2022-1.763-机器人辅助骨折复位系统 采用定位机器人和一自由度牵引装置的人-机器人-机器人协同控制
2022-1.763-机器人辅助骨折复位系统 采用定位机器人和一自由度牵引装置的人-机器人-机器人协同控制
2022-1.763-机器人辅助骨折复位系统 采用定位机器人和一自由度牵引装置的人-机器人-机器人协同控制
While performing musculoskeletal long bone fracture reduction surgery, assistant surgeons can often suffer from physical fati-
gue as they provide resistance against the tension from surrounding muscles pulling on the patient’s broken bones. These days,
robotic systems are being actively developed to mitigate this physical workload by realigning and holding these fractured bones
for surgeons. This has led to one consortium proposing the development of a robot-assisted fracture reduction system consist-
ing of a 6-DOF positioning robot along with a 1-DOF traction device. With the introduction of the 1-DOF traction device, the
positioning robot does not have to fight these contraction forces so can be compact improving its maneuverability and overall
convenience; however, considering surgeon-robot interactions, this approach adds the requirement of controlling two different
types of robots simultaneously. As such, an advanced cooperative control methodology is required to control the proposed
bone fracture reduction robot system. In this paper, a human-robot-robot cooperative control (HRRCC) scheme is proposed
for collaboration between the surgeon, the positioning robot, and the traction device. First, the mathematical background of
this HRRCC scheme is provided. Next, we describe a series of experiments that show how the proposed scheme facilitates a
reduction in the load placed on the positioning robot from strong muscular contraction forces making it possible to conduct
fracture reduction procedures more safely despite the muscular forces.
Admittance control, robot-assisted fracture reduction, human-robot-robot cooperative control, positioning robot, trac-
tion device
and 74 Nm, respectively.1 Recently, in order to mitigate research group has previously developed a RAFR sys-
the physical burden of assistant surgeons during these tem in which one serial type positioning robot is used
procedures, and to reduce X-ray radiation exposure for solely to provide force feedback and force scale func-
patients and operating staff, robot-assisted fracture tionality this system operates based on the assumptions
reduction (RAFR) systems equipped with 3-dimen- that the positioning robot has a sufficient load capacity
sional (3D) medical navigation systems have been and that two F/T sensors are available.10 Recently,
developed by several research groups.2–9 Park et al.13,14 proposed a new approach where a
single-axis motorized traction device is used to assist
with the strong muscular contraction force exerted
Literature review along the bone’s axial axis alongside a serial robot.
Several research groups have developed RAFR systems This combination is promising because the largest
using powerful robots to mitigate surgeons’ physical forces are required along the axial axis of the bone,
fatigue. Westpal et al.5 proposed a robot-assisted long while the forces in the other directions are lower.1,15,16
bone fracture reduction system that employs a six-axis Thus, for that system, the traction device manages the
articulated industrial robot (Stäubli TX-90) and a 3D strong muscular forces acting along the bone’s axial
image navigation system, which is telemanipulated axis, while the serial robot manages the remaining
using a joystick. Tokyo University in Japan6 proposed forces along other axes. The small serial robot has been
a RAFR system (FRAC-Robo) equipped with a six- named the ‘‘positioning robot.’’ Employing the separate
axis serial robot and a 3D image navigation system. traction device helps reduce the maximum payload on
This robot can be connected to a patient’s foot to move the positioning robot and improves the surgeon’s man-
the distal bone fragment while being interactively con- euverability. However, since two different types of
trolled using one force/torque (F/T) sensor. Palmerston robots are used together, a cooperative control scheme
North Hospital in New Zealand7 proposed a RAFR is required. If a positioning robot and a traction device
system that consisted of a 6-degree-of-freedom (DOF) move independently, the traction force produced by the
parallel robot and a manual reduction table. The traction device may create additional loads for the posi-
University of Hong Kong utilized a specially designed tioning robot to deal with. To conduct fracture reduc-
parallel robot in their long bone RAFR system.8 tion surgery based on a surgeon’s commands like one
Dagnino et al.9 developed a RAFR system that consists integrated system, an efficient control structure must
of a 6-DOF parallel robot and a 4-DOF carrier plat- be developed.
