Moroccan Law
Moroccan Law
Moroccan Law
ABOUT MOROCCO.......................................................................................................................... 8
SOCIAL FORMALITIES...................................................................................................................70
CORPORATE TAX............................................................................................................................82
VALUE-ADDED TAX.......................................................................................................................94
REGISTRATION FEES...................................................................................................................103
STAMP DUTY.....................................................................................................................................112
PROFESSIONAL TAX.....................................................................................................................115
HOUSING TAX.................................................................................................................................120
2 3
CUSTOMS WAREHOUSES...........................................................................................................143
NATURE OF ACCOUNTS.............................................................................................................156
CURRENT TRANSACTIONS........................................................................................................165
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Capital Rabat
GDP (2018) 1107 billion MAD (118 billion USD)
Institutional system Democratic, parliamentary and social Breakdown of GDP (2018) Primary sector 14 %
constitutional monarchy
Secondary sector 29 %
Climate Mediterranean
Time zone GMT+1
Export volume 282 billion MAD – 28 billion USD (2019)
Density 50.5 inhabitants/km2
• High Commission for Planning (
• Ministry of Economy and Finance (
Active population 12 million inhabitants • Offices des Changes ( Currency exchange office) (
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IN MOROCCO • Its duration cannot exceed 99 years, extendable one or more times;
• The minimum capital is 3 million MAD for PLC making public offerings and 300,000
MAD otherwise;
• The capital must be fully subscribed; failing this, the company cannot be
LEGAL FORMS OF COMPANIES • The nominal amount of the share cannot be less than 50 MAD. However, for
companies whose securities are listed on the stock exchange, the minimum is set at
10 MAD;
• Shares in cash must be paid up upon subscription at least 1/4 of their nominal value
• Shares in kind are fully paid up when issued;
• The shares are only negotiable after the registration of the company in the trade
register or the completion of the capital increase;
COMPANIES • The company enjoys legal personality as from its registration in the Trade Register;
• Its articles of association must be established in writing;
• Public limited company (PLC), (Société anonyme) • All its documents and certificates must indicate the company name, immediately
• Limited liability company (LLC), (Société à responsabilité limitée) and legibly preceded or followed by the words «public limited company» or the
• Partnership limited by shares ( Société en commandite par actions) initials «PLC», the statement of the amount of the share capital and the registered
office, as well as the registration number in the trade register;
• One or more statutory auditors are responsible for controlling and monitoring the
PARTNERSHIPS company’s financial statements;
• 2 types of public limited companies depending on the administration and
• General partnership, ( Société en nom collectif) management:
• Limited partnership, ( Société en commandite simple )
• Joint venture partnership (Undeclared partnership) ( Société en participation) 1. The company with a board of directors :
• The board is made up of at least 3 members and at most 12;
• The directors are appointed by the ordinary general meeting;
These companies are characterized by the predominant aspect of the personal
• The board of directors can only validly deliberate if half of the members are
factor «intuitu personae».
actually present;
• The board of directors elects a chairperson (natural person) from among its
COMPANIES WITH SPECIAL REGULATIONS members and can dismiss them at any time;
• General management is assumed either by the chairperson of the board of
• Investment company ( Société d’investissement) directors with the title of chair and chief executive officer or by another natural
• Purchasing Cooperative company (Société coopérative d’achat) person appointed by the board of directors and bearing the title of chief executive
• Consumer cooperative company ( Société coopérative de consommation) officer;
• Mutual insurance company (Société mutualiste)
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• The supervisory board is made up of at least 3 members and at most 12 members • The fixed capital must be fully paid up upon signing of the articles of association;
appointed by the articles of association and during the life of the company, by the • The company cannot make a public offering;
ordinary general meeting. None of them can be part of the management board; • The chairperson (can be a legal person) is appointed initially by the articles of
• The supervisory board elects, from among its members, a chairperson, where association and, then, in the way that these articles of association determine.
applicable, a vice-chairperson (natural persons);
• The supervisory board can only validly deliberate if half of the members are present LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC)
NEW 2019// Dahir No. 1-19-78 of April 26, 2019 promulgating law No. 20-19
amending and supplementing law No. 17-95 relating to public limited companies. A limited liability company is a commercial company whose members only bear
losses up to the amount of their contributions.
• Creation of a new name for directors who are neither chairperson, nor chief • The maximum number of members cannot exceed 50;
executive officer, nor deputy chief executive officer, nor company employees • An LLC cannot have as a single member another LLC made up of a single person;
exercising management functions, in this case, independent and non-executive • The amount of the share capital is freely set by the members in the articles of
directors; association. It is divided into shares of equal par value;
• Submission for authorization of the extraordinary general meeting, disposals of • Company shares must be fully subscribed by the members. They cannot be
more than 50% of the company’s assets for a period of 12 months; represented by negotiable securities ;
• Expansion of the responsibility of the directors, and of the CEO where applicable, • Contributions in kind must be fully paid, those in cash at least 1/4 of their amount,
as well as that of the members of the supervisory board, to cover faults committed • Company shares are freely transferable by inheritance and freely transferable
by them in the management or acts committed that do not fall within the scope between members, spouses, parents and allies but may not be transferred to
of the interest of the company, during the exercise of the delegations given to third parties without the consent of the majority of members representing at
them, with the possibility of the court to order them to return to the company least 3/4 of the company shares;
the profits generated by said acts, and to prohibit them from the management, • The funds resulting from the release of the shares are deposited within 8 days
administration, representation or control of any company for 12 months; of their receipt in a blocked bank account when the fixed share capital exceeds
• Obligation for companies making public offerings to appoint, in their board 100,000 MAD. The withdrawal can only be made after registration in the trade
of directors, one or more independent directors, and setting of the conditions register;
required for this appointment and those of their remuneration; • The management of an LLC can be undertaken by one or more individuals
• Granting of a period of one year (from the date of publication of the law) to responsible individually or jointly towards the company or towards third parties;
companies making public offerings to comply with the provisions of this law • The dismissal of the manager and the modification of the articles of association
concerning independent directors. are decided by the members representing at least 3/4 of the shares;
• Managers or members are prohibited from contracting loans from the company
SIMPLIFIED PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY ( SOCIETE ANONYME SIMPLIFEE) (SAS) or having their personal commitments guaranteed by the company.;
• Decisions are taken at a general meeting (unless otherwise provided for in the
DEFINTION articles of association) and adopted by one or more members representing
more than half of the shares;
The simplified public limited company is a company formed between two or more
• The management control of an LLC is entrusted to one or more auditors
companies in order to create or manage a joint subsidiary, or to create a company
• The members can appoint one or more auditors. However, companies whose
which will become their common parent.
turnover at the end of the financial year exceeds the amount of 50 million MAD,
are required to appoint at least one auditor;
CHARACTERISTICS • The company is not dissolved when a judgment of judicial liquidation, the
prohibition to manage or a measure of incapacity is pronounced with regard
• The capital of each member must be at least equal to 2 million MAD or the to one of the members. It is not dissolved by the death of a member (unless
equivalent of this sum in foreign currency; otherwise stipulated);
• The company is constituted by articles of association signed by all the members;
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• The transformation of an LLC into a general partnership requires the unanimous • The Supervisory Board assumes permanent control of the management of the
agreement of the members. The transformation into a limited partnership or company. For this purpose, it has the same powers as the statutory auditors;
a partnership limited by shares is decided in accordance with the articles of • The modification of the articles of association requires, unless otherwise
association of the LLC and with the agreement of all the members who agree to specified, the agreement of all the general partners;
be active partners. The transformation into a public limited company is decided • The transformation of the limited partnership by shares into a public limited
by the majority required for the modification of the articles of association of the company or a limited liability company is decided by the extraordinary general
LLC; meeting of shareholders with the agreement of two thirds of the general
• All its documents must indicate the company name, which may include the name partners, unless the articles of association establish another quorum.
of one or more members, and which must be immediately preceded or followed
by the mention limited liability company or the initials LLC or single member LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
limited liability company, the statement of the amount of the share capital
and the registered office, as well as the registration number in the commercial DEFINTION
The limited partnership is a commercial company made up of general partners who
have the capacity of traders and are indefinitely and jointly and severally liable for the
PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BY SHARES company’s debts and limited partners who are liable for the company’s debts only up
to their contribution, which cannot be a sweat equity.
The partnership limited by shares, the capital of which is divided into shares, is
formed between one or more general partners, who have the capacity of traders and
• The limited partnership is designated by a corporate name which may include
are indefinitely and jointly and severally liable for the company’s debts and limited
the name of one or more general partners and which must be immediately
partners who have the capacity of shareholders and only bear losses up to their
preceded or followed by the words «Limited partnership».
• Company shares can only be transferred with the consent of all partners;
• The limited partner cannot perform any management act committing the
company to third parties, even by virtue of a power of attorney;
• The company continues despite the death of a limited partner;
• The partnership limited by shares is designated by a name or the name of one or
• Any modification of the articles of association is decided with the consent of
more general partners may be incorporated and must be immediately preceded
all the general partners and the majority in number and in capital of the limited
or followed by the words « partnership limited by shares »;
• The number of limited partners cannot be less than three;
• The provisions relating to general partnerships are applicable to limited
• The first manager or managers are appointed by the articles of association. They
partnerships (subject to the rules provided for in the first chapter of the law on
complete the incorporation formalities for which the founders of public limited
limited partnerships)
companies are responsible;
• During the existence of the company (unless otherwise provided in the articles
of association), the manager or managers are appointed by the ordinary general
meeting of shareholders with the agreement of all the general partners; DEFINTION
• The manager, partner or not, is dismissed under the conditions provided for by
the articles of association; The general partnership is a commercial company whose partners all have the status
• The manager is vested with the broadest powers to act in all circumstances on of traders and are indefinitely and jointly and severally liable for company’s debts..
behalf of the company.
• The ordinary general meeting of shareholders appoints a supervisory board, CHARACTERISTICS
made up of at least 3 shareholders.
• The members of the supervisory board do not incur any liability, due to • The general partnership is designated by a corporate name, which may include
management acts and their results ; the name of one or more partners, and which must be immediately preceded or
• A general partner cannot be a member of the supervisory board; and shareholders followed by the words «general partnership»;
having the status of general partners cannot participate in the appointment of • All the partners are managers, unless otherwise stipulated in the articles of
members of this board; association, which may appoint one or more managers, whether partners or not,
• The ordinary general meeting of shareholders appoints one or more auditors; or provide for their appointment by subsequent act;
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• Decisions which exceed the powers granted to managers are taken unanimously MAIN PROVISIONS
by the partners, unless otherwise stipulated in the articles of association;
• The partners can appoint, by a majority of the partners, one or more auditors. • Authorization of the partner (s), holding a tenth (instead of a quarter) of the
However, companies whose turnover at the end of the financial year exceeds the shares, to request the meeting of the general meeting;
amount of MAD 50 million are required to appoint at least one auditor. • Opening of the possibility for one or more partners representing at least five
• The dismissal of the managers can only be decided unanimously by the partners; percent of the share capital to request the inclusion of one or more draft
• This dismissal results in the dissolution of the company, unless its continuation resolutions on the agenda of the general meeting;
is provided for by the articles of association or the other partners decide • Requirement for the sale of more than 50% of the company’s assets for a period
unanimously; of 12 months, by decision of the partners representing at least three-quarters of
• The company shares are registered and can only be transferred with the consent the share capital, on the basis of a report drawn up by the manager;
of all the partners; • Determination, by the general meeting or, failing that, by the manager, of the
• The company ends with the death of one of the partners unless it has been terms of payment of the dividends voted by said meeting; it being specified that
stipulated that the company will continue, either with the partners only, or with this payment must take place within a maximum period of 9 months after the
one or more heirs, or any other person designated by the articles of association. end of the financial year, unless this period is extended by order of the president
of the court, ruling in summary proceedings, at the request of the manager.
The undeclared partnership only exists in relationships between partners and is not
intended to be known to third parties.
Law No. 20-19 amending and supplementing Law No. 17-95 relating to public
limited companies
NEW 2019// Dahir No. 1-19-79 of April 26, 2019 promulgating the law n ° 21-19 Law No. 21-19 amending and supplementing Law No. 5-96 on general partnerships,
amending and supplementing the law n ° 5-96 on the general partnership, the limited partnerships, partnerships limited by shares, limited liability companies and
limited partnership, the partnership limited by shares, the limited liability company undeclared partnerships
and the joint venture.
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STEP 1 : NEGATIVE CERTIFICATE The articles of association are a set of contractual provisions which define the rules
applicable to a specific legal situation.
The negative certificate is a document which certifies that the name, acronym or logo They can take two forms: notarial act or private signature.
requested is not already in use and can therefore be entered for registration in the
Trade Register. It is the 1st document necessary for starting a business.
NB : the name, acronym or logo does not confer on its owner protection for these Companies concerned All commercial companies (except individuals
marketed products and services, hence the need to consider protecting them as a and branch)
trademark in order to avoid any confusion in the mind of the public.
Documents requested • Submit a printed application to be PLC, Simplified PLC and Partnership limited by
Companies concerned
obtained from the RIC shares
• A copy of the beneficiary’s identity
document. (in the case of filing of the Legal Firm: fiduciaries, notaries, lawyers, ac-
Agencies concerned
request by a trustee, a notary or other firm, countants, legal advisers ...
a stamp of these firms must be affixed on
the request)
Documents requested Subscription forms signed by subscribers
The steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 are done at the RIC level at the desk of the administration concerned by completing and
submitting a single business creation declaration form
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The deposit must be made within 8 days of receipt of funds by the company.
A paid-up capital blocking certificate is issued by the bank. Starting-a-business application files are processed at the level of the local Regional
Investment Center by representatives of the various administrations concerned by
the business creation.
Companies concerned Commercial companies especially PLC, Sim- PLC, LLC, General Partnership, Limited
Companies concerned
plified PLC and Partnership limited by shares partnership, Partnership limited by shares
and LLC when the fixed share capital exceeds
100.000 MAD. Agencies concerned Regional Investment Center / Regional Tax
Directorate desk
Agencies concerned Legal Firm: fiduciaries, notaries, lawyers, ac- Agencies concerned Regional Investment Center / Regional Tax
countants, legal advisers ... Directorate desk
Supporting documents The forms drawn up by the notary and the Documents Required For Professional tax :
paid-up capital blocking certificate issued by • accreditation or diploma for regulated
the bank activities
• agreement in principle for classified
• the lease contract in the deed of
acquisition or certificate of domiciliation by
a legal person
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Registration in the commercial register is the birth certificate of the company. Implementation of the cri-invest platform:
Through this platform, the investor can learn about the procedures and incentives
Agencies concerned Regional Investment Center / Commercial
related to investment, launch a project, track its progress and access all documents
Court desk
and authorizations.
Membership in the CNSS is a legal obligation. Any company subject to the social
security system must be member in the CNSS which therefore issues a membership
number, which constitutes administrative recognition of its identification,
registration and attachment to the regime.
Companies concerned All commercial companies
• Regional Investment Center : Souss Massa
Agencies concerned Regional Investment Center /Desk: National
Social Security Fund • Regional Investment Center : Rabat-Salé-Kénitra
• Regional Investment Center : Casablanca –Settat
• Regional Investment Center : Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima
Once the company is registered in the trade register and within a period not • Regional Investment Center : Marrakech-Safi
exceeding one month, two advertisements are mandatory in the legal notices
journal and in the Official Journal. • Regional Investment Center :
• Regional Investment Center : Béni Mellal-Khénifra
Companies concerned All commercial companies • Regional Investment Center : Guelmim - Oued Noun
Agencies concerned • Legal notices journal • Regional Investment Center : Laâyoune - Sakia El Hamra
• Official Journal
• Regional Investment Center : Dakhla-Oued Eddahab
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The product is primarily intended for Very Small Businesses & Small and Medium
BANKING SECTOR Businesses impacted by the crisis (turnover not exceeding 200 M MAD).
PRIAVTE EQUITY For companies without operating lines, the bank can grant an exceptional overdraft
within the limit of 5 M MAD and at 3 months of current expenses.
Private equity can meet real financing needs for a company and be a lever for its
improvement. The overdraft drawdown must be made after exhaustion of the operating lines
by disbursement granted. They must also be used gradually and until June 30,
Private equity thus finances its start-up, development, transfer, or even its 2020, upon presentation of supporting documents and/or in the hands of the
recapitalization in the event of difficulties. beneficiaries.
For more information, please consult the website of the Moroccan Association of Percentage of cover
Private Equity Investors : 95% of principal.
26 27
• Having a turnover of less than or equal to 10 M MAD (excluding taxes): achieved NEW START-TPE
for the last closed financial year for companies in activity or to be achieved for
the current/future financial year for new companies. Object
The honor loan (loan without collateral and without interest) is a credit with zero
interest rate intended for the business creation, the takeover of a business and
Sectors concerned
personal projects.
All business sectors excluding real estate development and deep sea fishing
Guaranteed credits
Very small and small businesses, young project holders, innovative young businesses
Short-term credits granted to first-timers (companies accessing short-term loans
and self-employed entrepreneurs and small farms including future projects built on
for the first time)4 as well as medium and long-term credits not exceeding 1.2 M
the operation of melkization (ownership) of collective lands known as “soulaliyates”
• Being under Moroccan law whatever its legal form (natural or legal person),
Percentage of cover • Having for object or activity the production of goods and/or services,
80% of the loan principal. • Having benefited from a medium and long term bank credit of 300,000 MAD
maximum guaranteed by Damane Intelak or Intelak Al Moustatmir Al Qarawi.
Sectors concerned
All business sectors excluding real estate development and deep sea fishing
Guarantee of investment credits and operating credits of up to 1.2 M MAD granted
to eligible companies operating in rural areas.
Fundable needs
Working capital requirements linked to the above-mentioned medium and
long-term bank credit.
Very small and small businesses, young project holders, innovative young businesses
and self-employed entrepreneurs and small farms including future projects built on
Loan characteristics
the operation of melkization (ownership) of collective lands known as “soulaliyates”
Share: 20% maximum of the amount of the above-mentioned medium and
fulfilling the conditions following:
long-term bank credit
Ceiling: 50,000 MAD
• Being under Moroccan law whatever its legal form (natural or legal person),
Interest rate: 0%
• Having for object or activity the production of goods and/or services carried
Security: No security is required
out in the rural world,
Repayment period: Refundable once after a deductible of up to 5 years.
• Being created for a maximum of 5 years on the date of presentation of the loan
application. This condition does not apply to companies exporting to Africa5
and to small farms;
• Having a turnover of less than or equal to 10 M MAD (excluding taxes): achieved
for the last closed financial year for companies in activity or to be achieved for
the current/future financial year for new companies.
Sectors concerned
All business sectors excluding real estate development and deep sea fishing
Guaranteed credits
Short-term credits granted to first-timers (companies accessing short-term loans
for the first time)6 as well as medium and long-term credits not exceeding 1.2 M
The companies having achieved at least 20% of their turnover from exports to Africa for the last financial
Percentage of cover year as well as those having obtained contracts / orders for exports to Africa representing at least 10% of their
80% of the loan principal. estimated turnover for the current/future financial year, are eligible.
4 6
This exclusion does not apply to companies exporting to Africa. This exclusion does not apply to companies exporting to Africa.
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• INVESTMENT Loan conditions
• Duration: 10 years maximum including a deferred principal up to 5 years
GUARANTEE FUND DEDICATED TO TOURIST PROJECTS • Interest rate: Rate equivalent to the weighted average rate of 5-year Treasury bill
issues increased by 250 basis points.
Object • Collateral: no guarantee is required to cover the MEZZANINE PME loan.
Guarantee of bank loans granted for the realization of accommodation establishment
projects (excluding Tourist Promotion Real Estate Residences (RIPT)) and/or of a
medium and large-sized tourist entertainment component. LIGNE FRANÇAISE (FRENCH LINE)
Beneficiaries Object
Company under Moroccan law with an investment program for the creation of an Co-financing with banks of projects relating to the purchase of French goods and
accommodation establishment (excluding RIPT) and/or a tourist entertainment services as well as study and training services for Moroccan companies.
Secured credits Moroccan companies having :
Medium and long-term bank credits for the development of tourist accommodation • An annual turnover of less than € 25M;
and/or entertainment products. • A predominantly Moroccan capital.
30 31
• Terms of the joint credit
Equity contribution At least 25% of the total amount of the investment
• Interest rate: 2% per year excluding VAT in Moroccan dirham for the part of the from the MRA project, in the form of a foreign currency contribution
Ligne française. The bank loan rate is freely negotiable to be paid or transferred to an account in dirham
• Duration: 12 years maximum including 5 years maximum of deductible principal dedicated to the project.
• Collateral: Pari-passu between the CCG and the Bank
The following can also be taken into account for this
MDM INVEST quota :
• Foreign currency transfers made prior to the
Object project deposit at the bank and lodged in a
Joint financing with banks of projects to create or expand businesses promoted in foreign currency account,
Morocco, directly by Moroccans Residing Abroad (MRA). • Foreign currency transfers made during the year
preceding the date of deposit of the project at
Beneficiaries the bank and lodged in a convertible dirham
To benefit from the Fund, it is sufficient : account dedicated to the project (1).
• To be Moroccan residing abroad justifying a residence permit or a foreign identity
document or a valid consular card;
• To be Moroccan having resided abroad and made a final return for a maximum «MDM Invest» 10% of the amount of the share of the MRA in the
period of one year before the date of deposit of the investment project at the bank. funds project in the form of a non-refundable contribution
(2) with a ceiling of 5 M MAD.
Eligible investment programs
Investment project of creation or extension of an amount at least equal to 1M MAD
promoted directly by Moroccans Residing Abroad alone or associated with Moroccan The remainder Financed either by a bank loan or by any other
or foreign investors. contribution in cash
Eligible sectors
• Industry and industry-related services
• Education (1) The following may also be taken into account for this quota :
• Hotel industry Foreign currency transfers made prior to the project deposit at the bank and lodged
• Health in a foreign currency account;
Currency transfers made during the year preceding the date of deposit of the project
Project financing at the bank and lodged in an account in convertible dirhams.
The investment programs will be financed according to the following table :
(2) This contribution must be returned in the event of disinvestment during the first
5 years from the date of release by the MRA of the minimum equity contribution in
foreign currency.
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• STRUCTURAL FINANCE Secured credits
Equity or quasi-equity contributions in the form of :
• Subscription of stocks or shares
Object • Subscription of convertible bonds
Support and structural financing of high-potential SMEs whose turnover does not • Subscription of equity securities or investment certificates
exceed 100 M MAD. • Advances on associated current accounts
34 35
INNOV START Financing modalities
The financing is granted in the form of a repayable advance, the amount of which is
Eligible companies capped at 50% of contributions from external investors (venture capital funds, angel
Project holder or newly created company, whose application has been validated by investors, etc.) and without exceeding 2,000,000 MAD.
a structure labeled by the CCG and wishing to demonstrate the potential and the
feasibility of their project based on an innovative idea (new product, new process,
use of acquired and not initially marketed patents, adaptation of an innovative Refund conditions
technology to the Moroccan market…). • Deferral period of one year from the completion and operation of the project
• Repayment over a period of 5 years
Eligible expenses
The expenses related particularly to the following elements can be financed by the
honor loan (loan without collateral and without interest) for an innovative project : Overall commitment limit
• Prototyping and testing 2,000,000 MAD on the same company, all competitions combined for
• Rental / provision of technical facilities, laboratories, servers, etc. honor loans and advances
• Market research and survey
• Development of strategy and business model / business plan …
Financing modalities
Eligible companies
The financing is granted in the form of an honor loan (loan without collateral and
SME under Moroccan law in a growth phase having successfully raised funds from
without interest) capped at :
investors (private equity funds, angel investors, etc.) and needing funds to finance
• 250,000 MAD per project holder
their investment and / or operating needs.
