Men 409

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MEN 409


1. A shaft of 40mm diameter and 2.5m length has a mass of 15kg

per meter length. It is simply supported at the ends and carries 3

mass of 90kg, 140kg and 60kg at 0.8m, 1.5m and 2m respectively

from the left support. Take E= 200GNm2, find the frequency of

the transverse vibrations.


D = 40mm = 0.04m

L = 2.5m

Ms = 15kg/m

M1 = 90kg

M2 = 140kg

M3 = 60kg

E = 200GN/M2 = 200X109N/M
Fn =

2. A shaft 1.5m long is supported in flexible bearings at the end and

carries 2 wheels each of 50kg mass. One wheel is situated at the

centre of the shaft and the other at a distance of 0.4m from the

centre towards right. The shaft hollow of external diameter

75mm and inner diameter 37.5mm. The density of the shaft

material is 800kg/m3. The young’s modulus for the shat material

is 200GN/m2. Find the frequency of transverse vibration.

3. A shaft 180mm diameter is supported in two strings 2.5 meters

apart. It carries 3 discs of mass 250kg, 500kg and 200kg at

0.6m, 1.5m and from the left hand. Assuming the mass of shaft

190kg/m, determine the critical speed of the shaft. Young’s

modulus for the material of the = 211GN/m2

4. A shaft 12mm in diameter and 600mm long between long bearings

carries a central mass of 4kg. If the centre of gravity of the

mass is 0.2mm from the axis of the shaft, compute the maximum

the ral stress in the shaft when it is running at the of its critical

speed. The young’s modulus of the material of the shaft is 200


Solution Data;

D = 12mm, = 0.012m, E = 200GN/m2 = 200 x 109N/m2

w l3
48 EI

π d4 ❑
I= =
64 ❑

5. A vibrating system consists of a mass of 8kg spring of stiffness

5.6N/mm and a dashpot of damping coefficient of 40N/m/s. find

a. Damping Factor

b. Logarithmic decrement

c. Ratio of the 2 consecutive

Solution Datas given

Mass, m = 8kg, spring stiffness, k = 5.6n/mm, damping

coefficient, c = 40N/m/s, critical damping is determine by

Cc = 2√ km

= 2 x √ 5.6 x 8

= 2 x √ 44.8

Therefore Cc = 13.39N-sec/m

a. E = 13.36


b. Logarithmic decrement

2 πℇ
√1−ℇ 2
2 x π x3
= 1−(3)2



c. Ratio of the two consecutive;

Say x

𝛅 = ln x

e =

x1 6


6. The shaft shown below carries 2 masses. The mass A is 300kg

with a radius of gyration is 0.75m and the mass of B is 500kg

with a radius of gyration of 0.9m. Determine the frequency of

the torsional vibrations. It is describe to have the node at the

mid-section of the shaft of 120mm diameter by changing the

diameter section having a 90-mm diameter. What will the new


7. A torsional system is shown below. Find the frequencies of

torsional vibrations and the position of the nodes. Also, find the

amplitudes of vibrations. G = 84x109 N/m2. Diagram

8. The following data refer to the transmission g of a motor ship

Mount of inertia of flywheel = 4800kgm2

Mount of inertia of propeller = 3200kgm2

Modulus of rigidity of shaft material = 80x109N/m2

Equivalent MOI per cylinder = 400kgm2

Assuming the diameter of the torsionally equivalent crankshaft to

be 320mm and treating the arrangement as a 3-rotor system,

determine the frequency of free torsional vibration

Hint: Replace the 4 cylinders by a single rotor of the centre of

their combined mass

9. The disk of a torsional pendulum has a moment of inertia of

600kgcm2 and immersed in a viscous fluid. The brass shaft

attached to it is of 10cm diameter and 40cm long. When the

pendulum is vibrating, the observed amplitudes on the same side

of the rest position for successive cycles are 9 o, 6o and 4o


a. Logarithmic decrement

b. Damping torque at unit velocity and

c. The periodic time of vibration

Assume for the brass shaft

G = 4.4 x 1010N/m2 Hint d = In O1 /O2 = In 9/6

10. A body of mass 1500kg is suspended on a leaf string. The

system was set into vibration and the frequency of vibration was

measured as 0.982Hz. The successive amplitudes were measured

to be 4.8cm, 3.4cm and 2.7cm. Determine the spring stiffness and

the coulomb damping.

