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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With

Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) Method AND Rapid Entire Body
Assesment (REBA) Method Preventing...

Article · October 2018

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2310030111


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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
Volume 23, Issue 10, Ver. 3 (October. 2018) 01-11
e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel

Installation With Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS)
Method AND Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA) Method
Preventing Musculoskeleal Disorders AT Perum PPD Jakarta
Muhammad Ramadhani1), Rukman2), Darul Prayogo3), Diajeng Ayu D. P4)
Corresponding Author: Darul Prayogo

Abstract: This ergonomi working posture research was done to reduce Muskuloskeletal Disorders in working
activity at put the wheel in to the position in Perum Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta (PPD) by three workers.
Workers are working in bending and crouching in long periods of time so that it can cause Muskuloskeletal
Disorders. The workers are generally paying less attention to body posture at work. The Rapid Entire Body
Assesment (REBA) method and Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) method is used to analyze
body posture. The research was conducted by interviewing the parties concerned at the activity put the wheel in
to the position for designing the working tools required.

Keywords: Optimization, Ergonomic, Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS), Rapid Entire Body
Assesment (REBA).
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Date of Submission: 24-09-2018 Date of acceptance: 13-10-2018
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Musculoskeletal disorders are one indication of health problems caused by work activities, such as
injury to muscles, nerves, tendons, bones, joints of bones, and cartilage. One of the main causes of
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is work posture that is not good / not ergonomic while doing workplace
activities (Tarwaka et al., 2004). Based on research and complaints about musculoskeletal disorders, scientists
and researchers in various countries have developed various methods of working posture assessment based on
each body movement in investigating musculoskeletal disorders to create a safe, comfortable and healthy work
system during work. The assessment tools include Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS), and Rapid
entire body assessment (REBA).
Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) is a work attitude analysis method that defines the
movement of the body parts of the back, arms, legs, and heavy loads that are lifted. Each member of the body is
classified into a work attitude (Rapid entire body assessment (REBA) is a method developed by Sue Hignett and
Lynn McAtamney that is effectively used to assess worker posture, energy used, type of movement of workers
(Mc Atemney , 2000).
Passenger Transportation Company General Djakarta (PPD) is a company engaged in transportation as
a provider of public transport services. Based on observations of professional work practice activities (PKP) in
Perum PPD, there is no attention to attitudes and work posture, one of which is the activity of installing a wheel
that can cause musculoskeletal disorders. This can be seen from the absence of regulations and operational
procedures standards (SOP) that regulate the attitude of work, instructions and posters that can provide an
explanation of good work attitude in the workshop area. If this is not followed up properly, it will be able to
trigger health problems for workers in the future.


The term Ergonomics comes from Latin, namely Ergon (work) and Nomos (natural law) and can be
defined as the study of human aspects in the work environment which are reviewed in anatomy, physiology,
psychology, engineering, management and design / design. Ergonomics also deals with the optimization,
efficiency, health, safety and comfort of humans at work, at home, and in recreation. (Suma'mur 2009).
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Musculoskeletal complaints are complaints in parts of the skeletal
muscles that are felt by someone starting from very mild complaints to very painful. If the muscle receives a
static load repeatedly and for a long time, it can cause complaints in the form of damage to the joints, ligaments,

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2310030111 www.iosrjournals.org 1 | Page

Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

and tendons. Complaints to damage are usually termed musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) or musculoskeletal
injuries. (Tarwaka et al, 2004).
Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS) is a method to identify unsafe work postures that
cause musculoskeletal injuries, especially low back pain, and is developed to analyze and evaluate work
postures used during work. The OWAS method was made by a man named O. Karhu from Finland in 1981 and
has been used for approximately 22 years to analyze postural stress in various fields of manual work. This
method was built as a tool to identify which body postures might be responsible for muscle problems. Its
purpose is to improve the condition of workers in work, so that work performance can increase. The OWAS
method is the best method to improve bad posture by correcting the back position of workers. This method
consists of two parts, the first part is an observation technique to assess the work posture used in the daily work
routine, the second part of this method is to create criteria for redesigning work postures and knowing reliable
results after the basic OWAS training. arranged with a four-digit code which sequentially describes back, arm,
leg and weight weights when carrying out material handling activities manually.
REBA or Rapid Entire Body Assessment was developed by Dr. Seu Hignett and Dr. Lynn Mc
Attamney, an ergonomist from the university at Nottingham (University of Nottingham's Institute of
Occupational Ergonomics).
Rapid Entire Body Assessment is a method developed in the field of ergonomics that can be used
quickly to assess the work position or posture of the neck, back, arms, wrists and legs of an operator. In addition
this method is also influenced by factor coupling, external loads supported by the body and worker activity.
Assessment using REBA does not take long to complete and do general scoring on the list of activities that
indicate the need for risk reduction caused by the operator's work posture.

