Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, 2005, PG
Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, 2005, PG
Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, 2005, PG
Enid Gilbert-Barness,
AO, MBBS, MD, FRCPA, FRCPath, DSci(hc), MD(hc)
Diane E. Debich-Spicer, BS
Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology
of Pediatric
Autopsy Pathology
Enid Gilbert-Barness,
AO, MBBS, MD, FRCPA, FRCPath, DSci(hc), MD(hc)
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University of South Florida School of Medicine and Tampa General Hospital,
Tampa, Florida
Diane E. Debich-Spicer, BS
Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL
Foreword by
John M. Opitz,
MD, MD(hc), DSci(hc), MD(hc)
Professor, Pediatrics (Medical Genetics), Human Genetics, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
and Pathology, University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, UT
© 2005 Humana Press Inc.
999 Riverview Drive, Suite 208
Totowa, New Jersey 07512
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The content, opinions, and points of view expressed in this book are the sole work of the authors and editors, who have warranted due diligence in the creation
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Due diligence has been taken by the publishers, editors, and authors of this book to assure the accuracy of the information published and to describe generally
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and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents in this publication.
Reader’s note: The mammogram film used for the Faxitron (see Chapter 2; Appendix) may be difficult to obtain. We are now using Kodak PPL8013963 (large)
or PPL8015059 (10 ⫻ 12 size) film available from Kodak (Phone 1-800-328-2910). This is faster film. We now use the following settings: 17 seconds and 45–
48 kws for fetal X-rays.—E.G.B. & D.S.
Cover illustrations: Human embryo at stage 21–22 with three fingers (Fig. 13B, Chapter 3; see full caption on p. 86 and discussion on p. 80). Ventricular septal
defect (Fig. 26B, Chapter 8; see full caption on p. 210 and discussion on p. 208). Alobar holoprosencephaly: brain showing large open single ventricle (Fig. 14B,
Chapter 14; see full caption on p. 356 and discussion on p. 350).
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eISBN: 1-59259-673-8
It is a profoundly gratifying and joyous occasion to welcome and recommend Gilbert-Barness and Debich-Spicer’s
Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, the distillation of a professional lifetime of experience, practice, and
discovery by one of the world’s most distinguished pediatric pathologists (ably assisted by her coworker D. Debich-
For over a third of a century I have been privileged to collaborate closely, at first as fellow faculty member in
Madison, subsequently in a long-distance consultative relationship (Helena to Madison, and finally Salt Lake City to
Tampa) with one of the most tireless and devoted experts in constitutional, pediatric, developmental, and genetic
pathology. Initially it was for me, as apprentice, to learn from this peerless teacher, the practical aspects of studying
dead fetuses and infants for inferences of pathogenesis and cause, with the aim to attain diagnosis and a deeper
understanding of the underlying biology of the condition.
This was an apprenticeship which arose, long ago, out of a combined NIH Medical Genetics Research Center
Grant at the University of Wisconsin in which we studied together, whenever possible, the infants and children
before death, and after death with all of our trainees, involving coworkers in anatomy, genetics, embryology, and
An apprenticeship moreover that motivated me to continue the vitally (meant literally) important study of dead
embryos, fetuses, and infants in Montana, part of a region (including Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North and South
Dakota, and Nevada) without a single pediatric pathologist. This regional fetal genetic pathology program could not
have functioned without the almost daily advice and input of Dr. Gilbert-Barness and her coworkers.
In recognition of her role as one of the most highly regarded pathology teachers in the world, the University of
Wisconsin created the distinguished Enid Gilbert-Barness Lectureship before her departure to the University of
South Florida. She has been President of the Society of Pediatric Pathology, the International Pediatric Pathology
Association and of several related organizations, has taught on every continent (except Antarctica), was a founder of
the International Workshops of Fetal Genetic Pathology, is the editor of the two volume Potter’s Pathology of the
Fetus and Infant (under revision) with its companion Atlas, and the author (with D. Debich-Spicer) of Embryo and
Fetal Pathology (2004), and with her husband, Lewis A. Barness, author of Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of
Clinical Management, Genetics, and Pathology, vol. 2 (2000), and Clinical Use of Pediatric Diagnostic Tests (2003).
Recently, Dr. Gilbert-Barness (with a group of enthusiastic editorial coworkers) undertook the editorship of the
journal Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, a journal which recognizes the important contributions to the study and
biology of fetal and pediatric death by many other specialists, including embryologists, developmental biologists,
and geneticists, experts in maternal-fetal medicine, metabolic diseases, peri- and neonatology, and clinical geneti-
The present book is an intensely practical, profusely illustrated, and most useful treatise, published at a propitious
time in history, e.g., the formation of the International College of Fetal Genetic Pathology and the initiation of the
NICHHD-sponsored and -supported multicenter study of the causes of stillbirth for both of which this book can serve
as a guide for minimal standards in the practice of the causal analysis of fetal and infant death. In reading this book,
I had the vivid experience of having revisited the grove of Akademe with my mentor in recognizing so many of the
patients Dr. Gilbert-Barness and I have studied together.
Medicine arose out of the study of pathology, one of the most important foundations of biomedicine. And western
pathology arose out of observations of malformations preserved in folklore and the notes of early surgeons (e.g.,
Pare, John Hunter) and physician/naturalists (e.g., Aldrovandi), but was not established as a legitimate medical
specialty per se until Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682–1771), a student of Valsalva and Professor of Pathological
Anatomy at Padova for 56 years. His three-volume treatise De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis
(1779), is no less erudite than the present book, but in over 1500 pages has not a single illustration in it. François
Xavier Bichat (1771–1802), a gifted observer, founded histological pathology through his careful study of tissues or
“membranes” in disease. Matthew Baillie (1761–1823), nephew of John Hunter and physician of George III, pub-
lished his wonderful Morbid Anatomy with many excellent engravings, that of pulmonary emphysema illustrating
the lungs of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Carl (von) Rokitansky (1804–1878), a Czech, was Professor of Pathology at Vienna
for 30 years, and like our present authors, performed thousands of autopsies, and from this experience published a
much-admired, clear, multivolume compendium on pathology that remained the standard for decades. Of his four
sons, he said that the two who were physicians healed (heilen), the two who were musicians howled (heulen). Rudolf
(von) Virchow (1821–1902) initially Professor of Pathology in Würzburg, then in Berlin, was the founder of Cellular
Pathology, founder and for decades editor of the Archiv für pathologische Anatomie (“Virchows Archiv...”), who is
additionally renowned as an anthropologist and an advocate for democracy and social justice with the courage to
stand up against Bismarck in Parliament.
Subsequent developments in infections, genetics, and molecular biology have transformed the face of pathology,
but never the guiding sentiment of this book: Mantui vivas docueran: Let the dead teach the living. Handbook of
Pediatric Autopsy Pathology stands as a worthy successor to those of the immortal giants mentioned above, who
began, while they continue, to enrich our knowledge of life and death and have set highest standards for its study.
This is one of those dozen or so books on the first shelf right over my head at my desk where I can reach it at all times
without looking, altogether indispensible for the study and practice of developmental pathology.
John M. Opitz,
MD, MD(hc), DSci(hc), MD(hc)
The Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology has been compiled to fill a current void in the armamentarium for
the pathologist performing the pediatric autopsy. The pediatric autopsy must be approached with great care in tech-
nique and dissection; malformations may be easily overlooked by the uninitiated. Of major importance in pediatric
autopsy pathology is the need for accurate diagnosis in order to provide genetic counseling and the implication of
possible recurrence in future pregnancies.
Although adult autopsies have declined in recent years, the importance and demand for pediatric autopsies has
accelerated. There have been extensive developments in the pediatric field that enhance the importance of the
autopsy, so that at the present time, the autopsy has probably greater importance within the field of the fetal and
perinatal pathologist than at any other age. These features largely relate to congenital malformations and genetic
counseling. The detailed description of all abnormalities in both fetuses, stillborn, and older children is of paramount
importance supplemented by cytogenetic studies, metabolic evaluation, and DNA and other analyses.
The effect of any environmental or nutritional hazard is most obvious when related to periods of growth, and the
fetus and the newborn are such periods in human development. Thus, any new environmental hazard and the effects
of environmental agents and drugs including chemicals such as lead or radioactive materials, alcohol, or intrauterine
infection, can and are best assessed by sampling specific tissues and organs from fetuses, stillborns, and newborn
infants at autopsy examination.
The careful performance of perinatal autopsies followed by dissemination of the findings to parents, clinicians,
and public health organizations is important in the reduction of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Every pathologist
should have a working knowledge of the pediatric autopsy.
The careful performance of neonatal autopsies both adds to our basic understanding of neonatal diseases and is an
excellent monitor of the results of treatment.
The development of perinatology, prenatal diagnosis of birth defects, and genetic counseling requires accuracy of
prenatal diagnostic techniques, including ultrasonography and correlation of clinical data with the results of care-
fully performed fetal autopsies. Parents and clinicians depend on accurate autopsy diagnoses for intelligent family
The autopsy examination is the foundation upon which a complete perinatal autopsy is built. In addition to the
performance of a skilled autopsy biopsy, other ancillary studies and techniques are necessary to address the vital
issues of accurate diagnosis. The Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology thoroughly addresses these issues
including microbiologic, cytogenic, X-ray, and special studies such as enzyme and DNA analysis in metabolic dis-
eases. This handbook also addresses the examination of the embryo in spontaneous abortions. The approach outlined
is simple enough to be used routinely by the general pathologist with conventional facilities.
Part I and the Introduction provide a general description of the techniques used in the pediatric autopsy as well as
general aspects of the autopsy including the death certificate, cause and manner of death, obtaining permissions from
the family, and examination of the placenta. Part II includes hydrops, chromosomal defects, and congenital abnor-
malities, with a discussion of major malformations. Disorders of each of the organ systems and metabolic diseases
are discussed in Part III, including the autopsy on metabolic disorders. Part IV includes sudden infant death, the
medicolegal and forensic autopsies, special procedures, infection control, and biological hazards at the autopsy. At
the end of each chapter is an appendix that includes standard reference tables.
This book is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise on pediatric pathology, but rather a guide to the actual
performance of the pediatric autopsy as well as to the recognition and interpretation of pathologic findings.
The Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology provides the prosector with a valuable source of information for
conducting a meaningful and comprehensive autopsy. Thus, it should also be useful for general pathologists, as well
as for specialist pediatric pathologists.
The Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology is dedicated with great pride to Professor John L. Emery who was
the master of pediatric pathology and whose techniques in performing an autopsy have been acclaimed worldwide.
He, in fact, recognized the need for a pediatric pathology autopsy manual and initiated the writing of this book before
his untimely death and before it could become a reality. Not only was he a pediatric pathologist par excellence, but a
poet and an accomplished artist. Some of his sketches have been included in this volume.
Enid Gilbert-Barness,
AO, MBBS, MD, DSci(hc), MD(hc)
Diane Debich-Spicer, BS
Dedication ...................................................................................................................................................................... v
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................................... vii
Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................... ix
Color Plates ................................................................................................................................................................ xiii
Companion CD (Inside Back Cover) .......................................................................................................................... xiv
Dedicated to the memory of John L. Emery, whose legacy will continue to inspire those whose lives he touched.
Color Plates
Companion CD
Color versions of selected illustrations—more than 400 figures—may be found on the Companion CD attached to
the inside back cover. The image files are organized in folders by chapter number and are viewable in most Web
browsers. The number following “f” a the end of the file name identifies the corresponding figure in the text. The CD
is compatible with both Mac and PC operating systems.
1 General Principles
The following appendices include standard reference material. • Unattended deaths-occurring more than 30 days after a
patient has been seen by physician unless disease is lethal.
