Phaladeepika 2nd Ed. 1950 by V Subrahmanya Sastri - Text

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Copies of this book can be had of :

Panditabhushana V. Subrahmanya Sastri, B.A.,

65, 3rd Cross Road, Basavangudi P.O,,


I am I have been able to place before the

Public, the second Edition of Phaladeepika during my
life time. Thirteen years have passed since the first

edition was brought to light and many works have

been added to my list since that time. I must say that
the encouragement given to me by the astrologically
minded Public went a longway to enable me to bring
about this edition and if this were to serve the Public
well, I should consider myself amply rewarded.

I must notfail to thank Sri M. Ramakrishna

Bhat, M.A., Superintendent of Indian Languages,
St. Joseph's College Bangalore for his valuable help

and suggestions in bringing forth this edition. My

thanks are also due to the authorities of Aruna Press
Bangalore who helped a great deal in expediting
the printing.

65, IIICross Road

Bangalore City
v, subraMianya sastri,
13. September 1950

Astrology is no longer looked upon with derision.

Interest in the study of ancient sciences has so far
revived that only recently an institution has been
founded for the study of alchemy. My translations of
Jatakaparijata, Sripatipaddhati and Brihatjataka have
been apprecialingly received by the public. People
who started scoffing have stayed on to exhibit a living
interest and to learn what the science of astrology has
to teach mankind, An appreciable number of pre-
dictions by Cheiro, whose recent demise we all
deplore, based upon his study of this ancient, sacred
and useful system has come true. For the service of
humanity, the value of astrological publications cannot
be gainsaid and no apology is needed by the author
for a rendering of "Phaladeepika" and placing it before

the public in^n English garb for the first time with
suitable explanations.

"Phaladee#|pa,'' a fascinating study in the tech-

nique of Astrology, was so fa available only in Granttha
characters and very lately in the Devanagari script.
Existing publications of Phaladeepika are incomplete
and wanting in some chapters with some slokas in the
text also mismatched. Attempts have now been made
to present the public with a complete text. A great
deal of difficulty was experienced in tracing the XXVIII
Adhyaya which was so far unavailable and in locating
a few slokas in their proper places in the text.

Mantreswara, the author of this important work,

whose family deity was Sukuntalamba, came from the
Tinnevelly District, the Southern end of the Indian
Peninsula, and he appears to have flourished about the
XVI century of the Christian Em, to judge from the
intrinsic evidence available from certain slokas quoted
from the Jatakaparijata. His treatment of Astrology is
remarkable in many ways and differs from that of
several others, Mantreswara gives a very reasonable
exposition of the effects of Transits and of cause and
effect flowing from such Transits. We are also indebted
to him for the useful information and guidance which he
furnishes concerning the ef feet of Bhavas, His chapter
on Yogas is an interesting study of truth. The Sarvato-
1 bhadrachakra which was referred to only by name in
other publications has been very fully explained here.

The sixteenth sloka in Adhyaya III which has been

till now appearing with two different metres for the
former and latter halves finds corrected here. The last
sloka in the XXV Adhyaya which was marked for in-
completeness is now printed in its entirety. An index
in both English and Sanskrit is also added for easy

should take this opportunity of expressing


my gratitude to Mr. A. S. Sowmyanarayaniengar of

Srirangam (Trichinopoly) for hi sf ready and willing
assistance in tracing and supplying some of the missing
slokas and also the XXVIII chapter. I am thankful to
Mr. V. B. Sreekantiah, Proprietor of Messrs. V. B. Soob-
biah & Sons, for expediting the publication and for his
personal attention to the details of printing without
which it would have been impossible to undertake or
complete this arduous task satisfactorily.

50, 3rd Gross Road,

Bangalore CJifcy.

6tli January 1937.


5TC^: R
SR^VTlTr: .... Rtf

V* «npr®Sre:»T<ir«i, .... \\
** .... n
jftirwra: .... H%
*fl{m5tfft*P tfR

c. OTrrfSraTTsmpr Kfq £R
ifrr^srf ststo^j?;

«. sftsrRPK; .... Ho
gsrferffrr .... UR
«. grrgwk: ....

.... ?y?

wra^«r5ntqwrcff%*m •••• .... W

w- snnfi* 5TT5wnffirr sis^nroram ....
f&rftnrisr: ....

**• oTOTirerft'^'Tiir^ .... *RR
Ro. ?5n<TfJWFT5r^
^sqrsfrtRtrc^ain ...» RR*
wsraraapsnft .... RtfR

w. ars^cfiTi .... HHtf

Rtf. ....
RM* .... Rtftf

R^- ....
Rtf. H8RRTRft*rS .... UR
R<** ^T^fTC: .... RRR
.... UR

I Definitions 1
II Planets anil their yairietios 9
TIT Divisions of the Zodiac 24
IV Determination of the Sliadbaias of Planets 33
V Profession and Livelihood 43
vr Yogas 46
YU Maharajayogas 72
vnr The effects of the Hun and other planets in the
12th bhavas from the Liigna omvarcls 82
IX Effect of Meslia and other signs happening to
bo the Lagna 98
X Ivalatrabhava or the 7th honae 10
XT Iloroseopas of women 104
xn Issues or Children tlG
xni Length of Life 130
xtv Diseases; Death; Past and Future Births 141

XY Method of studying the effeats of the Bhavas 152

xv r General effects of the 12 Bhavas 1G3
XVII Exit from the AVorld 175
XVIII Conjuetions of two planets 5-i
CO 'sH

'XIX Dasas and their effects 192

XX Dasas of the soveral Bhava-Lords and their
Bhuktis 201
XXI Sub*divisions of Dasas, viss,, Bhuktis, Antaras,
Antarantaras, etc. 221
XXII j1 Kalaohakra Dasa, etc. 213
XXII Ashtakavarga 267
XXi V The As htakavarga effects as stated in Tlorasara’,,, 266
XXV Upagrahas 2t7
XXVI Transits of Planets 286
XXVII Ascetic Yogas 319
XXVIII IJpasamhara 323
Slokanukramanika 3^5
Sanskrit Index (Index to Sanskrit words) 341

English Index
1. Invocatory Verse.
2. The author's purposing to write the work.
3. Preliminaries. A general description of the
work to be done
4. The several parts of the body of Kalapurusha,
Bha Sandhis or Riksha Sandhis.
5. The regions indicated by the signs.
6. The lords of the signs. Uchch^. (ott) and
Paramochcha Noecha (sjfter) and
7. Which signs and what portions are Moola-
trikonas and of which planets ?
8. Prishtodaya Ubhayodaya
and Sirshodaya Which signs
dominate by night and which, by day?
Urdhva (^#), Adhaha (3?sp), Sama (*a**r)
and Valera (gfSfi) signs.
9. Signs— moveable, immoveable and dual;
Dwara (git), Bahis (sr%j) and Garbha (tt*?);
Dhatu (tang), Mula (sjsr) and Jeeva (gjfa) $

Krura (gjjc) and Saumya (h^t) odd and


even Male and female Eastern, Western,

; ;

10 — 16. The 12 bhavas and their names. Leenastthanas
17. Dusstthana (;g;$sn<r) Subhastthana (gsr-
CTR) explained. Kendra Kantaka
(q&rrjsjj) and Chatushtaya (xTgw).

18. The terms Panaphara Apoklima

Chaturasra (^gR), Upachaya
(^qTxR) and Trikona (fsr^ur) explained.

1— 7. Information that can be ascertained through


the Sun and other planets.

8 — 14. The nature and characteristics of the several
15—16, The portions of human abode or human haunt
signified by the planets. The points of the
compass of which the planets are lords.
17—20, Additional informations (other than what are
contained in slokas 1—7 supra),— occupation,
beast and bird appropriate to each—that can
be gleaned through the several planets.
21—22. The natural friends and enemies of the several
planets enumerated.
23. Temporal mutual relation among the planets.

24. The periods signified by the planets.

The castes of the planets. Their division
into (Satva), (Rajas), and
(Tamas) The seasons they represent.
25. Two pairs 'of planets playing the role of parents
during day and night respectively.
The nearest relations signified by Mars,
Jupiter and Mercury.
26. Body and soul of a person signified by the
Moon and Sun respectively. The five senses
an dthe planets representing by them.
27. —
Planets— benefic and malefic -male, female,
and hermaphrodite. The deities presiding
over them. The elements which they control.
28. The grains appropriate to the planets, The
countries signified by them,
29. The precious stones ascribed to them.
30. Substances pertaining to the planets. Their
articles of apparel.
31. The flavours by the planets,
32. Parts of body where the characterstic
marks or moles of the planets are to be found.
The stages of life typified by the planets.
33—34. The effect of Rahu and Ketu upon the charac-
ter and appearance of the person born under
their infuence.
35 , Their appropriate metals and apparel. Their
friends and enemies.

36. When are planets said to be badly placed and

when well-placed ?
37. The character of trees generated by planets.
1. The Dasavargas. Vargottamamsa (q*HTW!flr)<
2. The Saptavargas. The Shadvargas. The effect
of a Navamsa is equal to that of the Rasi.
3. The extent of the effect of planets in the Rasi
and the other Vargas. The five states or
conditions of a planet, measured by its pro-
gress in a Rasi,
4. The Horas and their lords. The Decanates and
their lords. The Dwadasamsas and their
lords. The Trimsamsas and their lords.
The Navamsas.
6. The Shashtyamsas.
6. The Saptamsas. The Dasamamsas. The Shoda-
samsas and their lords. 7, 10 and 13 bene-
fic Vargas.
7. Vaiseshikamsas.
8—9. Their effects.
10. Effects of planets being weak or strong in all
or any of the 10 Vargas. Effect of a planet
being in the five states mentioned in sloka
3 above.
11. Effect of planets strong in Shadvargas.
12. Effect of planets occupying the 2 Horas.
13. Ayudha (aRgsr), Pasa (qnrr), Nigala
and Pakshi (q%) decanates explained.
14. Chatushpada or quadruped deca-
nates. Their effects. Which of the three
decanates of a Rasi will be good, bad, or
ordinary and in what Rasis ?
15. Effect of planets owning the Lagna decanate,
Lagna Hora, Lagna Dwadasamsa and Lagna
Trimsamsas occupying his own, exaltation
or friendly house.
16. A clue to- find the Lagna from the position of
Mandi at a birth or from the Moon himself
if the Moon be strong.
17 . Effect of Moon in good vargas. Effect of pla*
nets posited in their own Trimsamsas. Effect
of a single planet in exaltation or own
house, aspected by or associated with a
friendly planet.
18—19. The several states or conditions of planets,
20 The extent. of the effects of planets in the
aforesaid several conditions (or Avasthas).

1 . The six hinds enumerated. Dinaratri

of strength
tribhagabala Pakshabala
(q ^r5r55‘),Varshapabala (cfcfirsrsy) Masapabala

Dinapabala (ffsrq^r), Horapa-

2. Cheshtabala Yuddhabala (gij^ar),
Uchchabala (OTrspar), Digbala (f^rrar®’),
3. Vargajabala (cnfOT3S>)> Kendradibala
qejfj, Dreshkanabala Nisargabala
4 — 5 When. is a planet said to be strong and when
weak ?
6 . Bhavaphala •

7 . Extent of strength accrued to planets through

their position in exaltation, Moolatrikona,
Swakshetra, friendly and other houses. 1

8 . Strength gained by planets in the four Kendras,

9 Importance of the 7th house aspect.

10 . Of the Nisarga (r?rsm*)and Tatkalika
friendships, the former is more preferable.
11 . In warding off evil and promoting prosperity
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus compared, Moon'
is the basis for the strength of all planents.
12 — 20 . Chandrakriya Chandra vasttha (xT?^T
and Chandravela and their
21 . Pakshabala special to the Moon and
Stthanabala (3«rT«rar§

important to the other
22—23. The standards of of Shadbalas of planets.
24. Bhavabala how computed ?

1—8 The sources a person's wealth and the
profession to be followed for the sake of a
9, Acquisition of wealth without exertion. The
country of acquisition.
1. The five Mahapurusha yogas stated.
2. Effect of birth in Ruchaka and Bhadra
(*rar) y°9-as.
3. Effect of birth in Hamsa and Malavya
4. Effect of birth in a Sasa ($t*gr) yoga. Effect of
a birth in which one, t \ro, three four or all
the five yogas are present.
5. Sunapha Anapha (3T5T<Kt) and Duru-
dhara yogas f emadruma
6. Effect of birth in the Siu*apli i and
Anapha (3T?r<fiT) yogas.
7. Effect of birth in a Durudhaia t) atid
Kemadruma yogas.
8. Subhaveshi Subhavasi
Subhobhayachari and the cor-
responding Papaveshi and other
yogas explained Subhakarthari (sjSTsfitffi;)
and Papakarthari (tnqr*filrR) and Susubha
(^[CT^r) yogas explained.
9. Effect of birth in Suvesi (*j%f§r), Suvasi
and Subhayachari yogas.
10. Effect of birth in Asubhavesi Asu-
bhavasi (3T3T¥T5n%), and Asubhobhayachari
yogas. ,

13. Effect of birth in Subhakarthari and

Papakartari (iTFT^fft) yogas.
12. Effect of birth in the Amala (aTffSFT) yoga.
13. Effects of birth in Susubha (gsrer). Subha-
kartari and other yogas are only
similar to that of Sunapha (gcTOr) and other
yogas caused by benches, etc.


14. Mahabhagya (HflW*?), Kesari (%?rft)) Sakata

(5rai) Adhama (aisru'i Sama (grr), and
yo^s explained,
15. Effect of birth in a Mahabhagya (JTffW^r) Y°3 a *

16. Effect of birth in a Kesari yoga.

17. ’
Effect of birth in a Sakata (srsrar) yoga.
18. Effect of birth in Adhama (srw), Sama
andVarishta (efftg) yoga.
19—20. Vasumat Amala (BTfr5Jr) andPushkala
(g^sr) yogas and their effects,
21—25. Subhamala (spjmsrr), Asubhamala (^gnTORT)
Lakshmi and Gouri yogas and
their effects.
26—27. Saraswati yoga and its effects.
28—31. Srikanta (ssfapvs:); Srinatha (sftvnsr) and
Virinchi (fgR%) and their effects.
32. Parivartana (gfhrlrfT) yogas 66 in all. Of these,
30 are Dainya (%rsr) yogas 8 are Khala;

yogas, and the remaining 28, Maha (#£[)

33—34. Their effects.
35—36. Kahala and Parvata (glrcT) yogas and
their effects.
37—38. Raja OctST) and Sankha yogas and their
39—41. The seven Sankhya (*Nqr) yogas and their
42—43, The Adhi yoga and its effects,
44—56. Chamara OsTTOT), Dhenu. (§g), Saurya
Jaladhi (srssfsr), Chhattra (*$•%), Astra (sflgr),
Kama Asura (wjc), Bhagya (*n?sr),
Khyati Suparijata (^g(feTRT) and
Musala yogas and their effects.
57—69. Ava(3Tq-), Nisswa (%;^), Mriti (gfg*), Kuhoo
(^f Pamara (wrt), Harsha
j, (fsj*), Dushkriti
Sarala ?gncar), Nirbhagya
£>ur <5<), Daridra ft^r) and Vimala (finToT)
yogas and their effects
70, Another kind of Duryoga (^gfir).
1—5, Certain self-evident Rajayogas.

6. A Rajayoga caused by the lord of tlie Lagna

or the
7. A Rajayoga caused by the Moon.
8. A Rajayoga caused by Venus and the lord of
the Lagna.
9. A Rajayoga caused by Mars.
10, A Rajayoga in which the Sun causes the
birth of a powerful king.
11, A Rajayoga in which the Moon ushers a
famous king.
12, A strong Moon aspectod by a strong planet
inth© Lagna ushers an emperor into the
Some more Rajayogas.
26—30. Neechabhanga Rajayogas
1— 4. The effect of the Sun being posited
in tie
14— several bhavas from the Lagna onwards,
5— 7. The effect of the Moon being porited in the
12 bhavas from the Lagna onwards.
8—10, The effect of Mars being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwards,
11—13. The effect Mercury being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwards.
16, The effect of Jupiter being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwords.
17—19, The effect of Venus oocupying the 12 bhavas
from the Lagna onwards.
20—24, The effect of Saturn being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwards,
25~27. The effect of Rahu being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwords.
28—33, The effect of Ketu being posited in the 12
bhavas from the Lagna onwards.
34, When does a planet produce the full effect of
the bhava it occupies ? In giving effects,
Rahu is similar to Saturn and Ketu is like
35, Planets posited exactly in the centre of a
1— bhava produces full effects.

12, Effect of the several Rasis from Mesha onwards
happening be the Lagna.
13, Similar effects should be predicted when the
j several Rasis from Mesha onwards happen
to contain the Moon in them.
14_19, Effect of a planet occupying his Uchcha
Swakshetra (^r%?r) a Mitrakshetra (f^sr^sr)
a Satrukshetra Neecha (iftgr), %

or becoming Astangata (at^cT^f'cT)

20. Effect when a planet is retrograde in motion

or occupies a Vargottama Navamsa.
1. Yoga leading to the aquisition or loss of a wife
2— 3, .Yogas leading to the loss of a wife* A yoga
for getting a chaste and fortunate wife,
4. Yogas leading to separation from one's wife.
Yogas leading to a liaison with other people's
5. Yogas leading to wifelessness or childlessness.
Yogas leading to two wives. How to predict
the number of wives a person’can have ?
6. A clue to find the number of women that a
person may associate with, How many of
these will die early and many will survive,
7. Yogas leading to loss wife or husband. Yogas
leading to a happy and lucky couple,
8. A yoga leading to a woman being remarried.
Toga leading to the demise of both the woman
and her husband.
9. Yogas leading the native to be blessed with
wife and children.
IQ. Yogas leading io a person's wife being happy
and endowed with children.

11. A clue to find the Janmarasi (3T?JTO%) of the

12. A clue to find the direction of the country of
1. the wife,and time of marriage*
13—14. Time of acquisition of a wife.
15. A yoga for the loss of wife.
The various have to he deduced
effects that
from the several bhavas in a female's horos-
2* A clue to find out the character, nature, luck,
etc., of a female.
3. Bodily appearance character, status, etc., of
the husband. The mutual relationship
(friendliness or otherwise) between the
4. Alpasutarkshas (3T5tT^cT^rfO* Yoga for a female
to have diseased organs. Yogas to become
5. Yoga for a female to be fortunate *and chaste.
Yoga leading to barrenness.
6—8. The effects of the birth of a female in the
several Trimsamsas of each of the 12 Rasis,
9* Effect of a female's birth in the asterisms
Jyeshta, Aslesha, Visakha, Chittra, Ardra,
Satabishak, Moola, Krittikaand Pushya.
10. A Saubhagya (^rtafttr) yoga.
31. Menses. The yoga which makes it possible
for a woman to mix sexually with man. The
time to be recommended for impregnation.
1. Yogas under which the acquisition of children
is assured.
2. Yogas under which a person can have no
issues whatever.
3. Exception to the above (si. 2). Childless Rasis.
4. Yogas for a person to have a child late in life
after a great effort.

Yogas leading a person to have children

through a second wife. Yogas under which
a person becomes the father of many
6—7. Yogas leading to family extinction*
8. Yogas leading a person to have a son by
9. Yogas leading to loss of children.
10. Yogas for having many children.
11. When will all the children be males ?
12. Time when conception may take place.
13. How to determine the number of issues ?
14. Method to ascertain the strength of fecundity.
15. To determine whether progeny is assured
or not.
16—18. Methods advocated to ward off barrenness.
19—22. Cause of childlessness.
23—24. Remedies recommended to ward off the sins
leading to childlessness.
25—32. Time when the acquisition of a son may be
33. To determine the time of delivery.
34. Bases for predition of effects.
1. The longevity of the person should be the
first thing to be ascertained.
2. Various opinions about the correct time that
has to be taken for the Lagna at a birth.
3—4. The life of children under 12 years cannot be
calculated for the reasons stated.
5. Remedies to ward off the evil effects due to
6. Balarishta (srraiftg), Yogarishta (sfrnrrftg),
Alpayus (3T5<Ttg^r), Madhyamayus (JT^nTT-
and Purnayus (^Tf^T ), defined.
7. Maximum period of human life and its divi“
sions into three kinds.
8 . Death of the child if born ; Dinamrityu

Jjcj) Dinaruk a nd Vishaghatika

(ftr’TErfeFn') portions, and fateful influence on
the parents, child and the maternal uncle
if born in specified portions of certain
9. Yogas leading to death very soon after birth.
10 - 11 . Which portions of the signs with the Moon in
them, become fateful ?
12 . Another yoga leading to the death of the child
vory soon after birth.
13. Yogas leading to the early demise of a child
and the probable periods of exit.
14—15, Yogas leading to Dirgha Madhya (srssr)
and Alpa fe^qr) Ay us.
16. A yoga for a person to be long-lived.
17. Another set of yogas for Dirgha (^^), Madhya
and Alpa (3T5 «t) Ay us.
18—19. The times of exit in the above three cases.
20 . To determine the best lucky time for a person.
21 — 24 Yogas which counteract Arishta (erfts) anc*

secure long life.

25. Ayus should be predicted only after a
correct examination of the Dasas described
by Sripati of the Ashtakavargas, the
Kalachakra Dasas, etc,

1 . The planets through whom the diseases have
to be determined in a nativity.
2 -9 . The diseases caused by the several planets.
10 11- . Certain yogas leading to some specific
diseases, (eye ear disease, belly-
ache, bleeding from rectum, disease in the
private parts).
* 12 - 20 The manner in which a person meets with his

death and the cause of the same.

21 . Yoga leading to a happy death or otherwise.
22 — 23 The region to which a person goes after his

death. The refuge of the departed.

24—29 AH information about one's past and future
1. When bhavas produce good effects ?
will the
2. When is a bhava said to be strong, when
mixed and when weak ?
3 —
6. Conditions determining the destruction of a
7 —
8. Time when such destruction comes to pass.

9—10. The lord of the Lagna, whether benefic or

malefic, promotes the prosperity of the
Bhava it occupies. An example where the
lord of the Lagna is malefic.
11. In the case of a planet owning*two houses, the
the conditions and the time during which
the effects of these two houses will happen.
12. Same as slokas 7—8.
13. A situation when the effects predicted above
as going to happen may not at all come to
14. The effect measured.
15—16. What can be determined from the several
planets as Karaka's ?
— The Karakas of the 12 bhavas.
18. The planetary effects will be full or otherwise
according to the nature— friendly or inimical
—of the sign occupied by the planet Male-
fics in the 6th, 8th and 12th and benefics in
the other houses generally promote advance-
ment of the native.
19. Malefics in the Dustthanas do good to the
native while benefics, evil.
20. The method of determining the effects of any
21. The method of ascertaining information about
one's father, mother and other relations of a
person. %

22—24, All information about one' father to be ascer-

tained by treating the Sun's position in the
nativity as the Lagna and proceeding in the
usual way.
25 Similar details about one's mother, brother, etc,


should be ascertained by treating the res-

pective Karaka's position in the nativity as
the Lagna, etc. Good effects of any Bhava
are assured when the lord as well as its
Karaka are both strong.
26. Bhava Karakas in their respective Bhavas will
cause distress.
27. The lord of the Lagna produces the effects of
(1) the Bhava owned by the planet if any
associated with him and (2) the Bhava occu-
pied by him.
28. The lord of the Lagna produces happy or ad-
verse effects (of the Bhavas above referred to)
according as the number of benefic dots in
his Ashtakavarga is more or less than the
normal (4)
29. If a planet owning two houses one of which is a
Dusstthana, be posited in his other house, he
will give the effects of only that house and
not the effects due to the Dusstthana An
30. The five kinds of connection or relationship
recognised between two planets.
1. The colour and appearance of the native and
the proportions of his body and limbs,
2—30. Some effects of the Lagna and the other
31—32, Time when the effects of any Bhava will
33, Evil effect caused by the conjunction of the
lord of the 1st and 6th Bhavas.
34, A clue to find whether there will arise any
rivalry, envy or friendship between the
and another and. the time when the
same will be caused.
35, Time when the good or bad effects of any
Bhava may be expected.
1. A clue to find out the time when a Bhava
suffers annihilation,
2, A clue to ascertain the time of one's demise by
means of the transit of Saturn.
3 —4. A clue to find the time of one's demise by
means of the transit of Jupiter.
5, A clue to find the time of one's death through
Moon's transit.

0 A clue to find out the times of demise of one-

self and his brother.
7, A clue to ascertain the times of demise of
one's father and mother.
8, A clue to find out when a son's demise may
9, given in 3—4*
Another clue similar to these
10, Another clue similargiven in SI. 2,
to the one
12. A clue to find the month and the Lagna of
one's demise.
13—28, A clue to find the time when a person's death
may be looked for— the particular Dasa
period, the year, the month and the day when
the event may happen.
1* Effect of the Sun being in conjunction with
each of the other 6 planets,
2. Effect of the Moon being in conjunction with
each of the S planets other than the Sun.
3. Effect of Mars being in conjunction with each
of the 4 planets other than the Sun and Moon,
4 Effect of Mercury being in conjunction with
Jupiter, Venus or Saturn. Effects of Jupiter
being in conjunction with Venus or Saturri.
5. Effect of Venus being together with Saturn.
Effect of conjunctions of more than tV/o
6—11. The effect of planetary aspects on the Moon in
the 12 Rasis.
15. The effect of planetary aspects on the Moon
in the several Navamasas.
16. What has been stated in slokas 6—11 should
also be understood to apply in the case of
Dwadasamasas also.
17 . The conditions for the fullness or otherwise ,of
the good and bad effects described above.
' The author's justification in his setting forth
the Mahadasas. ,

2. The nine Mahadasas and their respective

3. To find the unexpired portion in years, etc.,
of a Dasathe time of a birth.
4. A Solar year defined.
5— 6, General effects of the Sun's Mahadasa
7. Effect of the Moon's Dasa.
8. An
examination of the Moon's strength is
necessary before any declaration is made.
9—17. General effects of the Dasas of Mars, Mercurv,
Jupiter. Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
18—26. Some more effects of the several Dasas stated.
1. A brief description of what is indicated in this
2—14. Effects of the Dasas of the planets owning the
Lagna and the other Bhavas when the Bhavas
are strong and their lords are well-placed,
15—20. Effects of the Dasas of the planets owning the
Lagna and the other Bhavas when they are
occupying inimical or depression Rasis, or
have been eclipsed or happen to be badly-
21. References to certain things in some of the
previous adhyayas as relevant and applicable
to a Dasa under examination
22. The Dasa of a planet in a Vargottamamsa will give
favourable results while the Dasa and Bhukti
of planets badly placed will be unfavourable
23 Certain Bhuktis in the Dasa of a malefic
produce untoward effects.
24. What Dasas prove fatal ?
25—26. Mars and Venus in certain positions produce
most beneficial results during their Dasas*
27. Nature of the effects of the Dasas of planets -
benefic or malefic— when in depression*
inimical pr bad houses.
28. The evil effects resulting when the Bhukti
period of aplanet inimical to the loid of the
Dasa or of a planet occupying the 6th house
or of a planet inimical to the lord of the
Lagna is in progress.
29. A clue to ascertain the nature of the effects of
a particular Bhukti through the Bhuktinatha.
30. The good influence of a planet in its several
31—32. Certain clues to find out the planet whose
Dasa will prove fatal.
33. A yoga in which the middle portion of the life
of the native is good. The fruit of a planet's
Dasa matures differently according to its
position in a Prishtodaya, Ubayodaya and
Sirshodaya Rasi.
34. Planets prove prosperous during their Dasa
periods if they transit at the time their
Uchcha or Mitra houses.
35* The destruction of a Bhava during the Dasa of
the planet occupying it, if the planet be weak
or is in depression or inimical house.
36. In what position the Moon influences a Dasa
beneficially and in what otherwise ?
37* When will the effects of the Bhukti of a planet
be good and when evil ?
38* , The particular time at which the good or bad
effects of a planet's Bhukti period is
39. Nature of the effects of Rahu's Dasa will be
similar to that of the planet he associates
with. The Pasa of a planet thouh benefic if
associated with Rahu will prove malefic at
the end.
40* The Maraka places defined* Conditions when
the Dasas of their lords may prove fatal,
4l. Natuie of the Dasas of planets owing (l)
Tlimdxa or Tnkona houses (2) 3rd, 6th and

8th houses. Sun or Moon will only give

good effects during his Dasa when he hap-
pens to own the 8th house.
42. When the lord of a Kendra is in Trikona or
vice versa, their Bhuktis in each other's
Dasa will be very auspicious.
43—44. When will planets reveal the efffcts of their
Dasas or Bhuktis ?
45, Lords of a Kendra and a Kona even if by
themselves causing evil become powerful
to make the native prosperous.
46—49. Planets becoming Yogakarakas.
50. Conditions under which Jupiter and Venus
cause evil and prove fatal during their
51. Malefics when they own Kendras become
more auspicious in their effects.
52. Nature of Rahu and Ketu in their effects when
posited in a Kendra or Trikona.
53. Nature of Rahu and Ketu in their effects when
they occupy houses owned by benefics and
are associated with any planet.
54. when a Rajayoga is in progress and the
Karaka Bhuktis intervene.
55. The several planets which are untoward to
the native.
56—57. Some varieties of a Dasa explained.
58. A clue for ascertaining the time of death of
a person.
59. When will a Dasa prove auspicious ?
60—-61. The good or evil to be experienced in a Dasa
dependent on the position of its lord during
its course and also with 'reference to the
62. Details of the same.
63. Author's instructions to the reader before
attempting at predictions. .


1. Sub-division of a Dasa into Bhuktis, Time of

fruition of planetary effects,
2. Methbd of determining the Bhukti period
a Dasa.
3—11, The Sun's Dasa and effects.
13—20, The Moon's Dasa and effects,
21—29. Kuja's Dasa and effects*
$0'— 38. Rahu's Dasa and 'effects.
39—47, Jupiter's Dasa and effects.
48—56. Saturn's Dasa and effects.
57—65. Mercury's Dasa and effects.
66—74. fCetu's Dasa and effects.
75—83. Sukra's Dasa and effects,
84. How the effects have to be predicted.
1 — 2. Stars grouped by triads. The order in which
they are cast. ApasaVya (arqwq*) aild Savya

3. The years assigned to the planets.

4. How the formula for each of the several Nak-
shatrapadas is composed and its connection
to the total life-period and the several sub-

Dasas composing them,

5—9. The formulas for the several Nakshatrapadas.
10. The initial Dasa and how it is calculated.
11. How the Rasi Mahadasas of a life are deter-
12. Manduka Gati—Aswa Gati and Simhavalokana.
13. How to calculate the period of a Bhukti or
Apahara in a Mahadasa,
14. The number of years of Parama Ayu& for the
several formulas.
15. Effects already stated before the several Maha-
dasas will apply also in the cause of Utpanna
and Adhana Mahadasas.
16. Utpanna, Adhana and Kshema Dasas ex*
17. Naisargxkadasa periods of the several planets.

18. Amsayurdaya,
19. Vyayadiharana (s^rf^fsctir) or Chakrapatar-
dhahani Satrukshetraharana
20. The dictum of Satyacharya on the several
21. Pindayurdaya (fav&pyTfa).
22* The computation of Lagnayus in tlie Pinda-
yurdaya system.
23. Reduction in the Ayurdaya of a planet on
account of its being in a depressed position
or in an intermediate position.
24. Views of other Astrologers on the Pindayur-
daya method.
28. The Ayurdaya of Jeevasarman,
26. The maximum length of life in the case of men'
27. The order of the Dasas.
28. When are the three systems—Amsa (3T$r),
Pinda ifqtrg*) and Naisargika (^pfefi) Ayur-
dayas— to be adopted?
20. What should be done when the Sum Moon
and the Lagna are of equal strenth ?
30. Kalachakra Dasa system when
to be resorted to ?
31 . Maximum period of life in the case of pi&n and
some of the other living creatures.
32. The perons to whom the Ayurdaya
rules apply.
1—2. Purpose ofthe Ash taka vargas and the mode
of setting the dots.
3—9. The Ashtakavargas of the Sun and other
10. The malefic places in the several Ashta-

kavargas The good effects revealed by ihe

Ashtakavarga are advanced by the planet
concerned being well-placed, that is in an
Upachaya, in a friend's house, in his own
House or in His exaltation, THe same fail of
effect when the planet is posited in an
Apachaya place, in His inimical House or in
His depression Rasi,
11. Effects to be deduced tHrougH benefic dots
ranging from 0 to 8 in any Rasi,
12. How benefic dots are computed,
13. A planet in its transit through the exact degree
in the Bhava it Had originally occupied at
the time of birth reveals the full effects duo
to that Bhava—good or bad as the case
may be,
14. Time when
a Bhava is advanced or suffers
13. Cases where the interests of a Bhava are pro-
moted in an intense manner,
16. How to ascertain the exact time of fruition
of a particular benefic dot in a Rasi,
17. Prastara Ashtaka varga explained.
18—19. The lords of the 8 divisions into which a
Rasi is divided and the time of fruition of a
particular benefic dot in the same.
20—21. The Sarvashtakavarga. Effect of benefic dots
in any Rasi being above, equal to or falling
short of 28.
22 . The bases for computing Ashtakavarga are the
positions of the several planets and the
Lagna at the time of birth.
23. A malefic when he is in his Swakshetra will
only promote the Bhava h© occupies, while
in depression or inimical house he will only
cause the Bhava's ruin
24. Effect of a benefic in exaltation if he owns a
Dussthana. Effect of a malefic in exaltation
when he is not in Dussthana, but happens
to own good houses.

1 -6 . Clues to ascertain the time of demise of one's
><1 -8 . Time of demise of one's mother.
CO To ascertain the number of brothers, relations
and maternal uncles,

10—11, To ascertain the number of issues.

12, Effects to be guessed through the figures in
Sukra's Ashtakavarga.
13--15. To ascertain one's own demise by the figures
in Saturn's Ashtakavarga.
16- -17. Trikona reduction.
18- -22, Ekadhipatya reduction.
23 26. Rasi and Graha Gunakara (multipliers.)
27 33. Process for finding the Ayurdaya through the
Ashtakavarga system.
34 35. A speedy way of computing the figures of the
Sarva Ashtakavarga in the several houses.
36. To ascertain the effects in ihe case of a horos-
cope, the Ashtakavarga system is the best.
37 43. Certain inferences that can be deduced from
the figures in the Sarvashtakavarga.
44. Conclusion.
1 . The nine Upagrahas enumerated.
2, Mandi or Gulika and its position in the several
3. Similar positions of Yamakantaka and Ardha-
4, The position df Kala.
6. The position of Dhuma, Paridhi, Indra Chapa
and Ketu.
6- . 7. Scope of the effects of the Upagrahas treated
in this chapter.
8-14, Effect of Gulika in the 1 2 Bhavas, A clue to
find out the Lagna in a nativity through the
position of the Gulika therein.
15-18. Effect of Gulika being associated with the
several planets,
19. Gulika and Yamakantaka very powerful in
causing evil and good respectively. Other
Upagrahas have only half the power of Mandi
in causing evil*
20 - 21 , Nature of the effects of the Upagrahas com-
pared with those of some of the planets.
22—26. Effect of Dhuma and other Upagrahas when
27. associated with planets in the Lagna and
other houses.
Effect caused by Dhuma and the four other
Upagrahas when they are visible.
28—29. Form and appearance of Dhuma, Vyatipata,
30. Effect of the lord of the sign occupied by
Gulika being in a Kendra, a Trikona, his own,
exaltation or a friendly house.
1. Importance of the Janma Rasi (Rasi occupied
by the Moon). Gocharapala to be predicted
with reference this alone,
2. Particular houses through which when the
several planets transit, they give auspicious
3— 8. The auspicious houses of transit and the

corresponding Vedha places for the Sun and
other planets.
9—11. Effects of the transit of the Sun through the
12 houses.
12. Effects of the Moon s' transit through the 12
13—16, Effects of Mar's transit over the 12 houses.
17. Effects of Mercury's transit over the 12 houses.
18—20. Effect of Jupiter's transit over the 12 houses.
21. Effects of the traslt of Venus over the 12 houses
,22—23. Effects of Saturn's transit over the 12 houses.
24. Effects of Rahu's transit over the 12 houses.
25. Planets grouped according as they produce
effect in the initial, middle or final portion
of a sign.
26—27. Sapthasalaka, and effects to be deduced there-
28. Certain fateful stars and the effect of the tran-
sit over them by the planets.

29. Effects of transits by planets over certain

specified positions in the zodiac and times,
of certain astronomical occurence.

30. The nullification of effects produced by

planets owing to certain aspects.
31. Planets badly placed will not do harm if posh
ted in their exaltation or Swakshetra Rasip,
while planets in such positions, if they be
well placed, give beneficial results during
their transit over such Rasis.
32. Effects of planets while in transit through
favourable and unfavourable places when
they occupy depression or inimical houses or
are eclipsed.
33. Effects of the transits of Saturn, the Sun, Mars
and Jupiter over the 12th, the 8th and the
1st houses reckoned from the Moon's place.
34. The Maranastthana (^ar^ETR) in the case of
the several planets.
35. The distribution of the 27 stars over the
several limbs of the native during the Sun's
transit and the effects thereof.
35 — 40. The same with reference to the transits of the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
41. Effect of transits by planets over houses
containing more benefic dots in the
42—44. Puro Lattas or forward Lattas and
Prishta Lattas (gg^xrr) ox rear Lattas.
45—46. Effect of the Lattas.
47. Conjunction of two or more Lattas and its
48. Effects of transit in Subha (spr) and Asubha
(3T3T$t) Vedhas in the Sarvatobhadrachakra

49. Expiation by Santhis of evil effects arising

from bad Dasas, Apaharas, low figure of
benefic dots, transit through bad places, etc.
50. Planets are always productive of good to
persons who do not harm others, do virtuous
acts, etc.

1. The planetary conditions leading to asceti-
2, The particular class of ascetics to which the
- native concerned would belong.
3—4. Some more ascetic Yogas.
5. The various kinds of ascetics mentioned.
6. Yoga for becoming a miserable devout.
7. Effect of a Rajayoga co-existing with the Yoga
mentioned in the previous sloka.
8. Yogas leading one to become a successful
ascetic and respected by all.
rH --4. The contents of the 27 Adhyayas.
The author's birth place.
CO His family deity.
il «ft qSfqnq stit: II

3 fr ft $T

^r^srssfit f&fTJFf fa^q^QTT

msn®?qratfVq 3?«#»f qej i

qi; f^srg q^qi^rf flrq qs irii


Sloka 1 .

May we be blessed with beatitude
without end by that Supreme Reality the one heavenly —
light without a second (the Sun) which when once v

above the horizon, remains on end in full view of the

moon-dwelling manes, pole-dwelling celestials and the
earth-dwelling mortals, ®for {u e., which has for these
beings a diurnal arc measuring) half a synodic lunar
month, half a solar year and the entire day time of a
solar nycthemeron respectively, and which sometimes
(to wit, with northern declination under north polar
heaven) is dextral (i, e., moves on almucantars from
left to right), and sometimes (to wit, with southern
declination under south polar heaven), sinistral (/, e.,
moves on almucantars from right to left).

qrftsrf WJT
^qfaffaj qqqctq qnrqfar wrqqr srnri^sqtq; i

qtfifsc g&qarr sqtfprrqqr sftaft irii

2 Adh. I

SJoka2. I, the astrologer Mantreswara, first make

my reverent obeisance to Saraswati— the Muse of

Learning, to my family-deity, to my parents and
teachers, to the nine planets beginning with the Sun,
which bestow omniscience {viz,, knowledge of past,

present and future) to Ganesa, the lord of Siva's

cohorts of divinities, and, above all, to Siva, the
Supreme, and then proceed to give out here for the
delectation of astrologers a very limpid conspectus of
the teaching of Atri, Parasara and the rest, under the
title Phaladeepika" ( — "Light on Apotelesmatics"),

f^srrf^tsr: cT^r i

fof^cerr tr* w\\\

Sloka 3. —-The
exact time of the birth of a person
with the actual number
of Vighatikas elapsed as reveal-
ed by fool-measurement or by the gnomonic shadow
and other apparatus should first be specially ascertain-
ed. Then the positions of the*
planets coincident with
observation should be set down with the help of
mathematical (expedients) instruments. Then the
Bhavas and the strength of planets should be investi-
gated and through them the effects should be judged.

vr^qrfi^TcTT ^ litfii

4. —
The parts of the body of the person
(Kala)beginning with the Lagna are respectively (1)
the head (2) the face (3) the breast (4) the heart
(5) the
SI- 5.6 sraHte«TTOS

belly (6) the hip l7) the groins (8) the private part (9>
the two thighs (10) the two knees (11) the two calves
and (12) the two feet. The concluding portion of the

signs, Vrischika, Meena and Kataka is called

(Bhasandhi) or (Rikshasandhi). Others apply
this term to the last portions of all the signs.

’qrm^^TTfNcrgBr firof i

snfsr fere*:-

cf itrareroi. m\
Sloka 5. —The abodes of the 12 signs from Mesha
onwards are respectively (1) the forest (2) a field under
water (meadow) (3) a bed room (4) a chasm with water
in it (5) a mountain (6) a land with water and corn
(7) the house of a Vaisya (8) a hole ox cavity (9) Kings
residence (10) water-abounding forest (11) the spot
frequented by potters and (12) water.


Sloka 6.— Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun r

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and
Jupiter are respectively declared the lords of the signs
from Mesha onwards. Mesha, Vrishabha, Makara,
Kanya, Karkataka, Meena and Tula are the exaltation
signs of the seven planets respectively from the Sun
onwards, their signs of 'fall' being the 7th from their
exaltation ones. The highest exaltation and fall of the
planets counting from the Sun are the 10th, the 3rd,*
4 Adh. I

the 28th, the 15th, the 5th, the 27th and the 20th da-
grees of the several signs,

=m<n?i45T*j53iTOg3T wafer ifetsfow

r^tcqrr: ^f^m'rn^^i'KTr: 3tatsjg«n^rjti msu

Sloka 7. — Simha, Vrishbha, Mesha, Kanya, Dhanus,

Tula and Kumbhaare the Moolatrikona {first triangu-
lar) signs of the planets from the Sun onwards. The
first 20 degrees of Simha, the last 27 degrees of
Vrishabha (27 degrees after the highest exaltation
degree), the first 12‘ degrees of Mesha, the 5 degrees
following the highest exaltation degree of Mercury in
Kanya (/. e., 16° to 20 c ), the first 10 degrees in Dhanus,
the first five degrees in Tula and the first 20 degrees
of Kumbha form respectively the Moolatrikona por-
tions of the 7 planets from the Sun onwards, The first
half of Dhanus, Kanya, Mithuna, Kumbha and Tula are
bipeds or human signs, Vrischika is a cfSte: (Keeta —
centiped sign; Karkataka, latter half of Maka
reptile) or
ra and Meenaare watery signs **Th© rest, viz., Mesha-
Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus (latter half) and Makara (first
half) are quadruped signs.

^ <r£feaa5fears srf^rri i


5,—The signs Vrishabha, Karkataka, Dhanus,

Mesha and Makara rise with their back (^cyt^ Prish- —
todays), Mithuna and Meena come under Ubhayodaya

SI. 9-10 5

The rest appear with their faces and are

termed Sirshodaya signs. The Prishtodaya
signs and Mithuna belong to the Moon and are termed
nocturnal Rasis. The other six belong to the Sun and
are termed diurnal signs. The four signs counted from
the Rasi last passed (left) by the Sun are in their order
termed (1) (Urdhva) or tending upwards (2) stsj;
(Adhah)-beneath or under (3) sgw (Sama)-even or level
and (4) TO? (Vakra)-bent or crooked. The same order
holds good in the case of the other 8 signs.

sftsr srf^er ajj t

^trtts ^fSpErtfer^or^rfegrr! srpTri^rrar; amr-

Tt3r$ smw gnfsr

5io£a 9 .
— The signs from Mesha taken in order are
U) (Chara)-moveable or cardinal, (Sthira)-

fixed and (Ubhaya)-dual, mutable or common

(2) 9[R (Dwara)-entrance, «rfe : (Bahis)-outside and TO
(Garbha)-inside ; (3) STTcJ (Dheitu) or mineral, (Mula,
or vegetable and offa (Jeeva) or animal ; (4) 3R (Krura)
or fierce (Saumya) or auspicious (5) odd and ;

even and (6) male and female. Mesha, Vrishabha)

Mithuna and Karkataka with their Trikona or triangular
signs represent the four quarters commencing from
the East. The six houses from the 7th represent the
left-side limbs of Kalapurusha, while the other six
houses (/. e., reckoned from the Lagna) represent the
right-side ones,

sfH* ^ \

f^ir 11

Sloka 10. Lagna, Hora, Kalya (are*0> Deha (%f) _

XTdaya (^T), Rupa (^T), Seersha (5fl*f)< Vartamana

6 Adh. I

(mtJTR - living) and Janma (5Fir) are the names of the

Ascendant or the first house. Vitta (f^TrT- wealth), Vidya
(ft^n _ learning)/ Swa (^)> Annapana (
food and drink)/ Bhukti (eating), the right eye

(TOtfifr Dakshakshi), face (sTT^T - Asya), letter or docu-

ment (qf^KT- Patrika), speech (mq>~Vak) and Kutumba

(^5T5r) are appellations for denoting the second house.
w §?rr qfW* ft*# w I

## mgs* snft## ft# me# w \\W\

Slokoa 11-12 .—Duschiky a Osi^FT),Uras (^^‘breast),

the right ear, army, courage, valour, prowess and
brother are the designations of the third house. House,
land, maternal uncle, a sister's son, a relation, a friend,
vehicle, mother, kingdom, cow, buffalo, perfume,
clothes, ornaments, the nadir, Hibuka (%gq>)> Sukha
happiness), water, bridge and river are the terms
to denote the 4th house.

Rajanka (THTTirSovereign's mark), a minister, Kara

(sfTC-tax, hand or toll)/ Athman («T[cRrO, intelligence
(^ft-Dhi), knowledge of the future, Asu (3T§r life -

son (gcf-Suta), belly (^TS^ -

Jatara), Sruti(^ft - Vedic
knowledge) and Smriti (’f-Jjf# * traditional law) are the
names of the 5th house.

Sloka 13.— Rina - debt), Astra (sT^T-arms), Chora

(xTte“thief), Kshata (^TcT - wounds), Roga Ocfardisease)/
Satru (SHJ- enemy), Jnati (STff#“ paternal relation), Aji

SL 14-15 7

(srr% - battle); Dushkritya (^^i%-a -wicked act), Agha

(^Ttr - sin),Bheeti sftf^T -
fear) and Avajna (®T*I9T“
humiliation) are the names of the 6th house. Jamitra
Chittotth a (f%Tftr«r- desire), Mada (tf^-passion)-
Asta (3T€f“set), Kama («KnT“desire); Dyuna 0*T?r)>
Adhvan (^3RC~a way or road)/ Loka people), Pati
Orf?T husband), Marga (j^pf-way) and Bharya (STHrf-

wife) are the designations of the 7th house.


Sloka 14.— Mangalya (*TTi?<S*r) j Handhra (^rST)> Malina

(Trfe'fr), Adhi (STtf^T - mental pain), Parabhava ,

defeat or insult), Ayus Klesa OpFST sorrow),

Apavada blame or scandal), Marana (w^nr
- -

death),Asuchi Vighna (ft?T“obstacle

(srgfo*- impurity),

or impediment) and Dasa (’TJH - servant) are the terms

to denote the 8th house, Acharya (3TF3W preceptor)/ *

Daivata (f^Rf-deity), Pitru father). Subha (g$T
anything auspicious), Purva bhagya " previous

luck) Puja (^f- worship),

v Tapas penance) -

Sukruta (^IkT - virtue or religious merit, a good or

virtuous act), Pautra (<fbr - grand son), Japa (ST'f-prayer)

and Aryavamsa (3*T^ sn'-'noble l

family) are the names for

the 9th house.

B r^r5T3T?rri Hf^%fir¥T^t^ snrfr

sra Ararat

Sloka 15.—'The terms to indicate the 10fh house are


8 Adh.r

Vyapara HI9K 1
commerce), Aspada (^TT^T^ - rank or
position), Mana (TOT ' honour), Karma (^-occupation )

Jaya (5HT - success). Sat fac^-good), Kirti - fame),

Kratu 0^13 sacrifice), Jeevana

* - livelihood or
profession), Vyoma (s^rfa-sky or zenith), Achara STFcrTC"
good conduct), Guna (3°T * quality), Pravritti
inclination), Gamana (^TW^gait), A]na(^TfS3T- command)
and Meshurana (i^pCW) Labha (^FT*T - gain), Aya (srPT *

income), Agamana (srprrcFT -acquisition), Apthi (^TTfH


getting, gain), Siddhi (fafe; -

accomplishment, fulfil-

ment), Vibhava (feTer - wealth or riches), Prapthi (snfo-

profit), Bhava Slaghyata (^?5T^?Tt“veneration,
commendation), eldest brother or sister, left ear, Sarasa
(^TT^r-any thing juicy or succulent), and (hearing of
some) pleasing or delightful news are the expressions
for the 1 1th house.

snsrr^rTft =nf^rr* <$rr-


Sloka 16.— The designations used for the 12th

house are Duhkha - misery), Anghri (^rfir leg),
Vama Nayana - left eye), Kshaya (^T^Tioss,
decline), Suchaka Anthya
tale-bearer, spy),
(sTr^I-last), Daridrya Papa ('TPT'sinX
Sayana (^T^T^T bed), Vyaya (s*T*T) Ripha
and ,

Bandha (^^'imprisonment)* Thus have been declared

in their order the names of the 12 houses, The 3rd, the-
the 6th, the 12th and the 8th houses are termed Leena
Stthanas (^T^TTtr~concealed or hidden houses)'
si. 18-19 9

Sloka 17 .

The 8th, the 6th and the 12th houses
are known as Dusslhanas C^STR*) or houses of evil.
The rest are termed good houses and
will he propitious
to the native* The 1st, the 10th, the 7th and the 4th
houses are known by the terms Kendra Kantaka
(vpiZW*), and Chatushtaya (^gw).

toto =sr \

srtawi; ii?<*h

II ^Rf cp^fq’^PTr grsjrn H

Sloka 18 ,— The houses next to the Kendras, i. e., the
2nd, the 5th, the 8th and the 11th are known as Pana-
phara (*T°Tq^). The 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th
are Apoklima houses* The 4th and the 8th
are designated Chaturasra houses. The 10th,
the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses are called Upa-
chaya (grgsrq*) •
the 9th and the 5th are known as Tri-
kona (Bn£far) or triangular) houses and these are

Thus ends the first Adhyaya on "Definitions" in

the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.


II f|tfl%ajPT: II

?rrs fajgsrj;;# !OTTmk°*ro m<i

trer&ir irererq; l .

IN' gtasn^irfr



Sloka L— through the Sun that a wise man

It is

ought to ascertain about a person's copper, gold, father,

anything auspicious, one's own self, happiness,
prowess, courage, power, victory in war, service under
the sovereign, glory, any work relating to the God
mountainous regions, taking an
Siva, trip to forest or
active part in Homas or Yajnas, temple, acuteness and

wig: sgfe ®?r ^rmt

ip-Ta-g Trarrfsr ggw srer I

grnra g^trtsrtf ngg# IRII

Sloka 2 —
It is from the
Moon that one ought to
determine the welfare of the mother, mental tranquilli-
ty,sea-bath, white chowire, umbrella, good fan, fruits,
tenderness, flowers, corn, agriculture, fame, acquisi-
tion of pearls, bell-metal, silver, sweet substances,
milk, etc., cloth, water, cows, women, good meals,
bodily health and beauty.

Slftgcgw ^ ’COT 5trg#

sfr*r f^ragsi# g- ?j?rn ii?ii

Sloka 3 . —
It is through Mars that a person should

ascertain his strength, products derived from the

Earth, the qualities of his brothers, cruelty, battle,
daring act, odium, kitchen, fire, gold, kindred,
weapon, thieves, enemies, energy, attachment to
females not his own, uttering falsehood, prowess,
mental dignity (loftiness of thought), sin, commanding
an army, and wounds.
SI- 4.6 fs:?fWtewn?rs 11

fjsr^r: ^arrfirgwcrf fls^grar Triger

mwij^gqroHtf^crr 31% i

*rsr %wgrej# ^rf^ra^rr gr% Br^rcerey

%<r 5rtf«i^5n:i^wf^^rfrrW fstt^ nan

Sloka 4 .

It is Mercury that influences one's learn-

ing, eloquence, skill in the fine arts, eulogy from the

learned, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech, clever-
ness in religious meditation and the like, aptness for
acquiring knowledge, intelligence, sacrifice, any
religious rite relating to Vishnu, truth - speaking,
oyster-shell, place of recreation, skill in mechanical-
the rank of an heir-apparent, friends and
arts, relatons,
one's sister's son or daughter, etc.

irtSTFKr *mi=an?r HscBth; l


Sloka 5.— It is through Jupiter that one ought to

seek information about one’s knowledge, good quali-
ties, sons, minister, behaviour, teaching, magnanimity,
knowledge of Vedas, Sastras and Smritis< prosperity
in everything, beatitude, reverence to Gods and
Brahmins, sacrifice, penance, religious faith, treasure-
house, wisdom (learning), conquering of the

happiness of the husband, honour and compassion.

one's wealth, (vehi-

Sloka 6.— Information regarding
ornaments, hoarded goods, triple sym-
cles, cloths,
phony (union of song, dance and instrumental music),
wife, happiness, scents, flowers, sexual intercourse,
couch,/ house, prosperity, pleasure in poetry, addiction
to many women, sport, lasciviousness, ministership,
charming speech, marriage and festivity should be
sought for through Venus.

HNreraTSW ST *T%'T ^ i

^vrh; ««ii
Sloka 7.— As regards one's longevity, death, fear,
degradation, misery, humiliation, sickness, poverty,
labourer, reproach, sin, Vapin i+ tr, censure, mis-
fortune, constancy, resorting to low people, buffalo,
drowsiness, debts, iron, servitude, agricultural imple-
ments, jail and captivity, one ought to guess through

sraroi iicn

Sloka d.—The Sun is of a bilious temperament and

is strong ip bones in the body. He has a limited
quantity of hair, and possesses a dark-red form. He has
eyes of a reddish brown colour He is clad in red and
has a square-built body. He is valiant and wrathful,
and has massive arms.

gwr ‘ST fo<T! I

^f^fsrerrgsisV aft?;: sx^fr sticT^rm^ njf : n

Sloka 9.— The Moon has a huge body, and is young

as well as old he is lean and white
has fine lovely

eyes, black and thin hair. He governs blood. He is

soft in speech, wears a white garment and is beautiful
SI. 10-12 13

in complexion. He Has wind and phlegm in his

•composition and is mild in temperament.

grsrj F^c: i

Sloka 20 .-" Mars Has a slender waist, curled and

shining hair. He has fierce eyes ; he is bilious and
cruel in nature- He wears a red garment, and is of a
reddish hue. He is wrathful but exceedingly generous.
He has a youthful appearance and governs marrow
in the body.

g«ff insrera : sraw* n

Sloka IL —Mercury is green as the blade of Durva

or panic grass. He is a mixture of the three humours
ifrT (Vata - wind), f^lxf (Pittha - bile) and (Kapha -

phlegm). His body is full of veins. He is pleasant in

his speech. He has red and long eyes and is clad in
green. He governs the skin, is fond of fun and possesses
. even limbs.

Sloka 22 .

Jupiter has a body of yellowish hue. His
eyes and hair are brown. He has got a fat and elevated
chest and possesses a big body. He is phlegmatic in
temperament and is exceedingly intelligent. His voice
is similar to that of a lion or the sound of
the conch.

He is always after wealth.

If TOTSTOFTi be the reading, the* translation will be,

’"He governs fat."
14 <Tr5 J^tfa«Rm Adh. IE

f%5TtisiTrsrf^r^or%w: «<rrrf% 3Tc*ir I

*F>»T!Tt fatfrsrsftft igi 11*311

Sloka 13 'Venus is clad in a garment of variegated

colour. He has black curled hair. His limbs and body-

are huge. He has much wind and phlegm in his compo-
sition, His body has the colour of the Durva sprout. He
is very lovely and has broad eyes, He has treasured
his virile power.

2>5Tcrg5ffsn fifrrsrUsiw •

^arr^: snssrnfira’t fsrfnrs i


dsp sfiteret srtrTftoTcr: f^rterd il*yn

Sloka 14 .— Saturn is dark in form, lame, and has

wind in his composition. He has got deep eyes, and a
lean and tall body full of arteries and veins. He is idle,
and is exceedingly calumniating. He governs the
muscle in the body. He is cruel, and has no pity. He
is dull-headed. He has got large nails, teeth, stiff hair

and limbs. He is dirty and is of sinful disposition. He

is fierce and is a personification of anger. He is ripe
with old age and wears a black garment

srw sr^iJT^r'ST’SJT^ft

flfj; 11*^11

Sloka IS.'— The following are the places \frequented

by the Sun A temple belonging to Siva, an open area,

an open place where there is light, a region destitute of

water and the Eastern quarter. The Moon's abodes are;
si. 16*17 15

the place where Goddess Parvati is kept, the spot oc-

cupied by a female, a place where there is water, a herb
or plant, a spot where honey or liquor is kept and the
North-west quarter. The places resorted to by thieves,
or occupied by low people, one where there is fire, a
battle-field and the Southern quarter are declared to
belong to Mars, Mercury governs the places frequent-
ed by learned men, the spot where God Vishnu is kept,
an assembly, a recreation ground, a mathematical hall
and the Northern quarter.

fs.jrsm: n ff.ii

Sloka 16. The places belonging to Jupiter are :

Treasury, the Aswattha (Pipul) tree, the dwellings of

Gods and Brahmins, and the North-east quarter. The
places of Venus are courtesan's quarters, the harem,

the dancing hall, the bed room, and the South-east

quarter. Saturn's abodes are the lines where low
people (out-casts) live, dirty places. Western quarter
and the temple of the deity ^TC^cTT (Sasta-generally
known as n Tamil and analogous to
Q&irefiGO i

sJtoa^drfaa i n Kannada). The places of Rahu and Ketu

are an ant-hill, the dark holes occupied by serpents

>and the' South-western direction.

sqrTET): ’Jjft (W i

sms! fftnrsr snRsrsfifr: IIWII

Sloka Tl.—A worshipper of Siva, a physician, a

king, a performer of a sacrifice, a minister, tiger, deer.
16 Adh. IF

and the ruddy goose, are signified by the Sun. One

who worships a female, a washer-
STT^cTr (Sasta) deity,
man, a cultivator, an aquatic animal, a hare, an ante-
lope, crane and the Greek partridge are denoted by
the Moon.

Scth? 4-: fo&rVRrsm 5TRTjT> fasrrar: ii?cii

Sloka id.-— Matters relating to the cook (in the kit-

chen), an arms-bearer, a goldsmith, a ram, a cock, a
jackal, a monkey and a thief belong to Mars.
a vulture
A cowherd, a learned man, an artisan, a clever account-
ant, a Vishnu bhakta (worshipper of Vishnuh Garuda,
a Chataka bird, a parrot and a cat are represented by

qraeren w £sr: i

»rrjft sTjft Rra-srfor^jr^fr^erw-

wert aft: u«,n

Sloka 19.— An astrologer, a minister, a preceptor, a

Brahmin, a Sanyasi-chief, an important personage, a
pigeon, a horse and a swan relate to Jupiter. About a
musician, a wealthy man a sensualist, a merchant, a
dancer, a weaver, a courtezan, a peacock, a buffalo, a
parrot and a cow, one ought to ascertain through

tw; ?o%: i

SI. 21-22 17.

Sloka 20 . —An oil monger, a servant, a vile person

a hunter, a blacksmith, an elephant, a crow, and the-
cuckoo— these have to be assigned to Saturn. A Bud-
dhist, a snake-catcher, an ass, a ram, a wolf, a camel, a
serpent, a place enveloped in darkness and the like, a
mosquito, a bug, an insect and an owl— all these should
be declared to belong to Rahu and Ketu.

rf^vngqT: TO* *3* I

vtirer g srift ftf#;

Sloka 21— Mercury is the Sun's neutral; Saturn and

Venus are his enemies. The Moon's friends are the
Sun and Mercury; the rest are all neutrals to "him.
Mars' neutrals are Venus and Saturn, and Mercury is.
his enemy. The Moon is Mercury's enemy Venus and ;

the Sun are his friends.

g^ri'TT ^r-
?iTf^ grfr srfasrt i

sftsr; ott: f^Tcrftft ^^5REir fifir

cre^sjr *3: iiwii

22 — Venus and Mercury are the enemies of

Sloka .

Jupiter; Saturn is neutral to him. Jupiter and Mars are

neutral towards Venus. Saturn and Mercury are his
friends. Jupiter is neutral towards Saturn. Venus and
Mercury are his friends. In cases where certain planets
have been omitted, they must be considered to fulfil
the relationship that has not been mentioned.

5f§rsrr»f 1


18 'K^RfSKRt Adh- II

tfitsrt mnKrgsTTOTf
gar T5*rfir *sr sfwiq; irbii

Sloka 23 . —Planets are mutually friendly for the

time being when they occupy the 3rd, the 4th, the 2nd,
the 10th, the 12th and the 11th from one another.
Ascertain what planets are naturally friendly, what are
naturally neutral and what are inimical and then de-
duce from these two kinds of friendship those that are
very friendly and those that are very inimical.
Saturn casts a full glance at the 3rd and 10th
houses; Jupiter at the 5th and 9th; and Mars at the 4th
and 8th. All planets cast a quarter glance at the
3rd and 10th houses, half a glance at the 5th and 9th ;

three-quarters of a glance at the 4ih and 8th and a full ;

eye at the 7th.

*3?rf^Tfr sWr src-

wrf ^rcsncfmffa srRrg#^?;

: *i>fMrV ^
5T# sr%g?rt sfk: srftsrfafa: ran
Sun onwards sway
Sloka 24 .— The planets from the
over periods of half a year, a Muhurta (2 ghatikas), a
day, two months, one month, 15 days and a year
Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins; the Sun and
Mars are Kshatriyas. The Moon is a Vaxsya
Mercury is the lord of the Sudra community, Saturn is
the leader of the outcastes. The Moon, Jupiter and the
Sun are planets typifying (Satva). Venus and Mer-
cury are essentially the planets of Rajas or
passion. Mars and Saturn own Tamas (cTJT^T or dark-
ness as their distinguishing characteristic.
The lords of the six seasons reckoning from
<3reeshma are (1) The Sun and Mars, (2) The Moon, (4)
Mercury, (4) Jupiter, (5) Saturn and (6) Venus.

si. 28.27 19

mfriit ffrrcr

«TBn&ir ft^s^JTigfl-Ptsfr^srr tt^f ?rrsprwr?x I

^f4c?r m:h: ^firmgsrt

tsfWt 3%?rct?pt:: ^rfsTWrft ^trjcJTSn #%fr: IR^ll

Sloka 36 — The Sun and Venus are termed father


and mother respectively of the child born in the day

Saturn and the Moon, during the night. Failing to play
the role of parents, each of these pairs of planets gets
the designation of paternal uncle and maternal aunt.
The Moon represents the left eye, while the Sun,
the right one. Mars represents the youngest brother
andJupiter, the eldest one. Mercury denotes the
adopted son.

iTfq: ^pf^rRtsft rr ^
*-ift sjsrt fswr t5: wwsrc rrf^gr: ir^ii

; sioka 26.— The Moon represents the body,

and the
denote the
Sun, the soul. Mars and the other planets
t five senses. The enemies of the Sun, viz, Rahu,
Qulika t

|& an d Ketu will cause trouble to the body and the soul.
Mercury governs smell, (nose) Venus and the ;

Moon, taste (the Sun and Mars, govern sight Jupiter,


sound. The rest, viz., Saturn, Bahu and Ketu govern


The walling Moon, the Sun, Mars, Rahu,

Sloka 27,
are known as malefic planets. Mer-
Ketu and Saturn
20 Adh. II

cury too in conjunction with any of them is malignant

Ketu, Mercury, and Saturn are eunuchs, Venus,
Rahu, and the Moon are females. The rest, viz., the Sun-
Mars and Jupiter are males. Rudra (Siva), Amba (Par-
Guha (Kumara), Vishnu, Brahman, Lakshmi, Kala
(Yama), the serpent Adisesha and Brahman ar© th©
presiding deities of the planets from the Sun in their
Fire, water, fire, earth, ether*, water and air ar©
the constituents respectively of the Sun and other
planets taken in their order.


Sloka 28 ,— The Sun's grain is wheat the Moon's,

rice the grain belonging to Saturn is sesamum that

of Jupiter,
Bengal gram that of Ketu, horsegarm. The

grain signifiedby Mars is Dhal, Mercury represents

green gram Dolichos lablab or cowgram (Q//)/r<rs&&)

is denoted by Venus, and black gram by

The countries signified by the nine planets, Rahu,
the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, the Moon, Ketu
and Venus are respectively: (1) Ambara, (2) Kalinga
(3) Saurashira, (4) Avanti, (S) Sindhu, (6) Magadha,
(7) Yavana, (8) Parvata and (9) Keekata.

crA gtRrosf sftcnft-


Sloka 29 .— The ruby is the Sun's

precious stone;
the pure spotless pearl which is fit to be
SI- 80-32 U
worn belongs to the Moon. Coral belongs to Mars.
Mercury's precious stone is the emerald shaped like
the bird Garuda. Topaz belongs to Jupiter. Venus
owns diamoncf* Saturn's gem is the stainless sapphire.
Agate and the Lapislazuli or Turkois are said to belong
to the remaining planets Rahu and Ketu respectively.

ma srrgmir w rtcir i

TOT JTrrS'iftgtR fsTTHTtsflnf ll^oll

;n.“ -The substances ascribed to the planets

from the Sun onwards are copper, bell-metal, copper

ore, lead, gold, silver and iron.
The articles of apparel for the several planets will be
such cloths as bear theirrespectiv© colours. But the one
belonging to Saturn is a rag while the one appropriate
to Mars will be a clothsinged by fire,

vtrU i

gtteg =sr ww n

Slokn 31 — Pungent
bitter, saltish, mixed, sweet,
are the flavours respectively
sour (aoid) and astringent
of the Sun, Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,
and Saturn.
?rt^s^fTO^r%fc^5rr wnflfr arts®??

stirrortftTOsr f^n’wf^B^^Tc^strr
=et wRftotoJ rasr TOiro^sht

^ stt*!T to to TO TOn^r toisto

and Mars have
Sloka 32.— The Sim, Jupiter, Mercury
the right ®‘
their characteristic mark or token on
on the other side, i e
The rest have their marks
marks on the hip,
planets from the Sun onwards have
on the arm-pit, on the
on the head, on the back,
shoulder, on the face, and on the

22 Adh. II

The Sun is a person of 50 years. The Moon is one

of 70 years, Mars is 16 years old. Mercury is a lad of 20
years. Jupiter is a person 30 years old, Venus isia child
of 7years. Saturn and Rahu are each 100 years old.

sftef ferffsr?rg: irgor; qrffr aifesfr: i

smsrai# =et ttf ! gnat TOfe^ra- gfeftai 11^11

33— Rahu is black in colour, tall in stature,

and low caste he has got skin-disease he is a
of a ; ;

heretic he has got hic-cough he speaks falsehood

; ;

he is cunning; he suffers from leprosy; he reviles

others and is devoid of intelligence.

crferasj 3>g: 1

sjg-f ocsr sronff grrws? li^ail

Sloka 34 .— Ketu has a red and fierce look, a veno-

mous tongue, and an elevated body he is armed ; he ;

is an outcast, of a smoky colour, and is inhaling smoke

always he has bruised limbs
he is lean and is ;


tftsr =sr ^fcrsr?ir

fr-^taa sn^sq-, I


wIjt; snrf Rrrrffcrr $prr: llVtfl

Sloka 35.— Lead and an old garment belong to Rahu,

while a mud vessel and a mixed cloth of variegated
colour have been allotted to Ketu.
Mercury, Saturn and Venus are the friends of Rahu
as well as Ketu. Marsis neutral to them. The rest are

trafa rfftat! wrg 1


SI- 3fl-87 23

ntarftiferfos: ?T?=rffT II ^11

SJoka 36 — Planets aro said to be badly* placed when

they are eclipsed, debilitated (occupy a depression
sign or Amsa), when they are posited in the house of
an enemy, or when they occupy the 8th, the 6th or the
12th house- In other positions, they are said to be
If the Moon be in the i 2th, 11th, 1st, 6th, 5th,

or the 7th house at the time of a query aboutwater in

a big irrigation project, increase of water can safely
be predicted.

gsTr: fi&fro *

cmffan TfiTsrojTSpft

^rRTvT^r?T5£r \\\$\\

, ?n*r

Sloka 37 *~~ The Sun reprerents trees that are inward-

ly strong and at the same time tall The Moon and
Venus indicate creeping plants. Ketu/and Rahu
signfy a clump of trees or a bush. Mars and Saturn
indicate thorny trees. Jupiter and Mercury signfy
respectively fruit -bearing and fruitless trees. Venus
and the Moon represent those that are sappy and
blossoming. The Moon represents herbs; all sapless
and weak trees are signified by Saturn. Rahu indicates
•^3; trees.

Thus ends 2nd Adhyaya on “Planets and

in the work Phaladeepika
their varieties *

composed by Mantreswara.
24 Adh. III.


qres-hrp i

1 OTSErafgm g^frer^rt fjrsrftSr *ra% hotts it


Sloka 1 .
— %"=T (Kshetra or an arc ol 30'’), STEFiTor Drek-
kana, Decanate or an arc of 10°), (Navamsa or an
arc of 3£ ), i^so-far (Dasamsa or an arc of 3"'
or fT, portion
of a sign), (Hora or i of a sign, i.e., an arc of 15°),
psrsTfsr (Trimsamsa or -ft portion of a sign, i.e., an arc
of 1°), ^THI^r (Saptamsa or yth portion of a sign, i.e., an
arc of 4f°), (Shashtyamsa or ^th portion of a

sign, /.e., an arc of ^°) and (Kalamsa or por-

tion of a sign, i.e,, an arc of 1J )— these along with the
(Dwadasamsa or xV portion of a sign, i.e., an
arc of 2|°) are termed Dasa Vargas or ten-fold divisions
of the Zodiac. ^JTfrTCT (Vargottama) is the name given
to that particular Navamsa in a Rasi which bears the
same name as that of the Rasi itself,

HH^rn-fsr fesramsrj: i

^|»rosirK?;?«T srsfisrsr tt® % %fer<r„ IRII

Sloka 2 —From the aforesaid ten Vargas if we omit

the Dasamsa, Shashtyamsa and Kalamsa, the remaining

7 kinds of divisions are known as (srfTqrr) Sapta vargas.
If from this vre exclude the Saptamsa (^THT^T?) the
remaining 6 kinds of division are known as (g^Tcnf)
Shadvargas. Some are of opinion that the effect ema-
nating from a Navamsa is similar (or equal) to that of
the Rasi and Bhava.
SI. 3.4 2.5

+yi^iiJT'rrs^3 *rtfq; I

HR.* fTHIOTjort HOT ^cT: H|R: OTt^% ROTlfeTOTnlt.

Sloka 3 — The effect is full in the Rasis. In the
other Vargas, it is half; and in the Shodasamsa, Dasamsa
and Shashtyamsa Vargas, it is £th. In an odd Rasi,
planets are said to be in infancy, in boyhood, in adoles-
cence, in advanced age and in extremis according to
the first, second, third, fourth and the last six- degree
portions respectively advanced by them in the sign.
But in an even sign, these several divisions have to be
made regularly in the reverse order.

% star rsr pm s^pcWcp?

g;m?r ?r^-

EHPff iothotsit: hhtot nan

Sloka 4 , —Hora means half of a Hasi; in an odd

sign, the halves belong respectively to the Sun and the
Moon, and in an even one, to the Moon and the Sun.
The Drekkana or the third portions of a sign, are own-
ed by the lords of the sign itself, of the son's or the 5th
house and of the 9th or the house of Subha. The
owners of the Dwadasamsas or n\th portions of a sign
are to be reckoned from that sign. In an odd sign, the
Trimsamsas or degrees, I.e„ aVth portions allotted to
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are re-
spectively 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5. In an even sign, it is re-
versed. That is, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and
Mars have 5, 7, 8, 5 and 5 degrees respectively The
first Navamsas in the several signs from Mesha on-
wards commence respectively with Mesha, Makara r
Tula and Karkataka.
W r.W 3PT SR HH Hi ^7
ot «fr*r jam hr *r»r f%Ri Srn othu i

m Adh. Ill

^psst: flta&rfifT Ttqrr^g ^l^rm^m M

Sloka 5,~ In, the case of an odd sign, the Krura
Shashtyamsas or unpropitious Ath portions are 1st,
2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 30th, 31st,
32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 44th,
48th, 51st, 52nd and 59th, The rest are Saumya or
propitious ones In the case of oven signs, it is reverse,
that is— the Shashtyamsa portions stated as Krura in
the odd signs are the propitious or Saumya ones in the
even signs and vice versa.

g grit g
^rrfl^rear ^fsrqr i

#Trf: ?TFT ^5T SFTt^3rfiTm ^rm: smut: m

Sloka 6 .

The Sapthamsas or the fth portions are in
the case of an odd sign to be counted regularly from
the sign itself, while in the case of an even sign they
are to be reckoned from the 7th onwards. In the case
of an odd sign, the Dasamamsas or Ath portions are to
be counted from the sign itself in the case of an even

sign, from its 9th onwards. The lords of the Shoda-

samsas or the Ath sub-divisons in the case of an odd
sign are those of the 12 signs reckoned from that sign
onward and Brahma, Vishnu, Hara and Ravi. In the
case of an even sign, this 'is reversed. The renowned
or auspicious parts of great excellence arise from the
several Vargas (Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, etc,) by the
combination of the special characteristics) of Trikona,

Moolatrikonabhavana, Swakshetra, Swochcha, Kendra

.and Vargottama 'and number 7 in the case of the
iSaptha Vargas and 10 in the Dasa Vargas, Others
reckon them as 13.
SI- 7-8 gcftqt-JEqiq: 27

qqfrqfsTqg qqtg-^ gf?*q#sr&’j srot^-

%f%r: *m qgqffrr^iq^^rw qnqq?r: i

rn^ajtxTJTTift^ra^ftm mfrraq irtji:

qraq<rq; imh

SI 0 L 7. Consider with reference to the 13 Vargas-


a planet's position, whether it is in a friendly house, its

own house or its exaltation house. You will have the
following kinds of Vaiseshikamsas resulting. The com-
bination of 2 Vargas is called Parijata the j

union of 3 Vargas is termed Uttama (3rTJT) that of 4, \

Gopura (Trig*:). When 5 Vargas combine, it is called

Simhasana The union of 6 Vargas is called
Paravata (grCT^). The combination of 7 Vargas is
called Devaloka that of 8 Vargas, Suraloka

Airavata (^CT^cT) is the name given for the

union of 9 Vargas.

Suppose is 8—1°
Jupiter's position 25' 1" or the— —
2nd degree Dhanus. He occupies his (l)Moolatrikona
(2) Drekkana (3) Saptamsa (4) Dasamsa (5) Dwadasatnsa
and (6) Kalamsa. Thus Jupiter must be declared to have
attained a Paravatamsa.


^trari: fqqqrf?qq q f|«rq: i

qfgrwqq: g*rw% seq^rqtefM

q: wcraqqt *|qRrg«q llill

Sloka 8 ~ A planet in a Paxijatamsa will make the

native respectable, endowed with many good
qualities, wealth, happiness, power and dignity. A
planet situated in an Uttamamsa will make him modest,
clever and of good behaviour. A
planet that has
attained a Gopuramsa secures to the person concerned
28 Kgft W
f qr Adh- III

^ood intellect, wealth, lands, cow^ and house. A planet •

placed in a Simhasanamsa will enable the native to be-

come the friend of a king or one on a par with him.

^OTMrfii'TEirsTrrf^ fenra qroarmf^rf^n

^ rlnsrcTf5Tf|«j7r:

^5 li'Ml

—The planet that has attained a Paravatamsa

Shka 9.
will make
the native endowed with very good horses,
elephants, vehicles and other princely appendages.
The person in whose nativity a planet has reached a
Devalokamsa will be a king widely renowned for his
good qualities. The planet that has gained an Airava-
tamsa in a person's nativity will make him a second
God Indra fit to be saluted by kings. The planet
in a Suralokamsa secures to the natiye good luck,
wealth, corn, children and kingship.

’snsr ^ ftr*?# sr^fSr?} i

*3^ er*r


Sloka 10 .— If at a birth a planet be weak in all the

10 Vargas, it will cause the death of the native. If 9, 8,

7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 out of the 10 Vargas be weak, the

following are the effects in their order as a result there-
of :(1) destruction (2) grief (3) calamity (4) unhappi-
ness (5) love of relations (6) foremost among relation*
<7) friend of a king (8) a wealthy man and (9)
a king.
If a planet should be strong in all the Vargas, the
will be the best among kings. The effect of a planet's
being in the (srrsO Bala and other Avasthas will be that
SI. 11-12 <fcfcrts«Tiir:

-the native will be (1) progressing (2) happy (3) a king

4) suffering from disease and (S) dead respectively.

sftwfarc: sftwfrr

^S5<T3ftgr: 5T5: I

rr'srT^n sranfort OTTftssrd

^iT5r: sptRT: gtrcw IIUII

Sloka 17.— If there be a preponderance in strength

of benefic planets in the Shadvargas, the native
will be very wealthy and live for a long period.
If the Lagna should happen to occupy Krura Amsas in

the several Shadvargas, the native will be poor, short-

lived and of a wicked disposition. But if the lords of
those Amsas be strong, the person concerned will be-
come a king. If the lord (1) of the rising Navamsa*
^2) of the rising decanate or (3) of the (rising) Lagna
Basi be strong, the native will respectively be a person
(1) endowed with happiness and comfort, (2) equal to
a king, or (3) a ruler of the Earth possessing good

3Tt% »T5rsrkT SffCff%sfar®rt

grrr U&g i

3^*cT siretesr fair

itt ST Hgsrfa llUUl

Sloka 12 — The person at whose birth malefics occu-

py Sun's Hora in odd Rasis will be strong and
sturdy, cruel in his behaviour and wealthy, while the
one born with benefics posited in the lunar Hora of
even signs will be brilliant in appearance, will speak
mildly, will be pleasant and graceful. If it be otherwise,
be otherwise. If it be mixed, the
the effect also will
be mixed. In the case of a nativity where
effect will
the Lagna and the Moon are very strong and the lords
of the signs occupied by them be also similarly strong,
the person concerned will be endowed with long life

without any sorrow and will be widely renowned.

rr«fr «ricT! i

jr^rsrt ajit^srar^rkisrV crftrsirsirH>

^rrert fwrfcrosj ra?;»T: ^tensWfl. nUit

Slokn 13.— The last decanates of Simha, Mesha,

Dhanus, Tula and Mithuna, the first ones of Dhanus
and Mesha, the middle ones of Kanya and Mithuna are
termed ^TTg^r (Ayudha Drekkanas) or 'armed*
’decanates. The middle decanate of Vrischika is called
"Pasa" (TOT or noose). The first Drekkana of Makara is
called "Nigala" (irpTST- fetters) decanate. The first de-
canates of Simha and Kumbha and the middle one of
Tula are vulture faced. The last decanate of Vrishabha
is a bird (rrfSfT-Pakshi) and the first decanate of Karka-

taka has a face like that of a pig.

Charter: sdfcrRsrl ^*rt*Trr%Rr^nt;r;^f#?rr-

5*5# ^tfsfrtfoT

urf ww a# nsrrffr n *air

5/aka 14 .— The first decanate of Scorpio, the last

one Cancer and the last one of Pisces are termed
Serpent decanates. The second of Mesha and Vrisha-
bha, the first of Leo and the last of Scorpio are called
quadruped decanates. Persons born in these (i.e., when
these decanates are rising) will be without wealth,
cruel in disposition, vile m
character and indigent. In

a dual sign, the 3 decanates in their order will be

(Adhama or bad), (Madhyama or moderate) and
(Uttama or good), while, in the case of a moveable

sign, this order will be reversed. In a fixed sign, the

order will be bad, good and mixed. Thus will the
effects also be, when these decanates are rising. So say
the wise.

Sloka 15. — If the lord of the (rising) decanate be in

his own Varga, or associated with a benefic planet or
be in his own exaltation or friendly house if the lord

of the (rising) Trimsamsa, Dwadasamsa or Hora (Lagna?)

possessing strength be in a similar position, the per-
son concerned will be endowed with all good quali-
always be pure, clever, long-lived, merciful
ties, will
and wealthy, will possess children, will be widely re-
nowned and enjoy all comforts in a royal style.


TTgfic^ u^n

Sloka 16 the Rasi occupied by Mandi at a

— Note
birth and note also where the lord of that Rasi is posit-
ed. The Lagna at birth will be a position triangular
aforesaid lord or one triangular to the
that of the
Navamsa occupied by the owner of the sign represent"
ihg the Navamsa occupied by Mandi. It
may be
triangular to the Navamsa Rasi occupied by
When the Moon is strong, thp Lagna should be de-
r I r

32 Adh. II

duced similarly through the Moon alone instead of

through Mandi,

eK^torw 335

^ 5mr»rar srsr cr^REKtEftf^Er

HRqfcft' w£^rr%l%cnra': ^Eftirssf'EpT

Shka 17 -The Moon if posited in her own or a

friend's decanate will make the native beautiful in
appearance and possessed of good qualities. If she has
attained an (Uttamavarga), she will also make
him very lucky she be posited anywhere else, she

will endow the native with such qualities as belong to

the planet owning the house occupied by her.
Planets that are in their own Trimsamsas will do all
thathave been ascribed to them as Karakas. If there
be at least one planet in his own or exaltation house
and at the same time aspected by or associated with a
friendly planet, the native will become a king endow-
ed with riches.

TsftiT SEcRsgr: gr^fr: f

5TRT?3 OTtETT JTcftS^ft II? <2 II

Sloka 18.— A
planet is blazing when he is in his
exaltation ; he is happy in his Moolatrikona ; he is
confident in his own house; he is delighted in a friend's
house; calm when he has reached the Varga of a bene~
fic planet. He is capable when ho shines bright with
unclouded splendour.

sr^tfirgg: w wig l

gg %er:
: II Wl
Sloka 19. —He is tortured when overcome by another

planet. He is base by union with the Varga of a malefic

SI 20 33

planet. He is exceedingly distressed when he occupies

an enemy's house. He is greatly afraid when he is in
his depression. He is failing when he has set or dis-
qw srftar m3rsg>rrcri*r gtf srrifar I


srfrr ir^sarTfiiTra-cn^f eptBwhtV


Sloka 20 .
— In the case of a planet in a JT^fHR^Tr
(Pradeeptavastha), the good effect will be full, while it
will be ml for a planet in a (Vikala) state. In the
case of the intervening conditions (Avasthas), the
auspicious effects will be decreasing proportionately
while the unpropitiousness of the effects will corres-
pondingly increase. The nature of the effects of the
several Avasthas will be quite in accordance with
the appellations they bear.
Thus ends the 3rd Adhyaya on "Divisions of the
Zodiac" in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.


cfrif «rf|smTf ssisrsnsr®


^ts^s =ar mu
Sloka I .—The strength of a planet is said to be six
fold and they are in the following order:— (1) Kalaja-
OeTSFST) ox temporal, (2) Cheshta (%t)
or motional, (3)

Ucchaja-(^3r) or that derived from its exaltation posi-

34 AdL IV

tion, (4) Dik (reps) or directional, (5) Ayana (ww) or

that derived from declination (north or south) and
(6) Sthana (^<crR) or positional. In the night-time, Mars,
the Moon and Venus are strong. Mercury is strong at
all times. The rest are strong during the day. In the
bright-half of a month the benefics, and in the dark-half,
the malefics, are strong. Planets when they happen to
be the lords of the year, month, day and hour get i, J,
J and 1 Rupa respectively.

fepEftq- fswtm ^f^rrcraf w?rm %-


SJoka 2.— The Moon gets Cheshtabala when

ahe is full. The Sun gets it when he is in his northern
oourse; the other placets, when in their retrograde
motion. In planetary war, those that are posited in the
north and who have got brilliant rays should be con'
sidered as victorious. Planets have their full
Uchcha bala when in their highest exaltation. Aa re-
gards directional strength, the Sun and Mars are strong
in the 10th Venus and the Moon in the 4th; Mercury
and Jupiter in the 1st and Saturn in the 7th. Mercury,
Saturn and the Moon have their (sr^TvTTO) Ayana bala
in their southerly course. The rest have the same in
their northern.

q-flrfr: «nrg; ^srifg srr

sTtw ?£TH T5? g-gu^g^tpjwr^qrg-f: .sing


w^sTScr^^flr^Effjrcri: %sr
er;gfrr: H|n

Sloka 3—'The strength accruing to a planet in the


SI. 4-5 !
srgsifcwrc*r: 35

six Vargas (viz, Rasi, Hora, Drelckana, Navamsa, Dwa-

dasamsa and Trimsamsa) on a consideration of its be-
ing posited in its exaltation, its own and its friendly
signs, etc., is termed its positional strength. That aris-
ing from its being in Kendra and other Bhavas (i.e.,
Phanapara and Apoklima) will be 1, l and Rupa -J

respectively,'The hermaphrodite planets are strong in

the middle, the male ones at the initial and the female
ones at the concluding portions of a Rash Saturn,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun
are in their order increasing in their natural strength,

m-, JTcft

*r%csr %a:s t

Sloka 4.— planet is said to possess strength when,

he is retrograde or when his rays are full and brilliant,
though posited in a depression or inimical Rasi o r
Amsa. Like the Moon, a planet though occupying an
exaltation, friendly or his own Rasi or Amsa
weak, should his rays be overpowered or eclipsed.

gussrt wRrsr: ft:

m?rTif <
crKt^r^rf i

«r^r ^
Shka 5 , — All planets are strong when they are in

exaltation. The Moon is strong

and auspicious when
bala and the Sun When he has
she has her full Paksha
house or
his Dig-bala 0\e„ when he is in the 10th
non-luminous planets are
the Meridian). The other five
strong when they are retrograde.
Rahu in Karkataka,
36 Adh. IV
Vrishabha, Mesha, Kumbha and Vrischika and Ketu in
Meena, Kanyfc, Vrishabha and the later half of Dhanus,
in Parivesha (gftij'q') and Indra-chapa (^^‘^TITr) are
strong if there be a conjunction of the Moon and the
Sun and the time be night.

^q qsr «nwt:
jpq ^rq-g-q-Tf qr^srersftqfofiiq; i

qr#qffer% ttsrqtscft q3: sftqffSqms fifikn: H^ii

SJoka 6 — If the first Bhava be a biped sign, ono

Rupa has to be allotted to it; if it be Vrischika, the
bala is 1 if it be any other sign, the strength is ]. The

strength of the Lagna is equal to that of its lord and is

very powerful when the lord occupies an Upachaya
(3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th) house. The same is also th e
case when it is occupied or aspected by its lord, Jupiter
or Mercury, when it is associated with Venus and is at
the same time without the conjunction or aspect of any
other planet. The day-signs possess strength in day-
births, while night-signs are declared powerful in

5?=rr% tjor fqqrf |

qfofq %q sftq ^rr5Ki<nwJuu

Sloka 7.A planet gets one full Rupa as positional

•strengthwhen he is in his exaltation Rasi. The strength
is £ when he is posited in his
Moolatrilcona Rasi. It is }
when the planet occupies his own Rasi. When the
planet is in a friendly house, his bala is only In an
inimical house, he gats only very little. The strength
is nil when he is in his
depression sign or eclipsed by
the Sun's rays.
•si. 8.11 37

%% ?ra- sr^^l fesir I

g-trfq^Tqwftor srenfirffit f? rar^t-^jrPfr mu

Slokn 5,— The strength of the planets occupying
he 4 Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) has been distin-
guished by the astrologers in the following manner It ;

is Uhin the 4th house; ] in the 10th, l in the 7th

and full in the 1st or Lagna, thus increasing it by 1 in
each stage.

mxh m qrrem * cr

*?Vrrf£;g ^tK^rr%(?r fsrsmfet g tfcfsjgrKT M

-The aspect from the 7th house is the only
Slakct 0.-
one should be declared as most effective in all
cases not so, the rest. But there are others who opine

that the special aspect (of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars) is

in no way less efficacious in producing full effect in all

Yogas and the like.


Sloka 10 —-Natural enmity or friendship between

two planets is more fully effective than and preferable
to their corresponding temporal ones as the latter
only a variable quantity and not a permanent one.

cfar *

qrrar srer g nun

Sloka 11 In completely warding off evil and in

promoting prosperty, Jupiter is the most powerful of all

the planets. Mercury and Venus hare a i J


38 qra^Vfqqrm Adh. IV

respectively of that power. The Moon's strength

serves as a basis as it were for the strength of all the <


H sdsr n

swig HVli

Sloka 12 .—-Find what portionof the asterism occu-

pied by the' Moon has elapsed at birth. Reduce the
same to Vighatikas. Divide this result by (1) 60 (2) 300
and (3) 100. The three resulting quotients are termed
(1) (Chandrakriya) (2) (Chandra-
avasttha) and (3) (Chandravela) respectively.
Their effects are described below

II am TffgrfoiqTCprn n

.Kqrarftf r q-tr^tw goft =ar 1

^rar ^riq^Prq *qrqRr #igfrr ii^ii

sricqql fqRraqcr spf sqrwrq^i qrfcr

rVft 5r*%r: ^q^rra-i&ert wir fqqqpjqt: I

srrcmjfr =sr q^freftwrcrT srmqf qsr-

sren ^gqdiiqqrqRTfl-qt s^s^ra-T^rq: lU«il


ipftsrr^t %rf?r fqfq> g:%?r: i

5T«rr^«rI ftgdfwssj srgssftdT ^ urqifNcft

firqrifr «sr qq; fqqg sqwersnst h *hip

Sloka 13. — (1) One that has fallen from his position.
SI. 14-15 39

(2) one (3) one intent on

practising austerities
others' wives a gambler (5j one who is mounted
on a mighty elephant (6) one seated on the throne (7)
a ruler of men (8) one that destroys enemies (9) a
commander of an army (10) a virtuous person (11) one
that is dead or quite exhausted (12) one that is

decapitated (13) one whose hands and legs are injured

(14) a prisoner (15) one that is lost or spoilt (16) a kin#
17) one that studies the Vedas (18) one that sleeps (19)
one of a good character (20) one who practises virtue

Sloka 14,— (21) one that is horn of a good family

^22) one who has come by a treasure
belong- (23) one
ing to a renowned family (24) one clever in exposition
(25) a destroyer of enemies (26) one who is sickly (27)
one that is vanquished by his enemy (28) one that has
native country (29) a servant (30) one who
left off his
who has lost his wealth (31) one that is always seen in
royal assemblies (32) a good counsellor (33) one that
is in charge of others' lands (34) one that lives with
his wife (35) one who is afraid of elephants (36) one
who is timid in conflicts (37) one that is generally very
timid (38) one that lives concealed or incognito (39)
one that feeds others (40) one who falls into the fire,

Sloka IS. — (41) one that suffers from hunger (42)

one that eats cooked rico (43) one that is wandering
(44) one that eats flesh (45) one that has been injured
by a missile or weapon (46) one who is married
(47) one with a ball in his hand (48) one who amuses
himself with dice (49) a king (50) one that is distres-
sed (51) one that *s in his bed (52) one that is served,
by his enemies (53) one that is surrounded by his
friends (54) a saint or devotee (55) one that is with his
wife (56) one that eats sumptuous food (57) one that
40 Adh- IV

drinks milk (58) one that does good or virtuous acts-

(59) one that is confident or self-possessed and (60)’
one who continues to be happy,

w »

anmOTmfirsrTCrt 3-raar mw^rPr-

^^f%crgoifiR7fr 5&JT 3Tre«n^?Tcgrg t

¥ftfcr: gtrraTft^jft

gisrfom sr *ftcrr HVai

Sloka 16 ,— The following are declared by the wise

as the effects of the 12 (arsTSSTP) Avasthas of the Moon;
(1) Absence from one's head-quarters (2) becoming a
favourite of an esteemed king (3) danger of losing one's
life on account of service to another (4) possessing
qualifications of being a ruler of the world (5) delight-
ing to have qualifications and merits befitting one's
family (6) sickly (7) holding a royal Darbar (8) fear (9
torment 'by the pangs of hunger (10) marriage with
a young lady (11) desire to have handsome bed and*
(12) eating sumptuous food,

II am TTjg^T'TJSrg II

gf^rararsrsr w^mt
Srsrwq’: gfeerar srfsrmfircrc: i

shroff srart^i tfrr; mull

sktst 3r% sr

mtmr gfrgfeftiet i

g-UrraT =sr fofo: IR <sn
si. 17-20 41

^sgrtsrrsr ^rstssw mgr sftarr gw*re:w 1

Trmrrc:: s^trf wilrbr irresr 11 ?aii

Sloka 17 — The effects of

the Moon's 36 Velas (§®\'.y
have been thus described by the wise:— (1) headache
(2) pleasure (3) 'performing a sacrifice (4) living hap-
pily (5) eye disease (6) being happy (7) amusement
with young damsels (8) violent fever (9) adornment
with golden ornaments (10) shedding tears (11) de-
vouring poison (12) coition (13) stomach-ache

Sloka 18.— (14) amusing oneself in water, merriment

and painting anger (16) dancing (17) eating food
along with ghee (18) sleeping (19) gift (of presents!
(20) tooth-ache (21) quarrel (22) starting (on a journey)
(23) intoxication or insanity (24) swimming in water
(25) enmity

Sloka 29.— (26) the act of bathing according to

one's own inclination (27) hunger (28) fear (29)
acquisition of a sacred lore (30) wantonness (31)
meeting (32) fighting (33) doing a virtuous act (34)
practising evil (35) perpetrating cruel actions and (36

=5r gg^ * sr§r i


Sloka 20 .— The Chandra lcriya (^PgrfipiT) anc* others,

described above will be found to be useful and.
productive of effect in the case of a birth, a Muhurta.
(celebration of an auspicious event) and a query. One-
ought therefore to particularly examine them and them
only set about predicting.

