Tesfaye Melkamu
Tesfaye Melkamu
Tesfaye Melkamu
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, the Case of Hibret Bank
Four Selected Branches (Bole, Bole Medhanialem, Misrak and Beklobet)
Tesfaye Melkamu Asmare
April, 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
This is to certify Ato Tesfaye Melkamu Asmare that he has done a research on the topic The Effect
of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, In The Case of Hibret Bank Four Selected Branches
(Bole, Bole medhanialem, Misrak and Beklobet). This research is of his original work and all the
sources of material used for the study had been dully acknowledged.
Date: _____________________________
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Thesis on the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, the Case of Hibret Bank Four
Selected Branches.
Tesfaye Melkamu Asmare
Approved By
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
I, Tesfaye Melkamu Asmare, declare that this thesis is my original work, that complies with the
regulation of the university, fulfill the accepted standard of thesis quality and all the material
resources I use during the thesis had been duly acknowledged.
Signature _____________
Date _______________
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The first and for most my thanks enchanted to the Almighty God and his mother saint marry for
graciously help me in all my life endeavors me including the accomplishment of the thesis from
the beginning to its finishing.
I would like to express my greatest & deepest appreciation to my advisor Asres Abitie (PhD), for
his constructive and valuable criticism as well as advice in the course of this thesis preparation,
who genuinely guided me to the right direction.
My special thanks go to my father and mother, which they lead me the best of my life and shaped
me through all my personal life as well as unforgettable supported to my education.
I am much indebted to my wife W/ro Ayal Negash, who unconditionally support and loves me,
without the support of her, this paper work would not have gone this far.
The last but not the least, I want to express my gratitude to those who have shared me their busy
time and. Their effort in responding the questionnaires.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
ATM = Automated Teller Machine
HB= Hibret bank
POS= Point of Sale
SERVQUAL= Service Quality
SPSS = Statistical Package for Social Science
ETB=Ethiopian Birr
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Following liberation of financial sector Hibret Bank S.C had incorporated as a Share Company
on Sept 10, 1998 and Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Proclamation No. 84/1994.
Even if the bank operate more than two decades still there are customer complaint on the service
quality delivered by the bank. Therefore, the aim of the study were studying the impact of service
quality on customer satisfaction, the case of Hibret bank four selected branches. For this study a
questionnaire was designed under five service quality dimension model. A sample consist of 364
were selected based on convenience sampling technique. Primary data were analyzed using SPSS
software version 24. The researcher also used correlation and multiple regression for showing
the relationship of service quality variables to customer satisfaction. Correlation analysis
indicates that, there is positive relationship each service quality variables with customer
satisfaction. On the other hand multiple regression shows that there were a strong positive impact
on customer satisfaction from the four service quality variables (tangibility, reliability,
responsiveness and empathy). While assurance as a negative impact on customer satisfaction.
Among the five service quality variable empathy had a very strong correlation with customer
satisfaction. In general the finding of the research showed that the performance of service quality
of Hibret bank didn’t make satisfy the customers need. So, this lead to low customer satisfaction.
based on this the researcher recommended the bank to train the front line employee and prepare
complaint handling mechanism as well as modernizing the office structure to make the office
impressive to customers.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Table of Contents
Approved........................................................................................................................................ iii
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... v
Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... vi
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Study ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Background of the Organization .............................................................................................. 3
1.3. Statement of the Problem ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Basic Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Objective of the study .............................................................................................................. 5
1.5.1. General objective............................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2. Specific objective .............................................................................................................. 5
1.6. Significance of study................................................................................................................ 5
1.7. Scope of the study .................................................................................................................... 5
1.8. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................................................ 5
1.9. Organization of the Study ........................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 7
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 The Theoretical Foundation ...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Definition of Service .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 The Characteristics of Service............................................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Service Quality ................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 SERVQUAL....................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.5 The Gap Model................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.6 Customer Expectation and Satisfaction............................................................................ 11
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
List of tables
Table 3.1 population of sample ..................................................................................................... 20
Table 3.2 Summary of valid sample vs. sample selected ............................................................. 20
Table 3.3 Reliability...................................................................................................................... 21
Table 4.1: Gender distribution ...................................................................................................... 23
Table 4.2: Age distribution ........................................................................................................... 24
