Research Paper Impact Factor: 4.729 Refereed, Listed & Indexed Ijbarr E-ISSN - 2347-856X ISSN - 2348-0653

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Research Paper IJBARR

Impact Factor: 4.729 E- ISSN -2347-856X

Refereed, Listed & Indexed ISSN -2348-0653

Dr. KannanPaulraj* Ms. J.Radhika** Ms. R.Sheeba**

*Associate Professor, P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivaksi.
**Final Year MBA, Department of Management Studies, P.S.R. College of Engineering, Sivakasi.

This paper evaluates the factors influence employee satisfaction and its effects towards increase productivity. Descriptive
research design has applied with 120 employees based on the convenience sampling methods. The respondents are working
in different level in Loyal Textile Mill Ltd, kovilpatti, Virudhunagar district. This study found that working environment
ranked first to influence the employee gratification. There is a positive relationship between work experience and satisfaction
of employees towards salary. This study found that only 5% of respondents satisfied with hygiene maintenance, to satisfy the
remaining 95% of employees the organization has mind to provide separate washroom for single department and cleaning
which is done on schedule basis. Healthyemployee work peacefully and increase the productivity and minimize the
wastages.This study suggest that create stress free environment requires the facilities such as restroom or recration (Indoor
games such as carrom board, Table tennis etc.).

Key Words: Satisfaction, Increase Productivity, Wastages, Working Environment.

According to Robbins (1999), a satisfiedworkforce can increase organizational productivitythrough less distraction caused by
absenteeism orturnover, few incidences of destructive behavior, andlow medical costs. The success of any company is
directly linked to the satisfaction of the employees who embody that company(Ami Boyadet. al, 2012). AlamSageer et al.
(2012) said in areas of customer service and sales, happy employees are extremely important because they represent the
company to the public.

Theories of Job Satisfaction: Researchers proposed many theories based on job satisfaction. The following are the few
theories formulated by them.

Dispositional Approach
The scope of the dispositional approach was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge, Edwin A.
Locke, and Cathy C. Durham in 1997, Judge et al. The dispositional approach suggests that individuals vary in their tendency
to be satisfied with their jobs, in other words, job satisfaction is to some extent an individual trait or individual quality.
Research also indicates that identical twins raised apart have similar levels of job satisfaction.They argued that there are four
Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of
control, and neuroticism.

Equity Theory
Equity Theory shows how a person views fairness in regard to social relationships such as
with an employer. A person identifies the amount of input (things gained) from a relationship compared to the output (things
given) to produce an input/output ratio. For example, consider two employees who work the same job and receive the same
pay and benefits. If one individual gets a pay raise for doing the same work as the other, then the less benefited individual
will become distressed in his workplace. If, on the other hand, both individuals get pay raises and new responsibilities, then
the feeling of equity will be maintained.

Two-Factor Theory Or Motivator-Hygiene Theory

Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory attempt to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states
that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An
employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivating factors are those aspects
of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work,
recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried
out.Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and
other working conditions.

While Herzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to empirically prove the model, with
Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Herzberg's original formulation of the model may have been a methodological.
Furthermore, the theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will react in an

International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.21, Jan-March 2018. Page 52
Research Paper IJBARR
Impact Factor: 4.729 E- ISSN -2347-856X
Refereed, Listed & Indexed ISSN -2348-0653
identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the model has been criticised in that it does not specify
how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured.
Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction
There are a number of factors that influence job satisfaction. A number of research studies have been conducted in order to
establish some of the causes that result in job satisfaction.

Organisational Factors
1. Salaries and Wages:Wages and salaries play a significant role in influencing job satisfaction. This is basically
because of a few basic reasons.
2. Promotion chances:Promotion indicates on employee’s worth to the organisation which is highly morale boosting.
This is particularly true in case of high level jobs.
3. Company Policies:Organizational structural and policies also play on important role in affecting the job satisfaction
of employees.
4. Nature of work: Jobs can be highly intellectual challenging and other job can be less challenging. Some tend to
prefer being given opportunities to use their skills and abilities in their jobs. But some like their job to be with their
limited mental ability.

Work Environment Factors

1. Supervision: Supervision is a moderately important source of job satisfaction. There are two dimensions of
supervisory styles which affect the job satisfaction:
2. Work Group:A friendly and co-operative group provides opportunities to the group members to interact with each
3. Working Conditions:Good working conditions are desirable by the employees, as they lead to more physical
comfort. Temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting and noise, hours of work, cleanliness of the work place and
adequate tools and equipment are the features which affect job satisfaction.

Personal Factors
1. Age and Seniority:With age, people become more mature and realistic and less idealistic so that they are willing to
accept available resources and rewards and be satisfied about the situation. With the passage of time, people move
into more challenging and responsible positions. People who do not move up at all with time are more likely to be
dissatisfied with their jobs
2. Tenure/Experience:Employees will longer tenure is expected to be highly satisfied with their jobs. Tenure assures
job security, which is highly satisfactory to employees. They can easily plan for their future without any fear of
losing their jobs.
3. Personality:Some of the personality traits which are directly related to job satisfaction are self assurance, self
esteem, and maturity, and decisiveness, sense of autonomy, challenge and responsibility. Higher the person is on
Maslow’s needs hierarchy, the higher is the job satisfaction.
A textile is the largest single industry in India, accounting for about 20% of the total industrial production. It provides direct
employment to around 20 million people. Textile and clothing exports account for one-third of the total value of exports from
the country. There are 1,227 textile mills with a spinning capacity of about 29 million spindles. While yarn is mostly
produced in the mills, fabrics are produced in the power loom and handloom sectors as well. The Indian textile industry
continues to be predominantly based on cotton, with about 65% of raw materials consumed being cotton. The yearly output
of cotton cloth was about 12.8 billion m (about 42 billion ft).
Problem Statement
An organization is only as strong and successful as its members, its employees, are by measuring employee satisfaction in
key areas, organizations can gain the information needed to improve employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity.
Satisfied employee is a productive employee, any kind of grievance relating to organizational or personal to a greater extent
influence on the job. So every organization is giving higher priority to keep their employees with satisfaction by providing
several facilities which improves satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is considered as the key issue by the
entrepreneur where job efforts are taken and programs are irritated. If the employee is not satisfied with the job there are
chances for absenteeism, low turnover ,lower productivity, committing of mistake, diverting energy for different types of
conflicts keeping this thing in view all organization are trying to identify the areas where satisfaction to be improved to get
out of above dangers. Employee satisfaction is important aspect as far as an organization is considered. Employees are
backbone of every organization. So it is responsibility of management to keep the employees to contribute more. In this

International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.21, Jan-March 2018. Page 53
Research Paper IJBARR
Impact Factor: 4.729 E- ISSN -2347-856X
Refereed, Listed & Indexed ISSN -2348-0653
connection a survey was conducted on behalf of loyal textile mill ltd, to identify the level of satisfaction in terms of strongly
agree to strongly disagree on various job related factors.

Review of Literature
Employee satisfaction continues to be among top priorities of Global Corporations. Engaged employees do better jobs and
are essential to the organizations’ long-term success.(Ami Boyad et. al, 2012).Vani U&Janan (2016) found that majority of
employees are satisfied with their salary and training opportunities in their company. It was found that payment of wages and
salary are satisfied, proceeding to co- workers relationship are cordial, Working conditions are satisfied and Promotion
opportunities are satisfied are ranked. YaseminOraman (2011) determined the level of job satisfaction except economic and
psychosocial tools and has a positive effect on increasing employee motivation with implementations carried out to increase
employee satisfaction at work. EktaSinha (2013) found that a few important factors that normally contribute to the employee
satisfaction, didn’t have much influence on employee satisfaction in KRIBHCO, Surat, such as : welfare measures, role
clarity, freedom of decision making and recognition at work. The innovativeness and creativeness of employees also took a
back seat as far as satisfaction level was concerned.Muhammad Mushtaq Khan Niazi (2014) study found that HR Practices
are positively linked with employee job satisfaction. His study will help to analyze employee perception about organizations
at different levels of management. Expectation of employees can be enhanced through effective HRM practices which in turn
builds a good positioning of organization in a competitive environment.Rachelet. al study employee satisfaction have an
impact on the operational performance in high-contact service industries. RenugaDevi & N Bharathi (2009) indicates the fact
that remuneration package and grievances handling are the areas which needs the attentions of the management. This fact is
also supported by the evidence of analysis with help of statistical tools that all the parameters have significantly contributing
to remuneration.

Objectives of The Study

1. To Measure the factors influencing employees’ satisfaction in an organization.
2. To analyse the nature of working environment in an organization.
3. To suggest suitable measures for involving existing job satisfaction in an organization.
Research Methodology
Research Methodology is a way to solve the research problems. The research design of this study is descriptive in nature. The
study was conducted in aLoyal Textile Mill Ltd, kovilpatti, Virudhunagar district.The sample size determined for the study is
120. Convenience sampling method was used in this study.The primary data was collected through questionnaire. The
questionnaire was designed in such a way that it analyses the level of job satisfaction of the employees in textile industry.
The collected data were analysed using statistical tools namely Percentage testing method, Chi-square method and Average
rank analysis.

Result & Discussion

Table 1: Demographic Profile of Respondents
Demographic Factors No. of Percentage Demographic No. of Percentage
Respondents Factors Respondents
Gender Marital Status
Male 6 5.0 Married 28 23.3
Female 114 95.0 Un Married 92 76.7
Age group Qualification
18years-25years 94 78.3 SSLC 65 54.2
25years-32yrs 13 10.8 HSC 42 35.0
32years-40years 7 5.8 Graduate 3 2.5
40years & above 6 5.0 Others 10 8.3
Designation Experience
Training worker 34 28.3 less than 1 year 66 55.0
Worker 56 46.7 1-5years 45 37.5
Supervisor 10 8.3 5-15years 8 6.7
Checker 20 16.7 Above 15 1 0.8
Income Satisfied
≤Rs10,000 84 70.0 Yes 114 95.0
Rs10,000-20,000 36 30.0 No 6 5.0

International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.21, Jan-March 2018. Page 54
Research Paper IJBARR
Impact Factor: 4.729 E- ISSN -2347-856X
Refereed, Listed & Indexed ISSN -2348-0653
From the above table, it is understood that, majority of respondents are female, belonging to the age group of 18-28 years of
age, who are have formal education qualification till schooling, earning the monthly salary of less than Rs.10,000, with less
than year of experience belonging to the worker category and unmarried. Majority 95% of the employees are satisfied and
only 5% of the employees are not satisfied.

Table 2: Employee Satisfaction Level Towards With Top Level Management

S No Particulars No of Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 31 25.8
2 Satisfied 79 65.8
3 Neutral 9 7.5
4 Dissatisfied 1 .8
Total 120 100.0
It is clear from above table, 65.8% of respondents are satisfied with the top level management, 25.8% of respondents are
highly satisfied with top level management, 7.5% of respondents are neutral with top level management, 8% of respondents
are dissatisfied with top level management.
Table 3: Result of Chi-Square Analysis
Factors Chi-square Value Degree of freedom P value Result
Year of experience/Satisfaction with Null Hypothesis is
11.812a 9 .224
top level management accepted.

From the above Chi- Square table, it is clear that the P- value is greater than significant value
0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted. Thus it is found that there is no relationship between Years of experience and
Satisfaction with top level management of the respondents.

