New Code Reader For Logistics

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Logistics Code Reader

NEW SR-5000 Series

Ultra-Wide Field of View

Ultra-Long Reading Depth
Ultra-High Speed

New Code Reader

for Logistics

SR - 5000 Series
High-Speed Reading on Any Size Conveyor

0 mm

Industry-leading range 16.8 megapixel camera
Ultra-wide field of view and ultra-long reading depth

Industry-leading speed Multicore Parallel Processing

Stable reading on high-speed lines

Industry-leading quickness SR Design & Management Tool

Anyone can easily install, operate, and monitor

Logistics Code Reader

NEW SR-5000 Series

Resolving Distribution Site Issues with a
Single Unit

Problems with conventional code readers

Laser type Area camera type Line camera type

Insufficient Field of View or Reading Depth

Objects of different sizes cannot be read

Installing and adjusting multiple code readers is cumbersome

Reading Not Possible at High Speed

Reading errors occur on high-speed lines

Settings to achieve high-speed reading are difficult

Challenging Installation & Operation

Settings that take field of view, depth, and speed into consideration are difficult to achieve

Unsure what causes a read error

Resolved with the SR-5000 Series

Ultra-Wide Field of View & Ultra-Long Reading Depth

Read with certainty regardless of size or shape of objects

A single code reader covers everything on a side

Ultra-High Speed
Stable reading even on high-speed lines

No difficult settings needed to handle high speeds

Easy Installation & Operation

Designs complete in as little as 1 minute with the easy design tool

The cause of a read error is seen with the management tool

Read Codes with Certainty over a Wide Area
and Ultra-Long Depth

❙ Objects of different shapes and sizes can still be read

The ultra-wide field of view and ultra-long range reading capabilities offer stable reading, even with objects of different sizes
and misaligned barcode label locations. Since objects do not need to be moved for them to be read, this also cuts down on
equipment costs.

Codes can be stably read even if their positions are misaligned. Even objects of different shapes and sizes can be read.

Ultra-Wide Field of View & Ultra-Long Reading Depth

❙ Easy installation of one unit for each side

Just one unit needs to be installed for each side being read. This reduces the time and labor conventionally needed to
design and install multiple units.

Conventional SR-5000

Using multiple code readers will require additional One side is read with a single unit, shortening the time
space to ensure proper fields of view and reading needed for design and installation.
depths. The design and installation may take a long
time to complete.

❙ Three models depending on specifications

Three models are available, depending on the field of view, reading 16.8 megapixel type
5456 × 3076 pixels
depth, and speed required. There is a design tool that will select the best
model for you just by entering the required specifications such as the
conveyor size, object size, and barcode specifications.
8.9 megapixel type
4096 × 2160 pixels

5 megapixel type
2448 × 2048 pixels
1030 mm 40.55"

620 mm

330 mm
1150 mm

1050 mm
700 mm

820 mm 32.28" 1380 mm 54.33" 1840 mm 72.44"

Representative fields of view and reading depths. 0.339 mm 0.013" barcode narrow bar width shown

Technology that Achieves Ultra-Wide Field of
View and Ultra-Long Depth of Field

High-sensitivity CMOS sensor High-intensity LED illumination

High-performance image Large depth of field lens

processing CPU

Ultra-Wide Field of View & Ultra-Long Reading Depth

❙ Larger, sharper images High-sensitivity CMOS sensor & high-intensity LED illumination

The best-in-class 16.8 megapixel CMOS sensor results in a high-accuracy wide field of view at least 5x greater than
conventional code readers. High intensity lighting, with a maximum of 192 LEDs, and a specially designed illuminating lens
uniformly illuminate the field of view.

SR-5000 field of view Conventional

field of view

Conveyor Width 1000 mm (39.37")

Enlarged image of code


Conventional SR-5000

The codes are dark and indistinct, with noise The codes are bright and sharp, without noise or blurring

❙ Even codes at different heights are stably read

High-performance image processing CPU & large DOF lens

The newly designed, dedicated lens ensures a sufficient depth of field at a single focal point focal point. HDR (high dynamic
range) processing with the high-performance image processing CPU prevents over- and under-exposure and can read
low-resolution codes with a super-resolution algorithm.
Conventional SR-5000
Short distance

Out of focus, over-exposed In focus, not over-exposed

Focal distance

Long distance

Out of focus, under-exposed In focus, not under-exposed; even

low-resolution barcodes are stably detected
with the super-resolution algorithm

High-Speed Reading, No Codes are Missed

❙ Improves distribution center throughput and reduces costs

Stable reading is possible, even on high-speed lines that move 150 m/min (492.1 ft/min) or faster. Since objects can be
conveyed at higher speeds, improved throughput can be expected. The cost of processing errors is lower since the rate of
read errors is decreased.

Example of cost reduction with improved reading rate Before

Reading rate 99% 99.9%

Error items in 1 day (12 hours) 1,200 120

Reinsertion cost per item $0.5 $0.5

Reinsertion cost per day $600 $60 After

Reduced cost per day $540

Reduced cost per year (240 days) $129,600

A distribution center that processes 10,000 units/hour

Ultra-High Speed

❙ Improved read stability with multiple decodings

Conventionally, objects moving at high speed could only be decoded once, resulting in unstable reading. The SR-5000
decodes codes at least 3 times, vastly improving read stability. Since multiple decodings are possible, it is also easy to
adjust the timing when reading starts.


• One chance to decode

• Difficult to adjust the timing when reading starts

▲ The barcode must be decoded in this image to be read successfully.


