Physics Investigatory Project

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NAME- Khushi Choudhary


This is to certify that this ‘Physics

Investigatory Project’ entitled “FULL
WAVE RECTIFER ” has been
successfully completed by Khushi
Choudhary in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the Annual
Examination of the year 2022-2023
under the guidance of Mrs. Neeta Skiri.

Signature of supervisor:
Name of supervisor: EK Varghese
Name of the teacher: Mrs. Neeta Skiri
Arvind Gupta DAV Centenary Public School

I would like to express deep gratitude
towards Mrs. Neeta Skiri, PGT Physics ,
who gave me valuable suggestions,
motivation and the direction to proceed at
every stage. She extended towards me a
kind and valuable guidance, indispensable
help and inspiration at times. In
appreciation I offer her my sincere
I would also like to express my gratitude
towards my family and friends for their
kind support during the competition of

Khushi Choudhary

1. Introduction
2. Theory
Connection Details
3. Problem Questions
4. Aim:-
Material Required
5. Bibliography

A full wave rectifier is a device which is used
to rectify all the alternating current

components in an alternating supply and

make it purely a direct current. The two

alternating halves of an alternation current
are rectified in a full wave rectifier which is
an advantage over a halfwave rectifier. Most
electronic devices cannot withstand very
high voltage or alternating current due to its
intense high power. The use of batteries in
all devices is not practical as
their replacement and durability
is a huge problem as the
device has to be dismantled
each time for such a replacement
So these rectifiers are used in
most of the electronic devices
like TV's, Radios, Chargers, Lightings etc
There are several stages in a vectifier.
Based on their rectification they are
dassified into two. The single staged &
multi staged. In the multi staged rectifiers,
more than two diodes are used and these
are used in the above-mentioned devices.
The singled staged rectifier has only
2diodes, the one we are to discuss in this
project. The multi diode rectifier has only
2 diodes, the one we are to discuss in this
project. The multi diode rectifiers has an
efficiency ~ 94.6% while that of the single
is only 81.2%.

Connection Details
Connections are done as in the circuit.
The A.C. supply is given to both the input
wives of the transformer and the two
ends of the secondary coil is given to the
P side of the two diodes and the N side of
the diodes are twined and then
connected to one end of the capacitor
and the other end to the center tap lead
and to the resistor. Further, the other
end of capacitor with the diode
connection is connected to the other
end of the resistor.

The input AC supplied to the full wave
rectifier is very high. The step-down
transformer in the rectifier circuit
converts the high voltage AC into low
voltage AC. The anode of the centre
tapped diodes is connected to the
transformer’s secondary winding and
connected to the load resistor. During
the positive half cycle of the alternating
current, the top half of the secondary
winding becomes positive while the
second half of the secondary winding
becomes negative.
During the positive half cycle, diode D1
is forward biased as it is connected to
the top of the secondary winding while
D1 is forward biased as it is connected to
the top of the secondary winding while
diode D2 is reverse biased as it is
connected to the bottom of the
secondary winding. Due to this, diode D1
will conduct acting as a short circuit and
D2 will not conduct acting as an open
During the negative half cycle, the diode
D1 is reverse biased and the diode D2 is
forward biased because the top half of
the secondary circuit becomes negative
and the bottom half of the circuit
becomes positive. Thus in a full wave
rectifiers, DC voltage is obtained for
both positive and negative half cycle.


The full-wave rectifier has more

efficiency compared to that of
a half-
wave rectifier.
There is the utilization of both the

output power.
As both the

cycles. Hence there is no loss in the

cycles used in
rectification. There will be no loss in
the input voltage signal.
Ripple factor is less compared to that
of the half-wave rectifier.
Greater mean in DC value is achieved.
Compare to the center-tapped full-
wave rectifier bridge rectifier is cost-
effective because the center-tapped is
more costly.

The amplitude for the modulating radio

signal is detected using the full-wave
bridge rectifier circuit.
In electric wielding to supply steady DC
voltage in a polarized way, this circuit is
As the efficiency of rectification is high in
this rectifier circuit, it is used in various
appliances as a part of the power supply
It has the capability of converting high AC
voltage to low DC value.
In case of powering up of the devices like
motors and LED devices these are used.


Ques What is a full wave rectifier?

Full wave rectifiers convert both polarities of the

input AC waveform to pulsating DC.

Ques Why do we use a capacitor in full wave
rectifier circuit?
A capacitor is used in the circuit to reduce the
ripple factor.
Ques Where is a full wave rectifier used?
A full wave rectifier is used in signal modulation
and in electric welding.
Ques What are the disadvantages of full wave
The full wave rectifiers are not suitable to
use when a small voltage is required to
be rectified. This is because, in a fullwave
circuit, two diodes are connected in series
and offer double voltage drop due to
internal resistances.
To construct a full
wave rectifier
and show that
AC is
rectified into a AC
Connecting Wires
A Plug
Step Down Transformer
Diode 2 pcs
Paper Board
Insulation tape, Blades, Sand
Take the transformer and attach it to one end
of the Paper board
Attach the plug with the wire of desired length
and connect it to the transformer AC In- now,
take two diodes and connect the 2 diodes into a
The AC source within the circuit is given to the
center-tapped transformer’s main winding. A
center tap or extra wire which is connected at
the center of the secondary (minor) winding will
divide the i/p voltage into 2 parts.
The secondary winding’s higher portion is
coupled to the ‘D1’ diode whereas the lower
portion is coupled to the ‘D2’ diode. Both the
diodes are simply connected to a load resistor
(RL) using a center tapped transformer.
Usually, the center tap is considered as the
ground point or zero voltage reference.
• Keep safe yourself
from high voltage.
• solder the wire
• While soldering don't touch
the soldering tip
• solder under adult super

References taken from class

XIIth ncert book

Thank You

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