^sarnft^r^ g srsrowrfasK 'rtTtn i

40 Adh. IV

g^rrfir ^ sresrift *rgf?r ^ sgt \r<\\\

Sloka 21. — (g^PTST) Pakshabala (fortnightly strength)

is of special importance to the Moon, while the Bala
arising from Sthana (^StffrT position) is important for
the other planets. This when added to the other kinds
of strength of the several planets will become very
great. Other kinds of strength, there are many, similar
io this.
II n

sreflwrc: wst^g q^gssr «rs«srcrsr* i

g^m facft ii^ii


Sloka 22 . —
'The Sun is declared strong when his
strength is 6J- Rupas. In the case of the Moon, it is 6
Rupas, Five Rupas are assigned to Mars and 7 to Mer-
cury, Jupiter's (ijotgsr) Purnabala is similar to that of
the Sun, that is, 6j Rupas. Venus is strong when he
“gets5* Rupas.

glrg fk «qpnsrr srgtg n:qrr ir^vrr?^ 5

aT qj: i

<$r BT^rq-r 11^11

Sloka 23 ““Saturn should have 5

These Rupas.
.are the figures representing the total Shadbala
for the several planets. If the respective figures be

otherwise, i.*s, less than the above, the planets should

be considered as weak. It is only after a minute
examination of the several kinds of strength (the Shad”
ialas) of the several planets, one ought to declare their

srjnff fawlr * i

f^r«T5y srfecRq' ew IRill

Si. 1 43'

!TW ^g*flswmr:

24.—In the case of the Lagna and other Bha~

vas>add one Rupa to the strength of the lord of the
Bhava concerned Supplement this by the Directional
strength (faFFST^-Digbala) due to that Bhava and also by
the strength of aspect (^sraO-Drigbala) of that Bhava.

The aggregate sum - total is the Bhavabala (qrrgq-^)

For more details about the several kinds of strength
of planets please see
Adhyayas II and III of my edition
of Sripatipaddhati.
Thus ends the 4th Adhyaya on "Determination
of the Shadbalas of Planets" in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara

II qwftjajpr: II

sroffi* WJtfsersfwferiit: smsirer: %=gr:

l?tns:T f^PTt«t555T5r%srr «r*5krea?r:

q^^^?fiilTr%>T5r5TT|f%’ 3T»JSffi^S 11*11

Sloka 1 One ought to declare the acquisition of
wealth by any person with reference to the predomin-
ance the Lagna or the Moon as the case may be in
his horoscope. The source of such an acquisition will
be the father, mother, a foe, a friend, a brother, a wife
or a servant, according as the Sun or any of the other
planets taken in order occupies the 10th place from the
Lagna or the Moon whichever is stronger. His profes-
sion will be that prescribed for the lord of theNavamsa
pi f\
44 .

Adh* V
occupied by the planet owning the 10th place
from the Lagna, from the Moon and from the Sun (seve-
rally) whichever is strongest.
, ,

'K55 ?!n5«nTq sr ^mr^cr^rar: %?T5S'%,T5ntr; l

qrigf^nsa %hti qg^q^Tm irk

Sloka 2 —If the lord of the 10th house
be posited in
the Sun's Navamsa, the person born will earn his liveli-
hood through fruit-trees, by the repetitions of
Mantras, by fraud, by gambling, by uttering falsehood,
through wool, medicine and the like, by working on
metals or through service under a king or some re-
spectable person.

srsrt^fqrcf qrqfoqrqor i

Hhifesnsr qf%<rrsrqr 3;r 11311

SJoka 3 -~ If the Navamsa occupied by the lord of

the 10th house be that of the Moon, the income of the
person concerned will be through trade in water-pro-
ducts (pearls, corals, etc.,) through agriculture and
cattle - farming, pilgrimage to holy shrines, service
under a damsel or trading in clothes.

T%^wqrc^q^tf?n nun
Sloka 4.~li the Navamsa in question be that of
Mars, the sources of income may be through
fighting in battles, cooking, lands, gold, inflicting
trouble to others, weapons, acts of adventure, associa-
tion with wicked men, spying or through theft.

jdff crsqrsrqqncqffan IlHIl

Sloka 5 .— In the case of a person bom with the

lord of the 10th posited in a Navamsa owned by
Mercury, the earning will be through composing
SI. 0-8 <T3rrfts'wnir: it

poems, the study of sacred scriptures, by being a

scribe or through some clerical work, or some trick,
through a knowledge of astrology, through the study of
the Vedas on other's behalf, by repetition of Mantras,
or by playing the role of a priest or by some pretext.

S cT>ir?TT5?rmTrffifirTniT'i^mT^5T
concerned be in a Navamsa
Sloka 6.~~ If the planet
of Jupiter, theperson born maintains himself through
the help of Brahmins, Gods or through royal favor, by
reciting Puranas, by the study of Sastras, by the preach-
ing of morality, by religious instructions or by lending
money (profession of usury).


Sloka 7.—~The earnings of a person with the lord of

the 10th house posited in a Navamsa owned by Venus
will be through a woman, cows, buffaloes, elephants,
horses, through triple symphony (i. e. dancing in #

accompaniment to vocal and instrumental music),

through scents, milk, ornaments and silken
fineries, virtue of being a companion (Aid-de-camp.)
to a king, or by his poetic talents.

ssrwfar% srftiir i


Sloka 8— The person in whose nativity the lord of

the 10th house is sheltered in Saturn's Navamsa

by dealing in roots and fruits, by physical exertion,

- (sweating labour), through servants, rogues
through the earnings of men of low morality,
bad grains, by carrying burden, by resorting to

46 Adh. VI

avocations, through sculpture, wooden materials and

by functioning as an executioner or a butcher.

sftxii'Ka- TrA^fi^T 713^ I

ajsrsTlTtrf^ir <fief

gRjIr: gy§;jT3f rTvf^gtrrm ll°,ll

Hm ||

Sloka 9 'When the planet owning Hie Navamsa is

strong, there will be acquisition of wealth without any

exertion. If it should be weak, very little wealth ac-
crues. The country of acquisition will be that signified
by the sign representing the 10th house or the Navamsa
occupied by the lcrd of the 10th house. But if this sign
be occupied or aspected by its lord, he will earn in his
own country. The same will be the result if the
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th house be an
immoveable Rasi. And if the said sign be occupied or
aspected by planets other than its lord, the native will
earn in a place other than his own native country.
Thus ends the 5th Adhyaya on "Profession and
Livelihood" in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

II #5^3?: II

g-srem rRr tsj w t

f%fa-gcrrff5 ctr rn^ft il

? !l

Sloka 1— (Ruchaka), ^ (Bhadra),
JTT5R (Malaya) and snET (Sasa) are the live Yogas
^ (Hamsa),
SI. 2-3 «nstes«Tfq-: 47

are formed by the planets — Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,

Venus and Saturn respectively when each of them oc-
cupies a Kendra identical with its (Swakshetra)
or (Swochcha).

rrcftajpmTJj; %?rr<rfin3rp*cs i

'‘J'Tf nun

r>loka .2,-The person born in the (Huchaka) Yoga

will have a long face, will acquire wealth by doing
many daring deeds, will be brave, will overcome his
enemies, will be powerful and will be arrogant. He
will become renowned for his merits, will be a leader
of an army and will emerge victorious in all his
attempts, The man bom in the (Bhadra) Yoga will be
gifted with long life and keen intellect, will be clean,
praised by the learned, will lead men, will be very rich
and clever in addressing an assembly.

^rf rsiwc^Tisr-
rart: i

*rr^ w\\\ 1

SJoka 3,— The person
be a king extolled
in the
the good.
^(Hamsa) yoga
Hewill have in

his legs and hands marks of (Sankha), «HT (Padma)

tt^T (Matsya) and (Ankusa) Rekhas. He will pos-

sess a beautiful body, will eat sumptuous food and will
be of a righteous disposition. The man born in the +Uc£©sr
-(Malavya) Yoga will have strong limbs, will be resolute,
•wealthy, endowed with wife, children and good fortune'
48 Adh, V

will be prosperous, will eat good meals, enjoy

command good
pleasures, vehicles, and will become
famous and learned. He will possess unperturbed

5TCT: *tf STmife<Tt S{[

f |fn I

*trt5tr; g'mm ^rar iivii

Slaka 4.— The person, born in the (Sasa

Yoga) will be extolled by all, will have good servants,
will be strong, will be the headman of a village or a
King, will be wicked in disposition, will have intrigues
with women not his own, will usurp others' wealth and
be happy. Just as these five Yogas arise when reckon-
ed from the Lagna, similarly they are possible when
counted even from the Moon's place. They bestow on
the native an empire and perfection. The person who
happens to have one, two, three, four or all the five
Yogas will respectively be a (1) fortunate man (2) one
equal to a King (3J a King, (4) an Emperor, and (5) one
superior to No 4.

v sft

feirffErfa =srgu%

?r £tr?r sri%3torsrr Stress INI

Sloka5.— When planets other than the Sun occupy

the 2nd, the 12th or both houses reckoned from the
Moon, the resulting 3 Yogas are respectively styled
grfpKT (Sunapha), eriT^FTr (Anapha) and (Duru
dhara). In the absence of the 3 Yogas defined above,
there is the IjmSCIT (Kemadruma) Yoga. There are some
who declare that there is no (Kemadruma) where-
si. 6-8 4:9

a Kendra or the Moon is associated with a planet, or

where planets occupy a Kendra house reckoned from
the Moon.

qmrawwwt wr
wwffr % wjrqrrwr i

sdteng; ^tcr^tri-
f^rrq'WJsr^'rV li^ll

Sloka G.— The person who has had his birth in the-
•FTSpKf (Sunapha) Toga will be a king or his equal, with
self-acquired property, and renowned for his wisdom
and wealth. The man born under the sTTOF (Anapha)
Yoga will be powerful, healthy, with amiable manners,
known to fame, blessed with material comforts, well-
dressed, contented and happy.

srapqr: i

wf&fTf :fecrffNrirr:^:
sr?w[: wikt g^roTtm; nwi

Sloka 7.-~ Taking freely to the joys of life as they

crop up and blessed with abundance of wealth and
vehicles, the person born under the (Durudhura)
Yoga is bountiful and waited upon by faithful at-
tendants. But those born under the (Kema-
druma) Yoga, though they may be of a princely race,
become obscure, miserable, given to base ways,
penurious, drudging as menials and wickedly-inclined*

^ri^: wfirg; gw: *s*gw^ 'm-w^rr: *jprn i

sratfsc^wn gw^g ggwf wtwt w lien

450 Adh. VI

Sloka 8. —
benefic planets other than the Moon oc-

cupy the 2nd, 12th and both the Bhavas from the Sun,
the resulting Yogas are respectively termed
<SubhavesiV (Subhavasi), and
fSubhobhayachari). But if the planets in qestion be
malefic, the concerned Yogas are called TTPT%RrT (Papa-
vesi), etc., When the 12th and the 2nd Bhavas from the
Lagna are occupied by benefics, the Yoga is
fSubhakartari). It is called q"PTSfi$fT (Papakartari), when
Ihe above two houses are occupied by malefics, If bene-
fics unaspected by malefics, occupy the 2nd house
from the Lagna, the Yoga is termed gsTVT (Susubha).

sricn str* gw: g<rV ^nrfiT^V

f^Tcr; wBranrfsw i

fterrfsr gW&msgwwfrfts qr^frr^ m\

Sloka 9 —
The person born in a
(Suvesi) Yoga
will be very handsome, happy, a store of merit, brave, a
King and virtuous. He who is born in a (Suvasi)
Yoga will become famous, will be liked by all, will be
exceedingly prosperous, liberal and the favourite of the ,

sovereign. The man who has his birth in the gviwrft

(Subhayachari) Yoga will have beautiful limbs, will be
affable in address, will delight the world, will be
eloquent in his speech, renowned and wealthy.

irmsft qrft^srr: gf'crsrusnfasjr: I

Sloka 10 , — The person born in Ihe 3T5J*r%f5T ( Asubha-

Si. 11-13 51

vesi) Yoga will unjustly vilify others; lose his

splendour (beauty), will associate with the low and
will be wicked. One who is born in an STOTSTSTTfir
(Asubhavasi) Yoga will be deceitful, will abuse others,
and will befriend the wicked. He will be of unrighteous
conduct, but will quote Sastras and Scriptures,
The man with an (Asubhobhayachari)
Yoga will be mentally much afficted owing to public
dishonour. He will be bereft of learning, wealth and

sfraar: i

SJoka 11 — The
. person who has his birth in a
SHTCdft (Subhakartari) Yoga will be long-lived, fear-

less, freefrom disease, without enemies, happy and

rich. is born in a q-pT^fi; (Papakartari) Yoga
He who
will be poor, impure, unhappy, bereft of wife and
children, deprived of some limb and short-lived.

SJoka 12 . —
The person born in the 3TJTc5T (Amala>
Yoga will^e virtuous, pious, kindly disposed, fortu-
nate, amia&le, highly revered by his sovereign, gentle,
affable in his speech and wealthy.

nmtt® W fktftw&G&k* \\K\w

SJoka 13 .— In the case of *j5T*r (Susubha), Sgroaft

(Subhakartari), (Subhavesi) and other Yogas

52 qF?^#Rr^r^rr Adh. VI

the effects given for ^cpTf (Sunapha) and other Yogas

caused by benefics should be adopted. In the case of
3I3r*T(Asubha), qTTOcfft (Papakartari), (Papa-

vesi) and other Yogas caused by malefics, the effects

will be just the contrary.

vficrr?c3T^rR:^r2r srRrRr g OTh:: ^;?grft ?fiT% ^rsrr-

^r% srfiW* iiWH

SJoka 14. —tt, at a day - birth in the case of a male,

the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna are in odd signs, the
iH1[TSnrcT (Mahabhagya) Yoga is formed, The same Yoga
in the case of females will arise when the birth is at
night and the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna are posited
in even signs. The Moon in a Kendra position to
Jupiter brings on (Kesari) Yoga The Moon in the
12th, houso from Jupiter causes
8th or 6th
(Sakata) Moon be in a Kendra house from
But if the
the Lagna, there is no sftTO* (Sakata). The 3TSPPT
(Adhama), (Sama) and clfciy (Varishtha) Yogas are
formed when the Moon occupies respectively &
Kendra, a Panaphara and an Apoklima house counted
from the Sun.


fasten 1

^rf ?ff *rf?r

{%rc gin swgrrar hi ^rfenr

person who has his birth in a TfljnPTprcT’
Sloka 15.— The
pleasure to
(Mahabhagya) Yoga will cause immense
mere appearance, will be very llb ®^a
allpeople, by his
his gifts and famous He will be a ruler of
:S1. 16-18 63

earth, living for80 years and of a spotless character.

Ifa female be bom under this Yoga, she -will be
endowed with wealth, a long-lived husband, sons, and
grandsons. She will be exceedingly lucky and

steers ’ctsraifo; t


Sloka 16 . —
The person born in the (Kesari)
Yoga will destroy, like a lion, all his enemies. He will
speak loftily or nobly in an assembly. He will be
passionate and emotional in his behaviour. He will be
long-lived, highly renowned and exceedingly intel-
ligent. He will conquer everything by his own valour.

Ttrr-- n^:^'rP--'>
vT: r^; gsr: wit: I

sjst aw: H’vsil

Sloka 17 .— The person born in the 57

Yoga will

often become unfortunate (lose his luck), and

may again regain what he once lost. He will be a very
ordinary and insignificant man in the world. He will
attain much mental grief that is inevitable and will be
exceedingly unhappy.

Sloka 18 . —
According as the Yoga at birth is Kashta
or ST^TFr-Adhama), Madhyama (jp£sr*T ox ^JT'Sama),
or Vara (gpc or tfft^f-Varishtha), the wealth, vehicles,
fame, happiness, knowledge, intellectual precision,
modesty, ability, learning, liberality and^ enjoyment of
the person born will be at the lowest, middling or
highest respectively.

sr'SHSa 5TO-

jwjjrW'Tt ft i
6-t Adh. VI

sr-frir srfeet- f^jr'TRRr %%sf^f^5r^ir

cm 73*rfir ^rarw sr5rsn»ft*rt 11 V,n
Sloka 19 — ’ll all the benefics occupy jgtpgpT (Upa-
chaya) houses whether reckoned from the Lagna or the
Moon, the resulting Yoga is termed cjr^JTP^ (Vasumat).
When benefics occupy the 10th house counted from the
Lagna or the Moon, the Yoga is called snTSST (Amalah
If the lord of the Kasi occupied by the Moon is in
conjunction with the lord of the Lagna and be posited
in a Kendra or in the house of a very friendly plana
and if at the same time a benefic planet possess
ing strength aspect the Lagna, the resulting Yoga
is called (Pushkala).

Rrsf : sncr

#sr; srsft ^rw^Ttrsjcft i

!fwr=r ^wiffrart firsp-:

^ncr^r^T: *r#?ro: ^r?irg; ir°II

20 .— The person born in the

Sloka (Vasumat!
Yoga always keep to his house, and will command
plenty of money. He who has his birth in the &r*T55T
(Amala) Yoga will rule over the earth, will be wealthy,
will have sons, will be famous, prosperous and prudent.
He who is born in the (Pushkala) Yoga will be
wealthy, will be honoured by Kings, and become
famous. He will be decorated with beautiful ornaments
and clothes. He will be s ^eet-tongued, supremely
good and a lord.
*33 snrci *wr mmw fercrr

gfersr^s?HTff?g ^K^srrcrwmfi ?g<=rn l

jftftfcT mm mil
-si. 1

Sloka 2 1. If all the benefic planets in regular order

occupy the and 7th houses, the Yoga is called
5th, 6th
(Subhamala) But if they should be posited in
the 8th, 6th and 12th houses, it is called
(Asubhamala), If the lord of the 9th and Venus be
posited in their own or exaltation houses identical with
a Trikona or a Kendra, the resulting Yoga is srefjjt
^Lakshmi), If the Moon in the above position be
aspected by Jupiter, the Yoga is (Gauri).

SlVft ST^lcTT I

'sfir: ^TTi^i^Tt^Tcrs mil

Sloka 22 .
— The person born in a (Sumala)
Yoga will be a governor (or director), will be extolled
by Kings and will be devoted to enjoyment. He will
be Jiberal in gifts, helpful to others in getting their
work done, and will love his relations. He will be
blessed with a good wife and sons and will be

Sloka 23 .

He who is born in an sfsr¥r*T!RfcTiT
Asubhamalika) Yoga will resort to bad ways, will be
unhappy, will tease or kill others, will be ungrateful,
will b© timid, will have no reverence for Brahmins, will
be cursed by the public and will be fond of (promoting)

efrareft wsrsrra: Tjrsrfi JTf ReFftjrajsrrera’: •

Jrft’TRTqTt fRT 5T SSflftW IRyil

Sloka 24 . — The person born in a (Lakshmi)

Yoga will ever be sporting with a damsel of a very

56 Adh. VI

amiable disposition. He will be free from disease,

wealthy and brilliant. He will protect all his people. He
will be the recipient of blessings from the Goddess
of wealth. He will go in beautiful palanquins or travel
on horseback or seated on an elephant. He will be the
best of Kings pleasing all his subjects and liberal in
his gifts.

£rsgcr^5?i *x?rRr iftMil

Sloka 2S."~The person born in the*ftft (Gouri) Yoga

will have a beautiful body, will come of an illustrious
family, will be a friend of the sovereign. His sons
will be very good character. He will have a lotus,
of a
like face, and his success (ovar his opponents) will be
praised by one and all.

*rfer sirsEsrrftftcrr il^il

Sloka 26.— If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury occupy a

Kendra, a Trikona or the second house, and Jupiter be
also in his exaltation, his own or a friendly house and
possess strength, the resulting Yoga is termed

finaiM! ^f^msr^^frfOT^nsJ'rRJTETi i

??rrcj; ?rrr^fr«ftJT5r> ^parcs *rt*THrra; iiwii

Sloka 27. K{i@ person who has his birth in the

(Saraswati) Yoga
is highly intelligent, clever
in dramaturgy, in prose composition, versifying,
accounts and poetics. He is skilled in poetry, in
narrative composition and in the exposition of sacred
si. 26-2 D *TFt.r«rrc': 57

texts. His fame has spread over the three worlds.

He exceedingly wealthy, and is endowed with wife
and children. He is fortunate, and commands respect
from the best of kings.

ncrr: I

tf^itfwiT^rasrfsraT'. sfrfrTspfaTsersri

vp? KT^r'kixfk^nmw lR<:il

Shka28 If the lord of the Lagna, the Sun and

the Moon, being in Kendra or Trikona occupy their

exaltation, own or friendly houses, the resulting Yoga
is termed sffcfTO (Srikantha). If Venus, the lord of the

9th and Mercury be similarly placed, the Yoga is called

(Srinatha). If Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and

Saturx* occupy similar positions, the Yoga formed is

called (Virinchi).

arrcW-lord of the 5th house. Cf, ^r5rrf STf^R~

etc. (I”l 2 =*supra.)

*T?T TrflT T3T^


garni sfgi^?n iwn

Sloka 29 ,—'The person born in the sffajws (Srikantha)

Yoga will be decked with Rudraksha rosaries, with his

body made white by the besmearing of the sacred
ashes. He will be magnanimous, and will be
meditating at heart on God Siva. He will rigidly observe
‘prescribed rites and will consecrated himself to the wor-
ship of God Siva. He will help the virtuous. He willSbe
free from malice towards the creed or religious beliefs
nr ..A— ft
r>s Adh. VI

of others. He will become powerful and his heart will

become delighted by the worship of God Siva,

ffsrrnrFf ?ri:?rri?rjTf^?r I

cr^r^t'rrarifl srqra^fri HrprfrarSsnr-

rr^rsr^rlricrg^iT: HV» l

Sloki 30.— The person born in the (Srinatha)

Yoga be wealthy, resplendant and clever in speak-
ing agreeably and in a humorous vein. He will have
<in his body) marks of God Narayana (such as ’riw-
Sanlcha, ^r^-Chakra, etc.). He will be always reciting
in company with the virtuous the charming verses
containing the name of that God. He feels very happy
in showing reverence towards those that worship that
'God. He will be endowed with a good wife and sons.
He will be loved by all and will be exceedingly

sry jjwft

CffI gf^trnTffr * jr^rfrgr^srsr: i

frcr^ 113*11

Sloka 31 — The person born in the (Virinchi)

Yoga will be fully absorbed in the knowledge of
Brahma. He will be highly intelligent and will assign
a predominant position to the Vedas over other sacred
writings. He will be endowed with all good qualities
and will be always glad at heart He will not swerve
in any way from the course of conduct prescribed in
the Vedas. He will^have a good number of distinguish-
ed disciples. He will be gentle in his speech and will
possess much wealth, wife and sons. He will shine

SI. 32 59*

with spiritual lustre. He will live long and have his

senses under control and will be saluted by Kings.

srHror?h *irarr 35m: n^ft

Sioka 32. -When two planets each owning a Bhava

(wr) mutually interchange places, e., each occupy z\

the other's house, the action is termed Parivartana

(gR^cR) and there are 66 such interchanges caused

by the several pairs of Bhava-lords beginning from the

bagna and ending with the 12th. Out of these, 30 are
caused by the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th and are
termed (Dainya) Yogas and 8 are caused by the ;

lord of the 3rd ;

thus :

The lord of tho 12th occupying any one of the oilier i

houses and tho lord of this l&lbor house occupying the 12th 11

The lord of the Ofcli occupying any one of the remaining

1. 2, H, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses anti the lord of this

occupying the f>tb ... • • .10

The lord of tho 8th occupying any cue of tho remaining

1,2,3,4,13, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and fcho lord of tins

occupying the 8th - •*

The lord of the 3rd occupying any one of the remaining

J1 2, 4, 5, 7. 9, 10 and 11 houses and the lord of this occu-

... 8-
pying the 3rd *

These 8 are called (Khala) Yogas. The remain ~

ing 28 are termed rrfT (Maba) Yogas.

«0 Adh. VI

They arc formed thus —


The lord of the Lagna occupying any one of tlio uuwi
ing 10 and 11 houses and the loul of this inm**
2, 4, 5, 7, 9,

occupying the Lagna

Tlio lord of the 2nd house occupying any one of '.ho

remaining P> houses, war., -1, 5, 7, 9, 10 and II and tho hod «d

this latter occupying the 2nd ... ... -<«

The lord of tho 4th house occupying any one of fS, 7, 9,

10 Mid 11 houses and the lord of this occupying tho 1th . « 5

The lord of tho 5th house occupying any one of 7, 9, 10

and 11 houses and the lord of this occupying tho 5th ... 4

The lord of the 7th occupying any one of 9, 10 and il

and tho lord of this occupying the ?fch ... ... d

The lord of the 9tli occupying the lOfch or Uih Ikjumj

and the lord of
- this occupying tlio 9th *** .. 2

The lord of the lGlh occupying tlio 11th and vice ver$rf<’~ 1



Sloka 33 — The man born in a cpq’ (Dainya) Yoga

"will be a fool, will be reviling others and commit sin-
iul actions. He will always be tormented by his
enemies, will speak woundingly and will be unsteady
in mind. Interruptions will arise to all bis undertak-
ings. The man born in the (Khala) Yoga will at
one time go another tirqe gentle
astray, while at
in speech. Sometimes he will regain all kinds of
prosperity, while at other times he will have to endure
much distress, poverty, misery and the like.
SI. -S 4 *'!T

TOrSmi^srTKi 5
jtit* -^ ii3a»

,“ i <’ ''* The Person born in a ttrt (Maha) Yoga

will the repository of the blessings of the Goddess
%fr (Sri) and will be a lord and wealthy. Ho will wear
cloths o( variegated colour and bedeck himseli
gold ornament Ho will receive rich presents from his

sovereign and certain powers (authority) also will be

conferred mi him. Ho v/dl command vehicles, wealth
and children.

f<«nrm v&xv'v
sqrfif i

n rfar

Shka i** Find whore iho lord of the Rasi occupied


by the lord of the I.agna is posited. If the lord of this

Rasi be in hi« exaltation or own sign identical with a
Kona or Kendra, the Toga is called ^rfST (Kahala). If
the lord of the si gn occupied by the lord of the Lagna
be similarly situated, the resulting Yoga is termed gsfo

gwfn: sthw. «w?rsnft i

floats qrtmrHnffir: tl^ll

Sloka ?&• H© who is bom in the spff£v? (Kahala)

Yoga will thrive well, will be noble, benevolent, kind
and propitious. He will be respected by other men.
The person who is born in the (Parvata) Yoga will
have everlasting wealth and happiness. He will do acts
causing eternal benefit. He will become the lord of
the Earth,

m ?fcpTf wtfHmgrmt i*
Cr2 Adlv vr

Sloka 37* If the lords of the 9th and 10th houses’
occupy in conjunction an auspicious Bhava, it con*
stitutes Raja Yoga. If the lords of a Kendra and a Kona
h© similarly placed, 1, e., be in conjunction in an auspi-
cious Bhava, the resulting Yoga is called (Sankha).

fnsrr^q-sr^srfesKtgli mf^rn
SfT^rTT H3'll

Sloka 38,—'The person who has his birth in a rrsr

(Raja) Yoga will be a King who (when he set out) will
be accompanied by elephants, horses, litters, palan-
quins and the like, the roaring of kettle drums and the
sounds of the conch with a circular umbrella
made of soft woven over him, praised by
cloth held
bards and minstrels and solicited by eminent men with
various kinds of 'presents in their hands. The person
born in (Sankha) Yoga will enjoy all comforts in
the company of many beautiful damsels.

gpr ^ ^&rr«rra; ii^ii

Sloka 39—^gf# (Vallaki) or cftwr (Veena),

(Dama), tnST ( Pa sa), (Kedara), 5jr? (Sula), grr (Yuga)
and (Gola) are the seven sNq-f [Sankhya ^numeri-
cal) Yogas respectively produced by the seven planets
occupying as many Rasis as are denoted by the seven
figures commencing from seven and diminishing
successively by one, i. e. t by the numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,
2 and 1. These (Sankhya) Yogas are to be rec-
koned when those mentioned previously are absent.
SI. 40-43 , T^mirw: 63

sftoTfjftf* f^%rfiwrs 4E sftfsr ?En*ft 1

?r% 5T>ft ^r4^r=s#E7^: iihom

Slake 40.— The personborn in the sftorr (Veena)

Yoga will be fond of dancing and music and will be
wealthy. The man born in the (Dama) Yoga will be
very liberal, a King and a benefactor. The person
whose birth takes place in the q*f^r (Pasa) Yoga will be
opulent, devoted to enjoyment, and have good
conduct and relatives. The man who has the
(Kedara) Yoga in his nativity will be endowed with
wealth and agricultural lands.
# rt^n sfitereftst <mw$r 1

{5r:^; trttft n'VA 11

Sloka 41.— The person born in the (Sula) Yoga

will be cruel, of an angry temperament, and
indigent. The man whose birth is in the 3jrr (Yuga)
Yoga will be heretical and without wealth. He who is

bom in the rffe (Gola) Yoga will be without wealth,

will commit sinful deeds, and associate with low
people. He will be a bad artisan, indolent and short-

Sloka 42.— When benefic planets occupy the 7th,

the 6th and die 8th places reckoned from the Moon or
the Lagna, there results what is called the sif^dfar
(Adhiyoga) wherein takes place the birth of a Com-
mander (Police Superintendent or head), a minister or
a ruler (of a District or Province) respectively. He who
is born in the arR^Vr (Adhiyoga) becomes famous,
prosperous, wealthy, long-lived and high-souled.

3Tg?n ftw srfe^crw; nMH

CA 'fiwflfosFnsri Adh. VI

Sloka 43 .
— The person born in the (Adhi-
yoga) will become the lord of men, will be wealthy
throughout life (have everlasting wealthy will feed
many of his .relations, will overthrow his enemies,
enjoy long life and become widely renowned,

^sr^#ircrr^3T*rsrfntfy»n: mmq&pvn i

WTq-^q-rmgq-rftsiag^srtwjl-^r #rff?rr: iiy«n

Sloka 44 ,—- Bhavas being occupied or aspected by

benefics, their lords occupying good houses or being
brilliant and in their exaltation or Swakshetra, con-
stitute certain Yogas and there are 12 such for the 12
Bhavas from the Lagna onwards. Their names are in
their order:— (1) xTfTT^ (Chamara), (2) (Dhenu), (3)
(Saurya), (4)^5% (Jaladhi), (5) (Chhatra), (6)
(Astra), (7) (Kama), (8) (Asura), (9) STpsr
(Bhagya), (10) (Khyati), (11; ^tnftariTT (Suparijata)
and (12) (Musala).

srert wsrfir f r«r sjftofrsftsr: i

«ftfirfsr«farer ^roomr: liaHll

Sloka 45.— The person born in the (tiha-

marayoga) will every day be growing in importance
like the waxing Moon and will be>of a virtuous disposi-
tion. He will become famous, a leader of men, loW-
lived and a store-house of prosperity. » \

trsrnsr ^ ^rhiy^ii

Sloka 46, The person born in the (Dhenub

Yoga will command good food, drink, etc. He will be
SI- 47-40 65

wealthy. He will have a very good education all round.

He be blessed with a large family. He will have
in plenty gold, gems, wealth, corn, etc., and he will
shine like God Kubera.

Prefer sr^TPrt naan

Sbka 4?.'— Praised by his younger brothers who-

have themselves attained glory, and endowed with
valour that commands the admiration of others, the
person bom in the (Saurya) Yoga will shine like
Sri Hama, fully engrossed in State affairs, (fondled>
loved by every body and exceedingly famous.

^gar^rr src-

^rt^n^gq-nTtRr i

smrteiTf Rratirar: fcregRt

rtsfssrt fresr'TTf nacil

—The person born in the srerR* (Jaladhi>

Sloka 48
or (Ambudhi) Yoga will be rich in cattM’, wealth
and corn, will have a beautiful mansion full of relations,
an excellent wife, gems, clothes and ornaments.
Further, he will hold a respectable and high position.
His happiness will be steady and lasting, He will travel
on elephants, horses and vehicles. He will be honour-
ed by Kings. He will eagerly engage himself in
doing work for Brahmins and the Gods and in sinking
wells and tanks by the road side.

*nri5srt wltaR ^rlrsrcraip il

Siojta 43 . — The person born in the STST (Chhatra)

Yoga will be
blessed with a happy family life and.
Vifi A <ih- VI

children. He will be the abode of wealth, renowned, of

good, speech and learned. He will become a minister
to a King. Hq will be keen-witted and respected by

wrffcnws* fir«rwpCT0r im
Sloka 50 .
— The person who has his birth in the

'(Astra) Yoga his very powerful

will forcibly subdue
foes. He will be rough in his behaviour and arrogant.
He will have bruised limbs, but will possess a strong
body. He will be quarrelsome.

Sloka in the qgxf (Kama) Yoga

51— The person bom
will not even cast wives. He wil
a look at others'
be blessed with an excellent wife, children and
relations. With his good qualities, he will shine better
than his father, and he will attain to very great
-jnsrS; i

Sloka 52. —The man born in the 3Tt*£t (Asura) Yoga

will spoil others' work and will become a tale-bearer.
He will be intent on eecuring his own interests. He
will be poor and have ’forbidden cravings. He will do
mean acts and be troubled by the effects of his own
disastrous doings.

srgtff srrcq- wcrsRj ^cr?rflr: %r?n t

si. 54 -GG 67

Sloka S3— He who has his birth in the *n;rcr (Bha-

gya) Yoga move in a palanquin (in the midst) fulj
of sounds caused by musical instruments and with
chowries waving to and fro. He will have everlasting
wealth, will be saluted by eminent men, and will
always pursue a righteous course of conduct. He will
please his Pitres, Gods and the hosts of Brahmins by-
worshipping them in the most appropriate way possi-
ble, will follow the righteous conduct, make his family
illustrious and will have a very good heart.

’srrftrsrt ssfafasrsn mu

Sloka 54, The person born in the ^nf?T (Khyati>
Yoga will become a King who will protect his good,
subjects by following
a course of conduct approved
by all. He be blessed with sons, friends, wife and
wealth, and will be prosperous and widely renowned.

qrfeTTcr^yr?r J ftwnfit; iihhii

Sloka 55. -The person bom in the <TTft3TTcT (Parijata>

Yoga will always be in the midst of festivities (or

auspicious ceremonies), will become a King, will be-
come the lord of much hoarded wealth, will own a
large family, will be intent on hearing stories of
great people, will be learned and doing something

'TR^rff I

snsjraV g^r^rasrTsrta’ mh^ii

Sloka 56.—'The man born in the JJHoS

Yoga will become the owner of wealth earned with
much difficulty ;
he will suffer humiliation his wealth
68 qRrifHtaPrt Adh. VI

will be unsteady; he will spend money only for

legitimate purposes, After his demise he will certain-
ly attain heaven ; he will be foolish and fickle-minded,


tffrli JltTfn: ff: I

sr^r ftvrfcrf^T'KV
^tnr 5IT5T t sftarr &«rf#rei$i iwti

Sloka SZ—'If the lords of the several Bhavas from

the Lagna onwards occupy the 6th, 3th oi 12th, or if
the Bhavas be associated with or aspected by malefics,
12 kinds of Yogas are declared to arise for the 12 Bha-
vas from the Lagna. They are in their order : (1) BTSpTfaT
(Avayoga) (2) &T:3rdta (Nisswayoga) (3) (Mriti-

yoga) (4) |?gsftTT (Kuhu yoga) (5) (Pamara

yoga) (6) grhfor (Harsha yoga) (7) (Dushkriti
yoga) (8) (Sarala yoga) (9) (Nxrbha-
gya yoga) (10) ^ff^T (Duryoga) (11) (Daridra
yoga) and ,

(12) fq JTc5 3rt*r


(Vimala yoga),

dgsn ^rrftcn ^?rg; NVII

Sloka 58.— The man bom in an 3T*r*iV (Avayoga)

will be insignificant. He will suffer from extreme
poverty and will be short-lived. He will b© humiliated,
he will associate with the wicked, will be of bad be-
haviour and will be deformed. His position itself will
be shaky.

^TrT^fsft fircsrssw 1

rcjgcrftTP sr^r^rf^r fin# iwn

Sloka 59.— The person born in (Nisswa

yoga) will be devoid of good (kind) words, will have a
barren wife, will lie in the midst of bad associates.
51. GO-(53 V&S'WW 69

will have bad teeth and eyes he will be wanting


in intelligence, will have no children, will have no

learning, and no power. He will be robbed of his
wealth by his enemies.

fq^Rrgnr: gicr^rtJt uvn

who has his birth in a jprRt

Sloka 6p .-'The person
Yoga will be vanquished by his enemies, will
have no brothers, Vv ill be devoid of bhame, strength
and wealth, overcome by fatigue caused by doing
improper acts and will be of an excited temperament.

wrfi^fsTgccg^snj'Tr^f rirr^c%<n i

^srwmfsfcrw^^ 5?r frfiiwwfimn iiVJi

Sloka 61 —
The man born in a
. (Kuhu Y oga)
willbe bereft of mother, vehicles, friends, happiness,
ornaments and relations, will be without a situation
or house having lost the one already got, and will be
attached to a low female

w^rfSr n^n

Sloka 62 ,— He who is born in a tmrcfor (Pamara)

Yoga will have a miserable living and will be in-
discriminate. He will be a liar and a cheat. He will
lose children or will have no issue at all. He will resort
to low and wicked people. He will be an atheist and a

ftcmfevt i

Sloka 63 ,— The person bc^rn in (Harsha)

Toga will be endowed with happiness, enjoyment.

Adh* vr

good and a strong constitution, will overcome

his enemies, and will be afraid to commit sinful acts ;
he will become a friend of illustrious and prominent
people. He will have wealth, splendour, friends, fame
and sons.


Sbka 64.— The man born in a ^cqifgfrrtrr (Dushkriti)

Yoga will lose his wife, and be addicted to others'
wives, will be roaming on the roads unperceived,
will suffer from gonorrhea and such other venereal
diseases, and trouble from the sovereign. He will be
despised by his relations and suffer distress as a result

f^rarrrwft rSrrrfhjrrrsft swrfcr ii^ii

Sloka65,—He who is born in a (Sarala)*

Yoga will be long-lived, resolute, fearless, prosperous,
and will be endowed with learning, children and
riches. He will achieve success in his undertakings,
overcome his foes, he pure and widely celebrated.

fa5rtfi?r%5r2Srf^5T$r[; srrf* vtfarfsw I

Sloka 66.— The person borrr in

(Nirbhagya) Yoga will lose all his paternal property
such as lands, house, etc he will despise the good and

elders and will be irreligious. He will wear old and *

worn-out clothes, will be indigent and reduced to-

great misery.

3r%g i

5T=rr*ft ^ ii’q'Jii'
si. '68-70 71-

Sloka 67.— The effect of a person's birth in ^d}ir

(Duryoga) will be that anything done by his own bodily
labour becomes fruitless. He will be insignificant in
the eyes of the public. He will be a triaitor to the
people, will be highly selfish, and caring to feed his
own belly. He will be constantly absent from home
and living abroad.
SKOTCTJxT 3T?t <5f I

sramiffTi' ii^ii

Shka oti. He who is born in 5(ftsptrlf*r Dariclra 1

Yoga) will be loaded with debts, cruel, foremost among

the poor, will suffer from ear-troubles, will be devoid
of good brotherhood, will entangle himself in criminal
or sinful actions, will speak indecently and will be a
menial to others.
foFsrmt ijforatfJrifisr sraartf i

Sloka 69. — The person born in a (Vimala)

Yoga will spend little and save much money. He* will
be good to every body. He will be happy and indepen-
dent and will have a respectable profession or con-
duct and b© renowned for his good qualities.

fesrrferr*r;n*m: %??re^arirarfT:

Br iRrir*T( w tsr *>|5r-

?rfcr g# «nfib>' iwoii

frw 'TSts^rar: u

Sloka 70 If the lords of the 8th, 6th and 12th

houses occupy in strength Kendra or Trikona houses, '

and the lords of the 1st, 10th, 4-th and 9th houses be
72 Adh. VI

weak ot eclipsed and be posited in the 6th, 8th and

12th houses, the result is ®
ur y°9a)« But if the
above position be reverse, (/. the lords of the 8th
6th and 12th being weak or eclipsed occupy those?
houses, and the lords of the 1st, 4th, 9th and 10th
houses being strong occupy Kendra or Kona houses,
the person concerned will be a King fortunate,
wealthy, happy and virtuously diposed.

Thus ends the 6th Adhyaya on "Yogas" in the

work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
<jn» «'>«*-*

It n

s*rrch %!; qqffr: i


Sloka I— The
person born with three or more pla~
nets^in exaltation or Swakshetra and at the same lime
posited in Kendras, will become a King widely renown-
ed. If there are five or more such planets in a nativity,
they will make the/ person, even if born in an ordinary
family, a King (ruler of the world) endowed with
numerous elephants and horses,

^7#5T3rng gsrfit sr sngrrererr

neife?sr«if:?st*[srr- 'q«nf%*[q’r: irii

Slilca 2.—-Persons born in a royal family will be-

come Kings if, at the time of birth, they are not born
under any (Ipuryoga) or if the planets be not
eclipsed by the Sun's rays. Three or more planets in
SI. 8.15 73

Kendra positions at birth identical with their own or

exaltation, signs will make Kings of the persons born
Others under the above Yogas will
of royal families.
only become their equals or sometimes Kings,

firafstcr'rgftsRt: greitft

;fNr?3rt.sftr srt gr m jtct: i

a:=r %sr;r?Tl*gr vjwrrrfr

*CT Hsu

Sloka 3.- Even a single planet, though in depression,

is capable of making the person born a King's equal,
provided he be with brilliant rays, retrograde in
motion and occupy an auspicious house (i. e., other
than the 6th, 8th or 12th). Should there be two or
three such planets at a birth, the native will become a
King. If there are many such posited in auspicious
Basis or Amsas, they Will usher a King endowed with
all the insignias of royalty such as a crown, umbrella
and waving chowries.

$m s^ri^rr *rfr sren

wr ytrfovwwsftsfr nun

Sloka 4.— It at a birth two, three or more planets are

endowed with Digbala, the native will, if he be a scion
of a royal family, become a King and be

Should there be 5 such (excepting Saturn) or at least

A planets possessing Digbala, the person born though
of an ordinary family will become a King,

aTrftTrrr ffinsjromrft norfaitefir *

74 . Adh. VII

Sloka 5. —When the Vargottama Navamsa in the

Lagna is just rising, or the Moon is occupying a
Vargottama Navamsa, and when the Lagna is aspected
by four planets other than the Moon, the native though
born of a low family will become a King.

ferjrsr: %% cT<rf?f srifrerirn’cr:

w 5fr g^qfrrcfq crm i

;g<srrcftff gq 3Tfr^% iftii

SJoka 6. When the lord of the Lagna occupies a
LCendra or the 9th house attaning a Vargottama Navam-
sa, and the lord of the 9th house is in his exaltation or
Swakshetra attaining a similar Amsa, the Yoga will
usher into the world a King who will sit at ease in an ex-
ceedingly beautiful golden vehicle placed on the back
-of an elephant, with chowries adorning the two sides.

faqr^irfq qrrorq

‘srgspmfft gq srfrqfa- f^qpqTfcqtTg \m

SJoka 7 .

Even a low-born will become a King if at
his birth the Moon shining with white lustre be aspect-
ed by a planet placed in exaltation or Swakshetra. The
.full Moon posited in a Kendra other than the Lagna

will usher a King endowed with elephants and horses.

gw fwcftg i

^w^jrqw f%rrsN'4t srarsn q^T xT gqg n

Shka 8 — When Venus occupies the asterism Aswini


in the Lagna and is aspected by three or more planets,

be will usher into the world a King who will destroy all
SI- 9- 11 *rtwte®rra: 75

his enemies. If the lord of the Lagna be strong and

occupy the 2nd Bhava which is neither his depression,

sign nor is owned by an enemy and be in conjunction
with Venus, the person born will become a King.

^ermrasr WRRrrar JT«re«rt frr m; stttrt: ll

SI oka 0*--Ifatthe birth of a person Mars occupy

Mesha, Simha or Dhanus identical with the Lagna, and
be aspected by a friendly planet, a ruler of the earth is
ushered into the world. If the lord of the 10th yrT3T
be in the 9th and the lord of the latter in the 10th, the
person born in the above Yoga will become a King
who will be extolled by his people.

5miic spteth: mtrft’rr

sra ?ritw =rt ggff*: i

to*? vr^rRr *rsr?q- ft -mm

5T53f R€T fWffiT f^rt: SrcTPTtfjRT HWI

Sloka 10 . — The Sun has reached the centre of

Dhanus ;
the is just there Saturn is in the Lagna
Moon ;

and Mars possessed of much power is in the exalta-

tion sign. If this be the planetary position at a person's
birth, he will grow into such a mighty
King that his
enemies, overwhelmed by his fiery valour will do
homage to him from afar, regarding him with terror.
Nofe-Here Saturn may be in the Lagna identical
with Dhanus,
Meena or Tula

gprw nu
Sloka 11 the Moon brilliant with digits resemb,
— If

ling nectar or slaked lime and lotus stalk in colour (/. e v

the full Moon) occupy a Navamsa owned by
the Sun.
76 Adh. VII

and when bonefics unassociated with malefics occupy

Kendras, the person born will become a King and will
own many elephants.

fftsfasrg'gsrsY ^JTsris^jq’sar

*r wfatrRrrimR:: lir-ui

SJoka 12 .— If the Moon is as

white as milk and conch
shell (?. e., full) and three planets not occupying their
depression or inimical Vargas but being strong and
being aspected by benefics, get posited in their own
Amsas, the person born will become a King and will
vanquish all his enemies.

argrwsf srrw

iiTOsrt ?r Iri
*r?Rr njpwms gift: ll^ll

Sloka 13
'If , —
the Moon that has attianed Vargotta*
mamsa be aspected by a strong planet and if there
be no malefic planet posited in the Lagna, the person
born will become an emperor and possess a beautiful
sftstt firsrtfid *rr

vjir Rjsj^Jrg: I

ir#Ri=r g'rRr II Wl
Shka 14 .— If at a birth Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or
ihe Moon occupy the 9th with bright rays, uneclipsed
and also be aspected by, or associated with, friendly
planets, the native concerned will become a great
King worshipped by his subjects like a deity.

•SI, 15-17 WHJTtS-iqw: 77

?rfqg: rergRcTftrgft ^6- q siJ-fr

^^cftsrfir^^fr gq: i

§sn?nKt5T%;r Ijgqjlrcrcr qraq *m-

q^fraifomwi^wr EKnfoift ii^aii

Sloka 15 — Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are in Meena.

The Moon almost full is in exaltation. The Sun is
aspected by Mars and sign Mesha is rising. The

person born in the above Yoga will become a King

owning a vast army by whose march large quantity of
dust is raised which makes the Sun invisible and as-
consequence all the lotuses begin to^ contract under
the impression that the Sun has set.
Another meaning The Sun aspected by Mars is in

Mesha or the Moon is aspected by Mars and the Sun in

$ Mesha
*?\iq: qtgqnlnqtfer: ifcjrWr i

3Ti?rf fjram-
fqgqqrfir^ q?q ?r srfsr^sr: HUH
SJoka 16 — If
there be a birth at night when be-
nefics are depression or inimical houses identical
with the 11th, the 6th or the 3rd house, or be in their
highest exaltation, or be all posited in the Kendras,
with bright rays, and if the Moon be in Karkataka
identical with the 10th house, the person born will
become an emperor ruling the three worlds under one

gnTerfr fetrqr-o
frq^JT^q fqjT’jqqrffs ftrtrag 1

srtgs ^qg li^sil

Sloka 17— If the Moon with full digits (full Moon)
7tf Adh. VIi

occupy a Vargottamamsa, the person born will be-

come a mighty ruler of the earth and his fame will be
immense. He will command a good number of horses,
the dusts raised by whose hoofs will so overpower the
Sun that he will resemble the Moon in the morning.

sr sfNsrsn# 3T?*rfrr ?r l

wjrfir&srftr H ?<n

Sloka is.— If at a birth, Jupiter and the Moon occu<

pying a Kendra be aspected by Venus and there be no
planet in depression, the native will become a King
whose fame will be unparalleled.

srgwsRc: «srfer 5rprcor;n«ri Il?°.ll

Sloka J9. >If the Moon occupy a water- resorting
Rasi or Amsa identical with the Lagna or be in his own
or in a benefic's Varga, the person born will become
a King who will do good to his subjects, own many
elephants. Or, provided there are no malefics in
Kendras, should the Moon in the above Yoga occupy
a house other than a Kendra, the native will turn out
a King owning many elephants but oppressing his

rirrg?? wrfer
jjmr r^grr ?rgrft jrfrvrjTfr jjttt I

sfc srr^TfcTfrr iiRoii

SJoka 20.— scion of a royal family will

become a
King if at his birth Venus
aspected by Jupiter.
Jupiter occupying a Rasi other than Makara identical
with the Lagna will usher a King endowed with ele-
phants in rut. The lord of the Lagna occupying at
51. 21-23 79

Kendra in full strength, will cause a ruler of men to be

born. Mercury in the above position aspected by
,, Jupiter will usher into the world a person whose orders
t will be obeyed by Kings.

•r^gser^snft ftstg-s: fratg? fmtwian I

*srHt ^ ^g^n-sjfjrq-fsjVwr'cft^r smsr*rgT ir»ii

Sloka 21.- -A single planet occupying his highest

exaltation point and aspected by friendly planehs
produces a King. Such a planet will make him immense-
ly wealthy if he be also associated with another friendly
planet. in his own Amsa and the Moon in
The Sun
Swakshetra will make the person born a King en-
dowed with horses and elephants.

smcftsrq; ii^ii

^ Sloka 22 .— The Moon with full rays occupying

Meena and aspected by a friendly planet will usher
into the world a King pre-eminent in position and de-
lighting the world. If the Moon be full and occupy his
exaltation, the person born will become a King, veiy
generous and charitable and praised by the good.

xr^sfSrfir'srf^T^ ?ps shot i

crsrr n^ii

Sloka 23 .-*- The Moon in the Amsa of a very friendly
planet and aspected by Venus will usher into the world
a King endowed with much wealth. If the Moon in the
above position be aspected by Jupiter, the person boxn
will become a King who will rule the entire earth.
80 Adh. VI l

^w$\ fef*skv$K\ i

^*fa^?rsrftcrr: f^Rffsfterr-

Sloka 24 — The following are 4 Rajayogas declared


by those versed in the science (1) malefics posited in


the 3rd; 6th anci 11th houses reckoned from the one
occupied by the lord of the Lagna or of the Janma Rasi ;
(2) Mars and Mercury occupying the 2nd house from
the Lagna (3) the Sun and Venus situated in the 4th

house from the Lagna; and (4) Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
quartered in the 10th, 11th and the Lagna.


Sloka 25.— If, out of the lords of the 11th, the 9th
and the 2nd houses, there be but one that occupies a
Kendra position with respect to the Moon and if Jupiter
happens to be the lord of the 2nd, the 5th or the 11th
house, the person born under the Yoga will become
the ruler of a full-blown empire.

II #EW5^l3T^Tn: II

5fterR*Tcf» SRrrfir *fl ir?: ?rf^frw; l

*r ^ir^jritrf^ %?3rwt *T3rr ir^ii

Sloka 26.— If, at a birth, a planet be in its depres-

sion and if the lord of the sign of depression or that of
the planet's exaltation Rasi be in a Kendra position
with respect to the Moon's place or the Lagna, the*
person born will be a King and a just ruler.

Note — According to some,

means the planet
that is exalted in that Rasi : ;$p

?rw i
51. 27-30 *ra*frsttrpi; 81

q*q h 3 =aiffq?fr ^JT?^n73^TTfiT: iwn

Sloka 27. When a planet is in depression, if the
lord of that depression sign and the lord of the planet's
exaltation sign are in Kendra positions mutually, the
Toga will produce a King who will become aa
emperor respected by all the other Kings.

qfcwqri# snsfl sr%gKfF^ %gr: i

gftoftw fqqwrq; gsgrq&ffiugq! qim^sp irci>

Sloka 2a—When a planet is in depression, but is-

aspected by the lord of that Rasi, the Toga will make-
file native a ruler of the earth and famous. And in the
above Yoga if that depressed planet should be in an aus-
picioushouse (that is in a house other than the 6th, 8th
or 12th), where is the doubt about his becoming a
foremost King ?
f?rgf?r rqsrjrraqr
R^tsct qfq 5ftsr*pw \

%% ftgfa %?!i<£f[fir*Tcr: ^qi*rq;q?fr g’TT


Sloka 29. -When a planet occupies his depression
sign, if the lord of the Rasi so occupied or the lord of

the planet's exaltation Rasi be in a Kendra position

with respect to the Lagna or the Moon, the person born
will become an emperor endowed with full riches, will
be virtuously disposed, respected by other Kings,
mighty, famous and affluent.

q^aqq ^qtsritsfr «rqq qq qr I

^q: ^qt^qqfSqq: IIV^II

f Rqsq^ftrrRtqiqf RqffrtRm JT^IKrqqlift

qra qqmj'Riq:
— 11
84 Adh. VI 11

he will b© wandering, without a wife and suffer

humiliation. If the Sun should be in the 8th house, the

person born will lose his wealth, and friends he will ;

not be long-lived and will have defective eye-sight

-or be blind.

fsTarfr'ifoi' tfafscsTWi;

u^^fs'4: srarq^r:

fajftftsr ffosrjsrV Nil

Sloka 4 .
— If at the time of birth, the Sun should
occupy the 9th house, the person concerned will lose
his father he will have children and relations and will

revere Gods and Brahmins. If he occupies the 10th

house, the person will have sons, vehicles, laudation,
intelligence, wealth, strength and fame. He will be a
King. The Sun in the 11th house will make the person
bom very wealthy and long-lived, He will be a King
and will have no sorrow. If the Sun be in the 12th
house, the person born will hate his father. His eye-
sight will be defective and he will be without wealth
and children.

faff =ET% STT

srr&Ht srefjfarrc; trafir {3r<rftcr smit i

WfftrJf Nil

Sloka 5 — If at a person's birth, the Moon be waxing

and happens to be in the first house, the person con-
cerned will possess a strong constitution and a long
lease of life. He will be free from fear, very powerful
and wealthy. But if the Moon be waning, the effects
stated above will be quite the reverse If the Moon
SI. 6-7 *nratrcrw

should occupy the 2nd house, the person born will be

rich, very learned or soft-tongued he will be a

sensualist but defective of some limb. If the Moon

be in the 3rd house, the person born will have
brothers, will be lascivious, strong and powerful but
very miserly.

g’jft wggajKirww
gjsrY ^’trrefr g^frfjr^wr^r: 1

^ cs: sftpft snrgerirrw'cRsRrgvrTr: ii^li

SJoka 6.—'If at a birth the Moon be in the 4th house,

the person concerned will be happy and indulging in
sensual pleasures. He will he liberal in gifts, will have
friends, vehicles and become renowned. If the Moon
should occupy the 5th house, the person bom will
have good sons, will be very intelligent, will walk
•gently and will become a minister. If the Moon be in
the 6th house, the person born will be short-lived,
ignorant, will suffer from stomach-ache, etc., he
will also suffer humiliation. If the Moon should

occupy the 7th house, the person born will be agreea-

ble to look at, will be loved by a beautiful damsel, and
will be exceedingly lovely.

3nft fr*TR7 i

5;^ 'srfsift crR^cftsera<w: imii

7.— The person at whose birth the Moon is in

-the 8th house will suffer from diseases and will be
short-lived. If the Moon should occupy the 9th house
at a birth, the person concerned will be prosperous,
80 Adh. viir

virtuous and blessed with children. He will be

victorious, and all his undertakings will be crowned
with success at the beginning itself. If the Moo* !

should occupy the 10th house at a birth, the persori

concerned do good acts and will be helpful to the
virtuous. Moon be in the 11th house, the person
If the
born will be high-minded, long-lived, and endowed
with riches, children and servants. If the Moon be in
the 12th house at a birth, the person concerned will
be odious to others he will suffer misery, will be

insulted and will be most indolent

srsrfsr fagm ftRkrr4: frsrfrrfarcTs i



Sloka a.-If Mars occupy the Lagna at a person's birth,

he will have an injured limb he will be short-lived

and will be very cruel and adventurous. .If Mars be in

the 2nd house, the person concerned will be adverse
or ugly^faced, devoid of learning and wealth and will
be dependent on bad people. If Mars occupy the 3rd
house, the person born will be of good qualities, pos-
sess wealth, will be brave, unassailable, happy and
will have no brothers. If at a birth Mars should occupy
the 4th house, the person concerned will be without
friends, mother, lands, happiness house and vehicles,

sftercc ft-snfr ^ I

3r?n%f?fcr; \\%\\

Sloka 9 ,
— If at a birth Mars be m the 5th house, the
Si/io-u 87

person concerned will be unhappy, without children,

reverses, back-biting and weak-minded. If Mars
lull of
occupy the 6th house, the person born will be ex-
ceedingly smitten with love, wealthy, and famous he :

will be a King and victorious (in battle). Mars in the

7th house makes the person born do improper acts,
suffer affliction through disease, wander in the roads
-and lose his wife. If Mars be in the 8th house, the
person born will have a deformed body, will be poor,
short-lived and cursed by the people.

fr^rfer afRu *

fr^rfrfirfjEr; wtis ? pet fogtftssm; HHi

Sloka 10.— If Mars
occupy the 9th house at a per-
son's birth, the native will, though a friend of the sove-
reign, be hated by others he will be fatherless and

will commit homicide. Mars in the 10th house

makes the person born a King cruel, liberal and prais-
ed by important people. If at a birth Mars should be
in the 11th house, the person concerned will be
endowed with riches and happiness. He will be brave,
will have no sorrow and possessed of good character.
When Mars occupies the 12th house at a birth, the
® person concerned will have deformed eyes he *will be ;

cruel, and without a wif 3. He wlIL be a slanderer and

a mean wretch.

^ts^wfttrtflrFPfn I

5TW 35c; srmgr» iHpmfen

if ^ iJsri|?%5r<*[?!n4*friT it?

Sloka 21 .
— If at a person's birth Mercury occupy the
Lagna, he will be long-liyed, speaking Sweetly and
88 Adli- VI I
r |

cleverly. He will be sharp-witted, and learned in all

Sastras. If Mercury be in the 2nd house, the person I

born will acquire wealth 'by his own talents, will be

a poet, sincere
and attractive in his specah, and will |

eat sumptuous food. If Mercury should occupy the 3rd

house at a birth, the person concerned will be brave, j

of medium life, and have good brothers; he will

suffer fatigue and be dejected. Mercury occupying
the 4th house at a birth makes the person concerned
learned, witty in speach happy and possessed of
friends, lands, corn, wealth and enjoyment.


srrert-S^ ari% wr?

fa^Tcrnnrfsrag;: sr^ftnrfcrfciaft huh
Shka 12.—* If Mercury be house at a birth,
in the 5th
the person concerned, will be learned, happy and
‘courageous. He will have a good number of children
and be conversant with charms or spells. Mercury
in the 6th house makes the person born angry through
disputes, harsh in speach and idle. The native will
destroy the power of his enemies. When Mercury occu«
pies the 7 th house, the person born will be learned he
; \
will dress himself beautifully, will have all the great-
ness, and will have a rich lady as his wife. If Mercury *

should be posited in the 8th house at a birth, the

person concerned will be widely renowned, and long-
lived; he will be the supporter of his family, a
lord and a commander of the army.

src crrftr 3% ^rcsr^oftsRr^Tjft 1

f*racrc«rs erenow: % 1

srgTg: srivrJfr

Braird fr?r: nun

SL 14*15

Sbka 13 . — If at a birth Mercury should occupy the

9th house from the Lagna, the person concerned will
have learning and wealth he will be of good conduct;

he will be religious-minded, conversant with every-

thing, and very eloquent in speech. If Mercury be in
the 10th house, the person born will be successful
in whatever he undertakes, will have good learning,
strength, intelligence,and happiness. He will do
good acts and
be truthful. Mercury in the 11th
house makes the person born long-lived, truthful, very
rich, happy and possessed of servants. If Mercury
be in the 12th house, the person born will be
miserable, devoid of learning, suffer humiliation, will
be cruel and inactive.

srtmsrHC g$ srr?tnr>

wtaJrercerTET gg<$ ra^r -a# i


Sloka 14 .— If at a birth Jupiter should be posited in.

the Lagna, the person concerned will be handsome, for-
tunate, long-lived, fearless, and blessed with children.
If Jupiter occupy the 2nd house, the person born will
be eloquent, and a good connoisseur in food. He will
have a lovely face, will be wealthy and learned. If
Jupiter be in the 3rd house at a birth, the person-
concerned will be treated with disrespect, will be
miserly, will have a renowned brother, will commit
sins, and be wickedly-disposed. When Jupiter
occupies the 4th house, the person born will live with
his mother, friends, attendants, sons, wife, corn, etc.
and be happy.

g t: ^Tprt g$

1)0 Adh. VIII

#t^Pt &SRTT u^n

Sloka L5 .

Jupiter in the 5th Jrouse at a birth makes
"the native suffer distress through sons. The person
will be intelligent and will be a king's adviser. If
Jupiter should occupy the 6th house at a birth, the
person concerned will be very inactive, suffer dis-
respect, destroy his enemies, and clover in charms and
exorcising. If Jupiter be in the 7th house, the person
born will possess a good wife and sons. Ho will be
very amiable, and more munificent than his father. If
Jupiter be posited in the 8th house, the person born
will be poor and earn his livelihood as a menial he ;

will be sinful but long-lived

*m=srrc: &>rm ?r*r3TRT';r;ft wfwfiw: I

-irpT^ InrtiT^ *rnr»rt

'k^T fsT-TSFri 1 1^.11


Sloka 16. -If Jupiter occupy the 9th house at a per-

son's -birth, he will become a famous minister, will be
endowed with wealth and children and will be anxious
to do virtuous acts. If Jupiter should be in the 10th
house, the person bom will follow the right course of
conduct will be renowned for his virtues, will become
very rich and a friend of the king. When Jupiter is
posited in the 11th house, the person born will be
wealthy, fearless, will have a few children, will be long-
and will be going in vehicles. If Jupiter be in the
12th house, the person concerned will be hated by
, others, will be foul-mouthed, will have no children,
will be sinful, idle and a menial.
SI- 17-19

^ftt^^rir?nfei?rig i

f^K^jr^i'isr trconrrsrq- fgsfift

Shka 17. If Venus should occupy the Lagna at a
person's birth, he will have a healthy and beautiful
body; he be happy and endowed with long life.
When Venus occupies the 2nd house, the person bom
will become a poet and endowed with riches of
various hinds. Venus in the 3rd house at birth makes
the native wifeless, unhappy, poor, miserly and un-
popular. If Venus should be in the 4th house at a
birth, the native will have good vehicles, good house,,
jewels, clothes, scents, etc.

f%5iww«jfr $rer garfirfftcr i

f wpfjwcffctf
r%TTTTfw?rrR'T gftfrrtuif ^fercr nun
Sjoka 18 .— li Venus be in the 5th house at a birth,,
the person concerned will be the owner of immense
wealth, will protect others, will be very wise and bless-
ed with children. When Venus occupies the 6th
house, the person born will have no enemies, no riches,
will be corrupted by young ifemales and affected by
grief. If Venus should be posited in the 7th house at a.

birth, the person concerned will have a good wife but

will have intrigues with bad women. He will lose a wife-
and willbe wealthy. Venus in the 8th house makes,
the native long-lived, rich, and a ruler of the earth.

snjn i

*02 Adh. VIII

Sloka 19 -H Venus occupy the 9th house at a birth,


the person concerned will be blessed with a wife,

friends and children, and will become prosperous
through royal favor. If Venus should be in the 10th
house, the person born will become widely renowned,
will have friends, and will be a lord happily employed.
Venus in the 11th house makes the person born rich,
fond of the company of other females and endowed
with many comforts. When Venus occupies the 12th
house, the person born will have sexual enjoyment,
wealth and splendour,

wsrRr fcrprfasrro: I
^3 ter srts%
^rnrsiT^Er^im i i

Sloka 20.— If at a birth Saturn occupies his exalta-

tion or own house identical with the Lagna, the person
•concerned will be on a par with the king, a chief or
mayor If Saturn should be rising in any other
of a city.
Rasi, theperson born will be afflicted with sorrow and
misery from his very childhood and will suffer from
indigence. He will be slovenly and indplent.

^r^frT sr \R\\\

Sloka 21, —Saturn should occupy the 2nd house


at a person's birth, he will have an ugly face he will ;

be without wealth, and following evil courses. At a*

later age he will live in a foreign country endowed with
-vehicles, wealth and other enjoyments. When Saturn
is posited in the 3rd house at a birth, the person
concerned will be very intelligent, liberal in gifts and
happy with his wife. He will ho vever be inactive
and overcome with sorrow. #
31. 22-24 9$

3 i*sft sn# *re**wgilr

^rifcft wrgcrjsJ^'T^Frt t

stwreft sd%<mStRft fr^rn igm nt^ft Pr<Tt

^rrtr*£r ’R% fff^R^crt fir^rs^iff f%|^: ii^hii

Sloka 22 *— If at a birth Saturn should occupy the 4th

house, the person concerned will be unhappy, house-
less, without vehicles, deprived of his mother and
sickly daring his early years, If Saturn should be
posited in the 5th house, the person born will be
roaming about, will have lost his reason, will be
bereft of children, wealth and happiness, will^ be
perfidious and evil-minded, When Saturn occupies the
6th house, the person born will be a voracious eater,
will be wealthy, subdued by his enemies, will be
stubborn and possessed of self-respect. Saturn in the
’7th house will cause the native to be wedded to a bad
wife, to be poor, roaming and be distressed.

swart: RfTtffmssmtSRH: i


Sloka23 —The person at whose birth Saturn is in


the 8th house will be unclean and without wealth. He

will suffer from piles, will be cruel-minded, will be
pinched with hunger and will be despised by
his friends.

srr %Tf?rsrfft XIX- t

w^srr%cff gist ft'jmtfen iiwn

Sloka 24 . —
The person at whose birth Saturn is in
the 9th house will be bereft of fortune, wealth children,
father and religious merit. He will .be wicked. If
94 <K5^tftwrr Adh- VIII

Saturn should occupy the 10th house, the person born

will be a king or his minister, will devote himself
to agriculture, will be brave, rich and renowned. The
person who Saturn in the 11th house in his
nativity will have a long span of life, lasting wealth
and good income, will be brave, free from disease and
moneyed. Saturn in the 12th house makes the native
impudent, indigent, without children, defective of
some limb, stupid and driven out by his enemies.

oft fir'?! i

jmft srrfjRrctasB! sfl? fartwbft

JJ-HT? S^rfsrfWsft IIVMI

Sloka 25. — If at a birth Hahu occupy the Lagna, the

person concerned will have a short life, possess wealth
and strength, and will suffer from diseases in the higher
limbs of his body (head, face, etc). The person who
has at his birth Hahu in the 2nd house will be dubious
or insincere in his speach, will suffer from disease in
the mouth or face, will be tender-hearted, will get
wealth through his sovereign, will be wrajhful and
happy, Rahu in the 3rd house makes the person born
proud, hostile to his brothers, strong-willed, long-
lived and wealthy. If Hahu should occupy the 4th
house, the person born will be a fool, will cause sorrow,,
will have friends, will be short-lived and haRpy at
some time or other.

Wrp wft
fSs. i‘*35T5*ftfe?r: $ri=r i

fWt sTT^rm^SsTtfirsT: ipaii

St oka 26. If at a person's birth Rahu should be
posited in the 5th house, he will talk through the nose.
si. 27-28 aTOTrs*!rras 95

will be childless, be hard-hearted and suffer from

belly-ache. If Rahu be
in the 6th house, the person
bom will be troubled by his enemies, or oppressed by
malefic planets (demons). He will sufter from
disease in the anus. He will be wealthy and long-
lived. When Rahu occupies the 7th house, the person
concerned will lose his wealth through intrigues with
women, suffer separation from his beloved, lose his
manhood, become self-willed and silly. If Rahu
occupy the 8th house, th© person born will be short-
lived, will do impure acts, will be defective of a limb,
will suffer from wind-disease and will have limited

srsawroft nwn
Slaka 27. —If Rahu happens to be in
the 9th house
at a person concerned will speak opposingly.
birth, the
He will be the head of his clan, the headman of a
village or mayor of a city and will commit unrighteous
deeds. Rahu in the 10th house makes the native
famous; the man will have a limited number of issue,
will engage himself in other's business, will not do any
•good act and will be fearless. If Rahu be in the 11th
house; the person born will be prosperous, will not have
many children, will be long-lived and will suffer from
eat disease. If Rahu should occupy the 12th house, the
person concerned will be intent on committing sinful
acts secretly, will spend much and will suffer from a

?7jt ^jTjrg# ftrgjj- fasm ^nsr^rij

fjffiif <TPTi TO^f^cT 'cT?m: II
96 Adh. VI IF

Sloka 28 .
— The person at whose birth Ketu occupies
unhappv and bearing tales
thes tagna will be ungrateful,
against others. He
be an outcast, fallen from his
position, will have a deformed body and associating
with the wicked. Ketu in the 2nd house makes the
native devoid of learning and riches. His speach will
be very vile in quality, and he will have a sinister
look. He will ever be eating at other's tables.

gcfomsrfT Hfsrsrtnro*); I


Sloka 29.— Ketu 3rd house confers on the

in the
native long life, and fame. The person
strength, wealth
will live happily with his wife and eat good food. He
will lose a brother. If Ketu be in the 4th house, the
person concerned will lose his lands, vehicles, mother
and happiness. He will leave his native country and
dwell in a foreign place and live at the bounty of

gsr^rd 3rj*rdirfa?rtsr<fter tpt: i

a%TdgTTJTjjif stfofic h

Sloka 30 —Ketu in the 5th house at a person's

birth will cause loss of children, disease in the stomachr
and trouble from goblins. The native will become
evil-minded and wicked. If Ketu should occupy the
6th house at a birth, the person concerned will be very
magnanimous and possess the best qualities. He will
attain everlasting fame? firmness and high authority,
destroy his enemies and realise his wishes.

7r7 ^qrrfirffir HTtfrgsrfirq;


Sloka 31. The person at whose birth Ketu is posited

in the 7th house will suffer disrespeot, seek the
SI. 32-f! t srwtewiw 97

company bad women, will be afflicted by a disease

relating to the bowels and will suffer loss of wife and
vital power. If Ketu be in the 8th house, the person
be short-lived, will suffer the separation of
bOfctt will
hid dear friends and engage in quarrels, will meet with
injury from a weapon and disappointment in all his-

qtTHifeffSpf fa?i*rr»!r$»r Ttfhq-w^fff'rarmc i

etsrfefr from
Sloka 32 —If Ketu should occupy the 9th house at

a person's birth, he will follow a sinful course, will

do unrighteous things and be deprived of his father,
will be unlucky, indigent and will slander the good
When Ketu occupies the 10th house, the person born
will experience obstacles to the performance of good
acts, will be impure, and will be engaged in doing vile
acts He will be energetic, bold and widely renowned,.

srB5W7rrimffs*rq'ff«}frrer ^ Tier. ii

Sloka 33 . —
If Ketu be posited in the 11th house at a

birth, the person concerned will hoard money, will

have many good qualities, will enjoy himself well, will
command all the good materials
facilities for getting
and be successful in obtaining all his require-
ments. If Ketu occupy the 12th house, the person born
will secretly commit sinful acts, spend money on vile
things, will destroy wealth, will be of forbidden con-
duct, and will suffer from eye-diseases.

srfifasrif: frsr5f%g: ii^« i

Sloka 34 —A planet produces the full effact of the

Bhava in which it is when its distance (in Navamsas,
’' 8
Adh, IX

degree etc,) from the commencement of the Rasi occu-

pied is equal to that traversed by the Lagna-poirit in the
Lagna Rasi. It is declared by the authorities that Rahu
is simlar to Saturn and Ketu to Mars in giving effects.

wrosy r \

^prrffer^m^cr; ii^ii
srfcr ?T^R?:f^dTr?nqf tsm^^rr
^TTf^ ?rw

Sbka 35. Planets produce the full effects of the
Bhavas respectively occupied by them when they are
exactly posited in the (Bhavamsa~Semi-bhava-in the
middle or centre of the Bhava). If they should occupy
-a position less or greater than the semi-bhava, the
^effects are declared to be correspondingly increasing
•or decreasing as the case may be.

Thus ends the 8th Adhyaya on 'The effects of the (Sun

and other planets in the 12 Bhavas frem the Lagna
onwards " in the work Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara.

II ^is^nq: II

I%wofi 5^srsrr^jft gwtfr i

ferit STSTTcT: ii ll


Shk? I— The person at whose birth the sign Mesha

is the Lagna will have round eyes, will be weak-kneed,
rfierce, afraid 6f water, will eat sparingly, will long for
women, always be on his legs, will
will b‘e' fickle,
"will speak falsehoods and will have bruised ’limbs.

SI. “- 5 TOrtraTW 9f>

sro^ifsrw \

^ctfr s^ressr ntara; f^W> irh

5/oto 5. — If at the birth of a person, the sign

Vrishabha be rising, he will have plurapy thighs and a
big face he will be engaged in agriculture. He will be

happy in the middle and concluding portions of his

life. He will be fond of young women, will be liberal
in gilts, will be of a forgiving disposition, will endure
hardships, possess cattle, etc., and will have marks
or moles on the back, face and sides.


353: 371*3; ^ 3^ 11311

Sloka 3 .

When the Ascendant is Mithuna, the
person born will possess black eyes, have curled will
hairs, will be intent on sporting with women, will be
skilled in interpreting others' thoughts, will have an
elevated nose, will have a liking for music and danc-
ing, and will always be home-keeping.

TfiTTTT^r: wfim 1

f^rsr greriT: nail

Sloka ^,—The person at whose'birth Karkataka is-

the Lagna will be henpecked, have a fleshy neck, will

be surrounded by friends arid possess many houses. He
will have elevated buttocks, will be rich, short in.
stature,crooked in his views, fast in walking, intelli-
gent, fond of water and possess very few sous.

fqwot: eptohot: a-mq; i

^jfrltsrwfT nignm; fer^^ f

5T u°iii

Sbki S. 1£ a person be born when the Ascedant is
Simba, he will have reddish eye®, large chin, and a
100 Adlv IX

Broad face he will be arrogant and powerful. He Will


be angry at trifles he would like to go to forests and


hills, will be obedient to his mother and firm-minded.

; <HrRp5r?t%: *r<jsq% i


Sloka6.— If a person be born when Sign Kanya is

rising, his shoulders and arms wilbbe drooping he
becomes respectable through others' houses and
wealth. He is truthful and will speak kindly. His look
is faint due to modesty. He is fond of sexual enjoy-
ment. He knows the interpretation of Sastras and will
have a very limited number of children.

^5rf3r5Tilf>S57>ffftsfetr^V S.srfssrRnTifft fafrwT i

srigsr *\r- Ml
Sloka 7. —The person at whose birth the Lagna is
Tula has a lean and freil body, will have a limited
number of children, will be intent on worshipping Gods
and Brahmins, will be wandering, will have two names,
will be tall in stature, will be clever in trading, brave,
merciless and impartial in his argument.

l^rtestf igftsrwr dift

g^?rt?r^vr: l

rrsrf^tfrrg^: #%ss3r atrp? llill

If a person be born when sign Vrischika
Sloka 8y
he will have round thighs and knees, broad
is rising,
and expansive eyes and chest, suffer from diseases
at a very early age and will be separated fropa his
parents and proceptors. He will do cruel acts, will be
.honoured by his sovereign and his hands and feet will
possess marks of lotus (Padmarekha)
SI o-ll srsprtSttTW 10 1

writer f^crgsim: i

sisN^s^sfknwV ^snsswi'yi
Sloka 9— If the Lagna be Dhanus at a person's birth,

he have a very long face and neck his ears and

will ;

and nose will be big; he will be intent on his business ;

he will be dwarfish in stature he will be the favourite

of the King; he will be eloquent; he will be

liberal in his gifts and will destroy hxs enemies. He
can be won over only by kind treatment and will be
endowed with great strength.

sms srsTi *rc«rg?fi i

vrfccfsrV wwrgalsssia? sntnffat ftsrar: utoii

Sloka 10 The following will be the character-

istics of a person who
born when Makara is rising.
He will be weak in the lower limbs he will h$ve ;

-exceeding strength or courage he will carry out the ;

task he has undertaken he will be indolent ;

he will ;

be attached to old women of the prohibited class. He

will be a religious hypocrite, He will be fortunate;
he will be always on his legs he will suffer from ;

wind-disease and he will be devoid of all shame,

sFs^ 5r
t ,
mt Rrm^^v:tr^r^^»Tf^r: \

qrr4f rater* s HUH

iL—-The person at whose birth sign Aquarius
commit sinful deeds, will have a
is rising will secretly
body similar to a water-pot will be clever in hitting

or killing endure long marches on

others ;
roads. His means will be very limited. He will be
-covetous and freely utilise others' wealth and will have
pecuniary losses and gains, and will be found of
perfumes and flowers.
&02 Adh. IX


-" Sloka 2j2*~ If at a birth sign Meena be the Lagna, the

person bom will drink water excessively, will have a
symmetrical and shining body, will be fond of his wife,
will gain money by selling pearls and other produce
of the ocean. He will be learned, feel grateful for past
favours done to him, twill overcome his enemies, pos~
s ess very good eyes and will be fortunate,

'rrenBr 5re*r i

grFsrt <*ra- Brea nuti

Sloka 13 — After examining the nature, place, form,

color, etc,, of any particular Rasi. one ought to intelli-
gently guess the effects thereof. Whatever have been
declared as the effects arrising out of a particular Rasi
being the Lagna, the same should also be said to come
to pass, if the sign happens to be occupied by the Moon.

it! ;aBr Brsfterrr vr^Br ^JwfBrrt

srarBr Bt9kwr? *r«r

5T% ?T5lf5T BpE# Br?n:5l II Ml I

Sloka 14.— If at a birth a planet be in its exaltation,

the person born will be the ruler of the earth,
will receive praises from Kings, will be the abode of
valuable treasures, will be endowed with excellent
virtues ; he will shine like King Vikramarka in all
his policy, fame, valour, liberality, courage and

*5r*rrRTn$ sr% srggfhr^*ri%

srip^mBr grr sifRR l
51. 15-18 108

*<1 fjqrfo *si%

sfo 5r|JTfrT jsr; 'rfo li VJ H

Sloka 15 . —
a planet should occupy his own sign

in a nativity, the person concerned will during the*

Dasa period of the said plane! attain power and strength
through the help of a wealthy personage or may him-
self become a lord, will stick up to his residence with-
out moving anywhere, will acquire a new house as
well as lands capable of yielding every kind of crop
and will be honoured by his people. He may get back
.even lost articles.

5T!T: mvm folic ^ I

; .


Sloka 16 . — The effect of a planet occupying a

friends' house in a nativity will be to make the owner
thereof gain success through his friends in all his
attempts, cultivate new friendships, possess good sons,
wife, wealth, corn and other fortunes and receive help
from all people.

sri srsw forarefor <rcrartr% i

*rf&*sr?sr ffo»foOTr

Sloka 17,—If a planet should occupy an inimical

sign, the person concerned will have a base disposition
of mind. He will live f
in others" houses eating
their food. He will be utterly destitute and will be
always teased by enemies. Even a person who was
originally his friend will prove inimical to him in the
Dasa of such a planet.
foil irifcssr: tr<rfr i

fogrartf w\<\\

Sloka 28 .
— If a planet be in depression, the native
104 qrgffiqro grf Adh. IX

concerned will, during the planet '3 Dasa period, have a

ftbm his position, will suffer humiliation,
do sinful deeds, will contract debts, will seek help
from low people, dwell in insanitary surroundings, will
do menial work, will walk long distances and commit
useless acts.

wst wtei srrerV

sr^ora* ^fuq-siTT trftww I

?«# *rr 5:^ sir snr^rRr ii^ii

Sloka 19 —
a planet be eclipsed by the Sun's rays,

the person born will, (during the said planet's Dasa

period) meet with his end within a short time. His
wife, children as well as his wealth will also be destroy-
ed. He will unnecessarily be drawn into quarrels, will
incur the odium of others and also suffer humliation,
A planet posited
in a neutral's sign does not urge any
marked efEect, but will only leave the hapiness or
misery unaffected.
srai n?r: ^sr-rrer %£. I

sTnTTrnf^rf^'4'cT%g-^f7 cT3[^ ir«°w

?% wrirwrcftrfcrmqT ^^rViTP-rr ^rrefcrf arjtii#

urn «isniVs«n?i:
Sloka 20 —When a planet is retrograde in his motion,
he produce effects similar to those that arise from
his occupying his exalatation sign, should be even
though the planet is posited in an inimical or depres-
sion sign. The effects produced by a planet situated
in his Swakshetra-own house-should be ascribed to
him similarly when he happsns to occupy a Vargotta-
Thus ends the 9th Adhyaya on " Effect of Mesha and
other signs happening to be the.Lrgna u in the work,
Phaladeepika. composed by Mantreswara,
SI. 1-3 105-

II ||


fe'^knr cwt: g*r ffarimr jt foFg?=m: l

^aftf%ag5t ^ sadism: mu

Shku h—
If the 5th and the 7th house reckoned

either from the Lagna or the Moon be occupied or as-

pected by the lord of the 9th house, or by benefics or
their own lords, then there is good for the two Bhavas :

otherwise not; i.e., the Bhavas will not bear fruit.

If malefic planets are posited (1) in the 12th, 4th and
8th houses counted from Venus or if Venus be
hemmed in between two malefics, or if Venus be
aspected by or conjoined with malefics, there is loss
of wife.

srr satisfy qm^ i


Sloka 2 . —
If the lord of the 7th house be in the 5th,

the native will lose his wife or become sonlessj The

loss of the wife is certain, if the lord of the 5th or the
8th house happens to be in the 7th. If the weak Moon
be in the 5th and malefics should occupy the 12th, 7th
and the 1st houses, the person will be bereft of wife
and children. If the Sun and Rahu be in the 7th house,
one ought to predict loss of wealth through the associa-
tion of women.
U-ift— 14
106 Ad h.X


f ^
^g€c ^frrf^^ ott

srrftV sr*r*t nfcT erqr *ftft5«rer ^ftgfcT^

^rrft Heft 5Tt*RT H3H

S/oAa 3.— When Venus occupies Vrischika identi-

cal with the 7th house, the wife of the person
will bom
die. The same will be the effect when Mercury
is in,

Vrishabha identical with the 7th house or when Jupiter

occupies the 7th and is in depression, or when Saturn
or Mars is posited in Meena identical with the

house If Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house identi-

cal with Karkataka, the wife of the person
will be chaste, fortunate and beautiful.

grr nvrft g*ft

gq? m ^3firr^?rifH %ft


it TOtfiroar* n#H

Sloka 4r~U the 7th house or its lord be associated

with, aspected by betwixt malefics or be in
or posited
depression cr inimical sign, or eclipsed by the Sun

rays, loss of wife is certain. Venus in conjunction

a malefic occupying the 7th 5thor9th house will
the native bereft of wife or have a crippled wife. When
Venus is in a (Varga) of Mars or Saturn or has the
aspect of these planets, the person born will have
liaison with other people's wives.

*rr srsrfir ij xii t

mvr&A srm;
errvarr 33**3 iihh
$]. 15-18 107

SJoka 5. If Venus and the Moon are in opposition to

Mars and Saturn in any nativity, the person concern-
ed will be either wifeless or issueless when there is;

a hermaphrodite planet in the 7th house and the 11th

house is occupied by two planets, the person will have
two wives. If the lord of the 7th house and Venus be
each posited in a dual Rasi or Amsa, the person will
have two wives. Generally one ought to predict the
number of wives in such cases b/ the number of* the
planets in conjunction with those two. viV v the lord of
the 7th and Venus.


ots* gJr srftr spf;* ggsrtPsfST I

tmUft arr<r: sjvrsrc: tt&na


Stokci 6. —
It is through the (number of) planets in

the 7th house that one ought to divine the number of

women that a person may associate with. Of these the
number that will die (at an early age) will correspond
to the number planets in the 7th house) that are

malefic, while the number

of benefics will denote the

number that will survive If the Jord of the 7th be

benefic and possessed of strength, the native will have
a good-natured woman as his partner and be endowed
with good children. Even a malefic will do good to the
wife, if he should be in the 7th owning that house.
Benefice in the 7th will be productive of good unless
they happen to be the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th

cT5r firing; i

108 Adh. X

Sloka 7. When the 2nd and 7th houses are either
-occupied or aspected by malefics there will be loss of
wife ; and the effect will invariably be untoward in the
case of malefic aspects. Similar predictions (about
husbands) may be made from the wife's nativity when
'the But if
7th and 8th houses are likewise afflicted.
the concerned two houses be aspected or occupied by
benches, the couple will be lucky and enjoy all
com forts.

Sloka 8 —When the Moon along with Saturn occu-


pies the 7th house in a woman's nativity, the woman

coiicerned will be remaried and in the case of a male,
he will be either wifeless or childless. If malefics in
their depression or inimical house be posited in the
7th, the 8th or the 2nd, the demise of the wife or the
husband should be predicted as the case may be.
*rrarRfef<T ^ <r«rsr ’TSsm'Ai
geRKfrrt g srsnr ll

Sloka 9, When the 7 th house is an even sign and
ifthe lord of that house and Venus be also similarly
situated (that is, in an even sign) and if the lords of the
5th and 7th houses posessing strength are not over-
powered by the Sun's rays, the person concerned
will certainly be blessed with wife and children.

#wrr; h^h

If the planets
Sloka 10 .
owning the 2nd, the 7th
and the 12th houses be aspected by Jupiter and occupy
Trikona or Kendra positions, or if benefics be posited
in the 2nd, the 7th and the 11th houses reckoned from
the planet owning the 7th house, the wife of the native
SI. 11-14 srsrjrfswiw: 109

will command all happiness and be endowed with

sfNrtsg-ft ^ftararsT g- qc^i i

^a^JTfitra- cror it? til

Sfoka 11 . —
Find the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by
the lords the 1st and the 7th houses in a person's
nativity. The Jarnna Rasi of the wife will be a sign
triangular to the aforesaid Rasi or Navamsa. or it may
be the exaltation or depression Rasi of the lords of the
1st and the 7th; or it will be that Rasi which contains
the largest number of benefic dots in the Moon's
Ashtakavarga table of the husband

5Krff®r?rrJTff?riTffOTqrrfrr^?T srsrRr crw <T?«nr: i

sTfKte^trl: sir rrjfrtwrsT^fsr^'irJTwrf?! a^r frsrs5 : HWI

Sloka 12 -The direction of the country of the wife will
be that signified by the Rasi owned by the strongest
of the three planets, vir, (1) occupying 7th house (2)
owning the 7th house and (3) Venus The marriage :

may be expected to come off when'Venus or the lord of

the 7th house in his* orbit passes through a Sign
which is triangular to the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by
the Lord of the Lagna.

q-^r fsrsrjrrferqrfgr! snrrfcr cr^r sfrsrsrarrar: it Un

Sloka 13 .— The acquisition p of > a»/ wife fmay[ happen
during the Dasa period of the planet (1) posited in the
7th house, (2) aspecting the 7th house or (3) ovning
the 7th house. The same mayfalso happen, when the
lord of the Lagna in his orbit comes to the Rasi re-
presenting the 7th house.

] 10 <Ke5^ftt«m?Tr Adh. X |

Sloka 14 , — Find which

the two in the following
two pairs is stronger the lords of the Rasi and
: (X)

Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house ; (2)

Venus and the Moon. During the Dasa-period of that
planet when Jupiter passes through a sign triangular
to the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the
7th, the marraige may be declared to take place, .

qrrw&ssr ze zpmwft Buffer llV-Mt



fTW ?5mYswTW |

the lord of the 7fh house occupies an

Sloka, —15 If

inimical or depression sign/ or be eclipsed or be

aspected by malefics and if the 7th house be associated
with or aspected by malefics, there will be loss of wife;
so say the wise.

Thus ends the 10th Adhyaya on " the Kalatra-

Bhava or the 7th house" in the work Fhala>
deepika composed by Mantreswara.

*r?if5!TST% $ro ’sfvni fn^ bt

firtW5d Rrsrfrrn; HBBrj^rasfteircf?rT^ i

iTfrii gvTirarosfwgrcJcdn *rcft?d

fenji in

Sloka 1 — Whatever effects are declared for’ men'©*


horescopes are entirely applicable to women too,

oc to their husband. Her ‘prosperity and happiness
'wwtewn*! m
have to be deduced from the 8th place (from the
Lagna or the Moon whichever is stronger). Children
should be declared through the 9th house and matters
relating to her appearance beauty etc, should be
deter-mined from the Lagna. It is from the 7th place
that her welfare (power of influencing her husband)
and the (nature of the) husband should be ascertained
while her association and chastity should be predicted
from an examination of the 4th house. Benefics in
these houses produce good results while malefics in
theses in the above houses are productive of evil
unless they happen to own the houses, in which case
the effect will be good.



Sloka 2 S —
If both the Ascendant and the Moon are

in even signs and be aspected by benefic planets, the

woman born will bear good sons, possess an excellent
Husband and be well-ornamented. She will be very
prosperous and possess excellent qualities, If the

Lagna and the Moon are in odd signs and be aspected

by or associated with malefic planets, she will be
masculine in her bearing, insincere, ungovernable to
her husband; and cruel beyond measure, and poor.

^sifter firsrsrt fcter;

Sioka 3 , — If the 7th house or setting Navamsa be a

jsign o/med by a benefic, the husband of the woman
112 Adh. Xf

wllL in appearance, famous, learned and

be bright
wealthy. be otherwise, he will be deformed, and
If it

stupid or be a gambler (or deceitful) and will have lost

all his wealth, and the couple will not live together.

If the Hasi and Amsa of the 7th house belong to Mars

or if Mars occupies it (the 7th), the female born will,

become a widow if the planets in the 7th house b© of

a mixed sort, she will be remarried. If the 8th house

be occupied by malefics, she will cause the destruction
of her husband. If benefics -should occupy the 2nd

house she would herself die.

firum ^'T^^rr
qrwmsfor# *Tm*w*n i

vrsrf^r frsrir sr*rt-


^gtfqr ^ nan

Sloka 4 ,
— When the Moon is in Scorpio, Virgo,
Taurus or Leo identical with the 5th Bhava, the woman
concerned will have but a few childien. It the 7th
house or the setting Navamsa belongs to Saturn, Mars
or the Sun, the woman will have a diseased womb.
If malefic planets be in the 4th Bhava, the female
born will become unchaste, posited in the Rasi or
Amsa of Mars or Saturn, she will be a concubine. If
the Lagna, the Moon and Venus.

sr vr^rf?r-s^ ^rrsrswr wwa-snft

fimr: ^rcQ^^-Scfg-^^rTri'.'i^nwq-RrjjDrr i

srsfrrr; llhii

Sloka 5. If the 7th Bhava or setting Navamsa be-- I

longs to a benefic planet, the woman born will be

possesssed of handsome hips and very fortunate. I£
SI. 6-7 113

the Moon, the Lagna and the 4th house be connected

with benefics, the woman concerned will be chaste,
and be endowed with very good qualities. If bene-
fics are posited in Trikona houses, she will be happy,
possessed of children, and wealth and be good-natured,
If the said houses be occupied by weak malefics, the

woman will become barren or her children will all

die early.

gar imrfMlr frift i

?p;$ «u?«rr

3t# swwfft gwrwtfg^r n ?<n

Shka 6 —When the Moon is in a Rasi belonging to

Mars, the woman bom will be ill-behaved (2) a men-
ial or slave, unchaste (3) virtuous lofty-minded and
prosperous (4) deceitful and (5) frail according as the
Trimsamsa of the Moon belongs to (1) Mars. (2) Saturn

(3) Jupiter (4) Mercury and 15) Venus respectively.

When the Moon Vrishabha or Tula the corres-
is in sign
ponding effects are: (1) She will be very frail (2> she
will resort to a second husband (3) she will be highly
respected (4) very intelligent and (*>) famous When
the Moon occupies a house of Mercury, the respec-
tive effects are; (1) she will be dishonest (2* she will
be a eunuch (3) Chaste (4) endowed with all good
qualities and (5) repining.

*r^rf?rpf?w%5rjFrt mgpn .

-jjj Tjarrs'srf fsrcwd^fran >


Sloka 7,— If the Moon be posited in Karhataka, the

effects in their order are: (U she will be self-willed and

t; -^r— 15
uncontrolled (2) she will kill her husband (3) she will
be endowed with many good qualities (4) she will be
skilled in the Arts and (5) she will be virtuous. If the
Moon occupies a sign of Jupiter, the effect will be to
make the woman bom (1) endowed with many good
qualities (2) not to have much sexual activity (3) pos-
sess many good qualities (4) skilled in the Arts and (5)
very chaste, When the Moon a sign owned by
is in
Saturn, the several effects will respectively be to
make the female born (1) a maid servant (2)' attached to
another man (3) have the husband under her control
(4) unchaste and (5) barren and indigent. If the Moon
be in Simha, the effects of the Moon being posited in
the several Trimsamsas will respectively be to make
the woman born (1) a wicked wife (2) a person of
despirable character (3) the wife of a king (4) one of a
masculine disposition and (5) attached to a man other
than her husband

sr&SJirsmtgltr : fasrfa&ftfn l

wisrsr&tKsi'sr rrefa* lieu

SJoka £. — The effects described above as due to the

Trimsamsa degree are occupied by the Moon at
birth or those mentioned ;for the Trimsamsa rising at
the time will come to pass according as the one
Trimsamsa or the other is stronger.

qr fart vrrf:

3%r sfacrr <r?srr fags i

*rr Rragrsrsrr Jjcrgm ginn fa^orrsRr ii«,ii

S'oka 9.— Astrologers declare that (!) the eldest

brother (2) the mother (3) the father (4) the youngest
brother respectively of a person will die (soon after the
marriage) if his wife be born under the stars CP Jyeshta
si. 10-11 115

Stabhishak, Moola, Kxittika and Pushya will be barren,

have become widows, mothers of children that are
dead, will ha%e been cast away by their husbands
or be without wealth.

