Speaking Stata: Making It Count: 7, Number 1, Pp. 117-130
Speaking Stata: Making It Count: 7, Number 1, Pp. 117-130
Speaking Stata: Making It Count: 7, Number 1, Pp. 117-130
Abstract. The count command has one simple role, to count observations in
general or that satisfy some condition(s). This task can be useful when some
larger problem pivots on counting, especially if count is used with a loop over
observations or variables. I use various problems, mostly of data management, as
examples. I also make comparisons with the use of N, summarize, and egen for
the same or similar problems.
Keywords: pr0029, count, counting, data management, dropping variables, find-
ing matches
1 Introduction
Counting is basic in statistics, graphics, and data management. Often in Stata, counts
are produced by some tabulation or other summary command, or as part of the prelimi-
nary calculations for a graphics command. However, there are also many problems that
pivot on counting something directly. The main ways of doing this in Stata include using
N, the number of observations in the dataset or in some subset defined under by:; the
summarize command, which reports on the number of numeric values summarized; the
egen command; and the count command. This column focuses on the last as a simple
(and helpful) command that users often overlook. Along the way, I will comment on
how else you might solve various problems, helping you understand how various Stata
features compare.
. count
Because you have no observations in memory, Stata returns the number 0. Typing
. return list
shows that a scalar r(N) is defined, which contains 0. (If you are not familiar with the
idea of saved results in Stata, study the help for return and its references as far as
c 2007 StataCorp LP pr0029
118 Speaking Stata
desired.) Being able to use this scalar is even more useful than being able to see a count
in your Results window; you can exploit this scalar in do-files and programs or in code
that loops over various possibilities.
Now read in some data, say,
. sysuse auto
and repeat the count; you will see a different result. If you read in the auto dataset, the
count is 74. If you read in another dataset, the count will be the number of observations
in that dataset. Type
. display r(N)
and you will see once more the number produced by the last count command. Often you
must grab this number while it remains available, because Stata will without warning
overwrite it, or even destroy it, the next time you issue an r-class command. (If that
term r-class command is unfamiliar to you, study the help for return.)
Just count alone can be handy. Sometimes when I am typing along and start
getting strange results—or no results at all—a quick count shows me that I have done
something dopey. I might have cleared the previous dataset and tried to read in a
new one but typed the filename incorrectly, so that Stata gave me an error message.
But I was so busy entering commands that the error message did not register. Or I
temporarily expanded the data but forgot to go back to the original dataset. In cases
like these, something is not as expected and a quick count often lets me realize what is
There are, as usual, other ways to do it. Let us recap some other methods for finding
the number of observations.
. di _N
. d, s
. l in l
. browse in l
. su
You could display N. That is as short and sweet as just typing count. You could
describe, short: notice how I invoke the short option and use the briefest abbrevia-
tions possible. And even though you do not know the number of observations, you can
always specify in l on a list or browse. Here l stands for last, indicating that you
want to look at the last observation, which is numbered, so that you can then read off
the total number of observations.
As of the 12 January 2007 update, Stata 9 will accept in L as an alternative. One
use of that variant is whenever you find that a font in use does not differentiate suffi-
ciently between l and 1 for immediate comprehension, just as some scientists use the
nonstandard abbreviation L for liters because they consider the lowercase letter l not
distinctive enough.
N. J. Cox 119
It is as if count was thinking this way. Look at the first observation, and consider
whether the condition specified is true when you consider the evidence of the first ob-
servation. In fact 2 == 2 is true regardless of what is in the first observation, but count
has no sense of the absurd and will just chalk up 1 as the running total of observations
for which the condition specified is true. Now look at the second observation. The
story is the same: the condition is true, and so 2 is the new running total. And so on:
whenever a condition is true for all observations, the count returned will be precisely
the total number of observations.
3 if and in conditions
Naturally, finding out something about your data is more useful and interesting. With
the auto dataset read in,
. count if mpg > 30
and many other such statements provide answers to simple questions. Here mpg > 30
includes all observations that are missing on mpg, as numeric missing (. or any of .a to
.z) counts as arbitrarily large. There are no missings on mpg in the auto dataset, but
. count if inrange(mpg, 30, .)
is generally safer (Cox 2006) unless you really do want to catch the missings as well.
