Mathematics ETEA MCQ's For 1st Year
Mathematics ETEA MCQ's For 1st Year
Mathematics ETEA MCQ's For 1st Year
Imaginary No. z1 z2 z1 z2
Any number which square is nagetive is called Imaginary
Number e.g. z z
1 1 z2 0
2 2 z2 z2
1 1
2 2
Algebra of Complex No:
Iota: Addition (+)
Iota is a imaginary unit and it is denoted by i For two complex numbers z1 = a1 + b1i and
z2 = a2 + b2i their sum is define as
i 1 i2 1
i 3 i 2 i 1 i i z1 + z2 = a1 + b1i + a2 + b2i
i 4 i 2 i 2 1 1 1 z1 + z2 = (a1 + a2) + (b1 + b2)i
|z| = a2 b2 z z | z |2
e.g z = 3 4i z1 z2 z1 z2
|z| =
3 4
z1 z2 z1 z2
then |z| = 9 16 z z
1 1 z2 0
|z| = 5 z2 z2
Properties of Complex Numbers: 1. A combination of Real and Imaginary number is
Properties of complex Numbers with respect to addition and
multiplication a) Prime No
b) Complex No
Commutative w.r.t addition
c) Composite No
z1 + z2 = z2 + z1 d) Rational No
Associative w.r.t addition 2. Any number which square is ive is called:
z1 + (z2 + z3) = (z1 + z2) + z3 a) Real No
b) Img No
Properties of w.r.t multiplication c) Complex No.
Commutative w.r.t multiplication d) None
z1 z2 = z2 z1
3. i 2
Multiplicative inverse: a) 1
A complex Number c+di is called the multiplicative b) 1
inverse of complex number a+ bi c) i
d) i
If (a+bi) (c+di) = 1 + 0i
30. Let z1 = 2 + 3 i z2 = 1 3 i then the subtraction of 36. The product of complex number and its conjugate is
z2 from 2z1 is: called:
a) 1 6 i a) Img
b) 1 + 9 i b) Real
c) 3 9 i c) Both (a) and (b)
d) 3 + 9 i d) None of these
37. If x + y = 2
31. Let z1 = 3 + 7i z2 3 7i then z1 z2 =
a) 6 7x + 7y = 14 then (x,y) =
b) 6 + 2 7i a) (1 , 1)
b) (0, 2)
c) 2 7i
c) (2, 0)
d) 2 7i d) Not possible
32. a b = 5i
a) ab 5 i
b) a. b 5 i
c) ab 26 26
d) None of these 5 i
25 25
33. If (x + iy) (2 3i) = 2 + 3i then x and y value is: c) 1
5 14 d) None of these
a) i
13 13
39. If Z1, Z2 C then |Z1 . Z2| is
5 12
b) i a) |Z1| + |Z2|
13 13
5 14 b) |Z1| + |Z2|
c) c) > |Z1| + Z2|
13 13
5 12 d) None of these
d) ,
13 13 40. If Z1 = 2 + 3 i Z2 = 2 3 i then:
34. Additive Identity of complex No is: a) Z1 < Z2
a) 1 + 0 i b) Z1 > Z2
b) 0 + 0 i c) Z1 = Z2
c) 0 + i d) Not possible
d) 1 + i
Column matrix: 3 0 0
A matrix having only one column is called a column A 0 3 0
matrix or a column vector. 0 0 3
Two matrix A and B are said to be equal If they are Matrix obtained by interchanging row and columns.
same order and all the corresponding elements are equal The transpose of A matrix is denoted by At e.g
1 4
1 2 3
1 2 1 11 A then A 2 5
A B 4 5 6
3 2 2 1 0 2 3 6
Addition of Matrices: 2 by 3 3 by 2
If matrices A and B are same order than the sum of Multiplication of matrices:
A+B is defined. e.g. Two matrices A and B are said to be conformable for
1 2 1 1 multiplication If the number of columns A is equal to the
A B 0 2 number of Row B. e.g.
