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High Power Low Noise Single-frequency Fiber Laser

- Shot-noise limited performance

- Hz range linewidth and low phase noise
- Up to 15W output power
- 1 or 1.5μm output wavelength range
- Burst noise and mode hop free
- Available with KHz frequency modulati-
- Excellent beam quality ideal for fre-
quency conversion

The Koheras BOOSTIK is a high power, narrow linewidth single frequency

DFB fiber laser system in a compact turn-key design. It features a unique
Applications combination of narrow linewidth, excellent beam quality and high output
power in a rugged all-fiber system.
- Quantum optics / computing &
phenomena (optical trapping, The product is supplied as stand-alones units in a 19” rack system including
optical lattice, Bose-Einstein control electronics and power supply ready for operation. It is ideal for
condensate (BEC), atom interfer- laboratory work and experimental research.
ometer, squeezing)
- Nonlinear optics pump source Model Wavelength* Output power PM Piezo tuning
- Laser-based metrology Y10 1030-1090 nm 2, 5, 10 or 15W Optional Yes
(precision laser interferometry,
spectroscopy) E15 1530-1575 nm 2, 5 or 10W Optional Yes
- Optical heterodyning and coher-
ent communication C15 1530-1575 nm 2, 5 or 10W Optional Yes
- Coherent beam combining
*Other wavelenghts available upon request. Please contact us for details.
- Optical length and frequency
Full wavelength freedom
One of the key advantages of our DFB fiber laser technology is the freedom
to choose the operating wavelength and due to the excellent beam quality,
frequency conversion can efficiently bring many important applications
within atomic physics within reach of the BOOSTIK system. Frequency con-
version examples are shown below.

Be Be+ Yb He Rb Y10 SHG

E15/C15 SHG
E15/C15 THG
E15/C15 FHG
200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength [nm]
PM output Features and Options
Fixed state of polarization of the laser
Ultra low noise
output with key and polarization aligned
to the slow fiber axis. The BOOSTIK offers both ultra low phase noise and low RIN with shot noise
limited performace. Below is typical RIN curves for all models and typical
Linewidth reduction phase noise for the E15 model
Select our Linewidth Reduction option E15 (typ.)
E15 (max.)
when extra narrow linewidth is required. -100 C15 (typ.)
With this option you get a linewidth of C15 (max.)
less than 10 kHz. -110 Y10 (typ.)

RIN (dBc/Hz)
Y10 (max.)
Thermal tuning
All Koheras fiber lasers are equipped -130
with thermo electrical temperature con-
trollers (TECs). The TECs not only stabi- -140
lizes the operation of the laser desensi-
tizing it to environmental temperature -150
fluctuations, but also makes it possible 0.1 1 10
to achieve considerable tuning of the Frequency (MHz)
center wavelength by changing the oper- 1000 30
Typ. noise
ating temperature of the laser. At stan-
dard room temperature (around 20-30°C Max. noise
Frequency noise (Hz/√Hz)

100 3

Phase noise (μrad/√Hz)

or 68-86°F) the laser can be thermally
tuned an industry leading 1000 pm. Ap-
proximately 350 pm above normal op-
10 0,3
eration and 650 pm below. Please note,
that if the laser is operated in very cold
or hot environments close to the tem-
1 0,03
perature limits, this tuning range is trun-
cated on either the upper or lower side.
0,1 0,003
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Reliability Frequency (Hz)
The Koheras range of single-frequency
fiber lasers are based on telecom-grade Fast Piezo Tuning
fiber components and build to last thou-
With the Fast Piezo Tuning capability, the laser wavelength can be modu-
sands of hours with no service or main-
lated at kHz modulation bandwidth to lock it to a stable reference. Below
are plots of the typical piezo responses.
With several thousand lasers installed in
environments varying from fully climate 0.5
controlled national standards laborato-
ries to the demanding climate on oil rigs 0.4
and submarines, the Koheras line is the
Piezo response [pm/V]

most robust single-frequency laser range

on the market with an unmatched reli-
ability track record.


0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Modulation frequency [Hz]
- Y10 AdjustiK seeder for 1 μm range
- C15 AdjustiK seeder for 1.5 μm range with low RIN Optical E15 C15 Y10
- E15 AdjustiK seeder for 1.5 μm range with low
phase noise 1530-1575, optionally 1530-1575, optionally
- Fast Piezo tuning capability Center wavelength [nm] 1 1030-1090
other other
- FC/APC output (up to 5W)
- Collimator output (5W and above)
- PM Output CW - inherently single CW - inherently single CW - inherently single
Laser emission
frequency frequency frequency

