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Importance of Therapeutic Patient Education

in Diabetes Management
Jackie Kassouf Maalouf, PhD; Veronique El Khoury, MS
Abstract number: LI2022-0125

Background Seach Method

Diabetes is now increasingly prevalent worldwide due to the rise in After assessing titles or abstracts of 670 papers identified by
obesity and metabolic syndrome. Living with diabetes may result literature search, 659 were excluded, resulting in 11 articles for
in psychological, familial, social, and financial consequences for full-text screening. Of the remaining 11 articles, 8 were
the patient, limiting treatment adherence and perceptions of randomized clinical trials (RCTs), 1 was a systematic review, 1 was
quality of life. Patients who receive minimal education are more a prospective cohort and 1 was a retrospective cohort.
likely to develop diabetes, and those who received no education
are up to four times more likely to suffer disease complications. As
a result, therapeutic patient education (TPE) is critical. TPE is a Results & Discussion
continuous process integrated in health care and can be offered at Data was gathered from 11 studies to provide an updated overview
any stage of the disease. It is designed to help patients and their of the association of TPE on diabetes health outcomes. All of the
families understand the disease and the treatment, cooperate with papers reported a significant and inverse association between
health care providers, live healthily, and maintain or improve their patient education and diabetes prevalence as well as diabetes
quality of life. To prove this, we conducted a literature review over complications/adverse health outcomes.
the past five years (2017-2022) by searching the Medline-PubMed

Case Studies
Reference Study Sample, Results
Design & Methods
Participants who used a diabetes education
Nkhoma et al. [1] Systematic review of 6 RCTs with T2DM mobile app had significant effects on medication
adherence, HbA1c and BMI compared to controls.

Patients who received therapeutic education with a

diabetes specialist nurse showed significant
18-month prospective cohort of 184
Font et al. [2] reduction in HbA1c and hypoglycemia episodes, as
Spanish insulin-dependent adults with well as better adherence to care and QoL
T2DM compared to controls.

Subjects who received self-efficacy education

based on the Health Belief Model had significantly
36-week RCT of 240 Iranian adults with better metabolic and glycemic profiles, as well as
Mohammadi et al. [3]
T2DM better knowledge, health belief and QoL compared
to controls.

Subjects who received pediatric educational

12-month RCT of 24 children and workshops had significant improvements in
Mauri et al. [4]
adolescents with T1DM HbA1c, diabetes knowledge and overall well-being
compared to controls.

This review presents consistent and strong evidence on the impact of therapeutic diabetes
education on blood glucose parameters, quality of life, satisfaction with diabetes treatment,
compliance, self-care, and wellbeing in patients living with diabetes. As per the American "Education is the most powerful weapon
Diabetes Association standards of medical care (2020)"all people with diabetes should partici- which you can use to change the world."
pate in DSME and receive the support needed to facilitate the knowledge, decision-making,
and skills mastery necessary for diabetes self-care”. Therefore, health care professionals are – Nelson Mendela.
recommended to prioritize TPE in their own continuing education and introduce it into the
training of physicians, nurses, and other health care providers.

Enricho Nkhoma, D., Jenya Soko, C., Joseph Banda, K., Greenfield, D., Li, Y.-C. (Jack), & Iqbal, U. (2021). Impact of DSMES app interventions on
medication adherence in type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.1136/b-
Cabré Font, C., Colungo Francia, C., Vinagre Torres, I., Jansà I Morató, M., & Conget Donlo, I. (2021). A Therapeutic Education Program with a Diabetes
Specialist Nurse for Type 2 Diabetes Patients Using Insulin in a Primary Care Setting. A Diabetes Education Program with a Diabetes Specialist Nurse
in a Primary Care Setting. Endocrinologia, Diabetes Y Nutricion, S2530-0164(21)000537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.endinu.2020.10.015
Mohammadi, S., Karim, N., Talib, R., & Phd, R. (2018). The impact of self-efficacy education based on the health belief model in Iranian patients with type
2 diabetes: a randomised controlled intervention study. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 27(3), 546–555. https://doi.org/10.6133/apjcn.072017.07
Mauri, A., Schmidt, S., Sosero, V., Sambataro, M., Nollino, L., Fabris, F., … Paccagnella, A. (2021). A structured therapeutic education program for
children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: an analysis of the efficacy of the “Pediatric Education for Diabetes” project. Minerva Pediatrics, 73(2),
159–166. https://doi.org/10.23736/S2724-5276.17.04634-5 Learn more

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