Chen Et Al. (2022) Crop Transformation Technologies
Chen Et Al. (2022) Crop Transformation Technologies
Chen Et Al. (2022) Crop Transformation Technologies
Received: 28 February 2022 Zongliang Chen 1, Juan M. Debernardi 2,3, Jorge Dubcovsky 2,3
& Andrea Gallavotti 1,4
Accepted: 30 October 2022
The efficient production of transgenic plants relies on two key steps: genes that are involved in somatic embryogenesis or meristem devel-
transformation (the transfer and expression of transgenes into host opment, to trigger reprogramming and pluripotency of a subset of
cells) and regeneration (the ability to form a fertile plant from a trans- somatic cells to eventually produce transformed plants3.
formed cell). For many species, transformation and regeneration are
the bottlenecks to obtaining transgenic plants. Traditionally, callus Methods for plant transformation
induction from tissue explants has been the main avenue to produce The efficient delivery of gene-modification components into plant
transformed plants, either by providing undifferentiated cells for direct cells is a crucial first step of plant transformation and genome
transformation or as a way to regenerate full plants from a few trans- editing. Two major gene-delivery methodologies have been estab-
formed cells (Fig. 1). However, callus formation is a lengthy procedure lished in higher plants since the 1980s: direct gene transfer and
known to introduce genomic and epigenomic changes, often with unin- Agrobacterium-mediated transformation4 (Fig. 1). Direct gene transfer
tended consequences1,2. Recent progress in both transformation and methods are good strategies to overcome possible competency barriers
regeneration promises to quickly advance our ability to manipulate to transformation, and traditionally, microprojectile bombardment
crop genomes. This includes the use of different morphogenic factors, (also known as biolistics) has been used to facilitate the delivery of
Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA. 2Department of Plant Sciences, University of California Davis, Davis,
CA, USA. 3Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, USA. 4Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
e-mail: [email protected]
Nature Plants
De novo
Transient regulation/
Fig. 1 | Plant transformation and regeneration strategies. a, Agrobacterium- transformation). b, Particle bombardment for nuclear plant transformation.
mediated transformation strategies include callus induction followed by c, Various nanoparticles and virus-based RNA delivery systems for plant
organogenesis (traditional transformation), somatic embryogenesis and de transformation. Created with
novo shoot regeneration in planta promoted by morphogenic genes (fast
transgenes in many species. Plants obtained from particle bombard- Agrobacterium to modulate plant host defence responses for effec-
ments can contain multiple integration events and random rearrange- tive infection and of the role of phytohormones in the early stages of
ments of the integrated copies with unpredictable effects, complicating plant–Agrobacterium interaction is summarized in a recent review16.
the downstream analysis of the transgenic plants generated5. How- The process of T-DNA transfer starts with a two-component system
ever, these phenomena are not unique to biolistic methods; they are containing the hybrid histidine kinase VirA and the response regulator
sometimes observed in Agrobacterium-mediated transformations as VirG. The VirA protein is activated by phenolic compounds (such as
well6–10. Recently, biolistic delivery has been used to directly provide acetosyringone, a common ingredient in transformation media) and
in vitro transcripts or ribonucleoprotein complexes of CRISPR–Cas9 triggers the phosphorylation of VirG, which induces the expression
to regenerable plant tissues of a wider range of genotypes and species, of other vir genes in the Tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid16,17. The vir gene
obviating genome integration effects11–14. expression can be repressed by phytohormones from the host side
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is a cost-effective, effi- at the early stage of plant–Agrobacterium interaction. In particular,
cient gene-delivery system, capable of transferring large DNA frag- salicylic acid (SA) prevents the induction of vir genes by attenuating
ments into plant chromosomes15, and remains the top choice for plant the kinase function of the VirA protein16,18. Consequently, plants that
transformation. However, only a small range of plant host genotypes overproduce SA are recalcitrant to Agrobacterium infections, whereas
are competent for Agrobacterium infection, and in numerous monocot those with defective SA biosynthesis are easier to transform18,19. The
crops, ineffective Agrobacterium infection hinders its widespread appli- negative effect of SA on the VirA/G two-component regulatory sys-
cation. To improve transformation efficiency, substantial efforts have tem can be alleviated by the addition of acetosyringone18. Different
been made to optimize virulence (vir) gene expression of Agrobacterium Agrobacterium strains containing binary, super-binary and recently