• At least three chances to decode

• Easy to adjust the timing

▲ The barcode can be decoded in any of these images to be read successfully.

No Codes are Missed
High-Speed Parallel Decoding Function
Capture + image transfer Decoding

Conventional: Single Core

Capturing and decoding are alternately processed. This lengthens the read time, and codes are missed in the following images.

CPU 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd

Codes are missed

1st 2nd 3rd

Conventional: Dual core

Images are continuously captured and decoding is processed one image at a time in a separate core. Often times decoding is not complete by
the time the next read starts.

CPU 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

DSP1 1st 2nd 3rd

decoding CPU
Decoding doesn't finish in time
1st 2nd 3rd 4th

SR-5000: Multi-core[High-Speed Parallel Decoding]

With multiple cores, consecutive captured images are decoded in parallel in real time. Having multiple decodes possible makes it so
that no codes are missed.

CPU 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

DSP1 1st 9th

DSP2 2nd 10th

DSP3 3rd

DSP4 4th

DSP5 5th

DSP6 6th

DSP7 7th

DSP8 8th

Multiple decodes are possible

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Ultra-High Speed

❙ High-speed image transfer

Image transfer time is 3× faster than the conventional speed. Transfer time per megapixel
Even with 16.8 megapixel high-resolution images, high-speed
image capture increases the number of readings, ensuring Conventional 6.5 ms

better stability.
Compared to
SR-5000 2.0 ms conventional


❙ High-speed code searching Heatmap algorithm

With our newly developed code searching algorithm, code Search & decoding time (typical example)
positions are identified instantly for high speed reading even
with high resolution images. Conventional 75 ms

SR-5000 25 ms

Conventional SR-5000 Heatmap algorithm

Searching the entire field of view before decoding is time-consuming High speed reading is achieved by instantly decoding only the area where
the code was found.

❙ High-speed parallel decoding

The most versatile multi-core CPU in the industry
Conventional readers would decode images one at a time Number of cores Number of parallel
causing reading to take longer. The SR-5000 series uses up to
2 1
13 cores, enabling high speed parallel decoding. Conventional

13 8

*SR-5000W: 7 cores, 4 parallel processes / SR-5000: 6 cores,

3 parallel processes

Everything is Easy with Three Tools

The necessary steps for installing a code reader


• Setup of multiple code readers
• Calculation of field of view, distance, and speed
• Reading stability testing
• Design of installation positions
• Confirmation of communication with host system
• Proposal creation



Tool 1 Tool 2
SR Design Tool AutoID Network Navigator
Complete design in as little as 1 minute Setup work and costs are greatly reduced

Easy Installation & Operation

• Causes of and countermeasures for read errors
• Understanding the operating conditions

ith the SR Tools

atly reduced w

Tool 3
SR Management Tool
The operating conditions of the code reader
are visualized, and error analysis is easy

Complete Design in as Little as 1 Minute

Design support tool SR Design Tool

Code reader design flow

Conventional: Calculations, design work, and report creation based on specifications were difficult.
SR-5000: Design information and reports are created just by entering the specifications into the tool.

Conventional SR-5000

1 Enter specifications
1 Confirm specifications

2 Finish design 3 Finish report

2 Design work
• Speed calculation
• Field of view and reading
depth calculations
• Model selection
As little as 1 minute!
• Confirmation of
installation position
• Simulation

3 Create report
• Parts list
• Drawings
• Wiring example
• Proposal

1 Just enter the required specifications

Enter the conveyor size, object size, and barcode information in 3 steps.

Easy Installation & Operation

2 Instantly create design information

Not just the model of code reader, its installation position, and angle, but everything down to the aluminum frame required
for installation is calculated and drawn in real time. Even complex conditions such as multi-surface reading can be handled,
resulting in quick redesign even if the required conditions change.

Installation drawing 3D simulation

Reading depth Parts list

3 Output report with design information

Design information can be output as a report in Excel format. Information can be shared easily with all people involved in
the project.

Report contents

• Required specifications
• Required equipment
• Reading depth
• Installation diagram
• Connection explanation
• Tuning results
• Test results

Required specifications List of connection explanations

Setup Work and Costs are Greatly Reduced

Setup support tool AutoID Network Navigator

Code reader setup flow

Conventional: A
 dedicated engineer would repeatedly perform on-site tests and adjustments to find the optimal settings.
SR-5000: Setup can be easily performed by anyone using auto-tuning and test functions.

Conventional SR-5000

1 Setup of code reader

1 Setup of code reader
• Decoding timeout adjustment 2 Reading tests
• Exposure time adjustment
• Focus adjustment 3 Communication tests

2 Reading tests
• Reading rate Easy setup
• Tact time
• Depth of field
• Speed

3 Communication tests
• Connection with PLC
• Connection with PC
• Communication command
• Memory map

1 Can be easily set up by anyone

Just import the report created with the SR Design Tool. Even if the designer and setup manager are different people, setup
with accurate conditions is still possible. Focus adjustment and reading-related parameter adjustments are automatically
optimized with a single click. Setup can be easily performed by anyone.

Tuning with a single click

Import report information to the code reader

Easy Installation & Operation

2 Reading test function

Reading stability can be easily confirmed beforehand with numerical values. This prevents reading problems from occurring
after deployment.

Reading rate test Tact time test

The reading rate* is displayed. The read time*(tact time) is displayed.

*The proportion of successful reads in 10 scans. *The length of time from the timing trigger to the read finishing.

