ASTM D2172 D2172M 17e1 Aug 2019
ASTM D2172 D2172M 17e1 Aug 2019
ASTM D2172 D2172M 17e1 Aug 2019
5. Apparatus
5.1 Oven, capable of maintaining the temperature at 110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F] ..................................
5.2 Pan, large enough that the asphalt mixture can be spread out in a thin layer over the bottom of the
5.3 Balance, readable to 0.1 g, and capable of measuring the mass of sample and container. The balance
shall conform to the requirement of Guide D4753, Class GP2...........................................................
5.4 Analytical Balance, readable to 0.001 g and capable of measuring the mass of the sample and
5.5 Electric Hot Plate, thermostatically controlled, of sufficient dimensions and heat capacity to permit
evaporating or refluxing of the solvent..............................................................................................
5.6 Small-Mouth Graduate Container, 1000- or 2000-mL capacity. Optional small-mouth graduate, 100-
mL capacity.........................................................................................................................................
5.7 Ignition Dish, 125-mL capacity......................................................................................................
5.8 Desiccator, a container with a lid of sufficient size to hold the ignition dish on a perforated drying
rack above the top level of the desiccant. The lid should form a good seal around the top of the
container so that air movement between the container and the atmosphere is prevented…..........
6. Reagents
6.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests......................................
Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the
Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are
available. Other grades may be used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently
high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination..........................
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NOTE 4—Reagents that have exceeded the expiration date should not be used for asphalt mixtures that
require asphalt binder property testing. The use of expired solvents may adversely affect the results of
asphalt binder property testing.
6.2 Not all solvents (reagents) are applicable to all of the extraction methods detailed in this standard.
Each extraction method identifies the specific solvents that can be used.........................................
6.3 Ammonium Carbonate Solution—Saturated solution of reagent grade ammonium carbonate
[(NH4)2CO3] .........................................................................................................................................
6.4 normal-Propyl Bromide (nPB), conforming to Specification D6368 Warning—See Section 7......
6.5 Toluene, reagent grade. Warning—See Section 7........................................................................
6.6 Trichloroethylene (TCE), technical grade, Type 1, Federal Specification O-T-634, latest revision.
Warning—See Section 7.....................................................................................................................
6.7 Methylene Chloride, reagent grade. Warning—See Section 7.....................................................
6.8 Diatomaceous Silica Filtering Aid, conforming to Type B of Specification D604..........................
6.9 Ethyl Alcohol, denatured...............................................................................................................
7. Hazards
7.1 Warning—The solvents listed in Section 6 should be used only under a hood or with an effective
surface exhaust system in a well-ventilated area, since they are toxic to various degrees...............
Consult the current Threshold Limit Concentration Committee of the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists for the current threshold limit values.......................................
8. Sampling
8.1 Obtain samples in accordance with Practice D979/D979M.........................................................
8.2 Preparation of Test Specimens:
8.2.1 Separate sample by hand spatula or trowel, then split and reduce sample to required testing size in
accordance to AASHTO R47................................................................................................................
If sample is not able to be separated or split, place sample in a large, flat pan and warm to 110 + 5 °C
[230 + 9 °F], only heating the mixture until it is pliable enough to separate......................................
Split or quarter the material until the mass of material required for test is obtained and determine the
mass of the sample, W1......................................................................................................................
NOTE 5—In some cases, polymer modified mixtures need to be warmed at temperatures higher than
110 °C [230 °F] in order to split or quarter the mix. In all cases, the minimum temperature for the
minimum time needed to split the mixture should be used so that any aging to the asphalt binder
is minimized.
8.2.2 The size of the test sample shall be governed by the nominal maximum aggregate size of the
mixture and shall conform to the mass requirement shown in Table 1 (Note 6) ..............................
NOTE 6—When the mass of the test specimen exceeds the capacity of the equipment used (for a
particular method), the test specimen may be divided into suitable increments, tested, and the masses
of each increment combined before calculating the asphalt binder content (Section 14).
8.2.3 If the sample was obtained from the field and contains moisture, oven dry the HMA sample to a
constant mass at a temperature of 110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F] or determine the moisture content of the
sample according to Test Method D1461, so that the measured mass loss can be corrected for
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9.2 Procedure:
9.2.1 Prepare the sample and determine the moisture content of the material in accordance with
Section 8.............................................................................................................................................