• 500,000 MAD in the event of a project presented by two or more candidates
Eligible expenses
Funding is conditional upon the conclusion of a support agreement between the
Intangible and/or material expenses related particularly to the following elements
eligible target and Labeled structure.
can be financed by the equity loan as part of an innovative project :
• Establishment of production facilities
Refund conditions
• Marketing and commercialization
• Deferral period of 2 years from the completion and operation of the project
• Prospecting for new markets, especially for export;
• Repayment over a period of 5 years
• Development of new product variants;
• Working capital requirement…
Financing modalities
The financing is granted in the form of a equity loan according to the following
Eligible companies
conditions :
Companies in the creation / start-up phase having successfully raised funds from
• Loan amount: 3,000,000 MAD maximum without exceeding 50% of contributions
investors (venture capital funds, angel investors, etc.) and needing additional cash to
from external investors (venture capital funds, angel investors, etc.)
finance their cash flow needs, additional investments or costs of marketing of their
• Repayment: over a maximum period of 8 years with 2 years deferral.
• Interest rate: 2% per year excluding taxes
Eligible expenses
The expenses related particularly to the following elements can be financed by the
reimbursable advance for an innovative project :
• Prototyping and testing as part of product development/refinement
• Establishment of production facilities
• Marketing and commercialization
• Working capital requirement …
36 37
NEW Creativity and co-development support program aimed at strengthening the
economic models of the Textile Clothing sector that create value (platform, co-
development and finished product).
Offer of advice and technical expertise for the benefit of industrial VSMEs to
support them in managing the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and
50% Premium of the amount of one or more creativity, design, new product design
the preparation of recovery plans for their activities.
and co-development projects, up to a limit of MAD 1 million/project.
- SME (10 M MAD ≤ TURNOVER ≤ 200 M MAD)
80% of the cost of support provided by specialist expertise in the development and
50% Premium of the amount of one or more creativity, design, new product design
deployment of the continuity and recovery plan.
and co-development projects, up to a limit of MAD 5 million / project.
Fill in the application form (available on the Maroc PME website) :
• Fill in the application form (available on the Maroc PME website);
• Prepare the opportunity study relating to the project;
• Submit the application file to Maroc PME.
Creativity and co-development allowance to financially support VSMEs in the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
development of finished products and Moroccan brands and in the co-development
of new products with a prime contractor. Object
Support for the company, industrial or having a business related to industry with
Advantage a turnover of less than MAD 200 million, in strengthening its competitiveness by
50% bonus for expenses related to a creativity and co-development project in the activating the digital transformation of the company and information systems.
agri-food sector.
Procedure Covering of the cost of the service up to:
• Registration on the Maroc PME platform ; • 70% of the total amount of acquisition of an information system (IS) in
• Preparation and submission of application files to the headquarters of Maroc proprietary mode, including infrastructure and equipment
PME; • 80% of the overall amount of acquisition of information systems in cloud mode,
• Project evaluation and selection. including infrastructure and equipment.
• Register for the program on the Maroc PME platform;
• Prepare and submit the contracting file.
For more information,visit the official website : or contact : 0 802 00 00 05
38 39
Object This program supports investment projects contributing to the development of the
Offer of technical assistance to an industrial company or one having a business regional entrepreneurial fabric.
related to the industry with a turnover of less than 200 M MAD to better prepare
for the categorization process. Joining the program is done in 3 steps:
Procedure IMTIAZ
• Register for the program on the Maroc PME platform; • SMEs starting up activities or growing SMEs whose annual turnover excluding
• Request a referencing of the company; tax is equal to or less than 200 M MAD.
• Prepare and submit the contract file. • Targeted projects:
- Growth and creation of added value and jobs;
- The change of scale and the emergence of new business models.
• 20% premium of the investment project, material or immaterial, capped at 10 M
• High-potential VSEs whose annual turnover excluding tax is equal to or less
Training and assistance for companies in Lean management to improve productivity
than 10 M MAD.
performance. This training is intended for industrial companies or those having a
• Targeted projects:
business related to industry with a turnover of less than 200 M MAD.
- industrial valorization and transformation;
- Strengthening the relationship with prime contractors;
- The development of innovation responding to market opportunities.
• 30% premium of the investment project, material or immaterial, capped at 2
• Lean Manufacturing training and awareness session.
• Support for the implementation of Lean tools.
• Assistance in up to 60% of the service. IMPORTANT
Postponement of the deadline for submitting applications to July 9,
• Membership application by online registration in the membership platform of
Maroc PME agency.
• Copy of the Trade Register and/or copy of the certificate of registration for
professional tax.
• Copy of the turnover certificate or copy of the Income and Expenses Statement
The status of the auto-entrepreneur is established under Law 114.13. This is a new
or affidavit signed by the company.
legal form of business intended for any natural person exercising, individually, an
industrial, commercial or craft activity, or providing a service.
The turnover collected should not exceed 500,000 MAD for industrial, commercial
or craft activities and 200,000 MAD for services.
40 41
• implification of the creation and termination procedures
S • Consecution of the INMARESP certificate and national funding (estimated) :
• Exemption from bookkeeping - 1st filing: from July 8, 2020
• Reduced taxation - 2nd filing: from November 29, 2020
The auto-entrepreneurs impacted by the Covid-19 crisis can, from April 27, 2020, Moroccan party (MAROC PME)
take out a loan of up to MAD 15,000 at zero rate. Mme. Salma RIAD/ M. Zakaria RACHID
Tel.: +212 (0)5 37 57 44 00
This credit can be repaid over a period of 3 years with a grace period of one year. E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Spanish party (CDTI)
The Moroccan-Spanish innovation program (INMARESP) aims to promote and
finance research and technological development projects with an industrial In spain:
vocation as well as to promote partnerships and R&D&I collaboration projects CDTI– Center for Industrial Technological Development
between entities of the two countries. Department of External Technological Action
Tel.: +34 91 581 56 07
Potential projects are funded by MAROC PME in Morocco and by CDTI (Centro para E-mail: [email protected]
el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) in Spain. Pageweb:
INMARESP is open to industrial R&D&I projects between Spanish and Moroccan in Morocco:
companies. D. Jose Manuel Durán Cuevas
Delegate for North Africa and the Middle East
The duration of the projects is 1 to 3 years maximum. E-mail: [email protected]
D. Daniel González
This is a 50% bonus for the co-development project capped at MAD 5 million. E-mail: [email protected]
Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Rabat
Important dates for the 2020 edition Tel.: +212 537760741
42 43
SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR PRIMO-EXPORTERS Coaching For each year, the State bears the costs of coaching
and monitoring of the implementation of the
export development plan provided by the export
Object consultant.
The program consists of tailor-made support over a period of 3 years, through These costs are set at:
financial and technical support from the State to companies and cooperatives under • 40,000 MAD (All taxes included) per
Moroccan law which have export potential and wish to start exporting or make it a beneficiary company, for companies located in
regular activity. the regions: Rabat-Salé-Kenitra/Casablanca-
Eligibility criteria Meknès/Marrakech-Safi/Béni Mellal-Khénifra
In addition to the regularity of its situation vis-à-vis the tax administration and the • 50,000 MAD (All taxes included) per
CNSS, the company must: beneficiary company, for companies located
• Have been incorporated for at least two years at the time of submitting its in the regions: L’Oriental/Drâa-Tafilalet/Souss-
application; Massa/Guelmim-Oued Noun/Laâyoune-Sakia
• Have the status of legal person or cooperative; El Hamra/Dakhla –Oued Eddahab
• Have an average export turnover over the last three years not exceeding
5 M MAD.
Implementation of The State covers 80% of the costs related to
the action plan prospecting and promotion actions included in the
Support modalities
action plan of the beneficiary company
The financial support is capped at MAD 3 per company over the period of three years
(at the rate of one million Moroccan dirham per year).
Diagnosis and The State covers all the costs of diagnosis and The support program for the creation and development of export consortia «Export
development of the preparation of the export development plan: Synergia» consists of assistance in the achievement of promotional actions allowing
export action plan • 40,000 MAD (All taxes included) per their international development.
beneficiary company, for companies located in
the regions: Rabat-Salé-Kenitra / Casablanca- Eligibility criteria
Settat / Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima / Companies wishing to form themselves into export consortium must meet the
Fès-Meknès / Marrakech-Safi / Béni Mellal- following conditions:
• 50,000 MAD (All taxes included) per • e part of a consortium made up of at least three companies under Moroccan
beneficiary company, for companies located in law or cooperatives;
the regions: Oriental / Drâa-Tafilalet / Souss- • be in a regular situation vis-à-vis the CNSS and the tax administration;
Massa / Guelmim-Oued Noun / Laâyoune- • achieve a turnover of less than or equal to 175 million MAD excluding taxes
Sakia El Hamra / Dakhla-Oued Eddahab per year.
The funding is intended to cover the costs of setting up the structure of the
consortium as well as actions within the framework of its international development.
44 45
Application condition
Government financial support is granted in the following amounts:
To enjoy the expected benefits, it is necessary to conclude an investment agreement
• Share of the State: 65% of the cost of actions undertaken by the consortium;
within the framework of ecosystem performance contracts / Offset agreements
• Share of the export consortium: 35% of the cost of actions undertaken by the
signed between the State and its partners.
Eligibility criteria
• FONDS INNOV INVEST (INNOV INVEST FUND) Two categories of projects can benefit from the FDII: «Strategic» and «Structuring»
The «Fonds Innov Invest « (FII) is a system dedicated to financing innovative startups 1. « Strategic project» category :
set up by the Moroccan government with the support of the World Bank. • « LOCOMOTIVE » project :
- Definition : project led by a key player which aims at the expansion
The FII, managed by the CCG, aims to fill the gap in the chain of funding of the early and development of its activities having a significant and structuring impact on
stages of creation of startups and innovative projects. the fabric of its suppliers or its customers and allowing to improve the global
competitiveness of its ecosystem and its deep anchoring in Morocco.
It operates on 3 main components covering venture capital, startup loans and - Eligibility threshold: investment greater than 50 M MAD excluding taxes
technical assistance through: or creation of at least 200 stable jobs.
• upport for project holders via grants and honor loans (Innov IDEA and Innov
S • « PRIME CONTRACTORS » project :
START); - Definition : Project led by a prime contractor for a public order which
• Support for startups via Equity, repayable advances, equity loans and aims to carry out industrial compensation measures having a significant economic
investment in funds (Innov RISK and Innov DEV); impact particularly in terms of direct or joint venture investment, training, R&D or
• Support for fund management companies and ecosystem players through technology transfer.
technical assistance - Eligibility threshold: a public order of at least 200 M MAD excluding
It has a financial budget of 700 M MAD dedicated to supporting 300 innovative
startups. 2. « Structuring project» category
• «Pioneer» project
- Definition : Project which aims to develop an activity that has never been
For more information, please visit the website : carried out in Morocco or that completes the value chain of a sector as part of an ecosystem.
- Eligibility threshold: investment greater than 20 M MAD excluding taxes
or creation of at least 50 stable jobs.
46 47
• «Sourcing» project
For more details, please contact the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Green and
- Definition : Project led by a local company which aims to qualify to ensure
Digital Economy - Directorate General of Industry
the sourcing of prime contractors either at the local level or for international sites.
- Eligibility threshold: investment greater than 20 M MAD excluding taxes
or creation of at least 50 stable jobs.
Directorate General of Industry :
• Engineering and R&D centers project
- Definition : Project aimed at creating design, development, testing
Automotive Industries Directorate
centers for the benefit of industrial sectors.
Tél : +212 (0) 537764518
- Eligibility threshold: investment greater than 20 M MAD excluding taxes
Fax : +212 (0) 537739319
or creation of at least 50 stable jobs.
Eligibility criteria
The investment project must meet at least one of the following criteria:
48 49
• e carried out in one of the provinces or prefectures provided for by decree
B • t he manufacture of tools and molds for the automotive industry and for the
No. 2-98-520 issued on 5 rabii I 1419 (June 30, 1998); aeronautical industry;
• Ensure technology transfer; • aeronautical maintenance and aircraft dismantling;
• Contribute to the protection of the environment. • the manufacture of components of electronic assemblies and sub-assemblies.
Directorate of various industrial activities For more information, please contact Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social
Tél : 00 212 537739344 Development
Frame of reference
Framework agreement on State support for investors for the acquisition of land
for tourist use signed on January 28, 2002 by Hassan II Fund and the Ministry of
Frame of reference
Framework agreement relating to support for tourism development of the Mdiq-
Amendment No. 1 to the said agreement signed on January 13, 2006;
Fnideq coast, dated July 04, 2013.
Amendment No. 2 to the said agreement signed on July 24, 2007.
Application condition
Application condition
Signing of a contract with Hassan II Fund and the SMIT (Moroccan Agency for
Signing of a contract with Hassan II Fund.
Tourism Development).
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria
Tourist accommodation units classified in accordance with the legislation in force
The projects for the construction and enhancement of tourist accommodation
and located in new tourist resorts and areas can benefit from the contribution of
establishments to be carried out by developers on the M’diq-Fnideq coast are
Hassan II Fund.
eligible for the financial contribution from Hassan II Fund.
Contribution calculated on the basis of 50% of the acquisition cost per m2 of land
Financial aid of MAD 250/m2 applied to the built area on the ground of the tourist
for tourist use, capped at 500 MAD/m2 (excluding taxes and registration fees) as
accommodation establishment.
well as on the basis of the total area of said land.
This financial contribution cannot be combined with state aid for land provided for
in article 17 of framework law 18-95 forming the investment charter..
Notwithstanding the foregoing and if the convention relating to the enhancement of
a tourist development zone so provides, the total area to be used for the calculation
of said contribution may result from the application of the ratio of hotel bed/ha
within the limit of the total area acquired.
52 53
As part of bilateral agreements between Morocco and certain countries of the LEGAL MINIMUM SALARY
European Union, companies can finance the acquisition of equipment, goods and
services from the signatory country.
Activity Legal minimum salary Effective date
For more information, please directly contact your business advisor at your bank.
14.13 MAD per
July 01, 2019
Sectors of industry, hour
trade and liberal
14,81 MAD per
July 01, 2019
*The application of this amount must in no case result in the elimination or reduction
of benefits in kind granted to employees in the agricultural sector.
Decree No. 2.19.424 of June 26, 2019, relating to the setting of the legal minimum
salaries in the field of industry, trade, liberal professions and agriculture,
54 55
The contribution rates due to the National Social Security Fund are as follows : KWh price
Power licence fee
(MAD excl. taxes)
Cities (MAD excl. taxes
Employer Employee perKVA/year)
Category of benefit Total Off-peak Full Peak
contribution contribution hours hours hours
1 – Family benefits
- Contribution rate 6,4 % - 6,4 % Casablanca 526,58 0,6985 0,9514 1,3304
2 - Short-term social
benefits * :
Rabat 449,6841 0,64932 0,92251 1,28651
5- Professional Training
Source : Lydec, Redal et TFZ
tax ***
- Contribution rate 1,6 % - 1,6 %
Total contribution rate 21,09 % 6,74 % 27,83 %
Fixed fees
Use City Price m3
(MAD excl.
* Of which 0.57% relating to the indemnity for loss of employment distributed as (MAD excl. taxes)
follows: the employer’s contribution is 0.38% and the employee’s contribution is 0.19%
** Companies that have, before the start of the AMO, basic Group medical coverage Casablanca 20 8,79
with an insurance company, a mutual or an internal fund are partially exempt (subject Industrial
to certain formalities) from payment of the AMO contribution; and this by virtue of use
the provisions of Article 114 of Law No. 65-00 on the Code of Basic Medical Coverage. Tangier 10 5,9
( free zone )
These companies only pay the solidarity rate of 1.85%.
*** Mining companies are exempt (subject to certain formalities) from the payment
Rabat 20 8,7370
of the Vocational Training Tax, insofar as they are subject to the Mining Fund for
Vocational Training.
Casablanca 20 8,79
Tangier 10 9,77
( free zone )
Rabat 20 8,7370
SOURCE • VAT : 7% Source : Lydec, Redal et TFZ
56 57
Fixed fees
Price m3 (MAD
Use City (MAD excl. Taxes/
excl. taxes)
Tangier 20 3
Rabat 20 3,4811
Tangier 20 3
Rabat 20 3,4811
• TVA : 7%
58 59
60 61
EMPLOYMENT OVERTIME HOURS (Article 196-204 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
2. Fixed-term employment contract (CDD) : can only be concluded in the following • 25% if they are carried out between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. for non-agricultural activities and
cases: between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. for agricultural activities,
• 50% if they are carried out between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. for non-agricultural activities and
• the replacement of an employee by another in the event of suspension of the between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. for agricultural activities.
latter’s employment contract, unless the suspension is due to a strike;
• the temporary increase in the activity of the company; The supplement is increased to 50% and 100% respectively if the overtime is worked on
• if the work is seasonal. the employee’s weekly rest day, even if he/she is granted compensatory rest.
In the agricultural sector, the CDD is concluded for a renewable period of 6 months
provided that the duration of the contracts does not exceed 2 years. The contract WEEKLY REST (Article 205-216 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
subsequently becomes permanent. In other sectors, the CDD is concluded for a A weekly rest of at least twenty-four (24) hours running from midnight to midnight must
maximum period of one year, renewable once. After this period, the CDD becomes a be granted to employees on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or the day of the weekly market
CDI. (for rural areas).
3. The employment contract to perform a specified task. It must be granted simultaneously to all employees of the same establishment, unless the
government authority responsible for labor has dispensed with it.
MINIMUM AGE FOR EMPLOYMENT (Article 143 of Law No. 65-99 on the Labor Code)
Minors cannot be employed or be admitted to companies or employers before the age PAID HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (Article 217-230 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
of fifteen (15). It is prohibited for employers to hold employees during the days of paid holidays and
public holidays.
HOURS OF WORK (Article 184 of Law No. 65-99 relating to the Labor Code)
However, in establishments whose operation is necessarily continuous owing to the
nature of their business or which have adopted weekly rest on a rotating basis, work may
Activity Annual duration Weekly Duration not be interrupted on paid holidays or public holidays.
It can be decided that the public holiday is paid as actual working time.
Sectors of industry, 2288 hours 44 hours
trade and liberal (decree No. 2-04-569 of
professions 12/29/2004 –OJ No. 5280
of 01/06/2005)
62 63
• List of statutory, non-working and paid days This duration is increased at the rate of one day and a half of actual work per entire
period, whether continuous or not, of 5 years of service, without this increase could bring
the total duration of the leave to more than 30 days of actual work.
Public holidays Date
The period of paid annual leave extends throughout the year.
Independence manifesto Day (1944) 11th January
The «actual working days» are the days other than the weekly days of rest, the paid
holidays and the public holidays in the establishment.
Labor Day 1st May
MEDICAL SERVICES AT WORK (Article 304-331 of Law No. 65-99 relating to the Labor Code)
Throne Day 30th july
Industrial, commercial and handicrafts businesses as well as forestry and agricultural
Oued Ed-Dahab Day 14th August farms and their outbuildings which employ at least fifty (50) employees as well as those
carrying out works exposing employees to the risk of occupational diseases must create
an independent medical service.
The King and People’s Revolution Day (1953) 20 August
Those employing less than fifty (50) employees must constitute independent or joint
Birthday of His Majesty King Mohammed VI 21st August occupational medical services under the conditions set by the government authority in
charge of labor.
Green March 6th November
The operation of the occupational medical services is ensured by one or more doctors
called «occupational doctors» who must personally perform their duties.
Independence Day 18th November
The costs of organizing and controlling the medical service as well as the remuneration
Islamic New Year 1st Moharram of the occupational doctor are the responsibility of the company or the inter-company
medical service.
Independent or inter-company occupational medical services must ensure, on a full-time
Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad 12 Rabiulawal basis, the assistance of social workers or state-certified nurses.
Aïd al Adha (feast of sacrifice) 10 Doul Hijja The salary is freely fixed by direct agreement between the parties or by collective labor
agreement, subject to the legal provisions relating to the legal minimum wage.
Source :
Unless the salary is based on seniority, by virtue of a clause in the employment contract,
decree n ° 2-04-426 of 16 kaada 1425 (12/29/2004 fixing the list of paid holidays in
internal regulations or a collective labor agreement, all employees must benefit from a
industrial and commercial companies, liberal professions and forestry and agricultural
seniority allowance, the amount of which is set at:
• 5% of the salary paid, after two years of service;
PAID ANNUAL LEAVE (Article 231-264 of Law No. 65-99 relating to the Labor Code) • 10% of the salary paid, after five years of service;
• 15% of the salary paid, after twelve years of service;
• 20% of the salary paid, after twenty years of service;
Every employee is entitled, after six months of continuous service in the same company
• 25% of the salary paid, after twenty-five years of service.
or with the same employer, to paid annual leave, the duration of which is fixed as follows:
64 65
TRADE UNIONS (article 396-429 of law n ° 65-99 relating to the labor code)
LEGAL MINIMUM WAGE (articles 356-361 of Law No. 65-99 on the Labor Code and Decree No. 2-11-
247 07/01/2011 -. OJ No. 5959 of 07/11 / 2011-)
The labour unions have for object the defense, the study and the promotion of the
economic, social, moral and professional interests, individual and collective, of the
The legal minimum wage is the minimum value due to the employee. categories which they supervise as well as the improvement of the level of education
of their members..
It is calculated:
They can be freely formed by people exercising the same profession or the same trade,
• in non-agricultural activities, on the basis of the remuneration paid to the employee similar or related professions or trades contributing to the manufacture of products
for one hour of work; or the provision of specific services, regardless of the number of employees in the
• in agricultural activities on the basis of the remuneration paid for a working day. company or in the establishment.
Any individual or collective agreement tending to lower the wage below the legal Employers and employees can freely join the trade union of their choice.
minimum wage is automatically void.
The members responsible for the administration and management of the trade union
must be of Moroccan nationality and enjoy their civil and political rights and have not
incurred any final sentence to imprisonment.
Activity Legal minimum wage Effective date
The union representative in the company benefits, in agreement with the employer, from
14.13 MAD per leave of absence to participate in training sessions, conferences, seminars or national
July 01, 2019
Sectors of industry, hour and international trade union meetings.
trade and liberal
14.81 MAD per EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES (art. 430 -463 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
July 01, 2019
Employee representatives must be elected in all establishments usually employing at
least ten (10) permanent employees.
73,22 MAD
Agricultural sector July 01, 2019
per day*
Their mission is:
76.70 MAD • to submit to the employer all complaints relating to working conditions;
per day * July 01, 2019 • to refer these complaints to the agent responsible for labor inspection, in the event
that the disagreement remains.
* The application of this amount must in no case result in the elimination or reduction of benefits in JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE (art. 464 -474 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
kind granted to employees in the agricultural sector.
The joint consultative committee is a committee created within companies employing at
least fifty (50) employees.
Source :
Decree No. 2.19.424 of June 26, 2019, and relating to the setting of the legal minimum wages in the It includes:
field of industry, trade, liberal professions and agriculture
• the employer or his representative;
• two employee representatives elected by the company’s employee representatives;
• one or two trade union representatives in the company, if applicable.
