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TYPE : GR 612

Technical Data FEATURES:

 Ideal choice for university teaching / research labs

in physics stream.
 Because of Integral design it conserves bench
space and also significant savings in cost is
achieved because of optimal design.
 Uses Microcontroller based Counter/Timer
with advanced features for data acquisition &
data outputting.
 Along with Scintillation Detector one can use it as
a Gamma ray spectrometer or as a gamma
counting system.
 Highly regulated variable HV from (0 to 1500V)
@ 1mA, low ripple 25 mV (rms).
 Built-in linear amplifier with adj gain but with fixed
shaping time.
 Built-in SCA facilitates operation in Integral,
differential or window modes of counting.

Gamma Ray Spectrometer GR612, developed & manufactured by Nucleonix Systems is a low cost integral model
specially designed to serve the requirements of P.G. Colleges & Universities both for teaching & Research labs. Considerable
cost saving is achieved because of optional design & Integral construction, without any degradation in performance. It is
designed around microcontroller which is used basically to derive timer, counter functions & also to set required HV for the
detector, along with support pheripherals chips. Also all the required data storage & calculations are done using microcontroller
in embedded coding.

generated in LV PCB, to power-up all the circuits. a. Input : Unipolar or Bipolar witha
+ve leading edge 0 to 10V
b. Output Pulse Polarity: Positive
HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY: Pulse Amplitude : +5V
(0 to 1500V) @ 1mA HV is adjustable by a ten turn helipot Pulse Width : 0.5 micro sec
& dial. c. LLD output pulse amplitude : +5V
a. HV Output : Positive polarities Output pulse width : 0.5 micro sec
b. Ripple & noise : Less than 10mV (rms)
Base line variable by : 10 turn helipot / dial
c. Regulation : Better than 0.5%
Base line variation: 0 to 10V by helical
d. Window width continuously variable by helical
a. Input Polarity : Positive or Negative
potentiometer / Dial
b. Total Gain (Typical) : 600 (Approx.)
Window : 0 -1V in WINDOW mode
c. Output (Bipolar) : 0V to 8V (usable recommended
ULD range : 0.10V in NORMAL mode
Linear range)
e. LLD, ULD & MODE switch, controls have been
d. Max. Output : 12V (Saturation Level)
provided on front panel
e. Shaping : 1µsec

FILE_NAME : NSPL/DOC/ DS / GR612 / 01 File: Datasheet_Edu

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The system finds wide range of applications in nuclear
a. Display : 20x2 LCD Dotmatrix display has
research and academic fields which include analysis of
been provided to indicate data
counts & Elapsed time Gamma Radiations Identification of unknown isotopes and
their relative adundance
b. Preset time : 0-9999 seconds
Measures the strength of Radioactivity of sample

c. Command Buttons : START, STOP, PROG, STORE, Useful in radiotracer techniques

INC & DEC command buttons Can be used for protein bound iodine studies in medicine
have been provided on the front using well type scintillation detector etc.
panel key board
Swipe sample counting in Health Physics Labs.
d. Modes of Data Acquistion: a. Counts for a preset time
b. CPS
e Preset Time Selection: Programmable through switch
control buttons Scintillation detector with flat type NaI crystal of 1"X1" or 2"
X 2" flat or well type detector of 2" X 2" or 3” X 3” of
f. Data storage : Upto 1000 readings NUCLEONIX make or its equivalent is compatible to
GR612. The output (taken from preamplifier) is POSITIVE
g. Programmability : includes selection of preset time for all Nucleonix make Scintillation detectors.
storing / recalling of data, starting Hence the input polarity of the amplifier in GR612 is to
and stopping of acquisition, lable be selected for POSITIVE. The LV supply of -12 V required
assignment for data counts such as for the Scintillation Detector Pre-amplifier is drawn from the
BG (back ground), ST (standard) GR612 rear panel. So also, the HV bias supply for
and SP (sample). the PMT of the detector assembly is also drawn from
GR612 rear panel. Preamplifier of the scintillation detector
is a charge integrating type of preamplifier.

SERIAL PORT (RS232C) (Optional):

h. Serial port : This module additionally has built- in
RS232C serial port for down loading Built-in serial port facilitates stored data transfer under
PC programme control. This transferred data can be
the data into PC.
further processed if required by the user in PC.

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Technical Data
Nucleonix Systems offers wide range of NaI Scintillation Detectors of
different sizes both with flat & well type crystals, to meet the
requirements of wide range of users for Gamma ray spectrometry
Scintillation detectors offered include 1"x1" & 2"x2" & 3"x3" NaI
integral assemblies with built-in pre-amplifiers. These detector
assemblies give excellent stability, superior performance & good
resolution in the range of 8.0 to 9.5% for Cs-137.For teaching labs, we
recommend 1"x1" or 2"x2" & 3"x3" NaI detector with this integral

Important Specifications Detector Type

1. Flat/Well type NaI crystal SD 151 SD152F SD152W SD153F SD153W
2. Crystal Sizes 1” x 1” 2” x 2” 2” x 2” 3” x 3” 3” x 3”
3. a. Flat crystal or Flat Flat Well Flat Well
b. Well Size (applicable for Not Not 0.75” dia Not 0.656” dia
well type detectors only) applicab applicabl X 1.43” applicable X 2.063”
l e deep deep
4. Resolution (Better than) 8.5 % 8.5% 9% 8.5% 9%
5. Photo multiplier R6095 of EMI 9857 or 9266 or its equivalent EMI 9305 or its equivalent
Hamamatsu or
its equivalent
6. Pre-amplifier Built – in Built – in Built – in
7. Gain (Approx.) 25 25 25
8. Noise (RMS. referred to Less than 50 V Less than 50 V Less than 50 V
9. Operating Voltage 600 to 900 V 700 to 900V 700 to 900V
10. Out put Positive Tail Positive Tail Pulse Positive Tail Pulse
11. Output impedance 90 Ohms 90 Ohms 90 Ohms
12. Power Requirement -12V @ 12 mA -12V @ 12 mA -12V @ 12 mA

Important Note: All NaI Scintillation Detectors manufactured & supplied by Nucleonix systems, use
integral assemblies of Saint Gobain who are world leaders.

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TYPE: GS 290
Gamma Reference Standard Set Type: GS290 consists of a set of FIVE Gamma
sources evaporated and sealed on 25mm dia x 5mm plastic discs ranging from
100KeV upto 1.33MeV energies with activity in the range of 2 to 5 micro curie. A
reference chart for this is given below. The accuracy of these sources is in the range
of +/-10%. All these disc sources are enclosed in a neatly polished wooden box.

Isotope Energy Nomina Hal

MeV l f
Co-57 0.123 2-5 ci 273 Days
Ba-133 0.36 (Main) 2-5 ci 7.5 Years
Na-22 0.511; 1.280 2-5 ci 2.6 Years
Cs-137 0.662 2-5 ci 30 Years
Co-60 1.17; 1.33 2-5 ci 5.3 Years


This consists of 40mm thick lead shielding cylindrical rings assembled according to the detector. There is a provision in the
bottom ring through which system connections are given to the detector, which is placed inside the lead shield.

For 1”X1” detector (8 lead assembling parts) For 2”X2” detector (9 lead assembly parts) For 3”X3” detector (10 lead assembly parts)

LS 249 LS 250 LS 251

The top ring has a holding knob through which sample can be loaded on to the scintillation detector, and this closes the lead
castle from top side.

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