Regents Physics
Regents Physics
Regents Physics
Grade 11 & 12: Physics opens the door to your understanding of many events in the world around you. This course
addresses the development and refinement of your ideas about motion, forces, heat, vibrations, electricity, electrical,
magnetism and the rules governing the behavior of atomic sized particles. You will learn that these ideas can be
expressed mathematically, as well as through language, and that there are many unifying principals in nature. You
will actively be involved in learning the rules to nature’s laws.
Grade 11 & 12: Physics lab activities are structured such that students learn the fundamental skills necessary to
investigate the concepts of force and motion. By “hand-on” approaches to problems, the students learn to
understand and simplify the problems, understand physical principles that make it possible to solve the problems
experimentally, understand the apparatus and techniques needed, and how to evaluate and interpret results. In this
course, lab activities will include exploration in the following areas: mechanics, energy, electricity & magnetism, wave
phenomena and modern physics.
Labs Done – Measuring Lab, Toy Car and Ramp Experiment, Pendulum Lab
Labs Done: Work & Power in climbing stairs, PE KE lab, Energy in a Skate Park, Hooke’s Law (Formal Lab)
Labs Done: Farley and Marley (Air Track Impulse Theorem Lab)
Labs Done: No labs are done with this topic. We begin review for the Regents during lab sections at this time.