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Untitled Document
Decision-making is the process of selecting the best option among a number
of choices. It is an important step in the process of planning. Your success
depends on the decisions you have made in your professional and personal
life. Whether it is for business or your own personal life, you will not be able to
move ahead without taking the necessary decisions at times.
Decision-making will not be a difficult process if you have only a single option
for you. It becomes a laborious process if you are to choose between lots of
other suitable alternatives. If you are a good decision maker you will be
respected and trusted by the people working for you.
importance of decision making
To be precise, you cannot achieve success in your life if you do not know how
to make your decisions perfectly. You will be able to have a better idea about
the importance of decision-making from the below-mentioned points.
Having a life without choices is not good for anyone. A life without choices
means someone else makes decisions about how you spend your time each
day, like what you do and when you do it. Each person has the right to make
decisions and have choices about how they live their life. Each person has
different ideas about what is important and what makes them feel best.
Making your own choices about the things you do is very important because it
gives your life meaning. The choices we are talking about are picking things
you like best, for example: • going places in the community, • a good job, •
being with friends, • feeling safe, and • having good food to eat that is healthy.
Making choices about what is important to you helps you be more
independent and in charge of your life. Learning to make your own choices
can be hard if you have not had a chance to be in charge before. Sometimes
when people begin to make choices, staff andfamily do not listen because
they are not comfortable yet with us making our own choices. Don’t be afraid
to say what is important to you - just try telling people what you think. If you
have trouble speaking, use pictures, equipment and/or people to help. Use
this book to help tell staff what makes you happy and how you want to live
your life. It can be your own story book. Before your planning meeting, think
about what you want. If you need some help getting ready for your meeting,
ask someone to help you write or draw what you want. You can take this book
to your planning meeting and show your team what is important to you. So,
get out and do the things you like, be part of your community - even if you live
in a developmental center Decision-making is the process of selecting the
best option among a number of choices. It is an important step in the process
of planning. Your success depends on the decisions you have made in your
professional and personal life. Whether it is for business or your own personal
life, you will not be able to move ahead without taking the necessary decisions
at times.
Decision-making will not be a difficult process if you have only a single option
for you. It becomes a laborious process if you are to choose between lots of
other suitable alternatives. If you are a good decision maker you will be
respected and trusted by the people working for you.
To be precise, you cannot achieve success in your life if you do not know how to make
your decisions perfectly. You will be able to have a better idea about the importance of
decision-making from the below-mentioned points.