B
be another boundary condition in the same theory. Suppose that we have a specific junction
G → B which is non-degenerate in the sense described in Section 2.2. Then, according
to the general formalism, we have the junction vertex algebra VκG (D0,1
G B). From the point
of view of the strip geometry discussed in Section 6.3, the vertex algebra VκG (D0,1
G B) is
a “boundary chiral algebra” of the 3d TFT. On general grounds, we should expect a close
relationship between the spaces of conformal blocks of this boundary chiral algebra and
the spaces of states HB P (A) of the TFT discussed above. In this subsection, we use this
idea to give a mathematically rigorous definition of the compactification functor FκG,B as a
localization functor, under specific assumptions.
To motivate it, recall that in Section 6.3 we have argued that the vector spaces HB P (A)
should be fibers of a κ-twisted D-module on BunG , which we then took as Fκ (A). On
the other hand, as explained in Section 3.7, we expect that VκG (D0,1
G B) contains the affine
Kac–Moody algebra b 0 0
g of level κ such that κ − κ = n(G) · m for some m ∈ Z. Recall also
that should be a functor
G B : Dκ (GrG ) Cκ (B) → Vκ (D0,1B) -mod .
Fκ,D (6.6)
We now make a list of concrete assumptions that we expect this functor to satisfy:
(i) The functor Fκ,D G B is fully faithful (in other words, the junction D0,1 → B is
If this is the case, then slightly abusing notation, we will identify the image of
I CGκ (B) under the functor (6.6) with Cκ (B). Here I is the identity object of
F ∈ Dκ (GrG ), A ∈ CG
κ (B) 7→ F ? A, (6.7)
where ? denotes the convolution functor [29], which is well-defined because A is a
g, G[[z]]) Harish-Chandra module under the previous assumption (if κ 6= κ0 , we
tensor F with an appropriate line bundle on GrG to make it into a Dκ0 -module
before applying the convolution functor). Note that formula (6.7) coincides with
G .
formula (3.11) in the case B = N1,0
In order to show that these two spaces should indeed be isomorphic under our assumptions
(i)-(iii), consider formula (6.7) in the case that F = δp , the δ-function twisted D-module
corresponding to a point p ∈ GrG = G((z))/G[[z]]. Let pe be a lift of p to G((z)). Then for
any (b g, G[[z]]) Harish-Chandra module M , we have
δp ? M ' pe∗ (M ). (6.9)
where for a b g-module M and an element h ∈ G((z)), we denote by h∗ (M ) the b g-module
on which the action of b
g is modified by Adh . Note that if the action of the Lie subalgebra
g on M extends to an action of the corresponding group G[[z]], then h∗1 (M ) ' h∗2 (M )
g[[z]] ⊂ b
if the images of h1 and h2 in GrG coincide. That’s why the right hand side of (6.9) does
not depend on the lift of p to G((z)).
By our assumptions (ii) and (iii), the right hand side of (6.9) describes the image of
δp ⊗ M under the functor (6.6).
Recall that if G is simple, then BunG ' G(X\x)\G((z))/G[[z]]. Let p be a lift of P ∈ BunG
to GrG = G((z))/G[[z]], and pe a lift of p to G((z)). We can think of pe as a transition function
on the punctured disc around x. If we glue the trivial bundles on the disc and on X\x
using this transition function, we obtain the G-bundle P on X. (As explained in Section
3.2, the compactification functor Fκ 0,1 sends δp , p ∈ GrG , to δP , where P is the image of
p in BunG = G(X\x)\ GrG .)
The definition of twisted coinvariants readily implies that the space of P-twisted coin-
variants of A is the same as the space of untwisted coinvariants of pe∗ (A), which is δp ? A by
formula (6.9). Hence
HVP G (DG (X, x, A) ' HVκG (DG (X, x, δp ? A). (6.10)
κ 0,1 →B) 0,1 →B)
Now, according to assumption (ii) and formula (6.7), Conjecture 3.1 states that we have
an isomorphism
HVκG (DG →B) (X, x, δp ? A) ' Hom(δP , FκG,B (A)). (6.11)
Combining the isomorphisms (6.10) and (6.11), we find that the fibers at P of the two
sides of (6.8) should indeed be isomorphic:
Hom(δP , FκG,B (A)) ' HVP G (DG (X, x, A). (6.12)
κ 0,1 →B)
Thus, the fibers of the two sides of (6.8) are indeed isomorphic.
Since ∆κ0 (A) is a κ0 -twisted D-module on BunG , and FκG,B (A) is a κ-twisted D-module,
in light of (6.12), this naturally leads us to stipulate that
FκG,B (A) = ∆κ0 (A) ⊗ L⊗m
G ,
where m = (κ − κ0 )/n(G) ∈ Z. This motivates the definition (6.8).
G → B with different vertex algebras associated
Since there could be multiple junctions D0,1
to them, for this definition to be correct, we need the following:
Conjecture 6.1. For any two junctions D0,1 G → B such that the corresponding functors
D-modules on BunG .
Remark 6.2. The isomorphism (6.10), translated into the language of 4d gauge theory,
means that we can obtain the space of states HB P (A) in the strip geometry discussed in
Section 6.4 in two ways: the first is by coupling the Dirichlet boundary condition to a G-
bundle P on X; and the second is by adding the line defect corresponding to δp , where p is
a lifting of P ∈ BunG to GrG , at the boundary. This makes perfect sense because this line
defect has the effect of changing the trivial G-bundle on X to a bundle obtained by gluing
the trivial G-bundles on the disc around x and X\x using as the transition function, an
element pe of G((z)) defined as above.
However, there is a subtle but important difference between these two procedures of
obtaining the space HB P (A): When we obtain it by coupling the Dirichlet boundary condition
to the G-bundle P, as described in Section 6.4, we automatically obtain a natural action on
HP (A) of the group Aut(P) of automorphisms of the G-bundle P on X. On the other hand,
if we instead insert the line defect δp , we obtain the same vector space, but we forget the
action of Aut(P). If we want these spaces to combine into a twisted D-module on BunG ,
however, the information about the action of Aut(P) must be included, so we have to use
the first procedure.
Likewise, the group Aut(P) acts naturally on the space HVP G (DG →B) (X, x, A) of P-twisted
κ 0,1
coinvariants (which appears in our definition of the compactification functor as the local-
ization functor) but doesn’t acts on the space HVκG (DG →B) (X, x, δp ? A).
Remark 6.3. Roughly speaking, the reason we are able to assign twisted D-modules on
BunG to line defects associated to a boundary condition B is that there is a family of line
defects associated to the Dirichlet boundary condition parametrized by points of BunG .
What about the Neumann and Nahm boundary conditions? At first glance, the above con-
struction can’t be generalized to them because their standard line defects are parametrized
by discrete data (integral weights or coweights of G). However, we actually do have a con-
tinuous parameter for those line defects as well; namely, the point x of the Riemann surface
X at which we insert a junction from one of these boundary conditions to B. Unlike the
Dirichlet case, for which varying x does not change the compactification functor, in the
Nahm and Neumann cases it does change. Therefore, using a variant of the above argu-
ments, we obtain D-modules on X. More generally, by considering multiple points, we can
obtain D-modules on the spaces of P + - or LP + -valued divisors on X. These D-modules
can probably be glued together into D-modules on the corresponding Ran spaces.
6.6. A simple test. Consider the vertex algebra associated to the junction
N1,0 → D0,1 = R(D0,1 → N1,0 )
in the bulk theory T−κ G . According to formula (3.10), this vertex algebra is V (b
κ g). Let
us take the identity object in the category of line defects CG −κ (N G ) and the δ-function
D-modules δp , p ∈ GrG in CG −κ (D G ). Applying to them the compactification functors, we
obtain the sheaf of κ-twisted differential operators Dκ and the δ-function D-modules δP
on BunG . According to Conjecture 3.1 and the discussion of Section 6.5, we expect an
H P (X, x, Vκ (g)) ' HomDκ (Dκ , δP ). (6.13)
To show that this isomorphism indeed holds, observe that the right hand side is noth-
ing but the space of sections of δP , which we will denote by Γ(δP ). On the other hand,
HP (X, x, Vk (g)) is also isomorphic to Γ(δP ). The proof of this fact (see, e.g., [27], Ch. 18)
is straightforward: the tangent space to BunG at P is isomorphic to
TP BunG ' gPout \g((z))/g[[z]], (6.14)
a flat LG-bundle. Conjecturally, V (T [G]) can be obtained in this fashion even when T [G]
is not directly known.
More generally, vertex algebras of the form VκG (D1,0
G B) tend to have a very nice κ → 0
behaviour [35, 36, 15, 14]: up to some rescalings the OPE have a finite limit giving rise
to a vertex algebra V0G (B), with the level Lκ of Kac–Moody currents for LG replaced by a
classical holomorphic connection for LG. Again, this allows conformal blocks of V0G (B) to
be twisted by a flat LG-bundle. We expect the D-module of coinvariants of V0G (B) to be
the Geometric Langland dual of the D-module of coinvariants of V0G (D0,1 G B). We hope to
Theorem 6.2.
(1) HP (X, x, Vρ ) = 0 for all P ∈ BunG , unless the LG-oper ρ extends from the disc Dx to
the entire curve X.
(2) If ρ does extend to an LG-oper on X, then the critically twisted D-module on BunG
∆0 (Vρ ), whose stalks are the spaces of coinvariants HP (X, x, Vρ ) is a Hecke eigensheaf whose
eigenvalue is the flat LG-bundle on X defined by this oper.