Hff 5J&; gWTJPTt KWln

gj?*rr s^r^furorr i

«r^: sftfararft stfwroreftHT Heft

<rra-frtfa h iiWi

Sloka 10— li the lords of (1) the Lagna, (3) the 9th
house and 3 the sign occupied by the Moon be asso-
ciated with benefics and are posited in good houses
and be of brilliant rays (be not be eclipsed), the woman
concerned will be held in high esteem by her rela-
tions. She will do many good deeds, will be very hand-
some and be prosperous. She will please herhusband,
bear good sons and be virtuous in hex disposition, the
period of this happy life with her husband depending
on the strength derived by the 8th house from benefics
through association or aspect).

snt irtf 'RH st* *3r. i

gw firsftTsrrft

•.ren^ir Hint wf^Htfjsrer n \f ij

rfrr »rs%j«rc&*/%iTroT

srnr «wi^swn*rs

Sloka 11 * —
woman's menses set in when
If a th&
Moon is in STgT^T (Anupachaya-lst, 2nd,
an 4th
5th, anp 7tb, 8th. 9th and 12th place and as pected by
Mars,, they be come favourable to conception and not
otherwise. The husband should sow the seed when the-
no <K3r^rftr*KFrf Adh. XII

Moon occupies an :3' ,

T^‘*rUpachaya (3rd, 6th, 10th and
11th) house ih respect and to the female's nativity) is
aspected by Jupiter, This be done*at an unexcep-
is to
tionable Lagna with many good points in its favour and
unconnected with (Parva) and other objectionable
period of time.

Thus ends the 11th A'dhyaya "on the Horoscopes

of women " in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.


srsricwql =5r firsor:

gsrfofisc; H?.ll


Shki 1. If Jupiter and the lords of the Sth house

reckoned from the Lagna and the Moon be well-placed,
and 5th house has on it the aspect of benefic planet a,

or of one owning an auspicious house e., other than (/.

6th, 8th and 12th), or if the lords of the Lagna and the
Sth house or be posited together in a house or have
mutual benefic aspect or occupy each other's places,
-the acquisition of children is assured.

»Tl^r+T^(T *T *T3rfor %^V-

Sloka 2.—When the 5th places counted from the

Xagna, Jupiter and the Moon are either associated
with or aspected by malefics and are devoid of beneficy
SI. 3-4 ‘
1 J7

-or of their aspect, or, when these houses are surround-

ed by malefics on both sides and when the lords of’ the
above said houses are posited in Dusstthanas (/. c 6th, ,,

8 th and 12 th), the person concerned can have no issue


71% ^77; srq-r% 3*:

g^Tf! fgsfgwr: srtsr gsrcr 1

tfsirr =5n57gr?r^m ri fofTwtfatrwiri %:

mm^rt srarfcr \\\w

3.— If. a malefic planet owning the 5th house

be in that house, the person concerned will have child-
ren. When that house is occupied by a malefic, the
person will have sons in plenty. It a benefic planet
should occupy the 5th house and at the same; time
•own that sign or be in exaltation, there, the result is
loss of children. The signs Vrischika, Kanya
.and Simha when they happen to represent' ‘the
Sth house are termed childless Fasis and a person
born under such a condition will be of very limited
progeny and this too will be accomr lished only after a
long interval.

=7% ?jTTfv!ar?r^fT^^T% *rrr% *r%-

7 WcT! nail

Sloka 4 —When the

.' posited in the Sth house
Sun is

idential with childless Rasi, Saturn is in the 8 th- and

Mars in the Lagna or when Saturn, Jupitet and Mars

occupy respective 7 f he Lagna, the' Sth and the I2fh


and the 5th house happens to beta childless sign; or

when the Moon occupies the 11th, and the Sth house
reckoned from Jupiter is occupied by a malefic planet
118 Adh. XI t

and there are many planets stationed in the Lagna ; the-

person concerned will have a child late in life after a
great effort.

m ^jrg%sP» m hRt icririfa fa^ftsrfsrsntr i

srr srfj'snns^ftrfa srr

Sloka 5 'If the Sun should singly (without being

associated with any other planet) occupy the 5th house

identical with Karktaka there is possibility of the per*

sonconcerned having children by a second wife. The
saipe should be predicted if Mars or Venus be similarly
situated. Saturn in such a position will give many child-
ren. The Moon or Mercury similarly placed will not give
many while Jupiter in the Moon's sign identical with
the 5th house will make the person concerned the
father of many daughters.

j gsrgw i

Sloka The following 4 yogas lead to family ex-


tinction : The 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses in

my nativity being occupied respectively by a malefic
planet, Venus and the Moon (2) the 12th, the 8th the

5th and th§, first houses being occupied by malefics ;

(3) Venus and Mercury in the 7th, Jupiter in the 5th

and malefics in the 4ih houses and (4) the Moon in ;

the Sth and malefics in the 8th, the 12th and the 1st,

stlrarerd gsr^ qptes il'Jii

51 . 8-10 110

Sloka 7— The following two yogas lead to affliction

through children or barrenness: (L) a malefic the m
Lagna, lord in the 5th. the lord of the 5th in the 3rd,

and the Moon in an odd Rasi or Amsa in the 5th and

aspected by the Sun.

wiwf gfrsr ymroter i


T?rifiT3r: f%-T3r: ttftst: ikii

Sloka 8. If the 5th bhava be a sign owned by Saturn

or Mercury and is aspected by or associated with Mandi
or Saturn, the person concerned will have' a son by
adoption, The same will be the result when the lord
of the 5th house is weak and is not connected any m
way with the lords oi the 1st and the 7th houses.

sfNnfaistoHfr spJt yr I

srt5t: sKfacftssr snHr: u°.u

Sloka 9 , —
If the lord of the 5th bouse be in depres-

sion or in an inimical house or be eclipsed, or be in

conjunction with the lords of the 12th, the 6th and the
8th houses' the result will be the lo3s of children, say
the astrologers. The same will be the case when the
lord of the 5th is posited in the 5th and is not
aspected by benefics.

gyy* yyfor «r§ g^crr ttt sryyrysfrmsrcr: 11 *«>ii

Sloka 10.— If m any nativity the lord cf the 5th house,

lupiter, Mars and the Sunare all posited in male
TTavamsas, they lead to the possession of a good number
of children, so, the sages say, the nature— good or other-

wise of the children being ascertained from the
strength of the lord of the 5th house.
120 <TJ5Fftfa*RT Adh, Xlt

sftssfa s*rl^|%> sfa gat gsmfa: 1

^ffattri?sfa sffarsRT 9Tr?gcT^ HUH

Sloka3 11 .— If the house or its lord be posited in
a male sign or Amsa or be in conjunction with or aspect*
ed by male, planets, the children wil! be all males.
The birth will be of daughters if the said houae or its*
lord be in a female Rasi or Amsa. or bo associated with
or aspected by female planets.

srarjrifr iprrct; I

<5ftari grr <jgr sfartrfa *r*ft HUH

Sloka 12.— Conception (of a birth) may take place-
when the Sun and Venus in and Mars
the case of males,
and the Moon in the case of females, are possessed of
strength and pass through their Rasis or Amsas identical
with an Apachaya (1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th. 9th and
12th Rasi (aR^rrfa)

^i^snforsrrsrti ^ ffasrgWrfa Wmftw i

wer^erf g^ffif^!Tf5rg;ict^ HUH

Sloka ~~ 13* The number of issues should be deter-
mined by a consideration of (1) the planets in the Sth
house or those that are posited along with the lord of
the 5th house, as to how many of tham are in friendly,
depression or mimical Navamsas, A similar-examina-
tion should also be made in respect of the Sth house
or its lord reckoned from the sign occupied by Jupiter
the sign representing the Navamsa occupied by the Sun *.

gfa =ar g*rrro%

^rfar fair I

gfa sfoRii g^ggfari fair g fasr gftgil *«i)

i 21
SI. 14

Sbka 14 Add together the figures representing the
positions of Jupiter, the Moon and Mars in the case of
female horoscopes. If the result denotes an even Rasi
and an even Navamsa, the strength of fecundity the m
female producing offspring is assured If it is mixed
(i. e , Hasi male and Amsa female or via versa), there
wiU be children only after a great effort If the sum.*

total of the figures denoting the positions of the Sun,

Venus and Jupiter signify an odd Rasi and an odd
Navamsa, it denotes that the virility in tho male to
produce offspring is very strong and in case one of ;

the two (Rasi and Navamsa) be even, one has to

predict a mixed lesult
l note below two horoscopes, -a luisiund and hih wih

Bom, TuostUy the }»om fiklin, the 2 Jid/Jlth

sjitb March 1891, 4-13 P, M 1 une 1905, night 2 JO V M

U -li°— 13’— 2" bun J~ 9—10' L" (1)
(2) 4— 29°— 16’— 11
Moon 10 2R
-55' MO" (M)
5'— 17"
(9) 0—1 O’— 6' — 8" Mai, li -1G -

— 38'-ll"

0 Meicun J- 8 8'~2J" (0
—97' — 11” 2°—J — 2 1'
10 — (5>

l Jupitai l 1

(5) 1

9—27°— 59'— 8" Venus 0- 24 di' -IN' '

4—19° —36' — 10° ~18' 7‘"

51 Balum LO <7>

(8) 4 - 13°— 25' — ll" Luff mi o irA-18' u" (H)

ana ws
( r>) *el Adding (5), {c
l) and (9 wo > l
Adams (1) (6)

7— — —20° 39' 21"“ 6 17 — -11 --51"

Tula ftwi, Meeha Notu-uw

VrisAltika East, Mafcir&Nft-

wnak . Both Rasi m3 Nn- Han odd Mmrtwn won The.

varnsa m otto So the vra- J«w»lt >« liw K ‘

Irty ill the male to proihu-o

offtpri’iS is not stiong
no iwuhk
Tho oonpla .no living ami have so

ii h

***** _
<r^f fora foit gwfom *

VH qf^ftenwr Adh. xu

*sr fqferStyr^ri^R^r^ %ni\\ Mi

SJoka 15 Substract five times the figures lot the
Sun from times the figures for the Moon, Ji the
Titbi repre^ mfod by the result be an auspicious one
in the bright hali of a month, progeny is assured to the
native (even! without much exertion. But if 11 be one
of th© dark half of the month, there is no such possi-
bility, It is by a close examination of the strength of
the Tilhi— whether Si is auspicious or otherwise-in both
the Pakshas- bright and dark -that on© has to divine
the possibility of the native being blessed with issue.
During an 3TJTT*?T^TT (Amavasyal, a (Chidra) Tiihi,
the (Vishtx) Karana or any one of the fesfrsEJCiff

tStthira-karanas), there will be tio issue at all.

The %3T (Oh idu) Tdhis >n*o (l) (Olmtm tin), (2/ TOt
<8hashti), f8)*Wft fAsliUmi), (\) (Xavtuni), (5)

(Dw.Uasi) and (0) (Ohaturd i>i). Thnwi dam pmmally

avoided for any auspicious function

Thera am 11 Karats distributed over the 30 Tifchis

of the lunar month at tho rate of 2 Karanas for oaoh Titlu four
d those, vl/ (UxT^gT^* (Oh itushpada.) (2) 5TT*TSf (Niigftva),

(3) fid^fJ^Kiitmtnglmu.) and (4) (fkkunah aro called

(Sttlluva) Kiranas and aro so named as tlioy permanently hold sway
over tho foui hall Tithb commencing from tlie second half of
^^grg^ (Krishna Paksha Ghaturdasi). The othor seven, v//.

(I) >77 (2) 715T7 (Batova), 0) 7jto7 (KauUv«,\ (4)

(TiiiUluto), (5) 7T3T (GaHji), (G) 7^ (Vamja) and (7) feft

(Visliti) or (Bhadia) are oallotf^t (Chara) or moveable
Karanas and ooour in B cycles to preside over fclio remaining d6
halMifchis of tho lunar month boginim* with tho la^t half of
“(Buldu paksha prnl hama) !
0 '

SI* STCQtaarrcr: 123

inking tlie sample horoscope given under 6ko previous Sloka.

HUSBAND. warn.
5 times the figures foii 5 times tbo figures for
tho Moon 24 -26 h-23 -25 '
the Moon fit — *35 - f>0

6 times the 5 timos the

figures for figuios for
tho Sun X5G — 2G° — ~1-3

the Sun U~ 15 -- 60'~ 6"


flubsfcraofcmg"" Subtracting
\vo got 4— o° — X8'— -i.O

wo got 43— 8°— 46 45'* /

”120* 18 15"=» Llth Tifchi -218° 46'46"«19fchTifchi -
Ekifh si (Blight half). Cliat urth i (Datk half), which
is a (Ohidra) Titlu,

il ^farRTtTtr^fK: n

firfe: fcari: sir ^rr^^nr q-%g4kT<i??mr5n t

<rsrsrr g*rosrar*r* w,\% sr^gagt faw n».*.n

^nmnrer sr^or iisn*rr sraqtjt %swgnrsr?r

rr i

53Ti3rr wi^trsTl %f?i5rH^ifrs; 11 1 ill

rwirr% 'Ts-JT^^rr ^3t f^rorr:

<jfir ^cfteRpr^rrg; i

'nTBrw^fa q-tiRra- d%?r =sr fir grim meu

• SJoka I6-IS.— Should however the result happen to
be one of the fesT (Chhidra) Tithis, the fifRj (Vishti)
Karana, or a (Stthirakarana, alluded to the m
lastsentence of the previous Sloka), one ought to wor
ship God Krishna by means of the (Purusha
Sukta) Mantras to ward off the barrenness threatening
the family. If the Tithi disclosed be (Shashti), he

ought to worship God Subrahmanya if it be ^rcpff

^ ;

(Chaturthi, he ought to propitiate the lord of serpents;

if it be rHflfr (Navami), he ought to
arrange for the
reading of ^TJPTBruT (Ramayana) and hear that story if ;

it be (Ashtami), he ought to observe the STcprr

(Sravana) Vrata (by fasting) if d be (Chains ;

121 Acih XH

dasi), lie mm»t Vv or chip Gcd Eudra (Siva) by

(Rudraparayana); be
If it (Dwadasi) he mist
propitiate the Gods by liberal feeding; if i! be
sWIsTfFIT (Amavasya) or ?Pourcami he ought to , *

propitiate Manes. These things he ought i.i do


all the more and with greater care and effort o the wV
Tithi happens to be one among the last five <A the
month— v\? after f (Krishna Paksha Dasvtmu. !

Geneially, in the dark half of a month to which* 6 o ^ f

of the three divisions a Tithi may belong, worship
ought to be resorted tot the particular deity to bo
propitiated being (Ndgaraja, in fho first divh ion,
viz 1 -5 Tithis), (Skanda) in the second tnoxF S
Tithis— i, B. t 6—10) and (Hari) in the third (or Mst 6),

ftgjftWTswmWr fti'Krcmft fkw- ,

f?nTRfa=rRfcr <cxr^
gJT‘. n^?} II! »,n

Sloka 79. — If ata birth the lord of the 5th house be

posited in i is inimical or depression sign or be eclipsed
(by the Sun's rays) or occupy any of the f :^Rrfrf (Dus- *

stthanas, viz , the 6th, the 8th or the 12th); or the planet
occupying the Slh house be similarly situated or happen
to be the lord of any one of the three houses, viz the
6th, the 8th or the 12th one ought to declare childless-
ness as an inevitable result, He ought to divine the
source of the same by an examination of the particular
•deity, tree and animal represented by the sign orrupi-
<ed by that planet.

$rr<nf?<ig:iirr •<%-•
si. 20-22 . m
wrriraw%?nsy*ms iroii

ppst ?Ti% gsf; jsTgfjrs^rfrr^ i

^r^JT>p?3nffft-7TO7Tl m
w'ts^rmmfn PT^wt bb fttcrrerf^r: iiv.ii

wtjV n^rjj ^ntug-qt

%?ff EfisrotwtTOaar gsr% i

2*fT g^Psters vh ggtrtfrfflrmjs
sfNit gpJ *rtnfsrfar ^srEifRrtsgfr! irs.ii

Slokct 20—22. If the plcmet in question happens to

be the Sun, the person concerned becomes sonless
owing to injury done lo God Siva and Garuda' and the
consequent curse of the Maries if the Moon, it will be

due to the displeasure and anger of the mother, a

(Sumangahi o* other venerable woman owing
to her feelings havmy been hurt; in the case of Mars,
it will be due tosome fault done to the village deity,
to God (Karhkeya), to an enemy, or one's
Dayadins if the planet be Mercury, the sonlessness

will be duo lo curses made by youngsters or to the

killing of spawns (eggs of fishes and similar creatures)
or to the wrath of God Vishnu; if Jupiter be such
planet, it will be due to some harm done to the
hereditary Brahmin family priest or the destruction of a
tree full of fruits if the lord of 5ih or the planet posited

therein be Venus, the cause of childlessness will be

due to the cutting off of a tree full of flowers, or an
injury caused to a virtuous lady or to the cow kind or
a sinful deed to people that ought to be revered if ;

Saturn be the planet under advertance, it will be

due to the destruction of an 3r»qr?3T (Aswattha or
. Adh. XII

Pipul tree or on account of (q*n) Yama's ire or through

departed goblins and .the like
spirits, if Rahu should ;

occupy the 5th house or be associated with the lord of

that house it will be due to the curse of a serpent ; in
the caae of Ketu, it will be owing to the curse of a
Brahmin. If it be Mandi, it will be due to a curs© from
departed sprits, If Venus and the Moon in conjunct
with Mandi should be in such a position, the cause will
be attributed to the murder of a damsel or the killing
of a cow. If Jupiter or Ketu in conjunction with Mandi
be in the 5th house, the sonlessness will be on account
of the murder of a Brahmin.

ftgra>:rsrai is unnt lior mulnuj in qmutui of iho Jdlli

Si oka,

ursi % 3r?srsroir suffer 5T"5rr: i

srag j£=rf?i^v$ n

uloka ?3 —'Thus have been detailed ths several sins


accrued by one's actions in his many previous births

and now revealed in his present nativity which lead to
childlessness and to ward off which and to secure a son.
persons versed in the Astrological science have recom-
mended (appropriate) particular Japvis, gifts and such
other good actions prescrxberHor the several planets.

^jprr# #er<f iprr tiirtf: *r?;errft i

ssrrer 'K&rr’Tn'fitOT nTwmcsrsfTfer irhii

Slaka.~~24 A
holy bath in Rameswaram. engaging
oneself in reciting the accounts of a venerable and a
-“^vered personage, worship of God Siva, observance of
vows with reference to (propitiate) God Vishnu, gifts,
ceremonies in honor of departed spirits, installation of
the serpent deity—these axe the various modes recom-
mended by which one can attain progeny.
Si. 1^7

g?r*m gr t

g^T%*mr jft% ^ mn
Sloka 25.—’The birth of a son should be expected
during the Dasa or Apahara of any one of the 6 planets,
viz., (1) the lord of the Lagna, (2) th© lord of the 7th,
(3) the lord of the 5th. (4) Jupiter; (5) the planet as-
pecting the 5th. house o/ (6) the one occupying the
5th house or when Tupitor in his orbit transits the
sign or the Navamsa Rcioi occupied by the lord of the
5th house or the (Upagraha) Yamakantaka.

*rt*r *~4r4x H&m i

srarrRr sffcjTmtf m tiwi

Sloka 26. —Find when the lord of Lagna conies dur-
ing his transit (1) in conjunction with the lord of the
5th house (2) to hi * ©wallah on sign (3) to his own Ra&i
( 1) to the 5th house and ^5) to the sign occupied by
the lord of the 5fn house. During any one of these
transits the birth of a son is possible.

3*srr Trsrr^mq; i

^F^ar^f^^cTcq'cfr^rf ^$n<rerr*g wrjmrvs i

Sloka 21. Add the figures of the following three

planets (l)The lord of the Lagna (2^ the lord of the
7th house and (3J the lord of the 5th house. During the
course of the Maha Dasa represented by the ruler of
the asterism and in the Apaharas of any one of the
following,viz., (1) the planet m
the 5th house, (2) the
planet aspecting the 5th house and (3) the planet
owning the 5th house, the birth of a son may be

jfcrTfcrgsiKsrwt arr i

nt WfTsrrra: \\'«\\


Sbka 28 Find which of the following is strong ;

(1) The lord of the 5th house (2) Jupiter, (3), (4), (5)
and (6) the lords respectively of the Rasis and Navam-
sas occupied by (1) and (2). During the Dasa or Apa-
hara of this strong planet, birth of a son is possible,

“j asjwstsKfr

.S/o&a 29 — Men will generally have the birth of a


son when Jupiter in the course ol his orbit passes

through a Hast trine to the sign representing the Kara
or Amsa occupied by the planet owning the 5fh house
reckoned from Jupiter, According to other treatises
on the subject, one ought to investigate indications of
progeny from the positions of planets at the birth time
of the native.

xc$r?#i f£tqr**r sr \

v[% srft fir^5r grr iftoii

Sioka 30 ,

Note the ruler of the asterism occupied
by the Moon as also that of the 5th from it. Add the
figures of these two planets. When Jupiter in his orbit
passes through the sign represented by this result or
through one of its triangular ones, the birth of a son is-

trcfr ?p?r ^rc^srrf'lfer i

aWR^jrrsrsrsiT fw^Sr r srVsrmw

Sioka 31 — The
, birth (of a child) may also take place
when the Sun in his orbit passes through the third
sign reckoned from the Rasi representing the
(Nisheka) Lagna or transits a Rasi triangular to the
(Adhana) Lagna

si. 3a 12f»

srt«rw?5'frrfgcT^'5T5Tf»im^s!^r gr j^srsTt^r ErrsJnr i

srfETf^wCT iprefert^ q-c: ?urfr iib^m

Slokn 32,—If a birth takes place in a Lagna which

is the Sth or the 9th from the Adhana Lagna, it should
be declared as through the effects of the native's good
actions done in previous births. If benefics should
occupy or aspect the Adhana Lagna, the person bdrn
will be endowed with long life, wealth and happiness.

Stsftr srr i

fmmRrf?r % srrsflr hpjt^ \\\\\\

<• •*' Find the exact ^f^srfsr (Dwadasamsa) of

the Moon at the time of the Brp&nffir (Adhana) and the
Basi to which it belongs. Count from (Mesha or from)
this sign as many Rasis as the number represented by
the (Dwadasamsa) in question. When, the
Moon is in the Rasi thus found in the month of
delivery, the birth of the child in the womb may be

3rr«rt*r«Kt^fir sr srfjrgw ?r^sFqftrar?r<r«r ii3.#ii

rfgr qE-rwirertRrETwr <K5r#tftwp!rr jsr^fn

\oku 34 -One ought to predict effects by a con-
sideration of (the positions of the several planets with
respect to) the Moon and the Lagna at the time of a
query, adoption of a son, investiture of sacred thread,
the gift of a girl, the first maturity, or the time of
impregnation, as he would if a birth had taken place at
the time.
Thus ends the 12th Adhyaya on "Issue ox Children

in the work Phaladeepika domposed by Mantreswara,

130 Adk XIII


snl *d?r ^w^tgfi%c*T fe <mi 1

mg-Rirfpff jjforfk f*s# cnrur: *nrcn;

^ wsrnr^: mil

Sloka L thing that ought to be done by
The first
the elders when a son is born is the determining of the
longevity or otherwise; and then only of the other
effects. If the nativity be found to possess also some
merits, they ought to be investigated with the help of
persons proficient in the science of Astrology.

«K«wl*?r wjni; irai

Sloka 2 ,
— As regards the correct determining of the
Lagna of birth, some opine that it is the time of 3*TSTf*r
(Adhana) or impregnation others say that it is the

time when the head (of the infant) emerges some ;

others say that it is the time when the child (falls to)
touches the ground; while other experts in Astrology
hold that it is the time when the child gets itself com-
pletely separated from the mother's womb.

f?r«rfJrf ?r i

*r Rmr iiSn

Sloka 3 —In the case of viviparous creatures, it is

not possible to determine the period of life within the
first twelve years. In consequence of the sinful acts
the parents (whether in this or in a previous birth), the
child meets with destruction being seized by demons
called (Balagrahas).

??rgV?r truth hvh

SI. 6-7 in i

Sloka the child dies in the first four years, it

is because of the mother's sins. If in the middle four
years,it is owing to the accumulated sins of the father.

comes by its death in the last four years, it must

If it
be due to its own sins (in a previous birth)

arrg^F* *tnr fsraw mfft snsr ?:sT?r hhii

Slok S. In order to ward off the evil effects enun-


ciated above, the father should arrange for the perform-

ance of religious rites preceded by the incantations of
Mantras and offerings of oblations by the pouring of
ghee into consecrated fire on every birthday of the
child till its 12th year; supplementing these with
suitable medical treatments and the like, the life of the
child must be promoted and the child protected.

sqiT «rt;?rft5iTTifr 5rcn»rf qtaifts a-rg^frarfcr l

mi xngrfsraa' ^q-qtgsrmH^r. srari^q; ii^ii

Sloka 6.— The first eight years in men's lives is the

period of anSSTfal (Balarishta) —ills that afflict children
Till the 20th year, they say, it is the gtmfaj (Yoga-
rishta) period (evil brought on by planetary conjunc-
tions). It is called (Alpayus) or shortlife when
the period extends to 32. It is called
(Madhyamayus) or middle age when the period of life
extends to 70 years. It is (Purnayus) when the
period of life extends to 100 years.

^ort otstft tns?ctr%^rqr i

arsq- huh

Sloka 7 -A hundred years are generally reckoned


as the period of life for human beings. The division of


l'.VA Adh. XIII

Lhis period into three portions constitute respectively

th© life peiiod of a short-lived, middle-aged and long-
lived person and is recognised universally.

wl ?r few *?fir lien

SJoka 8. — If a birth occurs in any of the evil Yogas

TTSTjljcsr (Dinamrityu), f^sffar (Dinaroga) or fqqsr&qF'?
(Vishaghatilcala), the child will die very soon. If there
be a birth when the Moon is in the asterisms JP*
(Pushya), (Furvashadha), and (Chitra), the
death of the father, the mother, the child or the maternal
uncle respectively should be predicted according as
the Moon is stationed in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th quarte r
of any of these stars at the time. If a birth occurs when
the Moon is in jjojrr (Moola) and if the Lagna should
also have no connection with any of the benefic
planets either by occupation or by aspect, the destruc-
tion respectively of the father, the mother or of the
family itself should be expected according as the Moon
is in the 1st, 2nd or the 3rd quarter. But if the birth
be when the Moon is in the 4th quarter of Moola (*|y5T)>
there will be prosperity and wealth,
In the case of
Aslesha (3TF%q7), the result will be reverse.

(Dinamrityu) and" f^f^T (Dinai o,vd .wo Hi is <Io-

in (Kahin.ikasik.i)

raswisr i

§t%g «sr ^?fS?STP SFTJT3TI 1

KrpJtpsff qTWJjijS i

g gvrr; n
SI. 9 133

Tha first quarto? of STRgi (OluuNhU) and ^cff (H, t «jta)i

tlui quartov nr Rr^Tf^r (Visaldu) and

3 O< 1011 <I
3T[^*f (Anlra thn

3rd quarter of ^tflOTSpr^T { Uttarabhadrapyla) mid

(Aalesha) ; and the f*Uh quarts - of ^T'Coft (Rlmrani) and
(T\foola) aietoriuod fijpT^TcJ (Dunum ilyid, and ovil Yoga, p nvorful
only if it occurs durinj day time.

'Pho UimL quart) v <d 'sTf^'Tr OWoslm) and

( \ JU aval) lui d rapada) ; Uio -ascend quarter of (Dharani) and
^onln); the llm l
q iiuvn* of (TTtfarjiphalguiii)

out Jqqtrr CHravum); anil f.ho fourth quarter of (ftwufci) and

wTrRr^r (tori giwras) no hnnwn as (rfinart^'a), i he ovil
influence of which cmv .4 only if it occurs dining day time. Those
two ( oiz , l)mami if 5 \i
t i Din, njjt) arc however dovtdd o

if they occur during ni'hfc,

Kor (Vlsiu^hni tint), <00 5ft. tfT. V — 112. p. id) h

Trq-ra%3?:r%' rr?^ir^% :
f^rrar 'Sjk

’T'»3rrs% ^mirflr: I

sttct: ^r^Rr-
=ar *rt sriw Bjsrt stt iimi

Sloka 9, —
a birth happens at the extreme end of

a Hasi which
(occupied by) associated with or aspect-

ed by a malefic planet, the child will surely meet with

its death at or^ce. If the birth be at a tt^FcT (Gandantha
vide 1-4 sit [mi), the fathpr, the mother, or the child atself
will die. Should however the cliild survive, he will
become a king. If born at the junction of any one of
the four corners identical with the conjunction at or
aspect by a malefic, the death of the child will soon
happen. The same result Will occur if the Moon at
birth attains the fateful degree in any sign (vide next
sloka in/ra) and is at the same time posited in a Kencha
or the 8th house.
3M Adh. XIII

gsenarm i

^ trsif »
3 *n»n; Jri%sr ^i#srt g^^riwisff: 115,011

Sloka iO. — If the degrees attained by the Moon in

Meshaandthe other signs be respectively 26, 12, 13,
25, 24, 11, 26, 14, 13, 25, 5 and 12, they indicate
death. (Vide also 3TT. qr. p. 38).

?i*r %«ft w6 sft g%fr fl-rgiik srRr ?i%sr I

jrfl f$r?^ aj^or itTrftor ftj gn?h hum

Sloka 11 ,
— The following are ulso) respectively
deemed (by some others) as Fc^TPTT* (Mrityubhagas
or fateful degrees) in the several signs from Meslia on-
wards : 8, 9, 22, 22, 25, 14, 4, 23, 18, 20, and 10.

g^sstsrbnTsit sfttwrct I

«rr crgjTfg^sftmBr ^wr*cf<rt?r-

gfg: ?^j 3T?j %?> ?r zrf% gwor^rr: gr H

Sloka 12 -One may predict the death of the child

to occur very soon in the following case vi „ (1) when :

malefics occupy (by themselves) the 8th and the

Kendra houses, (2) when malefics are all placed in the
1st and the 8th houses (3) when they occupy the 1st
and the 7th, (4) when the Moon or the Lagna is betwixt
two malefics, (5) if the Moon being devoid of strength
occupy the 6th, the fifth or the 12th, 16) if the waning
Moon in conjunction with a malefic, is in the 1st, 5th,
7th, or 9th house the malefics be in the 8th and

(7) if

7th and (8) when no benefic planets occupy or aspect

a Kendra house.

srrfoitsar fgarjurt
N r

^f%srftr5T5? urcgRr g-wra^irtonfaT: I

•si. 18-14 133

B^riNmrr ’rf^ gr?ff^rrf%qi»Tr-'7g-

qr^N?! Ifcr§;F(7rTlPiT)T^: TF^fts f%rff: IU3II

Sloka 13.- -When the lord of the Lagna or of the sign

occupied by the Moon at birth is weak and badly
placed (i ©,, in the 6th, 8th or 12th house), the
child will die within as many years as are represented
by the said sign (when counted from Mesha). If the
planet owning the Lagna-decanate or the decanal©
occupied by the Moon be weak and badly placed, the
period of exit of the child will be as many months as
are represented by the sign owning the decanate in
question. The period of life will be so many days from
birth as are signified by the Rasi owning the Navamsa
Lagna or Chandra Navamsa when the planet owning
this is weak and similarly badly-placed. After a care-
ful examination as to which among the two or threo
possibilities predominates and what malefics are post-
ed in the 5th and the 8th houses, one ought to divine
about the ills of the child.

firm wa-src?

^rnanrsT^ssi felt
Fsarrcifs^sra^ itWi

S,oka 14.— Consider the following 3 pairs (A) the

•decanate Rasis oi the Lagna and the Moon ; (B) ihe

^ A
^trsr ‘ar^'^mroi Lt%
haijua (hokkaua Jlnsi Ohaodra clielckana Basi

syiTOrrgTsr =ttf% =FT%?T5Tgi5T TifsT
iMgnem tSUvams* IU*i Oh inrhesa N ivwm Hasi

1.16 <K5y#tr«Kt«ri- Adh. XI II

^sTsrST^JETrsr rtfir
L igruwa Dwuflrfcsam^ii Oh'ui'bvs; D wad asai *«a

Kii^i Uast

(Chara) UU.ll.rJ (l)iv«Im)

S3 X (Ohara) fpj*: (HUIma) CMtulh.s a)

=3{T (Omni) SWpST (fn.-nva) (A1|m)

(stthira) T¥T^ (tn»h.*wi) (UirfjJia)

(Stthira) (Oiift i%j

^*qr (Madhya)
(SUhivu) SpTt STW (Alpa)

(XJhhuyft) fet*! (SUIum) (Diiffjlm)

^Jq* (Uhhuya) (UhhMVH) (Marthyid

(rhlniya) (Olmno 3T$T (Alpa)

Navamsa Rasis of the lord of the Lagna and the lord ol

the sign occupied by the Moon and (C) the Dwadasamsa
Rasis of the lord of the Lagna and of the lord of the 8th
house. The life of the child may be pronounced as fffsr

(Deergha), vczq (Madhya) and arsg (Alpa) according as

(a) when one of the Rasis in the said 3 pairs is a
(Chara) sign the other is a (Chara), (Stthira) and
(Ubhaya) sign, (h) when one of the Rasis is a
(Stthira) sign, the other is a (Dwandwa), ?art (Chara)
and x (Stthira) sign and (a) when one of the Rasis is

a (Dwandwa) sign the other is in a (Stthira

nr nr
(Dwandwa) and ^
(Charaj sign respectively,

*rf^ 5*r*fr ttstj? i
si. 10-17 SFTfcrsrt-SWTTtf: I3t

Sloka 15 . — The life of the native may be pronounced

as long, medium and short according as the benefics
and the lord of the Lagna are all posited in Kendra,
Panaphara and Apoklima houses respectively. If the
lord of the 8th house and the malefics occupy similar
positions, the reverse should be predicted. Ascertain
the friendship or otherwise of the following pairs: (1)
the lord of the house occupied by the Moon and that
of the 8th house from the Moon (2) lord of the Lagna
^and that of the 8th house from the Lagna and (3) the
Sun and the lord of the Lagna. If they are friendly,
the native will be long-lived if inimical, he will be

short-lived ;
if neutral, he will have medium life.

^rerreftsri'a'iT n l 'Mi

Sloka 16 . —
If the lord of the Lagna Rasi and the lord

of the Lagna Navamsa be stronger than the lords \

of the 8th house reckoned from each, the native

will be long-livec[» The same remark holds good with
respect to the lord of the Rasi occupied by the Moon or
the lord of the Moon's Navamsa, If otherwise, the
reverse will be the result.

twr: l

crwrg^TJTsrsiT ^ *r«rmg-

Sloka 17 —
If the lord of the
. 8th house possessing
greater strength than that of; the .-/lord of the Lagna
occupy a Kendra, and if malefics be posited in the 8th
and. 12th houses, the life of the native will be short, ox
he maybe ofmediumllife, or even prolong his life to
the full period with the vicissitudes of happiness and

iK-ift— 18
133 Adh. Xll I

smsvroSf 51 %-
ficfft w«ng3r% iTErPrT ?n% I

<!#$• f^r^rfof ^ip^rftgewItJTJjg.

^srr gfir ^rewRr JffRr ftrfersr gwra; ircii

Sloka 18. -In the case of an *T57Tig*tt?r (Alpayur-

yoga), ike person meets with his death when Saturn
during his transit reaches in his first cycle the parti-
cular portion of the zodiac signified by the sum-total
of the figures (representing the position at nativity) of
Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon, If the native
is foundto be of medium life, the event will come off
in the 2nd cycle. It will happen in the 3rd, if the native
is pronounced to be a long-lived one. A clever
astrologer will predict the event after also satisfying
that the Dasa and Bhukti at the time is untoward.

ETTfTt 5T?rar

,f; string fcsrfergq*Trft l

5TffV *rr crrftiff f^rm^ggaT

Sloka, 19 . —
If the lord of the Lagna be associated

with a malefic and be eclipsed by the Sun's rays or be

in depression ox an inimical sign, the demise of the
native will have to be predicted, when the same lord in
his transit happens to occupy one of the Dusstthanas
(6th, 8th or 12th) or the Lagna or be somehow connect-
ed with it. The same event may also be predicted
from the Navamsa Lagna, the decanate Lagna or the
Lagna Rasi occupied by the Moon.

cT^res ’Tfi^t TKr 3Fjrtf§rcT<m


gturferw HsrfsRr^Tfrr gmfg#; & wq'ffcT ggsg; iA«n

SI- 2 1-23 139

Sloka 20.— If the following three planets, viz., the

Moon, the lord of same and
the sign occupied by the
the lord of the Lagna be all well-placed by being
associated with or aspected by good planets and pos-
sess many points of strength, that time must be
declared as very auspicious and favourable to the
native concerned.

fwrc fqsrxrtfo sr fmm-f >

*015 gSrcrg fW^TOsrsreFwr IR^H

Sioka 21 ,
— The lord of
the rising sign being possess-
ed and unaspecled by malefic planets
of great strength
but aspected by benefic ones and occupying a Kendra
position, wards off death and secures to th^ child long-
life graced with numerous virtues and an illustrious
or powerful sovereignty.

57 jr i^sicr: grtrewnfl: I

Hrffir gftfftft ipcrctftr

*frm SfTTTfT fcf ffOTRi IIRRII

Sloka 22 Ai Jupiter, the minister of the Gods, endow-

ed with surpassing strength and glittering with his
full collection of rays, is posited in the Lagna, he can
» singly ward off many of the evils which would other-
wise be difficult to be got over, just as a humble saluta-
tion placed with all sincerity before the lord Vishnu.


Sloka 23.— The waxing Moon if posited in a Trikona,

140 Adh. XIV

the 11th house or a Kendra position with respect to the

Lagna and at the same time in a sign or Navamsa
belonging to the Sun, Moon or Jupiter, will conduce
to theperformance of meritorious deeds every day
And ward off completely all ills.

*rer *mr
5rjnfa<r: srgug^ft I

sftlsr 5imt7r?r w Rtg^Jr; ir<yn

Sloka 24.— If, in a nativity, there be no malefics in

the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses, and if
the lord of the Lagna and Jupiter occupy Kendra posi-
tions, the person concerned will perform many good
acts, enjoy all kinds of comforts, and live for a hundred
years free from disease.

^T7cw^fts^rf^’:KriS5r»Tkf'Bi5r gr3if5r^far?iiir!Fi’:rg

g^g sr 11

•rfa s?g>gtfg*Rjmgr srr$*rfgt

«TTJT ggfcOTtSWTTgrs

SJoka 25. —Through the Dasas enunciated by Sripati,

through Ashtakavarga, through .Kalachakra Dasa and
through the Ududasa system, a wise man ought to
predict the Ayus of the native by the application of
suitable rules after a correct calculation of the several
planetary positions, careful working, and a minute

Thus ends the 12th Adhyaya on '"the Length of Life"

in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
SI 1-3 141



ttTO £r;?rrirfa amrrsrf^rli^tsr? I

^ScT^OTTfr JT^ffSlIr^ f^Tf^^ITTOTgr^rJ ll?ll

Shkn 7. -“-Any thing about diseases ought to be

divined through (1) the planets posited in the 6th house
(2) those posited in the 8th and 12th houses (3) the
planet owning the 6th house or (4) those in conjunc"
tion with that planet. The particular disease may be
predicted if the same happens to be signified by two,
three or more independent Yogas.

sqTefceifgr tfei,,n?4fbfT4' I

‘Erk^rri'T^r^^'Korg^^r^rf vraq; irii

SJoka 2.—High fever dominated by viliated bile,

burning of the whole body, epilepsy, heart-disease,
eye-trouble, danger from enemies, skin-disease, lucaria
(3Tf^T^%~Astthisruti), danger from wood, fire, weapon ,
and poison, trouble to one's wife, children and
fear ofquadruped, thief, the sovereign, the God Yaraa,

serpent and God Siva, all these may be caused by
the Sun.

yi^E3rt^fowfjnn«'iJT5t% ^f>3rsT«rmfa«s T:

€r^ li^ll
SJoka 3 . — Excessive sleep, Laziness, phlegmatic
affegtion, (spcppftTi* — Kapharoga), diarrhoea, carbuncle,

142 Adh. XIV

malarial-fever (typhoid) danger from horned and water

animals, indigestion BTfsT^Tr^^T ~ Agnimandya\ tasteless-
ness (3TT7f^r*Aruchi - Anorexia), trouble from ‘
or to
women, jaundice, mental aberration, impurity of blood,
danger from water, Balagrahas, Goddess Durga, Kinna-
ras,God Yama, serpents and from female Yaksha may
be expected through the Moon.


Sloka 4,— The disease and untoward events origi-

nated by Mars are excessive thirst, morbid irritation

of blood bilious fever, danger from fire, poison,

weapons, leprosy, eye-diseases, appendictis, epilepsy,
injury to the marrow, roughness of the body, psoriasis
(*Tm - Pama), bodily deformities, trouble from the
sovereign, enemies and thieves, fighting with brothers,
sons, and foes, friends fear from evil spirits, Gandhar-
vas, and frightful demons and diseases affecting the
upper limbs of the body (suqh as lungs, throat, teeth,
tongue, ear, nose, etc,).

tnfTOT ( Pamika ) is synonymous with fsp3rr%«FrT

(Vicharchika~Ps oriasis)

sm??r smtmirasnoftfsidn swi:

firmer i

g^sr ^ f^r^ifsTOcrif irt^sr^asri^: t

m stfar tfter tr%: iihii

Sloka 5r Mercury brings on mental disease, trouble

to the vocal organs, eye-disease, diseases of throat
snd nose, fever, diseases arising front the threg
SI. 6-7 143

humours jfliT (Vata), (Pittha) and spqfj (Kapha),

poison, skin diseases, anaemia, bad dreams, itches and
scab (Psoriasis\ falling into the fire, roughness or dry-
ness of the body imprisonment and exhaustion, and
harm from evil demons moving in the abodes of
Gandharvas, and in (where these evil spirits
fiery pits
usually dwell) |
or Gandharvas, the Earth, mansions
and horses, etc, as well as evil spirits.]


sfta: ^q-fpr *rv gqf ^firsi'T^n^stPC, ii^ii

Stoka d -Appendicitis (intestinal disorders!, lever
arising out of disorder in the entrails, diseases arising
from sorrow, fainting or swoon, and phlegmatic dis-
order ear trouble, giddiness, trouble in connection with
temple matters, torture for knocking off hoarded wealth,
harm resulting from the curses of Brahmins and Gods,
diseases engendered by Kmnaras, Yakshas, Gods,
serpents, and Vidyadharas, etc., (class of demi-gods)
and troubles arising from serious offences done to
wise men and elders, all these are indicated by

trt® f^'iTTOW^TfT’Tfrs^rTf srfrer imra;

fiwgciT# &cr* imii

Sloka 7,— Venus signifies the following anaemia, :

diseases caused by the irritation of phlegmatic and

windy humours, trouble to the eyes, urinary diseases,
diseases in the generative organ, strangury, trouble in
144 Adh- XtV

cohabitation, exudation of semen, loss (fading away)

of bodily splendour as a result of intercourse with
courtezans, rickets, fear from witches, female ghosts
and female deities and break of friendship with a dear

=sr qrrssrkfN; I

^JT^*T^r: tftyf fwTsrifitfir; nett

Sloka 8 .— Saturn brings on diseases caused by wind

and phlegm, paralysis of the leg, misfortune, weariness,
mental aberration belly-ache, internal or heart pain
heat, desertion of servants, injury to the ribs, danger to
wife and children, injury to some limb, mental anguish,
would as a result of a blow from a piece of wood or
stone 'and trouble or harm from (foul) ignominious
goblins and the like.

qrartfif ^ i

srcftr4 w vtzt Btt tt ^crBrm’CTtxrjrfT i 1*1 \

Sloka 9 .—~Rahu causes palpitation of the heart,

leprosy, aberration of mind, danger from artificial
poisoning, pain in the legs, trouble from goblins and
serpents and ills to wife and children. Ketu indicates
trouble through dispute with Brahmins and Kshatriyas,
or from enemies. Mandi (Gulika) causes fear from (see-
ing) corpses, poison, bodily pain and impurity (arising
from the demise of one's near relations).

cT§Cc5mjT#sr% ?r ymw ikon

SI. U 145

Sloka 10 --If the 12th

and the 2nd houses be occu-
pied by the Moon and the Sun, being conjoined with
or aspected by Saturn and Mars, the person born will
suffer from eye-disease. The 3rd and the 11th houses
and Jupiter if associated with or aspected by Saturn
and Mars will cause ear-disease to the native. Mars
(a malefic) in the 5th house in conjunction with the
lord of the 6th or the 8th house will make the native
suffer from belly-ache. Similarly the lords of the 8th
and the 6th houses if posited in the 7th and the 8th
along with malefics will bring about rectal disease,
Venus under the above conditions will make the per-
son born suffer from a disease in the private parts
(venereal disease.)

TOsfcctraftretk vepcira wit =gr srof

giresr snir wt =sr ctraww? l

Trl't <ar tq^r srm

qr<T£r%?t ntm
Sloka 27. — If the 6th or the 8th house be occupied
by the Sun, there would be fear of fever ;
if by Mars

or Ketu, the danger will be from ulcer; if by Venus, it

will be through a disease in the private parts. If
Jupiter should occupy the 6th or the 8th house, the
native will be seized with consumption. If Saturn be
in such a position, the native will suffer from nervouS
diseases. If Rahu aspected by Mars be in the 6th or
the 8th, the person concerned will suffer from carbun-
cle. If Saturn in conjunction with the Moon occupy
any of the above two houses, the native will suffer
from the enlargement of spleen. If the waning Moon
occupy any of the above houses identical with watery
signs, in conjunction with a malefic, the person will
suffer from a watery disease or consumption.
Note In all these oases great care should be used in making
predictions, Common sense and experience are to bo used as guides;


l'H5 Adh- XlV

3TTcft iresfcT iftr %*r wTur qT3%«r cre^Rur

cr?^d^rf%: i

^w#sre3rr«nrr gcrg%m?r$Tsffaw =n
^srttfr *sre:BrmwTr?RT ^cf ?r^rffer?rq; mi!
12. -I now proceed to explain the manner in
which person meets with his death, and the cause of
the same. If there are planets occupying or aspecting
the 8th house, death is caused through diseases
pertaining to the strongest of them or (if there be no ;

planets occupying or aspscting the 8th house) through

diseases declared for that house or for the house in
which the lord of the 8th is placed and (where the ;

foregoing tests do not apply) it may be predicted with

certainty that death will be caused either by the lord
of the 8th house or by the lord of the 22nd decanate
(counted from the Lagna decanate).

rrlrggw ?=rej ^wmf^cfTfg^ncn mu

Sloka 13 . When the 8th house is occupied by a
planet or aspected by one, death should be declared to
be caused by diseases pertaining to that planet. When
there are no planets occupying or aspecting the 8th
house, death is caused through diseases declared as
arising from the nature (or characteristics) of the Rasi
representing the 8th house.

%RT3fts^n =sr i

<TT<rJn^ ^rrr^T gt-ft WTcji

sflsrwttsresr w ^gi%: srFw imu

Sloka 14— The Sun causes
death through fire, high
fever, bileor weapon. The Moon brings on death
through cholera, watery diseases
- (such as.

SI* 25-27 347

Jalodara-ascitis) orpulmonary disease in general. The

troubles caused by Mars for bringing about death are
(accidental) fire, the employment of magical spells,
witchcraft (©swiuih), and weapons. The agency used
by Mercury for the same purpose is anaemia, blood-
lessness and similar diseases and giddiness. Jupiter
will bringabout death without much trouble or through
phlegm, while Venus will do it through venereal
complaints or similar ones caused by association with
women. Saturn will bring it about by wind-disease
or a dangerous fever like typhoid.

f;g;r err srBmwsrangr i

<ffoar towt glR^t^T^Rr HUH

Sloka 15. — Rahu will bring about death

by leprosy,
by eating food mixed with poison, by venomous bites,
or by small-pox and the like. Ketu will cause unnatu-
ral deaths such as suicide, or assassination as a result
of the hatred of enemies or through worms etc.

m nun
Sloka 16.— One ought to predict death through the
bad (detrimental) effect arising from the 8th house
reckoned from the Lagna or through the evil effect of
the Rasi representing the Navamsa occupied by
lord of the 8th house.

Sloka 17 . —
Mesha should happen to be such a

Rasi (see previous Sloka), death will be due

to bilious
Ijpit be Vrisha-
fever, heat, and livef or gastric disease.
bha death will be due to vitiation or decrement
i to Adh. XIV

^r%?r p^ntor
?r^r^*PpT; i

^^ff^^3Tr«rcn ^crT%m?r^Nft^r srr

*rvr$t?r ^fa^mfir?rr w* ^fefe?r^ ti**n

-I now proceed to explain the
12. manner in
which person meets with his death, and the cause of
the same. If there are planets occupying or aspeciing
the 8th house, death is caused through diseases
pertaining to the strongest of them or (if them be no;

planets occupying or aspectlng the Hth house) through

diseases declared for that house or for the house in
which the lord of the 8th is placed; and (where the
foregoing tests do not apply) it may be predicted with
certainty that death will be caused either by the lord
of the 8th house or by the lord of the 22nd decanate
(counted from the Lagna dqcanate),

3# cqtfrOTjrasrw i

fSt^sssr <tst wriErtft.aftasnm nun

Sloka 13 When the 8th house ig occupied by a

planet or aspected by one, death should be declared to

be caused by diseases pertaining to that planet. When
there are no planets occupying or aspecling the 8th
house, death is caused through diseases declared as
arising from the nature (or characteristics) of the Has!
representing the 8th house,

wrtpnf^ sr q^prtf^rcrgl's i

spfotg JT^n err utF?t: n?yn

Sloka. 14.—'The Sun causes death through
high fire,
fever, bile weapon, The Moon brings on death
through cholera, watery diseases (such
SI* ^-27 247

Jalodara-ascitis) or pulmonary disease in general* The

troubles caused by Mars for bringing about death are
(accidental) fire, the employment of magical spells,
witchcraft ((^wriwh), and weapons. The agency used
by Mercury for the same purpose is anaemia, blood-
lessness and similar diseases and giddiness. Jupiter
will bring about death without much trouble or through
phlegm, while Venus will do it through venereal
complaints; or similar ones caused by association with
women, Saturn will bring it about by wind-disease
or a dangerous fever like typhoid.

fftr* wr trififareem msjfasmi i

trtrqrr ii^.ll

Jd.—Rahu will bring^about death by leprosy,

by mixed with poison, by venomous bites,
eating food
or by small-pox and the like. Ketu will cause unnatu-
ral deaths such as suicide, or assassination as a result
of the hatred of enemies or through worms etc.

err ii^ii

Sloka 16 . — One ought to predict

death through the
bad (detrimental) effect from the 8th house
reckoned from the Lagna or through the evil effect of
the Rasi representing the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the 8th house.

grfr g m^h
Sloka 17 . — If Mesha should happen to be such ,a

Rasi (see previous Sloka), death will be due to bilious

fever, heat, and livef or gastric disease. I&it be Vrisha-
bha, death will be duo to vitiation or d eiangement q \
148 Adb. XIV

the three humours of the body, through fire, or

weapon; if Mithuna, by catarrah, asthma, or sharp pain
such as colic if Karkataka, by insanity windy-disease

or loss of appetite anorexia).

feror f%nn gmsm n<Ti?wtg; i

ii? <11

Sbka 18. If Simha be the Rasi undor consideration,


death should be declared to be due to wild beasts,

fever, boils, or enemies; if Kanya, it will be through
women, venereal disease, or by a fall (from a height)
if Tula, by brain fever and typhoid and if Vrischika,

by disease of the spleen, jaundice, and sprue.

fffnil^rg-rgsrsr ?p7TW i?r g i

g fgr'rscr ii?aii

Sloia 19.— If Dhanus be the Rasi under reference,

death will be due to a tree, water, wood or weapon. If
the Rasi be Makara, death will be by stomach-ache,
want of appetite or aberration of mind, etc., If
Kumbha, it will be by cough, fever and consumption ;

lastly, if Meena be the Rasi concerned, death will be

by drowning or by some watery diseases such as
.ascitis (sFSTt^'Jalodara).

siBr&Ttfjrgisrf ii^ii

Sloka 20 .—When the 8 th house happens to be own-

ed by a malefic planet (and is also malefic) and be
occupied also by a malefic, or a malefic asterism be
there, death will be due to weapon, fire, tiger or snake.
If two malefics being in Kendras aspect each other, the

native will meet with his death through the displeasure

0 f his sovereign or through a weapon, poison or by fire.
si. 21-23 149

^ivfirrifc gr $r*r^ sr3% i

3%CT3rTrf n^ir sractorf sq# <rfi s^flr suffer r<\\\

Sloka 21 .
— Hat a person's birth, the 12th house or
its lord be in a house or Navamsa owned by a benefic
or be associated with a benefic, his death will be a
happy one being free from any anguish or suffering. If

otherwise, it will be painful.


22.— If the lord of the 12th house occupy His

exaltation, a friendly house or a Varga of a benefic
planet or be associated with a benefic planet, the (life
of the) person concerned will be going upwards to
heaven. If it be otherwise, he will be going to perdi-
tion or hell. Some interpret this as a result of the
the nature of the Rasi (of the 12th house) ; i.e., heaven
if a (Sirshodaya) one and hell if a

(Prishtodaya) one.

%$*£ ?rf%5ff *urt wst i

vftRrsr’Ct 1 WOTT^csrifar

Sloka 23 —
The refuge of the departed is signfied by
the planet associated with the lord of the 12th/ by one
posited in the 12th house or by the one occupying the
Navamsa of the 12th Bhava. If the Sun and the Moon
be such planets, the future world indicated is Kailasa
if the planet in question be Venus,
it is Swarga (Heav-

en, or Indra's Paradise) ; if Mars be such planet,

it is

the Earth,- if it be Mercury, the native goes to

Vaikuntha ;
if Saturn, the future abode will be Yama.'s
150 A'dh. XIV

world if it be Jupiter, the native goes to Brahmaloka


if it be Rahu, he goes to other islands and if it be ;

Ketu, the native's next abode will be Hell.

fs irviii

Sloka 24. It is the lord of the 9th house that gives ;

allabout the native's past birth, while all information


about his future birth is revealed by the planet owning

the 5th. The particular caste, the country and the guar- >

ter or direction of the individual in his past and future ]

births should be guessed from the two respective

planets referred to above. |

wsf 5 bjt% f^rer gr irhii

Sloka 25.— If the planets referred to above be in

their exaltation, the particular world indicated should
be declared to be the one occupied by the Gods. If they ,

occupy depression or inimical houses, it indicates

foreign islands. If the planets be in their own, friend's \

or neutral's houses, then the abode in question should if

be guessed as India alone.

S'WRsr: snsfcgtaj srci i

trftrfNrr shsrcw sgrci ir^ii

Sloka 26 . —
‘The country pertaining to Jupiter is
Aryavarta (name of the tract extending from the Eastern
to the Western ocean and bounded on the North and
South by the Himalaya and Vindhya respectively). ]

Venus and the Moon indicate tracts watered by the 4

sacred rivers. Mercury represents all sacred places,

Saturn signifies prohibited tracts like those occupied
. -

SI- l£l

by foreigners, while the Sun indicates mountain

forest regions, and Mars, the country of

sfNjpr: ?rr€t^t irvsii

Sloka 27 . —If the planets (referred to in

sloka 24
Supra lords of the 9th and 5th) occupy a fixed Rasi

or Amsa identical with a Prishtodaya and an

(Adhomukha) Rasi ( vide 7— *8 supra) along with malefics,
the past and the future births of the native should be
declared as trees, plants and the like. If otherwise, i,
if the lords of the 9th and 5th houses occupy a
daya and an sjsfjpr (Urdhvamukha) Rasi identical
ynth a (Chara) or moveable Rasi or Amsa with
benefics, the birth should be of an animal kind.

«ra%g; qrrfir i

sri* ir<cii

Sloka 28 .
—the lord of the 9th or the 5th house

occupy exaltation, or Swaksheira or the house of a /

friend of the lord of the Lagna, then it should be

declared that the native's previous or the future

birth ( as the case may be ) must be that of a
human being. If the Rasi occupied be that of
a neutral (^rr^Sama) to the lord of the Lagna, the
birth concerned will be that of a beast. It will be that
of a bird, if the Rasi be that of an inimical or depression
one. All these may also be declared with reference to
the appearance of the decanates occupied by the pla-
nets owning the 9th or the 5th.

mtsrcreif aw# m gs«i3rt$ i

srarr gorsiw gs*r: ir^ii


an ^«r^#*rRr5irar'JT%« crt srm sTg^sErtmi?*;

142 Adh. XV

Sloka 29.— If the said two planets be together in one

house, the native should have had his birth in his own
place. If they be of equal strength, the births {past and
future) will be in the same caste. The colour and quali-
ty will also be similar to those belonging to the lords
of the 9th and the 5th houses. Predictions regarding
all the rest, should be similarly made by a reference to
what has been stated in the (Samgnadhyaya

Thus ends the 14th Adhyaya on "Diseases, Death,

Past and Future Births" in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Manlreswara,

*n*rr; gswgm sftf^rarr err

%3T! srl: ii'ii


Sloka L— All Bhavas produce completely their

,good results if theyoccupied or aspected by
benefics or their own lords, ox planets owning bene,
fic Bhavas and are free from association or aspect
of madefies, The same will be the result in the case of
malefics if they happen to be the owners of the Bhavas
concerned. This good effect will be ensured in the
case of ail the planets *when they are not occupying
depression signs, when they are not eclipsed and when
they are not posited in inimical signs.


viTwt 4T3R'rafg?r i
$1. &-4

wrarflrf jfsmf ^r^g^^Jifq-scrr

ftsr crar n?n

Sloka 2 . — Astrologers pronounce the strength of a

Bhava such as the Lagna to be ample and the Bhava
thoroughly beneficent, when a Trikona, the 2nd, the
4th, the 7thand the 10th places therefrom are occupied
by auspicious planets or the (the lord of the Bhava)
and are unoccupied and unaspected by malefic planets*
A Bhava suffers decay when the positions referred to
above are differently occupied and aspected. The
effect of a Bhava will be mixed when positions noted
above are oacupied or aspected by benefic and malefic
planets promiscuously.

srrerpmirm ^t^rri
ffteraRrq# nat qr? vT%?OT?qt3%T%fr: i


TT^nqtsRr ^ n?n

5/ob 3 —Of the Ligna and other Bhavas examined

m succession, whichever Bhava has its lord occupying
the 8th place or obscured by tho solar rays or in depres-
sion or in an inimical house while no benefic planets
aspect or are associated with it, the result is the total
destruction of such a Bhava The bhava will be incap*
able of producing any good effect even if a benefic
other than its lord similarly circumstanced occupy the
Bhava if a malefic should be in that position, the total

destruction of the Bhava would be the result.

mw^sr^RTffsnsni; i

sriR'cresysrfn ^vrNrf^Rr ^rtamg: nan

Sloka 4,— Mahfics posited in the 6th, 8th and 12th

places counted from the Lagna or other Bhava under
154 <K^fa«KT*TT Adh. XV

consideration cause the destruction of the said Bhava,

Benefics in such, a position are not capable of produ cing
good effects for the Bhava, So say the astrologers with
respect to the several Bhavas,

ftjwprft.tfc gt i

fTS'igfrrw ?is?rrs IM)

Sloka 5. When a Bhava has its lord in the 6th, the
8th or the 12th, or is occupied by the lord of any of
theje three, it suffers annihilation, say those that know
the properties of a Bhava. If such a Bhava be aspocted
by a benefic planet, it will be in a flourishing condition.

wrofttr ~r *n% srfcr Erwtfger qr *rfc

=sr q-iVftfircftr i

snwrr 5r^.T«T5Tf%: softs' fscfer^Enfwgrt^Ittii

Shka 6.— A Bhava suffer annihilation when the

Bhava itself, its lord and its Karalca are devoid of
strength and are hemmed in betwixt malefics, or are
associated with or aspected by malefic or inimical
planets and not by others; or if the 4th, the 8th and
the 12th houses or the 5th and the 9th houses from
them be occupied by malefics. This will be all the
more clear and evident when any two or are three of
the conditions specified above synchronise,

f^?srm wrists r* i

wrr gw
^Whwrs *$!§ wra fefesrsn iivsii

Sloka "!,— In the case of any Bhava, the following
planets g^us© the destruction of tho Bhava during thoir
SI 8-M 155

Dasa periods (3 ) the lord of the 8th house reckoned

from the Bhava (2) the lord of the 22nd Drekkana
counted from the bhava, (3, 4 and 5) planets posited
in the 6th, the 8th and the 7th houses counted from
the Bhava, if they are weak. Malefics occupying
the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses and benefics
in houses which happen to be Kendra and Trikona ones >

all reckoned from the concerned Ehava, as also the

planets which are friendly to the planet owning the
Bhava, are declared to bring success to the bhava
(during their respective Dasas) if they are possessed of

t? 3rfr% *rtsnfriftef?«r<T:

qwrwtfocrsijnt ffrar^snsrr

Shka 8 The lords of the 3rd house from the Lagna

as well as the Moon, the planet occupying, as well as
the one aspecting the 8th house, Saturn, the lord of the
22nd decanate, the planet owning the sign occupied
by Mandi, the planets owning the Basis and Amsas
occupied by the several aforesaid planets, Bahu when
weak by being posited in untoward houses (the 6tl*
the 8th or the 12th) or in Conjunction with or aspected
by malefics each one of lhese—is declared as causing

the destruction of the Bhava in its respective Dasa-


fairer srgcfrsftr v^erTwriSr <*$•**; i

*r^r&?r ^rf^TcrT \\%\\

Shka 9, '—Whichever Bhava is occupied by the lord


156 Adh XV
ofthe Lagna, the prosperity or well-being of that Bhava
isassured. Note the houses owned by the planet asso-
ciated with or aspecting the lord of the Lagna. It is
only the effects of these Bhavas that will be pushed on
by the lord of the Lagna. If the lord of a Bhava occupy
a (Dusstthana— 6th, 8th or 12th) the effect will
be reverse i. c if the planot be weak, the effect will

be immensely harmful if strong,

the injury will be

Jp^wnfi^rfln TRt; jmssuMrw ?r t

. awfcfnrw rat srt m felr

S^nw s-rsnfsr nv>n

SlokalO: —The lord of the Lagna though malefic

will only^ promote the growth of the Bhava it occupies.
If he should also happen to own any of the g:^n?r (Dus-
stthanas 6th, 8th, 12th), the effect of his ownership of
the Lagna alone will predominate and not that of the
Other one. For example, if Mars owning the Lagna,
occupy Simha or Meena identical with the 5th house
and be aspected by a benefic, astrologers declare that
the person concerned will beget sons very soon

fe^Trnf^rgfcrrcrTrfe ^
Sloka 11— In the case of a planet owning two houses,
that house which happens to be the Moolatrikona one
will predominate and its effects alone will be felt in
full while the effects of his own house will be half. The
effects of both the Bhavas will come to
pass in the Dasa
of the planet/ the first half of th$ Dasa-period
si. i *2-1-1 157

monopolised by the effects of the Bhava that comes

first This is the opinion of some.
in order. There are
others who hold that a planet posited in an odd house
will have the effect of that house felt first while the one
that occupies an even house will have its effect in the
first halt of the Dasa

^rltfsrrfersT;;)^ srr 1

riTr? 7 r% ^fihnEnf^wf nra 1,^11

Shka IP --The destruction of each of the Bhavas

from the Lagna onwards should be predicted by the
astrologer to a querist dining theDaia-poricds of planets
which are very inimical to the planet owning the parti-
cular Bhava, or which occupy houses where there are
no benefic dots in their Ashtakavargas.

*?rtsir ^fr%«rTrcfV srirsp iwiTw HrtsRr i

?qr?^ f^5fT?T! eptfirTr%

Ihka 13 —A planet may be in his exaltation or may

occupy a friendly house and may be endowed with the
6 kinds of strength. Notwithstanding all this, if he
should happen to be in a Bhavasandhi, he becomes
ineffective, This should first be noted before predicting*
the effects of the Dasas and Bhuktis of planets.

Sloka 14 —Tn the several Bhavas, the planets


occupy the exact degrees, etc signified by Any parti-


cular Bhava produce the full effect of that Bhava.

a planet is in a Bhavasandhi, it produces
no effect, In
the case of planets occupying intermediate
the effect must be ascertained by a yule-

158 Adb. XV

stt% ftnr

srNr ^rgnrrjsrr^ftftprcdl^n^asrT

ii Wi
25.— A person ought to divine about his own
self, father,
influence, health, vigour and fortune from
the Sun. It is the Moon that determines the character
of one's heart, understanding, royal favour, mother and
affluence, It is through Mars that a person can
ascertain his own courage, disease, characteristic
qualities, younger brothers, lands, foes and blood*
(paternal) relations. It is Mercury that influences one's
learning, relatives in general, discrimination, maternal
uncle, friends, speech and action,


r Pr^rr vi g ftrf^Rr mmn fer-cT&g hwi

SJoka 16 —
One ought to conjecture about one's
own genius, wealth, physical development, sons and
knowledge by referring to Jupiter, Information regard-
ing one's wife, vehicles, ornaments, love affairs and
pleasures is to be sought through Venus. It is Saturn
that settles a person's period of life, livelihood, the
cause of death, his adversity and his servants. One
ought to guess about one's paternal grandfather
through Rahu, and about the maternal grand-father
through Ketu.

wnst m^gsr; i
Si. 18-16 15^

Sloka 17,— The Karakas of the Bhavas beginning

with the Lagna or the rising sign are (1) the Sun (2)
Jupiter (3j Mars (4) the Moon and Mercury (5) Jupiter
(6) Saturn and Mars (7) Venus (8) Saturn (9) the Sun
and Jupiter (10) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn
(11) Jupiter and (12) Saturn.

WWfa ftiqftff II Wl j .'d.—Tha fullness or otherwise of the effects

of planets occupying the 12 houses, viz., Lagna,

2nd, 3rd, elc., must be judged by a consideration of the
ejcact nature of the sign occupied by the planet, ie>,
whether it is a friendly or an inimical sign or the
house of a neutral planet, or whether the planet in
question is occupying his own, or his exaltation Rasi,
Satyacharya, however, says that benefics posited in
any house generally promote the advancement or
prosperity of that house while malefics in any house
work only its decay. This is reversed in the case of
the 6th. the 8th and the 12th houses.

TTTsr^t: i

gmsg ft iilMi

Sloka 19.— Malefics posited in the 6th, 8th and the

the 12th houses promote the evil effects of the Bhavas,
while bonefics in the same houses cause the destruc-
tion of the said Bhavas. Hence the destruction of the
evil effects arising out of these three houses, should be
principal to be
Notes:— The author opinos that the geneial
observed is that bonefics in good houses
promote their good effects
.160 <jrB^tfirwrf Adh. XV

and in inauspicious lioir>os hpoil Lhoir ovii uifuct*, while with to

in good houses spoil fchum and in had Juntos create untold

wrawr foraPcir wrw sr er 5mftrfir l

q^rffr w??qfrrRra;rfft ii^ii

SJoka 20 —'Whenever the effects of any Bhava are


to be determined in the case of a nativity, that Bhava

should be considered as th© Lagna and the effects of tho
12 houses reckoned therefrom such as 1st (form), 2nd
( wealth), etc., should be examined and declared.

erst % apsivRft fftrer 3i fags? wigs?

f i

Sloka 21.— In the same way should the effects of the

father, the mother, the brother, the maternal uncle, the
son, the husband and the servant be determined by
treating the signs occupied ky their respective Karakas,
viz., the Sun, the Moon, and other planets, in the
nativity as the Lagna (Ascendant).

%\k fitfrita g *r?sr*ram; i

. <Tj^<cK ?rs*r g*r ejftarawTi: snfa ^gwgdi^ii

Sloka 22 — Find the house occupied by the Sun. It

isfrom this that one ought to conjecture

about the all
appearance of the father of the person concerned. The
father's prosperity and renown should be divined from
the 2nd house counted from that occupied by the Sun,
His brothers, character, etc., must be ascertained from
the 3rd house reckoned from the Sun. All about his
father's mother, father's happiness, etc., should be
sought for from the 4th house {from the Sun).

wTfrra <xgr?iftsr fftgfknrc w dwq; i

*Kti? ht ci?w g snifter igilr ii^ii

Sloka 23 ,
— The father's intelliganceand tranquillity
51. 24-2(5 ^Tv5TtSwn*r Jt»l

of mind should be deduced from the 5th house (from

the Sun); his sufferings,injury, enemies and disease
should be guessed from the 6th house; his love and
passion from the 7th house, his misery, death and his
longevity should be determined from the 8th house
(from the Sun),

ynr gtf ^rffTcrt gitfr smmrreW % i

wf TiEjimJnfs n s-«n

Jhka —All about the father's religious merit,


auspicious works and his father should he sought for

from the 9th houso (from the Sun); hi occupation from ;

the 10th house his gains or income from the lltli


and his expenditure or loss from the ] 2lh house (from

the Sun). The effects of the 12 Bhavas counted horn
the Moon, Mars, etc, (for the mother, brother otc )

should be similarly deduced.

*rr% vrra^rc^r srrw p'mi

SJoka 25— All about the mother, brothei,

a Bhava should thus bo divined by
father, son, etc*, of
a reference to the particular Bhava and its Karaka
When any Bhava, its lord and its Karaka are all
strong, one ought to predict good effects (happmess'i
for that Bhava.

g?fs wr wra: qrjjrr Sfsnr«ft i

<f$r wrgyr: ir^ii

26 .—But others say that tho Sun in the 9th,

the Moonin the 4th, Mars in the 3id, Jupiter in the
5th, Venus in the 7th and Saturn in the 8th, will cause
distress to the Bhavas concerned.
<*-<$— 21
Ki-2 Adh. XV

sjjrwrcT ^Tsrirasr qro i

cn% ct^Ttt g-5?*rr,% bt srritar ^fawf 3*ra# ?r5rt^ irjii

Sbku 27 — The lord of the Lagna produces the

effects pertaining to the Bhava with whose lord he is
conjoined, 01 the one occupied by him. If the Bhava
or its lord be strong, good will result from that Bhava ;

if weak, one has to expect only untoward things.

g^tfnt rjtt-

fi’jTrrr ^r^iwwrsrf qw
ir-<n .

oloka 28 ,— Whatever Bhavas contain a number of

benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga of the lord of the
Lagna, the effecls derived from these houses will be
happy if the respective owners thereoi are strong and
are associated with the lord of the Lagna. Wherever
there are a less number of such dots, the ford of th©
Lagna causes adverse effects if he be associated with
the owners of these houses and if they are also weak.
In the same way should all the Bhavas be judged.

’sifrwrra'Ksita srtwra i

gfj sgfr^l gsrf&fe:


Shka 29 .— If the lord of a {Dussthana) should

occupy another house of his own, he will produce (in
his Dasa) the effects of only that house occupied by
him as (Swakshetra) and not the effects due to
the (Dussthana). For example, if Saturn should
occupy Makura identical with the 5th Bhava, there will
si. 30-1 ’Tte’wiswircr: l«3

be the acquisition of sono, and the untoward effects

due as owner of the 6th house will not happen

fawSr srr iraftr; fft?n iiSoii

?tci *T!%K3rcfrtRKn*rr qssj^ftraqr

srrcT5Ri;^?rrT:5jfnTrcr%ffTr .wt 'rajTSTtovt’T! u

SJoka 00 - -When two planets mutually occupy each

the other's sign ; when two planets are together in one
and the same house ; when two planets are mutually
aspecting oach other; when two planets are occupying
when they are 90

mutually Kendra positions, i e, (

apart ; when two

planets are so situated that one is in
Trikona position to the other, /. e., when they are trine
or 120 apart the above are the 5 kinds of connections

recognised between the said two planets.

Thus ends the 15th Adhyaya on the "Method of

studying the effects of the Bhavas" in the work
Phaladeepika, composed by Mantreswara.

it wjrrfsr gresrvnsrrcf ?Tg^ra<f:5rn n


Sloka 1— The native will correspond in mein to (he
lord of the rising Navamsa, or his appearance will be
like that of the planet that^has £he greatest strength.
His hue will be like that of the lprd of the Navamsa
occupied by the Moon. His body and limbs will be
gommensuyate in their proportions With the rising sign
ifU Adh. XV i

and other Rasis which ate described as forming the

head and other portions of (Kalapurshal

KsirSr **§zw,T$\wd: err m

ft 1

wcrgr^ ^IW^Ti ?T?f5?# 11*11

S/oJfca 2,-~If the lord of the Lagna occupy a Kendra

or aKona with clear rays (uneclipsed) in exaltation or
Swakshetra, when the lord of the 8th house is posited
m a house other than n Kondra and when the Lagna is
occupied by a benefic, the person born will be long-
lived, rich, honoured, endowed with good qualities,
will be praised by kings, fortunate, possess beauti-
ful limbs, be of good physique, fearless, virtuously
disposed and will have a good and happy family*

jT^sriror fir^msr^rrOT: i

srsjrcwft fearer: flr^'T H3||

Shk'i 3 —If the lord of the Lagna be well asso-

ciated, the person born will live in a good village or
amidst good associations. When the associated planet
is strong, he will be under the patronage of a renown-

ed king. When the said planet is in his exaltation,

the person will become a king. If the planet should be
m his own house, the person will live in his own
native place. He will always be on his legs if the
planet be in a moveable house. He will be stationary
m one place if the planet be in a fixed sign. The effect
\yrfl be mixed if in a dual sign,
SI 4-5 |65

&*°?TRn crgi?ft ?y# rofft

7^TO^27^.=srtTq'% gtg't i

*?r*sft sfafir 5rfejTf*r^r^

ftisrar f^scft sr^tgr. nan

Slokn '/.—If at the birth of a person, the lord of the

Lagna be of brilliant rays, ho will become famous ;

if the planet be well-placed, the person will be

happy and prosperous. But if he should occupy a
f i^JlST (Dusstthana), be in the house of a malefic or
an enemy or occupy his depression sign, the native
will be miserable and will live in a despicable place.
Beside amidst outcasts or vile people. If the Lagna is
strong, the person concerned will live happy, thrive
well and will come to power and prominence. But
if the Lagna be without strength, the man will con-

stantly be overcome by calamities, be sad and will

suffer from disease.

arsj^rrftffr pwjft *r??srxr fr^Rsm

^fr-fnrjjoff qjft =sr gg# fro \

ftraTJT^irgtfcnfiqr safti ipnOTfirarar* im»

— If the lord of the 2nd house be posited

Sloka 5.
in the Lagna and benefics occupy the 2nd house, the
person concerned will be endowed with the best
qualities, have a prosperous family, will b© rich,
affable, and far-sighted. If the planet owning the 2nd

Bhava be connected with the Sun (WcL? XV-30, supra),

the native will utilize his for the good of humanity.
Knowledge and wealth. If the association of the said
Lord is with Saturns the parson's learning will be very
insignificant and of a low order.
Adh XV i

1*% «?r%ssf^n^

ftsprt yrft fiwir ^tf^ :

%^f ^T55Nw»«rw^r j
ww {1
*' }!

Shka G — If the planet associated be Jupiter, the


person concerned will become proficient in the

sacred scriptures and code of lawn; if it bo Mercury, he
will be clever in politics if Venus, he will be an experl

in amorous topics; if the Moon, he wilt know some

thing of the arts; if 'Mars, he will be an adopt in works
involving hard labour and will be a back-biter; if
Rahu, he will be lisping or stammering (will speak
indistnctly) if Ketu, he will stammer and utter false-

hoods, If malefics occupy the 2nd house, the person

concerned will be a fool and without wealth.
^4t qrfiS: i

I# ^ stw m sng^cri* srurtart \m

Sloka the lords of the 3rd house and of the
7. —If

Lagna be connected (v/deXV-30, supra) by their mutual

exchange of places and be also strong, the native will
be brave, valorous, and helpful to his brothers; he
will also be capable of accomplishing daring acts.

*nrf?r kii

Sloka a- If the lord of the 3rd house be strong and

be associated with a benefic and if the Karalca of the
Bhava (Mars) be strong and also posited in a benefic
house, the prosperity of the brothers is indicated. But
should he be weak or badly placed, there will bo loss
of brothers

=7fir %?t i

*Z%,' Rjsfiirresr; :
SI. 10-11 <Tte5rts«rm: 167

Sloka 9 If both —
the Karaka and the lord of the

3rd Bhava be posited in odd Rasis and be aspected

by Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, and if the 3rd house also
happen to be an odd sign, the native will have as many
brothers as are revealed by the Navamsa. ’

srrRr-srfa stctt

«xm gm-rm vi'i ginb'yfr-

mg; mmwx r fWter g*r*r: uv>»
‘JIq i 10- If at a birth, the lord ol the 4th house as
well as the Moon occupy a (Dusstthana-Gfh,
Bfh or 12th) and be devoid of conjunction oi aspect
of benefics, or, be hemmed in between malefics, be
also aspectod by or conjoined a malefic, the result will
be the death of the mother. But, should the above two
planets be strong and be associated with or aspected
by benofics, and if benefics be posited in the 4th
house, the Yoga will conduce to the mother's happi-
ness, The happiness ol tlie mother should be de-
clared by a reference to tho bonefics occupying
favourable places reckoned from the Moon or if they
aspect each other or are conjoined.

mart m ^rmg: \

ms:wxqft nx cRrr-
mgmqr^flr jrrcrwrSr qwrewtaf sr wuw
SJokn V — If the lord of the Lagna occupy the 4th

house or the lord of the latter ba in the Lagna if the

Moon sliould have the aspect either of these, the
person born will certainly perform the mother's funeral
rites But if these two planets be posited in the inimi-
cal or depression signs of each otheror the 6th and
tho Ofh hounos and are not in any way connected ( Vide
168 Arfh. XVI

XV- 20, si pro) with each other (either by association or

aspect), the person will not be able to do the last
funeral rites for the mother at the time of her demise

n VJi

Sloka 12.— Just as what has been said about the

mother from the 4th Bhava, similar remarks should bo
made in the case of the father, brothers and sons from a
reference to the respective Bhavas, Karakas of the
Bhavas concerned, the planet owning th^ Bhwa th*
Lagna and its lord.

3rsfT^«ri=rf ftsrvr: 1

^iRt’TvrtJT^tnnfjr q nVratssR n-3 i

Sloka 13. The lord of tho 4th house* and Venus,

ifwell placed, m
the Lagna and the 4th house, will
confer on the native the honor of using a palanquin
as his vehicle, lordship and kingship ; they will
also lead to the acquisition to the native of gold
and the like, silk, costly jewels, ornaments, bed,
and such other appendages as will facilitate sexual
gratification, cows, elephants and horses.

! qr »Tf«nr I

afN tcct nvdii

Sloka 14r- If the lord of the 4th house be in a

Dusstthana 6th, 8th or 12th) or conjoined with the Sun
and Mars, or if the 4th house be occupied by Mars and
the Sun, the house where the native was born or
conjoined with will be burnt. If Rahu or Saturn be
in the 4th with its lord the house will be old and
dilapidated If ihe 4th or its lord occupied by an
inimical planet, the native's belongings such a 9 the
SI. 1547 169

cows, lands, vehicles, etc., will be usurped by his


STtWPpR T3JFt qr fT^«TT I

n f'-Mi

Bhava be identical with a Rasi

SJoka 25. —If the 5th
or Amsa owned by Mercury (a benefic) or occupied by
that planet, the person born will be intelligent and
open-hearted. The same will be the case if the lord of
the 5th house is well posited and has attained a

irofrn imRr ^^iftqrrew

f m m *r{& ft jj^pr i

srftsrn %% ^rs^^^3T?T5ft%rr^?ft
tfter Brer# \\\%\\

Sloka 16 „ -(1; Malefics in the 6th, (2) the lord of the

Lagna in conjunction with or aspected by the lord of
the 6th possessed of strength, (3) the same lord posited
in the 6th, (4) the lord of the 6th in a Kendra house
and (5) in conjunction with or aspected by malefics,
will subject the native to constant and intense annoy-
ance from enemies, which cannot be easily remedied.

3*refe;p» i


Sloka 17 . —
If the lord oi the Lagna be stronger than

the lord of the 6th house and be posited in the (Rasi or)
Amsa of a benefic arid also be aspected by a benefic
and if the lord of the 4th endowed with strength
occupy a Kendra or a Kona, the person born will be
hale and healthy being endowed with a strong con-
stitution and will enjoy all comforts and happiness.

^Hisj wr 11 ten

SJoka 73. If at a birth the lord of the 6th house be
in a ^:^n(5T (Dusstthana), identical with its depression
or inimical sign or be eclipsed by the Sun's rays and if
the lord of the Lagna be stronger than him and if the
Sun be in the 9th house, the destruction of the
enemies of the native may be declared.
3T$*rcrt Sgpfr ia aaobher reading.

The translation will bo “and U the Gfch house Ixj oooupu d by

a houetic, fcho destruction of tho of the native.,,.,."

TB^'a^r wmi; ?rf?rf Bgs nwi

3 1ok a 19 —The following Bhavas viz., (1) that own- :

ed by the planet associated with the lord of the 6fch

house 2 ) that occupied by the lord of the 6th and (3)

that owned by the planet in the 6th— these Bhavas .will

prove inimical to the native concerned.
Some books read gsreff for SftgcIT in tho second lino,

wtir? ?r#gq-fcrr iRoii

Sioica 20.—If the 7th house be connected (vide XV-

30, supra) with a benefic (either by association or

aspect) and its lord be endowed with strength, the wife
of theperson born will be virtuously disposed, and
will live happily with
her husband, l^eing blessed with
children and endowed with all good' qualities,

srf ?«R W gorwtgfsri; n*Ull

SI- 2L-25 171

Sloka 2L— Persons in whose nativities the lord of

the 8th house is posited in a house other than a Kendra
and is also weaker than the lord of the Lagna should be
declared to be long-lived and free from anxieties,
obstacles and miseries.

m# 3?rtir% wfit i

Errsfir fag^fcormfi^cf H^=tn

Sloka 22.—' If Mars or the Sun occupy the 9th house

and the lord of the latter bo in a (Dusstthana) or
betwixt two malefics, the effect will be the demise of *

the father of the native soon after his birth-

Nofcor —
If the death does noi take place immediately, it may

lalco place in fcbo 'Dasa of feho Rim or Mars,

firmt# fiftrt 5j*rft6rf§& i

smg mrggk fire uftefir nfiq-fu ir?ii


Sloka 23 .— If the Sun in the case of a day-birth or

Saturn in the case of a night-birth be well placed and
aspected by benefics, and if the lord of the 9th be also
strong, the father of the native will live for a long time.

sftfTEsfl rr fWforit asrmflfmjwiT*!; i

cSRft w%^3sf;g5rt%?f;T jnjwfafer firrrg: iRyii

Sloka 24.'—If the two luminaries (the Sun and the

Moon) be in trine to Saturn and Mars, the child will be
abandoned by both the parents. But if they be
aspected by Jupiter, the child will be long-lived and

tsqsftsrfir rmii

Sloka 25.— If Saturn owning the 9th house occupy

a moveable sign and be unaspegted by bepefics or if f
172 tf^Hwsrf Adh. XVI

the Sun be in a Dusstthana, the child concerned lives

under the care of a foster-father,

m i%sRt m w* i

3n?fr ^rft *ar$nfofa

SJoka 26,— If the 9th house or its lord being in a

moveable sign is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn
and if the lord of the 12th house be strong, the child
born is sure to be adopted by another,

srferftr sssft m i


Sloka 27, — If a benefic planet occupy the 10th house

and the lord of the latter in full strength be in a Kendra
or Kona position identical with its Swakshetra or
exaltation sign, or if the lord of the Lagna be in the
10th the person concerned will be revered by ail,

widely renowned, and disposed to do always virtuous

deeds, His affluence will be similar to that of a king *

and he will be long-lived.

«bt% srrwr’rfir w %3tkt g*«rt *rftr i

srsmrcstff f*wr ft?rgi=r


Shka 28,— If the Sun or Mars occupy the 10th

house, the native concerned will be a great and mighty
personage and liked by the people If the lord of the
10th house should also be*well-placed, he will be able
to accomplish great undertakings involving much
valour and heroism. He will perform some benefical
§cts commended by the good if the 10tb hou$© be
$1* 29-3 1 373

oocupiod by benefics. But if Rahu, Saturn and Ketu be

posited in the 10th house, the result will be that the
person concerned will do sinful and wicked acts.

535T^r m t

arw*h:ftr mil

Sloka 29 Not© th© following two Bhavas (1) the ;

Bhava owned by the planet associated with the lord of

the 11th house and (2) the Bhava occupied by the lord
of th© 11th. The (gain) acquisition of things (or objects)
connected by the Bhavas concerned may be predicted*
A similar guess may be made also through planets
occupying the 11th house.

snsnri^t^ \\\<>\\

Sloka 30.— Note the following two Bhavas: (1) the

Bhava owned by the planet if any occupying the 12th
house; (2) the Bhava occupied by the lord of th© 12th,
The loss of things connected by these two Bhavas
should be predicted.
H 11

^r^^rftncTm^crrirRr srr 3 m
sr^tiUPr tt crrt^T^r^%fir ?r^r
^c^rc^TO^gq^sisir \\% * 11

Sloka 37.— One ought to predict, the success or

acquisition of a Bhava (1) when the lord of the Lagna
during his transit arrives at a sign which happens to
be a Trikona sign to the Rasi or Amsa occupied by the
lord of the Bhava in question ; or (2) when he comes
to the Bhava
itself, or (3) when the lord of the Bhava
transitsa sign which is triangular to the .sign or Amsa
gccupied by the lord of the Lagna, or (4) wh©n h©
174 Adh. XVI

comes to the Lagna itself, or (5) when the two lords (/.a.,
of the Bhava and the Lagna) come in conjunction or
aspect each other. The same event may likewise be
predicted when the Karaka of the Bhava in question
comes during transit in conjunction with the lord of the
Hasi containing the Lagna or the Moon.

cf?r *n*rcr ii^ii

Sloka 32 ,—Find out the Has} and Amaa occupied

by the lord of the Bhava under cosideration. When
Jupiter in his transit comes in trine to this Rasi or
Amsa, the realisation of the (good) effect of the Bhava
may be expected.

cTTT wm
Sloka 33 —-Whenever the lords of the Lagna and
6th house come in conjunction, (while in transit) the
enemy of the native will come under his control, if the
lord of the 6th house is weaker than the lord of the
Lagna. Otherwise, the contrary will be the result.


rffT srT3 * rftwwr-

«f8t?5fWTRr tfvfottsrcw iiWii
Shka 34*— If* there should be enmity between the
lord of a Bhava and that of the Lagna due to natural or
temporal causes, or their being posited in the 6th and
8th places with respect to each other, envy, rivalry or
jealousy will arise to the native with the perspn denoted
by the Bhava during the transit of these planets. But if
there should be friendship- natural or temporary^
between the aforesaid two planets, one ought to predict
new friendship being formed when the planets also
conjoin in their transit

si. 34-1 175

qrapr <t^r i

ar^Mt gw^gigr^w ^STi^fa fsrersft^ iibhii

*{% 3*3«rc:fo*:i%?n3T
5yjrr%[if wm^tfrr srg?n*TO5r frw 3te$rt.s«n3:

Sloka 35s--Whenever the lord of the Lagna comes

in conjunction (while in transit) with the lord of any
particular Bhava under consideration, the success (or
gain) of the Bhava may he expected, if the lord of the
Bhava be strong. Otherwise, the effect will be different.
Similar scrutiny may also be made by reckoning from
the Moon instead of from the Lagna.

Thus ends the 16th Adhyayaon "the general effects

of the 12 Bhavas" in the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.


ii ffcrWJoiwrn ii

®3^ft*»?rcrr% *rr irii

Sloka i.— With respect to any Bhava, when Saturn ,

in his transit should arrive at the Rasi and Navamsa

occupied by the lord of the 8th or the 12th house
reckoned from that Bhava, the total destruction of that
Bhava should be expected. The same will be the case
if Saturn transits houses that axe triangular to these two

ii forfanirfir: 11

T"£T5TI gfos&t JT*r: tfraflRIiiPTtefa 31

33 fasfrr gRr- irii
J?6 Adh. XVII

Sloka-2 .—Ascertain the Rasi and Navamsa occupied

by (1) the lord of the 8th house (2) Guiika (3) Saturn or
(4) the lord of the 22nd decanale (counted from that
of the Lagna). When Saturn transits that Rasi or
Navamsa or its triangular position, death may happen,

3«r|«rtnr5ri«rw aw sr i

wIcwwrwRr vrismSr 3^ jjRts ti3u

Sloka 3.~~Find the lord of the decanat© that is rising

Find also the lord the 8th house as also that of the
22nd decanate. When
Jupiter transits the Rasi or
Amsa occupied by any of these 3 planets, or its
triangular position, death may take place,

3TI *?a'3T«JST'3i3t% I

<*r jjRtj nan

Sloka 4 When the Sun transits (1) the Rasi that

represents his own Dwadasamsa (2) the Navamsa Rasi

occupied by the lord of the 8th house, or (3) the
Navamsa Rasi occupied by the lord of the Lagna or
their Trikona positions, death may be expected.
is anothor loading in tho 2nd "lino. According to Umi
Jupiter takes tbe place of the Sun.

*?asr*rta? Wfrtaf wsraftw n?t RHft l

3$r imi
Sloka When the Moon transits the Rasi or
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house or the
Sun or their triangular house, death may take place.
All these above stated) should -be considered
with reference to the Lagna or the Moon.

srrasqw srfafeftsrltwgwTOq; i


SI. 6-8 1 11

Slaka 6,~~ Subtract the figures of Yamakantaka from

those of the lord of the rising sign. Subtract the figures
of the Moon from those of Saturn. Find out the Rasi
and its Navamsa indicated by each of these differences*
When Jupiter transits the Rasi or Navamsa indicated
in either of these results or their Trikona position, the
native's death will take place Subtract the figures for
Mars from those of Rahu. When Jupiter comes to
occupy the Navamsa or the Rasi thus indicated by the
difference, the death of a brother may happen.

wrh «rr Brsrffi

Slaka 7, Subtract the figures for Yamakantka from
those of the Sun. When Jupiter transits the Rasi or
its Navamsa thus found or its triangular position, the

death of the father may happen. Subtract the figures

for Mandi from those of Yamakantaka. When Saturn
transits the Rasi or Navamsa thus found or its

triangular position, the same event may happen. Sub-

tract the figures of the Moon from those of the Sun;
during Jupiter's transit through the Rasi or Navamsa
thus indicated or its triangular position, the death of
the mother may come to^pass. The same event may
also happen when Saturn passes through the Rasi or
Navamsa indicated by subtracting the figures of Mandi
from those of the Moon, or its triangular position.
(3TT, iit. XII-80).


Sloka 8. — Subtract the figures of Yamakantaka from

<*-#— 28
178 Adh XVII

those of the planet ruling the Sth star reckoned from

the natal one. When Jupiter transits the house indicat-
ed by the result or its Trikona position, the son's death
may be expected,

\\ m'ZKWtkWW il

?T£?r%ST^ m qfeftlw mn> w\n

SJoka 9, —Find the house occupied by the lord ol

the sign indicated by the aggregate of the figures for
the Lagna, the Sun and Mandi. When Jupiter arrives m
his progress through the orbit Rasi found as
at the
above or in a triangular sign thereof, the native meets
with his death,

tfqSr ifr; win i

<sr ir&ii

SI oka 10,- Subtract the figures for Saturn from

those of Mandi and find out the Rasi and its Navamsa
indicated by the difference. When Saturn arrives at
this Navamsa or the Rasi thus found or their triangular
position, death will take place The same event may
also happen when Saturn arrives at the particular
Drekkana of the particular Rasi indicated by the
aggregate of the figures of the five Upagrahaa reckoned
from Dhuma,

firajmtf rwWjhst rr^ffir crctr: l

g&%*<|'nrrt wit nun

bloka 11 —Find out the Rasi and its Navamsa
cated by the sum- total of the figures for
the Lagna afd
Mandi. 1 he Rasi and its Navamsa, say the
will give the glue to the
particular month and the por-
SI. 12-14 m
tion thereof in a year in which a person's death may be
expected to happen; (/. o., when theSun arrives at this
particular Rasiand the particular Navamsa thereof, the
person will The Moon at the time of the decease
will occupy the Rasi indicated by the total of the figures
for Mandi and tho Moon; and the rising sign will be
that denoted by the total of the figures for the Lagna
Mandi and the Moon.

sT?jjr! !.rM r w < mm f^srsmn^fr l

V?‘ -TfT i
nt f-r^r sr

Shka 12.—.Ascertain the Navamsa, the Dwadasamsa

and the Drekkana indicated by the figures for Mandi.
When Jupiter arrives at the Navamsa, Saturn at the
Dwadasamsa and the Sun at a triangular sign from the
Drekkana in question, and when the Lagna is the Rasi
occupied by the lord of the sign denoted by the
aggregate of the figures for the Lagna, the Moon and
Mandi, death will take place.

is another reading in the 4th

(Lada). The translation will bo “or when tho Sun transits

the Rasi and Amsa denoted by tho aggregate of the figures-*

tRfeg xt sTftfcsrT i

jjfFr. iRBm

SIoka 13. — Multiply by 9 the figures for Mandi and

Saturn. Add the two products and find out the parti-
cular Rasi and its Navamsa which the total indicates.
Saturn passes through this, death will happen.

f5rs?JR ra?q’ Bj5rte*r i

ct^t %®nr*Tr #sw‘-Hyn

ftf- 1
180 Adh* XVII

Sbka 14. Subtract the figures of Yamakantaka from
those of the lord of the rhing sign and find out the Rasi
and its Navamsa indicated by the difference* When
Jupiter comes to occupy this Navamsa in the Has! thus
found, death will take place without doubt

a-r^fsr msfa n?% ^urni; IIIHH

Sloka IS,—Find out the sign of the zodiao indicated

by the sunvtotal of the figures for the lords of the dth,
the 12th and the 8th Bhavas When Saturn is in this
house or in a triangular sign from it, death has to be

5T^ar fWtorJrfq- *r^F?r m t

nt?r fw^om«isrtw tr^cf 13^ li^n

Sloka 16.— Find the Rasi, etc., occupied by the lord
of the decanate that is rising. When Jupiter transits
thie position or Trikona, the native meets with death.