Depth of field test Speed test

The reading distance, reading depth, and field of The estimated current line speed and the reading
view size are displayed. margin are displayed.

3 Confirm connection to host system

Connection test function

The code reader comes equipped with a function to confirm the connection between
the code reader and host system. Various communication statuses such as ping, TCP,
and FTP can be easily checked, allowing communication problems to be resolved
before operation.

Timing chart monitor

Check the connection of the code reader's I/O terminal after wiring.
This can prevent connection errors with the PLC, timing sensor, etc.
before operation.

Operating Conditions are Visualized and
Error Analysis is Easy
Operations support tool SR Management Tool

Response flow when reading errors occur

Conventional: The cause of the errors may be unclear, so it may take a lot of time to reach a solution.
SR-5000: The root cause can be determined with images and data, allowing for quick resolution.

Conventional SR-5000

1 Confirmation of
Go on site No need to go on site

2 Cause of errors Confirmed with

images and data

Trial and error Solution is already known
• Camera position • Parameters • Communication

3 Results report
Manually create report Automatically create report

Resolved in a shorter
period of time

1 Monitor from a remote location (maximum 100 units)

Monitoring and error analysis can be performed either on or off site, as long as there is a network connection. This allows
for problems to be responded to in a short amount of time, without the need to actually go on site.


Office On-site

Easy Installation & Operation

2 Reading error analysis function

Solutions can be quickly put in place, since the causes of errors can be identified

Images are also recorded before and after a reading error occurs. This is useful for casual analysis, and also minimizes the
time and expenses needed for a solution.

Reading results history Display when a reading error

Quickly identify when and on which occurs
code reader an error occurred. Images, including those before and after
a reading error, are saved. The cause of
the error can be quickly identified since
the information is readily available.

3 Report output function

Output reports with detailed information. Anyone can accurately review the information and make the appropriate decisions.
Report Examples of error images


Report creation date:
2/5/2020 12:02:03 PM

Start End
2020/02/04 16:13:18 2020/02/05 08:26:36

Statistics information
Period Trigger Success Error
Count Count Ratio Count Ratio
2020/02/04 - 2020/02/05 177035 177034 99.999% 1 0.001%
2020/02/04 55523 55522 99.998% 1 0.002%
2020/02/05 121512 121512 100% 0 0%


# Name IP Address Trigger

1 READER 177035


Object was overturned and code wasn't visible Code is blocked by side rail

Other Useful Functions

❙ Advanced multi-head function

Multiple units can be linked when multiple sides need to be read
or an even broader field of view is required. Since the master
unit collects the data from the slave units, only one code reader
needs to be controlled when multiple units are used.The host
does not need to individually control multiple units, which
reduces programming time.

Multi-level reading Gate-style scan tunnel

HUB Slave Slave Master

❙ Polarized light filter attachment

Packaging stretch film generates glare, which can cause
unstable reading. The use of a polarized filter allows for codes
under film to be read stably, greatly reducing the time needed
for reinsertion due to errors.


No polarized filter With polarized filter

❙ Hands-free reading function

If a handheld code reader is used, three operations are needed:
hold the product, hold the handheld code reader, and read the
code. By securing the code reader for hands-free reading,
barcodes are read just by passing the product under the code
reader, which can reduce work time.

❙ Statistical information monitoring
The reader's operating conditions can be confirmed in a web
browser. If the SR-5000's IP address is entered into a web
browser on a tablet or smartphone on the same network, the
statistical information can be retrieved. This means that no
dedicated program needs to be developed for confirmation in
a web browser.

Compatible browsers
Google Chrome 57 or later / Internet Explorer 11 or later
Microsoft Edge 14 or later / Safari 10 or later

❙ Data edit function

The data output format from the code reader can be Control the output order of Extraction of specific data
multiple codes
customized. This cuts down the programming hours on the host
system end (PC, PLC, etc.).

0 12345 67899 8


Control of output signals

The output order can OK or Not OK is output
be changed based on the code's top

❙ Functions that are useful for logistics

Multi-code tuning
The codes to be read can easily be set by enclosing the desired region using a mouse and tuning the code reader.

Compatible with encoders

Read start and end times and data output can be separately controlled based on an encoder pulse signal used on the
conveyor. Each number of pulses can be easily set to certain conditions.

Password lock function

With a password lock, unintentional changes to settings can be prevented.

Peripheral Equipment

❙ Terminal boxes
A dedicated terminal box eliminates the complexity of wiring
loose cables. The terminal box for connecting two units has four
Gigabit Ethernet ports. Multiple boxes can be connected with a
LAN cable. They have an IP54 waterproof and dust-proof rating,
and protect the interior from the external environment.
SR-BX2 for SR-BX1 for
connecting two units connecting one unit

❙ Mirrors
Using a mirror can shorten the space between the conveyor
and code reader, resulting in space savings.

For SR-5000/5000W For SR-5000X


Before After


❙ Mounting hardware
This is angle-adjustable mounting hardware for easily installing
code readers onto an aluminum frame.

Attach hardware to Attach code reader

aluminum frame

❙ Aluminum frames
A dedicated aluminum frame can be prepared for quick testing
First-in sliding nut
and operation. The necessary information is directly marked on
the frame during assembly and the nuts are also pre-inserted,
Assembly position
which greatly reduces assembly time. is marked

Scale marked
in centimeters
and inches

Support Systems

❙ Products, test units, and

replacement units can be shipped
the same day
Orders placed in the morning will be shipped the same day.
Even emergencies and sudden specification changes can be
handled with peace of mind.

