Ad4 Britanico Gold RT Dec 2022
Ad4 Britanico Gold RT Dec 2022
Ad4 Britanico Gold RT Dec 2022
You are going to read a magazine article about four people who travel to work by bicycle, motorbike or
scooter. For questions 31-40, choose from the people (A-D).
Which person…
doesn’t use their bike if the weather is very bad? 31. ________
says that it is safe to ride a bike in his/ her city? 32. ________
wouldn’t change his/ her bike for another means of transport? 33. ________
feels that some people think that riding a bike is inappropriate? 34. ________
is concerned about environmental issues? 35. ________
says people have to take care of their bikes? 36. ________
says that having a bike is ideal for his/ her personality? 37. ________
solved a problem by buying a bike unexpectedly? 38. ________
says that riding his/ her bike relaxes him/ her? 39. ________
used to have problems when he/ she left his/ her car in the street? 40. ________