strains. Progress in our understanding of the mechanisms used by emerged ternary vectors have been developed to fully exploit the
Nature Plants
power of the vir genes16. Specifically, improved ternary vector systems several flavin monooxygenase-like YUCCA (YUC) genes, regulate early
introduce a third helper plasmid containing extra vir genes and have embryogenesis36,37. In practice, auxin (mostly the synthetic auxin-like
been shown to enhance transformation efficiency in recalcitrant maize hormone 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)) typically serves as
lines20,21. These strains, combined with a fast-transformation protocol, a major inducer for somatic embryogenesis from explants of different
increased transformation efficiency in the commonly used maize origin. During 2,4-D-induced somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis,
inbred line B104 (ref. 22). Recently, engineered Agrobacterium strains genome-wide changes in chromatin accessibility, enhanced expression
expressing a type III secretion system to deliver Pseudomonas effectors of auxin pathway genes and changes in key developmental regula-
that repress host defence responses resulted in increased transforma- tors are observed in a hierarchical cascade upstream of early embry-
tion efficiency in wheat, alfalfa and switchgrass23. onic patterning genes38–40 (Fig. 2). Increasing evidence points to the
Nanoparticle24 and virus-based RNA delivery systems can bypass importance of locally elevated endogenous auxin biosynthesis, mainly
tissue culture and are attracting increasing attention for efficient indole-3-acetic acid, as key to somatic embryogenesis41–43. Although the
genome editing. Several nanomaterials, such as silica, metal, polymeric specific mechanism by which auxin biosynthesis promotes somatic
and magnetic nanoparticles as well as carbon nanotubes, have been embryogenesis has not been fully resolved, auxin biosynthetic genes are
investigated for their potential role in gene delivery for plant trans- direct targets of the B3 transcription factor LEAFY COTYLEDON 2 (LEC2),
formation. Although recently questioned25, a novel transformation whose inducible overexpression is sufficient to promote Arabidopsis
methodology called pollen magnetofection was reported to allow somatic embryogenesis independent of tissue competence, which
the stable integration of transgenes in the nuclear genome of several is normally restricted to immature zygotic embryos40,44. A similar
dicot species26. In this technology, recombinant DNA is attached on stimulating effect on somatic embryogenesis was originally reported
the positively charged surface of magnetic nanoparticles that can with the overexpression of LEC1, another transcriptional regulator45.
penetrate pollen grains in a magnetic field; subsequent fertilizations Cytokinins are adenine-derived molecules that control meristem
are conducted to complete the transformation process26,27. size by directly regulating the expression levels of the homeobox tran-
Virus-based RNA delivery systems have the additional advantage of scription factor WUSCHEL (WUS), which plays a central role in meris-
bypassing transgene integration, thereby avoiding possible disruptive tem establishment and maintenance in most species. Extensive studies
effects on gene function. RNA-virus-based vector systems have been in Arabidopsis have shown that cytokinin biosynthesis and signalling
developed to express guide RNA arrays for multiplex genome editing provide positional cues for WUS patterning in meristems via both
in several species. In tobacco, a rhabdoviral system was developed to positive and negative feedback loops31. During in vitro shoot regenera-
deliver all CRISPR–Cas9 components during infections; however, a tion experiments in Arabidopsis, the treatment of explants with high
lack of editing in the germline required a tissue-culture step to obtain concentrations of cytokinin removed the repressive H3K27me3 histone
edited progenies28. An alternative approach was pursued in both wheat modification at the WUS locus and allowed transcriptional activators
and maize in which the viral system relied on infections of previously of the cytokinin signal transduction pathway to promote WUS tran-
obtained Cas9-positive plants, and these systems generated edited scription for de novo formation of shoot meristems46. ATAC-seq and
plants with high efficiency in both species29,30. These virus-based sys- ChIP-seq profiling during callus induction and shoot regeneration in
tems are still limited by host range and physical constraints but are Arabidopsis provide a molecular timeline where auxin and cytokinin
nonetheless very promising approaches for genome editing of crop contribute to the dynamic regulation of chromatin state and the acces-
species and for breeding purposes. sibility of key transcription factors involved in both promoting pluri-
potency acquisition during callus induction (in a high-auxin/cytokinin
Molecular mechanisms of plant regeneration environment) and shoot fate determination during regeneration (in
Although the remarkable capacity to regenerate organs and entirely low-auxin/cytokinin conditions)47.
