The Generalized Boundary Element Approach To Burgers' Equation

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29,245-261 (1990)




Department of Mathematical Engineering, College o/ Industrial Technology, Nihon University, Chiba 275, Japan

The generalized boundary element method is presented for the numerical solution of Burgers’ equation. The
new method is based on the set of boundary integral equations derived for each subdomain by using the
fundamental solution for the linearized differential operator of the equation. The resulting system of quasi-
non-linear equations is solved implicitly with use of a simple iterative procedure. The adaptability and the
accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated by three examples and a comparison of the numerical
results with the exact solution or other existing solutions is shown for the first example.

The study of the general properties of Burgers’ equation which can be solved exactly for an
arbitrary initial function” is indispensable in the fields of fluid mechanics involving turbulence.
Burgers’ equation shows a structure roughly similar to that of Navier-Stokes equations due to the
form of the non-linear convection term and the occurrence of the viscosity term. Therefore, the
equation has often been used as a model equation for ensuring the accuracy and the stability of
numerical methods for the Navier-Stokes equations.
Numerical difficulties have been experienced in the solution of Burgers’ equation with a very
small viscosity. Recently, many authors have used various kinds of numerical methods in
attempting to solve effectively the equation for very small values of viscosity. Varoglu and Finn3
have proposed recently a weighted residual formulation in which they employ isoparametric
space-time elements and incorporate the method of characteristics for the hyperbolic partial
differential equation associated with Burgers’ equation. This investigation revealed that the
space-time finite element method incorporating characteristics was capable of solving the
equation accurately for values of viscosity ranging from very small to large. Nguyen and Reynen‘
compared the results obtained by using a space-time finite element method based on a least-
square weak formulation with those by Varoglu and Finn and also demonstrated the high
accuracy and the stability of the method. A finite element method to solve the equation by altering
the size of the elements at each stage using information from the previous step has been developed
by Caldwell, et aL5 Moreover, Caldwell and Smith6 and Caldwel17have discussed the comparison
of a number of different numerical approaches to the equation.
During recent years, numerical procedures for both linear boundary-value problems and
initial-boundary-value problems based on the boundary element method have been increasingly
applied to various fields of engineering.’, However, applications of the boundary element
method to non-linear problems are a few in comparison with linear problems. More recently, the
hybrid-type integral equation method”, in which there exist not only the boundary integral

0029-598 1/90/020245-17SO8.50 Received 5 M a y 1988

0 1990 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 30 M a y 1989

terms but also the volume integral terms including the unknown functions has been applied to
analyses of the Navier-Stokes equations’*, and the steady solutions of Burgers’ e q ~ a t i 0 n .The
discretized equation set with a full coefficient matrix was solved effectively by using the standard
Newton-Raphson iterative procedure.
Recently, we developed a new boundary element approach which was called the generalized
boundary element method, in Reference 15, to non-linear problems. The main aim in this paper is
to apply this new approach to obtaining the numerical solutions of initial-boundary-value
problems of Burgers’ equation. The basic idea of this method is based on the derivation of the
boundary integral equation on each subdomain by using a fundamental solution for the linearized
differential operator of Burgers’ equation: At this time, the unknown velocity in the non-linear
convection term of the equation is assumed to be the mean value on boundary points in each
subdomain. Using this form of linearization, we can incorporate some non-linear effect in the
newly derived fundamental solution. The local matrix obtained for each subdomain is constructed
by using the same technique as the combination of regions in the boundary element method.*
Consequently, the final system of equations is now banded. An effective procedure to solve this
quasi-non-linear system is developed. In the case of only boundary value problems,’’ the system
of equations is solved easily by using the implicit scheme based on the simple iteration algorithm.
On the other hand, both the implicit iteration scheme and the standard time-marching one’ are
used in the case of initial-boundary-value problems of Burgers’ equation.
Finally, in order to demonstrate the workability and the validity of the above-mentioned
generalized boundary element method, the numerical results for three kinds of examples are
computed and are compared with the exact solution and the numerical solutions obtained by
finite element techniques’~~ in example 1.


Let us consider the initial-boundary-value problem of Burgers’ equation in space variable, x and
time on’e, t given by
s(; +U E ) = Q’ O<x<I, t>O

with the boundary conditions

u(0, t ) =m, u(l, t ) = g(t), t >0
and the initial condition
u ( x , 0)= u,(x), 0 <x < 1
where u ( x , t ) denotes the velocity for space and time, and p denotes a parameter which
corresponds to the Reynolds number in viscous fluid flow problems.


