Drafting Basic Set in Sleeve

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Demonstration Lesson Plan


At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

 define the Basic Set-in Sleeve.

 draft a Basic Set-in Sleeve.
 value the importance of a Basic Set-in Sleeve.


a. Topic: “Drafting pattern of a Basic Set-in Sleeve”.

b. Reference: Draft and cutting pattern for casual apparel (module)

c. Tools and Materials Needed:

 Ruler
 Pencil
 Pattern paper
 Eraser
 French curve
 Tape measure

d.Visual Aids: Cartolina, Pictures/Flash cards

e. Multimedia: Power Point Presentation.



a. Preparation

 Prayer
May I request everybody to
please stand. Let us pray,
_______ kindly lead the prayer.

 Greetings (one of the students leading the

Good afternoon class? prayer.)

Good afternoon teacher, good

afternoon classmates, good
Ok you may now take your seats. afternoon…

 Checking of the attendance Thank you teacher..

Let us check first your
attendance. Class monitor, may I
know who is absent in this group?

 Collecting of assignment
(class monitors’ responding)
Did I give you an assignment
last meeting class?

Kindly pass it forward. Yes teacher…

At the count of five late papers will
not be accepted.
I will check your assignment after
our class and I will announce your (students passing there assignments)
score tomorrow.

 Review
Alright class, last meeting we
discussed foundation pattern.

Well as sort of review, what do

you mean by foundation pattern?
Foundation pattern- is a technique
Ok very good! which is used in dependent upon your
preference and the pattern of the
How about the different types design being sewn.
foundation pattern?
 The different types are:

 Basic set in sleeve

 Front bodice sloper
 Back bodice sloper
 Convertible collar
 Skirt sloper
Yes, that’s right.
Is there any question regarding
with our past lesson? None teacher.

b. Motivation

I had prepared here an activity.

This activity is related to our topic
this afternoon.
I had placed five words on the
board, so you are going to paste
the exact words to its exact
But before that kindly read
the word together.

 Sleeve length
 Upper arm girth
 Lower arm girth
I need five students to
 Armhole
Who wants to volunteer?  Sleeve cap

Are you ready?

(students raising there hands)
You may now start!
Do you think your answers are all Yes teacher!

Are you sure? Yes teacher.

Lets check it later.

Yes teacher..

C. Lesson Proper

 Presentation
This afternoon we will discuss
about how to Draft pattern of basic
set in sleeve.
Later on, we will tackle all these
things but first let me present to you
the objectives for you to attain at the
end of our lesson.

In your own idea what is basic set

in sleeve?
Basic set-in sleeve is the part of (students point of view)
the garment that covers the arm.
It adds beauty to the garments.
-one of the characteristics of a
fashion in dress.
. it is the basic of all sleeve
through this we can create new
designs of sleeve in other word it
is a guide.

Now lets take up the following

trade terms which related to our
topic this afternoon.
Kindly read the following terms.

Trade Terms
1. Sleeve length
- Measurement taken from the tip
of the shoulder down to the
desired length.

2. Upper arm girth

- Is the circumference of the
upper arm, measured at the
arm in line with the armpit.

3. Lower arm girth

- Down the arm 2 to 3 inches
below the armpit.

4. Armhole
- Hole in garment for the arm
where you attach the sleeve.

5. Sleeve cap
- It is taken from the tip of the
Any question class regarding our trade shoulder downward in line with
terms? the armpit.
Is it clear to everybody? Yes/no maam.
Since there is no question, now None teacher.
we will determine the tools and materials
needed in drafting a pattern of basic set Yes teacher.
in sleeve.
Tools And Materials:
 French curve
 Ruler
 Tape measure
We have also some reminders to  Pencil
consider in drafting a pattern of basic set  Eraser
in sleeve.  Pattern paper
Please read____________.

We need to follow the correct procedure

in order to have an accurate output.


