Physiology Essays & Shorts Topic Wise
Physiology Essays & Shorts Topic Wise
Physiology Essays & Shorts Topic Wise
1. Describe the stages and regulation of erythropoiesis, add a note
on nutritional deficiency anemia. What is polycythemia
2. Name the blood group systems, explain basis for its classification.
Add a not on its clinical importance. Add a note on importance of
Rh factor. Add a note on crossmatching
3. Name the clotting factors with the help of a schematic diagram.
Explain the mechanism of blood coagulation; add a note on any 2
important bleeding disorders.
4. What is hemoglobin? What are its functions? What factors are
required for its formation and discuss the catabolism of
5. Classify WBC’s. Explain their development, functions and
6. Define immunity, classify it. Describe the development of cell
mediated immunity.
1) Describe the following aspects of coronary blood flow.
a) Phasic flow
b) Metabolic regulation
c) Evidences of myocardial ischemia
2) Describe cardiac output, how it is measured in human. Discuss the
physiological factors influencing cardiac output
3) Explain the regulation of blood pressure by the baroreceptors, list
3 salient features of hemorrhagic shock and the basis for each
4) Define blood pressure, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and
pulse pressure with their normal values. Explain the baroreceptor
reflex regulation of blood pressure with a suitable diagram.
5) Define hypertension, describe briefly the physiological principles
underlying pathogenesis and management of hypertension
6) Describe the hemodynamic events during a cardiac cycle
7) Define ECG; describe the waves, segments and intervals of normal
ECG with help of a neat labeled diagram. Add a note on ECG
changes in myocardial infarction.
1. Describe the composition, functions and regulation of pancreatic
juice. Explain the hormonal phase of Pancreatic juice secretion
2. Describe the composition, formation, functions and regulation of
gastric juice.
3. Describe in detail the gastro-intestinal movements. Add a note on
defecation reflex.
4. Describe the composition, functions, regulation of secretion of
bile. Enumerate the difference between liver bile and gallbladder
bile. Add a note on entero-hepatic circulation of bile.
1. Deglutition
2. Jaundice
3. Mechanism of Hydrochloric acid secretion in stomach.
4. Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts & its importance.
5. Describe the composition and functions of Bile.
6. Composition and functions of Gastric Juice.
7. Movements of small intestine
8. Pharyngeal phase of deglutition
9. Digestion and absorption of fats.
10. Role of esophageal sphincters
11. Functions, hormonal regulation of exocrine pancreatic
12. Composition and functions of bile
13. Mechanism of secretion of Saliva & composition and
functions of saliva
14. Enteric nervous system
15. Gastric phase of gastric secretion
16. Peptic ulceration
1. Describe the role of counter current mechanism in kidney
function. Add a note on diuretics.
2. Describe the reabsorption on water in renal tubule. Add a note on
diabetes insipidus.
3. Define GFR. Give its normal value. Explain in detail the factors
affecting GFR. Add a note on measurement of GFR.
4. Define micturition, explain in detail the mechanism of micturition
reflex. Add a note on disorders of micturition.
1. Enumerate the hormones of anterior pituitary gland. Explain the
secretion and function of any one of them.
2. Name the hormones of posterior pituitary. Explain their functions.
Add a note on diabetes insipidus.
3. Name the hormones involved in somatic growth. Outline the role
of each. Or. Describe the functions of growth hormone. Add a
note on effects of its hypersecretion
4. Describe the functions & regulation of secretion of growth
hormone. Add a note on effects of its hyper secretion. Or. Name
the hormones involved in somatic growth. Outline the role of
5. Describe in detail hormones regulating the plasma calcium level.
Add a note on hypo calcemic tetany.
6. Describe the actions and regulation of glucocorticoids.
7. Describe the actions and regulation of insulin. Describe structure
of insulin. Describe biosynthesis of insulin. Explain the basis of
polyphagia in diabetes mellitus.
8. Name the hormones produced by supra renal glands. Describe the
secretion, regulation and action of any one of them.
9. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion
thyroid hormones. Add a note on cretinism
10. What are catecholamines? Explain the synthesis,
metabolism, actions and regulation of secretion of
1. Parkinsonism
2. Vestibular apparatus
3. Brown-Sequard syndrome
4. List the differences between upper motor neuron lesion {UMN)
and lower motor neuron lesion (LMN)
5. What is blood brain barrier? What is its functions and clinical
6. What is Referred pain? Explain suitably.
7. Functions of Limbic system.
8. Parkinsonism and physiological basis of a drug used in its
9. Functions of thalamus
10. Diseases of basal ganglia
11. Anterolateral sensory pathway and its functions
12. Dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway and its functions
13. Dysmetria and Ataxia
14. Stretch and inverse stretch reflex
15. Withdrawal reflex
16. Somatosensory Cortex
17. Conditioned reflex
18. Paralysis agitans
19. Endogenous analgesia system
20. Spinal shock
21. Functions of cerebellum
22. Properties of receptors
23. Functions of hypothalamus
24. Pain pathway
1. Name the components of middle ear, give their functions.
Describe briefly the role of inner ear in hearing.
2. Give an account of various errors of refraction in the eye. How can
they be corrected?
3. Draw a diagram of visual pathway and explain it. Describe the
effects of lesions at different levels of visual pathway.
4. Explain the auditory pathway with suitable diagrams. Describe the
mechanism of hearing.
5. Describe the olfactory pathway with a neat diagram. Explain in
detail physiology of olfaction. Add a note on its abnormalities.
6. Describe the taste pathway with a neat labeled diagram. Describe
the cellular mechanism involved in perception of taste. Add a note
on its abnormalities.
1. Discuss the temperature regulating mechanisms of the body. Add
a note on hypothermia.
2. Describe age related changes in the body. Explain the theories of
ageing. List the factors that delays ageing.
3. Define the terms Growth and development. List the factors
affecting them. Describe briefly physiological aspects of both.