Table 4.3: Customer Type distribution ......................................................................................... 25
Table 4.4: Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha) ...................................................................... 25
Table 4.5: Mean score of respondents .......................................................................................... 26
Table 4.6: Tangibility dimension analysis ................................................................................... 27
Table 4.7: Reliability dimension analysis .................................................................................... 27
Table 4.8: Responsiveness dimension analysis ............................................................................ 28
Table 4.9: Assurance dimension analysis ..................................................................................... 28
Table 4.10: Empathy dimension analysis ..................................................................................... 29
Table 4.11 Overall Customer Satisfactions distribution ............................................................... 30
Table 4.12: Correlation coefficient table ...................................................................................... 30
Table 4.13: Pearson’s correlation matrix for SERVPERF dimensions and satisfaction .............. 31
Table 4.14: ANOVA (analysis of variance) ................................................................................ 34
Table 4.15: Multiple Regression of SERVPERF Dimensions and its impact on satisfaction ...... 35
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Table of figures
Figure 2.1 Service quality assessments ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 2. 2 Customer service gap ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.3 Situational factor for customer satisfaction ................................................................. 12
Figure 2.4 Factors that affecting customer satisfaction ................................................................ 13
Figure 2.5 Conceptual framework ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 4.1 Level of Education Distribution .................................................................................. 24
Figure 4.2 Linearity Assumption .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 4.3 Hetero-scedasticity Assumption .................................................................................. 33
Figure 4.4 Normality Assumption ................................................................................................ 34
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
This chapter shows the overall map of the study. It contented with background of the study, of
the organization, statement of the problem, research questions, objective of the study, significance
of the study, scope of the study, and eventually organization of the study.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
hotel and freight logistics to the huge of locally operated small businesses, including restaurants,
barberry, baking, transportation, parking, education, and other numerous businesses services are
assumed to be service delivering organizations (Wright, 2009).
Defining service quality is not as such simple as defining product quality; this is because of the
nature of services. Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, (1985) have developed service quality
measurement tool (SERVQUAL) & defined the service quality as the gap between customer
expectation and perception based on five dimensions. They further define consumer’s perception
of service quality as a function of the difference between expectations about the performance of a
general class of service providers and assessment of the actual performance of a specific service
within that class. The author identifies five dimensions of service quality measurement as a tool
these are: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.
Currently, service quality has been the most important factor for the success as well as survival
in banking industry and also to differentiate one from other competing banks. Service quality is
very sensitive in a highly competitive environment such as that of the Hibret Bank operating
environment. Beyond that, delivering high quality services support in meeting several
requirements such as customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, market share, soliciting new
customers, improved productivity, financial performance and profitability (Shanka, 2012).
Because of increasing competition in banking industries, customer service is a most important part
that must give due attention to the customer’s satisfaction. The Banks challenged by the pressures
of globalization, as well as competition from financial institutions, in addition volatile market
dynamics are constantly seeking new strategies to add more value to their services (Stafford,
The goal of many banks is to develop services which attract and keep customers satisfied, loyal
and speak well of the bank which in turn would increase revenue, customer equity, market share
and profitability. In banking industry, service quality is being increasingly viewed as a competitive
marketing strategy revolving around customer focus, innovation, and creative service and striving
towards service excellence (Andotra & Gupta, 2008).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Does the service quality have a significant impact on customer satisfaction in Hibret Bank?
Does the customers satisfy with the service provided by Hibret Bank?
Which dimensions of service quality contribute significantly to determine customer
satisfaction in Hibret Bank?
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
selected branches (Bole, Bole Medhanialem, Beklobet and Misrak). Even if, the findings of this
study would have had paramount importance if more customers had been included in the research,
for customers who live in different regions may have different perceptions towards customer
However, due to time and financial constraints, it was not possible to broaden the study to see the
relationship between city branches and outlying branches customer satisfaction level in terms of
their perception with respect to the need for bank service. As a result, all the major customers in
the city branches only were taken as the subject of the study.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
2.1 The Theoretical Foundation
2.1.1 Definition of Service
Because of their diversity, services have traditionally been tough to outline. The method in
which services are created and delivered to customers is usually onerous to know since several
inputs and outputs are intangible. Most of the people have very little problem defining
manufacturing or agriculture, but defining service can elude them (Lovelock & Lauren,1999).
Recent studies on services have shown that service specifications and agreements present associate
on-going process within which service definitions evolve through emptor service provider
interactions (Gelderman, Semeijn & Bruijn, 2015).