66 67
• the structural and technological transformations to be carried out in the company; SETTLEMENT OF COLLECTIVE LABOR DISPUTES (art. 549 - 581 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
• the company’s balance sheet when it is approved;
A “collective labor dispute” is any dispute which occurs during work and in which one of
• the company’s production strategy and the means to increase profitability;
the parties is:
• the development of social projects for the benefit of employees and their
• a trade union organization of employees or a group of employees, whose purpose is
• Apprenticeship, training and integration programs, the fight against illiteracy and
to defend the collective and professional interests of said employees.
continuing training for employees.
• one or more employers or a professional organization of employers, whose purpose
is to defend the interests of the employer(s) or of the professional organization of
EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN EMPLOYEES (art. 516 -521 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
the employers concerned.
Any employer wishing to recruit a foreign employee must obtain authorization from the
government authority in charge of labor. This authorization is granted in the form of a Any labor dispute likely to lead to a collective dispute is the subject of an attempt at
visa affixed to the employment contract. conciliation:
The date of the visa is the date on which the employment contract takes effect. 1. At the level of the labor inspection;
2. If the conciliation fails, the dispute is submitted to the provincial commission of inquiry
and conciliation chaired by the governor of the province;
RETIREMENT AGE (art. 526 -529 of law No. 65-99 on the labor code) 3. If the conciliation fails, the dispute is submitted to the national commission of inquiry
and conciliation chaired by the minister in charge of labor or his representative;
The retirement age is set at sixty (60) years with the possibility for the employee to 4. If the conciliation fails, the dispute is submitted to arbitration. The arbitrator is chosen
continue to be employed after this age by order of the government authority in charge of by mutual agreement by the parties, from a list of arbitrators fixed by order of the
labor at the request of the employer and with the consent of the concerned party. minister in charge of labor and drawn up on the basis of proposals from the professional
organizations of employers and the most representative unions of employees.
For employees in the mining sector, the retirement age is set at fifty-five (55) years. 5. Appeals against arbitration decisions are made only before the social chamber at the
Supreme Court which constitutes itself as an arbitration chamber.
The employer must replace any retired employee with another employee.
The conciliation agreement and the arbitration decision are binding.
LABOR INSPECTION (art. 530 -548 of law No. 65-99 relating to the labor code)
68 69
Benefit Employer Employee
category contribution contribution Total
Morocco has a compulsory social security system and is a signatory of several conventions
in this regard. 1 - Family benefits :
Contribution rate 6,4 % - 6,4%
This applies to any company, whatever its business, except for fishermen.
4 - Compulsory health
insurance (AMO) ** :
Thus, all employers are required to register with the National Social Security Fund (CNSS),
Contribution rate 4,11 % 2,26 % 6,37 %
and register their employees and apprentices.
5 - Professional Training
tax *** :
RATE OF CONTRIBUTIONS Contribution rate 1,6 % - 1,6 %
The rates to be applied when calculating your contributions are determined by law. Each
of the major categories of social benefits is characterized by its own contribution rate.
Total of contribution rates 21,09 % 6,74 % 27,83 %
The rates of contributions due to the National Social Security Fund are as follows:
* Of which 0.57% relating to the indemnity for loss of employment distributed as follows:
the employer’s contribution is 0.38% and the employee’s contribution is 0.19%
** Companies that have, before the start of the AMO, basic Group medical coverage
with an insurance company, a mutual or an internal fund are partially exempt (subject
to certain formalities) from payment of the AMO contribution; and this by virtue of the
provisions of Article 114 of Law No. 65-00 on the Code of Basic Medical Coverage. These
companies only pay the solidarity rate of 1.85%.
*** Mining companies are exempt (subject to certain formalities) from the payment of
the Vocational Training Tax, insofar as they are subject to the Mining Fund for Vocational
Source :
70 71
The contribution under the general scheme is based on the gross receipts of the fishing ENTRY PROCEDURE
vessel. The contribution rates applied are set as follows:
Under the provisions of Law No. 02-03 of November 11, 2003, relating to the entry
and residence of foreigners in the Kingdom of Morocco, and irregular emigration and
• Fishing trawlers: 4.65% of the total proceeds from the sale of fish caught;
immigration, the residence of foreigners in Morocco must be justified by a passport or
• Sardine boats, longliners and canoes (artisanal fishing): 6% of the total proceeds
any other valid document issued by the State of which he is a national, recognized by the
from the sale of fish caught.
Moroccan State as a travel document.
The contribution under the AMO scheme is based on the gross receipts of the fishing
For foreign nationals whose countries are subject to visa10 formality, their travel documents
vessel. The contribution rates applied are set as follows:
must be accompanied by visas issued by the Moroccan administration.
• Fishing trawlers: 1.36% of the total proceeds from the sale of fish caught;
The stay in Morocco for tourist reasons is limited to three months for foreigners who are
• Sardine boats, longliners and canoes (artisanal fishing): 1.70% of the total proceeds
exempt from the visa and to the duration of the validity of the visa for those who are
from the sale of fish caught.
subject to it.
ELECTRONIC DECLARATION AND ONLINE PAYMENT In the event that the foreigner wishes to extend their stay on Moroccan territory beyond
the duration of validity of their visa or the three-month period, if they are not subject to
this obligation, they are required to apply for authorization from the competent Moroccan
The CNSS has set up an internet portal which allows affiliated companies to make
authority (Directorate General of National Security) in order to avoid being in an illegal
declarations and payments of social contributions electronically. (
Called e-BDS, this portal is intended to serve the community of companies affiliated to
Any foreigner wishing to practice a professional activity in Morocco is required to apply
the CNSS or their agents.
for a registration card.
For countries where Morocco is not represented, applications should be sent to the
diplomatic mission accredited in that country or to the Honorary Consuls. In the absence
of these representations, applications will be sent directly to the Moroccan Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Directorate of Consular and Social Affairs - Rabat for a
visa deposit at the airport.
National Social Security Fund -
72 73
• The foreigner must go to the National Police or Royal Gendarmerie services, in whose Foreigners wishing to work in Morocco are, like Moroccans, subject to Law No. 65-99
jurisdiction they reside, to file an application for registration, before the expiry of forming the Labor Code.
their visa or before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days from their entry into
the national territory for foreigners having a nationality not subject to visa formality. The provisions of multilateral or bilateral international conventions published in
• Applications for the registration card are drawn up on forms issued to foreigners by accordance with the law, relating to the employment of foreign employees in Morocco,
the National Police or Royal Gendarmerie services in whose jurisdiction they reside. are taken into consideration.
• As soon as the foreigner files the application for obtaining a registration card, they
are given a receipt which provisionally takes the place of it. The receipt must be As of June 1, 2017, the Ministry of Labor and Professional Integration (MTIP) has set up a
renewed every three months until a decision is taken on the application. new “TAECHIR” system to submit applications for employment contract visas for foreign
• The validity of the registration card is determined taking into account the reasons employees.
justifying the application and the documents provided as well as bilateral conventions
or agreements in the form of an exchange of letters under the principle of reciprocity. This tool aims to offer a better quality of service to users and allows employers who call
• To obtain the registration card bearing the statement «for work», the foreigner must on foreign skills to:
hold an employment contract approved by the Ministry of Employment and have a
visa of entry to Morocco bearing the statement «for work» when their nationality is • Learn about the employment contract visa application procedures reserved for
subject to this formality. foreigners;
• Foreigners wishing to practice a professional activity subject to authorization must, • Create, save, modify draft employment contracts;
in order to obtain the registration card stating the said activity, have a visa of entry to • Validate and print the employment contracts to be signed;
Morocco authorizing them to practice this activity, when their nationality is subject • Edit the list of documents constituting the visa application file;
to this formality. • Track the processing of visa applications filed;
• The registration card of a foreigner who has left Moroccan territory for a period of • Receive, in real time, notifications related to the processing of visa applications (Visa
more than six months is considered expired. ready, appliaction to be completed, etc.);
• Obtain the Administration’s response to visa applications filed within a maximum of
ten (10) days.
The recruitment of a foreign employee involves certain procedures and formalities for the
employer and the employee.
• Copies of the passport pages justifying its validity, the identity of its holder and the
stamp and date of entry into Morocco and for foreigners subject to this procedure,
1 - First preparation
the visa which allows entry into Morocco;
• A form (V) generated by the online service « TAECHIR » :;
• Two copies of the form relating to the application for the registration card;
• Three original copies of foreign employment contract generated by the online system
• Payment of a fixed fee of 100 MAD per year of validity of the document;
«TAECHIR» duly signed by the employee (full name and signature), the employer (full
• 06 recent ID photos;
name, position of the signatory and stamp and address of the company) and legalized
• A lease contract, certificate of ownership or any other document justifying permanent
by both parties;
residence in Morocco;
• A certified true copy of the original employment certificates/diplomas issued by former
• An extract of court criminal record;
employers with their translation, if applicable;
• A medical certificate ;
• A copy of a valid foreign employee’s passport;
• Documents justifying that the person concerned has sufficient means of subsistence;
• A certificate of activity issued by the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment
• A document establishing the nature of the activity to be practiced, if applicable.
and Skills (ANAPEC), certifying the absence of national candidates to occupy the position
offered to the foreign employee;
The foreigner who applies for a registration card marked «for work» must also produce
• A copy of the documents relating to the legal form of the company:
these documents:
- A sole proprietorship (natural person): recent trade register or, where applicable, the
• Proof of obtaining an entry visa marked «for work» for foreigners subject to this
professional tax certificate;
- A corporate shareholder (legal person), articles of association, recent trade register
• An employment contract approved by the government authority in charge of
(form 7), and if necessary (OGM) report, (creation) report, (appointment) report;
- Branch-Subsidiary-Representative office: (creation, appointment) report, recent trade
register (form 7), articles of association of the parent company, if necessary;
74 75
- Association: articles of association, nomination report, creation report, OGM report MOROCCO
if necessary
- Natural person employing domestic staff: valid identity document - proof of residence. The certificate of activity provides proof that the foreign applicant for employment has
specific or rare skills in Morocco, and that there is no equivalent national profile on the
• An authorization to practice issued by the competent authorities in the event of the labor market.
recruitment of a foreign employee to practice a regulated profession in Morocco;
• Delegation of power for signing by the principals in the event that contracts are The procedure for processing the application for an activity certificate is done in 3 steps:
signed by agents. • Filing of the application;
• Processing of the application:
- Verification of the application file and preparation of the announcement
2- Renewal with the same employer
- Entering the offer in the ANAPEC portal (SIGEC)
• A form (V) generated by the online service « TAECHIR » :;
- Validation and transmission of the announcement to the company for publication
• Three original copies of foreign employment contract generated by the online system
«TAECHIR» duly signed by the employee (full name and signature), the employer (full
• Drawing up of the certificate.
name, position of the signatory and stamp and address of the company) and legalized
- No applicant: issuance of the certificate to the company
by both parties;
- Applications received: transmission of the list of applicants to the company for the
• A copy of the passport of the foreign employee in case of modification;
• A certificate of activity issued by the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment
and Skills (ANAPEC), certifying the absence of national candidates to occupy the position
offered to the foreign employee; The processing time is 20 days maximum (working days).
• A recent certificate of salary declarations issued by the Moroccan agency of Social
Security in which they are members, justifying the last three months of contributions in The documents to be provided are:
favor of the employee concerned; • Application sent to the Director General of ANAPEC;
For employees on secondment who are nationals of countries that have signed a social • Certified true copy of the original professional references;
security agreement with Morocco, the employer will present a certificate of coverage of • CV of the foreign employee;
the employee on secondment (conventional form) issued by the Social Security agency • Employer identification sheet in accordance with the ANAPEC template;
of the country of origin; • Job description sheet in accordance with the ANAPEC template;
• A copy of the residence permit issued by the Directorate General of National Security; • Announcement model in accordance with the ANAPEC template;
• Delegation of power for signing by the principals in the event that contracts are signed • Power of attorney in the case of private service providers delegated by companies to
by agents. take the steps to obtain the certificate from ANAPEC;
• Certificate of bank or postal transfer, after validation of the announcement with
ANAPEC, justifying the payment by the company of the costs of the service invoiced
3- Renewal with change of employer according to the ANAPEC price list.
• A form (V) generated by the online service « TAECHIR » :;
• Three original copies of foreign employment contract generated by the online system The procedure for processing the applications for activity certificate is simplified
«TAECHIR» duly signed by the employee (full name and signature), the employer (full (exemption from the call for applications) for the following cases:
name, position of the signatory and stamp and address of the company) and legalized • Foreign applicants for high-level positions of responsibility;
by both parties; • Specialized profiles considered to be rare or not available on the job market;
• A copy of the passport of the foreign employee in case of modification; • Applicants for renewal of the activity certificate with the same employer and for the
• A certificate of activity issued by the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment same position (except promotion) and with the same employer.
and Skills (ANAPEC), certifying the absence of national candidates to occupy the position
offered to the foreign employee; These profiles are grouped into lists which are regularly updated according to a concerted
• A copy of the residence permit issued by the Directorate General of National Security; approach between Ministry of Labor and Professional Integration and ANAPEC on the
• A termination letter issued by the ex-employer for valid employment contracts or, where basis of the job market situation.
applicable, a court decision in the event of a dispute between the two parties;
• An authorization to practice issued by the competent authorities in the event of the The processing time under the simplified procedure cannot exceed 48 hours (working
recruitment of a foreign employee to practice a regulated profession in Morocco; days)
• A copy of the documents relating to the legal form of the company;
• Delegation of power for signing by the principals in the event that contracts are signed
by agents.
76 77
• Employees practicing professions and activities that cannot be occupied by nationals:
• Activity certificate application file subject to the announcement obligation: 5,000 proof of the profession occupied.
MAD (Excluding taxes) per application file + 1,500 MAD (Excluding taxes) for each • Nationals of countries with which Morocco has concluded establishment agreements
additional application file processed capped at 05 per job-profession per year and (Algeria, Tunisia and Senegal) or bilateral agreements on employment and residence
per company including provisions of non-opposability to the national labor market: Copy of the
• Activity certificate application file not subject to the announcement obligation 1500 passport of the national of the countries concerned.
MAD (Excluding taxes) per application file capped at 05 per job-profession per year • French Young professionals who come to work in Morocco in application of the
and per company Franco-Moroccan agreement of May 24, 2001 relating to the exchange of young
professionals: Notification provided by ANAPEC
CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEES EXEMPTED FROM THE CERTIFICATE OF ACTIVITY AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS • Migrant employees who have benefited from exceptional regularization: Residence
The administration may, subject to the presentation of supporting documents, exempt permit issued by the services of the Directorate General of National Security bearing
certain foreign employees from the certificate issued by ANAPEC, particularly the following the statement « Work » or « exceptional regularization ».
• Foreigners born in Morocco and residing there on a regular basis: Birth certificate and
documents justifying their residence in Morocco.
• Spouses of nationals: Legalized copy of the marriage certificate and recent legalized
copy of the National Identity Card of the Moroccan spouse.
• Spouses of foreign nationals residing in Morocco on a regular basis (family
reunification): Legalized copies of the marriage certificate, the spouse’s residence
permit and his/her employment contract.
• Residents in Morocco as employees continuously for a period of more than 10 years:
Copies of employment contracts for previous years and of the residence permit.
• The authorized representatives and managers of the company or associations or
similar: Company’s Articles of Association - Trade register - Nomination report.
• The partners and shareholders of the company: Company’s Articles of Association or
document including the distribution of shares.
• Seconded employees, for a limited period, for specific positions with foreign
companies awarded public contracts or with subsidiaries of parent companies based
- Letter of secondment issued by the parent company indicating the position to be
occupied by the employee and the duration of his secondment (stamped by the
parent company and specifying the name and capacity of the signatory) CONTACT
- Certificate of coverage of an employee on secondment for employees paid outside Taechir information and assistance :
Morocco (in the case where the country of origin is bound by a social security 00 212 (0)5 30 10 07 05 / 00 212 (0)6 74 48 03 68
agreement with Morocco).
• Delegates within the framework of cooperation for a period not exceeding non-
renewable six months: Request invoking the reasons for recruitment for a period not
exceeding non-renewable six months. • Law No. 02-03 of November 11, 2003 relating to the entry and residence of foreigners
• Coaches and athletes: Authorization from the professional federations concerned. in the Kingdom of Morocco, illegal immigration and emigration
• Foreign artists: opinion sent by the Directorate General of National Security. • Decree No. 2-09-607 of 15 rabii II 1431 (April 1, 2010) taken for the application of
• Employees working in companies having Casablanca Finance City (CFC) status: CFC law No. 02-03 relating to the entry and residence of foreigners in the Kingdom of
certificate Morocco, illegal immigration and emigration.
• Employees who are part of the management11 staff of companies carrying out •
offshoring activities: list communicated by the Ministry in charge of Industry. • Labour code
• Refugees and stateless persons: Card bearing the statement “refugee” or “stateless •
person” issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. •
11 •
Salaried employees receiving a net monthly salary exceeding 20,000 MAD within the limit of 5 salaried employees
per company
78 79
80 81
• Normal rate
Corporate Tax is calculated as follows:
• The Corporate Tax must apply to the proceeds, profits and income of: Net profit amount (in MAD) Rate
- companies whatever their form and purpose (excluding de facto companies comprising
only natural persons and so-called transparent real estate companies and EIGs); Less than or equal to 300,000 10 %
- public establishments and other legal persons carrying out profit-making operations;
- associations and legally similar bodies; 13
From 300,001 to 1,000,000 20 %
- funds created by law or by convention;
- establishments of non-resident companies or groups of said companies. Greater than 1,000,000 31 %
• The Corporate Tax applies as an irrevocable option to general partnerships, limited However, the rate applied to the category for which the amount of net profit exceeds
partnerships comprising only natural persons as well as undeclared partnerships. 1,000,000 MAD is set at 20%, for:
• exporting companies;
• hotel companies and tourist entertainment establishments;
• mining companies;
TERRITORIALITY • craft businesses;
• private educational or vocational training establishments;
• sports companies;
Companies, whether or not they have a head office in Morocco, pay tax on all proceeds,
• real estate developers;
profits and income :
• farms;
• relating to the property they own, the business they do and the profit-making
•companies carrying out service outsourcing activities inside or outside integrated industrial
transactions they carry out in Morocco, even on an occasional basis;
platforms dedicated to these activities14.
• whose right to tax is attributed to Morocco by virtue of agreements aimed at avoiding
double taxation in matters of income tax.
For companies carrying out an industrial activity15, «excluding those whose net profit is
equal to or» greater than one hundred million (100,000,000) MAD, the rate «of the 31%
MAIN NEWS OF THE 2020 FINANCE ACT: CIRCULAR No. 730 scale is reduced to 28%.
- At the rate of 37%: Fixed rate for credit institutions and similar establishments, Bank Al
Maghrib, Deposit and management fund (Caisse de dépôt et de gestion), insurance and
• revision of the tax regime applicable to companies with “Casablanca Finance City”
reinsurance companies16
(CFC) status. ;
• gradual convergence towards a single rate for the turnover achieved by industrial • Specific rate
companies, in respect of their local and export sales; • 15 % for :
• raising the rate of the Corporate Tax scale from 17.50% to 20%; - companies that carry out their activities in industrial acceleration zones, beyond the period
• improving the tax regime applicable to sports companies; of five (5) fiscal years of exemption;
• review of the tax regime for companies carrying out service outsourcing activities, - service companies with «Casablanca Finance City» status, beyond the period of 5 fiscal
inside or outside the integrated industrial platforms dedicated to these activities; years of exemption ;
• broadening the scope of application of the tax incentive regime relating to the
13 14
restructuring of groups of companies to transfer operations of intangible and 2020 FA LF2020
financial assets. 15
Industrial activity is any activity which «consists in directly manufacturing or processing « tangible movable property by means of technical
installations, «materials and tools whose role is predominant. Reinsurance Takaful.
12 Insurance and reinsurance companies «within the meaning of the CGI, insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance
and reinsurance Takaful companies as well as insurance funds» Takaful and funds of reinsurance Takaful.
• Exporting mining companies and mining companies that sell their products to
• Permanent exemptions companies that export them after their valorization;
• Companies exporting products or services, excluding those exporting recovered
• Associations and legally similar non-profit organizations, only for operations in metals; The exemption and taxation and reduced rate also apply to the turnover
accordance with the object defined in their articles of association. achieved by companies from their sales of products to companies established in
• OPCIs (real estate collective investment undertakings) in respect of their activities industrial acceleration zones ;
and transactions carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 70-14 •
Taxable farms
relating to real estate collective investment undertakings18, promulgated by Dahir
No. 1-16-130 of 21 kaada 1437 (August 25, 2016) . (Subject to certain conditions).
• Temporary exemptions
• Sports federations and associations recognized as being of public utility, for all of their
activities or operations and for any related income (subject to certain conditions)
• The holder or, where applicable, each of the co-holders of any concession for the
exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits benefits from a total exemption from corporate
• Total exemption during the first 5 years followed by permanent taxation at reduced tax for a period of 10 consecutive years from the date of regular production
rate beyond this period commencement of any operating concession.
• Companies operating approved accounting management centers governed by law
• The hotel establishments and the management companies of Tourist Promotion No. 57-90 promulgated by dahir No. 1-91-228 of 13 joumada I 1413 (9 November 1992),
Real Estate Residences as well as the tourist entertainment establishments whose are exempt from corporate tax for their operations, for a period of 4 years following
activities are fixed by regulation for the part of the taxable base corresponding to the date of their approval.
their turnover achieved in currencies duly repatriated directly by them or on their • Industrial companies carrying out activities set by regulation and companies
behalf, by travel agencies (subject to compliance with certain conditions) carrying out service outsourcing activities inside or outside integrated industrial
Service companies having the status of «Casablanca Finance City in accordance platforms dedicated to these activities, in accordance with the laws and regulations
with the laws and regulations in force; in force, benefit from a total exemption from corporate tax for the first 5 consecutive
Sports companies incorporated in accordance with «the provisions of Law No. financial years from the date of the start of their operation.
30-09 on physical education and sports;
• Companies that carry out their activities in industrial acceleration zones • Temporary taxation at reduced rates
(excluding companies that carry out their activities in said zones as part of a
«construction or assembly work» project); • Handicraft businesses whose production is the result of mainly manual work;
• Private educational or vocational training establishments.
84 85
• Tax reduction in favor of companies whose securities are listed on the stock market SIMPL TELE-SERVICES
(subject to certain conditions)
From January 1, 2017, remote tax declarations and payments become mandatory for all
Companies which list their securities on the stock exchange, by opening or increasing the taxpayers (Legal Persons and Professional Individuals), regardless of their turnover.
capital, benefit from a reduction in corporate tax for three (3) consecutive years from the
financial year following that of their listing. The «SIMPL-Adhésion» application allows you to subscribe to the General Tax
Directorate’s teleservices (
The rate of said reduction is set as follows: flow?execution=e1s1 )
• 25% for companies which list their securities on the stock market by opening their
capital to the public and this, by selling existing shares; It provides the means to manage all data related to membership (representative, users,
• 50% for companies which list their securities on the stock market by means of a bank accounts, etc.).
capital increase of at least 20% with waiver of preferential subscription rights,
intended to be disseminated to the public concomitantly with the initial public At the end of the membership procedure, users receive a login and a password on their
offering of said companies. mailboxes which allow them secure access to the General Tax Directorate’s teleservices:
• Tax reduction in favor of companies that take equity stakes in young innovative
companies in new technologies (subject to certain conditions)
Companies subject to the corporate tax benefit from a tax reduction equal to the amount
of tax corresponding to that of their participation in the capital of young innovative
companies in new technologies.
The amount of corporate tax may not be less than a minimum contribution whose basis
of calculation is constituted by the amount (excluding tax) of the operating revenues
covered by the law..