This research was conducted at Djakarta Passenger Transportation Company (PPD) Public Company.
The following is a research flow chart shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Research Flow Chart

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

Data Collection Technique

Primary Data Collection
Data collection through primary data collection in the form of field observations, closed interviews,
documentation, literature studies and questionnaires on three workers. Secondary Data Collection Secondary
data collection is in the form of data on the total number of techniques in the General Transportation of Djakarta
Passengers (PPD) in the Ciputat area.
Data Analysis Technique
Data Processing Analysis with OWAS Method
Analysis with the OWAS method is carried out in three stages, namely the stage of work posture recording, the
determination of the weight of the load and the coding of the posture. The process of coding posture with the
OWAS method can be seen in the picture below.

Figure 2. Back Posture

Source : Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri [SNTI], 2017

a). Back posture

1). Straight
2). Bent
3). Rotate or tilt sideways
4). Bend and twist.

Figure 3. Hand Posture

Source: Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri [SNTI] , 2017

b). Arm posture

1). Both arms are below the shoulders
2). One arm is on or above the shoulder
3). both arms on or above the shoulder

Figure 4. Foot Posture

Source: Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri [SNTI] , 2017

c). Foot posture

1). Sit
2). Stand leaning on both legs straight
3). Stand resting on one straight leg

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

4). Stand resting on both feet with knees bent

5). Stand resting on one leg with your knees bent
6). Kneel on one or both knees
7). Walk

d). Load weight

1). Load weight is W = 10 kg
2). Load weight is 10 kg <W = 20 kg
3). Load weight is> 20 kg

Data Processing Analysis with REBA Method

Analysis with REBA method can be done by using REBA WORKSHEET. The analysis with REBA
WORKSHEET can be seen in this figure below :

Figure 5. Reba Worksheet

Source : McAtamney dan Hignett, 2000

IV. Analysis And Discussion

On wheel installation activity, usually it has 3 main activities such as wheel installation, wheel nut
installation, and locking the wheel nut. From these three activites,it will be assessed by using OWAS and REBA
Rating Result with OWAS method. Rating result with OWAS method can be seen in this table below.

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

Table 1. Assessment of wheel installation activities with OWAS method

Source : Analysis Result, 2018

The rating result with OWAS method has a “2263” score. Based by OWAS category, “2263” score got 4th
category which means this posture is dangerous and causing a risk that needs immidiate improvement.

Table 2. Assesment of the activity of installing wheel nut with OWAS method

Source : Analysis result, 2018

Rating result with OWAS method got “2111” score. Based from OWAS category, “2111” score got 2nd
category which mean this posture is dangerous and needs improvement in the future.

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

Table 3. Locking wheel nut activity assessment with OWAS method

Source : Analysis Result, 2018

The rating resul with OWAS method got “2141” score. Based from OWAS category, “2141” score got 3rd
category which means this posture is dangerous and need an improvement immidiately.
Rating result with REBA method
REBA calculation :
1. Group A + load = Score A
2. Group B + handle = Score B
3. Score A + Score B = Score C
4. Score C + Activity Score = REBA score
To ge a corner on work posture, needs a help from Autocad software as a reference, so the size of the corner are
precise and accurate.

