ESSAI INGGRIS Sulthan Akmal Firdaus

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Nama : Sulthan.Akmal.

NIM : 11220480000073
Kelas : IH-B
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Ilmu Hukum
Dosen Pengampu : Mrs. Ummi Kultsum



Riba has an additional meaning and also advantages when

referring to the meaning in Arabic. And in Islamic law, usury has the
meaning of excess of the principal debt. However, it is this excess
principal of debt that makes usury different from buying and selling
transactions because it already contains profit.

In islam itself usury is something that is prohibited and unlawful.

The type of usury itself has been regulated in Islamic law and listed
in the quran.


I. Legal basis of usury in islam

In islam explicity Allah has explained in the verses of the
qur’an that has prohibited matters of debt or sale and purchase
that contain usury in it. As in Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 278 which
reads: “Everyone who has ima, must fear Allah SWT and must
leave the rest of the proceeds from usury that was previously
And another example is from Q.S An-Nisa verse 161, in this
verse, it is explained that usury is an activity that is forbidden to
be used as financing for everyday life, because the money is
obtained from vanity. In fact, Allah SWT has also promised
painful punishments for unbelievers.

II. Various types of usury or riba

 Usury fadhl or Riba fadhl
An example of this type of usury or riba is the exchange of
50 thousand rupiah for denominations of 2 thousand rupiah,
but the total amount is only 24 sheets. So that the nominal
amount of money given was only 48 thousand rupiah.

 Usury yad or Riba yad

For this type of riba, it is explained that riba is the result of
buying and selling transactions and also the exchange of
goods which will later produce riba or non-ribawi.

An example of this type of usury in everyday life is that the

sale of a car will be valued at 500 million rupiah if paid in
cash. Meanwhile, if the buyer pays for the car on credit, it will
be valued at 550 million rupiah. Neither the buyer nor the
seller will determine the nominal amount to be paid until the
transaction is complete.

 Usury nasi’ah or Riba nasi’ah

An example of riba nasi’ah is the exchange of 50-karat gold
by two different parties. When the first party has handed over
his gold, the second party says he will give his gold in one
more month. This becomes riba because the price of gold can
change at any time.

 Usury jahiliah or Riba jahiliah

Riba jahiliah is an addition or excess of the nominal
amount of debt repayment that has exceeded the principal
amount of the loan. Generally, this happens because the
borrower cannot pay it according to the agreed time.

An example of this type of usury or riba is the process of

borrowing money worth 50 million with a stipulation of
repayment period of a 6 months. If you can’t pay it on
time, there will be an additional nominal amount from the
total loan.

III. The Dangers and Impact of Riba or Usury

 Greedy
The act of usury will show that the perpetrators and
everyone involved in the act are people who are greedy or
greedy, hard-hearted, obsessed with wealth, and

 The sins of usury or riba is greater than sin of adultery

In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “One
dirham eaten by someone from a usury transaction while
he knows, is a greater sin than committing adultery 36
times.” (H.R. Ahmad and Al-Baihaqi).

 The act of usury will invite punishment from Allah

Rasulullah said; “When adultery and the practice of ribawi
are rife in a country,the inhabitantsof that country have
justified themselves to be punished by Allah.” (H.R. Al-

 Causing an Economic Crisis

According to economists, usury is one of the causes of the
economic crisis. Riba can also direct the economy to
things that cause waste and also lead to overproduction.
 No Benefit
Wealth that comes from usury will not be of any benefit,
in fact Allah SWT will destroy these assets, both
concretely and abstractly. The following are the words of
Allah and their meanings:

“Allah destroys usury and nourishes alms. And Allah does

not like everyone who remains in disbelief, and always
sins.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 276).


From here we can learn that usury or riba is an act that god
hates, even the sin exceeds the sin when we commit adultery.
The bad influence is not only us who feel it alone, but other
people are also affected by the difficulties too.


Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 276

H.R. Ahmad and Al- Baihaqi
H.R. Al- Hakim

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