Estimate - Ambe Toilet

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PROJECT:Renovation and Construction

LOCATION: Ambe Apartment,Chabhahil


S.No. Description of Works Unit nos Length Breadth Height Quantity Rate Amount
1 Design and planning 1 10000 10,000.00
2D Planing and 3D view
Job 1 1

2 Site Preparation 1 14500 14,500.00

Job 1 1

3 Dismantling 845.075 45 38,028.38

Partition Wall Sft 1 6.91 10 69.1
Entry Door Sft 2 3.67 10 73.4
Toilet Tile
Floor Sft 1 45.37 45.37
Wall Sft 1 32.1 8.5 272.85
Toilet Plaster
Floor Sft 1 45.37 45.37
Wall Sft 1 32 8.5 272
False Ceiling Sft 1 9.33 4.5 41.985
For joint new wall Sft 1 2.5 10 25

4 Partition Wall 57.5 320 18,400.00

wall Sft 1 4 10 40
Door Packing Sft 1 2.5 7 17.5

5 Plaster Works 579.87 90 52,188.30

Repair on Dismantled
wall Sft 2 16.5 2.5
Partition Sft 1 8.5 10 85
Door Packing Sft 2 2.5 7 35
New door Sft 2 3 10 60
Floor Sft 1 45.37 45.37
Wall Sft 1 32 8.5 272

6 Tile Works 317.37 410 130,121.70

Floor Sft 1 45.37 45.37
Wall Sft 1 32 8.5 272

7 Wood Works
Wooden Chaukos with
a) Fittings 1.4025 9500 13,323.75

Cft 1 17 0.25 0.33 1.4025

Readymade door with

b) fitting 2 15000 30,000.00

Nos 2 2

8 Plumbing Works
a) Piping Works 1 18000 18,000.00
Job 1 1

b) Refitting Works 1 3500 3,500.00

Job 1 1

False Ceiling Repairing

9 works 1 5500 5,500.00

Job 1 1

Electrical Repairing
9 works 1 5500 5,500.00

Job 1 1

Dumping and site

10 clearance 1 4500 4,500.00

Trip 1 1

TOTAL AMOUNT 343,562.13

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