9.2.2 Place a dry sample of 500- to 3000-g test portion into a bowl..................................................
Alternatively, place a test portion in a bowl that has been previously dried to a constant mass with the
filter ring.............................................................................................................................................
9.2.3 TCE, nPB, or toluene solvents can be used with this extraction method..................................
9.2.4 Place the bowl containing the test portion onto the extraction apparatus..............................
Cover the test portion in the bowl with solvent and allow sufficient time for the solvent to disintegrate
the test portion (not over 1 h) ...........................................................................................................
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Dry and determine the mass of the filter ring and fit it around the edge of the bowl.......................
Position lid on the bowl and tighten setscrew. Clamp the cover on the bowl tightly and place a beaker
under the drain to collect the effluent...............................................................................................
9.2.5 Start the centrifuge revolving slowly and gradually increase the speed to a maximum of 3600 r/min
or until solvent ceases to flow from the drain....................................................................................
Allow the machine to stop, add 200 mL of solvent and repeat the procedure..................................
Use sufficient solvent additions (not less than three) so that the extract is not darker than a light straw
Collect the effluent and the washings in a graduate container..........................................................
NOTE 7—Additions of solvent greater than 200 mL may be used as appropriate for the size of the
9.2.6 Drying Procedures: Remove lid from centrifuge bowl, leaving bowl, sample and filter in place...........................
Allow the extracted aggregate to air dry for 15 to 30 min in the ventilated hood.............................
Place bowl, filter ring, and extracted sample into an exhaust oven at 110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F] for 1 to 2 h to
evaporate remaining solvent..............................................................................................................
Cool bowl, filter ring, and extracted aggregate and if felt filter rings are used, brush off mineral matter
adhering to the surface of the ring and add to the extracted aggregate...........................................
The mass of the extracted aggregate, W3, is equal to the mass of the aggregate in the bowl plus the
increase in mass of the filter rings. Report mass measurements to the nearest 0.1 g....................... Use the following alternative procedure when low-ash filter rings are used: .......................
Place the aggregate and filter rings in a clean metal pan...................................................................
Dry as specified above........................................................................................................................
Carefully fold the dried filter ring and stand it on the aggregate.......................................................
Burn the filter ring by igniting with a Bunsen burner or match..........................................................
Determine the mass of the extracted aggregate in the pan, W3. Report mass measurements to the
nearest 0.1 g....................................................................................................................................... Since dry aggregate absorbs moisture when exposed to air containing moisture, determine the
mass of the extracted aggregate immediately after cooling to a suitable temperature....................
9.2.7 Determine the amount of mineral matter in the extract by any of the test methods in Section
9.2.8 Calculate the asphalt binder content as described in Section 14..............................................
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Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories August 2019 Place the thermal insulating pad on the hot plate and then the cylinder on the pad..........
Cover the condenser...........................................................................................................................
Circulate a gentle, steady stream of cool water through the condenser...........................................
Adjust the temperature of the hot plate so that the solvent will boil gently and a steady stream of
condensed solvent flows into the cone..............................................................................................
If necessary, adjust the temperature of the hot plate to maintain the solvent stream at a rate necessary
to keep the test portions in the cone(s) completely covered with condensed solvent......................
Take care not to allow condensed solvent to overflow the filter cone(s) .........................................
Continue the refluxing until the solvent flowing from the lower cone is light straw color (when viewed
against a white background) ..............................................................................................................
At this point, turn off the hot plate and allow the apparatus to cool with the water running in the
When boiling has ceased and the cylinder is cool enough to handle, turn off the condenser and remove
from the cylinder................................................................................................................................ Remove the frame assembly from the cylinder. Allow to dry in air (hood) and dry to constant
mass in an oven at 110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F] .........................................................................................
10.2.3 Determine the amount of mineral matter in the extract by any of the test methods in Section
10.2.4 Calculate the asphalt binder content as described in Section 14............................................
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Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories August 2019 Dry the extracted aggregate and filter to a constant mass in an oven at 110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F]
............................................................................................................................................................ Determine the mass of the filter and aggregate in the pan and record...............................
Subtract the mass of the filter and pan to determine the mass of the extracted aggregate.............