1 3
2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
A B 1 1
3 4
Sum is defined
11 2 1 11 2 1
2 3 31 4 1 3 1 4 1
1 5 1 2 1 2
Subtraction of Matrices: 3 4 3 4
3 3
If matrices A and B are same order then subtraction AB
of matrix A B is defined. 7 7
Homogeneous equation: 7 28
5. Let 7A = then At =
49 70
The system of equation Ax = B is said to be
homogeneous If B = 0 7 28
49 70
If |A|0 then its only solution x=0 is called trivial
solution 7 49
28 70
If |A|=0 then Ax=0 has no trivial solution, it will have
infinite many solution 1 4
7 10
Non homogeneous equation:
1 7
System of equation Ax=B is said to be non- d)
4 10
homogeneous If B0
6. (AB)1 =
If |A|0 system of equation has unique solution
a) A1B1
If |A|=0 system of equation has no solution b) At Bt
c) Bt At
d) B1A1
1. Let A = [1 2 3 4] then the order of matrix A is:
a) 41 3 2 1
b) 4 7. If A = 4 5 6 then A + At is:
c) 14 2 3 4
d) 10 a) Skew symmetric
2. If A = 7 4 matrix then At = b) Symmetric
a) 74 c) Both (a) and (b)
b) 28 d) None of these
c) 14 0 2b
8. Matrix A = is given to a symmetric then the
d) 47 3 49
3. A square matrix A = [aij] of order n is said to be skew value of b:
symmetric If At = a) 1
a) A b) 2/3
b) A c) 3/2
c) I d) 4
d) O
a) 6 1 2 1 2
15. If 2x 4 then the value of 4x is:
b) 10 3 4 3 4
c) 30 20 40
d) 27 60 80
4 x 5 10
11. If A = is a singular matrix then x = b)
10 3 15 20
a) 5 10 20
5 30 40
20 60
6 d)
c) 40 80
11 3 1 1
d) 16. If A = then |A | =
5 4 2
7 8 adjA
12. If Bt = a)
then adjB is: | A|
3 4
7 8 1
a) A
3 4
7 3 c)
b) | A|
8 4 1
7 3 adjA
8 4
4 3
8 7
2 3 1 1
a) c)
3 3 3 4
2 4 3 1
b) d)
2 1
3 3
1 3 2 3 1 7
c) 44. A= B then 14A 13A
2 1 4
1 5 6
1 0 2 3
d) a)
0 1 1 4
0 1 4 2 3
41. A= b)
A then: 1 15
1 0
1 0 2 7
a) c)
6 4
0 1
1 1 d) None of these
0 0
0 0
1 1
0 1
1 0
Those quantity which have A vector whose magnitude is zero is called zero
only magnitude is called vector or null vector.
scalar, e.g. Zero vector is denoted by 0. And direction of zero
Vector: vector is indeterminate.
There are many types of vector some important Negative of z is denoted by z.
types are given below. 7. Fixed vector:
1. Parallel vector: Those vector whose initial point or tail is fixed in
Those vector which have different called fixed vector, e.g.
magnitude and same direction is Position vector and displacement vector are fixed
called parallel vector. vectors.
2. Anti-parallel vector: 8. Free vector:
Those vector which have different Those vector whose initial point or tail is not fixed is
magnitude and different direction is called free vector, e.g. velocity.
called anti=parallel vector.
Angle between two vectors:
3. Equal vector:
The angle between two
Two vector are said to be equal vectors a and b represented
vector if they have same by OA and OB.
magnitude and same direction, is
called equal vector. Properties of vector addition:
A vector whose magnitude equal to one is called unit For any two vector a and b
a a ba
n a
|a |
Volume of tetrahedron:
The volume of tetrahedron a,b,c is
Same = 0 1
ki=j = a . b c
i k = j ij=0
1. Mathematically unit vector is described as:
j i = k jj=0 n
a) A A A
k j = 1 kk=0 n | A|
b) A
c) | a || b | sin
11. The projection of vector b on a, if a 3 i j 2 k
d) 8 20. A A is:
a) A
15. If a is perpendicular b than which one condition is b) A2
c) 2A
a) a.b=0
d) Zero
b) a.b=1
c) a.b=1 21. If a = 2i+j+3k, b =4i+j+k and c=3i+j+k then volume
d) a=b of this vector is:
a) 3
Let G be the geometric mean between a and b then solution is not possible.
a,G,b are in G.P
3. Harmonic mean:
G = ab 2ab
H.m =
If a = +ive b = +ive then G.m = +ive ab
If a = b are opposite than G.m will be imaginary The reciprocals of A.P is called harmonic sequence.