THE DEATH CERTIFICATE: • Bodies brought into state with improper certification.
• Mechanisms of death • Bodies cremated, buried at sea, shipped out of state, and for
• Manner of death anatomic dissection.
• Proximate (or original) cause of death
• Disease process or injury that started the chain of events MANNERS OF DEATH:
leading to death Natural Causes Deaths resulting from disease
Accident Death resulting from an unforeseen,
BENEFITS OF THE AUTOPSY FOR FAMILIES: inadvertent, otherwise unintentional
• Genetic considerations are more likely to be important action, by either the deceased,
• Guilt and blame are often present in the families another person, or act of God.
• Important questions remain unanswered at the time of death Suicide Death resulting from the deliberate
• An autopsy can assist in the grieving process action of self-damage by the deceased,
• Autopsies provide medical and forensic information when anticipated or expected result is
DEATHS THAT MUST BE REFERRED Homicide Death of one individual as the result of
TO MEDICAL EXAMINER: the actions of another, either lawful or
• Child abuse, neglect unlawful.
• Death resulting from accident Undetermined Death where circumstances cannot be
• Death in the operating room following surgical procedure established with reasonable certainty.
• Fatal blood transfusion
• Domestic violence BENEFITS OF THE AUTOPSY:
• Poisoning (household, over the counter [OTC], illicit and Medical Research
licit drugs) • Confirms, modifies or refutes clinical diagnosis.
• SIDS/crib death • Provides feedback and education.
• Munchausen syndrome by proxy • Facilitates the investigation of environmental occupational
• Homicide, suicide and lifestyle causes of diseases
• Drowning • Improves accuracy and usefulness of biostatistics.
• Child in foster care • Provides organs for donation and study.
• Identifies rare diseases.
• Allows evaluation of new diagnostic and therapeutic
• The Medical Examiner shall determine the cause of death
when any person dies in the state of criminal violence,
• Provides epidemiologic data.
by accident, by suicide, suddenly when in apparent good
• Provides new information on disease manifestations
health, unattended by a physician, in any suspicious
circumstance, in police custody, by poison, by disease Legal
constituting a threat to public health, or by disease, injury, • Monitors public health issues.
or toxic agent resulting from employment. • Explains sudden unexpected and unexplained deaths.
• Can clarify concerns that may otherwise lead to malpractice
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness lawsuits.
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ • Provides information for insurance purposes.
2 Pediatric Autopsy
Fetus, Newborn, and Child
Currently, pediatric autopsy is more accepted than adult tion. To obtain an optimal x-ray of a fetus that is curled up or
autopsy because parents want more information about the death distorted as a result of fixation, masking tape is useful. If the
of their child and the implications for future pregnancies. These fetus is so distorted that it pulls up the edges of the film follow-
intricate, very valuable pathologic examinations can be per- ing restraint with tape, the corners can be held down with tape
formed from the embryonic stages through childhood. When or with the small weights from the balance-type scale. The tape
combined with clinical information, this meticulous examina- is placed over the body part that needs to be straightened right
tion provides the necessary information to educate families onto the outside wrapper of the mammogram film (Fig. 2). A
concerning future pregnancies. The postmortem examination complete list of Faxitron settings can be found in Appendix 46.
improves both treatment and the standard of care for the future.
The normal anatomy of the adult and child are similar; how-
ever, the prenatal/pediatric autopsy is significantly different. Photographs are of the utmost importance when performing
The variety and complexity of congenital anomalies found in an embryonic, fetal, or infant autopsy. The external features
perinatal and fetal autopsies is endless, and the prosector must may provide the only information necessary to make the diag-
be prepared to spend the necessary time demonstrating these nosis of a malformation syndrome. The photographs must be
anomalies. This detailed procedure can be altered to preserve close enough to depict the abnormal features with adequate points
any anomaly encountered, without deforming the body. The of reference remaining in the field and minimum background.
majority of the anomalies found in this population do not allow In situ photographs can be very helpful, preserving anatomic
survival to adulthood. relationships and depicting visceral lesions before evisceration
and fixation. In a pediatric autopsy, a good photograph is often
ROENTGENOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION more valuable than any number of microscopic sections.
Roentgenographic examination, including anteroposterior Photographs and illustrations can also assist in identifying
and lateral views of the entire body, is necessary using a Faxi- tissues submitted for microscopic examination. In some com-
tron. Conventional X-ray studies can be performed if a Faxitron plex cases, microscopic sections are required to identify the
is not available. Some diagnoses cannot be made without X-ray tissues, destroying their original appearance and orientation
examination. This applies particularly to bone dysplasias. The (Fig. 3).
Faxitron is not limited to bony surveys and can be used to
demonstrate visceral anomalies by injection studies. By inject-
ing a radiopaque liquid such as barium or an ionotropic contrast, Special instruments must be used when performing a peri-
fistulas can be demonstrated. This technique is particularly natal or pediatric autopsy because of the small size of the fetus
helpful in identifying bronchial morphology and extrahepatic or infant (Fig. 4). A list of the instruments is found in Table 1.
and intrahepatic biliary ducts, without disrupting the anatomy These instruments are too small for general autopsy purposes
(Fig. 1). This is most beneficial in small fetuses (< 20 wk gesta- and may be destroyed by using them for even one adult autopsy.
tion) where the structures are extremely small. Malformations Ophthalmic instruments are excellent for these small dissec-
are thus demonstrated before dissection begins. X-rays are taken tions. A dissecting microscope with a camera is also import when
using mammogram film. Several sizes of small catheter tubing performing intricate dissections. A large spring-type scale is
should be available. A radiopaque liquid other than barium is needed to weigh the body and it is optimal if it is calibrated with
often optimal for use in small fetuses. It is less viscous and tends the scale in the delivery room. An electronic, digital scale is con-
to flow more easily through the smallest catheter. The radiology venient for recording organ weights. It can be zeroed between
department may have outdated radiopaque liquid that cannot weights without cleaning.
be used in live patients but is adequate for pathologic examina- CLINICAL INFORMATION
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness A complete examination cannot be performed without the
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ important clinical information. The necessary permits should
Fig. 3. (A) An in situ gross photograph and (B) an illustration of the photograph in (A) of a complex genitourinary malformation, document-
ing the position of the organs in the body and what was submitted in the blocks. The tissue submitted in each block is documented on the drawing
in blocks 1–7 and can then be compared microscopically with what was identified in situ.
Fig. 4. Instruments used in a pediatric autopsy. (Courtesy of MOPEC, Inc., 21750 Coolidge Hwy., Oak Park, MI 48237.)
Before making the first cut, it is good practice to check the be correctly identified and the site and type of identification
autopsy permit again. Confirming any limitations or restrictions documented. Any clothes or belongings should be placed in a
of the autopsy permit will eliminate mistakes. The body must bag or suitable container and labeled.
Fig. 5. (A) CH (top) and CR (bottom) measurements. (B) Head, chest, and abdominal circumference. (C) Foot length.
Fig. 8. Infant placed on a block for support and to hyperextend the Fig. 9. Initial incision (Y-shaped) of the chest and abdomen.
neck for better exposure.
Fig. 10. Scissors with rounded tips are placed into a nick in the abdominal wall. The abdominal wall is opened by lifting it to avoid cutting
into the abdominal organs.
cus (Fig. 9). The skin flap over the chest is pulled upward while inal cavity. Lifting upward on the abdominal wall will elimi-
incising its attachments to the chest wall. The muscle and fibrous nate cutting into the abdominal organs (Fig. 10). If ascitic fluid
tissues should be entirely stripped to reveal the ribs and the cla- is present, collect an uncontaminated sample for culture using
vicles. At this time, an ellipse of skin, including the nipple, can a sterile syringe. One finger is inserted inferior to the umbilicus
be removed and placed in the stock bucket. A small nick is made and along the inner abdominal wall to palpate the umbilical
near the umbilical vein and scissors are used to open the abdom- arteries, which extend on either side of the urinary bladder. An
Fig. 11. An opened abdominal wall, exposing the intact umbilical vein (single arrow) and the right umbilical artery (double arrow) as it extends
along the border of the urinary bladder (UB). The dots along the right side of the abdominal incision indicate where the skin ellipse was made
around the umbilical cord (uc, umbilical cord; L, liver; P, penis).
Fig. 15. Appearance of the thorax after removal of the chest plate.
The normal thymus in a normal neonate is large and covers the base
of the heart (L, liver; RD, right diaphragm; LD, left diaphragm).
Table 3
Tissue Sampling for Viral Infection
Virus Source
Cytomegalovirus Maternal cervix
Maternal or infant peripheral blood
buffy coat
Nasopharyngeal secretions
Cerebrospinal fluid
Amniotic fluid
Fetal organs
Herpes simplex virus Maternal cervix
Skin vesicle fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid
Skin scrapings
Coxasackie virus B Body fluids
Fetal tissues
Cerebrospinal fluid
Hepatitis B virus Cord blood
Amniotic fluid
Enterovirus Mouth
Rectum Fig. 16. A nick is made in the pericardium, and the inferior aspect
Rubella Urine of the pericardium is cut parallel to the diaphragm (arrows). The cut
Nasopharyngeal secretions extends to the base of the IVC on the right and to just below the PVs
Cerebrospinal fluid on the left (T, thymus; RL, right lung; LL, left lung; L, liver).
Amniotic fluid
Fetal tissues The pericardium is cut away on the right as close to the IVC as
Respiratory syncytial virus Nasal secretions possible and parallel to it. The cut extends along the lateral aspect
Varicella zoster virus Skin vesicles of the right atrium (RA) and superior vena cava (SVC) to the
From: Rosenberg HS, Hohl S, Voegler C. Viral infection of the fetus level of the left innominate vein (Fig. 18). At this point, with
and the neonate in perinatal diseases. In Naeye RL, Kissane JM, Kaufmann the SVC and RA exposed, a blood culture can be taken, if neces-
N, eds. Perinatal diseases. International Academy of Pathology Monographs,
sary. If the junction of the RA and the vena cava has been con-
Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1981, pp. 133–200, with permission.
taminated, the surface can be seared before cultures are taken. A
sterile needle and syringe can be inserted into the lateral wall
In some cases, lung cultures may be necessary. This should of the RA (Fig. 19). Pressing up on the liver may make it easier
be performed as soon as the chest plate is removed, keeping the to obtain blood. Raising the head may also allow some blood
field as sterile as possible. Pleural fluid for culture can also be to drain toward the heart. The pericardium, with the thymus
collected at this time. One or both lungs may be cultured. The attached, is carefully dissected off the left pulmonary artery
edge of the lung can be clamped with a hemostat and the lung and the innominate vein (Fig. 20). The dissection continues
pulled from the pleural cavity. Using a sterile blade or scissors into the neck, with the superior-most portions of the thymus
and forceps, a wedge of lung is removed and placed in the appro- often extending to the inferior aspect of the thyroid. The thy-
priate medium for bacterial, fungal, or viral culture (Table 3). mus is then dissected away from the pericardium and weighed.
