Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a discriminatory pattern of behaviour that creates a hostile work environment it
may involve verbal abuse, abuse of power, sexual quid pro quo, and assault such as unwanted
Harassment in the workplace has
negative effects on all workers, including decreased performance,
low morale,
and increased turnover
It undermines the trust and respect necessary for a productive work environment
feels Afraid, anxious, ashamed, embarrassed, angry, humiliated, devalued, insecure, guilty,
dirty, weak, isolated
How Widespread Is Discrimination and Harassment? About 70% of women and 20% of
men have experienced discrimination and harassment As an example, there are about
30,000 sexual harassment cases filed each year. In 2012, charges of discrimination and
harassment cost U.S. companies more than $400 million Complaints filed by men have
more than tripled in recent years
What is Sexual Harassment The EEOC defines sexual harassment as sexual conduct that
is: Unwelcome Harmful Illegal Two types: Quid Pro Quo Hostile Work Environment
7 Quid Pro Quo Latin for “this for that” Tangible employment action Term or
condition for continued employment Basis for employment decisions Undesirable
effects on employee opportunities
14 Our Policy Provides a clear statement of our position against sexual harassment
Promotes compliance and prevention by defining responsibilities Protects your rights and
fosters respect for all
15 Our Policy (cont.) Familiarize yourself with the policy Publicize the policy Enforce
the policy Review the policy periodically
Prevention: What We All Can Do to Help Provide a clear statement of our position against
sexual harassment Promote compliance and prevention by defining responsibilities
Protect your rights and foster respect for everyone
33 Prevention: What You Can Do to Help Know and comply with workplace policy
Address incidents of harassment immediately
34 Prevention: What You Can Do to Help (cont.) Support victims Cooperate with
o state that you will investigate fully any complaint that you receive,
o state that you will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who
complains about sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment policy to be inclusive in the HR Manual and be circulated to the employees. This
regulation should lucidly explain:
Train employees.
These sessions should teach employees what sexual harassment is, explain that
employees have a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment, review your
complaint procedure, and encourage employees to use it.
If someone complains about sexual harassment, act immediately to investigate the
complaint. If the complaint turns out to be valid, your response should be swift and
Verbal: Example, make a sexualized comment about a person, their body, or narrate sexual jokes
or stories.
Non-verbal: Example, staring at a person to the extent that it makes them uncomfortable or
making sexual hand gestures or body movements.
Whistling at someone.