First of all, we consider the given domain R=[O, 13 which is approximated with the sum of
subdomain Ri = [xi- x i ] such that R = uN

i= 1
Qi. Here, let us linearize the non-linear equation (1) in

the subdomain Rias follows:

where the function U is assumed to be the mean value of the two end points of each subdomain:

Now, we start from the following weighted residual expression of equation (4) in subdomain R i
and 0 < t,- < t < t, with respect to a weighting time-dependent function 4*:

where t f - and t , denote the beginning and the end of a time step5 Integrating by parts over the
subdomain and the time interval, we can rewrite equation (6) as .

Here, the weighting function 4* can be chosen as a fundamental solution which satisfies
ab* -a4* a2#*
+ pa-+ax ax
= -6(x-<)d(t,-t) (Xipi < < < X i )

where b(x- <) and 6(t,- t) are the Dirac delta functions with the pole at x = and t = t J , <
respectively. The above linearized equation (8) is expressed with the differential operator involving
both diffusion and convection terms. Therefore, we can determine the fundamental solution for
equation (8) and its derivative as follows:

= -1H ( t , - t )
{ P
4n(t, - t)
}1/2[ f4x-t)
pLU2(t, - t) - _f4x
_ _-_<)2
4(t, - 0 2
where H ( t, - t) denotes the Heaviside step function.

Substituting equations ( S H l O )into (7) and making use of the replacement property of the delta
function, we can derive the following integral equation:

in which


where we take the variable as the boundary point xi- or xi in each subdomain and At denotes
the time increment defined as

At, = t f - t i - 1 (15)

In equation (ll), the unknowns U ( X ~ - ~ and, ~ ) u(xi,t) in each time interval are taken
approximately as linear function for time variable in the form

and also its derivatives (au/ax)(xi - t ) and (au/ax)(x,, t ) are approximated by assuming them to be
constant in each time step. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned approximations of
unknowns, we can carry out time integrals in equation (11) and consequently get the following

-[ -
, , +
P ( x i - t ) A(x,;<,At,){ u(xi,t - 1)- u(xi,rf)} B(x,;<,At ,)u(xi,t ),
2At 1

+ exp( - 2y)(6- Erfc Q2) (19)


where sgn(C- t) denotes the signum function and Erfc S denotes the error function defined by

Erfc S =
r exp ( - X 2 ) dX

In this stage, the integral in equation (20) can be evaluated exactly by using the standard one-
dimensional Gaussian quadrature.

Now, let us derive the relations on boundary points from equation (17). TaLilig into
consideration the singularity for the signum function and setting t = xi- and xi in them, we can
obtain the boundary integral equations in each subdomain as follows:

+ u(xi - 1, t , ) = jxa ,

I ir u(x, t -1 ) #* (x, t / - 1 ;xi - 1, t , ~ x

- f irli C Q(xi;xi - 1, At,) { u(xi, t / - 1 ) - u(xi, t , ) }

+ A(xi; Xi-1, At,) u(xi, t,)l
+ firu C Q(xi- 1; xi- At,-) { u(xi- 1, t , -
- #(Xi- 1 ,t , ) } + A(xi- 1; xi- 1, Atf)u(xi- 1, t , ) ]
+ A ( X ~ ; X ~ - ~ ,ax aU
A ~ , ) -t,)( X-~A, ( ~ ~ - ~ ; x ~ - ~ , A r , ) - (t x, ) ~ - ~ ,


+ B(xi-,;xi,At,)U(Xi-l, , )I
where the functions A, B and Q are determined from equations (18), (19)and (20),respectively, and