This same procedure can be used for karyotype. If the pleural If a left innominate (brachiocephalic) vein is not identified, a
surfaces have been contaminated, they can be seared and the persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) should be suspected
culture taken from this area. (Fig. 21). A cardiothoracic ratio is taken. The thoracic situs is
The great vessels and the heart are exposed by removing the determined, noting the lobation of the lungs and the position of
pericardium and thymus together. A nick is made in the peri- the heart and cardiac apex along with the atrial morphology.
cardium and a cut is made parallel to the diaphragm (Fig. 16) Descriptions of atrial and ventricular morphology will be dis-
extending to the base of the inferior vena cava (IVC) on the cussed further in Chapter 8. The great vessels are inspected,
right and to just below the pulmonary veins (PV) on the left. On including the vessels branching from the aortic arch and from the
the left, the scissors are placed perpendicular to the diaphragm ductus arteriosus. A better view of the ductus arteriosus, aortic
and flat against the PVs as they enter the left atrium (LA) (Fig. arch, and descending aorta distal to the ductus can be achieved
17). A continuous cut is made to the level of the left pulmonary by retracting the left lung from the pleural cavity (Fig. 22).
artery, leaving no loose pericardial flaps left to obstruct the view. Because it is necessary for survival in utero, the ductus arterio-
Fig. 17. The scissors are placed perpendicular to the diaphragm (D)
and flat against the PVs where they enter the left atrium, continuing
the cut to the level of the left pulmonary artery (T, thymus; RL, right Fig. 18. On the right, the scissors are again placed perpendicular to
lung; *, apex of the heart). the diaphragm (D), and the pericardium (P) is cut away as close to the
caval vein as possible, extending the cut superiorly along its length
(A, aorta; RA, right atrium; *, superior vena cava; RL, right lung;
arrow, inferior vena cava).
sus should always be inspected for stenosis or atresia. The posi-
tion of the aortic trunk with relationship to the pulmonary trunk
should be noted. The vessels branching from the aortic arch are
identified along with the origin of the coronary arteries. Coro-
nary artery topography can determine the position of the ven-
tricular septum and can be an excellent indicator of ventricular
position and size. The Taussig maneuver can be used to assess
the pulmonary venous connections in situ. If the heart can be
lifted from the chest without moving the lungs, there is an anom-
alous pulmonary venous connection. A great deal of informa-
tion can be gained from a good external examination of the
heart, which can be used to predict congenital heart disease.
Before evisceration, the heart should be opened in situ, espe-
cially if congenital heart disease is suspected. This procedure
will identify and preserve any abnormal vascular connections
that may be lost if not identified before evisceration. If the
decision is made to perfuse the heart (Chapter 8), it should be
left intact.
Opening the heart in situ allows for the documentation of all
normal and/or abnormal connections before the organs are
removed from the body. It may seem complex but is a straight-
forward procedure when you follow the flow of blood, exam-
ine each chamber as it is opened, and use the coronary arteries
as a guide to avoid the septum. This systematic approach can
be altered to accommodate each individual case. The six basic Fig. 19. A sterile needle and syringe are inserted into the right atrium
steps are as follows: (arrow) to obtain a blood culture (T, thymus; H, heart; D, diaphragm).
Fig. 23. A nick is made in the lateral wall of the right atrium and cuts
are made inferiorly and superiorly (arrows) to open the superior (SVC)
and inferior (IVC) vena cavae. The forceps are retracting the right
atrial appendage (RAA) (A, aorta).
Fig. 22. The appearance of the ductus arteriosus (arrow) the aortic EVISCERATION
arch (AA) and descending aorta (DA) when the left lung (LL) is lifted
from the pleural cavity. Evisceration in pediatric autopsies is best achieved by the
Rokitansky technique, allowing for the neck, chest, and abdom-
inal organs to be removed as one unit. The tongue and pharynx
Once the heart is opened, the atrial and ventricular morphol- are typically removed in the pediatric autopsy. The decision to
ogy and the AV and ventriculoarterial (VA) connections can do this may be made on a case-by-case basis, especially when
be assessed. Any congenital malformations are recorded and dealing with macerated stillborns. The autopsy permit may pro-
photographed. hibit this procedure.
After the heart is opened, the azygos vein should be inspected, When preparing to eviscerate, a cephalic to caudal approach
and the status of the IVC should be assessed. The azygos vein usually works best. If the thoracic duct needs to be examined, the
arises from the SVC just above the root of the right lung. It arches dissection must be done before evisceration. (Refer to Special
over these structures and extends along the right side of the Dissections at the end of this chapter.)
spine. If it appears large, azygos continuation of the IVC should Begin with blunt dissection of the soft tissues under the
be suspected. This can be confirmed by in situ inspection of the esophagus and aorta, freeing them from the spine. Blunt dissec-
IVC below the diaphragm. By placing a probe in the IVC and tion is performed by spreading and separating the tissue with
angling it toward the spine, it should easily slip deep into the scissors and/or with fingers. Place your index finger under the
abdominal portion of the IVC. If the probe stops within the liver, esophagus and trachea and lift them (Fig. 30A). With scissors,
the IVC is probably interrupted. cut the soft tissues along the spine up into the neck on both sides
Before evisceration, the innominate vein can be cut on the (Fig. 30B). Blunt dissection and careful dissection with scis-
left and the SVC on the right; these structures are reflected back sors are used to expose the thyroid. When removing the tongue,
to reveal the vessels branching from the aortic arch. The arter- this dissection is extended farther into the neck. The carotid
ies to the upper extremities and the head and neck can then be arteries must be preserved, along with their ties. The tongue can
tied and cut, leaving the tie with the body (Fig. 29). If the heart be separated from the inner edge of the mandible using the tip
is going to be left intact for perfusion fixation, the vessels should of a scalpel blade, guided by the tip of the index finger. The soft
be double tied and cut between the ties. tissues are cut from the inner rim of the mandible anteriorly.
Fig. 24. The second cut is extended from the right atrium across the Fig. 25. A cut is made from the apex of the right ventricle through the
tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle (RV) using the posterior right ventricular outflow tract, through the main pulmonary artery (PA),
descending coronary artery as a guide to the septum. The tricuspid and into the left pulmonary artery (white arrow) using the anterior
valve (TV) and the coarse trabeculae of the RV are visualized (FO, descending coronary artery (***) as a guide to the septum. The pul-
foramen ovale; IVC, inferior vena cava; SVC, superior vena cava; A, monary valve has three leaflets (A, aorta; SVC, superior vena cava;
aorta). black arrow, ductus arteriosus; TV, tricuspid valve; RL, right lung).
Fig. 26. The apex of the heart is lifted from the chest and toward the right to expose the left atrium (LA). A nick is made in the left atrium,
and the left pulmonary veins (arrows) are opened (LAA, left atrial appendage; PA, pulmonary artery).
Fig. 27. A cut is made along the posterior wall of the left atrium, across the mitral valve (MV) and into the left ventricle (LV). The posterior
descending coronary artery is once again used as a guide to the septum. Note the characteristic very fine apical trabeculae of the left ventricle
(arrows, left pulmonary veins).
Fig. 28. The last cut is made from the apex of the left ventricle (LV) along the anterior wall of the LV to reveal the left ventricular outflow
tract. The anterior descending coronary artery is used as a guide to the septum. There is fibrous continuity (arrow) between the aortic valve
and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve (MV).
Fig. 29. The heart in situ with ties on the vessels arising from the
aortic arch (A). The four tied vessels are as follows: 1, right subcla-
vian artery; 2, right common carotid artery; 3, left common carotid
artery; 4, left subclavian artery (P, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrial
appendage; T, trachea).
The cut will create a defect in the floor of the mouth, beneath
the tip of the tongue and just posterior to the gingival ridge. The
tongue can then be pulled into the chest by attaching toothed
forceps to its tip. Posteriorly, a curved cut is made to include the
tonsils, uvula, pharynx, and larynx with the block. When not
removing the tongue, the trachea and esophagus are freed by
making an upside-down V-shaped cut just above the hyoid
bone (Fig. 31). This cut is extended to the spine. The diaphragm
is cut along the contour of the body wall bilaterally (Fig. 32).
The organs from the neck and thoracic cavity can be freed from
the spine by cutting the soft tissues in the lateral superior media-
stinum, leaving the common carotid arteries tied and intact. Lift-
ing the thoracic organs with one hand and using a scalpel blade,
the soft tissue posterior to the aorta on the left and the azygos
vein on the right can be easily dissected from the spine to the
level of the kidneys (Fig. 33). The organs can then be placed
back in the body. The iliac arteries can be tied off and cut with
the ties remaining in the body. The soft tissues surrounding the
urinary bladder and rectum can be released by using blunt dis-
section. Using forceps on the bladder or a finger placed under
these structures allows some upward tension to be applied to the
urethra, prostate, rectum, and in females, the vagina, and transec- Fig. 30. (A) Blunt dissection of the trachea and esophagus from the
spine (T, trachea; A, aorta; RL, right lung; D, diaphragm). (B) Scis-
tion can be carried out by inserting a scalpel between the anterior sors are used to free the soft tissue superiorly into the neck in prepa-
urinary bladder and the posterior aspect of the pubis (Fig. 34). ration for removing the tongue and/or evisceration (LL, left lung; DA,
When the external genitalia is abnormal or urethral and/or anal descending aorta; D, diaphragm).
Fig. 31. Dissection of the soft tissue in the neck, exposing the thyroid
(arrow) and the larynx. The thoracic organs are gently retracted, and
an upside-down V cut is made just above the hyoid bone in prepara-
tion for evisceration (T, trachea; A, aorta).
Fig. 33. The thoracic organs are lifted from the left chest cavity fol-
lowing the resection of the diaphragm (arrow). A scalpel blade is used
to cut the soft tissue posterior to the descending aorta (A) along the
spine (S) to the level of the kidneys. The same cut is made on the right
side, easily freeing up the thoracic organs (H, heart; C, colon).
Fig. 35. The incision (dots) of the scalp in preparation for removing
the brain. The cut extends from behind one ear, upward, over the top
of the head just posterior to the pinnae, and then down behind the
opposite ear.
Fig. 34. Retracting the urinary bladder (UB) with toothed forceps,
a cut is made adjacent to the symphysis pubis into the pelvis and
across the bladder, prostate, and rectum (C, colon).
Fig. 37. (A) The appearance of a question-mark incision in the scalp in preparation to remove the brain and view the cervical contents of
the spinal canal. View is from the left posterior lateral aspect. (B) Posterior view of a question-mark incision following reflection of the skin
from the calvarium.
The length and breadth of the fontanels are measured. To open leaving it intact. This intact portion on the lateral aspect will act
the skull, begin with two small nicks, one in each lateral corner as a hinge, allowing the bony flap to be folded away from the
of the anterior fontanel (Fig. 38A). Scissors with rounded tips brain (Fig. 38B,C). Cutting along each of the sutures is another
are inserted into the nick on each side and a nearly complete method of exposing the brain. This produces frontal and parie-
oval is cut, leaving a portion intact on the lateral aspects. The tal bone flaps that are left attached to the skull and folded back
cuts are made through the bone just lateral to the sagittal sinus, (Fig. 38D). Either method is acceptable. The brain should be
Fig. 38. (A) The incision in the skull is started with a nick (black
lines) on the anterior lateral aspects of the anterior fontanel (AF)
(arrows, sagittal sinus). (B) Illustration of the cuts (dotted lines) that
will be made in the calvarium to expose the brain. (C) Illustration of
the opened cranium and the sagittal suture. The broken lines indicate
where the sagittal sinus will be cut to remove it. (D) Left lateral view
of the calvarium following cuts made along the sutures, yielding two
bony flaps on each side. One flap is the frontal bone, and the other is
the parietal bone.
from the base of the skull through the foramen magnum. After
removal of the spinal cord, two vertebral bodies can be removed
from the spinal column by cutting through an intervertebral disc
in the upper cervical and lower lumbar regions. These can be
retained in formalin in the stock bottle for further sectioning. In
older children, a saw is required to perform the above procedure.
The spinal cord can also be removed by a posterior approach
to preserve defects or to leave it attached to the brain, removing
them as one unit. This approach is described in the section on
Special Dissections.
