Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHZ For
Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHZ For
Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHZ For
Abstract. In this paper, the Rectangular Patch Antennas are designed and their performance
parameters such as return loss, voltage standing wave ratio, gain, and radiation pattern have been
calculated and compared. Design frequency is 2.4 GHz, the copper-coated substrate material is
FR-4 Epoxy having dielectric constant ε=4.4 and thickness is 1.5 mm. The feeding technique,
used in MSA is Microstrip 50 Ω feed line. Using a parametric study found that the proposed
antenna design will be useful for ISM band applications like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
Keywords. Rectangular Patch, Return Loss, copper-coated Substrate, Microstrip, ISM Band.
1. Introduction
Microstrip Patch Antenna (MSA) is one of the most favoured antenna structures because of its ease of
fabrication and have many applications in wireless communication. They are very useful nowadays
because they are directly printed onto the circuit boards. In this paper, FR- 4 Epoxy material is used as
a substrate. The MSA (Microstrip Patch Antenna) is widely used nowadays because of its various
advantage but it also has some disadvantages but due to its various advantages, it surpasses its
disadvantages. These are some advantages of MSA: -
a) Light Weight
b) Low Profile
c) Capable of dual and triple frequency operation.
It also has some drawbacks like low gain, low bandwidth. To overcome this type of disadvantage, in
this paper authors made plenty of types of Microstrip antennas. Accordingly, in present paper, first a
MSA is designed with a single layer of a substrate, then calculated its parameter like return loss, voltage
standing wave ratio, gain, and directivity. Secondly, another MSA with two layers of a substrate is
designed in which the second layer was stacked over the first substrate of the same material. Thirdly,
the diagonal slots are cut on the MSA, and in final attempt slots are also cut at all the corners on the
MSA, and then comparison has been made between performance parameters of the antennas. The motive
of paper is to meet increasing demands of wireless communication in various applications. The main
objective behind this research work is to: -
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ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
All the dimension of designed parameters of MSA is shown above in Table 1. The figure beneath shows
a structure of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna. It consists of a dielectric substrate (FR-4), patch,
and ground plane.[1]
In this paper, the ground is located at the co-ordinate on (22.04, -18.7, -1.5), and the substrate is located
over a ground plane having a co-ordinate on (-25,19.78,0). Now, a patch is positioned at the co-ordinate
on (-19.02, -14.74,0). However, the proposed antennas are fed with the microstrip line feeding
technique, which one of the convenient feeding approaches of MSA. The co-ordinate of the feed point
of the antenna is given as (-0.49, -13.5,0). The feed point must be located on a patch. The solution
frequency or resonant frequency is 2.4GHz, and operating frequency is chosen to in range of 1.5-5.0
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
Figure 2. Rectangular MSA (Single Layer). Figure 3. Rectangular MSA (Double Layer).
Fig. 2 represents a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (MSA) having a single layer of a substrate.
Fig. 3 shows a rectangular MSA having a double layer of a substrate. In the double-layer Rectangular
Patch Antenna design, another layer of the substrate was stacked over the first substrate having the same
thickness of 1.5 mm and having the same material (FR-4 Epoxy). Fig. 4 represents a diagonal slotted
MSA. In a diagonal slotted rectangular patch antenna, the slots were created diagonally in the patch to
analyse the effects of performance parameters (increases or decreases) on introducing the slots. The
dimension of the slot is 2.01 mm and 4.64 mm and the co-ordinate of the first slot is (-19.02,14.74,0)
and the co-ordinate of the second slot is (19.02, -14.74,0). Fig. 5 represents a Slotted Rectangular MSA.
In a slotted (all corners) rectangular patch antenna, the slots were introduced in a patch at all the corners
to analyse the effects of performance parameters (increases or decreases). The dimension of slots is 2.01
mm and 4.64 mm and the co-ordinate of slots are (-19.02 ,14.74 ,0), (19.02 ,14.74 ,0), (19.02, -14.74
,0), (-19.02, -14.74 ,0).
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
layer Rectangular MSA) provides -29.601 dB return loss at the resonant frequency of 2.37 GHz ≅ 2.4
GHz, while Fig. 7 shows that the designed antenna (Double layer Rectangular MSA) is providing -33.26
dB return loss at the frequency of 2.33 GHz. Fig. 8 displays the variation of return loss with frequency
and indicates that the designed antenna (diagonal Slotted Rectangular MSA) offers -41.65 dB return loss
at the frequency of 2.35 GHz, however, however, Fig. 9 indicates that Slotted Rectangular MSA is
providing -32.09 dB return loss at the frequency of 2.37 GHz. The variation of frequency is taken from
1.50 -5.50 GHz.
Name X Y S11 Parameter HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT Name X Y S11 Parameter HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT
m10.00 2.3700 -29.6087 Curve Info m10.00 2.3200 -33.2669 Curve Info
dB(S(1,1)) dB(S(1,1))
Setup1 : Sweep Setup1 : Sweep
-30.00 -35.00
2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] Freq [GHz]
Figure 6. Return Loss vs Frequency for single Figure 7. Return Loss vs Frequency for double
layer Rectangular MSA. layer Rectangular MSA.
