Physiology Essays & Shorts Topic Wise

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Physiology questions topic wise from papers

Weightage of marks in Physiology NTRUHS examination follows like

the below table

Paper-I Max 100 Marks

Topic Marks Allocated
General Physiology 05
Hematology 20
CVS 25
Respiratory 20
GIT 15
Renal 15

Paper-II Max 100 Marks

Topic Marks Allocated

Nerve & Muscle Physiology 15
Endocrine 20
Reproductive 15
CNS 35
Special senses 10
Integrated Physiology 05
1. Classify different transport mechanisms across the cell membrane;
explain in detail about active transport with examples.
2. Define homeostasis. Explain in detail the regulatory mechanism of
homeostasis in the body with suitable examples.


1. Define Resting Membrane Potential. What is its ionic basis?

2. Secondary active transport
3. Active transport across cell membrane.
4. Sodium - Potassium ATPase
5. Positive feedback mechanism
6. Fluid compartments in the body
7. Diffusion of ions across cell membrane
8. Apoptosis

1. Describe the stages and regulation of erythropoiesis, add a note
on nutritional deficiency anemia. What is polycythemia
2. Name the blood group systems, explain basis for its classification.
Add a not on its clinical importance. Add a note on importance of
Rh factor. Add a note on crossmatching
3. Name the clotting factors with the help of a schematic diagram.
Explain the mechanism of blood coagulation; add a note on any 2
important bleeding disorders.
4. What is hemoglobin? What are its functions? What factors are
required for its formation and discuss the catabolism of
5. Classify WBC’s. Explain their development, functions and
6. Define immunity, classify it. Describe the development of cell
mediated immunity.


1. Effects of mismatched blood transfusion

2. T cells v/ s B cells
3. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) .
4. Anticoagulants & their mechanism of action.
5. Erythroblastosis Fetalis
6. Mention functions of Platelets.
7. Cyanosis
8. Anemias
9. Erythropoiesis & Its regulation
10. Describe the role of T-lymphocytes in immunity
11. Abnormalities of hemoglobin synthesis
12. Describe the fate of hemoglobin of the damaged RBCs
following hemolysis
13. Outline intrinsic pathway of clotting. Add a note on
14. Describe the role of B-lymphocytes in immunity.
15. ABO & Rh system of blood groups.
16. Blood buffers in regulation of pH
17. Blood clotting mechanism
18. Digestion and absorption of proteins
19. Lymph
20. Neutrophil Phagocytosis
21. A 42-year-old lady presented with easy fatigability, Dyspnea
on exertion. She is giving -history of excess menstrual loss of
blood. On examination Pallor is present. (1+1+2+1)
a) what is your clinical diagnosis?
b) what may be the cause for the condition?
c) what are the investigations to be done?
d) What complications can occur if untreated?
22. Iron deficiency anemia

1) Describe the following aspects of coronary blood flow.
a) Phasic flow
b) Metabolic regulation
c) Evidences of myocardial ischemia
2) Describe cardiac output, how it is measured in human. Discuss the
physiological factors influencing cardiac output
3) Explain the regulation of blood pressure by the baroreceptors, list
3 salient features of hemorrhagic shock and the basis for each
4) Define blood pressure, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and
pulse pressure with their normal values. Explain the baroreceptor
reflex regulation of blood pressure with a suitable diagram.
5) Define hypertension, describe briefly the physiological principles
underlying pathogenesis and management of hypertension
6) Describe the hemodynamic events during a cardiac cycle
7) Define ECG; describe the waves, segments and intervals of normal
ECG with help of a neat labeled diagram. Add a note on ECG
changes in myocardial infarction.