form. The above-mentioned RAFR systems are mainly Thus, for the cooperative control of both the posi-
manipulated by surgeons using teleoperation to con- tioning robot and the traction device, where the two
duct fracture reduction tasks.5–9 For some systems, robot systems are connected to the fractured bone phy-
experimental results from situations where the muscu- sically, a human-robot-robot cooperative control
lar contraction forces or soft tissues are considered (HRRCC) scheme is proposed. In detail, as the surgeon
explicitly have not been reported.5,8,9 Some systems are controls the positioning robot, the traction device
bulky,6 and some require use of additional structures, moves to minimize the load placed on the positioning
such as a carriage platform.7,9 In this study, teleopera- robot. It is expected that this scheme will help surgeons
tion along with manual interactive manipulation was conduct RAFR surgery while experiencing lower physi-
adopted as the intended control method so that sur- cal loads and stresses than before, in addition, the sys-
geons can intervene in the robotic surgery procedure tem will protect bone fragments from damage, such as
and manipulate the robot directly while checking a a secondary fracture caused by excessive forces from
patient’s status.10 the robots’ operations.
Moreover, during conventional fracture reduction In the field of industrial robots, initially coordina-
surgery, a manual traction device is often used. These tion of multiple robotic arms was developed using
manual traction devices may use weights to pull the coordinated control17 or by expanding hybrid position/
bone and pulleys to change the direction of that force, force control methods.18 Since then, adaptive con-
or they may use a manual winch system to pull and trol19,20 and neural network control21 techniques have
hold a broken bone in place. Generally, these devices been developed and applied for control of multiple
are fixed to the frame of a patient’s bed. In a similar robots. Motion synchronization techniques for multi-
way, fracture tables have also seen widespread use for axis robots have also been developed using cross-
assisting fracture reduction surgery. coupling approaches.22–24 It should be noted that the
For control, most surgical robot systems have a existing synchronization methods found in previous lit-
surgeon-robot cooperative control scheme so the sur- erature, like those mentioned above, are all related to
geon can manage surgical processes. Most systems motion control. Motion synchronization using force
include a sensor-based virtual guide11 and/or a force tracking control for human-robot collaboration has
feedback control to aid the user’s force-torque com- also been studied.25 In recent years, multiple robot
mands and environmental reaction forces.10,12 This arms have been studied for force control
Kim et al. 699
Figure 2. A simplified dynamics model including the positioning robot, traction device, human operator, and fractured bones with
700 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 236(5)
Gr (s) Gr (s)
x_ r = (t r + fm )+ x_ e
1 + Zf (s)Gr (s) 1 + Zf (s)Gr (s)
(c) ð4Þ
Figure 4. Block diagram of a proposed human-robot-robot cooperative control scheme: (a) blocks for positioning robot and distal
bone fixation jig, (b) blocks for traction device and traction cable, and (c) blocks for fractured bone with muscles, distal bone fixation
jig, and traction cable.
are identical to those described in the group’s former positioning robot’s E–E x_ r can be represented as a
work.10 In addition, by using fs as the input of the trac- function of the operational force fm and the interaction
tion device, local feedback control can be implemented. force fs as follows:
By multiplying the admittance gain Atr to fs, the desired
velocity of the traction device’s E–E x_ tr_d is generated, Cr (s)Gr (s)ðAm (s)fm As (s)fs Þ
x_ r =
this becomes the input of the traction device controller. 1 + Cr (s)Gr (s)
Herein, lm and ls denote the degree of direct influence lm Gr (s)fm ls Gr (s)fs
from human forces and environmental forces on the 1 + Cr (s)Gr (s)
actual force applied by the robot actuator, respectively,
these range from 0 to 1. If the robot is non-back-
drivable (e.g. with an industrial robot), lm and ls tend In addition, x_ tr can be represented as follows:
to be closer to 0. Otherwise (e.g. with an impedance-
Ctr (s)Gtr (s) ltr Z~c (s)Gtr (s)
type haptic device), lm and ls tend to be closer to 1 .27 x_ tr = Atr (s)fs x_ e ð8Þ
In Figure 2, as it is assumed here that the robots are 1 + Ctr (s)Gtr (s) 1 + Ctr (s)Gtr (s)
purely back-drivable, there are no direct influence ratio
blocks like those from Figure 3, that is, lm and ls are Herein, fs can be defined as:
considered to be unity; however, for practicality, the
blocks for lm and ls were added, as the robots are not fs = Zf (s)ðx_ e x_ r Þ ð9Þ
purely back-drivable. Instead, the positioning robot and
the traction device are modeled with large gear ratios,
from the blocks in group (a) in Figure 4.