Now check your understanding of
. count if foreign
dummy) variable that takes just two values in the auto dataset, 1 for foreign cars and 0
for domestic cars, both definitions from a United States point of view. Experienced Stata
users become accustomed to shorthand versions like if foreign, although experienced
users can get bitten too whenever an indicator variable such as foreign is missing. If
you are averse to showing off with flourishes like if foreign or if !foreign, then
spelling out what you mean does no harm:
. count if foreign == 1
. count if foreign == 0
This sequence asks a question about the 20 observations with the lowest values of
weight, the 20 lightest cars: how many have mpg that is more than 30 miles per gallon
(or missing)?
4 Finding matches
4.1 A problem and a rough solution
Let us now turn to some more challenging problems.
First, imagine a dataset in which various people indicate their best friends. This may
not be anyone’s real problem, but it is easy to think about and is similar to many other
problems. The more general issue can be thought of as finding a match. So imagine a
variable id in which we have names "Patricia", "Bobby", "David", "Vince", "Ana",
and so on, and a variable bestfriend in which these people name their best friend. One
simple question is how many people name someone named in id as their best friend?
The answer could be any integer from 0 upward.
N. J. Cox 121
Before we do anything, we should check the data. The implication is that each
person in id should occur just once, so we can check that by
. isid id
. duplicates report id
The first is the more direct way of answering that question. You may know that
there is a lower-level way of doing it:
which evidently would change the order of the dataset, unless it was already sorted by
Enough procrastination; how are we going to answer this question: how many people
name someone in id as their best friend? The hint of by: in the last Stata statement
may suggest that we need to do something by id:, but that is not the answer. The
instruction by id: would divide the dataset into as many subsets as there are obser-
vations, which would not help; we need to look beyond each observation to count how
many matches there are.
One way to do it is by looping over the observations and just counting matches.
Imagine doing it by hand. We certainly will not need to do that in practice, but let us
take one step at a time. If we look at the first observation, we can count matches like
This command loops over all the observations. It compares id[1] to bestfriend[1],
then id[1] to bestfriend[2], and so on, all the way down to the last observation.
count will display a number and then put the result in r(N). We would then need to
do the same for id[2]:
But before we do that we should put the result for id[1] somewhere safe. In fact,
before we do any counting, we should initialize a variable,
. gen n bestfriend = 0
which leads to the idea that our scheme will be something like (in total)
. gen n bestfriend = 0
. count if id[1] == bestfriend
. replace n bestfriend = r(N) in 1
. count if id[2] == bestfriend
. replace n bestfriend = r(N) in 2
122 Speaking Stata
and so on for all the other observations. (If you do not know about generate and
replace and especially the difference between them, check out help generate or
[D] generate.)
First comes the initialization that we need to do, ensuring that there is a place to put
the counts, the new variable n bestfriend. Second and third, each count automatically
loops over the observations, looking in turn at each value of bestfriend, but we also
need to arrange to loop over the values of id. Fourth, we pick up the value of r(N)
as soon as it is produced, and we put it safely into a value of n bestfriend before the
next count overwrites it.
In principle, this is an answer to the question, albeit not a good one. We would need
to repeat similar statements for every observation, which we do not want to do. Also,
this answer will be noisy: every time Stata does a count or a replace, you will get a
line of output that you will not care about, except insofar as it indicates that things are
going according to plan. But we can fix those things.
Be clear, meanwhile, why
. count if id == bestfriend
is not the answer. This command loops over the observations but counts just those
people who name themselves as their own best friends. The loop consists of check-
ing whether id[1] == bestfriend[1], id[2] == bestfriend[2], and so forth. And
it produces one number, whereas we want a variable indicating the counts for each
. gen n bestfriend = 0
. quietly forval i = 1/‘= N’ {
. count if id[‘i’] == bestfriend
. replace n bestfriend = r(N) in ‘i’
. }
quietly simply suppresses all output (except for any error messages) from the com-
mands in the forval loop. quietly can be abbreviated down to qui. The braces here
mark the body of the loop. The indenting here is, to Stata, purely cosmetic, but you
should think of indenting as good writing style, making clear which statements belong
together in the loop. If you get into the habit of indenting such blocks when you write,
and do not postpone tidying up code, then your code will remain more readable.
forval is the most common abbreviation of forvalues, although you can also use
forv. If you are not familiar with forvalues, then check out the online help, or
[P] forvalues, or the more discursive tutorial in Cox (2002a). Or read these next
paragraphs carefully.
N. J. Cox 123
forvalues loops over a set of numbers. It is fussy about what numbers it will
accept: only arithmetic progressions, sequences (either rising or falling) with constant
step. Here the set is specified as 1/‘= N’. The second part that is bound in ‘= ’
instructs Stata to go off and evaluate the expression given, which is N, and then to
insert the result in the same place. That is, the effect is to insert in the command the
total number of observations. Suppose that we have a file with data on 789 people.
