Falcon 7 X
Falcon 7 X
Falcon 7 X
those 86-foot-span wings carry the 7X through the aircraft that sat on the static line at Le Bourget
Backlogs are long, some incredibly tight turns with ease, people would awaiting delivery to Dassault chairman emeritus
take a closer look. Dassault currently has orders for Serge Dassault.
but the FBW trijet more than 165 copies of the recently certified,
$40.6 million aircraft. The company is currently
I approached the flight with some personal per-
spectives that bear mentioning as well. I have not
building three a month, and the next delivery slot is flown competing aircraft such as the $29.85 million
is worth the wait late 2011 or early 2012.
Kerherve said most of the initial orders for the
G350, which offers approximately the same payload,
or the $37 million Global 5000. Before the June 18
7X are from current Falcon customers, with just a flight in the 7X, I had never flown an aircraft with
by Robert P. Mark
few from Gulfstream and Challenger owners. a sidestick or fly-by-wire controls. I also had no
Pilots new to the 7X complete a 26-day course experience with the Primus Epic EASy flight deck,
This year’s Paris Air Show at Le Bourget pro- before being awarded a type rating. I did not have the which, as it turned out, was actually an advantage
vided an opportunity for me to see Dassault’s new luxury of those weeks of book and simulator time since there was relatively little to unlearn.
Falcon 7X up close before I got my chance at the left before the flight, which had been arranged just a few From a technical aspect, I was curious about
seat, alongside Dassault 26-year veteran senior test days before my arrival in Paris. Nonetheless, I jumped flying an airplane that had no pilot-controlled trim
pilot Yves (Bill) Kerherve, who has since retired at the chance to fly the airplane the 387 nm from Le option–no wheel, no switch. All trim is handled by
from the company. A former French Navy fighter Bourget to the flight-test facility at Marseilles on the the computers, which means the stick would essen-
pilot, Kerherve flew the ultra-quiet 7X through a opening afternoon of the show, especially since there tially not show or feed back any movement to the
series of maneuvers for the crowd on the opening was the possibility of some en route airwork. pilot during flight.
day of the show. Although the 7X is a large-cabin I flew airframe number 1, registered as F-WFBW, Dimensionally, the 7X resembles the Gulf-
business aircraft, its maneuverability made it clear which was not a production airplane. The cabin stream G350 and Global 5000. Gulfstream says
that Dassault designers had not forgotten the Mirage was unfinished and cluttered with a variety of test
and Rafale fighters that came before. equipment and ballast tanks that would prevent a
To see the Falcon 7X in flight and an interview with
While the flight demonstration itself would true check of cabin noise level at altitude. From an Rob Mark, check out the “Paris Air Show Post Show”
probably not convince anyone to write a check on avionics and flying standpoint, however, airframe broadcast on www.AINtv.com.
the spot for a 7X, my guess is that after watching number 1 was as representative of the 7X as S/N 4,