Lycopodium Clavatum Linn
Lycopodium Clavatum Linn
Lycopodium Clavatum Linn
Fam : Lycopodiaceae
Agro-techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants: Volume - III
be grown under the orchards of small Ÿ Disease and Pest Control:
temperate fruit trees (e.g. Apple, Pear,
Diseases are generally not observed
Apricot, Peach, Cherry etc.)
field condition. However, it has been
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance observed that, Plant growing in soils
Practices: having less organic matter, becomes
yellowish in colour.
Plants are slow growing, prostrate,
require organic manure and do not Harvest Management
tolerate dryness, therefore, regular
watering and weeding is required. Well Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting:
decomposed powdered Farm Yard Plants grown from rhizome cuttings
Manure or vermi-compost should also remain vegetative for long time.It
be added to the soil time to time. produces strobili, the spore producing
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: organ, after 4-6 years of planting.
Agro-techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants: Volume - III
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: In homoeopathy, the herb is used in the
disorders of chest and urinary passage,
It contains fatty oil (40-50%), a
in rheumatism, cramps and varices,
complex high polymeric carbohydrate
antiseptic, in diseases of lungs and
sporonin, sucrose, a protamine,
hydrocaffeic acid an alkaloids (0.12%)
of which lycopodine is major
constituent and the other alkaloids are
clavatin and clavatoxine.
Ÿ Yield:
Therapeutic Uses
Spores are used as dusting powder and
absorbent in excoriations of skin; also
as a base for medicated snuff and
covering for pills to prevent adhesion. Lycopodium clavatum in Pot
Agro-techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants: Volume - III