Free trial units are available. Install them on your line before
deployment to see how effectively they work.

In the unlikely event that equipment failure occurs or issues

arise, we will lend a replacement unit.

❙ Read testing service

We have an in-house test conveyor. Send us an actual target,
and we will run a reading test under the desired conditions.
This will allow us to confirm reading stability beforehand.

Comparison of Code Readers by Type

Laser type Area camera type Line camera type

• Weak against misalignments • Multiple units are required • Large-scale and complex
• Causes of errors unknown • Reading at high speeds not • Weak against variable
possible speeds
• Moving parts

Resolved with the SR-5000

• Strong against • 1 unit does it all • Extremely easy

misalignments • Reading at high speeds deployment
• Causes of errors known possible • Strong against
• No moving parts variable speeds

❙ Outstanding reading performance
Even reading that was conventionally difficult is stable with the SR-5000 series. Line stops due to reading errors are
prevented, which increases operating rates.

Angle (tilt) Angle (skew)

Angle (pitch) Multiple code types

Inkjet bleeding Wear

Wrinkles Torn labels

Low contrast Stretch film

SR-5000 SR-5000


❙ Distribution centers

Mail order

Cross belt sorting and high-speed reading Automated packing machine and reading through film

Reading labels at different heights applied by an auto-labeler Robot picking and wide field of view reading while moving

Weight and volume measurements (DWS) Batch inspection of multiple objects

Home delivery

High-speed sorting by destination Storage of all images


Simultaneous reading of product code and destination labels Pallet and case reading in automatic warehousing

Apparel Books

Reading during hanger conveyance throughinbook

Reading books plastic
different in different
directions directions
through vinyl

Airports Retail
Airports Retail

Reading of
Reading luggage
differentofsizes whilesizes
different moving Batch reading of multiple objects during shipping inspection

❙ Factories

Reading tires of different sizes Simultaneous reading of cardboard box serial number barcode
and 2D lot number code

Batch reading of chip reel labels Batch reading of products, accessories, and other parts that
are packaged together while moving

Batch reading of stacked returnable containers while moving Reading labels at different heights on pallets while moving

Reading of mixed palletizer/depalletizer boxes Batch reading of individual serial numbers from objects that are
packaged together
❙ Streamline distribution centers that don't use conveyors
The SR-5000 can also be used for shelving that is difficult to automate as well as shipping inspection work.
Since deployment is easy, streamlining can be achieved right away.

Batch reading of objects during shipping Batch reading during dolly transportation Batch reading during forklift transportation

❙ Batch reading greatly reduces labor

With the SR-5000, 20 objects in a case can be read at once. This greatly reduces costs compared to reading codes one at
a time with a handheld code reader.

Code 1 second × 20 readings × 200 cases = 4,000 seconds
Compared to
conventional product
SR-5000 1 second × 1 reading × 200 cases = 200 seconds 1 cost per hour
per day
If 200 cases with 20 codes per case are processed

❙ Easy data entry into PC

Read data can be entered into the host device with a USB keyboard interface. Even if high-performance code readers are
deployed, they can link to existing systems without the need to develop complicated settings or communication programs.


USB Communication Unit SR-UR1 PC

System Configuration Diagram

Code reader Mounting hardware Polarizing filter Mirror

SR-5000 OP-88443 OP-88497 SR-50AP SR-MR1

For SR-5000 For SR-BX1

SR-5000W OP-88495 OP-88498 SR-50APW SR-MR2

For SR-5000W For SR-BX2

SR-5000X OP-88496 SR-50APX

For SR-5000X

Power supply cable Control cable Ethernet USB

cable cable
Terminal box Loose wire Terminal box D-sub 9-pin Loose wire

2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6' 2 m 6.6'

OP-88440 OP-88437 OP-88434 OP-88431 OP-88428 OP-87359 OP-51580
5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4' 5 m 16.4'
OP-88441 OP-88438 OP-88435 OP-88432 OP-88429 OP-87360 OP-86941
10 m 32.8' 10 m 32.8' 10 m 32.8' 10 m 32.8' 10 m 32.8' 10 m 32.8'
OP-88442 OP-88439 OP-88436 OP-88433 OP-88430 OP-87361

Terminal box

SR-BX1 I/O terminal Ethernet USB

For setup


PLC link
Crossover cable USB converter
(2 m 6.6')


Host device
PC for settings

PC/Panel PC/
Board PC Software for
24 VDC
• SR Design Tool
power supply PLC • SR Management Tool
• AutoID Network Navigator
• AutoID Keyboard Wedge
• AutoID Terminal
• MultiMonitor
HMI [Touch panel] • FileView
• Various drivers
• EDS/GSDML file
•A utoID Network Navigator
(for old models)

Configuration Diagrams for the Terminal Boxes

Ethernet cable Control cable Power supply cable

1 unit 2 multi-head units

24 VDC 24 VDC SR-5000

Timing sensor
Power Power
supply supply Slave

SR-BX1 Host
device SR-5000
Host SR-5000 Master

Timing sensor

3 or more multi-head units (odd number) 4 or more multi-head units (even number)

24 VDC SR-BX1 SR-5000 SR-5000

supply Slave 24 VDC SR-BX2 Slave


24 VDC
supply 24 VDC
SR-5000 Power SR-5000
Slave supply
SR-BX2 Slave

device SR-5000 Host
device SR-5000
Master Master
Timing sensor Timing sensor

Aluminum frames

OP-88524 Aluminum frame 850 mm 33.46" OP-88532 Triangular bracket + cap (for box type)