When Saturn transits the house owned by the lord of

the decanate of the Sth house, or its Trikona, the same
©vent may be predicted.

wwifwroftfa uwi
Sloka 27.— Find the weakest of the three sets of
planets, viz., the lord of (1) the 8th house and (2)
the 22nd decanate, both counted from the Lagna and
the Moon, and (3) the Moon and Mandi, When Saturfi
transits a Trikona position to the Navamsa of any of
the above planets, death may happen,
SI. 18-21 181

TOrrfsm*r traw i

?rf*iT?5%wrcR^jTit^w^OTjrfe^jTfaf$r! agii

Sloka 28 .-—Find the Rasi representing the Navam-

saoccupied by tjie lord of the Lagna. See how far it is
removed from Mesha. When Saturn transits a Rasi so
far removed from the Rasi occupied by the lord of the
8th house, death may happen, say those conversant
with the various schools of astrology,

sir n<nr siftftorf ^fsrfq-si wrastfHft.qiJr u^n

Sloka 79,-^Death may also happen when the Moon
in her transit passes through the house occupied by
the lord of the 22nd decanate counted from that of the
Moon at the time of birth, or its Trikona posi-
tion or through the Lagna Rasi, the 8th house or
the I2th house.

fTOitwTTrercTsft wRrftfft g wgncrctsft I

ttspt iroii

Sloka 20 .—When the Sun passes through the Rasi

occupied by the lord of the 8th house and the Moon,
through the Rasi occupied by the Sun or through
the asterism occupied by the lord of the 8th house,
demise will happen.

*rcor Rrfin-jrrrTRT tsthtstrt irui

Sloka 27,—When Saturn transits (1) the Rasi that is

triangular to the one occupied by Gulika in the case of
those born in the night or (2) the 7th Rasi therefrom in
the case of those born in the day, death may happen-
383 Adh. XVII

ttt3t ’TtfrI I

rTTT jj flr^# f^IfTclBr^oVTtrfV^gSTT If-AII

—Sloko 22 When Jupiter in hij transit passes through

the Rasi indicated by the sum of the figures for

Jupiter and Rahu or through its trines, death may be
3T2*T?*r Brmntoqfoft’qwjij SRt i

cT^t^Tfrsrvnir^r err rtot rr^fj n^ji

Sloka 23 .
— When Saturn goes to the house occupied
by the lord of the decanate of :he 8th house from the
Lagna, deathmay happen. The same event may be
expected when Saturn passes through the Rasi owning
the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.

3T?rm& q-Ttr STSJTTOT'T^Tftl I

TT^ri^r^TTttsrl pRt: Ryu

Sloka 24 .— When Saturn in his transit passes through
the Rasi and Amsa occupied by him at birth or its
trines, death may be expected. Th© same event may
be apprehended when Saturn transits the Rasi and
Amsa occupied by the lord of the sign occupied by
the Moon at birth or of the 8th house or its trines.

ffrrft'fTrsfr mf^ssr 51^ »f?r: 1

sr 5Rt wfa: tie'll

Sloka .

25 If the birth be at night, death will happen
when Saturn transits through the Rasi and Amsa occur
pied by the Moon or Mandi if the birth be at day,

death may be expected when Saturn transits the Rasi

and Amsa occupied by the sign or which is the 7th, the
5th ox the 9th from that occupied by the Sun.

tfwssrnsrrstfcr $ mfNwM&r JT rh I

wfJrirfire'oi BsrewrftcTUf n^n


Si* 26 183

Sloka 26 , —Ascertain how far Mandi is removed

from the lord of the 8th house, When Saturn in his
transit arrives at a Hasi so far removed from Mandi,
death may happen ;
so say the eminent astrologers.

^ dPt

jtw f^rffert srqrfrffr


SJoka 27,— Whenth© Sun transits the 6th, the 7th

or 12th place reckoned from Venus at birth, death is

sure to happen ; so say the eminent astrologers*

di ^K^rsTtfsr^ifr?' i% wrir^r ^srr^arf

^TTfisErgwrs^g srr ir-iii

yf?r fdrfamd
*tnr II

SJoka 28 .

Find out where the following planets are
posited at a birth (1) the lord of the 8th (2) the lord of

the 12th (3) the lord of the 6th, (4) the lord of the 8th
house decanate, i, e», tl e 22nd decanate and (5) Mandi.
When Saturn, Jupiter, .he Sun and the Moon in their
transit pass through these houses, death may take
place. The same may dso happen when these transit
the Navamsas of the fi\ e Grahas stated above or their
Trikona positions.

Thus ends the 17th Adhyaya on “Exit from the

World" in the work Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara.
1 $4 Adh. XV11I

II 3T5T^5ftSWT2Ti II

U Ji

^ifcrmcr i^?r f^rjor ^^ref^mnf^erR i

mi g%or
tfifSrfr *ri<^n*n>g m mu

Sloka I.— at the birth of any person, the Sun be


in conjunction with the Moon, he will be skilled in

machinery and stone work ; if the Sun be in conjunc-
tion with Mars, the person born will be intent on doing
sinful deeds if he be associated with Mercury, the

person will be clever, intelligent, famous and happy.

If the Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter, the person
born in the Yoga will be cruel and interested in help
ing others. If the Sun and Venus be together at a
birth, the person concerned will earn money as an
actor or by the use of weapons If the Sun be associat-

ed with Saturn, the person born will be clever in work“

ing in metals or in various sorts of pottery,

m3; mm* sreft

m- 5TFsra5rt?*rw$rfr3<iT 1

^g^frfwJTreT f^Twr*: wt%rr

*n?rnf srfaFr: fo*rrfrs^i srrri: 5*%^ ir-iii

Sloka 2.—U the Moon be in conjunction with Mars,

the person born will be a dealer in hammers, ploughs
or other rough instruments, women, spirituous drinks
and earthen jars ; he will be disobedient to his mother.
If the Moon be associated with Mercury, the
man born
in the Yoga will speak sweetly and modestly, be
clever in interpreting, and endowed with good
SI. tf-1 185

luck and fame. When the Moon is in conjunc-

tion with Jupiter, the person born will be over-
powering (his enemies), but fickleminded he will ;

be a chief of his family and wealthy. When Venus

is associated with the Moon, tho person born will be an

adept in weaving, Union ng and dyeing of cloths, If

the Moon bo in conjunction with Saturn, the person
born will bo tho sou of n widow remarried.

g*fWT5?: tt-an ^T-'fTvr: n-mftiTft farsfr srt i

rfhr trt3TJ»I T ?.T: ^i-wrrfi

gftrer fvrfwcrKr ii’sn

it /oka 3 -If Mars and Mm cur y be together, the

person born in the Yoga
dealer in herbs,
will he a
plants, barks, oils and drugs. He will be clever in
boxing. When Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter, tho
person born will be a leader of a city, or a king or a
wealthy Brahmin, Tho effect of Venus and Mars being
together at a birth will be that tho person born will be
a shepherd, a wrestler, skilful, addicted to other
people's wives, or a gambler. If Mars be in conjunction
with Saturn at the birth of a person, he will be misera-
ble, untruthful and despised by all.

tspspet Tfmra«rr
eriiift gim<r; gg;rt i

wr?;rc^ srggon gw ggr g*t

sr n Eft nan

*A — When Mercury and Jupiter are in conjunc-

tion, thoperson born will be an actor, fond of music
and ver& sd in the art of dancing, If Venus be in con-'
junction with Mercury, the person born will be
eloquen,, possess lands, and will become a head of an
jao qfcK&ftwrart Adh. XVIil

assembly. If Saturn be associated with Mercury; the

person born will be clever in cheating others and
addicted to licentious pleasures. The man at whose
birth Jupiter and Venus occupy on© house will have
good learning, possess wealth and wife, and have many
good qualities If Jupiter and Saturn be together at a
birth, the person affected by the Yoga will be a harbor,
a potter or a cook.

is another muling hn STiPTSf* m llio 2nd lino,

8T%?T^crHHT»T^S5q ?rgf^?rirr 3'^^?iri 8:Ri ?r: ! :


Sloka 5.— If Venus and Saturn be together at a birth,

the person affected by the Yoga will be short-sighted,
will get his wealth augmented through a young woman,
(His marriage will be a keynote to financial success).
He will be skilled in writing and painting. If more than
two planets occupy house, prediction should be made
by combining the described for the several
possible pairs of planets constituting the Yoga,

^ \\ II

srw zti fsrw; n

Shka 6, -If the Moon in Mesha be aspected by
Mars, the person born will be a king if by Mercury, ;

he will be learned if by Jupiter, he will be a king, if


by Venus, he will be equal to a king if by Saturn, he ;

will be a thief; and if by the Sun, he will be poor. The

Moon in (Taurus) Vrishabhu, aspected by Mars and
other planets m
order will make the person born (1)
poor, (2 thievish, (3) respected by other men, (4) a

king, *5) wealthy and (6) a servant respectively.

SI* 7-'-) ^EfSiTtS'isrprs 187

tfe crfgsristsgjft 1

mvTEnsr(7ft%?fi7rr wtsrsftsft Jfftw iksii

Hloka 7, --If the Moon occupy Mithuna and be

aspected by Mars and other planets, the person con-
cerned will be (1) transacting business in iron instru-
ments, (2) a king, (3) learnod, (4) fearless, (5) a weaver
and (6) poor, respectively. The Moon in Kataka i{
aspected by Mars and other planets will make the
person bom (1) a warrior, (2) learned, (3) a wise man,
(4) a king, (5) a dealer in iron, copper, ©tc., and (6) a
sufferer from ©ye-disease*

Tiar Jrrfttcn


sjT! hfots fStwrpr: OT^qf^rrasr wt* ii

Sbka 8 — If the Moon occupies Simha and is aspect-


ed by Mars and other planets, the person born will be

(1) a king, (2) an astrologer (3) wealthy, (4) a king, (5)
a barber and (6) a king respectively. If at a birth the
Moon be in Kanya and be aspected by Mars and other
planets, the person born will be (I) clever, (2) a king,
(3)head of an army, (4) skilful in all matters, (6) a king,
and (6) a king respectively.

5isV ^iraiT5£Fgr qfnrsp enfksjiT: i

Jj'Tt ’jmRffrr n&itr: pr-jnriNt HMi

SJokj 9. --The effect of the Moon in Tula being

aspected by Mars and other planets will in their order
make the person born (1) a rogue, (?7 a king, (3) a man
working in gold (gold-smith), (4) a trader, (5) a tale-
bearer, and (6) wicked respectively. If the Moon be in
Vrischika and is aspected by Mars and. other planets
taken in order, the person born will be (l)a king, (2^ a
father of twins, (3) a king (4) a washerman (5) one
defective of some limb, and (6) moneyless respectively,
188 Adh. XVI II

nn ,| mo two otlior muling. for

in t.hs fourth quarter o) Llm Siok.t.

v^cff f?rif snfti gmmfiits ^rar: m**' I

sftrt rr^5ti f^frPTt fVrrKrerffi- %*ri5rt lll«ii

ShkctlO.- If, at the time of birth, tho Moon occupies

Dhanus and bo aspectod by Mara, the person concern-
ed will be a cheat if aspectod by Mercury, he will

protect his kinsmen if aspocted by Jupiter, he will


be a ruler of the earth; if by Venus, he will be a sup-

port to many people if by Saturn, he will be a rogue;

and if by the Sun, he will be an arrogant fellow If at the

time of birth the Moon occupies Makora and is aspect-
ed by Mars and other planeifl in their order, the person
born will be (1) a king (2> a king (3) a king (4) a learned
or wise man (S) wealthy and (6) poor respectively.

f ftsptr^TtfSrtafs T%ra'fr

t^terfof iirrpfr i

ffsrrfe.^ HUH

SJoka 1L —'If at the time of birth the

-, Moon occupies
Kumbha and aspected by Mars and other planets
taken in order, the person concerned will be (1) addict-
ed to other people's wives, (2) a king, (3) lord of men,
(4) one fond of women not his own, (5) best of kings
and (6) respected by men, respectively. If the Moon
occupies Meena and is aspected by Mars and other
planets taken in order, the person born will be (1) a
sinner, (2) witty, (3) a king, (4) a learned man, (5) one
intent on doing what is sinful and (6) a sinner respec-
Si- 12-18 ISO

11 11

smsrcft srsreRr; gro&sr

^swrrrcfttcr* f$<Trer


Sloka 12. —If at a person's birth the Mean occupy

a Navamsa of Mars and be aspected by the Sun, the
person ’will be a watchman of a city if the Moon in the

above position b© aspected by Mars, he will be fond of

killing if by Mercury, he will bo skilled in close fight-

ing if by Jupiter, he will bo a 1 ing

if by Venus, he ;

will be rich and if by Saturn, lie will promote quarrels.


If at the time of birth, the 1 toon bo in a Navamsa of

Venus and be aspected by the Sun, the person con-
cerned will be a fool if by Mars, he will be addicted

to other people's wives if by Mercury, he will be a


good poet; if by Jupiter, he will be the author of good

literary works; if by Venus, ho will be intent on having
all comforts; and if by Saturn, he will unite with
other people's wives.


f^tpmnfa n is it

Shka / at the time of birth the Moon occupy

, —If
a Navamsa Mercury and b^ aspected by the Sun, the
person concerned will b© an actor if by Mars, he will;

be a thief if by Mercury, he will be the chief of poets


if by Jupiter, he will be a minister; if by Venus, He

will be skilled in music and if by Saturn, he will be


skilled in mechanical arts. If at the time of birth, the

Moon occupies his own Navamsa and be aspected by

; ;

IftU Adh- xvin

the Sun, the person concerned will be lean in person

if by Mars, he will be avaricious if by Mercury, he ;

will be practising penance if by Jupiter, he will be-


come an important personage; if by Venus, he will be

a servant under a woman and If by Saturn, he will be

devoted to his duties,

srf3rtT*Rft crac> n*,yit

Sloka 14 at the time of birth, the Moon be in a

Navamsa Simha and be aspected by the Sun, the
person concerned will be of an angry temper if by ;

Mars, he will be a friend of the king; if by Mercury,

he will become the lord of a hidden treasure; if by
Jupiter, he will become a great lord if by Venus, he ;

will be childless and if by Saturn, he will do cruel


acts. If at the time of birth the Moon be in a Navamsa

of Jupiter and be aspected by the Sun, he will be a
man of reputed valour if by Mars, he will be versed

infighting; if by Mercury, he will be witty; if by

Jupiter, he will be a minister; if by Venus, he will be
without lust; and if by Saturn, he will be virtuously

«Kt<r*rajn$*nit iivmi

Sloka id.— If at the time of birth the Moon sho ild

occupy a Navamsa of Safurn and be aspected by the
Sun, the person concerned will have a very limited
number of children if by Mars, he will lead a misera-

ble life even though wealthy if by Mercury, he will


be haughty; if by Jupiter, he will be devoted to his

duty if by Venus, he will be fond of wicked women

ar*d if by Saturn, he will be irascible In the same

SI. 1647 101

manner should be piedicted the eifects resulting from

the Sun in the several Navamsas being aspected by
the Moon and other planets.

sprffisf terror ** wfarcr mn i

ndfasft qv£ % cn^g nun

Shka JG m —What has been declared here (in Slokas

12-15) as (Amsaphdla) due to the Moon being
posited in the Amsas oi the Sun and other planets
should be understood to bo the effects derived from
the Navamsa division The effects that have been de-
clared as resulting from the Moon in the several signs
being aspected by the various planets should be stat-

ed as applying in the case of the Dwadasamsas also.

grfHmsmStg gtf mgs* i

'J5 Ti^nT^^sjhiTqisr ttiPtii

17. —
The good effects described above will be
full,middling and little according as the Moon occu-
pies a Vargottama, his own Navamsa or the Navamsa of
another planet. In the case of bad effects, it will be the
reverse. Again, if the lord of the Navamsa occupied
by the Moon be strong, the effects described for the
Moon in the several signs and aspected by the several
planets will be nullified, and only those effects due to
the Moon's occupying the particular Navamsa subject
to the particular planetary aspect will come to pass.

Thus ends the 18th Adhyaya on "Conjunctions

of two planets" m the work Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
192 Adh. XIX


wsir %?r f%r

^rJg^Ti qw^/.nTr^^TqsrF i

rf ft* vxmtw %tnm tiwi sfrinmq;

mi n&t mimr n f.«


Sloka J.—The nine planets who were worshipped

in many ways with devotion for a long lime by sage
Parasara, having been pleased, bestowed upon him tho
knowledge of accurately determining their effects (on
births in this world). Being convinced after many tests
that they are unfailing, I take out only the essence from
the astrological scriptures containing his famous say*
ings and set forth the famous 'Maha Dasa.'

»?sr%ggs»ii s l

?*ir sri: *TH3rar

so# JTisrr Rrirf^m: srareg %'ttw irii

Sloka 2 . —
Count the stars from Krittika in groups of
nine. The planets presiding over the Dasa3 belonging
to the nine stars composing each group are respective*
ly the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Hahu, Jupiter, Saturn,
* Mercury, Ketu and Venus, and their respective year 3
are 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20.

* mm i

sTgurftsrft* £*re§r *rmr f^rn s^itur nsji

Sloka 3.— At the time of birth, find out the number

of Ghatikas, etc,, still to be traversed (by the Moon) in
the star he is in. Multiply this by the number of years
allotted to the ruler of the star and divide the product
SI 4-6 m
by 60. The quotient will be the period in years still to
elapse. Any remainder remaining may be converted
into months by multiplying by 12 and dividing by 60
and the remainder again into days by multiplying by
30 and dividing by 60 and so on.

q^RTtct. i

«tt|w srfrer epsit^ra'r rnn-wrrerffsrar: nan

Sloka 4 ~~ Note the exact position ol the Sun in the


zodiac at the time of birth. When the Sun in his next

round arrives at th© camo position, it is considered as
one solar year, which is also the year taken for tho
Ududasa system. By sub-dividing the same, days are
also calculated.

u n


Sun be badly placed, he

Sloka 5.-— If at a birth the
willduring his Dasa promote quarrel, sudden dis-
pleasure of the sovereign, sickness among relatives,
wandering, with others, intolerable mental anguish,
and danger from fire to concealed wealth, grain,
sons and wife.

.KtefccrviTp i

«cdfer ?p*fr firsnr {^5^?%^ ^frami?r gasr sr iftii

Sloka 6. If at a birth the Sun be posited in a good
house, he will during his Dasa bring on acquisition of
wealth through cruel deeds, journeys, kings and quar-
rels, roaming through forests and mountains, wide
nr aft-—.25
]U4 Adh. XFX

fame, success in business, severity, attachment (devo-

tion) for ever to one's duty and happiness.

jwsrsnt sTspdRr wUftrfk stprsrtsrtf *ar i

fer^srfr =ar i

Sloka 7 .—During the Moon's Dasa, there will bo

tranquillity of the in all business, good
mind, success
food, acquisition of wife, children, ornaments, clothes,
gems, cows and lands. The person will honour
sr^fr srfersreg tji ?r?rt% 'nsrnsr *rant I

JT«t qritor il<:li

Sloka 8.—-Everything ought to ""be declared after

examination of the Moon's strength. In the first period
of ten days of the lunar month, the Moon is of moderate
strength. During the middle period of ten days, his
strength is full, and he is therefore very auspicious.
During the third period of ten days, his strength is on
the wane and the effect also will be gradually de*

fifqsr 5R$«b?cri*r:frs I

fg^r: fjcrsK^ggid**! $si.sf«rsnu* *31 iimi

Sloka ^.—During the Dasa Mars, the person con-

cerned gets wealth through fire, the king, fighting and
the like. There will be influx of money by administering
medicines, falsehood, cheating and various, cruel
actions. He will be always bothered (afflicted) by
bilious complaints, impurity of blood and fever; he
will have intrigues with low females ; he will quarrel
with his wife, children, relations and elders, and
thereby suffer misory and he will take delight in

(enjoying) other's fortune.

SI. 10-12 «wft^Ys«?rr*r: 1 o.i

eudfir ^ffOTJrmf^rW
fifJfSTCT&frtrCTET g^q-^rr |

SrrJTSVT^fefq-T^sftr 7CT i
3n?n?JT5rif^if!ff wgr^ H°n
—When Mercury's Dasa is operating, there
Sloka lO .

willbe mooting of friends, personal comforts, fame

through the applause of the learned, favour from elders'
cleverness in (one's) speech, doing good to others,
happiness to one's wife, children, friends, etc, an
exalted position.

^a-r^fa^Tcrrftq-fsr^ff sr i

TrsnsERTifrcrifrr ^Wt 35®i5r(ftS&fe

s f

Sloka /'.—During Jupiter's Dasa,

the person con-
cerned willperform some virtuous deed, acquire
children, will be honoured by the sovereign and will re-
ceive praises from great men there will be acquisition

of elephants, horses and vehicles, meeting of wife,

Children and friends, and accomplishment (fulfilment)
of one's desires,

iBtefmsftTeKttiTifa gwnpnS

3rffrfa>qrr wf&swrag'jfrr ST.asarr

ffs^rror^ srg m^snfsrsmn^ iiwi

Sloka 12.— During the Dasa of Venus, the person

concerned will obtain materials and facilities for his
sport and happiness, good vehicles, cows, gems, orna-
ments, treasure, enjoyment in the company of young
damsels, intellectual pursuits, voyage, auspicious
deads and acceptance of presents frpjp the sovereign*
J 96 Adh. XIX

^^n*^fWmHw?irerwi i

f ^fttra 'fftsrarigm sr^rr^r-

nrafera srer^fw^^sfa-rcni nun

Sloka 13 .

During the Dasa of Saturn, the parson
concerned may expect his wife and children
to be troubled by gout, rheumatism or similar windy
diseases, loss in agriculture, evil talk, intercourse with
wicked women, desertion of servants, absence from his
residence and destruction or loss all on a sudden of his
relations, lands, happiness and wealth.

’sawsgra <T^nr ®?rw*nrtfcna[ wan

Sloka 14 . — During Rahu's Dasa, the person may
expect trouble from the sovereign, thieves, poison,
fire and weapons, sickness to children, ruffled mind,
loss of relations, insult from base people, scandal due
to a breach of decorum, ejection or dismissal from an
office, wounding of the leg (or kicks) and failure of the
business undertaken.
ggft gsnfigfr
?5TT gvrsr^r I

n Wi
Sloka 15 .

Rahu be associated with a benefic
and occupy gopd houses (/.e., houses other than the
6th, the 8th or the 12th), his Dasa period will be bene-
ficand fully auspicious, and will lift (raise) the native
to affluence on a par with the king. The native will
have all his desires fulfilled and will
stay at home
enjoying happiness- There will be steady a ecu m u*
lation of wealth and he will become widely renowned,
SI. lfl-19 197

vr*ftxiftrnf5n&&i ti^5rrfirn% wfe# q i

^ 5rtfa<rer snrasw hist: ii^ii

16 * —
Astrologers say that Rahu in Kanya,
Meena or Vrischika, gives to the person concerned;
during his Dasa honor and happiness, lordship of lands,
carriages and servants All these, however, are
liable to be lost at the conclusion of the Dasa.

tfter i

grwfftfrfcf gi^q- sftaoretcq^srjg; H«ll

Shka //.'—During Ketu'sDasa, the person concern*

ed have troubles from enemies, thieves, the
sovereign, wounds from weapons, wounds, disease due
to excessive heat, false calumny, a stigma to his family,
danger from fire and absence from his own country.

sr^rRrngri wuw
Dasa of the Sun is in progress,
Sloka 18.—'When the
the general effects to be noted will be money-making
by cruel acts, through kings and fighting, trouble from
fire and beasts, inflammation of the eyes, illness affect-
ing the stomach and teeth, severe trouble to wife and
children, separation from revered seniors and parents,
destruction of servants and loss of property.

qqfq isra-fircte: ?r$rqV srradn HW>

Shka 19 — During the Moon's Dasa, the person con*


gerned will get money through sacred prayers, Gods,

m Adh* XIX

BrahmiEis and royal favour, Ha will secure to himself

woman, wealth and lands. He will further have a
profusion of flowers, clothes, ornaments, perfumes and
Vatidus valuable juicy objects of enjoyment There will
be rEisandarstanding* with the wicked and loss of
ftiohey and he will suffer from wind disease,

sf?T3rfjrfT[5iw[RT: I

Stfsrsnwsi' flrfar-

e|'c;refeTft^^fawr'Trif»rs ir°ii
Sloka 20. —
During the ripening of Mars' Mahadasa,
there may fee attempts of money-making through lands,
litigation and the sovereign. He will also acquire more
cattle and lands. There will be quarrels with his
brothers and sons, He will resort continuously to the
society of wicked men and women^and suffer diseases
arising from bile, blood, as well as through fire. He
will also have loss of wealth.

^T&S^srTvr; ik»h
Sloka 21. — At the time when Rahu's Dasa is in pro*
gress, the person concerned will become wicked in
(his) disposition, or will suffer from a terrible
which cannot be diagnosed he will lose his wife
aUd children. There will be danger from poison
and trouble from enemies and he will suffer
from diseases relating to the eyes and the
There will also arise misunderstandings with
and cultivators, and displeasure from the sovereign,
SI. 22-24 199

*ra% gsra^rr: «K<JkVr; sKUiit: irhii

Sloka 22 --During the Dasa of Jupiter, the person


concerned wiU get now cloths and such other objeq-ts

will have attendants, retinue and similar grandeur, and
will command intense respect and dignity. There will
ba acquisition of children, wealth and friends. He will
further receive adoration for sanity of his speech
which has won general approbation. He will suffer
separation from his elders, have ear disease and phleg-
matic troubles.


srf?r jrfsrcrRrwRri ^fscrw^fH! i

<rr?wrwcttqrs ii^ii

Sloka 23 .— At the time when Saturn's Dasa is in

progress, the native will acquire wealth on account of
some trouble in the country and fighting he will get ;

servants and old women; will have aquisilion of cows

buffaloes and bulls and trouble to children and v(ife.

He will suffer from windy and phlegmatic diseases,

and piles ,
and a burning sensation in the legs, hands
and other limbs.

r^3T3r^a^r?ifai I


Sloka 24 —
During the Dasa of Mercury, the person

concerned will get always the benefit of spiritual

preceptors. He will get money through Brahmins, and

will acquire new lands, cows and horses. He will wor-
ship great men and Gods and acquire immense wealth.
Diseases resulting from wind, heat, and phlegm will
also torment him

fa^;riyfrs<m«ri i

ircrofir crgtntjri stentf

^jpartontto «ar ii«m

Sloka 25 .— During Ketu's Dasa the person will have

sorrow and confusion caused by females, trouble
from the rich and loss of wealth he will do impro-

per acts to others. He will suffer banishment from his

country. There will be suffering from tooth- ache,
leg pain, and phlegmatic troubles.

wreri^fsTVT^Jj'Timfwsir^triHsnfcsi i


wsrffr gsRpfoft mu

Sloka 26 —“During the Dasa of Venus there will

be acquisition of wife, jewels, clothes, brilliance
treasure, wealth, ornaments, horses, comforts of the
couch, and seats. There will also be augmenta-
tion of wealth by trade, agriculture and voyages,
and anxiety, mental anguish separation (or demise)
of parents and elders and misery to one's relatives,

Thus ends the 19th Adhyaya on “Dasas autl thoic Bffcots'

iit thework Phaiadeepika composed by Afanferoswavn
SI. 1-i 2U1

II f!#s'arrcs II

ii 11

*rsr?7>5y #*T«r%sr Sftr i

^n%or irii

SlokQ l -What the effects are that are derivable
from a planet which is’slrong and which owns a certain
Bhava and what they will be when the lord is weak,
and when they have actually to be experienced by the
native all these are indicated briefly in this chaplar.

q-feg 3T*Tffr srgw gsw: I

3-T§T^^?nR.Tfr% srraffo jti?! ip.ii

Shka Z -When the Lagna possesses maximum

strength, the native will, during the Dasa of the lord of
of the Lagna, rise to a place of eminence in the world,
will be happily placed in life, will be physically strong,
will have a brilliant appearance; and his prosperity
will be on the increase as his life progressesijust as the
Moon's digits in the bright half of a month,

Ttofaraer wjftrafjISer wsrwlsrsr ^ i

srwtfo srta'sftfrfKn swift swr nrrerig n?.ii

SJoka 3,~~ During the ripening of the Dasa of the

lord of the 2nd house, one ought to predict success or
acquisition to family, acquisition of good daughters,
good meals, earning money by lectures, eloquence
in speech and the consequent approbation of the
audience in the assembly,

srfcrftsrratagnr <sr tirwg i

^snTftRsf watsfWsr srjrnmi3r?r?*ig. iwii

SJoka 4,—During the Dasa of a planet that is strong
and owns the 3rd house one ought to expect friendship
with and help from brothers, hearing of agreeable
news which please the mind, (opportunity for) the exhi-
bition of one's valour, leadership in an army, attain-
ment of some honour, help from people and a praise by
others of his various good qualities.

srwjrotf etrseTssTOritfer i

sisriTf sr wwmft imi

SJoka S. -Help to relations, success in agriculture,
friendship with females, acquisition of vehicles, new
]and, new house, wealth, higher status (promotion in
one's appointment), all these may be expected during
the ripening of the Dasa of the planet owning the 4th
gsrsrift srpjfesro 3<T<fifrr

gr ufar^ETWf 3HTI5TH, i

WsPtstset *r iftii

SJoka 6,— During the Dasa of the lord of the 5th

nouse, the native may expect the birth of a son, respect
and merriment with relations, or the post of a coun-
cillor under kings. He will (command), feed others
and enjoy all kinds of (cooked dishes) dainties in
* lenty. He will accomplish acts meritorious winning
die approbation of the virtuous,


SJoka y,— In the ripening of the Dasa of the lord of

.e6th house, the native will be able to subdue all his
lemies by doing daring acts, He will enjoy perfect
SL.B-II foeftrewn 2Q3

health, willbe highly liberal-minded, will be very

powerful and will live in all splendour and prosperity,

mvm wrawft ww rft^rY kvtw\ i


During the Dasa-period of the lord of tb©

Sloka 8.~
7th house, the person born acquires new clothes,
jewels, new bed, eta, He will be contented will fully
enjoy all pleasures in the company of his beloved, He
willbe very powerful or virile and perform matriages
or similar auspicious festivities in his family and
undertake pleasure-trips,

ftzn&Rt %gqrf?r w* \

* ftprwsr ’irowiT u^u

Sloka 9, — During the Dasa-period of the
lord of the
8th house, the planet is strong, one ought to expect

the complete discharge of debts, his own elevation,

cessation of quarrels, and acquisition of buffaloes,
cows, goats and servants,

q-pgwffW Bra ^t3*rst5<ra«r»3[ i

srarffer HUH
Sloka 10. —During the Dasa-period of the lord of the
9th house, the person bom will, in the company of his
wife, sons,grand children and relations, enjoy continu-
ous prosperity, happiness and wealth, will perform
meritorious deeds, receive royal favor and an opportu-
nity to show reverence to Brahmins and Gods.

ferae ^ i

rrfcfsr ^5T5r»fi% mfesrfe wfoSt&rroraf HUH

Sloka ii,—-During the Dasa of the lord of the 10th.
house, the person concerned will bring to a successful
termination any business or undertaking originated bjr
204 q*5r$ftjRrEri Adh- XX
him he will lead a happy life he will become widely
; ;

renowned settle himself on a permanent position

; ;

will do cleverly what is good and proper, or he will

get happy news and will command great respect,
icTOfrisr fmig t

sr ^a- ntRii

Shka 12. —During the period when the Dasa of the

lord of the 11th house is in progress, the person eon*
earned will have an uninterrupted influx of wealth,
will meet with his kith and kin, will be served by
servants and slaves, and there will be domestic
happiness and great prosperity.'
^idfer *=rar% I

3TsftsTrnf%j{f gwfeif HUB

13,— When the Dasa of the lord of the 12th
house is in progress, there will be much spending of
money by the native for the cause of the good. He will
do meritorious acts, and thus ward off the several sins
already committed. He will also got royal honours*

it, mm I

g <K5rT«Tfa II Ml
Sloka 14.— The effects of the Dasa periods of planets
that are retrograde or that occupy their own,
exaltation or friendly houses or are placed in good
houses (position other than the 6th, the 8th or
the 12th) will be as those described so far, I shal^
now set forth the effects of the Dasas of planets occupy,
ing inimical or depression houses, or that have been
eclipsed (become invisible) or that happen to be in the
6th, the 8th or the 12th house.

5^ sriRcft ftdswgq'Rfrcrgrer w*r

ssnsrsjjft ^rr'rrg i
si. 15- mrtewrwi 20c

srrear f'TBrsif
srfture^ 9,wr 5:^4 f^4if44 mil 11

Sloka 15 ,— When the lord of the Lagna is badly

placed, the person concerned will during the Dasa of
that planet b© imprisoned. He will lead the life
incognito, will suffer from fear, disease and menta^
anxiety, will participate in a funeral rite, or will leave
his work and take up anotliers task, will suffer loss
of position and other misfortunes. If the lord of
the 2nd house be in a similar position, the person will
during the said planet's Dasa behave stupidly in a
public assembly, will not be true to his word or to his
family, will receive evil tidings, or write bad letters
suffer eye*trouble, will be foul-tongued, spend heavily
and fear the sovereign.

arsrw nwi
Sloka /0* —
If the lord of the 3rd house be posited in
a JWR (Dusatthana), the person concerned may ex-
pect the demise of his brother during the planet's
Dasa evil counsel will prevail in his undertakings,

and there will be trouble through secret machinations

of internal enemies, humiliation, discomfiture and loss
of pride thereby. If the lord of the 4th house be similar-
ly weak, he will during his Dasa cause distress to the
native's mother, sickness to his dear friends, danger
to his lands and house, trouble from planets destruc-
tion of cattle, etc,, and danger from water.

srf?wf7#t gejjfaifersji 4SJ4T-

Tfuqt# WpCr**? 4Tq%: «rVT ?T?rfW4»T I

m Adh, XX

^ dms?: vc^sfir
5rcr^<rm?f*TO$Ti wri iiwu

Shka 17 .— When the lord of the 5th house is defi-

cient in strength, the person concerned will during
the planet's Dasa lose a son. He will have aberra
tion of mind, deception, a wearisome wandering,
trouble in the stomach, displeasure of the sovereign
and bodily weakness During the Dasa of the planet
that is weak and owning the 6th house, the native
will be troubled by thieves, suffer reverses, defeat
(subjugation)and various diseases, He will do wicked
acts and servile duties. He will be despised and
scandalised and will suffer from wounds.

rongtfa# ^!fer?rsr?*m

ll Wi
Sloka 18.—uring the Dasa of the lord of the 7 th
house who weak, there will be distress to the
native's son-in-law; there will be separation from his
beloved, Something untoward will happen to him
through the opposite sex. He will have intrigues with
wicked women, suffer from diseases in his private
parts, and will be wandering- When the n asa of the
lord of the 8th house is in progress (and when he is
weak), the person concerned will suffer from exces-
sive sorrow, want of sense, carnal appetite, jealousy,
unconsciousness, poverty, fruitless rambling, calumny,
sickness, humiliation and death.

^rrfe?r^r*VTwg*i srwraqsrrot
sfg’fc fogs* gft §*r §t i

*TOr*># aWFTSj ^TT?WSTVr#t 5T*ft-

•*rr^ f»jwrcrr rrensmgtf jpiftrwnwrR iHMi
si. 19-!sU 207

Sloka 19 Al the lord of the 9th house whose Dasa is in

progress be weak, the person will have to incur the
wrath (severe displeasure) of the deity that had been
worshipped formerly and suffer something untoward ;
there will be trouble to his wife and children; he
will do wicked acts one of his elders and his father

may die, and he may suffer from penury. When the

lord of the 10th house whose Dasa is in progress is not
strong, anything done by the native becomes fruit-
less; he will further suffer loss of honour, will be
wicked in his behaviour will be absent in foreign
places. There will be inauspicious happenings. He
will lead a bad life and suffer troubles

srr mi rRff


Sloka 20.— During the Dasa of the planet that is

weak and owning the 11th house the native will have
to hear evil tidings. There will be trouble to a brother
or sickness to children ;
he will suffer misery, decep-
tion and ear disease. When the Dasa of the planet
that is weak and owning the 12th house is in progress,
the person concerned will suffer from various diseases,
dishonour and bondage. All his wealth will disappear
like the (waning) Moon in the dark half of a month
or like the Moon that is at the western horizon.


*rrafofir "m fjrimSrtf nun

Sloka 21 ,—Whatever has been stated in the chapter

208 Adh. XX

on Definitions (Adh. I), whatever has been mentioned

as belonging to the presiding planets (Adh. II),

whatever calling is declared appropriate in the Chapter
on profession (Adh. V), whatever diseases have been
described as due to the several planets (Adh. XIV),
whatever has been spoken of as the effect of the aspect
or association with the planets (Adh, XVIII), or of the
presence of planets in Bhavas or of the lords of the
several Bhavas or the lords being associated with
others, (Adh. XV, XVI, XVII,) all this, must be duly
assigned to the planets concerned in their respective

g«nr^T ftrsta ri sr sfrarit I

Sloko 22.-—'The Dasa of a planet occupying a

(Vargottamamsa) will give favourable results. lift

willbe mixed when the said planet'is eclipsed or is in

depression. When the Dasa and Apahara belonging to
two planets both of whom own or occupy the 8th, the
12th or the 6th house are in progress, tho effect will be

for? fwi^?r;3<TFtti7t% I

5T^sr awrreiwwjpft srftriftdter IIR^li

Sloka 23.— During the Dasa period of a malefic pla-

net when the sub-period of a planet ruling the 3rd, the
5th or the 7th star (reckoned from the natal star) is in
progress or the Bhukti of the lord owning the Janma
Raai or the 8th house therefrom is passing, the person
concerned will have troubles from thieves and enemies
and will suffer much misery,

sntsjgsff <et ugl m I

g^«rt*rc&sci*N ii^an
SI, 25-27 209

Sloka 24 --If in the older of main Dasas, the fourth


happens to belong to Saturn, the sixth to Jupiter, the

fifth to Mars or Rahu, eyory one of these will prove
dangerous. So also will be the Dasa period of a planet
occupying the end of a sign or owning a (bhis-

stthana 6th, 8th or 12th).


Ttsdwr ^n

Sloka 2h. -If Mars bo posited in an (Urdhva-

mukha) Rasi 8 s>j/»/a), or the exaltation sign
(wcfe 1
idontical with the 10th or the 11th house, his Dasa-
period will secure to the native concerned a kingdom.
|ifter subduing his enemies, h© will become a renown-
ed king endowed with a large number of vehicles and
a huge army and he will feed many people.

^^rfercft w
symsRc ?r sr trrogw \

^*rr?r xrw* NWi

Shkj 26, 'If Venus, uneclipsed and free from asso-
ciation with a malefic planet, bo in his own or exalta-
tion Rasi identical with the 12th, the 10th or the
house, the person concerned will, during the said
planet's Dasa-period, get many gems and precious
stones, have his intellect expanded, will become
immensely affluent and praised by many people.

gw ^ 1


210 Adh. XX
Sloka 27 r~ All benefics, if placed in depression,
inimical, the 6th or the 12th houses, will only produce
untoward results, while malefics similarly placed will
give in their Dasa- periods incalculable (intense)

trsfaH wRwfr er?rer siffsjprfo :jsrq; ir<:ii

Sloka 2d.— During a planet's Dasa-period, when a

Bhukti of a planet inimical to the Dasanatha, or of a
planet occupying the 6th house (or an inimical house)
or of a planet inimical to the lord of the Lagna is in
progress, the native concerned will have to apprehend
danger from his enemies, and loss or change of posi-
tion even the person who has all along been friendly

will turn out hositile to him.

fa7<3ft!<*TiOTm<*»T^s!si' %«TT%r*:'5r iiVMt

Sloka 29. ~ Whichever Bhava oounted from the

(Dasanatha) is occupied by the gf%rrfT*r
(Bhuktinatha), only the effects arising from that
it is

Bhava that will in that Bhukti. When the

come to pass
Bhuktinatha occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house
reckoned from the Dasanatha, the effect will be un-
happy. At other houses, it will be good.

ijjrf I

qjwpsf4 ?r% vfSg-sw t><z 113*11

Sloka 30.— The good influence of planets is at its

maximum, three quarters, a half, a quart* r, at its mini-
mum according as the planets are in the exalta-
or nil
tion sign, Moolatrikona, Swakshetra, friendly’ sign,
inimical sign or depression sign respectively. The
si. 31-3.3 mfcvqTtr: 2] 1

proportions given above are with respect to benefics

or lords of benefic houses. In the case of malefics, or
lords of malefic houses, it will be reverse. When a
planet is in combustion (conjunction with the Sun),
its effect will be similar to that in depression.
cl 3r r. qr. VII-58).

^ jrrr. i

&3 ***% ii^ii

Sloka 31.— Out of the planets Saturn, Mandi, Hahu,

the lord of the 22nd decanato and the lord of the 8th
house and the lords of the Navamsa Rasis occupied by
these planets, find which is the weakest. It is only the
Dasa of that planet that will prove fatal, and the demise
will happen (occur) when Saturn during his transit
passes through an untoward house {viz*, 6th, 8th
or 12th).

qcfta^qf^vrntr^'srats I

fsrrn-ft crgsw nV*li

Sloka 32. —Out of the two sots of planets, viz , (1)

the lord of the house occupied by the lord of the 8th

house, and the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the 8th house and (2) the lord of the 22nd de-
canate and the lord of the rising decanate, find which
planet in each pair is stronger. When the Dasa of this
stronger planet is in progress, and when Jupiter during
his transit passes through the Rasi and Navamsa
occupied by the lord of the 8th house or its triangular
position, the death of the person concerned may come
to pass.

sfrftur qrorn ii^ii

Sloka 33.—If Jupiter, the lord of the house occupied

by the Moon and the ruler of the Lagna, be in Kendras?
m Adh. XX

at a birth, the middle portion of the life is good Planets

in (Prishtodaya) signs give good results in the
end ;
those in (Ubhayodaya'* signs, in the mid
die; and those in the (Sirshodaya) signs, in the
beginning. (C7 ^ ^rt« XXII*5).

tftwTrft fiRinrStwm *


sfrflfisr'jrcj fT?(?fr wmftwtt'SRrSrsft ?w iifciti

Slokn 34r~' When a planet whose Dasa is inprogress

happens to passthrough dn transit) his Swakshetra,
exaltation or a friendly house, he will promote the
prosperity of the Bhava it represents when counted
from the Lagna, provided the said planet is endowed
with full strength at the biith time as well.

a**rffr mari’tft 4Wr ftfrofet* «rt i

srms ^rsrgq’Rt srm^mwEr jtth iiVmi

Slaka 35,—When a planet whose Dasa is in progress

be weak, eclipsed by the Sun's rays, in depression
or inimical house at birth, he will during his transit
through any house cause the total destruction of that

gw i

*r<n ^rormrcr sregfi gtf ^*rers«ror %Rot; ii

SloJca 36 —When the Moon in her progress is in a

Rasi which happens to be the exaltation sign of the
lord of the Dasa or a friendly house, the 3rd, the 6th,

the 10th, the 1th, a Trikona or the 7th house with


respect to the lord of the Dasa, the effects will be

happy. If the Moon's place (during transit) be different,
the effects will be far from happy

TPfwgmercfr; wrn fttrsrw *n i

ss i ffcr«n?sr»r# =5^5# m *t?ts rr^rfrq nv*ii

SI. 19-21

Sloka 37. If the planet whose Bhukti is in

should during the course of his transit at the time pass
through his depression or inimical house or become
eclipsed; there will be much lyisery. Should he pass
through hia own, or exaltation house or be retrograde,
he effects will then be good.

fj WOTW f%?c$rg I

w ^T«ttsr$*r
me mi w\c\\

Sloka 33.— In the case of a planet whose Bhukti is

auspicious, the good effect will be manifested when
the Sun enters the planet's exaltation sign. The same
effect will be felt when Jupiter transits the place. As
regards the planet whose Bhukti is inauspicious (i.e.,
capable of yielding bad or evil effects), the evil effects
will be felt when the Sun in his transit passes through
the BhuktiJord's depression or inimical sign.

wffoen *r g mm wsrsftefir mi
swewwar frcft iftMl

Sloka 39 —Rahu will give effects— good or bad as

the case may be—-according to the nature of the planet
he associates with. That planet though good and
auspicious by himself will, on account of his associa-
tion with Rahu, specially cause ‘evil at the concluding
portion of his Dasa.

acrenfarmRu nrcsrre’ft ?r(|fHrc*jrar rrert 1

sfar <mr% stt it«°n

Sloka 40 .— The 2nd and the 7th (houses) are termed
the two death-producing houses. If the lords of these
or the planets posited therein, are powerful they cause
death during their Dasa$» Should the lord of the 8th or
the 12th house be very weak; the demise may be
expected during the Bhukti of either of the two,

msTTrcft srvj srsft

tostotct ?ht^3ti?jt nw^n

— The Dasa of a planet owning a Kendra

Sloka 41
will be inauspicious if he is a (Subha), and auspici-
ous if he is an arsjqr ^Asubha). The Dasas of all planets
who own Trikona houses (1, 5, 9) will be auspicious.
The lords of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses even
if they be spn* (Subhas) will cause only evil. The lord
of the 8th house, if he should also happen to be the lord
of the Lagna will prove auspicious. The Sun or the
Moon even if he should happen to own the 8th house
will give on^r good effects. These are the effects of
the several Dasas according to Parasara's opinion,

^’JTT'eftsrs sr Sen I

srr<m^ iistii

Sloka 42 — v
The lord of a Trikona house (5th and
9th) posited in a Kendra or the lord of a Kendra in a
Trikona house will prove auspicious to the native.
These two planets during their Bhuktis in each other's
Dasas will help each the other and thus co-operate
to make the period auspicious.

st h! sttw I

^TTmcwret^ren iia^i
SI* 44-47 16

Sloka 43 .— All planet do not produce good or bad

effects to the native befitting the Bhavas they own,
during the ripening of their own Bhuktis in their res-
pective Dasaa.


Sloka 44 .—*Find what all planets are related (wde

XV-30 supra) to the particular planet whose Daaa is
under consideration. Note also the planets if any which
are similarly circumstanced (whether for good or bad),
f, holding a position co-ordinate to the one under
Q, t

reference. It is only in the Antardasas or Bhuktis of

these planets that this original planet will in his main
Dasa manifest his effect.

gTsrfarmsrtsf^ vlwf uami

Sloka 45 —The lords of a Kendra house and a Tri-

kona house even they should by themselves be capa-

ble of causing evil (owing to their happening to be

owners of other bad houses) become powerful, by their
mere relationship (vfJe XV-30 supra), to produce Yoga
and make the native prosperous*

w ’rtaiifj; ns^ii

Sloka 46.— li out of the lords of the 5th and 9th, one
ofthem happen to be related (vide XV-30 supr ) to a
strong planet owning a Kendra, he becomes a Yoga-
karaka, t.e powerful in promoting the prosperity of the


Adh. XX
Slaka 47 .— If tha lord of a Kendra be (In conjune-
tion) associated with th© lord of a Trikona, both of
them become powerful in promoting th© prosperity of
the native. Should a lord of another Tirijtona also be
related (vH® XV- 30 supra), where id the doubt about
the native's prosperity being still further advanced ?

stkt; wr: i

H'g.-prwgwftor tiycn

Slaka planets though by themselves bad,

are related (vtch XV-30, ttipn) to a Yogakaraka (plane!
producing prosperity), they will produce during their
Bhuktis good effects leading to affluence and happi-

StrcprrWT fir-T?t5t^ff I

fft 71 ^^ iivwi

Shka <U,~~The lord of a Trikona house will during

hisDasa and in a Bhukti of the lord of a Kendra house,
and viceversa produce good effects. Even if the said
two planate are not in any way connected (villa XV-30,
supra), they will not^Cause harm,

»p3J*Jre>; 1

=? iivii

Sloka 50.— Jupiter and V“enus if they should happen

to be owners of Kendras become powerful to cause
evil. If they should also ocupy (or own) Makar a houses
(2nd and 7th), they become powerful to cause death,

gsrsifs ‘srnftefa dw i

trm&f^qrfrcrs ii'-uii

Sloki SI .
—Mercury (if he should happen to own
Kendra houses) is less powerful (than Jupiter* and
si. 52-56 fasftwro 217

Venus in doing evilh The Moon in such a condition

comes next to Mercury, Malefics when they happen
to own Kendras will become more and more auspicious
in their effects.

%% ft’sfhw in awtarfi i

Sloka 5J.—U Haliu and Ketu should bo posited in a

Kendra or Trikona they and become Yogalcarakas, i.e.,
instrumental in (doing) bringing about good to the
native if they are connected (>' XV- 30, supra) with '

the lord of ono of these Kendra and Trikona*, f

SJoka 63* — If Rahu and Ketu occupy houses owned

by benefice and are connected (vid XV- 30, utp'a) with
any planet, they become auspicious and produce good
results at their Bhuktis in the main Dasa of the said
planet, *

*ST is another reading in the first


snwfft t

u <*H
sra*rf»?r HftTCw* wm: TttrfffW! n

Sloka S4 . — During the Dasa of a Yogakaraka planet,

the Rajayoga begins when the Bhuktis ot the Karaka
planets are in progress, The Bhuktis of malefics which
succeed them in their turn increase the came.

TOrercd ^r*; c«wn«rcf srBrwi’Ti

: s i

fTsft ?r* w trrcmft SRFStrwcft itwi

Sloka SC — The following
. will engender misery to

fUB Adh,

the native (1) the planet occupying the 8th house ;

: f

(2) the one aspecting it; (3) the one owning it; (4) the
one owning the decanate of the 8th house and (5) the ;

planet owning the sign occupied by Mandi

Even among these, the one that is the weakest will be
the killer of the native and this may happen in hia
Dasa or (Apahara).

fNroteswr vriterr n^n

Sloka 56.— The Dasa of a planet fallen from exalta-

tion is termed (Avarohini) or descending j

while that a friend's or exaltation house

of a planet in
is named *p;?n (Madhya) or middling. The Dasa of a
planet proceeding from hia depression is called
(Arohini) or rising. The Dasa of a planet that
is actually in his depression or inimical Rasi or in his
depression or inimical Amsa (sfcfl) is termed soqrjt
(Adhama) or worst.

5T^?rf5t #1% msfa i

?r?«r fwr fasresrr q>srrr^r imjii

57.— When a planet even if eclipsed or posited

in depression or inimical house occupies an
auspicious sign or Amsa (sfaj), ^ is should be
pronounced as of mixed effect (fiTSTqF755T Misra phala)

and is capable of giving good effect iij the latter half of

the Dasa.

7t% ii^ii

Sloka 58. — Death (of the relative signified by the

particular Bhava) will take place in the main Dasa of
SI. 69-613 219

the planet in the 12th house (reckoned from that

Bhava) or of the one owning it whichever is weaker.

srrcirsn q^jrrsr sftofr

T5rPTfrr^?r»r5rV s-jrrti


ntqmi gtrt m gwarr srsrt iwn

Sloka59.—If the lord of the Dasa in his transit comes
to the Lagna or if the 3rd, the 6th the 10th or the #

11th house from it, or if the lord of the Dasa comes to

the Oersn tt) Sapthavarga places of the Lagna or when
a friendly planet or a benefic comes to the Lagna, the
Dasa will prove auspicious at that time.

mtjBcr srrfftr epart ^ wt sarmreTOra* sr: i

snRS«r rf IIVH .

Sloka 60.— During the several periods over which a

Dasa may extend, the good or evil effect is to be deter-
mined with reference to the particular house counted
from the Moon which the lord of the Dasa may occupy
for the time being in its progress through its orbit.

^5Ttf^frr«t?’T mm i

appftr srep src'KWTfsr IWI

Sloka 61— The Moon produces beneficial effects

when in the house of a friend of the lord of the Dasa;

or in the exaltation house of the latter or in the 7th
house, a Trikona house or in any one of the
(Upachaya) houses with reference to the ^flprTTsr

(Dasanatha) lord of the Dasa.

3%;j »TcT?*T *T tl%.


220 Adh. XX

Sloka 62 ,— In the favourable positions mentioned in

the previous Sloka, the Rasi occupied by the Moon

should represent some one of the 12 Bhavas, Lagna,
wealth, etc,, at the time of birth. The Moon in one of
these favourable positions promotes prosperity in
respect of the Bhava represented by the Rasi occupied.
In the unfavourable positions, the Bhava represented
by the Rasi (occupied by the Moon) suffers damage.

m&tw 5 t i


tot inzfts'ww

Sloka 63— In the case of a nativity, one ought to

guess the effects after a reference to Saravali, Varaha-

mihira's Hora Sastra and the Nakshatra Dasa. While
so guessing, one must refer also to the positions of the
planets with reference to tho Lagna at the time of the
query or the 3F?3ro% (Janma Rasi) or Lagna at birth
and then attempt his predictions. There will not be
any material difference between the Prasna Lagna and
the Janma Lagna, (in the matter of the predictions.)

Thus ends the 20th Adhyaya on the "Dasas of the

several Bhava lords and their Bhuktis" in the
work Phaladeepika composed by
SI. 1-2 'wr&Er>s«n*n 221


ti gsflsrer ^F5rt5r^r«r>r n

srq’f jtl?fm»T5r^ri3r ft? rrar www. *<$£ srafesr l

mf^irarnsr msram ii?ji


Nature of Bhuktis and Antaras.

Shka /.—I shall now clearly explain how to appor-

tion the Bhukti periods in a Dasa and their further sub-
divisons as also their effects in their order, Whatever
has been here described as effect in the case of any
planet, all that should be stated t6 occur in the planet's
Dasa, in his Bhukti and in his Antara.

TT%3n»anprr ^toxi stop

%st ^Tffrr srciffesst mm mhfcrcn i

^rsrfci «®3teqro^JTreRpsTT-

srrorar 3fnrmtr f cit^5rrmf'ii«Em«i5Frm: irii

SJoka 2 . —
Multiply the years of a Mahadasa by the
years of the planet whose Antardasa is required. Divide
the product by 1 20, The quotient will represent the
years of the Antardasa. Multiply the remainder by 12
and divide the result by 120. The quotient will repre
sent the months —multiply the remainder by 30 and
divide by 120. The quotient will give the days, and
so on The same process should be adopted for calcu-
lating the sub-periods in an Antardasa, or their further
sub-divisions. In anv Dasa, the order of the Bhuktis is

similar to that in the Dasas the first Bhukti commenc-

ing with that of its lord,
... ftP ... .%
222 Adh. XXi


*Rtg«j**i5rere?fa vrcimni I

5^wr5i5rsr«fit^t’nf^ *r*r

fffsrf ^srf srRnrrf?r efitftn^Rr^ n3ll

Sloka ^.—During the Dasa and Bhukti of the Su n,

the person concerned will obtain fame through royal
favor, lead a wandering life through a wild and hilly
country and will acquire wealth, H© will suffer from
fever, illness caused by excessive heat and may also
lose his father.

ft'pm sqwpfmt VTJTTnff! se^ 1 >

r«r^ sjrft qr^i f srwtfgr liatl


SJokct 4 ,— When Moon

has her Bhukti during the
progress of the Sun's Dasa, the person will destroy his
enemies; his miseries will come to an end and there
will be accession of wealth. He will be engaged
in ^agriculture, house building and will be joined with
friends. If the Moon be malefic, he will suffer from
consumption, have fire accident and diseases arising
from water,

ssmm: i

wsfer sRTjgfa&ri $srt m

Sloka 5 ,— When Mars has his Apahara in the Sun's

Dasa, the person concerned will suffer from diseases
and wounds ; there will be loss of position and trouble
from enemies, misunderstandings with his relations,
danger from the authorities and loss of wealth.
'Tffsrcs'tetfs-ST is another reading in the first line.

STfT£f?ro<T33JTt filTT?4 fimBnjS-fTT 35T:'"|

SI 6-10 wrIroYsttTW 223

Sloka 6.— During Rahu's Bhukti in the Sun's Dasa,

fresh enemies will spring up, wealth will be destroyed
or stolen, troubles will arise and there will be danger
from poison and a desire to please .the senses (sensual
pleasures). The native will suffer from severe head-
ache and eye-complaints.

wsrsrot w«iRr «r ^efudfacrr sfirsrfir H

Sloka y,— Destruction of enemies,

acquisition of
money through various means, worshipping the Gods
every day, adoration of the Brahmins, elders and rela-
tions, disease in the ear, and pulmonary consumption
will distinguish the Antardasa of Jupiter during the
Sun's Mahadasa,

'4flTtcf?r: Wctfsrrg;: f%pn 55ft <rR^r«ff?r! 1

vtstFst swat *rf*RWsri*at rcn

Sloka 8 -During the Bhukti of Saturn in the Sun's


Dasa, a person should be prepared for loss of wealth,

separation from his children, diseases of women, or
loss of elders, abnormal expenditure, sudden loss of
cloths, utensils and other goods, or servants, excessive
filth and suffering from phelgmatic troubles.

fstsrflro f*ntr*R srs^ftspft^w 1

JT&gw fiivft: 1 Ml
Sloka9.— At the time when Mercury's Bhukti
in the Sun's Dasa is in progress, the person will suffer
from cutaneous eruption (itches), boil (ulcer), leprosy,
jaundice, passing wind (^u/rmsufru.] s pain in the

belly, hips, etc., destruction of land, and disease

arising from the vitiation of the three humours.

^ssr*n T^lFfn l

firr# er^r %sn% ^srf f*r3*sr?r; lll*li

224 Adh. Xxl

S!oka iO.— Loss of friends, misunderstandings with

one's relations and family, trouble from enemies, loss
of wealth and position, sickness to elders, severe

pain in the leg as well as the head all these may be
expected in Ketu's Bhukti in the Sun's Mahadasa.

Ifort ?rcRr tlwtwpCTf nun

S loka IL— Pain in the head, belly-ache, trouble
in the anus, doing agricultural operations, loss of
house, wealth and corn, sickness to children and wife
in an intense form— all these will occur when the
Bhukti of Venus in tho Sun's Mahadasa is in progress

??usr3nmOTF7tg^fTmt i

JirgRs'KKJTWsng# ffsrr rewffr tHhr^fcrffr n

Sloka 12. — When the Moon’s Bhukti in his own
Dasa is in progress, a new daughter will foe born; there
will be acquisition of a new and clean cloth, and meet
ing with good Brahmins. The native will bo able to
satisfy his mother's desires {i.e mother will be happy,)

and will enjoy the happiness of the couch (woman's


nSr ii^ii
Sloka 13 —During the Bhukti of Mars in
the Moon's
Dasa, the person will suffer from diseases arising from
bile, fire and (impurity of) blood, from anxiety, and
misery and there will be trouble from enemies and
thieves. There will further be loss of wealth and

«mf^(^i?«raf!jTsr?s{«rrwfejnriit grit

SI. 15-17 225

—During the advent of Rahu's Bhukti in

Sloka 14 .

the Moon's Dasa, there will occur a severe reproach

or fault, increase of enemies, diseases to relations,
danger from thunder-storm lightning and illness and
fever caused by bad food and drink

'cw^rfsEfTrcdtHi jjft ii^ii

Sloka IS, -During Jupiter's Bhukii in the Moon's

Dasa, the person concerned will Lake great delight in
making gifts and other bonolicent actions. He will
begin to feel happy, wear new cloths and ornaments.
He will meet with friends and he highly honoured by
the king,

g gNg agftear irst;*. i

monrtftncOTr «ftrs*arcn ii^ii

Sloka !&, —Trouble through various kinds of

diseases, sickness to friends, children and wife, the
happening of a great calamity or loss of life will mark
the Apahara of Saturn during the progress of the
Moon's Mahadasa.

is auolhoi roulin^ fui ill the

first lino. Thu UnaisUUcm will Iks

“ V multitude uf bilious affec-


BfTf5ft«r s;fer srjqt frsrfcrgft' srRrer% inrt^ ii^ii

Sloka 17 .— During the Bhukti of Mercury in the

Moon's Dana, there will be acquisition at all times oi
wealth, elephants, horses, cattle and ornaments and
much happ;ness will be felt. Clearness of conception
will also arise
226 Adh- XXl

^fefrr %g% ftRr iiwi

Sloka 23.— During Ketu's interval in the Moons

Dasa will crop up mental balance, wealth and
loss of
relations, danger from water and trouble to dependants
and servants.


Shka 19.—During the period of time allotted to

Venus in the Moon's Dasa, activities relating to the
following will take place chased or sold away: viz,,
water, carriage, gold, jewels, women, trade agricultural
operations etc., he will acquire children, friends, cattle,
and corn.

^i5WR^JT?nsr I

nt ?r^t ^^smf'rfarcsraflJW: IR°ii

Sloka 20.— During the Sun's Bhukli in the Moon's

Mahadasa, honor from the sovereign, excessive
valour, cessation of diseases, downfall or decline of
the enemy's side and diseases caused by bile and wind
may be expected.



msftgert ?;<fsr IMU

Sloka 22.— During Mars' “own interval in the planet's
SI- 22*24 227

Mahadasa, there will be suffering from, diseases arising

out of excess of bile and heat, trouble from wounds,
separation from brothers, influx of money etc., due on
account of lands and litigations and trouble from
cousins, fire, enemies, the sovereign and thieves.


morses*! qrftsr ftprrq^ m


Sloka j22.~-During Rahu's Bhukti in Mars' Dasa

there will be danger from weapons, fire, thieves
enemies and rulers, injury from poison, disease in the
belly, eyes, the head, loss of elders and relations, peril
to one's own life or big calamities.



mn# \r\\\

Sloka 23r'~v uring Jupiter's interval in Mars' Maha-

dasa, the person will worship the Brahmanas and Gods,
will resort to sacred places and shrines, and do
meritorious deeds, will show hospitality to guests
all times, will acquire new children and friends,
suffer from ear disease in a severe form or from
phlegmatic complaint.

g-qft <rftftmsn

^Trftcfftg^cr|^w4Sq crft^ l

^ wnqfit iwn

228 Adh. XXI

Sloka 24. Trouble alter trouble to one's children,
wife and elders, calamities beyond number, grief, loss
of wealth, robbing of wraith through enemies, fear and
sickness through boat and wind, will mark Saturn's
Bhukti in the Mahadasa of Mars.

'^5^5 drifts
vg*TSi'rp-f!ttirf i

gq^'Tnc’fm err

fesifa fcrscT^i^gprrf s IIV-mi

Sloka 2S . —Fear of enemies, much trouble from

thieves, loss of wealth, destruction of cattle, elephants
and horses, association with enemies, ^harassment by
kings or enmity with Sudras mark the interval of
Mercury in Mars' Mahadasa,

fern-iRrra \

srr %ri5r:
erfg &g: ^srrg^tj; mil
Sloka 26, —
When, Ketu has his interval in Mars'
Dasa, there will be danger from thunder, bolt, sudden
trouble from fire and weapon, going out of one's own
country or loss of wealth, and exit from the world
either of his own self or of his wife.

3$* srBryrBtTTR firsnro: ^or-

itTfriFj- irwii

Sloka 27. Defeat in battle, residence in a foreign

country, theft of property by thieves, trouble in the left
51. 28-30 w'if5TtS«TR:

eye and loss of servants will be what a person may

expect in the Bhukti of Venus in Mars' Dasa.


Sloka 28 — Honour from the sovereign, fame and


power got in war, acquisition of sefvants, wealth,

corn, women and harem and the widening of the scope
for livelihood and wealth got through daring deeds
or force ate what may be expected in the Sun's
Apahara in Mars' Dasa,

*rsrf?r gssrfnfigsirfa'eTspfter


Sloka 29 — Acquisition
of various kinds of wealth
and severance from enemies, acquisition
of cloths, bed, ornaments, jewels and wealth,
trouble to elders, and pain owing to enlargement of
spleen or excess of bile may mark the Moon's Bhukti
in Mars' Mahadasa,


trcnrartf sfoftsfN^lfcri i

arftgsmpsrjRmT snRsft nV>n

Sloka 30 .—Illness through poison and water, com-

ing in sight of a venomous serpent, intercourse with
another's wife, separation from or loss of one's near
and dear ones, bad words and mental anguish through
230 TOflfafiWt

wicked people will be the characteristic features of

Rahu's Bhukti in Rahu's Dasa,

^firspjsR Breton sircar sremra: I

nerfrfmitoJf fcwwt

Sloka 37.— Advent of happiness, worship of Gods

and Brahmins freedom from diseases, association with
charming ladies and discussion of the meanings of
sacred texts will mark Jupiter's Bhukti in Hahu's Dasa.

srrfkfq’rrsmf i^Rretsft Brcnf: I

toj^rrsersr srRreto«n<£% nv*n

Sloka 32.— During Saturn's interval in Rahu's Dasa,
a disease due to the vitiation of wind and bile, wounds
in the body, misunderstandings with one's children,
wife or brothers, destruction of servants, and loss of
position are what may crop up.

srernft wito l

Sloka 33.— Acquisition of children and wealth,
meeting of friends, gross
cntemptibleness of the mind,
cleverness in doing any intelligent business, adorn-
ment and skill in general will mark Mercury's Bhukti
in Rahu's Dasa.

f^rcton srftesiw 1

ftto-urtrin fsnsrtaft li^aii

Sloka 34.— During Ketu's Bhukti in Rahu's Dasa,

one has to apprehend fever, trouble from fire, weapon
and enemies, head-ache, trembling of the body, injury
to one’s friends and elders, suffering caused by poison
and wounds and quarrel with one's friends.

sEsrsra-fsEr: smfrta’grcm jjefm?rf*T$'eroT*mi 1

wffrs'Tfni *ffti UVMI

SI. 36-39 231

Sloka 35 —
Acquisition of a wife/ comforts of the

couch, Horses, elephants, lands, and phlegmatic and

windy disorders, and quarrel with one's own rela-
tions, will mark the Bhukti of Venus in Rahu's

3rfe*ror ^i^pftesr ^shriTtfjrsiT^rrcflT^T’T^iri i

ra-firoRorr ii^ii

Sloka 36 .— During the Sun's Bhukti in

Rahu's Maha-
dasa, there willbe trouble from enemies, intense pain
in the eyes, danger from poison, fire and hit by wea-
pons, and the springing up of fresh troubles. The wife
and children will suffer from diseases and there will be
great trouble from the king.

^#55^4 fl-itnr-lf
Sloka 37.— Loss of the wife, quarrels, mental anguish,
agricultural operations, loss of wealth, cattle and chil-
dren, disaster to friends, and danger from water will
mark the Moon's Bhukti in Kahu's Mahadasa.

5rdR<iri srtfonsrt qR 5ir R§TC3T; I

fSWTSTfte# 3W ST'tffPT sNrfcfrsr: 11341

Sloka 38 .—During Mars' interval in Rahu's Dasa,

one has to apprehend danger from the sovereign, fire,
thieves and weapons, or one's own death through a
terrible disease, disturbance to one's position, heart
and eye-troubles.

stR ^er»r€t kwi

232 Adh. XXI

Sloka 59.— Good luck, splendour, high esteem,

development of good qualities, acquisition of a good
son, honour from the sovereign, coming in contact
with one's preceptor, good men and realisation of o ne's
desires are what a person may expect in Jupiter's Dasa
and Bhukti,

s^r'rgjT'ftaT i

sHfastr f^srffr «rcrornj; iiaoii

Sloka 40,— During Saturn's Bhukti

in Jupiter's Dasa,
association with courtezans, taking to intoxicating
drinks and such other evil deeds, rising to eminence
happiness, sickness to one's family and cattle heavy
expenses, excessive fear, eye complaints and sickness
to children are what a person has to be prepared for.

Br^: ^fgrg^isrRr =r I

Sloka 41, When Mercury's Bhukti is in progress in
Jupiter's Mahadasa, one will come to grief through
women gambling, and drinking, and will suffer from
diseases caused by the vitiation of the three humours.
This is the opinion of some. Others consider that the
effect will be solely beneficial by the worship of Gods
and Brahmins and Joy the acquisition of or association
with sons, wealth and happiness.

srr^wof ^39#f^«rfSaTTs®r«rt 1

HT or^3i%5^!$r;TicrEr*ft»T: ^trer
Sloka 42. During Ketu's interval in Jupiter's Maha-
dasa, one has to suffer from wounds caused by a
weapon. There will arise misunderstandings with the
servants, mental anguish, trouble to wife and chiidren,

$1 48-46 238

danger to life and loss of (ox separation* from) elders or


^^T^gi'rH^rqTreyJTTf *r% UV%)\

Sloka 43,— Acquisition of various materials; cattle,

corn; clothes,utensils, woman, children, food, drink,
couch (bed) and ornaments, worshipping of Gods and
Brahmins and entire devotion to them are to be looked
for in Sukra s interval in Jupiter's Mahadasa.

%fe'TJTj!T^#t5T55m: en^riym srcjftwiroiswfH: >

I m 1

Sjoka 44 “-Victory, honour from the sovereign,


acquisition of fame, warmth of temper, men, horses

and other vehicles and an extremely prosperous life in
a street (consisting of rows of houses), a town or coun-
try will mark the Sun's Bhukti in Jupiter's Mahadaea,

^srPs:sn^?r^rWcfrsr im

Shka 4 Hr- Acquisition of many damsels, destruc-

tion of enemies, gain of money, profit in agriculture,
saleable commodities, high fame and intence devotion
in the worship of Gods and Brahmins will mark Moon's
interval in Jupiter's Mahadasa

srftwww i

%5Err?JT5r ftflr

<K # 39
Adh. XXI

Sloka 46.— Satisfying the relations, addition of

wealth from a host of enemies, acquisition of good
lands, doing beneficent acts, celebrity of power, a
little injury to a preceptor or elder, ora severe hurt to
the eye, are what a person may look for in Mar's inter,
val in Jupiter's Mahadasa.

srtarsftf gwsft m i

wtot: __

wra* irtffT gti€t iiwii

Lloka 4/. -Distress through relations, excessive

mental anguish, sickness, danger from thieves, disease
to one's alders or to youngsters of his family, trouble
from the sovereign, misfortune through enemies, and
loss of wealth will mark Rahu's Bhukti in Jupiter's

qrsRiiwt fnsrsrtfavnre i

fflWtf’T'farnft' Tfa5ru*<:ii

Sloka 46 —
Increase in agriculture, servants and
buffaloes, windy disease, acquisition of much money
through a person of the Sudra caste, friendship with an
old woman ,
laziness and sinful action are what Saturn
can bring on in his own Dasa and Bhukti,

gvr^Tcsrcrfer ^Srat ijisi^irf fitsrsrfa Agfa's i

summit iu’.ii

Sloka49.— During Mercury's interval in Saturn's

Dasa aperson will have prosperity, happiness, female
society, honour from ihe covoroi/n, success tnd com-
pany of Mondr lie wdl * iffer from dreader arising
si. 00.54 235

from the three humours His brothers and children

will bo troubled with sickness.

^Isrtte^fWrsr ^rrcRrwtnfgrt 1

sTgjrrsr^t^Trirtsr wr jffsftsrt ^grr?ft h'-»«»h

Shka 50,— During Ketu's interval in Saturn's Maha-

dasa, tho personbecomes liable to disease caused by
wind and fire, trouble hom enemies, a tendency to
always Quarrel with his sons and wife, meeting with
something inauspicious, and danger from serpents,

^?rf w^roftfor wftmzfo imm

Shka 51— During Sukra's Bhukti in Saturn's Maha-
dasa, th© person will bo happy with his friends, wife
and children, and there will be increase of wealth due
to agriculture and sea voyage and he will become
widely renowned,

wm g trr fS-^erf sm?r i

efizreft ii^h

Shka 52,— Death or danger at all times from ene-

mies, sickness to elders, disease in the belly and eyes,
loss of wealth and corn, a person has to experience
during the Sun's Bhukti in Saturn's Mahadasa.

^ms%iknrit?r 5 «tt f fir ttasreij, 1

grsrsrrcr^r wsrncfte ir^.11

Shka 53 .— Loss of wife or danger to one's own life,

trouble to frjendj^danger from diseases, and intense
fear f r orn-wate fan d wind may be expected during the
Moon's Bhukti in tho Dasa of Saturn.
C$6 Adh. XXI

Sloka 54 —Loss of one's position, quarrel with one's

relations, serious illness, trouble from fever, fire, wea-

pon or poison, increase of enemies, hernia and trouble

to theeyes will mark the interval of Mars in Saturn's

WWIWRW»rfin%rf|-^rrvigi U&f VWJ I

;TO^IiT: sr?rato imn

Sloka 55.— -Going in crooked ways, loss of life or
danger from diabetes or gonorrhoea, severe enlarge*
ment of the spleen, a continuous fever, or wound are
what a person may have to suffer from during Rahu's
Bhukti in the Dasa of Saturn.

ff ^nrf IWII

Sloka 56.~-Delight in worshipping Gods and Brah-

min®, pleasure in living in one's own house in the
company of his wife and children, and phenomenal
increase cf wealth and com are what a person will
have during Jupiter's Bhukti in Saturn's Dasa.

*#m»fi^%r4Tfe?rr fera^sfty-T &3n?r i

fkvtm «r?«r$T; *»«# *r=rr rtfer simt ii'->t4ii

$b\a .^.““Devotion to virile, association with the

learned, a clear intellect (an unbiassed mind), acquisi-
tion of money through Brahmins, great fame through
learning and continuous happiness may be looked for
in Mercury's Bhukti in his own Mahadasa.

#r’wrc&s®r% vrsr?wR*JU3^*T mi Rr# iihoi

SI. SB-62 287

Shka 58. Misery, sorrow, quarrel, perplexity, shak-
ing in the body, association with unfriendly people,
and loss of lands and vehicles are to be expected dur-
ing Ketu's interval in Mercury's Dasa,

an* snfrrcm smmw* i

f^r iwn
Shka 59.— Adoration of Gods, Brahmanas and
reverend seniors, offering of acceptable presents, devo-
tion to duty conformable to religion and morality,
addition of clothes and ornaments and meeting of
friends will mark Sukra's interval in the Dasa of


Sloka 60. — Gold,

horses, and elephants will
be got and house there will be good
secured in a ;

food and drink and honour from the sovereign. All

these may be expected in the Sun's Bhukti in
Mercury's Mahadasa,

srsrf^r \Wi\\

61 . —
Head ache, eye* complaint, trouble
through leprosy, ringworm, severe pain in the neck,
and even danger to life dog the footstep's of a person
during the Moons' interval in Mercury's Mahadasa.

srrcsr vmtfter gifisRrr i


Sloka Danger from fire, trouble to the eye,

position and
fear gf thieves, excessive misery, loss of
288 r*rr Adh. XX!

windy disease are what a person may expect during

Kuja's Bhukti in Mercury's Mahadasa.

vr*ni t

ft??r I **\\\

Sloka GS ,
— Loss or a fall from ono'a
of honour
position, destruction one's own self (or loss of
wealth ?), danger from fire, poison or through water,
head-ache, eye-complaint gr trouble in the belly, mark
Rahu's Bhukti in Mercury's Mahadasa.

ifcsnTfSsrftir *1% IIWU

Sloka 64 .

Freedom from sickness, destruction of
enemies, cessation of fear, success in religious devo-
tion, honour from the sovereign, success in moral duty,
and wealth of penance mark Jupiter's Bhukti in Mer-
cury's Mahadasa,

wsrmersrffrm srjmritef&ft IiV-m!


Sbka $5,—Heavy loss of wealth and religious merit,

failure in all business, diseases arising through (dis-
orders of) phlegm and wind will mark Saturn's Bhukti
in Mercury's Mahadasa.

ftjsnpRafc fggpmw srqor ssro^rfrtj; l

*iwr<m:rr% %fil# syfor q;srr *r& 39#wriiVUi

SJaka 66.—'When Ketu «has his interval in his own
Mahadasa, a person has to apprehend quarrel with ene-
mies, misunderstanding with friends, hearing of bad
words, burning sensation in the limbs due to fever,
intrusion to other'* houses and destruction of wealth.
SI.67 -7 i 239

ferer fed**: Wfrcrarfofa ^^rsn^! i

qftvrawirsT ^mcrm wsifir ra% <%f^re?sra?cra& ti^n

SJoka 67 .

Quarrel with a great Brahmin, misunder-
standing with one's wife and even with his own rela*
tions, birth of a daughter, humiliation, and, annoyance
from others ar© what one should be prepared for in
Sukra's Bhukti in Ketu's Mahadasa,
jp&srswtf ssmsrapci i

rqt livsil

Shk ,
69.* reverend elder, fever, mis-
-Death of a
understanding with one's relation, gain through foreign
travel, fighting a rebellion for tho king, diseases caus-
ed by phlegm and wind are likely to crop up during
the Sun's interal m Ketu's Dasa
fWTirgw a&r warP-rcir i

iriTSTH^^srsrrirsw. hv>,ii

SJoka G9. -Windfalls and unexpected loss of wealth,

separation from one's son, a laboured delivery that
engenders much sorrow, acquisition^ of servants and
female children, all these are to be looked for in the
Moon's Bhukti in Ketu's Dasa,
wn g?rr5f

5?Tsrfvr^f «fT¥# srs# hwi

SJoka 70 ;—Quarrel with the members of one's own
family, destruction of one's relations, danger from ser-
pents, thieves and fire, and trouble from enemies are
what a person has to incur during Kuja's Bhukti in
Ketu's Dasa.
totst ?rwr: i

j^arsmir ffts^rsr »ntesf tertifaswTwis: iwn

SJoka 71. -Quarrel caused by enemies, danger from
the sovereign, fire, thieves and serpents,
remarks fiom
- 1

Kgfr to UK Pri Adh. XXI

wicked people, working spells ior the injury of another

person are to be expected in Rahu's Bhukti in
Ketu's Mahadasa.

w&srnwt tr^sr ftnsffrsrfwR, nwt

Sloka 72.—Birth of very good son, adoration of

the chief of Gods, income through lands or finding of a

treasure, money through acceptance of presents, influx
of a large sum of money, and honour from the sovereign
may be looked for in Jupiter's Bhukti in Ketu's Dasa,

trfowftsft Tctorerrr ftjprfrRisrs^wfli^T =5

^qrfRfgRr ^4# fitrensrogj it^.n

Sloka 73, -Trouble orfrom, servants, annoyance


to or from, others, quarrel with enemies and the break-

ing of some limb thereby, loss of money land loss of
position are, say the wise, to be expected in Saturn's
interval in Ketu's Mahadasa,

Srer?r<3ra;r sgsrafer I

wf fWfer §§ iiwii

Sloka 7^.— Birth very good son, appreciation

of a
from a big wealthy lord, monetary gain from lands,
trouble from the chief of the enemies loss in cattle and
loss in agricultural operations are to be expected in
Mercury's Bhukti in Ketu's Mahadasa,

sw?r$*srtftrcp i

%^TPff5Tars«T<T> Rrcpnf nRrersifo IWII

Sloka 75.— Clothing, ornaments, vehicle perfumes
and the like and comforts of the couch will a person
have in plenty besides bodily splendour and wealth
from the sovereign in Sukra's Bhukti in Sukra's Maha-
dasa, ^
SI, 76-80 241

%%W WtfftcT ^TftPruTT^ I

^gwn# ^*rfar f%w ii^,n

»S7oAgt 76 -In the Sun's Bhukti in the Dasa of Vonur>,

a person becomes liable to diseases affecting the ©yes,
the belly and the cheeks, danger from tho sovereign
and trouble from elders, members of his family and
other relations,

^ %?rPcqfe iiwii

Diukj 7/*~~-When the Moon lias her interval in the

Dasa ofVenus, a person suffers much pain from a
disease due to an inflammation in the nails, head and
teeth, sickness arising from wind and bile, or loss ot
wealth or trouble through diarrhoea, disease of the
spleen or consumption.

fir ti<scn

Sloka -’Trouble through flow of blood and bile,

acquisition of gold and copper, acquisition of lands,
seduction of a young female and loss of one's appoint’
meat are what may be expected in Kuja's Bhukti in the
Dasa of Venus.

Sloka 7'J. Acquisition oi a treasure, birth ol a son,

good news, honour to or from relatives, imprisonment
of enemies and injury from fire, thieves and poison
may be expected in Baku's Bhukti in the Mahadaea of
vrqfe snrasraws*mr«i i

srfiftnrf ^fs^snsrlrr IK®)!

<r- % - 3l
iMd Adh. XXII

50,— Performance of one's various religious

duties, worshipping of Gods, enjoying the company of
his wife and children, and enjoyments derivable from
his position of authority will mark the Bhukti of Jupiter
in the Mahadasa of Venus,

*r I

tifaka 8L --Honour from the city fathers, the military
or police or from the sovereign, acquisition of an
excellent damsel, influx of wealth and various materi*
als, utensils and comforts requisite for enjoyment
will mark Saturn's Bhukti in the Mahadasa of Venus.

ft^5rf5«rcf?wg?Tr «rcrs i

nc 5Ji

SJoka 82 -During Mercury's interval in the Dasa of


Venus, a person socures the comfort of his sons, will

have happiness on a large scale, great power and fame
and destruction of enemies; but he will be troubled
by sickness through diseases arising from wind and

w : ftsrffrcfasr ftwrosTnifS’E i

STtq- ST fSfTH ll^ll

Sioka -During Ketu's Bhukti in the Mahadasa of


Venus, a person will be destitute of children and happi-

ness, will suffer much from danger through fire he ;

\y jlUurthe r suffer, losses and disease in some limb, and

y ( i

Will associate with courtezans,

f%g <Tc«TT55ife: s5T«nf 5irfrf«^onf^ m : iicyn

rrer w^t$iTf*J5rT*rr

51.8*1-2 2H

Shko/ 84 ,— What has been stated as the effect m

each of the Bhuktis of a Dasa should be so declared as
to suitably fit in with the person's cast©/ status, occu-
patron, etc. In a similar way should results be attempt-
ed for each Antara or Antarantara or, the effects may ;

also be foretold after guessing correctly the particular

Dasa then ruling by means of the characteristics reveal-
ed (exhibited) at the time in the native's person by the
elements (Panchabhutas Fire, Air, Ether, Water and
Earth) through Eyes, Touch, Ears, Face and Nose or ;

by hearing the words emanating at the time.

Tims ends tho 2 1st Adhyaja on tho "Bub-Di visions of Dasas,

uhs,, Bhuktis, Anfcaras, Antarantaras eto.” in tho woik Phalaflco*

pika composed by Mantraswaia.

ii ii

n 11

<nwtsr ffUTSTteTssirn i


Sloka L — The triad of stars reckoned from Aswini

should be cast by quarters in the 3T<r$?s^ (Apasavya) or
ST^fiipJr (Pradakhina) order from Mesha to Meena among

the 12 Rasis to which the Navamsas composing the

traid belong. Again, the 12 quarters of the triad
reckoned from Rohini are to be assigned to the 12
Rasis counted from Vrischika to Dhanus in tho
(Savya-reverse, Apradakhina or anti-clock
wise) order.

>j!TW<ra5?r sr win sflrfSt sfifoT fiisrT?sRfter i

^rarT^sTjfi^^iaT srifi wi^h; iihii



Sloka 2- Thus are the triads of stars reckoned in

their order (from Aswini) to be distinguished as
(Apasavya) and (Savya). The years assigned to
a planet constitute the Dasa-period of the Rasi owned
by that planet This is the peculiarity the m
<Kalachakra) system, say the wise,

nm sr snmg i


Sloka 3. 5, 21, 7, 9, 10, 16 and 4 are the numbers

representing the pru ini in years respectively of the
seven planets reckoned from the Sun, and are the
means (sources) foi fooling the good and bad effects.

srmrBr I

wrffr Iran

Sloka 4. — In this Kalachakra system consisting of

Basas, Apaharas, etc I shall now expound the formulas

for the several Nakshatra padas from Aswini onwards,

Every such formula consists of nine syllables indicat-
ing by their number bis per ^rwfg^Katapayadi
mnemonics) the particular Rasyapaharas composing the
Dasa of the Nakshatrapada under consideration, and
consequently the total life-period appertaining thereto
bv means of the years allotted to the several Rasi

ft* *n?rV fafo 7?fereT *rg I

mvft ^*4 5rwrn INI

Slo f a 5 -For those born in
the first gig (Pad a) of
Aswini, the sub-period belongs to Mesha-Mars
f iist

the second to Viishabha- Venus ; the third to Mithuna-

Mercury; the fourth to Kataka-Moon ; the fifth to
Simha-Sun; the sixth to Kanya-Morcury ; the seventh
to Tula “Venus; the 8th to Vrischika - Mars and ;
si- ^ 2 15

the 9th to Dhanur-Jupiter For the 2nd

qpf (p a da)
ofAswini, the sub-panods are owned by (1) tvfakara-
Saturn (2) Kumbha * Saturn (3) Meena - Jupiter
Vrischika-Mars (5) Tula-Venus (6) Kanya-Mercury (7)
Kataka-Moon (8) Simha-Sun and (9) Mithuna-Mercuxy.
For the 3rd q^ (Pada) of Aswini, the sub periods be-
long to (1) Vrishabha-Sukra (2) Mesha-Kuja (3) Meena-
Guru (4) Knmbha-Sani (5) Makara-Sani (6) Dhanur-
Guru (7) Mesha-Kuja (8) Vrishabha-Sukra and (9)
Mithuna-Budha. For the 4th (Rada) of Aswini, the
sub-periods are owned by Kataka Chandra s (2)
Simha-Ravi (3) Kanya-Rudha (4) Tula-Sukra (5) Vnschi-
ka-Kuja (6) Dhanur-Guru (7) Makara-Sani (8) Kumbha-
Sani and (9) Meena-Guru,


Sloka d.— For the 1st qfq (Pada) of Bharani, the

several sub-periods are (1) Vrischika-Kuja (2) Tula.
Sukra (3; Kanya*Budha (4) Kataka-Chandra (5) Simha-
Ravi (6) Mithuna-Budha (7) Vrishabha-Sukra (8) Mesha-
Kuja and (9) Meena~Guru.

For the 2nd qtq* (Pada) of Bharani, the sub-periods

are (1) Kumbha-Sani (2) Makara-Sani (3) Dhanur-Guru
(4) Mesha-Kuja (5) Vrishbha- Sukra (6; Mithuna-Budha
(7) Kataka-Chandra (81 Simha - Ravi and (9) Kanya-

For the 3rd qfq (Pada) of Bharani, the sub-periods

are (D Tula-Sukra (2) Vrischika-Kuja (3) Dhanur-Guru
(4) Makara-Sani (5) Kumbha-Sani (6) Meena-Guru (7)
Vrischika Kuja (8) Tula-Sukra and f9) Kanya Budha.

The sub-periods of the 4th tnq (Pada) of Bharani*

are (1) Kataka-Chandra (2) Simha-Ravi (3) Mithuna-
240 Adh. XXI

Bu.dha (4) Vrishabha-Sukra (5) Mesha-Kuja (6) Meena-

Guru (7) Kumbha-Sani (8) Makara-Sani and (9) Dhanur'

ws^Sf?g-I?sprot 5tg <1^ 35: nun

Floka 7, — The formulas Aswini and Bharani are
as described above. The four formulas given for the
four Padas of Aswini will also respectively apply to the
four Padas of Krittika in the srqrmg (Apasavya •
Pra^akshina' triad. The formulas for Rohini and
Mriga^iras in the *?o3T (Savya) triad are stated in the
next two Slokai and the four formulas given for the
four Padas of Mrigasiras should also be used again for
the four Padas of Ardra.

^rrrrmrft ?rt«rftnrr^ f?r«r?fhr?*sr IMI

Sloka 6V~-The sub-divisions for the 1st g rap (Pada) of

Rohini are (1) Dhanur-Guru (2) Makara-Sani (3) Kum-
bha-Sani (4) Meena*Guru (5) Mesha-Kuja (6) Vrishabha-
Sukra (7)Mithuna-Budha (S)Simha-Ravi and (9) Kataka-
For the 2nd *TT^ (Pada) of Rohini, the sub-periods
are Kanya-Budha (2) Tula~Sukra (3) Vrischika-Kuja
(4) Meena-Guru (5) Kumbha-Sani (6) Makara-Sani (7)
Dhanur-Guru (S) Vrischika-Kuja and (9) Tula-Sukra.
For the 3rd (Pada) of Rohini, the sub-periods
are (i)Kanya-Budha (2) Simha*Ravi (3) Kataka-Chandra
(4) Mithuna-Budha (5) Vrishabha-Sukra (6) Mesha-Kuja
(7) Dhanur- Guru J8) Makara-Sani and (9) Kumbha. Sani.

The 4th tn^r (Pada) of Rohini has the following sub-

periods (I ) Meena-Guru (2) Mesha-Kuja (3) Vrishabha-
Sukta (4) Mithuna-Budha (5) Simha-Ravi (6) Kataka-
SI. 9-10 *ril*rlswrw» 247

Chandra (7) Kanya-Budha (£) Tula - Sukra and (9)


gwftferr rrWff sr^rsr grcw i

TitfsTErfftsI vftsfomgvM wt iwi

Slaka 0* — For the Istq^ (Pada) of ^rrfsH^r (Mriga-

siras), the sub-periods are (1) Meena-Guru (2) Kumbha-
Sani Makara-Sani (4) Dhanur-Guru (S) Vxischika-
Kuja (6) Tula-Sukra (7) Kanya-Budha (8) Simha-Ravi
and (9) Kataka-Chandra.
The sub-periodsfor the 2nd (Pada) of^Trfertsr
(Mrigasiras) are (1)Mithuna-Budha (2)Vrishabha-Sukra
(3) Mesha-Kuja (4) Dhanur-Guxu (5)Makara-Sani (6)
Kumbha-Sani (7) Meena-Guru (8) Mesha-Kuja and (9)
The 3rd (Pada) of (Mrigasiras) has the
following sub-periods (X) Mithuna-Budha (2) Simha-
Ravi ^3) Kataka-Chandra (4) Kanya-Budha (5^ Tula-
Sukra (6) Vrischika Kuja (7) Meena.Guru (8) Kumbha-
Sani and (9) Makara Sani-
The sub-periods 4th (Pada) of tptfaxv
for the

(Mrigasiras) Dhanur-Guru (2) Vjischika-Kuja

are (1)
(3) Tula- Sukra (4) Kanya-Budha 5) Simha Ravi (6)
Kataka-Chandra (7) Mithuna- Budha (8) Vrishabha-
Sukra and (9) Mesha-Kuja.

tpf ^rgrN’TsrrtfT i

*raraTg*cwfc iiWi

Sfoka 10— The initial Mahadasa of a life belongs

to the lord of the Rasi owning the Nakshatra Pada
occupied by the Moon at the time of birth, being so
much of the Rasi-Mahadasa as corresponds to the
Ghatikas that yet remain of the Nakshatra pada and
the order of Mahadasas follows the natural order of the
‘<!4b <?T55#fa«»;rsrT Adh-XXIi

Nakshatra padas reckoned from the aforesaid one. This

is the opinion, say the sages, held by some (astrologers).

nr^rftffr vtrt ^Rr^wfesrifir i

for siftSta sra&an : uuu

Sloka i/.— There are a number of formulas each
composed of a number of mnemonic syllables referring
to the several Nakshatra padas beginning with the first
pada of Aswini and giving Rasia in a certain order. It
is with reference to the order of Rasis in these formulas
that the Rasi Mahadasas of which a life is to consist
should be determined. The RpprsftJT (Vakyakrama) men
ofone school say, should be adhered to,

r??ht srwt nwi

Sloka 12r -In the order of Rasis Ri ffiro rf (Vakya-
krama), the junctions at the end of Kataka, Vrischika
and Meena give rise to (1) RO^spffipr (Manduka Gati)
(2) ar«r (Aswa; or grqrrfR (Turaga gati and (3)
(Simhavalokana) respectively and the Dusas at those
intervals cause woeful effects.

Sloka 23 .
— The
Apahara or Bhukti of any ol the
planet constituting a Mahadasa is thus obtained. Fiftd
out the particularmnemonical syllable (out ol the nine
syllables) composing a formula whose Bhukti is wanted
and find out the owner of the Rasi signified by that
syllable. Multiply the number of years assigned io this
planet by the number of years fixed for the planet
whose Mahadasa is under consideration and devide the
product by the total number ol years constituting the
entire Ayus of the formula or Chakra. The quotient in
years, etc, will represent the sub period required.
SI. U'ltf 240

sn^g smt^r q-ff?^r arercrorrgw i

itonMW TT^rff =iT%fr g?cp s?r#^g^ft^ WV*\\

ii n

.S’/u/vU i*/,«Tho total number of years indicated by the

sum of the nine mnemonical syllables of any formula
represents tho number (in years) of Parama Ay us for
that formula- Thus, the Parama Ayus in years for the
12 Ra&iarnsas reckoned from Mesha in an srT^qrT^
(Apasavya Chakra) will be 100, 85, 83 and 86 repeated
thrice, while those lor the 12 Rasiamsas reckoned from
Vrischika in a (Savya Chakra) will be the same
but in the reverse order that is, 86, 83, 85 and 100

repeated thrice.
Pur juuru inlormaUoii, plo.^u rufri tw -lalaKapiirijrila pp. 0U3

to lOOt.

11 li

cr^ nwi

Sbka IS. — Whatever

effects ’have been declared
before by in the case of the several Mahadasas, the
same should be stated by a wise astrologer in the case
of these Dasas also,

srmsrfrqTcrsg T11

^ir^TOflrtjr'Tf u?3ii

well as the
Sloka 16 —Ascertain the 5th, the 8th as

(Janmarksha), i-e., the star

4th star from
by the Moon at the time of a person's birth. Cycles of
Dasas are calculated frofo every one of these as the

<K.^r— Oil
~ 1 ,

250 Adh. XXI

staiting point. The Dasa counted from the Sth is called

(Utpanna) that from the 8th, STIKTR (Adhana)

that from the 4th, Hahadasa. If the

Dasas in these
other or with,
cycles have their ends tallying with each
the same order irom 3T r *f$T
the end of the Dasa taken in

{Janmarksha), mi., giving the same number of yoat$,

person con-
months, etc,, it is a sign that tho life of the
In the case oi P C °P 0
cerned is to end with the Dasa.
the de-
endowed with short, long and medium lives,
tho Dasa of tho *,x ’

mise will happen at the close of

the 7th and the Sth slars respectively

counted from
stars they being called
the natal W<n r T
H fNhrspm ii

3»?r^rr wit %r%Tmr uwn
SJoka 27, -1/ 2, 9, 20, 18, are the figmes
20 and 50
indioating the number of years prescribed respectively
for the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun
and Saturn in the frfrfrr^tiTr (Naisargikadasa) system.
The Dasas play their part in the order given hero ac-
cording to the natural strength of the planets concern-
ed. The Yavanas are of opinion that tho Lagna Dasa
which is benefic comes after these Dasas. BuL others
do not approve of this method,

a n

SI- IB-1!) 2,'ll

Shka IS The signs, degrees, minutes, etc., of a

planet should be converted into minutes, and as many

multiples of 2400 as'may be found necessary should
be subtracted from the same The remainder represents
the Ayushkalas of the planet. The same should be divi-
ded by 200 ($rr$Tr ^r^r^io or o, ^=0, stBst-
2). The quotient gives the number of years, months
and days in the (Amsayurdaya) contribution
towards the span of life by a planet according to its
Degree, ©to according to Satyacharya, If the planet be

retrograde or in exaltation, this quotient has to be

trebled. If the planet be in his own Rasi or Navamsa,
decanat© or Vargottama, the Ayurdaya has to be
doubled ; if in depression, it has to be reduced by
half. If the planet be eclipsed, then also the reduction

is half. But this last reduction will not apply to Venus

and Saturn.
[<^-=24 (see Monier Williams' Dictionary)],
There are 24 Tirthankaras or saints

among the Jains.


saraflsr firm fafogir ^rr

sjjrerhtTCrer wttnnr ^
planets occupy the 6 Bha-
Sloka i9.— When malefic
backward from the 12th, the whole, a half,
vas counted
and a sixth respectively of
a third, a fourth, a fifth

Ayurdaya is lost. When benefic planets occupy

such positions, the less is half of
that incurred m the
several planets are in a
case of malefic ones. When
Bhava, only the strongest of
them causes a teduc i
Ayurdaya. All planets except Mars lose a third
in the
vVwair Avmclava whon in inimical housos.
number of^ears contributed by the Lagna
: a

3^9 qs?#fw*rf Adh. XXI I

to Satyacharya's view corresponds to the number of

its Navamsas thathave risen. Even if the Lagna be
strong or of medium strength, the same rule holds.

ft? g \

wsrpra ii^ii

Shka 20 Tlio rule of Sniyacharya in preferable

0o Ihai laid down by Maya or Jcovasarnuin). Bnt some
make the process; mconsiKlont and unwarrantable by
a series of multiplications. Tin* dictum of the Acharyas
(Saiya and oLliois) is the following

(1) When several multiplications crop up, only

on© and that the highest, is to be gone through.
For iiist.un ( ,
when .i |»1, mol h in ito osvn Imimo, amt in if -4

o\iiltat inn ami in inttr^i.uio nint ion, f ho is not f.u hn

doubled Jiml nml (lu*n i 1 in ingulf, indited ami thu boerntd ivmuII.

Fuiflior iiinlilnd. AmmliiiK in Mm min, flu 1 Avurduvn should be

Lvolilnd onto Ini nil.

(2) Again, when there are several reductions appli-

cable only one, and that, tho greatest should be made.
For iiisLmco, ;i pl.nmf ni.iv hum .in ininiii 5 .il sinn ,md may ho
<v li|worl

l»> fho Suit,
-'mI a

inlmlmn, be
eiiomjh il


--This SJoki
I, ho ivdiiHum hv

j? frow Drill'd

i i\,

ii am Rt'T^rgT^rr n

VV w 5T% f«rr VJV q-r Hm

PT'i’srr^rgfir 'jtgrsir gror ?ri fsr |
?«nf%ir I

sra ttRtr- -*f TrmffiEcr

Slot- a PI The aggregate number of (Pin-

da yurday a) years assigned to the severs! planets from
SI. 22-21 5TRf3ite«rrtri 2.50

the Sun onwards (in their highest exaltation point) are

respectively 19, 25, 15, 12, 15, 21 and 20. All the re-
ductions should be gone through as before. When a
malefic planet is present in the Lagna, take only the
minutes, seconds, etc indicating the Lagna leaving

out the signs. Multiply the? total Ayus by this and

divide by 360. The whole Ayurdaya should be reduc-
ed by this result. If the Lagna be aspected by a bene~
lie, the period to be subtracted will be only half of the

above result So say those wolhversed in the Ayurdaya

wjT^rrismirr srsrei*iir gyp* i

27? 77WT Ttf^iFWSTtir VnsftcSfT IRHH

.°>loJtu Pn . -In the fPindayurdaya) system,

when the Amsa 'Lagna Navamsa) is strong, the Lagna
Ayus (or Lacrna Dasa) corresponds to the Lagna Navam-
sa When the Lagna (Ra si) is strong, the number of

years for Lagna Ayus corresponds to the number signi-

fied by the Hast, etc counted from Mesha, and not the

Lagna Navamsa.

rrur sftitssq'ir err?^ I

srrlr^rr^^ ir3ii

Shka o?,— The years assigned to s the several planets

in SI oka 21 supra are to be adopted in full
when they
are in exaltation. When a planet is in its
point, the period assigned to it is reduced by

when it occupies an intermediate position, the reduc-

tion is to be proportionate, say the wise.

srsrrsr i

rr?rsr cr^Nr itod

Sloha 24 .—'The (Pindayurdaya) system is

advocated as the best by Manittha, Chauakya, Maya

254 <K55-#3>SFTWt Adh- XXII

and others. But Satyacharya has pronounced this

method to be faulty and Varahamihira also has made
similar pronouncement.

Tgzrtirwi zftwm tremorfsn i

-jTT’nRr *rir frof ^ragjssTfSTTJnftir IRHH

Sloka 25.— Jeevasaxman lays down in accordance

with his own doctrine that the maximum period of life
given by each planet from the Sun onwards is Uh of
the maximum aggregate period (120 years and 5 days).
In this Ayurdaya also all the reductions are enjoined.
The Lagna Ayus also should be calculated in the same
way as in the other systems.

wi fsr^crr vk-
*PRrrcf ttjt s&StfewnoT i

srter *r~

! ?t?t d; ll^ll

26—The full period of life in the case of men

has been declared as 120 years (12X10) by some.
Others there ar3 who have stated that the full life-
period will be the time taken by Saturn to make 3
complete revolutions (in his orbit). There is a third
school who say that the full life*period of a man is the
time taken by the Moon for making 1000 revolutions.
But we are of opinion that the full period of man's life
in this Kaliyuga is only 100 years as stated in the

c%^f%fcsren^f?i $ srfg l

#T teT? VTTTO^'cKWq; iiwn

si. 27-‘d8 gri?5tYs«nWs 265

Sloka 27.-— Of the Lagna, the Moon, Sun and the

whichever is strongest will have its DasaThen first.

will come Kendra and

the Dasa of the planets in its
other positions. When several occupy together any
one of these positions the precedence will be given to
the planet which predominates in strength. When they
happen to be of equal strength, that which gives a
longer period, in years, of (Ayurdaya) will have
its turn first, When there is equality even in regard to
the number of years of the (Ayurdaya) of the
planets, thatwhich rises first after being eclipsed by
the Sun gets its Dasa prior to its fellows.

If such pbnots should Jiowovor clunco to two otiuul strength,

, otjuttl (Ayimhvya) and otpial rising after their conjunction

with tho Situ, thou that planet which is anterior in the general

order of procudoneo among tho bignUieatois would rule tJio Dasa m

quusUuu ; and tins gouoral order of prouecience is usually taken, to

bo (3) tho Uigua, (2) tho Sun, (3; tho Moon, (U Mars, (d) Morciuy

(0) .Jupiter, (7) Venus and (8) Haturu.

And the strength of any planet for this purpose is

obtained by multiplying it- the position-by the distance
of the planet from its nearest Bhava-sandhi and divid-
ing the product by the distance between the
(Bhavamsa) and one of its Sandhis.

vmfiH fTOprmrwftr tf&stwr irc<sn

28.— 315TI5?!? (Amsayurdaya) is to be calcu-

lated upon, the predominance in strength of
the Lagna ;

(Pindayurdaya) upon the Sun's superiority in

strength and (Naisargikayurdaya) when the
Moon's power is strongest, We shall now state what
should be done when the the three (Lag na, the
and the Moon) are of equal strength.
A dh, XXI

itor wartfiFg: srff3*3 ferirrcrr erg fsrrr ir^gr r

iftg sgtW?;# ctgf- egrirsftg^THifetft g^tsm iivji

Sloka 29. Add tlio throe Ayuidciyas and divide the

sum by The quotient will be the Ayurdaya requir-
ed, If only two' oi them arc strong, add the two
Ayurdayas and take half the result. When the Unco
planets are all weak, adopt the method advocated by
Jeevasarman lor finding out the Ayurdaya.

mi mxfazk \

^sriroTQr ^srr ^s^rfy ii3«ii

Sloka 30 : -Kalachakra Dasa system hax to be resort-
ed to only when the lord of tba Navaimm occupied by
the Moon is strong. The Dasa calculation as pur
Nakshatra method is always considered as the host

srw Tfsrisrr
^ **


^cf ^tm£brr ^^ H3?u

Sloka 3J.—The period of life in the case of imm
and elephants is given as 120 years and 0 days, while
in that of horses it is 32 years. It to 2b in the case ot
asses and camels and 24 lot bulls and buffaloes.
Twelve years are allotted for dogs and K5 for sheep and
the like.
% fgnmffjrgr ir

% ferggsRjr: i

tret tgfg %

Sloka SP . — This sngw (Ayus)-span of life has been
SI. 1-2 5r*rrr%5fts«rr«r: 25?

declared by wise men with respect to only those who

axe engaged in’ the practice of virtuous actions, who
keep their senses under control, who eat wholesome
diet, who are devoted to the Brahmins and the Gods
and who preserve the land-marks of character and
conduct peculiar to their high families.

’ Thus muH tho 22iul Adhyaya on “Kiihusluikni basa, etc.” in

11 10 work Bhuladoopika oompoHod by ManUobWaia,


I II 1

eft iijji


m \-Sloka-In order to ascertain the good and bad


effects caused by the several planets in their transits

through the Rasis of the zodiac, the Ashtakavarga has

been very highly spoken of by the great sages, and 1

- now set forth the mode of accomplishing it.

Note , — Tho meaning of i*» li tally the giuup of 8
things. lu othor words, il is Lho combination ol Lho good anil bad
positions of a ptanol with lespccl to the 7 planets aiul tho hagim

(8 tilings). So it is tho combination of the hunoitc and m.ilolic

dots in a planch's chart with reforonco to the positions oi the 8


stteNst writer ^rnr i

sft% IRH

SJoka 2s— Draw well on the ground the Rasi Chakra


and post in the same in their proper places the several

planets as they stood at the time of birth. Regulate the
\ distribution of the beads in the manner directed (in the

26S Adh. XXII

following Slokas), in the several Rasis, the reckoning in

each case being made from the sign occupied by the
particular planet for getting the Ashtakavarga,

jpri3y% ^gd«g$rr?ror*ft: i

^cTt^'g^Tvn^gfrRTtrrsr tilii

SJoka 3 ,— With reference to his Ashtakavarga, flio

Sun declared exceedingly auspicious in the 1st, the
2nd, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th, the 9th, the 10th and
11th places from himself. Mars and Saturn; In the Sth,
the 6th, the 9th and 11th places from Jupiter; in the
Sth, the 7th and thel2th places from Venus; in the 3rd,
the 5th, the 6th, the 9th, the 10th, the 11th and the 12th
from Mercury; in the 3rd, the 6th, the lQth and the
11th places from the Moon; and lastly, in the 3rd, the
4th, the 6th, the 10th, the 11th and the 12th places
from the Lagna.

s-^pjpert gfjr; gwt nan

Sloka 4.— The Moon is auspicious in the 3rd, 6th,

7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from the Sun ; in the 1st,
3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th places from herself in the ;

2nd, 3rd, Sth, 6th, 9th, 10th and 13 th places from

Mars; in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, Sth, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th
places from Mercury; in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th,
10th and 11th places from Jupiter*; in the 3rd, 4th,
Sth, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Venus in the ;

According to Vurdbainibira, 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, Uth and 12th
places from Jupiter,

SI. 5-0> 259

3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th places from Saturn ; and lastly,

in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the Lagna.


Ssftafsra'frw i

cramft frtcrm^f

sr^n f%fcr§?r: jftirtrfl jt^ ini

Slake 5.— Mars is auspicious in the 3rd, 5th 6th,

10th and 11th places from the Sun in the 3rd, 6th and

11th places from the Moon; in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,
8th, 10th and 11th places from himself in the 3rd, 5th, ;

6th and 11th places from Mercury in the 6th, 10th, ;

11th and 12th places from Jupiter; in the 6th, 8th,

11th and 12th places from Venus in the 1st, 4th, 7th
; f

8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Saturn and lastly, ;

in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the


larf vrrvqraj 1

gsft ni|jT5T«ar%

jji: inffa 3TR^ srftr^cciw ll^H

Sloka 6 — Mercury is auspicious in the 1st, 3rd, 5th,


6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places from himself; in

the Sth, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th places from, the Sun
Jupiter; in
in the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th places from
4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th and 11th places
the 1st, 2nd,
from Saturn and Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,

the 1st, 2nd,

8th, 9th and 11th places from Venus in ;

4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from

the Lagna and ;

lastly, in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th,

10th and 11th places
fronj the Moon>
260 Adh. XXIII

jncfasirSKtwTvrasmftsI; '5**3T3$renloJ%
wratf?^ Jrg^-frw grtg: ffrgrraarm g«ns^ i

jsrr W gf*: sngfiprsrer sw:

sfiWr vt^«kt: f&HraftRrcr^ nyfti iusii

Slnfrrt 7 is benefic
Jupiter the 3 st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, m
7th, 8Lh, 9lh, 10|h and 1 1th places from iho Sun; in
the 2nd, Bill, 7!h, Oth and 1 th places from iho Moon; I

in Iho 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from
Mars in the 1st, 2nd 4th, ‘1th, 6th 9th, 10th and 11th

places from Mercury; in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th,

8th, 10th and 1 1th places from himself; in the 3rd, 5th,
6th and 2th places from Saturn
1 in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 5

9th, (Qth and 1th places from Venus and lastly, in the

Jst, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7lh, 9th, 0th and Uth places 1

from the Lagna,

3fTF5rr sfteg ?rsfts

srm JTTira'% fr^w^r wit


i»rt: I

srrirtHrfe^ ^3rtsra-^frr?w sr3r

gg: mr^: mi
Sloka a— Venus is auspicious iri tho 8th, 11th and
12th places from the Sun; in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
5th, 8th, 9th, 1 1th and 1 2th places from the Moon in ;

the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th places
from the Lagna m
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th,

10th and 11th places from himself in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, ,

9th, 11th and 12th places from Mars in the 3rd, 4th, •

5th, 8th, 9th 10th and 11th places from Saturn

f in the ;

3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th places from Mercury; and
lastly, in the 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from

Awarding to Piuisiia, tHr In], 4fch, Oth, *>th ( 11th mid ISfch places
from Mnrs.
si. 9-10 261


jf IPtW^ gprw: I

^m\ sfari^vpri:
x&v&ffnft ^gsr =sr^r% qjfcrw* \\\\\

SJoka 9 , — Saturn is benefic in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,

8th, 10th and 11th places from the Sun ;
in the 3rd, 6th
and 1) th places from the Moon ;
in the 3rd, 5th, 6th
and 11th places from himself; in the 3rd, 5th, 6th,
10th, 11th and 12th places from Mars in the 5th, 6th,

11th andl2th places from Jupiter; in the 6th, 8th, 9th,

10th 11th and 12th places from Mercury; in the 1st,
3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the/ Lagna;
and lastly, in the 6th, 11th and 12th places from
^fcT %HT?5Tfk^ TT- l

arfSwf ^ shj: i

$bka 70.—* Thus have been described the benefic

positions; the rest are to be understood as malefic.
The planets produce (to all beings) the effects
even of these two preponderate in the Ashtakavarga
calculations made from the Rasi they occupy at the
time of birth. Good or bad in a remarkable measure
in the above positions- That is a planet produces very
good results when it passes through a Rasi that con-
tains many benefic dots in its own. Ashtakavarga
chart. In their own, exaltation, friendly or Upachaya
places, the planets invariably advance the benefic
effect revealed by Ashtakavarga. In their depression,
inimical or Apachaya houses, they generally fail to
sustain whatever good effect may appear from th$
Ashtakavarga process,
2G2 Adh. XXIII

Note:'— Good Iiouhos with malefic rloi. 6?, and bad house 1
? with
bonofie dots will neutralise the ofToets, In other oasoa Urn results
will he di devout.

I’ov furthor information on the subject and about the Ashtu-

kavarga plate, please see p, p. fiott-fiGn of my edition of .lat»kn-

$eirre!j!f g*r^f i

vn?T> esraft si-nnrr: T;?7rfrr nun

Sloka 77,—'When all the Ashtakavargas have been
prepared, If it be found that a Rasi is void of any benefic
dot in a planet's Ashtakavarga, it indicates that the
native will lose his life when the particular planet in
his orbit transits that Rasi. If there should be one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight benetic dots,
the effects will be (1) destruction or loss (2) expends
ture (3) fear (4) fear (5) accomplishment of the desired
object (6) acquisition of a damsel (7) gain of wealth
or property and (8) gaining a Kingdom or high Govern-
ment position respectively,

SJoka 12*—Treating the several Rasis occupied by

the the time of birth as their respective start-
ing points (Lagnas), benefic dots should be computed
in 8 ways due to the countings by houses from each of
the seven planets and the Lagna, and effects predicted
for the several Bhavas counted from that planet
through the dots contained in them.

srg-narcsrsnf^Tsftjj i

H^ra^3jT?vraTfrr ^ifsr gruffer gwigwnfir ii’lii

Sloka 73.— Note the Rasi and Navamsa occupied

by a planet at birth. When the planet in its course
SI. 14-10 Sri&tftewrws 263

traverses through so much of the distance in that

house, it produces the effects due to that Bhava— good
or bad as the case may be.

iiiteEspT 53% $%f?r i

cr^crgrs ett ^asrgir fir«rd?r^ ll?y»

Sloku 14. When the Ashtakavarga (of any planet)
has been computed, note the house that contains the
highest number of benefic dots and what Bhava it
represents, reckoning the house occupied by the
Karaka planet as the Lagna or the first house. When a
planet— whether benefic or malefic transits that —
house, it advances that Bhava, that is, will produce
good effects. If otherwise, that is, when the planet
transits ahouse containing a few or no benefic dots,
the reverse will be the case.

ccsRsr 3 cm i

gsufer gr^rtg'FT^rffr Htmi

Sloka 15 .
— When there are many planets simulta-
neously passing in their course of transit through a
a certain Bhava containing also a good number of
benefic dots Ashtakavarga of a planet, they
in the
promote the interests of the Bhava in an intense man-
ner, i.e. produce good results for the Bhava represent-

ed by it, the counting being reckoned from the house

occupied by the Karaka planet whose Ashtakavarga is
under consideration.

*nwre«rr era raw??! ^nsRftor ?rar uwu

Sloka 16.—When a benefic dot exists in a Bhava in
an Ashtakavarga, in order to definitely fix the exact
time of its (benefic dot's) fruition, a Rasi is divided
into 8 equal divisions and the divisions are allotted to
26-1 Adh. XXIII

the planets and the Lagna according to their orbits and

the effect will occur in the transit over the particular
division owned by the planet that put forth the benefic

ii II

stiiSreq' =5% gsr 'jCt^rr rn^txrmr tst =et ftrhm; i

sr^aT^^B gOTisrftnwtg Tsrogfe iiwi

Slaka 17. If you draw up a diagram consisting of
nine parallel lines at equal intervals from east to west
crossed by 13 parallel lines from north to south with
the same intermediate space as before, there will arise
a table containing 96 squares in 8 rows comprising the
results of each of the several Ashtakavargas,
For notos on this as woll as tJio next tfluku, soo Jatakapani.ita

p. G83.

^rtTgtf^<T^5!is^<i%5rTsrr: Snftor af^gq^iricr! ii^ii

Sloka 18.— The Lagna, the Moon, Mercury, Venus,

the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the lords of the
divisions indicated in the eight rows extending from
south to north of each sign, and every one of them
yields the effect of the benefic dot appearing against
it in any of the 12 houses when the planet whose
Ashtakavarga is under consideration transits in the
house the particular division of the planet yielding the
benefic dot

g gs; q^i«r l

sK^l!i!^5ifir?:if3iw>TaKt% flreijr tficsar lllMI

Sloka 19. — Divide the Rasi into 8 equal divisions*
The first division belongs to Saturn; the 2nd to Jupiter,
that i% any benefic dot put forth by Jupiter will como to
fnutitin during the transit over the 2nd division of the liaM,
SI. 20-22 srmf^V^TW! 2G5

and so on according to their orbits, During a planet's

transitover the last division, any benefic dot put forth
by the Lagna attains its fruition.

irff fTsssht srtft


Sloka 20.—‘"When the Sarvashtakavarga containing

the results of the Ashtakavargas of all the planets is
computed by setting forth in each Rasi the sum-total of
all the figures for that Rasi in the seven Ashtakavargas,
if it be found that any Rasi contains figures exceeding

28, it must be understood that planets in their transit

over that Rasi produce good or auspicious effects. Any
number falling short of that particular figure produces
danger, or sorrow proportionately varying in intensity,

scc*t ^ ?h*r;
mtzg* fsmfkfo scfsrcr vckxr^ iRtn

Sloka 2;.— Find the number of benefic dots contain-

ed houses reckoned from the
in the sevaral auspicious
Moon, Note also what planets occupy benefic houses
counted from the Moon in the horoscope of the native
and find the number of benefic dots in each of these
houses, If the sum-total in either of these above two
cases exceed 28, the effect must be pronounced as
good ; if below that figure, it will be bad.

Sloka 22.— The Ashtakavarga figures are to

be com-
puted as per rules stated (in this chapter) with
2G6 Adh. XXIV

to the positions of the planets (existing) at the birth-time

of any person. In that particular Rasi, month, Bhava, etc
signified by the sign containing the greatest number
of benefic dots, one ought to got done anything
auspicious when the* planets concerned transit those

qitrtefa 1


23 — Even a malefic will promote or 'advance

the Bhava in which he is, if ho should occupy his own
house, while, if posited in his depression or inimical
house, he will only cause its decline or ruin

gw wraftr i

ssfasrew wdt wwgfissripi; iRaii


Sloka 24 . —-A benefic planet even if he be in his

exaltation house will injure the Bhava he occupies if he

should happen own a Dusstthana (6th, frith or 1 2th)*
A malefic do good to the Bhava he
in exaltation will
occupies if he happens to own good houses.
Thus ends the 23rd Adhyaya on "Ashtakavarga"
in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.

II n

n n

WKfearcTO' Trsjft Tiiw fousi": ^ft; i

Sloka I. —The 9th house reckoned from that occu-

pied by the Sun is termed the father's. Multiply the
51 . 2-6 267

figure indicating benefic dots in that house by the

figure denoting the STfcqfttrg' ^(Sodhyapinda).

srsrsr q-rffr wgt i

ERr® «rfii'sjr% ?r scrag: trail

Sloka &—-The figure thus arrived at should be divi-

ded by 27. When Saturn transits through the asterism
counted from Aswint indicated by this remainder,
some thing untoward to the father will without doubt
come to pass.

fTflBrEKtnTJr^ Errsfir srr i

sjH-’rirtrtnrf r% ?jpr: iftil

Sloka 3.— Or, when Saturn traverses through an

asterism which is trine to the aforesaid asterism, the
demise of the father or one similarly situated will
happen. The sum-total of the figures remaining after
the 2 reductions is known as (Sodhyapinda),

=sr I

snr nan

Sloka 4 .— The the father or of one simi-

demise of
larly placed may occur during the Dasa of the planet
owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th
house from the Lagna. Or, the same eveat may also
happen during the Dasa of the planet owning the 4th
fqrtrt i

sr^UT*T& STTSfo VVX ^ n^il

a:g srsrorr

*After tho Trikona and Ekadliipatya reductions kavo been made in any
the remaining figures is called the
Ashtakavarga, tho sum- total of all

(Sodhyapinda) in that Ashtakavarga. ( Vuie Sloka 3, infra].

m Adh. XXIV

Sloka 5—6. Multiply the (Sodhyapinda)

figure of the Sun's Ashtakavarga by the number of
benefic dots in the 8th house from the Sum, and divide
the product by 12. When the Sun comes to the Rasi
(counted from Mesha) indicated by the remaider, or its
triangular sign, the demise of the father should be
expected. A wise man should thus fix up with the help
of all the other planets the demise in other cases.

5Tirf m^rfSp ?rr imi

Sloka 7.— The figure indicating the (Sodh-

yapinda) ini the Moon's Ashtakavarga should be
multiplied by the number representing the benefic ’

dots in the 4th house counted from that occupied by

the Moon. The product should be then divided by 27.
When Saturn transits the asterism (counted from
Aswini) indicated by the remainder or its triangular
star, the demise of the mother may be expected.

ffrt^sjrar: fag: licit

Sloka 8.— Find out the Navamsas occupied by the

lords of the 4th and the 8th houses reckoned from the
Moon. When the Sun transists through a position
triangular to these, the loss of the mother should be
predicted. The father's demise should be similarly
guessed by reckoning from the Lagna or the Sun
instead of from the Moon.


Sloka 9.- Tn the Ashtakavarga of Mars, the number

pf brothpirs may be guessed by the number of benefic
SI. 10-13 269

dots in the 3rd house from Mars. Similarly, the num-

ber of relations or maternal uncles can be guessed from
the number of benefic dots in the 4th house from Mer-
cury in the Ashtakavarga of Mercury.

tost i

Sloka 10.— Find^how many planets have contributed

benefic dots in the 5th house from Jupiter in Jupiter's
Ashtakavarga. From that number take away as many
benefic dots of planets as are occupying inimical or
depression houses. The remainder will represent the
number of children one may have.
gdtsHrarifr g sritorf^OTTa'ifsrg i

jm: HUH
Sloka 11.— In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter, add up
all dots remaining after the two reduc-
the benefic
tions have been made, and from this sum take away
the number of dots in the malefic Rasis. What remains
will represent the number of children the native will

qvssrfa#; infefa <Tsr *rra?3rft$fg I

#wr*mcrf?r: null

Sloka 12. In the Ashtakavarga of Venus, find out
the Rasi that has the largest number of benefic tdots.
In the direction of quarter signified by that Rasi, If the
wife should in that Rasi or Lagna, be born, increase of
progency through her is assured. If the number of dots
be low (small), wealth and progeny through her will
be poor.

sftviT SjifclsrtTOT Xr^h %W* I

fcTO%<**T ^ 3T qRr* \\\\W

270 Aclh. XXIV

Sloka 13.— In Saturn's Ashtakavarga, multiply the

(Sodhyapinda) figure by the number indicat-
ing the benefic dots in the 8th house from the Lagna
and divide the product by 27. When Jupiter or Saturn
in his transit passes through the star (counted from
Aswini) signified by the remainder, the demise of the
native may be expected.

mgfs^irrer'Ksrrfg' afersrrert fr n?yn

Sloka 14 .— (In Saturn's Ashtakavarga) add up the

figures indicating benefic dots in the several houses
from the Lagna to that occupied by Saturn both inclu-
sive. Similarly add up the figures in the houses
reckoned from Saturn to the Lagna both inclusive.
In the years represented by these two figures should
danger or destruction be expected.

'RS'HTf g ll^ll

Sloka IS . —
The figure indicating the isfteq'fgws' (Sodh-
yapinda) (in the Ashtakavarga of Saturn) should be
multiplied by the number signifying the benefic
dots in the 8th house from the Lagna and thg product
divided by 27. The quotient will represent the total
Ayus in years of the native. The time of demise may
also be defined as before ( vide sloka 13, supra).

ii Brsfifarsitq'srr n

firatfrg g fsrg sfts&g;


arstTferg: vrgjr gffwtar h ii^ii

Sloka 16. Of the 3 signs in a Trikona group, find

which sign contains the least number of benefic dots.
The figures in the other two signs should be reduced
si. 17-20 271

to that extent If there be no dots in any sign/ no such

reduction need be made in the other two signs of the"
triangular group.

g i

^sft^Tr^T n tv»n

UhLi //. -If there bo no dots in two of the signs of

a group, jomove the figure in ihe third. When all the-
three signs of a group have the same number of dots,
remove all.

n H

qFT^rf^r ^cr^T sW^cHsfT: \\\C\\

fUoka 18 , — After performing the

Trikona reduction,
the Ekadhipatya reduction should be proceeded with.
When both the houses owned by a planet contain
benefic dots, then only this reduction should be made
by a wise man*
trfwm i

?r€5Tff srforg;

Shka 19 Of the two signs having a common lord,

ifone alone be occupied and contain a less number of

benefic dots than the number in the other, the figure
in the latter is to be made equal to the former.

*K$yrP4% srt^r^r I


Sloka 20,—.If one of the two Rasis having a com-

mon lord be occupied and contain more benefic dots
than the other, remove the figure in the latter. If the
two Rasis one of which is occupied, have the same
number of benefic dots, romove the figure in the un-
occupied Rasi.
2? 2 'jra^lWrsrt Adh. XXIV

g-vnwri i

st *T5tI«t IWI
Sloka 21 .—If both the Rasis (having a common lord)
be unoccupied and have the same number of
benefic dots, remove both. If the two Rasis having a
common lord be both occupied by planets, no reduc-
tion need be made.

*r jetoM i

SJ^nrlt mil
Sloka 22, —If one of the two Rasis (whether occu-
pied or unoccupied) have no benefic dots, then also
there is no reduction. If both the Rasis be unoccupied
and have an unequal number of benefic dots, the
greater figure is to be replaced by the less.

;ift«uerftre ^r%nT^fr ersftg; i

Hsrrifft iir^ii

Sloka 23, The net figures after the two reductions
in the several signs are to be multiplied each into its
Rasi factors ?rrf$TOTT (Rasimana). The net figures
in the Rasis that are associated with the Sun and other
planets are to be multiplied by the appropriate plane-
tary factors (or sr^in^-Grahamana),

n ^rfsrjrfijaTpriRl n

iftwft q-srgf&rcft i

=sr gftfin srb mu

^ffwgftrerrs sf;r%srf'isr£»?mT: i

^rfarijoTf: ifttfrr; ^grarfgorr: irhii

Slokas 24-25, —Incase of the signs Vrishabha

and Simha, the multiplier is 10, while it is 8 for Mithu-
and Vrischika, 7 for Tula and Mesha, and 5 for Kanya
and Makara. The multipliers for Karkataka, Dhanus,
si. 26-29 2?B

Kumbha and Meena are 4, 9, 11, and ‘12 respectively.*

These are called Rashmultipliers, The Graha-factors
are quite distinct {vide, next Sloka).

ft<r<flT <l%gonqjjR'55or: NWl

Sloka 26 .— In the case of Jupiter, Mars,
Venus and
Mercury 10, 8,7 and 5 are respectively the multipliers
while in the case of each of the remaining planets, the
multiplier is Mercury's figures, viz, 5. The multiplica-
tion by the Graha factors should be effected separately,
and should be treated as distinct from the Rasi multi-

^ gfntcWi l

sr^cr % irvsii

Sloka 27 .

After thus multiplying and then adding
the two products, the total should be again multiplied
by 7 and divided by 27. The quotient obtained will be
theAyus in years contributed by that planet.

Sloka 25.— Multiply the remainder by 12 and divide

by 27 to get the months, Multiply the remainder by
30 and divide by 27 to get the days and so on to get
the Ghatikas etc. Twentyseven years constitute a
Mandala. Some reductions have to be made further.

^3 vatim HWi
Sloka 29 . —
If a planet be in conjunction with another

planet, reduce the period contributed by the planet by

half. If the planet be in depression or combustion, inp
that case also should a reduction of the period by half
be made.
274 Adh. XXIV

firsrrrfttf mrr i

stoWe^ot *rf qRra«rmsT n?°n 4

Sloka 30 .
— If a planet be posited in an inimical
house, a reduction by a third should bo effected. If a
planet occupy any house in the visible half of tho
horizon, a similar reduction should be made. For a
planet vanquished in planetary war or occupying a
position within the egg (Fata) range ol tho Sun and the
Moon, a reduction by a third should be made,
srirl mg t

wrarac spkot* pm 11

SMa 57. When several reductions crop up in the
case of a single planet, only one, and that the greatest,
should be made. All the figures should then be
totalled up and multiplied by 324,
*r i


Sloka 32 — The product should be divided by 36S,

The quotient will be the correct rectified Ayuo contri-
buted severally by the planets, and may be shown in
years, months, days, etc., and will be their Dasa

tc4 jrgriri giif ffsrr i

wresrfasrrai*?! 11^11

Sloka 33 .
— Thus should the Dasa periods of each of
the several planets be computed seperately. The
method of computing the Dasa periods by the Ashtaka-
varga process is the best of all.

srrest Erfsrgt arsrarpmtg^t *i*ft gtrrh f^Nrfrwrr i

wTirt ^wrnsremj^ g gnomfs^ n^aii

^sT * snrcwharasrcft ?tst m^MirrsTST: i


ftw gjflr cft4srg H VMl

SI 34-38 275

Sloka 34.-35. In the Sarvashtakavarga the figures

indicating the number of benefic dots in the 12 houses
reckoned from
(1) the Sun are 3, 2-43
3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4 5 , , 3, 5; 7,
(2) the Moon „ 2 , 1-36
3, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 7,
(3) Mars „ 4, 5, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 2-49
(4) Mercury 3, 5, 2, 6, 6, 1, 2, 5, 5, 7, 3=46

(5) Jupiier 2, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 7, 3-36


(6) Venus 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3-40

(7) Saturn 3, 2, 4, 4, 4 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6 1-42 , ,

(8) Lagna 5, 3, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1 , 2, 2, 6, 7, 1,-45

Total Sarvashtakavarga figure ... 337

awrm ft*# w\%\\

Sloka 3G.— The Ashtakavarga system is declared to

be effective in all undertakings.There is no other way
to determine the power of the influence arising at the
time— whether good or bad.

fsmfe'Kcrr 3r gȣr^r: i

<T2jr 4?n'TFTr cretin ttstw ii^sii

Sloka 37 . —
Signs containing 30 or more benefic dots
will always prove benefic. Those containing dots bet-
ween 25 and 30 will be middling. Houses where the
figure is lower than 25 will cause sorrow or misery.

httJt i

Sloka 38. — He in whose nativity the number of

benefic dots in the 11th house of the Sarvashtakavarga

exceeds that of the 10th house and the figure in the
12th less than that of the 11th, and the figure in thg
276 Adh- XX*V

Lagna more than that of the 12th, will be happy and



trftorr ftWi

Sloka 39 , —
Examine the figures in the several houses
from the Lagna to the 12th inclusive. In whichever
Bhavas there are more figures, transits over these
houses will produce good results. Where the figures
are less, the effect will be untoward.

SPKSqifal I

srenfar n«o|i

Sloka 40 .

The remarks made above in the previous
Sloka apply only to houses other than the 6th, 8th and
12th, During the transits through the best signs (/.e.,
the signs containing greater number of benefic dots,
barring the Dusthanas), all things auspicious should
be done.

ajrrfjrsffa W I


Sloka 41,— Add the figures in the houses reckoned

from the Lagna to Saturn both inclusive. Multiply the
sum thus obtained by 7 and divide the product by 27.

a?*mw»T% 5:# m ^img*rrat i

awt wtantiftarm
Sloka 42 .— In the- year indicated by the qudtient, the
native will suffer calamity or disease. The same
process should be gone through with respect to the
houses reckoned fronu Saturn to the Lagna. Similar
remarks apply in the case of Mars and Rahu, and the
SL 43-1 277

years indicating similar untoward events, ascertained

in the same manner.

tprsnc mf g*4 i

$pf*rerg>sn#» sr*# iw^ii

Sloka 43 .
— In the year indicated by the figure obtain-
ed by (1) adding the figures (of benefic dots) in the
houses occupied by benefic planets and (2) then
multiplying the same by 7 and (3) dividing the result
by 27 should the year indicating anything auspicious
be intimated, On such an occasion, one will, without
doubt, obtain issue, wealth, happiness, etc.

cr^rfiscrccrs jftara«rsr ii««ii

5Tttt ^gmrtswrpr.

Sloka 44 * — 'I have thus described here in a brief

manner the effects due to Ashtakavarga, The same
have been treated in greater detail in other works by
intelligent men versed in the science.
Thus ends the 24th Adhyaya on "the Ashtakavarga
effects as stated in Hora Sara" in the work
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.

II n

n li

smrfrf rc i

Sloka I— I bow to all the Upagrahas, viz-, (1)

Mandi, (2) Yamalcantaka, (3) Atdhaprahara, (4) Kala

278 Adh. XXV
(5)Dhutna, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7) Paridhi, (8)
Indra Dhanus or Kodanda and (9) Ketu or Upaketu.

vi ffrsfiTR JRftnmferwq; i

cr'sr q>wt ftsrw g t#j>arrr?trspTmrs nun

Sloka 2 —When day is 30 Ghatikas,

the length of
Mandi on the week days counting from
the position of
Sunday onwards is at the end of 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6
and 2 Ghatikas during day timo. These figures have to
be proportionately increased or diminished according
as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30
ghatikas. In the night time, the lords of the first seven
Muhurtas are counted, not from the lord of the week
day chosen, but from that of the Sth the position of ;

Mandi at night time will be different on the week days,

viz,, at the end of Ghatikas 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14


v£t fiterags i

*% m: wwbwctw i

sentt g?3[jspcr sram iftn

Sloka 3, — The position of Yamakantaka during day

time on week days is at the end of Ghatikas*18, 14, 10,
6, 2, 26 and 22 ;
of Ardhaprahara, at the end of Ghati-
kas 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18

oTrf w*r umfv'tv vrrmm *$£ wsr^sr mwtr nan

Sloka 4 —
The position of Kala on the week days
counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of Ghatikas
2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6 respectively during day
time. These figures have, as already stated for Mandi,
to be proportionately altered and their exact positions
determined as in the case of the Lagna.
SI- S-8 'T5gr%5^5^(JT: 279

•=j.m tc :
^rar^tR s^fatrrerat rirnfetf I

'Tfl'W': Tfi^T Ir^aft^W^sg^ ipr^r-

^sretrerg&ssr %g^:«r ct%^%tr7 d4: HHli

Sloka 3, — The position of Dhuma is found by adding

4 signs, 13 20' ‘
the Sun. If you sub-
to the figures for
tract Dhuma from 12 the result will indicate the
figures lor Vyatipata. This increased by six signs
becomes Parivesha or Paridhi. When Parivesha again
is subtracted from 12 signs, we get Indra chapa. Add
to this 16' 40' Kethu is obtained. ICethu increased by

ono sign will give the figures for the Sun.

¥rraT«n% wm star srjpnua; i

ggrHT srer'Bnsr ir*u

Sloka G.~~In the Acjhyaya on 'Bhavas' the effects of

these have already been described in a collective
manner, It is only the effects on the Bhavas of those
that have been left out there which are to be descri-
bed here definitely in detail.

<r*nfa mpr'frssr I


Sloka 7.—Nevertheless, some special effect of

Gulika and other Upagrahas which have been declared
by ancient authors are here enumerated by me in a
condensed form.

sttes spft fiRwlrm

HTfa4Wtfcrg=p I

TriwTrftft awst HrBreftsft


srenrar: ^tT^t lien

Sloka 8.-11 Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the

2BU Adh. XXV

person concerned will be a thief, cruel, devoid of

modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will not be
very stout, will have a deformed eye, will not be very
intelligent, nor will have many children. He will eat
much, will be devoid of happiness, will be lustful and
depraved, will not be long lived, will not be brave,
will be stupid and of an irritable nature,

st sTrjpn'F'T sRfTsmisrt sr i

sr snwsr ii'Mt

Sloka 9. — If Gulika be in the 2nd Bhava, the person

born manner, will be quar-
will not talk in a pleasing
relsome, will posses no wealth or corn and will live
abroad. He will not be true to his word, nor will ho
be able to intelligently take part in any discussion.

T%T:5 iT#Tr?fi%goTi?r: srfT^t'iWTSTfre^rr:


gcsmmft w^icrt ir^r nwi

Sloka 10 . —When
Gulika is in the 3rd house, the
person bom be distinguished by aloofness, pride,
drunkenness and such other qualities, will display an
abundance of ill-temper and ostentation in the acqui-
sition of wealth, will be exempt from distress and
fear and will be without brothers or sisters.

g- gsr | ,

ft3iTcrg%% nun
Sloka 11 .—' When Gulika is in the 4th Bhava, the
person born will be devoid of relations, vehicles, and
wealth when Gulika is in the 5th
; (Bhava), the
person bom will be fickle-minded and badly disposed.
He will be short-lived. When Gulika is in the 6th
51*1 ‘-Ml trsgfftrftswair: 281

house, the person born will destroy hosts of foes, will

dabble in demonology, will posses a very good son
and will be brave,

5r|;w*r^ I


I'lohi i ’.--When Gulika occupies the 7th Bliava,

Hip person born will be quarrelsome, will be Lhe hus-
band of many wives, will prove a public enemy, will
bo ungrateful, will know only a little and will bed
little hit angry.

«T gpr'Kararaiart sriNssr fiprur*

Sloka H> When Gulika is in the 8th Bhava, the
person born will be deformed in his face with weak
and impaired eyes and will have a dwarfish body (will
be short in statute) When Gulika is in the 9th Bhava,
he will be deserted by his elders and his children.
When Gulika is in the 10th Bhava, the person will'
abandon all religious duties and observances produc-
ing good effects, and will not be disposed to give any-
thing to others. When Gulika is in the 11th Bhava,
the person born will have happiness, children, intelli-
gence, power and beauty.

rimfsrtff eft «r$s*ro gfewr# i

*rr 3r?*r sranwerfit *rr iitvm

Sloka is in the 12th Bhava, the

M. -When Gulika
person concerned not have any liking for sexual
pleasures, will be poor, and will have a heavy expeip

m Adh. XXV

be trouble from heat and danger from fire and mental

anguish. When Vyatipata is thus situated, there
isdanger from horned animals and death through

Rr^i’Ti^r: mn \\*m

Sloka Pi. When there is Parivesha or Paridhi, the

native will feel afraid of water, will suffer from watery
diseases and also have to endure imprisonment. When
there is Indra Chapa or Kodanda, the native will be hit
by a stone, will be wounded by weapons or have also
a fall.

%FTt 'TcrsT^TIcTT^T I


SJoka 25 When there is Ketu (or Upaketu), the

native will have a hit* a fall, etc suffer ruin of his busi-

ness, and there will be peril from thunder. The above

effects will occur during the Dasa period of the planet
owning the house wherein the Upagraha is posited.

arsorif: i>g»5P ittECTrgoft 5 ;^ =sr sratrmr

nraftisjfttcft ftftt'itJTTft f rf JTrP 1

ftr#* ^rreTt <Kft #?ift?r 115f.11

Sloka 26 — II Upaketu should occupy any of the 12


houses from Lagna onwards, the effects will respective'

ly be :

(P short life (2) ugly face (3) courage (4) misery
(5) loss of childj en (6) perturbation of the mind through
enemies (7) decay of vital power (8) ending one's life
by following bad ways (9) holding views quite anta-
gonistic to virtuous conduct (10) inclination towards
Wandering (11) gain and (12) committing faults,

Si. 27-30 285

arir^rJTr: sferd^a' ymm'- tjj %srni i

wmirgsrlfr^ irvsu

Sloka 27 .“-The five Upagrahas Dhuma etc., traverse

the sky without being seen, If at any time they are
visible any where, they foreshadow something evil to
the world.

^3 ymzm ifcsrsr i

3T^qR|qrtHrV s^rnrn |R<£li

2S>— Some say that Dhuma is of the shape

Sink a
of fume clouds, while others opine that it is a star with
a tail (comet). Vyatipatais like the fall of a meteor
and Parivesha is a halo or disk round the Sun or the
^5 a fr^p^srg: I


Sloka 29 —
Indra Chapa or Indra Dhanus or Kodanda
isthe famous rainbow that is generally seen in the sky
during the advent of rain. Ketu is Dhumaketu and
causes a lot of mischief to the world,

gf^vrsRjrrg wr firaVn
ffr^rg^ m i


srm Tsjfgyr;

Sloka 30 — If the lord of the house occupied by


Gulika be possessed of strength and be posited in a

Kendra, a Trikona, his own, his exaltation or a friendly
house, the person born will own chariots, elephants
and horses, will be as beautiful as Cupid; will be

highly respected and widely renowned ; and he will

rule the entire world.
Thus ends the 25th Adbyaya on "Upagrahas" in
the work Phaladeepika, composed by Mantreswara


II ||

ssiterfa srartf ^r$*g i

^^cqR^rf?r ii*n

Sloka l — Of all the Lagnas it is only the Moon's
Lagna that is most important for ascertaining the
One ought
iffaTtK?? (Gocharaphala- -effect of transits),
therefore to calculateand predict from the Moon's
place to predict the effects due to the transits of
planets through the several signs counted from that of
the Moon*

gw f IP.ii

Sun gives good results

Sloka 2,— During transit, the
when he the 6th, 3rd and 10th houses (counted
is in
from the Moon), Jhe Moon in the 3rd, 10th, 6th, 7th and
1st; Jupiter in the 7th, 9th, 2nd and 5th; Mars and
Saturn in the 6th and 3rd Mercury in the 6th, 2nd,

4th, 10th and 8th; all planets in the 11th; Venus in all
places other than the 10th, 7th and 6th. Hahu and Ketu
are similar to the Sun.

srwftspjmJitsrs frora; wtasrt fJprf^?fr i

iRT: h er^t ll^ll

si. 3-5 28 ^

Sloka 3 --The Sun is declared auspicious when he

transits the 11th, 3rd, 10th and 6th, if, at the time, the
corresponding %«r (Vedha) places, vU>, the 5th, 9th, 4th
and 12th respectively are not marred by the transit of
any ot the planets other than Saturn.

<’/• TO?:
?r \

5T?JTcfr II

I'Vu* (Yodim), aoe p. 83d of J aLakti JPaLijcita. Should Saturn

occupy (in transit) those places, viz., 5th, 0th, 4th and 12th, the
oil oot will not ho bar l, as tlioio is no Vodha between the father and
sou and as Saturn is the son of the Sun. But if other planets
transit thorn, they nullify tho good olfuit that would oLlieiwise be
caused by the Sun’s transit.

$rrcJT5rmjj%5rf'it(^T%Y^ tr 3%; nan

Sloka 4 .—'The Moon will produce good effect when
she transits the 7th, 1st, 6th, 11th, 10th and 3rd if
planets other than Mercury do not transit the corres-
ponding Vedha places, hs ,
2nd, 5th, 12th, 8th, 4th
and the 9th.
cf TO?: •

firmer awr i

&rr: il

%»r firs:
frsr; wq-;

wfr=rl3t»n ft fgseref imi

^ I

Sloka 5— Mars in the 3rd,

11th and 6th will give
good the 12th, 5th and 9th places respectively
effect if

are free from the transit of other planets at the time.

The same remark applies to Saturn, but in this case the
effect will not be marred if the Sun should transit at
the time the corresponding (Vedha) places,
yy y Adh. XXVI

sgvnftg irsr; irgt srfutrst# ftjwm I

3T^^f5r't: WtfeRl Q?Tor ?WcT: h

srm sn=a=fr ^ «tt i

*TFcJT3rf3rErr ^TO-rsnfevn^t^fvrErf^ srsrs irii

Sloka 6 Mercury will be auspicious when lio tran-

sitsthe 2nd, 4th, 6lh, 8th, 10th and 11th houses provi-
ded their corresponding Vedha places, vi ., Bill, 3rd,
9th, 1st, 8th and 12th are not occupied by any of the
planets other than the Moon,

</• JTRq-!

?T! ?cTFSE?r4s?ri%g ^Jrasra firsparff l


^5n?T4JTH?TmVwfr4?rt tfg FT •• OT*p |

ftj'K^Fsrsrsrfiriir^t firsaft Tm srsrrftfa?r


% insil

Sloka 7 .— During his transit in the 2nd 11th, 9th,

5Jh and 7th, Jupiter is good ii tho corresponding %«f
(Vedha) places, viz., 12th, 8th, 10th, 4th and 3rd are
void of planets.

(/ JTt^:
suffer: ^TErjflKFr^cgrFctnOTvrwfsrlr; i

sronerc^i irgV h fsr«rft ii

sft^rnrefi#s«rl rk*r- srscirr

fer-sc sn^fer^ttrwrsr! ^fts i

Isrm^rfgEEW^^vIliTlft^rfSTieiTit^r: ||<i||

Sloka 8 .— Venus will give bad effects during his

transit through 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th 9 th, 12th
and 11th, if he is marred by planets in the correspond-
ing (Vedha) places, viz., 8th, 7th, 1st, 10th, 9th,
5th, 11th, 6th and 3rd respectively.
SI- y-iU 289

<’/ 5JTC5P

w ftuiR I

3r?ff?m?rr?i^rar gtTwfti fsrvretg

fSrxT’ar^f %cft% Rsrfir sr ssawwnrc ^ i

wrtfrsnfH gcfft ^wfNrag^raswssrtftsfm

a»TR =erg«f srfpsrffr ^ gg : sresmwtwftErg ii*.ii

Sloka 9 — When the Sun traverses through the Hast


occupied by the Moon, the person concerned will

suffer fatigue and loss of wealth. He will become irri-
tated and suffer from diseases. He will undertake a
wearisome journey. When he transits the 2nd house,
there will be loss of wealth and the person will be un-

happy He will be duped by others, and will be obsti

nate. In the 3rc^ house, acquisition of a new position,
advent of moneys, happiness, freedom from sickness
and destruction of enemies will be the result. In the
4th house, the Sun will cause diseases and there will ;

often arise impediments to the native in the matter of

his sexual enjoyments.

i%Tr“Tt>r g?TT«f> fsrcrcffT wgsft

vzstm cfcr Rrerrg griq-fo i

arswr wfm*«rr 3rcT:gTww =sr crew

rtwwlfcr ^ crtwgiiWi
$]oka iO.— Mental agitation, ill-health and embar-
rassment in possible ways will be the result of the

Sun's transit in the 5th house. The Sun in the 6th

house will remove all diseases, destroy enemies, and
dispel all sorrows and mental anxieties. In the 7th
house, there 'will be wearisome travelling, diseases of
the stomach and the anus. The person concerned will

<K-#— 37
1 1

290 <c3$fan«ri

Ad h. XXVI
further suffer humiliation. During the Sun s transit in
the 8th house, the native will suffer from fear, and
diseases. He will be drawn to a quarrel. He will incur
royal displeasure and ho will suffer also from excessive

mrfagsrr fsirogs:*] wrfwrcr i

RR 1TR RORWf'T 4tat^5T m^TST

w® ^ \ \ ? \1

Sloka 11 ,-*- The Sun's transit in tho 9th house will

cause to the native danger, humiliation, partition ; t

from his kith and kin and mental depression. During

the Sun's passage through the 10th house a very
mighty undertaking will be successfully r> nuplotod.
A new position, honour', wealth ami fire dum hum
diseases will bo the effect uf flic Sun's* frazil in Lho
11th house. When the Sun passes through the 12th
house, there will be sorrow, loss of wealth, guanel with
one's friends and fever.

rrIirit^ir sr vr ^-Tmmcrf g l

*prRrffrs flT-T
ar srffprhr iivhii

Sloka 12, -The Moon in her I ravels through tho

12 houses counted from the IJanmarasi) will
give the following respective effects : (1) dawning of
fortune (2) loss of wealth (3) success sorrow
(4) fear (S)
(6) freedom from disease (7) happiness (8) untoward
events (9) sickness (10) attainment of one's cherished
wishes (11) joy and (12) expenditure.

3TRS sfaj

55-jr vrwrr f*m sr

SI. 13-15 TJrsrsitesqWi 201

aftwt sRq-rer <ar?r ^nfojjiTJrotf

ssrg^srr sr^ut srgsr ii^ii

Sloka 13 .— When Mars transits the Janma Rasi, there

will result dejection of the mind, separation from one's
relations and diseases caused by (impurity of) blood,
bile or heat. In his passage through the 2nd house.
Mars will cause fear, hot words, and loss of wealth. In
tli© 3rd house, the effect will be success (in everything)
and happiness through the attainment of golden orna-
ments. During his passage in the 4th house, he will
cause loss of position, disease of the belly such as
dysentery, diarrhoea, etc and sorrow through re-

lations. „ „

^s^rfer •ffogsr: i

^T5TTr% ^ th
fSfjrqrrs'j gsrrfFr iu«ii

Sloka 14 .— The effect of Mars' transit through the

5th house will be fever, improper desires, mental
anguish caused through one's son, or quarrel with
one's relations. When Mars transits the 6th house he
will bring about the termination of strife and the
withdrawal of enemies, alleviation of diaease, victory,
financial gain and success in all undertakings

ranfrRrTrmsrtssfr l


Sloka 15 — When Mats transits the 7th house, there


vyill arise misunderstanding with one's own wife, eye-

292 Adh, XXVI

disease, stomach-ache and the like. In the 8th house,

the native will suffer from fever; his body will become
soiled by blood. He will have lost his wealth
and honour. In his transit through the 9th house,
Mars will bring about humiliation through loss of
wealth, etc,, The native's gait will become retarded
due to bodily weakness and wastage in the several
constituent elements of tlio body.

stt sms % f^sr «it*r i

scr^sift nartircisjt 11^.11

Shka JG.~ When Mars passes through the 10th

house, the person concerned will either misbehave (i.r„
his behaviour will not be above board), or he will fail
in his attempts. He will have exhaustion. In the
11th house, there will be financial gain, freedom from
sickness, addition to landed property, etc. Mars in his
transit in the 12th house will bring about loss of
wealth, and the native will suffer from diseases caused
by excessive heat,

fsrersrtf fsrTJRrffrar’T tjtrrfar

Brsrd- Rrdwqr \

towtt rr^affr srrf??: ii^ii

Sloka 17 .

Mercury in his transit through the 12
houses reckoned from the Janma Rasi will cause in
their order the following respective effects (1) loss of :

wealth (2) financial gain (3) fear from enemies (4) in-
flux of money (5) quarrel with ones wife and child-
ren (6) success (7) misunderstandings (8) acquisition
of Children, wealth, etc. (9) impediments (10) happi-
ness all round (11) prosperity and (12) fear of humili-
Si. 18-19 qzjnsitswwi 293

srf err
matter 37%trf ^m^rr )

•^rs^ ftsfirsfa wwfcttxw ^

mf% \\U\\

Shka in — During Jupiter's transit through the


Janma Rasi, the person concerned may have to leave

his country, incur heavy expenditure and bear ill-will
towards others When
Jupiter passes through the
2nd house, the native will acquire money and will
have domes Lie happiness. His words will have
weight In the 3rd house, loss of position, separation
from one's friends, obstacle to business and disease
will result. When Jupiter transits the 4th house, there
will be sorrow through relations; the person will
suffer humiliation and will have to apprehend danger
from cattle,

*rmr srt*r?r%cr% srftcrm Hcnf^f


SJoka 79.— Acquisition of children, friendship with

the good and royal favour will mark Jupiter's passage
through the 5th house. In the 6th house, the native
will have trouble from his enemies and cousins. He
will also suffer from diseases. When Jupiter transits

the 7th house, the person will travel on an auspicious

undertaking, will be happy with his wife and will be
blessed with children. In the 8th house, he will have
fatigue by wearisome journeys, will be unlucky, suffer
loss of money and will be miserable,

291 Adh. XXVI

jti>I sftif

srrft fw?«ri!Tinfnfi[5rt*ft

f:# *Tte5r?T ^S^rrt: Roll

Sloka 20 During Jupiifi's passage through tho 9th

House, the person concerned will succeed in enjoying

all prosperity. In the 10th house, clangor k> one's
property, position and children is expected. Acquisi-
tion of children, new position, honour and tho like
may be expected during Jupiter's transit through the
11th house. In the 12th house, there will be grief and
fear caused through property.

aTfisreRmtfrir f%Trftfrr% Br>jf<T

fq-jrrfcT ^fertfter stitt

rswfTrJTJm^srrf^cri^s^TftjTprflf uv.t!

Sloka 21 .
— When Venus transits the Janmarasi, he
will confer on the native enjoyments. He
all kinds of
will cause financial gain when in the 2nd house
prosperity in the 3rd; increase of happiness and
friends in the 4th acquisition of children in the 5th
; ;

mishap in the 6th trouble to wife in the 7th wealth

; ;

in the 8th; happiness in the 9th quarrel in the 10th ; ;

safety in the 11th and acquisition of money in the 12th.

amsTT'srfomfa tar *«mpgsnteni

^tsrsserJriransT ^ftor*p'JTfasr sf ft !

^jnirtriprr?* er^ot iirii
SI 22-23 295

Sloka 22.— During Saturn's transit through the

Janmarasi, the native will suffer from disease he will

perform funeral rites in the 2nd house he will suffer


trouble to wealth and children ; in the 3rd house, there

will be acquisition of position or employment, servants
and money. During Saturn's transit in the 4th house,
there will be loss of wife, relation and wealth. In his
transit through the 5th house, wealth will decline,
there will be loss of children and the native's mind
will become confused. In the 6th, Saturn causes
happiness all round. In the 7th, the native's wife will
suffer there will be travelling he will be depressed
; ;

by fear. In the 8th house, there will be loss in children,

cattle, friends and wealth. The native will also suffer
from disease.

Trirsr smRw
^q-frr srsrir mw# w gr i

fosnfpcr ir^ii

Sloka 23.—In his passage through the 9th house.

Saturn will bring about loss in finance. There will be
many obstacles for the native's doing any good action.
A relative who is equal to the father will die. There

will be perpetual sorrow, In his transit through the

10th house, Saturn will make the native do a sinful
deed. There will be loss of honour. The person may
suffer from disease. Saturn in the 11th house confers
all kinds of happiness and wealth on the native, who

will also receive unique honour. When Saturn is in

the 12th house, the native will be wearied by being
engaged in a worthless and fruitless business. He will
be robbed of his moneys by his enemies. His wife and
sons will suffer from sickness.
206 Adh. XXVI

^C$r4 fHfrrRprro^^ i^pjrtsxt g^frtw^F. i

£# ^ gwn s*x4 w gj*x?mwl srrxi’nn^'iT \r<M

Sloka 24. —The following are the effects in their

order caused by Rahu during his transit through the
12th house counted from the Janmarasi (1) sickness
or death (2) loss oi wealth (3) happiness (4) sorrow (S)
financial loss (6) happiness (7) loss 8) danger to life
(9) loss (10) gain (11) happiness and (12) expenditure,


g%frftvconrsft ^tfeqTsxtcWtit

sr&erjrcgsft mft ir-Aii

Sloka 25.—Mars and the Sun produceeffect (during

their passage) whenthey are in the initial lOdegreos
or first decanate of a sign. Jupiter and Venus become
effective when they are in the middle portion of a sign
(2nd decanate) while the Moon and Saturn bear fruit
when in the last portion. Mercury and Baku produce
effect throughout their passage,

ll n

ban ^?ram^3'Tfbnfbr4 a?«N' ;

#5rr?Brxmri^ffV5f4 t

^R^rc^Tcrr ir?,ii

Sloka 26,—Draw seven lines horizontally (from west

to east)and over them draw seven lines vertically, The
28 extremities or points reckoned from the north-east
are to be assorted to the 28 stars (including Abhijit)
St. S&7

D T3 C po W
> &T

pjl td
cr* p-
Cd |
tr 4
m crp P w b.B
5“' 53' Q-*
" <

p 5
P P P»
^ ^ ,

a. a-
p p

Sravan a -$3cPJT j-Kntlika ^rftrsKT

Abhiiit-srRrRfg; I
U. Asliadha-^TrrRT^r Mrigasira-^fetTi
WEST P.Ashadha-^TOT Ardra-3TTsrf EAST

Moola-^r -pPunarvasu-^t^
Jyeshta-S^jr Pushy a-^^T
An ur ad ha “ srg'OTT ii.. Aslesha-STTO’TT
S -Q *"0(8
p P p
§ §“

3 . 2 .

counted from Krittika (as shown in the previous page).
If the star ..occupied by the Sun at the time happens to

be the Vedha asterism to the natal star, danger to life

has to be apprehended ;
if to the STt^TRST^f’T (Adhana
Nakshatra, 19th from or?ff5T^~Janmanakshatra) there f

will be fear and anxiety ; if to the (10th from

qS -^—<38
298 Adh. XXVI

^^JRT^^’Jcinmanaksliaira), loss of wealth will be the re-

sult. Should however the Sun in the above positions
be also associated with a malefic, death alone has to be

Brie were i

wtwjiiic st srewq; Irish

Sloka 27.— If any one of the three astorisms referred

to above be thus marred by the occupation of other
malefics (other than the Sun), death may happen if by ;

benefica, there will be no danger to life. Everything

should be judged similarly.

qtWgl IfpW <T>JT fiWK: gwr^ llVill

Sloka 28 — If the
. 19th, I Oth, 3rd, 1st, the 23rd, the
5th or the reckoned from the ^rW^T-Janma-
7lli (all

tara) are afflicted by malefics during their tramsit, there

will bo danger to life, But if Lhe idanei be bonefic,
failure in business will be {he only result.

tv 3Ttsn?r (Adiuiu), (K.uimi'k.ii.o, t Wifi*

Hit's ikii), utc,, sco *J\i.{nikii]hU i | util jt. (> 25 .

«nfi!5Rr«E3nferfMr sr^iwt irit^rir srr srg-Sr ^ gV i

*sr cr-cn^Ff ^ sfjtsw IR0.!!

Sloka 29 —
The three asterism (w/„ 3t?jt - Jan ma ,

3Tf5fFJT (Anujanmal, f=T3RT (Trijanma), 1st, 10th, and

19th) falling on a day identical with the Sun's
mana (Sun's entry into a new Rasi) or at a time when
any of the other planets transit from one Rasi to
other, or when there is an eclipse,
planetary war
(Grahayuddha) or a fall of meteors ($«*Tfspri?r-

SI. 30-88 TcTR^rt5^T?T: 299

Ulkanipata) or other unexpected occurrence, death or

a similaruntoward event should be expected.
(TTlku) dotiotos tho 10th star from tho ono governed by
tlio Run (vide Kiitapriibisilui-Oh. XXXHM 1
0, Tuniovo Edition).
Eut (BaluMmdru) sayw it is tho 21st star pounlarl from tlmt ocr*u-
]mul liy Uin Run. Ron imius on Rl. 48 infni.

*r. I

rr fkw^t >r: *.far &&ti^7r£r iiBoii

Sloka 30 .—A planet yielding unfavourable result

when aspocted by a benefic, or the one that gives good
resulLs if aspected by a malefic, both become void of
effect. The same will be the case if they are aspected
by their respective inimical planets.

*rfir i

qpr^r \WM
Shka 3L — A planet in an untoward Bhava, if he is
in exaltation or Swakshetra, will not do any harm* If

in such favourable position, he should also occupy a

favourable Bhava, he will give full beneficial results
(effect) to the native during his transit in that Bhava.

giTjfVgT^r fft^rtorfesr wgTrmwrsrg i

ef ffr^BT! fo??^wrf?N«rT: 'Ksr mil

Sloka 32— Planets in their transit through favour-
able places (houses wherein they should give good
effects) become void they happen to be at
of effect if

the time in their depression or inimical houses or be

in an eclipsed state. But if the houses transitted be
also unfavourable, they give bad effects and that too in
an aggravated form.

sresrrsjraf 5r«radwr»:*>t i

frtffer 11331

Sloka 11 — Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter when

they transit the 12th, 8th or the 1st, (counted from the
Moon's place) bring about danger to life itself, a fall

from one's position and loss of wealth.

sr ^oftrryrq*;

mr* sr ^ragSr
prRPTfrrfJrnTonf^ nsyii

Sloka 14.— The Moon in the 8th, Mars in ihe 7th,

Rahu in the 9th, Venus in the 6th, Jupiter in the 3rd,
the Sun in the 5th, Saturn in the 1st and Mercury in
the 4th, bring about loss of honour and wealth, and
danger to life also, if all the conditions exist.


Tn the following <\x aloktis tho anllior iltwcrilw** how i.ho 07

stars (reckoner! from Uu> Jatmiaimksliiitm) am dintribu odI among
the several limbs of Lbo native concerned during transits of each
of fcho planots from the Sun onwards and tluur nlTootn aro also
s tn tod.

=77^ fjsr ^rfsrr^^r ^ srgr: srgwfc

tt% ^ =ar 30 tsA sr 1

*rra;?rT5T fern*! fir&r

srrw wi *r ^ sotr* Brfirari^r 3T?n*rifsrsre*r:ii3 u,!i

Sloka 35 ,— During the Sun's transit, the 27 stars

reckoned from the SFTT'T^rsr (Janmanakshatra) will be
distributed thus (a) 1st star-face.
: (h) 2nd, 3rd,
4th and 5th— head; (c) 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th— breast
(chest?); (cl) 10 th, 11th, 12th and 13 th—right hand ;
(v*) 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, lSth and 19th— two feet; (/)
51. 36-33 301

20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd-.Ieft hand ; (g) 24th and

25th the two eyes; (h) 26th and 27th-organs of genera-
tion When the Sun transits through these limbs, the

effect will be destruction (b) influx of wealth ; (c)


success, (d) financial gain, (e) loss of wealth, (f) bodily

illness, (g) gain and (h) danger to life respectively.

g^Vren-TT s>jt

* iv kt# l

bi^mrJTgi# fir i%g grt gift firm'd wmgf,

TtTt g*l r#?ti fgrgsbsra gft u^ll

Shka T,.— MOON
01 TCpcknnod from tlu» I’aiticular Effect
Htavs limb dwelt

2 1st and 2nd Face Exceeding fear

4i 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Head Safety
2 7th, 8th Back Subduing of enemies
2 9th, 10th Two eyes Financial gain
5 11th, 12th, 13th, Chest Mental happiness
14th, 15th
3 16th, 17th, 18th Left hand Quarrel
6 19th, 20th, 21st, 2 feet Going to a foreign
22nd, 23rd, 24th place
3 25th, 26th, 27th Right hand Financial gain

ggsr 5 trrnf grctergfjm'. g*

tpft srrfit 3rd ggfdg^crf grit *tk i

't arm
grfirt ?rg^ fgryrggg =gd> ^rawnrsten ii^jii

sftfin g% ^ frart jnn

302 Adh. XXVI

Slokas 37-38 — MARS

Beckonod from tho 1 ’
ni m >1 ir Effi . t
natal Mtai huh t?u If

2 1st and 2nd Face Death (danger to life)

6 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,
7th, 8th Two foot Quarrel
3 9th, 10ih, 11th Che it Success
4 12th, 13th, 14th,
15th Left hand Penury
2 16lh, 17th Hoad Gain
4 18th, 19th, 20th,
21st Face Excessive fear
4 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
25th Right hand Happiness
2 26th, 27th The two Going to a foreign
eyes place
3 1st,2nd, 3rd Head Sorrow or grief
3 4th, 5th, 6th Face Gain
6 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th,
11th, 12th The two Something
hands untoward
5 13th, 14th, 15th, Belly Incoming of much
16th/t7th money
2 18th, 19th Generating Loss
8 20th, 21st, 22nd,
23rd, 24th, 25th,
26th, 27th Two feet Honour, fame

tT |

§s#r ?r rmg-^r-RRt

^ JTrrff g- ?rrsrr

roferofHtai \m\
SI- 30-40 303


of Reckoned from fcho Particular Effect
Blurs natal Blur limb dwelt

1 1st Face Grief

4 2nd, 3rd, 4lh, 5lh Right hand Happiness
3 6th, 7th, 8th Right leg Travel
3 9th, 10th, 11th Left leg Loss
4 J2th, 13th, 14th, 15th Left hand Gain
5 16th, 17 th, 18th,
19th, 20th Belly Sexual enjoyment
3 21st, 22nd, 23rd Head Happiness
2 24-th, 25th 'Eyes Happiness

2 26th, 27th Back Danger to life

qqraqnsf^iqfqq: sgsati iV-Jcft ift^fTT I

crgcivsj me gw s?r*nft»?uiV<i?ft qnrftr gw na^ii

Sloka -11 . —Planets passing through Rasis containing

more benolic dots in the Ashtakavarga produce good
effect always. Evon when such Rasis happen to be the
12th, 6th or 8th, the effect will be good and beneficial.

ii wtti't;®’ wfcTtwsi =q ii

gffiqspw I

jjds qrarc% =tg

teeter w ftte’trr <jswrrr: q€tr%err: I

qrc g *ra*re[ na^ii

Ttfteg gqri Ira scimi w %wieh i

qf%sT!sfiT%fcnqf 3r.-R^ sqm naan

Sloka 42-44 , —
The 12th asterism counted from that
occupied by the Sun at the time, the 3rd from that of
Mars, the 6th from that of Jupiter, and the 8th from that
of Saturn are termed ^tsrfTCi or forward Lattas. The
5th star reckoned from that of Venus, the 7th from that

ofMercury; the 9th from that of Rahu and the 22nd

from that of the Moon are called or rear Lattaa
If, when thus counting, the tJanmunukshatra.
natal star) happens to come as the Latta star, there will
be sickness and anguish.

wxw ^r?r wm g \

wapwr 3 it^n

Shkos 4 ^ 4r>. -During the Sun's Latin there will bo


the ruin of every business Misery will result during

the Latta of Rahu and Ketu. In the Latin of Jupiter/
death, ruin of relations and a sort of general fear or
insecurity may occur There will be quarrel in the
Latta of Venus. In Mercury's Latta will occur loss of
position or similar untoward event. A great loss will
mark the Moon's Latta. Thus the separate effects of
the Lattas have been described,

oTccrrati^ fjjjnrmsjorife^n i

gnni CTSfrsfcrtf^r^^JTr^ iivmii

SJoka 47. —When two or more Lattas synchronise,

the cumulative effect will proportionately increase in
intensity being twice or thrice and one ought only to
predict evil as the outcome of the combination.

«n<r%«n g-.^ercr errs? ra?fr^ nacn

Sloka 48 . — The Vedhas

pronounced as auspicious
in the (Sarvatobhadrachakra) bring happi-
ness, while those declared as evil produce only misery.
One should note this also while considering the effect
caused by transit (of a plauet).
T :

Si. 43 30 &

The following Biotas lagaidmg TT#BftT3[gra> (Sarvafcobhadra-

ohakia) ai© oxtiacbad from ofclior works and will bo found useful

I sncfqim^uf—
arsiicr: WTsr^qrft' sra i

fiwrrer 5t?i: srerqqiTTs&g mil

^rrt^TT: srmTrar ^tsr bcttb =srft gRrqr (St^r: i

^WBorffilrawsr 5R?r Jrfo^BRmr qqr irii

OTt ,r cTftsrfrar: ^ -*im I

Trot R %% ftra rap-Jfg 3T?g: sfjsj qsj^t Hill

wrcraiTt ft# xr sr^t vrsrr <r?nri 2n«r rrirr i

gro xr fij^fsrw^^sflf srfrssr rr B-fecr kr#; nan

gsfitTift^Kg^TTf iir Ettro tw fppftf =sr sE^tq; i

BBirnfftrofroq r q^-if ft ?ro«j €t^ irii

qji xt gR RSff xr ifiro xj crsrt I

3T*j;rc% %Rqq5r fsrsifa at smfrn>33t*ft irii

T tf sTO: 5T#ato3Txrai wt^wrfescTsftq: Tjsftfir: I

^t^En TTfirw rWrrrrir %b g^vr; nwi

srf^JT'f % RRSRT ^srncm tit. %a:: TrtKBTwqriuf srfrqg (

. !Et% cTRRfffw^ 'ftH'msrf stIxr- r%^q’«rr TTtffi^tfer^iiaii

II- -
3T«TTcTt TTSHTtpiTfo ET5E i

fet^tB Ttlratasf r?t ufji

t5i ferrnNrrewT f sr \

ccq:t?ftfftq^ Rft srtqfr bi«t 5TOB: irii

arqtKtf^ wrer; mfs f Jtrtifr fitft% spmg i

^fgqiJTor ^ffrsqr qtesNr 'srgaBg ii^ii

®%*T^tPr fgwqift <proif^ fe%rra: i


<K # — 39
3U6 Adh XXVI

firm srr«rr niqr^naj <?#5t i

snwnsrr^j grewsrf g^g^reml^ irm

sr^Tt torraraj "jgfcnk S& *RWrr i

<T5T^ STTTSTg 3 if^rTT: **iw»f»Ti: 11*11

^?ts% r^sr Fcrfkrs^n; i

graorr ga% 3i*rei?»ar g ^scsrfr iwii

wkf^ g g*rrgr fgsftgjj i

srarwr «r 3^: nV^ ftgrrgr wiggewr lieu

ggfcr stfagrcsr ^mapsri firftfegg i

ckT: ^r#crr¥r^t f%snr: #rcm> ggr iimi

srsglraifeims ggcr. %Tt! gtrarn i

**3^ g*n *55 ! g ii foil

gf^nfg;% fer?r %ggg *kg, i

*r?sfsg%;rra' guTW-g^f^ornr nun

3ra gtif 3%5t gt sr^gsnt tifsnssram i)gt

! n«krcc, gg: * 755
i % ttgrfgak—
^TCWTOTi gs^f VfSrt H^T g ?TH |

flwnarf agar %3rr ktg^jfjrg^ri^gcri h psh

snwt ffarnrr sferfaefear sfigit i

margk cr«rr mgr %gr *ftmfk-!# ii^ii

^ grsOTR3R$

qg**rag*ngegi^T gfeg3 g^n^yii


tr JT^r^r: #jgr ngrgrerr: i

^3 :
gtTgrs ^xm tfjgrn: ii?mi
sr^sr djfr %sr ggyr g% i

vwr 'jshrrarrcrr g§rgr «r£ gg$viit*ii

'T^l fr5Tt *3 <tV g'-f spit :5gf rjT^XTf |

3%»T kfrg %g fo^^grgwsri:: l

ll? J||
SI. 48 307

spftsihp I

%w. *ro?rr% rsrgsrd^rjfsrt: II Ml

rgsnjjifg giTit sr% I

aroitrlg ^g^sr fo: gntffa^rsn mil

tc3Kr%7^%^r 'Kf-r pit srsrorf* i

s^ttst *r*r frit Ttift g?g: =f$or >sr mil

Ertfjf: <f*> sq-rf^r4%V-fr I

Tiwf firi* wfrRrs' lir g ^ft^rra- ir^ii

gg g*g^ y^rm- i

T5r%^;r ^gisragglf irrii

g«rr gs^i: f*rerm wtens gwsTgr: I

s^cgxfri: g^r: %gr: sKyrrerogr: mil

gggr<Tt gs^Tfirxr gg?f i

d»T<fteHrc: Htft: Rtf %g rt ftjrft mil

=5% farrier jsrf tfiranffl'sr rrnf% i

5% ¥* rfatrsin sflgs Rmrterirg: mil

gsmrl: tts?
fkw fapr
*R^ sft& Htesftsdr'K^sr**

%far3g5rg$rgfa? stjjcarfe'Jt rg i

gspurgg g^Tf sragrg: i wu

srgjgfg fagrt *sr gtftRcfa I

sr d*n?g«gt d*ft ^g^srrsrfaw mil

€lRT«t% 1

*nfUTJ?TT wl'igfg: far gicq-ssTiffar: IIRRII

^gsRirgtT^mfo ir^g^ sgd^swft—

gnrsrnnwc far "Spot g i

g gsr gfapg grt^fafl^i ^ ^n# HV>H


808 q^fawfrt Adh. XXVI

=cf%r: I

srr %*rr Rr^; ttar srdfg-Jrr! H3?.n

f 5TW?«rri ^rt\ qrstrf %nr ^m^nn srft l

^%iT!6«rr g sn^rf srpr^rr *jtFT*n irm ii^hii

vr^rsrrfSt *5Ftr wp cisrarfsawt f??T: i

% »ai}ss?T *mt twr *pt vrrgfem««: ii^ti

srsmre^ *rsrr sw mf^r; sate?) i

ttsrt Raff iwm *ftfcT: T^JfTFt wrcof Il3y||

?jrsrr Pott* ?r m arnigruj^: i

H sg*r ^i^f?3Tsrrf%|R*'! n?di

ararrerpri R=«rs *rer ^gr rrmisw^^ l

?r^i g *nh>r5g irdi IfagTcft ?ro ii^n

5r«rr pc xrrg% i

SR^f 3T?a»Tcn aftsil an£N%fij[3prV xft ii^h

frsmgi^ gfeW smr:
^ret srqfeslt jters ptfe
^ g*?r*r



sn&garaV firmer; ^Prr^Rmtetrer: i

^r%fsiTO!f <sr <mfa ?rw *fcrr*rs nvui

s^$sr?rTn*ftfl wftmsrwvw i

cT^ir gfffr

sis xrrgjw
^ Rlm^nrotsPl
srr naoll


atTfrg^r i

s:i^r5rf?r5itt g- srsrsr: na^ti

f^srf?rsr§fi^r ^ismrg'TJrcT: i

wra faggr: afarr: ^raarrag ^rirfr lia^n

3f?JTVT ?K1T 3TT-S3TT# PiaTO *TTg^fa«sg I

*rf rfiw g afi^a f^pwa ^jlrsrsfcpsg naan


SI. 48 309

^eh i

gtc^rt 'K5? 3% srte§; age: gwt^TH mil I

3Fff*T 3r?JT^ST3 ?TTtf arfrcfaaR I

tsBtaftsmraR Bpftflntf fiRroarcr ir^n

ar^tsrsT g- fr^sr ?ng^iin*B3f i

^|iffr^ xr f%3 wss aWsrwsr % iiaun

a^rirsns'rsasrTcr g srrffrgmssnnf^TOw i

^ETW l^rgmsf :CI33^JTfiT%!K3IW imil

^[ff : fireic anrit ipr sa g-

sttwtjt# smisn sariicaTst 3?gfepTg': imn

crfg: *r;|tRr% ct«tt i

srrfcr^ frsrsnsr: ^ar^sr# srifw^fr^r ii<v>ii

%stsr fcnrcsr ^hr g«: g*rw l

^qf3g;frin3tTt ^cj^stfir m^jTih’H

vrpwfaj stra^g' g?3Wifg?rft«rEt!


firfwjar <m go? gg g gsga;*? 1

gf^ wsf *ng*r*[ iftW s

Mantreswara makes mention of the Lafcfcas and Sarvafcobhadra

as both have a bearing on the Yedhas.
The Lafcfcas, are of two kinds (l) “Forward” or Puro Lafcfcas
and (2) “Bear” or Prishfca Lafcfcas. The Lafcfcas of the Sun, Mars*
Jupiter and Saturn belong to the former class. Tjie rest belong
to the latter*

Thus, if the Sun should occupy at any, time, say fche asfcerism
‘MuW, his Lafcfca Star (which is 12th from Mula) will be

Krifcfcika. Suppose at that time, Yenus occupies Sravana ; his

Lafcfca Star which is fche 5fch from Sravana will be Jyeshfca; fche

counting in fehis case being made from Sravana in fche reverse

direction as it is a Bear Lafcfca.

In fche next page is given a free rendering in English of

fche Slokas extracted from Horarafcna on Sarvafcobhadra kR

pp. 304—307 supra.

310 Adh. XXVI

I stall now describe the (Sarvato-

bhadrachakra) which has become famous and serves as

I! dfctosTWl II


t srafir* % *n» 3* vrrr srfwft WTift ®r


w^or TT T <* ¥ fiFHfir

jftsr ec

arm 3T WKX st: 3Tt iw *r

3RTT T’tf
H sn'rt sjfir^rc

wsrr :

JJ55T ¥ si sftTTCR *

5T * g^r fsr£ 9E ¥ 5**!

«a- w. cT <T £ *T 3S an%«n


% Rrerrcn firai s<<ks$ urn m


In the above Chakra.

(1) vowels and consonants aieshown in antique type » ,
(2) Nakshatras,Tithis,Rasis and week days aie shown m smaller type.
a light for the three wQrids <md whigh infuses im-
si. 48

mediately a settled belief and confidence in the mind

of the user.

Draw ten lines vertically and another ten lines

crosswise over the same. You will have 81 squares.
Write in the regular order the 16 vowels from
onwards in the corner squares commencing from the
outmost corner in the North-east, thus filling up in
rotation the 4 corners of each of the 4 sets of squares.
Fill up the 28 vacant squares of the outermost corner
beginning from the North-east by the 28 asterisms
beginning with (Krittika), so that each side will

contain 7 asterisms.
The 5 vacant squares of each side of the next inner
row may be filled up by a*, q\ |r and ^ in the East,

by it, <T, ^ and ^ in the South, rf, q", sr, 3T

and ^
in the West, and q, ^r, gf and & in the North. There
now remain 12 squares, 3 on each side in the next
inner row. These may be allotted to the 12 Rasis be-
ginning with Vrishabha from the East in regular order.
The 5 inner squares still remaining vacant may be
allotted to the 5 groups* of Tithis-q?^T (Nanda),
(Bhadra), srqj (Jaya), ftxRT (Rikta) and trorf (Puma) as
shown in the Chakra.
The 7 week-days may also be entered in the squares
thus Tuesday and Sunday in the square containing

the^Tf (Nanda) group Wednesday and Monday in


the (Bhadra) group; Thursday in the gtqi (Jaya)

— irsmt
— fitftat
ft^T — =srg«ff

trorj — or

&12 Adh. XXVI

group ;
Friday in the (Rikta) and Saturaday in the
Tjurf (Puma),
Ketu and Mars are malefic.
Saturn, the Sun, Rahu,
The Mercury is a malefic when as-
rest are benefic.
sociated with malefics. So also is the waning Moon,

In whichever asterism a planet may bo posited,

three Vedhas arise for the same by its aspect -one in
the left, one in the front and on© in the right.

In the two sides— whether in the right or left— the

(Vedha) may be with a star, a consonant, a Has! or
and not with others. For it has been clearly
stated in Rajavijaya thus :

A planet posited in Krittika may have (Vedha)

with the following, viz , (l)Bharani (2) the vowel bt •

(3) Vrishabha; (4) ? (Nanda); (5) qfgfl (Bhadra);

(6) Tula (7) the consonant & (8) Visakha and (9)

Similarly a planet stationed in Rohini will have

(Vedha) with (1) the vowel gr, (2) Aawxni (3j the con.
sonant g (4) Mithuna (5) the vowel (6) Kanya (7) the
consonant * (8) Swati and (9) Abhijit.

In the same way, a planet quartered in Mrigasiras

may have Vedha with (1) Kataka (2) the consonant iff
(3) Simha (4) the consonant q (5) Chittra (6) Revati
(7) the consonant ^ (8) the vowel and (9) Uttara-

When a planet
retrograde in motion, the aspect
is towards the It is on the left when the
is direct (swift). When it is mean one, it is towards the
front. This is with reference to the five
planets from
Mars onwards.
Si. 48 313

In the case of Rahu and Ketu, which are always

retrograde, the (Vedha) will be on the right, and in
the case of the Sun and the Moon which move direct
(and have no retrograde motion), the (Vedha) will
be on the left.

Owing to there being no uniformity in motion

among the other planets, three kinds of Vedhas have
been mentioned. Malefics when retrograde will cause
intense evil if they are in 'qsy (Vedha) position, while

benefics will do immense good. Malefics and bene-

fics when in rapid motion partake of the nature of the
planets they are associated with.

When the four asterisms Ardra, Hasta, Purvashadha t

and Uttarabhadrapada which occupy the four central

positions of the outermost border are passed over
(transitted) by a planet, the following four triplets, viz.,
(1) ST> *5 (2) qr, <JT) 3* (3) sr ,
c^, g- and (4) «T, ^T, sr are
respectively hit (have Vedha).

In the case of the pairs (1) *, er (2) sr, sr (3) *

and (4) 5T, (5) g?, ^ if one letter of any pair be hit
(has Vedha), the other also should be considered as hit.
A (Saumya Vedha) is one that is caused by a

If there be qsj* (Vedha) in one of the pairs of similar

vowels, the other vowel of the pair should also be

considered as hit. The same remark should be made
in the case of the Anus wara and Visarga (vowels).

Wt an a planet in transit is in the last or the first

quart©] of two asterisms (forming the juncture) in any
of the
four corners of the square,
)of the four vowels, 3?, ^Tr,
there is the
and the
> f"

in regi .lar order commencing with that vowel intervene

^ — 40
814 Adh. xxvi

ing at the particular juncture occupied by the planet

The effects arising from these five are:- agitation or
excitement from the first, fear from the second, loss
from the third, disease from the fourth and death from
the fifth.

When the \Vedha) is with an asterism, there is

confusion; when with a letter, loss; with a vowel,
sickness and a very great obstacle, when with a

Tithi or Hash

When there ar© five Vedhas simultaneously, the

individual will not live, A single (Vodha) will
engender fear in battle two Vedhs, loss of money;

three, some obstacle and four, death.


Just as malefics produce evil, benefics cause good.

Benefics associated with malefics produce only ovil

In the Sun's Vedha there is misunderstanding; in

that of Mars, loss of wealth ; trouble
in that of Saturn,
through sickness; in those of Rahu and Ketu, obstacles.
In the Moon's, there will be mixed effects ; in that of
Venus, sexual enjoyment in that of Mercury, intelli-

gence; in that of Jupiter, an all round good effect.

When the planet causing the Vedka is retrograde, the
effect is two-fold ; thrice when he is in exaltation ;
it is
when his motion is rapid (direct), the usual (natural)
effect ; and when in depression,
the effect is only half*
Any Tithi, Rasi or Amsa
or Nakshatra hit by a malefic
should be scrupulously avoided in all auspicious
undertakings. A
marriage celebrated during a Vedha
will not be happy and any journey undertaken will

not prove prosperous any treatment given to a patient


will not end in cure ; and any business started will not
be successful. If a Vedha caused by a malefic should
occur during the time/ of sickness, it will culminate in
SI. <18 315

death if the motion be retrograde. If the motion be

direct, the sickness will soon subside. If there be
Vedha caused by a malefic in one's own weekday (of
birth), the person will not have peace of mind and he
will suffer from mental pain.

During the transit of the Sun in the three Rasis

Vrishabha, Mithuna and Kataka in the East (see
Chakra), that direction is considered as 'set' while the
remaining three as existing (or visible).

The vowels ^ ^ ahd aft in the North-east should

be considered as belonging to the East the vowels ;

STr 3b
and aft in the South-east, to the South;
q; and zi to the West f w ft and $r: to the North.

In the particular direction in which the Sun is stay-

ing for three months, all the asterisms, vowels, con-
sonants, Rasis and Tithis in that direction should be
deemed as 'set'.

Whenan asterism is set and there is Vedha, sick-

ness will be the result. When a consonant is set, there
When a vowel is set, there is sorrow. When a
is IoJ!s.
Rasi is set, there is obstacle when a Tithi is set and

there is Vedha, fear will atise. When all the five are
in the 'set' direction and there is Vedha, death will
surely result.
Towards the direction deemed as 'set/ journey,
fight, discussion, fixing of a new door or gate for a
palace and upper storeys should not be undertaken.
Any other similar auspicious action should not be
done. Whoever has his initial letter situated in the
set direction should consider himself as destined un-
fortunate for the time.

People whose initial letters are in the 'set' direc-

tion should if they desire
success, shun a poetical
316 Adh. XXVI

contest, a fort, a battle (consisting of elephants, horses,

chariots, infantry, etc ) in that particular quarter.

In the case of an asterism situated in any of the

other 'risen' directions, if there should be a Vedha,
there will be growth. If the Vedha be with a consonant,
gain will be the result if with a vowol, there will be

happiness if with a Rasi, there will bo success ; if


with a Tithi, there is lustre if with all the five, a posi*


tion is secured.

When there are Vedhas caused bymalefics on both

the right and left sides with consonants, Tithia, vowels,
Rasis and Asterisms at any time, the person concerned
will surely meet with his death.

When at the time of a malefic Vedha there is a fate-

fulUpagraha (see next three Slokas of this note) syn-
chronising, death is sure to happen to him either
through sickness or at battle.

The fifth star reckoned from the one occupied by

the Sun is termed (Vidyunmukha), The 8th
is called (Sula) and the 14th, (Sannipata),
the 18th is known as sfaj (Ketu), the 21st is (Ulka),
the 22nd is designated sfisg (Kampa), the 23rd is known
as (Vajralca), and the 24th is termed (Nir-
ghata). These eight are known as the Upagrahas and
are recognised as causing obstacles to all undertakings
when at the time planets transit their respective places.
Ascertain if there is (Vedha) with any of the
following asterisms : (1) (Janmabha), (2)
(Karma) (3) srmR (Adhana) (4) fiRTO (Vinasa) (5)
HTgq-TT^sFT (Samudayika) (6) (Sanghatika) (7)

Sttflr (Jati)

and predict good

(8) ^ (Desa)
or bad
and (9)

effects according as the

SI. 43 317

produced is by a benefic or a malefic as the case

may be.

The star in which the Moon is at the time of birth

of a person is known as 3r?WT (Janmabha) or spirsf
(Janmarksha). The 10th therefrom is called sfilfar
(Karmabha) or (Karmarksha). The 19th is designat-
ed as STOR (Adhana), the 23rd is termed
(Vinasana) or (Vainasika), the 18th star is styl-
ed (Samudayika), the 16th asterism is known
as (Sanghatika), the 26th, 27th and 28th are
known as srifa (Jati),
ka) respectively.
^ (Desa) and srfJnfcF (Abhishe-

If the (Janmarksha), the (Karmarksha),

the 3?TSTR$ (Adhanarksha) and the (Vinasark-
sha)be each occulted by malefic planets, death, sorrow,
absence from one's place and quarrel with one's own
relations will respectively result.

When there is (Vedha) in the

(Samudayika Nakshatra), evil or something untoward
will arise. There will be loss when the (Vedha) is in the
(Sanghatika Nakshatra). Destruction of
the family will be the effect when the £|sr (Vedha) i»

in the 3rrf?r (Jati) or the 26th star from the

(Janmarksha). In the 28th star, the (Vedha) will

ca,use imprisonment.

When the occupation is by a malefic in the

asterism known as (Desa), the person concerned
will be expelled from his country. But if the iffer
(Vedha) in the above cases be by benefics, the results
will be all auspicious. Should the Vedhas with the
Upagrahas (see supra) also occur simultaneously, the
result will be death and nothing short of that,
, i

818 Adh. XXVI

When at the time of a battle, there is a (Vedha)
caused by one, two, three, four or five malefics, the
corresponding effects will be fear, failure, killing
(blood-shed), death and ignominy respectively.

When the Moon happens to be in a sfaf (Vedha)

simultaneously with a (Tithi) or Nakshatra, a
vowel, a Rasi and a consonant on any day, that day will
prove auspicious or otherwise according as the planet
causing the Vedha is benefic or malefic.
While the use of the Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the
light it may throw on the human cycle of life on the
person concerned has fully been explained in p. 312
supra the technique and the poxnteers to such deduc-
tions (of results) have not had full explanation to make
the same both handy and useful for easy reference. The
same has been explained below.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th l«fc 2nd 3rd 4th
pad a pad a pada puda pada pada padu pada

! % sft 5T « % a ?r
vrcoft fo §[ % firwwr g &

at f 7 !( » ft 3 ft

«rV fer 5 rft n fir

k *it fifi ’EFT k *rt «r fir
STTSrf ^ ^ & 15 I «r *r ¥
% f
H §•

t yV





irar w ft g ^ *r Rr S %
*rt z ft gj *r fit
srar'Ksgfft % it 7 ft ft
s Tit I ^TTCwrerr 3 & w
f^TT X ft k ift tT fir
*WR5its«n*fs .

There are 112 letters (or sounds) belonging to the

28 asterisms at the rate of one letter for each Nakshatra
pada. These are mentioned for ready reference. Per*
sons whose names begin with any one of these letters
have got a bearing on the corresponding Nakshatra
pada and judged accordingly.

5f^ir arsftEra&s arcRrjsreR&t na'Ul

Sloka 49 .— If
planets should be badly situated
whether during their Dasa, Bhukti, Ashtakavarga or
transit, one ought to invoke by prayers and incanta-
tions agreeable to the concerned planets and perform
Shantis or propitiatory rites for averting the evil other-
wise threatening, by doing virtuous actions, observing
religious vows, making gifts and doing proper adora-
^iserci smTra<p*frsT ^ i

?r$3T fonrercr snn srrgsifr jt^ts im»n

favourable to one
Sloka 50 .— Planets are always
who harmless (who does not injure others), who
possesses self control, who has earned wealth
through virtuous means and who is always observing
religious discipline.
Thus ends the 26th Adhyaya on “Transits of Planets"
in th e work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.

n. ii

ii 11

srtajgw 'swm Brcmv: gsr: i

5J& srflr #r«wrJf %% gtt *ffar»r?r ?r g^: mil

Sloka 1 —When the lord of the 10th house conjoint-
ly occupies a Kendra or Trikoaa position with four
320 'KSn&firaOTf Adh- XXVII

other planets, the person born will attain emancipation.

If the end of a Rasi be rising and the same be owned

by a benefic, and Jupiter occupy a Kendra or a Tri-

kona, then also will the person born attain emanci-
Tho first lino may also bo iuloipiulcd ai-whon (bin jibunHU
are posited in Kendras or Komis or when tlm Imd of tho loth
house is conjoined with four planets*

5T 5r sr^Bcr ^ifsrg^r mmn Iftll

SJoka 2, —
a birth four or more planets occupy
-If at
a single house, the person born should be said to
become an ascetic of the class signified by the
strongest of them while others are of opinion that if

the lord of the 10th house be one of the four or five

planets conjoined in a house, the person born will be-
long to that class of ascetics indicated by the lord of
the 10th Bhava,
OTrfit rfojrer sr^tm i

srr srs> frsrnerg^r wrf% ?rf g*: 11311

Sloka 3.— The Moon posited in a decanate owned

by Saturn and aspected by Mars and Saturn will make
the person bom an ascetic. If the Moon occupy a
Navamsa owned by Mars and be aspected by Saturn,
the person born will enter the class of asceticism signi-
fied by the planet Mars.
3r?jTTfaT> 3^^ ngr 1

^rE'JT^tRr fcstrcnfton nan


Sloka 4. If at a birth the lord of the sign occupied
by the Moon having no aspect of other planets on itself
be aspected by Saturn, the person concerned surely
becomes an ascetic of the particular class of signified
by the 3T*mf£r<T-
The remarks made above apply here too.

si. 5-6 321

*frfi5iT m sfisroRr cncfiKcMTiwi %wfg-

^ ltamiTsrfti?rt srl traT^rrfasu 1

itarrawifM gt ^grewirer
3M sf^irer wRrfti: q-i%d w«r q-r'rfw^ srt imi

Sloka will cause the native to become

5.— The Sun
a chief or lord'among contemplative saints or one who
hasr taken initiation of asceticism the Moon will ;

make him a traveller places of pilgrimage

visiting ;

Mars will make him an ascetic of the Buddhist class

and an expert in base spells Mercury will enable ;

the man to become a mendicant who does not know

anything about the various philosophical schools;
Jupiter will make the man versed in Vedanta philo-
sophy or an eminent ascetic Venus will make him

a religious hypocrite, (j ©., one who assumes the dress,

an ascetic to gain a livelihood), an outcast
etc., of
or a public dancer and Saturn will enable him to

become an outcast or a heretic.


crq^cft g;fecr;


Sloka 6 .
— The Moon becomes exeedingly powerful
in the bright the month.
half of If the lord of
the Lagna should aspect the Moon when he is de-
void of strength (/.e., the waning Moon, say), the person
born will become miserable ascetic engaged in the
practice of rigorous penance, distressed and wretched,
without wealth or helpmate and getting hi? food and
drink with great difficulty.