2. Geometric sequence: 1
a1 n 1 d
A geometric sequence is a sequence for which
every term after the first is the product of the Relation between A.m, G.m and H.m:
preceding term and fixed number called common
ratio of the sequence. A.m H.m = (G.m)2
an = a1rn1 r=
a2 a n 1 b n 1
In for
a1 an bn
Geometric finite series: n=0 it will be A.m
Case # 01 1
n= it will be G.m
If |r| < 1 then 2
a1 1 r n n = 1 it will be H.m
Sn =
1 r
Case # 02 1. General term of 2,4,6,8, …. nN
a) 2n
If |r| > 1 then b) 2n
a1 r n 1 c) 2n(1)n+1
Sn = d) 2n(1)n+1
r 1
Muhammad Usman Ghani 24
2. …..96,97,96,…….50 is a: d) 49
a) Finite sequence 9. G.m =
b) Infinite sequence
a) A.m H.m
c) Monotonic sequence
b) A.m + G.m
d) None of these
c) A.m H .m
3. 2,4,6,8,10,….. a101 = ? d) (A.mH.m)2
a) 200
b) 198 10. 39,32,25, ….. common difference between two
number is:
c) 202
a) 7
d) 404
b) 7
4. If a = positive b = negative, and a > b then A.m of c) 6
a and b is: d) 6
a) Positive
b) Negative 11. If a1 = 3 a6 = 18 then d =:
c) Zero a) Positive
d) Both (a) and (b) b) Negative
c) Greater than 1
5. If a = 2 + 3 and b = 2 3 then A.m of a and d) Both (a) and (c)
be is:
12. If in an A.P a1=43 a10 = 7 then a25:
a) 4
a) 50
b) 2
b) 53
c) 2 3
c) 53
d) 9
d) 50
6. If a = 6 and b = 6 then the formula of G.m is:
13. In an A.P If d = positive then sequence is called:
a) ab a) Increasing
b) ab b) Decreasing
c) ab c) Monotonic
d) (ab)2 d) None of these
33. 0.5 =
a) 555 ….
Series: 1 dr
1 r 1 r 2
The sum of sequence is called series e.g
1 + 2 + 3 + -------- n
1. The Greek letter sigma used to denoted:
a) Sum
The sum of several term we use sigma the notation b) Product
of sigma is or : c) Both
Sum of first n natural numbers: d) None of these
2 n 1 2. k m k 1 for any positive integer m is
n = 1+2 +3+ --- n = k 1
equal to:
n n 1 2n 1 a) mn
n2 = 12+22+32 + --- n2 =
6 b) nm
3 c) mn
n n 1
3 3 3
n = 1 +2 +3 + --- n = 3 3
d) None of these
2 n
3. z 2 = where z belongs to natural number:
Arithmetic geometric series: Z 1
Permutation, Combination and Probability An operation which results in some well defined
outcomes is called experiment.
Factorial Notation:
Sample space:
The factorial is defined only for whole numbers
The set of all possible outcomes of random
e.g. 1! = 1 experiment is called the sample space for the
experiment. e.g.
2! = 2.1
The sample space of toss is
3! = 3.2.2
S = {H,T}
N! = n(n1)(n2) …… 3.2.1
The sample space of dies is
Factorial is denoted by !
S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
We do not define the factorial of proper fraction or
negative integers. Discrete Sample Space:
Permutation: If s is a finite set then the sample space is called
discrete sample space.
Each of the different arrangement of things which
can be made by taking some or all of given number Event:
of things or objects at a time is called a permutation
A subset of sample space is called event.
n! Simple event:
Pr n r 1
n r ! An event is called a simple event If it is a singleton
subset of sample spaces.
Compound event:
Each of the different group or selection which can be
made by taking some or all of a number of things A subset of simple spaces which contains more than
(without order) is called combination: one element is called compound event.
n n! Equality events:
n r !r ! When they have equal chances of occurrence
Probability is the likelihood of the occurrence of an If A B = then A and B are mutually exclusive
event the probability of event A is written P(A). events.