Then N will be 789, and forvalues will get the instruction that begins
Naturally, if you remembered that the number of observations was 789, you could
type that directly, but you would then need to change the code if you ran it on a
dataset of different size, which means almost always. The sequence 1/789 includes all
the integers in that range. In our problem, we are going to loop over all the observations
so that our sequence starts with 1 and ends with the total number of observations.
The forvalues command set up a counter, here called i, which technically is a local
macro. Here it is set in turn to 1, 2, and so on, up to 789. Inside the loop, refer to the
counter as ‘i’. Whenever Stata sees that reference to the counter, it will substitute the
current value of the counter before trying to execute the command. If you had called
the counter j, you would refer to it inside the loop as ‘j’. First time around the loop,
the commands become
and so on. Because this is all done under the aegis of quietly, you will see no results
unless you made an error: Stata would then break through the quietly and print
an error message. In practice, Stata people often prefer noisy output until they are
confident that the code is correct. Or they start out insisting on quietly, find an error,
and then change the code to show results until they can see what is wrong.
Our loop began
We could also have exploited the main message of this column and begun
. quietly count
. quietly forval i = 1/‘r(N)’ {
. quietly count
. quietly forval i = 1/‘= r(N)’ {
124 Speaking Stata
Either pair of statements would call count and then use the scalar r(N), as before.
We cannot just put forval i = 1/r(N) since forvalues expects the numbers defining
the arithmetic progression to be explicit. But either ‘r(N)’ or ‘= r(N)’ obliges Stata
to evaluate r(N), so that forvalues sees the numeric result, 789 or whatever, and not
what you typed, which was caught and interpreted first by Stata. There is little to
choose between the two possibilities. Think of ‘r(N)’ like this: it is as if r(N) had
a local macro persona. ‘= r(N)’ is using the more general idea that we have already
seen, of instructing Stata to evaluate an expression on the side and then to insert the
result of that evaluation at the same point in the command. Cox (2003) discusses this
last idea.
But we did not use count in this way. No harm would have been done if we had, but
if you know that you want the total number of observations, using N can be simpler
and more direct. If you want some other number of observations, then consider using
count to get the result.
In thinking about any code, focusing on what might go wrong is always a good idea.
One possible source of small problems is that comparison of id and bestfriend is utterly
literal: either the string values are equal or they are not. Potential problems might
include leading or trailing spaces, spelling mistakes, and inconsistent capitalization.
Thus if id included "Jack" and one of Jack’s friends specified "JACK" as her best friend,
that is not the same to Stata. Some of these problems are easy (to remove marginal
spaces, just use the trim() function), but others will require more attention. But let
us leave these possible difficulties on one side.
Other extensions could be to data on friends of any degree, held in either multiple
observations or multiple variables. Indeed, people in many fields work with interaction
or transaction data of various kinds, including data on war (aggressor, victim), trade
(importer, exporter), and sports (home team, away team), so that problems like those of
finding matches are more common than you may have guessed from the initial example.
N. J. Cox 125
. su foobar if foobar != 0
This command excludes any zeros explicitly. As you should be aware, summarize
will exclude any missings automatically. If all values are either zero or missing, then
summarize will return a scalar r(N) that contains 0. How do I know this? Partly
from reading the documentation for [R] summarize but more from creating a tiny toy
dataset, playing with various made-up variables, and looking at the results to see what
is left in memory.
Let us develop this into a fuller solution. (Later we will look at an even better
solution using count.)
Suppose that foobar turned out to yield r(N) of 0. Then we want to drop the
variable. In Stata terms, this would be
For one thing, the above command is illegal, as the documentation for drop will
confirm. drop is a dangerous weapon that can do a great deal of damage to datasets, so
prudence puts limits on what it can do: just one thing at a time, dropping variables or
observations, but not both. Even if it were legal, the second form would not capture the
exact logic. We make just one decision—if r(N) is zero, then we drop the variable, but
otherwise we keep it—not a decision for every observation, as the second form would
We could improve on this. For one thing, summarize by default does a moderate
amount of work, most of which does not interest us here. The meanonly option is helpful
fires up the smallest subset of summarize that we can invoke. The name meanonly could
be misleading: you might think, understandably, that only the mean is produced with
this option. However, summarize, meanonly also yields the number of observations, as
well as a few other results. It has the useful side effect of suppressing output, unless
there are error messages. It is thus expected that the user will pick up what is desired
from the saved results, as here.