AX^ = xi-xi- 1.
The system of equations (23) and (24) can also be rewritten as the following local matrix form:
H(i)u?)= G(i)SF) + R(iIU(i) + By)- f-
where the unknown nodal vectors at thefth time step, uy) and q?) take the form
u?) = {u(xi-l,tf),u(xi, rf)}T (26)

and the coefficient matrices G"), H(i),R(')and initial-value vector BY)- are shown in the Appendix.
The superscript ( i ) indicates that equation (25) is evaluated in the ith element. Following the

manner of combination of regions developed in Brebbia and Walker,* the assembled matrix
equation of ( 2 5 )can be expressed in terms of the global nodal vectors u, uf - and q,, and solved
under the boundary conditions ( 2 ) and an arbitrary initial condition (3). However, in this case we
can first solve equation ( 2 5 ) with respect to qy) in each subdomain as follows:
( i ) - { GW}- 1 ( H ( 0 ( i )
4f - uy)-
u, - fiU) ,
- 8‘‘’ } (28)
We take into consideration the equilibrium conditions of q?) on each subdomain. Consequently,
setting up equation (28) for all the subdomains and reordering in such a way that the unknowns
are rewritten in an unknown vector u, we can get the final system of equations as follows:
A(ii)u, = F (29)
where the coefficient matrix A(U) including the undetermined function U is now a banded matrix,
and F is the known vector which is included in both the initial values and the prescribed boundary
ones. Therefore, equation (29) is the so-called quasi-non-linear system.
To solve equation (29) effectively at each time step, we may employ the following solution
Cboose an initial value of U on each subdomain, then compute the components of A(ii).
Solve equation (29) implicitly by using the LU factorization for the linear system with the
banded coefficient matrix.
Determine the new values of U from the obtained solution and back to step 2.
Check for convergence of the obtained solution u, on some criterion. Continue iterations until
the following inequality is satisfied for a prescribed accuracy E

And compute explici’tlyqy) from equation (28).

In the following, three kinds of numerical examples are presented in order to demonstrate the
versatility and the accuracy of the proposed method. The problem parameters and mesh data are
summarized in Table I. We have also performed the calculations using a uniform mesh A x i = A x
and a uniform time step Arf =- At. We set the prescribed accuracy E to lo-’ through the three types
of examples.

Example I
Let us first consider the solution of the initial-boundary-value problem with the conditions
u(x, 0) = uo(x) = sin I I X (31)
~ ( 0t,) =f(t) = 0, ~ ( 1 t, ) = g(r) = 0 (32)
In this problem we can find the exact solution in the form of an infinite series in Reference 1.
A comparison of the results for different time step obtained from the present method with the
exact solution is shown in Tables 11,111 and IV for p = 1, 10 and lo2,respectively. The agreement