The two perspectives on Hecke eigensheaves will agree if HP (X, x, Vρ ) coincides with
the space of coinvariants for V (T [G]) twisted by a flat LG-bundle which is also an oper.
In concrete examples this seems to happen in a very direct fashion: coupling to an oper
deforms V (T [G]) to a vertex algebra equivalent to Vρ .
For completeness, we now recall the definition of the Kapustin–Witten (B, A, A) branes
on MH (G) that are dual to the zero-branes BE on MH (LG) [52]. Recall that here E is a flat
LG-bundles on X that have no automorphisms other then those coming from the center of
LG, viewed as a point in the Hitchin moduli space M (L G) with respect to the complex
structure J. Now consider E as a point of MH (L G) with respect to the complex structure
I, and let b = b(E) be its image in the Hitchin base under the (first) Hitchin fibration. Let
Fb be the dual fiber in MH (G). Then the mirror dual brane to BE is the pair (Fb , ∇),
where ∇ = ∇E is a flat unitary line bundle on Fb corresponding to E under the T -duality
of Hitchin fibers in MH (G) and MH (LG).
Suppose that E = E(ρ) corresponds to an oper ρ. Then we find from formula (6.5) that
there should be an isomorphism between the space of P-twisted conformal blocks of the
g-module Vρ and a Hom in the category of A-branes on MH (G) (with respect to ωK ):
HP (X, x, Vρ ) ' Hom(FP , (Fb , ∇E )). (6.17)
This isomorphism has been previously discussed in [34, 8].
As Balasubramanian and Teschner argued in [8], one can think of this isomorphism as an
expression of a link between the Beilinson–Drinfeld construction and the Kapustin–Witten
construction of the Geometric Langlands correspondence. Indeed, it shows how to express
the fibers of the Hecke eigensheaf, i.e. a D0 -module on BunG obtained by applying the
localization functor ∆0 to Vρ in terms of Hom’s between the fiber-brane FP discussed in
Section 6.1 and the Kapustin–Witten brane (Fb , ∇E ).
As we explained in [35] and Section 6.3 above, the spaces appearing on the right hand
side of (6.17) acquire a natural flat (Berry) connection, which should coincide with the one
on the left hand side, coming from the D-module structure on ∆0 (Vρ ).
As a simple test of (6.17), we can check that for a generic G-bundle P, the dimensions
of the two vector spaces in the isomorphism (6.17) are the same. According to the left
hand side, this is the generic rank of the D-module ∆0 (Vρ ), which is the multiplicity of
the nilpotent cone in the zero fiber of the (first) Hitchin fibration. It coincides with the
number of points in the intersection of generic fibers Fb and FP of the first and second
Hitchin fibrations. But the latter is the dimension of the generic space on the right hand
side of (6.17).
a modification of the ribbon category in which the twistings are defined up to multiplication
by ±1. In other words, the twists are only defined up to addition of an integer multiple
14If G is a compact Lie group and g its Lie algebra, we will sometimes refer to the affine Kac–Moody
c c
algebra b
g, where g is the complexification of gc , as the gc (affine) Kac–Moody algebra, and use gc rather
than g in denoting various categories and functors associated to b g. For example, we will sometimes use the
notation U (1) instead of GL(1), e.g., KLκ (U (1)).
of π (rather than 2π). The necessity to view CG κ(N 1,0 ) as a spin-ribbon category can
be inferred, for example, from the fact that some of the dualities from the group SL2 (Z)
preserve the spin-ribbon structure but not the ribbon structure.
For example, the action of ST S maps κ 7→ (κ−1 − 1)−1 , and hence the twist π nκ gets
mapped to πn2 κ−1 − 1 . The corresponding categories CG κ(N 1,0 ) and CG 1,0 )
(κ−1 −1)−1 (N
would only be equivalent if we stipulate that the twists in them are defined up to addition
of integer multiples of π.
7.2. Junction vertex algebras. The basic junction from N0,1 → N1,0 supports the b u(1)
Kac–Moody algebra at level κ (which is its own W-algebra). The standard modules corre-
spond to the b
u(1) vertex operators of charge n + mκ and conformal dimension
n2 m2 κ
∆u(1) + nm +
m,n (κ) = . (7.1)
2κ 2
They are the images of the corresponding objects of the category KLκ (U (1)) KLκ−1 (U (1))
U (1)
u(1)κ -mod under the functor Fκ,N G N G (we use the notation introduced in Section 3.7).
in b
0,1 1,0
In the same way as in the last example of Section 3.7, we find that applying the duality
transformation RST −1 to the standard junction N0,1 → N1,0 we obtain a junction N1,−1 →
N1,0 supporting the bu(1) Kac–Moody algebra at level κ−1 + 1. On the other hand, applying
T −1 we obtain the junction N0,1 → N1,−1 supporting the b u(1) Kac–Moody algebra at level
κ + 1.
The composition of two such junctions, N0,1 → N1,−1 → N1,0 , gives an extension of
u(1)κ+1 × b
b u(1)κ−1 +1 Kac–Moody by new fields of dimensions
u(1) κ
u(1) n2 1 n2 κ n2
∆0,n (κ + 1) + ∆n,0 ( )= + = . (7.2)
κ+1 2 κ+1 2 κ+1 2
The extension can be identified with the product of a b u(1) Kac–Moody algebra at level κ
and of the lattice vertex superalgebra corresponding to the lattice Z. The b u(1) current of the
κ 1
former is κ+1 (Jκ+1 − Jκ−1 +1 ) and the b
u(1) current of the latter is κ+1 Jκ+1 + κ−11+1 Jκ−1 +1 .
The latter is isomorphic to the free (complex) fermion vertex superalgebra . It is generated
by two fermionic fields of conformal dimensions 1/2 which correspond to n = ±1 in formula
More general modules over this vertex algebra combine vertex operators of dimension
κ (n + e + m)2 u(1)
∆u(1) u(1)
m,n (κ + 1) + ∆n,e ( )= + ∆m,−e (κ) (7.3)
κ+1 2
U (1)
Thus, the vertex algebra Vκ (N0,1N1,0 ) obtained from the composition of junctions
U (1)
N0,1 → N1,−1 → N1,0 is the vertex algebra Vκ (N0,1N1,0 ) of the basic junction N0,1 →
N1,0 tensored with the free fermion vertex superalgebra. From the point of view of 4d gauge
theory, both vertex algebras are associated to the junction N0,1 → N1,0 , but with different
junction data.15
15Physically, the second junction is obtained from the first by “stacking” it with a decoupled, holomorphic
2d spin-CFT: a free complex fermion. In particular, the second junction is intrinsically a “spin junction”.
According to Conjecture 2.2, we expect the spaces of conformal blocks of the two vertex
algebras to be isomorphic. And indeed, this isVthe case, because the space of conformal
blocks of the free fermion vertex superalgebra is one-dimensional
V for any compact Rie-
mann surface X. However, because the two generating fields of have conformal dimensions
1/2, in order to define this space of conformal blocks we need to choose a square root K 1/2
of the canonical line bundle on X. This choice is equivalent to a choice of spin structure on
X. This is another example of how spin structures show up in the twisted TFT.
We can also construct new junctions. For example, we can compose the basic junction
N0,1 → N1,0 with the junction N1,0 → Nk,1 obtained as ST −k image of the basic junction
N0,1 → N1,0 . For now, take k > 0.
The result is a junction N0,1 → Nk,1 , which is not a duality image of the basic junction.
The corresponding vertex algebra is an extension of b u(1)κ × b
u(1)k−κ−1 by operators of
k 2
conformal dimension 2 n . It is isomorphic to the product of the b u(1)κ−k−1 Kac–Moody
algebra and the u(1)k lattice vertex algebra corresponding to the lattice kZ.
More general modules have dimensions
−1 (kn + e + m)2 m2 e2 1 em
∆u(1) u(1)
m,n (κ) + ∆n,e (k − κ ) = + (kκ − 1) + − (7.4)
2k 2k 2k kκ − 1 k
and combine modules over u(1)k with modules over b u(1)κ−k−1 Kac–Moody algebra with
integral magnetic charges (corresponding to m) but electric charges of the form e/k, e ∈ Z.
For k = 0, the extension involves modules of conformal dimension 0 and is isomorphic
to the vertex algebra of chiral differential operators on GL1 (C) = C× . Indeed, by rescaling
the first and the second factors of the b u(1)−κ−1 current algebra by κ−1/2 and κ1/2 ,
u(1)κ × b
u(1)1 ×b
respectively, we obtain the b u(1)−1 current algebra of the standard βγ system in which
we make the field γ invertible. Note that under this identification, the commuting b u(1)
currents are constructed from the fields βγ and γ ∂γ, and the extension vertex operators
correspond to γ n , n ∈ Z.
For k < 0, the extension involves modules of dimension unbounded from below and it is
less well-behaved as a vertex algebra.
More generally, we would like to construct junctions N0,1 → Np,q such that in the corre-
sponding vertex algebra all fields, except the vacuum, have positive conformal dimensions.
This is a favorable property for many reasons, not least the behavior of conformal blocks.
To achieve that, we need a chain of junctions which support b u(1)κi , i = 0, . . . , n, with
+ κi = ki ,
where each ki is a positive integer.
Such bu(1)κi can be found at the junction N0,1 → N1,0 when the bulk coupling is κi .
Applying ST −ki , we find that it can also be found at the junction N1,0 → Nki ,1 when the
bulk coupling is
− = κi−1 .
κi − k i
We can then compose the N0,1 → N1,0 junction and the N1,0 → Nki ,1 junction with the
bulk coupling κi−1 into a junction N0,1 → Nki ,1 .
Note that the same vertex algebra will appear when the bulk coupling is κi−2 = −1/(κi−1 −
ki−1 ) at the composition N1,0 → Nki−1 ,1 → Nki ki−1 −1,ki . So, we can compose it with
N0,1 → N1,0 to get a junction N0,1 → Nki ki−1 −1,ki .
Next, move to the bulk coupling κi−3 = −1/(κi−2 − ki−2 ) by applying ST −ki−2 and
compose to get N0,1 → Nki ki−1 ki−2 −ki −ki−2 ,ki ki−1 −1 .
If we run this procedure backwards from κn to κ0 , we get junctions of the form
This vertex algebra is isomorphic to the product of a lattice vertex algebra of rank n and
the b
u(1) Kac–Moody algebra at level
1 1 1
κpn ,qn = κ + ··· (7.8)
k1 − k2 − kn
with the image of KLκ−1 (U (1)) × KLκn (U (1)) given by combinations of modules for the lat-
tice vertex algebra and modules of integral magnetic charges and fractional electric charges
for the bu(1) Kac–Moody algebra.
All fields of this vertex algebra, except for the vacuum, have positive conformal dimen-
This construction can serve as a prototype for building a vertex algebra satisfying this
property corresponding to a junction from N0,1 to any Np,q : expand pq into continued
fractions and use the resulting integers ki to build the junction as a composition of basic
junctions, as explained above.
7.3. Compactification functors. We can now discuss the compactification functors from
U (1)
the categories Cκ (B) to Dκ (BunU (1) ) (see Section 3.1).
We begin with two important points:
• There is a degree 1 line bundle L on BunU (1) related to the level 1 Chern–Simons
action. It is the line bundle
V of conformal blocks for the u(1)1 lattice vertex algebra
(the vertex superalgebra of a free complex fermion). Again, we are ignoring the
spin structure for the moment.
U (1) U (1),N
• The category Cκ (N1,0 ) is KLκ (U (1)), and the compactification functor Fκ 1,0
The construction of a junction from N0,1 → N1,1 as a composition N0,1 → N1,0 → N1,1 of
the basic junction and the junction N1,0 → N1,1 discussed in the previous subsection (the
case k = 1 of the junction N1,0 → Nk,1 ) is instructive.
It produces a junction vertex algebra isomorphic to u(1)1 ⊗Vκ−1 (U (1)), with the coupling
to U (1) bundles implemented by the diagonal combination of the b u(1) currents of the two
factors. This junction vertex algebra yields a compactification functor whose image lies
directly in Dκ (BunU (1) ). The image of the compactification functor is the product of the
sheaves of coinvariants of the two vertex subalgebras u(1)1 ⊗ Vκ−1 (U (1)), i.e. L ⊗ Dκ−1 . In
other words, the compactification map sends the boundary condition N1,1 to L ⊗ Dκ−1 .
We could also produce a N0,1 → N1,1 junction as a T image of the N0,1 → N1,0 junction
(up to the spin subtleties discussed in the next subsection). Since N1,1 = T (N1,0 ),
U (1)
(N1,1 ) ' Cκ−1 (N1,0 ) = KLκ−1 (U (1)).
Thus, the relevant localization functor for this second junction is ∆κ−1 taking values in
U (1)
Dκ−1 (BunU (1) ). When we apply it to the identity object of Cκ (N1,1 ) (i.e. the junction
vertex algebra itself), we obtain Dκ−1 , viewed as a left (κ−1)-twisted D-module on BunU (1) .
As explained in Section 6.5, to get the corresponding compactification functor Fκ 1,1 , we
G,N U (1)
should tensor ∆κ−1 with the line bundle L. Under Fκ 1,1 , the identity object of Cκ (N1,1 )
therefore goes to L ⊗ Dκ−1 , in agreement with the previous construction.
This example provides a positive test for our prescription for the compactification functor.
Is also demonstrates how the compactification functors intertwine the action of the duality
T on the categories corresponding to boundary conditions and the operation of taking a
tensor product with L, in agreement with Conjecture 4.1.16
Similar considerations apply to show that the compactification map sends N1,k is mapped
to Lk ⊗ Dκ−k .
16From the point of view of 4d gauge theory, this is clear from the fact that if we have a domain wall
such that gauge theories on the two sides of the wall differ by the duality symmetry T (i.e. have coupling
constants κ and κ + 1), then the difference between the topological terms in the 4d actions on the two
sides (each of them is a scalar multiple of the first Pontryagin class, and the two scalars differ by 2π) has
to be compensated on the boundary by the Chern–Simons action of level 1, which is the 4d gauge theory
counterpart of tensoring with the line bundle L on BunU (1) .
Next, we look at Nk,1 . As explained above, the vertex algebra corresponding to the
junction N0,1 → Nk,1 is u(1)k × b u(1)κ−k−1 . If |k| > 1, we cannot use the localization
functor ∆κ−k−1 corresponding to the b u(1)κ−k−1 subalgebra because then κ − k −1 differs
from κ by a rational number that is is not an integer. However, this junction vertex algebra
has a diagonal b u(1)κ subalgebra generated by the current which is the linear combination
k −1 Ju(1)k + Jκ−k−1 of the generating currents of u(1)k × b
u(1)κ−k−1 . The compactification
U (1),Nk,1
functor Fκ can be obtained from the localization functor ∆κ with respect to this
U (1)
In particular, applying the localization functor ∆κ to the identity object in Cκ (Nk,1 ),
we obtain a Dκ -module on BunU (1) which is easy to describe as an O-module: it is the tensor
product of the bundles of coinvariants for u(1)k and b u(1)κ−k−1 , i.e. Vk ⊗ Dκ−k−1 . Here Vk
is the vector bundle of coinvariants for u(1)k which is coupled “magnetically” to the line
bundles in BunU (1) in a non-trivial way: given a line bundle ` in BunU (1) , we represent it
as ` = O(D), where D = i ni xi is a divisor on X, and then take the space of coinvariants
with the insertions of u(1)k primary fields of charge ni at the points xi . (The statement
that Vk ⊗ Dκ−k−1 has the structure of a Dκ -module is non-trivial. It follows from the fact
that it is in the image of ∆κ .)
Thus, we have describe the image of Nk,1 under the compactification map. More generally,
by using the composition of junctions above, we can obtain the image of any Np,q as a twisted
D-module of the form L[q/p] ⊗ Vp,q ⊗ Dκpn ,qn −[q/p] with Vp,q being the bundle of coinvariants
of the lattice vertex algebra built above as an extension of ⊗i u(1)ki .
U (1),g
It would be nice to prove directly that the qGL dualities Eκ intertwine these D-
modules for (p, q) and g ◦ (p, q). The simplest statement corresponds to the fact that
S(N1,−1 ) = N1,1 . This implies that the qGL duality S sends
S(L−1 ⊗ Dκ+1 ) 7→ L ⊗ D−κ−1 −1 ,
which is a special case of formula (1.7).
It is worth mentioning that all the Np,q boundary conditions can be given an interpreta-
tion as modifications of Neumann boundary conditions involving coupling to some specific
3d Chern–Simons theories, i.e. to some physical 3d TFTs. One may consider many more
such boundary conditions, associated to more general 3d TFTs which can be coupled to
U (1) connections.
7.4. Spin subtleties. Here we will discuss under which conditions we can dispense with
the use of spin manifolds for the bulk theory and possibly for its boundary conditions and
Recall that the 4d topological field theory TκG we are interested in is obtained by a
topological twist (the GL twist of [52]) from the physical supersymmetric gauge theory.
This means that the action of the Lorentz group on the field content of the theory has been
modified in such a way that the resulting twisted theory is endowed with a two-dimensional
family of supercharges that can used to define a TFT (the physical theory is not endowed
with supercharges). In particular, while in the physical theory the fermions transform as
spinors, in the twisted TFT they are turned into i-forms with i = 0, 1, 2. Thus, while the
physical theory can only be defined on a spin four-manifold M and one needs to make a
specific choice of the spin structure to make the theory well-defined, the twisted TFT does
not require M to be a spin manifold, nor is one required to make a choice of the spin
However, there is a price to pay: it turns out that the action of the quantum dualities then
has to be refined. If we choose a spin structure, then every element of the group P SL2 (Z)
U (1)
gives rise to a legitimate quantum duality of the theory Tκ (though the categories of line
defects are then spin-ribbon categories, as discussed above). However, if we do not have a
spin structure, or do not want to choose a specific one, then we cannot employ the T duality
transformation: only T 2 and S (and their products) are legitimate dualities.
Instead of the group P SL2 (Z) of quantum dualities, we then have a duality groupoid,
obtained by adding two more “nodes”, which are certain topological modifications of the
U (1)
standard U (1) twisted gauge theory Tκ . These three theories are then related to each
other by various duality transformations.
U (1)
More specifically, we denote the basic gauge theory Tκ by U (1)b . Its T -image will be
denoted by U (1)t . In other words, we define U (1)t with a coupling κ to be the same as
U (1)b with coupling κ − 1. Then T maps U (1)b theory to U (1)t theory, and vice versa.