• The minimum contribution rate is set at 0.50%. However, this rate is increased to
0.60%, when, beyond the exemption period, the current result excluding depreciation
is declared negative by the company, for two consecutive years.
This rate is :
- 0.25% for transactions carried out by commercial companies in respect of sales relating
to certain products
- 6% for certain professions practiced by persons subject to income tax.
• The amount of this minimum contribution can not be less than 3000 MAD even in the
absence of turnover, it must be made in a single payment, before the expiration of the
3rd month following the opening date of the current financial year. Notwithstanding
the aforementioned provisions, taxable farmers are exempt from the payment of
installments due during their first tax year.
• Companies other than public service concessionary companies are exempt from the
minimum contribution for the first 36 months following the date of the start of their
operation. However, this exemption ceases to be applied upon the expiration of a General Tax Directorat (DGI) : General Tax Code (
period of 60 months following the date of incorporation of the companies concerned. Finance Act 2020
DGI Circular No.730
86 87
Income tax applies to the income and profits of natural persons and legal persons who • The establishment of an allowance on the tax base corresponding to the turnover
have not opted for the corporate tax. achieved, by mobile payment, by natural persons with professional income
determined according to the simplified net income regime or that of the flat-rate
The categories of income and profits concerned are : profit.
• Raising the limits of the annual turnover achieved by a taxpayer, whose professional
• Professional income ; income is determined according to the flat rate profit regime;
• Income from farms17; • The exclusion of taxpayers subject to the flat rate profit regime or that of the auto-
• Salary income and similar income ; entrepreneur from the provisions of Article 145 of the CGI relating to accounting
• Land income and profits ; obligations.
• Income and profits from movable capital.
B- Income tax measures relating to other income
The following are subject to the income tax : • The uniform application of the deduction limit of 50% of net taxable salary provided
for in terms of premiums or contributions relating to retirement insurance contracts
• individuals who have their tax domicile in Morocco, for all of their income and profits, taken out before or after January 1, 2015;
from Moroccan and foreign sources; • The exemption for disability pensions to the persons concerned and their successors;
• individuals who do not have their tax domicile in Morocco, for all their income and • The extension of the benefit of the exemption for gross monthly internship allowances
profits from Moroccan sources; paid by private sector companies to interns with a high school diploma;
• people, whether or not they have their tax domicile in Morocco, who make profits or • The increase in the rate of the lump sum tax allowance from 55% to 60% for gross
receive income for which the right to tax is given to Morocco by virtue of agreements pensions not exceeding 168,000 MAD;
aimed at avoiding double taxation in matters of income tax. • The increase in the rate of the tax allowance applicable to the gross salary paid to
professional sportsmen from 40% to 50%.
A natural person has his/her tax domicile in Morocco when he/she has his permanent home
in Morocco, the center of his economic interests or when the continuous or discontinuous
2. Land income and profits
duration of his stays in Morocco exceeds 183 days for any period of 365 days.
• The modification of the chargeable event of the land income tax;
State officials who perform their duties or are responsible for missions abroad are
• Exemption for transactions involving the transfer of an immovable property occupied
considered to have their tax domicile in Morocco when they are exempt from personal
as a main dwelling by its owner, before the expiry of the 6-year period;
income tax in the foreign country where they reside.
• The exemption for free transfers relating to immovable property or rights in rem in
immovable property belonging to associations recognized as being of public utility
and registered in the name of natural persons.
• Raising the ceiling for sums invested under a stock savings plan and a company
savings plan;
• The permanent establishment of fiscal neutrality in matters of income tax for
transactions involving the contribution of equity securities to a holding company
subject to corporate tax and resident in Morocco.
There are considered as agricultural income, the profits made by a farmer and/or stockbreeder and coming from any activity inherent
in the operating of a plant and/or animal production cycle whose products are intended for human and/or animal consumption, as well
as processing activities for said products, with the exception of processing activities carried out by industrial means (Finance Act 2014)
88 89
INCOME TAX RATE - the redemption or withdrawal of securities or cash from a stock
savings plan or a company savings plan before the 5-year period.
• For gross income from movable capital from a foreign source.
Income brackets (in MAD /year) Rate • For income from stocks, shares and similar income
• For the gross amount of taxable land income equal to or greater
0 - 30 000 0% than 120,000 MAD.
50 001 - 60 000 20 %
20 % Applicable :
60 001 - 80 000 30 % • to income and revenues from fixed income investments and income
from Sukuk certificates.
80 001 - 180 000 34 % • to net profits resulting from the sale of bonds and other debt
securities, unlisted shares and other equity securities as well as shares
Over 180 000 38 % or stocks of UCITS other than those mentioned above.
• to net profits resulting from the sale of transferable securities issued
by venture capital investment undertakings (OPCR) and Fund for
This progressive scale applies to : Collective Investment in Securitization (FPCT).
• to gross profits from movable capital from foreign sources.
• professional income, • to net land profits from the sale of immovable property.
• salary income, • to net taxable income generated by companies exporting products
• land income. and services, mining companies, craft companies, hotel companies
and tourist entertainment establishments, private education or
vocational training institutions and property developers.
SPECIFIC RATES • salaries, emoluments and gross salaries paid to employees working
for companies having the status of Casablanca Finance City for a
period of 10 years from the date on which the employee takes up his
of the turnover collected and the amount of which does not exceed
500,000 MAD for commercial, industrial and craft activities (Taxpayers
0,5 % • to net profits resulting from the sale of unlisted securities issued by
carrying out their activities on an individual basis as part of the auto-
of the turnover collected and the amount of which does not exceed
30 % Applicable :
1% 200,000 MAD for service providers (Taxpayers carrying out their
• to remuneration and allowances, occasional or not paid to people
activities on an individual basis as part of the auto-entrepreneur)
who are not part of the permanent staff of the company, as well as
remuneration paid to travelers, representatives and trade or industry
• For the amount excluding VAT of gross revenues received by non- brokers working for one or more employers established in Morocco .;
10 % resident natural or legal persons. • to fees and remuneration paid to physicians not subject to
• For the gross amount of taxable land income less than 120,000 MAD. professional tax who perform surgical acts in clinics and similar
• to income from fixed income investments and income from Sukuk
• For the net profits resulting from :
certificates with regard to natural person beneficiaries, excluding
- sales of shares listed on the stock exchange;
15 % those who are subject to said tax under the actual net income or the
- sales of shares or stocks of UCITS whose assets are permanently
simplified net income regime
invested up to 60% of stocks.
90 91
• to the gross amount of fees granted to artists working individually
or in a troupe
• The amount of income tax may not be less than a minimum contribution whose basis
• to the net profits made or recognized on the occasion of the first
of calculation is constituted by the amount (excluding tax) of the operating income
transfer for consideration of unconstructed buildings included in the
covered by the law.
urban perimeter, from January 1, 2013, or the transfer for consideration NEW
• The minimum contribution rate is set at 0.5%. However, this rate is increased to
of rights in rem in immovable property relating to such buildings.
0.60%, when, beyond the exemption period, the current result excluding depreciation
is declared negative by the company, for two consecutive years.
This rate is :
• Exemption, within the limit set by the laws and regulations in force in terms of
- 0.25% for transactions carried out by commercial companies in respect of sales
dismissal, for the severance pay, the voluntary redundancy pay and any compensation
relating to certain products
for damages granted in the event of dismissal
- 6% for certain professions practiced by persons subject to income tax.
• Total exemption for the profit made by any person who carries out in the calendar
year the disposals of buildings whose total value does not exceed 140,000 MAD
• Taxpayers subject to income tax are exempt from the minimum contribution for the
• Total exemption for the employer’s share of pension and social security contributions.
first 3 accounting years following the date of the start of their professional and/or
• Total exemption for the employer’s share of group insurance premiums covering the
agricultural activity.
risks of sickness, maternity, disability and death.
• Taxpayers who carry out taxable transactions referred to in article 61-II of the CGI are
• Total exemption on the gross monthly internship allowance capped at MAD
required to pay a minimum tax, even in the absence of profit, which may not be less
6,000 paid to the intern, higher education or vocational training graduate or high
than 3% of the price of sale.
school graduate, recruited by private sector companies, for a period of 24 months
• Taxpayers who carry out transactions for the sale of a building or part of a building
(subject to certain conditions)
referred to in article 63-II-B of the CGI, whose sale price exceeds 4,000,000 MAD,
• Tax exemption for disability pensions paid to the persons concerned and their
are required to pay a minimum tax of 3% on the portion of the sale price greater than
that amount;
• Total exemption for 5 years followed by taxation at a reduced rate beyond this period
• Even in the absence of turnover, the minimum contribution cannot be less than
for hotel establishments and tourist entertainment establishments for the part of
1500 MAD for taxpayers subject to income tax in respect of professional income
the tax base corresponding to their turnover achieved in currencies duly repatriated
determined according to the actual net income regime or the simplified net income
directly by them or on their behalf by travel agencies.
regime as well as for taxpayers subject to income tax in respect of agricultural
• Total exemption for 5 years, followed by permanent taxation at a reduced rate of
income determined according to the actual net income regime.
20%, for companies operating in industrial acceleration zones (excluding companies
operating in said zones as part of “construction or assembly work” project) ;
• Companies exporting products or services, excluding those exporting recovered SIMPL TELE-SERVICES
metals; The exemption and taxation at reduced rate also apply to the turnover
From January 1, 2017, remote tax declarations and payments become mandatory for all taxpayers (Legal
achieved by companies from their sales of products to companies established in
Persons and Professional Individuals), regardless of their turnover.
industrial acceleration zones;
• Temporary taxation at a reduced rate for the first five (5) consecutive fiscal years «SIMPL-Adhésion» application allows you to subscribe to the DGI’s teleservices (https://simpl-adhesion.
following the date of the start of their operation, handicraft businesses18 and private )
educational or vocational training institutions.
It provides the means to manage all data related to membership (representative, users, bank accounts,
• Permanent exemption for farmers and/or farms that achieve a turnover of less than etc.).
5,000,000 MAD, in respect of their agricultural19 income .
• Permanent taxation at a reduced rate for taxable farmers. At the end of the membership procedure, users receive a login and a password on their mailboxes
• Taxpayers having their habitual residence in Morocco and receiving retirement which allow them secure access to the DGI’s teleservices : SIMPL-IR, SIMPL-IS, SIMPL-TVA, SIMPL-
pensions or beneficiaries from a foreign source benefit from a reduction equal to
80% of the amount of tax due for their pension and corresponding to the sums
transferred to Morocco permanently in non-convertible dirhams (subject to certain LEGAL BASE / SOURCE
18 General Tax Directorate : General Tax Code ( )
Whose production is the result of mainly manual work
19 Finance Act 2020
However, when the turnover achieved during a given financial year is less than five million (5,000,000) MAD, this exemption is only
granted when said turnover has remained below this amount for three (3) consecutive years.
DGI Circular No.730
92 93
• Normal rate : 20% (applied for domestic VAT and import VAT)
• Reduced rate :
• VAT is a tax on turnover which is applied to operations of an industrial, artisanal,
commercial nature, or relating to the practice of a liberal profession, carried out in
Morocco; to real estate works and real estate operations as well as import operations. 14 % DOMESTIC VAT
• 2 VAT regimes: domestic VAT and import VAT. • With right to duduct
• 2 types of exemption: with or without the right to deduct - butter, excluding artisanal ‘craft’ butter;
- passenger and goods transport operations, excluding rail transport
TERRITORIALITY - electrical energy.
• The accommodation and catering operations and NEW the services
• Clarification of the concept of the services concerned by the VAT exemption provided by the café operators
threshold of 500,000 MAD; • operations of rental of buildings for hotels, motels, holiday villages
• Exemption for sports companies for 5 years; or real estate complexes for tourist destinations, fully or partially
• Exemption for transactions relating to the sale of cochlear implants from VAT; equipped, including the restaurant, bar, dance hall, swimming pool, in
• Application of the 20% rate to mixed-use agricultural equipment; insofar as they are an integral part of the tourist complex;
• Clarification of the VAT exemption for drip micro-irrigation equipment or sprinkler • sales and delivery operations relating to works and objects of art;
irrigation equipment ; • NEW ticket sales operations for museums, cinema and theater
• Harmonization of the tax treatment of participatory finance revenues with that of • liquid edible oils NEW excluding palm oil;
conventional banking revenues; • cooking salt (rock or sea salt);
• Exemption from domestic VAT and VAT on the import of vaccines and medicines • milled rice;
intended for the treatment of fertility and multiple sclerosis; • pasta;
• Application of the 10% VAT rate on the services provided by the café operators; • solar water heaters;
• Application of the reduced rate of 10% to ticket sales operations for museums, • food intended for feeding livestock and farmyard animals as well
cinema and theater; as the cakes used in their manufacture, excluding other simple foods
• Clarification of the VAT rate applicable to palm oil; such as cereals, products, pulps, spent grains and straw;
• Abolition of specific VAT rates; • petroleum gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons;
• Taxation of revenues resulting from securitization operations under the conditions • petroleum or shale oils, crude or refined;
of common law; • banking and credit operations and foreign exchange commissions;
• Application of the reduced rate of import VAT of 10% to engines intended for fishing • financing operations carried out under contracts:
vessels; - «Mourabaha», NEW «Salam» et «Istisna’a» ;
• Abolition of VAT exemption on imports of meat and fish intended for catering - «Ijara Mountahia Bitamlik» pour les acquisitions d’habitation
establishments; personnelle effectuées par des personnes physiques.
• VAT exemption on imports of water pumps powered by solar energy or any other
renewable energy, used in the agricultural sector.
94 95
• transactions relating to transferable securities carried out by the
• the so-called “economy car” passenger car and all the products
brokerage firms referred to in Title III of the Dahir on Law No. 1.93.211;
and materials used in its manufacture, as well as the assembly
• transactions relating to stocks and shares issued by undertakings
services for said economy car.
for collective investment in transferable securities referred to in the
Dahir on Law No. 1.93.213;
• operations carried out as part of their profession, by lawyers,
• Idem
interpreters, notaries, adouls (Muslim notaries), bailiffs and
• Certain agricultural machinery and equipment when intended for
exclusively agricultural use; DEDUCTION AT SOURCE
• timber in logs, debarked or simply squared, cork in its natural
state, fuelwood in bundles or sawn to short length and charcoal. • The value added tax due on interest paid by credit institutions and similar organizations
• fishing gear and nets intended for sea fishing professionals. on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties is collected by these institutions, on
behalf of the Treasury, by means of deduction at source;
• The value added tax due in respect of taxable transactions carried out by non-resident
IMPORT VAT persons for the benefit of their clients established in Morocco and carrying out activities
In addition to the products listed above, excluded from the scope of the value added tax, is deducted at the source for each
• for liquid edible oils excluding palm oil, refined or unrefined, as payment and paid by the client to the collector of the tax administration to which said
well as seeds, oleaginous fruits and vegetable oils used for the client belongs, during the month following that of the payment.
manufacture of said liquid edible oils.
• for corn and barley
• for cakes and simple foods such as: offspring, pulps, spent grains, MAIN EXEMPTIONS
straws, soya hulls, corn grains and fibers, dry beet pulps, dehydrated
alfalfa and pellitized bran, intended for feeding livestock and Domestic VAT
farmyard animals
• for cassava and grain sorghum • Sales and services provided by manufacturers and service providers, natural
• for engines intended for fishing boats persons, whose annual turnover is less than or equal to five hundred thousand
(500,000) MAD, with the exception of the persons referred to in article 89 -I-12 ° of
the CGI.
7% DOMESTIC VAT • However, when the latter become liable, they can only question their liability for
Applicable to sales and deliveries relating to : value added tax when they achieve a turnover of less than or equal to that amount
• water delivered to public distribution networks as well as for three (3) consecutive years.
sanitation services provided to subscribers by agencies responsible • All the activities and operations carried out by sports federations recognized as
for sanitation; being of public utility as well as sports companies incorporated in accordance with
• rental of water and electricity meters; the provisions of Law No. 30-09 on physical education and sports.
• pharmaceutical products, raw materials and products fully entering, • Proceeds from securitization operations for the issuance of sukuk certificates by
or part of their elements, in the composition of pharmaceutical Fund of Collective Investment in Securitization, in accordance with the provisions
products; of Law No. 33-06 on the securitization of assets, when the State is the initiator, as
• non-recoverable packaging for pharmaceutical products as well as well as the various commissions linked to the aforementioned issue, by virtue of the
products and materials used in their manufacture. provisions of the aforementioned law.
• school supplies, products and materials used in their composition. • Products delivered and services rendered for export by those liable for tax.
• refined or agglomerated sugar, including vergeses, candies and • Goods or objects placed under suspensive customs procedures.
unflavored or colored pure sugar syrups, excluding all other sweet • Investment goods to be entered in a fixed asset account, acquired by companies
products not meeting this definition; liable for tax for a period of 36 months from the date of their start of activity,
• canned sardines; excluding vehicles acquired by car rental agencies.
• powdered milk;
• household soap (in pieces or in bars);
96 97
This exemption also applies to said investment goods acquired by companies liable IMPORT VAT
for VAT, as part of the « Mourabaha» operation
By start of activity, we mean the date of the first commercial act which coincides with • Samples without commercial value as well as exceptional shipments, not of
the first operation to acquire goods and services excluding: commercial nature.
- business incorporation costs; • Goods, foodstuffs, supplies placed under economic customs regimes.
- and the first costs necessary for setting up businesses within a limit of three (3) months. • When they are intended for exclusively aquaculture use:
For companies carrying out the construction of their investment projects, the 36-month - food intended for feeding fish and other aquatic animals;
period begins to run from the date of issuance of the building permit. - juvenile fish and fish larvae of other aquatic animals;
For existing companies carrying out investment projects for an amount equal to or - shell spat
greater than one hundred (100) million MAD, as part of an agreement concluded with
the State, the aforementioned exemption period begins to run, either from the date of Investment goods to be entered in a fixed asset account imported by taxable ones for a
signing of said investment agreement, or from that of the issuance of the building permit period of thirty six (36) months from the start of the activity, as defined above.
for companies carrying out constructions related to their projects. For companies carrying out the construction of their investment projects, the period of
In the event of force majeure, an additional period of six (6) months, renewable only thirty six (36) months begins to run from the date of issuance of the building permit with
once, is granted to companies building their projects or carrying out projects under an an additional period of six (6) months in case of force majeure, renewable only once.
agreement with the State.
The aforementioned investment goods are exempt during the entire period of acquisition • The capital goods, materials and tools necessary for the achievement of
or construction provided that the exempt purchase requests are submitted to the local investment projects for an amount equal to or greater than one hundred (100) million
tax service to which the taxpayer belongs, within the aforementioned legal period of 36 MAD, as part of a valid agreement concluded with the State, acquired by taxable ones
months. for a period of thirty six (36) months from the date of the first import transaction carried
• Acquisitions by international road transport companies of buses, trucks and related out under the said agreement, with the possibility of extending this period of twenty-four
capital goods for a period of 36 months from the date of their start of activity. (24) months.
• Capital goods acquired by private educational or vocational training institutions, This exemption is also granted to parts, spare parts and accessories imported at the same
excluding motor vehicles other than those reserved for collective school transport time as the aforementioned equipment.
and specially fitted out for this purpose, for a period of 36 months from the date of • Acquisitions by international road transport companies of buses, trucks and related
their start of activity. capital goods for a period of 36 months from the date of their start of activity.
• The sale of social housing for main residential use with a covered area of between • Capital goods acquired by private educational or vocational training institutions,
50 and 80 m2 and the sale price does not exceed 250,000 MAD excluding VAT. excluding motor vehicles other than those reserved for collective school transport
• The construction of housing estates, residences and university campuses carried and specially fitted out for this purpose, for a period of 36 months from the date of
out by real estate developers for a maximum period of 3 years from the date their start of activity;
of the permit to build structures consisting of at least 50 rooms, of which the • New or used capital goods, materials or tools, the importation of which is authorized
accommodation capacity is a maximum of 2 beds per room, as part of an agreement by the Administration, imported by graduates of vocational training.
concluded with the State, together with specifications. • aircraft reserved for regular international commercial air transport as well as
• International transport operations, the related services as well as repair, upkeep, equipment and spare parts intended for the repair of these aircraft.
maintenance, transformation, charter and rental operations relating to the various • Imported trains and railway equipment intended for the transport of passengers and
means of said transport as well as the operations of aircraft dismantling. goods.
• When they are intended for exclusively aquaculture use:
- food intended for feeding fish and other aquatic animals;
- juvenile fish and fish larvae of other aquatic animals;
- shell spat.
Products delivered and services provided to industrial acceleration zones as well as
operations carried out within or between said zones.
98 99
The sale and delivery of second-hand goods are subject to VAT under the provisions of Notwithstanding the provisions of article 92 (I-1 °) of the CGI, the transactions carried
the 2013 Finance Act. out by travel agencies based in Morocco and intended for export to travel agencies or
intermediaries abroad relating to services used in Morocco by tourists, are deemed to be
Second-hand goods are tangible movable goods which may be reused as is or after made in Morocco.
repair. These are goods which, taken out of their production cycle following a sale or
delivery to oneself by a producer, have been used and are still in a condition to be reused. Common law regime
The sale and delivery of second-hand goods are subject to the following two regimes : The services provided by travel agencies acting as intermediaries are subject to
value added tax under the conditions of common law when said operations generate
Common law regime commissions.
• Definition :
The sale and delivery of second-hand goods carried out by traders (referred to in article • Special margin regime
89-I-2 ° of the CGI), are subject to the rules of common law when said goods are acquired
from taxable users who are required to pay value added tax on their sales of movable • Scope of application :
investment property. Travel agencies that carry out purchase and sale of travel services used in Morocco are
subject to the margin regime.
• Taxe base :
Traders charge value added tax on their sale price and deduct the tax billed to them as Services, remunerated by a commission, carried out by travel agencies acting as
well as that which has encumbered their operating expenses, in accordance with the intermediaries are excluded from this regime.
provisions of Articles 101 to 103 of the CGI.
• Definition of margin :
The margin is determined by the difference between, on the one hand, the total sums
Margin regime
received by the travel agency and invoiced to the beneficiary of the service and, on the
other hand, the total expenses, including value-added tax, invoiced to the agency by its
• Definition :
The sale and delivery of second-hand goods carried out by traders are subject to value
added tax according to the margin determined by the difference between the sale price
The margin calculated per month or quarter is stated tax included.
and the purchase price, provided that said goods be acquired from :
• Tax base :
• individuals ;
The tax base is determined by the amount of commissions and / or by the margin.
• taxable persons carrying out an exempt activity without the right to deduct;
• taxable users transferring goods excluded from the right of deduction;
• non-taxable persons carrying out an activity outside the scope of application of SIMPL TELESERVICES
value added tax;
From January 1, 2017, remote tax declarations and payments become mandatory for all
• second-hand goods traders taxed according to the margin regime.
taxpayers (Legal Persons and Professional Individuals), regardless of their turnover.
• Taxe base :
The «SIMPL-Adhésion» application allows you to subscribe to the General Tax
The tax base is determined using one of the following two methods:
Directorate’s teleservices (
flow?execution=e1s1 )
• Operation by operation method :
it is the difference between the sale price and the purchase price. This difference is
It provides the means to manage all data related to membership (representative, users,
calculated including taxes.
bank accounts, etc.).
• Globalization method :
This is the difference between the total amount of sales and purchases of used goods
made during a given period (month or quarter). The tax base thus obtained is considered
inclusive of taxes.
100 101
At the end of the membership procedure, users receive a login and a password on their REGISTRATION FEES
mailboxes which allow them secure access to the General Tax Directorate’s teleservices:
Registration is a formality to which acts and agreements are subject.