1. Conducting system of the heart

2. Korotkoff's sounds
3. Venous Return
4. Heart sounds
5. Draw and label waves of ECG (Electro Cardiogram)
6. Pacemaker potential
7. Coronary circulation
8. Action potential of ventricular muscle
9. Properties of cardiac muscle
10. Second Heart Sound
11. Poiseuille's Hagen formula in circulation
12. Postural hypotension.
13. Genesis & Characteristics of normal ECG & Significance of P-
R interval.
14. Ventricular systole
15. Pathophysiology of shock
16. Cutaneous circulation
17. Role of Baroreceptors
18. Describe different types of heart blocks
19. Long term regulation of blood Pressure
1) Describe the uptake, transport &delivery of oxygen. Add a note on
Bohr’s effect with the help of O2 disassociation curve.
2) What is hypoxia, classify it and explain them in brief
3) State the location of chemoreceptors regulating respiration.
Specify their role. Describe the neural regulation of respiration,
add a note on Hering-Breuer reflex
4) Describe the mechanism of respiration, define lung compliance,
mention any 2 conditions which reduce lung compliance
5) Define airway resistance, give its normal value. List the factors
affecting it, describe briefly the principles governing the flow of air
in air passages
6) Describe how body acclimatizes to high altitude.
7) What is asphyxia? Describe the various stages of asphyxia.
8) Describe the modes of transport of Co2 from tissues to the lungs.
9) Draw a diagram showing the structure of respiratory membrane
and enumerate the hemodynamic factors influencing the
exchange of gases across the membrane.
10) How is O2 carried in the blood? What is oxygen
disassociation curve? Draw ODC. What are the factors affecting
ODC? Mention about physiological significance of ODC.


1) Oxygen dissociation curve

2) Hypoxia
3) Lung surfactant and its applied aspects
4) Various stages of Asphyxia.
5) Surfactant and its functions
6) Timed vital capacity in obstructive and restrictive disorders with
7) Lung volumes and capacities with their normal values.
8) Haldane effect
9) Anemic Hypoxia
10) Chemical regulation of respiration
11) Periodic breathing
12) Hamburger shift
13) Lung compliance
14) Respiratory centers
15) Effects of voluntary hyperventilation
16) Effects of positive and negative acceleratory forces(G) on the
17) O2 therapy

1. Describe the composition, functions and regulation of pancreatic
juice. Explain the hormonal phase of Pancreatic juice secretion
2. Describe the composition, formation, functions and regulation of
gastric juice.
3. Describe in detail the gastro-intestinal movements. Add a note on
defecation reflex.
4. Describe the composition, functions, regulation of secretion of
bile. Enumerate the difference between liver bile and gallbladder
bile. Add a note on entero-hepatic circulation of bile.

1. Deglutition
2. Jaundice
3. Mechanism of Hydrochloric acid secretion in stomach.
4. Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts & its importance.
5. Describe the composition and functions of Bile.
6. Composition and functions of Gastric Juice.
7. Movements of small intestine
8. Pharyngeal phase of deglutition
9. Digestion and absorption of fats.
10. Role of esophageal sphincters
11. Functions, hormonal regulation of exocrine pancreatic
12. Composition and functions of bile
13. Mechanism of secretion of Saliva & composition and
functions of saliva
14. Enteric nervous system
15. Gastric phase of gastric secretion
16. Peptic ulceration
1. Describe the role of counter current mechanism in kidney
function. Add a note on diuretics.
2. Describe the reabsorption on water in renal tubule. Add a note on
diabetes insipidus.
3. Define GFR. Give its normal value. Explain in detail the factors
affecting GFR. Add a note on measurement of GFR.
4. Define micturition, explain in detail the mechanism of micturition
reflex. Add a note on disorders of micturition.


1. Juxta glomerular apparatus

2. Functions of skin.
3. Artificial kidney
4. Regulation of glomerular filtration rate or Factors affecting
glomerular filtration rate & Measurement of GFR
5. Juxta medullary nephron
6. Voluntary micturition
7. Define 'renal clearance'. What do Creatinine clearance, PAH and
inulin clearance indicate about renal function?
8. Regulation of Sodium excretion by kidney
9. Micturition reflex
10. Mechanism of absorption of sodium in renal tubules
11. Renal glucose reabsorption
12. Renin angiotensin mechanism
13. Urine concentrating mechanism or Counter current system
14. Tmax for Glucose reabsorption
1. Draw a labeled diagram of neuro-muscular junction. Enumerate
the events which occur during its transmission. Add a note on
myasthenia gravis.
2. List the various changes taking place during skeletal muscle
contraction and explain the molecular basis of contraction.


1. Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction

2. Myasthenia gravis
3. Resting membrane potential
4. Mention the actions of chemicals at Neuro-muscular junctions.
(a)Cholinesterase (b)Curare (c)Physostigmine
5. Types of muscle fibers
6. Neuromuscular junction
7. Excitation contraction coupling
8. Properties of Nerve Fibers
9. Classification of nerve fibers
10. Propagation of nerve action potential

1. Enumerate the hormones of anterior pituitary gland. Explain the
secretion and function of any one of them.
2. Name the hormones of posterior pituitary. Explain their functions.
Add a note on diabetes insipidus.
3. Name the hormones involved in somatic growth. Outline the role
of each. Or. Describe the functions of growth hormone. Add a
note on effects of its hypersecretion
4. Describe the functions & regulation of secretion of growth
hormone. Add a note on effects of its hyper secretion. Or. Name
the hormones involved in somatic growth. Outline the role of
5. Describe in detail hormones regulating the plasma calcium level.
Add a note on hypo calcemic tetany.
6. Describe the actions and regulation of glucocorticoids.
7. Describe the actions and regulation of insulin. Describe structure
of insulin. Describe biosynthesis of insulin. Explain the basis of
polyphagia in diabetes mellitus.
8. Name the hormones produced by supra renal glands. Describe the
secretion, regulation and action of any one of them.
9. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion
thyroid hormones. Add a note on cretinism
10. What are catecholamines? Explain the synthesis,
metabolism, actions and regulation of secretion of


1. Diabetes mellitus and diabetes Insipidus

2. Milk ejection reflex.
3. List the important effects of Adrenaline on different tissues.
4. Addison's disease.
5. Features of Cushing's syndrome
6. Thyroid function tests
7. Hyperglycemic hormones
8. Hormones regulating plasma calcium level
9. Milk ejection reflex and parturition reflex
10. Actions of estrogen
11. Gigantism & Acromegaly
12. Features of cretinism and its physiological basis
13. Hypo calcemic tetany
14. Prolactin
15. Control of testicular activity
16. Fertilization and implantation of ovum
17. Circadian rhythm of ACTH release
18. Metabolic functions of cortisol
19. Functions of progesterone
20. A 50 year old lady presented with excessive tiredness,
sleepiness. She had history of excessive post-partum hemorrhage
during her second pregnancy 25 years ago. She remembers that
her BP was low that time. She is having irregular menstruation for
many years. Axillary and pubic hair were absent. (1+1+1+1+1)
a) What could be the condition she could be suffering from?
b) What will be the cause for this condition?
c) What are the different hormones involved?
d) How will you treat this case?
e) What is the cause of absent axillary and pubic hair?
1. Describe the hormonal, ovarian and uterine changes during
menstrual cycle. Add a note on menopause.
2. What is puberty; mention the changes that occur during puberty
in females.
3. Describe the actions of ovarian hormones.
4. Describe the functions of placental hormones. Discuss the
diagnostic importance of HCG. Add a note on pregnancy tests.
5. Describe the functions of testis and regulation of testicular