The S image of U (1)t will be denoted as U (1)s . It is known that U (1)s has an independent
definition [55]: it is a gauge theory based on SpinC connections rather than standard U (1)
connections. Thus S maps U (1)t to U (1)s theories, and vice versa. Finally, T is a true
duality of U (1)s :
U (1)b ←→ U (1)t ←→ U (1)s
T S (7.9)
The basic boundary conditions N1,0 and N0,1 for the U (1)b theory can be defined without
a choice of spin structure and are exchanged by S-duality. On the other hand, in order to
define N1,1 in U (1)b , we cannot use T . Instead, we use the direct definition: N1,q can be
defined as a modified Neumann boundary condition with q extra units of boundary Chern–
Simons action. For odd q, this definition is viable but requires a choice of spin structure at
the boundary.
In general, duality transformations tell us that boundary conditions Np,q do not require
a spin structure in U (1)b as long as pq is even.
Applying T , we get by definition the corresponding statement for U (1)t . In particular,
N1,0 requires a spin structure in U (1)t . In U (1)s , we expect then N0,1 to require a spin
structure as well. Indeed, Dirichlet boundary conditions for a SpinC gauge field do not have
a canonical choice of trivial connection, unless a spin structure is selected.
These topological aspects do affect the categories of lines available at boundary condi-
tions. These will be ribbon categories if the boundary conditions do not require a spin
structure. If they do (as N1,q with odd q in U (1)b ), then they will be spin-ribbon, i.e. the
twists will be defined modulo integer multiples of π rather than 2π.
A good example of this phenomenon is the observation that although N1,1 and N1,−1 are
related by S-duality in U (1)b , the categories of boundary lines are equivalent only as spin-
ribbon categories: the objects in one category have twists 2π 2(κ+1) , while the corresponding
17We should really use the T U (1)b , T U (1)t , etc. notation, but it is a bit cumbersome.
κ κ
n 2
objects in the other categories have spin −2π 2(κ−1 +1)
. The two differ by possibly half-integer
multiples of 2π; namely, by 2π n2 .
The effects percolate also to vertex algebra calculations. If both boundary conditions
and the junction itself can be defined with no reference to spin structure, the vertex algebra
will be a true vertex algebra, with fields of integral dimensions (but possibly a vertex
superalgebra, including odd fields). Otherwise, the vertex algebra may include fields of
half-integer conformal dimensions, which requires a choice of spin structure on the Riemann
surface X.
We have already seen this phenomenon implicitly. The standard junction in U (1)b from
N0,1 to N1,0 does not require a spin structure and supports b u(1)κ . On the other hand, the
same junction in U (1)t must be built as a composition of junctions leading to u(1)1 ×b
u(1)κ−1 ,
a spin-vertex algebra.
These subtleties matter when we build compactification functors to twisted D-modules.
This is expressed in the fact that the line bundle L on BunU (1) we used above is not defined
canonically unless one selects a spin structure on X. It can be defined canonically as a
section of a Z2 gerbe G on BunU (1) which is trivial, but not canonically so.
This is a good moment to discuss some general notions related to gerbes. Let Γ be a
finite abelian group, and G a Γ-gerbe on a manifold M . In the Cech definition, this means
that given an open covering of M , we have on each open subset Ui ⊂ M of the covering
a category G(Ui ) that is a torsor (in the categorical sense) over the category of Γ-bundles
on Ui . Choosing a trivialization of G(Ui ), we obtain Γ-bundles Gij on the overlaps Ui ∩ Uj
and hence an element Gijk of Γ for each triple overlap Ui ∩ Uj ∩ Uk . These elements should
define a Cech two-cocycle on M with values in Γ.
A standard example is the following: let L be a line bundle on M and k a positive integer.
Let us choose an identification Zk ' µk , the group of kth roots of unity. Define the Zk -gerbe
GL,k on M by taking as GL,k (Ui ) the category of kth roots of L on Ui , i.e. line bundles K
on Ui such that Kk ' L. (This is a torsor for the category of Zk -bundles because any two
such K differ by a kth root of the trivial line bundle; or equivalently, a Zk -bundle.) The
gerbe GL,k is trivial if and only if there exists on M a kth root of L defined on the entire
M . If GL,k is trivial, then a trivialization of GL,k is the same as a choice of such a global
kth root of L.
Given a Γ-gerbe G on M and another group H (not necessarily finite) together with a
homomorphism Γ → H whose image is in the center of H, we have the notion of an H-
bundle on M modified by G. In Cech realization, an ordinary H-bundle assigns to each open
Ui a torsor over the group H(Ui ). Then on overlaps Ui ∩ Uj we obtain H-valued functions
which has to satisfy a one-cocycle condition on triple overlaps. An H-bundle on M modified
by G is defined by the same data, except that the one-cocycle condition is modified on the
triple overlaps by the images of Gijk in H.
If H = C× , we obtain the notion of a line bundle modified by a Γ-gerbe G for each
homomorphism Γ → C× . We obtain the notions of O-modules and D-modules on M
modified by G in a similar way.
The examples we are most interested in are as follows:
Because of that observation, we first make some preliminary statements which are essen-
tially insensitive to the form of the gauge group, and then refine them to sharper statements
involving specific gauge groups.
8.1. Major boundary conditions and junction vertex algebras. At the first, loose
level, we can refer to families of boundary conditions Np,q and Dp,q . Up to dualities, we
will encounter five interesting classes of junctions and corresponding vertex algebras:
• N0,1 → N1,0 : Virκ . This is the Virasoro algebra of central charge cVirκ = 13 − 6κ −
6κ−1 . Notice that Virκ ' Virκ−1 , compatible with RS invariance of the junction.
• N0,1 → N2,1 : sVir2κ−1 . The super-Virasoro algebra sVirκ has central charge
csVirκ = 15 −1 and satisfies sVir ' sVir 2
2 − 3κ − 3κ κ κ−1 , compatible with RST S
invariance of the junction.
• D0,1 → N1,0 : su(2)
b κ . This is the Kac–Moody algebra at critically shifted level κ.
It has central charge csu(2)
b κ
= 3 − 6κ−1 .
• D0,1 → N2,1 : osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1 . The super-Kac–Moody algebra osp(1|2)
c κ has an su(2)
b 1+κ
sub-algebra. It has central charge cosp(1|2)
c κ
= 1 − 3κ−1 .
• D0,1 → D1,0 : d(2, 1| − κ)1 . This is a quotient of the super-Kac–Moody algebra
b κ+1 ×
based on the d(2, 1|−κ) exceptional superalgebra which has sub-algebra su(2)
b κ−1 +1 × su(2)1 , where su(2)1 is the simple quotient of su(2)
su(2) b Kac–Moody at
level 1. The central charge of this vertex algebra is cd(2,1|−κ)1 = 1. The algebra is
invariant under κ → κ−1 , compatibly with RS invariance of the junction.
These vertex algebras are related in interesting ways by the quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov
reductions, which effectively replace D0,1 with N0,1 in the junctions:
b κ ].18
• The standard Virκ = DS [su(2)
18Indeed c
Virκ = cs
c u(2)κ − 2 − 6(κ − 2), where −2 is the contribution from the ghost bc-system and
−6(κ − 2) comes from the re-definition of the stress tensor.
• The relation DS osp(1|2)
c κ = R × sVirκ . Here we do the DS reduction of the
b 1+κ sub-algebra, without stripping off the extra free fermion originating from
the odd current of charge 12 . This extra fermion is the decoupled R factor indicated
• The relation DS(1) [d(2, 1| − κ)1 ] = so(4)1 × su(2)
b κ−1 . Here we do the DS reduc-
tion on the su(2)
b κ+1 sub-algebra, without stripping off the extra four free fermions
originating from the odd current of charge 21 . These extra fermions give the so(4)1
b κ−1 +1 × su(2)1 in [d(2, 1| − κ)1 ] is em-
factor indicated above. The residual su(2)
b κ−1 .20 Similarly, DS(2) [d(2, 1| − κ)1 ] =
bedded in the obvious way in so(4)1 × su(2)
so(4)1 × su(2)
b κ.
There is also a rich web of coset/extension relations which have a natural interpretation
as compositions of junctions or replacements D0,1 7→ N1,k :
su(2)κ ×su(2)1
• D0,1 → N1,−1 → N1,0 : The GKO-like coset Vir1+κ−1 = .
b κ+1
κ ×so(3)1
• D0,1 → N1,−2 → N1,0 : The super-GKO-like coset sVir1+2κ−1 = su(2) .
b κ+2
• N0,1 → N1,0 → N2,1 : sVir2κ−1 × R is an extension of Virκ × Vir2−κ−1 .
osp(1|2) 2κ−1
• D0,1 → N1,0 → N2,1 : The alternative coset Vir2−κ−1 = .
b κ
SU (2)
as that is not a valid duality. Instead, it must be defined as the S image of N1,1 . In
particular, we have
κ (N1,−1 ) = KL
g κ+1 (SU (2)) (8.1)
The following analysis requires more physics background than the rest of the paper. In
SU (2)
the SU (2) gauge theory, the boundary conditions N1,q can be given a direct definition as
Neumann boundary conditions modified by a Chern–Simons coupling. In the SO(3) theory
one would expect a similar direct definition of N1,q . However, the required Chern–Simons
coupling is only well-defined for even q.
The construction of KLg κ+1 (SU (2)) as a sub-category in KLκ+1 (SU (2)) × su(2)1 −mod
suggests a direct construction of N1,2k+1 in four steps:
(i) Extend the gauge group from SO(3) to SU (2) at the boundary.
(ii) Add 2k + 1 units of boundary Chern–Simons coupling for the bulk gauge fields.
(iii) Add an extra 3d TFT at the boundary: the TFT associated to U (1)2 or SU (2)1
Chern–Simons theory.