According to Kotler & Keller,(2009) "Service outlined as any act and performance that one
party can give to another that's basically intangible and doesn't result in the possession of
Services are deeds, processes and performances. They elaborate their definition as all economic
activities whose output is not a physical product and construction, is usually consumed at the time
it's created, and provides further value in forms that are primarily intangible concerns of its 1st
customer (Gupta & Zeithaml, 2006).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The evaluation of service quality is formed during the service supply is process. The figure
bellow depicting service qualities is focused evaluation that reflects the customer’s perception.
Showing in the figure that five principal dimensions that customers use to judge service, i.e.
Quality, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles (Fitzsimmons. J,
Fitzsimmons. M & Bordoloi, 2008).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
of poor service quality (Parasuraman.A, Zeithaml.A & Leonard L. Berry, 2009) (Parasuraman.A,
A. Zeithaml, & Leonard L. Berry, 1990) (Parasuraman, A, Zeithaml, V, and Berry, L, 1985).
Judgment of high and low service quality depends on how consumers perceive the actual service
performance in context of what they expected. The quality that consumers perceive in a service is
a function of the magnitude and direction of the gap between expected service and perceived
service (Tsegaye, 2017).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
overtime, influenced by a range of things. Notably once product usage or the service expertise
takes place over time, satisfaction could also be extremely variable looking on that purpose within
the usage or expertise cycle one is focusing. (Lovelock, C & Wright, L.2007, 86-87.), as cited
(Kabu. K & Soniya M, 2017).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
conjointly evident that SERVPERF is a lot of efficient in reducing the amount of things to be
measured by five hundredth than SERVQUAL ( Babakus & Boller, 1992 cited in Shanka, 2012).
Moreover, in line with Cronin and Taylor (1992), their performance based mostly SERVPERF
scale may be a higher technique of measurement service quality. They claim that this scale‟s
dependableness ranges between 0.884 and 0.964 depending on the industry kind and exhibits each
confluent and discriminate validity (Mesay, 2012).
The developers of the size contend that, whereas each industry is exclusive in some aspects,
there are five finalized dimensions of service quality that ar applicable to service providing
organizations typically. These dimensions are; tangibility, reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance
and empathy.
1. Tangibility: representing the service physically
This includes physical facilities, equipment, and therefore the physical look of on employee.
Parasuraman (1985) outlined corporeality as the look of physical facilities, equipment, personnel,
and written materials.
2. Reliability: delivering on promise
Parasuraman et al (1988) outlined reliability as the most important consider conventional service.
This refers to the ability to supply the precise needed service in step with given specifications and
conditions. Reliableness depends on handling customers' services problems; playing services right
the first time; give services at the promised time and maintaining error-free record (Zewditu, 2017).
3. Responsiveness: being willing to help
The inclination and disposition of the workers to serve client quickly and properly,
responsiveness outlined as the disposition or readiness of staff to provide service. It involves
timeliness of services (Parasuraman, 1985).
4. Assurance: inspiring trust and confidence
Feelings of trust and confidence in addressing the organization, this reflects the workers'
information and skill and their ability to create sureness also as confidence in the within the.
Assurance is information and courtesy of staff and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
(Parasuraman, 1985).
5. Empathy: treating customers as individual
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Understanding the customers' personal desires, taking care of them individually and showing
them all styles of sympathy and feeling, observing them as shut friends and distinguished clients,
(Zewditu, 2017). It involves giving customers individual attention and staff who perceive the wants
of their customers and convenience business hours (Parasuraman, 1985).
Customer satisfaction
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
2.4 Hypotheses
From the above framework the researcher develop to test the following hypotheses.
Based on above the expressed objective, the following hypotheses were investigated.
H1=tangibility has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.
H2=reliability has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.
H3=responsiveness has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.
H4=assurance has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.
H5=empathy has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
from these branch strata Two Special Branch and Two grade A branches for the study using
judgmental sampling technique. Finally, when knowing the sample from cluster the research
worker applied convenience sampling technique to distribute form for the respondent. The
rationale behind applying convenience sampling technique is as a result of all customers don't
seem to be accessible within the bank at a same time.
3.3 Populations
The study focuses on Hibret Bank’s provision of service quality rendered to its customers
located in Addis Ababa region.
According to the Internal memo dated Aug 18, 2020 over 980,000 customers were registered and
using services provided by the bank. Among these exceeding 92,800 of them were found in
selected branches. Those branches selected because of they carry out all banking service.