OP-88525 Aluminum frame 1000 mm 39.37" OP-88533 Bracket for braced frame

OP-88526 Aluminum frame 1500 mm 59.06" OP-88534 Triangular bracket set

OP-88527 Aluminum frame 1900 mm 74.80" OP-88535 Triangular bracket set + cap (for 500 mm 19.69")

OP-88528 Braced frame OP-88536 Anchor bracket set

OP-88529 Aluminum frame 500 mm 19.69" × 2 OP-88538 Spare parts set*

OP-88530 Triangular bracket + cap (for stand type) OP-88539 Screw & nut set

OP-88531 Triangular bracket + cap (for gate type) OP-88541 Last-in nut × 8

* Screws × 4, last-in nut (M3-M6) × 4, bracket × 2, cap × 2 sets

Reading range

Reading range characteristics (typical)

STEP 1 Select the target symbol

2D codes QR, MicroQR, DataMatrix (ECC200), GS1 DataMatrix

Symbol A
Barcodes CODE39, NW-7 (Codabar), CODE128, GS1-128, JAN/EAN/UPC, CODE39 (Full ASCII)

2D codes PDF417, Micro PDF417, GS1 Composite (CC-A, CC-B, CC-C)

Symbol B
Barcodes ITF

2D codes DotCode, MaxiCode

Symbol C
Barcodes GS1 DataBar, CODE93, 2of5 (Industrial 2of5), COOP 2of5, Trioptic CODE39, Pharmacode

Confirm the distance based on the resolution with the graph on the left, and
confirm the field of view size based on the distance with the graph on the right
SR-5000 distance

100 62
Minimum resolution Unit (mm inch) Field of view Unit (mm inch) 3.94" 2.44"
Symbol A Symbol B Symbol C 2448 × 2048 pixels 75
Distance Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Distance Horizontal Vertical
100 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.13 100 75 62
3.94" 0.0039" 0.0024" 0.0039" 0.0024" 0.0039" 0.0051" 3.94" 2.95" 2.44"
100 to 500 0.15 0.27 0.18 0.24 0.22 0.59 500 357 298
3.94" to 19.69" 0.0059" 0.0106" 0.0071" 0.0094" 0.0087" 0.0232" 19.69" 14.06" 11.73"
100 to 1000 0.29 0.53 0.35 0.47 0.44 1.16 1000 709 593 2000
78.74" 1182
3.94" to 39.37" 0.0114" 0.0209" 0.0138" 0.0185" 0.0173" 0.0457" 39.37" 27.91" 23.35"
100 to 1500 0.44 0.79 0.53 0.70 0.66 1.74 1500 1061 887 1413 55.63"
3.94" to 59.06" 0.0173" 0.0311" 0.0209" 0.0276" 0.0260" 0.0685" 59.06" 41.77" 34.92" (Unit: mm inch)

100 to 2000 0.58 1.04 0.70 0.93 0.87 2.31 2000 1413 1182
3.94" to 78.74" 0.0228" 0.0409" 0.0276" 0.0366" 0.0343" 0.0909" 78.74" 55.63" 46.54"

SR-5000W Installation
Minimum resolution Unit (mm inch) Field of view Unit (mm inch)
200 85 3.35"
Symbol A Symbol B Symbol C 4096 × 2160 pixels 7.87"
Distance Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Horizontal Vertical 161
200 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.16 200 161 85
7.87" 0.0039" 0.0031" 0.0039" 0.0031" 0.0039" 0.0063" 7.87" 6.34" 3.35"
200 to 500 0.10 0.17 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.38 500 379 200
7.87" to 19.69" 0.0039" 0.0067" 0.0047" 0.0059" 0.0055" 0.0149" 19.69" 14.92" 7.87"
200 to 1000 0.19 0.33 0.22 0.29 0.28 0.73 1000 741 391
7.87" to 39.37" 0.0075" 0.0130" 0.0087" 0.0114" 0.0110" 0.0287" 39.37" 29.17" 15.39" 3000
200 to 2000 0.36 0.65 0.43 0.58 0.54 1.44 2000 1466 773 1155
7.87" to 78.74" 0.0142" 0.0256" 0.0169" 0.0228" 0.0213" 0.0567" 78.74" 57.72" 30.43" 2191 86.26"
(Unit: mm inch)
200 to 3000 0.54 0.97 0.65 0.86 0.81 2.15 3000 2191 1155
7.87" to 118.11" 0.0213" 0.0382" 0.0256" 0.0339" 0.0319" 0.0846" 118.11" 86.26" 45.47"

Minimum resolution Unit (mm inch) Field of view Unit (mm inch) distance

Symbol A Symbol B Symbol C 5456 × 3076 pixels

Distance 300 127 5.00"
Distance Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Barcodes 2D codes Horizontal Vertical 11.81"
300 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.17 300 226 127 226
11.81" 0.0039" 0.0031" 0.0039" 0.0031" 0.0039" 0.0067" 11.81" 8.90" 5.00" 8.90"