322 qFrMMWst Adh- XXVII

xm^nrt *rf? sn-

srntcrgtrRrdftri ' m
Sloka the ascetic Yoga alluded to in the pre-
7.— In
vious Sloka, there should exist a Rajayoga, it will

pull up by the roots all the bad effects dtul then make
him a Lord of the earth initiated into asceticism and
virtuously inclined, at whose feet other kings make
salutations with their head bent,

^csrrd «£epcp ^Tfrr%i0fccrrt %% fWtffswr

sr ar^r i

mzqj *rferr ^crrwfimar % ? *r*rr f?rf?fcrrg iidii


Sloka 8 .
— If four planets with the lord of the
10th Bhava occupy a Kendra or Trikona or if ;

three planets endowed with strength be posited in a

good house, the person born will seek admission into
the holy order and become a successful ascetic. If the
planets forming the group contain more benefics and
occupy good houses, the holy order will be one that
is respected by all and honoured by the great. If it be

otherwise, the ascetic order will be one that does not

command reverence.

Thus ends the 27th Adhyaya on "Ascetic Yogas"

in the work Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara,
51. 1-4 323

II ||

ii 3 'T?T5:t?:i^t«T: n

tfsrr«n!r: Eft7f«n7! ^sftgtssr Tfrrs i

3t7t TI5TT Tt'Tr^Wf oTS^WTOTflsr: II til

VrwIwjTl 313% ^TfrrHtfTT 5i,33?3lftS7tlfti:«I 7*7! I

3i7wr^srrar5TmnT3Rt f77K wx^ficirTra'rsj 3333; 11

7333 3753H 3T7t3ft3Tjftf3^f T 753 =7 I

75313 3S7T3S3r 3H33TS337: II

7t03TO3r!333'S33f 3(?er«ir7t 7T7T! 3X33337! I

3X1=717171 t75rRr! ^33337 3F3^37te3T 5ST77lft ll«U

Slokas 1-4.—-This work consists of 27 chapters treat-
ing respectively of (1) Definitions (2) Karakas (3) the
* different kinds of sub-divisions of the Zodiac (4) the
various kinds of strength of the planets (5) profession
and means of livelihood (6) Yogas (7) Hajayogas (8) the
effects of planets in the several Bhavas (9) the effects
of Mesha and the other signs happening to be the
Lagna (10) all about the wife's house (11) female
horoscopy children (13) death incidental to child-
hood (14) all about diseases (15) the Bhavas (16) the
effects of the 12 Bhavas (17) exit fr<pm the world (18)
conjunctions of two or more planets (19) on the Udu
Dasas (20) the effects of the Dasas of planets with re-
ference to the Bhavas owned by them (21) the Antar-
dasas ox Bhuktis, etc., (22) the Kalachakra system, etc.,
(23) on Ashtakavarga (24) on the Ashtalca vargas as
treated in the work "Horasara" (25) on Mandi and the
other Upagrahas (26) on transits and (27) on Pravrajya
or ascetic Yogas. I shall now mention the plage of my
1 n

324 Adli. XXVI

im 1
%er%ir factor 5ffrr git imi

Uns^OTTsri ^T'jfr ^TEr^SiT^sftg l

Hcsparrsjf^^ur ^r?rr n\ il^il

*Rt TF^r!>5rcf^T!%sTT^rf ^r^rftrt

srnr 3romfte«rw:

Slokas 5*6*—After worshipping the Goddess $u*

kuntalamba who bestows on her devotees all that they
desire and through her grace, this work Phaladeepika
has been prepared by me— Mantreswara— an astrologer
and a Biahmana who was born in Tinnevelly'** ‘for the
enjoyment of otller astrologers.

Thus ends the 28th Adhyaya on "Upasamhara"

in the work Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara,


Sri = $05 — Tiru ; Sali * fed) — Nel

Vati=0o'«J— Veli ; sft^ffesjrft—Srisalivati = $<$
— Tinnevelly,
8 5


II ii

N. B. Tho Boman and Arabic numerals opposite to each Sloka

refer respectively totho Chapfce v to which it bolongs and to its
mtmbor therein,

3T (48) 3Tfiima?Tt XVI-9

aiST^ 55-3-7^ 3rft?!cr^5ri: xxi-7i
3Tft<Tft^: VI-60
sMivg-gr^JT 5>T VI [1-18
3Tfe?7&«r?rvf(5t XXVI-21
XX 1-2
37feqqr?qtf%tft^sf XXI-36
ariianfftfeKfa XXI-62
3Tftf?«r?r?q frqjft XXI V-i
s7i?zr[fscrr<T?r=7t XIX-
srsfg^TR^ra^^: XXI-65
arif.^iirsEriirRrTr XIV-14 XVI -5
srftrsr^srgTFr: XXVII -6 aP-Jlra V-l
ST^Igrrr^: IX-12 ^sqrqcErt XVIII-15
3T«r X X- 1
areqig: XXV-26
3T«Ti ^5P IX- 10 3T5T3^tft^gf5t^! XII-13
3tRr*rrra?rt st^sstscj VI-43 ar^fl'JTJT^JTTg- XXI-26
srfstsvrra XXVI-31 arfsqfqrg^^iTcTl VII-8
3F<Ti XXVI-13 XXIV-15
srt: ^rtwg^cTjrt^oft 11-37 are*re«r ftflrmfw XVII-23
VI-io sT’it xni-6
sTyqVqrT^srtar XXIV-29 awf-Tiar: XXVI-30
BTwfcq- 11-23
snrF*Tt-5=r ¥ra5resr*rts VI-32
XIX- 21
VqTTlW^TOfir; XXI-55
sriCftfowJTsrsT'ri- XXI -l aifl^nRW • XXVI-50
srsrsRTsrn XXV-27
«TT (l 9 )
spfaRn VI- 12
«TJT^T^*r XXI-56 «TT?H5f5#«r5Tt XX-44
320 f\ f*S 1

®rifiT^«rpm!mr5r> IV-16 ^•Rfagi^ffR^RR XX.25

antmRR).sfs>R#Rir; XXV-22 sss : (4)
XXVI -29 scorer rjrt XIX -3
arr^- <Rg«% XIIL4 REorarRrRRt VT-gs
arrsciR!m«R7 i xru-3 REflrfRRlRrr XX .9
RTOtm^f XXVI-2S ^rorr^srark^m^hr L13

sn«rV4 rrSt XXVI -n R (12)

angW wra: v nr.29 rrcrr# xxrn-15

aTTfOR wrof 11.7 wst xxir-17
anr^r^t rrrBts xvm-12 RRc$ 5fc$r«igtrf^ XXVI 2
arrcwt tisrRlirei XX-54 r^Berr ¥mfi XXIV -32
anRfrreRgowf^tRR III-s Rqfcg*r%RRt VtI-21
sn^ar# XIV-26 a^qr <sr XXVI 43-

snfoRRRW XXIII- 17 rr gfitcRt XXIV -27

arrfe’nr *3r*R«jfr XXIII-2 rr *nrmf XXIV -33
angnreffcTTl XXVl-s ocr sjTrwrqwR XXII -2
rr fsrar xxvi -27
RR % SnWSTR^ XI -23
xxiii-io XV- 2
RR ff cfc TTCRTR)
*( 8 )
* (1)
ti^rg XX-62 ^SR^RSRrfR^e XX-12
R^RtaSRrgrsrsr VI-
art ( 2 )
^r5rf5r?$£35*ri% VIII-34
«ft% III-12
RRRfbwtt XI-2
s^^&prjrRRaift VI- 14
^^mofRTKrs' XVII-3
&SCC -1G RT (57)

^rftTft%rra': XXI-24
R*n*Rr sr^^RT^arf XXIV-2L
TOsrRSJfrfSnp* XX VI- 1
R^RRtRfiERRSrfRr ’X -14
^ (
RrsrRRr^ X-15
srRRpft XVl-28 mfmfax XXI-35

32 ?

X-13 XX- 50
XXV-12 %% roiigi^ IV-8
Vl-is %%r?*r ST5T) XX-41
wwwwOTfaqw&rrcr X-12 %srfor ’
XXII-30 Wr# d^fcpj XIV-23

*KT8 *g ^rf^fewsg XXV-21

5fitnrT«ft5r: XX-42
^T^Tc^^flesrt^r II- 1
%# XXV-4
!R|sqT>r^<?r«Bi:ca-tn§: V-5
f^rf^rsr^ft VI-69
Efr^or XX VI-1
aftgrsi% IV-18
I^?rcrfocr<r%;rw; X-io
Sg^JTg'SlhT XX-23
3rm%T^rig¥r VI-23 XIX-6
fg^rms^f VII-13 VI-17
XIX- 14 ^ritrtTfT^irrar XIX-20
IIM7 %f?rcrrr*m^ XX VI-2 5
^frsrt XIV-15 II- 27
Sji^srrgwtr XVIII-2 35rsrrerfetera% IV-15
VI-56 ^BttmrsrgwiJT^w Ili-i
$;fswr *trt XXI1I-14 ^sr^t^c fs III-4
srfsrre^ XXIIW1 %5rg <3jStg^ 1II-3
XXI -4 8
’ir (i)
fcforomsrwfasiRw* xni -2
l^^wfisitegjhXIX-i 7
^Tcf! ^ VIII-16

JT (25)
l;at qfrfrsrrcrra XXV-25
’tRt VIMS rroftxT^r VII-5
v^Br^toif^f^g XI1I-24 IX-17
XX-45 ^frawt 3ra% XXIII-4
XX-47 jj^rsTSTW XXI-6S
%? irt^fq-sr XVI-21 g^isr imit XXV- 16
328 qF^WPSTO-f

XVII -22 XI -6
XXIV -10 'STr'^ X-8
XXIV- 11 STC 5^n=7 XXV-2
xvn-13 ^5rcf?^iTTl551fcft IX-7
XXV-30 <ETP»Jf ^<T X I II - 1

XXV- 18 '3771** ff»T5([T. V II 10

gsm^s^FreflTiJTts' XIV-6 ftrwrtf xxv l-io

XXI 18

^7orc«rinT«Tf XXIII-1 ^srrTTTTfjF^a^otliTi: I M 3

TtffT rTIfiy 7 11-28 srft: gjft XX\'-8

rrldq^fTVTF^ VI- 4 8
5 (

^ftfiercV ^srgmcrV XXIV-24

Vi 70
XXIV- 19
IX-16 5T (29)
STf! CTfc^777;
jTftf^rg^: g in -19 V I -22

jrl^ ^f> XIV-3 SP’JTWcftfr^ 3TT^ XV 1 1 - 27

XXVI-32 3T?TOT& 5Rt X V1I-24

sr£ gfg JX-14 5r?ff*PIWTm*7 XII-30

jrltBrgw.* srfirl XXVII-i 3f7*7T7ra5ft?TT XXVl-o

IX- 19 3r?ff#fi>srrff jftlr IV -12
aTJTSfcTOreg XX 1M.(>
* (19) 3T?mftf7; XXV LI-4
<Br^rtJrc7i?T7ta' VI-53 arp^wRrsra'Tt XIIM3
ggsTW XX-33 srcs^r^rfefrwiiirT; VII-19
=srfsrrct wto! XXVII-8 3TWtiT7Wf OTfiw’^W V-3
'sp'jCIc^'kIts XXIV - srrcr% =7 ggr’fT =7 IV-20
XXIV-8 STIfri *3I3( VI 9
VI-19 3Tf& f *rft srfer XI I-i I

^5. TSfr =7 XXIV-34 STTcft XlV-12

XI -10 srrerr sfRg t%s XXI II-8
VJI-23 srmigs^l^ff XX- 1


5farT5i% ijwt^cTTfrf V-6 ara-scter H_ 3 o

XXIV-26 rrrs^or n-i
3T?JTfit XXVI-18 mif^TSTT STff^ XIV-29
XII- 14 %5S3TSHft:<K XVII-28
5fcrtfSI> VII- 14 firs'®;: VI-20
VI-11 ?ft^nrf5ft^fira W% XXII -5

%i^*t;srinm^r XVI-6 5ftET^Tft 31 % XXI- 14

5TT# w^nrHtrwsr *ar 11-5 3W**n ®firsr>s%arr^ iv-5
w^rsaTHtuf+T'-Er =ar XI-9 nrar firgortfo? XII-18
wsfcwgfecrf^ffTt XXV I-i4 XIV-4
sTOrjrsr^rrftsrsr XXI-34 &9T ®®tonfTTf XXII-29
WspjTg5ra:fhr II -20
cT (38)
ffls®r;rsgg;TnnifqT XXI -19
XXIII-13 ^im XIV-is
WTr^fiBrfsH XX1I1-12 fir5Ftarrfitqr®ts^% XX-46
^TTgisfir^St XV-2 firatftg tt XX1V-16
?rH^TgtTO«r^»aR^rc XV-7 ISSTTfap^STT: XXIV-37
awsrrsicwrsinN XV-2 5 SSW %?: VII-l
rTTr^rrat^itsT XVII-i
?r?Rfnsri«nw«re*r XX-5s * (63)
tr^fsr^orir^ ®trs XXIV-3,6 Tsnfawrei XX- 1
JJrSTOHnfr s® XXIV-42 T^5rwfir®s4ral XX- 5 9'
?r«rrftr XXV-7 wsrera XXII 4 -


HStsF^sufrsRirsf) XXII-13 XXI-84
5TSfT^T^se ST^mTTJT XXI-82 ^t[rt5r®S®5T^5IT5T III-2
Hift gag^n® VIII-17 XXI -28
tmhrfr gtrrcs) XX- s 3 Ttrcrar 5% XX- 3 6
<nm^ Tfirmnlt 11-25 ^snf^cr: Sl^wttg XXII -1
<K-£)— 42
^rtf^’Tt^STSJ^ XXII -11 XXV-19
XXM5 ^JTfwtsrcsFsft XV- 17
TUT XIII-11 Srron'fffrjaTO' XXVJ-4
^•rftKr vmrirer XXVI -23 vm-31
X-2 i?8n»>t$t 111-15
3TOcr%5rV xxri‘6 swpjqTfarltrfe XIl -20
fifar h9 XV1-23 a[rfim^>T%5«n! XXIV-28
f3p*n uft XXV 3 Sr^WTOffSTFirwr: XXVI 33
it viiT.n sa^sfwwrRre: xx. 4 o
VI-65 fibjr^rpsir: XX -6 7 I

iftwfer^'rs: rx-o XX -23 I

VI-2 %?«n^Rl'Tfircwf^r XV 11 -

VI- 62 sftgrsqrraT VIM

gitsrsitaijtcrsr XXI 58
16 )
5 :^ et sfN9 XXVI -40 «r (

gi^ffEnroratregra 1-16 Kf^-rg-%: ^fror: XX 1-8

VII1-22 VI -37
5fsj!F?TtftT<T^ XX-16 XlX -11
5f^FEft^esrerof =3r Ml
ETT XXVI- 16 stf&rjj^rerr^ V1II-27
^nJJWfcTC XV-29 *9 *tt qji m XVI-22
5 WTEmsWftgSEpqriTIET 1-1 **9 cr^Ht gr w^3% XVI -26
XVHO qff9jr3t<jhr f? XIV-24
$S# 5TS<T^ XX- 15 *9 XV-26
XVI-14 VI-27
5!«fcrfal&M& VI-57
•f5?g XXV-28
II-U ^awgw XXV-23
%qj%srg^^5Tfi%?n XXI-59 gift XXV-5
%*gw i^rf^nttr :XXVI-24 s^rtf? XVIII -10
11-26 XXII-s
t^fffvsrjpfirsT 11-19 stf XXII -21
8 3


sr (37) ;ft% wsr VII- 30

XXII -10
aji^arq-TTiarr XXI^>8
arerfeafcfar XXI-77 VIII-10
arm^ftapj^ar XXI-81 XXI-38
ar 'EltgerT'Fi XXV-9 ^nrrscrTsr XXI 1-26

awfo gw<5m
apri ^ 5r# XI1I-7
aradn-fitffa: XXM6
arwrffr nrf&r XXV- i r-ff *
•ar*nrirf%^'ite XXI-7 6
aftsacrrg;?f?»t XIII-18 jj (51)

^Rrrfifqn^crg«rraq‘ XXI-43 IV-21

srr^rawtfrirfTl' XV-3 q^grar^fsrsftarar: 11-14
arraThrs^swcr: VIII-26 q‘-iIfn“^%aT : XII-75
VI-55 TirqrarWra' 1-18
fa?if anfsr^fterqiarfarajrf VI-24 *n%^a%3rarar?m^3r 1-3

firiCt^aaT^'rrrirrana: XIV-3 ^ftariro^g^ VI-51

J^^ssraTrcraT^ XVII-20 ^TCsrarra^RT XXI-73
firfewar: war XXI-79 Tfr^rsrs XXV.24
far#:g<T5ft XVII-25 >rnEsrgiffaR;fT: XX- 3 7
iv-u TT%s^3ra?r XIX-3
farari^arfo VII-7 Tt%5?}anvj?q- XX -

far^F^«n^<Taii?ft^ Xii -31 qtafanpr gvrsr^q- XX-38

IX- 1
qr%?rrsTf?rT XXI -2
aftaariritrsj: Tcraf
qrfa^r wara: 11-4
afrqflsjcft VII-26
trrrf^Tm^r!T^<T XIV-7
XII-9 XV-19
aft^ftj^gsW*«rcrr XX- 2 v gr'Tsrfrawgw VIII-32
vii-12 <rmfa% Tartar XIV-20
sW^ww? VII-16 cmia%?KiRtatfa^ XIII-9
sft% fcTFfo *T: VII-29 'rt'iri^TOpranrr VII-24

qt3 arjr XII-7 ; q^r?ii3r?qtq:JTirtqjftfaXI[-34

<mr XII-3 i
WftefifWWW XXIII-23 j V-2
qri^g<ferfe3rjf5 xn-21 xxvi 12
qraffrtfrnr^im^sr XiX-16 q^rM; XX iv 20
mt$m: IX-r.
^ (u)

XX[-i3 XX 5

5wrR*rorc1 ssqq^sr 1 1-3 q-ffq^foET^nfrwCTi, XXI -t?

rqTftwrsqrtfiq XI\'-2 q-^qmqomfbTSm: XXI-46

ft'rft'or^ra-nrvrq XXI -21 5 ^^^ XVI 7

rq^u^%5pg:§;rfif Vi-66 qsrgqff ^njfrog xii 12

*ftfra;!cr: IM2 XIX-8
3<rcrijJW XV-24 cr^tReft 3T*rrf?r XX-35
X II F-.'iO srgc% g-rtr XXIV-31
g=TEnfcer XX-o qrsrt qfost XXIV-34
xxin-3 R^tRqfT xxin-16
3 ^
1 1

- 1 9 XV

3%: $rr?nft X J I r>

1 1

XI i-ii awfrnrniwt VI 3 1
III -20
3ofq^cff( tr (34)
ggfqrferrr^^l'T XX-i9 XlX-i
3SJWF5T* fX-a
g xxiv -17
XX IT-24 vrprqr-qfcJTjiTrTPT \'1 11-24

q^qRwjT^s^rfjT XIV-17 wR sftif XXVI -20

ifttq-fgt XXII-3 mg:5Edfir XIX-5
sraf^crgfajrR XXVI I -7 wrarts q^wftgsrer II-' U
sr^sTToR IX-U mfft; XVII-7
q^rR^ffcqferflR XV- 16 X-7
jtst? srsm VI-45 m«rfvn^3rra% XXVIII-2

WTgSTOTSPKNgr: VIII-351 g^grfgjpfcrr XX-31

7^q- XV-20 upg^g
glN fir IV-2&
was^irarfsrasT XV-9
gpfrafesrasftft# XIV-10
wgr'flftl n XV-6
vruman^ XXV-6 g^negb #?r^T XVI-24
wt-rr a err XXI-52
wsir: sri XV-
w^f^asrrsra’far XVI-3I gggfjr*ft3ggfejra;T XXI-50
gr^aaftor XX- w3^®ra;riTi%*fte;r XXI-6
gt^g gisreg-nr XV-14 XXH-15
WW Vi -44 HfT^rp^ srta: VI-15
wwrftafifcrapr 11-32 giWngg5rg§\jfg?fr XXI -3
gtgaffsrgnT^r XXVI-39 arwe^a-tTraarPT 1-14
^tt! 'fW'l rasrareg vn-a
ggr ftsK XVIII-fi
gra-f?® 5^ XXIV-32
XIX-26 Htg: n-2
^ftsmaronsp VI-38
gtggratargsrsg XVM2
1-6 grggtf gwscgp'ggr VI-6 l
grgcrf^gsrtgg XXI-63
gmaj5r5rcftgr<i VTI-9
gi ?iT Wgsjr XII-8
gk^grjrfsrr'rrssTfSr XIX-9
mf?^nt:r£fr'Tfilsfrra Ill-ie
g)ffTO% V-4
grfrg^ XVII-10
gr^engrsrtftcr XVII-12
grerfas'tcgita'rg XXIII-7
4rril gstggggrgg 11-18
«g?g gifigsrctfggiirr XX-se gra gifrsalRrf^
Pilfer f#=sr?r XIV-5 g^tsfa
g#: ^rtggarg-^ VI-33
W (39) gif^pKtorrgg xm-23
g^jffgsgggigFcT XXIV-39
TT«n?'K®Tf^5R XXIV-33
gs^ g^r: IMG grsgifg XXVI -38
fl^srar^ XIX7 g-sfggt IV-17
Jff! <JT> XXII-3 XVIII-3
<*-£— 42A

"* V
t> . -.»-

*n*tr$T 5jr^r?T
rXl.CTLi.J .. S.

Sjlt sfcq'Sqif Rq-fo \ III-" m s:r%jj^q?nT?T: XVI 1-21

sjff: ^rficspjrf^ XIII-8 XXI 45
itqifrs: *r l-<j
T (36)
zr (28)
^ireftfq'imgersr^fr: 1 1 84
*rsr ^sra-sr iii-r>

?rf qjrcsrrcssrgq'fa' XX -1 ^WS-SHTW^PJ! XX 55

^tpqJfsraqr XXVI-41 lywsnjfof X\ 1 1-5

sc?vr%s?g XIII 12
%% qr ftr^otcir XX-52
<?mf) ’jf&qrt XVII-2
*r^rrq*r; XX- 29
XX-34 tsqmrrsrmffr % XVII 26

^Rjrrsfr XV-5 XIX 23

vr mgs^fTT XXVJ5
^Rq'SR XV1-34
w . cT«r^ XIX 4
ir^tcrsrgnn wen XV 28
^snar^R^r* XXVI -42
q-^nt^rjcft X VM9 rt®rf!TT 5ft#a?r xxm 9

v^«n%5R*nB»?ri!r5t XV- 12 t%: srefsfelfir: XXVI 15

q^fn%5rft«T^5T XVI-32 IV-2

q^li^qgmfq XV - 10 *:(3TOT;Rfftfta XXI -20
«ra?5!r5r^ «w XI - ttsrr »q)%R^TsrmIX V 11 -»

q%q5t jftgriri VII-27 Tl**f if)«-fg-qgir?VT M2

*reratfqr VII-3 tTWRorw 5jqtrr XI 1-17
Ill-io *Rt: ^WtEnW’TOT IX-13

q-f^fl-ar^TT VII-28 trsrt XV-30

^rrqf?cT^g%fr?%: XXIII -21 XXII 1-19
qj5ff»fT gqfftt XX-60 XV-8
XVI LI- nct?g SRW XXVI-44

srfa arfeatimi* XXI-27 firfinr XXI-7

% srtfwf (irons XXII-32 ftg$T*rt sqqa’^Tirsrl XXJ-4
r XX - 9 ftgsnrqrar^ XXI-66

^s'rariggrmgT 335

XXI -6 ^grefl’^m^r VI-28

XX-7 5yCTm^g5njr%?rr XII-2
VI-1 ^gtfiRrggWt g X VI-3 3
XXI-5 ^RrsfOTP^jsgfar XVII-9
XXIV-35 5*«rtRfrrg X-ll
VI-29 WRiRgggfgciftg X1I-25
^Rr^PiTrTrfifS XXI-78 wr% fjgsmfpg VIII-28
m wrgg^ IV-6 XIIM4
^r; ?ra XXVI-26 pTJ% gfos XX-2
^rmsfV^rrarr^nfir XX VI-2 2 VIII-1
XIV- ^^RTsTtgggtejJ XVI-35
WTJtSt^ggggrag; XVII-6
<7 (42)
5rr%%g: XIV-28

VI-30 XVI-2

5rt?fftgra: gir^r %fsr^5t

5rjr?5Trri-5i^JTf XXI 1-22 XVI-
5T5Tfrsiiw'T357crg; XVI I XIII-17
^jt starereg^ct 1-10 ST^grr XV-27
snjc^w?TW3% X-9 arr5rigi=THl^rg;rg VI 1 1-2 5
WtcSni%JTS?F<f XXIV-41 angfirgrwsrcrgg XXVI 3
srgr?g%s>g*%[r XXIV-4 VIII 33
5rjrr^a»n:r^! XIV-16 SI&5TW5T VII 25
5T?TTf^griiTTwfs>W IV-24 srr^grt XVI -2 9
S5jrT%ngT%9 XV-4 XXV 29
XVII-18 g (54)

*urrfagra*nTf?r: VI-35 ggg s?nT3jsr XXVI-35

^jrtfsrgtefag^grct XIII-2L ggg \ XXVI-37
Qrgrfagt ^jR-gi^r XIII-16 ggr^rer XX-14
S5ri'sfl'5r: XII-26 gsS iicr: IX-20
srjrisftargm: XIII-16 gm gg) IV-4
380 'R<s$Tf<w<pn
. I

XVII-8 firarj% 5T; MI -6

^rsf^nsr: XXI-37 RrfiisiKrq'grrrTO: XXI -20
^focnSRrikorlta XXI -53 XXI-HO
girff^wirg III-7 RrTJrferfpft XXV 14

wfar*rem»tg XVIII-17
fET'T^tifi' Tij;gar XXV 17
fitTrrtfwfs'grsnF XXI-.'i<!
firnifistTr gr XII 1..
sPTrafr fsrcrat: Ml. 17
fiig^rcrrrmswsrpi-: Mil - ')

-Ifcnmat \ 40
g^fr^or^m^T XX 1-75 I

XXI 1-12 tftq- T^firamr IV-1

srr*F*TF%?TTwrfkr XX (1-7 j
#ft% srffnTtTm XX 17

qrsRs^r XXII-14 ,
fsjrtg^rargirsr XIV l‘>

I%$rm IX-I
sriJ^ff gr^TSfcri
srRf^wft'Prc'n’T XlV-s
^^rwfrwf^w^r XXl -40
XXV- 13 3*r5rfc«mt XM -30
XXVI 5 ^^f5ig#?reTf?r5?Tii XX- 13
firwfr: xvi 4 mf^o^wfsrsgffr XX I 64
ft^Rrarfefr’rRre' VI 1 1-2 swmwrjrrfPOT 1-15
r^rt^rwRte^Hi;# XXI- 1)

5T (
50 )
firarwferrcsi*?: V1II-13 xxrv-30
iWW3*THcn>T: VIII- 12 5T 5RTT 0 '
g XVI -18
mgrg? XIX- 15 srfgrgig VI-50
Whg VI-5 5fi 5rl 3f*r:
firg»sm«pm$ VIII-31 jtrfincrfnrifiTq': XVI -35
iirtcn^»igrr^aw: XXV- io xxv-20
P75n?r^riTtfH7r XII -27 5T%Kig*ff sr XX -24
XVII-17 SjWt VIII -23
firer«rwrf^!F: XVII-il teri% 5r% V -8
I u


gfttSWrch VI-67
XVII- 19 sffeftr XVI-8
srftrersr^afgm XIX-24 5tV4r XX-4
srfsrsrjrcrotg^: XI -8 grm^or: IX-3
5T^fr WXI 11-20 ^<*JTg*raraT XX -20
sreft XXVII-3 VI-34
srerwfc XX-57 W7?3#ft?T7ST!f$r: XIII-25
srefi *T#5T?r: VI-4 sflfsrr^tftjrnS'sr XXVIII -5
watf weH% XXI -42 stet** f3<rers?rTft ft III-9
XXI 22 srgRrat IV-9
XIX-25 T (3)
rarctesrr XXHl XVII-15
f5rdEr5FsrttIg«rs^fe I- 4
si^q-JTg I1I-H
#?TS*rtfafa XI- XIV-H
XXVI -36 q-gwrtrq'fBr^fef^ XVI 7 - l

gajm«F'Tirrg«jmt?« w: V -26
gsrcr 5f?5ycl XXVI 4 6 -
g^^rt *rf%g: VIMS VI 39
#r ff*re»»t X-3 wnwrur XXVIII i

gsKtsftsfffl^crt VII-30 sf?rr*rr q?*mr XX 2i

gw%srt%^ XI-5 XXIV-4+

<jar & nr H’rr

gwsrsinrt • XXIV-43 stfjssm w^srt^wsrTVl-M

X-1 XXII-20
VI-41 13&
XVI -3
%«rj: ^rJTnr^formi
11-15 XVI-20
lr«i ^mr
5T^f firer^TfcT: IX- 1 7
STTtWTfao# XXIV-13
XXIV 23 *{55?! firfstwm


flrerglt 1-1 XII -10

<j!r«fcrr> XII1-19 XII 23
^mi%rs?r^vT xxiv -2 ^cT^srsr# s-g XXI 74
wn Tfelm: <gawT3rsw XXI 72
^‘cfa^srn^Rr: XXi-32 ^ngwri^sfip XXI -83
?r'Ta:rc?T'JW>ipar n-5 XXI 33 ;

tf'rpawrcrcnrrivr XX-8 XI-4 j

mrl«r ft <ij? XXIV-5 gsTrgmsrttrafiiW V 11-11 I

W#?R#qR^Rf XXIV-36 grs^cnTT! \ I 23

sHbrsmrr XXIII-20 gSRTfWftrf XXI- +<)
HtfftWsT^W XXV1-48 gawd's# XXL-69
sertsr^Darf^ XXVI-47 \ 1-59
*r%r ^RJTsrrsg- XXI- 17
HErf%5Trs?rfirsr5ri XIII -22
g# \ 1-13 ;

g4wnraW«r vj -49 ,

fwt f^5jjr?r%?rr! xii 1
<T^g VI -21 ;

gwt f %5rggwt XVM3 '

sr% ^»%<srfa
XXI -51 I
srrsrqrnrfwsft VI 46
XV-18 j

W*i?P5ftg§?;iTr <ar XX-63

IV-22 gift trrRr§r% xxv.ll ,
fSOTi XXI-10 |
fafrsrr^gsytggm 111-13
j^rer'rr sufwgdl |

fe^rar^CTiF^fntar! 1-7 XXVI-2

mf: <T?ftr^5r ?

., ,
vin-5 XV -22
fffcT 5T II 35 gqfaRHfterswar XV-15
ffFtrsrfaf ^<j3*r XXVIII-6 XXII-25
g^srfg^fra^lft VIII g^W^ssrrsrqri?* XVIII-16
tfJsrtrVn'OTJjrrffmsr VI-63 g*?<$frr XXVIII-3
XII-6 g*rf^qr;r 11-24

wWt smft - VIII-6 srreTf XII-4

XXI-31 XII -3 5


dgwre sBrarsr "XIT-24 ^JT^rimferr: VL6

^tvrrr^ifpcr XXI-39 XIV-9
#w. *pdf% XIX-10 vrofcrf XII-22
11-21 ?5rr??raf?r^5TTO^ 111*6
^wrrcrtJTJT?r XXIII-6 XXVI-6
VI-42 ^trBr^or^ffrnR: XX-30
Jsft^irersriTfrsiTWT *-XXI -4 XX-26
IX-4 XXIII -24
*rf XX- 10 IV-3
^sratfa^Hsfg^r XXI* 12 suiter ?r $% XIV-25
V-7 V's. *<?

^sg-^ir IV-7
sfr^wr it^TTi X-6 HI-18
^srtir ar^ff;
ftadr; ’TJ’TTSrf XVI-I6 VIII-20
XIV- 27 XIV-22
**J5?t =5T 1 1-9

?*$% XVII-14 f (?)

IX-6 id Hf^TTir^rP VI-3

XXI-70 5?sr?iraw VI-52

XI-7 grnr sftdsdt’i’i XX1I-23

twfajpg^rc'n' XXt-60
^'TSftfsRW VI-64 H
i | *

5P=PT<^rf<T! XXI-54 ^RT^sft^
wrfNrnd IX- 15

Adhyaya Slokas Adhyaya Slokas

I 18
r 1
II 37
s 8
III 20
& 2
IV 24
V 9 ** 12
VI 70
k 1

VII 30
n 57
IX 20
X 15
*T 25
XI 11
XII 34 1

XIII 25 3T 29
XIV 29 n 38
XV 30
% 53
XVI 35
V 16
<r 51
XIX 26
XX 63 34
XXI 84
XXIII 24 TT 39

XXIV 44 V 28

XXV 30 K 36
xxvm 6
qr 5

3T 48
r 7

¥ 19 854
3 9 5

ii 'T^fiterf

N. B. — The Roman and Arabic numerals opposite to each Sloka

refer respectively to the Chapter to which it belongs and to its

number bheroin
ar <*?cTC- XXI-i, 84
«tW-XV'8j XVI-17,31, 32; XXI-84
XVII -Same as qr^TW;
®F5Et3r- 11-24
XX-56, 5?
sisttr- I- io
3t?*Pfi<5t- 1-1
a75Trg^k-XXlI-i7, is
3TtT=sr’tr- XXIII-io
sfcrsnEf- 1-14
3T«T- 11-37
3TTO3*r- XXII-1, 2, 7, 14
srfjWFST- XIV-3
3TST- I- 1 arT^Tt- XX-22, 55, XXI-1,
VI-3 5,16,28; XXII-4, 13;
aifsr- 1-16 XXVI-49
8T5T- 1*7, 8; 11-27 ars^TSTcT- IV-1
3T%*fteT- HI- 1 srfogar- IIM9
srfir- 1-2 swat- Vi-12, 19, 20

srq- 1-8 srararrwr- Xli-15, is

srqjT- Vi-14, l8 3TT^t- II' 28

arsrfft- JlI-14 sn^TT- 11-27

VI-42, 43 3T?g- 1-12

sratvr- I- 8 3T?nT- 11-24

aTSTtglsT- XIV-27 ST7iT?T5r- IV-l, 2

3T^g- 1-13 3ref%- XIV-3

STfTTrr- VI-5, 6 ST^or- 11-37

3T 33TflT- XXVI-29 3T%- 11-1,8, 21,24, 27,28,32

arg^^r- XI- li 3f%3T- 1-6; 11-21, 37
20, 21
^5n- XX-44; XXI-2, 7; ar^sr^t- XXV-1, 3,

XXVIII- 1-4 srfe- 1-7,14

f#qigumf&rq>r 343

snsr- 1-13 i

VI 44, so
3?$rqt*r- f
STt'ac- 1-6, 11-26, 28 wm- XVII-10; XXV- 1, 7,

*#-11-16,27,28,37 andffoft- XX- 5 6 19, 32, 25, 27 , XXVIII.


artr%- 11-28 1-4

*TT #rrs¥- Xi-9; xxii-7 IV 6; VI-19;
srqsrq- 1-18,
amw- w> : 3T#?5T- 1-14 XI-U; XX-61; XXIII-10
*mwr- 1-15 arwfqw- XIV-26 qiT^T- 1-9
srr^rr- 1-15 [ sn^qr- XI-9, Xlll-s WC#- XIII-14
srpsrrq-- i-u ;

arrg^qtir- VI- 44 , 52 1-8, XX- 3

anfsr- M3 *TT*qf- 1-15 I- 11
aria#- V sfrSr- 1- 10 arsqrTftqrcT- XXVI-29
an?rr- MS 37
artcfl^- M2 i
1-8 '

ff- 11-25, 26, 28

arrfir^ife- 11-26 STtftgisr- XIV-27; XX-25
anf^t«r- 11-27 fig- 1-6,7; H-17,21,25. w.

Wr«TR~ XIII 27, 28, 31, 37

2 I ?K$ir*Tf?ST- 1-4
wvmm- xxii-i e ‘

fKf- III-9 sfjor- 1-13

. an^rnrsr^rsr- XXVI-26 fftfaiT- IV-5 XXV-5,
, ;
qsg- 11-24

art«rR5m-XII-31, 32 24, 29

XXV 1, 29
qqi ffei tr 5et ^fr ^rr- XXIV-

XXI-54 18-22

aTT r! “ ^IV -6 ,

1-18; XHI-15, f®r- II -5 1-8

.’ VI-14 Jfttqgr- III-7, 9

44 f
»t|' sn rI|^JT«ror
i • IV-3 l w- 1-7 ait

*r#- 1-15 I-6 aftsrsl- 1-9

3TRT- MS 3r*rq«r- IV-l) 5 q;

g^ffTr- XIII-25; XX-63; *52*8- 1-4, 6, S; IV-5; VII-

3nH#g?rou:- III-13
XXVII1-1-4 16; VIII-1 1X-4; X-3;
wr^- 1-14; XIII-1, 25;

^JT- III-7 8, 17; VII- 13 XI-7; XII-5; XIV-17;

XXII-32 ,

3^TJIT-HI-14 XVIII-7 ; XXII-12 ;

STTWfrk- XXII-18, 19, 20,
21,25, 27,29
gff- 1-10 W«K- 1-17

5 - - 1 6


W*IT- 1-6,7; 1V-5; IX-6; ft-src- XIV-3,

Xl-4; XII-3; X1V-18; s&wr- 1 1-28

XVIII- 8; XIX -16; 9?fe- 1-7

XXIV-25 spar- 11-15, 22, 24, 27, 30;

WK-1I-U XXI 62, in, 18

WTOT- 11-27 frftT- 1-10

*5C- 1-12 fW*!- V- 8
I- 6, 7, 8 VI -46

m- 1-15; IV- Srmt- 11*27; U 1-3, 10

XXV 1-2 6 JWT- 1-7; IV- 5, IX-ll,

v XIV -19; xvui-u,
wstst- 1IM, 2,i3, 6

XXII-26 1^- 1-4

«RfcJ|F- II- 28
V 6

1-10 VI 57, 6)
II- 22, 24 2>RrW XI 9 XIX ;
2 ;

WS- VI-18
XXII 7; XXVI -26
WW- 1-13
wwim- VI-44, 51 IV -
XV-6; %g II 16,20,26,27, 28,
W**- III— 17? ; 17,
29 34, 35, 37; IV 5;
XVI-8, 9, 12,31;
21, 25;

VIII-28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

XX-54; XXIII-14, 15;
XXVIII-1-4 33, 34; XII 22; 9, XIV
11, 15,23; -16; XVI- XV
writer- XU -20 6, 28; XIX- 2, 17, 25;
war- 11-27, XXV- 1 , 4, XX -52, 53; XXI -10, 18,
26, 34, 42, 50, 58, 66, 67,
20, 21
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
wasnrr- XIII-25, XXII-2, 83; XXV-1, 17,25, 29;
4, XXVIII-l-4
ws^rawm- XXII -30 terrc-vi- 39 4 o .

WSTg^T- 1-4; XVT-i

tear- i tv, vi— i, 5-, vii-
W 3r*T5T~ iv-l 1) 2, 6, 7, ll, 16, 38, 19,
WSSr^rPT- VI-35, 30 20, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30;
fawigJOT'frrenr 34a

X— 10; XIII-9, 12, 15,17, 11-26

21, 23, 24; XIV-20; XV- >r?ST#- XIV- 4, 5
7, 30; XVI-2,16, 17,21,
nirrr- 1-15
27; XX-33, 41, 42, 45,
46, 47, 49, 50, gl, 52; »T^- IMS, 29; XII-20
XXV— 30; XXVII-1, 8 n4*r- 1-9
%??r«r5y -
IV-8 11-15, 32
%!=^Ti%!gr55'- IV-3 gor-1-15
%WSTJT^fTT-- VI-5, 7 gn~ 11-22,23, 24,25, 28,31

VI~)4, i6 gWg^mT'T^- IV-

xrv-23 gfe?F- 11-26; II 1-16; XIV-
9; XVII-2, 21; XXV-7,
5|foT- 17, 27
8, 9, 1U, 11, 12, 13, 14,
XXV- 1 ,
24, 29 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
i-s 21, 30
sag- 1-15 g£- 11-27
fag- 1-6
g-icrar- Ill-is
SBt- 1-9, 11-28
3?5T- 1-14 lit- 1-8, 12
SJcT" 1-1 3
mgr- XXVI-i
Sjlw- 11-24; XIV-9 III.7, 8
ifrir- I-i6 iflor- VI-39, 41
11-32 VI-21,25
f^rfrw?r- II-24 5rcgm^Tt- XXIV- 2 4
%*- I-ll; m-1,3,4 JTS^fe- 11-23

nr CT5JTR- XXIV-23, 24, 25

nrn- X-l ST*^- XXV 1-2 9
HTTfST- II-21 jffcJT- 11-24
QCZS- III- 19; VI-32, 33 g
ngtfir- VI-44, 54 srs- 1-7

*T g
TPJ^TSrT- XIII-9 anr- XXII-13
R-fl— 44

<srg*ff- XII-16 22, 24

^gafsft- XU-17 3RT#- XXII-16 ;

'Ergt^r- 1-18 5BJT5JT- XXV- 14

- 1 7
m- 1-14; XII-23
srgwrrer- 1-7 3T-Ef- I 15
^g^srmror- HM-t

urarfSp VMlMs
1 1-2, 24, 36 XlV lt,l9
IV-12, 20 5fT?f«K- IV -20 i

IV-' 3, 15 srrfrnr- M3 j

- 11-31, 32,
3fNr~ 1-6, 9; 11.22, 24,25,28 j

sr^sriTrer- IV-17, 19 5^55- 1-15 |

xTB^ra^iornrsy- IV-i6
sfNsr^fac- XXIl-20, 25, 29
*t<- 1-9; XIV-27
w- 1-7; 11-21, 22, 24, 28
XII- 15
ssrrflr- M3
=55Ctr%- XIII-14 |

IV-6 i

^tiopr- XXII-24
‘gricrsfi- IMS |

grtcr- 1-7

VI-44, 45
whjl- XT-9

^TT- 1-4

fsrsri- Xl-9; XII 1-8

5 i

%wsrsr- IV-1, 2, 4
rffTW- 1-14 i

=c(tc- 1-13
?m?Jr 11-24, 27, 35 ;f

3 BT^rfoT- 11-29 1

55- VI-44, 49 5^or~ III-3, 10


XII-15, 16 5rcW%«B~ II-23 ,

crr?afi[fifr5fnEiig£5r- IV-io
STS*!- 1-12 ffTTIT^or- 11-32

3T?tr- 1-10; XXVI-29 ftRl- XII-15, 18

3rBJT^%- X-ll; XX-23,63; tfT^ortg;- 1-8

XXVI-12, 13,17, 18, 21, XXVII 1-5 \

fimtgirrqftrer 347

gspmfir- XXII-ia XX-28, 29

g«5T- 1-6, 7; IX-7; XIV-18; 5fm~ VI-39, 40

XVIII-9; XXIV-24 sfrcrf^- XII-20; XXI-21
fiwhr- I-lSj XI-5; XIII- 1-16
23, XV- 2, 7, 30; XVI -2 TW- 1-14

31; XVII-16, 17, 19, 38;" ftnrcr- IV-i, 2, 5, 24;

XX-3<5, 41,42,45,47, 49, VIM
32, 61; XXV-30, XXVII- f^JT- 11-24
1, 8 f^fpricT- H-17
firgr-w- XXVI-29 IV-1, 5
ftwhtr- III-l, 4, 15, 17;
fq-srgfg- XIII-3
XI-6, 7,8
f^TOf5rr5rm*rsr55'- IV-
#sj?gsr- XIII- 1

gs’sr- 1-16
I-io IIM9
fftSf- VI-57, 68 VI- 5,
III-l VI-57, 67, 70; VII-2
X-13,14; XIX-1,2, g>T- XIV-3
4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1-1

13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, VI-57, 64

I- 13;
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; II- 36
XX-2, 4,5, 6, 7, 8,9,
3, 1-17; XII-2; XV-
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 9, 10, 29; XVI-10, 14, 18,
17 18, 19, 20,21,22, 23,
, 22, 25; XX-16, 24;
24, 25, 26, 27,28, 31, 32, XXHI-24
34, 35, 36, 39, 41,42, 43, 5#- 11-11, 13
44, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, IV-24
59, 60, 61; XXII-2, 4, ift- IV-9
12, 16, 27; XXIV-4; ^rgs-
XXVI-49; XXVIII-1-4 %mTt«K-III-7, 9
III-l, 2, 3, 6

1-10 TOTO-HI-l, 4; VIII-34; X-

VI-82, 33 j
11, 12,14; XI-3, 4, 5; XII-
1-14 17; XIII-13, 14, 16, 19,

.fswr- I-s 23; XIV-16, 21,23; XVI-

1, 9; XVII-1,3, 3,4, 5, 6,
SgrT- 1-13
7, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 17,
"iCffiTOr- ni-l, 4, 6, 13, 14,

13, 17; XVir-10, 12 |

18,23,24,25,28; X\ III-

sfsswrasr- IV-3 ;
12, 13, 1 4, 15, 16, 17; XX-
XIII-14 i 31, 32; XXII-1, 18. 10,

SKW15T- HI-1, 4, 15; XI L- 22, 30; XXIII-13; XXIV-

33; XIII-14; XVII-4, 12; 4, 8; XXV-14; XXVII-3
q’PKIsr- XII'16, 18
srt (w)- I- 9
fiTTOSfISIor- III- 13
«r ! fttftfer-- III-l'i
OTH- 1-7, S;IV-!; VII-
PtvrW- VI-57, 66
9, 10; IX-9; XIV-19;
XVIII -10; -1;
XXIV-25 fiWTOfggcei- II-21. 22,
s?r§- I- 9 35; IV- 10
STO- H-27 froTOCTr- XXII-17
fUr- 1-12
VI-57, 59
^JT- XVII-10; XXV- 1 , 5,
’ fret- 1-6
22, 23, 27, 28
XXV-29 1- 7
tg- VI- 44, 46
53^- >

Wr- i-is
WVr«K- 11-23
TOfn«F*arsr- iv-a
TO- 1-8

TOWf- XXIMO ^rnT^rg^- XXI 1-28

ttfr- 1-12 *
TOJft-XXII-17 <rsr - 11-24

mrngsKsrfirsRr 340

trSTSTST- IV-l .
5, 21 qrM- IM5, 27
tr/S^OT- III-13 qr^pr- VI-49, 40
gor«K<- 1-18; XIII-15 quq^asrnr- III-i 3
q-orq^srar- IV-3 XXII-21, 22,

<r%- M3 44, 28

qfiOT- I- io Rfff- 1-14; VI-53

q?r- VI-3 ftra- II-io
qrr&ar- IX-8 3*TH =0%- 1-9
qtn :fter- I-e jrfor- V-6
qrrngw- XXI I -
+ ,
14 XI I 16 -

q^qlsr- 1-6 XXVI-42, 44

TOT- 1-14 JOTS'- VI-19, 20
TOT- 1-2; XIX- T; XX-41; JOT XI-9; XIII-S
XXV-22 jsrr- I-H
qftfa- XXV- 1, 5, 24 jdrqa'- IV-22, 23
qftqtrq- VI-32 jortjH- XIII-6
qftifq-IV-5; XXV- 5,24.28 I-i4
qt- XI- il jtrfqrgr- XIII-8

qq<T- n-28; VI-35, 36 <JgW- XXVI-42, 44

qfcT- XXIV-30; XXV- jqtfq- 1-8; XIV-22, 27;

qraro- 1-12 XX-33

qtfT- I- 10 ifcr- 1-14
<nq- 1-16; H-27 ifWifr- XU-18
qiqq^R:- VI-8, ii, 13 *?%<*- XXII-i
qiqqifa- VI -8 sr^sr- III-18, 20
qiq%fi?r- VI-8 srmqift- 11-25
qiq%q- XXVI-48 srsraT- 1II-3, io
VI-8 STf%- 1- 1 5

qnrc:- VI-57, 62 srersOTter:- XXVII-

qiTmw- HI-7, 9 XVIII-l-4
qrfeniT- III-7, 8; VI-55 sr?r- IV-20; XX-63


sosrrc- XXIII-17 sn7*!- 1-14; VI-44, 53


srifsnm!- 1-9 *rnj- II-31

rnfa- Ms jterwg- 11-24, 25
groreft- 11-25 iwvrf - 1-13

itmr M5; XV- 1,3, 4,5, 6,

7,8 9,11,12,11,17,20,
1-2; XXVIII-6 25, 26, 27, 28; XYIi-1;
g XX-1, 21, 29, ;H. 35, 43,

XV-30 58, 62; XXV-6; XXVI II-

«r®si- 1-16; 1.4
1- 11
vrm®rw- tv-34
^Rpisrwr- IV-22, 23
*n*raf«H* XV -l 3, H ;

msr- III-3,io irrariir- VIIf-35; XXII 27
grsg?;- XIII-3-, XIV-3 - 11-30
XIII-6 11-14
5«T- 1-6; II-4, 11, 21, 22, 11-32
24, 27 111-19
11-27; HI-6; VI-31
STgrefon- XIV-23 gfe (?«rirr)- I-io
grsror- II-5, 16, 19, 24; V- wf%-XIII-i«; XX-23,28,
6;VI-23, 48, 58; VIII-4. 21, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48,
1X-7 XII-22; XIV-6, 9,

XVIII-3; XIX-7, 19, 24;

49, 53, 5 1; XXM
2, 3, ,

4, G, 8, 9, 10, ll, 12, 13,

XX- 10; XXI-7, 2, 23,)
14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24,
31, 41, 43, 45, 56, 57, 59,
27, 29, 3o, 33, 34, 33, 86,
67; XXII-32 3cj, 40, 41, 44, 47,48, &2,
53, 56, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64,
65, 67, 6y, 70, 72,74, 75,
78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84;
XXII - 13 ; XXVI - 49;
^r?TST- XIII-2
Jjfaga- II-3

4jqr- 1-12 63, 64, 6 5, 66, 67, 70, 7 I,

13- II- 13, 16, 19, 28 73, 74, 75, 79, 80, 81,
83; XXII-10, 11, 13, 15
^jpr- II-6, 2l, 26
11-28 wsjgwffans- VI-i
*Tf*T- 1-6, 11-18, 21, 2a, 25, *r?r?wq- VI-i4, 15
26, 35, 37 SfRlJT- Vl-32, 34
^5EI- V- TT%T- 1-12
IT^jT- II-3, 10
erre- i-i 1

ntlfsq-- 1-14
Wq>T- 1-6, V, 8; VI [-20; qrgw-
IX- 10i XIV-19; XV-29; qtg- 1-11
XVIII-10; XXIV-25 mq- 1-15
TT3T«r- 11-28 JTffwr- III-16; XII- 8, 22 ;

XIV-9; XV-8; XVII-7,

TrfoTc«r- XXII 2 - -t
17, 25,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
JT«*5r- XXIV-28 26, 28;XX-31,55 : XXV-
UWfaRTrfe'- XXII-12 1, 2, 4, 14, 19; XXVIII-
VI-3 1-4

*T5T- M3 XX -50
JTHW- VI-18 JTliT- 1-13

JT«TJTT~ 111-14 qrsq- VJ-1, 3

XI1I-6, 14 HIST- II-24

q«n- XX-56 JTTHqqS'- IV-

fl?sr- V--2, 5; XIII-5 JTt|q- II-29

4wwr«rc- 1-2; XXVIII-5 ter-I-u

*Rf- 1-6; 11-21, 30 tew- 1-7, 8; IX-3; XIV-
m- XXII-20, 24 17;
1-6,8; VII-15,22; IX-
JT<nr- 1-14 te-
12;X-3; XIV-19; XV-10;
XVIII- U; XIX -16;
n^STi-XIX-l, 20; XXI-2, XXII-1, 12; XXIV-25
7, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 23,
giri^r- III-l 8
24, 25, 2 9, 35, 36, 37, 41,
42, 43, 4 4 , 46, 47, 50, 51, JJSra- VI-44, 56
52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, ggSr- 11-24; IV-20; XV-2
7 7


JJ3T- 1-9 XX -54; XXVII. 7;

1-7 ; XV-H :
XXV III- 1-4
XX-30 icisrr^- 1-12
jjstt- XI -9; XIII-8 KIW- 1-12
^ir- I-f", 7
rrfsrfwr- 1-8
XXII-7, 9
iqfo- IX- 13: X-U, 12, 13,
ga-IH-3, 10 14; XIII-9, 16,23; XV-
VI-57,60 8; XVI-1, 17, 31, 32;

JjfgptfT’Tn- XIII-9, 10, 11

XVI 1-1,2, 3, 5,6, 7. 10,

U, 13, 14, 16, 18, 10, 20,

it*- VII-9, 15; VIII- IX-1 ;
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, XX-
1; XIV-17; XVIII-6; 25, 32 36, 56, 57; XXII-

XXIM, 22; XX1V-6, 24

1, 2, -I, 11, 13; XXUI-I,
^nr- 1-15 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22;
* XXIV-5, 12, 20, 21, 22;
s$r~ XIV-3, 6 XXVI -9; XXVIL-1;
**-XII-21; XIV-23 XXVIII-1 - 4
XII-25; XVII- 4im*or- XI 1-17
6, 7,8, 14; XXV-1, 3, 18,
20 21 XIL-24
11-28; XXII- 1
tr%3zoriwc- XXI V-24
VI-39, 41 XXIII-2
35C5T5T- IV-2 XXIV-23, 24, 25
1-9 u-lfl, 20, 28,29,33,
*>*^k*:-XX-48, 54 35; IV-5; VIII-25, 26, 27,
34; X-2; XII-22; XIV-9,
*>irr- XXVIII- 1-4
11, 15, 23; XV-8, 16;
tfrmfts- XIII-6
XVI-6, 14, 28; XVII-6,
22; XIX-2,14, 15, 16,21;
msr- n 32 '
23 a 4> 27
> XX- 24, 31, 39, 52, 53;
1-14 XXI- 6,14, 22, 30,31,32,
tft- 11-13, 21,24, 25; III-6 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47 y
TtRrt- 11-22, 23, 27 55, 63, 71, 79; XXIV-42;
4:f*g>r- II- XXV- 17, 20, 21; XXVI-
tsr- 11-23 2, 24,25, 34,42-44, 45-45
^3T*V- VI-37, 38; VJI-24; 1-16
1 1

353 .

VI-1, 2 cm- XXVI-42, 43, 44, 45,

WST- 11-27 46, 47
Xll-17 55|S-S5r~ 11-32
«<T- MO; 11-26 55W- 1-15

sftJT- M3 1- e
55tiK- 1-13
dfloft'- XXIM, 7, 8

g-str- I-H
STSflft- 11-27
gm-I-8, IV-2, 4, 5
sysfffi-srtrr-- VI- 'll, 24 1-7

WfT-I-lO; III-16; VII-S, 6, STf- 1-7

7. 8, 10, 12, 13, 20, 24/ eTC- VI- IS
29; VIII- 1 IX-;
1, 2,3, 4;
X-l, 11, 5rirs-- VI-H, is
12, 1 XI- 1,
3; 2,
4, 5, 10, 11, XII- 1, 2, 4. 6TJT- X-4
7, 26, 27, 34; XIII-2, 3, qjf 31^55 - I V-3
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,
STlffWST- III-l, 6; VII-5, 6,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24; XIV-
17; XVIII-17
28; XV-2, 3, 4,8,
9, 10,
32, 17, 20, 21,
26, 28; IX-20; XXII-
XVI-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 18; XX-22
12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 27, I-io
31, 33, 34, 35, XVII-2,
srtf?;Sl%-XX-63; XXII- 2 4
4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18,
gHhw- IV-
19, 23, 25, XX-2, 15, 28,
33,34,41, 59; XXII-19, VI-39
21,22, 27, 28; XXIII- ggirg;- VI- 9, 20 1

12, 16 , 18, 19; XXIV-4,

'13, 14, 15, 38, 39, 41; srsr- 1-12

XXV-22, 26, 48 XXVI- stok- I- 10


1; XXVII-6; XXVIII- srrqfiPfTJT- XXII-11

smft5r- II-37
*5jJTsr?TT- XXIM 7 gi5T- II-U
IV-6 shir-sr-- 1-16
5TJTTW5r- XXII- 19, 22, 25 srfjTTW- 1-9

ur-^V— 45
1 8


TO- I-H W- n- 2 4

III-I9, ao XIV-23
fimw- 1- *
s^ITfhra-- XXV-l, 5, 23, 28
IX- 1 4
-But- i - 14 SSTTTO- I ’ 15
Rra- 1- 10
WTtJT- 1-15
fir^- 11-15,22, 27, 28,35 trr

firm- I-io 5r«BS- VI-14, 17

fsurtsu: XIV-6 ITI-18
II- 15, 37
VW- VI-3
-Brgfgf- XIX- is
Vr-37, 38
Btfl-gf- I- ! 5
fsmw- VI-57, 69 5T^“ 1-13
Brftfsj- VI-38, 31 3T&- H-16,20, 22, 24,29,
31, 33, 37
forrerr- XI-9
SET'K^C— 1-7
fsprafterey- XIII-8
firfoBtor- XII- 15 TO?- 11-26

ft«g- 11-15, 37; II 1-6; XII- TOrfirrr- XI-9

20, 24; XIir-22 TOrtr- I- 16
II- 1 TO?- n-24
iftorrcto- VI-39, 40 TOT- VI-1, 4

4rr% 3T- 1 6 IMa

4|fe*p- IX-S; X-3; XC-4; SrfTOIC- II 9> 24, 26, 28 j

XII-3; XIV- IS; XVIII* ST^TT- 11-24- 25, 37
XIX-16; XXTI-I, 12; TO”T- ITI-18 }
XXIV-24 Wlfor- XX VI-4 9 7
grq-- 1-6
trrr^Tt- II-i 6 ,
17 |
fTW- IX -2; X-3; XI-4, 6;
TOwr- n-5; V-6; IX-6; l
XII-3; XIV-17, XVIII- XV-8 I
6, XXIV-24 filftl*- II- 16, 26, 28 ,
%fpnT7iT- V-5 f5T57- V-8
%sr- XXVI. 3, 4, 48 ftw- IH, 15, 17, 27; VL
Irctfomr- XVI- 5 1
„ I
29; XII-20, 24; XIV-2 §
3- 4 6

3 55

#en£- II- 21 , 29

XIII- 2 ; XIV- 22 ,
27 ; XX - 3
#$ ?-
7 1-12
1 - 6 ; 11 - 24 27 , 31 , 37 ,
XXl- 43 ,
51 , 59 , 67 75 ,
XV-18; XXII-18,
S&TO' IV-1 19 20 , 24
g«r~ 1- 14 ; XX -41

VI-s, a, 13 W?*?- 11-24

gprmwt- VI -21 Ms
g«- 5rrfer- VI -8 ?r*qrmTl»T- XIV-3
XXVI -48 rri-2; XX- 59

VI -8 4?Bsri*rr«Rt%sr- XXVI-26
^£JT- H- 24 XXI- 25 48
H8W- III-l, 2, 6

^<5- VI- 39 ;
41 «*r(*r)- 1-8, XIV-28
#«rfW- XXIV- 1 3, 5, *5W (#W)~ VI-14, 18
7 , 13,15 1-9

1-11 ’5R5S#t»r- VI-57, 65

VI-44, 47 w:*r- I-i5
smtrrsrar- XII 17 3 T?4 ?ft#ltr-
V VI- 26 27 ,

#- VI- 34 ,
45 III. 14
VI- 2 S, 29 XXVI -48
VI- 28 30 , g-eife^cTJT- XXIII. 20 ;

sfkfer- XIII -25 XXIV- 3 ,

35 ,
I- 12 ^r«sr- XXII- 1 , 2 , 7, 14
1-15 sncra#- XX - 3

«r f&T- 11-21, 2 i, 28, 35, 37

’TfsicJ- IV- 32 , 23 m%- 1-15
•*T^r#-III-2, 11 11-28
XII - 16 t%gr- 1- 7 ; VII- 9 ,

'T'WST- III-l, 2 ,
3 , 5 IX- 5 ; XI- 4 ,
7, XII- 3 ;
1 1 4 o

XV- 10 ;
AVU-1 ,

II 28
XXIV-24 STtiflJJ

PfrcrossteW- XXU-12 m*% XU- 13

feftOT- m-’?. 8 I I- 6

flfwrerrw- xxvni-6 IV -1
(Ul?pil®- , 2'

1®cT- [-14 !r«t I- 9

gaf-I-X2 fW^r |j r~ XU-is, 16
8ftRT- III- 13 f^Knut^xin h
g»r«r- I-? a
^r%T" n-26
S3- I-U
gfi^rer- III-? 9 U#? i- 1 *

*r- i-i
WJT'KI^n- VI-5, 6,13

nqitora- VI—1 t
VH* VH-l 7 6 Iff

1 2t,VlH-20, IX-20?XI1*
KrsrjfjtKr- XII ?6
26, XIV- 28 XV-18.
29, *

irenpA- XU- 20
gWTffit-- VI-22
XV i-2 3, 27, XX-14,}

26, 30, 34, 37 XXllM«i


III- 7 8 |
23, XX\ -30, XXIV-31
*r<C55fcR~ .

^rrf'- XIV-23
wfcw- II- 1 2
??r^xr- lll-i®
*srrfe*>T- vi-9 J

g^reftwr- Vi-9

VI-1 ,3

13 SfWSt’T-
wg«r- VI* 8 ,

- I 7
jw- n-36 jr- 11 [-6
1-? 7
T- 1fi
*ft- XIM8
g.%stfl*T- VI"5 7 >
^vr^T’arft-VI~ 9
H-22 ff5«- 1-12
1-6, 11-24, 26, 27 fat- 1M
^T- 1-10,111-1, 4 .

ag- !- 12
15; IV— 3. XX-
&JIT- I- 1
(Tiftr)- I-
9 ifklWW- IV-i
^trtHIT-XXVIII-l- 4
Aw- 11-21, 26 ,

N.B. The Eoman and Arabic numerals opposite fco each refer
respectively fco the Adhyaya to which it belongs and fco the number
of the Sloka therein,

ABANDONED. Child fco he-by ACID. Flavour denoted by Venus
both tho pkrembs XVI-24. 11-3 L
— JV-19.
Death fche llfch House, I 15. —
rime to The Sun in good houses brings
Kahu causes — IY-9, —
on of wealth XiX-6.
The Dasa of the 5th house-lord ACTION Merourv that
when weak produces XX 17 — lb
influences one's.
— XV-15.

AB HE 1311 0 T A Avas feha HI 49. ACTOR. To be an— XVIII— 4, 13.
ABILITY. — of a person, fco be To earn money as an —XVIII-1
at the lowest, middling or ACTS. To do cruel -IX-8.
highest VI- 18 .
ACUTENESS To ascertain the-
ABODE. Tho — s of fche planets
oL a persou U-L.
,IMS, 1(>,
Tho--s. ol tho signs I—- 5.
ADDICTED. To be-— to other
ABROAD To be constantly liv-
people’s wives. VUG 4; XV 111*3,
ing — VI 67, 11 12
, .

ADDICTION. Information re
Yoga causing tho native to live
fco many maidens II- 6.
~ XXV-9,
ABSENCE —from one’s own ADDRESS To be affable in
country XIX- 17.
-—from one's residence XIX-13,
ADHAHA — Signs 1-8.

ABSENT. To bo— in foreign

AD1IAMA. —-Decaruifces III-14.

places XX-19,
ADHAMA. —Yoga VI-14, 18.
To be constantly — from home ADHANA. Time of—, considered
by some as Lagna of birth
XII 1-2
ABUSE. To -others Vi-10.
XIX 12 ADHANA LAGNA. Birth may
ACCOMPLISHMENT, -of one’s happen when fche Sun transit
desires XIX-II. the 3rd Rasi from the— or a
A term for bhe 11th house T-I5. Rasi trine fco— XII 31.
Effect of benefics occupying or
ACCOUNTANT. Matters relating
to a —are
clever denoted by
aapecfcing the— .XII-32.
AOHARA. A berm for the 10bk 26.
Hcmse 1-15. ADHI. A term fco denote the 8th
AOHARYA. A name for fche 9bh house 1-14.
House 1-14. ADHI YOGA VI-42, 43,



* 1-8; II- U.
XIV-37. AGHA. A namo for the Gth house
ADHVAN. A designation for the I- 13.
7th house I* 13 AONIMANDYA. XIV-8.
ADHYAYAS XXVEir-1-4 AGREEABLE, Moon in the 7th
ADITYADVTT. A term appliod house will make the jKjrami
bo 11*20. horn —to look at. V 111*5,
III 8. M E N T H. lto -one ought to
ADOPTED. Yoga for a child to guess thro* Saturn, 11*7.

be— by another XVL26. AGRICULTURAL 01*UBA-

ADOPTION, Predictions with T U) N R.

Moon and the Break of—-XXE-IL

reference to fclio

Lagna at the time of -of a son

Um in -XXI-37, 71.

XU-34. To he engaged in**— XX I* 19.

To have a sou by— XIl-8, AGRICULTURE. Augmentation

ADORATION. of the Brahmins, of —
wealth by .XIN-2(i.
Income through- - V-3.
elders and relations XXI-7,
Incimso in— .XXI -49.
— of Gods, Brahmins and re-
Increase of wealth through—*
vered seniors. XXI 59.
Doing proper— s for averting XXI -51.
XXV £-49.
evil. To be engaged in —
ADORNMENT XXI-38. To dovofce onosoif to— Vf 1 1-24
ADVANCED AM. Planets are To have loss in— XIX 18.
said to be in — , lit -3. To —
have profit in XXL45.
ADVANCEMENT. —of any house To have Hucfoss in— XX-5.
or Bhava. XV-18. To pu ruse —Vi -40.
ADVERSE. To bo —.Vi [1-8, MIL Grain belonging to —11*28.
ADVERSITY. It is Saturn that
settles a person’s—. XV-16.
Precious stone of —
Same as Rahu.
A DEADER To be- XVI-5. Sex of— 11-27.
To ho— in address VI-9.
To bo -in one’s speech. VI-
Stage of life typified by ff-32.—
The kind of tree generated by
AFFLICTED. Effect when the II- 87.
7fch and 8th houses are — ,X-7. The place belonging to—or Rahu
A person to be —often and-oflon IMG.
XVI- 4. ArD-DE-GAMP. V-7,
AFFLUENCE. Bhukfcis of pla- AfNDAVA. 1-8,
nets related to a Yogakaralca AIR, 11-27.
will produce good effects lead- AIRAVATA. Same as Iravafca.
ing to — XX-4b'«
III- 7, 9.
It is the Moon that determines
AJA. Name for Mesha. L7, 8.
one’s —XV-I5
AJA. Name for Brahman, 11-27.
AFRAID. A planet is — whan he AJEBVA, AdhyayaV.
is in Ins depletion, IiH9. A JI— Battle, 1-13
AGAMA V-6. AINA Term indicating the 10 fch
AGATE 11-29, house.
AGE. Saturn is ripe with old— ALL 1-7,
— .

ALOOFNESS To be distinguished ANIMAL KIND. XIV-27.
alpayus, xrn 6, u .
AMALAYOGA. VT-12, 19, 20. ANNAPANA, An appellation for
AMAVAflYA, XIMfi. tlie 2nd house. 1-10.
AMBA. Name for Goddess Parvati ANNIHILATION Conditions
TT-37. under which a Bhava suffers
AM BARA. - XV-5. C
Country signified by .

Raltiu 11-28. ANNOYANCE, To be subjected

AMJHJ— Term to denote the Rli to constant and intense —
house. M2. XVI-3 9; XXL 17.
AMIABLE. To bo endowed with
ANOREXIA. Caused thro' the

-Hnannors Vl-G. Moon XIN-3.

Death due to—. XIV-17.
To be exceedingly
— —
To bo vory V1TI-15.

To sport with a damsel of a very

— disposition. VI-24.
AMOROUS TOPICS. To be versed
ANTELOPE. 11-17.
in— .XVI-G.
AMSA. XV-S: XVI-17,.81, 32:
XVII-8oe Navamsa: XX-56, 57.
ANTHYA. 1-16.
17. 18. ANUPACHAYA XI-11.
ANAEMIA. Death through— ANUS. To suffer from a disease „

XIV-14. in the — VIII-25; XXV1-10.


Mercury brings on XIV-5, To suffer pain in the VI-64. —

Venus signifies— XtV-7. Trouble in the — . XXI >11,
ANXIETY. — caused
by the
ANGER. To become son-less due separation or demise of porents
to the — of the mother XIJ-20. XIX-26.
Saturn is a personification of To be free from-— ios XVI 21.
11-14. To have fear and XXVI-26. —
ANGHRI, A designation for the To suffer from—. XXI-13.
12fch house. 1-16. ANYAKARNA. A term for the
ANGRY. To be-. VIII-1 11th house. 1-15.
To be a little bit—. XXV-12, APAOHAYA. XII- 1 2; XXIII-10.
To be—-at trifles, IX-5. APAHARA. XX-22, 55; XXI-1.
ANGRY TEMPER, To be of an 5, 16, 28; XXII. 4, 13, XXVI-49
— . XVII1-14, APA8AVYA. XXII- 1, 2, 7, 14.
of an — . VI-41. APOKLIMA. —houses 1-18,
ANGUISH. Sun promotes. mental Benches and the lord of the
— . XIX-5. Lagna posited in houses make, —
ANIMAL. XII-19. the life short, XIII 15.

Varisht* Yoga Is formed when ARGUMENT, lb lx» impartial In

lbs Moon occupies an— house one’s — 1X-7,
oounberl from the Sun. IV- 1 4, ARIES, Same as Moaht,
APOIvLIMA BALA, IV-5. ARKA, 11-18, 21, 24, 27, 28,32.
APPAREL, Articles of— for the ARKAJA. Ur, 11-21, 37,
several planets. 11-80, ARK 1, 11-28,

APPEARANCE, person’s A ARMS, £-13,

will be like hat of tho strongest

To hare drooping - TX*6.

planet. XVM. ARMED, KoLu h~ - 11-84.

Marshas a youthful— fl 10. AHMOUH. BEARER, hWranry

Matters relating to a femnlo'u roproRonU m alter w mlaUn,, tf>
XU. an »• H-H
Predictions to bo doc la; oil with ARMED DLOANAT/’S. 1-1*1. I J

reference to the —
of the dura- ARMPIT. Uo have mark** on the
nafces- occupied by tho planets — a 32 .

owning tho Ufch or the 0th; ARMY, A iMgutafciou fm the 3rd

XIY-28. Iioum). I 11,

To be beautiful in—. IIM7. Commanding an -. 11-3.

To ba brilliant in — 111-12. .
To m a leader of an
1 ,Vt 2.

To ooujeoburo ail about tho—of To bncom tho head > <>f an —

one’s father. XV-22, XVILi-H.
To have a brilliant—-. XX- 2. To bo endowed with a huge
To have a husband bright in-*-. XX 26.
XI-3. To expect a leadership m an -*
APPENDAGES To bo endowed
XX -4.
To own a vast- -,V 11-lfi.
with princely — . III-U.
APPETITE, Death duo to want ARROGANT. To bo - VI -8,
of—. XIV- 10. 50: 1X6.
through tho — of tho learned. — xvm-io.
xxx-io. ARTICLES. To get back oven lost
APPO.NTMENT. Loss of onc’s- — AX-lft.
XXI*/ 8, ARTERIES. Saturn has a tall

APPRECIATION. To get— from boby full of —and veins, it-

wealthy 14,
a big lord. XXI-74,
APTI-An expression to denote ARTISAN, Matters ro luting to
the Ilth house. 1-15. an— are represented by Mer-
AQUATIC ANIMAL. 11-17. cury, 11-18.
AHA. Another name for Mars, I- To be a bad— VI- 41. •

11*26, 28.
0; ARTS. A Woman to be skilled in
ARDRA. Effect of females born the— XI-7.
under the asteuism XI-9. — . To know something of the—.
The formulas for the four Padas XVI-G.
ARDIIAPRAHAIU. XXV-1, 3, ARUNA, Another name for the
20 , 21 .
Sun,. 11-37.
ABYA VAMSA. Name for tho of Jupiter. XXIV- 10, 11.
9tli house. 1-14. Effects to be guessed from the
ABYA VABTA, XJV-28. — s of Mais and Moicury.
ASCENDANT. 1-10; XL2,XV-21. XXIV-9.
ASCITES. XIV-14, 19. Effects to bo inferred from tho
ASCETIC, XXVII-2, 3, 4, 5, 8. —of Venus. XXIV-12.
ASCETIC TOGA. XXVII-7; Planets passing through Basis
XXVII H, 4. containing more benefic dots in
ASCETICISM', XXVII-3, 4. the —
always. XXVI -41.
good effects-
ASI1ES. To Im^rtiotiL onosoif
with sac rod-. VL29, Praslara —

1-4. Relation hot ween the benefic

—1ms boon very highly spoken dots in uu —
and the owners of
of by groat sagos, XXIII-1. tho 8 divisions of each of tho
- s ol (ilio Sun, Moon, Mara, 12 Basis XXTri-18, ID.
Moicury, »F upi i,oi% Vonus and —
Saturn’s -will disclose the timo
Saturn. XXill 3, 0, of one’s demise, danger, Ayus,
—system isdeclared effective in
etc. XXIV-13, 14, 15.

all undertakings. XXIII-36. The destruction of a bhava will

Ayus to be predicted through *. — happen during the Dasa periods-
XI1I-25. of planets which occupy houses
Benefic dots exeoding 28 in the wliQT^thoro are no benefic clots
Sarva—. produce good, while in the bhava-lord’s — XV-12. .

those below that figure give The Janma Kasi of tho wife will
bad effects. XXIII-21. he that which contains the
Computation of Rasa periods by largest number of benefic dots
tho -process is the best. in the Moon's table of the —
XXIII- 3 3 husband X-ll.
Effects due to— have been briefly The malefic places in the several
described. XXIII-44. — s. XXIII-10.

Effect of hh&vaa containing a The Sarva--. XXIII-20.

number of honefic dots in the Time of fruition of a iiartioular
— of the lord of the Lagua will benefic dot
an—. XXIII-1 6.
any bhava in
be happy. XV- 28..

Effect of the arrival of a planet When planets transit Basis con-

in a house containing the taining less number of benefic
largest number qC benefic dots dots in the —
one ought to
(m tho planet’s Ashlakavarga) perform Shantis and other rites,
XXIIM4, 15. etc. XX VI-4 9.
Effects of the transit of a planet ASHTAMl. XII- 17.
in the several Basis containing ASITA. Another name for Saturn.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ’6, 7 and 8 bene- 11-28.
fic dots in the planet’s—. ASLBSHA. Effect of birth under
XXIII- 14. the star — . XI-9; XIII-8.
Effects to be ascertained from ASPADA. 1-15,
the Moon’s — . XXIV-7. ASPECT. Effect of a birth where
Effects to be culled from the the Moon is in Moola and the
Bun’s— XXIV- 5, 6. Lagoa has no benefic associa-
Effects to be divined from the— tion or — . XIII-8.
— — 2
Effect of hhavas od hy male ties — 1 The planet— hig the sth house
or inimical planofcs. XV-D. will cause wisely to the native.
Effect of bhavas free from of — NX-5 3.
nmlgfics. XV-L The 7th bouse -most tiffective,
Effect of hlmvas having no bone* rv-o.

fio-XV-8. i

Time when the fruition of the

Effect of tho 5th houso being- i
effect of — may Iw tApeoled. XX-
ed by inalofioH and devoid of tho ;
—of benoficn. Xfl-2 ASS, II-20; XXlf4L
Effoet of the 5t,]i houHo having tho ASSEMBLY.* -;pH or nod hy
—of a benoihn XI M,

Momi'-y. JH5.
Effect of Urn 51, h house) or its lord To he clever in iubbosmu*‘ «•*

being aspuctud hy male planets. 1 vl 2 *

XU-11. s

To hoftomu a head of mi .

Ilffout of tho lord of the -Ifch house ! XVlIM.

and tho Moon occupying a To behave stupidly in a public
DnsstUmua and devoid of tec* , -.XX- 15.
fa — XVI- 1 a

To win the approbation of tho
Effect of tho Mom' in a dncaiato . audience in tho — XX-il,
owned by Saturn mu? cil by ASSOCIATES. To ho in tho
Mare and Saturn. X27II*3. midst of laid—. Vl-Ofb
Ef feet of tho Moon in tho sevotul
signs, and Navtmms and Dwa-

ASSOCIATION. A female’s-} n be
predicted from the hnm?eXl-J.
da-umsas limit* ed by Mars — Khavas free from — of maluiie*.
and other plants. XVIlI-fJ, 7* |

s, y, io a, i% J8, a, is, 10 j
t .

Effect of —with other planets.

Effect of planots owning the 2nd, xx-ai.
7th and 12th being ed hy — To J ve amidst good — h,
i XV 1 4.
.1 upifcer and occupying Trikoua AHTA. 1*13.
or Kendra positions. X~10, ASTANHATA. XX i 1-30.
Effect of tho 2nd and 7th houses , ASTKBIHM, Effect of females
- cd by malaficri. X-7. horn under certain— m XI*0.

Effect of Venus having tho— of ASTMRIHM.H. XII-30; XVH-S,

Mars or Saturn, X- 4. ,
‘JO; XXIV- 2 , 3, 7 XXVI-ittl,

If tho lord of tins Lagna should 27, 28, 20, .'10-41.

—tho Moon when she is weak,

asthma, xiv- 17 .

mmi ASTRA— A

the native will become a *

naina for tlia fith

able devout XXVU-6. lioimo. 1- 13 .


Lord Bud
occupied hy th ?
of tho —Yoga. VI- 14 , GO.


Moon having
no of cthl r 1


planets on it except that c f i


KiV.tun makes tbo native *,.i ASTROLOGY. V- 5 .

ascetic, XXVII 4. AS II. A designation for the 5 th

Loid of the 7th being — eel by house. I- 1

madefies and the 7th house asso- ASUBHA. VMS,


mated or ul by malefic# will Rasa of an-—planet. XX—tl.

main the native lose a wife, ASIJBUA MARA.— Yoga VI- 21 .

XHo. AKUilllAMALTKA. Yoga VI- 28 .

Planetary—-s. 11-23. ASUBIIA VASI.-Yoga VI- 10

Strength of — . IV-2 L ASUBIIA VBSI.—Yoga VI- 10 .
— —
TNi>PJA [7
ASfTBUOBHAYAOHAXW-Yoga will bo fully — XIX-I5..'

Vi-iO. To be always in the midst of

ASUCIIL A term to denote the — ceromonies. YI~55.
8th house, 1-14. To travel on an—-undertaking
AHtJKA YOGA. VI-44, 52 XXVI-19.
A8URAMVTYA. A name for AUTHORITY. To attain high—.
Venus, 11-29* VIII- 30.
AW WAG ATI, KX1I-12. To fear danger from the les.

2L —
To have con foried on oneself.
ABWIN. Name for DJuuiub, 1-8* VI-34.
ABW1NI. VtI-8 XX LI* , 1, 5, 7, AVAJNA. V name foi the 6th
H; XXfV-13. house. L-13.
ABYA. An appellation for tho A V ANTI. II 28,
2nd house HO. AVARICIOUS. To be XVIII-IS. .

ATHEIST. to bo ail — . VI- 62. AVAB0I1INI. —Rasa XX-56,

ATIBHLETA. IEM9. AVAHTTHAS. Bala and other—.
ATMAN. A namo to donoto fclio 111*3, 10
5th hauso. M2, The ten— ..III4G, 19, 20.
ATItl, 1-2- AVAYOGA. VI-57, 58.
ATTACHMENT, —bo one’s duty. AYA. A teim to denote the 11th
NJX-G, house. 1-15.
—to females. II-3. AYANA. 11-21
ATTEMPT. Success in all one’s AYANABALL IV -1,2
To fail in ono’s—*s. XXV14G. AYUBDAYA. XNII-18.
ATTENDANT. To waited upon -—and tho legulation of the order
by faithful— ft. VI-7. J ol Rasas, XXII- 27.

To have s, XIX-22. Conditions whom the Amsa,
To live with b. VIIHL

Pinda and Nanargika systems
AUDIENCE. To earn the appro- f
of— have to bo adopted. XXfl
bation of tho —in an assembly. -28.
XX-S. .Tcevasai ma — system XX1I-25,
AUMSKSIIA. 11-27. Loss in— XXII-19

AUSPICIOUS. Condition of the Pinda — system. XXII-21.

lord of the Sfeh house piovmg Buie S.ityicliaiya when
— . XX-dl. scveial
multiplication Sor
Lord of a Trikona posited a m i eductions ciop up com- m
Kendia or the loi d of a Ken- puting— XXII- 20.
dra ma Trikona will piovc The method of computing the
to-the native XX-42.

when Hie Lagoa, the Bun and

The time that must be declared ;
tho Moon <ue of equal
as veiy-to the native. XIII-20. sbiengfch XX [1-29.
Time when all things — should be AYUS. A term to denote the
got done. XXIII-22; XXIV-40. Sfeh house 14 4.
Timo when anyfehing-my hap-

Determining the
—tho(longevity or
pen. XXIV- 43. !
is lirst

“"Signs. 1-0. to be {lone when a son is

Time when Balm’s Rasa period I boin XUl-1.


How to obtain tho total** yiuus m 1

Tho mvMwI ngmicM Enough

of the native through the Ahhta- which onoV 'Uh* ?u bu pre-
kavarga of Saturn. XXlV-lo. ,
dieted. Mil- -iTi.

The ixjrBOtH this— for whom i To tho u rt dn-d - cos Jri-

gcA j

has been declared by wise men. hnfud by tho piarmfs. XXIV*

XXII 32. ,

BACK. The aluis dwelling on \mr.
tho — ‘of the native. XWI 36, BAND] i A. A th ngmdimi u*t the
39, 40. Pith Lotlir. MG
To have marks on the U-32. MM in But kind? of m nr rn«-
To hava marks or moles on ho I
ntuinuH unifinifH Ldwtum
— . IX-2. two phmotH. XV .'US.

BACK-BITER. To bo a - . XVI BYNDHE. A iIr *‘Hjn*it.inn fnr the ,

-6. 4th hmw. Ml,

BACK-BTTING. To bo—. ViU BAN M M ’.N'T. In ««ffi»r— from
1 1 1

-9. onoX t’outiliy. \ IN-95.

BAD GRAINS. To earn through BARB lilt. To bo a XVI 11-4,8.
— . V*H. BAUDS. To bo p?an ml by* -and

BAD LIND. To load a- *. XX— minf'trolH. VI 38.

BARKS. To bo a dealer in—.
BAD PEOPLE. To bo depend-
ent on — . YUT-8.
BARREN, A woman to become
BAD WAYS. To end one's life
Xf-fg 7.
by following - . XXV-2G.
VI *523.
To resort to-
BARRENNESS. Remedies to
ward off be tbre-ifi'iiii:;; a
BAD WOMEN. To **ok the com- family,

i i ; .

pany of—. VI 11-31.

— Yoga loading to—. XU-7,
BAD WORDS, To hoar XXI .

-30, 66, BARREN WIFE. To have a—

To utter—. XIV-5, VI -59.
BADLY DISPOSED. To Ije — BASE. One of Urn tun Aviv4fclms
XXV-1L. of a planet. 111*19.

BADLY PLACED. Effect of tho

To expect insult /'rom— people.

lord of the Lagoa or thnb of tho

second house being—. XX BASE AVOCATIONS. To resort
-15. to--. V-8.
Planets when ? — . 11-30, BARE WAYS. To bo given to—
Avastfcha. HI-10. BARE WOMEN. To he in the
B AL AGR A II AS — to be expect- .
company of low and — , XXV-lG
ed through the Moon. XIV BATH. A holy— in Ramesfaaram
-3. to attain progeny, XII-24.
Child meets with destruction, BATHING PLACES. To visit-,
being seized by — . XtII-3. XXV 11-5.
22 23
, .
6th house. 1-13.
;> —

Anything regarding should be — should be determined through
ascertained through Mars, IL3. tho Moon. II-2.
Defeat in—. XXI-27. — is the substance ascribed to-
Income by fighting in— s. Y-4. the Moon, 11-30,
BATTLE MELD. Abode of Mars BELLY. A name for the 5th
is a— 11-15, house 1-12.
BEADS, —or bonefio dots in an
Disease adopting the—. XXt-76.
Ash taka varga. XXIIL2. Disease in the—. XXI-22 ;
BEARING. A woman to be XXVI-13.
masculine in }ier~. XI*2. The asterisms distributed over
BEAST, — a,
» appropriate to each
the—during the transits of tho
of the planets. IT- 17-20.
planets.XXVI-88 39,40.
The Yoga under which a birth To suffer from pain in the
will bo that of a—. XCV-28.
XXI 9, 52.
Trouble in the—. XXI-63
Trouble from fire and -—a.
vrv jo BELLY ACHE, Mars in the 5fch
house will make the native

suffer from-. XIV-10.

BEAUTIFUL, A woman to be—*.
XL6. Saturn brings on—. XIV -8.
To bo— in appearance IIL17, To suffer from—. VIII 6, 26.
To have a— body. VI-25 BELOVED. To enjoy all plea-
VIII-17. sures in the company of

To have -limbs VI-9. one’s—. XX-P.
BEAUTY. It is the Moon that To suffer separation from one's
determines bodily health and — — VIII-26 XX-18.
, ;

11 - 2 . BENEFACTOR. To be a—. VI-40

'— r. 'Roman's
BENEFIC. VII-11, 12, 13, 16,
. . from
i .
X-6,7, 10; XI-1, 2,3,5,10;
tho Lagna. XI-L XII- 1, 2, 32; XIV-21, 22; XV-
To have —XXV-13.. 18, 19 XVI-2, 5, 8, 10, 1,7*

BED, —
denoted by the 12bh 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 ; XEX-15
house, 1-16. XX- 27, 30, 63, 59 ; XXI 1-21
To acquire new—. XX-8; XXI-29 XXIII- 14, 24; XX VI-2 7, 28,
To have good—. XVM8. 30 XXVII-1, 8.

BED-BOOM. One of the places of BENEFIO ASPECT, XIM, 9.

Venus. 11-16. BENEFIC DOTS. XV-12, 28;

BEGGAB. To be a—. XXV-17. XXIII-11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18*
BEHAB. The country pertaining 22; XXIV-1, 7, 9, 10, 11,12*
to Mars. XIV-26 13,14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,
BEEAVrOUB. It is through 22, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40; XXVJ-41.
Jupiter that information about BENEFICENT. The conditions
one's— should be sought for, under which a Bhava will be
11 * 5.
thoroughly XV-2. — .

To be emotional in one’s—. BENEFICENT ACTS. To do—.

'VI-16. XXI- 46.
To be rough in one’s VI- 50. — *,
To be wicked in one’s XX-19. — .
XIII- 8, 12, 15, 20; XV—2,3*
BELL -METAL. Anything about 4, 5, 7,10; XXIV-43

BENEFIT. To do acta causing BHBIGIJ. A name for Venus.

eternal— .
”VI SB. 11-13, 1 6, 19, 28.
To get eternal "a. through one's BHRIGUJA. A name foi Venus.
spiritual preceptor. NIX-24. 11-6,21, 26.
BENGAL GRAM*. Jupiter agrain BHUKTI. A term to denote the
is—. IB as. 2nd house. 1-10.
BEST QUALITIES. To possess Death may happen when the
ivho — . VlIl-30. Daso. ftnd~*afc the time
towaul. XIIM8.
is uu-

BHAGINEYA A term to denote XX- 23, 28, 37, 88, 40, 49, 48,
the 4th house. I- II. 44, 48, 49, 03,54; LI, 2,3, XX
BIIAGYA A name for the 9th 4, 6,8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, M, 15,

bouse. T-14, 17.18,20,22, 24, 27, 99,30,33.

BHAGYA YOGA. VI-4 1, 53 34, 85, 88, 89, 40, 4 1, 44,47, 48,
BHANU. Name for the Bun. 52, 53, 66, 57, 00, 02, 03, 04,
11 * 31 .
65, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 78,
BHABANL XXI LG, 7. 79,80,81.83, 84; XXrM8;
BHARGAVA — Name for Venus. XXVI-40; XXVIII. 1*4.

11-24, 20. BHUKTINATHA. NX-29.

BHABYA—A designation for the BHTJMI SUTA. A namo for Mars.
7 th house 1-13, It 31.
BHA8ANDHI 1-4. BIIUPATANA. Borne say that
BHASKARA. A name lor the the Lagoa at birth of a child is
Sun. IJ-80. the Gime of ifee— XIII* 2. ,

BHASKARL Name of Saturn. BHU8HA. A term to denote tho

11-14. 4th house. 1-12.
BHASVAT. A name for the Sun. BILE, Mercury is a mixture of
11-32 tho 3 humours, wind,—* and
phlegm. II-ll,
BHAUMA, Name for Mars. I-G
11-18, 21, 23, 25, 2G, 35, 37.
The Sun causes death through —
BHAVA. 1-15 XV-I, 3, 4, 5, 6, XIV-l 4.

The Sun causes fever dominated
7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20,
26, 27, 28 XVII-1 XX-1, by excited—, XIV-2.
; ;

To suffer diseases arising from a
29, 34, 35, 43, 18, 62;
XXV-6; XXVIII-1, 4. morbid state of—'and blood.
BHAVA BALA. IV- 24. To suffer diseases arising
BHAYAMSA. V1II-35, XXII 2f from—. XXI-13, 20, 21.
BHAVA SANDHI. XV-13, 14; To suffer diseases due to wind
XXII-27. and-. XXI-32, 77, S2
BHA VIS H Y ATJ NAN A. A name To suffer pain owing to excess
to den»te, the 5th house 1*12.
of— XXI-39.
BHEETA. One of the ten Avast- To suffer trouble through flow
fchas of a planet. IIJ-19.
of blood and—, XXI-78.
SHEET! A name to signify the
BILIOUS. Mars is—and cruel in
Gtli house. T-I3.
nature. 11-10,
13HOGIN. A namo for Bahu. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, Tq be
bothered by—. XIX-9,
BHRATBU. A name for the 3rd BILIOUS FEVER. XIV* 4, 14, 17.
house. I 11. BIPED SIGNS. 1-7 ; IY-6.
. 7.

BIBB body
BIRD, The —
particular s. denot- I Trouble through flow of — . XXI
ed by the several planets II" |
The Yoga which the BLOW. To got a wound as a
previous birth of a parson will
msult of a —from a piece of

be that of a—. XIVJ18.

wood or stone. XIV-8.
BIRTH, — in a Lagoa trine to the BODY. —of Kalapurusha I — 4.

Adhana Lagna, XX1-32. Jupiter possesses a big—.

— ol a daughter* XXt-67. II — 12.
of a son to one's family. XX* Kefcu has an elevated—, 11-34.
0, XX
£*79. Raliu, Gulika and Kofcu will
—of a very good son XXL72, 74, cause trouble to the—. H-Sfi.
Demise of the father ©f
soon after—, XYI-22,
a child
Saturn has got a tall — full of
arteries and
voins. 11-14,
Effect of "‘-at the extreme and of —
The and limbs of a person will
a Rftsi, a Gandantha, at the be commensurate in their pro-
junction of any of the four portions with the rising sign.
oorners identical with the con- XV 1-1.
junction or aspect by a malefic The limbs and of Venus are —
or when the Moon is the m —
huge and his has the colour of
fateful degree in any sign. the Darva grass. 11-13.
XII1-9. The Moon has a huge 11*9. — .

— XfY-27, 29.
Past and future s. The Moon represents the—.
Time when the — of a child may II-2fi.
take place. XIL81, 33. The Sun causes burning of the
BITTER. IT-81. whole—*. XIV-3.
BLACK. Rfthu is— in colour,
The Sun has a squarfcTbuUt—
Saturn wears a —'garment, 11-14. II- 8,
Tim Sun ia the lord of the bones
BLACK GRAM. The grain be*
in the—, II-8.
longing to Rahu is-'. 11*28.
To have a dwarfish—-. XXV*13.
To have a— similar to a water
BLAME. A name for the 8th pot. IX-ll.
house. 1-14. To have a deformed — VII 1*9,
To get undeserved — XIX-1 7 To havo a lean VITI~1.— .

heretic XXV-16. To have a loan and friai IX- — .

of the ten Avasfe-

To have a syimnetiicaL and shin-
ing -. IX-12.
thas of a planet. IID18.
BLEEPING. To bring on—from To have one’s — made white by
the besmearing of sacred ashes,
rectum. XIY-10.
Meon that
VI 29.
BLOOD. It is the
causes impurity of— XIV- 3, ••
To one’s— soiled by puss

ffjhe Moon governs II-9. — ,

from wounds, and the gait re*
To be bothered by impurity of tarded to—My weakness and
— , XIX-9; XXI-18; XXVM3. wasted in the several const!*
elements of the—*.
Td ’suffer diseases from a mo l hid tuent
state of bile and--*. XIX-2G, XXYI-15.
s . ^ ;


To have wounds in the - * XXI Matters relating to ft - should b

-32. ascertained through Venus,
To possess a beautiful—* . Yf- IMO.
3,25; VIMS; VHM7. Mooting with— b. XXI 12.
To possess a strong — . YT50. Quairel with a great—. XXI-G7,.
Trombling of the XXL34.— . Reverence to Gods and— s. IL5.
BOIL, Death due to— 8. XIV-
Tho dwellings of Gods and s, —
To suffer from — , XXM). To he a wealthy— . XVI ft-3.
BOLD. To ho—. VII 1-32. To bo intent in worshipping
To speak— ly m an assembly. Gods and— s. IX-7.
VI-16. To engage oneself in doing work
BONDAGE, To live by servile— for~~B, and tho Gods, Vl-IH,
V-8. To got money through— a.
BONES. Mai s governs the mar* XIX'2‘1.
row of the— and flesh. II- 10.
To have access to— b, XIX- 19,
Tho Sun is the loid of the— in
To have no rovmronco lor— g,
the body. II-8.
BOUNTIFUL. To bo—. VI-7.
BOD NT Y. To live at tho— of To maintain oneself through the
another. VIIM0. help of— s. V-G.
BOWELS. To bo afflicted by a To please hosts of— 8. VI-03,
disease relating to the . To revere Gods and— h. VIIL4.
VIIL31. To show reverenuo to— a. and
BOXING. To he clever in—. Gods. XX-10.
XVIII- 3, To worship the— s, ami Gods,
BOYHOOD. Condition when a
XX 1-2 3.
planet is said to bo in — «. IIL3.
Troubles through dispute
BRAHMAN. Presiding deity of with s. — and Kshatriyas,.
Jupiter and Kefcu. 11-27 XIV-9,
BRAIIMA. — as lord of Skoda*
Venus and Jupiter are— r, FI-24,
samsa. Ill 6.
Worship of Gods and—. XXI*
The condition under which a 31, 41, 43, 45,
person goes fco—loka. XIV-23.
To be absorbed in the knowledge BKAIIMIMCAL. To shine-
of the identity of tho universe with— lustre, VI-31.
with-. VI-31. BRAIN FEVER, Death by—,
BRAHMIN. Acquisition, of
money through — s, XXL07, BRAVE. Not to be—. XXV -8.
Adoration of the XXI-7. 59. To be—. VI-2,9; VIIL2, 8,
Childlessness owing to the curse
10, 11, 24; IX-7; XVI- 7
of a—. XII-22.
Delight in worshipping Gods
and— s, XXL5G, BRAVERY. To possess exces*
Devoted to the— s and the Gods. sive-, XXI-20,
XXU-39. BREACH, Scandal due to a— of
Harm resulting from tho curse decorum. XIX-14,
of— s. and Gods. XIV-G, BREAST, A designation for tha
Honouring of— XIX-7. 3rd house. 141.
— . 9 .