Table I. Data for applications

Number of Max. number Figure or

Example Parameter Time step elements of Table
no. I( At N iterations no.
~~~ ~ ~ ~

1 0.0 1 20 4 1, I1
0.02 4 I1
10 0025 40 5 2,111
0.05 6 111
1 102 0.0 1 100 6 3, IV
0.02 7 IV
103 0.0 1 100 I 4
104 001 100 6 5
5 x 104 0005 200 6 6
105 0.005 200 6 7
1 0.2 60 5 8
2 10 01 120 4 9
102 0.05 240 6 10
102 01 50 25 11
3 103 0.1 50 12 12
1o4 005 100 12 13

between our numerical results and the exact solution appears very satisfactory through
illustrations in Figures 1,2 and 3. Especially, in the case of a time step A? = Ax for p = 10 and lo2,
the numerical solutions are seen to be satisfactorily in agreement with the exact solutions.
Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 illustrate the numerical results from the present method and the other
existing for = lo’, lo4, 5 x lo4 and lo’, respectively.
It is known that the exact solutions for p > lo2are not practical because of the slow convergence
of the infinite series. Therefore, these results are not compared to the exact solutions. Numerical
results for p = lo’ and lo4 demonstrate the development of a sharp front near x = 1 at early times
( t “0.6) and afterwards the amplitude of the sharp front starts to decay. Also, numerical results for
p = 5 x lo4 and 10’ show the development of a sharp front at more early times (~20.4)earlier
than those for p = lo3 and lo4. Our numerical results for p = lo3 are in good agreement with the
numerical ones obtained by Varoglu and Finn’ or Nguyen and Reynen4 (see Figure 4). However,
for the case of p = lo5 our solutions and theirs’. show a different behaviour at early times (see
Figure 7). Their results for p = 10’ are very close in comparison with ones for p = lo4 obtained
from the present method.

Example 2
As a second example, we consider the initial-boundary-value problem given by the conditions,
1, O<X<5

6-X, 5 < ~ < 6 (33)

lo-’, 6<x<12
U(0,f) = 1, 412, t ) = 0 (34)
This example is that of a shock wave approaching a steady state.
Table 11. Example 1: Numerical solutions for p = 1

u(x, 0.02) u(x, 004) U(X,010) u(x, 0.22) merr

Present Present Present Present
X At=002 Ar=001 Exact' Ar=002 Ar=0.01 Exact At =0.02 Ar = 0.01 Exact ' At=002 At=001 Exact'

0-0 oaoooo oooooo 0.00000 000000 000000 0.00000 000000 000000 0.00000 o-ooooo oaoooo 0 m
0.1 024942 024617 0.24369 020442 0.19995 019700 011718 011215 010954 003972 003618 003454
02 047644 047052 0466 18 0.39125 038295 0.37763 0.22436 021473 020979 007578 006900 006586 m
03 0.66016 0.65261 064742 0.54384 053284 052613 031202 029865 029190 010478 009536 0.09101 *I
0.4 078275 0.77477 076988 064745 063519 062828 0.37168 035579 034792 0l.2390 011269 010751 x
05 083106 082376 082010 0.69058 067852 067248 039668 037975 037158 013112 0.11917 011367 v!
06 0.79826 079242 079039 066647 0.65585 065137 038303 036672 0.35905 0.12552 011400 0.10870
0.7 0.68527 0681 18 0.68064 057465 0.56632 056354 0.33040 031635 030991 010741 0-09748 009294
08 050157 049912 049943 042211 0,41648 0.41510 024277 023245 022782 0.07841 0071 12 0.06779
09 0.26496 0.26386 026427 022350 0.22069 022019 012856 0.12310 012069 004135 0.03749 003573
1.o 000000 000000 OWOOO 000000 000000 OOOOOO 000000 000000 000000 000000 omooo 000000

Table 111. Example 1: Numerical solutions for p = 10


u(x, 0.05) u(x, 0.25) U(X, 0.75) u(x, 1.50)

Present Present Present Present
x Ar =0.05 At =0025 Exact I At = 0.05 At = 0.025 Exact At = 005 At = 0025 Exact I At =005 At =0025 Exact I

0.0 0.00000 OQOOOO OW000 0.00000 OQOOOO 000000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 OW000 0.00000 0.00000
0.1 0.26362 0.26117 0.25869 0.16668 0.16327 0.16026 008649 0.08473 008343 004521 0-04413 004375
0.2 0.50809 0.50403 0.50005 0.32804 0.32 173 0.31623 0.17 146 0 I6799 0.16552 008868 008650 0.08575
0.3 071456 0.7103i 0.70646 0.47816 0.46995 0.46300 025289 024788 0.24448 0.12830 0.12498 0.12394
0.4 0.86492 0.86200 0.85990 060965 0~60100 0.59409 032767 032129 0.31738 016127 015681 0.15556
0.5 0.94248 0.94 186 0.94237 0.7 1231 0.70500 0.7ooO 1 039026 0.38277 0.37892 0.18378 0,17824 0.17691
0.6 0.933 10 0.93473 0.93743 0.77053 0.76636 0.76530 0.43060 042229 0.4 1922 0.19089 0.18455 0.18327
0.7 0,82731 0.83003 0.83343 0.75914 0.75937 0.76372 043 120 0.42256 0.42093 0.17721 0.1707 1 0.16962
0.8 0.62407 0.62643 062896 0.64056 064470 0.65373 036690 0.35900 0.35896 0.13888 0.13332 0 13253
0.9 0.33705 0.33825 0.33936 0.37973 0.38421 0.39259 021751 0.2 1246 021312 00769 1 007365 007323
1 .O 090000 OQOOOO 0.00000 0.00000 OW000 0.00000 0*00000 0.00000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Table IV. Example 1: Numerical solutions for p = lo2