300 to 500 0.10 0.13 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.28 500 369 208
11.81" to 19.69" 0.0039" 0.0051" 0.0039" 0.0043" 0.0039" 0.0110" 19.69" 14.53" 8.19"
300 to 1000 0.14 0.24 0.16 0.22 0.20 0.54 1000 724 408
11.81" to 39.37" 0.0055" 0.0094" 0.0063" 0.0087" 0.0079" 0.0213" 39.37" 28.50" 16.06"
300 to 2000 0.27 0.48 0.32 0.43 0.40 1.06 2000 1435 809 4000
11.81" to 78.74" 0.0106" 0.0189" 0.0126" 0.0169" 0.0157" 0.0417" 78.74" 56.50" 31.85" 157.48" 1610
300 to 3000 0.40 0.71 0.48 0.63 0.59 1.58 3000 2145 1209 2856 112.44"
11.81" to 118.11" 0.0157" 0.0280" 0.0189" 0.0248" 0.0232" 0.0622" 118.11" 84.45" 47.60" (Unit: mm inch)
300 to 4000 0.53 0.95 0.63 0.84 0.79 2.10 4000 2856 1610
11.81" to 157.48" 0.0209" 0.0374" 0.0248" 0.0331" 0.0311" 0.0827" 157.48" 112.44" 63.39"

Model Selection Quick Reference

Top Sides
STEP 1 B Required field of view

Determine the required
B Required
field of view and field of view
A  equired
R Required
reading depth reading reading Installation
depth depth distance

A Required reading depth

From the table, select the model based on the code type and narrow bar width (cell size) SR-5000
STEP 2 SR-5000W
Code type: Symbol A (see P34) SR-5000X

Barcodes Narrow bar width: 0.254 mm 0.010" 2D codes Cell size: 0.254 mm 0.010"
B Required field of view [mm inch] B Required field of view [mm inch]
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
11.81" 15.75" 19.69" 23.62" 27.56" 31.50" 35.43" 39.37" 43.31" 47.24" 51.18" 5.91" 7.87" 9.84" 11.81" 13.78" 15.75" 17.72" 19.69" 21.65" 23.62" 25.59" 27.56" 29.53"

Required reading depth [mm inch]

Required reading depth [mm inch]

50  1.97"
100 3.94"
150 5.91" 50  1.97"
200 7.87"
250 9.84"
300 11.81" 100 3.94"
350 13.78"
400 15.75"
450 17.72" 150 5.91"
500 19.69"
550 21.65"
600 23.62"
200 7.87"
650 25.59"

Installation distance of code reader(Guide) Installation distance of code reader(Guide)

SR-5000 : 815 mm 32.09" SR-5000 : 450 mm 17.72"
SR-5000W:1315 mm 51.77" SR-5000W: 720 mm 28.35"
SR-5000X :1800 mm 70.87" SR-5000X : 990 mm 38.98"

Barcodes Narrow bar width: 0.339 mm 0.013" 2D codes Cell size: 0.339 mm 0.013"
B Required field of view [mm inch] B Required field of view [mm inch]
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
3.94" 7.87" 11.81" 15.75" 19.69" 23.62" 27.56" 31.50" 35.43" 39.37 43.31" 47.24" 51.18" 55.12" 59.06" 62.99" 66.93" 70.87" 7.87" 11.81" 15.75" 19.69" 23.62" 27.56" 31.50" 35.43" 39.37"
100 3.94" 50  1.97"
Required reading depth [mm inch]
Required reading depth [mm inch]

200 7.87"
100 3.94"
300 11.81"
400 15.75" 150 5.91"
500 19.69"
200 7.87"
600 23.62"
700 27.56" 250 9.84"
800 31.50"
300 11.81"
900 35.43"
1000 39.37" 350 13.78"

1100 43.31" 400 15.75"


Installation distance of code reader(Guide) Installation distance of code reader(Guide)

SR-5000 : 1090 mm 42.91" SR-5000 : 600 mm 23.62"
SR-5000W: 1760 mm 69.29" SR-5000W: 970 mm 38.19"
SR-5000X : 2405 mm 94.69" SR-5000X :1325 mm 52.17"

Barcodes Narrow bar width: 0.508 mm 0.020" 2D codes Cell size: 0.508 mm 0.020"
B Required field of view [mm inch] B Required field of view [mm inch]
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
7.87" 15.75" 23.62" 31.50" 39.37" 47.24" 55.12" 62.99" 70.87" 78.74" 86.61" 94.49" 102.36" 7.87" 11.81" 15.75" 19.69" 23.62" 27.56" 31.50" 35.43" 39.37" 43.31" 47.24" 51.18" 55.12" 59.06"
Required reading depth [mm inch]

200 7.87"
Required reading depth [mm inch]

100 3.94"
400 15.75"
600 23.62" 200 7.87"
800 31.50" 300 11.81"
1000 39.37"
400 15.75"
1200 47.24"
1400 55.12" 500 19.69"
1600 62.99"
600 23.62"
1800 70.87"
2000 78.74" 700 27.56"
2200 86.61" 800 31.50"

Installation distance of code reader(Guide) Installation distance of code reader(Guide)

SR-5000 : 1640 mm 64.57" SR-5000 : 905 mm 35.63"
SR-5000W:2655 mm 104.53" SR-5000W: 1465 mm 57.68"
SR-5000X :3620 mm 142.52" SR-5000X : 2000 mm 78.74"


Unit: mm inch

❚ SR-5000

44.3 31 4 × M6 137 5.39" 4 × M6 31 44.3

1.74" 1.22" Depth:5 0.20" 68.5 2.70" Depth:5 0.20" 1.22" 1.74" 60 2.36"
40 1.575"

37.7 1.48"
40 1.575"
61.5 2.42"

61.5 2.42"
104.2 4.10"

134 5.28"
134 5.28"

134 5.28"

214 8.43"
91 3.58"

91 3.58"

256.6 10.10"

267.2 10.52"
261 10.28"
Center of

2 × M3 2 × M3
Depth:4 0.16" Depth:4 0.16"
4 × M6
11 0.43"