In order to produce a realistic outcome, the collections of data were distributed to major selected
four city branches. Around 92,800+ Customers are listed under those branches.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Where, n=total number of sample
N= total population
n1= sample in each branch, and
N1=total population in each sample
Table 3.1 population of sample
Name of branches Total population in branches Total numbers of sample selected
Bole 11,755 50
Bole medhanialem 13,433 58
Beklo bet 26,798 115
Misrak 40,813 175
Total 92,799 398
Source: Internal memo dated Aug 18, 2020
Table 3.2 Summary of valid sample vs. sample selected
S.No HB Branch list Questionnaire Questionnaire Response
distributed distributed rate
1 Bole 50 46 92.00%
2 Bole medhanialem 58 53 91.38%
3 Beklo bet 115 105 91.30%
4 Misrak 175 160 91.43%
Total 398 364 91.46%
Source: own survey (2020)
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The first part aimed to gather information on demographic variables, second part aimed to gather
knowledge on independent variables and, the third part is aimed to gather data on the dependent
The SERV PERF questionnaire consists of twenty-two question statement aimed to measure the
variables of the study using five-point Likert Scale (1= highly dissatisfied/strongly disagree, 2=
Dissatisfied/Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= agree/Satisfied, and 5= highly satisfied/strongly agree).
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
utilized within the thesis was quantitative by using applied mathematics software Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 for the data analysis. Both descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics were applied.
Descriptive statistics used for measurement percentage and frequency of the information of the
respondents, it is additionally applied to for explaining every variable inside the study of service
quality and thus the customer’s satisfaction on service delivery.
Inferential statistics used for correlation, statistical procedure and analysis of variance analysis
performed to analyze whether or not there is relation between each item of the five service quality
dimension and repair quality. The investigator were used correlation analysis technique to
ascertain whether or not the service quality dimensions and customer’s satisfaction had relation.
ANOVA analysis was conducted to analyze customer’s satisfaction level and its level of
significance. Statistical procedure was done to determine the impact of service quality dimensions
on customer’s satisfaction.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
This chapter consists two parts, the first was present and discus on demographic data of
respondents and the second part presented the data collected through the questionnaire. The
questionnaire were explained by SERF PERF model, statistical graphs, tables and figures, which
followed by interpretation. The researcher also done the test of assumptions, regression analyses,
ANOVA and reliability beyond descriptive analyses.
To conduct this research total of 398 questionnaire were distributed to four selected branches
(Bole, Beklo bet, Misrak and Bole medhanialem branches) which mostly have corporate
customers. Out of the distributed questionnaire only 364 were filled and retuned. The remaining
28 questionnaires were not filled properly and 6 were retuned without having any responses, so
the researcher analyzed and discussed only based on those fille d properly and retuned
According to the above table 4.1 the researcher found that 67.6% were male and were 32.4%
females. This indicates both sex were included in the research, so that the researcher did not suffer
from age bias.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
As the fig 4.1clearly depict 243 of respondents were degree holder which almost 2/3 of
respondent was degree holder and the second largest group of respondents were Diploma holder
60 (16.5%). While 51(14.5%) and 10 (2.70%) is MA & Above and Less than grade 12 respectively.
This all implies the respondents had a higher literacy rate and they had research knowhow on the
subject matter of the research, which lead to more accurate survey result.
Table 4.3: Customer Type distribution
Customer Type Frequency/Number of respondents (n=364) Percent (%)
Personal 206 56.60
Company 99 27.20
Employee 59 16.20
Total 364 100.00
Source: Own survey (2020)
The final demographic variable was customer type which indicates whether the respondent
was personal saving account holder or company account holder as well as Employee salary account
holder. From the above table 4.4, 56.6% of respondents were private saving account holder and 99
(27.2%) company or current account holder and 59 (16.2%) of respondent was staff salary account
holder. Those figures show that a good input for the research. Since all customer types included in
the research it was vital to articulate external customers like personal and company account holders
expectation of service and the internal customer (employees) knowhow on the policy and service
of the bank with the actual service delivered by the bank.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
4.3.1 Tangibility
4.3.2 Reliability
Table 4.7: Reliability dimension analysis
HB promise HB show HB provide On time Sufficient
to deliver, it sincere interest accurate as manpower and
does so to solve the information to promised material for
problem customer. service
Mean 3.272 3.346 3.258 3.253 3.173
Std.deviation .8333 0.7792 0.9087 0.8826 0.8784
Source: Own survey (2020)
As the table 4.7 depict all question mean value fall under the low range <3.4. This indicate
that the respondent did not believe the bank have sufficient man power and material, punctual,
deliver accurate information to customer, keep its promise to deliver, sincere interest to solve the
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
customer problem. Therefore the bank add more new employees and material and give training for
both new comer as well as the existing employees because lack sincere interest to solve and fail to
deliver accurate information may arises from lack knowledge about the service well.
4.3.3 Responsiveness
4.3.4 Assurance
Table 4.9: Assurance dimension analysis
Employees have The customers The The The employees
required skill in feel safe on the employee employees of HB are
providing service provided trust inspire polite to the
services. by the employees. worthy. confidence. customer
Mean 3.297 3.310 3.522 3.459 3.390
Std.deviation 0.7855 0.7889 0.6979 0.7318 0.8602
Source: Own survey (2020)
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
As the table 4.9 depict clearly most question of assurance have mean value on middle range
indicates that most respondent agree on assurance dimension question. The assurance dimension
refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
including competence, courtesy, credibility and security (Parasuraman et al., 1991).
The respondent indebted with employees have required skill in providing services this question
which have lower mean(3.297) among all assurance dimension and linked with the reliability
question Hibret bank employee didn’t provide accurate information to customer. This implies
that even if employees didn’t have the required skill and knowledge, the employees are polite to
customer, build confidence and trustworthy. If this sufficiently supported by training to acquire
the necessary skill and knowledge it will enhance the bank service quality more.
4.3.5 Empathy
Table 4.10: Empathy dimension analysis
HB employees The employees do HB and its HB has
give individual know promptly employees have the operating hours
attention. what your needs customer’s best convenient to the
are. interest at heart. customers.
Mean 3.297 3.3297 3.250 3.335
Std.deviation 0.8397 0.8164 0.8564 0.8116
Source: Own survey (2020)
The last table of descriptive analysis table 4.10 can be analyzed as follow, the empathy
dimension of service quality respondents mean value for all four questions is fall under low mean
which means that the respondent perceive employees are not giving individual attention to
customer, don’t promptly what customer’s need are, its employees don’t have the customer’s best
interest at heart and the service provider didn’t have convenient operating hours to the customers.
The implication here is that has to segment and create a corporate client relationship officer that
give individual attention and to know best interest to the customer as well as make the service
convenient to the customer by extending the time to 7 pm and more.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Table 4.13: Pearson’s correlation matrix for SERVPERF dimensions and satisfaction
Tangibility Reliability Responsive Assurance Empathy Overall
ness satisfaction
Tangibility 1
Reliability .754** 1
Responsiveness .647** .795** 1
Assurance .617** .626** .727** 1
Empathy .702** .781** .754** .787** 1
Overall 0.748** 0.817** 0.775** 0.599** 0.822** 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Own survey (2020)
As the objective of the study and conceptual frame work indicated to test that there is
relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, the following correlation analysis
were made and found all independent variables had a positive and significant relationship with
customer satisfaction. From the above table 4.13 the researcher can infer about the correlation of
independent variables with dependent variable. The dependent variable customer satisfaction has
relationship with tangibility (r = 0.748, P < 0.01) correlation that indicate there is a very strong
association between them. Reliability has a correlation of (r = 0.817, P < 0.01) with customer
satisfaction which indicate a very strong relationship of dependent variable customer satisfaction
with reliability.
The findings of this analysis match therewith of Zeithaml (1990), who noted that reliability is
one in every of the important factors of customer satisfaction.
According to Zeithaml et al. (1988), responsiveness dimension involves willingness to help
customers and provide prompt services. Responsiveness has a correlation value(r = 0.775 4, P <
0.01) with customer satisfaction which implies us there is a very strong association between
dependent variable customer satisfactions with independent variable responsiveness.
On the other hand assurance has association coefficient (r = 0.559, P < 0.01) which indicate that
there is substantial relationship between dependent variable customer satisfactions with assurance.
The independent variable empathy has the highest association with dependent variable customer
satisfaction that is (r = 0.822, P < 0.01) which is a very strong association.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The indication of this result was that empathy is the most significant of the entire five service
quality dimension used in this study. Due this, giving attention to individual customers, such as;
convenience of Hibret bank operating hour and understanding of customers’ specific needs have
positive link with customer satisfaction.
All this finding supported by the following researchers,
According to Parasuraman, Zeithmal and Berry, (1985), who denote service quality and client
satisfaction are closely related.
By Cronin and Taylor, (1992) express as Service quality is antecedent of client satisfaction.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
y (customer satisfaction)=0.86+0.229(Tangibility)+0.181(Reliability)+0.296(Responsiveness)-
As the table 4.15 clearly depict the independent variable (tangibility, reliability, responsive
and empathy) has a positive beta coefficient that confirms the four service quality dimension have
significant impact to customer satisfaction. Even though the four dimension have positive
significant impact the most important variable for customer satisfaction is empathy which have
beta coefficient value 0.513. The next most contributor to customer satisfaction is responsiveness
which beta value 0.296. The independent variable tangibility and reliability have lower impact
respectively compared to the other.
The indication is that (tangibility, reliability, responsive, and empathy) combined significantly
influence customer satisfaction.
The adjusted R-square 0.803 implies that 80.3 % of the variance of customer satisfaction can be
predicted by the service quality dimension. This result is similar with Betelehem.T (2015) had an
adjusted R square value of .816.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Result can be due to the customer‘s perception for assurance from other variables result has
negative impact (Tigist.M, 2017).
H5=empathy has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. Accepted
The highest significant positive impact were found on empathy beta (.513). This indicate that
empathy contribute more than two time of tangibility and three time that of reliability to the
customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Based on chapter four data analysis of service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction
of Hibret bank S.C, the researcher took a sample of 364 from near to one million customers by
using a random sampling technique to get an utmost representative sample from the population.
The researcher show the effect of service quality dimensions from different perspective using
different method to show their impact, like descriptive, regression analysis, ANOVA and
hypothesis tests to see there effect from different side. Finally, the researcher drew the following
summaries of finding, conclusion and recommendations.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
responded the questionnaire from there service expectation and actual service side while the
employees responds the questionnaire from banks service quality strategy and actually existing
service side. Since, they are as the same time customer and employees of the bank.
Reliability analysis all independent variables has highest consistency and reliability as per sited
standard. Empathy is the most reliable among the five service quality dimensions with 92.4% of
reliability and the overall reliability is 92.7% which shows highest reliability for further analysis.
From the descriptive analysis of service quality dimensions and According to descriptive statistics
following summary can be drawn as.
Tangibility dimension service quality questions in general fall under the low mean indicates
that the customers did not believe that the bank has modern equipment, attractive physical layout,
neat and professional employees. The reliability dimension of service quality also rated as low
compared to sited mean standard. Then customers don’t believe that Hibret Bank keeps its
promises to supply service within a specific time to you, has sincere interest to solve the problem
of the customer, gives accurate information to customer and service is provided on time as
promised as well as sufficient man power and material is kept to avoid the interruption of service
provision. Responsiveness dimension of service quality also of has low ratings as above two
dimensions by customers so, still the descriptive analysis show us the service quality needs
improvement. According the overall satisfaction distribution 182 agree on service quality or they
are comfortable with the service given by the Hibret bank and 151 are indifferent about the service
quality of the bank.
From correlation analysis except assurance other four independent variable has very strong
relationship with dependent variable while assurance has a substantial relationship.
The ANOVA depict that significance value of F statistics is .000 that is less than the 0.05, which
means there is significant relationship between predictor and dependent variable. As the table
shows the tolerance value of all independent variables are between 0.233 and 0.389 which is above
0.1 and variance inflation factor (VIF) for each independent variables fall between 2.570 and 4.285
which is also on accepted interval of variance inflation factor that is 10. That confirms to us none
existence of multi-collinearity problem in the multiple regression analysis.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
5.2 Conclusions
The primary purpose of this thesis was for investigating the effect of service quality on
customer’s satisfaction of Hibret bank.
From the data analysis result the researcher reached and proposed managerial implication for
satisfying customer with the bank’s service. The following are conclusion drawn from the data
The demographic information of respondent shows that even if the numbers found in each
variable a symmetrical, it was enough for the research.
The descriptive analysis shows that all service quality measuring element (tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) has low mean value which indicate the
customers of Hibret bank are not satisfied with the service rendered by the bank. The
customers are complaining about the delay of service, network interruption, hard to get
accurate information from the bank and employee looks busy to respond to the customer.
The regression analysis in shows that tangibility, reliability, responsiveness and empathy
and has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and positive correlation with the
customer satisfaction. The highest impact exists between empathy and customer
satisfaction while lowest reliability exist between assurance and customer satisfaction.