u(x, 040) u ( x ,0.80) u ( x , 1.20) u(x, 3.00) m
Present Present Present Present *
X At =002 At =001 Exact At =002 Ar =0.01 Exact' At=002 At=001 Exact At=0.02 At=001 Exact' 5
- Pn
00 000000 000000 0.00000 000000 m oaoooo oaoooo
omooo o OCHlOOO OGooOo OQooOo 000000 X
0.2 027845 0.27628 0.27452 0.17998 0.17854 0 17736 0.13272 0.13173 013092 0.06067 006036 O~o6009 2
04 0.54392 0.54060 053792 035767 0.35501 035282 0.26474 026285 026 128 0.12130 0,12068 0.12016 W
06 077722 077506 0.77345 0.53014 0.52677 0.52401 0.39528 039264 039044 0.18187 0.18095 C
0.18018 5
0.8 093452 093765 0.94 100 069266 068959 0.68708 0.52324 052012 051753 0.24064 0.23906 0.23863 k?
024159 *)
09 093749 094407 0.9489 1 0.76685 0.76447 076295 0.58325 0.57950 05778 1 0.24198 023766 v!
092 092049 0.92675 0.93655 077886 077630 0.77586 0.58937 0.58466 0.58472 0.22572 022050 0.226 12
0.94 088470 0.88895 0,89998 078 194 0.778 18 0781 19 0.58034 0.57336 057779 0.19572 018997 0.1 9690
096 0.79481 0.79386 0.8 1227 0.74330 073563 0.74905 052325, 051253 052524 014756 0.14228 014911. >
0.98 054017 053348 0.56583 0.53878 0.52664 055546 0.34426 033294 035061 0.08025 007698 0081 39 8z
1.00 000000 000000 OGOOOO oaoooo 000000 OOOOOO OcJocJOo 000000 0*00000 omooo 0*00000 000000
256 K. K A K U D A A N D N. TOSAKA

Figure 1. Example 1: p = 1,Ax=O.O5,At=001 Figure 2. Example 1: p = 10, Ax = @025,At =0.025

A comparison of the results obtained from the present method with the ones by Varoglu and
Finn3 is shown in Figures 8,9 and 10 for p = 1, 10 and lo2, respectively. The initial front for p = 1
has a smooth slope as shown in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows that the initial front moves with the
average initial velocity 1/2 for p= 10. The numerical results for p = lo2 as shown in Figure 10
demonstrate the formation of a very steep front and the steep front moves with a velocity 1/2 for
t > 1.
The numerical solutions obtained herein do not exhibit any oscillations even for large time
steps. These properties of the numerical solution obtained from the present method are in good
agreement with the results obtained by Varoglu and Finn3.

Figure 5. Example I: p = lo4, Ax=O.OI, At=0.01 Figure 6. Example 1: p = 5 x lo4, Ax =OC05, At =OW5


-” -Present
0 Varoglu b
X Finn’
v _

0.5 -

za 4.0 6D 8.0 10.0 12.0

Figure 8. Example 2 I(=1, Ax=02, Ar = 0 2


1 .o
-u -
o Varoilu h
x .

0.6 -


Figure 9. Example 2: p = 10, Ax=@l, At -0.1

2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 121)

Figure 10. Example 2: p = lo2, Ax = 0.05, Ar = 0.05

Exumple 3
The auxiliary conditions for this example are
sin xx, O<x< 1
iisinnx, 1 < x < 2
u(0, t ) = 0,
45, t)=0

The numerical results for p = lo2, l o 3 and lo4 are illustrated in Figures 11, 12 and 13, respectively.

Figure 11. Example3 p=1O2,Ax=01,At=0.I



Figure 12. Example 3: p = lO’,[email protected]=@l

Figure 13. Example 3: p = lo4, A x = M 5 , Ar =005

As can be seen from these results, a large initial sine wave combines with another small sine
wave at early times. In addition, a triangular wave only at t - 2 is formed completely and
afterwards the decay of a sinusoidal disturbance with time is found.

A generalized boundary element method for the numerical solution of the unsteady Burgers’
equation is presented. The method is based on the boundary integral equation in each subdomain
which is derived by using the fundamental solution for the linearized differential operator of the
Burgers’ equation. The derived boundary integral equation is discretized with space-time
elements in each subdomain and each time step. The final system of equations at each time step in
which it is possessed of a banded coefficient matrix is solved implicitly by using a simple iterative
The numerical results obtained in this paper demonstrate that the method is capable of solving
Burgers’ equation accurately and in a stable manner for values of the parameter ranging from
small to very large with reasonable time steps and space meshes. The method is also easily
extended to non-linear problems of viscous fluid flow governed by the Navier-Stokes equations,’
and to other non-linear problems.’

The coefficient matrices G“), H“),Rci)and initial-value vector BY)- are presented by arranging the
system of equations (23) and (24) as follows:

G(i)= - A(Xi- 1, AtJ)

1; X i -

A(Xi; X i - 1 , A t J )
A(Xi;Xi,At,) 1

-1 ; exp( -


Axi +
x i - l xi
2 2

Here, the integrals in the vector BY)- can be evaluated exactly by using the Gaussian quadrature.

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