It gives rise to the collection of a tax called «registration fee».
The registration formality has the effect of acquiring a certain date for agreements under
private signature by means of their entry in a register called «register of entries» and
ensuring the conservation of documents.
With regard to the Treasury, the registration is proof of the existence of the deed and its
date. Registration must be deemed true and correct until proven otherwise regarding the
designation of the parties and the analysis of the clauses of the deed.
The parties can not invoke the copy of the registration of an instrument to demand its
execution. With regard to the parties, the registration does not constitute full proof, or by
itself, prima facie evidence in writing.
The following are compulsorily subject to the formality and to registration fees, even
though as a result of the defect in their form they would be of no value :
• All agreements, written or oral and whatever the form of the deed which records
them, under private signature, at a certain date including deeds drawn up by lawyers
accredited by the court of cassation or authentic (notarial, adoulaire, Hebrew, judicial
or extrajudicial) relating to:
Deeds other than those referred to above may be registered upon request of the parties to
- perpetual rent lease of immovable property, emphyteutic lease, life lease and one with an the deed or one of them.
unlimited duration;
- transfer of a right to lease or the benefit of a promise to lease covering all or part of a
building, whether it is qualified as transfer of lease premiums, severance pay or otherwise; TARIFFS
- lease, assignment of lease, sublease of real estate, property rights or goodwill;
- waivers of the right of chefaâ or of withdrawal in the event of sefqa sale; Two types of fees are in force:
- withdrawals of right of redemption;
- withdrawal of objections in real estate matters; • Proportional fees: 1%, 1.5%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% with the establishment of a minimum
- bonds, acknowledgments of debt and assignments of receivables; collection fee
- powers of attorney, whatever the nature of the proxy; • Fixed fees: 200 MAD and 1000 MAD
- receipts for the purchase of buildings.
• The deeds, below, recording transactions other than those referred to above :
- Court decisions, judicial and extrajudicial acts of clerks, as well as arbitral awards which,
by their nature or by reason of their content, are subject to the proportional registration
104 105
Proportional fees 3% • Assignments and transfers of perpetual and life annuities and
pensions for consideration
• Auction sales, sales, resales, transfers, retrocessions, contracts and
6% • Deeds relating to inter vivos transfers, free of charge or for a fee,
all other civil or legal deeds transferring ownership, free of charge or
such as sale, donation or exchange of ownership, bare ownership or
against payment, of movable property;
usufruct of goodwill or customers;
• property ownership-constituting certificates
• Transfers, free of charge or for a fee , of shares or stocks in
• The first sale of social housing and housing with low property value.
transparent and predominantly real estate companies whose shares
are not listed on the stock market;
• Leases with perpetual annuities of immovable property, Antichreses and pledges of immovable property;
1,5 %
emphyteutic leases, those for life and those with an unlimited • Deeds establishing a mortgage or pledge on a goodwill (fonds de
duration ; commerce), as a guarantee for a current or possible debt;
• Assignments of lease rights or the benefit of a promise to lease; • Industrial leases, contracts for constructions, repairs and
• withdrawals of the right of redemption exercised in real estate maintenance and any other movable property which may be
matters after expiry of the time limits provided for the exercise of the estimated made between individuals and which does not contain any
redemption right. sale or promise to deliver goods, food or other movable property.
• Deeds and agreements relating to the acquisition of buildings by • Transfers, free of charge, of real estate or rights in rem, of goodwill
credit institutions and similar institution, Bank Al Maghrib, the Deposit or customers, of shares in EIGs, of stocks or shares in transparent or
and management fund and insurance and reinsurance companies, predominantly real estate companies, when they intervene in a direct
whether these buildings are intended for residential, commercial, line, between spouses or between brothers and sisters and between
professional or administrative use the person providing the Kafala and the child taken into care in
accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law No. 15-01
• deeds and agreements relating to the acquisition, against payment relating to the care (the Kafala) of abandoned children;
or free of charge, of bare land or containing buildings intended to be • Contracts, transactions, promises to pay, account statements,
demolished, registered or unregistered, or of rights in rem relating to notes, money orders, transport, assignments and delegation of
such land. term receivables, delegation of price stipulated in a contract to
• deeds and agreements relating to the acquisition of bare land discharge term receivables towards a third party, if these receivables
or comprising buildings intended to be demolished, by credit have not been the subject of an already registered certificate,
institutions and similar institutions, subject to commercial or financial acknowledgments, those of deposits of sums with individuals, credit
operations, under “Mourabaha”, “Ijara Mountahia Bitamlik « or « transactions and all other acts or writings that contain obligations of
Moucharaka Moutanakissa” contract sums without donation and without the obligation being the price of
an unregistered transfer of furniture or buildings.
The same thing applies, in the event of sale of the pledge, for:
4% • The acquisition by natural or legal persons of constructed premises, - deeds of pledge drawn up in application of the special legislation on
whether these premises are intended 643 for residential, commercial, the pledge of agricultural products, products belonging to the union
professional or administrative use, as well as the acquisition of of cooperative docks-silos, mining products, certain products and
said premises by credit institutions or similar institution, subject materials;
to commercial or financial operations, under a “Mourabaha”, “Ijara - deeds of pledge and the receipts provided for by articles 356 and
Mountahia Bitamlik” or “Moucharaka Moutanakissa” contract. 378 of law No. 15-95 forming the Commercial Code, promulgated by
The land on which the aforementioned premises are built, within the dahir No. 1-96-83 of 15 rabii I 1417 (August 01, 1996);
limit of five (5) times the covered area, also benefit from the 4% rate. • The division of movable or immovable property between co-owners,
co-heirs and co-partners, for whatever reason. However, when the
division includes a balancing payment or a capital gain, the fees are
collected at the rates provided for transfers for consideration, in
proportion to the respective value of the various property included in
the lot comprising the balancing payment or the capital gain;
106 107
• the creation of annuities, either perpetual or life annuities, and • outright cancellations and terminations made within 24 hours of
pensions for consideration; terminated deeds and presented within this period for registration;
• deeds of transfer between co-owners of undivided rights to • deeds which only contain the execution, completion and
agricultural properties located outside the urban perimeter; consummation of previously registered acts ;
• goods in stock transferred with the goodwill when they are the • contracts and treaties deemed to be commercial deeds by Articles
subject of a detailed inventory and a separate estimate. 6 et seq. of Law No. 15-95 forming the Commercial Code, made or
concluded under private signature;
• deeds of pledge drawn up in application of the special legislation
1% • Transfers of bond securities in companies or businesses and bond
on the pledge of agricultural products, products belonging to the
securities of local collectivities and public institutions;
union of cooperative docks-silos, mining products, certain products
• Guarantees for sums, securities and movable objects, movable
and materials; the deeds of pledge and the receipts provided for by
guarantees and compensation of the same nature;
articles 356 and 378 of law No. 15-95 forming the Commercial Code
• the adoul deeds which confirm the agreements entered into in
(except application of the provisions of article 133 (I-C-5 °) above in
another form and which stipulate inter vivos transfer of immovable
the event of sale of the pledge).
property and rights in rem. These deeds are only exempt from
• the declarations of command (declarations disclosing the identity
payment of transfer fee up to the amount of fees already collected;
of the actual purchaser and naming a command (a friend) as actual
• deliveries of bequests;
purchaser) when they are made by authentic deed within forty eight
• outright extensions of time for payment of a debt;
(48) hours of the deed of acquisition, itself passing into the authentic
• receipts, compensations, waivers and all other deeds and writings
form and containing the reserve of the right to elect command;
releasing sums and securities, as well as withdrawals of redemption
• leases and rentals, transfers of leases and sublets of buildings or
rights exercised within the stipulated time limits, when the deed
recording the withdrawal is presented for registration before expiry
• the transfer to the cooperator of their housing after full release
of these deadlines;
of the subscribed capital in accordance with the provisions of the
• The inventories drawn up after death;
aforementioned royal decree relating to law No. 552-67 relating to
• The formation or increase of capital of companies or EIGs carried
land credit, construction credit and hotel credit,
out by new contributions, on a pure and simple basis.
• deeds of extension or dissolution of companies or EIGs which do
not entail any obligation, nor release nor transfer of movable or
immovable property between partners, members of EIGs or other
Minimum charge
persons and which do not give rise to proportional fees;
• deeds of incorporation without capital of EIG;
A minimum of 100 MAD is charged for deeds and transfers subject to • sales or transfers for consideration of ownership or usufruct of
proportional fees. aircraft, ships or boats, excluding transfers for consideration of yachts
This amount is increased to MAD 1,000 for deeds of formation and increase of or pleasure boats between individuals;
capital of companies and economic interest groups • contracts by which credit institutions and similar institutions
make buildings or goodwill available to their clients, as part of
leasing operations, “Mourabaha” or “Ijara Mountahia Bitamlik” or
Fixed fees “Moucharaka Moutanakissa” 660, their terminations during the lease
by mutual consent of the parties, as well as the transfers of the
200 MAD Particularly : aforementioned properties for the benefit of the lessees and buyers
appearing in the aforementioned contracts;
• waivers of the exercise of the right of chefaâ or sefqa. A fee is due • deeds relating to credit transactions concluded between finance
per waiving co-owner; companies and individuals, creation of mortgage and pledge on
• wills, revocations of wills and all deeds of donation which only goodwill granted as security for said transactions; and deeds of
contain provisions subject to the event of death; mortgage release and pledge on goodwill.
108 109
• all other unnamed deeds which cannot give rise to proportional
• Deeds executed within the framework of the sale in the future state
of completion «VEFA».
• deeds of promise of sale or purchase drawn up by notaries,
adouls(Muslim notaries) or lawyers approved by the court of
cassation as well as writings indicating the amounts paid for said
1000 MAD • The formation and increase of capital of companies or EIGs carried
out by new contributions, purely and simply, provided that the
subscribed share capital does not exceed 500,000 MAD;
• Transfer and contribution operations carried out under the tax
incentive regime for operations of restructuring of groups of
• Asset contribution operations carried out under the incentive
regime for asset contribution operations
110 111
STAMP DUTY However, the following are not subject to the provisions of the previous paragraph:
- electric motor vehicles and hybrid motor vehicles (electric and thermal);
- vehicles with a total laden weight or maximum total towed laden weight greater than
The following are subject to stamp duty: 3,000 kilograms, excluding four-wheel drive (4x4) type vehicles which remain subject to
the rates provided in the table above.
• deeds and agreements subject to the registration formality;
• all deeds, documents, books, registers or directories, whatever their form, drawn
up to constitute the certificate or the justification of a right, of an obligation or of a FIXED DUTY
discharge and, in general, to record a legal fact or legal relationship.
• Fixed duty of 1,000 MAD:
Photocopies and all other reproductions obtained by photographic means, established to - the type-approval report for motor vehicles and towed vehicles weighing with their load
take the place of extracts or copies, are subject to the same stamp duty as that relating more than 1,000 kg.
to the reproduced writings.
• Fixed duty of 500 MAD :
TARIFFS - the registration card in the W18 series and each renewal;
- the type-approval report for tracked vehicles, tractors with tires and automotive
There are 2 categories of stamp duty: proportional and fixed. agricultural machinery not likely to exceed the hourly speed of 30 kilometers;
- passports and each of their extensions.
• Fixed duty of 300 MAD, particularly:
• 5 % rate : - hunting licenses;
- driving licenses.
- on-screen advertisements, whatever their form and mode.
• Fixed duty of 200 MAD, mainly:
• 0,25 % rate : - licenses and authorizations of establishments selling alcoholic beverages;
- permits to carry weapons;
- pure and simple receipts or gains given at the bottom of invoices and bills, cashier’s - the international driving license.
receipts, receipts or discharges of sums and all certificates which entail release or
discharge paid in cash. • Fixed duty of 100 MAD, particularly
- residence permits for foreigners by year of validity.
• The following are subject to the rates below: motor vehicles subject to the special
annual tax on vehicles, when they are first registered in Morocco for vehicles acquired • Fixed duty of 75 MAD:
in Morocco or during their customs clearance for imported vehicles, except vehicles - the national electronic identity card: when it is issued, renewed or duplicated.
imported by authorized dealers:
• Fixed duty of 50 MAD, particularly:
- the certificate of periodic inspection of motor vehicles;
Vehicle value (excluding VAT) Rate - the receipt of declaration of entry into circulation of motor vehicles (car registration
card) for registration and transfer:
- import certificates whose value exceeds 2,000 MAD.
From 400.000 to 600.000 MAD 5%
- NEW the national electronic identity card for children under the age of twelve (12)
completed Gregorian years, when it is issued, renewed or duplicated.
From 600.001 to 800.000 MAD 10 %
112 113
• Fixed duty of 20 MAD, mainly: PROFESSIONAL TAX
- bills of lading issued for the recognition of goods covered by a shipping contract;
- all deeds, documents and writings establishing a legal fact or a legal relationship that do SCOPE OF APPLICATION
not fall under a different specific law;
The professional tax applies to any natural or legal person of Moroccan or foreign
• Fixed duty of 5 MAD, particularly:
nationality who practices a professional activity in Morocco.
- negotiable bills of exchange;
It also covers funds created by law or by agreement which do not have legal personality
• Fixed duty of 1 MAD, particularly:
and whose management is entrusted to agencies governed by public or private law.
- pure and simple receipts;
Taxation is established in the name of their managing agency.
- receipts establishing a cash deposit made with a credit institution or a brokerage firm;
- certificates for the transport of goods or postal parcels, such as consignment notes,
waybills, receipts, declarations or dispatch notes issued by public or private rail or road CALCULATION BASIS
transport companies.
The professional tax is based on the normal and current gross annual rental value of stores,
• The motor vehicles subject to the special annual tax on vehicles, when first registered
shops, factories, workshops, hangars, outhouses, construction sites, warehouses and all
in Morocco, are subject to the fixed duties below:
other premises and locations and facilities used for the practice of taxable professions.
• For industrial establishments and all other professional activities, the professional
tax is calculated on the rental value of these establishments taken as a whole and
provided with all their material means of production including properties rented or
Vehicle Less than From 8 to From 11 to Greater or acquired by way of leasing.
category 8 C.V 10 C.V 14 C.V equal to 15 C.V
This rental value may not be less than 3% of the cost price of land, buildings, fixtures,
Amount equipment and tools.
2.500 4.500 10.000 20.000
For properties rented or acquired by way of leasing, the rental value is determined on the
basis of the cost price of said properties appearing in the initial leasing contract, even
after taking up of the purchase option.
The taxpayer who practices several professional activities in the same premises is taxable
• deeds and writings exempt from registration fees according to the rate for the class of the main activity.
• Deeds drawn up in a public or administrative interest
• Deeds and writings relating to public accounting When several people practice professional activities in the same premises, the
• Deeds and writings relating to civil status professional tax is calculated for each taxpayer separately in proportion to the rental
• Judicial or extra-judicial deeds and writings value corresponding to the occupied part of said premises..
• Deeds relating to credit transactions
• Deeds presenting social interest • With regard to hotel establishments, the rental value serving as the basis for the
calculation of the professional tax is determined by application to the cost price of
the constructions, equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings of each establishment, the
following coefficients:
• taxpayers who make taxable investments for the rental value relating to the part of
Equal or greater than 3 000 000 and less 1,5 %
the cost price greater than :
than 6 000 000 MAD
- One hundred (100) million MAD, excluding value added tax, for land, buildings and their
Equal or greater than 6 000 000 and less 1,25 % fixtures, equipment and tools acquired by companies producing goods, from July 1, 1998;
than 12 000 000 MAD
- Fifty (50) million MAD, excluding value-added tax, for land, buildings and their fixtures,
equipment and tools acquired by companies producing goods and services, as of January
Equal or greater than 12 000 000 MAD 1% 1, 2001
• farmers, for sales made outside any shop or store, the handling and transport of
crops and fruits from the land they farm as well as the sale of live animals they raise
there and products from livestock whose transformation has not been carried out by
Professional activities are classified, according to their nature, in one of the classes of the industrial means.
nomenclature of professions.
Persons who practice a professional activity relating to the purchase, sale and/or
CLASS RATE fattening of live animals are excluded from this exemption; non-profit associations and
similar organizations;
CLASS 3 ( C3 ) 10 %
• private educational or vocational training institutions for premises allocated to
CLASS 2 ( C2 ) accommodation and instruction for students;
20 %
• real estate developers who build social housing as well as those who build housing
CLASS 1 ( C1 ) estates and university residences under an agreement concluded with the State;
30 %
• companies based in the free zone of the port of Tangier.
Permanent reduction
Taxpayers having their tax domicile or head office in the former province of Tangier and
A minimum duty is levied under the professional tax varying between 100 and 1,200 MAD
practicing a main activity within the jurisdiction of said former province benefit from a
depending on whether the activities carried out are in urban or rural municipalities.
reduction of 50% for this activity.
This duty is due by travelers, representatives, trade or industry brokers who are not liable
Temporary exemption
to income tax for their salary income and similar income, street vendors on public roads,
taxpayers who do not practice permanently at the place of their domicile, people who
• Any professional activity newly created for a period of five (5) years from the year
carry out trade or industry in a city without being domiciled there and more generally
of the start of the activity;
all those who practice a profession outside the premises that can serve as basis for the
• Companies authorized to carry out their activities in export free zones during the
calculation of professional tax.
first fifteen (15) years following their operation.
116 117
• Subscription to the local tax service for a declaration of registration within a maximum
period of thirty (30) days following the date of the start of the activity.
• In view of this declaration, an identification number is assigned to each taxpayer.
• It must show, by establishment operated, the land and buildings, fixtures, fittings,
equipment and tools, indicating the date of their acquisition, commissioning or
installation, the place of employment and their cost price no later than January 31 of
the year following that of the start of activity;
• Likewise, any changes made in the establishment resulting in increasing or reducing
the taxable elements must be declared no later than January 31 of the year following
that of the modification;
• These declarations must be sent or delivered against receipt to the local tax service.
• When required by tax inspectors, revenue officers, judicial police officers and law
enforcement officers.
• In the event of partial or total unemployment, the taxpayer must submit, no later
than January 31 of the year following that of the establishment’s unemployment,
to the local tax service a declaration indicating their professional tax identification
number, the situation of the establishment concerned, the reasons, the supporting
documents and the description of the unemployed party.
• Partial unemployment means unemployment of all the properties of an establishment
which are separately operated.
• Within forty five (45) days, from the date of the occurrence of one of these events;
• In the event of the death of the taxpayer, the time limit for declaration by the
beneficiaries is three (3) months from the date of death.
• When the beneficiaries continue to practice the activity of the deceased taxpayer, SOURCE
they must mention this in the declaration so that the assessment is made in joint Law on local taxation
ownership. General Tax Directorate :
118 119
• the spouse, ascendants or descendants in direct line to the first degree;
• members of real estate companies as defined by the General Tax Code;
SCOPE OF APPLICATION • co-owners for the premises they occupy as the main dwelling;
• Moroccans living abroad for the dwelling that they keep as their main residence in
The housing tax is established annually in the name of the owner or the usufructuary Morocco, occupied free of charge by their spouse, their ascendants or descendants
and failing that, in the name of the possessor or the occupant and relates to the built in direct line to the first degree.
buildings and constructions of any kind occupied in whole or in part by their owners
as main or secondary dwelling or made voluntarily, by said owners, at the disposal of This abatement cannot be combined with any other reduction in this tax.
their spouses, ascendants or descendants, as accommodation, including the ground on
which the said buildings and constructions are erected and the adjoining land , such as APPLICABLE RATES
courtyards, passages, gardens when they constitute immediate outbuildings.
When the land adjoining buildings is not developed, or when these developments are not ANNUAL RENTAL VALUE RATE
significant, the area to be taken into consideration for determining the rental value is set
at a maximum of five (5) times the area covered by all of the buildings.
from 0 to 5 000 MAD Exempt
The housing tax is based on the rental value of buildings, determined according to • buildings belonging :
the average of the rents charged for similar dwellings located in the same district and - to the State, local collectivities and public hospitals;
determined by comparison by a census commission. - to private assistance and charitable organizations subject to state control;
- to associations recognized as being of public utility when in said buildings are based
When a housing unit is occupied by one or more co-owners in joint ownership who pay charitable non-profit institutions;
rent to other co-owners not occupying the said dwelling, the taxable rental value is
determined solely on the share due to the occupant of the dwelling. The amount of said • buildings made available free of charge to the institutions and organizations listed
rent is liable to income tax. above;
• buildings belonging to foreign States and used for the accommodation of their
The rental value is revised every five (5) years by an increase of 2%. ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiaries or consuls accredited to Morocco, subject
to reciprocity;
N.B : Abatement relating to the main housing • buildings used as premises of the diplomatic or consular mission owned or rented
by the sending State or the head of the mission under Article 23 of the Vienna
A reduction of 75% is applied to the rental value of the main housing of each taxpayer- Convention on Diplomatic Relations;
owner or usufructuary. • buildings belonging to international organizations enjoying diplomatic status when
This abatement also applies to the rental value of the building occupied as the main these buildings are used for the accommodation of heads of mission accredited to
housing by: Morocco;
• buildings with no income which are assigned exclusively to the public celebration of
different religions, to free education or which have been classified or registered as
historical monuments, under the conditions set by legislation and the regulations in
120 121
Permanent reduction MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAX
The amount of the housing tax applicable to buildings located in the former province of
Tangier is reduced by half. SCOPE OF APPLICATION
The municipal services tax is established annually at the location of the buildings subject
Temporary exemption
to this tax, in the name of the owner or the usufructuary and failing that, in the name of
the possessor or occupant on:
New buildings achieved by people as their main dwelling, for a period of five (5) years
following that of their completion, benefit from the temporary exemption.
• constructed buildings and buildings of all kinds;
• equipment, tools and any means of production covered by professional tax.
This tax applies:
Declaration of completion of construction, change of property or use of buildings
• within the perimeter of urban municipalities;
• Subscription to the local tax service for a declaration of: • in the peripheral areas of the said municipalities. These areas are defined by the
- completion of new constructions and additions to constructions; provisions of Law No. 12-90 on town planning;
- change of property or use of buildings. • in delimited centers, designated by regulation;
• in summer, winter and spa resorts where the perimeter of taxation for housing tax is
defined by regulation.
• Subscription period: no later than January 31 of the year following that of the
completion of the works or the change of property. TAXABLE BASE
Declaration of vacancy
The municipal services tax is based :
• Subscription to the local tax service for a vacancy declaration;
• with regard to buildings subject to housing tax and professional tax, including those
• Subscription period: no later than January 31 of the year following that of the
benefiting from permanent or temporary exemption, on the rental value used as the
completion of the works or the change of property.
basis for calculating said taxes;
• with regard to buildings not subject to housing tax, on the total amount of rents
when said buildings are leased or on their rental value when they are made for free
at the disposal of third parties.
122 123
Taxpayers benefiting from total permanent exemption from housing tax and professional
tax as well as political parties and trade union centers for buildings belonging to these
entities and intended for their headquarters, excluding:
• companies located in the free zone of the port of Tangier for activities carried out
within said zone;
• undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS);
• funds for Collective Investment in securitization (F.P.C.T.);
• venture capital investment funds (O.P.C.R.) for activities carried out as part of their
legal purpose;
• Bank Al-Maghrib;
• natural or legal persons holding an exploration permit or an concession for the
exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits, governed by the aforementioned Law No. 21-
90, relating to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits;
• the State, local collectivities and public institutions, for buildings for residential use,
excluding staff housing.