Table 4 Result of Weighted Average

Factors Weighted Score Rank
5 4 3 2 1 Total Score WeightedAverage
Working Environment 30 444 9 0 0 483 4.03 I
Wages and Salary 90 268 99 4 0 461 3.84 III
Reward system 30 432 18 0 0 480 4.00 II
Hygiene maintenance 30 140 84 108 0 362 3.01 V
Medical Benefits 135 300 6 0 0 441 3.68 IV
5=Highly satisfied 4= Satisfied 3= Neutral 2= Dissatisfied 1= Highly dissatisfied
The above table inferred that, working environment ranked first (4.03), its play a verycrucial role in employees’ satisfactio n.
Employee Rewarding has ranked second (4.00), Wages and salaryranked third (3.84), medical benefits offed in an
organization got fourth rank (3.68) and Hygiene Maintenance has got fifth rank (3.01). Jitendra Kumar Singh & Mini Jain
(2013) indicate that factors such as temperature, lighting, ventilation, hygiene, noise, working hours, and resources are all
part of working conditions. Employees may feel that poor working conditions will only provoke negative performance, since
their jobs are mentally and physically demanding.

Table 5 Correlation Results Work Experience And Satisfaction of Employees Towards Salary
Particulars Work Experience of Respondent Satisfaction Level of Salary
Work experience of respondent Pearson Correlation 1 .406**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 120 120
Satisfaction level of salary Pearson Correlation .406 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 120 120
There is a positive relationship between work experience and satisfaction of employees towards salary.

International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.21, Jan-March 2018. Page 55
Research Paper IJBARR
Impact Factor: 4.729 E- ISSN -2347-856X
Refereed, Listed & Indexed ISSN -2348-0653
The researcher has given suggestion for improving the employees’ satisfaction Loyal Textile Mill Ltd. The suggestion based
on the data collected from the employees.
1. Based on the study, 60.3% of respondents are satisfied with top level management, to satisfy the remaining part of
employees, Organisation may focus in improving the relationship with top level management by organizes the one-
on-one meeting with employees’. Through this, frequently met the employee and their relationship are improved on
2. Based on the study 59.2% of respondents are satisfied with team work, to satisfy the remaining 40.8% of employees,
Organisation forecast in improving the team work by conduct adequate training. It creates team work between the
employee and employer as well as, formed good relationship between them.
3. Based on the study 55.8% of respondents are only satisfying the present salary pattern, Organisation has to
concentrate on salary pattern by changing increment period. Due to this changing, it satisfied the employee who
works in organisation.
4. Based on the study, 5% of respondents satisfied with hygiene maintenance, to satisfy the remaining 95% of
employees, Organisation has mind to provide separate washroom for single department and cleaning which is done
on schedule basis. Due to this, employees’ health which is not affected as well as work peacefully.
5. Based on the study 65% of respondents satisfy the welfare measures, to satisfy the dissatisfied employees,
organization create stress free environment requires the facilities such as restroom or recration (Indoor games such
as carrom board, Table tennis etc., )

Employees are the back bone of every organization, without employees no work can be done. Whenthe attitude of employee
towards his or her job is positive, there is job satisfaction or negative thereexists job dissatisfaction. (Vani U&Janan
,2016)The employees who are not satisfied with their salary and working environment in the organization they are the people
to pollute the environment in the work area. They are the real causes of reduction of production and other related problems.
If employees satisfied means productivity increases, work nature has improvise Due to this, profitability of organisation is
increase. With this project, the organisation will improve satisfaction of employees.

1. Ami Boyad, Shiji Lyndon &ShamiraMalekar(2012). An Empirical Study of Employee Satisfaction in Textile
Industries.Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Volume 1 Issue 1 January 2012 , 38-48.
2. EktaSinha (2013). A Research Work on Employee Satisfaction measurement with specialreference to Kribhco,
Surat.International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013, 523-529.
3. Muhammad Mushtaq Khan Niazi( 2012).Impact of Human Resource Practices on JobSatisfaction: A study of textile
industry of Pakistan. International Journal of Management& Organizational Studies. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014, 25-
4. Vani U &Janan (2016). Job Satisfaction of Garment Workers In Textile Unit With Special Reference to Dhikksha
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5. YaseminOraman (2011). Work motivation and job satisfaction dynamics of textile employees.African Journal of
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International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.21, Jan-March 2018. Page 56

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