new individuals is considered a signature feature of plants31, many crop Wounding is a primary signal not only for naturally occurring
species are incapable of naturally regenerating whole plantlets upon organ repair but also for plantlet regeneration. In vitro shoot regen-
loss or injury of body parts32. Nevertheless, in vitro cultivation of various eration experiments from root explants of Arabidopsis have shown
types of explants on enriched media supplemented with specific phy- that this process typically involves transcriptional activation of mul-
tohormones enables many plant species to regenerate plantlets (Fig. 1). tiple developmental regulators, including the AP2/ERF transcrip-
The regeneration process typically involves a callus-formation step tion factors ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION 1 (ESR1) and
followed by organ differentiation, direct embryogenesis from somatic WOUND INDUCED DEDIFFERENTIATION 1 to 4 (WIND1 to 4). WIND1
tissues (also known as somatic embryogenesis) or de novo formation was found to activate the expression of ESR1 and promote shoot
of meristems. The capacity to regenerate meristems or whole plantlets regeneration48,49. Another AP2/ERF transcription factor, ETHYLENE
from non-zygotic cells is the fundamental basis for agricultural and RESPONSE FACTOR115 (ERF115), forms a heterodimeric complex with
horticultural biotechnology, and it allows both clonal propagation and PHYTOCHROME A SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION1 (PAT1) to re-establish
the production of stable transgenic material for breeding. Regardless a stem cell niche upon root tip excision, and its high regenerative
of the substantial technological progress that has been made over the potential is correlated with the activation of WIND1, one of its putative
past four decades, there are still many economically important crops targets50. Moreover, transcriptomic analysis on Arabidopsis hypoco-
that are recalcitrant to in vitro regeneration from somatic tissue. Under- tyl excisions revealed that three additional AP2/ERF transcription
standing the molecular mechanisms governing plant regeneration is factors, PLETHORA 3 (PLT3), PLT5 and PLT7, are wound-induced and
therefore particularly critical for accelerating plant biotechnology. promote callus formation51. PLT genes lead to the induction of YUC1
Auxin and cytokinin are key hormones for shoot and root apical and auxin-dependent activation of cell cycle regulators during callus
meristem formation and de novo organogenesis31,33,34. The fate of formation from Arabidopsis protoplasts, providing a mechanistic
explants under in vitro cultivation follows the golden hormonal regen- model of pluripotency acquisition in differentiated cells 52. These
eration rule that has been successfully applied to in vitro propagation three factors are key regulators of lateral root development, and the
of many plant species: a high cytokinin-to-auxin ratio stimulates shoot transient induction of PLT5 or PLT7 from various Arabidopsis explants
formation, while a reverse ratio promotes root formation. Auxin is (or PLT5 in snapdragon and tomato) is sufficient to trigger de novo
a versatile regulator and plays an essential role in embryogenesis by shoot formation in a hormone-independent manner53–55.
establishing both the shoot apical and root apical meristems35. In par- Wounding is also an important signal for plant glutamate-
ticular, auxin biosynthetic genes, such as TRYPTOPHAN AMINOTRANS- receptor-like proteins (GLRs), which have a well-documented role in
FERASE OF ARABIDOPSIS (TAA1), TAA-RELATED 1 and 2 (TAR1,2), and defence responses. The role of glutamate receptors in regeneration
Nature Plants
Cytosol GLRs
Auxin O
Me Ac Ac
Me Me
OH Chromatin remodelling
Shoot regeneration
+ Exogenous cytokinin
Somatic embryogenesis
Fig. 2 | Plant regeneration pathways. Known molecular components of plant regeneration pathways. Solid lines indicate well-established relationships, while
dashed lines indicate relationships where key molecular details are unknown; arrowhead ends indicate positive regulation and perpendicular ends indicate negative
regulation. Created with
is mediated by SA signalling, and mutants in the SA receptor NPR1 directly upstream of the above-mentioned transcription factor LEC2
are hyper-regenerative and partially resistant to GLR perturbations, and is in turn upregulated by LEC2 in a reinforcing loop during somatic
suggesting that a higher efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated trans- embryogenesis40,61. In rice, the BBM1 gene can promote parthenogen-
formation could be obtained by attenuating the SA response. Indeed, esis, the formation of embryos without fertilization, when ectopically
genetic and pharmacological inhibition of GLR activity increased the expressed in unfertilized egg cells58. Similarly, the recently isolated
regeneration efficiency of multiple organ repair systems in Arabidopsis PARTHENOGENESIS (PAR) gene of apomictic dandelion, encoding
and the callus induction rate of the recalcitrant maize inbred line B73. a K2-2 zinc finger and EAR-domain containing protein, can trigger
These results suggest that the regulation of the trade-off between embryogenesis in unfertilized egg cells, and its ectopic expression in
defence and regeneration can be harnessed to improve regeneration unfertilized egg cells of lettuce is sufficient to induce the formation of
for agricultural purposes56 (Fig. 2). haploid embryos62. While yet to be determined, it is possible that PAR
Somatic embryogenesis shares several developmental steps and other parthenogenic genes could be used to promote somatic
with zygotic embryogenesis, and key trigger genes of embryogenesis embryogenesis for whole-plant regeneration in certain species.