57.2 2.25"
85.2 3.35"
107.3 4.22"

❚ SR-5000W

4 × M6 4 × M6
Depth:5 0.20" 192 7.56" Depth:5 0.20"
96 3.78" 60 2.36"
45 1.77" 60 2.36" 60 2.36" 45 1.77"
40 1.575"

108.5 4.27" 40 1.575"

40 1.575"
103 4.06"

103 4.06"
147 5.79"

297.1 11.70"
91 3.58"
217 8.54"

217 8.54"
91 3.58"

339.7 13.37"
344.1 13.55"

350.3 13.79"
108.5 4.27"
Center of
2 × M3 Scanner
Depth:4 0.16"
2 × M3
Depth:4 0.16"
6 × M6
11 0.43"

57.2 2.25"
85.2 3.35"
137.1 5.40"

❚ SR-5000X
4 × M6 4 × M6
Depth:5 0.20" 279 10.98" Depth:5 0.20"
45 1.77" 60 2.36" 139.5 5.49" 60 2.36"45 1.77" 120 4.72"
40.6 1.598"

91 3.58" 61.5 2.42"

91 3.58" 61.5 2.42"

169.9 6.69"
191.8 7.55"

191.8 7.55"

131.5 5.18"
344.3 13.56"
263 10.35"

263 10.35"

386.9 15.23"
391.3 15.41"

397.5 15.65"
131.5 5.18"
91 3.58"
91 3.58"

Center of

4 × M3
Depth:4 0.16"
6 × M6
4 × M3 Depth:
Depth:4 0.16" 11 0.43"

57.2 2.25"
85.2 3.35"
138.3 5.44" *Please install with cable bend R at the following
values or higher.
Not moving: R=15 mm 0.59"
Moving: R=20 mm 0.79"

❚ SR-5000 With mounting bracket (OP-88443) ❚ SR-5000 With polarizing filter (SR-50AP)

192 7.56" 4 × M6 Screw 144.4 5.69"

R50 136.4 5.37" 120.8 4.76"
4 × 8.6 0.34" 4 × 8.6 0.34"
(8 × R4.3) (8 × R4.3)
2 × ø6.6 ø0.26" 2×ø6.6 ø0.26"

104.2 4.10"
228 8.98"

192 7.56"
45 1.77"

45 1.77"
30 1.18"

30 1.18"

48.3 1.90" 42.7 1.68"

Center of

109.8 4.32"
45 45 Scanner
2 × M6 Screw 45
1.77" 372 14.65" 1.77" 1.77"
502 19.76" 249.8 9.83"


❚ SR-5000W With mounting bracket (OP-88495) ❚ SR-5000W With polarizing filter (SR-50APW)

248 9.76" 199.9 7.87"

4 × M6 Screw 191.9 7.56" 150.6 5.93"

4 × 8.6 0.34" 4 × 8.6 0.34"
(8 × R4.3) (8 × R4.3)

147 5.79"
2 × ø6.6 ø0.26" 2 × ø6.6 ø0.26"
284 11.18"
248 9.76"

45 1.77"
30 1.18"

45 1.77"
30 1.18"


47.1 1.85" 44 1.73"

Center of

150.1 5.91"
45 45 2 × M6 Screw 45 1.77"
1.77" 440 17.32" 1.77" 279.6 11.01"
570 22.44"


❚ SR-5000X With mounting bracket (OP-88496) ❚ SR-5000X With polarizing filter (SR-50APX)

330 12.99" 4 × M6 Screw

286.8 11.29"
278.8 10.98" 151.8 5.98"

4 × 8.6 0.34" 4 × 8.6 0.34" R50

8 × R4.3 8 × R4.3
169.9 6.69"

2 × ø6.6 ø0.26" 2 × ø6.6 ø0.26"

366 14.41"
330 12.99"

45 1.77"

45 1.77"
30 1.18"

91 3.58"

17.4 0.69"

21.9 0.86"
91 3.58"
174.4 6.87"

45 45 Center of
1.77" 523 20.59" 1.77" 2 × M6 Screw 45 Scanner
653 25.71" 1.77"
280.8 11.06"



Unit: mm inch

❚ SR-BX1 ❚ SR-BX2

187 7.36" 332.4 13.09"

171 6.73"
72.5 2.85" 4× ø7 ø0.28" 316 12.44" 130.4 5.13"
170 6.69"
4 × ø7 ø0.28" 13.1 0.52" 30.5 1.20"

(72) 2.83"

198 7.80"
174 6.85"
217.6 8.57"
(2 × R2.05) 0.26"
(2 × R2.05)
144 5.67"
120 4.72"
161.4 6.35"



(19.6) 0.77"
(17.4) 0.69"

❚ SR-BX1 With mounting bracket (OP-88497) ❚ SR-BX2 With mounting bracket (OP-88498)
86 3.39" 144.4 5.69"

❚ SR-MR1 ❚ SR-MR2

730 28.74"
550 21.65" 1130 44.49"
400 15.75" 950 37.40"
800 31.50"
24 × ø6.4 0.25"
274 10.79"

250 9.84"

24 × ø6.4
400 15.75"
424 16.69"


95 3.74"
164.5 6.48" 3.74"
4 × 8.6 0.34" 4 × 8.6 0.34" 164.5 6.48"
(8 × R4.3) (8 × R4.3) 214.5 8.44"
2 × ø6.6 0.26" 2 × ø6.6 0.26"
4 × 8.6 0.34" 4 × 8.6 0.34"

