Odata Notes

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OData: Open Data Protocol OData interface is an open data standards, that can be consumed by any
Application, Program, Software or Device (Non-SAP World) and that can be connect with SAP by
HTTP(s) protocol.
OData is a RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer) inspired technology for reading, writing and
modifying information on the web applications.
OData is URI (URL) based Identity resource service. • It is HTTP(s) Request and Response based
service and result will be in XML or JSON file formats. .
OData services supports point-to-point solution integration like CRUDQ operations.

SAP NW Gateway server:

SAP NetWeaver Gateway is a technology that provides a simple way to connect devices,
environments and platforms to SAP based on market standards. .
SAP NetWeaver Gateway is additional setup for your existing SAP ERP system. SAP
NetWeaver Gateways is acts like an Interface between Producers and Consumers (SAP to
Non-SAP Applications).
• SAP NetWeaver Gateway helps to enable and expand the technology into new experiences
such as social and collaboration environments, mobiles, tablet devices and other internet
(Web) applications (SAPUI5 & Fiori etc).
• It is RESTful server - REST is a style of software architecture for distributed systems such
as the Word Wide Web (www). REST uses the standard methods (GET, PUT, POST &
DELETE) and other CAIPING Teatures

SAP NW Gateway Deployment Options:

1. Central Hub Gateway Deployment 2. Embedded Gateway Deployment

SAP NW Gateway - Advantages:
1. SAP Recommended - Central Hub Gateway Deployment option.
2. Central hub is separate Instance can connect multiple business back end systems - (trusted
a. ERP (ECC or S4 HANA)
b. CRM
c. SRM
d. SCM
e. TM etc.
3. tRFC Based connection to back-end business systems, avoid business sysyem down time
while features update.

SAP NW Gateway Service - Creation Steps in Back-End system - ERP (ECC/S4HANA):

1. Create a OData service - SEGW
2. Define a Data model of Entity type & Entity Set
3. Generate run time artifacts
4. Implement required methods - Service Implementation

Steps in Front-End system - GW:

1. Find the Trusted RFC connection b/w GW to ECC-
2. Maintain (Register) Back-end OData service (Tech. -/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE
3. Test run Gateway services - /IWFND/GW_CLIENT or Web Browser
4. Analyze the FES Errors-/IWFND/ERROR_LOG

It is a format in which we are communicating the backend system to frnt end system .

Entity Type : kind of structure type

SAP NW Gateway Service – Odata

• Back-End system - ERP (ECC/S4HANA): Data model:
a. Entity & Entity type b. Entity Set c. Associations
Entity = Work area

Entity Type = structure

Entity set = internal table

SAP NW Gateway Service - OData

• Back-End system - ERP (ECC/S4HANA):
Data model - Creation Methods:
a. DDIC Import
b. Manual Creation
c. Data Model from File
d. RFC/BOR Interface
e. Search Help

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