1. Follow the correct procedures.

To have equal measurement.

To economize the pattern paper.

2. Fold the pattern paper properly.

3. Draft your pattern paper starting at

the edge.

Is there any question regarding with the 4. Use appropriate tools.


Before we will proceed to the procedure None teacher.

let me show you first the sleeve
measurement needed in drafting a basic
 Sleeve length - 8
set in sleeve.
 Upper arm girth -12
Kindly read________.
 Lower arm girth- 11
 Armhole - 16
 Sleeve cap - 5

And now lets proceed to the procedures

that need to be follow in drafting a Procedures:
pattern of basic set in sleeve. 1.Measure sleeve length
= A – B.
2.Measure sleeve cup=
A– C.
3. Measure ½ upper arm girth plus ½
inch =C- D.
4. Measure ½ lower arm girth = B-E
5. Connect A and D with a
Straight line.
6. Divide line A– D into
4 equal parts
and mark point.
7. Raise ½ inch from F and mark
point I.
8. Lower ½ inch from
H and mark
point J.
9. Connect lines A, I, G, J, and D with
a curve
line using French
10. Connect D and E with a ruler.

Did you understand the procedure Yes teacher.


Do you have any questions or None teacher.


d. Demonstration

This time class, I’m going to

demonstrate on how to draft a
basic set in sleeve. Please come (the students will observe carefully)
closer and observe carefully on
how I follow the procedure.

You will be the one to read the

step by step procedure and I will
perform it.

Can you now follow what I have Yes teacher.

done class?

Now, who would like to re-


-okay, yes. (student re-demonstrate)

Very good!
Let’s give 5 claps to_________.
None teacher.
Is there any questions class?
Yes teacher.
Are you sure?

Since you dont have any
questions now go back to your
seats and get your materials RUBRICS
 The students are able to draft
Before you start,let me show you basic set in sleeve neatly and
firs the rubrics. It is my basis to accurate within the given ahead
rate of your output. of time.
10 pts
 The students are able to draft
basic set in sleeve neatly and
accurately within the given of
7 pts
 The students are able to draft
basic set in sleeve neatly and
accurately beyond the given
5 pts
 The students are not able to
finish drafting basic set in
sleeve beyond the given time.
2 pts

Did you understand class? Yes teacher.

Now get you materials and start making
your output.

(students doing there activity)

f. Generalization

Based from our topic today, what

have you learned?

What is the importance of basic

set in sleeve?
(students point of view)
How can you apply this into your
real life situation?


Class, we must bear in our mind

drafting set in sleeve is the basic
of all sleeve. Through this basic
set in sleeve we can create
designs of sleeve in other word it
is a guide.
The moral values that I learned is
What moral values you learned patient and hardwork.
from the lesson we have?

Absolutely right. Yes teacher.

Is it clear to everyone?

Ok, get ¼ sheet of paper for the

short quiz


Directions:Read and understand the question carefully. Write only the letter in your ¼
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the materials does not belong to in pattern making of a basic set-in
a. Pencil c. French curve
b. Hip curve d. Pattern paper
2. What is the first procedure in pattern making of a basic set-in sleeve?
a. Measure ½ lower arm girth = B – E.
b. Connect A and D with a straight line.
c. Measure sleeve length = A – B.
d. Measure sleeve cup = A – C.
3. A measurement is taken from the tip of the shoulder down to the desired length
is called _________.
a. upper arm girth
b. lower arm girth
c. sleeve length
d. armhole
4. Why we should follow the correct procedures?
a. to have a good quality output.
b. to avoid failure in your work.
c. to be comfortable while working
d. all of this
5. Why basic set-in sleeve is important?
a. because it is a guide to create new design of sleeve
b. It has become to use tops to carry messages or advertising.
c. apply to other upper body garments.
d. None of this

Direction:Bring the following tools and materials for tomorrow.
 fabric
 Thread
 Pin cushion
 Scissors

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