(8 × R4.3)

8 × R4.3



2 × ø6.6 0.26" 2 × ø6.6 0.26"

29.6 1.17"
45.6 1.80"

45.6 1.80"
29.6 1.17"

45 45
1.77" 610 24.02" 1.77"

45 1010 39.76" 45
1.77" 1.77"


❚ Code readers
Model SR-5000 SR-5000W SR-5000X
2448 × 2048 pixels 4096 × 2160 pixels 5456 × 3076 pixels
Number of pixels
Light (5.0 megapixels) (8.9 megapixels) (16.8 megapixels)
receiver Sensor CMOS image sensor
Focus Auto*
Light source 48 high-intensity white LEDs 96 high-intensity white LEDs 192 high-intensity white LEDs
Light emitter Pointer light source 2 high-intensity green LEDs
LED class Risk Group 1 (IEC 62471)
QR, MicroQR, DataMatrix (ECC200), GS1 DataMatrix, PDF417, MicroPDF417,
2D codes
Supported GS1 Composite (CC-A/CC-B/CC-C), DotCode, MaxiCode
symbols CODE39, ITF, 2of5 (Industrial 2of5), COOP 2of5, NW-7 (Codabar), CODE128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar,
Reading Barcodes
CODE93, JAN/EAN/UPC, Trioptic CODE39, CODE39 (Full ASCII), Pharmacode, Postal (Japan Postal, IMB)
Minimum 2D codes 0.060 mm 0.002" 0.080 mm 0.003" 0.080 mm 0.003"
resolution Barcodes 0.10 mm 0.004" 0.10 mm 0.004" 0.10 mm 0.004"
Reading distance 100 to 2000 mm 3.94" to 78.74" 200 to 3000 mm 7.87" to 118.11" 300 to 4000 mm 11.81" to 157.48"
Number of inputs 3
Input type Bidirectional voltage input
Control input Maximum rating 26.4 VDC
Minimum ON voltage 8 V DC
Maximum OFF current 0.2 mA
Number of outputs 4
Output type PhotoMOS relay output
Control Maximum rating 30 VDC
I/O output Maximum load current Single output: 50 mA or less, 4-output total: 100 mA or less
Leakage current when OFF 0.1 mA or less
Residual voltage when ON 1 V or less
Communication standard 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Supported protocols TCP/IP, SNTP, FTP, BOOTP, EtherNet/IPTM, PROFINET, KV STUDIO, MC protocol, OMRON PLC link
Communication standard RS-232C compliant
Communication speed 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Supported protocols No protocol, KV STUDIO, MC protocol, SYSWAY
USB Communication standard USB 2.0 High Speed compliant
Enclosure rating IP65
Operating ambient temperature 0 to 45°C 32 to 113°F
Ambient storage temperature -10 to 50°C 14 to 122°F
Environmental Operating ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH (no condensation)
resistance Ambient storage humidity 35 to 85% RH (no condensation)
Ambient light Sunlight:10000 lux, Incandescent light: 6000 lux, Fluorescent light: 2000 lux
Operating environment No dust, no corrosive gas
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz: Double amplitude 0.3 mm 0.01"/ 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions
Power voltage 24 VDC ±10%
Electric current consumption Approx. 1800 mA Approx. 2000 mA Approx. 3000 mA
Weight Approx. 3.0 kg Approx. 5.7 kg Approx. 8.5 kg
* The focus position can be automatically adjusted during installation or tuning.
ROM rewrites: 100,000

❚ Terminal boxes
Model SR-BX1 SR-BX2
Number connected 1 unit 2 units
Enclosure rating IP54
Operating ambient temperature 0 to +45°C 32 to 113°F
Environmental Ambient storage temperature -10 to +50°C 14 to 122°F
resistance Operating ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH (no condensation)
Ambient storage humidity 35 to 85% RH (no condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz: Double amplitude 0.3 mm 0.01"/ 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions
Power voltage 24V DC ±10%
Ratings Current consumption Approx. 150 mA Approx. 400 mA
Overcurrent protection specifications 10 A fuse (for each power supply input system)
Weight Approx. 0.7 kg Approx. 2.1 kg

❚ Setup software (AutoID Network Navigator)

Model SR-H7W

Windows 10 Professional or higher 32-bit/64-bit

Supported OS Windows 8 Professional or higher 32-bit/64-bit (excluding Windows RT)
Windows 7 Professional or higher 32-bit/64-bit

Processor 2.0 GHz or higher, Memory 8 GB or more,

Running environment Required free space on hard disk 1 GB or more (space is also required for saving SR Management Tool data)
DVD-ROM drive required for installation, Screen resolution 1440 × 1080 or higher

• .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher is installed.

• Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages (x86) for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, and 2019 are installed.
• Windows, Visual Studio, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Excel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.

Related Products

Autofocus Handheld
1D/2D Code Reader Mobile Computer

SR-2000 Series BT-A700 Series

1 - 8 8 8 - 5 3 9 - 3 6 2 3 SAFETY INFORMATION
Please read the instruction manual carefully in
order to safely operate any KEYENCE product.



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The information in this publication is based on KEYENCE’s internal research/evaluation at the time of release and is subject to change without notice. KA1-1099
Company and product names mentioned in this catalog are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The specifications are expressed in metric units. The English units have been converted from the original metric units. Unauthorized reproduction of this catalog is strictly prohibited.
Copyright © 2020 KEYENCE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. SR5000-KA-C-US 2031-5 611M96

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