(iv) Restrict the boundary lines to the combinations of the original boundary Wilson
lines and SU (2)1 Wilson lines of the same weight (mod 2). This can be done
by “gauging a Z2 one-form symmetry”, the non-anomalous combination of the
boundary Z2 one-form symmetry associated to the extension of the boundary gauge
group and the Z2 one-form symmetry of SU (2)1 Chern–Simons theory.
This direct physical construction helps understand the physical origin of some of the
junctions we will encounter below.
with arbitrary e and even m. The half-integral shifts compared with the dimensions of Weyl
modules are OK as long as we work with spin-ribbon categories.
Notice that the full collection of modules, with arbitrary weights e and m, does not give
an image of KLκ−1 (SU (2)) KLκ (SU (2)), because of the half-integral shifts which occur
when e and m are both odd.
Finally, because of the negative shifts in the dimensions of Virasoro modules, the com-
bination of junctions supporting Virasoro algebra is more likely to give junction vertex
algebras with negative conformal dimensions compared with the combination of junctions
supporting Kac–Moody algebras.
Similar considerations as above apply to categories of modules over osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1 and
sVir2κ−1 .
The extension construction guarantees the existence of a family of modules over osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1
which realize KL2−κ−1 (SO(3)). Concretely, we are combining Vir2−κ−1 modules with weights
(2e, m) and Weyl modules of su(2)
b κ with weights m. The corresponding dimensions are
osp(1|2) e(e + 1)κ (m − 2e)(m + 1)
c 2κ−1
= + . (8.4)
(2κ − 1) 2
which is smallest for m = e, with conformal dimension of highest weight vector
osp(1|2) e(e + 1)
c 2κ−1
= . (8.5)
2(2κ − 1)
These can be identified with Weyl modules of osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1 .
If we build the extension using only modules in KLκ (SU (2)), the result is the even part
c 2κ−1 )e of osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1 (in the sense of Lie superalgebras). Then we can realize the
full KL2−κ−1 (SU (2)) as a category of modules over (osp(1|2)
c 2κ−1 )e .
In a similar manner, we can build modules for sVir2κ−1 associated to KLκ−1 (SO(3)) ×
KL2−κ−1 (SO(3)). These are well-known degenerate V modules for the super-Virasoro algebra.
If we consider the even subalgebra (sVir2κ−1 × R )e , we can realize the larger category
KLκ−1 (SU (2)) KL2−κ−1 (SU (2)).
One final observation concerns the embedding su(2)1 su(2)1 ⊂ so(4)1 = R 4 . It demon-
strates the presence of an algebra object in su(2)1 −mod su(2)1 −mod, seen as spin-ribbon
There are many holomorphic vertex algebras and spin-vertex algebras which have a su(2)1
subalgebra, and which thus lead to coset algebras V such that V −mod is canonically con-
jugate to su(2)1 −mod, as a spin-ribbon or as a ribbon category.23
8.3. Choices of global form. In this subsection, we give a more detailed analysis, in
which we distinguish between SU (2) and SO(3) while still ignoring the subtleties related
to spin structures.
8.3.1. Variants of N0,1 → N1,0 . The Virasoro algebra Virκ arises naturally at the junction
N0,1 → N1,0 both in SU (2) and in SO(3) gauge theory. Recall that Virκ is invariant under
κ → κ−1 . This transformation corresponds to the duality symmetry RS which exchanges
23A simple class of examples arises from lattice vertex algebras associated to (even) unimodular lattices
L with a vector v of length 2.
SU (2) and SO(3). The difference between the two choices of gauge group affects the
categories of boundary line defects and hence the corresponding modules Virκ .
An SU (2) gauge theory will have the electric line defects on N1,0 with all possible domi-
nant integral weights and magnetic line defects on N0,1 with even dominant integral weights
only. The corresponding families of modules in Virκ are mutually local (indeed, the modules
in one family braid trivially with the modules of the other family and the fusion product
of two simple modules of this kind is again a module of this kind) and so we indeed have a
tensor functor
KLκ (SU (2)) KLκ−1 (SO(3)) → Virκ -mod
The reverse set-up (with electric and magnetic line defects exchanged) is true for the SO(3)
gauge theory, and we have
KLκ (SO(3)) KLκ−1 (SU (2)) → Virκ -mod
(both as spin-ribbon categories). Notice that modules of odd weights in the two families
braid with a −1 sign. In particular, there is no functor from KLκ (SU (2)) KLκ−1 (SU (2))
to Virκ − mod, even as spin-ribbon categories.
SU (2) SU (2) SO(3) SO(3)
The action of RST −1 on N0,1 → N1,0 gives N1,−1 → N1,0 . If the bulk coupling
for the latter is κ, then the junction vertex algebra will be Vir1+κ−1 . Correspondingly, there
is a natural functor from KL−κ−1 (SO(3)) KLκ (SO(3)) to Vir1+κ−1 -mod.
On the other hand, there is no functor from KL−κ−1 (SU (2)) KLκ (SU (2)) to Vir1+κ−1 -
mod. This fails in two ways: the dimensions (modulo 21 ) of families of modules of (odd, even)
or (even, odd) weights differ from the expected values by − 14 and furthermore their mutual
braiding has the wrong sign.
SU (2) SU (2)
This is not surprising as a N1,−1 → N1,0 junction cannot be obtained from the basic
SU (2) SU (2)
junction N0,1 → N1,0 by any legitimate duality transformation within the SU (2) gauge
theory: indeed, ST S is not a legitimate duality symmetry, only ST ±2 S and their powers
We can seek an appropriate junction in two ways: direct gauge theory construction or
composition of junctions.
(i) The physical construction of the junction requires one to place by hand some extra
degrees of freedom at the junction, in the form of an holomorphic spin vertex
algebra which includes SU (2) currents of level 1.24 We can take four real fermions
as auxiliary degrees of freedom, i.e. so(4)1 . The junction vertex algebra is thus the
b κ × so(4)1
' Vir1+κ−1 × su(2)1 . (8.6)
b κ+1
(ii) We can map the problem by T 2 RS to the construction of a junction N0,1 →
SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) SO(3)
N1,1 at coupling 2 + κ−1 , and use the composition N0,1 → N1,0 → N1,1 .
24Coupling these to the gauge fields at the junction, one absorbs the gauge anomaly associated to the
change in the Chern–Simons levels across the junction.
Vir1+κ−1 ×su(2)
e 1. (8.7)
where su(2)
e 1 is the same vertex algebra as su(2)1 , with a modified choice of stress
The two answers are essentially equivalent.
Simple modules over Vir1+κ−1 × su(2)1 corresponding to a pair of Weyl modules Vm,κ and
SU (2) SU (2)
Vn,−κ−1 from the categories of boundary line defects Cκ (N1,−1 )∨ = KL−κ−1 (SU (2))
SU (2) SU (2)
and Cκ (N1,0 ) = KLκ (SU (2)) are produced in the coset description on the right hand
side of (8.6) as the BRST cohomology of the tensor product Vm,κ ⊗ V ⊗ Vn,−κ−1 under the
diagonal action of su(2)
b of twice the critical level.
If their weights, m and n, have the same parity, then the coset module coincides with
the appropriate Virκ -module dressed by the vacuum module of su(2)1 (or V ). But if the
weights have opposite parity, then the coset module is a Virκ -module dressed by the non-
trivial module of su(2)1 (or V ). This gives us the desired functor
KL−κ−1 (SU (2)) KLκ (SU (2)) → (Vir1+κ−1 ×V ) -mod .
Note that the extra dressing cancels the troublesome − 41 shifts in conformal dimensions
that would result in the undesired − sign in the mutual braiding.
A small aside: the junctions above are compatible with the tentative direct gauge theory
description of N1,±1 involving an auxiliary 3d TFT at the boundary. As we construct a
junction involving N1,±1 , we need in particular to provide a boundary condition for the
3d TFT.
Such a boundary condition naturally supports a su(2)1 vertex algebra.
SO(3) SO(3)
(i) In a direct gauge theory construction of N1,−1 → N1,0 , we can use such su(2)1
as auxiliary degrees of freedom at the junction, rather than an holomorphic vertex
algebra such as so(4)1 . That gives precisely the GKO construction
b κ × su(2)1
' Vir1+κ−1 . (8.8)
b κ+1
SO(3) SO(3)
(ii) In a direct gauge theory construction of N0,1 → N1,−1 , the su(2)1 vertex algebra
goes along for the ride, giving the expected Vir1+κ × su(2)1 .
8.3.2. Variants of N0,1 → N2,1 . The simplest junction of this type occurs for N1,−2 →
SO(3) SU (2) SU (2)
N1,0 and its duality images, such as →
N0,1 N2,±1 ,
etc. In the former conventions,
it supports a sVir1+2κ−1 vertex algebra, though in many constructions it emerges dressed
by an extra decoupled free fermion. This is the case, for example, of the composition
SU (2) SU (2) SU (2)
N0,1 → N1,0 → N2,1 .
SO(3) SO(3)
A direct gauge theory construction of a N1,−2 → N1,0 junction requires a choice of
auxiliary holomorphic spin-vertex algebra with a su(2)2 sub-algebra.25 The simplest choice
is so(3)1 , which leads to a junction vertex algebra given by the super-GKO-like coset
b κ × so(3)1
sVir1+2κ−1 =
b κ+2
The lines of even weight on both boundaries end on appropriate coset modules, which are
the degenerate modules of sVir.