1. Oogenesis & Ovulation or indicators of ovulation

2. Contraceptive methods in Males & females
3. What is spermatogenesis? Mention factors which regulate
4. Family planning methods in males.
5. Contraceptive methods in females
6. Seminal fluid
7. Puberty
8. Actions of progesterone
9. Menopause
10. Uterine changes during menstruation
1. Define synapse, give its types. Define the terms EPSP and IPSP.
Describe In detail about synaptic inhibition.
2. Classify reflexes and give examples. Describe the general
properties of reflexes. Add a note on stretch & inverse stretch
3. Write in detail about the effects of complete and incomplete
transection of spinal cord.
4. Classify the sensory receptors with examples. Describe the
mechanism by which sensory system codes the sensory modality
and stimulus intensity
5. Define pain; describe the pathway for pain sensation with neat
diagram. Add a note on endogenous analgesic system.
6. Draw a labeled diagram to show the origin, course and
termination of cortico-spinal tracts. Add a note on hemiplegia.
Explain the effect of decerebration on their function
7. Draw a labeled diagram of muscle spindle, explain the effects of
stretch and stimulation of gamma motor neuron on spindle
8. What is decerebrate rigidity? Explain its manifestations.
9. What is referred pain, explain the theories of referred pain.
Mention few examples for referred pain
10. Describe the connections and functions of basal ganglia, add
a note on Parkinson’s disease.
11. Describe the functional divisions, connections and functions
of hypothalamus.
12. Describe the connections and functions of reticular
13. Discuss origin, distribution and functions of sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves.
14. Describe the functional divisions, connections and functions
of cerebellum. Add a note on cerebellar dysfunction. Write a note
on dysdiadokokinesia.
15. Describe the connections and functions of pre-frontal lobe.
Add a note on effects of its lesion.
16. Describe the connections, functions and effects of lesions of
17. Classify the components of limbic system and explain the
functions of limbic system. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Papez
18. Mention the formation, composition and functions of CSF.
19. Describe the motor, sensory & language functions of
cerebral cortex.


1. Parkinsonism
2. Vestibular apparatus
3. Brown-Sequard syndrome
4. List the differences between upper motor neuron lesion {UMN)
and lower motor neuron lesion (LMN)
5. What is blood brain barrier? What is its functions and clinical
6. What is Referred pain? Explain suitably.
7. Functions of Limbic system.
8. Parkinsonism and physiological basis of a drug used in its
9. Functions of thalamus
10. Diseases of basal ganglia
11. Anterolateral sensory pathway and its functions
12. Dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway and its functions
13. Dysmetria and Ataxia
14. Stretch and inverse stretch reflex
15. Withdrawal reflex
16. Somatosensory Cortex
17. Conditioned reflex
18. Paralysis agitans
19. Endogenous analgesia system
20. Spinal shock
21. Functions of cerebellum
22. Properties of receptors
23. Functions of hypothalamus
24. Pain pathway

1. Name the components of middle ear, give their functions.
Describe briefly the role of inner ear in hearing.
2. Give an account of various errors of refraction in the eye. How can
they be corrected?
3. Draw a diagram of visual pathway and explain it. Describe the
effects of lesions at different levels of visual pathway.
4. Explain the auditory pathway with suitable diagrams. Describe the
mechanism of hearing.
5. Describe the olfactory pathway with a neat diagram. Explain in
detail physiology of olfaction. Add a note on its abnormalities.
6. Describe the taste pathway with a neat labeled diagram. Describe
the cellular mechanism involved in perception of taste. Add a note
on its abnormalities.


1. Accommodation reflex or Near response

2. Visual pathway
3. Light and dark adaptation of eyes & explain the mechanism
4. Mention common errors of Refraction, its causes and their
corrections (myopia and hypermetropia are asked separately
5. Draw a neat diagram of Light reflex pathway and label it.
6. Scotopic and photopic vision
7. Factors affecting visual acuity
8. Pupillary reflexes
9. Aqueous humor
10. A 30 year old man presented with severe headache and
vomiting. Examination revealed difficulty in temporal areas of the
field of vision. (2+1+1+1)
a) What may be the cause for this?
b) Why is he having headache and vomiting?
c) Why is he having this type of visual abnormality?
d) Does this patient is likely to have hormonal disturbances?
11. Photo transduction
12. Color vision, color blindness
13. Role of cochlea in pitch discrimination
14. Cochlear microphonics
15. Functions of middle ear
16. Type of deafness
17. Basis and testing of conductive deafness
18. Organ of corti
19. Theories of hearing
20. Mechanism of hearing
21. Physiology of Olfaction
22. Olfactory pathway

1. Discuss the temperature regulating mechanisms of the body. Add
a note on hypothermia.
2. Describe age related changes in the body. Explain the theories of
ageing. List the factors that delays ageing.
3. Define the terms Growth and development. List the factors
affecting them. Describe briefly physiological aspects of both.


1. Regulation of body temperature

2. Heat loss mechanism
3. Describe the cardiovascular and respiratory changes during
4. Describe the metabolic changes and adjustments during exercise

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