Employee Recognition Awards Policy
Employee Recognition Awards Policy
Employee Recognition Awards Policy
Rewards and Recognition Policy is designed to encourage employees particularly field staff
whose performance is outstanding either individually or through team that contribute to the
overall objectives of the organization.
Spotlight Award (SPL) is being instituted as an initiative intended to foster high performance
culture covering individuals and work teams. The Spotlight awards cover both monetary and
non-monetary recognition based on the significance of the contribution;
Each Spotlight Award recipient must satisfy at a minimum the following eligibility
• He should be a regular staff member (consulting assignment)
• Should have been in service at Annapurna Financial Services for at least six months.
• No formal disciplinary action on file within 12 months of date of award;
• Written documentation of outstanding performance meriting an award from his/her reporting
Joinee of the Year award: New Branch/ or Individual based on excellent performance among
the peers. This award will be nominated by the Regional/Area Manager and recommended by
Manager Operations or Sr Manager of particular functional departments. This award is
instituted to boost to recognize the exceptional talent and performance among the new entrant
branch or members in Annapurna Family.
• CRO: Respective Branch Heads. Each Branch Head will nominate one CRO per
• Branch Heads: Each Unit Manager / Regional manager will nominate one Branch Head
for his entire region. Corporate HR will take independent feedback from Area Manager
• Innovation and Creativity: Senior Managers and CEO
Note: ABM category will be added in coming years as this is new designation and position
needs to be filled up in some of the existing branches
Nominations may be submitted within the stipulated time in the prescribed format by the
respective reporting officer to the Corporate HR Department.
Selection processes within each category will be based on 1) the size and composition of the
Branch, 2) the number of nominations received but shall in all circumstances provide the
appropriate opportunity for a fair evaluation of the nominee(s).
Non-monetary Awards
Non-monetary recognition awards will be given to those nominee which did not make to final
list but deserve a kudos. These include an appreciation letter or a complimentary gift.
Award Amount
Based on the Criterion the monetary awards will be decided before the announcement of the
process. Wherever it’s a team based award the monetary amount will be distributed equally
among all the members of the particular team /branch.
When the selection for an award is made, the copy of the Nomination/Approval form shall be
filed by the Corporate HR in the employee’s personnel file and appropriate recognition and
announcement of the employee, i.e., through the HR Newsletter and/emails.