Figure 5. Wheel Installation

Source : Documentation result, 2018

Score A
a) Trunk
From the figure above, can be known that trunk’s movement is included on bending position, with ammount of
the trunk’s movement is , so got a +3 score
b) Neck
From the figure above, can be known, neck’s movement is , so the score is +2
c) Legs

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

From the figure above, can be known the legs movement, bended, so the score is +1 on legs movement and
+2 on score change. So, 1+2=3 on REBA’S legs score result.
d) The next step is put all of each Score A on the table and can be known the group A’s information result is 6

Score B
a) Upper Arm
From the figure above, can be known that the upper arm’s movement is included in one arm above the
shoulder’s position, with the ammount of movement is , so the score is +4 and the shoulder raised away
from the body’s score change got +1 score, so 4+1 = 5
b) Lower Arm
From the figure above, can be known the lower arm’s movement is , so the score is +2
c) Wrist
On wrist, can be known that wrist movement is included in rotating and bending position with the ammount
is , so the score is +2 on the wrist movement and +1 on the score change. So 2+1 = 3 on REBA’s
result score for wrist movement.
d) The next step is put all of each Score B into the table and can be know the group B’s information result is 8.
Put the result from Score A and Score B into table c then add load score for score A is 2 with value (6+2).
And coupling score for Score B is 1 with value (8+1). Can be specified the value of score C is 10, +1 for
activity score (10+1 = 11) so the risk level is very high. Needs an improvement at that time as soon as

Every work posture activity will get a value of risk level according to calculation result on REBA
method. Risk level on work posture will determine the action that should be done to reduce the risk of
Musculoskeletal Disorders impact. The higher the risk value from work posture, the worse the Musculoskeletal
Disorders impact, And because of that, there is a new work posture design recommendation, as a way to reduce
the work posture risk level.

Figure 6. Wheel nut installation Source : Documentation result, 2018

Score A
a) Trunk
From the figure above can be known that the trunk’s movement is included in bending position, with the
ammount of the trunk’s movement is , so the score is +3.
b) Neck
From the figure above can be known that the neck’s movement is , so the score is +2.
c) Legs
From the figure above can be known that the leg’s movement bend, so the score is +1 and +1 on the
score change. So 1+1 = 2 for REBA’S score result in leg’s movement.
d) The next step is put all of each score A into the table and can be known the group A’s information result is 5.
Score B
a) Upper Arm
From the figure above, can be known that the upper arm movement is included in both arm under the
shoulder position, with the ammount of upper arm movement is , so the score is +3.
b) Lower Arm
From the figure above, can be known that the lower arm’s movement is , so the score is +1.
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2310030111 www.iosrjournals.org 7 | Page
Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

c) Wrist
From the figure above, can be known that on wrist there is no corner, or the wrist movement is , so the
score is +1 for wrist movement on REBA’s score result.
d) The next step is put all of each score B into the table and can be known that the group B’s information score
is 3.
Put the result from score A and score B into table C and then add load score for score A is 0 with the value
(5+0). And coupling score for score B is 0 with the value (3+0). Can be specified that score C is 4, +1 for
activity score (4+1 = 5) so the risk level is medium and needs an improvement in the future.

Figure 7. Locking the wheel nut

Source : Documentation result, 2018

Score A
From the figure above, can be known that the trunk’s movement is included in bending position, with the
ammount of trunk’s movement is , so the score is +3 and the score change is 0. So 3+0 = 3.

1. Neck
From the figure above, can be known that the neck’s movement is , so the score is +2. And the score change
os 0. So (2+0 = 2).
2. Legs
From the figure above, can be known that the leg’s movement is , so the score is +2 and for the score
change is +1. So 2+1 = 3 for REBA’s score result on leg’s movement.
The next step is put all of each score A into the table and can be known the group A information result is 6.
Score B
3. Upper Arm
From the figure above, can be known that the upper arm movement is included in both arms under the shoulder
position, with the ammount of movement is , so the score is +2.
4. Lower Arm
From the figure above, can be known that the lower arm movement is , so the score is +2
5. Wrist
From the figure above, can be known that the wrist movement is , so the score is +2 and also got +1
because the wrist is rotating in score change. So 2+1 = 3 on REBA’s wrist movement result score.
6. The next step is put all of each score B into the table and can be known the group B’s information result is
Put the result of score A and score B into table C then add load score for score A is 0 with the value (6+0). And
coupling score for score b is 0 with the value (4+1). Then, can be specified that score C is 8, +1 for activity
score (4+1 =9) so the risk level is high and needs an improvement as soon as possible.