This is all well and good for one variable, foobar or whatever else, but we need to
loop over all the variables in the dataset. We know that variables might be string, but
we will continue to focus on the numeric case.
The looping command foreach allows us to loop over variables, as we used the
command forvalues to loop over observations in the earlier problem. As before, if you
are not familiar with foreach, then check out the online help, or [P] foreach, or the
more discursive tutorial in Cox (2002a). Or read these next paragraphs carefully.
. quietly foreach v of var * {
. summarize ‘v’ if ‘v’ != 0, meanonly
. if r(N) == 0 drop ‘v’
. }
Outside the loop we declare a name for a local macro, here v. Inside the loop we
can refer to that with ‘v’. The word var spells out that we want to loop over a
variable list. What follows is a wildcard, *, specifying all variables. (If you have some
previous experience of Stata programming, you know that this wildcard will include any
temporary variables.)
The loop will work in this way. The wildcard * will be expanded to the complete list
of variable names. foreach will substitute each name in turn in the commands in the
body of the loop and carry out the instructions. Because the whole is done quietly,
you will see no output unless error messages are produced.
N. J. Cox 127
The examples here use the wildcard *. Another way of specifying all variables, which
you may know, is all. That would be fine instead, and indeed a little more efficient.
Now we confront the question of what will happen if a variable is string. Applying
summarize to a string variable is perfectly legal. summarize will return r(N) of 0,
which is best thought of this way: there are no numeric values to be summarized. This
finding may sound consistent with our approach so far, but it will happen even if the
string variable never contains string missings or string zeros. An even bigger problem:
if foobar is string, then
capture eats the error that arises if the variable is string. If the error occurs, the
summarize command is not executed, having been declared illegal. Also, the nonzero re-
turn code that would have been displayed if capture had not been specified is accessible
in rc. That is crucial for automation.
The condition that is specified for a drop to take place is now twofold. First, the
command must have been legal and successful, so that a zero return code was returned.
Second, as before, r(N) must be 0. Both conditions are important. If the summarize
command is not executed, then either there is no r(N) in memory—which could be so
if the summarize command that was tried was the first in the loop—or there is an r(N)
in memory, returned by the previous successful r-class command. Thus, any result in
memory does not refer to the present variable and could lead to the wrong decision,
even dropping a variable you would want to keep. That is why we need both rc == 0
and r(N) == 0.
To complete the picture, consider what happens if you refer to r(N) but no such
scalar is in memory. Then the result is taken to be missing, which is fine for our problem.
It means that no drop will take place accidentally even if r(N) is missing.
Yet another possibility is to make sure that the commands are applied only to
numeric variables. We can use ds as a preliminary filter:
128 Speaking Stata
This solution is aimed directly at the heart of the matter and does nothing that is
not related to the problem. (Even summarize, meanonly will have done some irrelevant
work whenever there were nonzero and nonmissing values.) Here we count zeros and
missings and check whether the number is equal to the number of observations N. If it
is, then all the values of the variable being examined are missing or irrelevant, so we
can drop it. You may prefer to invert the comparison, as in
These solutions are open to the possibility of inserting code for some different treat-
ment of string variables (rather than just doing nothing). The most natural possibility
seems to be just to check for missings:
N. J. Cox 129
6 by and egen
count is useful, but exaggeration is not helpful to anyone, so one point deserves em-
phasis. Many counting problems do not require recourse to count, or indeed to loops
over observations or variables. Perhaps most counting problems can be solved with the
use of by: and/or egen and no user-defined loops. For more on those features, see the
documentation or Cox (2002b,c).
As just one example, consider a dataset on people in families with family identifier
family, gender variable female, and age in years age.
How do you calculate the number in each family?
How do you calculate the number in each family aged 20 and under?
and so on.
7 Conclusion
Counting is important. The issue is how to count when familiar commands offer no
apparent solutions. Often the answer is to reach for the count command, sometimes
with a loop over observations or variables.
8 References
Cox, N. J. 2001. dm89: Dropping variables or observations with missing values. Stata
Technical Bulletin 60: 7–8. Reprinted in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 10,
pp. 44–46. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
———. 2002a. Speaking Stata: How to face lists with fortitude. Stata Journal 2:
———. 2002b. Speaking Stata: How to move step by: step. Stata Journal 2: 86–102.
———. 2002c. Speaking Stata: On getting functions to do the work. Stata Journal 2:
———. 2003. Speaking Stata: Problems with lists. Stata Journal 3: 185–202.
———. 2006. Stata tip 39: In a list or out? In a range or out? Stata Journal 6: