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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

1.1 Background

The development of road network is the backbone of the development of economic

activities such as exploitation of the agricultural potentiality, enhancement of local
production, sustainability of tourism, employment opportunities etc.

The road projects are varying from programme to programme despite the fact that they are
implemented through the DDC, DOR, DCs and local people. It is obvious that there is an
extensive diversity in the planning process, implementation modality, technology used,
incurred cost, involvement of beneficiaries, planned benefits and the focus of the project
implemented by different agencies. Absence of long-term perspective and sustainable
visions, ad-hoc practices in fulfilling the needs, under-utilization of resources as well as
the returns, over investment against the desired benefits, improper utilization of resources,
under mobilization of limited technical human resources, deforestation, superstition and
lack of co-ordination among implementing agencies are identified as major constraints for
development of the district.

Consequently, for the development of road networks in the district, Ministry of Local
Development through DoLIDAR has provided support to the DDC for process planning.
The process planning adopts a single approach for the development of Agricultural and
Rural Roads in line with the poverty alleviation objectives and the decentralized
participatory development concepts. Under this approach District Transport Master Plan
(DTMP) which is a long term perspective plan to set up the clear vision of road network of
the district and its priority of investments, is prepared as part of planning process with
inclusive of District Development Potential Map which indicates the existing growth
centre and areas having development potentials. The District Inventory Map prepared in
DTMP will assist the DDC Kaski in identifying accessibility needs and priorities road
development plans to address the needs of the communities in the district. It will also
provide support to DDC, VDCs for the implementation of the road network with local
community participation at all stages of the project activities.

The District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) comprises the development of overall
road network which will provide accessibility to the all VDCs and various growth centres,

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

service centres and connects with DDC centre as well as strategic road network. DTPP is
plan of rural and agricultural roads of the district for long term planning to be
implemented by the DDC and other donor agencies

The long term vision of the Government Plan for the road sector has formulated National
Strategy, which emphasizes on "The development of basic rural infrastructure (with strong
emphasis on district agricultural roads) country-wide in a planned and sustainable manner.
In line with the poverty alleviation objectives, labour-based technology and
environmental-friendly, local resource-oriented construction methods have to be
incorporated in rural infrastructure development process. The National Strategy
emphasizes the consideration of these aspects and the decentralized concept while
formulating the guidelines (approach) for rural infrastructure development.

It is obvious that there is an extensive diversity in the planning process, implementation

modality, used technology, incurred cost, involvement of beneficiaries, planned benefits
and the focus of the programmes run by different agencies in the rural infrastructure sector
at local levels. As a result, the Government faces continual problems in objective
planning and integral implementation of rural infrastructure projects. Absence of long-
term perspective plans, ad-hoc practices in fulfilling the needs, under-utilization of
resources as well as the returns, over investment against the desired benefits, improper
utilization of resources, under-mobilization of limited technical human resources, lack of
co-ordination among implementing agencies are some of such problems faced by the
Government. Consequently, it leads to create an inefficient environment with respect to
rural infrastructure development that ultimately delays the fulfillment of peoples’

The participatory development process emphasizes the effective utilization of local

resources, objective-oriented analytical planning process, institutional strengthening of
local government agencies, establishment of appropriate organizational structures, use of
local skills and technologies and proper co-ordination between the local and central level
institutions. The road sector projects are to be selected, formulated and developed to assist
in alternative poverty and achieve high and sustainable economic growth through effective
mobilization of resources and its justifiable distribution, both in terms of geographic and
social basis.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

The government agencies are to act as facilitator and regulator to promote private sector
investments through the identification of projects with comparative advantages to achieve
sustainable economic development in road transport sector, and enhancement of capacities
of the government line agencies from centre to local level to ensure transparency, and
achieve sustainable development with process management approach.

With the growing demands for rural roads and investment on it by local bodies , central
government and donors , there are many rural roads constructed so for . An preliminary
inventory of rural roads was made by DoLIDAR in 2003 based on the DTMPs and
secondary of information from districts on the quantity and status of rural roads. It is
essential to prepare a detail inventory of rural roads in each of the 75 districts of Nepal to
know the present status that will guide for a systematic planning process utilizing the
scarce resource for new road construction, upgrading and maintenance of the roads at the
district levels. Due to the lack of updated information on the status of rural roads so far
constructed, Government of Nepal has decided to make an updated inventory of rural
roads in this fiscal year 2065/66 and MLD has also provided budgetary support to each
DDC for it through ALRP. DDC being the main responsible local governments for the
development and management of rural roads, DoLIDAR through ALRP intends to
facilitate the DDC/DTO to prepare the detail inventory of rural roads at district levels.

In context to accessibility, the district has access to road transport network in almost part
of district. However, they are under poor condition requiring upgrading, rehabilitation.
DDC intends to develop linkage Road, Outer ring road, and inner outer ring road network
to provide access to existing road network, market centres and other public utilities for
sustainable development of road networks in the district.

The consulting service has to prepare the District Transport Master Plan (DTMP)
including the new, existing and under construction roads of the district.

1.2 Introduction

Kaski District is located in Gandaki Zone of the Western Development Region of Nepal. It
is adjacent to the neighbouring districts with Lamjung and Tanahun districts in the East;
Syangja and Parbat districts in the West; Manang and Myagdi districts in the North; and

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Syangja and Tanahu districts in the South. It is a Historical and twenty third largest densly
populated density district of the country. The district has one metropolitan city Lekhnath,
one sub metropolitan city Pokhara and forty three VDCs. There are many myth explaining
how this district is named as Kaski. One myth is that there live people who were yellow
cloths and people who wear yellow cloths are called ‘Kasayaki’ hence named as Kaski.

The total area of the district is 2017 Square kilo meters. Geographically the district lies on
83°40' east to 84°12' East longitude and 28°06' north to 28°36' North latitude. Five types
of climate are found in this district, sub-tropical, temperate, temperate cold, alpine and
tundra climate. The rainfall of district is measured maximum to 1701.7 mm in 2009
August and similarly, the maximum temperature is recorded 32°C in summer and 2.2°C in
winter season. The temperature is always influenced with variation in altitude. The lowest
elevation point is 450 meter and highest elevation point is 8091 meter from mean sea level
of the district. Kaski district is famous for tourisum, trade and industrial sector and it is
also the main place of Agriculture production. There are some hilly VDCs which are
going to develop as potential for different cash crops, tea, Horticulture and Livestock.
Kaski district is also famous for tourism.

According to the National Census 2058B.S. projection, the total population of the district
is 380527 with composition of 184995 male and 195532 female clustered in 85075
households and average family size is 4.47. Kaski district has 62162 hectares of cultivated
land where almost alluvial soil has been found. The paddy farming is done in almost all
areas in district. The upland constituted with sandy loam and some places with red clay
where ginger, millet, maize is suitable for farming. The 48962 hectares area in the district
is irrigated land.

The long term vision of the Government' of Nepal for the road sector formulated National
Strategy emphasizes on "the development basic rural infrastructure (with strong emphasis
on district agricultural roads) country-wide in a planned and sustainable manner". In line
with the poverty alleviation objectives, labour-based technology and environmental-
friendly, local resource-oriented construction methods have to be incorporated in rural
infrastructure development process. The National Strategy emphasizes the consideration
of these aspects and the decentralised concept while formulating the approach and
guidelines for rural infrastructure development.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

In the context of accessibility, Kaski district has air transport service as well as the surface
transport facilities. The existing transport situation in the district is better in comparison to
the past. Surface transport facilities through national highway feeder road, district road
and village roads are increasing significantly in the district. However, district and rural
roads are in poor condition require upgrading, rehabilitation and proper maintenance. The
total length of the strategic road networks in Kaski district is 112.96 kilometres including
Highway and Feeder road with bituminous, gravel and earthen surface. Planning,
construction and maintenance of strategic road networks is the responsibility of
Department of Road (DoR).

Location Map of Kaski District

Transportation facilities help to develop the access of rural-urban linkages. Road

accessibility can reduce isolation, stimulate crop production and marketing activities,
encourage public services and help for transfer of technology. Road building arouses
considerable enthusiasm in the people because road access brings about visible changes in
rural life and is dramatic sign of development. In the absence of rational guidelines and
criteria, adhoc decisions on road construction are made, which lead to wastage of

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

District transport Master Plan (DTMP) provides the guideline and criteria for transparent
decision making process in rural transport infrastructure sector.

Transport is one of the major components to improve the access through the increase on
the mobility to the settlement/community of services and facilities and also to provide
linkage with market centers, agricultural production pocket areas and other potentialities
of the district. Considering the transport sector interventions and planning based on the
accessibility planning, District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) is long-term perspective
plan prepared for the planned development of the rural roads in the district.

District Transport Master Plan is a reflection of transport infrastructure situation and

future need in relation with the resources of the District. DTMP basically cover the rural
transport infrastructures (RTls), which are funded, supported and implemented by DDCs.
It strongly advocates for meaningful participation in the planning process to make DTMP
more acceptable and creating ownership. The preparation process of DTMP pursues series
of techno-political interface in the form of consultation workshops and interacting
meetings to increase participation of all stakeholders such as District level workshop,
DTICC meetings and cluster of llaka level workshops, formal/informal meeting and
interaction, focus group discussions and transit walk, etc. In every stage, emphasis have to
be given on their access and high level of participation of different actors of society (i.e.
representatives from line agencies, major political parties, social leaders, women
organizations, Dalit and Janjati coordination committee, differently able people,
chamber of commerce, transportation association) and work toward consensus building.

Since 1992, construction of district and local roads has been entrusted to the District
Development Committee (DDC) giving the full responsibility of rural road construction
and maintenance. The Ministry of Local Development (MLD) provides rural grant and
development funds to the district.

The DTMP serves as a negotiating document with potential donor agencies, line agencies
and development partners working in the district. Many bileral and multilateral donor
agencies are supporting to construct rural roads. DTMP is formal documents to obtain the
grant and loan assistance from donor agencies. It facilitates project identification. Donors
or funding agency within the country has set the DTMP as prerequisite for assistance.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

1.3 Objective of the Study

The overall objective of the district Transport Master Plan (DTMP) is to develop roads in
planned and sustainable manner by adopting the labour based, local resources oriented,
environmental friendly technique in accordance with the decentralized participatory
approach, and to facilitate accessibility to important centres and areas with resource
potentiality; to guide the spatial arrangement of rural settlements, markets and services
centers of the district.

Establishment of a single approach for the development of rural road network by local
government and develop a sustainable road network that reduce the aggregate
transportation cost and minimizes environmental impacts. Fundamental base for planning
and implementing new construction, rehabilitation and improvement of existing roads and
to maintain, repair and rehabilitate the existing infrastructure and to develop and connect
the existing growth centres and potential growth centres through rural road development
network is basic objectives of DTMP.

The specific objectives preparing DTMP are:

■ Analyse the accessibility situation.

■ Identify and prioritize the interventions based on the accessibility situation.
■ Prepare Indicative Developmental Potential Map (IDPM)
■ Prepare the District Inventory Map (DIM) of Rural Road networks.
■ Prepare the Perspective Plan of transport services and facilities;
■ Prepare/update the five year District Transport Master Plan (DTMP); and
■ Prepare a realistic physical and financial implementation plan of prioritized
roads for the DTMP period.

1.4 Scope of work

The scope of this plan consist the studies of the district roads including the socio-
economic analysis and potentiality of various sectors as well as accessibility of the roads
in the district. DTMP focus on the present transport situation, accessibility and socio-
economic benefit which will draw the future scenario of the road development.
Considering this aspect, perspective plan of twenty year range and five year DTMP is
designed. The short term projects will be completed within five year period. This study is

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

only concerned within district boundary but due consideration is given to the nearest road
head and inter-district linkages as well. Participatory way of planning is an asset of the
DDC, which makes consensus among the politicians of the different political parties.
DTMP is the agreed document from DDC and District council for the road development,
implementation, improvement and maintenance of transport sector of district.

1.5 Limitation of Study

DTMP is the valid and legal document approved by DDC council, in order to implement
the plan; DDC plays the vital role and continue to follow the document in the future, even
if DDC council is changed. Socio-economic data are collected from secondary
information sources during the preparation of DTMP and analysis of data is done based on
this information. Only more than 5km road is taken in the task, which is approved from
DTICC. Prioritization criteria are presented in DTICC and get approved. Perspective plan
and five years DTMP plans are prepared based on result of prioritization and financial
source of DDC and other funding agency.

Appropriate estimate of the construction of the roads is prepared. The budget to be

received for the implementation of road projects is prepared after analysing the past trend
of budgets. But there may be some changes in allocation of budget for road sector in
future as the estimated cost is indicative. Since not detailed survey is carried out during
the planning phase, cost estimate is calculated based on the experience gained in district
roads in similar terrain.

Recent trend shows that there are numerous roads constructed and are under-construction
in hill districts, all the village roads are practically not possible to include in DTMP.
Therefore only district level roads categorized in RRA and RRB are included in the

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


2.1 Approach

The methodology adopted for this study is basically different from the other conventional
studies for transport planning. District Transport Master Plan is prepared based on
participatory approach. Techno-Political interface has been made in the planning process,
where active participation from representatives of political parties, line agencies, DDC
officials is crucial.

The DTICC has been constituted to provide the policy decision as authorized legislative
body of DDC for DTMP planning process where all the political representatives from
political parties and representatives of relevant district office are members.

2.2 Methodology

The preparation process of DTMP has to follow several stages in its planning excerice.
The secondary sources of information were collected from various line agencies. District
level workshop was conducted to make aware and involved political parties and local
people in planning process of DTMP preparation. Cluster of Illaka level workshop was
conducted to verify and validation of proposed network planning. The Major
methodological steps are described below

2.2.1 Task/Activities

The consultant carried out the related tasks and activities according to the work schedule
and work plan as described in the inception report, which mentioned the activities to be
carried out during the fieldwork. The major activities are as follows:

Task-1: Data/ Information collection

a) Collections and Review of Secondary Information

Secondary data were collected from annual report published by District Level offices and
consultation with stakeholders (such as DADO, DVO, DDC, DEO, DFO, Small Cottage
and Industries, local business man etc). The main objective of the secondary data is to
verify the data collected from VDC level. Besides this, the socio-economic date (i.e
Data/information regarding area, location and significance of development potential area
such as extensive agriculture, extensive horticulture, livestock farming, high value cash
crops, tourism, cottage and agro-based industries, center for business/commerce/markets,

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

tourism area, hydropower, mining's, service centers e.g. hospital, health post, agri-sub-
center etc) which can not be collected from VDC level have collected obtained from
annual report, district profile, study report published by various offices such as DDC,
DADO, District Education office etc.

The information about demographic data of district, maps, service flow pattern, various
maps showing service centers or the location of SOR facilities, transport infrastructure
inventory, past plans and sectoral study reports, sectoral standards and policy targets were
collected from the secondary sources like DoLIDAR, DDC Kaski, line agencies of DDC,
Bureau of Statistics, Kathmandu, Topographical Survey Branch, Local NGOs etc. The
details are given below

List of documents/information were collected and reviewed.

■ Previous reports of DTMP prepared by the DDC

■ District periodic plan prepared by the DDC

■ Annual report of Agriculture Development Office, District Veterinary Office, report of

District Education office etc.

■ Report on settlement pattern and market centres of the district

■ Demographic Statistics and socio-economic feature of the district

Collection of Maps

■ Topo maps the 1:25000 and 1:50000 scales, which has been used as base map.

■ Digitised topographic maps of Department of Survey

■ District administrative map of District

■ District Trail Map, Helvetas

■ Map of strategic road Networks of Nepal.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

b) Primary Data collection

Primary information was taken from concerned community people, VDC officials, civil
society representatives, women's development organizations and school teachers about
real accessibility situation of settlements in special format developed for this purpose.

Task- 2: Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM) Preparation

Indicative Development Potential Map (IDMP) was prepared in order to indicate the
different areas with the existing and potentiality of agriculture, horticulture, livestock
and existing/potential key market/growth centers and other developmental potential
area. IDPM is developed according to the Approach manual for the development of
Agriculture and Rural Roads. Based on Data collected from annual reports from line
agencies and DDC level workshop, Development potential area of the district in
agriculture, horticulture, livestock, cottage and small industries, other potentiality of the
district have been identified.

Existing / potential areas defines as:

• Areas with extensive agriculture,

• Areas with extensive horticulture;'
• Areas with extensive Livestock farming,
• Areas with extensive fisheries,
• Areas with extensive small cottage industries
• Potential Areas with tourism development,
• Existing/ Potential Areas with development of large industries like hydropower,
mining develop,
• Market Suvey
Market Survey was carried out to identify market and service centre. Data and
information collected in the field is the main basis for determining the importance on
relative importance of market/service centre and central places. All services existing in
a particular centre were listed by the district line agencies and supplemented by more
detailed field data such as economic.

Population structure collected for the centre itself and its influence area, by means of P-
RRA approach. For evaluation purpose, data from offices, Industry, Business &
Commerce, Education, Health, Communication, Electricity Supply, Drinking Water
Supply services are combined for the centre and its influence area. Assessment of

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

economic facilities and services existing in the market/service centers and their
catchments areas leads to the identification of the most important market/service centre.
Centrality analysis of the market facilities and government services are carried out.

The Centrality Index is calculated using following formula

Cj = ∑ i=1(W i,Xij)


Cj = Centrality Index of the jth market centre

Xij = value of the ith function (number of establishments or shops at the jth market

Wi = Weightage of the jth function

The weight of each function was calculated by adopting the Median Threshold
Population Technique. The Median Threshold Population Technique calculates the
weight as:

Wi = Median population of the ith function

Lowest median population of the market centres where a function exists
• The collected informations were plotted on the base map indicating their
geographical boundaries as accurately as possible.
• Base map on which all the development potential areas and sites have been plotted
is the draft Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM) of the district. Brief notes on
each plotted area of development potential are prepared. The description should
highlight the nature and size of the area.
• Presentation of IDPM in DT1CC meeting to finalise and approve IDPM

Task- 3: Preparation of District inventory Map (DIM)

DIM was prepared according to Interim Guidelines for DTMP Preparation. The
following steps were taken for preparation of DIM Report

 The inventory survey of the existing rural roads was carried out and required
interventions; new construction, rehabilitation, periodic maintenance, regular
maintenance are identified based on the field data. Earlier, spatial information of
existing roads was taken on photocopy of topographical maps.

 The information/ data on existing rural infrastructures were taken by Global

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Positioning System (GPS) instruments including GPS tracking of existing roads and
GPS way points of trail bridges conducted by TBSU. GPS tracking is the major
work for DIM preparation, which takes considerable effort in field level.

Task- 5: Preparation of District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP)

Prioritization of Proposed New Roads

The following criteria are used for prioritization of new transport linkages.
Table 2.1:- Scoring System for Prioritization of New Linkages

S.N Parameter Scoring Unit Score

i Population per unit Cost Population/investment 55
Cost in 100,000
ii Cultivated Land Cultivated Land/km 15
iii Population * Walking hour Population * Walking 20
iv Total Population of poor, Population /km 10
Dalits and marginalized

Calculation of Scores for Prioritization of New, Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Roads

In order to make the indicators comparable their results have to be transformed to
dimensionless indices using the zero-to-one method.

The following formula is applied to each indicator of the area of investigation

(For high value ranking) d = x-min multiply by score


d= transformed indicator
x= original indicator value
Max = maximum original value
Min = minimum original value
For each area of investigation, the road link with the highest indicator value's' results in '1'
multiplied by the highest mark available under the relevant indicators.

(Note: to avoid possible confusion, the value of lowest score, zero is transformed by
relating it to the value of second lowest score using pro-rata distribution method)

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

(For low value ranking)

d = max-x multiply by score

Where, Max-min
d= transformed indicator
x= original indicator value
Max= maximum original value
Min= minimum original value
For each area of investigation, the road link with the lowest indicator value's' results in T
multiplied by the maximum available score.

(Note: to avoid possible confusion, the value of lowest score, zero is transformed by
relating it to the value of second lowest score using pro-rata distribution method)

Prioritisation of Rural Roads Class A and Class B for Rehabilitation /Upgrading

The following criteria are proposed for prioritisation of District and Village Roads for

Table 2.2:- Scoring System for Prioritisation for Rehabilitation/Upgrading

S. No. Criteria Scoring Unit Score

1 Traffic Unit Cost/TU 70

2 Cost Cost /km 20
3 Market /service centre Centrality 10
Total Index 100

Prioritisation of Proposed Trail Bridge

TBSU is working for trail bridges issues of Nepal. Therefore prioritisaion trail bridges are
adopted from the TBSU. The prioritization is based on following formula derived on the
basis of a simulation model using ICIMOD indices, related poverty, education, health etc.
used by TBSU as follows:

Table 2.3:- Prioritization Formula for New Construction\

{(2.041 P+2.856 MP)xDG} * {{(12-RT)x(1+RF/100)}/12}
0.3 x {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)xDG} * {{(12-RT)x(1+RF/100)}/12}

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 2.4:- Prioritization Formula for Major Maintenance

SSTB 2 x{(2.041 P+2.856 MP)xDG} x {{(12-RT)x(1+RF/100)}/12)

1.2 x {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)xDG} x {{(12-RT)x(1+RF/100)}/12}

Table 2.5:- Prioritization Formula for Rehabilitation

SSTB 1x{{2.041P+2.856 MP)XDG}X{{(12-RT)X(1+RF/100)}/12}

LSTB 0.3 x {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)xDG} * {{(12-RT)x(1+RF/100)}/12}

P= Population i.e. the beneficiaries population of the prospective bridge

MP = Marginalized population (total dalit + marginalized janajatis + total minority + total

poor from other caste)

DG = Distance Gained

R= River Type (no. of months crossable without a bridge)

RF = Risk Factor (Percent of population that has died within the last five year.

On the basis of prioritization criteria, the transport linkages under the categories of new
construction /Rehabilitation/upgrading for each class of roads are prioritized.

• After overlay all proposed transport linakages in the DIM, DTPP is prepared.

• Presentation of Draft District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) in DTICC

and finalisation of DTPP.

Task- 6: Preparation of Five Year District Transport Master Plan

• Considering the perspective plan of transport sector, the District Transport

Master Plan was prepared.

• The financial resource of the district on transportation sector was assessed based
on analysis of past trend of financing in this sector and allocation of budget by DDC
and other line agencies for coming years. The tentative budget plan for coming five
years was prepared in consultation with DDC.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

• The required interventions and road linkage, purposed in perspective plan, were
prioritized according to Approach for the Development of Agricultural and Rural
Roads, DoLIDAR.

• Final workshop was organized in the DDC. The prioritization of road was
approved by DDC.

Task- 7: Endorsement of the Five year District Transport Master Plan of District RTI

• DDC should submit the final District Transport Master Plan to District Council
for approval. DTICC with the support of DTO brief the Council on the- entire
process of preparation including scoring system for prioritization.
• The DTMP is finally approved by the District Council.

2.2.2 Activities done in the district:

For getting done the above mentioned tasks, different types of orientation, workshop and
meeting were held at the district and cluster level. Chronological order of activities
performed in the district for DTMP preparation is mentioned as follows.

i) Introductory workshop in DDC.

ii) Selection of Technical Assistant (TA) and Research Associate (RA)
For field level data collection.
iii) 1st DTICC meeting in DDC.
iv) llaka level workshop at different 13 location of the district at different time.
v) 2nd DTICC meeting in DDC hall with political parties.
vi) Final presentation and discussion at Dolidar hall with central level members.

In addition to above, bilateral talks, meetings and sharing were made with individuals,
NGOs. Different line agencies, different district based projects related to transport
infrastructures development for collecting secondary information for preparation/updating

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


3 Summary of District Profile

3.1. Physical Location & Geographical Characteristic

Kaski District is located in Gandaki Zone of the Western Development Region of Nepal
and is located within 83°40' east to 84°12' east longitude and 28°06' north to 28°36' North
latitude. It borders With Lamjung and Tanahu districts in the East; Salyan and Parbat
districts in the West; Manang and Myagdi districts in the North; and Syangja and Tanahu
districts in the South. It is a Historical and twenty third largest densly populated district of
the country. The district has 4 constituency areas, 13 Illakas, 1 metropolitan city Lekhnath,
1 sub metropolitan city Pokhara and 43 VDCs. There are many myth explaining how this
district is named as Kaski. One myth is that there live people who were yellow cloths and
people who wear yellow cloths are called ‘Kasayaki’ hence named as Kaski.

The district experiences five types of climate; sub-tropical climate is mostly found below
1500 meter of elevation. The annual rainfall is about 1701.7 mm. Temperate climate is
mostly found from 1500 to 2000 meter. Cold Temperate Climate is found mostly from
2000 to 3000 meter of elevation. The area under such climate is located in hilly areas. The
highest point of district is Annapurna Himal which elevation is 8091 meter from mean sea
level. The rainfall of district is measured maximum to 1701.7 mm and maximum
temperature is recorded 32°C in summer and 2.2°C in winter season.

There are various rivers and streams which are Seti, Madi, Modi, Bijayapur, Kotre, Edi,
Kali, Sardi, Harpan, Fusre, Kahun, Mardi and Suikhet. There are many natural lakes in the
district like Fewa, Begnas, Rupa, Maidi, Dipang, Khaste, Niureni, Gude and Kamalpokhari
are important lakes of historical and cultural point of view in the district. There is also a fall
named Patale Chango popularly known as Devi’s Fall.

Kaski district has 62162 hectares of cultivated land where almost alluvial soil has been
found. The paddy farming is done in almost all areas in district. The 48962 hectares area in
the district is irrigated land.

Kaski district has approximately 75263 hectare (37.3 %) land is covered with forest and
mainly Sal, Guransh, Chap, Chilaune, Utish, Katus, Salla, Gobre Salla/Teak, Kadam. Sal is
a popular for wood verities and it is found in lower land.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Kaski District constitutes its own socio-economic, historical, human and natural resources
as well as geographical characteristics. The information regarding the physical and natural
resources including the religious, historical, archeoiogical, and tourism centre are obtained
by the study of various maps, literatures, reports and consultation with many elder persons.

The district headquarter Pokhara is connected by Prithvi Highway with Kathmandu and by
Siddhartha Highway with Palpa to Butuwal.

Major market areas of the Kaski district are Pokhara, Lekhnath, Kalika, Kanhu, Valam,
Sarangkot, Armala, Arwabijaya, Bharatpokhari, Nirmalpokhari, Pumdi Vumdi, Chapakot,
Hemja, Dhital, Lamachaur, Mauja, Kristinachnechaur, etc.

3.2 Socio-economic Characteristics

3.2.1 Religion, Festivals and Caste

In terms of ethnicity, the population of Brahaman (30.2%) , Gurung (18.1%), Chhetri
(14.7%), Kami (6.9%), Magar (6.2%), Newar (5.3%), Damai (3.9%), Sarki (2.4%),
Tamang (2.1%), Thakuri (1.3%), Dalit (1.3%), Bhujel (1.3%), Sonar (1.2%), Sanyasi (1%),
and others (3.9 %). In terms of religion, the Hindu is (81.7%), Buddhist is (15.9 %),
Muslim is (0.7 %), and other is (1.7 %). Major festivals are Dasain, Tihar, Loshar (Mainly
Gurung)Phagupurnima, Shivaratri, Chhat, Udhauli Parba, Idd, Christmas etc.

3.2.2 Population
Kaski district has twenty third highest population in Nepal where the population of district
is increasing rapidly due to immigration of people from hill districts (Syangja, Parpat,
Baglung, Mustang, Myagdi etc). The population growth rate is projected as 2.62 % in
according to census 2001.The population of the district according to census 2001 is
380,527 with composition of 184,995 male and 195,532 female clustered in 85,075
households. Average population is 4.47 people per households. The district has multi ethnic
composition; majorities are Brahaman, Gurung, Chhetri, Kami, Magar, Newar, Damai,
Sarki, Tamang, Thakuri, Bhujel, etc.

3.2.3 Education Status

There are altogether 626 educational institutions; 324 pre-primary and primary schools, 76
Lower secondary schools, 177 secondary, 49 higher secondary, 13 campuses, 6 Technical
Schools and 1 university enhancing the education to the girls and boys. Comparatively boy

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

students are more in primary to higher secondary level. The literacy rate of the district is
72.13 % among them the literate male is 83.23 % and female is 61.76 %.

Table 3.1: Numbers of educational institutions in district

SN School/ College Community based Private sector Total

1 Pre-Primary and Primary 291 33 324
2 School
Lower Secondary School 49 27 76
3 Secondary 65 112 177
4 Higher Secondary 26 23 49
5 Campus 3 10 13
6 Technical School 3 3 6
7 University 1 1
Total 438 208 546

Source: Brief information of Kaski District 2003, published by DEO

3.2.4 Economically active and inactive population

Economically active population has great importance in economic enlistment of the district.
The population of 15 to 60 years age group is considered as an economically active which
participates directly or indirectly in the economic activities. Below 15 and above 60 yrs
aged group are considered as dependent group. About 57.1% population are economically
active and 42.9% are inactive for economic activities in Kaski district. The economically
active as shown in table below

Table 3.2: Economic active and inactive population above 10 years

Status Total % Male % Female%

Economic active 57.1 62.1 52.5
Economic inactive 42.9 37.9 47.5
Total 100 100 100

3.2.5 Occupation Pattern

Major occupation in the district is agriculture and now people are shifting their occupation
as the product is limited and trend of young people migration is high due to social conflict.
Due to conflict and economic crisis, occupation is shifting to business and oversees
employment. About 52.6 % of peopie have been adopting agriculture as subsistence
livelihood, whereas 27.07 % in commercial business, 8.1% in government services, 9.21%
in oversees employment, 10.34% on domestic daily wage labour and 0.11% in
multidimensional activities a as shown in table 3.2.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 3.3 Occupation Pattern

S.N. Occupation Percentage

1 Agriculture 52.6
2 Business 20.07
3 Gov. Service 8.1
4 Oversees Employment 8.71
5 Domestic works 10.32
6 Others 0.2
Total 100.00

Source:-Agriculture Development Office, Yearly Development plan and Progress Report , 2063/064

3.2.6 Land Use Pattern

The District has 185500 hac, area of which 105270 hactare is feasible for cultivation. The
52116 hectares area in the district is irrigated land. The land use pattern as shon in table 3.3

Table 3.4: Land Use pattern

S.N Land use Type Area (ha.) Percentage

1 Cultivated Land 62162 30.8
2 Forest 75263 37.3
3 Rock, Barren, Pasture and watershed 23942 11.9
4 land area
Residential 21385 10.6
5 River/ Stream/Road/Canal 7432 3.7
6 Snow covered area 11516 5.7
Total 185500 100
Source:-Agriculture Development Office, Yearly Development plan and Progress Report,

3.2.7 Agriculture Production Cultivated Land

Only 24.3 % of total land is cultivated in Kaski. Highest cultivated land is in Pokhara,
Dhikurpokhari, Hemja, Chapakot, Rupakot, Lekhnath, Mauja, etc. Production
Major cereal crops are paddy, Wheat and maize. As a substitute for the subsistence
agriculture, they are shifting the production from cereal crop to high value crops as
vegetable and jute farming as seasonal and non seasonal as well as horticulture. The annual
production and areas are as mentioned bellow:

20 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 3.5: Crop Production

Area Productivity per

S.N. Crops Production MT
(Hectare) hectare MT
1 Paddy 27000 81002 3
2 Wheat 7500 15000 2
3 Maize 21250 53125 2.5
4 Millet 16050 18297 1.14
5 Oilseeds 554.86 419.68 0.76
5.1 Mustard 412.25 317.45 0.77
5.2 Mustard (Sarsyu) 56.36 30.82 0.55
5.3 Til 41.25 22.46 0.54
5.4 Nuts 35 27.85 0.8
5.5 Others 10 21.1 2.11
6 Bean 728.37 536.45 0.74
6.1 Musuro Daal 64.33 55.64 0.86
6.2 Maas 256.2 155.47 0.61
6.3 Bhattmas 225.09 174.81 0.78
6.4 Bodi 147 108.3 0.74
6.5 Masyang 36.25 42.236 1.17
7 Sugarcane 21.85 406.9 18.6
8 Potato 1746.06 18778.7 10.8
9 Vegetables 1913.74 19992.6 10.45
9.1 Veg(Hiude) 715.04 8093.23 11.3
9.2 Veg (Monsoon) 981.68 9859.19 10.0
9.3 Veg Upseason 217.05 2040.2 9.4
10 Masala 1083.7 6756.1 6.23
10.1 Ginger 619 4294.2 6.9
10.2 Garlic 48.4 219.5 4.5
10.3 Onion 49.8 340.6 6.8
10.4 Turmeric 274.9 1565.4 5.7
10.5 Dhaniya 18.7 31.2 1.7
10.6 Chilli 52.6 288.8 5.5
10.7 Alaichi 20.3 16.5 0.8
11 Fruits 1550.24 12943.04 8.35
11.1 Fruits (Hiude) 131.38 985.992 7.5
11.2 Fruits (Monsoon) 436.66 3609.78 8.3
11.3 Orange 982.2 8347.26 8.5
12 Fish 1558.25 502.23 0.32

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Source: District Agriculture Development Office, 2066 Cropping Pattern and Cropping Calendar

Major crops of this district are paddy, wheat, Maize, Vegetables and Oilseeds. Dalhan
crops are Bodi, Bhattamas, Keraun, Chhana, and Maas, simi, beans and Gahat.
Vegetables are raddish, rayo, kauli flower, cabbage, giraula, lauka, pumpkin and potato
etc. Fruits are banana, mango and papayay. Vegetable seeds are soyabean, raddish, carrot,
cucumber, tomato, cauliflower. Cash crops are ginger, garlic, onion. The year round
cropping pattern of the district is as shown below:

Table 3.6: Cropping Pattern

Land ( Khet)
Paddy Wheat Paddy
Paddy Maize -
Paddy Vegetable Paddy
Paddy Wheat Paddy (Chaite)
Paddy Potato Maize
Paddy Oilseeed Paddy
Paddy Vegetation (Monson/Seasonal) -
Paddy Wheat Daal
Paddy Oilseed Maize
Paddy Wheat -
Paddy Wheat Dhaincha
Paddy Wheat Oilseed
Paddy Cabbage Maize
Source: Annual Report, DADO, and Group discution, 2066, Kaski

Table 3.7: Cropping Calendar

Nursery Time Showing/
S.N Crops Harvesting
preparation Transplanting
1 Paddy (Chaite) Magh-Falgun Falgun-Chaitra Jestha-Ashadh
2 Paddy (Monsoon) Local Chaitra-Baishakh Jestha-Ashadh Kartik-Mangsir
3 Wheat Kartik-Mangsir Chaitra-Baishakh
4 Maize seasonal Falgun-Baishakh Asadh-Bhadra
5 Maize Monsoon Falgun-Chaitra Jestha-Ashadh
6 Millet Asar-Shrawan Shrawan-Bhadra Mangsir-Poush
7 Tori Bhadra-Mangsir Kartik-Mangsir
8 Mas Shrawan-Bhadra Poush-Falgun
9 Potato (Monsoon) Jestha-Asadh Bhadra-Ashwin
10 Potato ( Winter) Kartik- Mangsir Falgun-Chaitra
Source: Annual Report,

22 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District Livestock Production

The people of district are farming number of domestic animals and sell their product. The
number of livestock population and their product are as follows.

Table 3.8: Livestock Population

S.N Livestock Local Improve Total
1 Cattle 33575 5930 39505
2 He/She Buffaloes 100127 29359 129486
3 Sheep 10644 3887 14531
4 Goat 75175 10110 85285
5 Pig/Boar 2761 5263 8024
6 Chicken 153816 617239 771055
Total 376098 671788 1047886
Percentage 35.89% 64.11% 100.00%
Source: District Veterinary Office, Kaski

Table:3.9 Livestock Production & Price list

SN Livestock’s Products Unit Annual Production

1 Milk M.T 47524

2 Meat
2.1 Goat M.T 669.42
2.2 Sheep M.T 97.68
2.3 Buffalo M.T 4192.88
2.4 Pig/ Boar M.T 545.1
2.5 Chicken M.T 801.92
3 Egg(hen) Thousand 14541.6
4 Wool M.T 7.16
5 Skin No. 27477
Source: District Veterinary Office, Kaski

3.3 Service centers and facilities

3.3.1 Post office

This district has one Regional Post Office Directoriate, 13 Illaka level post offices and 51
additional post offices in VDCs of Kaski district.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 3.10: Post office

S.N. Type of Post office Number VDC/Municipality
1 Regional Post 1 Pokhara
2 Illaka Post Office 13 Birethati (Dangsing), PardiBandh (Pokhar), Naudanda
(Dhikurpokhari), Gagangauda, Majhthana, Rupakot,
Ghachowk, Sildujure, Makaikhola (Vachowk), NIrmalpokhari,
Bhalam, Puranchaur, Chapakot
3 Additional Post Office 37 Yanjakot (Thumako Danda), Hemja, Lukunswara (Pumdi
Vumdi), Deurali, Lamachaur, Vedawari (Dhital), Sikles
(Parche), Vadaure, Nagidhar (Mijure danda), Ghandruk,
Majhgau (Hanspur), Tangting (Namarjung), Burjung Khola
(Khardi Khola), Lahachauk, Sisuwa, Sirkutan (Thumki),
Kaskikot, Rambazzar (Pokhara), Varatpokhari, Salyan,
Sarangkot, Lekhnath, Siddha, Begnas, Lumle, Saimrang,
Kalika, Krissti, Mauja, Dhampus, Lwanghalel, Rivan,
Machhapuchre, Kanhu, Arwabijaya and Armala

Source: District Post Office, 2066

3.3.2: Financial Institution

There are various types of commercial bank, Agricultural Development Bank, finance
and money transfer service and many saving and credit cooperatives as financial

Table 3.11 Financial institutions

SN Particular Type Units Remarks

1 Govemmentaland Non
governmental Banijya 24 41 A Class
2 Cooperatives
16 26 C Class
3 Financial Company
19 42 B Class
4 Others
8 14 D Class
67 123

Source, Market Survey, 2010

3.3.3 Agriculture and agriculture Service Center

Governmentof Nepal is focusing in agriculture sector since long time. Government has
lunched various Programmmes in this sector on Upliftment of people economic growth.
The existing situation of the agriculture service and Sub service centers in district shown

24 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 3.12: Agri – Service Centers / Sub - Centers

S.N. Service /Sub- Located Influence VDCs

service Centre Place

1 Service Center Birauta Pokhara, Armala, PumdiVumdi, Kristi,

2 Service Center Kaseri Arvabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika

3 Service Center Dhikurpokhari, Dhikurpokhari, Dhampus, Salyan, Lumle,

Nangdanda Dangsing, Ghandruk, Kaskikot
4 Service Center Gairi Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur

5 Service Center Lwanghalel Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan

6 Service Center Paame Bhadhauretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot

7 Service Center Rupakot Rupakot, Deurali, Hansapur, Thumki, Siddha,

8 Service Center Dhungepatan Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath (ward no. 1 and ward

no. 8-15)
9 Service Center Pulko Mukh Bachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang, Thumako
10 Service Center Ghachowk Lahachowk, Ghachowk, Machhapuchre, Sardi
11 Service Center Sundari Lekhnath (ward no. 2-7)
12 Service Center Mauja Parche, Sildujure, Mauja, Valam

13 Service Center Majhthana Mijuredanda, Majhthana

Source: Annual Report, DADO, 2065/66

3.3.4 Veterinary Service Centre

The district has 6 service centres and 8 sub-service centres. The existing situation of the
veterinary service and Sub service centers in district shown below;

Table 3.13: Veterinary Service Centers/Sub-Centers

S.N Service Centre/Sub- Located Influence VDCs
service Centre Place/VDC
1 Service Centre Birauta Pokhara, Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari

2 Sub Service Centre Kaseri Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika

3 Service Centre Naudanda Dhikurpokhari, Dhampus, Salyan, Lumle, Dangsing,

Ghandruk, Kaskikot (1-8)

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4 Sub Service Centre Hemja Lamachaur, Hemja, Lahachowk,

5 Sub Service Centre Lwanghalel Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan

6 Sub Service Centre Pame Bhadhauretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot, Kaskikot - 9

7 Sub Service Centre Rupakot Rupakot, Hansapur, Thumki

8 Service Centre Sisuwa, Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath (ward no. 1 and 8-

Dhungepatan 15)
9 Service Centre Bhaise Bachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang, Thumako Danda

10 Service Centre Ghachowk Purunchaur, Ghachowk, Machhapuchhre,

Sardi Khola
11 Sub Service Centre Lekhnath Kalika, Lekhnath (2-8)
12 Service Centre Mauja Parche, Sildujure, Mauja, Valam

13 Sub Service Centre Majhthana Mijuredanda, Majhthana

14 Sub Service Centre Deurali Deurali, Siddha

Source: District Veterinary Office, 2066

3.3.5 Irrigation

Kaski district has 30.8% cultivated areas, most of agriculture fields have good accesses
to irrigation facilities. The irrigation system managed by Bijayapur Irrigation Project and
Pokhara Irrigation Project has its large command area in Kaski district. In some areas
irrigation system is managed by farmers themselves. The source of irrigation and
irrigated land in the district is shown below;

Table 3.14: Irrigation sources

SN Sources of Irrigation Current no. Area (hac) Percentage

1 Bouring and Tubel 95 11.2 .1
2 Permanent Canel 9697 2456.0 20.5
3 Temporary Canel 27252 8862.0 74.0
4 Pokhari 507 91.8 0.8
5 Mixed 285 24.1 0.2
6 Others 1996 524.1 4.4
Total - 11969.2 100.00
Source: - District Profile DDC Kaski 2064

3.3.6 Health
in Kaski district, people have average access in health services. There are many hospitals,
health centers, nursing home, etc in this district. In health sector Kaski district has

26 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

modern and well equipped health service facilities with experts.

Table 3.15: List of Health Service Centers

SN Description Nos. Remark
1 Primary Health Center 3
2 Health Post 11
3 Sub Health Post 34
4 Aayurbedic Pharmacy 5
5 Regional Hospital 1
6 Eye Hospital 1
7 Regional T.B. Center 1
8 Leprosy Hospital 1
9 VSc Center 1
10 MCH Clinic 22 Pokhara
11 MCH Clinic 15 Lekhnath
12 Vitamin A Distribution Center 441
13 FCHV 915
14 Private Hospital 1 Manipal Hospital
15 Private Nursing Hospital 8
16 Private Pathology Clinic 40
17 Pharmacy 427
18 NGO, INGO 26
19 PHC Outreach Clinic 158
20 Immunization Clinic 148
21 DOTS T. Center 11
22 DOTS T. Center W/Micros facility 5
23 Urban DOTS 5
24 DOTS treatment sub-center 34
25 DOTS Plus T.C. 1
26 DOTS Plus sub T.C. 2
Source: - District Health Office, District Profile DDC Kaski 2064

3.4 Existing / Potential Development Area

The team had studied and collected the relevant literature/reports available in the district,
especially of the DFO. DAO, Livestock Office and consultation with various line
agencies, NGOs, local people to identify potential pocket areas which are verified from
area workshops are enlisted below.

Kaski is highly fertile area for paddy and wheat as well as other product because of the
irrigation facilities. The area around the east west High way sector of the district is highly
potential for rice, wheat and in northern side of MRM is covered with dense forest area
so it is potential for livestock farming. The team has mentioned the significantly exported
commodities and highly productive area on the table as follows.

27 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

3.4.1 Existing/Potential Area with Extensive Agriculture

Most of place of Kaski District have good accesses to irrigation facilities. The irrigation
system managed by Pokhara Irrigation Project and Bijayapur Irrigation Project has its
large command area in Kaski district. In some areas irrigation system is managed by
farmers themselves. Out of 43 VDCs following area are mainly extensive agriculture
production areas which is shown on table below:

Table 3.16: Potential Area with Extensive Agriculture

Crops areas

1-Cereals Parche, Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Lahachowk, Ghachowk,

(Rice,Mai- Machhapuchre, Sardi Khola, Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang,
Thumako Danda, Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath (ward no. 1 and ward
no. 8-15), Rupakot, Deurali, Hansapur, Thumki, Siddha,
Bhadaulretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan
Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika,
Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari

2-Fruits Parche, Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Lahachowk, Ghachowk,

(Mango,Banana Machhapuchre, Sardi Khola, Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang,
Thumako Danda, Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath (ward no. 1 and ward
no. 8-15), Rupakot, Deurali, Hansapur, Thumki, Siddha,
Bhadaulretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan
Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika,
Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari.

3-Vegetables Parche, Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Lahachowk, Ghachowk,

(caba-ge, Machhapuchre, Sardi Khola, Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang,
Bhanta, Bodi,
Simi) Thumako Danda, Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath (ward no. 1 and ward
no. 8-15), Rupakot, Deurali, Hansapur, Thumki, Siddha,
Bhadaulretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan
Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika,
Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Animals Pokhara, Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari,

Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika , Dhikurpokhari, Dhampus, Salyan,
Lumle, Dangsing, ghandruk, Lamachaur, Hemja, Lahachowk,
Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan, Vadauretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot,
Kaskikot, Rupakot, Hansapur, Thumki, Varatpokhari, Lekhnath,
Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang, Thumako Danda, Purunchaur,
Ghachowk, Machhapuchhre, Sardi Khola, Kalika, Parche,
Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Mijuredanda, Majhthana, Deurali, Siddh

Source:- District Agriculture Development Yearly plan 2064/65

3.4.2 Existing/Potential Area with Extensive Livestock

Kaski district is covered mostly by plain area and some area by Mahabharata in hillys.
Pokhara and Lekhnath is tourism and industrial city and people have easy access to sell
their products in market centre, therefore most people of village level engaged in
livestock farming but lower Himallya & Mahabharata range are secured for a dense
guransh forest and land for livestock farming. Live stock Farming pocket areas are as
following Table.

Table 3.17 Livestock Farming Pocket areas

1 Cow, Goat,
Bufflo, Pig, Pokhara, Armala, Pumdi Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari,
Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika , Dhikurpokhari, Dhampus, Salyan,
Lumle, Dangsing, ghandruk, Lamachaur, Hemja, Lahachowk,
Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan, Vadauretamagi, Chapakot, Sarangkot,
Kaskikot, Rupakot, Hansapur, Thumki, Varatpokhari, Lekhnath,
Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang, Thumako Danda, Purunchaur,
Ghachowk, Machhapuchhre, Sardi Khola, Kalika, Parche,
Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Mijuredanda, Majhthana, Deurali,

3.4.3 Existing/Potential Area for Tourism, Religious and Historical Place

Kaski district is very famous for religious, tourism and historical place. There are many
myth explaining how this district is named as Kaski. One myth is that there live people
who were yellow cloths and people who wear yellow cloths are called ‘Kasayaki’ hence

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

named as Kaski. Mostly existing/potential area for tourism, religious and historical areas
are as following Table.

Table 3.18: Area for Religious and Historical Place

S.N. N.P./VDC Name Historical and Religious Natural Tourism
Places Places
1 Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City BindhyaBasini Temple, Gorge Section of Seti
Dharmashila Buddha Bihar, Tal River, Chamero Gufa,
Barahi Temple, Ram Mandir, Patle Chango,
Mahendra Gufa,
Gupteshowr Mahadev
2 Arbabijaya Arba Tapu, Sunpadalai Jhuppiko Chautara,
Shivalaya mandir, Chandisthan Madi
3 Bhachowk Chewang Chhewang Gumba Lamtari Lek
4 Chapakot Pachbhaiya Mandir, deurali
Mandir, Siddha Baraha
5 Dhikurpokhari Paudur kot Naudada View Top,
Chakal Dada
6 Ghachowk Shivalaya Guthi Mandir
7 Ghandruk Meshram Baraha, Kot dada Machhapuchre Besh
Gumba Camp, Annapurna
Besh Camp
8 Hanshpur LIppani, Ramkot, Bhumesthan, Indra Gufa
Deyrali Mandir, Sarswoti Mandir
9 Hemja Rishikul Arsham, Mahadev
Guthi Mandir, Radha Krishna
Mandir, Hanuman Mandir
10 Kahu Deurali Mandir, Chandi Mandir, Deurali Chettra
Radha Krishna Mandir, Kalika
Mandir, Santaneshowr Mandir,
Kahu Dharahara
11 Lahachowk Armalakot Mandir Patikhola Gufa, Armala
View Point
12 Nirmalpokhari Ganeshshtan, Kot Bhairav Kot Dada, Kaule Dada,
Mandir, Jal devi Mandir
13 Pumdibhumdi Bishwa Shanti Stupa, Pumdikot, Pokhara View Point,
Bhumdikot Machhapuchre View
14 Ribhan Shivalaya Mandir
15 Saimarang Bhagwati Mandir, Lamtari mai Lamtari Lek
16 Sardikhola Bhurjun Khola
Upatakya, Kharpani
Tatopani, Hiltop
17 Sildajure Sildu Mandir, Maipul Pokhari, Ghaderidada, Thak
Naya Mandir Dada, Taprak Maidan
18 Bhalam Harihar Gufa Harihar Gufa
19 Dhampus Dhampuskot, Bhume Mandir, Paragliding Spot, Eko
Siddha Baraha Mandir Park,Dhampus Deurali
20 Salyan Bhume Mandir Shital Gufa
21 Armala Armalakot Mandir, Baudha Armalakot, Dhikidada
Gumba, Kaal Bhairabhi Mandir Paragliding, Kut Gufa,
Siple kuna Gufa
22 Sarangkot Bhume Kalika Mandir, Chisa Sarangkot View Tower,
Khola, Bageshowri Mandir Paragliding

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

23 Kristi Mattikhan Kalika Mandir, Shiva Dhunga,

Mankamana Mandir Mattikhan View Tower,
Bagh khor
24 Bhadhaure Tamagi Devisthan mandir Panchase Panchadham
25 Mauja Bijayapur Kot Dovhan Chahara
26 Parche Siklesh Gau, Parche
Gau, Dudhpokhari Lek
27 Rupakot Baraha Mandir, Chisapani Barahathok Kot,
Mandir Bhiechowk Kot
28 Thumki Jateshowr Mandir, Chandisthan Phalangkot Darbar
29 Kaskikot Gupta Kalika Mandir, Thulipokhari
Bhumesthan Mandir, Deurali
30 Deurali Kalika Mandir, Shiva Mandir Kalika Picnic Spot
31 Kalika Kalika Mandir, Thulakot Thulakot, Deumaidada,
Bhairavsthan, Sunpadeli Shiva Tham dada
32 Dangshing Dangshingkot Maula Ulleri, Thikedhunga
33 Thumakodada Yanjyakot Gurung Tol
34 Bharatpokhari Kalika Mandir, Siddha Mandir Pandethum Dada,
Siddheshowr Gufa
35 Lekhnath N.P. Gorakhnath Mandir, Radha Beghnash Tal, Rupa
Krishna Mandir Tal, Sundari Dada
Source: Group Discussion/Workshop/Report of DTPP/DDC

3.4.4 Women Empowerment programme

Women Development Office is operating women empowerment programme, child

and old aged support programme in support to other line agencies to promote gender
sensitive and inclusive programme in the district. They are operating programmes in
all VDcs out of 65 districts. Aama Samuha is acttivly involved for the social and
infracturaal development this district.

3.5 Analysis of Market (Key Growth Centers) Centers

Market Survey was carried out to identify market and service centre. Data and
information collected in the field is the main basis for determining the importance on
relative importance of market/service centre and central places. All services existing
in a particular centre were listed by the district line agencies and supplemented by
more detailed fieid data such as economic population structure collected for the
centre itself and its influence area, by means of P-RRA approach. For evaluation
purpose, data from offices, Industry, Business & Commerce, Education, Health,
Communication, Electricity Supply, Drinking Water Supply services are combined
for the centre and its influence area. Assessment of economic facilities and services

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

existing in the market/service centres and their catchments areas leads to the
identification of the most important market/service centre. Centrality index of the
market facilities and government services are carried out using the formula:

Details of the use of formula is elaborated in approach and Methodology chapter As

an outcome of the analysis, following is the centrality index and market grades:

Table 3.19: Existing and Potential Market Centres with Grading

S.N. Market Centre Grading

1 Baglung Bus Park A
2 Baidam A
3 Begnash A
4 Bharatpokhari A
5 Bhumdi A
6 Chanaute A
7 Chane A
8 Chorepatan A
9 Dhampus A
10 Hemja A
11 Kahukhola A
12 Kande A
13 Kaseri A
14 Kaskikot A
15 Lamachaur A
16 Mahendragupha A
17 Melbot A
18 Naudada A
19 Nirmalpokhari A
20 Pame A
21 Pandeythum A
22 Phulbari A
23 Rakhi (Bijayapur) A
24 Rupakot A
25 Saatmuhane A
26 Sarangkot A
27 Sisuwa A

S.N. Market Centre Grading

1 Birethati B
2 Dharapani B
3 Ghatichina B
4 Lumre B
5 Siklesh B
6 Suraya B
7 Thumakodanda B

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

S.N. Market Centre Grading

1 Arba C
2 Armalakot C
3 Atighar C
4 Bagmara C
5 Bhachock C
6 Bhagbatitar C
7 Bhainse C
8 Bhalam C
9 Deurali C
10 Dhital C
11 Dobilla C
12 Dopahare C
13 FurseKhola C
14 Ghalel C
15 Ghumle C
16 Gorje C
17 Hamsapur C
18 Kalikasthan C
19 karkitahara C
20 Khalse C
21 Kharpani C
22 Kuvinde C
23 Lahachowk C
24 Lippani C
25 Mattikhan C
26 Mauja C
27 Mchhapuchhere C
28 Mijuredada C
29 Polangtar C
30 Saimarang C
31 Salyan C
32 Samikobagar C
33 Shantistupa C
34 Sidane C
35 Tanting C
36 Taprang C
37 Thulabasi C
38 Thumsikot C

S.N. Market Centre Grading

1 Adhikaridada Potantial
2 Bhadaure Potantial
3 Bijayapur Potantial
4 Gahate Dada Potantial
5 Ghaderi Potantial
6 Ghattekhola Potantial
7 Jamdung/sabi Potantial
8 Kaure Potantial
9 Khanigau Potantial

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S.N. Market Centre Grading

10 Khorphaka Potantial
11 Lamakhet Potantial
12 Malladada Potantial
13 Mauja Bisauna Potantial
14 Mugrebasi Potantial
15 Pulchowk, Thumki Potantial
16 Ramkot Potantial
17 Ryalechaur Potantial
18 Tarabhir Potantial
19 Thak,Sildajure Potantial
20 Thikedhunga Potantial
21 Thulasowara Potantial
22 Ulleri Potantial
23 View tower Potantial
Source; Market Survey, 2010

3.5.1 Brief on Existing and Potential Market centre (Key Growth Centre)

According to the study of relevant literatures/reports, consultation with related

program/project, consultation of the various person and field visit, total 79 possible market
centre were considered for analysis After required data collection and analysis of collected
information according to Interim guideline of DTMP, 27 market centres are grade A, 7 market
centres as grade B, 38 market centres as grade C were identified as existing market centres
and other 23 is as potential market centres. Brief description of market centres are as follows: Description of Market Centre Grade A

Baglung Buspark

Baglung Buspark lies in Pokhara Municipality and major market centre of the Pokhara
Municipality as well as Kaski district which is growing city of the District. It is connected
with Pokhara-Baglung Road which is extended upto Jomsom As Kaski is a tourism district,
the famous tourism place Bindhabasini Temple also lies in this market centre.There is so
many service centre and many cottage industries available which is developing rapidly. This
place is service centre of Sarangkot, Kaskikot and Hemja VDC. Baglung Buspark is A grade
market centre in the district.

Baidam lies in Pokhara Municipality and major market centre of the Pokhara Municipality as

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well as Kaski district which is growing city of the District. It is connected with Siddhartha
Highway. As Kaski is a tourism district, the famous tourism place Phewa Tal, Lakeside lies in
this market centre. This place has access to various services like as Government service
centre, small/cottage industries, school are available. This place is service centre of
Sarangkot, Kaskikot and Chapakot VDC. Baidam-Pame-Ghatichana-Damdame-Sidane Road
Starts from this market centre.


Beghnash lies in Lekhnath Municipality which is very famous in kaski district. Famous
Tourism Lake Beghnash Tal lies in this market centre. This Market centre is famous for
fishery farming also. This place has access to various services like as Government service
centre, small/cottage industries, school are available. It is main market and other service
centre of Hanspur, Majhthana, Mijuredada and Thumki VDC. It is also linked with Prithivi
Highway and other gravelled and earthen road.


Bharatpokhari VDC as well as market centre is very famous VDC in Kaski District.
Chorepatan-Kristi-Nirmalpokhari-Bharatpokhari Road which starts from Siddartha highway
lies here. Similarly Dobilla-Bagmara Road Ends at Prithivi Highway lies in This VDC. This
VDC is the Border of Syanjya district and is connected with various earthen roads connecting
to syanjya district. This place has access to various Services.


This market centre lies on phumdibhumdi VDC. Chorepatan-Shantistupa-Bhumdi-Ulleri-

Kubinde Road lies in this Market Centre which starts from prithivi highway and ends on
prithivi highway. This market centre is linked with other gravelled and earthen roads.This
palce has access to various service centres.


This market centre lies in chapakot VDC. This place has access to various service centres and
is service centre of Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi and Kaskikot VDC. Chanaute-Khorphaka-
Auishulechaur-Tarebhir Road starts from this market centre. It is also linked with other
gravelled and earthen roads.


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This market centre lies in Ghandruk VDC and is the most famous tourism treeking place in
Kaski District. This place has acces to various service centres. Birethati-Chane Road lies here.


This market centre lies in Pokhara N.P. It is the oldest market of Pokhara and Famous tourist
place also. David falls lies in this market centre. Chorepatan-Kristi-NirmalPokhari-
Bharatpokhri Road, Chorepatan-Shantistupa-Bhumdi-Ulleri-Kuvinde Road, Chorepatan-
Khalse-Kuvinde Road Starts from This Market Centre.This market centre lies at Siddhartha
Highway and connected with various black topped, Gravel and Earthen Roads. This market
centre is service centre of PhumdiBhumdi, Kristi, Nirmal Pokhari and Bharatpokhari VDC.


Dhampus is VDC as well as market centre and famous tourist place of Kaski District. It is
famous for Trekking and good secenery view of Machhapuchre range. It is the oldest and
growing market centre and has access to various service centres. Ghattekhola-Dhampus-
Khanigau Road and Melbot-Dhital-Dhampus Road lies in this market centre.


Hemja is VDC as well as market centre which lies in Baglung highway from where buses
travels to baglung, Jhomsom. This market centre is service centre of Hemja-Melbot-Dhital-
Dhampus Road and connected with other Blacktopped, Gravel, and Earthen Roads.


This market centre lies in Pokhara N.P. It is a growing city and service centre of Arbabijaya,
Kalika, Mauja, Sildajure, Parche, Namarjung and Thumakodada VDC. Kahukhola-
Dudhpokhari Road starts from this market centre and is connected to various Blacktop,
Gravel and Earthen Roads.


This market centre lies in Dhikurpokhari VDC. This market centre is also major tourist place
of pokhara. Baglung Highway lies in this market centre. Kande-Bhadaure-Salyan Road lies in
this market centre. This market centre is service centre of Salyan, Bhadaure Tamagi and
Dhikhurpokhari VDC.

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This market centre lies in Arba Vijaya VDC. Kaseri-Bhainse-Thumakodada Road starts from
here and Kahukhola-Dudhpokhari Road lies in this market centre. It is growing market centre
and is service centre of Arba bijaya, Kalika and Thumakodada VDC.


Kaskikot is VDC as well as market centre which is growing market centre and has access to
various service centres. Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot Road lies in this market centre.


This market centre lies in Pokhara N.P. and is growing city and has access to various service
centres. It is the place to go to tourist place Machhapuchre, Chamere Gufa and Mahendra
Gufa. Similarly famous engineering campus western regional campus and Gandaki College
also lies here. Lamachaur-Machhapuchhre Blacktopped road starts from here and s connected
with many other Blacktopped, Gravel and Earthen Roads.


This market lies in Pokhara N.P. and is growing city also is main tourist place of Kaski
district. Mahendra cave and bat cave lies in this market centre. This market centre is service
centre of Armala and Puranchaur VDC. MahendraGufa-Armalakot-Aatighar Mauja Road
starts from here and this market centre is connected with other various blacktop, gravel and
earthen roads.


This market lies in Hemja VDC and is growing market centre also has access to various
services centres. Melbot-Dhital-Dhampus Road starts from here and Hemja-Mardipul-
Khanepanimuhan-Lumre-Ghalel Road Lies here.


This market centre lies in bharatpokhari VDC and is growing city and has access to various
service centres. Baglung Highway Blacktopped road lies here. It is service centre of
Dhikurpokhari, Salyan, Lumle and Dangshing VDC. Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot Road
starts from this market centre.

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Nirmalpokhari VDC as well as market centre is growing market centre also. It has access to
various services centre. Chorepatan-Kristi-Nirmalpokhari-Bharatpokhari Road lies here. It is
connected with other several earthen roads which is connected with neighbouring district


This market centre lies at Kaskikot VDC and is growing market centre and tourist place also.
It has access to various service centres. Baidam-Pame-Ghatichina-Damdame-Sidane Road
lies here.It is servise centre of Chapakot, Kaskikot and Bhadaure Tamagi VDC. It is
connected with various Gravelled, Earthen Roads.


This market centre lies at Pokhara N.P. and is growing city and has access to various service
centres. Famous hospital Manipal Hospital Lies in this market centre. Phulbari-Kahu (View
Tower) Road starts from this market centre. It is connected with other Blacktopped, Gravel
and Earthen Roads.

Rakhi (Bijayapur)

This market centre lies at Lekhnath N.P. and connected with prithivi Highway. Rakhi-Mijure
Blacktopped road starts from here. It is connected with other various Blacktop, Gravel and
Earthen Roads.


Rupakot VDC as well market centre is growing market centre and is tourist centre also.
Saatmuhane-Rupakot-Thumki Road lies in this market centre. It is connected with various
earthen roads connecting to neighbouring VDCs.


Saathmuhane lies in Lekhnath N.P. and is growing city and has access to various services
centres. Saathmuhane-Rupakot-Thumki Road starts from here and Sisuwa-Deurali-Polangtar
Road is connected at this market centre.

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Sarangkot VDC as well as market centre is growing market centre and a famous tourist place
also. From this market centre the clear view of sunrise can be seen. It has access to various
centres. Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot Road ends here. It is connected with other
blacktopped, gravel and earthen roads.


Sisuwa lies at Lekhnath N.P. and is growing market centre. Sisuwa-Deurali-Polangtar Road
starts from here. Tourist place Beghnash Tal is about 3 km far from this market centre. It has
access to various service centres. It is connected with other various blacktop, gravel and
earthen roads.

Pokhara & Lekhanath City

Pokhara city and Lekhanath is not included for ranking among other market center of Kaski
district. It is the one of largest city of Nepal with industry, hotel and other trade market.
Including Pokhara among other markets of Kaski district makes the ranking extreme
variation. Pokhara sub-Metropolitan is located in kaski district of Gandaki Zone, Western
Development Region. It is well connected with Prithivi and Sidartha Highway. It is the major
center of western development region in trade, tourism, commerce, education, health
development etc. There is wide transport connection from Pokhara to all parts of the country
by highway and also to the other major cities by airways. Description of Market Centre Grade B


This market centre lies in Dangshing VDC and is growing market centre and tourist place
also. The base point of Main tourist place Ghandruk is this market centre. Birethati-Chane
Road starts from here and Nayapul-Birethati-Thikedhunga Road lies at this market centre.


Dharapani lies at Dhikurpokhari VDC and is growing Market Centre. It has access to various
service centres. Dharapani-Andherikhola-Deurali-Salyan Road starts from this market centre.

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Ghatichina lies at Chapakot VDC and it is growing market centre and way to famous tourist
place Panchase. Baidam-Pame-Ghatichaina-Damdame-Sidane Road lies in this market centre.
This market centre is connected with different earthen roads.


Lumre lies at lwanghalel VDC and is growing Market centre. This market centre lies at the
bank of Mardi Khola. Hemja-Mardipul-Khanepanimuhan-Lumre-Ghalel Road lies at this
market centre.This market centre have access to various service centres.


Siklesh lies in Parche VDC and is famous tourist place also and way to tourist place
Dudhpokhari. It has access to various services centres. Kahukhola-Dudhpokhari Road has its
influence upto this market centre only.


Saurya lies in Majhthana VDC. It is the start point of Saurya-Ramkot-Hanspur-Thulabesi

Road and is connected to blacktop Road Rakhi-Mijure. It has access to various service


Thumakodada is VDC as well as market centre is growing market centre. This market centre
is end point of Kaseri-Bhainse-Thumakodada Road. It has access to various services centres.

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4.1 Background and Existing Transport Situation

Kaski district is situated in Gandaki zone in Western development region of Nepal. There are
many transport linkages such as: Air transport, Roads Transport and Trails Bridges. Those
transport linkage shown in map are called District Inventory Map. This Map also indicates
overall situation of each transport linkage. Primary and secondary data were collected for
DIM. Primary data were collected by field visits by Technical assistance and research
associate. Technical data were collected by using GPS instrument. Lines and points data were
extracted directly form the instrument and other detail information of the technical data was
collected in FORMAT 'A'. Similarly, socio-economic data were collected in
QUESTIONNAIRE 'A' by market survey. Secondary data were collected by the study of
relevant Literatures/Repots, Consultation with various persons like employees of different
line agencies, NGOs

4.2 Lists of transport Linkages

In Kaski District, air transportation as well as road transportation facilities are in good
condition. Different airlines are providing the services from Pokhara to Kathmandu and to
neighboring hill district as Mustang, Manang, Beni airports.

The Prithivi Highway and Sidartha Highway is connect the district headquater with capital
city and East West Highway. From this highway the district south, east and west part is
playing a vital role in the development of the district as a spinal cord. Similarly, Postal
Highway provides the inter district road access along the diffrent part of the district. Other
feeder roads and district roads (District Roads class "A" and District Roads class "B") help to
support the transportation system within the District. Kaski DDC itself is contributing in road
sector development for blacktopped, graveled as well as new construction. Similarly, In Kaski
District there is one sub-metropolitan city (Pokhara), one metropolitan city (Leknath) and
Fourty three VDCs. They have own network of the urban as well as rural roads facilitating for
the movements within district.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4.1 List of National Highway and Feeder Road:

S.N Name of Road Class Ref No Link Code BT GR ER Total

1 Kotre-Bijayapur Khola NH H04 H0411 14.04 0.00 0.00 14.04

2 Bijayapur Khola-Prithvi Chok NH H04 H0412 4.85 0.00 0.00 4.85
3 Kubinde-Pokhara municipality NH H10 H1012 12.09 0.00 0.00 12.09
4 Pokhara municipality boundary- NH H10 H1013 4.42 0.00 0.00 4.42
5 Pokhara-Sarankot FRN F041 F04101 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000
6 Pokhara-Bindebasini FRN F042 F04201 3.96 0.00 0.00 3.96
7 Bindebasini-Yamdi bridge FRN F042 F042F042 2.76 0.00 0.00 2.76
8 Yamdi bridge-Sandh bridge FRN F042 F04203 37.04 0.00 0.00 37.04
9 Talchok (PRM)-Khudimuhan FRN F129 F12901 3.50 0.00 0.00 3.50
(Beganas Lake)
10 Gagangaunda (PRM)-Khudi FRN F164 F16401 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00
(Access to PU)
11 Beganastal-Ram Bajar FRO F162 F16201 0.00 4.00 19.50 23.50
Total 87.46 5.00 20.50 112.9

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4.2 Summary of District Roads (Class "A")

Total Surface Type(K.M.) Condition Required Intervention Traffic
DTMP Length All Fair Length Running
S.N. Code No. Road Name (K.M.) Blacktop Gravel Earthen Weather Weather Km Upgarding (K.M.) Remarks

1 40A001R Begnash-Bhorletar Raod 24.17 2.82 2.90 18.45 2.82 21.35 21.35 Black Top 24.17

2 40A002R Rakhi-Mijure Road 19.77 19.77 19.77 10.00 Black Top 19.77 Poor Section
3 40A003R Road 16.00 16.00 16.00 1.00 Black Top 16.00
7 km BT and
30.32 Gravel 4
Blacktop / km is done by
4 40A004R Kahu-Dudhpokhari Road 37.32 3.00 34.32 37.32 37.32 Gravel 37.32 RAIDP
Baidam-Pame-Ghatichina- Blacktop / 5 km BT and
5 40A005R Damdame-Sidane Road 21.10 6.34 8.23 6.53 6.34 14.76 14.76 Gravel 21.10 6.53 km Gravel
2 km PSM and 9
km By DDC and
6 40A006R Sisuwa-Polangtar Road 25.20 7.10 3.50 14.60 7.10 18.10 18.10 Black Top 25.20 7.1 km Gravel
Chorepatan-Kristi- 7 km BT and 7.5
Nirmalpokhari- Blacktop / Km Gravel 8 km
7 40A007R Bharatpokharai 22.50 0.80 1.20 20.50 0.80 21.70 21.70 Gravel 22.50 done By RAIDP
4.5 Km BT by
Hemja-Khanepanimuhan- Blacktop / DOR, 5 Km BT
8 40A008R Lumre-Ghalel Road 15.37 0.85 1.10 13.42 0.85 14.52 14.52 Gravel 15.37 By DDC
Saatmuhane-Rupakot- 2 km BT by PSM
9 40A009R Thumki Road 23.09 1.52 21.57 23.09 23.09 Black Top 23.09 and 10 km DDC

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Total Traffic
DTMP Length Accessibility Running
S.N. Code No. Road Name (K.M.) Surface Type(K.M.) Condition Required Intervention (K.M.) Remarks
8 Km Under
10 40A010R Dobilla- Bagmara Road 12.19 7.50 4.69 12.19 12.19 Black Top 12.19 Construction

11 40A011R Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 Black Top 12.50

5 Km BT and
Kaseri-Bhainse- Blacktop / 12.36 Km
12 40A012R Thumakodada Road 17.36 1.20 16.16 17.36 17.36 Gravel 17.36 Gravel
Birethati-Chane Tourism
13 40A013R Road 6.39 1.30 5.09 6.39 6.39 Gravel 4.52
2 km BT and
Other Gravel(3
Nayapul-Birethati- Blacktop / Km to be
14 40A014R Tikhethundga Road 7.50 1.40 2.95 4.35 4.35 Gravel 1.40 Constructed)
Kaure-Jyamdung-Tanting 9 Km to be
15 40A015R Road 15.50 6.70 6.70 6.70 Gravel 6.70 Constructed
Melbot-Dhital-Dhampus Blacktop / 4 Km BT and 10
16 40A016R Road 14.00 5.00 9.00 14.00 14.00 Gravel 13.00 Km Gravel
5 Km BT and
Kahu Khola - Arba - Mauja Blacktop / 10.34 Km
17 40A017R Road 15.34 2.00 13.34 15.34 15.34 Gravel 15.34 Gravel
Kande-Bhadaure-Salyan Blacktop / 5 Km BT and
18 40A018R Road 10.88 4.60 6.28 10.88 10.88 Gravel 10.88 5.88 Km Gravel
Fulbari-Kahu Tower Tourism
19 40A019R Raod 5.50 0.50 5.00 5.50 5.50 Black Top 5.50
Baglung Buspark- Sarangkot- Blacktop / 5 Km BT and
20 40A020R Dhikurpokhari Raod 14.00 0.00 1.50 12.50 14.00 14.00 Gravel 14.00 9.00 Km Gravel

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4.3 Brief Description of District Roads

Brief description of all transport linkages i.e. National highway, Feeder road, District roads,
and Village roads in the district are described below:

4.3.1 Briefs of district Roads Class "A"

Study and analysis concluded that Kaski district has 19 numbers of district roads class "A"
and 81 numbers of district roads class "B". Most of the district roads are gravel surface, which
are mostly all weather roads. Moreover construction quality of the road is poor and has to be
upgraded to all weather roads to provide accessibility through out the year to the people to
improve overall transport situation of the district. Different roads need different types of
interventions which can be viewed in the summary table. The briefs on individual district

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

roads are described below: Begnash-Bhorletar Road (40A001R)

The road alignment starts at Beghnash chowk of Lekhnath Municipality. It passes through
Lekhnath Municipality, Hansapur and Thumki VDC. The settlements passing through this
corridor are Begnash Chowk, Sundaredada, Talbeshi, SauryaBash, Chyarpe, Syastri,
Pulchowk and bhorletar of Lamjung District. The major market centre on the road corridor is
Beghnash chowk and Pulchowk. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key
growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from near about prithivi highway
and ends on Pulchowk connecting to Bhorletar of Lamjung District and has been providing
the road access facility for the people of Lekhnath municipality and Hanspur, Rupakot,
Thumki VDCs. The total length of the road is 24.17 km, out of that 2.82 Km road is in
blacktop condition, 2.9 Km is in Gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen
Condition. The Major Rivers and khola crossing to this corridor is Dovan Khola, Chisa Khola
and Madi River. According to the traffic density this alignment requires blacktop. Rakhi-Mijure Road (40A002R)

The road alignment starts at Bijayapur of Lekhnath Municipality. It passes through Lekhnath
Municipality, Kalika and Majhthana VDC. The settlements passing through this corridor are
Bijayapur, Kalikasthan, Saurya, Okhale, Bhagwatitar and Ghumle. The major market centre
on the road corridor is Bijayapur, Kalikasthan, Saurya and Ghumle. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment
starts from prithivi highway and ends on Ghumle and has been providing the road access
facility for the people of Leknath municipality and Kalika, Majhthana, Saimarang, Bhachowk,
Mijuredada, Hanshapur VDCs. The total length of the road is 19.77 km which is in blacktop
condition. Lamachaur-Machhapuchre Road (40A003R)

The road alignment starts at Lamachaur. It passes through Lamachaur, Purunchaur,
Sardikhola and Machhapuchre VDC. The settlements passing through this corridor are
Lamachaur, Bastola Chowk, Thati, Bhajokhet, Kharpani. The major market center on the road
corridor is Lamachaur, Purunchaur, Kharpani etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Lamachaur

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and ends on Kharpani and has been providing the road access facility for the people of
Pokhara municipality and Purunchaur, Sardikhola, Machhapuchre, Hemja, Lahachowk,
Chachowk, Armala VDCs. The total length of the road is 16.00 km which is in blacktop
condition. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bhoti Khola, Bhurjun Khola,
Sardi Khola. Kahu-Dudhpokhari Road (40A004R)

The road alignment starts at Kahu of Pokhara Municipality. It passes through Pokhara
Minicipality and Arbabijaya, Kalika, Sildajure, Parche VDC. The settlements passing through
this corridor are Dudhpokhari chowk, Kaseri, Kaure, Dhanbash, Thak, Taprang, Chiple,
Khilang, and Siklesh. The major market center on the road corridor is Kahu, Kaseri, Taprang,
Siklesh etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC
centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Kahu and ends on Dudhpokhari but the road is
now only constructed upto Siklesh and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Pokhara municipality and Arbabijaya, Kalika, Sildajure, Parche ,Namarjung,
Thumakodada, Mauja VDCs. The total length of the road is 37.32 km, out of that 3.00 km
road is in Gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. The Major River
and khola crossing to this corridor is Kahukhola, Bijayapur Khola, Chipli Khola and Patku
Khola. According to the traffic density this alignment requires blacktop. Baidam-Pame-Ghatichina-Damdame-Sidane Road (40A005R)

The road alignment starts at Baidam (Hallan Chowk) of Pokhara Municipality. It passes
through Pokhara Minicipality and Sarangkot, Kaskikot, Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi VDC.
The settlements passing through this corridor are Baidam, Chankhapur, Pame, Baskot,
Ghatichina, Damdame, Sidane. The major market center on the road corridor is Baidam, Pame
Sidane etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre;
school etc. This alignment starts from Baidam (Hallan chowk) and ends on Sidane and has
been providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara municipality and Sarangkot,
Kaskikot, Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi VDCs. The total length of the road is 21.1 km, out of
that 6.34 Km road is in blacktop condition, 8.23km is in gravel condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. The main River and khola crossing to this corridor are Betani
Khola,Laure Khola,Khahare Khola,Harpan Khola.

47 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District Sisuwa-Polangtar Road (40A006R)

The road alignment starts at Sisuwa of Lekhnath Municipality. It passes through Lekhnath
Minicipality and Deurali,Siddha VDC. The settlements passing through this corridor are
Sisuwa, Saatmuhane, Raja Chautara, Badare, Dadagau, Deurali Bazar, Dhamigau, Mulpani,
Thuliswara, Polangtar. The major market center on the road corridor is Sisuwa, Saatmuhane,
Deurali, Siddha etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre,
VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Sisuwa Chowk and ends on Polangtar
and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Lekhnath municipality and
Deurali, Siddha, Rupakot, Thumki VDCs. The total length of the road is 25.2 km, out of that
7.21 km road is in blacktop condition, 3.5 km road is in gravel condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. The main River and Khola croosing to this corridor is Khudi
Khola,Rupa Tal Khola,Badare Khola,Apu Khola,Khalte Khola. Chorepatan-Kristi-Nirmalpokhari-Bharatpokharai Road (40A007R)

The road alignment starts at Chorepatan of Pokhara Municipality. It passes through Pokhara
Municipality, Kristinachnechaur, Nirmalpokhari and Bharatpokhari VDC. The settlements
passing through this corridor are Chorepatan, Kamere, Bayali, Dopahere, Shivalaya,
Kriyapani, Jibredhunga, Pandethum, Banpale, Dharapani, Malagiri, Bhanjyan, Badarkote. The
major market center on the road corridor is Chorepatan, Dopahare, Nirmalpokhari,
Bharatpokari etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC
centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Chorepatan and ends on Badarkote and has been
providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara Municipality, Kristi, Nirmal
Pokhari, and Bharat Pokhari VDC. The total length of the road is 22.50 km, out of that 800 m
road is in blacktop condition, 1.2 km road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is in
earthen condition. The main River and khola crossing to this corridor is Furse Khola, Bhunge
Khola. Hemja-Khanepanimuhan-Lumre-Ghalel Road (40A008R)

The road alignment starts at Hemja. It passes through Hemja, Dhital, and Lwanghalel VDC.
The settlements passing through this corridor are Hemja, Melbot, Khanipanimuhan,
Bhedabari, Khoramukh, Lumre, and Ghalel Gau. The major market center on the road
corridor is Hemja, Lumre, Ghalel Gau etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential
key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Hemja and ends on

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Ghalel Gau and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Hemja, Dhital,
Lwanghalel, Lahachowk, Reevan VDC. The total length of the road is 15.37 km, out of that
850 m road is in blacktop condition, 1.1 Km road is in earthen condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. The major river and khola crossing to this structure are
Budune Khola, Indi Khola, and Pau khola. Saatmuhane-Rupakot-Thumki Road (40A009R)

The road alignment starts at Saatmuhane. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Rupakot, Thumki
VDC. The settlements passing through this corridor are Saatmuhane, Kholakochew,
Ghimirethar, Maidan, Bhirchowk, Chisapani, Mohariya, Pelunga, Phalyankot, Pulchowk. The
major market center on the road corridor is Saatmuhane, Rupakot, Pulchowk etc. It passes
through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Saatmuhane and ends on Pulchowk and has been providing the road
access facility for the people of through Pokhara N.P., Rupakot, and Thumki VDC. The total
length of the road is 23.1 km, out of that 1.52 km road is in Gravel condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. The main river and khola crossing to this corridor are Rupa
Tal Khola and Madi River. Dobilla- Bagmara Road (40A010R)

The road alignment starts at Dobilla. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Nirmalpokhari,
Bharatpokari VDC, lekhnath N.P. The settlements passing through this corridor are Dobilla,
Chisapani, Kalikasthan, Hanuman Pokhari, Badarkote, Lamghadi, Gagangauda Bazar. The
major market center on the road corridor is Dobilla, Lamghadi etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment
starts from Dobilla and ends on Gagangauda and has been providing the road access facility
for the people of Pokhara N.P., Lekhnath N.P., Nirmal Pokhari, BharatPokhari VDC. The
total length of the road is 12.20 km, out of that 7.5km road is in Gravel condition and
remaining portion is in earthen condition. The Main River and khola crossing to this corridor
is Furse Khola, Bhunge Khola, Seti River. This road is funded by RAIDP project. Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot Road (40A011R)

The road alignment starts at Naudada. It passes through Dhikurpokhari, Kaskikot, Sarangkot
VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Naudada, Simpali, Phallapani, Mandre

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Dhunga, Pateshawara, Toripani, Sarangkot. The major market center on the road corridor is
Naudada, Kaskikot, Sarangkot etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key
growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Naudada and ends on
Sarangkot and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Dhikur Pokhari,
Kaskikot, Sarangkot. The total length of the road is 12.50 km which is in earthen condition. Kaseri-Bhainse-Thumakodada Road (40A012R)

The road alignment starts at Kaseri of ArbaBijaya VDC. It passes through Arba Bijaya,
Kalika, Thumakodada VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Kaseri,
Sunpadeli, Chitepani, Bhainse, Majhuwa, Yanjakot and Thumakodada. The major market
center on the road corridor is Kaseri, BHainse, Thumakodada etc. It passes through cultivated
land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Kaseri and ends on Thumakodada and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Arba Bijaya, Kalika, Thumakodada. The total length of the road is 17.40 km, 1.2km
road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. The major river and
khola crossing this corridor is Bijayapur River and Madi River. Birethati-Chane Tourism Road (40A013R)

The road alignment starts at Birethati of Dangshing VDC. It passes through Dangshing and
Ghandruk VDC. The settlements passing through this corridor are Birethati, Lamakhet, Syauli
Bazar, Kilyu, Kimche,Chane. The major market center on the road corridor is Birethati,
Chane etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre;
school etc. This alignment starts from Birethati and ends on Chane and has been providing the
road access facility for tourist as well as dangshing and ghandruk VDC .This is a Main
Tourism road of kaski district. The total length of the road is 6.4 km, out of that 1.3 km road is
in gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. The main river and khola
crossing to this corridor are Bhurundi Khola,Thado Khola. Nayapul-Birethati-Tikhethundga Road (40A014R)

The road alignment starts at Nayapul on Siddhartha Highway. It passes through Salyan,
Lumle, Dangshing .The settlements passing through this corridor are Nayapul, Birethati,
Bajhgara, Hile, Thikedhunga. The major market center on the road corridor is Nayapul,
Birethati, Thikedhunga etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Nayapul and ends on Thikedhunga
and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Salyan, Lumle, Dangshing,
Ghandruk. It is tourism road of Kaski. The total length of the road is 7.35 km but 4.35 km
road only is constructed which is in earthen condition and remaining 3.15km is to be
constructed. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bhurundi Khola and Karai
Khola. Kaure-Jyamdung-Tanting Road (40A015R)

The road alignment starts at Kaure on Dudh Pokhari Highway. It passes through Kalika,
Sildajure, Thumakodada, Namarjung.The settlements passing through this corridor Kaure,
Dadagau, Lamakhet, Jyamdung, Sabi, Bagalethar,Tanting. Road is Planned to be constructed
up to Tanting But Now the road is constructed upto Sabi Only and vehicles also run up to
Sabi. The major market center on the road corridor is Kaure, Jyamdung, Tanting etc. It passes
through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Kaure and ends on Tanting and has been providing the road access
facility for the people of Kalika, Sildajure, Thumakodada, Namarjung VDC. The total length
of the road is 15.5 km but 6.7 km road only is constructed which is in earthen condition and
remaining 8.8km is to be constructed. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is
Madi River. Melbot-Dhital-Dhampus Road (40A016R)

The road alignment starts at Melbot on Hemja. It passes through Hemja, Dhital, Dhampus
VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Melbot, Astham, Hyanjakot, Dhital,
Dhampus and Deurali. The major market center on the road corridor is Melbot, Dhital,
Dhampus etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC
centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Melbot and ends on Dhampus and has been
providing the road access facility for the people of Hemja, Dhital and Dhampus VDC. The
total length of the road is 14.00 km, out of that 5km road is in Gravel condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. Kahu Khola - Arba - Mauja Road (40A017R)

The road alignment starts at Kahukhola Bazar. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Arba Bijaya,
Mauja VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Kahukhola, Sundada, Ahadi,

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Panidada, Bijayapur, Dadagau, Aatighar, Mohorihya and Mauja. The major market center on
the road corridor is Kahukhola, Arba. Mauja etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Kahukhola
and ends on Mauja and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara
N.P., Arba Bijaya and Mauja VDC. The total length of the road is 15.40 km, out of that 2km
road is in Gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. Kande-Bhadaure-Salyan Road (40A018R)

The road alignment starts at Kande on Siddhartha Highhway. It passes through
Dhikurpokhari, Bhadaure Tamagi, Salyan VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor
are Kande, Kaphal Swara, Talibare, Dadakharka, Kameregauda, Bashkharka and Salyan.
The major market center on the road corridor is Kande, Bhadaure, Salyan etc. It passes
through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Kande and ends on Salyan (Hulak) and has been providing the road
access facility for the people of Dhikurpokhari, Bhadaure Tamagi, and Salyan VDC. The total
length of the road is 11.90 km, out of that 4.6km road is in gravel condition and remaining
portion is in earthen condition. Fulbari-Kahu Tower Tourism Raod (40A019R)

The road alignment starts from Fulbari. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Kahu VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Phulbari, Lamichhanethar, Sisneri, View Tower.
The major market center on the road corridor is Phulbari etc. It passes through cultivated land,
Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Phulbari and ends on View Tower and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Pokhara N.P., Kahu VDC. The total length of the road is 5.50 km, out of that 500m
road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. Baglung Buspark- Sarangkot-Dhikurpokhari Road (40A020R)

The road alignment starts at Baglung Buspark. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Sarangkot,
Kaskikot, Dhikurpokhari.The settlements passing through this corridor are Baglun Buspark,
pokharaphat, Chisakhola, Jamunebot, Gyarjati, Gothadi, Haredada, Padeli, Bhangera,
Chipchipe pani, Bhirmuni, Khoriyapani, Simalchaur, Banpale, Adhakaridada, Simpali,
Naudada. The major market center on the road corridor is Baglung Buspark, Sarangkot,

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Dhikurpokhar etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC
centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Baglung buspark and ends on naudada and has
been providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara N.P., Sarangkot, Kaskikot,
Dhikurpokhari VDC. The total length of the road is 14 km out of that 1.5km road is gravel
and remaining portion is earthen condition.

53 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4.3 Summary of District Roads ("B")

DTMP Total Surface Type(K.M.) Condition Required Intervention Traffic
Code Length All Fair Length Running
S.N. No. Road Name (K.M.) Blacktop Gravel Earthen Weather Weather Km Upgarding (K.M.) Remarks

5 km BT and
Chorepatan-Shantistupa- Blacktop / 13.3 km
1 40B001R Bhumdi-Ulleri-Kuvinde Road 18.30 0.00 10.20 8.10 18.30 18.30 Gravel 15.00 Gravel
4 km BT and
Mahendra Gufa-Armalakot- Blacktop / 9.06 km
2 40B002R Aatighar Mauja Road 13.06 0.80 1.00 11.26 0.80 12.26 12.26 Gravel 8.86 Gravel
Samibagar-Lahachowk- Blacktop / 3 km BT and
3 40B003R Machhapuchre Road 11.00 0.00 3.00 8.00 11.00 11.00 Gravel 10.00 8 km Gravel
3 km BT and
Fursekhola-Ramdi-Matthikhan Blacktop / 6.7 km
4 40B004R Road 9.70 0.10 0.20 9.40 0.10 9.60 9.60 Gravel 9.70 Gravel
Chisapani - Sigarebash – Danlin
5 40B005R Road 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Gravel
6 40B006R Hanshpur-Thulabesi Road 22.87 0.00 2.20 20.67 22.87 22.87 Gravel 20.00
7 40B007R Bisauna Road 6.19 0.00 0.90 5.29 6.19 6.19 Gravel 5.29
Sagrabash -Kyolene -Madhbesi
8 40B008R Road 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Gravel 6.00
4 km BT and
Mardipul-Samibagar-Rivan- Blacktop / 8.57 km
9 40B009R Saideghatta Road 12.57 0.00 2.20 10.37 12.57 12.57 Gravel 12.57 Gravel
Ghatichina - Makawanpur -
10 40B010R Bhanjyang Road 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Gravel 7.00

54 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

DTMP Total Surface Type(K.M.) Condition Required Intervention Traffic
Code Length All Fair Length Running
S.N. No. Road Name (K.M.) Blacktop Gravel Earthen Weather Weather Km Upgarding (K.M.) Remarks
Talbesi - Lippani - Chamare Odar
11 40B011R Road 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Gravel 8.00
12 40B012R RaniPauwa-Bhalam-Batulechaur 6.00 1.80 0.20 4.00 1.80 4.20 4.20 Black Top 6.00 All BT
13 40B013R Road 12.05 0.00 0.40 11.65 12.05 12.05 Gravel 9.00
14 40B014R Gairepokhari-Khalte-Shisaghat 7.71 0.00 1.36 6.35 7.71 7.71 Gravel 7.00
4.0 km BT
Lumle-Chandrakot-Tanchowk- Blacktop / and 12.0 km
15 40B021R Landruk Road 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Gravel 6.00 Gravel
16 40B015R Pulchowk-Sishaghat 7.50 0.00 0.00 6.13 6.13 6.13 Gravel 6.00
17 40B016R Mijuredada Road 14.34 0.00 0.00 14.34 14.34 14.34 Gravel 14.00
6.5 km BT
Ghatte Khola- Khani Gau- Blacktop / and 5.5 km
18 40B017R Dhampus Road 13.00 0.00 6.50 5.50 12.00 12.00 Gravel 12.00 Gravel
19 40B018R Thumsikot-Bhachowk Road 9.26 0.00 0.00 9.26 9.26 9.26 Gravel 9.00
20 40B019R Mijuredada 7.31 0.00 0.00 7.31 7.31 7.31 Gravel 5.00
21 40B020R Saimarang Road 6.97 0.00 0.00 6.97 6.97 6.97 Gravel 2.00
1.5 km BT
Chorepatan-Khalse-Kubinde Blacktop / and 7.84 km
22 40B022R Road 8.84 0.80 1.50 6.54 0.80 8.04 8.04 Gravel 4.00 Gravel
Naudada- AdhakariDada-
23 40B023R KarkiTahara Road 11.50 0.00 0.00 11.50 11.50 11.50 Gravel 11.50

55 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

4.4.2 Brief of district Roads Class “B”

Study and analysis concluded that Kaski district has 19 numbers of district roads class "A" and 24
numbers of district roads class "B". Most of the district roads are earthen surface, which are
mostly Fair weather roads. Moreover construction quality of the road is poor and has to be
upgraded to all weather roads to provide accessibility throughout the year to the people to
improve overall transport situation of the district. Different roads need different types of
interventions which can be viewed in the summary table. The briefs on individual district roads
are described below: Chorepatan-Shantistupa-Bhumdi-Ulleri-Kuvinde Road (40B001R)

The road alignment starts at Chorepatan. It passes through Pokhara N.P., PhumdiBhumdi.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Chorepatan, Shantistupa, Tallagam, Pumdi,
Kalabang, Kavre, Okhale, Tersalek, ulleri, Kuvinde. The major market center on the road corridor
is chorepatan, shanistupa, Bhumdi, ulleri, Kuvinde etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Chorepatan and
ends on Kuvinde and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara N.P.
and PhumdiBhumdi VDC. The total length of the road is 18.3 km out of that 10.2km road is
gravel and remaining portion is earthen condition In which 3 km section from Bhumdi to Ulleri is
very poor and Vehicles are not running. Mahendra Gufa-Armalakot-Aatighar Mauja Road (40B002R)

The road alignment starts at Mahendra gufa. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Lamachaur, Armala,
Mauja VDC .The settlements passing through this corridor are Mahendra Gufa, Dihi, Patle,
Armalakot, Sibini, kuragau, Aatighar. The major market center on the road corridor is Mahendra
gufa, Armalakot and Aatighar etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth
centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Mahendra gufa and ends on Aatighar
and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Pokhara N.P., Lamachaur,
Armala and Mauja VDC. The total length of the road is 13.06 km out of that 0.8km road is
Blacktop, 1km road is gravel and remaining portion is earthen condition in which 4.2 km section
is very poor and vechicles are not running. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is
Gharmi khola and kali khola.

56 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District Samibagar-Lahachowk-Machhapuchre Road (40B003R)

The road alignment starts at Samibagar. It passes through Lahachowk, Ghachowk, Machhapuchre
VDC .The settlements passing through this corridor are Samibagar, Bhirkatera, Miteritol, Tuse,
Dhipran and Kharpani. The major market center on the road corridor is Samibagar, Lahachowk,
Kharpani etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre;
school etc. This alignment starts from Samibagar and ends on Kharpani and has been providing
the road access facility for the people of Lahachowk, Ghachowk, and Machhapuchre VDC. The
total length of the road is 11.00 km out of that 3 km road is in gravel condition and remaining
portion is earthen condition The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Lasti khola and
Dhipran Khola. Fursekhola-Ramdi-Matthikhan Road (40B004R)

The road alignment starts at Furse khola. It passes through KristiNachnechaur, Pumdibhumdi
VDC .The settlements passing through this corridor are Fursekhola, Kamere, Ramadi, and
Mattikhan. The major market center on the road corridor is Furse khola, Mattikhan etc. It passes
through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Furse khola and ends on Mattikhan and has been providing the road access
facility for the people of KristiNachnechaur, Pumdibhumdi VDC. The total length of the road is
9.7km out of that 0.1km road is Blacktop, 0.2km road is gravel and remaining portion is earthen
condition The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Furse khola. Chisapani - Sigarebash – Danlin Road (40B005R)

The road alignment starts at Chisapani at Dhikurpokhari VDC. It passes through dhikurpokhari
VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Chisapani, chisapani Pakha, Gairegau,
Jibredhunga, Surtane, Agrakhe, Singrabash and danlin (Syanjya) . The major market center on the
road corridor is Chisapani, Singrabash etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key
growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Chisapani and ends on Danlin
(Syanjya) and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Dhikhurpokhari VDC.
The total length of the road is 12.00 km which is in earthen condition The Major River and khola
crossing to this corridor is Sauraudi khola. Saurya-Lippani-Ramkot-Hanshpur-Thulabesi Road (40B006R)

The road alignment starts at Saurya at Majhthana VDC. It passes through Majhthana and

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Hanshpur VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Saurya, Raikar, patle,
Kaphaldada, Kaule, Syaklun, Ramkot, Dansimaran and Thulabesi. The major market center on
the road corridor is Saurya, Hanshpur, Thulabesi etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment has been providing the road
access facility for the people of Majhthana and Hanshpur VDC. The total length of the road is
22.87 km in which 2.20 is in gravel condition and remaining portion is in earthen condition. Bhalam-Ryalechaur-Mauja Bisauna Road (40B007R)

The road alignment starts at Bhalam. It passes through Bhalam and Mauja VDC .The settlements
passing through this corridor are Samibagar, Bhalam, Ryalechaur, Mauja Bisauna.The major
market center on the road corridor is Bhalam, Ryalechaur etc. It passes through cultivated land,
Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Bhalam
and ends on Mauja Bisauna and has been providing the road access facility for the people of
Bhalam and Mauja VDC. The total length of the road is 6.19 km out of that 0.9 km road is in
gravel condition and remaining portion is earthen condition The Major River and khola crossing
to this corridor is Pasmaran Khola. Sagrabash -Kyolene -Madhbesi Road (40B008R)

The road alignment starts at Sagarbash. It passes through Majhthana and Hasnshpur VDC .The
settlements passing through this corridor are Sagarbash, Kolyene, Madhbesi.The major market
center on the road corridor is Sagarbash, Madhbesi etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Sagarbash and
ends on Madhbesi and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Majhthana and
Hasnshpur VDC. The total length of the road is 6 km which is in earthen condition. Mardipul-Samibagar-Rivan-Saideghatta Road (40B009R)

The road alignment starts at Mardipul. It passes through Lahachowk, Reevan, Lwanghalel
VDC.The settlements passing through this corridor are Mardipul, Samibagar, Humdi, Saideghatta
.The major market center on the road corridor is Samibagar, Saideghatta etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Mardipul and ends on Saideghatta and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Lahachowk, Reevan, and Lwanghalel VDC. The total length of the road is 12.57 km out
of that 2.2 km road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is earthen condition The Major

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

River and khola crossing to this corridor is Madi River. Ghatichina - Makawanpur - Bhanjyang Road (40B010R)

The road alignment starts at Ghatichina. It passes through Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Ghatichina, Makwanpur, Patharegau, Bhanjyan.The
major market center on the road corridor is Ghatichina, Makwanpur etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Ghatichina and ends on Bhanjyan and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi VDC. The total length of the road is 12 km which is in
earthen condition Talbesi - Lippani - Chamare Odar Road (40B011R)

The road alignment starts at Talbesi. It passes through Rupakot,Hanspur VDC.The settlements
passing through this corridor are Talbeshi, Syaklun, Lipeyani, Hadikholagau, Chamereodar.The
major market center on the road corridor is Talbesi, Lipeyani etc. It passes through cultivated
land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Talbeshi and ends on Chamereodar and has been providing the road access facility for the people
of Rupakot,Hanspur VDC. The total length of the road is 11 km which is in earthen condition. RaniPauwa-Bhalam-Batulechaur Road (40B012R)

The road alignment starts at Manipal Hospital. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Kahu, Bhalam
VDC .The settlements passing through this corridor are Manipal Hospital, Batulechaur. The
major market center on the road corridor is Ranipauwa, Batulechaur etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Manipal Hospital and ends on Batulechaur and has been providing the road access facility
for the people of Pokhara N.P., Kahu, Bhalam VDC. The total length of the road is 6 km out of
that 1.82km road is Blacktop, 0.2km road is gravel and remaining portion is earthen condition The
Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bhalam Khola and Kali Khola. Gahatedada-Lamakhet-Mauja Road (40B013R)

The road alignment starts at Gahatedada. It passes through Arbabijaya, Mauja VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Ghahatedada, Amalachaur, Dhadbesi, Lamakhet,
Lamdada, Mauja.The major market center on the road corridor is Gahatedada, Mauja etc. It passes

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Gahatedada and ends on Mauja and has been providing the road access
facility for the people of Arbabijaya, Mauja VDC. The total length of the road is 12.05 km out of
that 0.4 km road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is earthen condition The Major
River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bijayapur Khola. Gairepokhari-Khalte-Shisaghat (40B014R)

The road alignment starts at Gairepokhari. It passes through Deurali, Siddha and Sisaghat
(Tanahu).The settlements passing through this corridor are Gairepokari, Khalte, Sishaghat.The
major market center on the road corridor is Gairepokhari, Sishaghat etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Gairepokhari and ends on Sishaghat and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Deurali, Siddha and Sisaghat (Tanahu). The total length of the road is 7.71 km out of
that 1.36 km road is in gravel condition and remaining portion is earthen condition The Major
River and khola crossing to this corridor is Khalte Khola. Lumle-Chandrakot-Tanchowk-Landruk Road (40B015R)

The road alignment starts at Lumle. It passes through Lumle VDC.The settlements passing
through this corridor are Lumle, Chandrakot, Tanchowk, Malem, Landruk.The major market
center on the road corridor is Lumle, Landruk etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest,
potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from Lumle and ends
on Landruk and has been providing the road access facility for the people of Lumle VDC. The
total length of the road is 16 km. Pulchowk-Sishaghat Road (40B016R)

The road alignment starts at Pulchowk. It passes through Thumki, Siddha VDC, Sishaghat
(Tanahu).The settlements passing through this corridor are Pulchowk, Polangtar, Sishaghat.The
major market center on the road corridor is Pulchowk, Sishaghat etc. It passes through cultivated
land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Pulchowk and ends on Sishaghat (Tanahu) and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Thumki, Siddha VDC, Sishaghat (Tanahu). The total length of the road is 7.5 km which
is in earthen condition. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Khalte Khola.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District Road (40B017R)

The road alignment starts at Thumsikot. It passes through Bhachowk, Mijuredada VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Thumsikot, Mugrebesi, Gorge, Mijuredada.The
major market center on the road corridor is Thumsikot, Mijuredada etc. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Thumsikot and ends on Mijuredada and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Bhachowk, Mijuredada VDC. The total length of the road is 14.34 km which is in
earthen condition. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bardi Khola, Kyaudi
Khola, Bhur khola. Ghatte Khola- Khani Gau- Dhampus Road (40B018R)

The road alignment starts at Ghattekhola. It passes through Dhampus VDC.The settlements
passing through this corridor are Ghattekhola, Fedi, Dhampus, Deurali, Lekkuna Gau,
Khanigau.The major market center on the road corridor is Dhampus. It passes through cultivated
land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Ghattekhola and ends on Khanigau and has been providing the road access facility for the people
of Dhampus VDC. The total length of the road is 13 km out of that 6.5 km road is in gravel
condition and remaining portion is earthen condition The Major River and khola crossing to this
corridor is Majhuwa Khola. Thumsikot-Bhachowk Road (40B019R)

The road alignment starts at Thumsikot. It passes through Bhachowk VDC.The settlements
passing through this corridor are Thumsikot, Makaikhola gau, Kayare, Bhattedada,
Bhachowk.The major market center on the road corridor is Thumsikot. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Thumsikot and ends on Bhachowk and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Bhachowk, VDC. The total length of the road is 9.26 km which is in earthen condition.
The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bhumle Khola. Thumsikot-Gahatedada-Mijuredada Road (40B020R)

The road alignment starts at Thumsikot. It passes through Bhachowk and Mijuredada VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Thumsikot, Thulo Swara, Gahate, Mijuredada.The
major market center on the road corridor is Thumsikot, Mijuredada. It passes through cultivated

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts from
Thumsikot and ends on Mijuredada and has been providing the road access facility for the people
of Bhachowk and Mijuredada VDC. The total length of the road is 7.31 km which is in earthen
condition. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Bhumle Khola. Milanchowk-Bhagwatitar-Saimarang Road (40B021R)

The road alignment starts at Milanchowk. It passes through Majhthana, Saimarang VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Milanchowk, Bhagwatitar, Karki gau, Baral Dada,
Khima, and Saimarang.The major market center on the road corridor is Mianchowk, Bhagwatitar
etc. It passes through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc.
This alignment starts from Milanchowk and ends on Saimarang and has been providing the road
access facility for the people of Majhthana, Saimarang VDC. The total length of the road is 6.97
km which is in earthen condition. The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Madi
River. Chorepatan-Khalse-Kubinde Road (40B022R)

The road alignment starts at Chorepatan. It passes through Pokhara N.P., Phumdibhumdi VDC
.The settlements passing through this corridor are Chorepatan, Pipaldali, Chhapswara, Khalse,
Kuvinde. The major market center on the road corridor is Chorepatan, Kuvinde etc. It passes
through cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This
alignment starts from Chorepatan and ends on Kuvinde and has been providing the road access
facility for the people of Pokhara N.P., Phumdibhumdi VDC. The total length of the road is 8.84
km out of that 0.8km road is Blacktop, 1.5 Km road is gravel and remaining portion is earthen
condition The Major River and khola crossing to this corridor is Furse khola. Naudada- AdhakariDada- KarkiTahara Road (40B023R)

The road alignment starts at Naudada. It passes through Dhikurpokhari, Kaskikot VDC.The
settlements passing through this corridor are Naudada, Simpali, Adhakaridada, Karkiko
tahara.The major market center on the road corridor is Naudada, Karki Tahara. It passes through
cultivated land, Forest, potential key growth centre, VDC centre; school etc. This alignment starts
from Naudada and ends on Karki Tahara and has been providing the road access facility for the
people of Dhikurpokhari, Kaskikot VDC. The total length of the road is 11.5 km which is in
earthen condition.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 4.4:- List of Existing Others Road

Total Length
S.N. Road Name VDC Lies Settlement Passes Through Km

Bhadaure Tamagi, Chapakot,

1 Chanaute-Aishaluchaur -Tarebhir Phumdibhumdi Chanaute, Lamakhet, Khorpakha, Auselechaur, Tarebhir 9.65
2 Bhalam-Dadagau-Armalakot Bhalam, Armalakot Gaireswara, Khor, Dadagau, Armalakot 8
3 Birethati-Dangshing-Morahiya-Chane Road Dangshing, Ghandruk Birethati, Khaune, Dansin, Chaudun, Phulban 14
4 Mahendra gufa-Kalamuda Road Pokhara N.P., Armala Mahendra Gufa, Kalamuda 4
5 Fedi-Ramadi-Maudada Deurali, Siddha Phedi, Ramadi, Kaire Pakha, Maudada 12
Thulakhet, Chainpur, Harpan, Kuiredada, Tamagi,
6 Thulakhet-Harpan-Tamagi-Panchase Bhadaure Tamagi Panchase 16
7 Dharapani-Andheri Khola- Deurali-Salyan
8 Bamdi-Okhaldhunga-ghaderi-tarebhir Chapakot, PhumdiBhumdi Bamdi, Okhaldhunga, Ghaderi, Tarebhir 9
9 Dopahere-Kristi-Majhgau-Bakrek Kristi Dopahere, Kristi, Majhgau, Bakrek 8
Dobilla-Nirmalpokhari-Chlaunekharka- Dobilla, Nirmal Pokhari, Chilaunekharka, Lamakhet,
10 Shulighopte Nirmal Pokhari Shulighopte 12
12 Hemja-Sajha-Tibetian Camp Hemja Hemja, Tibetian Camp 5
15 Shiva-Chandi Road Thumki Rambazar, Pulchowk 6
18 Nayapul-Jhowang-Thamarjung Road Salyan, Parbat Nayapul Jhowang, Thamarjung 10
19 Sisuwa-Syankhudi-Saurya Road Lekhnath N.P., Majhthana Sisuwa, Syankhudi, Saurya 7
20 Arba-Kaseri-Surkemaidan Road Arba, Kalika Arba, Kaseri, Surkemaidan 10
23 Shantistupa- Net-Neurani-Chapakot Road Chapakot Net, Tallogau, Simle, Lamdada, Chapakot 8
Gharmikhola- Jumleti- Dhikidada- Sudako Gharmikhola, Jumleti, Dhikidada, Sudako Mukh,
24 Mukh-Amareshowr-Puranchaur Armala, Puranchaur Amareshowr, puranchaur
25 Fursekhola-Paharidada-Kristi Kristi Fursekhola, Pakhridada, Bayeli, Dopahere, Kristi 8
26 Kahu-8,- Bhalam- Mauja Bhalam, Mauja
13 Kalimati-Shantistupa
14 Dopahere-Bakrek-Pauwegaude Road

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Total Length
S.N. Road Name VDC Lies Settlement Passes Through Km
11 Lahachowk Mul Marga
16 Chabi Smiriti Road
17 Bamdi-Chapakot-Ghaderi-Tarebhir
21 Tham lankyar Road
22 Gairekhor-Tariko Basti Rural Road

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Table 4.5:- List of Existing Road Identified in Illaka Level Workshop

S.N. Road Name VDC Lies Settlement Passes Through Length Km
1 Kharani-Rakhidada, Kalika Lekhnath N.P., Kalika Kharaniphat, Ghari, Rakhidada, Nareshpur, Kalika 8
2 Majhthana-begnash-Khudiyanmohan-Sisuwa Lekhnath N.P., Majhthana Majhthana, begnash, Khudiyanmohan, Sisuwa
3 Chainpur-Deurali-Barpauwa-Chauhadi Bharatpokhari Chainpur, Deurali, Barpauwa, Chauhadi 11
4 Chitepani-Ghachowk Puranchaur, Ghachowk Chitepani, Ghachowk 4
5 Dhiprang-rumja-karwa-poche tatopani tourism road Machhapuchhre Dhiprang, Rumja, Karwa, Poche, Tatopani
6 Bhurjun Khola-Khairman Rural Road Sardikhola Bhurjun Khola, Khaimaran 8
7 kholako chew-aapukhola-bhorle-Phalbhanjyan Rupakot, Deurali Kholko Chew, Aapukhola, Bhorle, Phalbhanjyan 12
8 Kholakochew-bhangera-Taalbeshi Rupakot Kholako chew, Bhangera, Talbeshi 8
9 Sauryabash-Phalbhanjyan-Kharagau-Derali-Ramadi Rupakot, Deurali Sauryabash, Kharagau, Derali, Ramadi 16
10 SheraJaubari-deurali-Ankuna Hemja, Kaskikot Sherajaubari, Deurali, Ankuna 13
11 Bhakune Bhanjyan-Rauseodar Kaskikot, Sarangkot Bhakune Bhanjyan, Rauseodar 12
12 Katre-BAmdi-Chanaute-Ghatichina Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi Katre, Bamdi, Chanaute, Ghatichina
13 Sedi-Methlan-Gyarjati Sarangkot Sedi, Methlan, Gyarjati 5
14 Katre-Margi-Phumdibhumdi Chapakot, Phumdibhumdi Katre, Magri, Phumdibhumdi 10
15 Saimarang-Lamtari Saimarang Saimarang, Lamtari 5
16 Mijuredada-Kasna-Posi-Umdi Mijuredada Mijuredada, Kasna, Posi, Umdi 14
17 fursekhola-Bhaldada-Kristi Kristi Fursekhola, Bhaldada, Kristi 9
18 Deurali Gaira-Thakuri Gau-Mattikhan Kristi Deurali Gaira, Thakuri gau, Mattikhan 6
19 Tilahar-Tarebhir-Motichowk Raod PhumdiBhumdi Tilahar, Tarebhir, Motichowk 7
20 Dobilla-Maidan-Thuliswara-Suruadi Nirmal Pokhari Dobilla,Maidan, Thuliswara, Suruadi 15
21 Nirmalpokhari-Baspani-Kapase Nimalpokhari Nirmalpokhari, Baspani, Kapase 7
22 Dobilla-Damsadi-Shivalaya-Mahabari-Jamarke Nimalpokhari Dobilla, Damsadi, Shivalaya, Mahabari, Jamarke 16
23 Damsadi Khola-Phoksin-Simle-Khampur Kristi, Nirmalpokhari Damsadi Khola, Phoksin, Simle, Khampur 11
24 Jamunabot-Dhurseni-Thuliswara-Mahabari-Simle Nirmalpokhari, Bharatpokhari Jamunabot, Dhurseni, Thuliswara, Mahabari, Simle 13
25 Arbabijaya Ma. Bi.-Dihigau-Buddha chowk Arbabijaya Arbabijaya Ma. Bi., Dihigau, Buddha chowk 9
26 Sajha-Kulayan Mauja Marga Arbabijaya Sapthako Dil, Sigdelthar, Amalachaur, Mauja 6

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

S.N. Road Name VDC Lies Settlement Passes Through Length Km

27 Fedi-Hymjakot-Dhital Dhital Fedi, Hyanjakot, Dhital 6
28 Ghalel-Kalimati-Ghipli-Ramche Lwalghalel Ghalel, Kalimati, Ghipli, Ramche 8
29 Patle-Armaleshowr-Netapokhari-Aalebari-Armala Armala, Purunchaur Patle, Armaleshowr, Netapokhari, Aalebari, Armala 11
30 Kharpani-Bharabhari-Kavre Tourism Trial Sardikhola Bhurjunkhola, Khadrjun, Ghalekharka, Khaimaran 7
31 Armala Bisaune-Gharmi-Kevere Road Armala, Purunchaur Armala Bisaune, Gharmi, Kevere 4
32 Pame-Baskot-Gairabari-guntechaur-Phallapani Kaskikot Pame, Baskot, Gairabari, Guntechaur 5
33 Ghatichina-Kumdidada-sidane-Panchase Bhadaure Tamagi Ghatichina, Kumdidada, sidane, Panchase 17
34 Chainpur-Simpani-Bimirabohar-Panchase Bhadaure Tamagi Chainpur, Simpani, Bimirabohar, Panchase 7
35 Ghatichina-Makwanpur-PAnchase Chapakot, Bhadaure Tamagi Ghatichina, Barang, Makwanpur, Sidane, Panchase 20
36 Parsyan-Netakochautara-Methlang-Gyarjati Pokhara N.P., Sarangkot Parsyan, Netakochautara, Methlang, Gyarjati 6
Talbeshi, Kaure, Hangebange, Ramkot,
37 Talbesi-Hangebange-Ramkot-Thulebesi Hanspur Hashpokhari, Thulebesi 10
38 Hangebange-Dharapani-Dhittabatho-Indragufa Hanspur Hangebange, Dharapani, Dhittabatho, Indragufa 6
39 Mugregau-Balauwa-Charagau(Lamjung) Mijuredada, Lamjung Mugregau, Balauwa, Charagau(Lamjung) 6
40 Deurali-Aapukhola Road Rupakot, Deurali Rupatal chew, Pipaldali, Apukhola, Deurali
41 Thati-Kolthumki-Bilmade Road Siddha, Tanahun Thati, Kolthumki, Bilmade
42 Pame-Chankhapur-Bhanjyan-Padeli Sarangkot Pame, Chankhapur, Bhanjyan, Padeli 10
43 Thulachaur-saibhanjyan-Paugaude Road Kristi, Syanjya Thulachaur, saibhanjyan, Paugaude Road 6
Deuraligaira-malagiri-Haprak-Dadeligau-Majhgau- Deuraligaira, malagiri, Haprak, Dadeligau, Majhgau,
44 Bakrek Kristi Bakrek 5
45 Kaphaldada-Sasarku Road Chapakot Motirajchowk, Kaphaldada, Patle, Simle, Sasarku 7
Dhikurpokhari, Bhadaure Naudada, Sherachaur, Saurani, Thullachaur,
46 Naudada-Sherachaur-Saurani-Thullachau-Thulakhet Tamagi Thulakhet 10
47 Naudada-Bhirmuni-Lakuribot-Simle-Karkitahara Dhikurpokhari, Kaskikot Naudada, Bhirmuni, Lakuribot, Simle, Karkitahara 8
Lahachowk, Ghachowk,
48 Bhirkot-Lamshalthar-Machhapuchure Khahare Machhapuchhure Bhirkot, Lamshalthar, Machhapuchure, Khahare 7
49 Milanchowk-Gaurishankar-Campus Gate Hemja Milanchowk, Gaurishankar Campus Gate 5
50 Majhbhatti-Tulsichowk-Gahate-Astham Tourism Trial Hemja, Dhital Majhbhatti, Tulsichowk, Gahate, Astham

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Table 4.6:- List of Existing Trail Bridge

Typ Span Trial VDC in Right Completion Funding
S.N. District Bridge No. River Name e (m) River Name Type VDC in left Bank Bank (FY) (Foreign)
1 Kaski 39 5 005 18 06 1 Mukhiya Khola D 39 Mouri Khola Local Bhachok Saimarang 2001/2002 SDC
2 Kaski 39 5 034 18 06 2 Mardi Khola D 62 Mardi Khola Local Lahachok Lahachok 1995/1996 KAABGN
3 Kaski 39 5 038 18 06 1 Sardi Khola D 68.5 Sardi Khola Local Sardikhola Sardikhola 2000/2001 SDC
4 Kaski 39 5 027 18 06 4 Matathanti Khola D 35.2 Khola Local Dangsing Dangsing 1995/1996 KAABGN
5 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 8 Modikhola Bridge D 120 Modi Khola Local Lumle Ghandruk 2007/2008 FID
6 Kaski 39 5 027 18 06 5 Tikhe dhunga D 29.6 Mauja Khola Local Dangsing Dangsing 1996/1997 KAABGN
Ghatte Machhapuchchhr
7 Kaski 39 5 036 18 06 2 Ghatte Khola ST 16 Khola Local Machhapuchchhre e 1997/1998 KAABGN
8 Kaski 39 5 036 18 06 3 Setimure Ghat D 55 Seti Khola Local Machhapuchchhre e 1997/1998 KAABGN
9 Kaski 39 5 031 18 06 1 Thulo Khola D 49 Thulo Khola Local Lumle Lumle 1997/1998 KAABGN
10 Kaski 39 5 019 18 06 1 Gejabas Lama Chaur 2001/2002
11 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 1 Himalkyu LN 28.1 Modi Khola Bhachok Ghandruk 1977/1978
12 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 2 Dhahoo Khola D 53 Khola Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 2004/2005 KAABGN
13 Kaski 39 5 020 18 06 1 Syanikhola D 65.5 Syani Khola Local Mauja Arba Bijaypur 2003/2004 SDC
14 Kaski 39 5 001 18 06 1 Wardi LN 44.8 Wardi Khola Bhachok 1972/1973
15 Kaski 39 5 039 18 06 1 Huimo Khola D 71 Huimo Khola Local Bhadauretamago Bhadauretamago 2004/2005 KAABGN

16 Kaski 39 5 021 18 06 1 Dovan Puchhar D 50 Kahun Khola Local Mauja Bhalam 2001/2002 SDC

17 Kaski 39 5 027 18 06 1 Chimrung LN 56 Modi Khola Lumle Dangsing 1985/1986

18 Kaski 39 5 027 18 06 2 Birethanti ST 32 Modi Khola Main Lumle Dangsing 1995/1996

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Typ Span Trial Completion Funding

S.N. District Bridge No. River Name e (m) River Name Type VDC in left Bank VDC in Right Bank (FY) (Foreign)
19 Kaski 39 5 027 18 06 3 Nepane Khola D 33 Khola Main Dangsing Dangsing 2005/2006 KAABGN
20 Kaski 39 5 040 18 06 1 Andheri Khola D 69 Khola Local Dhikur Pokhari Dhikur Pokhari 2000/2001 SDC
21 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 3 Chane Khola D 23 Chane Khola Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 1994/1995 KAABGN
Seti Khola
22 Kaski 39 5 033 18 06 1 (Ratopani) D 118 Seti Khola Main Sardikhola Ghachok 2004/2005 KAABGN
23 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 4 Kyuri Khola D 60 Kyuri Khola Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 1995/1996 KAABGN
24 Kaski 39 5 012 18 06 1 Sindi Ko Mukh D 167.3 Khola Main Arba Bijaypur Kalika 2000/2001 SDC
25 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 5 Satkyu Khola D 23.6 Satkyu Khola Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 1995/1996 KAABGN
26 Kaski 39 5 012 18 06 2 Suntike-Bhaise D 93 Madi khola Local Thumakodanda Kalika 2000/2001 SDC
27 Kaski 39 5 001 18 06 2 Makai khola Ghat D 112 Wardi khola Local Mijuredanda Bhachok 2006/2007 SDC
28 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 6 Koronja ST 32 v Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 1997/1998 KAABGN
29 Kaski 39 5 017 18 06 1 Phurse Khola N 79 Khola Main Kristi Nachnechaur 1992/1993
30 Kaski 39 5 001 18 06 3 D 100 Makai Khola Local Bhachok Bhachok 2006/2007 FID
31 Kaski 39 5 029 18 06 7 Siwing D 26 Siwing Khola Local Ghandruk Ghandruk 1997/1998 KAABGN
32 Kaski 39 5 017 18 06 2 Mausuli Khola D 77 Mausuli Kristi Nachnechaur Kristi Nachnechaur 2002/2003 KAABGN
33 Kaski 39 5 003 18 06 2 Tanting Bridge D 81 khola Local Namarjung Namarjung 2006/2007 FID
34 Kaski 39 5 034 18 06 1 Dhab Ghat N 127 Seti Gandaki Main Puranchaur Lahachok 1986/1987
Majuwa khola Majuwa RAIDP+SDC/D
35 Kaski 39 5 028 18 06 1 Bridge D 60 khola Local Dhampus Dhampus 2006/2007 FID
36 Kaski 39 5 035 18 06 1 Mordi Khola N 127 Mordi Khola Main Ribhan Lwangghalel 1986/1987
37 Kaski 39 5 035 18 06 2 Mardibang D 73.5 Mardi khola Local Lwangghalel Lwangghalel 2000/2001 SDC
38 Kaski 39 5 036 18 06 1 Seti Khola D 97 Seti Khola Main Sardikhola Machhapuchhre 2005/2006 KAABGN

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Typ Span Trial VDC in Right Completion Funding

S.N. District Bridge No. River Name e (m) River Name Type VDC in left Bank Bank (FY) (Foreign)
39 Kaski 39 5 013 18 06 1 Madi Khola D 58 Madi Khola Main Saimarang Majhthana 1979/1980
Madi River
40 Kaski 39 5 013 18 06 2 (Bhagavati) D 121.5 Madi River Main Saimarang Majhthana 2004/2005 KAABGN
41 Kaski 39 5 003 18 06 1 Ghyamrang Ghat D 70 Khola Local Namarjung Namarjung 2003/2004 SDC
Phurse/Pardi Pokhara Sub
42 Kaski 39 5 016 18 06 1 Damsadi Ghat D 195.1 khola Main Metropolitan Nirmalpokhari 1999/2000
43 Kaski 39 5 004 18 06 1 Idukhola Ghat D 73 Idu Khola Local Parche Parche 2000/2001 SDC
44 Kaski 39 5 004 18 06 2 Tagimadi Ghat D 108 Madi Khola Local Namarjung Parche 2002/2003 SDC
45 Kaski 39 5 004 18 06 3 Mailakuna D 105 Padku Khola Local Parche Parche 2003/2004 SDC
Pokhara Sub
46 Kaski 39 2 001 18 06 1 Kali Khola N 92 Kali Khola Main Bhalam Metro 1979/1980
47 Kaski 39 2 001 18 06 2 Tulsi Bagaincha D 91 Seti Gandaki Main Pokhara Pokhara 1979/1980
48 Kaski 39 5 018 18 06 1 Chimri Ghat D 68 Bhangere Local Pumdi Bhumdi Pumdi Bhumdi 2000/2001 SDC
49 Kaski 39 5 025 18 06 1 Hemja 15 Local Hyangja Hyangja 1984/1985 KAABGN
Lamjung and Kaski Border
50 Kaski 37 5 035 18 06 2 Rudi Khola D 60 Rudi Khola Main Mijuredanda Pasgaun 1981/1982
51 Kaski 37 5 035 18 06 3 Rudhi Khola D 71.7 Rudhi Khola Local Mijuredanda Pasgaun 1994/1995 SDC
52 Kaski 37 5 035 18 06 4 Rudi Khola Bridge D 43.3 Rudi Khola Local Mijuredanda Pasgaun 2001/2002 SDC
53 Kaski 37 5 035 18 06 5 Tamja Bridge D 37.3 Togo Khola Local Mijuredanda Pasgaun 2004/2005 SDC
Syangja and Kaski Bordar
54 Kaski 41 5 037 18 06 1 Kuling Khola D 73.9 Kuling Khola Local Kahun Kyakmi 2005/2006 KAABGN
Saraundi Khola Saraundi
55 Kaski 41 5 002 18 06 1 Dovan D 80.9 Khola Main Kristi Nachnechaur Taksar 2002/2003 KAABGN
56 Kaski 41 5 047 18 06 1 Hungi Ghat D 228 Kali Gandaki Main Hyangja Tulsi Bhanjyang 1982/1983
57 Kaski 41 5 053 18 06 1 Arghali D 199.6 Kali Gandaki Main Argala Chandibhanjyang 1996/1997

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


Rural transportation mainly deals with providing accessibility abutting people, mechanizing
and commercializing the agriculture, promoting the non-farm sector and providing the
extension and administrative services to the local people. In the context of Nepal, A fixed
point system model is adopted for networking where junctions are confined to a finite set of
location (market, historical location).

5.1 Accessibility Situation

Accessibility comprises use or consumption of the services of available infrastructures as per

the affordability of people. The access gained through improving physical infrastructure
development and complementary activities can bring positive changes on the lifestyles of rural
people. Accessibility has three major elements namely; a) location of individuals, b) location of
supplies of survices or infrastructure to which individuals need access and c) the link to bring
the two together.thus, accessibility implies majority (of users) and proximity (to services)

After collecting all existing roads within the district with GPS machine, all the data collected
from field were transferred into the GIS Map. An attempt was made to assess the accessibility
situation of the district with the help of modelling in GIS. The Kaski district belongs to hill area
so, the area from where people can reach the roadhead of all weather road within 4 hours walk
has been considered as accessibility area and beyond that area considered as inaccessibility
araea. The study reveals that all of the available roads are earthen and fair weather in nature so,
road can be open only during winter season.

5.2 Zone of Influence Area

The zone of influence (ZOI) area of each road has been considered the area within 4 hours
walk distance from left and right of that road.

5.3 Delineation of Accessible Area

By the using Modeling in GIS map, area within 4 walk hour's distance from right and left side
of existing road had been delineated as a accessibility area.

5.4 Accessible Area, Coverage and Population

Accessibility situation of the Kaski .district has been assessed based on serviceability of the
transport linkage i.e. all weather and fair weather type of roads. In Kaski district, except
strategic road, all are fair weather roads. Study reveals that accessibility area can be categorized

70 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

into accessible and partially accessibilbe VDC. Almost the north part of the district is higher
Himallaya range so there are neither settlements nor road accessibility. Table 5.1 shows that
about 44.95 % (907.65 of total area are under accessible area based on serviceability of
all weather raod. Similarly all total area falls under accessible area based on serviceability of all
fair weather roads. Only 16 VDCs have fair weather serviceability situation. The following
table shows the accessibility area, coverage and population.

Table 5.1: Accessible Area, Coverage and Population

Serviceability Accessible % Accessible VDCs/Municipality Partially

area accessible
( VDCs

All 907.65 44.95 Mauja, Valam, Lahachowk, Ghachowk,

weather Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath, Pokhara, Rupakot,
Deurali, Hansapur, Siddha, Bhadauretamagi,
Chapakot, Sarangkot Dhital, Lwanghalel,
Rivan Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur
Arwabijaya, Kanhu, Kalika, Armala, Pumdi
Vumdi, Kristi, Nirmalpokhari, Kaskikot

Fair 1414.32 70.12 All VDCs and Municipality (Parche, Not nesessery
weather Sildujure, Mauja, Valam, Lahachowk, for High
Ghachowk, Machhapuchre, Sardi Khola, Himalaya
Vachowk, Namarjung, Saimarang, Thumako Range
Danda, Bharatpokhari, Lekhnath, Pokhara,
Rupakot, Deurali, Hansapur, Thumki,
Siddha, Bhadauretamagi, Chapakot,
Sarangkot Dhital, Lwanghalel, Rivan
Lamachaur, Hemja, Purunchaur Arwabijaya,
Kanhu, Kalika, Armala, Pumdi Vumdi,
Kristi, Nirmalpokhari, Shidda, Dhampus,
Machhapuchchhare, Dansing, Ghandruk,

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

5.5 Delineation of inaccessible Area

After delineating the accessible areas, the un-served areas which are beyond the Zol (as per
national transport policy) is taken as inaccessible area. The planning team proposes the road
network for the inaccessible area delineated by the Zol analysis.

5.6 Inaccessible Area, Coverage and Population

Table 5.2 shows that about 29.88 % (602.68 of total area are found inaccessible in the
case of fair weather serviceability of raod. All VDC is accessible and the upper or North part
of the district is inaccessible due to high altitude and high Himalaya range. The following table
shows the accessibility area, coverage and population.

Table 5.2: Inaccessible Area and Coverage

Serviciabilit Inaccessible area Percentag Inaccessible VDCs

yAll weather (
602.68 e29.88 %
Fair weather

5.7 Network planning in-inaccessible Area

After deleanating inaccessibility area, preliminary road network have been prepared based on
the nodal points/market centres and national transport policy of 4 hours i.e. from each
settlement, people should reach to the road head of all weather road within 4 hours walk
distance, the preliminary road network have been presented in DTICC meeting and Cluster of
Illaka level workshop and indepth discussion were made and finalized the road network for
that inaccessible area. Based on the requirement, following transport linkages with required
intervention have been proposed for district road network. In the case of the Kaski district
there is no inaccessible area where settlement and Cultivated land.

72 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


6.1 Perspective Plan of District Rural Road Networks

The DTPP has a perspective of 20 years. The DTPP is revised every five years when a new
DTMP is prepared according to the rolling plan system.

6.2 Scoring system for prioritisation of Rural Roads Class A and Class B for
The following criteria are proposed for prioritisation of District and Village Roads for Upgradig.
Table 6.1: Scoring System for Prioritisation for Upgrading

S.N Criteria Scoring Unit Score

1 Traffic Unit cost /TU 70

2 Cost Cost /km 20
3 Market /Service centre Centrality Index 10

Total 100

Parameters for Prioritization for New Linkage

Traffic Unit

Information of traffic data has been collected from field data. Cost estimate was based on
the data collected during the walkover survey for inventory of existing road. Unit cost has
been calculated on the basis of district approved rate for labour and materials. The volume
and type of traffic movements is the major indicator for assessing the relative importance
of existing road links. However, since most of the roads being considered for
rehabilitation/upgrading are fair weather earthen roads that are in a poor state or closed to
traffic, the conduct of a traffic census is usually not effective in providing the data
required. Instead, the data on traffic movement is gathered from RRA and discussions with
key individuals within the road corridor and at district and village level. Scores are
awarded on the basis of the estimated traffic volumes on each of the roads being
considered for rehabilitation. In accordance with traffic coefficients given in DoLIDAR's
"Approach for the Development of Rural and Agricultural Roads", large trucks (more than
10 tones carrying capacity) and buses (Over 40 passengers) are given a weight of 4.0, small
trucks (up to 10 tones carrying capacity) and buses (up to 40 passengers) are given 3.0 and
tractors.-(4W towed trailers) are given a weight of 3.0, cars and pick-ups, light-vans, jeeps
are given a weight of 1.0.

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

The road having the highest beneficiaries population per investment cost is given highest
score i.e. 70. The scoring of the individual District Road A and B based on traffic unit is
given in annex. -

Cost estimate is based on the data collected during the walkover survey for inventory of
existing road. Unit costs are calculated on the basis of district approved rate for labour and
materials. The linkage having the lowest per km cost get the highest score i.e. 20. The scoring
of the individual District Road A and B based on cost is given in annex.
Market/Service Centres

Market Survey is carried out to identify market and service centre. Data and information
collected in the field is the main basis for determining the importance on relative importance of
market/service centre and central places. For evaluation purpose, data of offices, industry,
business & commerce, education, and health, are combined for the centre and its influence area.
Assessment of economic facilities and services existing in the market/service centres and their
catchments areas leads to the identification of the most important market/service centre. All
proposed roads scores based on centrality index of market /service centre by using same
calculation method. The linkage having the lowest per km cost get the highest score i.e. 10. The
scoring of the individual District Road A and B based on centrality index is given in annex.

The total scoring of all parameters per road corridor for prioritization of District Road A and B
for Upgrading have been compiled in Table 6.2 and 6.3 respecticely as following.

6.3 Prioritized Existing Transport Linkages for Upgrading

6.3.1 Prioritised List of District Road 'A' and 'B' For Upgrading to Black Top and Gravel
(All Weather)

Based on socio-technical analysis and techno-political interface during the several field
level and district level meetings during the field level study, it has been proposed that 18
numers of district A type and 7 numbers in B type of roads need to upgrade to Black Top.
These entire eighteen roads have been taken in long tern pespspective plan. About 168.83
km length of road would be upgraded to Black Top. Similarly 16 roads which are earthen
and their serviceability is fair-weather type, have been proposed for upgrading to gravel to
bring these road upto all weather condition. The details are given in below table 6.2 and

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 6.2:-Prioritized District Road A for 20 Year DTPP for Upgrading to Blacktop all weather
Parameter Used for the Priorisation of Road
Corridors and their corresponding Scores
Targeted Traffic Market/
Total Length of Road Volume Service Total
DTMP Length for Upgrading per cost centre Cost Score Priority
S.N. Code No. Road Name (K.M.) to Blacktop km (70) (10) (20) (100) Rank
1 40A001R Begnash-Bhorletar Raod 24.17 21.35 70.00 12.74 2.31 85.05 1
2 40A002R Rakhi-Mijure Road 19.77 10 62.43 18.45 2.30 83.17 2
3 40A003R Lamachaur-Machhapuchre Road 16 54.18 20.00 2.86 77.04 3
4 40A004R Kahu-Dudhpokhari Road 37.32 37.32 59.05 13.26 3.28 75.59 4
5 40A005R Baidam-Pame-Ghatichina- Sidane Road 21.1 14.76 43.65 16.25 10.00 69.90 5
6 40A006R Sisuwa-Polangtar Road 25.2 18.1 47.77 13.43 4.58 65.79 6
7 40A007R Birethati-Chane Tourism Road 6.39 6.39 58.78 2.53 2.22 63.53 7
8 40A008R Bharatpokharai 22.5 21.7 43.18 13.71 6.10 63.00 8
9 40A009R Hemja-Khanepanimuhan- Ghalel Road 15.37 14.52 49.13 10.26 2.13 61.51 9
10 40A010R Saatmuhane-Rupakot-Thumki Road 23.09 23.09 39.77 15.11 2.31 57.19 10
11 40A011R Dobilla- Bagmara Road 12.19 12.19 37.74 17.73 0.10 55.58 11
12 40A012R Naudada-Kaskikot-Sarangkot 12.5 12.5 29.98 13.32 5.25 48.56 12
13 40A013R Kaseri-Bhainse-Thumakodada Road 17.36 17.36 34.51 10.54 0.77 45.81 13
14 40A014R Nayapul-Birethati-Tikhethundga Road 7.5 4.35 41.57 4.03 0.05 45.65 14
15 40A016R Melbot-Dhital-Dhampus Road 14 14 11.01 10.67 4.11 25.78 16
16 40A017R Kahu Khola - Arba - Mauja Road 15.34 15.34 5.60 13.63 2.62 21.86 17
17 40A018R Kande-Bhadaure-Salyan Road 10.88 10.88 0.05 18.45 0.68 19.19 18
18 40A019R Fulbari-Kahu Tower Tourism Raod 5.5 5.5 2.77 14.59 1.11 18.47 19
Baglung Buspark- Sarangkot-Dhikurpokhari
19 40A020R Raod 14 14 0.06 10.67 2.42 13.15 20

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 6.3:-Prioritized District Road A for 20 Year DTPP for Upgrading to Gravel
Parameter Used for the Priorisation of Road Corridors and
their corresponding Scores
Targeted Length Traffic Market/
Total of Road for Volume Service Total
DTMP Length Upgrading to per cost centre Cost Score
S.N. Code No. Road Name (K.M.) Gravel km (70) (10) (20) (100) Priority Rank
1 40A015R Kaure-Jyamdung-Tanting Road 15.5 6.7 22.72 2.91 0.55 26.18 15

Table 6.4:-Prioritized District Road B for 20 Year DTPP for Upgrading to Black Top all weather
Parameter Used for the Priorisation of Road Corridors
and their corresponding Scores
Traffic Market/
Total Targeted Length of Volume Service Total
DTMP Code Length Road for Upgrading per cost centre Cost Score Priority
S.N. No. Road Name (K.M.) to BT km (70) (10) (20) (100) Rank
1 40B001R Ulleri-Kuvinde Road 18.3 18.3 70.00 15.38 10.00 95.38 1
Mahendra Gufa-Armalakot-Aatighar
2 40B002R Mauja Road 13.06 12.26 69.36 11.02 2.68 83.06 2
4 40B003R Road 11 11 44.79 20.00 1.08 65.87 3

3 40B004R Fursekhola-Ramdi-Matthikhan Road 9.7 9.6 52.44 10.81 0.90 64.14 4

5 40B009R Road 12.57 12.57 6.12 18.77 1.63 26.52 9

6 40B012R RaniPauwa-Bhalam-Batulechaur 6 4.2 7.25 15.08 1.52 23.86 12

Ghatte Khola- Khani Gau- Dhampus
7 40B018R Road 13 12 7.20 8.15 0.05 15.39 18

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 6.5:-Prioritized District Road B for 20 Year DTPP for Upgrading to Gravel all weather
Parameter Used for the Priorisation of Road Corridors
and their corresponding Scores
Targeted Market/
Total Length of Road Traffic Service Total
DTMP Code Length for Upgrading Volume per centre Cost Score Priority
S.N. No. Road Name (K.M.) to Gravel km cost (70) (10) (20) (100) Rank
1 40B005R Chisapani - Sigarebash - Danlin 12 12 32.48 18.09 1.63 52.20 5

2 40B006R Saurya-Lippani-Ramkot-Hanshpur-Thulabesi 22.87 22.87 26.94 14.19 2.11 43.24 6

3 40B007R Bhalam-Ryalechaur-Mauja Bisauna Road 6.19 6.19 12.69 15.64 0.57 28.89 7
4 40B008R Sagrabash -Kyolene -Madhbesi Road 6 6 13.48 11.48 2.10 27.06 8

5 40B010R Ghatichina - Makawanpur - Bhanjyang Road 12 12 11.36 9.07 5.22 25.65 10

6 40B011R Talbesi - Lippani - Chamare Odar Road 11 11 13.56 10.16 1.73 25.45 11
7 40B013R Gahatedada-Lamakhet-Mauja Road 12.05 12.05 14.26 9.17 0.17 23.60 13
8 40B014R Gairepokhari-Khalte-Shisaghat 7.71 7.71 12.97 9.73 0.79 23.49 14

9 40B015R Lumle-Chandrakot-Tanchowk-Landruk Road 16 16 12.21 10.57 0.61 23.40 15

10 40B016R Pulchowk-Sishaghat 7.5 6.13 8.67 13.88 0.69 23.24 16
11 40B017R Road 14.34 14.34 7.82 10.48 1.06 19.36 17
12 40B019R Thumsikot-Bhachowk Road 9.26 9.26 4.99 9.75 0.21 14.94 19
13 40B021R Milanchowk-Bhagwatitar-Saimarang Road 6.97 6.97 10.51 3.74 0.08 14.33 21
14 40B022R Chorepatan-Khalse-Kubinde Road 8.84 8.04 2.11 4.56 7.15 13.82 22

15 40B023R Naudada- AdhakariDada- KarkiTahara Road 11.5 11.5 7.96 4.89 0.43 13.28 23

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


7.0 First Five-Year District Transport Master Plan

The first five-year District Transport Master Plan, District Transport Master Plan
(DTMP) is prepared based on projected financial plan and prioritized transport linkages to
indicate the year-wise target various categories of interventions is prepared and main trail
(bridge only) for new construction.

7.1 Five Year Projected Financial Plan

The first five-year projected financial plan is prepared by considering all possible
funding sources mainly DDC development grant, VDC's allocation, DDC's own
resources, DoLIDAR support, GON's Grant and support from other donor agencies.
This is project base on existing trend of funding.
Table 7.1 Possible Funding (Roads) for coming five years budget
Projected Financial Plan for Roads NRs.'000

Fiscal Year Remarks

S.N. Source of Budget 067/68 068/69 069/70 070/71 071/72
15 % Increase
1 MLD's Grant 35000.00 40250.00 46287.50 53230.63 61215.22 each year
DDC Fund (Internal 15 % Increase
2 Budget) 35000.00 40250.00 46287.50 53230.63 61215.22 each year
Agrculture Road grant 15 % Increase
3 (DTMP Road) 25000.00 28750.00 33062.50 38021.88 43725.16 each year
15 % Increase
4 Road Board 5000.00 5750.00 6612.50 7604.38 8745.03 each year
15 % Increase
5 LGCDP 15000.00 17250.00 19837.50 22813.13 26235.09 each year
15 % Increase
6 RAIDP 60000.00 69000.00 79350.00 91252.50 104940.38 each year
Total 175000.00 201250.00 231437.50 266153.13 306076.09
For New Road Construction
if Required 10000.00 11500.00 13225.00 15208.75 17490.06
Budget for Upgrading and
Maintenance 165000.00 189750.00 218212.50 250944.38 288586.03
Grand Total 1112492.91

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 7.2 Projected Financial Plans for Trail Bridges NRs.

Projected Financial Plan for Trail Bridge

Fiscal Routine Major New Construction
S.N. Year Maintentance Maintentance Bridges Remarks
1 067/68 50000 5000000
2 068/69 60000 5000000
3 069/70 72000 5000000
4 070/71 86000 5000000 New
5 071/72 100000 5000000
is founded by
Total 368000 25000000 TBSS
Grand Total 25368000

7.2 Sharing of Budget

The annual budget available for the development of transportation sector in this district will
be shared for various intervention new construction, maintenance and rehabilitation and
further divided into district road and village/agriculture road. As per local situation of the
district, the sharing of fund will be done as per chart given below.