Fig. 41. Azygos continuation of the inferior vena cava. The azygos
vein (AV) will lie slightly to the right of and posterior to the aorta (A)
as it extends into the abdomen. The left renal vein (LV) will pass
posterior to the aorta as opposed to its normal position, which is
anterior to it (LK, left kidney; RK, right kidney; arrows, right and left
renal arteries).
Fig. 40. The organ block is placed on the dissecting surface with its
ventral aspect down. The aorta (A) is opened posteriorly along its length
to just below the ductus arteriosus. The left renal artery (arrow) has
been opened, and the scissors are within the right renal artery (RK, right
kidney; LK, left kidney; E, esophagus; LL, left lung; RL, right lung).
Fig. 43. (A) The intact portal vein (arrow). The hemostat is retract-
ing the inferior vena cava (GB, gallbladder; P, pancreas; S, spleen;
arrows, splenic vein). (B) To open the splenic vein (arrow), the cut is
extended from the opened portal vein (PV), across the top of the
pancreas (P) to the splenic hilus (S, spleen; L, liver; GB, gallbladder).
Fig. 45. (A) The esophagus (E) opened along the posterior aspect
(RL, right lung; LL, left lung; D, diaphragm). (B) The esophagus (E)
is carefully dissected off of the trachea (T) with scissors (RL, right
lung; LL, left lung).
is present. If the heart and/or lungs are going to be inflated with served, precluding accurate histologic examination, and for this
formalin, it is done at this point. (See Special Procedures.) The reason, sectioning does not need to be extensive. Bone is usually
trachea is opened posteriorly to the carina and into each main well preserved in macerated fetuses.
bronchus. The bronchial morphology (further description in Microscopic sections should be submitted within 24 hr of
Chapter 8) is assessed. The lungs are sectioned and the heart is the autopsy for the best quality and should be processed imme-
examined again by following the flow of blood. At this point, any diately. The tissue sections should be placed in cassettes that
congenital anomalies are well documented and photographed. are appropriately labeled with the autopsy number and with a
Depending on the anomalies identified, the organ block may cassette number that can be recorded on the list of blocks. This
be left intact or partly intact. The anomalies maintain their list will become part of the permanent report (Table 4).
relationships and are excellent teaching specimens.
MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION The brain should be washed in water, usually overnight, before
Routine microscopic exam is an important part of the autopsy, it is cut. Before sectioning the brain, it should be examined for
particularly in live-born and well-preserved fetuses. In severely general configuration, including the width of the sulci and gyri,
macerated fetuses, microscopic sections may be helpful in esti- and for symmetry. The degree of development is compared with
mating the time of fetal death. The morphology is poorly pre- what is normal for gestational age (Fig. 47). The general appear-
Table 4
Routine Microscopic Sections
Trachea with thyroid, esophagus, and parathyroids (cross-section)
Heart (2 sections): Right atrium, tricuspid valve and right ventricle
Left atrium, mitral valve and left ventricle
(Sections are taken along the incisions made when the heart was
Lungs, right and left (at least one section from each lobe)
Gastroesophageal junction
Small intestine
Large intestine
Salivary gland
Pancreas (head and tail)
Kidney (right and left)
Urinary bladder
Uterus, cervix, and vagina
Testis or ovary
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Psoas muscle
Umbilicus (if a portion remains attached to the abdomen)
Vertebral body
Rib with costochondral junction
tray with the cerebrum with the inferior surface on the tray, the The anterior and posterior aspects of the cord are inspected, and
ventral edge pointing away from the prosector and with the the cord is cut transversely at multiple levels without cutting
right side on the right. through the dura. The cord should be left attached to the dura to
The brainstem is serially sectioned at 2-mm intervals from maintain the anatomic orientation.
the rostral to caudal pole. It is displayed on the tray with the Any identified lesions should be measured and their exact
remainder of the brain. The caudal surface is on the tray with anatomic location described. Before sectioning, photographs
the ventral side up and the right side on the right. The size of the should be taken. Specific lesions should be sectioned. If the
aqueduct of Sylvius and the fourth ventricle are assessed, and brain appears normal, representative sections should be taken
normal anatomic landmarks are identified. and their location recorded on the list of blocks (Fig. 48).
The dura surrounding the spinal cord is incised in the mid- The transverse cerebellar diameter is well established in the
line on the ventral and dorsal aspects along its entire length. ultrasound literature as a reliable parameter for estimating the
Fig. 48. An illustration of the brain viewed from its base, with brainstem and cerebellum removed, showing positions for sectioning and cut-
cross sections. Standard sections for microscopic examination are indicated by rectangles.
duration of gestation. If growth is restricted, the cerebellum is thral valves have been known to rupture as well. A good delivery
usually spared, making transverse cerebellar diameter a reli- history will usually clarify this.
able indictor of gestational age even when other parameters fall
off the appropriate growth curve (Appendix 45).
On external examination, the degree of maceration should
ARTIFACTS be assessed and compared with the clinical history of the last
Irregular tears in the abdominal wall are a frequent occur- known fetal movements and/or heartbeat. Observing the degree
rence (Fig. 49). They occur as the result of maceration or manual of skin slippage and blebs, the laxity of the joints and the pres-
delivery. The edges of the tear are usually irregular and, if near ence or absence of overlapping cranial bones will allow you
the umbilicus, should not be confused with gastroschisis or ompha- to predict the length of time that the fetus was dead in utero
locele. Large dilated urinary bladders caused by posterior ure- (Table 5, Fig. 50A–E).
Fig. 49. Artifactual tear in the right abdominal wall with loops of bowel protruding from it.
Table 5
Timetable of Changes Caused by Maceration After Intrauterine Fetal Death
of retention Gross fetal examination Histology of fetal organs Histology of placenta
4h Kidney: loss of tubular nuclear basophilia
6h Desquamation of patches ³ 1 cm; Intravascular karyorrhexis
brown or red discoloration of
umbilical stump
12 h Desquamation on face, back,
or abdomen
18 h Desquamation of 25% of body,
or two, or more body regions
24 h Brown or tan skin discoloration Liver: loss of hepatocyte nuclear basophilia
on abdomen Inner one half of myocardium: loss of
Moderate desquamation nuclear basophilia
36 h Any cranial compression
48 h Desquamation of >50% of body Outer one half of myocardium: loss of Multifocal stem vessel luminal
nuclear basophilia abnormalities
72 h Desquamation >75% of body
96 h Overlapping cranial sutures (4–5 d) Loss of nuclear basophilia in bronchial
epithelial cells and in all liver cells
1 wk Widely open mouth GI tract: maximal loss of nuclear basophilia
Adrenal glands: maximal loss of nuclear
basophilia Trachea: chondrocyte loss of
nuclear basophilia
2 wk Mummification (dehydration, Extensive vascular luminal
compression, tan color) change (see 48-h findings)
Extensive fibrosis of terminal villi
28 d Kidney: maximal loss of nuclear basophilia
Data from Genest DR, Williams MA, Greene MF. Estimating the time of death in stillborn fetuses: I. Histologic evaluation of fetal organs: An
autopsy study of 150 stillborns. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:575; Genest DR. Estimating the time of death in stillborn fetuses: II. Histologic evaluation
of the placenta: A study of 71 stillborns. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:585; Genest DR. Estimating the time of death in stillborn fetuses: III. External
fetal examination: A study of 86 stillborns, Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:593.
How extensive should the examination be in a macerated etic disorders such as one of the trisomies or polycystic disease
baby? The examination should be a thorough one, with the of the kidneys is of particular importance. A thorough external
concept of the maternal-fetal-placental unit used to explore and in situ examination should be performed as described earlier
the many variables for the cause of fetal death in utero. When in this chapter, along with a detailed examination of the pla-
examining the body of a stillborn infant, it is important to iden- centa. Weights and body measurements are helpful to estimate
tify any congenital anomalies, externally and internally. A good gestational age and evaluate for intrauterine growth restriction.
history, along with ultrasound studies, can prove very beneficial The foot length is particularly useful before 23 wk gestation.
when dealing with a markedly macerated fetus. Identifying gen- Depending on the degree of maceration, weighing the organs
Fig. 50. Different stages of maceration in stillbirths. (A) Early death, at approx 4 to 6 hr. The fetus exhibits hyperemia of the skin of the face
and petechial hemorrhages on the chest. (B) Desquamation of skin patches about 1 cm in diameter with blebs. Fetal death at approx 8 to 10 hr.
(C) Fetus with skin desquamation of approx 25% of the body with skin discoloration. Fetal death at approx 18 to 24 hr. (D) Fetus with skin
slippage and cranial compression. Death at approx 36 hr. (E) Fetus with cranial compression (arrows) adjacent to an ultrasound, which shows
the characteristic Spalding sign.
may or may not be useful. This determination must be made on medial edge of the right crux of the diaphragm. More elongated
a case-by-case basis. This also applies to the microscopic sec- forms, 5–7 cm in length, may also extend from the third lumbar
tions. Severely macerated cases need not be extensively sec- to the twelfth thoracic vertebrae, but the usual size is 3–4 cm in
tioned. Bone is often well preserved in macerated stillborns. The length by 2–3 cm in diameter. The diameter of the duct is 4–6
lungs and placenta should be routinely examined histologi- mm, small enough to allow confusion with the vagus and phrenic
cally no matter the degree of maceration. Nucleated red cells nerves if the anatomy is not known.
persist in the lungs when nuclear morphology has disappeared Throughout its course in the thorax, the thoracic duct is retro-
from all other viscera. This may provide good evidence of ery- pleural. It is most readily picked up just above the diaphragm,
throblastosis fetalis. If this is severe, the lipoid changes in the where it traverses to the right of the aorta. Here it is found in the
fetal cortex of the adrenal can usually still be seen. Certain infec- tissues between the aorta and azygos vein. The course is straight
tions such as cytomegalovirus can also be identified in the lungs, upward between these vessels and behind the esophagus, which
and a cytokeratin stain can emphasize amniotic epithelial aspi- is carefully freed and pulled to the right. At the level of the
ration. Organ identification can be difficult in markedly macer- fourth or fifth vertebral body, the duct inclines to the left edge
ated organs using hematoxylin and eosin stain. Masson trichrome of the esophagus, just below the parietal pleura. This is an
and/or reticulin staining will aid in detecting organ architec- important level, because an injury to the thoracic duct below it
ture. The gonads should be sectioned to confirm sex on micro- causes a right chylothorax, and one above it causes chylothorax
scopic examination. on the left.
If genetic studies are warranted or requested, fascia samples The thoracic duct passes through the superior mediastinum,
are preferable to skin in macerated fetuses. These can be taken still beneath the pleura, arches to the left 3–4 cm above the
from the inguinal region, the thigh, or from the Achilles ten- clavicle, and runs in front of the subclavian artery. Finally it
don. Other tissues can also be used, including: lung, skeletal opens into the angle of junction of the left subclavian vein with
muscle, cartilage, kidney, and liver. the left internal jugular vein.
Fixation in formalin before the autopsy may make the dissec- REMOVAL OF THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA This proce-
tion easier. The entire fetus can be fixed, providing that the per- dure is warranted when there are genitourinary anomalies, ambig-
mission allows for it. The organ block or portions of the organ uous genitalia, anal atresia, and suspected fistulas. Begin with
block may be easier to dissect after being fixed in formalin. a curved incision on each side of the external genitalia to include
the anus or probable site of the anal opening in cases with anal
PROVISIONAL ANATOMIC DIAGNOSIS (PAD) atresia. In females, the specimen should include the labia, and
This information should be provided to the attending phy- in males it should include the scrotal sac. The symphysis pubis
sician within 24 to 48 hr of the postmortem examination. The is incised in the midline with a scalpel blade, and the hips are
PAD is a compilation of the important gross findings of the gently pushed posteriorly to spread the pelvis (Fig. 51). The
autopsy, which may often be further elucidated at the time of entire length of the urethra and colon can be freed from the pelvis
autopsy by frozen section or Gram stain where indicated. A and surrounding tissues using blunt dissection with scissors. The
chief diagnosis is selected from the autopsy findings and should blunt dissection will lead to the margin of the curved incisions
be the underlying fundamental disease process. All other diag- initially made in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The genito-
noses should be listed in order of importance and in outline form. urinary/anorectal anomalies are then removed intact, attached
This can be accomplished by listing every diagnosis under the to the organ block.
proper organ system and should be done immediately follow- In males with posterior urethral valves, the entire urethra
ing the autopsy. The prompt completion of the PAD allows should be removed intact. This can be done without disrupting
maximal benefit of the autopsy for clinicians. Rapid feedback the external appearance of the external genitalia. The symphy-
is important to the clinician and creates a good working relation- sis pubis is split as described above, and the urethra is dissected
ship between the pathology department and all other disciplines from the pelvis. As the urethra becomes externalized, blunt dis-
of pediatric care. The PAD will subsequently become the final section is used to circumferentially free it from the penile skin.
anatomic diagnosis once the microscopic examination is done. The penile skin is left intact and can be re-expanded with a small
A summary of the entire case and a comment are usually a part piece of gauze to return it to its normal outward appearance.
of the final report, especially if the diagnoses are uncommon or Examination of the cardiac conduction system will be dis-
otherwise interesting. Pertinent references are also included. cussed in Chapter 8.
THORACIC DUCT The thoracic duct is in close relation- are anomalies of the skull or spinal column that need to be pre-
ship to the aorta, esophagus, and jugular-subclavian veins. All served, including occipital encephalocele, Dandy-Walker mal-
structures must be left intact until the duct has been dissected. formation, Arnold-Chiari malformation, or myelomeningoceles
The cisterna chyli is a saccular dilataton on the main lym- along the spine. A question-mark incision is made in the skin
phatic pathway from the abdomen and lower limbs. Sometimes (Fig. 37); this procedure has been described by Emery. The
it is globular, lying on the anterior surfaces of the bodies of the portion extending over the neck can be extended caudally as far
first and second lumbar vertebrae, just to the right of the aorta as needed to preserve the defect. The skin over the skull is
and anterior to the lumbar vessels. It is in turn covered by the reflected, as previously described. The muscle over the occiput
is carefully removed, and the soft tissue over the rami of the
upper cervical vertebrae are dissected away. The atlas is cut
away along with the second and third cervical vertebrae, if neces-
sary. The exposed dura is carefully incised without cutting the
arachnoid. This prevents the cerebrospinal fluid from escap-
ing. A culture can be drawn at this time, using a sterile needle
and syringe. The dural incision is enlarged to expose the cervi-
cal cord and foramen magnum. In the normal setting, the cavity
of the fourth ventricle is obvious, and the cerebellar tonsils can
be just visualized. The cerebellar tonsils will be approximated
when there is mild-to-moderate edema and will be herniated
through the foramen magnum when there is severe edema.
To continue removing the cord, with or without a spinal
defect, blunt scissors are placed between the bone and dura and
the bone is cut on each side. The bone surrounding the defect
is also cut (Fig. 52). The spinal cord is carefully dissected from
the spinal canal, leaving it attached to the skin and bone sur-
rounding the defect, if present. Do not cut the cervical cord.
The cord can be placed back into the spinal canal with the skin
folded over it and held together with several hemostats. This
will protect the cord while the brain is being removed. The brain
is removed as previously described, with an additional cut in
the midline of the occipital plate. This allows the brain and cord
to be removed as one unit (Fig. 53). Once the brain is free, the
hemostats holding the protective skin flaps around the cord are
removed, allowing for easier removal of the cord. Fig. 53. Brain and spinal cord with a lumbosacral meningomyelocele
Removal of the eyes is described in Chapter 18. removed as one unit.
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Formalin can be pushed in from a large syringe or the tubing Perinatol 1992;16:341–351.
can be attached to a container filled with formalin much like Stocker JT, Dehner LP. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
that which is used for perfusing the heart. Once all of the air Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
spaces appear filled, the tubing can be removed and the lungs Valdes-Dapena M, Huff D. Perinatal Autopsy Manual. Washington, DC:
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1983.
placed in formalin for further fixation. The lungs will increase
Wigglesworth JS. Perinatal Pathology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1984.
in size, two to three times the size observed at evisceration, and Wigglesworth JS, Singer D. Perinatal Pathology. Blackwell Scientific,
the pleural surfaces will appear somewhat smooth. 2001.
Appendix 1
Clinical Information and Autopsy Checklist
Autopsy/Surgical #:
Last name: Gestational age:
Sex: Postnatal age at time of death:
Race: Birthweight:
Age: Para: Gravida:
Prenatal care:
Complications of pregnancy:
Labor: ?Spontaneous:
Duration of labor:
Complications of delivery:
Apgar scores: 1 min., 5 min., 10 min.
Clinical problems:
Autopsy Measurements
Appendix 2
Autopsy Protocol
Autopsy #
Hospital Chart #
Gestational Age:
Date and time of admission:
Date and time of death:
Date and time of autopsy:
Autopsy performed by:
The body is that of a infant weighing gm. The crown-rump length is cm; the rump-heel, cm. The occipitofrontal
circumference is cm, that of the chest is cm, and that of the abdomen is cm. Rigor .
Hypostasis . Icterus .
Cyanosis . Edema .
The pupils are .
The sclerae are .
The ears .
The nose .
The mouth .
There is/are needle puncture mark(s) .
The umbilical cord is .
The anus is .
The external genitalia are .
The skin is .
The pleural surfaces are .
The right pleural cavity contains .
The left pleural cavity contains .
The lungs occupy of their respective pleural cavities.
Each lung has a normal number of lobes.
The peritoneal surfaces are .
The peritoneal cavity contains .
The diaphragm arches to the on the right and to the on the left. The umbilical vein .
There are umbilical arteries.
The measurements of the liver are as follows: .
The spleen .
The appendix is in the right lower quadrant. The stomach is .
The small intestine is .
The large intestine is .
The mesenteric lymph nodes are .
The root of the mesentery .
The pericardial surfaces are .
The cavity is free from adhesions and contains .
Cardiothoracic (CIT) ratio cm/ cm.
Heart: The heart weighs g (normal is g).
The foramen ovale is .
The ductus arteriosus is .
The mural and valvular endocardium is .
The myocardium is .
The coronary ostia and coronary sinus are in normal position. The great vessels arising from the heart and those arising from the aortic arch
do so in normal position.
Appendix 3 Appendix 4
List of Blocks List of Blocks—Neuropathology
Organ Block # Site Site Block # Description
Trachea Cortex
Larynx Frontal
Thyroid Hippocampus
Thymus Central White Matter
Submax. Gland
Tonsils/Adenoids Basal Ganglia
Liver Hypothalamus
Pancreas Thalamus
Stomach Choroid Plexus
Small Bowel Midbrain
Appendix 5
Criteria for Estimating Fertilization Age During Fetal Period
Age Fetal weight Foot length Crown-rump
(wk) (g) (mm) length (mm) Main external characteristics
Viable Fetuses
26 1000 55 250 Eyes partially open, eyelashes present
®28 1300 59 270 Eyes open, good head of hair, skin slightly wrinkled
30 1700 63 280 Toenails present, body filling out, testes descending
®32 2100 68 300 Fingernails reach fingertips, skin pink and smooth
36 2900 79 340 Body usually plump, lanugo hairs almost absent, toenails
reach toe tips
®38 3400 83 360 Prominent chest, breasts protrude, testes in scrotum or
palpable in inguinal canals, fingernails extend beyond
®, Important landmarks.
Modified from: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 6
Growth Characteristics of Placenta and Fetus*
Gestation Placental weight Expected term weight Fetal weight Expected term weight
(wk) (g) (%) (g) (%)
24 195 41 680 21
26 220 47 880 27
28 280 58 1,070 33
30 290 60 1,330 41
32 320 68 1,690 52
34 370 77 2,090 62
36 420 87 2,500 77
38 450 93 2,960 91
40 480 100 3,250 100
42 495 103 3,410 105
*Data adapted from Wigglesworth JS, Singer DB. Textbook of Fetal and Perinatal Pathology. Second Edition, Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Boston, 1991.
Appendix 7
Body Surface Area From Height and Weight: Children* Body Surface Area From Age: Children*
*Adapted from: Diem K. Documents Geigy. Scientific Tables, 7th ed. *Modified from: Dhom G, Piroth M. Das Wachstum der Nebennieren-
Geigy Pharmaceuticals, New York, 1970, p. 538. rinde um Kindesalter. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 1969;53:418–422. Limits
of hatched area indicate the 95th percentiles.
Appendix 8
Crown–Rump Length by Gestational Age (20–40 Wk)
From: Scammon RE, Calkins LA. The development and growth of the external dimen-
sions of the human body in the fetal period. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
Appendix 9A Appendix 9B
Crown–Heel Length Crown–Heel Length
and Ovulation Age by Chest Circumference and Ovulation Age by Abdominal Circumference
From: Scammon RE, Calkins LA. The development and growth of the exter- From: Scammon RE, Calkins LA. The development and growth
nal dimensions of the human body in the fetal period. Minneapolis: University of the external dimensions of the human body in the fetal period.
of Minnesota Press, 1929. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1929.
Appendix 10
Head Circumference by Birth Weight (Percentiles)
From: Usher R, McLean F. Intrauterine growth of live-born Caucasian infants at sea level: Standards obtained from mea-
surements in 7 dimensions of infants born between 25 and 44 wk of gestation. J Pediatr 1969;74:901.
Appendix 11
Head Circumference by Birth Length (Percentiles)
From: Usher R, McLean F. Intrauterine growth of live-born Caucasian infants at sea level: Standards obtained from mea-
surements in 7 dimensions of infants born between 25 and 44 wk of gestation. J Pediatr 1969;74:901.
Appendix 12
Chest Circumference by Gestational Age (Percentiles)
From: Usher R, McLean F. Intrauterine growth of live-born Caucasian infants at sea level: Standards obtained from measurements
in 7 dimensions of infants born between 25 and 44 wk of gestation. J Pediatr 1969;74:901.
Appendix 13
Chest and Abdominal Circumferences by Menstrual Age
From: Scammon RE, Calkins LA. The development and growth of the external dimensions of
the human body in the fetal period. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1929.
Appendix 14
Foot Length by Gestational Age
From: Merlob P, Sivan Y, Reisner SH. Anthropometric measurements of the newborn infant.
White Plains, NY: The March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, BD:OAS 20(7), 1984, with
permission of the copyright holder.
Appendix 15
Mean and Percentile Values for Foot Length
Note: The adolescent growth spurt of the foot usually begins prior to the general linear growth spurt and
ends before final height attainment. Thus, the foot growth spurt is a good early indicator of adolescence.
(Adapted from Blais MM, Green WT, Anderson, M. J Bone Joint Surg 1956;38-A:998.)
Appendix 16
Hand length (A), middle finger length (B), and palm length (C). From Feingold M, Bossert HW. Birth Defects
1974;10(Suppl. 13).
Appendix 17
Inner Canthal Measurement by Gestational Age (Percentiles)
Appendix 18
Inner Canthal Measurement by Age (0–14 Yr; Percentiles)
From: Feingold M, Bossert WH. Normal values for selected physical parameters: An aid for
syndrome delineation. In: Bergsma D, ed. White Plains, NY: National Foundation—March of Dimes,
BD:OAS X(13), 1974.
