CC Brief 2022
CC Brief 2022
CC Brief 2022
Authored by
Meera Nadeem
Abdulla Wasti
Zahaid Rehman
Salman Zaidi
4Qureshi, Asad Sarwar. “Groundwater Governance in 6 Janjua, Shahmir, Ishtiaq Hassan, Shoaib Muhammad,
Pakistan: From Colossal Development to Neglected Saira Ahmed, and Afzal Ahmed. “Water Management
Management,” n.d. in Pakistan's Indus Basin: Challenges and
4441/12/11/3017/pdf#:~:text=Currently%2C%201.2 Opportunities.” Water Policy. IWA Publishing,
%20million%20private%20tubewells,is%20about%206 December 1, 2021.
5 Ibid.
policy documents recognise water management as Cholistan, Kohistan, Thar and Thal for agriculture
a critical issue, water rights should be safeguarded and livestock survival, and especially as rising
through constitutional protections. Safe drinking temperatures trigger droughts and flooding,
water and sanitation for all is recognised by the UN followed by soil erosion.9 Traditionally a crisis that
as a basic human right, yet the SDG goal of disrupts rural life, flooding has recently been seen
ensuring safe access to drinking water and in metropolitan centres like Karachi, Lahore and
sanitation by 2030 remains far off track. Existing even Islamabad. Improving urban drainage and
water management practices do not take into undertaking non-structural measures is crucial as
account the needs of women, and discourse itself rapid urban sprawl takes place. All along the Indus
needs to be gender-sensitised in both rural and Basin, protecting groundwater reserves, recharging
urban contexts. Water collection still remains a and water quality improvement are needs that must
‘female’ burden in rural households, made perilous be met with immediate action. Moreover, Pakistan
by insecurity in all parts of the country. Where has the seventh largest mangrove system in the
physical mobility for women is threatened or world that plays a pivotal role in preventing sea
curtailed, households invariably experience a incursion. Pollution and reduced glacial melt have
degradation in water consumption, sanitation and endangered the mangrove cover, and coastal areas
hygiene. 7 including Karachi and Keti Bunder face severe
flooding as a result.10
Pakistan’s population growth and water usage.8
Governance Framework
Pakistan’s water governance framework dates back
to partition, and the country’s first water policy was
notified in 2018. The National Water Policy
addresses issues driving Pakistan’s water crisis, and
identifies strategic priorities such as climate change,
drinking water and sanitation, urban water and
flood management, water rights and obligations,
etc. However, the policy is geared towards mega
environmental infrastructure such as dams among
other priorities, and has little connection with food
security, healthcare or even life expectancy that
Sustainable Water Management Practices
result from poor water access and quality.11 It also
Climate research shows that there is a dire need to
does not incorporate a Basin-wide understanding
harvest rainwater, particularly in arid areas like
of water resources, especially when it comes to the
7“Wash: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.” UNICEF Contemporary Research, September 25, 2020.
Pakistan. Accessed January 25, 2022. environment/water-crisis-and-rainwater-harvesting-
sanitation-and-hygiene-0. prospects-in-pakistan/.
Qureshi, Asad. (2005). Climate Change and Water 10 “Pakistan's Looming Water Crisis.” East Asia Forum.
Resources Management in Pakistan. In: Climate
Change and Water Resources in South Asia. 11Abubakar, Syed Muhammad. “Pakistan's Water
10.1201/9780203020777.ch8. Woes: Assessing the National Water Policy.” The
Express Tribune, September 14, 2018.
9Anwar, Rida. “Water Crisis and Rainwater Harvesting
Prospects in Pakistan.” Centre for Strategic and water-woes-assessing-national-water-policy.
transboundary nature of Pakistan’s rivers deliberation is needed on how to enable reform,
originating in India and flowing through all the equity, gender inclusion and sustainability.
Suleri, Abid. 2020. Review of Turning to Agriculture.
20 to-agriculture.
The News. July 19, 2020. “Turning to Agriculture.” n.d. 21 Ibid.
acknowledged as a national security issue, the against crop failures due to extreme events such as
impact of climate change is documented with a droughts and floods.
patchwork of evidence collected by development
Care must be taken that an over-reliance on
agencies or private sector platforms. Government
technology-based solutions will not benefit
data is either securitised, inadequate or misleading.
smallholders or poor farmers. Where possible,
This applies to the agricultural sector as well, and
indigenous methods for adaptation must be
the government concedes that estimates do not
prioritized to provide cost effective options, such
exist for new costs associated with infrastructure
as reviving Balochistan’s centuries old karez water
upgradation, falling crop yields or agricultural
channels that provided more equitable irrigation
productivity, nor are climate stress scenarios
possibility to small holders.
known. Additionally, data on long-term and non-
economic losses related to internal migration, 2. Bridge glaring data gaps
displacement, rising poverty levels, nutrition, The information deficit needs to be urgently
stunting, and gender is also not available. addressed when it comes to climate related data,
particularly in the agricultural sector. Detailed cost
benefit analyses on innovation and development
Currently, a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is must be made available, in addition to a
being formulated, so Pakistan may yet be far away comprehensive political-economic analysis of
from implementing the measures catalogued in its adaptation costs under rising temperature
policy wish-lists. Adaptation needs to be on top of scenarios. This has been done internationally, but
the priority list. Of course, financing is an issue, and Pakistan needs to have a projection of its own to
the government must divert more resources toward work with. There is also a need to gather data on
adaptation from the national pool instead of a long-term and non-economic losses relating to
heavy reliance on multilateral funds. internal migration and displacement, rising poverty
levels and implications relating to nutrition,
Recommendations stunting, gender, and other socio-cultural issues.