11.2.7 Determine the amount of mineral matter in the extract by any of the test methods in Section
11.2.8 Calculate the asphalt binder content as described in Section 14............................................
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Increase the heat and maintain active boiling until solvent dripping from the basket appears light straw
color when viewed against a white background................................................................................
If a stainless steel kettle is used, lift out the basket and the condenser cover assembly for examination of
the solvent.......................................................................................................................................... Remove the extractor from the hot plate and allow to cool for several minutes….............
Lift out the basket and condenser assembly......................................................................................
Cover the kettle, remove the filter sack, distribute its contents onto the tared pan in which the mass of
the test portion was originally determined........................................................................................
Place the filter sack on top of the recovered aggregate. Dry on a steam bath and then in an oven at 110 +
5 °C [230 + 9 °F] to constant mass......................................................................................................
Transfer the extraction to a 1000-mL graduate. Wash the extractor clean with solvent and add the
washings to the extract....................................................................................................................... Determine the mineral matter in the extract in accordance with any of the procedures in
Section 13........................................................................................................................................... Calculate the percent asphalt binder in the test portion in accordance with the procedure
described in Section 14.......................................................................................................................
G = ash in aliquot, g,
V1 = total volume, mL, and
V2 = volume after removing aliquot, mL.
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13.3.2 Determine the mass of a clean empty centrifuge cup (or bowl) to 0.01 g and place in the
Position a container at the appropriate spout to catch the effluent from the centrifuging operation
13.3.3 Transfer all of the extract to an appropriate (feed) container suitably equipped with a feed
control (valve or clamp, etc.) .............................................................................................................
To ensure quantitative transfer of the extract to the feed container, the receptacle containing the
extract should be washed several times with small amounts of clean solvent and the washings added to
the feed container..............................................................................................................................
Start the centrifuge and allow to reach a constant operational speed (for example, 9000 r/min for the
SMM type and 20 000+ r ⁄min for the Sharples type) .......................................................................
13.3.4 Open the feed line and feed the extract into the centrifuge at a rate of 100 to 150 mL/min.
After all the extract has passed through the centrifuge, wash the feed mechanism (with centrifuge still
running) with several increments of clean solvent, allowing each increment to run through the
centrifuge until the effluent is essentially colorless...........................................................................
13.3.5 Allow the centrifuge to stop and remove the cup (or bowl) ...................................................
Clean the outside with fresh solvent..................................................................................................
Allow the residual solvent to evaporate in a hood and then dry the container in an oven controlled at
110 + 5 °C [230 + 9 °F] ........................................................................................................................
Cool the container and again determine the mass immediately to the nearest 0.01 g.....................
The increase in mass is the mass of mineral matter, W4, in the extract.............................................
13.4 Volumetric Method: ...................................................................................................................
13.4.1 Place the extract in a previously tared and calibrated flask....................................................
Place the flask in a controlled-temperature bath controlled to 60.1 °C [0.2 °F], and allow the contents to
reach the temperature at which the flask was calibrated..................................................................
When the desired temperature has been reached, fill the flask with solvent which has been kept at the
same temperature. Bring the level of the liquid in the flask up to the neck, insert the stopper, making
sure the liquid overflows the capillary, and remove from the bath...................................................
Wipe the flask dry, determine the mass to the nearest 0.1 g, and record this mass as the mass of flask
plus extract.........................................................................................................................................
13.4.2 If a controlled-temperature water bath is not used, measure the temperature of the extract and
make necessary corrections to the volume of the flask and density of asphalt and the solvent.......
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V1 = volume of asphalt and fines in the extract,
V2 = volume of the flask,
M1 = mass of the contents of the flask,
M2 = mass of the asphalt and fines in the extract = mass of the total samples minus the mass of the
extracted aggregate, and
G1 = specific gravity of the solvent determined to the nearest 0.001 in accordance with Test Methods
M3 = mass of fines in the extract,
G2 = specific gravity of fines as determined in accordance with Test Method C128,
G3 = specific gravity of asphalts as determined in accordance with Test Method D70,
K= G2 .,
G2 – G3
V1 = as given in 13.4.3, and
M2 = as given in 13.4.3.
W1 = mass of test portion,
W2 = mass of water in the test portion,
W3 = mass of the extracted mineral aggregate, and
W4 = mass of the mineral matter in the extract.
NOTE 11—When ashless filter rings are not used, add the increase in mass of the felt filter ring to W4.
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