Part 5 MAPEH
Part 5 MAPEH
Part 5 MAPEH
3. What does this mean? 8. Which is done when one crosses the right foot or
A. Swim at your own risk. left foot in front of the left ( R ), bends the body
B. Don’t feed the sharks. slightly forward and crosses the hands down in
C. There is report of sharks in the activity. front with the right ( L ) hand over the left ( R )?
D. Should you spots sharks in the area, call 111. A. Saludo
B. Sarok
4. Which are safety advice on how to avoid shark? C. Arms in lateral position
I. Do not swim at dawn, at dusk or at night. D. Set
II. Do not swim if you are bleeding or have any open
wound. 9. Which one referred to when one places the foot
III. If schooling fish start to behave erratically or in a certain desired position without putting weight
start to congregate in unusually large numbers, on it and make the sole of the foot rest flat on the
leave the water. floor?
IV. If a large fish is sighted in the area, leave the A. Point
water as quickly and quickly and calmly as possible. B. Place
A. I, II, III and IV C. Saludo
B. I, II and III D. Set
C. I and II
D. II and III and IV 10. What position sis described when arms are at
side, horizontal, elbows bent at the right angle,
5. Arrange the steps in mouth-to-mouth forearms parallel to the head and palms facing
resuscitation. inward?
1. Check the pulse for signs of life A. Arms in T position
2. Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on land, if B. Arms in reverse T position
possible, o in the water if injured persons needs C. Arms in lateral Position
immediate life-and-death measures. D. Arms in oblique upward position
3. Strongly breathe four times into the mouth of the
injured persons as you pinch his or her nose. This 11. Whose is known as the “Mother, Dean and
helps air get past any water that is clogging the Champion of Philippine folk Dance”?
breathing passageways and the lungs. A. Francisca Reyes Aquino
4. Turn the drowning person’s head to the side, B. Tessy Alfonso
allowing any water to drain from his or her mouth C. Fabia de la Rosa
or nose. Turn the head back to the center. D. Fely Franquelli
5. After four strong breaths, put your ear near the
mouth and watch the chest for any breathing 12. Which dance is based on music played at
movement. bullfight during the bullfight’ entrance (paseo) or
A. 4-2-3-5-6-1 during the passes (faena) just before the kill?
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42. In 2003, NBA made a new rule as regards the 49. In volleyball game, when two teammates
stay of players inside the painted area. Who should contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered two
get out of the painted area every three seconds? contacts for their team EXCEPT during ___________ .
A. Offensive players A. blocking
B. Defensive players B. spiking
C. Both offensive and defensive players C. dribbling
D. The player holding the ball D. serving
43. You are in the second base with two outs. The 50. In basketball, if players is fouled out while
batter hits the ball into the air. What should you do? shooting for a goal and misses the shot, what is the
A. Stay at your base. penalty?
B. Run as soon as the batter hits the ball A. The ball is awarded to the offensive player
C. Go back to your base. B. One penalty shot
D. Wait and see if the ball is caught is before C. Two penalty shot
advancing to the next base. D. three penalty shot