The dominant factor in the SERVQUAL dimension is empathy (beta value .513).This
dimension indicate to the level of caring and individual attention provided to customers.
Service customers often have expectation with regard to the extent to which the service
providers appear to understand and be concerned about their individual needs and wants.
Therefore, in today’s dynamic business environment high service quality is an important
weapon to survive, the higher the service quality lead to the higher customer satisfaction.
Therefore, Hibret bank and the management office should influence those dimensions as a way
of ensuring that their customers get the satisfaction, as they expect in the services offered.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Hence, the following recommendations are recommended reliability Hibret Bank’s reliability
service quality dimension:-
a) Hibret Bank ought to improve its service as quality as promised initially with consistency of
b) Hibret Bank should show sincere interest to solve to customer’s problems by adopting systems
which may fasten the service process so on improve the service quality problems as an entire.
c) Hibret Bank ought to do an equivalent once promising to do to make and should maintain
error free records to form the corporate and service area additional trustable by avoiding over
promising and underperformance.
2) Hibret managerial employees ought to be aware that, among the five service quality
dimension, empathy has great impact on customer satisfaction. therefore the bank and its staff
ought to target in giving individual attention, promptly apprehend what they need and creating
operating hour convenient to the customers. It’s vital that giving attention on delivering prime
quality services and improving service quality effectively because it is important for client
3) It's to have to own a client relation desk, free call centers so bank assign client relation
officers that agitate customers in need of special assistance .If there have been a client relation
officers within the bank, the client will simply express their feeling regarding the bank before
departure forever.
4) Hibret Bank ought to offer prompt and fast response to its customers‟ compliant by making
an easy and quick compliant handling system by forming a separate section to handle customers‟
5) Hibret Bank ought to offer caring and personalized attention to its major customers since
they generate immense quantity of financial gain for the corporate and provides immediate
response to every major customer’s complaints.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
6) Hibret Bank has to perceive the dynamic desires of consumers, their aspirations and
expectations to create worth by making effective and continuous feed backing system. The
company ought to even have a powerful client relationship management and be able to perceive
the customer’s desires whereas interacting with them.
7) The company should use a feedback system to understand the client service quality
expectation and perceptions for rising the extent of client satisfaction and also to give notice
customer’s criteria in judging the service quality regarding the bank service quality also.
8) Generally, the management and employees of the bank ought to work on exceeding the
perception than expectation of customer to ideal service by rising in line with the above
recommendations. Therefore, those key aspects can change the Hibret bank to create customer
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
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Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Appendix I Questionnaire
Dear respondents,
I would like to thank you in advance for taking your time to fill out this questionnaire as your input
will be a key in developing my research on the Impact of Service Qualities of Hibret Bank S.C on
its Customer Satisfaction. This form is part of a process called “informed consent” to allow you to
understand this study before deciding whether to take part. So the information that you give here
is only used for the research purpose and there is no other intention behind.
The purpose of this survey questionnaire is to make a partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Masters of Business Administration in Addis Ababa University college of Business and
Economics. The questionnaire has three major parts. Part one deals with the background of the
respondent, part two deals with service quality items to be measured by the level of customer
satisfaction and part three is all about the overall satisfaction level of the customers and
recommendations of customer to the bank. The questions take only few minutes to complete so
you are kindly requested to fill all questions completely.
Thank in advance again.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
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The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
10 The employees makes the information easily
11 The employee gives prompt service ,
12 The employees are happy and willing to serve
the customer,
13 The employees are not too busy to respond to
the customers’ requests.
14 The employees have the required skill in
providing services.
15 The customers feel safe on the service
provided by the employees,
16 The employee trust worthy,
17 The employees inspire confidence ,
18 The employees of the service provider polite
to the customer,
19 The service provider employees usually give
individual attention.
20 The employees do know promptly what your
needs are.
21 The service provider and its employees have
the customers best interest at heart ,
22 The service provider has operating hours
convenient to the customers.
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA program
Part III
Over all evaluation of service quality and recommendation by customers,
1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Hibret Bank S.C services provided?
A) Strongly Dissatisfied B) Dissatisfied C) Neutral D) Satisfied
E) Strongly Satisfied
2. What are the major challenges you have faced when using services provided by Hibret Bank
3. What do you suggest to overcome these challenges?
4. Please provide any comment, feedback or suggestion to the company regarding services you
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.