Probabilities are always number between 0 and 1 Experiment Outcomes
0P1 Tossing a coin rolling a Heads tails
six side dice
x y
n n Cr x n r . y r (a+b)3 = a3+b3+3ab(a+b)
r 0
(ab)3 = a3b33ab(ab)
Now in expand form
(a+b)n = an + nCr1 an1b1+ nCr2 an2b2 + …. ncnaobn
= nCo nyo + nc1 n1y1 + …….. ncroyn
1. The term of the expansion (a+b)n is:
n n n
Where Co, C1, C2 are binomial coefficient. n!
a) r
Pascal’s triangle: n !r !
The coefficients nCo, nC1…… nCn are called binomial n ! nr r
b) a b
coefficients: n r !
be neglected then
1 x =?
1 2 x
4. Bijective Function:
A function is said to be bijective If f:xy is both one-
one and onto, e.g
y = x2
Domain = {1, 1, 2, 2}
Range = {1,4} Range is a
5. Polynomial Function:
Codomain = {1, 1, 4, 5} subset of co domain
A function is said to be polynomial function If the
Types of function: variable power is non negative, e.g.
There are many types of functions some important Px = anxn + an1xn1 + …… a1x + ao
functions are give below.
1 9. The graph of Fx = x2 + 6x 5 opens:
4 a) Upward
7 b) Downward
4 c) both (a) and (b)
3. A function which is both 11 and onto is called: d) None of these
a) Injective 10. Cosx is an ……….. function:
b) Surjective a) Even
c) Bijective b) Odd
1 cos
4. cot cos = sin sin = sin
2 1 cos 2 2
Double angle identities:
tan = cot tan = cot
1. Sin2 = 2sin.cos 2 2
0 30 45 60 90 r= a 2 b2
sinx 0 1 1 3 1
2 2 2 1. Sec45 =
cosx 1 3 1 1 0 a)
2 2
2 2
tanx 0 1 1 3 Undefined 3
3 c) 3
3 44. sin196 =
39. If sinx = then cosx: a) sin16
b) cos33
a) c) cos16
d) sin16
2 45. Tan1(135) =
7 1
c) a)
4 2
1 1
d) b)
2 2
40. cos sin1 = 2
2 d) 1
a) 0 46. sin10osin30osin50osin70o =
1 3
b) a)
2 16
c) 1 3
3 16
2 1
s b s c Scribed circles:
2 bc A circle which touches one side of triangle externally
and the other two sides internally when produced is
s a s c called escribed or escribed circle.
2 ac
s a s b 2
2 ab
The tangent of half angle in terms of sides: s
s b s c s s a s b s c
2 s s a 2s = a+b+c
s a s c = rs
2 s s b abc
s a s b
2 s s c 4R =
Circle connected with triangles circumcircle:
r1 =
A circle passing through the vertices of any triangle sa
is called circumcircle.
r2 =
Circumcenter: sb
The center of the circle is
r3 =
called circumcenter. sc
Circumradius: 2 = s(sa)(sb)(sc)
The measure of radius of a
circle is called circumradius.
1. Cos =
b2 c 2 a 2
a) 1/3 2
c) Cos1 1 1 A 1 B
b) 1
c) 2
d) Cos1 AB 1 A 1 B
2 2
d) None of these
39. Sin(2sin1x) =
34. The formula of frequency is:
a) 2
a) b) 2x
A c) 1 x 2
2 d) 1 x 2
c) 2A
d) 2A
1 B 2 C 3 C
35. The graph of cos2x is:
4 B 5 B 6 B
a) Parabola
b) Straight line 7 A 8 A 9 B
c) Along xaxis 10 D 11 B 12 C
d) Along y-axis 13 A 14 A 15 B
36. Sin1A + sin1B = 16 C 17 C 18 D
a) Sin1 A 1 b B 1 A
19 D 20 A 21 B
22 C 23 A 24 A
b) Sin1 A 1 A 2
B 1 B
25 C 26 A 27 B
A B 28 C 29 A 30 A
c) Tan1
A B 31 C 32 A 33 B
d) Cos1 AB 1 A 1 B
34 B 35 C 36 A
37 B 38 D 39 B