SO(3) SO(3) SO(3)
Another interesting junction is N0,1 → N2,1 . Junction composition N0,1 →
SO(3) SO(3) V
N1,0 → N2,1 now produces the even subalgebra (sVir2κ−1 × R )e .
SO(3) SO(3)
Notice that the duality orbit of this junction does not include N0,1 → N2,−1 , which
SU (2) SU (2) SU (2)
will require an alternative construction. Instead, it includes N1,2 → N1,0 , N1,1 →
SU (2) SO(3) SO(3)
N1,−1 and N1,−1 → N1,1 .
The latter provides another perspective on the junction: the boundary conditions for the
SO(3) SO(3)
3d TFTs involved in N1,−1 and N1,1 can provide su(2)1 × su(2)1 auxiliary degrees of
freedom, resulting in the coset description
^ b κ × su(2)1 × su(2)1
(sVir1+2κ−1 × )e =
b κ+2
SO(3) SO(3)
In order to study the final duality orbit, including N0,1 → N2,−1 , we can look at
SU (2) SU (2)
N1,−2 → N1,0 . A direct gauge theory construction requires an auxiliary holomorphic
vertex algebra which has a su(2)2 sub-algebra, but also includes fields of odd weight, so that
all boundary lines can end at the junction and we can find a fully faithful functor from the
boundary categories into the junction vertex algebra modules.
There are many choice of such a vertex algebra, and none is obviously canonical. We
can realize su(2)2 as the diagonal combination of two su(2)1 ’s, each included in a separate
so(4)1 factor.
We can describe the resulting junction vertex algebra as a coset
b κ × so(8)1
b κ+2
where su(2)
b is embedded in the so(8)1 in a non-trivial way, acting separately on two blocks
of four fermions each. With a bit of care, we can simplify that to
(sVir1+2κ−1 × so(5))e (8.10)
25This is required in order to compensate for the shift of boundary Chern–Simons coupling (note that
the level of the su(2)
b Kac–Moody algebra in so(3)1 is equal to 2 = n(SO(3))).
SU (2)
8.3.5. Kernel junctions. Now we have the information needed to study a junction D1,0 →
SU (2) SO(3) SO(3) SU (2) SU (2)
D1,0 or, equivalently, D0,1 → D1,0 . We can use the composition D0,1 → N1,−1 →
SU (2)
D1,0 . Now the second junction has an extra su(2)1 factor and the composition gives
precisely d(2, 1| − κ)1 .
SU (2)
Crucially, the coupling to SL2 bundles associated to D0,1 employs the su(2)
b κ+1 sub-
SU (2)
algebra, but the coupling to P SL2 bundles associated to D1,0
employs the diagonal
b κ−1 +1 × su(2)1 sub-algebra.
sub-algebra of the su(2)
This observation is very important: the currents in d(2, 1| − κ)1 have either (even, even,
even) or (odd, odd,odd) weights for the three subalgebras. Under the diagonal sub-algebra
b κ−1 +1 × su(2)1 , though, they have even weights and thus the coupling to P SL2
of the su(2)
bundles is possible.
The sheaf of coinvariants of d(2, 1|−κ)1 is an object in Dκ+1 (BunSL2 )⊗Dκ−1 +2 (BunP SL2 )
which can be mapped canonically (up to spin subtleties) to an object in Dκ (BunSL2 ) ⊗
Dκ−1 (BunP SL2 ), which is the conjectural qGL kernel.
SO(3) SO(3)
An interesting variant is the junction D0,1 → D1,1 . We can use the composition
SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) SU (2) SU (2)
D0,1 → N1,0 → D1,1 . The second junction can be dualized to N0,1 → D1,−1
SU (2) SU (2) SO(3) SO(3)
and then to N0,1 → D1,0 and thus D0,1 → N1,0 . The composition gives a smaller
vertex algebra: the coset su(2)1 .
8.4. Spin subtleties. Finally, we include spin structures in our analysis. In the absence
of a spin structure, the SU (2) gauge theory is still T invariant. It comes in two variants,
though, as we can define a standard theory SU (2)b based on an SU (2) connection and a
twisted theory SU (2)s based on an SpinC -like SU (2) connections.
On the other hand, SO(3) gauge theory is invariant under T 4 rather than T 2 . We can
denote the corresponding two versions of SO(3) gauge theory as SO(3)b and SO(3)t , related
by T 2 .
Perhaps surprisingly, it is natural to take SO(3)t and SO(3)b to be respectively the S-dual
images of SU (2)b and SU (2)s . We thus have the following duality groupoid:
In this convention, Neumann boundary condition N1,0 does not require a spin structure
for SO(3)b but does require it for SO(3)t . Indeed, the Nahm pole boundary condition for
SU (2)b requires a choice of spin structure, but does not for SU (2)s .
On the other hand, Neumann boundary condition N1,0 does not require a choice of spin
structure for either SU (2) theory, nor does Nahm for either SO(3) theory.
Acting with T , we find that N1,±1 do not require a choice of spin structure for either
SU (2) theory and thus should not require a spin structure for either SO(3) theory as well.
On the other hand, acting with T 2 we find that N1,±2 require a spin structure for SO(3)b
but not for SO(3)t . Acting with S, we find that N2,±1 require a spin structure for SU (2)s
but not for SU (2)b . This makes sense: the boundary hypermultiplets are twisted into fields
of integral spin, but transform as a doublet of SU (2). They are not naturally sections of
SpinC -like SU (2) bundle. On the other hand, the N2,±1 should not require a spin structure
for either SO(3) theory.
Standard Dirichlet boundary conditions only require a spin structure for SU (2)s , and
even then it is better to think about coupling to a background SpinC -like SU (2) bundle at
the boundary.
Upon compactification on a Riemann surface, we can map the four nodes of our groupoid
to four variants of the usual category of D-modules:
• The conformal blocks of d(2, 1| − κ)1 will give an object in Dκ+1 (BunSL2 ) ⊗
Dκ−1 +2 (BunP SL2 ). Because L2 is a section of the gerbe G, this maps to an ob-
ject in Dκ (BunSL2 ) ⊗ G − Dκ−1 (BunP SL2 ), as needed.
• Consider the subalgebra (d(2, 1|−κ)1 ×so(3)1 )e . This vertex algebra can be coupled
to SpinSL2 bundles. If we couple the second factor to the P SL2 bundles, the
conformal blocks will give an object in Dκ+1 (Buns−SL2 ) ⊗ Dκ−1 +4 (BunP SL2 ). This
maps canonically to an object in Dκ (Buns−SL2 ) ⊗ Dκ−1 (BunP SL2 ), as needed.
The full duality groupoid organizes all theories associated to the Lie algebras g and Lg
into a complicated pattern of orbits, whose structure depends sensitively on the specific
gauge Lie algebra.
When such modified 4d gauge theories are compactified on a Riemann surface Σ, we
obtain as the result certain modifications of the sigma model with the target MH (G), the
Hitchin moduli space associated to Σ and G. As a result, the corresponding categories of
twisted D-modules on BunG get modified in such a way that each connected component of
BunG gets equipped with an appropriate discrete B-field and the corresponding categories
of Dκ -modules get twisted by appropriate gerbes. As a result, we obtain a variety of duality
relations involving these gerbe-twisted categories of Dκ -modules.
This overall structure is reasonably well understood for the physical gauge theories, but
has to be further refined for the topologically twisted gauge theories, because of spin sub-
9.1. Topological actions and lattice of line defects. In order to consider topological
modifications of gauge theory actions (a.k.a. “discrete θ-angles”) in full generality, one has
to study certain generalized cohomology theories of BG.
In the standard physical gauge theory, these generalized cohomology theories will be
associated to cobordisms of spin manifolds equipped with a G bundle and perhaps an
SU (4)R -bundle.
Alternatively, as the spinors in the physical theory transform in the fundamental represen-
tation of the SU (4)R ' Spin(6)R R-symmetry group, while fields of integral spin transform
in the representations of SO(6)R , it should be possible to couple the theory to SpinSU (4)R -
bundles, i.e. bundles on a four-manifold M with the structure group (Spin(4) × SU (4))/Z2
(which is a Z2 -extension of the structure group SO(4) × (SU (4)/Z2 ) = SO(4) × SO(6)),
such that the corresponding SO(4) × (SU (4)/Z2 )-bundle has the frame bundle of M along
the first factor. These should be available on all manifolds. Topological actions for this
variant of the physical theories will be classified by some cohomology theories associated to
cobordisms of manifolds equipped with a G-bundle and an SpinSU (4)R -bundle.
The latter choice is probably better in preparation for a topological twist. It suggests
that the spin-refined duality action, which we will explore later on, may already be probed
within the physical theory.
Upon topological twist, the classification of discrete θ-angles should simplify a bit, as
the cohomology theories will be associated to cobordisms of manifolds equipped with a
G-bundle only and should coincide with some standard version of the group cohomology
H 4 (BG, U (1)).
The group cohomology description of the topological action is well-suited for understand-
ing the compactification to the 2d sigma model on a Riemann surface Σ with the target
Hitchin moduli space MH (G). Indeed, there is an obvious map Σ × BunG (Σ) → BG and
the pull-back of the class in H 4 (BG, U (1)) along that map can be integrated over Σ to give
a class in H 2 (BunG (Σ), U (1)), i.e. a discrete B-field, or equivalently a gerbe, of the sigma
Let us denote a choice of the theory as a pair (G, ω) with ω being a choice of topological
action added on top of the usual gauge theory action. An important open question is to
describe explicitly the action of the duality groupoid on pairs (G, ω). This has not yet been
done, as far as we know.27 What is known is the action of the duality groupoid there on
a simpler piece of data obtained from pairs (G, ω). It seems to capture the information
hidden in the pair (G, ω) that we need, up to the spin subtleties.
