Vital Signs Monitors
M3 ( SpO2 + NIBP/ SpOz only/NIBP only ):
EDAN M3 Vital Signs Monitor has made its mark in outpatient department and doctors'office for iis accuracy,
durability and cost-effectiveness by SpO2 and NIBP monitoring. Iis affordable price and multi-parameter functionality
address vital signs mouitoring needs.
M3B ( SpO2 + COz )s
With $p02 (Nellcor optional) and Respironics CO: highly advanced monitoring technologies, EDAN M3B ensures
cflective capnography monitoring, for intubated and non-intubated patients for continuous long-term monitoring.
is tailored for mechanically ventilated and non-intubated patients.
5.7 inch color TFT or blue LCD display
Backlight contol and standby mode for power sa
Display numeric and waveform information simultaneously
Network capability
Powerful storage capacity
Built-in rochargeable 1hiam-4on Battery for 10 hours continuous working
Suitable for adult, pediatsic and neonatal patients
PR measurement om SpO2/ NIBP)
Trend table review and record
Trend graph review and record
USB data storage and review
Real-time waveform printing
Nurse call
Respivonics LoFle!™ sidestream and CAPNOSTAT® 5
FICO? mainstream measurement
Us storage (data sore, browse, ogptonis Loe sesteam and CAPNOSTAT® Pomel storage eapaiy: 72 hours tnd ree
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8) (3), 25 hours $902 and CO: wavetorms orage 8,M3 Series
Vital Signs Monitors
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