Tho particular nstemm res Ling To oxpoet the demise of one’s—.

on the of a person during the XX- 10.
transit of planets and the o Hacks To have a renowned VIII-14. — *.

thuroof. XXVX-35. To have— s. VI 11-5.

Xilil>Q H. A term to donofco tho
To have good s. VIII-11 —
4th houso. I- 2, To have no - h, Vl-fiO VTTI-8. ;

BRIGHT, To bo—'in appearance.


To lose a —
VI 11-29; XXV- 15.
Xl-3 To quanel with one’s— s. and
lUUGUTITALF. VianolR that
sons. XIX- 20.
avti strong in blio — of a month. Trouble and sickness to one’s—.
tV-l. XXI- 49.
BROTH MU, A duo to gtioss tho Trouble through, or to a —
mmthor of one's h. XXI V«9, XX-20.
A designation for tho 3rd houso. BROTH ERIIOOD To bo devoid
Acquisition of woalth through
of good — . VI- 08.

a . V-l.

Elder— . A lorra for the 11th

BUDHA. 1-6 5 IT-4, 11, 21, 22,
21, 27.
Help to, or from, a — . XX-4. BUFFALO. Aquisition of — ’S.

It is through Kars, that any- XIX-33 ; XX-

thing about one's— s. should be Increase in— s. XXI"48.
ascertained. 1 1-3 Ee a —
: one ought to ascertain

Loss of— r. XVI-8. through Venus 11-19.

Mara eaiHOfl quarrel with — 'S,
Re: a -, one should guess
XIV- 4. through Saturn. II- 7.
Kara represents tho youngest— Term for denoting the 5bh
and Jupiter, the oldest. TI-25. house LI2,
M i a u n d o r r t a n d i n g a with Tho full period of life of a — is

one’s— s. XXI-32. 21 years. XXII-31.

Separation from one’s — s, XXI To earn through— s. V-7.
2L* BUG. 11-20.
Tho condition under whioh tho
B TJ L L S Acquisition of—.
prosperity of one’s — s. is indi-
XIX 23.

cated. XVT-8.
Tho number of s. one may — Life period of — is 24 years,
have. XVI-9.
BURDEN. To live by carry-
To ascertain all about one’s
ing—. V-8.
father’s — . character, etc.
BURNING. — of the whole body’
XV- 22.
To be helpful to one’s XVI-7, — >.
To be hostile to one’s— s. BURNING SENSATION To
VIII 25. have a — . XIX-23.
To be praised by one’s s. VI-47, — BURNT, Yoga for one’s houso
To be without s. XXV-10. — being — . XVI- 14.
To determine the effects (phalas) BUSINESS. Cleverness in doing
of one’s XV-21. — .
any—. XXI-33.
To divine all details about Failure of the undertaken —
one’s — . XV-25 ; XVI-12, XIX- 14 XXI-66; XXVI-28.


Gain of one’s — . XXIII-11. To engage

oneself in other's —
Success in—, XIX-6, 7.
To have obstacle to one's—
To be intent on one's — . IX*9.
To be wearied by being engaged To have succors in a at the
in a worthless and fruitless — voty outwit. YLHo ; VI 11-7,
XXYI-2B. To suffer ruin of mm's - . XXV-
To bring to a successful termi- 25 ;
XXV f 45, 40.

nation any—-orginatod by one- BUTTOCKS. 'Co hu\o nlcmilud

self XX-II. 1X-4.

CALAMITY. ITI-10, Tlio-of Balm IUVL

Happening of a groat — . XXI- The- -8. of the seven pianola.
16, 22. 11 - 21 .

bo overcome by— ios, XVI- To know the particular — of the
native in bin past and futures
To have™ ios beyond number. births XIV 21, 29,
To XXTV-42
CATARACT. To have a -in the
CALLING. XX-21. eyes.VLILl.
CALM One of the ten Avastthae OATARBIT. Death duo to—.
of a planet. III-I8. XIV- 7. 1

CALUMNIATING. Saturn is ex- CATTLE. Acquisition of XXI-

ceedingly—. 11-14. .17, 43.
CALUMNY. To have undesorv- All — -will unite in one place.
od-XIX-17. XX C-I9,
To suffer—. XX-1B. Destruction of—\ XX- 10 ; XXL
CAMEL. 11-20. 25.
The period ol life of a—. Lons of—. XX 1-3 7, 74; XXVI-
XXII- 31. 22 .

CANCER. Same as Kataka. Sickness bo—, XXL40.

CAPABLE. One of the ten Avast- To acquire more-. XlX-20,
thas of a planet. III-18. To apprehond clangor from-*”.
CAPRICORN. Same as Makara, XXVI 18.

CAPTIVITY One’s — ought to To bo rich in- VMS,

be guessed through Saturn. To possess — . IX- 2,
CABBUNOLE. XIV-3, 11. come through — . V“8.
from — . XX-18. CENSURE. IT-7.
CARRIAGE. To posses a CEN1TPED SIGNS. 1-7.
XIX-Hb CEREMONIES, -in honour of
CASTE. Predicate om should be departed spirits. XII 24,
so declared as to fit in with CESSATION, —of quarrels. XX-
one’s—. XXI >84. 9.
— ;.- .

C IIAKRA Tiio number of years
consti luting the eutiro Ay us in CHATURDABI. XII- 7. 1

a — , xxrr-ia. 14. CHATURTIII. XII-1G.

CHAKRA. To have in one's body CHATUSHPADA SIGNS. 1-7.
marks of—. VI-30. CriATUSHTAYA HOUSES, I-
Clf AMAKAYOGA, VI-44. 17.

ClfANAKYA. XXI MW. CHEAT. To be a-. VI-62;

CHANDRA. rr-2,24,86. XYHMO.
Boo under Moon. CHEATING. To be clever in—
others XVm-4; XIX-9.
CHANDRA AVAHTTHAH. HMO, CHEEKS. To bo liable t6 diseases
Cl I AND RAJ A. 11-31,32. affecting the—. XXT-7G.
CHANDRA KRIYADI, IV-12, 20 To have large - . IX 6.


13, 16.
CHEST. Distribution of the
stars over the— of a person
17* 19.
during the transits of planets
CHAPA, 1-7. and the effects thereon. XXVI-
85, 36,37.
XIV- 27,
Jupiter has an elevated II-I2, — .


To have a broad —
IX- 8.

CHARACTER, —of planets. li-


The Ay us is only for fchoso who CHIEF. To become a — of one's

preserve tho landmark's

of- — family. XYIH-2.
To become a or — mayor
and conduct. 1 1-3 2. XX VIII-20.
of a
Tho Moon determines the -of
XY-16, To become a friend of a renown-
one’s heart.
To ascertain ono's father’s — >.
ed VI- 63.
CHILD. Early destruction of
XV- 22.
a—. XI1I-3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13,
To be of a spotless—, YI-15. Conditions under which long life
To ho of a very Mood—. Yt-25.
— is secured bo the —
XIII- 21.
To bo possessed of good To be blessed with ion. X-9. —
vin-io. -
To have a late in life after a
To be vile in
. III-14. great effort. XII- 4.
TIES. XV-15. CHILDLESS. To be—. VIII-26 ;

CHARIOTS To own—. XXY-30 X*8 XVIII-14.


cause. XII-19, 21,

CHARMS. To be clever in— and CHILDREN. XXVIII- 1, 4.
exoroising VJII-15, A planet in a Suralokamsa
To be conversant with — or secures to the native . III-9. —
A woman to be—.
Benefical effect through one’s —
Birth of-. XTX-7, 11, 22; XXI-
CHASTITY. XI- 1. 23,29,33,43; XXVI-17, 19,
OHATAKA. BIRD. 11-18. 20 21
— — ;. . . ... ;


— male or female. XXTE 11.
™ lsTTo ; X-30 5 XI -5 ; XH-3
““should be declared through XXV i 10.
tlxo 9b h house in a woman’s To quairel with one’s XIX-
nativity. Xt-1, 9; XXVI- 17.
— to ho troubled by gout. XIX- Trouble to-. XTX-23 ; XX-19;
3.3. XXL 24, 43.
Danger through XIV-2. 1
Yoga under which acquisition
Danger to XIV-B. — . of —
is assured, XU-1.

Destiuction of — . TX-19. CTUTTOTTHA. A name for fclio

Happiness bo-—. X1X-10. 7th house 1-13.

Ills to— XIV-9. . CHITTRA, Effect of birth in tho

Separation from one’s — XXT-8. .

astonsm~, Xl-9 Xfll-H. ;

Sickness bo — XIX-H XX- . ;

20; XXMl, 10, 36, 40, 49.
CHORA. A nanto for the 7th
Snffeiing to —
iiotiso. J-13.

Loss of—. XXI 37 XXV-2G ; ;

CIIOW U MS. To he endowed

XXVI-22. with waving VI 1-3, — .

Misunderstandings with one’s To move in a palanquin with — ,

XX 1-3 2. waving to ami fro, VI -53.

Not to have many XXV-8. — •
To puiado seated on the hack of
an elephant with adorning —
To be berofb of -. VT-il VI H- ;
on fclio two sides. VH-(>.
3. 4, 9, 22,

be deserted by one’s XXV-

24 ;

— CITY. To lie a loader of a —

13. To he a mayor of a—. VIII-
To be destitute of—. XXI-83. 20, 27.
To bo endowed wibli good — To bo a watchman of a —
XX-6. xvi n - 12
To bo happy with one’s — . XXJ- CITY EATIiERS. To gut honour
51. from XX 1-81.
To become mot hors of “that are CLAN. To bo the head of olio's —
dead XI-9. XVIH-27.
To have a few VHT-IG. — . CLEAN. To bo--. VI- 2.
To have a good number of — CLERICAL WORK. To earn
VTII-12; XIL10. through — , V-5.
To have a very limited number CLEVER. To ho — . IH-8, 15.

of—. XVIII- 5. 1
VI-2 30; XV II 1-8,

To have by a second wife. XII- —
To bo in polities, XVLG.
5. To be -"in working in metals.
To ha vo many VI 11-27. — .
XVII I- 1.
To live happily blessed with — CLEVERNESS. TX-14.
XVI 20. CLOTH. Tt-2, 6, 35.
To live in the company of one’s
acquisition of — s. XVI-13; XIX-
— . XX-5G, 80.
2G XXI-29, 43, 59.
7, ;

Loss of--. XXI -8.

To loso— VI-62, VIN-1, 30
To bo an adopt in tho dyoing
XTr-0 XIX 21
of—. XVIIL-2.
To possess— HI-15 VI ”3, 27,
; To be docoiatod witn boauti-
34,49, 51, 05, VEII-7, 14, jCli! s. Vl-20.

To gob now — s, XIX-22 ; XX- COMMAND. A terra to indicate

8 ; XXt-12, J5. tho 10th house. 1-15.
To have a profusion of—. XIX- COMMANDER. Birth of a-.
10 . VI 48.
To have—s and ornaments. VI- COMMENDATION. An expres-
48. sion to denote the 11th house.
To bavo good— s VHT-17, 145.
To trade in -a. V-8. — COMMERCE. A term to signify
To wear s of variegated colour, the 10th house. 1-16.
vr-M, COMMODITIES. Acquisition of
saleable—. XXI-45.
CLOTHES. A designation to de-
note the 4th house, CHS, COMMON SIGNS. 1-9.


CONCEPTION, Clearness of—.
CODE. To become a proficient Time favourable to — . XI41.
in bho—oUam XVL6. Time when may — take place
COHABITATION, Trouble in-. XII-12,
xrv-7. CONCH. IT-12.
COfTiON. Not to indulge much CONCH SHELL. Sounds of the-.
in—, Xl-7. VI 38.
COLfO Death due to—. XIV47. CONDUCT. Course of— prescrib-
COLOUR. EC-13, 34; 1X43 ed in the Vedas. VI-31.
XYM. The land-marks of character
COMBUSTION. ^Effect of a and — XXU-32.
X)lanet in — . XX-30. To shine in ail one’s courses of
Reduction in the poriod of Ayur- — 1X44.
daya whon a planot is in — CONFIDENCE. To have-in
XXiV-2D. one’s speech. XIX 10.
CONFIDENT. One of the teu
COMET. XXV-28, Avasthas of a planet. III-18.
COMFORT. — s of the couch. CONFUSION. Sorrow and—to
XtX-26 ;
XXI-3C, 75. v - r-wrnod.XIX-26
—s requisite for enjoyment '•
Effect of the

XXI-81. 5th house or its lord being in

Personal—•«, XIX40. with male planets. XII41.
To be blessed with material—s. Effect of the lord of the 5th be-
Vl-G. ing in —
with the lords of the
To ho endowed with happiness 12th, 6th or the 8bh. XII-9,
and —
1114 1.«
Effect of the lords of theLagna
and the 6th house coming in
To be endowed with many—s.
(while in transit). XVI-3S.
viii-19. Effect of the lord of the Lagna
To be intent on having all—-s.

coming in with the lord of
any particular Bhava. XVI-35.
To enjoy all - s III-15 ; VI-38 ;

On s of planets. XVIII-1-5 ;

X-7; XIII-24; XV 1-17. XXVIII 1-4.

To have various —s that wealth Reduction by half of the period
affords. XXL29. contributed by a planet when
To secure the — s of one’s sons. he is in' —'With another planet.

XXI-B2. XXTV-29,


Venus in-~wibh a malefio in the CORPSE. Fear by seeing—
5th, 7th or 9fcli will make the XIV-9.
native bereft of a wife. X-4. COUCH. Comforts of the*—,
CONNOISSEUR. To be a good— XIX- 20 ; XXI 35, 75.
m food YIIL14. Infoi matlon re : one's—should
CONSTANCY. Anything re: one’s he sought for through Vomts.
— should be guessed through 11*6
Saturn. IL7, To onjoy the happiness of the—',
CONSTITUTION. To be endowed XXM9, 43,
with a strong—. VLG8 YUI* ;
COUGH Death by XIV-19.
** -

6 ;
XV1-17. CO UNO LLO Li.
l The post of as-
CONSUMPTION. Death by—. under a King, XX41,
XlV-19. COUNTRY. Absence from one's
To be seized with — . XIV-1L own . XIX 17,

To suffer from—. XXI -*4, 77. Mars represents the —of Behar.
To suffer from pulmonary—. XiV‘26.
XXL7, Residence in a foreign— XXL
CONTENTED, To bo— VI-6. 27.
CONTROL To have one’s senses The - ios signified by the planets.
under—, VI-31 * XXII- 32. 11-98
CONVERSANT. To be— with The Direction of the— of the
everything. VIII-1B. wife.X-19.
COOK. I LI8 XVIIL4. ; To earn in a place other than
COOKING* — as a source of in- one's own native country. V-9.
come. V-4. To go out of cue’s own . XXL —
COOLY LABOUR, 11-7, To know the particular -of the
COPPER. IL1. individual in his past and
Acquisition of XXL7B. — future births. XIV-24.
To bo a dealer in—. XVIIL7. To leave ono’s— , Li 8. XXV
COPPER ORE. 11-1,30, To sufforbanishment from
CORAL* EX-29 XXLGQ. ; ono’s—, XLX*85.
Incomo through trade on— s. Trouble in one’s’—. XtX»23,
CORN. A planet in a Suralokam-
COUPLE The Yoga for a— being
sa secures —
to the native. Ill 9 lucky and enjoy all comforts.
Acquisition of — . XXL28, X-Y.
All-will unite in one place. Yoga for the —nob living to-
XXL 1 gether. XL3.
Anything about -has to be de- COURAGE, Anything about—
termined through the Moon should be ascertained through
K 2 Mai 8, II 3
Loss of — , XXI-13, 52. — is signified by the 3rd house.
Phenomenal increase of — •. XXI- ML
50 To ascertain one’s own — . XV-
To have plenty of — VI 46, 48.
To possess — . VflLU, 14; To bo— ous VIIL12, 22.
IX-1G To shine in—. 1X-14.
To possess no wealth or*—. Upaketu In tho 3rd house makes
XXV 9. the native -ous XXV-2G.


fclia right—V1II-16,
GRUEL, A woman to be beyond, —
measure to her husband. XI-2.
with—s. XXL 40, 83. Acquisition of Wealth through-
XjiObb of bodily splendour as a deeds. XIX-6,
result of intercourse with— s. Ho who is born in a Datidra
XIV-7. Yoga will* be— VL68. .

Bo : a—, ono ought

through Venus,
to ascertain

Mars is in nature, II-1Q. 1

One’s— by should ho ascertained

COVETOUS. To be-. 1X11. through Mars 11-3.
COW, A planet in a Gopurarasa Saturn is — 11-14,

secures— s to the native. XIX- 8. To be— . VIII- 10, 13 ; XVIII-

About—*b one ought to ascertain 1 } XXV-8.
through the Moon. II-2. —
To be hearted. VIIX-1.
About— ono ought to ascertain To be— in behaviour. III-12.
through Venus. 11-19. To be— in disposition, IIT-14..
To be™ minded. VIII-2S.
Acquisition of --a, XVI-13 ;
To be making money by— acts.
XIX-7, 23, 24; XX-9.
Childlessness owing to the kill-
ing of a . XII-22.— To do — actions. XIX* 9.
—is denoted by the 4th house, To do acts. IX-8; XVIII-14.
1 - 12 , CUCKOO. 11-20. i

— -s to go into the possession of CULTIVATOR. A-is denoted

others, XVL14. by the Moon. 11-17.
To earn through— s. V-7. To have misunderstandings with
To obtain— a. XIX-12. one’s-s. XIX-21. *

To possess*— s. IX-2. GUNNING, Kahu is — . IT 33. .

COW-GRAM. XI- 28. CUPID, To be equal to—in

COW-HERD. 11-18. beauty^ XXV-3Q.
COW-KIND. 11-21. OURSE Harm resulting frotn
ORANB. 11-17. the —s of Brahmins and Gods. *

GREEDS, A mendicant who docs XIV-6.

nob know anything about the Sonlessness due to the of a
various—. XXVJI 5. serpent or that of a Brahmin,
XII- 2 2.
CRIMINAL. To entangle oneself
in — actions. VI- 68. Sonlessness due to the of the —
CROOKED. To be— in one’s Manes. XII- 20.
views, IX— '4. —
To be d by the people VIII 9.
To go in —ways. XXI-55. CUTANEOUS ERUPTION. To
CROW. II-20. suffer from — •, XXI- 9.

DAINTIES. To feed others with DAIVATA. A name to denote the
all kinds of — in plenty. XX-6. 9bh house-I-14.
. <

DAKSHA KAKNA. A designation — from thunderstorm. XXI- 14.
for the 3rd house. 1-11. — from water. XXI-18, 37.
DAKSHAKSHI. — 'signifies the —from weapons, fire, thieves,
2nd house. I- 10. enemies, xulers. XXI-22.
DAMAYOGA. YI-39, 40.
— to

XXL42, 61; XXVL

DAMSEL. 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 3 40 (

', .
Acquisition an
excellent — >. XXI-81.
— to one’s lands and house,
Acquisition of many — >s. XXI- XX-16.
Mars causes —
from fire, poison,
45 .

Childlessness due to the murder

weapons, leprosy, Ac. XIV-4.
of a — . XU-22. No-lo life. XXV L 27,
Service under a Y 3. — The Moon causes— from water,


To be ever sporting with a Balagrahas, Durga, Kinnaim


VI-24, female Yaksha Ac. X1V'3,

beautiful —
To be loved by a •.
The Sun causes— from wood,
VIII-6. fiie,weapon, poison, wife, child-
ren, quadruped, thief, the sove-
To enjoy comforts in the com-
reign, Ac. XIV' 2.
pany of many beautiful— s.
Yl-38. The Sun’s transit in the 9th
house will cause— to the native.
To obtain enioyment in the com- XXVI-Jl.
pany of young — s. XIX- 12.
DANOEB. About a one ought — .
To apprehend
XXVI- 18.
— from cattle.

to ascertain through Venus. To be exempt from distress

11-19. and —

To become a public-. XXVI 1-5. —

To guess or destruction for a
DANCING. To he fond of — and person t h r o u g h Batumi's
music. VI-40. Ashtakavarga. XXIV-14
To be versed in the art of—. Transits of planets over a Basi
XVIII-4. containing benefic dots less than
To have a liking
IX- 3.
for music and — 28 in the Sarvashfcaka varga
produco —
XX1IL20. .

DABIDBA YOGA. Vf-67, 68.

is denoted by the
of the places of Venus. 11-16,
12th house. I-1G.
DANGEB. — at all times from DARING. One’s should ho as*
enemies. XXI-52. certained through Mars. JL3.
—from fire. XIX-17; XXV-28. To acquire wealth by doing —
—from fire to concealed wealth, deeds. VI-2.
grain, sons and wife. XIX-5.
—from To be capable of accomplish-
poison, XIX-21 XXI-6.
— from poison, and fire weapon.
ing— acts. XVI- 7.

To be very and rash VIII- 8.
To subdue one's enemies by
—from the authorities. XXI-5. doing—acts. XX-7.
—fiom the sovereign, fire, DARK. 11-14.
thieves and serpents. XXI-71. DARK HALE. IV-1.
from the sovereign, fire DARK HOLES. II- 1G.
thieves and weapons. 38. XXL DARKNESS. 11-20.
—fiom thieves. XXI-47. DASA. - (servant), a l$rra to
-from thunder. XXT-26. denote the 8th hou$$, J*14.
— ;;

DASA X*IS,H; XIII-18, 26; —
causa of of a person. -16, XV
XIX-1, 2, 4, 6, G, 7, 9, 10, 11, Malefics in Vodha to Adhana,
12, IS, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Jamna or Karma star bring
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 XX- ; about—, XXVR27*
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Mars’ transit over the 1st and
13, 14, 16* 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2nd star reckoned from one's
21., 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, natal star brings about -*-•
81, 32, 84, 36, 86 39 41, 42, , ,
43, 44, 49, 53, 54, 65, 66, 68, One’s —
should be guessed
59, 60, 01 ; XX14, 2,3, 4,5,6, through Saturn. IE7»
8, 9. 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17> 18, Other conditions when or —
19, 22, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 81, similar untoward event short Id
32, 33, 84, 35, 38, 89, 40, 48, be expected* XXVI-29*
49, 63, 66, 58, 59, 69, 72* 72, Sun while in tMrsit if associated
78, 82, 84; XXU-2, 4, J2, with a malefic and in Vodha
16,27; XXIV-4 XXVM9 ; causes—. XXVI-26,
XXVII 1-1-4. The Pth house signifies 1—. T-14*
DAB AMS A m-1, 2, 3, 6, The lord of the Lagna When
DA8ANATHA. XX-28, 29. strong wards off—. XIII-21.
DASA PERIOD. XV-7, 8, 11, 12, The manner in which a person
29 ;
XXIV-32, 33 ; XXV-25. meots with his-?-. XlV-12, 13,
DASA VARGAS. Ill-i, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
DAUGHTER. Birth ot a new— The 2nd and the 7th houses are
XX1-12. termed— producing houses.
Birth of— fl. XII-11 XXI-C7. ; XX- 40*
To be fcho father of many— s* Time of— of a relative signified
XI 1-5, by any Bhava. XX* 58*
DAY. f [-24 ; 1V-1; XVII-31, Time of— of a revered elder.
25; XXIV-28,32; XXV-2, 3. XXI- 69.
DAY-BIRTH. XVT-23* Time of— of one’s brother*
DAY-8 LONS. 1-8; IV 6, XVII 6*
DAY ADEN. XIT-20 ; XXI-21 —
Time of of one's father* XVII-
XXVI-19* 7.
DEATH. A child to meet with TimeoT— of one’s mother. XVII-
its — -at once. XfII-9, 12. 7.
A planet weak in all the 10 Time of— of one's soil, XVII-8.
Vargas will cause the — of the Time when one’s may take —
native. Ill -10. place XV1I-2, 3, 4, 5* 6, 9, 10,
’—incidental to childhood 11, 12, 13,14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19,
XXVIII 1-4. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24» 25, 26. 27,
— of one’s friends* XXVI-18* 28 XX-18, 32, 40, 50
XXI- ;

— of the mother* XVf-10* 52

— through quadrupeds* XXV 23.

DEBTS. — ought to be guessed
'Will happen in the Latta of through Saturn. II-7,
Jupiter. XXVI 45-40* The 6th house signifies—. 1-13.
Bather’s —
should he determined Time when complete discharge

from the 8bh house from the of -will be made XX-9.
Bun. XV-23. To be loaded with Yl-68* — *.

Gulika’s effects bring on—. To contract—* IX*18

XXV-2I, DBCANATk ITT-1, 11,13, 14, 16,
It is Saturn that settles the 17; X~1 ; Xlir-3 3, 14, 19;


22 index

. XIV-12, 28 ; XVII-2, 3, 16, 19, — both, woman and her

of a
23, 28 i XX* 55 XXII-18 ; huslmiid. X-8.

— theof XIII-19.
DECAY. A Bhava suffers—. XV* Funeral the mother
rites for at
2,18; the tune her — XV
of . l- 11.

— of vital power. XXV-26. Time when — happen,

one's will
DECEITFUL. A woman to be—. XV II -20 ; XX-31.40: XXIV-
xr-e. 13, 15.
DECEPTION* To have aberration Time when the -of turn’s brother
mind through—. XX47.
of may ho exported. XX* 16,
To suffer —
XX-20. .
Time when tho- of one’s fathor
DECLINATION. IV4. will happen. XXIV-3, 4, 6, (5.

DEOLLNE Tbo 326h house Time whim the of erne’s mother

signifies — « T-IG. may ho oxjtoalotl XXI V-7.
DECOBUM. Seandai due to ft D BMON8 Fear from fi ighlful-
bieach of—, XIX-i.4 XIV- 4.
DEEB. It-17. Harm fiom X1V-6. evil •.

DEFEAT, —in bafctlo. XXI-97. To ho oppressed by* VUI-26.

The 8th house signifies 1-14 — .
DEMONOLOGY To dabble in—
To suffer XX*/ 7,— XXV- U,
1-4. XX1-18.
DEFOEMED. A woman to have
DEPRAVED. To ho—. VrU-20;
a— husband XI-3 XXV-8.
To be—. VI-58 ; VIJI-3.
To be—in one’s face. XXV43. DEPRESSION. I V-7 VU-8, 12, ;

To have a — body VIIt-9, 28* 18, 20, 29,30; IX- 18,

27, 28,
To have —eyos. VII I- 10. 20; X 3, 4, 8, U, 15; XI 1*9,
12, 19; XII 1-19 XIV-25, 28;

DEGRADATION. Re: one’s— XV- 1, 3; XVI -4, U, 18; XX-

should he guessed through 14, 22, 27, 2B, 80, 35, 37, 38,
Saturn, 1 1-7, 50, 67; XXI 1-23; XX if MO;
To have a — from one’s position. 23, XXTV-10, 29; XXV 1-82.
CX-18. DESCENDING. —Dana. XX*§6.
DEHA. 1-10.
DESIRE. Accomplishment ot
DEITY. 1-14; 11-27; XU-9; one’s — . XIX-1I,
DETECTED. To be-. VIII-11,
A term denoting the 7th house.
DELIGHT. To in everything, — Failure of one’s — . XX1-30.
VI-9. DESPISED. To be—. XX-17.
DELIGHTED. One of the ten —
To he by all. XVIIt-3.
Avasfehas of a planet. III-1S. To be -by one’s relations, VI-
DELIVERY. A laboured—, XXI- To be— by the wicked, VI- 58,
DELUSION. Saturn brings on—. DESTITUTE. To be utterly-,
XIV-8. JX47.
DEMISE. Bodily impurity aris- DESTRUCTION. III-I0.
ingfrom bho—-of ono’s relations ——of a Bhava. XV-8, 4, 7, 8, 12,
XJV-9, 19 ; XV UW ; XX-35; XXV-22.
1 .

*~~of cattle. XX-16 XXT-25. ascertained through the Sun.
—of one’s enemies, XVI-38;
; |

XXI-82. To be endowed with power
— own
of one’s XXI-63,
solf, and — III 8.
— XXI-70*
of ono’s relations.
To command

— servants, XX-32
. XIX-22, 26.

— wealth. XX
Yoga for one’s
Han’s transit over the natal star
will cause. —XXV 1-3 5. house to be old and--. XVI-14.
Toexpect one’s-. XXIV-14, DINA, — (day), IE-24.
Woman to came Iho —of her DfNAMRITYU, XIII-8.
husband. XI-3. DINAPATL 11-3 7.
Djmauitu. I-G, PINAPABALA. IV-1, 5,

DBVALQKA, m-7, 9,
DEVJ4DYA. 11-29. DIRECTION, —in which one’s
DEVOTION, —to ono’s duty. wife should happen to be born.
Intense — in the worship of Gods — the individual
of in his past
and Brahmins. XXI-15. and future births XIV~2 l.
DEVOUT To beoome a misera- — theof signs. 1-9.
ble—. XXV II 6.

The— of the country of the wife.

DHAIEYA. A designation for
the 3rd house 1-3 DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH.
DEAD. 11-28. IV-1, 2, 5, 24.
DEANUS 1-7, 8 ; IV-5 ; VII- DIRECTOR. To be a- VI-22,
9, 10 XIV-19 XVIII'
; IX- 9 ; ;
10; XXIM; XXIV-25. DIRTY. Saturn is — , 11-14.


DHATRU. 11-27. mark the Bun’s transit
will in
DEENU YOGA. VI-44, 46. the 9fch house. XXVI-il.
DEI, A term to denote the 5th To meet with— in all one’s
undertakings. VIII- 31.
house, 1-12.
XXV- 3 ,
DISASTER. — to one’s friends.

22, 23, 27, 28,

DIABETES. Danger from—, j
DISCHARGE Complefce-of
XXI 55.
one’s debts. XX-9.
To suffer from — VI-G4. DISCIPLES.
number of — .
To have a

DIAMOND. 11-29.
be expecfc-
ted through the Moon. XIV-3.
with —. XX-16.
Mars during his transit in the DISCRIMINATION. XV-15.
4fch house will cause XXVI- — DISCUSSION. XXV-9*
13. DISEASE. Allayment of —
from-. XXI-77. XXVI-14.
To suffer
DIGBALA. IV-1, 2, 5, 24 VII4. ;
Cessation of — s. XXI-20.
DIGNIFIED. To be—. VI-24. Danger from—s. XXI-53; XXVI-
DIGNITY. One’s — has to be 18 .
s : r ; .

Death by— of the spleen. XIV- To become liable to — s affecting
18 . the ayes. XXI- 76.
—a arising through wind and —
To cause in the stomach. VIII-
phlegm. XXI-60. 30.
— due to excessive heat. XIX-17. To divine about one’s — s. XIV-
— due to phlegmatic disorder. 1.
XX1-35 To have— in the belly, XXI-22.
— S to one’s elders or youngsters To suffer affliction through—
in the family. XXI-47. VIII-9.
—s to relations. XXI-14, To suffer calamity or—. XXIV-
— s to wife and children. XXI- 42.
36. To suffer — arising from a
Freedom from— s. XXT-31 ;
morbid state of bile and blood.
XXVI' 11, 12. XIX-20.
Eahu has skin—*. 11*33, To suffer — -in some limb, XXI-
The particular —s causing the 83.
death of a person.
XIV-12, 13. To suffer from a — due to wind

The s caused by Mars. XIV-4. and bile. XXI-32

The s caused by Mercury. To suffer from a poisonous — «
XIV-5. XXV- 17.

The s caused by the Moon. To suffer from a terrible —
XIV- 3. XIX-21 XXI'38. ;

The — caused by Jupiter, XXV- To suffer from III-10 VIII- — .


6 . -
7,25; XVI- 4 XX-15, 17,18; ;

The—s caused by Saturn. XIV- XXI-5; XXVI-9, 10, 19,22,

8. 23.

The— s caused by the Sun. To suffer from— arising out of

XIV-2. I
the three humours. XXf-9,
The-— s caused by Venus. XIV-
To suffer from— arising from
bile, heat and blood. XXI-13 ;

XXVI- 13,
The 6th house is known as houso To suffer from— s arising out of
of-. 1-13. excess of bile and heat XXD21,
Time when— s will happen, XX- To suffer from— s arising from
21 .
water. XXI-4,
To ascertain one’s — XV*15, 23. To suffer from — s at a very
To be afflicted by a— relating to early ago. IX-8.
the bowels VIII-31, To suffer from-s caused by
To be free from*—. VI-11, 24 excessive heat. XXVI-16,
VHI-24; XIII- 24. To suffer from— a caused by the
To be liable to— oaused by wind three humours, XXI-41, 49.
and fire. XXI- 50. To suffer from— of the spleen.
To be tormented by- s resulting — XXI-77.
from wind, heat and phlegm To suffer from ear—.. XX-20
XIX-24 .
To be troubled through— g aris- To suffer from eye—, X1V-10.
ing from wind and bile. XXI-
82. VVT n

To suffer from -through females
To suffer through a— in the DISTRESSED. One of the 10
pri vato parts , X I' V- 11 Avastthas of a planet. III-19,
Trouble through various kinds To bo-. VJII-23.
of-a XXI in. PI URN AD BASIS, 1-8.
DISHONEST. A woman to be—. DOCUMENT. MO.
xr-o, DOGS XXII-81.
afflicted owing to public VI- — , DREAMS. XIV “S.
10 . DREKKANA, Itt-i, 4,0; TV 3 ;

To suffer from—. XX-20. xvrrao, 12.

DISMISS AIi. —from an office. Dll MT< K AN AB ALA , IV-8.
xrx-H. DRESS. To-onosolf beautifully.
DISOBEDIENT. To be— to one’s VfIMS.
mother. XVHI 3. D1UGBALA. TV-24.
1 i Cl! i Idloaa ness U1UNK. Acquisition of food,—,
duo to the of ono’s mother, XXI-43.
XI1-30. — signifies the 2nd house, 1-10.

To incur the of one’s sovereign, To bo a dealer in— s. XV II 1-2
71113 XIX-G; XX17. ; To corao to grief through -mg. —
PIS POSITION. A woman to of XXI- Al.
be of a masculine-*-*. XI- 7. To command good food,-*-. VI* 46.
A woman to bo of a virtuous—. To have good food and—. XXI-
XI-5, 10. 6 °.
Saturn is of a slow"*"*. 11-3 4. To iako to intoxioating~*s. XXI-
To bo of a foi giving IX-2, — , 40.
To bo of a good-*-, X-3. DRISHTL IV-9.
To bo of a righteous VI-3 — .

DROOPING, To ’have ^ one’s

To lie wicked in - VI* 4. .

shoulders and arms—. TX-6.

To have a baao— of ramd. IX*
17. DROWNING. Death by—. XIV-
To bocorno bad in one’s—. XIX* 10.
DISPUTES. To become angry DRUGS To be a dealer in—.
through VIII- 12 XVI It- 3.
DISRESPECT. To be treated DRUNKENNESS. To bo distin-
with — V1IM4. .
guished by — . XXY-10,
To suffer ~. VIII 15,31.
DISTANCES. To walk long—.
DUAL. X-5; XVI- 3.
DUBIOUS. To be — in one’s
speech. VIII-25
DISTRESS, — through relations
DUIIKHA, A designation for the
XXI- 47,
12th house, L16.
— bo one’s son-in-law. XX-18.
DUHKIIITA. One of the 10
Planets certain in Bhavas cause
— XV-26..
Avastthas of a planet. Ill- 9. 1

To be exempt from — XXV-10*. .

To cause— to one’s mother, XX* DUPED. To be -by others.

16; XXV- 15. XXVI-9.

To endure much — . VI-33, 64 ; DIJRGA. XIV-3.

DURVA. 11*11, 13. DWADASAMSA, III-l, 4, 15;
DURYOGA. VI-57, 67, 70 ; VII- IV-3 ;
XII-33 XIII-14; ;

2 . XVII- 4, 12 XVIIM6.

DUSCHIKYA. A term to denote DWADASI.XII- 17.

the 3rd house. 1-11.


DUBBTTHA. 11-36. DWARFISH. To Imvo a —body
XV-9,10, 29; XVI-10, 14, 18,

22,25; XX-16, 24; XXIII- DYEING. To bo an adopt in
24. tho~ of cloths. XV! 11*2.

DITTY. Success in one's moral — DYSENTERY. To suffer from—.

XXI-64. VI IRC; XXVI-13.
To be devoted fco one's— ies. DYUNA, A term denoting the
XVI1I-13, 15 ; XIX-6 ; XXI- 7th house, 1-13.
59. DYUSAMJNA. 1-8.

EAR. Left— .1-15. x-4,15; xir-9, 19; xnr-io;
Right—. 1-11. XV- 1 XVI- 18
; XX44, 22, ;

To have disease in the — XXI- 7. 57 ; XXH-18, 20, 27 ; XXVI-

To possess big — s. IX 9. 32.
EAR DISEASE. To suffer EDUCATION. To have a good-
from—. VIH 27 XrV-IO ; ; all round. VI-4G.
XIX-22 XX-20
; ; EFFECT. VIir-34,35; XV-M,
EAR- TROUBLE. Re one , 20,28; XVm-17; XX-1,29,
should ascertain through 36, 37, 39,43,44,48,49,51,57,
Jupiter. XIV- 6. 60, 63 ; XXI -1, 41,84; XXI
To suffer from — s. VI 68. 3, 15; XXiri-1, 10, 12, 14, 20;
EARNING V-9 XXIV- 39 XXV 6, 21, 25;

EARTH. 11-3,27; VI-36 5 VIII- XXVI-1, 5, 12, 13, 24, 25, 30,
18; XTV-23 ;XVHI-10. 32, XXVILM-4.
EARTHEN JARS. To be a dealer EIGHTH HOUSE. XII-4, 6, 9,
in—. XVIII-2. 19; XV-3. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18,
EASEMENTS. Enjoyment of 19, 23, 26; XVI 2, 11, 21, 34;
various XXI -80* XVIT-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17,
EAST. Signs governing — . 1-9. 18, 19, 20, 23,24, 26, 28; XX-
EASTERN QUARTER. 11-15. 9, 14, 18, 22, 23,29, 31, 32, 40,
EAT. The 2nd house signifies 41,55; XXIV- 8, 13, 15, 40;
ing. MO. XXV- 13; XXVI-2, 4, 6, 7, 8,
To be a voracious— er. VHI-22, 10, 15, 19, 21, 22.

To be ever ing at other’s tables Affliction of the— in a female’s
VUl- 28. nativity. X

To much, XXV-8, Death to be predicted through
To —sparingly. 1X4.
the effect arising from the or —
the Navamsa Rasi occupied by
ECLIPSED. JV-7 IX-9, ; 19; the lord of the —
—; -

Effect of a malefic in the of a To despise— s, VI-66.

woman’s nativity. XT-3. To suiter separation from

Effect} of the —
.being owned as
one's— b, XIX-22,
also occupied by a malefic. Troubles arising from seiious
XIV-20. offencesdone bo' >s. XIV-6 —
Kffoct of Trouble fiom -a. XXL7G. —
Jupiter in the — •. VICT-15; Trouble to one’s* s. XXI-24, —
^ Kotu in the—. Virr-31 5 XIV- ELDER BROTHER 1 1 th house
signifies-™. T-15,
Lord of the— in
tho 7th, X«2.
Malofies in depression in tho™.
one’s — . Xf-9.
etjEPfianth. u-ao; irr-9; v~
X-8. VI-24, 38, 48 VIM,
7 ; ; 0,7,
Mara in tho— VUI-9 ; XIV-ll.
. 11, 19, 20, 31; XVI- 13 ;
Mercury in tho—. VHf-12. XI; XXM7, 25,35, 60; XXff-
Bahu in tho — . V1U-2G; XTV- 31 XXV- 30

Saturn in the™. VXCI-2 3 ; XIV- ELEVENTH HOUSE. VII-1G,
11, 24,25; VTH-4, 7, 10, 13, 16,
The Moon in tho~. VIH-7. 19,24,27,33, 5. 10 XH- X ;

The Gun in the", VIII-3 4; XIV- 10 ; XV-7,24; XVI-

XIV-11. 29; XX-12, 20, 25, 26, 36, 41,
Mannor of death to be guossod
59; XXTV-38; XXV- 13 ;

through the XIV-12, 13,

XXVI-2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7,8, 11, JO,

Moon at birth attaining the fate ELOQUENCE. H-4 XX- 3.

ful dogreo theincauses the — ELOQUENT. To lie-in one’s

death of tho child soon. X1TI-9. speech. VI-9; VIEM3 IX- 9 ; ;

Period of happy life of a woman XVIU-4.

with her husband depends on EMANCIPATION XXVII-1.
the strength derived by the EMBARRASSMENT. XXVMO.
from henefics. XI- 10 EMERALD, il-29.
Weak Moon or a malefic in the

causes early death. XT FI- 12, EMOTIONAL VM6,

EMPEROR, VI 4; VII-13, 30,
Woman’s prosperity has to be
27, 29, 30.
deduced from tho— XT-1. .
XXIV-18, 19, 20, 91, 22. ENEMY. M3; II~3, 21 ; XII-
ELDER. Adoration of—s. XXT- 20 ; XXV- 12, 26.
7. -ies VL2, H, 16, 33, 43, 59,
Death of a leveiend XXI-68. — GO, 63 VII 8, 10. 12 VIII-
Death of one of the s XX-19. — 15, 18, 22,

24,26,30, IN-9, 3 2,

Demise of parents and— s. XIX- 1.7; XIV-2, 4, 9, 18; XV-23 ;

2G. XV C-16, 19 XIX-20, 21 XX- ; ;

Disease to one's—~s. XXI-47. 7,16,23,25,28; XXI-4, 6, 6,

Favour from a. XtX-10. 7, 10, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25,

Injury to one's s. XXI-34, 40. 29, 34, 36, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 54,
It oss of—s. XXI-33, 42. 64, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79, 82 ;

Sickness to s. XXJ-10, 52. XXV 1-9, 10, 14, 17,19, 30.
. —

ENJOY. VIII-33. 8; XXIII- II; XXV-14 ;

ENJOYMENT. VI-18, 22, 40, 63;

XXVI, 12, 18, 24.

VIII-11, 21; IX-6; XIX-12, EXPENSES. XXI-40,

19 XXI 80, 81 XXVI-21.
; ;


ENTRAILS. XIV- 6. EYE. XXVI-35, 86, 37, 38, 39, 40’
ENUMERATING. VI-27. A severe hnrfc to tho—-XXM6*
ENVY. XVI- 34. —'trouble.
XIV-2, 7; XX-16;
EPILEPSY. XIV-2, 4. XXI* 38.
EQUIVOCAL. To be—in one's
Inflammation of the s. XXI-
speech. VIIL25.
Mars originates — disease, XIV-
low the —-VI-53. 4.
Mercury brings on —disease.

EULOGY. II- 4. The Moon reprosonta feho left

EUNUCH. 11-27; XI-6. 11-25.

EVEN HOUSE. XV-11. Tho right i< — ‘ 1 M

2nd house.
EVENRASI X-9. ted by the Sun,

EVIL XI-1 XX-41, 45, 50; ;
The and Mars
Sun govern
XXV- J 8, 19, 27
the— s. H-26.
EVIL ADVISER XXVII-5. The 12th house signifies tho
EVIL COUNSEL XX-16. left 1-16.
To have bad— s. VI-59.
EVIL-MINDED. VIII 22, 30. To havo cataract In the — s,
EVIL TALK. XTX-19. To havo defective— sight. VIII-
EVIL TIDINGS. XX-16, 20. 3, 4.

EXALTATION. IV- 1, 2, 4; VII- To have deformed— s. V1II-10.

1, 2? 6, 7, 10, 1
5, 16, 21, 22, To have expansive s. IX-8. —
20 X-ll
27, 30;
XII-26 XIV-22,
VIII-20; IX-14, To have intense pain in the — s.
; ; ; XX1-36.
25,28; XV-13, 18; XVI-2,
27; XX-14, 25, 26, 30, 34, 36,
To have reddish —IX-5.
37,38, 56, 61; XXII-18, 20, To have round s. IX~1. —
23 ;
XXIII-24 XXV-30 ; ;
To possess black— s, IX-3.
XXVI-31. To possess very good s. — XI-
12 .
EXALTED POSITION. XIX- 10. To suffer from diseases relating

EXECUTIONER. V-8. 52, 76.

EXERTION. IM ; V-9. To suffer from — complaints.
EXIT. XXI-26 ,
XXVTII-1-4. XXI-6, 40, 61, 63.
— .
« ,*

To suffer from— disease* VIII" Trouble to the — s. XXL54,
1, 33 ; XIV-10 ; XVIII 7 ; G 2.
XXVI 10.

FACE. Distribution of the stars To earn one's livelihood by
on one's -and tho offeets of uttering—. V-2,
transits of plunobs on them. To speak-a. IX-1 ;
XXV l *3
5 40. FAME. Acquisition ofj— . XXf-
Tho 2nd house signifies— 1*10. . 44, 45,
To be deformed in one's—. from tho Moon, that one's
It is —
XXV-13. should be ascertained, IDS,
To have a big—. 1X-2.
To have a broad— VI-2 IX- Ketu in the 3rd house confers—

on the native. YIIL29.
To have a long—. IX-9. One whose— has spread over the
To have an ugly VIII-21 — . 3 worlds. VI-27,
XXV- 26. Qpe's to be at —the lowest,
To suffer from chseaaos in the — middling or highest. VI-18.
Venus causes marks on the — The lOfch house signifies — . T-
FACILITIES. To command nil
To attain everlasting — . VIII-
for getting good materials.
To be endowed with— XVIII-
FACTOBS, Basi and Planetary — To

be known to — VI-6.
XXIV-28, 24, 25. To get great — through learning.
FAILING. One of the 10 Avast- XXT-57.
thas of a planet. III-19, 20. To have—. VI-63 ;
VIII-4 ;

FAILUBE. —of one’s business IX-1 4.

XtX-14; XXE-65; XXVI-28. To have —got in war. XXI-28.
FAINT. To look— due to modes- To have immense VII-17* — .

ty. IX-6. 18.

FAINTING. Diseases arising To have wide—. XIX-6, 10
from — «. XIV-6. XXI-82.

FALL. A fall from ono’s position. FAMILY. VI-25, 46, 55 VIII- ;

XXVI- 33. 12 ; XXII-8 XVI-2, 5 ;


Death by a— from a height. XVIII-2; XIX-17; XX- 3, G,

xiV-ia. 15 XXI-10, 40, 70, 76.

To be hit by a—. XXV-25. FAMILY EXTINCTION. XII-6.

To have a*1-. XXV- 24. FAMILY TRADITIONS. VI-53.
Signs of — . 1-6 FAMOUS. To become — % VI-3,
FALLACIOUSLY. To argue-. 9, 15, 20, 42, 45, 47 ;
VII-29 ;

VI-68. VIIt-3, 9, 16, 27; XVI-4;

FALSEHOOD. Influx of money XVIII- 1.
through — •. XTX-9. TO have a husband who is —
Babu speaks — . 11-33. XT-3.
. — . , 1 ;


A woman bo beoome — «, XI- 6. Yoga for the— of the native bo

FAN. II-2. live for a longtime. XVT-28.
FAST. To be — in walking. IX- FATHERLESS. VfTI-10.
4. FATIGUE Vr-00; Vilt-LI
FATHER. Acquisition of wealth
from —
V-I. .
All about one’s — should be as-
favour, xrx-to.
certained blirough the Sun. II-
1 ; XVU5. FEAR, 1-13 ; It-7; Vlll-fi, 21;
Death of a relative who was XX-15; XX 1-2 f 25, 40, 53,
equal to a— XXVI-23. 04; XXII l-H ; XXVI-10. 12,
Exit of one's ’if born under — 13, 17, 20, 22, 20, 30, 37, 45, 40,
certain stars. XIII ’8. FEARLESS. VI lipGfl ; VUMfli
Exit of one’s father soon after XVI-2; XVItt-7.
marriage if his wife is bom FECUNDITY, XIM4,
under certain fateful stars.
XI- 9.
TX-8 ; XXV1-35, 30 37,

The demise of one’s—soon after

FEMALE. II 15, 17. 27; VI-15,
Ms XVI-22.
The house
denoting the
— 's in
61; VIII-18, 19; XI-1, 3;
XII-12 XIX- 23, 25, 26 ; XX-
the Ashtakavarga chart. XXIV- ;

5; XXI-8, 31, 78; XXI1M1.
The 9th house denotes — . 1-14. FEMALE AMSA XU-11.
Tlie planets playing the role FEMALE CHILDREN. XXT-09.
of— 11-25. FEMALE DEITIES XIV-7.
Time of demise of one’s FEMALE GHOSTS. X1V-7.
Time when anything untoward XXV1U-1-4.
to one’s — ,
or his demise will FEMALE PLANETS. IV-3 ; X ti-
happen. XX1V-2, 3, 4, 6. ll
To be bereft of—. VITI-24, 32.
To be more munificent than
one’s —VIII-15.

become a of twins.— XVIII-

To conjecture about
— appear- *$
ance prosperity, brothers, aha- i
raefcer, etc. XV-22, 23, 24. FEVER. XlV-2,5, 6,11, 18,19;
To guess the effects of one's — XIX- 9 ; XXI-3, 14.34, 54, 55,
XV-21, 66 ; XXVI 11, 14, 15.
To guess all about one’s
through the Karaka planet
pwning the Bhava. XVI-12, XVIIt 2 XXV-ll.
To hate one's VIII'4. — .


IL 14
To kill one’s— XXV-15 .

To shine bettor than one’s—. FIERCE SIGNS. T-9,

. ;
; — ;

3, 0, 9, 12.16, 18, 22, 2C. 30; X- FORGIVING. IX-2.
1,2,4, 9; XL4; XII-1, 2, 3. FORM. 118.14; 1X43.
4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, FORMULAS. XXIX-4,11, 13, 14.
21, 22, 25, 2G, 27, 28, 29; XTH- FORTUNATE VI- 12, 27
, ;

12, 13, 21; XIV- 10, 24, 27, 28, VUI-14; 1X40, 12; X*3;
29 XV-G, ; 10, 23, 26, XVI-
29 ; XI-5 » XVI-2.
15; XX-G, 17. 40; XXtY-10 FORTUNATE MAN. VI-4,
XXV- 11 ; XX VI -2, 3, 4, 5, G, FORTUNE About ono’s — . one
7, H JO, U, 19, 21, 22. ought bo divine from tho Sun.
Eta JIT. XIX* 93 XV* 15.
FIGHTING. V-4 ; XVI 11*12, Moon’s transit over the Janma
14, XlX-9, 1H. Rasi will cause dawning of
FI NANO 14 XXV 1-23. To ho hereft of-. VIIf-24.
FINE ARTS. 11-4. » To take delight in (enjoying)
FIRE Tr-3, 27; XTV*2, 4,
other’s XIX* 9.—
6, 14, L7, 20; XLX-5, 9, 14,
J7, 18; XXI-21, 22, 20, 34, FOUL MOUTHED. VIU-1G.
3G, 38,50, 51, 02, 70, 71, 79,

83 ; XXV-17, 23.

FLRST HOUSE YU-13, 19, 20, VI 11-2, G. 8, 11, 14, 17,22, 25,
20; V1J1-1, 5, 8, 11,14, 17,20, 20; X-i ;
XU, 4,5,XII -6,
95, 28; X-2 XII-0,
; 8, 25, 7 XHl 24
; ; XV-2 0, 22, 2G ;
26,27 ; X1XI-12, 24; XXVI- XV1-10, 11, 32, 13, 14, 17;
2, 4. 6, 8. XX46 XXIV 4, ; 7, 9 ;
FIRST MATURITY. XT1-3L 11; XXVI- 2, 8, 4, 6, 7,8, 9,
FIXED SIGNS. X-9 ; XVf-3. 13, 18, 21, 22.
FLOWERS. If 2, G ;
IX-11; XU- FRIEND- 1-11 ; H-4,21 ; V-l :

21 ;
XIX- 19. XX 16.
FOE. V-t ;
VT 50, *05 ; XY45; FRIEND OF a KTNG. III-P, 10;
FOOD. I- 10 VI-3 VUX-U,
xvm- 14 .

; ;
29; JX-6, 17; XXV- 1C» XIX- XXV "30.
7; XXI-14, 43, 60- FRIENDLY HOUSE. IV*7
XXI-14; XX- 14.
XIV-22 ;
XV-13, 18;
G XVHI-12.
a—. VIII- 21 XXI-27.
in ; FRIENDS. VI-61,63; VITI-2,
FOREIGN PLAGE. Ylli 29 3, 6 8, 10, H, 14, 19, 24, 25,
XX-19 ; XXVI-36, 37. 81 ;
IX-4,16, 17; XIV-4;XV-
FOREIGN TRAVEL, XXI-G3. 15; XTX-10, 11, 21,22; XXI-
FOREIGNERS. XJV-26. 16, 19, 23, 33, 34, 37,
4, 10. 15,
FOREST. EC-1 ; VIII-3 ; TX-5 42,49,51,53,59,66; XXVI-
XI X-0. 11, IS, 21, 22.

FRIENDSHIP. 11-91, 29, 28, 35 I
IX- 1G ; XIV- 7; XVI-34; FULLNESS. XV48.
XX-4, 5 ,* XXI- 48 XXVL-19*
FRUITS. II-2;V-8. FUN. IT-11.

FRUITLESS, VI-67; XX49. XX45 XXV I- 22. ;

fulfilment. ms, FUTURE lURTH, VI-24, 27, 28,

GAIN. — in one's business XXITI- GENTLE, To ho - VMS.
U; XXV-2G ; XXVM4, 16, To ho —in b pouch. VI -31, 33,
17, 21, 24, 35, 80, 37, 38, GIfATA. A name for Sign Kum-
39, 40, bha, 1-7.
Information regarding the GIDDINESS, —- is indicated by
father’s s —
to he sought for Jupiter XEV-G
from the 11th house from the
Mercury brings on death through
Sun. XV-24.
— — . XIV- (4
The 11th house signifies 1-15.
To have pecuniary losses and —a

GIFTS. — recommended for ward-

IX- 11. ing off sins. XI 1-23, 24 ; XXVI
GATT 1-15.
GAMANA. 1-15. To be liberal in one’s—VI- 15,
GAMBLER. XL3; XV1TI-8. 22, 24; VIir-G, 2L ;
IX-2, 9 ,

GAMBLING. To como to grief To take delight in making -XXI

th rough —XXI-41. -15.
To earn by —V-2 ; GIRL, Time of gift of a— .XII- 34.
GANDANTA. XII (4), Acquisition of good- -a, XX-3,
GANDHA. 11-26. GLAD, To he always at heart,


GARMENT. 11-9,10, 18, 86. GLUTTON. To bo a—. VI-
02 .

GARUDA. IMP, 29 XU-20. ;

GO. I-R, 12.
GOATS. Acquisition of—. XX-
GEHA. Ml. 9 .

GEMINI. Same as Mithuna. GOBLINS. Childlessness due to

GEMS VT-4G, 48; XIX-7, 12, trouble from XII-21, — .

26 ; XX-2G. Saturn brings on harm from—.

Trouble from— VIII 30 XIV-


GENIUS. To conjecture about GODS. 11-6,10; 7-0; VMS,
one's own — . XV-16. 53; VUT-4; TX-7 X1V-G. ;
; . ,

26; XIX-24; XX-10; XXI- GOOD MEN. Coming in contact
7, 23, 81, 41, 43, 45, 66, 69, 72, with — >. XX1-39.
80; XXII-32
COLA YOGA. Vl-39, 41. —ies. 111-8,0.16,17; VLSI,
GOLD. II- 1, 3,80; 51, 69; VIII-3, 8, 33; XL5, 6,
V-4 ;VI-
34, 40; XVL18; XYIIl-9 7 ; XVI-2, 5, 20 ; XVHI-4
XXl-19, 60, 78 XX-4; XXI-39,
18. GOOD WORDS, To be devoid of
GOLDSMITH I'Ll 8 XVttI-9. VI-59.


GOOD A term denoting the 10th GOURI YOGA. VI-21,25.
llOUSG L15. GOUT To be troubled by—.
To ho extolled by the—. VL3. XTX-13.
To bo to every body V1-G9. GOVERNOR. To be a-or Dire-
To bo supremely-— VI 20. .
ctor. VI 22
To do—.tcts. VilI-7, 13; XX- GRACEFUL To be— III-12.
13. GRAHABHEDA. — Adhyaya II
To do —to others. XIX-10 GRAHA DRISHTI 11-23
To perform many*— mbs XIII-
To Blander bhe— VIII 32. . GRAHA MANA. XXIV-23, 24,
To Bpeiul money bo wards blia 25.
causo of bhe , XX-13. GRAHA YUDDIIA, XXVI-29.
To stand in bhe way of any one GRAIN. 11-28; XIX 6.

doing-acts. VIU-32, GRAND CHILDREN. XX40.

Wherever Yamakanfcaka
is asso-
ciated, — has to be expected.
GREAT MEN. To receive
1-14; VI-16.
sesfrom—. XIX-11.
Yamakantaka is very powerful To worship— XIX-24. .

in causing—. XXV-19. GREATNESS To have all the—.

Yoga nob bo do any 'act. VIII- — VIII-12.
GREAT PEOPLE. To he intenb
GOOD ACTION. XXVI-23. on heanng stories of — VI*56,


13 GREEN 1141
GOOD EFFECT. XV-2, 8, 4. GREESHMA 11-24.

VII 1-29. GRIEF. III-10i VI-17; VIII-

18 XXI-24 XXVI-20, 38,
GOOD HEART. VI-53. 39, 40
; ,


GOOD INFLUENCE XX-30. GUESTS. To show hospitality
GOOD LUCK* Til-9 VI-63; ;
to —at all times. XXI-23.
XVHI-2; XX 1-3 9. GUHA. 11-27

.; ;

11*26 ; III-16 ; XXV- GUNA, 1-15.
9; XVlI'2, 21, XXV-7, 8, 9, GURU. 11-29, 23, 24, 20, 28,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 31.
18, 19, 20, 21, 30,

HABITATION. To settle one- HARD-HEARTED. To be—.
permanent —
self in a XX-11. . VIfT-20.
HAIR. 11*8,9,10, 11, 12, 14; HARD LABOUR. To be an adept
YITI-i. in works involving . XV L
To have curled — s. IX-8. 6 .

HALE. To be— and healthy. IIARDSIirPS. To endure—. IX-

2 .
xrv-i 7 .

HARE. 11-17.
HALO. XXV- 28. HAREM. JI-1G; XXl-28.
HAMMERS. To be a dealer in-. IIARI. XII-18.
HANDS. IX-8 XIX- 23; XXVI- ;
VI-1, 3.
HARSH. To bo — in speech.
VIII- 12
HANDSOME. A woman to be
very—. XI-10
HATED. To be—by others. VIII-
To be — VIII- 14
10, 16.
Happenings, xx-19.
HAPPILY. To be -placed in life
HA YANG A 1-7.

HEAD. 11-32; XVI-1 ; XIX-
21, XXI-10, 11, 22, 77} XXVI-
To live-rwith one’s wife. VIII- 36, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
39 .

HEADACHE. To suffer from- .
1-12; II-l, 6;
XXI-fl, 34, 61, 63.
III-8, 11 VI-3, 18, 36, 48, 61,

63 ; VIII'2, 3, 8, 10, 13, 22, 29; HEADMAN. To be a—. VITI-

IX-19; X-10 XI-1 XEI-32;
; ; 12 .

XV- 22, XVI-10,24; 17*5 To be the— of a village. VL4

XXX-6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 16; XX- VI 11-87.
10, 12, 48; XXI-12, 17, 31,40, To become a friend of a renown-
49, 67, 82, 83; XXIV-43 ed—. VI-63.
XXV-8, 13 XXVI- 9, 12,
; 13, HEADSTRONG. To be-. VI-
17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 62
HAPPY. XII-10, 18 VI-4, 6, 9,
HEALTH. II- 2 XV-16 XX- 7. ; ;

11,49,69,70; VIII-6, 8, 11, HEALTHY. VI-6 VIII-17 j ;

12, 13, 14. 17, 21, 25; IX-2; xvr-17.

XI- 5; XVI- 4, 24; XVIII- 1 HEARING. To possess clear
XX-36; XXVI- 19. organa of — . VI-&.

KARA. Ill- 6, HEAT. XIV- 17 XIX-17, 24}
j XXL XXI-3, 13,

21, 24, 68; XXV-

25. 23 ; XXVI *10, 13, 16.
1 ..

HEAVEN. VI- 55; XIV-22. HONOURED. To be-™-. XVI-2.
HELR APPARENT IT-4. To be — by one’s own people.
HELL. XIV-22, 23, IX 15.
bo or from a brother, To
bo —by one’s sovereign IX-
XX-4. .

riORA, MO; in-1, 4,0,12,15;

— feo relations. XX-5, IV-3; XX-G3.
To bo — ful to others. Vi-22, HOR \PABALA. IV-1,
To bo of much — to the public.
XV t 6.
HORNET). Danger from — 'ani-
To bo dwtrassod mals. XL V-3; XXV-23.
and wretched without wealth irOROSOOPE. XM.
HENPECKED. To bo—. tX-4. HOUSE. 11-19 HI-9; VIM, ;

JJEKBB. II 15,87; XVIII-8. 7, 17, V-7; -VI-38, 48;

II EH E ITC, 11-33 XXV-16; ; XVI- 13; XIX-11, 24, 26; XXl-
XXVXX-6. 17.25,35; 44, 60 ; XXII-31
I1EHETIOAL. To be— VI-41. XXV- 30.
planets, 11-27; IV-3. VI-24.
HORSE-GRAM. 11-28.
HERNIA. XlV~6 XXI-54. ;


HiBTJKA 1-12. HOSTILE. VIII- 25 ; XX-23.
man esteem, xi-io, HOUR. IV-1.
66; VIIf-2, B, 17; XVI- 14;
HIGH POSITION. To hold a—, XV HI-5; XX-5; 16; XXI-
VM8, 51, 11, op.
- s.IX-4, 6, 17; XV-U, 12*.

be--. VI-
— less, To be — •. VIII-22.
HILLS. To go to forests and—, HOUSE-BUILDING, To be en-
IX 5. gaged in — . XXI-4
HINDRANCE. To do— bo others. HUE. 11-10,12; XVI-1.
IX-JJL. HUGE, 11-13.
TOT. XI-32. HUMAN BEINGS. Poriod of life
HIPS XI-5. for-. XIEI-7.
HOARDED GOODS. TT-6. To have one’s future birth to ba
HOLY ORDER. XXVH-8. that of a — . XXV- 28.
II-7 ;

HOME KEEPING. IX-3. VI-56 VHI-3, 6, 13 IX-18, ; ;

HONEY 11-15. 19; XX-16, 18; XXX-67 ;

HONOUR 1-15 II— 5, XIX- ;

XXVI- 10, 11, 15,17, 18.
16; XX 4, 19; XXI-13, 20, HUMOURS XIV- 4, 5, 17. 7,

28, 39, 44, 49, 60, 63, 64, 72, HUNDRED YEARS XIII-24.
79, 81 ; XXVI-11, 16, 20, 23, HUNGER. To be pinched with—
34, 38. VIII -23.

HUNTER. 11-20. X-7, 8; SM, 2, 3, 0, 7, 9,

HURT. XXI-73. 10, 11 j XV 21; XV 1-20


IDLE. 11-14 ;
VIII-13, 16. To be— acts. VtTI-gfi,
IDYA, II- 5. IMPURITY. 1-14; H-7; XIV-
IGNORANT. To be—. VIU-G. 3,9; XIX- 9 XXVI 18.

ILLS. XIV-9, INA. 1525,26,28.

ILL-BEHAVED A woman to INACTIVE. To bo — . VUH3,
be XI-6 15, 21.
ILL- HEALTH. XXVJ-10. To be mosfe — to do any walk.
XXI- 30, V III-l, 7.
ILL TEMPER. To display an 50.
abundance ot— XXV- 10. . INCANTATIONS. XXVI-49.
ILLUSTRIOUS. To come of an INCOGNITO. To lead the life
— family VI-25. of an-*. XX- 15
IMPARTIAL. To be — in one’s INCOME. 1-15; V-3 VIII-24 ;

argument. IX- 7. XV- 24.

an — manner. VI-30. 56.
9, 17. INDIA. XIV- 25.
IMPETUOUS. To be — VIH-1. *. INDIGENCE. To suffer from—.
IMPORTANCE. To be every day VII 1-20.
growing in —. VI 45 INDIGENT. To bo—. IH-14;
become an-. XVIII-13. INDIGESTION. XIV-3.
2 .
5, 24, 29.
5; XXI- 7 9 ; XXV-24 INDRA-DHANUS XXV-1, 29
TNDU, 17; II- 17, 21, 25, 27,
IMPROPER ACTS. To be weari- 28, 31, 37.
ed by fatigue caused by doing — >.

To do — VIII-9; XIX-25. INFLUENCE XV-16; XVI-27.
8, 14; XH-9,12, 19; XIH-19;
IMPURE. To be — . VI-U; XIV- 2 5, 28; XV- 1, 3, 6, 12,
VIII-32. 18; XVM1, 14, ib; XX-14,
- 2A : — .

27, 30,
35, 37,
38, 66, 57; INTERCOURSE. with another —
23 ; man’s wife. XXI- 30


XXIV-10; XXVI-80,82. -with females. XXI-31.

INIMICAL HOUSE. XXIV-30. To have— with wicked women.
INIMICAL SION X-4. INTERESTS. To be intent on se-
INJURY. A libido bo a precep- .-n— VI-52. .

tor or older. XX 1-46. N s'!

^ To lie clover in

1 i .

Olnldtossmm duo to an— oaiwurt XVfU-2

bo a virtuous lady. XLL-21 INTERRUPTIONS. To have—
—from firo .XXr-70. in one’s undertakings. VI-33.
'•from poison. XXL22*
— fro father should ho guessed
INTRIGUES. To liave—with an
aged female. XIX-23,
from bho ftfcU homo from bho
Sun, XV-23.
To have with bad — women.
VIIL 18.
—bo one's friends and elders.
To have— with low females XIX
xxr.34 9.
Saburn oauses—ta tlio ribs
XIV-B* To have —with, wicked women.
To meet with from — a weapon. NX-18.
virr-ai. To have —with women not one’s
INSANITARY. To dwell in- own. VI-4.
surroundings* IX-18. To lose one’s wealth through
INSANE To bo— XXV- 15. with women. VII 1-26.
INSANITY* Death through—.
INS EOT* 11-20* IBAVATA. TII-7, 9.
INSECURITY. XXVI 45, 40. IKON. 1 1-7, 80 ; XVIII-7. *
very— man. VI- 17, 58» 67 ;
INSINCERE A woman bo be—. 66 .


INSULTED. To be-. VIII-7. ISLANDS. XIV-23, 2o.
INTELLECT, 11-33 VI-2 VIII, ; ;
ISSUE A woman whose — 'Will
all die early. XI-5,
21; XX-26; XXI-57.
INTELLECTUAL PRECISION. The number of— one may have
To he blessed with —or have no
XIX-12. To determine the number of —
INTELLIGENCE* 1-12 ; VI-59 ; XII-13.
VIII- 4, 13; XV-28; XXV- 13. To have few—. VI-7, 59.
INTELLIGENT. TM2; ITI-B- To have no VI-62. —
XI- 16, 27, 31; VIII-8, 6, 16 To have limited VIII — . 26,
IX 4 XI-6 XVMfi XVJI1—
; ; ; 27 TX-6, ;

1; XXV—8. ISSUELESS. To be—, X-5.


; —


JACKAL. 11-18, Aspect of — is necessary for con-
JAIL XL 7, ception. XI Jl.

JALADHI YOGA. VI-4.4, 48. Dasa period of—. XIX-2, 11,

JALODARA. XIV-14, 19. 22; XXt-40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
JAMITRA. 1-13. 46, 47.
JANMA. 1-10 XXVI-29. Effect in

's iatba. XXVI -45.

JANMALAGNA XXV-14. Effect of Gulika being associated

with—. XXV- 6,
JANMA RASI. <X4l ; XX- 23,
Effect of —

being in tlio 1st, 2nd,

63; XXVI42, L3, 17, 18, 21,
3rd or 4th house. VIII— 14.
22, 24.
Effect of— 's Dahft happening as
JAPA. 1-14 ;
the sixth
Effect of
— ’s transit in the 3rd
JATAKA. IV- 20. house from the Moon. XXV f-
JATRA 1-12. 34.

Effect of 's transit over the
several houses from the Moon.
JAY A. 1-15. * XXVI- 18, 19, 20,
JEALOUSY, Time when one’s
Effect of
— 's transit over the
will arise. XVI-34.
I2fch, 8th and 1st from the
To suffer from—. XX-18.
Moon. XXVI-33.
JEEVA. — (aminai) Basis. 1-9.
Effect of Moon in - 's Trimsam-
—(Jupiter), H-22, 24, 25, 28.
sa in a female horoscope. XI-
JEEVANA. 1-15. 6, 7.
JEEVASARMAN. XXII-20, 25, Effect of Moon in the several
29. Amsas aspected by — . XVI 11-
JEWELS. Acquisition of— XIX 12, 13, 14, 15.
-26; XX-8 XXL29. Effect of Moon in the several

Purchase or salQ of—, XXI“19. signs aspoctod by — •. XVIII-

To have good VIII- 17, 6, 7, 8, 9, JO, 11.


To own , IX-14. Effect of Mars conj •. XVIII-

JHASHA, 1-4.
Effect of Morcury conj,—,
JNA, 1-7 11-21,
; 22, 24, 28. XVIH-4.
JNATI, 1-13. Effect of Moon conj,—. XVIII- 2.
JNEJYA DEIGBALA. IV-6, Effect of Saturn conj,' — >. XVIII-
JOURNEY. XIX 6 XXVI-9, ; 10.
Effect of Sun conj.—. XVIII-
— sof life, VI-7.
Effect of Venus conj.—, XVIII-
JUDGE. To be a—. VIII-12. 4.
JUPITER. II-5, 12, 16, 19, 22, In producing Yomakan-
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, taka is like XXV-20.
32; VI 26, 28; XIII-I8, 23, In the case of a planet whose
24 ; XIV-6, 23 XV* 16 ; XV1-9; ; Bhukti is good, the good effect
XV1II-12. will be manifested when
Ashtaka Varga of—. XXIII- 7 enters (in transit) the planet's
XXIV-10, 11. exaltation sign, XX-38,

In transit —becomes effective
— Anbardasa in Bahu’s Dasa-
when he middle of a
in the
Antardasa in Saturn's Dasa.
— and acquisition of children. XXI* 50.
Xtl-l, 2, 4, 0, G, 10, 13, 14, 25, — Anturdasa
«'s the Sun's in
28, 29, 30, Dasa. 7. XXT—
— and the Moon in a Kendra, - 'b Antardasa in Venus’ Dasa.

aspected by Venus ushers a XXt-60.

King. VIM 8. — 'b aspect ovor the Moon makes
— if owning a Kendra, is power- the child long- lived and happy,
ful l.o cause oy;il. XX -50. XV 1-34.
“"in a Kendra identical with 's (India factor* XXIV-26.
SwalcHhotra or Mvvocboha causos ""*s position in the general order
HamsaYoga. VT-l. in Dasaa-XX 11-27.
— -in conjunction with Mandi in —of pioeedence
special power
's IV-1J.
the 5th causes non-lessnoss, Lord of the 2nd if connected with
XU-22.' '
makes the native a proficient

—in the 5th causes distress to in the sacred scriptures and

the Bhava. XV -20, code of laws. XVI 6.
— in the 5th, Gfch, 7th or the 8th Lords of the 2nd, 7th and 12th
house. VIII J 5, aspected by— and occupying
— in the 9bh 10th, 11th or the Trikona or Kendra positions
12th house. VIII- 10. usher a King. X-10,
— >in the 9fch with bright rays, Mars, Saturn and quartered in —
aspected by or m
conjunction the 10th, Uth and the Lagna
with friendly planets ushers a will usher a King. VII-24.
King. VIJL-U. Naisargikadasa period of —XXI
—in the 7th and in depression 17
causes loss of wife, X-3. One out of the lords of Uth, 9fch
—in bho Obh or Hbh causes con- and the 2nd houeos occupying
sumption, XIV- 11. a Kendra with respect to the
— in transit gives good results Moon 1
’ - * J
, own
in the 2nd, 5th, 7bh, 9th and the 2m ,
Ilth from the Moon.XXVI-2, 7. usher a King, VIT-25.
—is the Karaka of 2nd, 5th, 9th, Particular Yoga arid the position
10th and Uth. XV-17, of —
therein that causes the
— strong in the Lagna can ward native to attain emancipation.
off many of the evils. XIII-22, XXVII- 1.
— 'Will bring about death in a Pindayurd&yadasa period of — •.

happy manner or through XXII-21.

XIV- The good effect of a Bhava is
Anbardasa in Ketu’s
Dasa. realised when in his transit —
comes to the Bhava.
in trine
Anbardasa in Mars'
*a Dasa. XV 1-32,
XXI 23. The kind of asceticism caused
— Anbardasa in Mercury's
's by—. XXVII-5
Dasa. XXI 64, The Moon in the Amsa of a very
—’a Anbardasa in the Moon’s friendly planet and aspected by

—Dasa. XXI -15. — will usher a King. VII“2S.

’s Antardasa in— 's Dasa. The particular division bn a Basi
XXI-39. of which —is the lord in an
jupi i'm KRSAtRI YOC1A

Ashtaka varga- XXIII- 18, l ). l

(b) the demise of the father
The 6th asbexistp from that of and mother. XVIi-7.
is termed his Forward Latta. (c) the death at the son.
XXVI *42. XVH-6.
The 3rd and 11th houses and Venus aspeoted by— or- oceu- —
if associated
or aspeoted by pying a sign (other than
Saturn and Mars will cause the Makaia) identical with tho
native to suffer from ear- Lagna will usher a King.
disease. XIV-10. VII-30
Time Venus,— and Saturn in Mecna.
through —
X-l 4. Moon in Vrishablm Hun as-
pectod by Mars and Mesh a
Transit by—-over certain speci-
as Lagna usher a King. VII-
.bed places or their Trikonas
brings ahout
When— is in a Kendra, middle
(a) the demise of the native. poition of the life, is good.
XVII- 3, 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, XX-33.
22, 28; XX-32; XXIV- JYESHTA. XI-9.

KAHALA-YOGA. VI-35 36 KABKI. 1-6. 7, 8.
KAILA8A. XIV-23 KABMA. 1-15; IV-5.
KALA 11-27 XXV-1, ; 4, 20, 21. KARMAJEEVA. V,
2, 4 ; XXVIII-1-d. KABTIKBYA. XII-20.
KA.LAMSA. HI-1,2. KATAKA. 1-4, 0,8; IV-6; VH-
KAliAPUJUISHA. 1-4; XVI-1 16; VIII- 1; 1X-4; X-3 XI- ;
ICALINGA 11-28. 7 ; XU-6 ; XIV-17 XVIII 7 ;
KALYA. 1 10.
KAMA 1-13. KAVI. 11-22, 24.

KAMA YOGA, VM4, KB DAE A. VI-39, 40.

KAMALA. H-27. KEEKATA 11-28.


KEETA. 1-7.

IV-5 ; IX-6
8 XIX-26 XXIV-25.
; ;
KENttBA. I- 17; III-6; IV 3
VI-1, 5, 14, 19, 21,
KAPHA. II-ll. 26, 28, 35,
37,70, Vli.l, 2, 6, 7,11,16,
KABA. 1-12.
18, 19, 20, 25 26, 27, 29, 30 ;
KAKAKA 111-17 j XV-6, 17, 21, X-10 ; XI1I-9, 12, 16, 17, 21,
®V XVI-8, 9. 12, 31 XX-54 , 23, 24; XIV -20; XV-7, 30;
XXII 1-14, 15; XXVIII-1 4. XVI-2, 16, 17, 21, 27; XX-33,
Tbe s
the several Bhavas
q! 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 61,
when posited in their respective 52, XXV-30; XXVII-1, 8.
Bhavas will cause distress. KENDRABALA. IV-8.
XV 26.
KBSABI YOGA. Vl-14, 16.


KETU. 11-16, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, KITH AND KIN. XX-12; XXVI
34, 35, 37 IV-5 ; ; VIIL28, 29, 11 .

30, 31, 32, 33, 34,* XZI-22 ;XIV KLESA. [-14.

-9, 11, 15, 23 XV-16 XVI-


0, 28 XIX* 2, 17, 25
; ;
53; XXL-10, 18, 26, 34,42, 50, KNOWLEDGE. IL4, 0; VI-18;
58, 66, 07, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, XV-16; XVr-6.
74, 83; XXV-1, 17, 25, 29; KODANDA. XXV 1,14, 29.

KETTLE DRUMS, VI-38, KONA, XVI- 2, 17, 27.
kuala. tn-19. KTIATU. 1-15.
KirATiA YOGAS, VI-82, 33. KRISHNA, xri-16.
XXI 1-7; XXV 1-26*

KLtiLEH. XX-fifi.

KIND. Vi 86 KRUIU. 19; 11-28.

KSIIAYA. 1-16.
KING. 1M7;
rU-B. 9, 10, 11,
L7 ; V-2 VI-3, 4, G, 9, 20, 22,
24. 27, 31, 38, 40, 54, 55, 70;
VI L, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, KS HIT BUT A. 11-24.

11. 12, (4, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22, 23, 25 26, 27, 28, 30;
VIII- 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 20, ;
IX* 9, 14 XI- 7 XIII-9
; ; ;
-2, 3, 27 XVII 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
KtJJA. H-15, 22, 24, 27, 30;

10. 11, 12; X.tX-6, 9, 15, 18; XXI-62, 70, 78.

XX 6, 25 XXI 15, 25, 36, 68;;
KULIRA. 1-4.
XXV- 17 XXVII-7. ;
KUMARA. 1127.
KINGDOM. M2; XX-25. XIV-19 ; XVIII-11 XXIV-25. ;

KINGSHIP, irr-9.

LABHA. 1-15, 4, 14, 28, 35, 42 ; VIL5, 6, 7,
12,13, 20,24, 29; VIII-
8, 10,
1; IX-1,2, 3, 4; X-l, 11, 12,
LABOUR. Anything done by
13; XL1, 2, 4,5, 10,11; XII-
one's own bodily—-becomes 1, 2, 4, 7, 26, 27, 34; XIII -2, 8,
fruitless. VI-67. 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17,19,20,21,
22, 23, 24; XIV-28 ; XV-2, 3,
LADY, XXL 21. 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 26,
LAGNA. L10 ; TII-ll f 16 ;
VI- 28; XVI- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,7, 11,12,


13, 16, 17, 38, 21, 27, 31, 33,34, To get fame through the ap-
35 ; XVII-2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, plause of the . XIX-10, —
37, 18, 19, 2325 XX-2, 15, 28, , ; LEARNING. 1-10; 11-4,5; VI-
33, 34, 41, 59XXII-19, 21, 22, ; 10, IS, 59, 65 ; VIM, 8, 13,
27, 28 ; XXXII- 12, 16, 18, 19 ; 28 ; XV-15 ; XVHI-4 ; XXI-
XXIV-4, 13, 14,35, 38, 39, 41; 57.
XXY-4, 8, 22, 26; XXVI-1 LECTURES XX- 3.
XXVII -6 ;
Effect of planets owning the— LEET EAR MS.
deoanabe Ilora, Dwada-
, — — LKKTEYE. 1-16; MS; XXt-

samaa ancl Trirasamsaa ocoii- 27.
pying own, exaltation or LEET HAND, XXVI-35, 36, 37,
friendly house 111-15, 39, 40.
LAGNA AYUS. XXII-19, 22, 25, LEG. M0; 11-32; IX- 1, 10
NIV-8, 9 XVI -3 XIX-
; ; 1 4,
23; XX 1-10.
— pain, XIX- 25.
LANOHANA, 11-32.
LAND 1-11 ; XX-5, 16 XXT-9, ;
35, 46, 58, 72, 74, 78.
VIM, 8, 11, 29 IX-15 XV LEO. Same as Simlia.
; ;

15; XVI-14; XVIII- 4 XIX-7, ;

; 9, 15;
13, 16, 19, 20, 24. XX1-9, 61 XXV-16.
XXVI-16. LIAISON. Yogas leading, to a
LAPIS LAZULI. 1 1-29. with other people’s wives X-4.
LATTAS. XXVL42-44, 45, 46,
47. LIBERAL, VLSI, 40 ; VII L-2, (h
LAUDATION. VITI-4. 10, 21 ; IN-2, 9.
LAWS. To be proficient in the
— minded. XX-7.
code of—. XV1-G. LIBERALITY. VI-1B; [X~U.
LAZINESS XXI-48. LIBRA. Same as Tula.
LEAD. 11-30,35. LIEE. XIII 3, 7; XXI 22, 42,
LEADER. VI-2. 53, 55, 61.
—of men. VI-45 ; XYl-13. Danger to-. XXVI-27, 28, 33,
—ship. XX— 4. 34, 35, 39, 40.
LEAN. II- 9, 13, 34; IX-7; — period of a man. XXII- 26,
XVIII-13. — short,
, medium ancl long.
LEARNED. A woman to have a XII1-15.
husband who is—. XP3. Rahu’s transit through the 8th
Association with the—. XXI- house causes danger to . —
57. XXV 1-24,
Mercury governs
ted by— men.
places frequen-
The full period of in the case —
of different animals. XXIL31.
To be—. VI-3, 49, 55 ; VIII-5, To lose one’s— when
a plant
11, 12, 14 ; IX-12 ; XVIII 6, 7, transits a Rasi void of benefio
10 11
dots in. his Ashtaha varga.
To be praised by the—. VI-2. XXIII -11.

LIGHT, IT-10 LOOK. JI-34 IX-6.


LIGHTNING. Danger from LORD. VI-20, 34; VIII-19;

XXI-1L IX-15, XVIII-H; XXI-74.
LIMB. TMI, 13, 14, 34; VI-8, LORD OP THE EARTII. To
9,11,50; VIII-5, 8, 24, 86 ; become the—. VI- 3 6,
IX-1,10; NIV-8 XVI-1,2;
xvrn-ic; xrx-ss,. xxi-oe,
LORD OP MEN. To become a-*.
VI-43; XVIII- 11.
73,83; XXYI-35-41.
LION, lt-12,
LIQUOR 11-15,
LISPING, To bo—. XVL6, — in cattle and agricultural
operations. XXI 74,

author of good XV1U-1 2. — —m finance. XXV 1-23.

LITIGATION. XXU21. - of children. XII-3, 9 ; XXV-
30; XXV1-22.
LITTKHH. To be aecompainotl
by . VI -38 —of Eiders XXI- 22, 42.
LITTLE. To know only a — — of friends. XXI-10, 42.
XXV-12. ~ of house and corn. XX1-11.
LLYEIilllOOI), 1-15; V-2 — of lands and vohicies. XXI- 58.
XXVIir 1-4. —of life. XXI-55.
R is Saturn that# settles a —of monoy. XIX-19 XXI-73;
person’s — >. XV- 10. XXVI-19

To assume tl.o dr< as of an ascetic

— of one’s appointment. XXI-78.
to gain a XXVII -5. —of one’s relations, lands,
To earn one's— as a menial happiness and wealth. XIX-
VIU-15. 13.
Widening of the scope for— — of position, XX-28 ;
XXI-28. 10, 32, 54, 62, 73; XXVI -13,
LTVRR DISEASE. XIV-17. 18, 45 46.
LIVING. To have a miserable — —of property and among re* —
Vl-oa. vered seniors. XIX-18.
LOFTY- MINDED. A woman to -of relations. XIX-1 4 XXI-22. ;

bo—. XI-6.
LOWS, To have round—. IX- —of things connoted by Bhavas
8 .

LOKA. 1-13. -of wealth. XIX-20, 25 XXI- ;

5, 8,10, 11,25, 47, 52,69, 77;

LONG-LIFE To bo gifted with-.
XXVI-9, 11, 12, |5, 16 17, 22,
111-12; VI-2; VIII-17, 29;
24, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39-40.
XII- 32; XI1I-2I.
To enjoy — VI-43; VIII-5,
—of wife. X-l, 7, 15; XXI-
15; VI-U, 15, 16, 42, 45, 65! To have pecuniary es. IX-11. —
VIII-4, 7, 11, 12, IB, 14, 15, 16, To meet with unnecessary es. —
18, 25, 26, 27 ; XI1I-7, 16, 18; IX-18.
XVI-2, 21, 24, 27. To suffer — es. XXI-83.
LONG SPAN OF LIFE. To have To suffer — ofXX-19 honour. ;

a — •. VTII-24. XXI- 63 XXVI-15, 34.


LONGEVITY, IT-7 i XIII-1 LOTUS-LIKE. To have a-face,

XV-23. VI-25.

LOVE. Information regarding LOW MORALITY. To live by

one’s — affairs XY-16. the earnings of men of V-8. — *.

To be exceedingly ly. VIII-6. — LOW ORDER. To be vory in-

To be exceedingly smitten significant and of a — . XIV~5.
with — • VIII-9. LOW PEOPLE. XI 7, 15, 10
To be-~-d by a beautiful damsel. Vi-41, 02 ; IX- 18.

To be d by all. VI 30.
LOW WOMEN. To resort to iha
To have a ~ly face. VIII-14.
society of — . XlX-20 XXV- ;

To have of relations. Ill- 10.

To know about one’s father’s

LUCK. To have no- -. Vi-iO.
and passion. XV- 23.
LUCKY. To be very-. 111-
LOW. Even a born to become — 17; VMS; X 7.
a king. VII-7. LUNGS. XJV-3.
To associate with the— VI-10. LUST — To be ful and depraved.
to be of-XI-7. To be without — XVIfLM.
LOW-FEMALES. To have intri- LUSTRE. To shine with Bvah-
gues with — . XIX-9. mmical —'VC-31,
i through secret of enemies. MAID SERVANT. XI-7.
XX 16. MAKARA. 1-6, 8; VII-20;
MACHINERY. To be skilled in— IX- 10; XIV- 19; XV-29;
MADHYAMA. III-14; VI-18. MALE — s. XU-11, 12
MADHYAMAYUS; XII1-6, 14. —-Navamsas XII 10.
MAGADHA. 11-28 -planets. 11-27; IV- 3; XII-

MAGNANIMOUS. VI-29; VIII- — Signs. 1-9.

MALEFIC 11-27 ; XIV-11,20;
MAHABHAGYA. VI-14, 15. XVI-4, 22; XX- 23,
6, 10, 16,
51, 54 XXI-4 XXIJ-19, 21
; ;

2, 7, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, XXIII-14, 23, 24; XXVI-26,
25, 29, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43,
27, 28, 80.
44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54,
56,57,60,61,62, 63, 64, 65,
MALEFIOS. VII-11, 24 X-8, 4, ;

66, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 79, 6, 7, 8, 15; XI-2, 3, 4, 5; XII-
80,81,83; XXII-10* 11* 13s 2, 3, 4,6,7; XV-1, 4, G, 7, 10.
15. 18, 19.
five —stated. VI-1. 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24; XIV' 20 ;

MAHA YOGAS. VI-32, 34. XV-2, 3, 8; XX- 26, 27, 30.

MAHEYA 11-29, 10 .
. .

MALICE. To be free from — •. AU planets except — lose a" third
Vl-29. of their Ayurdaya when they
MALICIOUS 11-34. are in inimical houses. XX.1I-
MAUN A. 1-14. !9.
MAN, XXI 1-20, 31. Apahara of —in Jupiter’s Dasa.
MANDA. I 6; rt-21, 30. Apahara of in Moon’s Dasa.
M AN DAI i A. XXIV-28. XX Li 3.
I ) r. XXI M2. Apahara of “"in Rahil's Dasa.
MAND1. (Ll-lOi XIl-H, 22; XX 1-38.
XIV *9 ; XV 8; XVI 1-7, 9, 10, Apahara of — in Saturn’s Dasa.
11, 12, 18, 17, 25, 20, 28; XX XX 1-fid,
31, 55 ; XXV-1, 2, 4, 14, 19; Apahara of —in Bun’s Dasa.
XXV til- 1-4 XXL5.
MANES XI LIB, 20. Ashtaka varga of — . XXII L5.
MANGA jY A. 1-14. I Bhavas for which —Is a Karaka.
MANHOOD. To lose one’s — XV-17.
VII 1-20 Certain llajayogas formed by—
MANITTHA. XXTI-24. and other planets, VII-9, 10,
MANNERS. To possess 16, 24.
amiable — . VL0. Courage, disease, younger bro-
MANSION. To have a beauti- thers, etc. are bo bo ascertained
ful — . VI-48. through — XV-25.
MANTRAS. V-2. 5; XtlLfi. Dasa of — , X1X-9, 20 ;
M ANTRESWARA. 1-2 ; XXVH L 21, 33, 23 25,20,27,28. 29.
5. Dasa of— happening to bo tho
MARAKA. XX-50, 5th in tho order of main Dasas
MAR AN A. A term for the 8bh will provo dangerous. XX-24.
house. [-14. Effect of Gulika being in con-
MARCHES To endure long— on junction with —
XXV-1 5, .

roads. TX-1JL
Elfoct of —
being connected with
MARGA. T -13, the lord of tho 2nd. XVI’G.
MARKS. 11-32. Effect of —being in the several
MARRIAGE Information about houses. VII1-8, 9, 10.
— should I)o sought for through Effect of— in oonj unction with
Verms. 11-0. Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or
— XIX- 12.
activities. Saturn. XVIII-3.
Time of — X-12, 14. . Effect of Moon being in a Trim-
To perform s. XX-S. — sarnsa of — 6, 7.
, XL
4. Effect of Moon in conjunction
MARS. U-3, 10, 15, 28, 21, 24, with-. XVIII-2.
25 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 VM Effect of Moon in the several
XII-4, 5, 20, 12, 14, 20; XIV-4,
; ;

signs, Navamsas, aspected by —

10, 11, 14, 23, 26 ; XVII-G. XVIII-G, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13,
A woman in whose nativity the 14, 15.
7th house or setting Navamsa In an ascetic yoga,— malies the
is owned by will have a dis- — native an ascetic of the Bud-
eased womb, XL 4. dhist class. XXVII" 5.
About a brother, the effects of In transit —
produces effect when
the 12 Bliavas aro to be deduced he is in tho first 10 degrees of
counting from XV-24 — . a sign. XXV f" 25.

, —

ICefm is similar to-Mn giving XXVII-3,
effects. VTH-84 The particular division in a Rasi
— and the Sun in the 4fch cause of which— is
the lord in an
the house of the native to he Ashtaka varga XXII 1-18, 19.
burnt. XVI-U. The particular houses whore
— and the number of brothers when — transits, lie gives good
one may have. XV F- 9 results XXV T-2, 5,

•—in conjunction with the Sun The two luminaries in trine to

makes the native do sinful —
Saturn and cause the ohild to
, deeds. XVIII- 1* lie abandoned by belli the
— in the 9th and its lord in a parents. XVI -24.
Dussbhana or betwixt two made- The yours Cor the Dasa of
fies causes the demise of the NIX-2,
father soon after the native’s The years of- —
under the Naisar-
birth. XVI-22. gilcaDasa, XX.FM7.
— in the 7th house identical To iind the year of calamity or
witlv jVfeena causes loss of wife, disease from —
in the Ashtaka
X-l varga.XXIV-42.
—in the 10 th makes the native To guess the numbor of one’s
and mighty personage.
a great brothers from the Ashtakavarga
XVI-28, * of—. XXFV 9.
—in the 3rd causes distress to Venus and the Moon in opposi-
that Bhava. XV“26. tion to —and Saturn make the
—in transit in the 7th brings native wifeless or issueloss.
loss of honour and wealth and N-5,
in most cases clanger to life Venus in a Varga of— or having
also. XXVI-34 his aspect makes the native to
— in transit the 12th, 8th or
in have a liaison with other peo-
the 1st house from the Moon ple's wives. X-4
brings about danger to life. MASA. 11-24.

— owning the Lagna occupying MASCULINE. A woman to bo

Simha or Meana identical witii in her bearing XI- 2.
the 5th house will give a son A woman to be of a — disposi-
very soon. XV- 10. tion Xl-7
—posited in an Urdhvamukha MATERIALS. VTH-33 ; NXI-43
JRasi identical with the 10th or 81.
11th will secure to the native a MATERNAL AUNT. The planets
Kingdom. XX-25. playing the lole of — \ 11-25.
Menses of a woman caused by is MATERNAL GRAND-FATHER.
the aspect of— over the Moon The planet through whom one
in Anupaehaya positions. XI- ought to guess about his . —
11 . XV-16.
See also under Kuja. MATERNAL CTNGLE. Ml; IT-
The effect of transit by —.over 4; XIII-8; XV-15, 21; XXIV-9.
the 12 houses. XX VI-1 3, 14. MATRU. 1-11.
The Graha factor of <.— XXIV- 26 MATSYA REKHA. VI-3.
The Moon in 8a turn's decanate MATULA 1-11.
and aspected by —'and Saturn MAXIMUM. XX-30.
will make one an ascetic. MAYA. XXT1-20, 24.