124 125
126 127
CUSTOMS REGIME To be authorized to operate under one of the suspensive regimes, economic operators are
required to:
• to carry out its operations of storage, processing, use or circulation of foreign goods 2- Submit, unless otherwise specified, a guarantee of the required duties and taxes, the
without payment of duties and taxes to which they are normally subject as well as in payment of which will be suspended.
suspension of (without) the application of prohibitions and quantitative restrictions on
the import or export except for absolute prohibitions (narcotics, weapons of war, etc.): 3- Cover goods placed under economic customs regime either by a bond note or by
suspensive regimes documents provided for by international conventions of which Morocco is a member (TIR
• or to be reimbursed, on the basis of flat rates, of certain duties and taxes levied on the Carnet, ATA Carnet, etc.).
importation of materials of foreign origin entering into the manufacture of exported
The management of economic customs regime accounts (compte RED) consists of keeping
1. Suspensive regimes stock accounts and implementing a number of checks carried out automatically or by
customs agents.
A. Storage regime: :
• bonded warehouse or customs warehouse This process is implemented according to the following modalities:
B. Processing regime • The opening of the account: the registration of the import or transfer declaration gives
• Temporary admission for inward processing rise to the opening of a « compte RED» (economic customs regime accounts). Each article
• Customs processing of the declaration constituting a declaration, the account is created in the form of opening
• Temporary exportation for outward processing lines showing the nature of the goods (Harmonized System + order number), their quantities
• Temporary exportation for outward processing with recourse to standard exchange and their values.
• Use regimes • Account clearance: subsequent clearance operations for these goods give rise to the total
• Temporary admission or partial clearance of one or more previously opened «comptes RED», with specification of
• Temporary export the gross (waste included) and net (quantity without waste) cleared quantities and cleared
C. Combined regime • The issuance of the account discharge certificate: a cleared account without any
• free industrial warehouse insufficiency gives rise to the issuance by the Customs Administration of a discharge
certificate. This document allows the operator (account bidder) to release their guarantees
D. Circulation regime with the guarantor organization. An overdue account that is not fully settled constitutes a
• Customs transit case of litigation.
2. Drawback From October 16, 2017, electronic notification of the bank guarantee for operations under
the economic customs regime is required.
To do this, the banker must validate on the BADR system the bank guarantee relating to the
CONDITIONS FOR GRANTING detailed declaration under the economic customs regime.
Below are the conditions for granting common to all economic customs regimes. Those
specific to each of them are detailed in the sections dedicated to each regime.
128 129
Goods placed under an economic customs regime can be imported or exported by all A-STORAGE REGIME
customs offices in the national territory, apart from the offices of Al Hoceima, Figuig (not
open to the regimes of temporary admission for inward processing, temporary exportation
for outward processing and of the free industrial warehouse) and Bab Sebta.
USEFUL DEFINITIONS DEFINITION Allows goods to be placed, while awaiting their final destination, for a fixed
period of time in premises subject to the control of customs officers.
form and to present it to the customs services of the export office for visa, during each
export transaction.
130 131
For special private warehouses for the storage of fuels (jet fuel, gasoline, diesel),
the application file must include in addition to the aforementioned documents:
• the authorization issued by the energy department; 1. TEMPORARY ADMISSION FOR INWARD PROCESSING (TAIP)
• the tank gauging scales stamped by the Legal Metrology Division;
• descriptive notices for measuring instruments highlighting their technical
• the approval certificates for said instruments issued by the Legal Metrology DEFINITION Allows importation into Moroccan territory, without payment of duties and
Division. taxes:
• goods intended to receive processing, working or additional manpower
• goods [list is established by decision of the Minister in charge of Finance
OPERATING The modalities are described in the concession order (case of the public
MODALITIES after consultation with the minister (s) concerned] which are not found in the
warehouse) or the authorization to open granted (case of ordinary or special
compensating products but which allow these products to be obtained, even
private warehouses).
if they disappear completely or partially during their use in the manufacturing
OBLIGATIONS OF • facilitate customs controls
THE BENEFICIARIES • keep, for the customs services, stock accounts of stored goods
• notify the Customs Administration of any change in the condition and location BENEFICIARIES Companies having the necessary tools (for manufacturing, processing or
of the goods placed in warehouse and notify them of any deterioration of the additional manpower) and compatible with the activity practiced.
goods stored. For transactions of a certain economic nature (case of platform companies and
trading companies for example), this condition is removed upon authorization
REGULARIZATION Regularization is carried out by: from the Customs Administration.
OR CLEARANCE • Export of stored goods
• Release for consumption (customs clearance) of these goods with payment
of duties and taxes and completion of foreign trade and exchange control AUTHORIZED With the exception of prohibited goods, all goods from abroad intended to
GOODS receive processing, working or additional manpower for their export.
formalities. A maximum proportion of 15% of the quantities of goods initially
imported under the Special Private Warehouse regime, can be released for Goods produced in Morocco, subject to internal consumption taxes, used for
consumption under advantageous conditions. the manufacture of products to be exported are also admitted in temporary
• Transfer of goods under another suspensive regime or under the warehouse admission for inward processing.
regime (transfer from one warehouse to another).
DURATION OF STAY Maximum two (02) years, except exemption granted by the Minister in charge
of Finance after consultation with the Minister (s) in charge of the resource.
The duration is counted from the date of registration of the import declaration.
This duration is a clear duration including neither the initial day nor the due
ADMINISTRATION The economic customs regime account (compte RED) management structure
CONCERNED of the responsible customs office.
REGULARIZATION The goods must be, except exemption granted by Customs and before the
OR CLEARANCE expiry of the statutory duration, either exported (export of compensating
products obtained after processing, working or additional manpower), or
constituted in a storage warehouse, or placed under the temporary admission
regime, or released for consumption.
132 133
CUSTOMS STATUTE Regulatory waste resulting from a manufacturing process under temporary
OF WASTE admission for inward processing is:
• Either irrecoverable waste (without market value): this waste can be released
DEFINITION This regime allows the provisional export of products and goods with the aim
for consumption, without filing a customs declaration, exempt from duties and
of receiving processing abroad before reimport.
• Or recoverable waste (having a market value): which can be released for
consumption under regulatory conditions, exported definitively or for outward BENEFICIARIES Any company under Moroccan law.
processing with a view to undergoing processing abroad, abandoned free of
all fees (for the benefit of the Customs Administration when accepted) or
destroyed under the control of the Customs Administration. AUTHORIZED Products and goods, of Moroccan origin or released for consumption or
The release for consumption and the export of regulatory waste is a matter GOODS imported under the regimes of free industrial warehousing, temporary
of law. The abandonment and destruction of said waste are subject to prior admission, temporary admission for inward processing or processing under
authorization from Customs. customs control, which are sent outside the covered territory to receive
DURATION The duration of stay abroad is limited to the time necessary for the planned
2. PROCESSING UNDER CUSTOMS CONTROL OF STAY operation, without this period exceeding one (01) year.
However, and in duly justified cases, the Minister in charge of Finance may
authorize the extension of the aforementioned period without it exceeding
DEFINITION Allows the importation, without payment of duties and taxes, of goods to
twice the said period.
subject them to operations which modify their species or state, with a view to
releasing for consumption the compensating products obtained.
The latter must benefit, under specific legislative provisions, from total or FORMALITIES The TEOP operations of machines, materials, tools and equipment are
partial exemption from import duties and taxes. authorized directly by the services of the export office.
For other categories of goods, authorization is granted at the Central
Administration on the basis of an application to be submitted directly to the
BENEFICIARIES Natural or legal persons with the necessary tools for the planned processing.
export office.
With the exception of machines, materials, tools and equipment, the granting
DURATION Maximum one (01) year, except exemption granted by the Minister in charge of of this regime is subject to the presentation of an authorization issued by the
OF STAY Finance after consultation with the Minister (s) concerned. department in charge of the resource within a period not exceeding sixty (60)
The duration is counted from the date of registration of the declaration of entry days.
of goods under this regime.
REGULARIZATION Goods admitted under the TEOP regime may be reimported by a customs office
OR CLEARANCE other than the one of their exportation, provided that the customs service is
FORMALITIES Granting by decision of the Director General of the Customs Administration
after consultation with the Minister in charge of resources when it comes to in possession of the elements necessary to ensure the identity of the goods
products benefiting from total or partial exemption from import duties and initially exported and those re-imported.
taxes under specific legislations. In the absence of these elements, it is allowed to transport, under the transit
Accounts subscribed under the regime of processing under customs control regime, the goods in question to the customs office where the initial declaration
must be covered by a bank guarantee or the deposit of duties and taxes. is subscribed for customs clearance.
Upon re-importation, products and goods released for consumption are
subject to the payment of duties and taxes payable on the basis of the value of
REGULARIZATION The regularization is carried out by the release for consumption of the the products and goods in the state in which they are imported, less the value
OR CLEARANCE processed products. of said products and goods initially exported.
By way of exception, after authorization from the Customs Administration, the
regularization can be carried out by exporting either goods (as is) in the state
in which they were imported, or processed products from previously imported
134 135
AUTHORIZED Goods that have paid import duties and taxes (release for consumption), BENEFICIARIES • The industrialists
(Non-exhaustive list) • Companies achieving major works
GOODS have to be repaired, definitely exported to be replaced free of charge under a
contractual or legal guarantee obligation. • Organizers of fairs and exhibitions
• Exporters of packaging items
GRANTING A request for authorization of TEOP using the standard exchange to be AUTHORIZED All materials, products and animals referred to in Article 125 of the decree issued
OF REGIME GOODS for the application of the customs code can be declared under the temporary
submitted to the office:
• Of export in case of standard exchange without advance importation of the admission regime. For example:
replacement goods; • samples and models
• Of import in the case of standard exchange with advance importation of the • goods intended to be displayed or used at commercial events or other
replacement goods. • equipment remaining foreign property, intended for achieving works of a
The replacement goods must fall within the same tariff classification, have the limited duration or for occasional use for industrial purposes
same technical characteristics and be of the same commercial quality as the • packaging, containers and their accessories...
defective goods.
When the goods to be exported have been used, the replacement goods must DURATION The duration of stay of goods imported under the temporary admission regime
also have been used and cannot be new products. However, replacement goods OF STAY is that necessary for the intended use. It is calculated by Customs on the basis
may be new under a contractual or legal guarantee obligation.
of the documents presented by the beneficiary of the regime without, however,
that this period exceeds:
• two (02) years for imported empty packaging and containers, packaging
DURATION A maximum period of six (06) months from the date of the declaration of initial
accessories and containers, objects for tests, experiments (cf. article 125 Ca, Cc
release for consumption of the defective goods.
and D3 of the decree);
• two (02) years for products manufactured in Morocco from goods imported
ADMINISTRATION Goods admitted under the TEOP regime using standard exchange without for the benefit of temporary admission for inward processing (see article 125
advance importation of replacement goods may be reimported by a customs D9 of the decree);
office other than that of their exportation. • one (01) year for full imported packaging and containers (cf. article 125 Cb of
the decree);
• six (06) months for various products and animals other than objects for tests
FORMALITIES The prior importation of replacement goods gives rise to the constitution of a and experiments (cf. article 125 D decree, except D3 and D9).
guarantee (bank or deposit) covering the amount of duties and taxes relating However, and in duly justified cases, the Minister in charge of finance may
to these goods. authorize the extension of the aforementioned duration without it exceeding
twice the said period.
Upon importation, goods exported under the TEOP regime using standard
exchange are admitted with exemption from applicable duties and taxes.
QUARTERLY FEE Notwithstanding of the general principle characterizing all suspensive
economic regimes, the temporary admission of certain equipment gives rise to
the payment of a quarterly fee.
This fee concerns all equipment, remaining foreign property, intended for
achieving works of a limited duration or for occasional use for industrial
It is equal, per quarter, to one tenth of the cumulative amount of import duties
and taxes to which these materials are liable, on the day of registration of the
declaration of temporary admission.
136 137
The following is exempt from the payment of this fee: Production equipment
AUTHORIZED • Materials remaining Moroccan property, intended for achieving abroad works
remaining the property of persons residing abroad, temporarily imported to GOODS of a limited duration or occasional use for industrial purposes;
be use
• Films or cinematographic recordings;
• in the production of goods intended, for at least 75%, for export;
• Packaging, containers and accessories that these packaging and containers
• in the implementation of projects, subject of investment agreements signed
are exported empty to be imported later full of foreign products or that they
with the government;
are exported full of Moroccan products;
• in the achievement of projects financed by means of non-refundable financial
• The products and animals listed below:
- Samples and models;
- The stand material used for exhibitions, fairs and other similar events as
FORMALITIES • A subscription to a bond note well as the goods intended to be presented or used at these exhibitions, fairs,
• Or a presentation of documents provided for by international conventions events;
ratified by Morocco - The objects for testing, experiments and demonstrations;
However, - Professional equipment and animals necessary for the practice of the trade
• certain films or cinematographic recordings benefit from an exemption from or profession of natural or legal persons, having their habitual residence or
completing these formalities. head office in Morocco, going abroad to carry out specific work of a limited
• importers of equipment necessary for the exploration and exploitation of duration;
hydrocarbons as well as activities related to these, when the equipment to be - Frames and containers;
imported temporarily appears on a list approved by the Minister of Mines and - Commercial vehicles used in international road traffic;
Energy or by the person delegated by him for this purpose, benefit from an - Animals that may be engaged in sports or other competitions;
exemption from the obligation to provide a guarantee. - And, more generally, all objects which may be identified during subsequent
2. TEMPORARY EXPORT (TE) FORMALITIES Materials, products and animals intended for temporary export must be covered
either by a bond note, or by international documents conforming to the models
provided for by the international conventions of which Morocco is a member
(example: the ATA carnet).
DEFINITION Allows the export, without payment of duties and taxes, and without imposing
exit restrictions and prohibitions which are normally applicable to them, of
goods (equipment, products and animals) which must temporarily stay abroad REGULARIZATION Goods admitted in TE must be reimported as is and within the prescribed time
before being reimported, without having undergone any processing. OR CLEARANCE limits.
The subsequent importation, after use as is abroad, of these goods takes place MODALITIES
Failure to reimport on time is considered a final export and requires the filing
with total exemption from the duties and taxes usually levied on importation of a new customs declaration, clearing the one initially registered with all the
and with exemption from the formalities of foreign trade and exchange control. consequences arising from the export regime.
138 139
REGULARIZATION The goods must be, unless exception is granted by Customs and before the
OR CLEARANCE expiry of the statutory period, either exported (export of compensating
FREE INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE (FIW) products obtained after processing, working or additional manpower), or
constituted in a bonded warehouse, or placed under the temporary admission
regime, or released for consumption.
Authorizations for release for consumption following a free industrial warehouse
DEFINITION It is a regime that combines the advantages of several suspensive regimes.
are issued by the district heads.
It allows companies, placed under the control of the Customs Administration, to
Under this regime, the beneficiaries are offered the possibility of selling on the
import or acquire, without payment of duties and taxes, materials, equipment
local market, under regulatory conditions, 15% of the compensating products
and their parts and spare parts as well as goods intended to be used by the
in a maximum proportion of 15% of the annual export turnover, achieved by the
said materials and equipment for the export of the compensating products
company during the previous year.
Certain goods may also be imported without payment of duties and taxes
(the list of which is established by decision of the Minister in charge of finance
after consultation with the minister(s) concerned) which are not found in
the compensating products obtained, but which allow these products to be
obtained, even if these goods disappear completely or partially during their E- CIRCULATION REGIME
BENEFICIARIES Companies that plan to make an investment as part of either a new creation or
an extension with a minimum amount equal to 50,000,000 MAD.
DEFINITION Allows the transport of bonded goods from a customs office or customs
warehouse to another office or warehouse, without the payment of duties and
AUTHORIZED With the exception of prohibited goods, all goods from abroad intended to taxes and without applying foreign trade control measures; customs formalities
GOODS receive processing, working or additional manpower for their export. that can be completed at the office of destination.
Goods produced in Morocco, subject to internal consumption taxes, used for
the manufacture of products to be exported are also admitted.
CONDITIONS To benefit from the transit regime, the goods transported must be covered
DURATION The duration of stay of the goods to be worked is of two (02) years maximum, either by a bond note or by an ATA carnet.
OF STAY unless exception is granted.
For materials and equipment, the durations of stay in force are limited to the AUTHORIZED • all goods from abroad, other than those prohibited
time necessary for the intended use. GOODS
• all national goods intended for export or subject to internal consumption taxes,
transported under the said transit regime either from the office of departure
(customs clearance office), or from the place of production or extraction, to the
FORMALITIES An application for authorization to establish an FIW to be filed with the
border crossing office or to the bonded warehouse.
Customs Administration accompanied by the documents (in duplicate) below:
• the list of materials, equipment and their parts and spare parts, intended
exclusively for the warehouse, showing their value and quantities
• the plan determining the location and layout of the intended premises,
allowing Customs to carry out the control of the FIW DURATION The deadlines for completing transit operations as well as the route to be taken
• a certified copy of the company’s articles of association by the carriers are set by the Customs Administration which takes into account
• an extract from the trade register model «J» of recent date several parameters such as the nature of the means of transport, the length of
• a certified copy of the report of the last general meeting the journey, the weather conditions, etc.
• a certified copy of the lease contract or certificate of ownership of the
proposed premises
FORMALITIES The goods transported must be covered either by a bond note or by an ATA
The customs services may, if necessary, request other documents or additional
carnet (Cf. ATA Convention).
information deemed necessary.
OPERATING The FIW management modalities are defined within the framework of the
MODALITIES decision authorizing the establishment of the FIW.
140 141
DEFINITION They are places or areas in which goods can be stored for their customs
DEFINITION Allows, following the export or the transfer under Temporary admission for
clearance either for import or export.
inward processing of certain goods, the refund according to an average rate,
of the import duty, and possibly, of the internal consumption taxes which are
levied on either these goods or the products contained in goods exported or
consumed during their production. BENEFICIARIES Any natural or legal person who applies for it and who meets the conditions for
the creation and management of a customs warehouse may be authorized to
operate a customs warehouse.
BENEFICIARIES Exporters of goods as well as assignors, for goods eligible for the drawback
refund that they have exported or assigned.
AUTHORIZED All goods can be stored in customs warehouses excluding:
GOODS • animals and goods from contaminated countries;
• narcotics and psychotropic substances;
AUTHORIZED They are designated by decree taken on the proposal of the Minister of finance • weapons of war, gun parts and munitions of war other than those intended
GOODS after consultation with the Ministers concerned. for the army;
• writings, prints, drawings, posters, engravings, paintings, photographs, clichés,
DURATION The statutory period giving right to drawback refund is two (02) years. Any matrices, pornographic reproductions and all objects contrary to morality or
export prior to this duration is not taken into account. likely to disturb public order;
• natural or manufactured products bearing either on themselves or on
packaging a trademark, name, sign, label or decorative motif comprising a
reproduction of the effigy of His Majesty the King, of that of a member of the
REFUND The drawback refund is subject to the presentation of an application for refund.
MODALITIES Royal Family, national decorations, coats of arms and emblems, or likely to be
AND PERIOD mistaken for the Moroccan origin of said products when they are foreign;
1. For goods imported under common law, the application file must be
• goods and products in poor condition.
composed of:
The statutory period giving right to drawback refund is two (02) years. Any OPERATING Subject to the permanent control of the Customs and Excise Administration,
export prior to this duration is not taken into account. MODALITIES these customs warehouses can be established both inside and outside the port
The liquidation of the sums to be refund is carried out at the end of each quarter. or airport.
No one can claim refund for a previous export of more than two (02) years. The days and hours of opening and closing of a customs warehouse are those
applicable in the related customs offices with the possibility of requesting
the customs clearance of goods outside the opening days and hours of the
customs offices.
REMUNERATION • The control of the customs warehouse gives rise to a monthly fixed
LEGAL BASE / SOURCE remuneration per customs officer of around 10,000 MAD for the verification
officer and 5,000 MAD for the inspecting officer. This remuneration is the
Customs and Excise Administration ( responsibility of the operator. • Customs clearance formalities carried out by customs officers outside legal
hours or regulatory workplaces give rise to the payment by the user, requesting
Circular No. 5352/210 of 31/12/2012
these services, of an hourly allowance of 25 MAD, increased by 25 % for public
Circular No. 5361/313 of 17.01.2013 holidays and Saturday and Sunday.
Circular No. 5887/210 of 12.27.2018
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The analytical number of the trade register must be entered on the import documents and on the
customs declaration.
For importers who are natural or legal persons not registered in the trade register (agricultural
cooperatives, universities, embassies, tourists, etc.), a specific code in lieu of trade register can be
assigned to them by Customs.
The import document allows the financial settlement of goods and is, where applicable, an import
authorization. It is nominative and non-transferable.
It is drawn up on the form entitled «Commitment to Import, Import License, Pre-Import Declaration «.
The import document whose value exceeds 2000 dirhams is liable to a special stamp duty of 50
dirhams to be paid by the importer.
• Commitment to Import
- It is an import document that importers are required to take out for goods free for import;
- It is drawn up in 5 copies;
- It must be accompanied by a pro forma invoice;
- Its validity period is 6 months.
- It must be presented for domiciliation to an approved intermediary bank chosen by the importer.
After domiciliation, the bank gives the importer the copy intended for him and two copies intended
for the customs office concerned for handling and control.
Customs and Excise Administration (
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Commitments to Import relating to imports without payment (donations, replacement under the
guarantee , etc...) are exempt from the formality of bank domiciliation.
The detailed declaration is the legal certificate by which the declarants (natural or legal person,
• Import authorization owner of the goods, forwarder, carrier of the goods,…) :
• declare their willingness to assign the goods they imports a definitive customs regime (release
- It is an import document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade for the import of certain goods for consumption, economic regimes …) ;
which are subject to the prior obtaining of the import license; • undertake to fulfill the obligations arising from this customs regime (payment of the due duties
- It is drawn up in 6 copies; and taxes, export after processing …) ;
- It must be accompanied by a pro forma invoice; • produce all the documents necessary for the identification of the goods and for the application
- Its validity period is 6 months. of customs measures for which Customs is responsible. These documents constitute with the
detailed declaration an indivisible document.
All imported goods must be the subject of a detailed declaration drawn up on a form called «Single
STEPS OF CUSTOMS CLEARANCE Declaration of Goods» (D.U.M.) with the exception of import operations covered by the following
3 phases are to be distinguished :
• international documents provided for by international conventions of which Morocco is a
- Getting goods through customs; member (ATA carnet)
- Placing goods under customs control; • occasional declarations for individual non-commercial transactions
- The detailed declaration of the goods. • declarations drawn up on the forms provided for by the acts of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
• simplified declarations implemented by Customs for the benefit of companies.
Exemption from duties and taxes does not exempt from this obligation of declaration.
This step consists of moving the imported goods directly to the first customs office or customs post
of entry to be declared there. Customs officers are not involved in the preparation of the detailed declaration.
STEP 2 : PLACING GOODS UNDER CUSTOMS CONTROL It must be made by the declarant who must specify the tariff nomenclature of the goods, their origin,
their destination, their value and their weight as well as other quantitative elements such as length,
Placing goods under customs control is carried out by filing in the hands of the service a summary surface, volume and number.
declaration or any other document in lieu thereof. This formality is the responsibility of the carrier.
Detailed declarations, except for occasional declarations and conventional declarations, must be
STEP 3 : THE DETAILED DECLARATION OF THE GOODS drawn up by electronic means.
After transmission and recording (validation) of the declaration by electronic means, the declarant
The filing of the detailed declaration assigns the goods a definitive customs regime (release for must print the DUM (on the form provided for this purpose), sign it, attach the required documents
consumption, economic regimes...). to it and file it (physical filing) at the customs office concerned.