Appendix 19
Outer Canthal Measurement by Gestational Age (Percentiles)
From: Feingold M, Bossert WH. Normal values for selected physical parameters: An aid for syn-
drome delineation. In: Bergsma D, ed. White Plains, NY: National Foundation—March of Dimes,
BD:OAS X(13), 1974.
Appendix 21
Palpebral Fissure Length by Menstrual Age (Percentiles)
From: Thomas IT, Gaitanzis VA, Frias JL. Palpebral fissure length
from 29 wk gestation to 14 yr. J Pediatr 1987;111:267. Adapted from
Jones KL, Hanson JW, Smith DW. Palpebral fissure size in newborn
infants. J Pediatr 1978;92:787.
Appendix 22
Palpebral Fissure Length by Age (0–6 Yr; Percentiles)
From: Thomas IT, Gaitanzis VA, Frias JL. Palpebral fissure length from 29 wk gestation to
14 yr. J Pediatr 1987;111:267.
Appendix 23
Body Weight by Postnatal Growth in Premature Infants (Percentiles)
From: Gill A, Yu VYH, et al. Postnatal growth in infants born after 30 wk gestation. Arch Dis Child 1986;
Appendix 24
Fetal Organ Weights as a Function of Body Weight
Total Body Weight (g)
500-999 1,000–1,499 1,500–1,999 2,000–2,499 2,500–2,999 3,000–3,499 3,500–3,999 4,000–4,499 >4,500
Heart 5.8 9.4 12.7 15.5 19 21.2 23.4 28 36
Lungs, combined 18.2 27.1 37.9 43.6 48.9 54.9 58 65.8 74
Liver 38.8 59.8 76.3 98.1 127.4 155.1 178.1 215.2 275.6
Spleen 1.7 3.4 4.9 7 9.1 10.4 12 13.6 16.7
Pancreas 1 1.4 2 2.3 3 3.5 4 4.6 6.2
Kidneys, combined 7.1 12.2 16.2 19.9 23 25.3 28.5 31 33.2
Adrenals, combined 3.1 3.9 5 6.3 8.2 9.8 10.7 12.5 15.1
Thymus 2.1 4.3 6.6 8.2 9.3 11 12.6 14.3 17.3
Thyroid Gland 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.4
Brain 109 180 256 308 359 403 421 424 406
Modified from: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 25
Means and Standard Deviations of Organ Weights and Measurements of Live-Born Infants*
Body Crown- Crown- Toe-
Gestation weight rump heel heel Brain Thymus Heart Lungs Spleen Liver Kidneys Adrenals Pancreas
(wk) (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
20 381 18.3 25.6 3.6 49 0.8 2.8 11.5 0.7 22.4 3.7 1.8 0.5
±104 ±2.2 ±2.2 ±0.7 ±15 ±2.3 ±1.0 ±2.9 ±0.3 ±8.0 ±1.3 ±1.0 ±0.5
21 426 19.1 26.7 3.8 57 1 3.2 12.9 0.7 24.1 4.2 2 0.5
±66 ±1.2 ±1.7 ±0.1 ±8 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±2.8 ±0.2 ±4.2 ±0.7 ±0.5
22 473 20 27.8 4 65 1.2 3.5 14.4 0.8 25.4 4.7 2 0.6
±63 ±1.3 ±1.6 ±0.4 ±13 ±0.3 ±0.6 ±4.3 ±0.4 ±5.2 ±1.5 ±0.6 0.3
23 524 20.8 28.9 4.2 74 1.4 3.9 15.9 0.8 26.6 5.3 2.1 0.7
±116 ±1.9 ±3.0 ±0.5 ±11 ±0.7 ±1.3 ±4.9 ±0.4 ±8.0 ±1.8 ±0.8 ±0.4
24 584 21.6 30 4.4 83 1.5 4.2 17.4 0.9 28 6 2.2 0.8
±92 ±1.4 ±1.7 ±0.3 ±15 ±0.7 ±1.0 ±5.9 ±0.5 ±7.1 ±1.8 ±0.8 ±0.5
25 655 22.5 31.1 4.6 94 1.8 4.7 19 1.1 29.7 6.8 2.2 0.9
±106 ±1.6 ±2.0 ±0.4 ±25 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±5.3 ±1.6 ±9.8 ±1.9 ±1.4 ±0.3
26 739 23.3 32.2 4.8 105 2 5.2 20,6 1.3 32.1 7.6 2.4 1
±181 ±1.9 ±2.4 ±0.7 ±21 ±1.1 ±1.3 ±6.3 ±0.7 ±10.9 ±2.5 ±1.1 ±0.5
27 836 24.2 33.4 5 118 2.3 5.8 22.1 1.7 35.1 8.6 2.5 1.2
±197 ±2.5 ±3.5 ±0.5 ±21 ±1.2 ±1.9 ±9.7 ±1.0 ±13.3 ±3.0 ±1.1 ±0.5
28 949 25 34.5 5.2 132 2.6 6.5 23.7 2.1 38.9 9.7 2.7 1.4
±190 ±1.7 ±2.3 ±0.6 ±29 ±1.5 ±1.9 ±10.0 ±0.8 ±12.6 ±12.0 ±1.2 0.5
29 1077 25.9 35.6 5.4 147 3 7.2 25.3 2.6 43.5 10.9 3 1.5
±449 ±2.8 ±4.4 ±0.8 ±49 ±1.9 ±2.7 ±12.6 ±0.9 ±15.8 ±4.4 ±1.2 ±1.0
30 1219 26.7 36.7 5.7 163 3.5 8.1 26.9 3.3 49.1 12.3 3.3 1.7
±431 ±3.3 ±4.2 ±0.7 ±38 ±2.6 ±2.6 ±20.3 ±2.0 ±18.8 ±8.5 ±2.7 ±1.0
31 1375 27.6 37.8 5.9 180 4 9 28.5 4 55.4 13.7 3.7 1.8
±281 ±3.8 ±3.1 ±0.7 ±34 ±3.4 ±2.8 ±13.2 ±1.2 ±17.3 ±5.2 ±1.3 ±0.6
32 1543 28.4 38.9 6.1 198 4.7 10.1 30.2 4.7 62.5 15.2 4.1 2
±519 ±9.5 ±5.7 ±1.1 ±48 ±3.6 ±4.4 ±19.0 ±5.4 ±30.0 ±7.4 ±1.7 ±0.8
33 1720 29.3 40 6.3 217 5.4 11.2 31.8 5.5 70.3 16.8 4.6 2.1
±580 ±3.3 ±3.5 ±0.7 ±49 ±3.2 ±4.0 ±13.5 ±3.5 ±25.4 ±7.7 ±1.5 0.8
34 1905 30.1 41.1 6.5 237 6.1 12.4 33.5 6.4 78.7 18.5 5.1 2.3
±625 ±4.3 ±4.0 ±0.6 ±53 ±3.8 ±2.8 ±16.5 ±3.0 ±30.2 ±9.3 ±2.2 ±1.1
35 2093 30.9 42.3 6.7 257 6.9 13.7 35.2 7.2 87.4 20.1 5.6 2.5
±309 ±2.0 ±2.9 ±0.4 ±45 ±4.5 ±3.6 ±20.5 ±5.2 ±30.6 ±10.9 ±2.8 ±0.6
36 2280 31.8 43.4 6.9 278 7.7 15 36.9 8.1 96.3 21.7 6.1 2.6
±615 ±3.9 ±5.9 ±1.1 ±96 ±5.0 ±5.1 ±17.5 ±3.1 ±33.7 ±6.8 ±3.1 ±0.7
37 2462 32.6 44.5 7.1 298 8.4 16.4 38.7 8.8 105.1 23.3 6.6 2.8
±821 ±5.0 ±7.0 ±1.2 ±70 ±5.6 ±5.7 ±22.9 ±6.4 ±33.7 ±9.9 ±3.3 ±0.9
38 2634 33.5 45.6 7.3 318 9 17.7 40.6 9.5 113.5 24.8 7.1 3
±534 ±3.2 ±5.1 ±0.8 ±106 ±2.8 ±5.4 ±17.1 ±3.5 ±34.7 ±7.2 ±2.9 ±1.1
39 2789 34.3 46.7 7.5 337 9.4 19.1 42.6 10.1 121.3 26.1 7.4 3.3
±520 ±1.9 ±4.4 ±0.5 ±91 ±2.5 ±2.8 ±14.9 ±3.5 ±39.2 ±4.9 ±2.5 ±0.5
40 2922 35.2 47.8 7.7 356 9.5 20.4 44.6 10.4 127.9 27.3 7.7 3.6
±450 ±2.8 ±4.2 ±0.8 ±79 ±5.0 ±5.6 ±22.7 ±3.3 ±35.8 ±11.5 ±3.0 ±1.3
41 3025 36 48.9 7.9 372 9.1 21.7 46.8 10.5 133.1 28.1 7.8 3.9
±600 ±3.1 ±5.4 ±0.8 ±65 ±4.8 ±10.9 ±26.2 ±4.5 ±55.7 ±12.7 ±2.8 1.5
42 3091 36.9 50 8.1 387 8.1 22.9 49.1 10.3 136.4 28.7 7.8 4.3
±617 ±2.4 ±3.8 ±1.1 ±61 ±3.8 ±6.2 ±14.6 ±3.6 ±38.9 ±9.7 ±3.2 ±1.9
*Modified data from Women & Infants Hospital Providence, RI. From: Jones KI, Harrison JW, Smith DW. Palpebral fissure size in newborn infants. J Pediatr
1978;92:787, with permission.