11. The mass of a vibrating system weighs 20N and is made to

vibrate in a viscous medium. Determine the damping ratio and

damping coefficient. When harmonic exciting force of 30N

results in a resonant amplitude of 15mm with a period of 0.2sec.

12. A mass of 4.5 kg hangs from a spring and makes damped

vibrations. The time of 50 complete oscillation is found to be

20sec and the ratio of first downward displacement to the sixth

is found to be 2.25. Find the stiffness of the spring in KN/m and

the damp force in N/m/sec.

13. A vibratory body of mass 150kg supported on a strings of

total stiffness 1050KN/m has a rotating unbalanced force of

525N at a speed of 600rpm. If the damping factor is 0.3,


a. The amplitude caused by the unbalance for and its phase


b. The transmissibility and

c. The actual force transmitted and its phase angle

14. The springs of an automobile trailer are compresses of 0.1m

under its own weight. Find the critical speed when the trailer is

passing over a road when a pole of sine wave whose amplitude is

80mm and the wavelength is 14m. find the amplitude of vibration

at a speed of 60km/hr

15. A machine of mass one tonne is acted upon by an external

force of 2450N at a frequency of 1500. To reduce the effects of

vibration, isolator of ruble having a static deflection of 2mm

under the chine load and an estimated damping E = 0.2 are used


a. The force transmitted to the foundation

b. The amplitude of vibration of the machine

c. The phase lag

16. A machine having a mass of 100kg and support on spring of

total stiffness 7.84 x 105N/m has an unbalanced rotating element

which results in disturbing force of 392N at a speed of 300rpm.

Assuming a damping factor of E = 0.20, determine

a. The amplitude of motion due to unbalance

b. The transmissibility and

c. The transmitted force

17. A 1000kg machine is mounted on four identical springs of

total spring constant K and negligible damping. The machine is

subjected to a harmonic external force of amplitude F = 490N

and frequency 180cm. Determine:

The amplitude of motion and maximum force transmitted to the

foundation because of unbalanced force when K = 1.96 x 10 6 N/m

18. A disc of mass 4kg is mounted midway between bearings

which may be assumed to be simple supports. The bearing span is

50cm. the steel shaft of 10mm diameter and is horizontal. The

centre of gravity of the disc is displaced 2mm from the

geometric centre. The equivalent viscous damping at the centre

of the disc-shaft may be assumed as 50N-sec/m, the shaft

rotates at 250rpm. Determine the maximum stress in the shaft.

Also find the power required to derive the shaft at this speed.

Take E = 1.96 x 1011N/m2.

19. A machine of mass 1000kg is supported on springs which

deflects 8mm under the static load. With negligible damping, the

machine vibrates with an amplitude of 5mm when subjected to a

vertical harmonic force at 80% of the resonant frequency when a

damper is fitted, it is found that the resonant amplitude is 2mm.


i. The amplitude of the damping force, and

ii. The damping coefficient

20. A shaft 1.5cm diameter and 1m long is held in lom bearings.

The weight of the disc at the centre of the shaft is 15kg. The

eccentricity of the centre of gravity of disc from centre of rotor

is 0.03cm. The modulus of elasticity of the material of shaft

material is 700kg/cm2. Find

i. The critical speed of the shaft

ii. The range of speed over which it is unsafe to remove the


21. A mass of 200kg is suspended on a spring having a scale of

3000N/m and is acted upon by a harmonic force of 80N at the

undamped natural frequency. The damping may be considered to

be viscous with a coefficient of 200Nsec/m. calculate

a. The undamped natural frequency

b. The amplitude vibration of the mass

c. The phase difference between the force and the


22. Two rotors A and B are attached to the end of a shaft

500mm long. The mass of the rotor A is 300kg and it radius of

gyration is 300mm. the corresponding value of the rotor B are

500kg and 450mm respectively. The shaft is 70mm in diameter

for the first 250mm, 120mm for the next 70mm and 100mm

diameter for the remaining length. The modulus of rigidity for

the shaft material is 80GN/m2. Find

i. The position of the node

ii. The frequency of torsional vibration

23. 3 rotors A, B and C having moment of inertia of 200, 600

and 350kgm3 respectively are carried on each uniform shaft of

0.35m diameter. The length of the shaft between the rotors A

and B is 6m and between B and C is 32m. Find the natural

frequency of the torsional vibrations. The modulus of rigidity for

the shaft material is 80GN/m2.


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