This detailed declaration serves as a support for the completion of all customs (and non-customs)
formalities to which the declared goods are subject. N.B.
Registration gives the detailed declaration an official and final character. However, on the very day
of filing of the declarations and before the start of the verification of the goods, the declarants
can correct in addition to the quantitative elements (value, quantity), the qualitative elements of
the declaration (origin, , nomenclature), before the release is issued and provided that Customs
has not informed the declarant of its intention to verify the goods or that it has not noted the
This declaration is to be established by the carrier of the goods by electronic means within the inaccuracy of the terms of the declaration.
statutory deadlines.
The filing of the declaration by electronic means consists of the transmission of the statements of
the said declaration.
After validation of the elements entered, the system displays the number, time and date of registration CUSTOMS CLEARANCE CIRCUIT
of the declaration which therefore fully engages the declarant with regard to the requirements of
customs and non-customs legislation and regulations. STEP 1 : FORMALITIES COMPLETED BY THE ECONOMIC OPERATOR IN THEIR PREMISES
the following documents are attached to this declaration :
- Goods imported by sea: bills of lading, charter-party, certificate of vessel’s nationality and any other 1. Registration of the detailed declaration by electronic means: entry and validation of the statements
documents deemed useful. of the single declaration of goods (DUM) through the electronic customs clearance system «BADR»
- Goods imported by air: air waybills, journey log and all other on-board documents necessary for the
application of customs measures. Registration of the detailed declaration fully commits the declarant to the requirements of customs
- Goods imported by land: a waybill as a summary declaration. and non-customs legislation and regulations.
- Goods imported by Customs Warehouse: transport document and all other documents deemed
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2. Printing of the declaration on the «DUM» form (on sale in stationers). 8. Documentary study of «DUMs» whether they are accepted for conformity or subject to a physical
inspection and comparative examination of the statements of the DUM with the accompanying
9. Physical verification of goods whose «DUMs» have been selected for the physical inspection.
4. Physical filing of the «DUM» at the import customs office. The previously printed declaration will be
signed and accompanied by the required supporting documents. IMPORT DUTIES AND TAXES
• Physical filing of the DUM The base of duties and taxes applicable to imports is determined on the basis of:
The printed copy of the declaration must be filed at the relevant customs office within: - qualitative elements: the nomenclature of the imported goods, its origin, its destination
- quantitative elements: value, weight, length, area, volume, number
- 24 hours for the release for consumption regime
- 5 days in the case of an economic customs regime The duties and taxes applicable to import are either:
- 15 days in the event of transfer of goods placed under an economic customs regime.
- «ad valorem» : calculated and applied as a percentage of the value withheld at customs,
N.B. - «specific» : calculated on the weight, quantity or volume of the imported goods, without any
As the time factor is crucial for the company, the Customs Administration recommends the use of reference to their customs value.
the advance detailed declaration to be filed even before the arrival of the goods, whatever their
nature. The duties and taxes to be collected are those in force on the date of registration of the detailed
declaration, except for declarations filed in advance or in the event of application of the transitional
• Documents annexed to the DUM clause (Cf. article 13 of the customs code) or of the more favorable tariff (Cf. article 90 of the customs
• Documents to be annexed for the application of duties and taxes
- Commercial invoice relating to the declared goods
- Bank certificate indicating the name of the domiciliary bank and the amount in foreign currencies N.B.
invoiced, the exchange rate and the references of the import documents Customs offers an online service of assistance in the customs clearance of import goods called
- Detail of the value per item «ADIL». The application allows obtaining information, by product, on the customs taxation
applicable to imports, the tariff advantages granted and the documents required by the special
• Documents to be annexed for the application of customs regimes
- Certificate of origin to cover preferential trade REMOVAL OF GOODS
• Documents to be annexed for the application of different legislations other than customs legislation The removal of goods is granted on the basis of one of the following documents submitted by the
- Import document (which can be a commitment to import, an import licence or a pre-import declarant:
- Technical inspection certificate under non-customs regulations (repression of fraud, health and • a payment receipt in the event of payment in cash, by guaranteed bond or by another means of
veterinary certificates, industrial standard, etc.) payment (cash, electronic payment, payment by bank card, etc.)
• a deposit receipt in the event of deposit of the amount of duties and taxes due;
• Other documents • production of the customs duty exemption order in view of the copy of the customs declaration
- Transport documents (bills of lading, air waybills, waybills) (DUM) annotated by the customs service.
- Packing list (detail notes indicating per package the weight, number and nomenclature of imported
- Proof of registration in the trade register N.B.
The Customs Administration grants taxpayers the following advantages:
• the removal credit, which allows the payment of duties and taxes to be deferred for up to 180
5. Summary documentary check of the filed «DUM» and of the accompanying documents produced days;
(comparative examination of the statements of the DUM with the annexed documents). The purpose • the deposit of duties and taxes by paying, to the customs collector, a sum guaranteeing the
of this check is to ensure that the declaration of goods filed with the customs office has been correctly payment of duties and taxes.
established and that the required supporting documents have been attached and that they meet the
prescribed conditions.
6. Computerized validation of the physical filing of the «DUM» if the documentary check does not Customs Code
reveal any anomaly.
Customs and Excise Administration (
7. start of the selectivity process: declaration to be accepted for conformity or to be subject to Foreign Trade Department (
physical verification.
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This phase consists of transporting the goods intended for export to a customs office or to places
designated by the Administration to be declared in detail.
These goods are either of Moroccan origin or in free circulation in the subject territory, or under
economic regimes.
The exporter is free to choose the export office on condition that the latter is open to the intended
The registration in the Trade Register is required to clear goods for export. operations.
Any exporter of goods is required to include on their customs declaration their trade register number STEP 2 : PLACING GOODS UNDER CUSTOMS CONTROL
as well as the place of registration of the Trade Register (Trade Register Centre).
The goods are declared in detail as they arrive at the export office.
For exporters, natural or legal persons, not registered in the trade register (agricultural cooperatives,
universities, embassies, tourists ...), a specific code in lieu of Trade Register can be assigned to them In bonded warehouses, goods intended for export are dealt with in a specific register pending their
by the Customs. customs clearance and their going to the office of exit.
This phase consists of filing a detailed declaration assigning the goods a definitive customs regime
The export document allows the exporter to repatriate the exchange value in foreign currency of the (simple export, economic regimes,...).
price of the exported goods and, if necessary, the passage through customs.
This detailed declaration serves as a support for the completion of all customs formalities to which
2 types of export document : the declared goods are subject.
• FOREIGN EXCHANGE COMMITMENT The detailed declaration is the legal act by which the declarants (natural or legal person, owner of the
goods, forwarder, carrier of the goods,…) :
- It is an export document that exporters are required to take out for goods not subject to an export
licence; • express their willingness to assign the goods presented for export a customs regime ;
- It is drawn up and signed in 04 copies; • undertake to fulfill the obligations arising from this customs regime (payment of the due duties
- It must be accompanied by a commercial contract (any document justifying the sale of goods and taxes, production of any document required by the customs services, settlement of any disputes
abroad); which may arise from the export operation) ;
- Its validity period is 3 months. • produce all the documents necessary for the identification of the goods and for the application of
customs measures for which Customs is responsible. These documents constitute with the detailed
• EXPORT LICENCE declaration an indivisible document.
- It is an export document for the export of certain goods which are subject to the prior obtaining The filing of a detailed declaration is the starting point of the customs clearance procedure.
of the export licence;
- It is drawn up in 6 copies; All goods intended for export must be the subject of a detailed declaration drawn up on a form
- The application for an export licence should be addressed to the Department of Foreign Trade. called «Single Declaration of Goods» (D.U.M.) with the exception of export operations covered by the
It must be accompanied by a commercial contract (any document justifying the sale of goods following documents:
abroad) or a proforma invoice in two (02) copies.
• international documents provided for by international conventions of which Morocco is a member
(ATA carnet)
• occasional declarations for individual non-commercial transactions
STEPS OF CUSTOMS CLEARANCE • declarations drawn up on the forms provided for by the acts of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
• simplified declarations implemented by Customs for the benefit of companies.
3 phases are to be distinguished :
Exemption from duties and taxes does not exempt from this obligation of declaration.
- Getting goods through customs ;
- Placing goods under customs control ; Customs officers are not involved in the preparation of the detailed declaration.
- Export customs clearance.
It must be made by the declarant who must specify the tariff nomenclature of the goods, their origin,
their destination, their value and their weight as well as other quantitative elements such as length,
surface, volume and number.
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Registration gives the detailed declaration an official character. However and as a convenience,
Customs may authorize you to rectify both quantitative (value, quantity) and qualitative (origin, On export, no customs duty is levied by the Customs Administration.
nomenclature) elements of your declaration, before the release of the goods is issued and
provided that it has not informed you of its intention to check the goods or that it has not noted However, as an exporter using the «BADR» system of customs clearance via internet, the company
the inaccuracy of the terms of the declaration. pays a fee of 50 MAD per export declaration filed by electronic means.
Similarly, once registered, the detailed declaration can only be canceled under certain conditions In addition, as part of its assistance to other administrations or public agencies, Customs collects
provided for by customs regulations. export fees for the costs of fumigation of plants and plant products intended for export.
These fumigation costs are calculated, for each operation, according to the total capacity of the
fumigation chamber used, regardless of the volume of goods handled, according to the single rate of
10 MAD per cubic meter.
If the fumigated goods are not removed within the specified time, an additional tax is applied.
1. Registration of the detailed declaration by electronic means: entry and validation of the statements
of the single declaration of goods (DUM) through the electronic customs clearance system «BADR»
2. Printing of the declaration on the «DUM» form (on sale in stationers).
SERVICES Goods declared for export must be presented to a customs officer at the embarkation dock,
embarkation area or land border along with the following documents :
3. Presentation of the goods to Customs (in the customs area) ;
4. Physical filing of the «DUM» at the export customs office. The previously printed declaration will • the embarkation (loading) authorization called «release» issued by a customs verification officer
be signed and accompanied by the required supporting documents. on the copy of the detailed declaration provided for this purpose, namely the copy of «Bon A
Embarquer» (BAE)(Goods Removal Note). It is upon presentation of this BAE that the actual loading
• Documents annexed to the DUM of the goods will be authorized and noted.
• the state of loading, in the event that batches of goods to be exported are grouped together in a
• Documents to be annexed for the application of duties and taxes container, a trailer or a semi-trailer truck.
- Commercial invoice • the embarkation authorization (release) valid for the container or trailer. This authorization is issued
- Detail of the value per item by the customs services.
• Documents to be annexed for the application of the various legislations for the execution of which
the Customs lends its assistance
- Export document (which can be a foreign exchange commitment or an export licence)
- Certificate of technical inspection under non-customs regulations (Autonomous Establishment of
Control and Coordination of Exports, Handicrafts, etc.)
• Other documents
- Docking, receipt or deposit slips or any other proof of placing goods under customs control for
their export
- Packing list (detail notes indicating per package the weight, number and nomenclature of
imported goods)
- Proof of registration in the trade register
3. Summary documentary check of the filed «DUM» and of the accompanying documents produced
(comparative examination of the statements of the DUM with the annexed documents).
4. Computerized validation of the physical filing of the «DUM» if the documentary check does not
reveal any anomaly.
5. Start of the selectivity process: declaration to be accepted for conformity or to be subject to LEGAL BASE / SOURCE
physical verification.
6. Documentary study of «DUMs» whether they are accepted for conformity or subject to a physical Customs Code
inspection. Customs and Excise Administration (
9. Physical verification of goods whose «DUMs» have been selected for the physical inspection. Foreign Trade Department (
10. Issuance of the release after payment of duties and taxes, where applicable.
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The international merchanting transactions management account can be used to manage multiple
international merchanting transactions provided the trader clears each transaction as it is settled..
The profit margin generated for each transaction must be sold on the foreign exchange market or be
NATURE OF ACCOUNTS placed in an account in foreign currency or in convertible dirhams, opened in the name of traders, in
their capacity as exporters of services, in the limit of 70% of the amount of this margin. The remainder
must be sold on the foreign exchange market.
Banks are authorized to open in their books, in particular:
• accounts in convertible dirhams in the name of foreign correspondents;
• accounts in foreign currency or in convertible dirhams in the name of exporters of goods and ACCOUNTS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY OR IN CONVERTIBLE DIRHAMS OF RESIDENT OR NON-RESIDENT
• «International merchanting » foreign currency accounts ;
• accounts in foreign currency and accounts in convertible dirhams in the name of resident or non-
resident foreigners, natural or legal persons, companies based in industrial acceleration zones or Foreign currency accounts and convertible dirham accounts can be opened in the name:
offshore financial centers located in Morocco and Moroccans residing abroad;
• foreign currency accounts in the name of service exporters bidders or holders of contract as part • resident or non-resident foreign natural persons;
of calls for tenders abroad; • moroccans residing abroad;
• convertible term deposits; • foreign legal persons and their representations in Morocco;
• companies located in industrial acceleration zones;
• entities located in offshore financial centers in Morocco;
CONVERTIBLE DIRHAM ACCOUNTS OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS • diplomatic representations based in Morocco;
• international organizations and their representations in Morocco.
Accounts in convertible dirhams can be opened in the name of foreign correspondents.
These accounts should not operate in a debit position.
These accounts cannot register a debit position. However, banks may, in order to avoid delays in the
execution of the orders received, grant their correspondents mail overdrafts for transfers in foreign
currency issued from abroad on the basis of documents proving the issuance of these transfers,
within the limit of D 2 (working days).
Foreign correspondent is understood to mean any foreign bank or financial institution carrying out CONTRACT AS PART OF CALLS FOR TENDERS ABROAD
banking operations, branches and subsidiaries of Moroccan banks established abroad or in offshore
financial centers as well as funds transfer institutions established abroad and foreign investment These accounts can be funded upon opening by a maximum of the currency equivalent of 10,000
funds. MAD.
Each account can be used for the management of several contracts provided to sell on the foreign
ACCOUNTS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY OR IN CONVERTIBLE DIRHAMS OF EXPORTERS OF GOODS AND exchange market, after completion of each contract, at least 30% of the achieved margin and to
SERVICES transfer, if necessary, the remainder of this margin to an account in foreign currency or in convertible
dirhams opened in the name of the service exporter.
Accounts in foreign currency or in convertible dirhams are accounts opened in the name of exporters
of goods and services, legal or natural persons registered in the trade register intended to enable As a bid abroad is conditional on the opening of accounts abroad, these accounts may be opened on
them to pay their business expenses in foreign currency. a provisional basis for a period not exceeding 6 months. If the contract is awarded to the Moroccan
operator, the account can be maintained for the management of the contract. Otherwise, the
Exporters of goods and services may have many accounts in foreign currency and/or inconvertible Moroccan operator is required to close this account.
dirhams with one or more banks. Accounts opened abroad must be closed as soon as the contracts are concluded and credit balances
must be immediately repatriated to Morocco.
For the payment of their expenses in foreign currency, exporters holding these accounts must first
use their cash in foreign currency or convertible dirhams.
Banks are authorized to open in the name of the trader an account in foreign currency dedicated
exclusively to the management of international merchanting transactions.
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«Convertible term deposit» are accounts opened in the name of non-resident foreign persons
intended to receive funds in dirhams held in Morocco by non-resident foreign legal or natural persons.
- funds from the assignment or liquidation of a foreign investment made in Morocco and not benefiting
from the convertibility regime;
- assets that cannot be transferred as part of final departures or devolutions of estate. DEFINITION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT
Any resident holding the aforementioned funds is required to deposit them, without delay, into Foreign investments in Morocco is meant in the sense of the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange
«convertible term deposits» to be opened, with a bank, in the name of the foreign persons concerned. Transactions, the transactions giving rise to the constitution by foreign legal persons, resident or
non-resident foreign natural persons and natural persons of Moroccan nationality residing abroad, a
Holders of «convertible term deposits» may freely transfer the funds in their accounts to foreign financial or real asset in Morocco.
residents or non-residents or to Moroccans residing abroad, it being specified that Moroccans residing
abroad cannot hold convertible term deposits and that the funds thus acquired are not transferable.
The funds of «convertible term deposits» can be transferred over a period of four years in four equal FORMS OF INVESTMENT
installments of 25% each.
It can take the following forms:
Investments financed from the funds of these accounts benefit from the convertibility regime within
two years from the date of their realization.
• Incorporation of companies;
• Equity investment and subscription to the company capital increase;
• Creation of a branch or a representative or liaison office;
« SPECIAL » ACCOUNTS IN DIRHAMS AND « GROUP» ACCOUNT • Acquisition of financial instruments;
• Contribution to partners’ current account in cash or in trade receivables;
The special account can be opened in the name of non-resident foreign natural or legal persons • Granting of related loans;
and branches of foreign entities not registered with the Office des Changes, for the needs of their • Acquisition of real estate or rights of use attached to these goods;
business related to contracts awarded in Morocco, and upon presentation of a copy of the contract. • Carrying out works of construction and/or development of real estate;
On the occasion of contracts of works carried out by a group made up of resident entities and non- • Term deposits with a bank.
resident entities and at the request of the lead manager, Moroccan or foreign company, accounts
denominated in dirhams called «group» accounts » can be opened upon presentation of the following
- Copy of the “group” agreement; Funding for foreign investment operations should be performed by :
- Copy of the contract.
• payment made by:
- transfer received from abroad;
- debiting of accounts in foreign currencies or in convertible dirhams of resident or non-resident
foreigners and Moroccans residing abroad opened in the books of a bank;
- international money orders in accordance with the terms set out in the Regulations of the Universal
Postal Union;
- other methods of payment, such as foreign banknotes and international payment cards, under the
conditions defined by the General Instructions for Foreign Exchange Transactions.
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CONVERTIBILITY REGIME If the investment sold or liquidated does not benefit from the convertibility regime, the proceeds
in dirhams, after proof of payment of taxes and other charges due in respect of the transaction in
Foreign investments benefit, when they are financed in foreign currency, from a convertibility regime question, must be:
which guarantees the investors concerned full freedom for:
• made available to the seller if the latter resides in Morocco;
• the transfer of income generated by these investments; • or paid into a convertible term deposit.
• transfer of proceeds from liquidation or sale of investments.
When it comes to sale made by a person of foreign nationality for the benefit of a person of foreign
nationality or for the benefit of a Moroccan resident abroad:
• payments for the sale of foreign investments in Morocco can be made directly abroad;
• the buyer will inherit the situation of the seller with regard to the convertibility status of the
Foreign investors in Morocco are required to send to the Office des Changes directly or through any
investment subject to the sale.
entity mandated by said persons, a declaration drawn up in accordance with the terms, procedures,
deadlines and models set by the operative declarations.
In the event that the investment in question is paid directly abroad by a non-resident foreigner, the
costs, taxes and duties inherent in the transaction must be paid under the conditions defined by the
General Instruction of Foreign Exchange Transactions.
INCOME, ASSIGNMENT, LIQUIDATION AND ESTATE DEVOLUTION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS Banks are authorized to transfer the income generated by foreign investments made in Morocco, as
IN MOROCCO defined above, without limitation in amount and time, after payment of taxes applicable in Morocco,
for the benefit of foreigners, non-resident natural or legal persons, regardless of the investment
financing method.
Revenues, proceeds from the assignment or liquidation of foreign investment as well as funds from
the estate devolution of foreign investment in Morocco, include:
• Principal repayment of advances on partners’ current accounts and related loans contracted in
foreign currencies in accordance with the provisions of the General Instructions for Foreign Exchange
• Funds in favor of non-resident beneficiaries for the devolution of estate of a foreigner or a Moroccan
residing abroad.
When the investment benefits from the convertibility regime, the payments, for the benefit of
foreign and Moroccan investors residing abroad, in respect of revenues, proceeds from assignment
or liquidation and funds resulting from the devolution of estate of foreign investment in the Morocco
must be made by:
• Transfer to abroad;
• Crediting of accounts in foreign currency or in convertible dirhams of resident or non-resident
foreigners and Moroccans residing abroad opened in the books of a bank;
• International money orders in accordance with the terms set out in the Regulations of the Universal
Postal Union;
• Other methods of payment, such as foreign banknotes and international payment cards, under the SOURCE
conditions defined by the General Instructions for Foreign Exchange Transactions. Office des Changes: General Instruction of Foreign Exchange Transactions
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• The participation of active resident employees of Moroccan companies in the capital of foreign
PAYMENT AMOUNTS legal entities holding, directly or indirectly, a rate of participation of at least 51% in the capital of said
Moroccan companies.
The authorized amount, per resident legal person and per calendar year, for investment transactions • Qualifying shares held, in accordance with the legal provisions in force in the host country, by
abroad can reach: residents called upon, within the framework of investment transactions abroad provided for by the
• 100 (one hundred) million MAD for investments to be made in Africa; provisions of the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions, to perform the duties of
• 50 (fifty) million MAD in other continents. directors or members of supervisory boards of foreign companies.
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• payments in respect of the participation of active resident employees in Moroccan companies in the
capital of foreign legal persons: maximum 10% of the annual salary net of income tax, social security IMPORTS OF GOODS
deductions and any other amount payable by said employees received for the year preceding the
year of participation; DEFINITION
• this 10% limit is not applicable when it comes to:
- distribution of bonus shares not giving rise to any payment from Morocco or; Any entry of goods into the taxable territory from:
- allocation of shares according to the stock option model consisting of the simultaneous purchase
and sale of the shares subscribed without any payment from Morocco - abroad;
- an industrial acceleration zone;
- or any other foreign similar space with regard to the regulations of foreign trade and foreign
• employee shareholding plan: obligation to repatriate and transfer on the foreign exchange market,
by the company, income and revenues from the sale as soon as they are received;
- The import document must be drawn up in accordance with foreign trade regulations;
• stock options: obligation to repatriate the capital gain; - It must be taken out on the PortNet system20;
- It must be domiciled with a bank which is required to open an import file upon domiciliation of each
• when the employees are no longer part of the staff, the company is required to: import document, in accordance with the provisions of foreign exchange regulations.
- sell the shares held by the Moroccan employees or cancel unexercised options; - The change of the domiciliary bank and the modification of the data of the import document are
- repatriate the corresponding proceeds. possible subject to compliance with the provisions of the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange
• Qualifying shares: obligation to repatriate and sell on the foreign exchange market, by the holders,
of the sale revenues within 30 days of the date of the sale of the exercise abroad of the duties of PAYMENT
directors or members of supervisory.
The payment :
Obligation to send, to the Office des Changes, a report, drawn up in accordance with the terms, • must take place after confirmation of conformity by customs (imputation douanière) of the said
procedures, deadlines and models set by the operative declarations, by: document on the PortNet system and within the limit of the amount of the imputation douanière, plus,
where applicable, freight, incidental costs and insurance costs for import documents comprising an
- Moroccan companies whose resident employees have benefited from an employee shareholding insurance abroad domiciled, in accordance with the provisions of the General Instruction for Foreign
plan; Exchange Transactions.
- Moroccan companies including partners, shareholders, directors, managers, employees or any other
resident person called upon to perform the duties of directors or members of supervisory boards of • may, in certain cases and subject to compliance with the provisions of the General Instruction for
foreign companies and who have acquired qualifying shares. Foreign Exchange Transactions:
- exceed the amount of the imputation douanière;
- be carried out before imputation douanière of the import document, particularly in the following
• Payment on account within the limit of 30% of the total import value and subject to certain
conditions. This rate can reach 50% for companies operating in the aeronautical and space industries
sector duly registered with the Office des Changes.