1. Enable the use of modern farming Gender disaggregated data needs to be made
practices available that can assist policy interventions for
There is a need to incorporate climate-smart reducing vulnerability among marginalized groups,
agriculture (CSA) practices such as laser land- especially women’s differentiated burdens during
leveling and solar power-driven irrigation systems, climate stress.
management amendments like crop divergence, 3. Update the classification of cultivable
appropriate cropping models, and optimised areas
planting dates. Farmers should be encouraged— Classifications should be made according to
particularly those in rain-fed areas—to avoid physiographic features, rainfall potential, soil
monoculture and, instead, plant a variety of heat characteristics, temperature and soil storage, etc., to
and drought resistant low delta crops in order to better devise strategies for the sustainable use of
minimise the risk of crop failure. natural resources. This will assist with increasing
It is also imperative to improve post-harvest crop yield, and aid adaptation in the agricultural
capacity, such as storage and processing facilities sector to the climate crisis. In addition to this,
and infrastructure, preferably at the farm level. capacity must be developed to incorporate Remote
Also, a proper risk management system must be Sensing and GIS techniques to assess temporal
developed including crop insurance to safeguard changes in land cover in different agro-ecological
4. Undertake land reforms 6. Improve access to agriculture inputs
There is a dire need to undertake land reforms that The real change in agriculture will come about
undercut the control of large landowners over when farmers have access to modern agricultural
inputs, including improved seeds, fertilizers, crop
agricultural production, pace of innovation,
protection chemicals, and machinery. Farmers will
availability of farming inputs especially water, and benefit from subsidies on these items, as well as
price control. Many supply chain disruptions are access to credit in availing them, especially
caused by excessive control of large landholders, technology.
who withhold supply of foodgrains for better
prices, and create shortages at provincial or even
national levels.
25Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, “Pakistan: CO2 September 15, 2019),
Country Profile,” Our World in Data, May 11, 2020, emissions-exacerbate-air-pollution.
Other industries
Pakistan’s emissions through waste and industrial
processes and product use, cumulatively only
account for 9.69% of the country’s emissions. Out
of this, a key concern is the mineral industry and
waste disposal—both solid waste and wastewater
treatment and discharge, which require a more
holistic waste management plan and more efficient Source: APP
treatment of wastewater.
27“Poor Response to Electric Vehicles Policy,” The 28“PAKISTAN ECONOMIC SURVEY 2020-21,”
Express Tribune, January 4, 2022, Govt of Pakistan - Finance Division, accessed January 25, 2022,
is 20% tax on solar panels and wind turbines place to implement regulations. The National
according to recent policy announcements.29 Climate Change Policy 2021 does mention the
incorporation of economic incentives to promote
emission reduction by upgrading industrial
Recommendations processes and technologies; but this in and of itself
is not sufficient. The government must establish a
1. Make air quality monitoring more monitoring mechanism for industrial emissions,
transparent accompanied by penalties that prohibit emissions.
Instead of the opacity the government is going for, Similar checks have been brought in place for brick
it may be best to let independent data collectors kiln owners, with some level of success. This may
publish daily reports on AQI as the government’s come with a political fallout in some districts, but it
own numbers are both inaccurate and not easily is a step in the right direction.
accessible. Climate change cannot be beaten by
governments alone, and the misrepresentation of There must be greater coordination and regulation
data can bring about fatal outcomes. over industries to manage the level of emissions
and ensure that rules such as bans on certain types
2. Enforce better regulations for vehicular of fuels are adhered to. Better regulation in the
emissions industrial sector on the type of fuel being used must
Efforts to cut down on transport-related emissions also be prioritised.
have been lackluster at most. Policy statements
aside, implementation on the ground needs to be 4. Curb emissions in livestock farming
bolstered. The transition to higher grade fuels The emissions through cattle farming can be
needs to be managed at the supply end, through countered with an increase in production through
incentivising big industrial players to make the herd health and breeding practices, composting,
switch. Fitness certification for vehicles needs to be including additives in manure to suppress
prioritised, especially in cities where vehicular unwanted biological activity, implementing manure
emissions are high. storage covers and anaerobic digesters and finally,
feeding cattle based on nutrient needs. Developed
The targets identified in the Electric Vehicle Policy countries such as the US and the Netherlands are
are not realistic, nor does the policy look to address quickly adapting digital technology in cattle
the question of cost; electric cars are likely to stay breeding and farming to both reduce emissions and
expensive, and there is no real incentive for private keep livestock healthy, to both maximise yield and
investors to set up charging stations and other use the data to ensure that emissions are kept to a
infrastructure if there is no significant consumer minimum.
base on the horizon.