This piece of data is the lattice Λ of allowed electric and magnetic charges for the line
defects in the theory. We will use this data even though these line defects are actually not
available in general in the bulk of the topologically twisted theory (only at the boundary),
as a formal proxy for the underlying topological action ω of the gauge theory. If we further
add to Λ the data of the topological spin associated to the line defects, we should be able
to keep track of spin subtleties.
Recall that the charges of line defects in a gauge theory with the Lie algebra g are pairs
(m, e) where m is in the magnetic weight lattice LP (that is, the coweight lattice of g) and
e is in the weight lattice P of g.
There is a natural (Dirac) inner product on LP × P :
h(m, e), (m0 , e0 )i = m · e0 − m0 · e. (9.1)
By definition, a lattice Λ of allowed line defects is a maximal local sublattice of LP × P .
Here “local” means that the restriction of the above inner product to Λ should take integer
values, and “maximal” means that it is not be possible to add any other elements to Λ
without violating locality property. In particular, it follows that Λ necessarily contains
LQ × Q, where Q ⊂ P and LQ ⊂ LP are the lattices of roots and coroots, respectively.
26Notice that this statement holds true for whatever generalized cohomology theory is relevant to the
problem at hand: a topological action for the gauge theory will descend to a topological action for the 2d
sigma model.
27While some of the spin subtleties are expressed in ω, to get a complete description of the possible
theories one needs to allow SpinSU (4)R -bundles in addition to G-bundles, as we explained above in the case
of G = U (1) and SU (2)/SO(3).
which is symmetric because of the locality property. If we identify ΛM G with the possible
magnetic fluxes on a sphere, this pairing is nothing but the evaluation of the corresponding
cohomology class ω on the four-manifold which is the product of two spheres.
In the next subsection, we will consider examples of lattices Λ in the case of SLn . We
will consider the projections of the lattices onto (LP/LQ) × P/Q.
9.2. Example: SL2 , revisited. In this case, (LP/LQ) × (P/Q) = Z2 × Z2 and there are
three possible lattices of charges whose projections onto (Z2 , Z2 ) contain (0, 0) and either
of the three (0, 1), (1, 0) or (1, 1).
The first choice is SU (2) gauge theory, the second is the standard SO(3) gauge theory,
which we denote by SO(3)+ and the third is the T -image of SO(3)+ , which we denote by
SO(3)− . The duality transformation S exchanges SU (2) and SO(3)+ and maps SO(3)− to
The spin-enrichment of the duality groupoid keeps track of four distinct variants of SO(3),
corresponding to the basic SO(3)0 theory and to the T k images SO(3)k . Now S relates
SO(3)0 and Spin- SU (2), SO(3)1 and SO(3)3 , SO(3)2 and SU (2).
Upon compactification on a Riemann surface, SO(3)k gives Dk -modules twisted by the
gerbe associated to the kth power of the naive line bundle L.
9.3. Example: SLN . Ignoring spin subtleties, the number of distinct variants of slN gauge
theories is equal to the sum of the divisors of N .
As the basic SU (N ) gauge theory is invariant under Γ0 (N ), the duality groupoid images
of SU (N ) are counted by the index of Γ0 (N ) in P SL2 (Z), which is
Y 1
N 1+ (9.3)
Hence if N is square-free, all variants of slN gauge theories can be found as images of SU (N )
gauge theory under some gauge transformation. If not, there are separate duality orbits.
9.3.1. Example: SL3 . The Lie algebra sl3 gives an example with no subtleties. The standard
SU (3) gauge theory, the standard P SU (3)0 gauge theory and the two T -images P SU (3)1,2
exhaust the possible variants, even keeping track of the spin structure dependence. They
are all in the same duality orbit, with S exchanging P SU (3)1 and P SU (3)2 .
9.3.2. Example: SL4 . This is a much more intricate example. Ignoring spin subtleties,
there are 7 variants of the gauge theory, but the main duality orbit only includes 6 of them.
Starting from SU (4), which has line defects of charges (0, e), e ∈ Z4 and is T -invariant,
S-duality gives (SU (4)/Z4 )0 , which has line defects of charges (m, 0), m ∈ Z4 . There
are three more variants produced by the action of T , (SU (4)/Z4 )i with i = 1, 2, 3. The
(SU (4)/Z4 )1,3 are exchanged by S, but (SU (4)/Z4 )2 is mapped to a modified version of
SU (4)/Z2 , which we denote by (SU (4)/Z2 )1 = SO(6)1 . On the other hand, the standard
(SU (4)/Z2 )0 = SO(6)0 is invariant under both S and T .
If we keep track of spin subtleties, the situation should become even richer. The Nahm
pole for SU (4) requires a spin structure, suggesting that its S-dual gauge theory’s Neumann
boundary condition should require a spin structure as well. Indeed, the periodicity of the
θ angle in SU (4)/Z4 is twice as long on non-spin manifolds, and (SU (4)/Z4 )4 is a good
candidate for the S-dual of SU (4). We expect the S-dual of (SU (4)/Z4 )0 to be Spin- SU (4).
Because of the identity ST S = T −1 ST −1 applied to SU (4), we get that S maps (SU (4)/Z4 )3
to (SU (4)/Z4 )5 . Similarly, S maps (SU (4)/Z4 )1 to (SU (4)/Z4 )7 .
The T operation does not fix SU (4)/Z2 = SO(6) anymore, but T 2 does. We also have
Spin- SO(6) versions of the gauge theory. It would be nice to fill in the remaining structure
of the duality groupoid.
10.1. Construction of Yκ (G) for simply-laced G. Let’s recall and extend the construc-
tion in the self-dual case (see [35, 15] and Section 4.4 above). Take G to be the adjoint form
of the group, so that LG is simply-connected.
Consider the following composition of junctions
D0,1 → N1,−1 → D1,0 (10.1)
in the bulk theory Tκ −1 ≡ T −1 ◦ Tκ+1
G .
vertex algebra is b
g of level κ + 1.
The second junction is the RST −1 image of D0,1 → N1,0 in TκG−1 +1 . The corresponding
junction vertex algebra is bg of level κ−1 + 1.
The composition of the two junctions gives an extension
Yκ (G−1 ) = Vλ,κ+1 ⊗ Vλ∗ ,κ−1 +1 ,
λ∈P +
where λ∗ was defined in Section 5.3. Notice that λ and λ∗ belong to the root lattice and
the vertex algebra has two bg- and G[[z]]-actions.
Applying the localization functor to it, we therefore obtain a twisted D-module ∆Tκ ST (G)
on BunG × BunG , with the twists κ + 1 and κ−1 + 1 along the two factors, which we expect
to be a kernel of the functor
−κ−1 : D−κ−1 (BunG ) → Dκ−1 +1 (BunG )
This a now gerbe-twisted D-module on BunG × BunG with the twists κ and κ−1 along
the two factors, which should give rise to the kernel
−κ : G1 − D−κ (BunG ) → G−1 − Dκ−1 (BunG ).
But we can no longer represent the first junction as the T −1 image of D0,1 → N1,0 in Tκ+1
where we use the notation (3.12). Hence the vertex algebra of the junction (10.2) is, for
generic κ,
Vλ,κ ⊗ M(λ∗ ,µ∨ ),−κ/(κ+1) ⊗ Vµ∨∗ ,κ−1 +1 . (10.4)
+ ∨
λ∈Pad ,µ ∈P +
Unfortunately, this vertex algebra has unbounded conformal dimensions. That’s why we
prefer Yκ (G) which does not suffer from this defect.
10.2. Kernels for SL2 . In Section 8 we encountered the vertex algebra d(2, 1, −κ)1 , which
enters in slightly different guises in the construction of duality kernels for a variety of qGL
dualities involving SU (2) and SO(3). According to the definition above, Yκ (SO(3)1 ) ≡
su(2)1 .
Ignoring spin subtleties, but keeping track of the full groupoid with nodes SU (2), SO(3)0
and SO(3)1 ≡ SO(3)−1 , we summarize the appearances of d(2, 1, −κ)1 :
b κ+1 × sl(2)
(i) The affine subalgebra sl(2) b κ−1 +2 of d(2, 1, −κ)1 can be used to associate
(via the localization functor) to the vertex algebra d(2, 1, −κ)1 a twisted D-module
on BunSL2 × BunP SL2 with the twists κ + 1 along the first factor and κ−1 + 2 along
the second factor. Then, tensoring with the inverse of the generating line bundle
LSL2 along the first factor and the inverse of the generating line bundle LP SL2 along
the second factor, we obtain a (κ, κ−1 )-twisted D-module on BunSL2 × BunP SL2 .
This is our candidate for the kernel of the standard qGL duality associated to the
S operation SU (2) → SO(3)0 .
(ii) The coset d(2,1,−κ)
allows conformal blocks to be defined as twisted D-modules
on BunP SL2 × BunP SL2 with the twist κ + 1 along the first factor and the κ−1 + 1
along the second factor. This is our candidate for the kernel of a modified qGL
duality associated to the S operation SO(3)1 → SO(3)1 .
In particular, we can naturally define Yκ (SO(3)0 ) = Yκ (SU (2)) = d(2, 1, −κ)1 , with
appropriate choices of currents to couple to SL(2) and P SL(2) bundles.