Sharing of Budget
Total Annual Budget
Nrs, 000
Gravel Road Blacktop Road
Maintenance to Upgrading to Upgrading to Maintenance to
Gravel Gravel Blacktop Blacktop
6.95% 46.35% 40.61% 6.21%
82626.53 550843.50 482612.00 73849.13

District District District District District District District District

Road A Road B Road A Road B Road A Road B Road A Road B
42.98% 57.02% 42.98% 57.02% 73.59% 26.41% 72.14% 25.89%
35511.6 47114.925 236744 314099.5 355162 127450 53274.3 19117.5

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

7.3 Year Wise Sharing of Budget

Table 7.3 Year Wise Sharing of Budget for Roads

Total Budget (NRs. In '000) and percentage for upgrading and Maintenance to
Gravel and Blacktop
Maintenance to Upgrading to Maintenance to Upgrading to
Gravel Gravel Blacktop Blacktop
Fiscal Budget
S.N. Year (NRs) Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 068/69 176032.80 13716 7.79% 91440 51.94% 9244.8 5.25% 61632 35.01%
2 069/70 204717.83 14079.8 6.88% 93865.5 45.85% 14079.83 6.88% 84150 41.11%
3 070/71 232403.50 16693.5 7.18% 111290 47.89% 13620 5.86% 90800 39.07%
4 071/72 267315.20 16432.2 6.15% 109548 40.98% 18435 6.90% 122900 45.98%
5 072/73 308004.50 21705 7.05% 144700 46.98% 18469.5 6.00% 123130 39.98%
Total 1188473.83 82626.53 6.95% 550843.50 46.35% 73849.13 6.21% 482612.00 40.61%

7.4 Year Wise Targets

Table 7.4 Year Wise Targets of Roads

Road Category
District Road A Km District Road B km
Rehabilitation/ Maintenance/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance/
Upgrading to Upgrading to Upgrading to Upgrading to
S.N. Fiscal Year Gravel Blacktop Gravel Blacktop
1 067/68 26.50 23.69 49.70 2.00
2 068/69 23.53 28.50 46.00 2.20
3 069/70 22.27 32.00 49.53 0.00
4 070/71 27.00 30.10 33.86 8.50
5 071/72 45.02 13.35 27.32 22.50
Total Km 144.32 127.64 206.41 35.20
Grand Total Km 271.96 241.61

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District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

7.5 Year Wise Target for Trail Bridge

Year Year Wise Target

Routine Maintenance New Construction Bridge

Number of Bridges Number of Bridges

067/68 7 2

068/69 8 2

069/70 12 2

070/71 15 2

071/72 15 2

Total 57 10

According to the projected financial plan, year-wise physical targets are set as follows

Table 7.6 Year-wise physical targets for Upgrading and Maintenance to Black Top

2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs
in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000
Class of





S. Transport
N. Linkage
Class A 28 30. 13.
1 Blacktop 56032 23.69 77550 .5 90800 32 93150 1 37630 35 355162 143.64
Class B 2. 22.
2 Blacktop 5600 2 6600 2 0 0 29750 8.5 85500 5 127450 35.2
Class A
Blacktop 8404. 11632 13972 5644.
3 Maintenance 8 .5 13620 .5 5 53274.3
Class B
Blacktop 4462.
4 Maintenance 840 990 0 5 12825 19117.5

81 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 7.7 Year-wise physical targets for rehabilition/Upgrading to Gravel

2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Budget Nrs
Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs

Budget Nrs
in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000

in '000
Class of






S.N. Linkage
Class A 26. 31765 34518 22. 45. 144.3
1 Gravel 31800 5 .5 23.53 .5 27 48600 27 90060 02 236744 2
Class B 49. 76771 49. 33. 27. 314099 206.4
2 Gravel 59640 7 62100 46 .5 53 60948 86 54640 32 .5 1
Class A
Gravel 4764. 5177. 35511.
3 Maintenance 4770 82 77 7290 13509 6
Class B
Gravel 11515 9142. 47114.
4 Maintenance 8946 9315 .73 2 8196 93

82 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

7.4 Prioritized Transportation Linkages for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP)

7.4.1 Prioritized District Roads A for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP)

Table 7.8 Investment Plan for Prioritized Distrivt Road A for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP) for Upgrading to Blacktop

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to BT km
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Source of Funding
Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000






N. Code No. Road Name
Begnash-Bhorletar DP/MoLP
1 40A001R Raod 24.17 21.35 5600 2.00 6000 2.00 6600 2.00 21000 6.00 35530 9.35 74730 21.35 Fund
2 40A002R Rakhi-Mijure Road 19.77 400 4.00 450 3.00 1000 5.00 1000 4.00 1200 4.00 4050 20.00 nce
Lamachaur- Only
Machhapuchre Maintena
3 40A003R Road 16.00 500 600 700 800 900 3500 16.00 nce

4 40A004R Road 37.32 3.00 10500 3.00 10500 3.00 RAIDP
Ghatichina- DDC/LGC
Damdame-Sidane DP/MoLP
5 40A005R Road 21.10 5.00 6600 2.00 10500 3.00 17100 5.00 Fund
Sisuwa-Polangtar DP/MoLP
6 40A006R Road 25.20 9.10 5600 2.00 6000 2.00 6600 2.00 10850 3.10 29050 9.10 Fund

83 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to BT km
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding





N. Code No. Road Name
7 40A008R Bharatpokharai 22.50 7.00 9000 3.00 13200 4.00 22200 RAIDP 7.00
Hemja- DDC/LGC
Khanepanimuhan- DP/MoLP
8 40A009R Lumre-Ghalel Road 15.37 5.00 9000 3.00 6600 2.00 15600 5.00 Fund
Saatmuhane- DDC/LGC
Rupakot-Thumki DP/MoLP
9 40A010R Road 23.09 10.00 6000 2.00 9900 3.00 17500 5.00 33400 10.00 Fund

Dobilla- Bagmara
10 40A011R Road 12.19 4.19 11732 4.19 11732 4.19 RAIDP
11 40A012R Sarangkot 12.50 12.50 11200 4.00 25500 8.50 36700 12.50 RAIDP
Kaseri-Bhainse- DDC/LGC
Thumakodada DP/MoLP
12 40A013R Road 17.36 5.00 9900 3.00 7000 2.00 16900 5.00 Fund

Nayapul-Birethati- DP/MoLP
13 40A014R Tikhethundga Road 7.50 2.00 5600 2.00 5600 2.00 Fund
Melbot-Dhital- DP/MoLP
14 40A016R Dhampus Road 14.00 4.00 13200 4.00 13200 4.00 Fund

84 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to BT km
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding





N. Code No. Road Name
Kahu Khola - Arba - DP/MoLP
15 40A017R Mauja Road 15.34 5.00 16500 5.00 16500 5.00 Fund
Kande-Bhadaure- DP/MoLP
16 40A018R Salyan Road 10.88 5.00 15000 5.00 15000 5.00 Fund
Fulbari-Kahu DDC/LGC
Tower Tourism DP/MoLP
17 40A019R Raod 5.50 5.50 15400 5.50 15400 5.50 Fund
Baglung Buspark-
Sarangkot- DDC/LGC
Dhikurpokhari DP/MoLP
18 40A020R Raod 14.00 4.00 14000 4.00 14000 4.00 Fund
Required Budget and Target Length 313.7 107.6 56032 23.6 77550 28.5 90800 32.0 93150 30.1 37630 13.3 35516 143.6
(km) 9 4 .00 9 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 5 2.00 4
Total likely Available Budget and Targated 107.6 55703 23.6 76236 28.5 90422 32.0 92745 30.1 37394 13.3 35250 143.6
Length 4 .26 9 .34 0 .58 0 .06 0 .40 5 1.64 4

85 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 7.9 Investment Plan for Prioritized Distrivt Road A for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP) for Upgrading to Gravel

Targeted Length of Road for

2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Upgrading to Gravel km
Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding
S. Code






N. No. Road Name
Kahu-Dudhpokhari DDC/LGCDP/
1 40A004R Road 37.32 30.32 4200 3.50 4050 3.00 4650 3.00 19800 11.00 19640 9.82 52340 30.32 MoLP Fund
Damdame-Sidane 3415. 8215. DDC/LGCDP/
2 40A005R Road 21.10 6.53 4800 4.00 50 2.53 50 6.53 MoLP Fund
Sisuwa-Polangtar DDC/LGCDP/
3 40A006R Road 25.20 9.00 18009 9.00 18009 9.00 MoLP Fund
Birethati-Chane 3704. 8804. DDC/LGCDP/
4 40A007R Tourism Road 6.39 6.39 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 50 2.39 50 6.39 MoLP Fund
Nirmalpokhari- DDC/LGCDP/
5 40A008R Bharatpokharai Road 22.50 7.50 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 2700 1.50 10900 7.50 MoLP Fund
Khanepanimuhan- DDC/LGCDP/
6 40A009R Lumre-Ghalel Road 15.37 5.00 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 1550 1.00 6650 5.00 MoLP Fund
Rupakot-Thumki 11.0 DDC/LGCDP/
7 40A010R Road 23.09 11.00 22011 0 22011 11.00 MoLP Fund

86 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road for

2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Upgrading to Gravel km
Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding
S. Code






N. No. Road Name
Kaseri-Bhainse- DDC/LGCDP/
8 40A013R Thumakodada Road 17.36 12.36 3600 3.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 5400 3.00 4720 2.36 19520 12.36 MoLP Fund

Nayapul-Birethati- DDC/LGCDP/
9 40A014R Tikhethundga Road 7.50 5.50 3100 2.00 4500 2.50 7600 4.50 MoLP Fund
Kaure-Jyamdung- DDC/LGCDP/
10 40A015R Tanting Road 15.50 15.50 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 5400 3.00 13000 6.50 26600 15.50 MoLP Fund
Melbot-Dhital- DDC/LGCDP/
11 40A016R Dhampus Road 14.00 10.00 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 3600 2.00 4000 2.00 15800 10.00 MoLP Fund
Kahu Khola - Arba - DDC/LGCDP/
12 40A017R Mauja Road 15.34 10.34 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 3600 2.00 4680 2.34 16480 10.34 MoLP Fund
Kande-Bhadaure- DDC/LGCDP/
13 40A018R Salyan Road 10.88 5.88 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 2914 1.88 8014 5.88 MoLP Fund
Baglung Buspark-
Sarangkot- DDC/LGCDP/
14 40A020R Dhikurpokhari Road 14.00 10.00 2400 2.00 2700 2.00 3100 2.00 3600 2.00 4000 2.00 15800 10.00 MoLP Fund
Required Budget and Target Length 3180 26.5 3176 23.5 3451 22.2 45.0 23674 144.3
(km) 245.55 145.32 0 0 5.50 3 8.50 7 48600 27.00 90060 2 4 2
Total likely Available Budget and Targated 3161 26.5 3122 23.5 3437 22.2 48388 89496 45.0 23510 144.3
Length 145.32 3.43 0 7.41 3 5.02 7 .73 27.00 .14 2 0.72 2

87 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

7.4.2 Prioritized District Roads A for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP)

Table 7.10 Investment Plan for Prioritized Distrivt Road B for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP) for Upgrading to Blacktop

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to BT km

Source of Funding
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000






N. Code No. Road Name
Shantistupa-Bhumdi- DDC/LGCDP/
1 40B001R Ulleri-Kuvinde Road 18.30 5 19000 5 19000 5 MoLP Fund
Mahendra Gufa-
Armalakot-Aatighar DDC/LGCDP/
2 40B002R Mauja Road 13.06 4 7000 2 7600 2 14600 4 MoLP Fund
Lahachowk- DDC/LGCDP/
4 40B003R Machhapuchre Road 11.00 3 11400 3 11400 3 MoLP Fund
Fursekhola-Ramdi- DDC/LGCDP/
3 40B004R Matthikhan Road 9.70 3 11400 3 11400 3 MoLP Fund
Rivan-Saideghatta DDC/LGCDP/
5 40B009R Road 12.57 4 7000 2 7600 2 14600 4 MoLP Fund
RaniPauwa-Bhalam- DDC/LGCDP/
6 40B012R Batulechaur Road 6.00 4.2 5600 2 6600 2.2 12200 4.2 MoLP Fund
Ghatte Khola- Khani DDC/LGCDP/
7 40B017R Gau- Dhampus Road 13.00 6.5 10500 3 13300 3.5 23800 6.5 MoLP Fund

88 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to BT km

Source of Funding
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000






N. Code No. Road Name
Tanchowk-Landruk DDC/LGCDP/
8 40B021R Road 16.00 4 15200 4 15200 4 MoLP Fund
Chorepatan-Khalse- DDC/LGCDP/
9 40B022R Kubinde Road 8.84 1.5 5250 1.5 5250 1.5 MoLP Fund
Required Budget and Target Length 108.4 12745
(km) 7 35.2 5600 2 6600 2.2 0 0 29750 8.5 85500 22.5 0 35.2
Total likely Available Budget and Targated 5567. 6488. 29620 84964 12664
Length 35.2 144 2 199 2.2 0 0 .67 8.5 .69 22.5 0.7 35.2

89 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 7.11 Investment Plan for Prioritized Distrivt Road B for the First Five Year Plan (DTMP) for Upgrading to Gravel

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to Gravel
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding






N. Code No. Road Name
Bhumdi-Ulleri- DDC/LGCDP/
1 40B001R Kuvinde Road 18.30 8.1 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 3780 2.1 11980 8.1 MoLP Fund
Mahendra Gufa-
Armalakot-Aatighar DDC/LGCDP/
2 40B002R Mauja Road 13.06 9.06 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 3600 2 2120 1.06 13920 9.06 MoLP Fund
Lahachowk- DDC/LGCDP/
3 40B003R Machhapuchre Road 11.00 8 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 3600 2 11800 8 MoLP Fund
Fursekhola-Ramdi- DDC/LGCDP/
4 40B004R Matthikhan Road 9.70 6.7 5640 4.7 2700 2 8340 6.7 MoLP Fund
Chisapani - DDC/LGCDP/
5 40B005R Sigarebash - Danlin 12.00 12 3600 3 4050 3 4650 3 5400 3 17700 12 MoLP Fund
Ramkot-Hanshpur- DDC/LGCDP/
6 40B006R Thulabesi 22.87 20.87 3600 3 4050 3 7750 5 5400 3 13740 6.87 34540 20.87 MoLP Fund
Bhalam-Ryalechaur- 1999. DDC/LGCDP/
7 40B007R Mauja Bisauna Road 6.19 5.29 2400 2 2700 2 5 1.29 7099.5 5.29 MoLP Fund
Sagrabash -Kyolene DDC/LGCDP/
8 40B008R -Madhbesi Road 6.00 6 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 8200 6 MoLP Fund

90 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to Gravel
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding






N. Code No. Road Name
Samibagar-Rivan- 5533. 11833. DDC/LGCDP/
9 40B009R Saideghatta Road 12.57 8.57 3600 3 2700 2 5 3.57 5 8.57 MoLP Fund
Ghatichina -
Makawanpur - DDC/LGCDP/
10 40B010R Bhanjyang Road 12.00 12 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 5400 3 6000 3 19600 12 MoLP Fund
Talbesi - Lippani - DDC/LGCDP/
11 40B011R Chamare Odar Road 11.00 11 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 3600 2 6000 3 17800 11 MoLP Fund
Lamakhet-Mauja DDC/LGCDP/
12 40B013R Road 12.05 11.55 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 5400 3 5100 2.55 18700 11.55 MoLP Fund
Gairepokhari-Khalte- 3642. DDC/LGCDP/
13 40B014R Shisaghat Road 7.71 6.35 2400 2 2700 2 5 2.35 8742.5 6.35 MoLP Fund
Pulchowk-Sishaghat DDC/LGCDP/
14 40B015R Road 7.50 7.5 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 2700 1.5 10900 7.5 MoLP Fund
Mugrebesi-Gorge- DDC/LGCDP/
15 40B016R Mijuredada Road 14.34 14.34 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 7200 4 8680 4.34 24080 14.34 MoLP Fund
Ghatte Khola- Khani DDC/LGCDP/
16 40B017R Gau- Dhampus Road 13.00 5.5 2400 2 2700 2 2325 1.5 7425 5.5 MoLP Fund
Thumsikot- DDC/LGCDP/
17 40B018R Bhachowk Road 9.26 9.26 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 5868 3.26 14068 9.26 MoLP Fund

91 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Targeted Length of Road

for Upgrading to Gravel
2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 Total

Total Length (K.M.)

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Budget Nrs in '000

Source of Funding






N. Code No. Road Name
GhahateDada- 5130. 10230. DDC/LGCDP/
18 40B019R Mijuredada 7.31 7.31 2400 2 2700 2 5 3.31 5 7.31 MoLP Fund
Bhagwatitar- 4603. DDC/LGCDP/
19 40B020R Saimarang Road 6.97 6.97 2400 2 2700 2 5 2.97 9703.5 6.97 MoLP Fund
Tanchowk-Landruk DDC/LGCDP/
20 40B021R Road 16.00 12 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 3600 2 8000 4 19800 12 MoLP Fund
Chorepatan-Khalse- DDC/LGCDP/
21 40B022R Kubinde Road 8.84 6.54 2400 2 2700 2 3937 2.54 9037 6.54 MoLP Fund
AdhakariDada- DDC/LGCDP/
22 40B023R KarkiTahara Road 11.50 11.5 2400 2 2700 2 3100 2 5400 3 5000 2.5 18600 11.5 MoLP Fund
Required Budget and Target Length 249.1 5964 6210 7677 49.5 27.3 314099 206.4
(km) 7 206.41 0 49.7 0 46 1.5 3 60948 33.86 54640 2 .5 1
Total likely Available Budget and Targated 5929 6104 7645 49.5 60683 54297 27.3 311771 206.4
Length 206.41 0.09 49.7 8.05 46 2.39 3 .05 33.86 .9 2 .5 1

92 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District

Table 7.12 List of prioritized Motorable Bridge

S.N. Bridge Location Road Name Left VDC Right VDC Remarks
1 Madi Nadi Thumsikot Rakhi-Mijure Road Majhthana Bhachowk
2 Seti Nadi Lamachaur- Sardikhola Machhapuchhre
Bridge Machhapuchhre
3 Bijayapur Kahu Khola- Kalika Kaseri
Khola Dudhpokhari Road
4 Ghatichina Ghatichina Baidam-Pame- Bhadaure Tamagi Chapakot
Bridge Ghatichina-Sidane
5 Idi Khola Khorako Mukh Hemja-Khanepani Lwanghalele dhital
Bridge Muhan-Lumre-
6 Seti Nadi Pashupati Dobilla-Bagmara Lekhnath N.P. Bharatpokhari
Bridge Ghat Road
7 Madi Nadi Bhainse Kaseri-Bhainse- Thumakodada Bhainse
Bridge Thumakodada
8 Madi Nadi Jyamdung Kaure-Jyamdung- Sildajure Namarjung/
Bridge Tanting Road Thumakodada
9 Madi Nadi Bhagwatitar Milanchowk- Saimarang Majhthana
Bridge Bhagwatitar-
Saimarang Road
10 Damsadi Pokhara N.P. Nirmalpokhari
11 Seti Nadi Puranchaur Ghachowk

93 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate
District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) of Kaski District


Rural transport infrastructure is most crucial for socio-economic development of district. DDC
should give more emphasis on resource collection and efficient mobilization. This DTMP will guide
for this. The DTMP is the result of studies considering socio-economic, environmental analysis and
potentially of various sectors as well as accessibility to the transport facilities in the district, which
will draw the future scenario of the district and rural road development. DTMP focus on existing
transportation situation, expected future road network accessibility and socio-economic benefits. It
provides directives on ulitization of the local resources by local institutions well as other
development agencies in line with the decentralized and local self -government act. In addition, it
will provide Government and other donor agencies a rational basis on which to decide on future
investments efficiently that will improve district transport accessibility situation.

The proposed interventions are reflection of the requirement of DDC to improve accessibility of
people on goods and services and planned on current trend of financial resource availability. The
study is only concerned within the district boundary but due consideration is given to the nearest
road head and the inter district linkages as well. National Strategic Road/Feeder
Roads/Municipality Roads are not considered in DTMP.

Construction of road linking district headquarters with national strategic road is major concern of
Kaski district. The main problem of the district is difficult geographical situa tion requiring huge
financial resource for its infrastructure development. Rational planning and proper implementation
are two sides of coin; negligence in one part will make other meaningless effort. DDC should stop
current ad-hoc practices of investing in roads on short-term consideration.

It is strongly recommended that every local institution especially DDC shall strictly follow the DTMP
after receiving approval from the District council, in particularly the Perspective Plan of District
Road Network in deciding in the sub-projects to be undertaken for development for future even
beyond the fifth year evaluating the previous planning. DDC should go ahead with required
revisions if the district development potentials have changed tremendously.

Construction Approach

District and rural road construction approach is recommended for labour based environmental
friendly participatory (LEP) approach. Green Roads construction method is based on LEP approach
which aims to optimize the amount of cut slope necessary b y balancing the amount of material fill
required. Fill material is disposed of in layers “tipping areas”, adjacent to the roads on the valley
side. Fill material is disposed of in layers on the valley side and were necessary dry stone retaining
structures over 3 meters high. Fill material is protected by terracing and re-vegetation programs. In
areas where large cuts are unavoidable and it is uneconomical to transport the cut for long
distance, surplus material is disposed of over the valley side. However, dry stone check dams or
breast walls are built at intervals down the slope to retain this material. Terraces are used to
stabilize the fill and the slopes are planted during the monsoon season.

94 | P a g e SITARA Jv Technocrate

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