MAYOR. VIIT-20, 27. Diseases brought on by — . XIV*
MEALS. VI-3; XX 3. 5,
MEANS. tX-11. —
During transit, produces effect
MEAN ACTS To do— . Vl-52. throughout his entire passage
MEG II AN COAL ARTS. 1L4; inaHasi. XXV L25.
xvru-i3. —
Effect of Leing in coniunction
MEDICINE. To earn one's livolr wilh the Sun and other planets.
hood through . V-2 ; XIX*!). XVrili, % 3, 4.
MEDITATION TM. Effect of — being
posited in the
MEDIUM El EE. VI 1 l-l l ; XII L-
several houses. VTH 11, 12, 13.
15, 17, J H* Effect of— owning tho 5th Bhava
ME ENA. 1-4, 0, S? VI M5. 22; or its Amsa. XV I
IX- 12 ; X-3; XrV-lUi XV- Effect of tho lord of the 2nd
10; XVII Dll; XfX-lG; XXI l- TUmva being related to—.
1,12; XXIV-26. XV 1*0,
MENDICANT. XXVI ITj Effect of the Moon being posited
MENIAL. A woman to boa — ,in a Rasi owned by— in a
Xi-fL woman’s nativity, XI-6, 7.
To boa- Vr-OKj VI IMG. Effect of tho Moon being posited
To bo drudging as -*s. VL7. in the several Navamsas and
To do- work. 1X-18, aspoohed by . —
XVUI-12, 13,
To oarn one’s livelihood as a — 14, 15.
VITMfi. Effect of tho Moon in tho several
MENSES. XM1. signs being aspocted by—
MENTAh AGITATION, Sun A XVUr-G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
transit in f ho 5th house Effect of transit in — *’s latta.
causes — . XXV 1-10. XXVI- 45-46.
MENTAL ANCUrSII XEV-8; Effects when— ’s Dasa is opera-
X1X-6, 20; XXE-30, 37, 38, ting. XXX-iO, 24,
42,47; XXV-28; XXVI -14. 5th house owned by and as- —
MENTAL ANXIETY, Tho Sun peeked by or associated with
in transit in tho Gth houso Mandi or Saturn mako tho
diifpoift all—ies, XXYl 10. native acquire a son by adop-
To suitor from—. XX- 15. tion XI 1-8.
MENTAL DIGNITY* 11-3. Gulika ho associated with— in
MENTAL DISEASE XIV-fi* a nativity, the person concern-
MENTAL HAPPINESS, XXVI- ed will be insane. XXV- 15.
30 In producing effects, Aidha-
MENTAL PAIN- ML prahara is like —
XXV-20. :

MEN '1,7 )'

R \\ro TT D, T T TY.
ir-2 * —
'indicates Vaikunta as the re-
ME! :
i .\V-VL fuge ’of the departed XIV 23.
MERCHANT. H-9. — in the 5th identical with Kata-
MERCIFUL. To he—. 11145. ka will not give many children,
MERCILESS, To be IX-7. . XII-6.
MERCURY. 11-4,8,11, 15, 18, — in tho 7th identical with
21, 22, 24, 25, 2G, 27, 28, 29, Vrislmbha ca.uses loss of wife,
31,32; VI-1,26,28; VII- 14, X-3.
20, 24, — in transit through the 4th
Ashtakavarga of XXIIT-G. brings about loss of honour
Cause of sonlessness in tho case and wealth, and danger to life
of—*boing badly placed. XIT-20. I
also. XXVt-34.
~ — . .. ;

— ’a Bhukfei in Japiter’s Dasa. XIX'2.
iu Kefcu’s Dasa
To guess
uncles from
feho number of maternal
the Ashfcakavarga
XXI- 74 of-. XXIV-9.
— Bhukfei in Mars’ Dasa. Venus and in — feho 7fch with
’s in Moon’s Dasa
Jupiter in the 5feh and maloflcs
in the 4feh, lead fco family exfein-
XXI- 17 cfcion. XU-6.
— 's Bhukfei

in Baku’s Dasa, MERIT. To become a store of—,

—XX Bhukfei

E-3 8.
in Safe urn’s Dasa,
VI- 9.
To become renowned for
XXI* 49. one’s — s. VI-2,

’’s Bhukfei in Sukva’s Dasa. MERITORIOUS DEKDE. To
—XXPS2. porform —
XX- 10' .

’s in Sun’s Dasa. MERRIMENT. To have— with
Dasa and
’s Bhuktis. XXI- its
•MESHA. 1-6,
7, 8, 9; rV-5

58, 59, 60,

63,64, 65. VII- 9, 15 VUt-1 IX-1 XfV-
—57, Dasa the61,62,
'b order Dasas.
in ef

17; XVI1T-6; XXII-1, 22;

; ;

XX 11*27. XXIV-6, 24.

— 's Giaha facfcois. XXIV-2G. MESHURANA. 1-16.
Power of — in doing evil. XX- METALS V-2, 4; XVII M.
51. METEOR. XXV-28 ; XXV I
The agency used by— -for causing MIDDLE AGE. XIIL7.
death. XIV-14. MIGHTY. VII-29.
The Bhavas for which —as Kaia- MILD. To speak— ly. TIT-12.
ka. XV 17. MILITARY. To get honour from
The country in one’s past and the —or Police. XX1-81.
future births pertaining to — MILK. II-2.V7.
XIV- 26.
MIND, Dejection oJ feho —
The effects of transit XXVW3.
the sevoral houses. XXVI“17 Gross confcempfciblonoss of fcbo —
kind, of asceticism caused XXE-83.
by—. XXVII-6. Per fcm bat ion of the— through
particular division in a Rasi

which is the lord in an
enemies XXV' 26. —
To have a ru filed— X EX- 4. • 1

Ashfcakavarga. XXDI-18, 19. To have disturbance of — XXI 18

The particular hsuses where To have one’s- card u&ecl XXVI- -

during his transit gives good 22

results. XXVI- 2, 6. MINERAL SIGNS. 1-9.
The 7fch Star from that of — is MINIMUM. — influence! of plan-
termed his Lafeta. Prishfca ets. XX— SO.
XXVI'42-44. MINISTER. 1-12 U-0, 17, 19 ; ;
The fellings that may be divined VI 42, 49; VI11-G, 1G, 24;
with respect to a person’s life XV 1 11-13, 14.
by means of XV-15. MINSTRELS. To bo praised by
The years for—in the Nisarga-
vmdaya XXII-17,
bards and — . Vl'38.
The years for— in the Pindayur- MISCHIEF. Kefcn or Dhumakofm
daya system. XXTI-21. causes a lot of to tbo world.
The years for the Dasa of—. XXV-29,
To be ous. VI- 41.
- 67, 68 ; XXVI-1 5, 17.
To become unhappy as a result MITHUNA. 1-7,8; 1X3; XIV-
of one’s own —our doings. VI- 17; XVIII- 7 ; XX1V-24.
62. MITRA. 1-11.
To do — (,o others. VI-G7. MIXED. 1181.
vrri-is; xvrrr 3; xxvi-i9. MODEST. To bo ~ . III-8.
To have a -“living. VI 62. MODESTY. VI 18 ;
VIII-2 ;

To lead a life —
XVIU-16. XXV 8


MIHMRIjY To bo very VIII- . MODES. 1132; IX-3.

6. 14. 17. MONEY. V-G; VI-20,69; VIII
MISERY, Dooroaio ol ono’s — -left. -33; IX-12; XVCIR XrX ;

xxr-4. -9,19,24; XXrS, 18; XXI-7,

During the Sun’s latta, — will 21, 45,4 m, 72, 73 XXVI-17, 18, ;

result. XXV 1-15 —40. 19, 21, 22, 38

Effect of IJpakobu in the 4th Advent of""- s. XXVI-9,
house is XXV-26. —
Attempts of making. XIX-20.
Houses with dots lower than 25 — making by cruel acts. X1X-18-
will caiifle sorrow or — . XXIV- To be— ed VELT-24,
37. To be — less, XVEII-9.
Quo’s father’s —should he deter- To be robbed of one’s— s. XXVI
mined from the 8th house from -23
the Sun. XV- 23. MONKEY 11-18.
One’s— ought fco he guessed MONTH. 11-24; TV-1; XXIII-
through Saturn. H-7. 22 XXIV 28, 32.

The planets engendering to the — MOODA. XF-9 ; XIII-8.

native. XX-55. MOOD ATRIICON A . X-7;XV-11;
The l.fch house signifies—. I-
To be afflicted with sorrow — Bhavana, III-6, 18.

'and—. VIII-30. —Raai, IV-7.

To be a receptacle of much—. MOON. 1 1-9, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26,
VI-66. 27, 28, 29, 31, 32 ; III-16, 17 ;
To be free from-—ies XVI 21. Vl-4, 14, 16, 19, 28, 42 VII- ;

To endure much VI-33. — . 5, 7, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17,

To expect— XXI 58. 19,21, 22, 23,25,29; VIII 5
To have much XX 37; XXI- — . 6,7; 1X43; XI-1, 2, 4, 6, 6, 7,
02 . 8, 10, 11 ;
XII-1, 2, 4, 5, 0, 7,

To leave the happiness or — un- 12j 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 33, 34;
affected. IX-19. XIII-8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
To suffer incalculable —ies. XX- 19,20, 23; XIV-3,10, 11,14,
27. 23, 26; XV-8,16, 17, 21, 24, 26;
To suffer- — VIII- 7 ;
XIX- 9 ;
XVM, 0, 10, 11. 24, 81, 35
XX- 20. 23; XXI-13. XVII 5, 6, 7, 11,12, 17, 19, 20,
MISFORTUNE. H-7; XIV-8; 25, 28 ; XVIII-1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,
XX-16 XXI-47. ;
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ;
MISHAP. When Venus transits XIX- 2, 3, 7, 8, 19 ; XX-33, 36
the 6th house from the Moon, 41. 51, 60, 61, 02; XXI-4, 12,
there will be . XXVI“21. — 13, 14,15,16,17, 18,19,20, 29,
MISUNDERSTANDINGS. XIX- 37,45, 53, 61, 69, 77 XXII-10, ;

19, 21 j XXI-6, 10/ 82, 42, 66> I 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 30 ;

— . . *

4, 18, 19, 21 ; XXIV-7, H, 30 ; Time of the domino of ernes—
XXV-15, 28 ; XXVI-1, 3. 4, 6, XXIV-7.
9, 12, 25, 84, 4244, 4540; To be iKireft of—. VI *6 i VltL ;

XXVIt 3, 4, 6, 0. 8 22 29.
, ,

-~'s strength, IV4L To ho d i sobed ion t to ouch —

MORAL. Success ,
in~** cluty. XXL XVUL2.
04 .
To be obedient to mm's — IX-5. *.
MORALITY. Devotion to duty To cause riistr*"** to one’s*-.
conformable bo religion and — .
XX* 10; XXV 15.
XX [-59. ^
To live with mm's VI 114 4 * .
To maintain oneself by bho proa* To |»rforiu fha funeral rites n f
oiling of—. V'O. one's XVI -1L


TO tlillSH cIohiVoh,
4, 7.
MOTHER A woman to lose her MOTIONAL STRENGTH ~
— soon after marriage Xl-9, pbnctH, IV4.
Acquisition of wealth from-—. MOUNTAIN REGIONS. XIV 20
All about one’s father’s should MOUTH. 1*2(1 V 111-25, 1 :

be sought for from the 4fch

house from the Sun NV-22. 26
All about one's should ho — MlilGA. 1-0, 7.
guessed through the Moon. MMGARIHAH. XXI 1-7. 9,
XV-21. M ItTTA -Avast ha *

All about one’s -should be — 1}

1 f 1 ), \ (),

guessed through the Moon and MBITYU BilAOAS. XUl-9, 10,

the 4th Bliava. XV-25.
Childlessness due to the displea- MUD VESSEL, If -35,
sure and anger of the—. XU-20. MUUtTA, AvasUha. 11148,
Doath of a child within the first MULTfPUrOATfON NXIL2U.
four years is because of the 's MU1IUBTA. It 34 IV-20; XXV*
sins. XUL4. 2 .

Death the -very soon after

of MULA. (VogotnbleL.’..8 i^tis. L9 ,
birth of a child. XIII-B.
— -’a welfare. IL2 MUNIFICENT, To bo tnora—
The happiness or otherwise of t h an ono ’s fat hor V HI4 5

one's -depends upon the lord MURDER. XI [-22.
of the4th and the Moon occu- MUR ALA YOGA. VI 41, 50
pying good, or bad positions. MTJBCLE. T I - 1 4
xvr-io. MUSIC VI-40; IX-3; XVIII-
The 4th house denotes 1-11. — .
The Moon determines everything — cal instruments VI-53,
about one’s—, XV-I6, — ician. 1149.
The planet playing the role of MUTUAL ENMITY, IL23.
NADEE. X-12. NADIE. .1-12.
NAGARAJA. XIC-IG, 18, NECK. To have a fleshy —
NALDIIANA. 1-18. IX-4.
NAILS. II 14, XXI-77. To have a long faco and—. IX-9.
NAISAROIKA. - friendship or
To have severe pain in the —
ennuty. If- 23.
XXI- 61.
— haltw LV-3, NEECILA. 1-6.
--'•Ay u relay a, XXI [-28, NEECTCABIIANG A RAJA
NAKRV. 1-8, YOGAS. VII-26 30.
xxvrif i-4.
11 . NEUTRAL. 11-21; IX-19 ;
NAM EH. To have two — . IX-7. 25. 28 ; XV-18.
NAUHATIVE COMPOSITION. NEWS Hearing of agreeable—.
To 71-27.
ho skilled in ,
NAHAYANA To have in one's Good—. XXI-79.
body maiks of God Yl-30, — NJ ECU. II-4.
om*V- V 111-29.
niqiit. vri-i6; xvn-21,25;
NATIVE PLACE. To have one’s
birth in Im own XfV-29, — — birth, X VI-23.
To llvo in his own—. XVI -3.

— blind. VIII-1.
NATURAL ENMITY OR — signs. 1-8 IV-G.

EKIKNDSfllT. IV-IO —Time. IV-1, 5,


21, 22, 35 VIII- 4, 7, 10, 18, 16, 19, 24, 27*

NATURAL STRENGTH. IV-3. 32; X-1,4; XI-1,10; XIII-
NATURE, IX- 13. 12, 24 XIV-24, 27, 28, 29 ;

The—and clmraotoristios of fche XV -6, 24, 26 XVI -18, 22, 23, ;

several planets IX-8-14. 25, 26; XX-10,19, 46; XXIV-

1 XXV- 13 XXVI-2, 8, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8, 11, 15, 20, 21, 23.

NAVAMSA. IIJ ,4, I 16; IV* 11,
3 ; VIir-34; X-ll, 12, 14; NISARGA MITRATVA. 11-21,
Xf-3, 4, 5 XTI13; XIII-13,
22, 35.
14, 10, 19, 23; XlV-16, 21,23;
NIS-SWA-YOGA. VI-57, 59.
XVM, 9; XVII-1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
0, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,17,18,
NOBLE. To be™. VI-36.
23,24.25,28; XVIII-19, 13,
14, 15» 16, 17; XX-31, 32;
—-family. 1-14.

XXIJ-1, 18, 19,22, 30; XXIII- — minded. To be — . IX-14.

13; XXLV-4, 8; XXV-14; NOCTURNAL SIGNS 1-8.
The effect of a— is equal to that NORTHERN SIGNS. 1-9.
of a Rasi. III-2, NORTH-EAST. H-1C.

C3 ,

NORTH-WEST. 11-16. XtV-1. 5.

NOSE. 11-26 ; Vin-20 i IX-S, 9 ;

OBEDIENT, To lie -to one's OLD WOMAN. rX-IOiXXMH.
mother. IX-5, OPEN AREA 11-15*
XllH, OPPOBINGLY, To spunk
OBSCURE. To become-. Vl-7. V 111-27.
OBSBRV AN OES To abandon OPPRESSING. A king hh |*a*

one’s religious duties and—. plo. Vlf-Lih

XXV-IS. OPPRESSION. To earn by acts
of-. Y-4.
XXVM8, 23
OPULENT. Tolls—. VI* 10.
9. OB BIT. X-12, 13; XXUMG.
XV-24. ORNAMENT. MsJ rt-G v-7 ; , ;

OOEAN. To earn by selling VI-2 ), 34, 48, 01; XV-16;

pearls and other produce of }yVM3; XIX 7, 12, 10, 20;
the-. IX-12, XXM5, 17, 29, 43, 59, 75 ,

ODD HOUSE. XV41. XXV l- 13.

—ed. Xf-2.


ODIOUS. To bo— to others.
OTHERS. Doing good to—.
To be interested in the work
of-. XV Ilf- 1.
OiAFIOE. Dismissal from an — OUTCAST. 11-24,84;
XIX-14. To be an — . VUL28.
OILS. XVHI-8 To reside amidst— a. XVI—4.


OLD. II 9. XV Ut-2.
OLD AGE. 11-14. OWL. 1120.

IX-8, 21 .

PAIN XIV-9 ; XXLI1, 29, 34, PAINTING. To bo skilled in—.

30, 52, Gl, 73, 77. XV U 1-6,
To have a—
ful death. XEV- PAK9HA. If-34.
. .

FAKSIIA BALA. TV-1, 4 21. , PARVATA. 11-28.
PAKHHI DREKKANA. III-13. —Yoga. VI-35, 36.
PALANQUIN. Vl-24, 38, 53; PARVATI. 11-16, 27.
PALPITATION. Rahu causes— PASA YOGA. VI-39, 40.
of the heart. XIV-!), PASSION. XV-23.

PAN A. t-10. PAST BIRTH. XIV- 24, 27, 28.

PANAPUARA. [-18 ; VI-11; PATALA. 1-12,
— bala, IV-8. XV- 1G.
PAPA KAHTARI. VI-8, 11, 13,
10 .


PAPA VM31. VI-8. PATI. 1-13.
I’ VI-8. PATRIKA. 1-10.
PAR. 'L'o 1)0 on a — with the King PATRONAGE. XVI-3.
II 1-8.
PADTRA 1-14.
PEACOCK. 11-19.
BAHAMA NMEOflA. I-G. PEARL. 11—2,29; V-3; IX-12.
PAKASARA. 1-2 ; XIX-1 ;
XX- 13 XXI-G4; ; XXVI-50 ;

41; XXV-22 XXVII-G.

To become-— ions. VI-7.
PARENTS. Loss of one of the—.
XIX-18 ; XX1-3. PEOPLE. 1-13; VI-24; TX-6.
XVI- 28; XVIH-10; XIX-14,
Separation of—. XIX-2G. XX- 4, 25, 26.
The pairs of planets playing the PERDITION. XIV-22.

role of during day and night. PERFIDIOUS. To be-. VIII-
22 .

To bo abandoned by hath the— PERFUME. 1-12; IX-11 ; XIX-

XVI-24. 19; XXI-75-
To separate from one’s—. IX-8. PERIL, —to one’s ow'd life.

XXI- 22.
PARIJATA. —Varga. III-7, 8. —from thunder. XXV-25.
—Yoga. VI-55. PERIOD OF LIFE. XHI-3, 7 ;

XV- 16.
24, 38.
PARROT. 11-18, 19. PERSONAGE. To be a mighty —
PARTNER. To have a good-
natured woman as one’s —••
XVI- 28-
through enemies. XXV -26.


4, 8 ;

6 . — ary factors. XXIV-26, 26.

PHLEGM. II-9, 11, 13 ;
XIV-6, -ary war. XXIV-30 XXVI- ;

8, 14; XIX^24 pa-65, 68. 29.

— ary years.

PHLEGMATIC. 11-12 ; XXI-35. XXTV'27.

— complaint. XXX-23. PLANT. IP15, 37; XIV-27;
—troubles. XIX-22, 23, 25; XVIII 8.

23KI- 8 .
XV- 16. ner. XXV-9
PHYSICIAN. 11-17. PLEASURE. Information regar-
PHYSIQUE. To bo of good—. ding love affairs and 9. XV-
XVI- 2. 16 .

PIGEON. 11-19. To be a cause of immonBQ~~to

PILES. To suffer from—. VIII- all people. VI-15.
23. To undertake ~
trips. XX-8,
Trouble from — . XIX-23. PLOUGHS. XVIIL2.
PILGRIMAGE. —to holy POEMS. To earn a living through
shrines. V~3 composing — V-5.

PINDAYURDAYA. XXIL21, 22, POET. To be a—. VIII-11, 17 ;

24, 28. XVIII-12

PIOUS. To be— . VI-12. To be clever in - ics. YL27.
PIPUL TREE. 11-16.
PISCES Same as Meena.
To be the chief of — s. XVIII-
PITRU. 144; VI-53. To earn by one’s— -ic talents.
PITY 11-14. POETRY. II- 6 ; VI-27.
PLACE. 1X43. POISON. XIV-2, 4, 5, 9, 15, 20
—of recreation. II-4, XIX-14, 2] XXI-6, 22, 30, 34,

Badly placed—. II- 36. 54, 63, 79.
The nature and characteristics of
the several—s, 11-844.
VI- 42.
Well placed— . 11-36.
POLITICS. To be clever in-.
IV —1 ; IX- 14, 16 17, 18, 19,^0 ;
X-5, 6, 10, 13, 14; XI-3 XIV-
1; XV-1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,
POOR. A woman to be — . XI-


13, 14, 18, 21, 30 XVI-J, 3, 4, ;

To be foremost among the >.

14, 11, 12, 29, 30; XVII-17;

XVIII-5, 15, 16, 17 ; XIX-1 VI-11, 52; VIII-9,
To be—.
XX:-1, 4, 5. Id, 15, 16, 17, 20, (
15, 17, 22; XVIII- 6, 7, 10;
21,22, 23,24, 26,28,30,31,32,
32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48,
44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 55, 56, 57, 63 ; POSITION. 1*45 VI-69 VIII- ; ;

XXI-1. 2; XXII- 2, 3, 13, 19,

28 ; XX-15, 28 XXI’ 5, 10, 32,

21,27, 29; XXIII-l, 2, 38, 54 62, 63, 73 ; XXVI-9, 11,

10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 13, 18, 20, 22; 33, 45-46,
22 ; XXIV-4, 5, 18, 23, 27, 29, POSITIONAL STRENGTH, -of
30, 31; XXV- 25 XXVI-l, 2, ; planets. IV-1, 7, 21.
6, 7, 28,80,31,32,85-41,50; POTTER. XVIII- 4.

POVERTY. 1*16; II-7 ; VI-33, 44
58 ; VIIT 1 ; XX-18. PRISHTODAYA. 1-8; XIV"22,
POWER. II-l; 111*8 ; VI-34, 27 *
59; IX-16; XXI *46, 82; PRIVATE PARTS. XIV-7, 10,
XXV-18. 11; XX-18.
POWERFUL. VI-2, 20; Vfll- PROFESSION. 1-15; V-l ;

0; 1X-5 ; XX-7. xxvi n "i-4.

P1U1UTAKA HI. 11-25. PROTO 1-15 ;
PRADEEPTA. 11 1-18, 20. PROGENY. XII-3, 24, 29, XXIV-

PRAISE, A -by others of one's PROMINENCE, To soon come

various good qualities XX*4. to*-. XVI* 4.
To he —
d by important! people. PROPERTY. Danger to one’s—
VII HO. XXV 1-20.

To he d by the good. VU-22. To have self -acquired VI-41. — .

To receive -b from groat men. To lose all one’s paternal VI- — .

XIX-1L 66 ,

PRANG NATIIAS 19. To spend away one’s paternal — •.

PRAPT1 1-15 VL1I-2.

PR ABN A. IV-20 XX 63. To suffer loss of—. X1X-18.
PR AMT AR A — Asl takavarga.

i Theft of — by thieves XXI- 27,

- xxrii-i7 PROPITIOUS. To bo-— VT-3G.
PRAVAYA. IIJ-3, 10. PROPORTION. The body and
PRAVRA.fYA YOGAS'. XXVII limbs of a person to be common-
XXVflt 1-4 Rurate in their s with the —
Lagna and other Basis. XVI-1.
PRAVRITTJ 1-16.. .

PRAYER. 1-14; X1X-19; XXVD PROSPERITY, 11*5,6; VI-33;

49. Xl-i; XV- 9, 18,19,22; XVT-
PRECEPTOR. 1*14; 11-16; IX- 4, 8 ; XX-2, 7, 10, 12, 34, 46,

8; XEX-14; XXI-S9, 46 47, 48, 62; XXI- 49 ; XXVP

17, 20, 21.
14; XX-26 PROSPEROUS, VI-3, 9, 20, 27,
42, 54. 65 VIIJ-7, 19, 27 ; XI-

2, 10; XX- 45.

PRESENTS. Money through — life. XXI-44.
acceptance of XXT.-72, — .
OIToring of acceptable XXI- — .
clever in—. VI-27.
59. PROTECT. To —others. VIII-
To be solicited by eminent men 18,
With various kinds of — in their PROUD VIIM, 25.
hands. VI-88. PROWESS. 1-11; II-3.
To receive rich — from one’s
PRUDENT. To be—. VI-20.
sovereign. VI-34.
PUBLIC. To be cursed by the—,
PRIDE Loss of-*. XX-1C.
To bo distinguished by — *. XXV-
To be insignificant in the eyes
10 .
of the-. VI-67.
PRIEST. To earn money by To be of much help to the
playing the role of a V-5. — XVL5.
; . ;

PUJA, 1-14, PURNABALA. IV 22, 23.


14. FURO-LATTAS. XXVT-42-44.
PURANAS. To main bain oneself PURVASHADHA, XII LB.
by reciting — . V*G.
PURE, To be always-—. TH-
To be—, VI-65. PUSS, XXVI 1(5.

QUADRUPED, Danger from — —with one's wife and children.
XIV-2. XXVI-1 7.
Death through — s. XXV -23. —with the members of one's
— decanates. III-14. own family. XXJ-70.
— signs. X-7. —
To apprehend with enemies.
QUALITY- 1-15. XXI 66
QUARREL. XXI-87. 58 ; XXVI- To be drawn bo a-—. IX- 19;
21, 36, 37, 45-46. XXVI-10.
Acquisition of wealth To be found of promoting— a.
through — s. XIX-6. VI-23.
A tendency to always with — To engage
oneself in— s. VIII-
one’s sons and wife. XXI-50.
Cassation of 1
— s. XX-9. To promote—. XIX-5; XVIII-
— caused by enemies. XXt-71. 12 .

— with Brahmin. XXI-

a great To—-with
one’s friends, XXL

—with enemies. XXI-73. To -with one’s wife. XlX-9.

—With one’s brothers, sons and QUARRELSOME. To he-. VL
friends, XIV-4 ; XIX-20. 50; XXV-9, 12.
— with one’s friends. XXVI- QUARTER
1-9 ; XIV-24 XXIV- ;

11 .

— with one’s own relations.

See aLo under Direction,’
XXPS5.54, XXVI-14. QUERY. XII-34; XX-G3.

SAG. 11-30, -6, 14, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36,
BAHU. 1146, 20, 28, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 47, 55, 63, 71, 69
35 ; IV-S VIII-25, 26, 27, 34
XXIV-42; XXV-17, 20, 21;
X-2 ; XII-22 J XIV-9, 11, 15. XXYI-2, 24, 26, 34, 42-44, 48-
23 ; XV-8, 16 ; XYI-6, 14. 28 ; 46.
XTII-6, 22 i XIX-2, 14, 14, 16, RAIN. XXV- 29.
21; XX-24, 31,39, 52,53! XXI- RAINBOW. XXV- 29,
RAJANKA. 1-12. RELATIONS. 1-11 ; II-4 III- ,

RAJAS. 11-22, 23, 24, 27. 10, VI-22, 40, 43, 48, 51, 61,
RAJA YOGA. VI-37, 38 VII- ; 64; VIII-2,4; XT-10; XV- 15,
24 XX-54
, ; XIX- 9, 13, 14 ; XX-5, 6, 10;
XXVIII-1 4. XXI-5, 7, 30, 14. 18, 22,35, 4G,
RA.1YA. 1-12. 47, 54, 67, G8,70,7G; XXIV -9 ;

RAM. IM8.20. XXV-11 ;

XXVI-13, 14, 18, 22,
RAMAYANA. XTT-17, 45-16
RAMBLING. To have fruit- The nearest -signified by Mars,
less—. XX- 18. Jupiter and Mercury. It-25.
RELATIVE. Death of a— who
RAMESWARAM. XII-24. was equal to a father. XXVI-
BANDURA. 1-14. 23.
RANK. 1-15.
Harassment from— «s XTX-26.
Honor to or from— a. XXL79.
RASIL To ho—. VHS6 VlII-8. ;
Sickness among— XIX-5
To commit-- acts. 1X48. Time of death of the— signified
RASI. HI-1, 2, 3, 4, G, U, 1G ;
by a particular Bhava. XX-58.
LV-3; IX-13 X-ll, 12, 13, 14,
; RELIGION. Devotion to duty
X III- 9,
1G, 23; XV-8 ; XVI-1, conformable to XXI-59.— .

17,31, 32; XVH-J, 2,3, 5,0, 7, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. To be

10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, free from the— of others. VI-
21, 22, 23, 24, 25; XX-25, 32, 29.
30, 56,57; XX tl- 1,2, 4,11,13; RELIGIOUS DEVOTION. Suc-
XXI rr-l, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22 ; cess m— . XXI- 64.
XXIV n, 12, 20, 21,22; XXVI- RELIGIOUS DUTIES. Perfor-
9 i
XXV EM XXV ; til- 1-4. mance of one’s various —
RASI GUNAKARA. XXIV-24. To abandon one's — and obser-
JiASf-MANA. XXIV-23, 24, 25. vances. XXV-13.
U-15,21, 24, 25
; III- 6,
To maintain oneself by — •. V-6.
sires XXI-39.
—of one's de-
interested in all — *, IX-10.


REASON. To have lost one's
To ascertain* all about one’s
RECREATION. II-4. father's —*. XV 24.
RECREATION GROUND. 11-15. To be bereft of — . VIII-24,
RECTUM. Bleeding from—. REMARRY. A woman to be
XIV- 10. got““ied. X-8.
REDUCTIONS. XXIT-20, 25 ; A woman to — •. XUS.
XXIV-16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22,
To be the son of a widow— ied.
23, 28, 29, 30, 81. r

RENOWN. A king widely— ed.

REFUGE. To ascertain the— of VIM ; XXV-30.
the departed. XIV- 23. To ascertain about one’s father’s
REGIONS OF THE SIGNS. 1-5. prosperity and—. XV- 22.
REKIIA. VI-3. To become a—
ed King, XX- 25.

To become — ed. VI- 2, 9 ;
VIII' REVERSES. To be full of™.
6, 24. VIIi-9.
To be highly— eel. VI-16. To suffer— XX-17.
To be—ed for one’s virtues.
REVILING. To be — others. VI-
VIII-16. 33
To be widely—-ed. III-12, 15 ;
RHEUMATISM. To bo troubled
VIII-12, 19, 32; XVI-27; XIX- by-. XIX- 13.
15; XX-11 XXI- 51.
RIBS. Injury to the—. XIV-8.
rTo have a*~ed brother. VIII- RICE. 11-28.
14. RICH. To ho—. VI-2 VUL ;

REPINING. A woman to bo—. 5, 13, 16, IH, 10; IX-4; XVI-

XI-6. 2, 5 ; XVII
I- 12.

BEPROAGH. II-7 ; XXI-14. To he lmppy and Vl-Il. —

REQUIREMENTS. To be To suffer trouble from tho-~.
successful in obtaining all XIX-25.
one’s— VIII-33. RICHES. A king endowed with — «.

RESIDENCE. -in a foreign 111-17 VII-29


country. XXI- 27. The 10th house signifies — . I-

To stick up to one’s without — 15,
moving anywhere IX-15. To be devoid of-. VITI-2, 3,
RESOLUTE. To be—,. VI-3, 28.
65, To be endowed with™. VI-65 ;

RESPEOT. A woman to be — ed. VIII- 7, 10, 17.

XI-6. 'To have no— VIII . 18.
To be highly— ed. XXV-30.

To be able. III-8.
To be —
ed by other men, VI- |

RIGHT HAND XXV 1-3 5 5 30,

49; XVIII- 6, 11.
To command great XX-11. — .
37, 39-40.
To command intense—. XIX-

To command from the best of RIEIPIIA. L-1G.
kings, VI- 27.
RETINUE. To have—. XIX- RINA. 1-13.
20; XX- 14, 37; XXII-18, 20.


One that does not command—, RITES To porform propitiatory
XXVII-8. — . XXVI-49.
To be eager in showing to- — To rigidly observe prescribed —
wards those that worship God VI-29.
Narayana. VI-30.
RITU/ 11-24.
To have no — for Brahmins. VI-
RIVALRY* Yoga under which
REVERED. Loss among — 'Seni-
and time when— will arise to
ors. XIX 18. the native. XVI-34.
To be highly — by one’s soverei- RIVER. 1-12,
gn. VI-12. ROAD. 1-13 ;
VI-48, 64 ; VIII-
To be—by all. XVI-27. 9; IX-11,
.* .

ROAMING. To be— about. VIII- V-6.
22 . To receive XIX-19; XX-10 — . ;

To bo — on the roads unperoeived. XXI- 3 XXVI- 9 ;



— through

forests. XIN-P). XX-J3.

noun e. To i)o ii—. xvni-o, io. RUBY. 11-29

To dim) with’' -s. V-8, lUTOITAlU YOfH. VI- 1, 2.

ROOTS, To deal in- *. V-B. uodra. rr-27.
BONA LUES. To bo docked rudju rcuA. xrr-17.
with — >. VI-29. RUIN. —of evory business.
a flimlcr m XVHL2 •
. To sulfor — of one’s business.
cur . xxvruo, RULE. To — -the entire world.
ROYAL FAMILY. VU-2, 4. 20. XXV-30
ROYAL FAVOUR. It isthe Moon RULER. Vi-15, 42 ; VII-25, 2G,
that determines — . XV'-15. 28 ; VUI-18 ; NIX-3.
To becomu prospoious through — RULERS. Danger from—. XXI-
VIIH9. 22 .

To irmiutain ono soli through — RUPA. 1-10 ;


SABDA Tt-3fl. — ial rites. XXVII-7.
SACRED ASHES, To besmear SAFETY. XXVI-31, 36.
one’s body with — . VI-29. SAGES VI-6.
to— XXI 23. > Dhanus.
skilled in the exposition of — SAKATA YOGA. VI-14, 17.
vr-27, SAKTA. Ono of the ten avastthas
SACRED SCRIPTURES. To be- of a planet. 111-18,
come a proficient in the—.
To earn a living by the study SALUTED. An emperor to ba-
of-. V-6. by other kings. VII-30.
SACRED SHRINES. To be a To be saluted by eminent men.
traveller visiting — * XXVII- VI-53.
5. SAMA-(NEUTRAL). 11-21, 22;
SACRED TEXTS. Disputation XIV -28.
regarding the
holy —
of — (Yoga). VI-14,18.
SANI. 11-16, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31, 35,
SACRED THREAD. Planetary 37.
positions at the time of the SANKHA. VI-3, 30.
investiture of XII-34. — •.


SANER AM ANA. XXVI-29. Bhukfci —in Sukra’s

of Dasa.
SANTA. On© of the ten Avasfcthas XXI-81.
of a planet. III-18. Bhukfci of —in the Sun’s Dasa.
SANYASI OHIEE. U-19. Dasa of—. XXI -48, 49, 50, 61,
SAPBXRE. 11-29. 52, 53, 54, 55, 60.

SAPTAMSA. 111-1,2, 6 Demise of oneself, his father,

SAPTASALAKA YBDHA, mother, etc., to ho guessed
XXVI-26. through fcho transit of--.
XXIV-2, 3, 7. 13, 14.
SAPTAYARGA. 10-2 XX-59. ;
During transit,- -hears t r u i 6
SAPTAYARGA.TA BALA. IV-3. when in the last portion of a
SAHARA YOGA VI-67, 66. sign. XXVI -25.
SARASWATI YOGA. VI-26, 27, El foot of Gulika being in oonjunc-
SARAT. 11-24. with—. XXV 16.
SABVASHTAK AY ARGA. XXIII- EiToefc ofMars and in Kataka —
identical with the 7th house.
20 ; XXIV-34, 35, 38.
X- 3.
XXVI-48. Effect of Mercury or Jupiter
SASAYOGA. VI-1,4. con] — . xvrrr-4.
SASIJA. 11-18. Effect of Moon and — occupying
SASIN. II- 9, 24, 26, 28. the 7th. X-8.
SASISUTA. 11-24, 25, 37. Effecfc of Moon con]. — . XVI1T-
SASTRAS. II-5; V-6 ;
IX- 6 ;
XXY-8. Effecfc of Moon in the several
SASTA. TI-16,17. Navamsas being aspecfced by—.
SATABHISHA. Xt-9. xvrn-12, 13, 14, 16.

SATURN. Vil-4, 10, 16, 24; Effect of Moon in fcho aovoral

XII-4, 21; XIIL18; XCV-8, Basis occupying fcho Trimsamsa
10, 11,14, 23. 26 ; XV-8, 16, 17, of-. Xl-6, 7.
26, 29 ;
XYII-1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, Effect of Moon in fehe several
13, 15, 16. 17, 18, 21,23,24,25, signs being aspecfced by —
26, 28 ; XXV1I-8, 4, 5. XVIII-G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Ashfcakavarga of — . XXIII-9. Effecfcof —

and Mars occupying
each other’s Rasi or Amsa, and
Asfcangata redaction does not
the Lagna, Moon and Yonus
apply — XXII-18.
to '.
being also associated there.
— Jupiter’s
Bhukfci of -in Dasa. XI- 4,
XXI-40. Effecfc of — being in the 4th
Bhukfci — in Kefcu’s
of Dasa, house. XVI-14.
XXI-73. Effect of— being well-placed and
Bhukfci — in Mars^'Dasa.
of XXI- aspecfced by benefics in a night-
24. birth. XV1-23.
Bhukfci of — in Mercury’s Dasa. Effect of—in the 8fch house.
XXI -65. YIII-23.
Bhukfci of — in Moon’s Dasa. Effect of—in the 4fch, 5fch, 6th
XXI-16. and 7fch houses. YIII-22,
Bhukfci of — in Rahu’s Dasa, Effecfc of - in the Lagna, VIir-20.

Effecfc of — in fche 9th, 10th, llbh

.. ..

and I2bh houses, VIII-24, also. XXVI -3 4.
Effect of —in fells 2nd and 3rd —m transit in the 12th, 8bh or
house, VII 1-21. the 1st house from the Moon
Effect of the Sun conjunction — <, brings about danger to life.
Effect of fcho Sun and Moon boing — a eunuch.
is 11-27.
in trine bo*— and Mars. XVI- — oooupying a Kendra identical
21 . with his exaltation or Swa-
EiTocfcs of transit by — ovor the kshobra causes Sasa Yoga, VT-1.
12 houses, XX VI-22, 23. — owning the 9th identical with
Effect of the lord of the 2nd boing a chara sign and unaspeebed by
connected with — , XVt-5. bandies makes tho child live
Effect of V>uus and the Moon undo? the care of a foster-father
being opposition to Mars
in XVI -25.
and X-5, —plays tho role of a father or
Effect k)f Venus coniunction — pabornal uncle. 11-25.
XVJU-5. The ahpdes of —
11-16. .

Effect of Venus occupying a The animals that have to he

Varga of — or having tho aspect assigned to —
II- 20. .

of™. X*4. The appearance and characteris-

6th houso, owned by and aspec- tics of «. —
tod or occupied by or Mandi — The Ayus of the native to be
causes tho native to have a son deduced from the Ashtakavarga
by adoption. XU -8. of- XXIV— 15.
Full lifo-poriod of a man is the The caste of —

time taken by “to make throe The flavour belonging bo — . IT-

complete revolutions. XXII- 31.
26 Tho friends and enemies of —
Gulika is similar to— in produc- tl-2i, 22, 23.
ing effoofcs. XXV-20. The 9th* house or its lord being
If tho 4th I)asa belongs to—, it in a moveable sign and occupied
will prove dangerous. XX-24. or aspected by—-and 12th house
Latta of —
XXVI-42-44. . strong makes the native to be
Pindavurdaya years for — adopted by another. XVI-26,
xxir- 21 . The particular division in aRasi
Rahu to— in giving
is similar of which - is the lord in an
effects. Ashtakavarga. XXIII-18, 19.
Rfthu, —
and Ketu in the 10th The particular houses where
make the native do sinful and —
when transits, he gives good
wicked acts. XVI-28. results. XXVI-2, 5,

and the Virinchi Yoga. VI-28, The substance ascribed to —
aspects. 11-23. 11-30.
— gem Saphire.

's is 11-29. The things that ought to bo

— 11-26. guessed through — II-7.
Sesamum. is 11-28. There is no Vedha between the

— the 5bh house

in identical Sun and— XXVI-3.
with Kataka gives many child- To find the year of calamity or
ren. XII-5. disease from —
in the Ashtaka
— in transit in the 1st brings Varga. XXIV- 41
about loss of honour and wealth Udu Dasa period of—.
and in most cases danger to life 13, 23

When will— *'s Dasa prove fatal? SELFISH. To he highly-. VL
XX-31. 67.
Years of— in the Kalachakra SELF RESPECT. To ho possessed
system. XXII-3. of—. VI1L22.
Years of- -under the Naisargika- SELF-WILLED. A woman to
yurdaya system. XXIL17, be-. Xl-7.
SATVA. 11-24. To become—, VIII 20.
SAUMYA. II- 21, 26, 29. SEMEN. XrV-7.
SENIORS. Adoration
SATJRASHTRA. 11-28. of rover-
SAIIBYA YOGA. Vl-44, 47. end— XX1-59, .

SAVOURY FOOD. To oat—. I ioss an mug re vernd — . X1X - 8 1

VIII- 11. SENSE. To poHmisH clear organs

SAVYA. XXII-1, 2, 7, 14. of — . VL-3.
SCAB. Xiy-fi To suiter from want of—. XX-
SCANDAL. To be despised 18,

and — ised. XX-17. SENSES. lie conquering

: of
To be subject to a— clue to a the t
information should ho »

breach decorum. XIX- 14,

of sought through Jupiter. 1 1-5.

SCENTS. Information regard- The planets denoting the five —

ing— should be sought for 11-26.
thi ough Venus. II- 6. To have a desire to please the —
To earn through V-7. — . XX 6
To have good—. VIII-17. To have one's— under control.

SCORPIO See under Vrischika, VI-31.

SCRIBE. To earn a living by Who keep their—under control.
being a—. VS. XXII- 32.
SCRIPTURE. To have access SENSUALIST. Re: a—, one
to—. XIX-19 ought to ascertain through
SCULPTURE. To earn. through Venus. IT- 19.
— . V-8. To he a—. VIIT-5.
SEA VOYAGE. XXI-51 dulge in — . VILI-6.
SEASONS. The represented by— SEPARATION. Mental anguish
the planets. II 24. caused by the —of one’s parents
SECOND HOUSE. VII-24, 25; and elders. XIX*26.
VIII-2, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 25, —from one’s brothers. XXI-2I.
28; X 7, 8, 10, 11; XI-3 —from one’s children. XXI-8,
XIV- 1G; XV- 2. 22; XVI-5, —from one’s kith and kin.
6; XX- 3, 15; XXV-9; XXVI- XXVI-11.
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 18, 21.
—from one’s relations. XXVI-
SECOND WIPE. To have 13.
children by a — . XII- 5. — from one’s Bon. XXI* 69.
SEDUCTION —of a young — from one’s wife. X-4.
female. XXI-78. To suffer — from one’s beloved.
SEETAGU. 11-21, 29. VIII-2G.
SELF. One ought to divine about To suffer the --of one's dear

one's own -through the Sun.

friends. VIII-81.
XV- 15. SERPENT. Childlessness due to
SELF CONTROL. XXV I- 50. the curse of a — . XII- 22.
— ' s.
; ;

Coming in sight? o! a veno- SEVENTH HOUSE. VIII-3, 6,
mous XXL30 9,12,15,18,22,26,31; X-l,
Danger from — •. XIY-2, 3, 9; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
XXI 50, 70, 71. 13, 14, 15; XI-1, 3, 4, 5; XII-
Dark occupied
holes by— 6,8, 26, 27 ; XIII-12, 24; XIV-
belong ho Rahu and Ketu, II- 10; XV-2, 7, 23, 26; XVI-20;
IG, 20 XX-8, 18, 36, 40, 61 ; XXV-12
Diseases engendered by- — -s. XIV- XXVr- 2 , 4, 7. K, 10, 15, 19, 22 .


Installation of thcr- deity, XU- SEVERITY. XIX-C-
— decimates. III-'H. 19 XXVI-9, 39, 40.


To propitiate the lord of s,

X1MG. XV 1-1,3.
XX- 9 X v.r- ;
Acquisition of wealth from a — 14.
V-l, 8. SHAD BALAS. IV-22, 23.
Anything about a — should bo SHAD VARGAS. III-2, 11.
ascertained through Saturn. SHAKING. To have -in the

11-20 XV-IG. body. XXI-58.


XIV- 8 XIX- SHAKY. To have one’s position

18 .
of* <a, ;

to be —. VI-58.
Destruction of-s. XIX-18 SIIAME. To be devoid of—. VI-
XXI-32. 60; IX-10.
Increase in—s. XXI-48. SHANTIS. XXVI-49.
Doss of—s* XXI-27. SHARP-WITTED. To be—.
Misunderstandings with VIII-I1.
one's— s. XXI-42.
To ascertain the well-being, etc.
ofone's—, XV -21.
SHEEP The full period of life
To be a—. XVIII-6, in the oaae of a—, XXII-31,
To be a— under a woman.
XV tt f-13. S&EPHERD. To be a -. XVIII-3.
To be endowed with— s. VIII 7.
— SHORT. To be— in stature. IX-
To be possessed of s. VIII-
4, 9.
To bo nerved by s. XX-I2. — SHORT LIFE. XIII-7, 15.
To have good *s. VI-4. — To have a— VI1I-25 ;
Trouble to or from— s. XXI- 17 ;
Trouble to — s. XXI- 18. 11, 41,58; VI1I-6, 7, 8,9,
SERVICE UNDER GOVERN- 25, 26, 81; XXV-11, 16.
XX-17. SHOULDER. Marks on one’s—.
SBSAMUM. II-28. To have one’s— s drooping. IX-6.
U L b —

SHRINES, To make one a trav- To bo afraid to commit* — ful

eller visiting .XXYII-5. — acts. VL63.
— ful
To resort to sacred places and To be intent in committing

.XXI-23. acts secretly. VII -27, I

SICKLY. To be during one's — To be intent on doing what is

early years. VIII 22* — ful. XVI 11-1

SICKNESS. Freedom from—. To bo intent in doing- -ful deeds.
XXI- 04; XXV 1-9, 10. XVI U-J.
Ono's brothers and ohildron to bo To bo— ful. VIIM5, 10.
troubled with— XXI-49. .
To commit —
Vtll-U. .

One’s ought— to be guessed To commit — ful actions, VI 33 ;

through Saturn. 11-7, XXMB.

—arising from wind and bilo. To commit*— ful doefls* VI-41.
XXT-77, 82. To do a— ful deed. XXV T -23.
—to elders. XXT-10, 52. To do ful and wicked acts,
— to children. XIX-14;
XV 1-28.
XX- 20 XXI-11, 5 40. —
To do ful deeds. IX-IR,
— dear friends XX- 6
to one’s J ;
To ontangle oneself iti** ful
XXI- 1G. actions. VI-68,
— through heat and wind. XXI- —
To follow a ful course. VIII-32.
24. To secretly commit" -fill acts.
To have —among ‘one's relatives. VIL33.
XIX-5. To secretly commit ful deeds. —
To suffer from XX-18; — ,

XXJ-47 XXVI- 12, 23, 24.
To ward off the several id*
SIGHT. Tho Sun and Mars ready committed. XX- 13.
govern — . 11-26, SINDHIT. I HR
To possess clear organs of sense, SINISTER LOOK, To have a—.
hearing etc. VI"3. VIII-28.
SIGN. Quarters represented by SINNER. XV1IUI,
the — s, 1-9 SIESIIA. [-10.
SIKHIN 11-16,26,28. 8TK8HODAYA. t-8 ; XilM ;

SILKEN FINERIES. Income XIV-32, 27 ; XX*33,

through — .V-7. SISTERS. To he without
SILLY. To become—. VIII-SG.
brothers or XXV-’lQ. — .


SILPA, 11-21,22, 28, 3*5, 37,

SILVER. II-2, 30 ; V-7.
SITUATION. To ho without a—
SIMHA. having lost the ono already got.
1-7; VII-9; VIJT-1 ;
IX-5 VJ-G1.
; XI- 4-7 XII-3 XlV-lN ; ;

XV-10 SIVA. II-l, 15, 17, 27; VI-29;

; XVJI1-8, 14 ;
XII-20, 24 ; XIV-2.
SIXTH HOUSE. VII- 1 6, 24, 28;
SIMHA VALOKANA VIII-3, 6, 9, 12, 15. 18, 22, 26,
SIN. 1-13,16; 11-3,7. 30 X-6 ; XII-9, 19; XIIM3,

13,19; XIV-1, 10, 11; XV-4,

Early destruction of a child in 5, 7,8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 23, 29;
consequence of the ful acts — XVC-11, 16, 17, 18,19, 33, 34;
of the parents. XIH-3. XVIL15, 28; XX-7,14, 17, 22,
Childlessness due to a ful — 27, 28, 36, 41, 59, XX1V-40 ;
doed to poople that ought to XXV-11 XXVI- 2,; 3, 4, 5, 6,
be rovored. XII 21. 8, 10, 14, 19, 21, 22.
b . ss

index 65
SKA N DA. XXT-18. Time when one’s wife and —
HKILKUL XVIII- 3, 8. will suffer from sickness.
SKIN. ir-u. XXVI-23.
SKIN DISEASE. 11-33; XIV-2, 6. Time when the birth of a - may
SKY. XXV-27, 29. be expected. XJI-25, 26, 27,
BLANDER. To— the good. VIII- 28, 29, 30.
To be endowed with a good wife
To I jo ft—or, VXtI-30. —
and s. VI-30.
SLAVIC A woman bo ho ft menial To be in the company of one’s
or-— and unchaste, Xi-6, wife,— h, etc. XX-10.
To ho served by servants and— a. —
To bo the of a widow remarried.
XX-13. xvicr-3.
BLEEPINU D18WA8R XIV-3. To have a— by adoption. XII-8.
HMAIJi POX. XtV-lfi. To have quarrels with ono's bro-
HMKLLINCL TWW. thers and s. —
BMHITL, M2; ILL To have-8. VI-20, 33 VJXH, ;

SNAKE, XIV-20. To have— s and grandsons. VI-

SNAKE OA TO II Ell. ri-30.
HODIIYAViNDA, XXIV-1,3,5, To have — s in plenty. XII — 3.
7, 13, 15. To have — good character,
s of
SOL All YEAR. XTX-4. VI-25 ; VIII* 6 IX-16. ;

SON. A woman bo boar good To live with one’s mother, —

—a. XI-2, 10. etc. VIII-14,
About one’s-— a, information To possess good XXY-11. — «.

should be Bought for by refer- To possess very few s. IX-4. —

ring to Jupiter. XV-, 16, 21, To possess wife and s. VI-31, —
25; XVX-13. 54.

XXI- To quarrel with one’s wife

Acquisition'-of a
and — s. XXI- 60.
To secure the comfort of
Acquisition of a * XV-10, 29. — one’s —
s. XXI-82.
Adoption of a—. XXT-34.
To suffer distress through— s.
Birth of a—. XX-6 XXI-79. ;
Birth of a vory good XXI- — .

72, 74. When a — is bom, the first thing

to be done to determine his
. Danger to — and wife. XIX-5,
Information regarding one’s —a
should be sought through Jupi- SON-IN-LAW. Distress to

ter. 11*6. one’s — .

Mental anguish caused through SONLESS. To become—, X-2.
one's — . XXVI— 14. SORROW. 1-14; III-12; VIII-
Mercury denotes tho adopted — 4, 10, 20, 26
XX-18; XXI-58, 69; XXITL
; XIV-6 ; XIX-25
II— 25.
Quarrel with s. XIV-5. — 20; XXIV-37; XXVI-10, 11,

Separation from one’s XXI- — .

12, 13, 18, 23, 24, 38,

69. SOUL—. 11-26.

The time when one’s son’s death SOUR. 11-31.
may happen. XVII’8. SOVEREIGN- Danger from
a— the—. XIV-2 XXI-38, 71.
Time when one will lose ;

XX- 17. Though a friend of the — ,

to be


hated by others. VIII-IO. To be witty in — VTII-Ji,


To be a Mend of the-**-*. VI~25. To hftvo confidence in one’s •.

To be honoured by the-*-. VI* XIX-10.

48 IX—8 XIX-11 XXI-20, SPELLS. The employment of
; ;

28, 39, 44, 49, GO, G4, 72.


magical —

To be conversant with charms

To be revered by one’s— VI-12. .

or--. VIII-12.
To be the favourite of the—. —
Working for the injury of
another, XXI-71.
To fear one’s —
XX-15. «.
SPEND. on vile
To —money
To got trouble from the — . VI- things. VIII-33
64. To— much. VI 11-27, 33; XX-
To get wealth through the — 13, .15.
VIII- 25 XIX-20. ; SPIRITS. XII-2L, 22. 21.
To incur the displeasure of SPITE, Mutual— with another.
tho-— . VIII-3 ; X1X-5, 21; XIX- 5.
XX-17. SPLEEN. XlV-U.lfi; xxi-ao,
To meet with fleath through the 53, 77.
displeasure of one’s — . XIV- SPLENDOUR. Time when one
20. may expect — . XXI *39.
To receive presents from one's — To have bodily — XXL75.
VI-34 XIX-12. ;
To have wealth, etc. VI-63 ;

Trouble from the XIV-4; — . VIII-19.

XIX-14, 17; iXXI-21, 47. To live in alL-and prosperity,
SPARSA. 11-26. XX- 7.
SPAWNS. XII-20. To lose one’s VI- 10. — .

SPEAK To -opposingly. VIII- SPOIL. To— other’s work. VL

SPORT. Information regarding
To— kindly. IX-6.
To — woundingly. VI-33. one’s —should bo sought
‘through Venus. LI-6.
SPEECH. An appellation for the —
2nd house. 1-10.
To obtain facilities for one’s
and happiness* XIX-12,
Information regarding one’s

charming should be sought
To he ever — ing with a damsel
of avery amiable disposition.
for through Venus. IT-G.
It is Mercury that induences SPRUE. XIV-18.
one’s dexterity in — II-4;
SPY. I-J6.
XV-15. Income through ing. — V-4.
Mercury is pleasant in 11-11 — .
The Moon is soft in II~9 — .
SRI. The Goddess—. VI-34, 40.
To he affable in one's VI-12. — .
To be eloquent in one’s VI- — .
9; VIII-13 XX-3. ;
To be equivocal in one’s — SRUTI. 1-12
fill-25. STAMMERING. To be— VIM. .

To be gentle in one’s—. VI-31. STAR. XIX-2, 8; XXIV- 13

To be harsh in % VIII-12.
To he of good VI-49. ——
XXV-28 XXVL-26, 48.

STATE. To be fully engrossed in

— ;. —
— affairs. VI-47. 16.
To servo the—. VIII-2. STUMBLE. XVI-6.
STATIONARY. To be— in one STUPID. To be-. VIII-24;
place, XV T -3. XXV-8.
STATURE. To be short in'
— *.
A woman to have a —husband,
1X4, 9. xr-s.
To bo tall in—. VTtM ;
IX-7. STURDY. To be — . III-12.
STATUS, Effects should he so SUBHA. A name to denote the
doctored as to suitably fit in 9th house, 1-14.
with one’s-. XXI“84. — planet. XX“4b
To ifofc higher XX~5, SUBIIA KARTARC. VI-8, 11, 13.
STEAMER, Time wliou a -may SUB HA MALA VI-21.
bo purchased or sold. XXI- 19. SUBIIA STTHANAS. 1-17.
STIGMA, To got a — to one’s SUBIIA VAS1, VI-8.
family XJX-17, SUBHA VEDUAS. XXVI-48.
8T0MA01 I, Doatli by —a c h o .
Disoaso in the — . VTII-30; SUBJECTS. A king protecting
XXVI40. his —
by following a course of
To hay© illness affecting the conduct approved by all. VI-
XIX-18; XX-17. 54.
To suffer from —ache, XXVT45. A king to be worshipped by
STONE. To bo hit by a — . XXV- his — VII-14.
like a deity

34. A king who will do good to

To in—work his—. VIII-19.

lie skilled XVIII-
Wound oausod by a blow from — 16.
SUBSTANCES. The— pertaining
to the planets. 11-30.
STORIES. To be intent on bear-
ing— of great people, VI-65. SUCCESS. A term to indicate
the 10th house. 1-15.
STOUT. To bo not-. XXV-8.
Conditions for predicting the
of a Bhava. XVI-31, 35.
STRENGTH. 113; TV-1-8,21-
24 ; X-0, 9 ; XV-9, 6, 7, 13
— in agriculture. XX-5.
XVId, 4; XIX-8 XX-2, 17,
—in religious devotion, XXI-64.

20, 34, 35 XXV-30 XXVIII- The planets that are declared to

; ;

bring— to a Bhava. XV-7.
To Time to have— in business. XIX-
attain power and— through
G, 7.
tho help of a wealthy personage.
IX—45. Time when one has —\ XXI-
To be devoid VI-60. of—. 49 XXVI- 12, 13,17, 35, 87.

To have exceeding IX-10. — Time when one ought to pre-

—to the family. XX-3,

To have-. VIII-4, 13, 25, 29 ;

IX-9. To achieve — in a business the at
STRIFE. XXV H 4. very outset. VI-65; VIII-7.
STRONG, To be—. 111*12 ; VI- To be— ful in whatever one
4, 6 ; VIII-2, 5. begins to undertake. VIII-13,
To be—willed. VIIU25. To —
gain through one’s friends.
STTHANA BALA. IV-I, 21. 1-16.
STTIIIRA KARAN AS, XII-15, To have — in all undertakings.
- 1 —
XXVI-14. Bhukti oftho— in tho Dasa of
To have— in everything, XXIII- Mars. XXD28.
U. Bhukti of the—
-in tho Moon’s

To have one’s over his oppo- Dasa. XXI-20.
nents praised by one and all, Bhukti of the in the Dasa of —
VI-25. Venus. XXT-70.
SUDRA. Acquisition of much Cause of sonkssness when the
money through a person of is badly placed. XI I -20.

the oasto. XXI-48 Conception may take place when
Harassment through the enmity the —
transits t h r o u g h an
of&Sudra. XXI-26. Apachaya Rash XU-12.
Mercury is the lord of tho-- Diseases brought on by tho-"-.
community 11-24. XtV-2,
BOTHERING 8, One’s— should Effects during tho Dasa of the
be guessed from tho Oth house. Sun. XX £-8, 4, 5, 0, 7, H, 9,
XV -23 10 1, .

BUGANDHA. 1-12. Effect of Gulika being associated

SUICIDE, Rahu causes unnatu- with the--. XXV* 16*
ral deaths such as — -. XIV-15. Effect of the Moon in the several
SUKHA, 1-12 Navamsas boing aspootod by tho
SUKHITA. One of the ton Avast — . XVHH2, 13, 14, 16, 10.
t^rr. \ III-18. Effect of the Moon in the several
. IV-1, signs boing aspeeted by tho--,
SUKHA 1*6 : II -24, 27, 31, 37 XVITI-0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
— being

XXI-48, 61, 69, 67, 76. Effect of the connected

See also under Venus, with the lord of the 2nd. XV f-6.
SUKRITA. I-U. Effect of the— being posited in
SUJOJNTALAMBA XXVIII-6 tho 12 houses. VItM,2, 3,4.
SULA YOGA. VI-39, 41. Effect of tho — being wolbplaeod
SUMADA YOGA VI-22. and aspoctod by benolics in tv
SUM ANG AM XID20. day birth. XV 1-23.
SUN. II-8, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 20, Effect of tho in conjunction —
27, 28, 29, BO, 31, 32; VI-14, with each of tho other planets.
28; VII-10, 11, 16, 21, 24; XV1II-1.
Xin-18,38; XVI-9 ; XVII-7, Effect of tho—'s transit through
9, 11, 12, 28. certain asLerisms in the Sapta-
About one’s father, the effects of salaka Chakra. XXVI- 26, 27,
the 12 Bhavas are to be deduced 29, 33, 34, 36, 42-44
counting from the —
XV-21, Effects of the

’s transit through

22, 23, 24. the 12 houses. XXVI-9, 10, 11.

Ashtav&rga of the—. XXIII-3. If the 7th house or its lord be
Bhukti of the — in Jupiter’s eclipsed by the >'s rays loss of —
Dasa.^ XXI--44. wife is certain. X-4.
Bhukti of the - in Ketu’s Dasa. If the 7th house or the setting
XXI-68. Navamsa belongs to the—, the

Bhukti of the in Mercury’s woman will have a diseased
Da»a. XXI-60. womb XI-4.
Bhukti of the— in Rahu’s Dasa. In a day-birth, time of demise
XXI-8G when the Lagna is in the Rasi

Bhukti of the in Saturn’s Dasa. occupied by the—. XVII- 26.
XXI-52. In the case of an auspicious
Bhukbi, the good effects will be The—, alone m
the 5th identical
manifested when the outers — with Ivataka may give children
the planet’s exaltation sign. by a second wife. XII -5,
XX-38. The ^and
Moon in trine to
Inf on nation, that can be ascer- Saturn and Mars will cause the
tained tli rough the and other — child to be abandoned by both
planets, II-1-7, the parents. XVI-24.
Lord of the 5th, Jupiter, Mars and Tho —and Balm in tlie 7th cause
thu —
all in male Navamsas
, wealth through tho asso-
loss of
load to l ho birth of a good ciation of wornon. X-2,
number of children. XLI-10, —
The and tho lord of the Lagua
Mars and tii o —in the 4th causo make ono long lived if they are
the house of tlio native to bo friendly of medium
; life, if

burnt. XVM4. neutral} short-lived, if inimical.

Mars and fcho— produoe effect Xril-15.
wiion tlioy are in the first ton —
Tho causes death through fire,
degrees of a sign. VXVI -20, bilious fover, bile or weapon.
Parivewha is a halo or diso round XIV- 1 4.
the—. XXV- 28, The oven if he be the owner
Pindayurdaya to 1)0 adopted when of tho 8th house will give only
—is strongest. XXII-28. good effects. XX-41.
Beduotion to bo offectod when a —
The in the 5th identical with a
pianet is within the rang© of childless sign causes a child to
the XXI V-30. bo bora late in life. Xll-4,
Tho hiiavas for which the— is —
Tho in the 9fch and its lord in
fvaraka. XV-17. a Dussbhana or betwixt two
The and the <’s
birth of a child — maletics cause the demise of

transit,XII-31. father soon after birth. XVI-22.

The country jn one’s past and, The — in the 9th will cause dis-
future births, pertaining to the tress to that bhava, X y -26.
— . XIV-30. The — in the 6th or 8th will cause
Tho function of the— in the danger from fever. XIV-11.
matter of the possibility of The—in the 10th makes the
native a great and mighty per-
progeny. XII*~"14, 15.
Tho general order of the *s
— sonage XVI-28.
Dasa in a person’s life XXII-27, The—indicates Kailasa as re-
The houses where— ’s transit fuge of the departed. XIV-23.
gives good results. XXVI 2,3. The— 'a transit and the father’s
The kind of aseotio caused by the demise. XXIV-5, 8.
— . XXVII-5. The things that may be divined
The lord of the 6th in a Dussfcthana with respect to a person’s life
and the — in the 9 th cause
des- by means of the —

truction of the enemies, XVI-lti. The l2bh and the 2nd if occupied
The moon in an odd Basi or Amsa or aspeeted by the Moon and
in the 5th and aspeeted by the the —
will make the native
—lead to barrenness. XII-7. sufferfrom eye-disease. XIV-IO
The 9th house from the is — Udu Dasa period of the XIX- 2, —
termed the father's. XXIV-1. 5,6,18.
The particular division in a Basi , Upagrahas and the— ’s position.
of which the —
is lord in an I XXV-5,
ashfeakavarga. XXIIT-18, 19, When the~”transibs the Basi and

; .


Navamsa occupied by the lord

may SUTA. 1-12.
of the 8th house, death
take place. XVII-6, 20.

“When the -transits the 6th, 7th

SUYESI TOGA. Vl-9, 13.

or 12bh place from Venus, SWA. MO.

death may happen. XVII-27. SWAKSHETRA. -111-6, 18 ; VI-

Tears of the in the Kalachakra 1; Vll-L, 2, 6, 7, 21
IX-20 XU-26
; ;


system. XXII-3.
Tears of the—under Naisargi-
XV-18, 29 XVI-2, ; 3, 27 ; XX
kayurdaya system. XXII-17. -14, 26,30,34, 37: XX 1 11-10,

Tears of the— under tho Pirnla-

23XXV-30 XXV MU.
; ;

yurday a system. XXII-21,

SUN’S LATTA. XXVI-45, 46. SWASTTHA. One of felm 10
SUN AMI A TOGA. VI-5, 6, 13. Avastbhas of a planet. 111-18.
SURALOKAMSA ItI-7, 9. by V-8.
SUBI. 11-22. VII-11.
insanitary —
IX-18. . SWEET- TONG UED. To be
SUBYA. 1-6 ; 11-24, 26, 27. Vl-20; XVHI-2.
SUSSTHA 11-36 XII-1, ;

TALL. XXV-28. TAPAS. A name for the 9flt

be an adept in house, 1-14.

— . XVIII-2.

TARUNA. Ill 3, 10.

TALE-BEARER. A designation TASTE. I [-26.
for the 12th house. 1-16. - TASTELESSNESS. XIV-8, 17,
-9. VA 11-23; IV- 10,
TALES TO OTHERS. To bear TAURUS. See Vrishabha.
— VIlI-28. TEACHING. 11-5.
TALK, To — through the nose. TEASE To —others. VI-23.
VIII- 26. TEETH. Illness affecting—.
TALKATIVE. To be-. VIII-14. X1X-18.
TALL Rahn is—. 11-33 Saturn has gob large II-I4. —
Saturn has got a — body. 11-14. To have bad VI-59, — .

To be— in stature. VII1-1 To suffer from a disease due to

IX- 7. an inflammation in the —
TAMAS. Another name for Rahu. XXI-77.
11-27, 35. TEMPER, Warmth of— XXI-
Mars and Saturn own as — 44,
their distinguishing character- TEMPERAMENT. To be of an
istic. 11-24. excited — •. VI-60.
TANKS. To sink wells and —on TEMPLE, II-l, 6, 15.
the road. VI-48. I
Trouble in TORMENT. To — other people.
connection with XIV-0, VII 1-10.
TENDERNESS, 1 1-2, TORTURED. One of the ten
TENETS, XXVII-/). Avaatthas of a planet. 111-19,
TENTH HOUSE. VIT 9, 16, 24; TOUCH. IT- 26 Vi-3. ;

Vin 1,7, 10. 13, IP, 19, 24, 27, TRADE. XIX-26.
32; Xir-R;X3ir-24;XV-2 24; f To be a— r. XVIIt-9.
XVI -27, 28 XX- 11, 19, 25, 26,
; To bo olever in -mg. IX*7.
.16, 59; XXTV-8R; XXV-I3; TKANQUILLITY.-of mind. XV-
XXVI-2. 3, 4, 0, 7, H, Jl, 16, 23; XIX-7.
30. 31, 2:1; XXVM-1,3, H.
TRANSIT. XIX-26 XVI-31, 32, ;

Til KPT. Iiiomno Uirtiugli— V*4. .

33, 35 ; XVII-1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

of properly. X\1 27, 10. 20, 21, 22, 24, 25,
18, 28,
Til l EE. M3
IT-3, 15, IB; XtV-
; XX-32, 34, 35, 37, 88 ; XXIII-1,
2, 4; XVI 11-6, 13; XIX- 14, 11,15, 16, 19,22; XXIV-3, 7, 8,
17; XX* 17, 33; XXI-L3, 21, 13, 39, 40 ; XXVI-1, 2, 3, 6,
7, 9,
22, 25, 38, 47, 62, 70, 71, 79; 10,11,13, 14,15,17,18,20. 21,
XXV-H, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 48.
VI 1 1-2, 5, R, 11, H, 17, 91, 25, TREASURE. IX-1 4 XVIII-14
XIV- Pi; XV 7, B,
; ;

29; X 11 7 ;
XIX 12, 20; XXI-72, 79.
22, 26; XVI -7, H, 9 XX-4, 16, ;
30, 41, 59; XXV-H); XXV 1-2, TREASURY. II- 1 6.
3,6,6, 7,8,9, 13, 18,21,22. TREATMENT. To be won only
THIRST. XIV-4, by kind— . IX-9.
THOUOHTB. To bo sltillod in TREE. XII-19, 21 ; XIV49, 27.
other people's-—. Character of — s generated by
the planets. 11-37.
THRIVE. To — well, VI-36.
To l»— ing. UMO,
TREMBLING. To have— of the
body. XXI-84.
THROAT. XrV-4,5.
TRIPLES. To be angry at—.
TH tl N >ER-BTOIiM. XX [-14.
TH WA RT To — everything.

VIII-33. TRIICON A, III-6 ; VI-21,

1-18 ;

26,28, 35, 37, 70; X-10; XI-

5 ; XIII-3S ; XV-2, 7, 30 XVI- ;

TIGER. ir-L7; XIV-20. 31; XVII-16, 17, 19, 28;

TrGMAKJRANA. A name for the
XX-36, 41, 42, *46, 47, 49, 52,
Sun. 11-32.
XXV-30 XXVII-1, 8.
TIMID. To be — . VI-23,
61 ;

— reduction.

XXIV-16, 17, 18.

19 TRIMSAMSA. III-l, 4, 15, 17;
TINNEVELLY, XXVIII-6. IV-8 ; XI-6, 7, 8.


TONGUE. 11-34. 7.
TOOTH ACHE. To suffer TROUBLE. V-4 XIX-14 XX- ; ;

from—. XIX-26. 16, 17, 19, 20, 23 ; XXI-6, 6,


10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 21, 25, 36, VIII-4, 7,10,13,16,19, 2-1, 27,
76, 78 ; XXV-23. 33; X-l, 2, 6, 10; X1I-4, 0, 9, 19;

TEIJE. To be — to one’s word.

XIII-12; 13, 17, 19; XIV-1, 10,
21, 22, 23 ; XV-4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,
XX-15 XXV-9. ;
18, 19; XVt-26, 30; XVII-1,
TRUTH-SPEAKING. 1 1-4. 15, 19,28; XX-13, 14, 20, 22,
TRUTHFUL. To be—. VITT- 26, 27, 28, 40, 58; XXIV-3H,
13 IX-6. XXV-14 ; XXVI-3, 4,
39, 40


I-G, 7 : ; ; 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 20, 21, 23.
13 ;
XVIII- 9 i TWINS. To bo Uio father of--.
turaga-oati. xxri-i2. XVII 1-9.

UBHAYA, 1-9. self. XX-1L
UBHAYA SIGN, XIII-14. To complete a mighty — . XXVI-
UBHAYODAYA. 1-8 XX'33. ;
11 .

UOBOHA. 1-6. To have disappointment in all

UOHCHAJA BALA. IV-1,2. one’s — s. V11I-3 L

XJDAYA. 1-10. To have interruptions in all


; one’s — s. VI-33.
XX* 63 XXV1II-1-4. ;
To have success in a 1 1— a.
UGLY FACE. To have an—. XXVI- 14.
YU! 21 XXV-26. ;
UKSHA. Name for VriahabhaI-7. VI-62
ULOER. Banger from — XTV-I1. UNFAVOURABLE. To have— .

U LEAN IP AT A. XXVI- 29. effect. XX-22.

; ;

3. 10.
VIII-8, ciation with — . XXI- 6 8.
be-. Xt-2.
UNCHASTE. A female to be—.
XI4, 6.
UNCLEAN. To be—. VIII-23. 23 ; XXV-12.
VIII-28 ;


from—. XX-18. 17,23, 63 VIIL9, 17, 22, 28,

UNCONTBOLLED. A woman bo 29 XXV1-9.



UNDERTAKING Ashbakavarga UNLUCKY. To be— VUI-83 . ;

system is declared bo be effec- XXVI-1 9.

tive in ail — s. XXIV-36. UNPOPULAR. To be-~. VIlI-17.
Evil counsel will prevail in UNRIGHTEOUS. To commit—
one’s — s. XX-16. deeds, VIII-27.
To accomplish large — s XVI- To incline towards — conduct.
28, VI-10.
To bring bo a successful termina- UNSTEADY, Te be-in mind.
tion any —
originated by one- VI-33,
To have— wealth VI-5G UP AGE AH AS. XVII-10;XXV-
UNTOWARD. X-7 XX-18, ; j 9, 1, 7, 19. 22, 25. 27; XXVIII-
XXlV-30,42; XXVI -38.
27; 1*4..


— 3 .
UPACHAYA. MH; IV-O; VI- UTTAMA. 111-7, 8, 14. 17.
19; xr-xi ; XX 01 ; XXltt-10. OTTAWA VARGA, VIMS.

VAUrtCT. A name lor Sign Kmya, XXV-B.
V AGE ESA. rr-37. VIL5.
VAlKtTNCA. XIV- 23 VEDIXA. XX VI-3; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
VAAYA. U-24. VEENA YOGA. VI-39,40.

VAKHA. fV-2, 5. '

VEHICLE I-’ll; II-O ; III-9 ;

VAKRABHA. LB. VI-3.7,18.34, 48,01; VII-6 ;

VAKYAKR VMA. XX1M1. VITI-4, 6, 8, 16, 17, 21, 22, 29;

; XV-16, xvr- 13 14,} XIX-11, ,

VALLAKI YOGA. VI-39. 12, XX-5, 25; XXI-44, 58,75;

VALOUR, Ml; VI-16. 47; XXV-l 1.

VILIO; IX 14; XV1-2S ! VEINS. 11-14.
XVIlt-il; XX-4. VENERATION. 1-15.
VANQUISHED, Vi-00. -14, 18


VENUS. Il-G, 13, 16, 19, 21. 22,
24 25,26, 27.28,29, 31; VI-1,
XXII 24.
26. 28; VII-8, 14, 15, 18, 20,
23. 24; X-9, 12, 14; XI-4, 6 ;

V ARGOT TAMA. Ul-i, 0 VII- ;

XIX- 14 21, 22, XIV-7, 10. 11,
5. 6 17 ; XXVICL-L7* XXIL18. 14, 23, 26.
VARGOTTAMAMSA. XX-20 ; XX A malefic in the 4fch. — in the 7fch
- 22 . and the Moon in the 10th or ;

VARIEGATED COLOUR. 11-13; — and Meroury in the 7 fell,

VI-34. Jupiter in the 5th, and malefics
VARkSHAPA BALA. IV-L. in the 4th; lead to family
VARSlSHTA YOGA VM4. 18. extinction. XII-6.
VASTRA. 1-12 Ash taka varga of —

V A SUM AT YOGA, VI 19 20. Bukbhi of— m

the Dasas of the
VAT A. It’ll. Bovetul planets, XXI'il, 19,
VEDAS. 11*5; V 5; VI-3 1 27,35, 43,51, 59,67, 75.



Conception may take place when Pimiayur.Lya Dasa period of

the Sun and— in tho case XXII -21.
ofmales arc strong and transit Tho Astaugabft roduetum dou; n >t
through Apachaya Basis or apply to—. XXll-lH
Amsas. XII-12, The 5th asfcerimn reckoned Hum
Dasa period of — . XIX- 2, 12, that of — is termed his roar
2G ; XXI-76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. Latfca. XXVI- 13
82 88 Tho kind ’.of asceticism camod by

Effect of the lord of the 4th and

— XXVIl-5.

well-placed in bho Lagoa and Tho ptv bicular division in a iU-»i
of which -i the lord in an
the 4th. XVI- IS. i

Effect of Gulika boing associated Ash taka v.vrga. XXI LIS, Hi. l

with — «. XXV- LG. The position of— iu tho gnuornl

Effect of the planet owning tho order of precedence in lU.iu
2nd bhava boing counoctod with XXir 27.
— XVL-5.
There will ho quarrel iu the InHa
Effect of bho transit of— ovor of—. XXV Lid,
the several Iiouho-s from the — Mono iu Idio 5th identical with
Moon. I-2I XXV Kataka may possibly give chil-
Effect of— being in conjunction dren by a second wife. XII -5
with owU of the other planets. — and tiro Moon in opposition
XVXII-1, % 3, 4, 5, to Mars and Saturn make f,ho

Effect of— occupying the Lagna nafcivo wifeioss or iBtmelo-s X-5,

and the other bhavas. VIU-17. —liommod in between two
18, 19. malefics causes loss of wife.
Graha factor of— XXIV-26. X-l.
Information about ono's wifo — m conjunction with a malefic
and progeny that may be in tho 7th, 5th or 9th makes
guessed through the Ashtaka- the native bereft of a wifo. X l.
varga of . XXXV-12. — — ill bho 7th causes distress to
Information to be sought for tho bhaav. XV-25.
through XV-1G. — .
— in the 6fih brings abodt loss of

The bhavas for whioh—iB a honour and wealth and in most

Karaka. XV-17, cases dangor to life also. XXVI
In transit, —
becomes effective

— 34,
whan he is in the middle — in transit gives good results
portion of a sign. XXVf-25. in all places other titan tho
Jupiter and —
if they own Ken- lOtli, 7th, anrl 4th XXVl-3,8.
dras become powerful to cause — in Vrisehika identical with tho
evil. XX-50. causes loss of wife.
7fch, X-3.
Lord of the 7th and—in a dual When the Sun fcoansifcs the 6th'
Easi or Amsa make
the porson 7th or X2fch house raekonod
to have two wives. X-5. from—at birth, death is suro
Moon in the several Amsas to happen. XVII-27,
aspeefced by—*. XVIIi-12, 13, VERSES. To be reciting char-
14, 15. —
ming containing the name of
Moon in the several signs aspeefe- God Narayana VI-30.
ted by—. XVI1I-0. 7, 8. 9, VERSIFYING, To be clover in
10 11 — VI-27.

, ,

Naisargi%, Dasa period of VIBHAVA. A term for tho Utb

XXI1-17. house. 1-15.
. » <

vicromoLM VYOMA
VICTORIOUS. VI-2; VH-4; To be engaged in the practice
V tl 1-3, 7, 9, of— actions. XXIL32.
V TUTOR Y. XX1-4J ; XXVI- L 1. To be of a— disposition. Yl-le ;

~~m war, 11-1. XI-5.

VXD. 11-15, 22, 27, 28, 35. To ho—. VI-9, 12; VIII- 7,
VI DIIII. TM5.37. XI- 6, 7, 10.
VIDYA. A term to donate the —
To bo ly disposed. VI-70;
2nd houfio, I-XO. XVI- 2, 20 XVIIH4. ;

VXDYADKABAS. X1V-G. To help the™. Vl-29.

VIEWS. To be crooked in To make one-— ly inclined.
one’s — . TX-4, XXVH-7.
VXGJXNA. A term to denote the To perform some deed. XrX-li. —
Bth house, 1-14* To recite in company with the —
vroocm. xv-ie. the charming verses containing
VIKALA. Ouo ol fclio ton Avast- the name of Clod Narayana,
thaw of a planet, UM9, 20, VI-30.
VIKRAMA. A designation to To win the approbation of the — •.

donoto tbo 3rd house Ml. XX-6.

VILE. One’s speech to bo VI SHAG 1-1 ATI KA1A. XIII-H,
very — in quality. VII1-2S. VISHNU. IMS, 27; HI-0,
To bo engaged in doing acts, — |

XII- 20, 21 ; XTII-22.

To be— in oharaotor. III-—14. VITAL POWER. To los© one’s™,
To reside amidst — people. XVI- VIII- 31
4. Decay of™, XXV-26.
To spend monoy on — things. VITTA. A toun denoting the
VJ1X-33. 2nd house. MO,
VIOTY. To uni uglily— other. VORACIOUS. To be a — ea‘er.
VI-XO. VIU-22.
VILLAGE. To be the headman VOWS. XII-24; XXVI-49*
of a—. VIM. VOYAGE. To obtain facilities
To livo in a good — XVI'3.
. for one’s— XIX-12, .

VIHATiA YOGA. VI-57,69. Augmentation of wealth b y

VIOLKNCJS. Wealth got lucrative-*-^. XIX-26.
through— XXI-28. VRISOHIKA. L4 IV ; 5, 6 TX- ;

VIRGO. See Kunya 8; X-3 ; XI-4 ; XJI-3; XIV-

VIRILE POWER. 1143. 18; XVIU-9; XIX-16 ; XXII-
VIRTUE, 1-14 XXI-57. ; VRTSHA. I 6.

To bo renowned for one’s — «s. VRISHABHA 1-6, 7, 8 IV-6 ; ;

VII1-16, IX- 2 X-3; XI- 1, 6; XII- 3,



VIRTUOUS. Holding views VRITTI.


quite antagonistic to— conduct. VULTURE. IMS.

XXV-26. — faced Docanates. 1X1-13.
One who has stored wealth earned VYAPARA. 1-15.
through-means. XXVI-50. VYATIPATA. XXV-1. 5,23. 28,
To be anxious to do^aots. VYAYA. 1-16.
VHI-IG. VYOMA, 1-15,
. . . — *


WAITED UPON. To be-by To have one’s gait retarded due
faithful attendants. Vt-7. to bodily— XXVT15. .

WALK. To -'gently VIII-6. WEALTH. A woman to bo with-

To be fast in — ing. IX ~4. out-. XT-9.
WANDER, To — in the roads.
A woman to possess—. XI-5,
VIII- 0.
A woman to have a husband who
WANDERING To be -without has lost all his—. NTS,
a wife. VNI-3. Accession of—*. XXI-4.
To be-. IX-7; XI X-5; XX.
17, IS.
Acquisition of —
XrX-G XX- , ;

5 XXI- 17, 28, 29, S3, 41.

Inclination to be always-', ;

Addition of— from a host of

XXV- 26.
To a— life, enemies. XKT46.
WAR. TV-2 XXT-28. ;
— . An appellation to signify
WARRIOR. To be a—. XVIIT7. the 2nd house. T10
WASHERMAN. TI-17 ; XVIII-9 —all expression to denote the
llfch house, 1-15.
WATCHMAN. To be a-of a
city. NYTH-IS' Augmentation of by trade. —
WATER. 1-12 IT-2, 15, 27, 36
; ;

IX- 1, 4, 12; XIV- 3, 19; XX- Danger from fire to concealed—.

16; XXI- 4, XTX-5.
18, 30, 37, 63, 63

Destruction of —•» XXT6G,

Danger from homed and— ani- Gain of—. XXriMl XXVI-;

mals. XIV
3 m.
Death due to — -or by Bome—y Increase of—. XXT*51.
diseases, XIV-19. Influx of— XXT-81 j XXFV-43,
Income through fciade on —pro* Information regarding one’s —
ducts.V-3. should he Bought for through
The Moon brings on death Venus. II-6
through— y diseases. XIV-14. Ketu in the 3rd house confers
To be afraid of—. XXV'24. on the native. VIII 29.
To have a body similar to a nob. — Ketu in the 12th bouse will
IX- 11. destroy—. VIEWS.
To suffer from a — disease. VI Q- Loss of—, X-2 i XfX-13, XXI-
27. 77 XXVI-9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,

To suffer from a
XIV-11 XXV-24.
—y disease 22, 24, 26,33,34, 35.
One ought to conjecture /about
—y signs.

1-7 ; XIV-1J one’s— through Jupiter. XV-

WAY. A designation for the 7fch 16,
house. 1-13 Ostentation in the acquisition
WEAK. To be— in. the lower of-. XXV-10.
limbs IX-10.
WEAK KNEED. To be-. IX-1.
Phenomenal increase of — . XXI-
66 .

WEAK-MINDED. To be—. VIH- Planets are always favourable to

one Who has stored— earned
WEAKNESS. To have bodily — through virtuous means,
XX-17. XXVI-50.
— . 2 ,

index 77
Steady accumulation of— * XIX- To have an uninterrupted influx
15. of- — * XX-12.
To acquire immonse— . XIX- To have everlasting—. VI-3G,
24. 53.
To acquire-—. XXI-3. To havo lasting — . VIII -24.
To acquire by doing— many To have loss of — .XEX-20, 25 ;

daring deeds. Vl-2. XXI -5, 18. 24, 25, 37, 47, 52,
To attain- —
*. XVI-5. 65
To be a king endowed with muoli To have one’s— augmented
VII-23. through a young woman. XVILI
To be a mine of blossing from -5.
the Goddess of VI- 2*1. — . To havo one’s- -destroyed IX-
To bo bereft of—. VMO. 19 XXI-G,;

To bo blessed with abundance of To hftve-VI-63 VriX-4.11, 13,


VI-7, . 19 XXI-75 XXVM1.23.

; ;

To bo devoid of VIIE-8, 22;— . To lose one’s — . Vlt-3, 2G.

XXV- 11. To posses much—. VI-31.
To bo endowed with 11-8, — . 1 46, 48.
9 VI 45, 40, 54; VIIl-16
; ; To posses no —or corn. XXV-
XU-32. 9.
To be prepared for loss of To possess—. 1X45 ; XVIII-
XXl-8. 4,
To be renowned for one's ~ .VI- To secuto— XTX-19. .

G. To usurp other's VI — >. 4.

To robbed of one’s -by bis
1)0 Unexpected loss of — XXi-09.
enemies, VI -51). — to he poor. XXIV- 1
To be the owner of immense — WEALTHY. About a— man, one
VIII-J8. 1

ought to ascertain through

To be without —
IIt-14 ; VI- . Venus, IC-19.
41, GO; VIIX-21, 23; XVI- 6 ; To he a — mam III-10.
XXVXI-6 To be very—. TII-11, 12, 15 ;
To become the lord of much hoar- VI-3, 9, 32, 20, 24, 37, 30, 34,
ded— .VI-55. 40,42,43,46,49,70; VII- 21 ;

To become the owner of earned — VII1-2, 3, 4, 5 9, 14,16,38, 22;


with much difficulty. Vf 56- 25, 2G ; NVUII-2, 6, 8, 10, 15 ;

To command VI-34. XXIV-88.
To enjoy continuous happiness Yoga for the husband of a woman
and —
XX-10. . to be””. XI-3,
To expect loss of XXI-JO, — *. WEAPON. Danger from—. XIV

11, 13. -2,4; XXI-22, 38.

To enjoy other people’s—. IX- Income though s. V-4. —
6, It ia through Mars that one should
To freely utilise other’s — . IX- ascertain about a—. II-3.
11 . To be wounded by~~s. XXV-
To get””. XIX-22 24.
To get—through fire, k,ing and To earn, money by the use of s. —
fighting. XIX** 9, XVJII-1.
To gat"*-tJ^rough the Sovereign, To meet with injury from a —
VII-25. VII1-31.
To have all one's— disappear. Tjo suffer from wounds caused by
XX- 20. a—. XXI-42.
— ; —

Trouble from — s. NIX-14, 17 ; To he the. son of a — remarried.
XXI- 26, 34 36, 54 XViII-2.
WEAKNESS. XIV -8. WIFE. A designation for the
AVEARISOME. To suffer fatigue 7th house. 1-13.
by—iomneys. XXV 1-19. A malefic in the 7fch if he owns
To undertake 'journey. XXVI- the place will do good to tho
4 wife. X-6.
AVEAVER. Anything about a— A tendency to quarrel with one’s
ought to be ascertained through XXI-50,
Venus. 11-19.. A woman to become the
of a —
King. XI-7,
WEAVING. To be an adept in-—
A Yoga under which tho of a —
person will command all happi-
WEIGHT. One’s words to have
— XXVI-18.
ness. X-TQ.
A Yoga by which one’s wife will
WELFARE, To ascertain a
woman’s XI -1.— .
be:virtuonsly disposed, XVI-20,
Acquisition of wealth from one’s
— VII. .

Acquisition of—*. XIXI7 ; XXI


11-26. 28.
Danger from — . XlV-2
WHITE CHOWRIES. 31-2. Danger to—. XIV-8 ; NIX-5,
Destruction of one’s— IX-19.
Effect of one’s — being horn
WIOKED. A woman to become under certain asterisms. XI-9.
— . XI-6, 7.
Exit of one’s XXI 26. — .

One to be— in his disposition. Happiness to one’s .XIX-10. —

To associate with the .V-4 — Information about one's and —
progeny through the Ashtalm-
VI 11-28. varga of Venus. XX1V-12.
To be despised by the — , VI- Information regarding one’s
should be sought for through
To be— ly disposed. VilI-14. Venus. TI-6; XV-1G.
To be— ly inclined. VI-7. Intercourse with another
To become —
Loss of one’s—. XXI-37; 53;
To befriend the VI-10. — .
XXVI -22.
To do— acts. XVI-28 XX- ;
Meeting of— and children. XIX-
17,19. 11 .

To get remarks from— people.'


A r* ' *
.ifeh one’s
XXI-71. a -15.
j :/. ..
To have intercourse with

One’s— to be troubled by gout.

women. XIX-13. XIX- 13
To have intrigues with - women
Sickness to-— in an intense form.
To have mentalauguish through
XXI-U, 16; XXVI -23.
Suffering and diseases to one's
—people. XNl-30.
To have misunderstandings
— XX1-36.
Suffering to— and children XIX-*
with— XIX-19,.
18 .

— .XI-3,
A woman to become a Time of acquisition of a — , X-
9. 13,
,, . *.

To ascertain the direction of the To possess wealth and — . XVIII-
country of one’s — . X-12, 4.
fo Toascertain the lanma Basi of
To quarrel with olio’s — . XIX-
XXVI- 17.
one’s —
X-tl. .
To suiter lo^s of — . VlH*3i ;
To be addicted to other peo- X-7, 13.
ple's- veB.
To bo beroft of—. VX-li.
Trouble to children and — . XIX-
To be blessed with a good — *.
23; XX- 19 ; XXI-94.
Trouble to-. XXV 1-31.
VI-22, 30, 49; Viri-ie, 38. —
Trouble to and children. XXI-
Tb be endowed with — . VI-3, 12.
27, 31, 04; VIII- ID; TX-1G ; Wild) BEASTS. Death duo to — t

X-9. xrv.iH.
T# be fond of one's XI-J2. — WIND. I 1-9, 11, 13; XIV-R f

To bo happy with one’s — , VtH- XlX-31; XXI-9, 20,21, 50, 53,

91; XX 1-51 XXVI-J9. ; (55, 77, R2.

To be the husband of many— WIND DISEASE. VHI-2G IX-

ves. XXV— 12. iO; XIV — 14, 17 ; XIX-13,


To he wandering without a—. 23; XXL- 18, (52.

VII t— 3. WINDY. disorders. XXf-35

To be wedded to a bad—. VTII- WISE To be very—. V1U-18.
22 .
Troubles from serious
To be— less. VH1-17 X-5, ; 8.
'ollom'cs done to-—mon. XfV-9
To be without tv — . VTII-U),
WISE MAN. To bo a—. XVIII-
To oast a look at other peo-
ple's — ves. VI-51,
7, 10,

To enjoy the company of one’s—

ancl children, XXI-80, WISHES. To realise one’s —
To enjoy continuous prosperity
VI 11-30.
m the company
of one’s — Attainment of one’s cherished—,
Te have a rich lady as one’s-—.
WITTY. To be-, XVUI-I1, 14.
'To have an excellent VI- 48, — .
To bo --in speech, VIII-11.
WOLF. 11-20.
Toibave children by a second — WOMAN. 33-2 }V-7.
To have two — ves. X-5.
Acquisition of XXI-43. — .

Death through—. XIV-18,

To live in the company of one’s

and children. XXI-56.
Loss of wealth through

X-2. — .

Monsea of a XI-11 -.

T® live with one’s— and be One fond of —not his own.

happy. VIII-14, 29.
To lose one’s —and become To be a dealer in—. XVIII-2.
addicted to other people’s —vee, To be a servant under a-—.
VI-64. .

To lose one’s—. VIII- 9 ; X— 1.
To be fond of wicked — . XVIII-
3, 3, 4.
To lose one’s — and children. To be fond of young 1X-2 —
XIX-31. To be intent on sporting with



IX- 3. — XX -15, XXV-9.

To come to grief through^. One whose— s have no weights
XXI- 41. XXVI-18.
To divine fctaL number of — bhafc a WORK. To spoil other’s*^. VI-
person mayassooiate with. X-6. 52.
To have intrigues with bad*—. WORMS. Death through—. XIV-
VIII-18 XIX- 13.; 15.
To have intrigued with — -not

WORN OUT. To wear -cloths.

one’s own. VI-4, VIII-26. VI-66. !

To long for — -. IX-l. WORSHIP. IT4; VI-20 ; Xtl- ,

To resort to the society of low—. 24 XXL7. ;


Troubles from — . XIV *3
WOUNDS, 1-13 II-3 XtV'B ; ;

WOMB. A woman to have a XIX- 17; XX-17 XXL-5, 2L ,


diseased—. XI-4, 32, 8 1, 42, 55 XXV1-J 5.

— ; f

WOOD. Danger from *. XIV*2. WRATH. XX-19.

Death due to a —

*. XIV- 19. WRATHFUL. IL8, 10 VHI-25,

To deal in —en matenals, V*8. WRESTLER. To be a—. XVIII-

Wound as a result of a blow

fiom a piece of •, — XIV- 8.
WRETCH. To be a moan VIII-

WOOL To earn one's livelihood 10 .

through — . V-2, WRITING To be skilled in—.

WORD. A person not tiue to hii XVIIU5.

Y f



— XIV-23
's world.
, 3


6, 7; 8, 14; XXV 1, 3, 18, 19, YOUNGEST I5BOTIXRB. XI-9.
20 21.

YAVANAS. 11-98 , XXII-17. 47.

YEAR. II- 24. YOUTH. IX 30,
— ’s strength. IV-1. YUDDHABAUA. IV 2.
XUGA YOGA. VI 29, 44.
YOGABISHTA. XIII- 6. YUVATI (Rp,si). 1-9. ;



vi ’}
'jr- }


fi I* /

(J \*






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