• Advance payment can be made in one go or in installments in accordance with contractual
payment terms:
- Within the limit of the currency equivalent of two hundred thousand MAD (200,000 MAD),
- Up to 100% of the amount invoiced for imports of goods to be made by companies that have been
categorized between the Office des Changes and the General tax Directorate or between the Office
des Changes and the Customs and Excise Administration.
- Within the limit of one million MAD (1,000,000 MAD), for companies operating in the aeronautical
and space industries sector registered with the Office des Changes.
- Up to the value of second-hand equipment acquired during auctions, on presentation of an invoice
or any document in lieu thereof, established by the foreign company organizing these sales and
providing for the obligation to pay before the removal of material. When the regulatory provisions
of the country of the foreign supplier require the payment of VAT for the purchase of second-hand
equipment, the domiciliary bank is authorized to pay the corresponding amount on the basis of the
invoice issued, including VAT.
National one-stop shop for foreign trade procedures
Office des Changes: General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions
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- be made in exemption from the taking out of the import document for import transactions carried PAYMENT
out by resident natural persons not registered in the trade register within the limit of 20,000 MAD
per person per year. • Payment can be made in accordance with the contractual conditions after completion of the
NB : • The prior agreement of the Office des Changes is required for the payment of amounts due for the
OFFICE DES CHANGES MAY PROCEED WITH: - Participation of Moroccan subsidiaries in the costs incurred by their parent companies for
- domiciliation on the PortNet system of a single commitment to import, taken out for the same management costs, head office costs, costs related to pooled services and research and development
currency for imports to be carried out during a maximum period of 1 month from different suppliers costs;
from one or more countries. - Minimum guaranteed fees and entry fees under franchises.
- the payment of imports before the actual entry of the goods into the taxable territory, on presentation
to the domiciliary banks of the originals of the final invoices and transport documents or any other • Payment can be made before the performance of the service, when provided for in the commercial
document justifying the shipment of goods to Morocco, even when these imports are not subject to contract:
documentary credits or documentary remittances. • Payment on account :
- Within the limit of 30% of the remuneration for the provision of one-off services;
- Within the limit of 50% of the price invoiced for the cost of repair and technical overhaul abroad
RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IMPORTER of Moroccan fishing boats or vessels;
- Up to the rate provided for in the contract when it comes to public contracts.
The importer who has carried out import operations which have been the subject of a payment
before the imputation douanière of the import documents, is required to: • Advance payment :
- Within the limit of the currency equivalent of 100,000 MAD regardless of the service imported.
- not to split the same import for the purposes of advance payment provided for in the General Importers of services should not split the same import of services for the purpose of advance
Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions; payment.
- ensure the imputation of the import document on the PortNet system, as soon as customs formalities - Up to the amount invoiced, in the case of equipment repairs (including aircraft) or processing of
have been completed; products temporarily exported abroad and related ancillary costs;
- repatriate, without delay, the currencies transferred under an import operation not having been - Up to 100% of the amount invoiced and within the limit of 12 months for subscriptions to foreign
carried out by the contractual deadline. This repatriation must be justified to the domiciliary bank. computer applications or databases and license fees.
- justify to the domiciliary bank the repatriation of the VAT paid as part of the import of used capital
goods, as soon as it is reimbursed.
In addition, the importer is required not to immobilize the containers outside the exemption periods NB :
• Banks are authorized to pay, on behalf of said companies, for the following transactions :
- Services related to management control, accounting, audit, legal and tax consultancy;
- Permanent or occasional access to IT systems located abroad;
DEFINITION - Services provided directly abroad by parent companies on behalf of their Moroccan subsidiaries;
- Services provided directly abroad by non-resident entities related to the processing of exported
• Services rendered in Morocco for the benefit of a resident by a non-resident in return for products before their delivery to end customers.
• These services can be developed in Morocco or abroad. However, training, expertise and analysis These payments are made by:
services of any kind can be provided abroad.
- transfer to abroad;
• The entities authorized to carry out service import operations are: - crediting of accounts in foreign currencies or in convertible dirhams of resident or non-resident
- Legal or natural persons registered in the trade register and having a tax identifier; foreigners and Moroccans residing abroad opened in the books of a bank;
- Administrations, companies and public institutions; - international money orders in accordance with the terms set out in the Regulations of the Universal
- Local authorities or their groups; Postal Union;
- Cooperatives; - other payment methods, such as foreign banknotes and international payment cards, under the
- Associations recognized as being of public utility; conditions defined by the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions.
- Farmers justifying such capacity by any appropriate document;
- Branches of non-resident entities registered with the Office des Changes.
166 167
Operators who have made payments on account or in advance are required to present to the bank - The repatriated amounts must be assigned under contract conditions and according to the modalities
that made the payment the documents certifying: prescribed by Bank Al Maghrib in terms of the applicable exchange rate, within three working days
following receipt of the funds by the bank. The equivalent in dirhams must be immediately made
- performance of the service; available to the beneficiary by the bank that received the funds.
- or the repatriation of the amounts transferred in the event of non-performance of the service, within - A part of the revenues repatriated by the exporters of goods can be lodged in accounts in foreign
three months from the date of payment on account or of the advance payment. currency or in convertible dirhams opened with banks.
The exporter of goods is required to declare annually to the Office des Changes, the turnover
DEFINITION achieved on exportation and the repatriation of the corresponding revenues, in accordance with the
Any shipment of goods to: terms, procedures, deadlines and models set by the operative declarations.
- abroad;
- an industrial acceleration zone;
- or any other foreign similar area with regard to the regulations of foreign trade and foreign exchange EXPORTS OF SERVICES
in force.
- Services rendered in Morocco or abroad by a resident in favor of a non-resident and giving rise to
- Drawing up of a commercial contract; remuneration.
- Execution in accordance with the provisions of customs and foreign trade regulations.
PAYMENT - Drawing up a contract for the provision of services;
• Obligation to repatriate the full amount of the export proceeds by :
- Transfer to abroad; REPATRIATION
- Debiting of accounts in foreign currencies or in convertible dirhams of resident or non-resident
foreigners and Moroccans residing abroad opened in the books of a bank; • Obligation to repatriate the full amount of export revenues by:
- International money orders in accordance with the terms set out in the Regulations of the Universal - Transfer from abroad;
Postal Union; - Debiting of accounts in foreign currencies21 or in convertible dirhams of resident or non-resident
- Other payment methods, such as foreign banknotes and international payment cards, under the foreigners and Moroccans residing abroad opened in the books of a bank;
conditions defined by the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions. - International money orders in accordance with the terms set out in the Regulations of the Universal
• Any reduction in the amount to be repatriated must take place in accordance with the provisions of Postal Union;
the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions; - Other payment methods, such as foreign banknotes and international payment cards, under the
• In the case of exports covered by a factoring contract, the exporter is required to justify the conditions defined by the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions.
repatriation of the debt concerned or its assignment in favor of a Moroccan factor. The latter is to • In the case of exports covered by a factoring contract, the exporter is required to justify the
collect, repatriate and sell on the foreign exchange market within the statutory deadlines all the debts repatriation of the debt concerned or its assignment in favor of a Moroccan factor. The latter is to
assigned to them by the exporters. collect, repatriate and sell on the foreign exchange market within the statutory deadlines all the debts
• In the event of non-recovery of all or part of the proceeds from the export of goods, the exporter is assigned to them by the exporters.
required to continue by any appropriate means the recovery of their debts and to keep the Office des • In the event of non-recovery of all or part of the proceeds from the export of goods, the exporter
Changes informed of the steps taken in this regard. is required to continue by any appropriate means the recovery of their debts and to keep the Office
• Export transactions without payment are subject to the prior authorization of the Office des des Changes informed of the steps taken in this regard.
Changes except in certain cases.
- Maximum 150 days from the date of registration of the customs declaration to repatriate the
proceeds of exports of goods;
- 8 years in the case of export credits granted in favor of foreign clients in accordance with the
provisions of the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions. 21
With the exception of specific operations in the aeronautics and space industry
168 169
• The repatriated amounts must be assigned under contract conditions and according to the modalities
prescribed by Bank Al Maghrib in terms of the applicable exchange rate, within three working days
following receipt of the funds by the bank. The equivalent in dirhams must be immediately made
available to the beneficiary by the bank that received the funds.
• Banks are authorized to open in their books, in the name of exporters of goods and services, legal or
natural persons registered in the trade register, accounts in foreign currency or in convertible dirhams
intended to enable them to pay their business expenses in foreign currency.
Moroccan entities awarded contracts as part of calls for tenders abroad benefit from payments, as
advances, within the limit of a rate of 20% of the contractual remuneration to enable them to meet the
expenses necessary for the performance of these contracts abroad while awaiting the first collections
and this, upon presentation of the required documents.
Entities that have carried out services export operations are required to send to the Office des
Changes a declaration drawn up in accordance with the terms, procedures, deadlines and models set
by the operative declarations.
In addition to this declaration, Moroccan entities awarding contracts abroad are required to send to
the Office des Changes other documents.
Office des Changes: General Instruction of Foreign Exchange Transactions
170 171
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The rate of tax payable by sellers, natural or legal persons, for the profit made on the assignment of
a property is set as follows:
• 20% applicable to net real estate profits made or recognized during:
ACQUISITION OF REAL ESTATE IN MOROCCO • the sale of buildings located in Morocco or the assignment of rights in rem relating to such buildings;
• the expropriation of a building for public utility;
• the contribution to a company of real estate or rights in rem;
The acquisition of built and non-built real estate is open to any foreigner, whether a natural or legal
• the assignment, for consideration, or the contribution to a company of registered shares or stocks
person, except for agricultural land which can only be made available to foreigners by way of rental.
issued by companies, for real estate purposes, deemed to be fiscally transparent;
• the assignment, for consideration, or the contribution to a company of shares or stocks of
predominantly real estate companies not listed on the stock exchange.
Any company whose gross fixed assets are at least 75% of its value, determined at the start of the
The acquisition of real estate entails the obligation to pay a certain number of taxes. financial year during which the taxable assignment takes place, by buildings or by corporate securities
issued by the real estate companies referred to above or by other predominantly real estate companies,
These rights vary according to the legal nature of the property. are considered as predominantly real estate companies. Buildings used by the predominantly real
estate company for its own industrial, commercial, artisanal, agricultural operations, for the practice
Notarial deeds are registered and the transfer declared to the Land Registry. of a liberal profession or for the accommodation of its salaried staff are not taken into consideration;
• the exchange, considered as a double sale, relating to buildings, rights in rem or the shares or stocks
For registration fees and stamp duties, notaries must pay the duties electronically within the referred to above;
prescribed period. • the division of a building in joint ownership with a balancing payment. In this case, the tax only
applies to the profit made on the partial assignment which gives rise to the balancing payment;
• Registration fees : 4% of the purchase price • free assignments relating to buildings, rights in rem and the shares or stocks mentioned
• Stamp duties: 20 MAD per sheet of paper used or per document drawn up in electronic format
• 30% applicable to net land profits made or recognized on the first assignment, for
• Land Registry : consideration, of non-built buildings included in the urban perimeter or the assignment of
- Ad valorem duty: 1,5% rights in rem relating to such buildings
- Fixed fee: 100 MAD (per property)
- Certificate of ownership: 100 MAD The owners, the usufructuaries and the taxpayers must submit against receipt a declaration to the
collector of the tax administration within thirty (30) days following the date of the assignment, if
• Notary fees: Rates vary depending on the portion of the sale price, from 0.5% to 1.5%, with a applicable, at the same time as the payment of the tax provided for.
minimum collection of 4000 MAD
However, in the event of expropriation for public utility, the declaration provided for above must be
• Value added tax: 10% of the gross amount of fees produced within thirty (30) days of the date of collection of the expropriation compensation.
In the event of the acquisition of an untitled property, the titling costs must be added. These costs
depend on the area of the ground and the price of the property acquired. They can sometimes be
shared with the seller.
Before purchasing a built property, it is essential to check with:
Taxpayers who do not make a profit are required to pay a minimum tax which may not be less than
• Land Registry Services: that the land title relating to the property to be acquired is not subject to 3% of the assignment price.
any mortgage;
Taxpayers who carry out operations of sale of a building or part of a building occupied as a main
• Tax services: that the payment of the various taxes on the said property are up to date. dwelling for at least 6 (six) years on the date of said assignment and whose sale price exceeds four
million (4,000,000) MAD, are required to pay a minimum tax of 3% for the fraction of the sale price
For non-built land, the following points must be checked at: greater than that amount
• The urban commune within which the said land is located: that the seller is not liable for the tax on
unbuilt urban land;
• The urban agency: that the land is not subject to an expropriation project for reasons of public utility
or road project.
174 175
• The profit made by any person who, in the calendar year, sells buildings whose total value does not
exceed one hundred and forty thousand (140,000) MAD;
Foreigners, who come to settle in Morocco, benefit from full exemption from import duties and taxes
• The profit made by natural persons on the sale of social housing (covered area between 50 and 80
on personal effects and household objects in use constituting their move.
m2 and the sale price does not exceed 250,000 MAD excl. taxes) occupied as a main dwelling for at
least 4 years;
• Free assignments made between ascendants and descendants, between spouses, between brothers SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF EXEMPTION REGIME
and sisters and between the person providing the Kafala under an order of the guardianship judge
and the child in care;
Exemption applies, unless there is a suspicion of abuse:
• The profit made on the sale of a building or part of a building occupied as a main dwelling for at
• To all objects and effects in use that are part of the normal composition of a move;
least 6 (six) years on the date of said sale (without prejudice to the application of the provisions of
• To apartment pets that meet health formalities and have no commercial character;
the minimum contribution). This exemption is also granted to the land on which the construction is
• To household supplies, within the limit of quantities corresponding to a normal supply (excluding
built within the limit of 5 times the covered area.
• To bicycles, motor-assisted bicycles and mopeds which, because of their engine displacement, are
not subject to the registration requirement. The excess is limited to one item per able-bodied family
• To collections of strictly personal and non-commercial objects;
• To work instruments or tools specific to the practice of the profession of people coming to settle in
Morocco (new objects of this kind, machine tools, office equipment and appliances).
Exemption from import duties and taxes is granted for personal effects and household objects in
use constituting the move upon the presentation to the customs service of the following documents:
• A detailed inventory of the imported objects, dated and signed by the person concerned,
• A certificate of change of residence issued either by the municipal authority of the place of
departure, or by the Moroccan consulate within the jurisdiction of which the former residence is
located or any other document establishing the change of residence, presented to the customs
services (employment contract for example)
• An affidavit (sworn statement) according to the required model. To be produced in the event that
only one of the spouses of a family living abroad returns definitively to Morocco.
The importation of furniture and the change of residence must be simultaneous, objects and
household effects must be imported at once.
Exceptionally, the removal of the move can take place in two shipments, provided that all the objects
General Tax Directorate : General Tax ( are regularly included in the global inventory presented during the first importation and that the two
Decree No. 2-16-375 of July 18, 2016 fixing the tariff of land registration duties operations are carried out by the same import office in a period not exceeding six (06) months, from
National Agency for Land Conservation, Land Registry and the date of the change of residence certificate.
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Foreigners having a property for residential use in Morocco without being permanently settled in
the Kingdom may, if necessary, be authorized to import, free of all duties and taxes, their household IMPORT OF VEHICLES
effects and objects intended to equip this property.
This facility is granted only once when furnishing the residence of the beneficiary who must produce: Any resident abroad coming to settle in Morocco can temporarily import a personal vehicle with
suspension of duties and taxes under the temporary admission (TA) regime for a period of six (06)
• A certificate of ownership of property for residential use in Morocco or any document proving months.
ownership of the residence in Morocco (copy of the notarial deed);
• Proof of repatriation to Morocco of the currency equivalent of the purchase price of said property For the temporary admission of motor vehicles, no prior formality is necessary. It is granted upon
(example: exchange slip, bank statement…); presentation of the residence permit (or any other document proving habitual residence abroad) and
• A detailed inventory of the imported household effects and objects, dated and signed by the original documents relating to said vehicles (car registration card).
• An «affidavit» duly legalized, to use said household effects and objects only for personal or family The handling of temporary admissions of vehicles is carried out on the Administration’s computer
needs and not to assign them until after the agreement of the Customs Administration. system by customs officers present on board the boats crossing to Morocco or at the border entry
In the event of eligibility for the TA regime, the customs services issue a printed document to be
presented during any inspection on national territory.
Beneficiaries of the TA regime are required to comply with the following commitments:
• regularize the situation of the vehicle, before the expiry of the statutory period granted, by re-
exporting or clearing the vehicle in question;
• use the vehicle for personal needs: the vehicle temporarily admitted to Morocco cannot be made
available to third parties, nor lent, transferred or used for profit, under penalty of legal proceedings.
When leaving Morocco, make sure that the Customs visa has been affixed to the TA document. This
document serves as proof of the export of the vehicle to be presented to Customs if necessary.
Any resident abroad coming to settle in Morocco can clear, in one of the customs offices inside the
Kingdom, their motor vehicle or their two-wheeled motorcycle with an engine displacement greater
than 80 cm3 brought into the Kingdom under the Temporary Admission (AT) regime.
• Identification certificate, in duplicate, issued by the registration center of the place of customs
• Identity document (residence permit);
• Original purchase invoice for motor vehicles having three (03) months of age or less;
• Original document of the temporary admission;
• Power of attorney duly legalized by the competent authorities abroad, issued by the owner of the
vehicle, in the event of importation by a person other than the owner.
Customs and Excise Administration ( )
178 179
Payment of corresponding duties and taxes FOREIGN SCHOOLS IN MOROCCO
After payment of duties and taxes, a receipt and a customs clearance certificate are issued by the
Morocco attaches great importance to the education system for the development of human minds
customs services.
and qualities.
2- Steps to clearing a motor vehicle imported from abroad
Attention is focused on improving the quality of education, equal opportunities for all, boys and girls,
to enhance access to higher education.
Any foreigner residing in Morocco having acquired abroad a motor vehicle or a two-wheeled
motorcycle with an engine displacement greater than 80 cm3, is required to clear it through customs
The goal is to provide education that builds a modern, open and democratic society.
upon arrival on Moroccan territory at the customs office of entry (at borders).
• Italian schools
• Belgian schools
In addition to schools, several cultural centers are attached to different countries and are
also located in the main cities of Morocco.
These institutions provide language courses, offer cultural activities in fields related to
education, university research, culture and artistic activities.
Customs and Excise Administration ( )
180 181
ACT N ° 35-20 FOR THE 2020
182 183
In order to encourage domestic tourism, the AFA 2020 introduced an exemption on the
benefits and bonuses granted to employees in the form of holiday vouchers.
Promulgated by Dahir No. 1-20-72 issued on 4 hijja 1441 (July 25, 2020), as published in The conditions of application of this exemption shall be set by regulation.
Official Journal No. 6903 dated 6 hijja 1441 (July 27, 2020), the Amending Finance Act No.
35- 20 for the 2020 budget year (AFA 2020) introduced a customs provision and fiscal Legal reference: Article 57-24 ° of the General Tax Code
measures aimed at meeting the new social and economic challenges generated by the
Covid-19 pandemic. It provides for measures aimed primarily at:
- Supporting the gradual recovery of economic activity;
- Consecrating certain measures taken within the framework of the Economic Watch LAND FOR RESIDENTIAL USE
Committee (CVE);
In order to support the real estate sector and encourage demand, the AFA 2020 provides
- The extension of the period of spontaneous regularization of the tax situation of
for a reduction in registration fees of:
- 100% for deeds of first sale, for consideration, relating to social housing (250,000 MAD)
or low real estate value housing (140,000 MAD) assigned to housing as well as for deeds
of acquisition of said premises by credit institutions or similar institutions, subject to
commercial or financial operations, under « Mourabaha », « Ijara Mountahia Bitamlik » or
- 50% for deeds of acquisition, for consideration, of built premises or lands used for
housing as well as for deeds of acquisition of said premises by credit institutions or similar
The AFA 2020 provides for an increase in the rate of the import duty to 40% for all
institutions, subject of commercial or financial operations, under “Mourabaha”, “Ijara
products subject to the rates of 30% under the common law regime.
Mountahia Bitamlik” or “Moucharaka Moutanakissa” contract. This reduction is granted
when the amount of the taxable base for said acquisitions does not exceed 2,500,000
The new tariff is applicable to around 125 finished consumer products, imported outside
the signatory countries of free trade agreements and not subject to any customs
protection measures, as is the case, for example, for finished products of textile and
It should be noted that this reduction in registration fees for the aforementioned deeds
clothing originating in Turkey which are subject to an additional ad-valorem duty
applies during the period from July 27 to December 31, 2020.
equivalent to 90% of the ordinary import duty, i.e. now 36% instead of 27% (Cf. Customs
and Excise Administration Circular No. 6074/211 of July 27, 2020).
Legal reference: Article 247 bis-II of the General Tax Code.
It should be noted that the LF 2020 has increased the quota of the import duty from 25%
to 30%.
184 185
The AFA 2020 has taken over one of the provisions adopted by the CVE which concerns
the deferral of the return and payment deadlines for Corporate Tax and professional In order to support the real estate sector, the AFA 2020 provides for an additional period
Income Tax. of one year for agreements concluded between the State and real estate developers who
have difficulty in completing the achievement, within the 5-year period, of their social
Corporate Tax housing construction programs which are in their final stages.
This measure applies to agreements for social housing construction programs whose
Regarding corporate tax, companies with a turnover of less than 20,000,000 MAD deadline expires during the period from the date of the start of the state of health
benefit from the deferral of the return of the tax result for the 2019 financial year and the emergency until December 31, 2020.
payment of tax, from March 31 to June 30 2020.
Legal reference: Article 247- XVI-8 ° of the General Tax Code.
Regarding the deadlines relating to the payment of the tax, no surcharge, fine or penalty
will be applied for spontaneous payments of duties due which occur no later than DISTRIBUTION OF DONATIONS OVER SEVERAL FINANCIAL YEARS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE
September 30, 2020. STATE
Income Tax Under the provisions of the AFA 2020, the following are considered deductible expenses,
to be distributed over several years, the amounts paid by companies subject to corporate
With regard to Income Tax, natural persons benefit from the postponement of the tax or professional and/or agricultural income tax, determined according to the actual net
deadline for the annual return of total income tax referred to in Article 82 of the General income regime or simplified net income regime, in the form of contributions, donations or
Tax Code from April 30 to June 30, 2020. bequests for the benefit of the State.
Like the aforementioned legal persons, taxpayers subject to income tax for their In order to ensure whether this provision is automatically applicable to payments made
professional income, relating to the 2019 year, determined according to the actual net for the benefit of the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund since the outbreak of the health crisis, it is
income regime or the simplified net income regime, and/or for their agricultural income, necessary to refer to the clarifications of the General Tax Directorate within the framework
can benefit from the same aforementioned measure also concerning the payment of tax, of the circular note relating to the tax measures of the AFA 2020.
provided that the payment of the duties due is made by September 30, 2020 at the latest.
Legal reference: Article 247 bis-I of the General Tax Code.
Legal reference: Article 247 bis-III of the General Tax Code.
This additional period of one year also applies to investors who carry out operations of
- the taxable base of the Income Tax owed by the aforementioned taxpayers;
construction of hotel establishments on lands acquired before the date of the health
- and the tax thresholds for Income Tax according to the aforementioned regimes and
emergency declaration.
VAT liability.
Legal reference: Article 247 bis -IV of the General Tax Code.
This measure applies to returns for fiscal years 2020 to 2024 and aims to reduce cash
payment flows and encourage the taxpayers concerned to use the mobile payment
Legal reference: Article 247 bis ter of the General Tax Code.
186 187