RIN (dBc/Hz)
Y10 (max.)
Thermal tuning
All Koheras fiber lasers are equipped -130
with thermo electrical temperature con-
trollers (TECs). The TECs not only stabi- -140
lizes the operation of the laser desensi-
tizing it to environmental temperature -150
fluctuations, but also makes it possible 0.1 1 10
to achieve considerable tuning of the Frequency (MHz)
center wavelength by changing the oper- 1000 30
Typ. noise
ating temperature of the laser. At stan-
dard room temperature (around 20-30°C Max. noise
Frequency noise (Hz/√Hz)
100 3
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Modulation frequency [Hz]
- Y10 AdjustiK seeder for 1 μm range
- C15 AdjustiK seeder for 1.5 μm range with low RIN Optical E15 C15 Y10
- E15 AdjustiK seeder for 1.5 μm range with low
phase noise 1530-1575, optionally 1530-1575, optionally
- Fast Piezo tuning capability Center wavelength [nm] 1 1030-1090
other other
- FC/APC output (up to 5W)
- Collimator output (5W and above)
- PM Output CW - inherently single CW - inherently single CW - inherently single
Laser emission
frequency frequency frequency
Service packages Beam quality (<5W output) M² < 1.1 M² < 1.1 M² < 1.1
Beam quality (≥5W output) M² < 1.3 M² < 1.3 M² < 1.3
- Koheras CARE service and warranty extension
Output power [W] 2 2, 5 or 10W 2, 5 or 10W 2, 5, 10 or 15W
Other Koheras models RIN peak [MHz] app. 0.3 app. 0.9 app. 1.5
Thermal tuning range [pm] 1000 (at room temp.) 1000 (at room temp.) 700 (at room temp.)
Piezo tuning range [pm] > 20 (0-200 V DC) > 20 (0-200 V DC) > 15 (0-200 V DC
Optical monitor output (from seed) Incl. (FC/APC) Incl. (FC/APC) Incl. (FC/APC)
8QLW$&DSWDLQV5RDG(GLQEXUJK(+4)8. All NKT Photonics products are produ-
7HO)D[ ced under our quality management
(PDLOVDOHV#SKRWRQLFVROXWLRQVFRXN system certified in accordance with
the ISO 9001:2008 standard.