Work Posture Recommendation

1. Work posture recommendation on wheel installation.

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

Source: Documentation result, 2018

2. Work posture recommendation on wheel nut installation

Figure 9. Wheel nut installation by using chair.

Source: Documentation result, 2018
3. Work posture recommendation on locking the wheel nut.

Figure 10. Locking the wheel nut by using chair.

Source: Documentation result 2018

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

Analyzing the level of risk on the suggested work posture is equal to the calculation on previous work posture
which is by using OWAS and REBA method. After finishing the calculation on work posture with OWAS and
REBA method, there are changes in the risk level score on work posture , for the result can be seen by this
explanation below.
1. From the results of the evaluation of OWAS and REBA on the recommendation of working postures to
install wheels using Hand Truck, the results of category 1 on the OWAS method means that there is no problem
in this posture and level 2 action on the REBA method which means the risk of low muculoskeletal.
2. From the results of the evaluation of OWAS and REBA on the recommendation of work posture to put wheel
nuts with the help of chairs, the results of category 1 on the OWAS method which means that there is no
problem in this posture and level 3 action on the REBA method which means moderate risk.
3. From the results of the evaluation of OWAS and REBA on the recommendation of working posture locking
the wheel nut with impact air wrench, the results of category 1 on the OWAS method which means that there is
no problem in this posture and level 3 action on the REBA method which means moderate risk.


A. Conclusion
1. From the results of visual observations of the initial mechanical work posture when installing the wheel, it
can be concluded that the mechanic has not been able to carry out the work safely and comfortably. This is
seen from the mechanical work posture and the tools used.
2. From the results of visual observations of the initial mechanical work posture when installing wheel nuts, it
can be concluded that there is still a potential for work accidents. This is seen from the use of personal
protective equipment (PPE) such as safety shoes that are not used while working. And the mechanical work
posture is done sitting without using a chair.
3. From the results of visual observations of the initial mechanical work posture when locking the wheel nut, it
can be concluded that the mechanic cannot carry out the work safely and comfortably. This is seen from the
mechanical working posture that is less safe.
4. From the results of the assessment using the OWAS method on the activity of installing a wheel on its
position, the results obtained are in category 4. Where this work posture is harmful to Musculoskeletal
resulting in a clear risk, it is necessary to improve work posture right now.
5. From the results of the assessment using the OWAS method on the activity of installing wheel nuts, the
results obtained are in category 2. Where this work posture is harmful to Musculoskeletal, repairs are
needed in the future.
6. From the results of the assessment using the OWAS method on the activity of locking the wheel nut, the
results obtained are in category 3. Where this work posture is harmful to Musculoskeletal, immediate repair
is needed.
7. From the results of the evaluation using the REBA method on the activity of installing the wheel on its
position, the results obtained are at the action level 5, the risk of musculoskeletal is very high, it needs
improvement now (very high risk, implement change).
8. From the results of the assessment using the REBA method on the activity of installing wheel nuts, the
results are obtained at the action level 3, moderate risk, need for future improvements (Medium risk, further
investigation, change soon)
9. From the results of the assessment using the REBA method on the activity of locking the nut, the results
were obtained.

B. Suggestions
1. Provide Hand truck tool
2. Use chair on wheel instalation activity
3. Provide Impact Air Wrench tool.
4. Provide new Wearpack.
5. Provide special airline at the garage.
6. Make Checklist Form
7. Make Safety Poster
8. Sosializing Health safety environment program
9. Build a Polyclinic
10. Make a safety team
11. Make standard operational procedure about work posture
12. Using REBA method as a reference for counting mechanics work posture.

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Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation With Ovako Work Posture ..

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Darul Prayogo’’ Assessment Analysis of Ergonomics Work Posture on Wheel Installation

With Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) Method AND Rapid Entire Body
Assesment (REBA) Method Preventing Musculoskeleal Disorders AT Perum PPD Jakarta”
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). vol. 23 no. 10, 2018, pp. 01-

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2310030111 www.iosrjournals.org 11 | Page

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