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PHE Micro-Project Roll No 43 Om Shinde 1

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Micro-Project Report


“Collectionof information About Process of

Sedimentation & Types”
Submitted by

Mr. Shinde Om Gorakh.

Roll No. 43

Enrollment No. 2010740023

Under the guidance of


Department Of Civil Engineering (POLYTECHNIC)


Academic Year 2022-2023


This is to certify that the Project report entitled

“Collection of information About Process of

Sedimentation & Types”
Is submitted by,

Mr. Shinde Om Gorakh.

For partial full fillment of TY in Civil Engineering as per requirement of MSBTE, Mumbai for
the academic year 2022-2023.

(Ms. K. W.Deshmukh.) (Mr. R.J. Salunkhe) (Prof. N.D.Misal)

Guide HOD Principal


Place: Pandharpur
Seal of
We take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks (Ms.K.W.Deshmukh.) And
deep since of gratitude to our guide for her constant support, motivation
valuable guidance and immense.

Help during the entire course of this week, without her constant
encouragement, timely advice and valuable discussion, it would have been
difficult in completing her work. We should also thank acknowledgement
department of civil engineering.

Who provided us the facilities for completion of the project? We are thankful
to her for sharing her experience in the research field with us and providing
constant motivation during entire project.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all our friends who helped us
lot for completion of our project work.

Sedimentation is the process of allowing particles in suspension in water

to settle out of the suspension under the effect of gravity. The particles that
settle out from the suspension become sediment, and in water treatment is
known as sludge.

The purpose of sedimentation is to enhance the filtration process by

removing particulates. Sedimentation is the process by which suspended
particles are removed from the water by means of gravity or separation.

Sedimentation is recommended as simple pre-treatment of water prior to

application of other purification treatments such as filtration and disinfection
methods. It removes undesirable small particulate suspended matters (sand, silt
and clay) and some biological contaminants from water under the influence of
What Is Mean By Sediments

Sediment is solid material that is moved and deposited in a new location.

Sediment can consist of rocks and minerals, as well as the remains of plants and
animals. It can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a boulder. Sediment
moves from one place to another through the process of erosion.

Rocks as small as tiny clay particles and larger that are moved by the
water are called sediment. Fast-moving water can pick up, suspend, and move
larger particles more easily than slow-moving waters.

To remove these small sediments from the water the sedimentation

process is generally used .

Sedimentation is a physical water treatment process using gravity to

remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by the turbulence
of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimentation in the still water
of lakes and oceans. Settling basins are ponds constructed for the purpose of
removing entrained solids by sedimentation.

Clarifiers are tanks built with mechanical means for continuous

removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation. Clarification does not
remove dissolved species. Sedimentation is the act of depositing sediment.

Our primary aim of sedimentation water treatment is to

purify water. Surface water comes from various sources contains large amounts
of suspended particles and debris. If you directly pass these water to water
treatment machines, finally it leads to deteriorating of machines.

So in order to prevent these causes, at the beginning of

water treatment itself, you need to remove the suspended particles by
sedimentation process. The sedimentation process can be done with help of
sedimentation tanks. There are different types of sedimentation tanks used for
this process.
Types of Sedimentation process

There are two types of sedimentation process:-

1.Plain Sedimentation

2.Sedimentation with coagulation( Clarification)

1.Plain Sedimentation -

When the suspended solids (impurities) are settled out by the action of
natural forces alone, by gravitation is called plain sedimentation.

This method is very cheaper and mostly used in all filtration and purification
system of water .
2.Sedimentation with coagulation( Clarification) -

When chemicals or other

substances are used to hasten and settling of finely divided suspended matter or
colloids, this operation or types of sedimentation is called as clarification or
sedimentation with coagulation.
Types of Sedimentation Tank

Following are the various types of sedimentation tank classified under

various conditions-

1] Depending upon the shape the settling basin can be classified as –

a] Rectangular

b] Circular

2] Depending upon the direction of flow, settling tank may be –

a] Horizontal Flow

b] Vertical Flow

3] Depending the nature of working settling tank may be –

a] Fill and Draw type tank

b] Contineous flow type

1] Depending upon the shape the settling basin can be classified as –

a] Rectangular

Rectangular sedimentation tanks are mostly preferred sedimentation

tanks and are used widely. The flow takes place in horizontal direction that is
length wise in rectangular tanks. Sometimes baffle walls are provided for
rectangular tank to prevent short circuiting. Maintenance costs are low in case
of rectangular sedimentation tanks. They are also suitable for large capacity
plants.Rectangular Sedimentation Tank

b] Circular

A sedimentation tank allows suspended particles to settle out of water or

wastewater as it flows slowly through the tank, thereby providing some degree
of purification. A layer of accumulated solids, called sludge, forms at the
bottom of the tank and is periodically removed.
2] Depending upon the direction of flow, settling tank may be –

a] Horizontal Flow

These tanks generally in rectangular shape. They have more length

twice its width. Because they need to flow more distance to settle all suspended
particles. The maximum permissible velocity in this case is 0.3m/sec.

b] Vertical Flow

The vertical flow type sedimentations tanks are generally in circular

shape and flow takes place in vertical direction. Hopper bottom is provided at
the bottom of the tank to dispose the collected sludge
3] Depending the nature of working settling tank may be –

a] Fill and Draw type tank

In case of fill and draw type sedimentation tank, water from inlet is
stored for some time. The time may be 24 hours. In that time, the suspended
particles are settled at the bottom of the tank. After 24 hours, the water is
discharged through outlet. Then settled particle are removed. This removal
action requires 6-12 hours. So, one complete action of sedimentation requires
30-40 hours in case of fill and draw type sedimentation tank.
b] Contineous flow type

In this case, water is not allowed to rest. Flow always takes place but
with a very small velocity. During this flow, suspended particles are settle at the
bottom of the tank. The flow may be either in horizontal direction or vertical

Sedimentation practices are designed to be effective at retaining

suspended solids that typically adsorb to solids. In every after the experiment,
the retained solids must need to be removed. Since the apparatus is not that
effective at retaining dissolved pollutants, there must be a way for this. Such
apparatus must therefore be regularly inspected to determine its condition .The
rear panel should be translucent enough in order for the students to have an
improve observation of settling sediments in the column. It’s not so easy to
measure settlement depth due to the graduated scale with no back lighting
which means there are discrepancies in our data
 Note Book
 Reffrance Book
 https://theconstructor.org/environmental-engg/types-of-sedimentation-

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