so they can be considered to have direct influence ratios
Substituting fs = Zf (s)ðx_ e x_ r Þ into (8) yields:
close to zero. Following this reasoning, the direct influ-
ence ratio lm was adopted as shown in Figure 4. Ctr (s)Gtr (s)
x_ tr = Atr (s)Zf (s)ðx_ r x_ e Þ
1 + Ctr (s)Gtr (s)
Characteristics analysis using simplified model ltr Z~c (s)Gtr (s)
x_ e
In this subsection, some of the characteristics of the 1 + Ctr (s)Gtr (s)
proposed HRRCC are analyzed.
This is because, for simplicity, the robots are
Ability to minimize load on a positioning robot. First, con- assumed to have large gear ratios and the direct influ-
sider the situation in which the robot and traction ence ratio can then be considered to be zero, that is,
device pull on the distal bone. According to the = Ctr (s)Gtr (s) ,
ltr = 0. In addition, we represent G(s) 1 + Ctr (s)Gtr (s)
whole block diagram in Figure 4, the velocity of the and then (10) can be represented as:
702 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 236(5)
x_ tr = Gtr Atr (s)Zf (s)ðx_ r x_ e Þ ð11Þ cable dynamics no longer affect the system’s dynamics,
this means we can assume that the spring and damping
coefficients of the cable are zero, that is, Z~c (s)’0. In
From the blocks in group (c) in Figure 4, x_ e can be rep-
this case, (12) can be rewritten as:
resented as:
x_ e = Ge (s)Zf (s)ðx_ r x_ e Þ ð16Þ
x_ e = Ge (s) Zf (s)ðx_ r x_ e Þ + Z~c (s)ðx_ tr x_ e Þ ð12Þ
Figure 6. Hardware configuration of 1-DOF traction device; (a) mechanical structure: 1. Actuator, 2. Traction part, 3. Controller,
4. Supporting fixture (b) communication channel setup between the HRRCC and traction device’s controller.
supporting post on the side of the positioning robot’s was used to measure the force exerted on the position-
base. ing robot by the human operator. An interaction F/T
sensor (Delta SI-660-60) from ATI Co., Ltd was also
used to measure the force exerted on the positioning
Fixation of fractured bones robot by the environment.
To fix the fractured bones to fixation jigs, several medi-
cal pins were used. First, the pins were fixed to each
part of the fractured bone’s shaft, and then the other Setup of dynamic reference markers
sides of the pins were fixed to C-shaped bone fixation To utilize the 3-D image navigation system, dynamic
jigs. The jigs were fixed onto the frame of the patient reference markers were attached to the proximal and
bed or onto the E-E of the positioning robot.13 The distal fractured bones, as shown in Figure 5. During the
pins used were conventional Shantz pins that had been reduction procedure, the positions of the reference mar-
modified to increase their rigidity. The pins were kers were measured by a Polaris Spectra optical tracker
designed and manufactured by Solco Medical Co., system (OTS) from NDI Co., and then the positions
Ltd., who are part of our consortium.30–32 As described and orientations of the fractured bones were estimated
in Kyungpook National University Industry-Academic using the registration results. This locational informa-
Cooperation Foundation,32 the fixation pin is designed tion on the bones was then shown in real-time by the
to be fixed on the one side of the bone in order not to 3-D image navigation system developed by Corelinesoft
interfere a guide wire or an intramedullary rod inside Co., Ltd.
the medullary cavity. To attach the proximal bone fixa-
tion jig to the patient bed, a serial linked holder (Noga
Engineering Ltd., MA-61003) was utilized. Registration setup
As a registration algorithm that finds the relationship
between the OTS coordinate system and the CT coordi-
Utilization of two F/T sensors nate system, a point-to-point matching algorithm based
For the force feedback and force scaling of the pro- on feature points was temporarily used. Three K-wires
posed cooperative control, two F/T sensors were with diameters of 1.0 mm were inserted before taking
installed on the last link of the positioning robot, as the CT image. The real positions of the inserted points
described in.10 In this implementation, an operational were measured using a probe from the OTS system, the
F/T sensor (Gamma SI-130-10) from ATI Co., Ltd. positions in the CT were then identified using the 3-D
Kim et al. 705
Figure 8. Comparisons of forces during the traction task part of the fracture reduction procedure: the operational force Fm, the
interaction force Fs, and the traction force Ftr are shown in (a) Case A – using only the positioning robot and (b) Case B – using both
the positioning robot and traction device: Fs measured up to a maximum of 158.8 N while conducting the reduction task in (a). Fs
averaged 0.6 N, whereas Ftr measured up to a maximum of 172.6 N in (b). As the 1-DOF traction device manages most of the
muscular contraction force along the longitudinal axis of the bone, the load on the positioning robot is reduced significantly
eliminating the chance of it becoming overloaded.
Kim et al. 707
Table 3. Comparison of the Measured Maximum Interaction Forces (Fs) during the Traction Task in Fracture Reduction Procedure
for Case A and Case B.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Force feedback evaluation while fractured bones have been placed in contact during the fracture reduction procedure:
(a) force comparison of Fm and Fs and (c) position profile of positioning robot in Case A, (b) force comparison and (d) position profile
of the positioning robot in Case B (with 1-DOF force feedback). Without force feedback, an operational force of about 22.6 N could
move the bone up to 33 mm, resulting in the largest interaction force reaching 2227 N. With force feedback, an operational force of
about 234.02 N could move the bone up to 3.99 mm, resulting in the largest interaction force reaching –34.13 N. The force feedback
control prevented the robot from applying the strong forces to the proximal bone seen in (c). Note that this data was recorded in a
situation where no visual feedback was provided to more clearly understand the effects of force feedback.
Table 4. Comparison of the measured maximum interaction forces (Fs) while fractured bones placed into contact during fracture
reduction procedure for Case A and Case B. Note that 3-D Image navigation views were provided in these experiments.
Case A
Max. Fs (N) 225.03 219.57 230.7 217.88 223.3 6 5.8
Max. position profile (mm) 3.32 2.54 4.1 2.34 3.8 6 0.8
Case B
Max. Fs (N) 217.45 27.24 212.71 216.31 213.4 6 4.6
Max. position profile (mm) 2.13 1.17 1.66 2.71 1.92 6 0.7
observed that the operators tended to naturally reduce subject carefully moved the robot; thus, the maximum
the forces they applied. force was decreased compared to earlier experiments.
Based on this preliminary test, four participating Although the interaction force was reduced after pro-
subjects were then asked to conduct the task of placing viding visual feedback, the maximum interaction force
the bones in contact from the fracture reduction proce- decreased substantially when force feedback was also
dure by directly manipulating the positioning robot. provided. The X-axis displacement of the proximal
Table 4 lists the maximum interaction forces Fs as well fractured bone in Case A measured 3.8 6 0.8 mm, while
as the maximum X-axis’ displacement of the position- in Case B it measured 1.92 6 0.7 mm, a 49% decrease
ing robot for two cases: Case A, without 1-DOF force in force.
feedback from the HRRCC scheme but with visual
feedback, and Case B, with both force feedback and
visual feedback. The interaction forces in Case A mea-
sured 223.3 6 5.8 N, while those in Case B measured Our research consortium has developed a robot-assisted
13.4 6 4.6 N. As visual feedback was provided, the long bone reduction system, which consists of a serial
Kim et al. 709
type manipulator in the form of a positioning robot to publication of this article: This work was supported by
accurately position the fractured bones during the the National Strategic R&D Program for Industrial
reduction procedure while a traction device is used Technology (No. 10041605) funded by the Ministry of
simultaneously to combat the considerable contraction Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), South Korea
forces from the surrounding muscles that would other- and also by the Korea Medical Device Development
wise make such procedures much more difficult. To Fund grant funded by the Korean government (the
effectively control a 6-DOF serial type positioning Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Trade,
robot and a 1-DOF traction device through a surgeon’s Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Health and
operational command inputs, a human-robot-robot Welfare, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) (proj-
cooperative control (HRRCC) scheme is proposed. In ect number: KMDF_PR_2020901_0122, 1711138226).
the proposed HRRCC scheme, the robots are physi-
cally connected, and they share force information ORCID iDs
recorded by sensors for feedback control. To measure
the operational and interaction forces separately, two Woo Young Kim https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8355-
F/T sensors were installed on the end-effector of the 5113
positioning robot. By applying admittance control to Seong Young Ko https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4316-
the two forces, the positioning robot can be manipu- 0074
lated directly, while a force feedback function is imple-
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