Spin subtleties manifest themselves in a rather straight-forward manner. The spin-
extended groupoid has nodes SU (2)b , SU (2)s , SO(3)0 ,SO(3)1 ,SO(3)2 and SO(3)3 ≡ SO(3)−1 .
(i) In the above statement (i), tensoring with L−1 −1
P SL2 actually maps (κ +2)-twisted D-
modules on BunP SL2 to κ−1 -twisted and G-twisted D-modules on BunP SL2 . Thus,
the resulting kernel should correspond to the qGL duality S : SU (2)b → SO(3)2 .
(ii) A different vertex algebra is required for the qGL duality SU (2)s → SO(3)0 . A
likely candidate is the even part of d(2, 1, −κ)1 × so(3)1 . This vertex algebra has an
b κ+1 × sl(2)
affine sl(2) b κ−1 +4 subalgebra and the spin and sl(2)b κ+1 weight of fields are
tied together. This means that its localization functor yields κ-twisted D-modules
along BunSpin−SL2 and κ−1 -twisted D-modules along BunP SL2 .
(iii) The d(2,1,−κ)
vertex algebra is the natural candidate for the qGL duality SO(3)3 →
SO(3)1 .
(iv) Likewise, a kernel for the qGL duality SO(3)1 → SO(3)3 would require a vertex
b κ+3 × sl(2)
algebra with an sl(2) b κ−1 +3 sub-algebra. A possible solution is to combine
su(2)1 with the even part of so(3)1 × so(3)1 .
10.3. Kernels for SL3 . This is a particularly straightforward example. It has no spin
subtleties, but it illustrates the new challenges which arise when we go beyond SL2 .
We have learned above how to build a D0,1 → D1,0 junction in the P SU (3)2 ≡ P SU (3)−1
b κ+1 × sl(3)
generalized gauge theory. It supports the extension of sl(3) b κ−1 +1 we denote as
Yκ (P SU (3)2 ).
The next simplest junction we can produce is a D0,1 → D1,0 junction in the P SL(3)1
generalized gauge theory, the T image of the standard P SL(3) theory.
As an intermediate step, we can decompose the junction as D0,1 → N1,−2 → D1,0 and
associate D0,1 → N1,−2 to a sl(3)
b κ+2 Kac–Moody algebra. We are left with the problem of
building N1,−2 → D1,0 .
A similar, RS dual decomposition N1,−2 → N2,−1 → D1,0 gives an sl(3)b κ−1 +2 factor, but
still leaves a non-trivial problem: build an N1,−2 → N2,−1 junction in the P SU (3)1 theory.
We can solve the problem with one final step: the composition N1,−2 → N1,−1 → N2,−1
in the P SU (3)1 theory. Indeed, both partial junctions can be dualized to N1,0 → N1,1 in
the standard P SU (3) theory, i.e. N0,1 → N1,−1 in the SU (3) theory.
Keeping track of couplings, that gives a W κ+1 and a W κ+1 algebras. We can then
κ+2 2κ+1
go back to the original junction and associate differently. The D0,1 → N1,−2 → N1,−1
composition in the P SL(3)1 theory can be recognized by the GKO coset construction of
W as supporting sl(3)
b κ+1 × su(3)1 , possibly coupled to P SL(3) bundles through the total
level κ + 2 currents.
Overall, we obtained a junction D0,1 → D1,0 in the P SU (3)1 gauge theory supporting an
extension of
b κ+1 × sl(3)
sl(3) b κ−1 +1 × su(3)1 × su(3)1
we denote as Yκ (P SU (3)1 ). The extension involves the category of lines on N1,−1 in the
P SU (3)1 theory, i.e. the category of lines on on N1,−1 in the standard SU (3) gauge theory:
KL κ+1 (sl3 ). In particular, it involves a sum over all highest weights.
Conformal blocks of such vertex algebra give a potential S kernel for the category of
twisted D-modules associated to the P SL(3)1 theory.
It is very tempting to assume that the same vertex algebra may also occur at a junction
D0,1 → D1,0 in the standard SU (3) or P SU (3) gauge theories. Indeed, it has an sl(3)
b κ+1 ×
b κ−1 +3 sub-algebra and it may be possible to couple it to SL3 ×P SL3 bundles to produce
D-modules with the correct twists.
We cannot easily confirm this naive expectation by composing basic junctions. With a
small extra conjecture, we can get a somewhat similar statement, but involving an extra
su(3) spectator factor. We have derived sl(3) b κ+1 × su(3)1 at D0,1 → N1,−2 → N1,−1 in
the P SL(3)1 theory. We can look as a similar composition: N0,1 → N1,−2 → N1,−1 in the
P SL(3)1 theory.
In analogy with the SU (2) case, we conjecture that, up to a re-definition of the stress
tensor, there is an N0,1 → N1,−1 junction in the P SL(3)1 theory which supports Wκ+1 ×
su(3)1 . Equivalently, we conjecture that there is an N0,1 → N1,0 junction in the P SL(3)2
theory which supports Wκ × su(3)1 .
If this conjecture is correct, then a direct construction of D0,1 → D1,0 in the standard
P SU (3)0 gauge theory can proceed as follows. We can first decompose it to D0,1 → N1,−2 →
N1,−1 → D1,0 . The D0,1 → N1,−2 junction can be produced from D0,1 → N1,−3 → N1,−2 :
N1,−3 → N1,−2 in P SU (3)0 is dual to N1,0 → N1,1 in P SU (3)0 and thus to N0,1 → N1,−1
in SU (3) and supports W κ+2 . It can combine with sl(3) b κ+2 × su(3)1 at the
b κ+3 to give sl(3)
D0,1 → N1,−2 junction.
Next, we map N1,−2 → N1,−1 in P SU (3)0 to N1,−1 → N1,0 in P SU (3)1 , to N0,1 → N1,−1
in P SU (3)1 , to N0,1 → N1,0 in P SU (3)2 . Then the junction should support W κ+2 × su(3)1 .
Assembling the pieces, we get an extension of sl(3) b κ+2 × su(3)1 × W κ+2 × su(3)1 at
D0,1 → N1,−1 in P SU (3)0 , which we can presumably be identified with something like
b κ+1 × su(3)1 × su(3)1 × su(3)1 . If this is correct, the result will be some extension of
b κ+1 × sl(3)
sl(3) b κ−1 +1 × su(3)1 × su(3)1 × su(3)1
It would be interesting to test this conjecture further. We leave that to future work.
10.4. Sp(N ) and SO(2N +1) and other non-simply laced groups. The basic challenge
here is that, unlike the simply-laced case, N1,−1 is not self-dual under the basic duality RSm .
Rather, it is mapped by RSm to Nm,−1 6= N1,−1 if the lacing number m > 1. This means
that if we want to use the composition D0,1 → N1,−1 → D1,0 for a non-simply laced group
G, we need to describe the vertex algebra for the junction N1,−1 → D1,0 for the coupling
κ and group G. Hence, we have to describe its RSm -dual: D0,1 → Nm,−1 for the coupling
(mκ)−1 and group LG.
In what follows, we will pretend that T is a legitimate duality for both G and LG. We
will simply ignore here subtleties concerning the global form of the group.
Consider first the case m = 2. Then we can decompose further the latter junction as
D0,1 → N1,−1 → N2,−1 . The N1,−1 → N2,−1 junction for the coupling (2κ)−1 and group LG
is the same as N1,0 → N2,1 at (2κ)−1 + 1 and group LG, which is the same as N0,1 → N1,−1
κ κ+1
at − 1+2κ and the original group G. In turn, that is the same as N0,1 → N1,0 at 2κ+1 and
group G.
On the other hand, D0,1 → N1,−1 at (2κ)−1 and group LG is the same as D0,1 → N1,0 at
(2κ)−1 + 1 and group LG.
Thus, the resulting kernel vertex algebra Yκ (G) is a double extension of gκ+1 ×W κ+1 (g)×
Lbg −1 . For generic κ, it can be written explicitly as a double direct sum, as in Section
(2κ) +1
5. One can show that this vertex algebra has non-negative conformal dimensions. When
we apply the localization functor to the vertex algebra Yκ (G), we should obtain a kernel in
a suitable version of the category of twisted D-modules on BunG × BunLG with the twists
κ + 1 along the first factor and (2κ)−1 + 1 along the second factor. This D-module should
give rise to the qGL duality T ST .
When g = so(2n + 1), string theory suggests that the extension W κ+1 (so(2n + 1)) ×
b (2κ)−1 +1 should be identified with osp(1|n)
c κ−1 +1 and hence the kernel vertex algebra
is an extension of so(2n
b + 1)κ+1 × osp(1|n)
c κ +1 .
With a bit more care, and perhaps extra factors of so(2n+1) and sp(2n) WZW models at
level 1, we should be able to manufacture kernels adapted to specific pairs of gauge groups
and discrete θ-angles. Similar considerations should apply to other groups of lacing number
m = 2.
What is the best way to describe the limit of the kernel vertex algebras con-
structed in this paper when κ tends to a rational value?
What are the limits of the corresponding qGL duality functors?
Do issues of temperedness affect equally all possible kernels obtained from the
junctions, or different kernels have a different domain of effectiveness?
• Same questions at the critical level. Furthermore, the theory of coinvariants twisted
by flat bundles needs to be developed mathematically.
• What is the full spin-refined duality groupoid?
• Can auxiliary rational vertex algebras be found, which can combine with W- or
Kac–Moody algebras to give elementary junctions for all possible global forms of
the gauge group?
• Is there some simple criterion which guarantees or forbids the existence of junction
vertex algebras with positive conformal dimensions?
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