Appendix 26
Means and Standard Deviations of Organ Weights and Measurements of Stillborn Infants*
Body Crown- Crown- Toe-
Gestation weight rump heel heel Brain Thymus Heart Lungs Spleen Liver Kidneys Adrenals Pancreas
(wk) (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
20 313 18.0 24.9 3.3 41 0.4 2.4 7.1 0.3 17 2.7 1.3 0.5
±139 ±2.0 ±2.3 ±0.6 ±24 ±0.3 ±1.0 ±3.0 ±1.0 ±9 ±2.9 ±0.6 ±0.1
21 353 18.9 26.2 3.5 48 0.5 2.6 7.9 0.4 18 3.1 1.4 0.5
±125 ±4.8 ±3.6 ±0.6 ±18 ±0.3 ±0.9 3.8 ±0.6 ±7 ±1.3 ±0.7 ±0.4
22 398 19.8 27.4 3.8 55 0.6 2.8 8.7 0.5 19 3.5 1.4 0.6
±117 ±9.6 ±2.5 ±0.4 ±15 ±0.4 ±0.9 ±3.1 ±0.4 ±10 ±0.8 ±0.6 ±0.5
23 450 20.6 28.7 4 64 0.8 3 9.5 0.7 21 4.1 1.5 0.7
±118 ±2.3 ±3.3 ±0.5 ±18 ±0.5 ±1.4 ±5.7 ±0.5 ±7 ±1.7 ±0.8 ±0.3
24 510 21.5 29.9 4.2 74 0.9 3.3 10.5 0.9 22 4.6 1.5 0.7
±179 ±3.1 ±4.3 ±0.8 ±25 ±0.7 ±1.8 ±5.6 ±0.7 ±8 ±2.4 ±0.8 ±0.3
25 581 22.3 31.1 4.4 85 1.1 3.7 11.6 1.2 24 5.3 1.6 0.8
±178 ±4.0 ±6.5 ±0.8 ±31 ±0.8 ±1.3 ±4.9 ±0.4 ±35 ±2.4 ±0.8 ±0.7
26 663 23.2 32.4 4.7 98 1.4 4.2 12.9 1.5 26 6.1 1.7 0.8
±227 ±4.1 ±5.3 ±0.9 ±37 ±1.4 ±2.2 ±8.7 ±1.1 ±16 ±3.6 ±0.9 ±0.7
27 758 24.1 33.6 4.9 112 1.7 4.8 14.4 1.9 29 7 1.9 0.9
±227 ±2.9 ±3.2 ±1.4 ±37 ±1.1 ±3.6 ±9.7 ±1.0 ±24 ±3.1 ±1.5 ±0.3
28 864 24.9 34.9 5.1 127 2 5.4 16.1 2.3 32 7.9 2.1 1
±247 ±2.2 ±5.6 ±1.2 ±39 ±2.1 ±2.6 ±7.0 ±1.1 ±32 ±2.5 ±1.6 ±0.3
29 984 25.8 36.1 5.3 143 2.4 6.2 18 2.7 36 9 2.4 1.1
±511 ±4.1 ±5.9 ±1.2 ±57 ±2.6 ±2.4 ±13.6 ±2.0 ±23 ±4.5 ±1.2 ±1.2
30 1115 26.6 37.3 5.6 160 2.8 7 20.1 3.1 40 10.1 2.7 1.2
±329 ±2.4 ±3.6 ±0.7 ±72 ±4.1 ±2.8 ±8.6 ±1.5 ±22 ±6.0 ±1.3 ±0.2
31 1259 27.5 38.6 5.8 178 3.2 8 22.5 3.6 46 11.3 3 1.4
±588 ±3.0 ±2.7 ±0.7 ±32 ±1.9 ±3.1 ±10.1 ±4.0 ±38 ±4.1 ±1.8 ±1.4
32 1413 28.4 39.8 6 196 3.7 9.1 25 4.2 52 12.6 3.5 1.6
±623 ±2.8 ±5.4 ±0.6 ±92 ±2.2 ±4.1 ±10.7 ±2.4 ±32 ±8.0 ±1.8 ±0.6
33 1578 29.2 41.1 6.2 216 4.3 10.2 27.8 4.7 58 13.9 3.9 1.8
±254 ±3.5 ±3.1 ±0.4 ±51 ±1.5 ±2.0 ±5.8 ±2.3 ±17 ±3.5 ±1.4 ±0.8
34 1750 30.1 42.3 6.5 236 4.8 11.4 30.7 5.3 66 15.3 4.4 2
±494 ±3.5 ±4.3 ±0.8 ±42 ±5.6 ±3.2 ±15.2 ±2.5 ±22 ±5.1 ±1.3 ±0.5
35 1930 30.9 43.5 6.7 256 5.4 12.6 33.7 5.9 74 16.7 4.9 2.3
±865 ±3.9 ±5.8 ±0.9 ±70 ±3.4 ±5.3 ±14.3 ±6.8 ±46 ±7.1 ±1.9 ±0.7
36 2114 31.8 44.8 6.9 277 6.1 13.9 36.7 6.5 82 18.1 5.4 2.6
±616 ±4.0 ±7.2 ±0.8 ±94 ±4.1 ±5.8 ±16.8 ±2.9 ±36 ±6.3 ±2.4 ±2.6
37 2300 32.7 46 7.2 297 6.7 15.1 39.8 7.2 91 19.4 5.8 2.9
±647 ±5.1 ±7.9 ±0.9 ±69 ±3.9 ±9.9 ±11.1 ±6.3 ±57 ±9.7 ±6.2 ±3.1
38 2485 33.5 47.3 7.4 317 7.4 16.4 42.9 7.8 100 20.8 6.3 3.2
±579 ±2.6 ±3.9 ±0.8 ±83 ±6.1 ±4.4 ±15.7 ±5.9 ±44 ±6.0 ±2.1 ±1.6
39 2667 34.4 48.5 7.6 337 8.1 17.5 45.8 8.5 109 22 6.7 3.5
±596 ±3.7 ±4.9 ±0.5 ±132 ±4.7 ±3.9 ±15.2 ±4.5 ±53 ±5.8 ±5.3 ±1.9
40 2842 35.2 49.7 7.8 355 8.9 18.6 48.6 9.2 118 23.1 7 3.9
±482 ±6.4 ±3.2 ±0.7 ±57 ±4.3 ±12.9 ±19.4 ±4.1 ±49 ±8.6 ±2.9 ±1.7
41 3006 36.1 51 8.1 373 9.6 19.5 51.1 9.9 126 24.1 7.1 4.2
±761 ±3.7 ±5.4 ±0.8 ±141 ±5.6 ±4.9 ±17.0 ±4.5 ±53 ±10.5 ±3.0
42 3156 36.9 52.2 8.3 389 10.4 20.3 53.2 10.6 135 24.9 7.2 4.5
±678 ±2.0 ±3.0 ±0.5 ±36 ±5.0 ±4.5 ±10.1 ±3.7 ±54 ±8.1 ±2.9 ±2.3
*Modified data from Women & Infants Hospital, Providence, RI. From Jones KL, Harrison JW, Smith DW. Palpebral fissure size in newborn infants.
J Pediatr 1978;92:787, with permission.
Appendix 27
Percentiles of Weights From Age 1 to 12 Mo*
Age, Kg
mo 1st 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th 99th
1 2.34 2.97 3.26 3.68 4.14 4.55 4.88 5.17 5.42
2 3.78 4.33 4.58 5.00 5.48 5.81 6.17 6.29 6.75
3 4.68 5.21 5.42 5.80 6.30 6.73 7.10 7.27 7.89
4 5.39 5.85 6.01 6.45 6.96 7.44 7.83 8.06 8.77
5 5.82 6.30 6.58 7.00 7.50 8.02 8.44 8.77 9.51
6 6.20 6.72 7.00 7.45 7.95 8.51 8.98 9.27 10.12
7 6.59 7.09 7.40 7.89 8.34 8.95 9.48 9.76 10.61
8 7.03 7.46 7.74 8.25 8.71 9.36 9.91 10.19 11.04
9 7.31 7.80 8.09 8.59 9.09 9.74 10.24 10.64 11.43
10 7.53 8.11 8.39 8.92 9.42 10.07 10.60 11.04 11.83
11 7.77 8.37 8.66 9.21 9.72 10.39 10.92 11.44 12.23
12 8.02 8.59 8.91 9.48 10.01 10.70 11.23 11.82 12.58
1 2.30 2.91 3.10 3.53 3.87 4.14 4.52 4.86 5.41
2 3.66 3.96 4.15 4.63 4.95 5.30 5.73 5.89 6.42
3 4.33 4.63 4.81 5.30 5.71 6.15 6.59 6.86 7.28
4 4.82 5.17 5.39 5.86 6.34 6.84 7.25 7.56 7.98
5 5.20 5.62 5.87 6.36 6.87 7.40 7.89 8.16 8.67
6 5.56 5.96 6.28 6.77 7.31 7.90 8.46 8.63 9.26
7 5.86 6.35 6.72 7.11 7.72 8.32 8.87 9.12 9.77
8 6.15 6.69 7.01 7.48 8.10 8.71 9.27 9.52 10.24
9 6.44 6.99 7.25 7.82 8.47 9.08 9.59 9.91 10.64
10 6.72 7.26 7.57 8.15 8.79 9.43 9.95 10.22 11.02
11 6.98 7.54 7.86 8.44 9.12 9.76 10.27 10.58 11.42
12 7.22 7.81 8.11 8.71 9.42 10.07 10.60 10.91 11.80
*Modified from Roche AF, Guo S, Moor WM. Weight Recumbent length from 1 to 12 mo of age: reference data for 1 mo increments. Am J Clin
Nutrition 1989:49:599–607.
Appendix 28
Percentiles of Body Length From 1 to 12 Mo of Age*
Age 1st 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th 99th
1 47.99 50.85 51.90 53.20 54.68 56.14 57.29 58.38 60.35
2 52.78 55.44 56.02 57.04 57.51 59.98 61.05 62.02 63.61
3 55.83 58.20 58.77 59.83 61.29 62.83 64.05 64.66 66.51
4 58.10 60.33 61.13 62.29 63.64 65.22 66.60 67.16 68.95
5 60.46 62.44 63.21 64.22 65.72 67.37 68.67 69.40 71.10
6 62.35 64.08 65.06 66.07 67.53 69.19 70.44 71.30 73.05
7 63.91 65.76 66.61 67.74 69.23 70.83 72.18 73.01 74.85
8 65.25 67.22 68.10 69.37 70.86 72.30 73.82 74.70 76.57
9 66.41 68.49 69.39 70.82 72.25 73.80 75.38 76.24 78.18
10 67.41 69.76 70.70 72.14 73.64 75.19 76.85 77.63 79.69
11 68.25 70.95 71.94 73.36 74.98 76.53 78.32 78.95 81.13
12 69.05 72.14 73.18 74.61 76.22 77.88 79.60 80.49 82.49
1 47.95 49.81 50.72 52.25 53.76 55.06 56.14 56.37 57.70
2 51.23 53.63 54.26 55.89 57.06 58.46 59.49 60.08 61.39
3 53.88 56.24 57.03 58.56 59.70 61.20 62.43 63.13 64.07
4 56.17 58.42 59.35 60.72 61.85 63.42 64.68 65.58 66.39
5 58.21 60.35 61.20 62.71 63.89 65.47 66.73 67.70 68.47
6 60.08 62.10 62.89 64.53 65.61 67.31 68.58 69.69 70.47
7 61.82 63.80 64.40 66.08 67.36 69.03 70.27 71.48 72.29
8 63.44 65.41 65.93 67.59 68.95 70.49 71.83 73.11 73.98
9 64.98 66.90 67.44 69.00 70.47 71.91 73.37 74.59 75.56
10 66.36 68.22 68.77 70.28 71.84 73.36 74.82 75.98 77.05
11 67.54 69.43 70.00 71.49 73.15 74.66 76.21 77.32 78.47
12 68.77 70.61 71.22 72.76 74.42 75.95 77.49 78.57 79.81
*Modified from Roche AF, Guo S, Moore WM. Weight and Recumbent length from 1 to 12 mo of age: reference data for 1 mo increments. Am
J Clin Nutrition 1989:49:599–607.