Name X Y S11 Parameter HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT Name X Y S11 Parameter HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT
m10.00 2.3500 -41.6507 Curve Info m10.00 2.3800 -32.0907 Curve Info
dB(S(1,1)) dB(S(1,1))
Setup1 : Sweep Setup1 : Sweep
m1 m1
-45.00 -35.00
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] Freq [GHz]
Figure 8. Return Loss vs Frequency for diagonal Figure 9. Return Loss vs Frequency for slotted
slotted Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
Fig 10, shows the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of the single-layer Rectangular MSA, and the
value of VSWR is 1.58 at 2.4 GHz. However, after forming another layer of a substrate over the previous
one, VSWR decreases to 1.19 and the corresponding frequency is 2.33 GHz as shown in Fig 11. If
diagonal slots are created in the double layer substrate MSA, the value of VSWR is further reduces to
1.01 at the operating frequency of 2.35 GHz (Fig 12). The final design in which slots are created at the
four corners of the double layer slotted antenna, obtained values of VSWR is plotted in Fig. 13. It is
observed that the value of VSWR is found to be 1.09 at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz.
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
m1 m1
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Freq [GHz]
Freq [GHz]
Figure 10. VSWR vs Frequency for single layer Figure 11. VSWR vs Frequency for double layer
Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
37.50 40.00
m1 m1
0.00 0.00
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] Freq [GHz]
Figure 12. VSWR vs Frequency for diagonal Figure 13. VSWR vs Frequency for slotted
Rectangular slotted MSA. Rectangular MSA.
Radiation pattern shown in Figs. 14-17, indicates that antennas are highly directive in the directions
angle ‘0’ degree, with a very small amount of radiation in the direction of angle ‘90’ degree. That is the
ratio of forward to backward power radiation (FBR) is finite. Directivity of antennas increases as one
moves from a single-layer antenna to derivatives of the antennas.
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
-2.80 -2.80
-60 60 -60 60
-90 90
-90 90
-120 120
-120 120
-150 150
-150 150
Figure 14. 2D Radiation Pattern for single layer Figure 15. 2D Radiation Pattern for double layer
Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
Radiation Pattern HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT Radiation Pattern HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT
-2.80 -2.80
-60 60 -60 60
-5.20 -5.20
-7.60 -7.60
-90 90 -90 90
-120 120
-120 120
-150 150
-150 150
Figure 16. 2D Radiation Pattern for diagonal Figure 17. 2D Radiation Pattern for slotted
slotted Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
The plot of antenna gain shows the strength of a signal that an antenna can send/receive in a particular
direction, and the variation of gain of an antenna with frequency is revealed in Figs 18-21. Fig. 18,
shows that the designed antenna (Single layer MSA) has got a maximum gain of 0.25 at the frequency
of 2.5 GHz. However, the maximum gain of double layer and diagonal coupled Microstrip Antennas
was found to be 1.48 at the same frequency, as shown in Fig 19 and 20. The maximum gain of Slotted
MSA is 1.75 at frequency 2.65 GHz. Obtain results for all the antenna designs reveals that maximum
gain lies between 0.25 dB -1.75 dB in the operating frequency range 2.5-2.65 GHz. MSA Parameters at
First Resonance and Second Resonance are given in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively.
Name X Y Gain HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT Name X Y Gain HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT
m2 -12.00
-20.00 -14.00
2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] Freq [GHz]
Figure 18. Gain vs Frequency for single layer Figure 19. Gain vs Frequency for double layer
Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
-14.00 -14.00
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] Freq [GHz]
Figure 20. Gain vs Frequency for diagonal Figure 21. Gain vs Frequency for slotted
slotted Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
The directivity graph (Figs. 22-25) shows the strength of a signal that an antenna can send/receive in a
particular direction is maximum at a resonance frequency of the antennas, and its values between 3.95
dB-4.14 dB.
Name X Y Directivity HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT Name X Y directivity HFSSDesign1 ANSOFT
-10.00 -7.50
-12.50 m1
2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 -12.50
Freq [GHz]
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz]
Figure 22. Directivity vs Frequency for single Figure 23. Directivity vs Frequency for double
layer Rectangular MSA. layer Rectangular MSA.
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
m15.00 2.4000 3.9514 m1 Curve Info m15.00 2.4000 3.9849 Curve Info
dB(DirTotal) dB(DirTotal)
Setup1 : Sweep Setup1 : Sweep
Phi='0deg' Theta='0deg' Phi='0deg' Theta='0deg'
-10.00 -7.50
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz] 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Freq [GHz]
Figure 24. Directivity vs Frequency for Figure 25. Directivity vs Frequency for slotted
diagonal slotted Rectangular MSA. Rectangular MSA.
ICASSCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012023
5. Conclusion
This paper presents the design and simulation of the double layer and slotted coupled microstrip patch
antennas to be operated at a frequency 2.4 GHz. The performance parameters such as VSWR, return
loss, gain and directivity are obtained using HFSS 13, and reveals that diagonally coupled MSA provides
a minimum reflection of power compared to single-layer MSA. The gain of the antennas (single layer,
double layer, diagonally slotted, and corner slotted antennas) lies between 0.16-1.38 dB However,
corresponding directivity lies between 4.14-3.98 dB, the significant improvement is observed in the case
of diagonally coupled slot antenna where return loss value is improved by 8.39 dB (Table 4). The 10 dB
operating bandwidth of the antennas is in the range of 80-200 MHz, hence will be useful for Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth services.
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