Service packages Beam quality (<5W output) M² < 1.1 M² < 1.1 M² < 1.1

Beam quality (≥5W output) M² < 1.3 M² < 1.3 M² < 1.3
- Koheras CARE service and warranty extension
Output power [W] 2 2, 5 or 10W 2, 5 or 10W 2, 5, 10 or 15W

Output power regulation [%] 30-100 30-100 30-100

Linewidth [kHz] <1 < 15 (optionally <5) < 20 (optionally <10)

Linewidth (Lorentzian) [kHz] < 0.1 - -

<2@100Hz, 0.8@1kHz, <32@100Hz, 8@1kHz,

Phase-noise [μrad/√Hz] 1m opt. path NA
0.4@10kHz 4@10kHz

Other Koheras models RIN peak [MHz] app. 0.3 app. 0.9 app. 1.5

<-100 @ peak/<-135 @ <-120 @ peak/<-140 @ <-105 @ peak/<-140

RIN level [dBc/Hz]
Koheras BASIK X15 10MHz 3MHz 3 @ 10MHz

Our compact industrial OEM module. It is

> 50 (depending on > 50 (depending on > 50 (depending on
also the building block of the other systems. Optical S/N [dB] (50 pm res.)
wavelength) wavelength) wavelength)
It is supplied with Koheras GraphiK™ soft-
ware for the control and read-out of nume-
rous laser parameters on a pc such as wave- Random (linear with PM Random (linear with PM Random (linear with
length and output power. option) option) PM option)

Thermal tuning Standard Standard Standard

Thermal tuning range [pm] 1000 (at room temp.) 1000 (at room temp.) 700 (at room temp.)

Fast Piezo tuning capability 4 Optional Optional Optional

Piezo tuning range [pm] > 20 (0-200 V DC) > 20 (0-200 V DC) > 15 (0-200 V DC

Piezo tuning bandwidth [kHz] up to 20 up to 20 up to 20

Optical monitor output (from seed) Incl. (FC/APC) Incl. (FC/APC) Incl. (FC/APC)

Long term stability 5 (RMS,

<+/- 2 % <+/- 2 % <+/- 2 %
1h@25°C) [%]
Output fiber termination (<5W FC/APC or Collima-
Need several wavelengths in one system? output)
FC/APC or Collimator FC/APC or Collimator
The ACOUSTIK integration rack can hold up
to 16 channels. The ACOUSTIK provides
power and control to all modules for easy Output fiber termination (≥5W
Collimator Collimator Collimator
integration and channels can be added or output)
changed as needed. When higher output
power is needed, slots can also be allocated
for amplifier modules. 2W: < 2.4 mm 2W: < 2.4 mm 2W: < 2.2 mm
Typical beam diameter @1/e²
5, 10W: ~5mm 5, 10W: ~5mm 5, 10, 15W: < 1 mm

1. The center wavelength is selectable within the specified range.

2. Depends on the center wavelength.
3. Shot-noise limited > 5 MHz.
4. External piezo driver required.
5. After warm up (10-20 min)
Koheras CARE Mechanical / Electrical
Service and warranty extensions Seeder
The Koheras CARE warranty and service
package ensures trouble free operation of Power supply requirements [VDC] 90-240 VAC; 50-60Hz
your Koheras laser.
The Standard Package gives you a two year
Fiber pigtail length [m] >1
warranty extension plus remote dianostics
of key laser paramaters through an internet
connection to the AdjustiK system. Our Pre- Connectors FC/APC or collimated
mium Package adds a guarantee that we
always stock a laser with your specifications Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] 104x449x383 (19” 2U)
- ready to ship should you need it.
Operating temperature range [˚C] 15 - 40
Standard package
- Extension of warranty period to 2 years Storage temperature range [˚C] -20 - 50
- Remote diagnostics
- Preventive laser health checks
Weight [kg] <9
Premium package
- All the benefits of the standard package Amplifier
- Pre-produced laser with specific custo-
mer specifications in stock Power supply requirements [VDC] 90-240 VAC; 50-60Hz

Fiber pigtail length [m] >1

Connectors FC/APC or collimated

NKT Photonics A/S (Headquarters)
Blokken 84, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark
Phone: +45 4348 3900 Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] 132x448x451 (19” 3U)
Fax: +45 4348 3901
Operating temperature range [˚C] 15 - 40
NKT Photonics GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39, Bldg D9-D13
51063 Cologne, Germany Storage temperature range [˚C] 0 - 50
Phone: +49 221 99511-0
Fax: +49 221 99511-650 Weight [kg] < 13

8QLW$&DSWDLQV5RDG(GLQEXUJK(+4)8. All NKT Photonics products are produ-
7HO  )D[   ced under our quality management
(PDLOVDOHV#SKRWRQLFVROXWLRQVFRXN system certified in accordance with
the ISO 9001:2008 standard.

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