initiation can be manipulated to induce somatic embryogenesis for The roles of other genes, such as FUSCA 3, LEC1 and 2, and
whole-plant regeneration. The AP2/ERF transcription factor BABY AGAMOUS-LIKE 15 (AGL15), in promoting somatic embryogenesis have
BOOM (BBM, also known as PLT4 in Arabidopsis) promotes somatic been well described in Arabidopsis and other species3,63 (Table 1), and
embryogenesis57–59 and directly regulates several auxin biosynthesis the expression of these morphogenic genes is believed to be regulated
genes, including YUC genes in both monocot and dicot species. Phar- by BBM61,64. However, whether these genes can be applied to stimulate
macological and genetic inactivation of endogenous YUC activity regeneration in a broad range of species has yet to be determined.
drastically reduced somatic embryogenesis via BBM induction in both
rice and Arabidopsis, indicating that endogenous indole-3-acetic acid Morphogenic factors for crop transformation
levels cannot be substituted by the 2,4-D present in the medium41,60. A significant breakthrough technology in plant transformation, espe-
A recent study suggests that this may be due to differential effects of cially for monocot species and species recalcitrant to transformation,
exogenous and endogenous auxin on cell cycle progression52. During has been the exploitation of specific morphogenic factors to repro-
somatic embryogenesis, YUC-dependent auxin biosynthesis does gram somatic cells into initiating embryogenesis. This has spurred a
not appear to be required for re-establishing pluripotent cells but renewed interest in exploiting specific developmental regulators for
remains essential for embryo identity and growth41. BBM also functions crop transformation3,63,65 (Table 1). These factors include BBM, WUS
Nature Plants
Table 1 | Successful examples of utilization of morphogenic genes for transformation of crop species
WUS/WOX TaWOX5 Wheat, maize, triticale, rice, With ternary vector system. 70,77
AtWUS Coffee Promotes somatic embryogenesis. 95
BBM BnBBM Sweet pepper Promotes somatic embryogenesis. 100
GRF AtGRF5, HaGRF5, GmGRF5, Sugar beet, soybean, maize Callus step required or promotes organogenesis 84
watermelon, hemp
GRF–GIF BBM TaGRF4–GIF1 ZmBBM Maize Promotes somatic embryogenesis. 89
WUS IPT ZmWUS2 Tomato, potato, grape Promotes de novo meristem initiation at wound 66
and WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX (WOX), which are key regula- without the ZmWUS2 expression cassette, a phenomenon designated
tors of embryogenesis initiation and meristematic stem cell fate, as as altruistic transformation. In this system, two independent strains
summarized in the previous section. Individual or combined expres- of Agrobacterium, one containing the selectable marker and the other
sion of these regulators in somatic cells is often sufficient to trigger the cassette expressing ZmWUS2, were successfully used in different
whole-plant regeneration under in vitro cultivation or de novo shoot ratios for maize embryo infections68. Similarly, a recently developed
formation on soil-grown plants66. While detailed reviews on the use CRISPR-based approach to simultaneously induce the expression of
of morphogenic genes have been published3,63,65, here we focus on endogenous morphogenic genes and promote editing increased the
the most recent advances using these strategies specifically for the recovery of transformed and edited plants without developmental
transformation of crop species. defects in poplar and rice, offering a new tool for accelerating genome
Ectopic expression of the maize BBM and WUS2 genes (a engineering69.
co-orthologue of Arabidopsis WUS) increased transformation efficiency Recent studies have shown that constitutive expression of
in several crops, including maize, sorghum, indica rice, sugarcane and either WOX5 or a GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR4 (GRF4) and
genotypes recalcitrant to biolistic and Agrobacterium-mediated trans- GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR1 (GIF1) chimaeric protein enhances
formation59. Additionally, combinatorial expression of WUS2 together transformation efficiency in wheat as well as several other mono-
with different developmental regulators (including the cytokinin cot species70,71. While both systems still require a callus-induction
biosynthesis IPT and the meristematic STM genes) at the wound sites stage, they were shown to expand the range of genotypes that can
of soil-grown plants induced de novo meristem formation and ena- be regenerated, a major limitation to the widespread and fast adop-
bled gene editing, bypassing the tissue-culture step in tomato, potato tion of transformation technologies in crops. WOX5 belongs to the
and grape66. same homeobox family of WUS and plays a key role in root stem cell
However, constitutive expression of morphogenic genes is usu- maintenance, and its overexpression induces shoot regeneration
ally not well tolerated, often resulting in infertile plants or plants with in Arabidopsis calli, possibly by promoting TAA1 auxin biosynthesis
undesired pleiotropic phenotypes. While these undesired effects can and interfering with cytokinin signalling72–76. The overexpression
be segregated away for genome-editing approaches, alternative strat- of a wheat WOX5 gene significantly enhanced the transformation
egies to express these factors transiently (only during a specific stage) efficiency in recalcitrant genetic backgrounds in wheat, barley and
or to entirely remove them post-infection have been pursued3,59,67. In maize, seemingly without detrimental effects on overall develop-
a recent strategy to overcome this issue, the non-cell autonomous ment, making it an attractive system for monocot transformation70.
function of ZmWUS2 was exploited to produce transformed plants However, in maize, WOX5 was tested in combination with a ternary
Nature Plants
vector system; therefore, whether WOX5 itself is responsible for the dependency, which may involve the use of new bacterial strains with
reported efficiency has yet to be determined77. high efficiency of infection91 or the adoption of specific nanomaterials
GRFs are highly conserved, plant-specific transcription factors for transformation. Promising advances with ternary vector systems for
that promote growth and boost organ size when overexpressed78–80. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation20,21 may more broadly tackle
GRFs form protein complexes with GIF cofactors that in turn interact the transformation of recalcitrant backgrounds of different crops and
with SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling factors81,82. By forcing physi- may be adaptable to different transformation systems. The identifica-
cal proximity of both proteins in the GRF–GIF chimaeric protein, the tion of new genes and pathways that confer genotype dependency of
system proved efficient for transformation by increasing regenera- transformation may also contribute to solving this issue, as shown in
tion not only in durum and bread wheat but also in rice, triticale and maize, where knocking out SAUR15 (an early auxin-responsive gene)
the dicot crops Citrus, watermelon and hemp71,83. Furthermore, the significantly increased regeneration efficiency43. Pursuing a variety
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ing cytokinin, allowing marker-free selection of transgenic plants and transformation technologies in recalcitrant crops and genetic back-
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101. Deng, W., Luo, K., Li, Z. & Yang, Y. A novel method for induction Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). J.D. and J.M.D. are co-inventors
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103. Feng, Q. et al. Highly efficient, genotype-independent Additional information
transformation and gene editing in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Correspondence should be addressed to Andrea Gallavotti.
using a chimeric ClGRF4–GIF1 gene. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 63,
2038–2042 (2021). Peer review information Nature Plants thanks David Jackson and the
other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review
Acknowledgements of this work.
Research in the Gallavotti lab is supported by grants from the National
Science Foundation (IOS nos 1546873, 1916804 and 2026561). Reprints and permissions information is available at
Research in the Dubcovsky lab is supported by grants no. 2022-68013-
36439 and no. 2022-67013-36209 from the USDA National Institute of
Food and Agriculture and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
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Author contributions
Z.C., J.M.D., J.D. and A.G. conceived the manuscript, contributed to Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds
writing and editing, and approved the manuscript. exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with
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Competing interests accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the
J.M.D. is co-inventor in patent no. US2017/0362601A1, which describes terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.
the use of chimaeric GRF–GIF proteins with enhanced effects on
plant growth (Universidad Nacional de Rosario Consejo Nacional de © Springer Nature Limited 2022
Nature Plants