Appendix 29
Organ Weights in Children*
Body Right Left Right Left Combined
length Brain Heart lung lung Spleen Liver kidney kidney adrenals Thymus Pancreas
Age (cm) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
Birth–3d 49 335 17 21 18 8 78 13 14 — — —
3–7 d 49 358 18 24 22 9 96 14 14 — — —
1–3 wk 52 382 19 29 26 10 123 15 15 — — —
3–5 wk 52 413 20 31 27 12 127 16 16 4.9 5.5–8.5 5.7
5–7 wk 53 422 21 32 28 13 133 19 18 — — —
7–9 wk 55 489 23 32 29 13 136 19 18 4.9 5.0–10.0 7.2
2–3 mo 56 516 23 35 30 14 140 20 19 4.9 10.0 8.0
4 mo 59 540 27 37 33 16 160 22 21 4.8 9.5 10.0
5 mo 61 644 29 38 35 16 188 25 25 5.0 12.5 11.0
6 mo 62 660 31 42 39 17 200 26 25 4.9 10.0 11.0
7 mo 65 691 34 49 41 19 227 30 30 5.5 11.0 11.0
8 mo 65 714 37 52 45 20 254 31 30 5.4 9.0 12.0
9 mo 67 750 37 53 47 20 260 31 30 5.4 9.5 15.0
10 mo 69 809 39 54 51 22 274 32 31 5.7 20–38 13.5
11 mo 70 852 40 59 53 25 277 34 33 6.1 20–38 15.0
12 mo 73 925 44 64 57 26 288 36 35 6.2 20–38 14.5
14 mo 74 944 45 66 60 26 304 36 35 — 20–38 —
16 mo 77 1,010 48 72 64 28 331 39 39 — 20–38 —
18 mo 78 1,042 52 72 65 30 345 40 43 — 20–38 —
20 mo 79 1,050 56 83 74 30 370 43 44 — 20–38 —
22 mo 82 1,059 56 80 75 33 380 44 44 — 20–38 —
24 mo 84 1,064 56 88 76 33 394 47 46 — 20–38 —
3 yr 88 1,141 59 89 77 37 418 48 49 — 25 —
4 yr 99 1,191 73 90 85 39 516 58 56 — 25 —
5 yr 106 1,237 85 107 104 47 596 65 64 — 25 —
6 yr 109 1,243 94 121 122 58 642 68 67 — 25 —
7 yr 113 1,263 100 130 123 66 680 69 70 — 25 —
8 yr 119 1,273 110 150 140 69 736 74 75 — 25 —
9 yr 125 1,275 115 174 152 73 756 82 83 — 25 —
10 yr 130 1,290 116 177 166 85 852 92 95 — 25 —
11 yr 135 1,320 122 201 190 87 909 94 95 — 25 —
12 yr 139 1,351 124 — — 93 936 95 96 — 25 —
*Data adapted from Sunderman FW, Boerner F. Normal Values in Clinical Medicine. W. B. Saunder Company, Philadelphia, 1949, and from
Schulz DM, Giordano DA, Schulz DH. Weights of organs of fetuses and infants. Arch Pathol 1969;74:244–350.
Appendix 30
Weights of All Four Parathyroid Glands Combined (mg)
Age Males Females
<1 d 6.6 5.3
1 d–3 mo 6.2 8.8
3 mo–1 yr 25.4 18.3
1–5 yr 34.9 23.0
6–10 yr 51.4 63.3
11–20 yr 98.1 100.9
³21 yr 117.6 ± 4.0 131.3 ± 5.8
Appendix 31 Appendix 32
Body Weight, Body Length, and Head Circumference Body Weight, Body Length, and Head Circumference
in Relation to Age: Boys, Birth to 28 Mo* in Relation to Age: Girls, Birth to 28 Mo*
*From: Stuart HC, et al. Anthropometric Charts of Infant Boys and *From: Stuart HC, et al. Anthropometric Charts of Infant Boys and
Girls From Birth to 28 Mo. Harvard School of Public Health, Department Girls From Birth to 28 Mo. Harvard School of Public Health, Department
of Maternal and Child Health. Boston: Children's Medical Center (no date). of Maternal and Child Health. Boston: Children's Medical Center (no date).
Appendix 33
Body Weight and Length in Relation to Age: Body Weight and Length in Relation to Age:
Boys, 2–13 Yr of Age* Girls, 2–13 Yr of Age*
*Adapted with permission from: Stuart HC. Anthropometric charts *Adapted with permission from: Stuart HC. Anthropometric charts
for boys and girls from 2–13 yr. Harvard School of Public Health, Depart- for boys and girls from 2–13 yr. Harvard School of Public Health, Depart-
ment of Maternal and Child Health. Children's Medical Center, Boston. ment of Maternal and Child Health. Children's Medical Center, Boston.
Appendix 34
Anterior Fontanel Size by Age (0–24 Mo; Percentiles)
From: Duc G, Largo RH. Anterior fontanel: Size and closure in term and preterm infants.
Pediatrics 1986;78:904.
Appendix 35
Percent of Anterior Fontanel Closed by Age (0–24 Mo)
From: Duc CG, Largo RH. Anterior fontanel: Size and closure in term and preterm
infants. Pediatrics 1986;78:904.
Appendix 36
Protocol for Gross Examination of the Brain
Autopsy #:
Date cut:
Cut by:
• The weight of the formalin-fixed brain is g.
• The external and inner aspects of the dura are unremarkable.
• Serial cross-sections through the superior sagittal sinus reveal no antemortem thrombus.
• The cerebral hemispheres are approximately equal in volume.
• There is no shift of the interhemispheric sulcus.
• The pattern of gyri and sulci is within normal limits.
• The piarachnoid is regularly transparent.
• On the undersurface of the brain no pressure markings are seen on the unci or cerebellar tonsils.
• The olfactory bulbs are presents.
• The optic nerve stumps are well myelinated and of equal size.
• The profile of the mammillary bodies and of the brainstem are within normal limits.
• The cerebellar hemispheres are of normal size.
• Serial coronal section through the cerebrum reveal a normally positioned and normal-sized ventricular system.
• The choroid plexus is regularly delicate.
• The white matter is well myelinated.
• A sagittal section through the vermis reveals no evidence of atrophy.
• The fourth ventricle is unremarkable.
• Serial sections through the cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, midbrain, pons, medulla, and cerebellar hemispheres reveal no lesions.
Appendix 37
Brain Weight as a Function of Age in Children and Adolescents*
Females Males
Body height Brain weight Body height Brain weight
Age (cm) (g) (cm) (g)
0 mo 49 372 51 448
1 mo 54 516 54 523
2 mo 57 560 58 609
4 mo 60 645 62 718
7 mo 66 755 68 871
9 mo 71 935 72 999
13 mo 75 961 79 1,141
16 mo 78 1,117 83 1,176
19 mo 82 1,121 83 1,109
22 mo 87 1,063 83 1,088
2 yr 87 1,176 90 1,249
3 yr 98 1,213 99 1,317
4 yr 99 1,243 107 1,419
5 yr 109 1,284 114 1,480
6 yr 118 1,286 117 1,437
7 yr 123 1,328 128 1,424
8 yr 130 1,400 133 1,457
9 yr 132 1,360 138 1,489
10 yr 135 1,550 135 1,501
11 yr 145 1,380 148 1,397
12 yr 157 1,356 154 1,483
13 yr 163 1,453 159 1,564
14 yr 164 1,322 166 1,484
15 yr 166 1,378 168 1,483
16 yr 164 1,383 175 1,547
17 yr 166 1,380 174 1,528
18 yr 166 1,359 176 1,491
*Data adapted from Voigt J, Pakkenberg H. Brain weight of Danish children. Acta Anat 1983;116:
Appendix 38
Gestational Development of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Gestational age No. examined Sulci and fissures Gyri
10–15 (n = 6) Interhemispheric fissure, hippocampal sulcus,
sylvian fissure, transverse cerebral fissure,
callosal sulcus
16–19 (n = 13) Parietooccipital fissure, olfactory sulcus, Gyrus rectus, insula, cingulate gyrus
circular sulcus, cingulate sulcus, calcarine
20–23 (n = 41) Rolandic sulcus, collateral sulcus, superior Parahippocampal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus
temporal sulcus
24–27 (n = 46) Prerolandic sulcus, middle temporal sulcus, Prerolandic gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, postrolandic
postrolandic sulcus, interparietal sulcus, gyrus, superior and inferiorparietal lobules, superior
superior frontal sulcus, lateral occipital and middle frontal gyri, superior and inferior occip-
sulcus ital gyri, cuneus and lingual gyrus, fusiform gyrus
28–31 (n = 36) Inferior temporal sulcus, inferior frontal Inferior temporal gyrus, triangular gyrus, medial and
sulcus lateral orbital gyri, callosomarginal gyrus, transverse
temporal gyrus, angular and supramarginal gyri,
external occipitotemporal gyrus
32–35 (n = 29) Marginal sulcus, secondary superior, middle Paracentral gyrus
and inferior frontal, superior and middle
temporal, superior and inferior parietal,
prerolandic and postrolandic, superior and
inferior occipital sulci and gyri, insular gyri
36–39 (n = 31) Secondary transverse and inferior temporal Anterior and posterior orbital gyri
and cingulate sulci and gyri, tertiary
superior, middle, and inferior frontal and
superior parietal sulci and gyri
40–44 (n = 29) Secondary, orbital, callosomarginal, and insular
sulci and gyri, tertiary inferior temporal and
superior and inferior occipital gyri and sulci
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathology. Boston: John Wright, 1983.
Appendix 39
Regional Development of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Gestational Gestational
Lobe Fissures and Sulci age (wk) Gyri age (wk)
Frontal Interhemispheric fissure 10 Gyrus rectus 16
Transverse cerebral fissure 10 Insula 18
Hippocampal sulcus 10 Cingulate gyrus 18
Callosal sulcus 14 Prerolandic gyrus 24
Sylvian fissure 14 Superior frontal gyrus 25
Olfactory sulcus 16 Middle frontal gyrus 27
Circular sulcus 18 Triangular gyrus 28
Cingulate sulcus 18 Medial and lateral orbital gyri 28
Rolandic sulcus 20 Callosomarginal gyrus 28
Prerolandic sulcus 24 Anterior and posterior orbital gyri 36
Superior frontal sulcus 25
Inferior frontal sulcus 28
Parietal Interhemispheric fissure 10 Cingulate gyrus 18
Transverse cerebral fissure 10 Postrolandic gyrus 25
Sylvian fissure 14 Superior parietal lobule 26
Parietooccipital fissure 16 Inferior parietal lobule 26
Rolandic sulcus 20 Angular gyrus 28
Postrolandic sulcus 25 Supramarginal gyrus 28
Interparietal sulcus 26 Paracentral gyri 35
Temporal Sylvian fissure 14 Superior temporal gyrus 23
Superior temporal sulcus 23 Parahippocampal gyrus 23
Collateral sulcus 23 Middle temporal gyrus 26
Middle temporal sulcus 26 Fusiform gyrus 27
Inferior temporal sulcus 30 Inferior temporal gyrus 30
External occipitotemporal gyrus 30
Transverse temporal gyrus 31
Occipital Interhemispheric fissure 10 Superior occipital gyri 27
Calcarine fissure 16 Inferior occipital gyri 27
Parietooccipital sulcus 16 Cuncus 27
Collateral sulcus 23 Lingual gyrus 27
Lateral occipital sulcus 27 External occipitotemporal gyrus 30
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathology. Boston: John Wright, 1983.
Appendix 40
Gyral Pattern of the Fetal Brain
cc, corpus callosum; cing, cingulate sulcus; circ, circular sulcus; coll, collateral sulcus; cm, centimeter; FS, superior frontal sulcus; g rect, gyrus
rectus; interpar or ip, interparietal gyrus; olf, olfactory sulcus (dotted lines indicate sulci underneath the olfactory bulbs); parahip, parahippocampal
gyrus; p-o, parietoccipital fissure; Post Rol, postrolandic sulcus; Pre Rol, prerolandic sulcus; Rol, rolandic (central) sulcus; Sylv, Sylvian; Tm, middle
temporal sulcus.
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathology. Boston: John Wright, 1983.
Appendix 41
Gyral Pattern of the Perinatal Brain
ang, angular gyrus; ant/post, anterior and posterior orbital gyri; cm, centimeter, F1, superior frontal gyrus; med/lat orb, medial and lateral orbital
gyri; O1, superior occipital gyrus; O2, inferior occipital; supra marg, supra-marginal; T1, superior temporal gyrus; T2, middle temporal gyrus; T3,
inferior temporal gyrus; triang, triangular gyrus; TT, transverse temporal gyrus.
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathology. Boston: John Wright, 1983.
Appendix 42
Surfaces of Cerebral Hemispheres for Use in Indicating Lesions
(A) right lateral; (B) left lateral; (C) right medial; and (D) left medial. (From the Perinatal Autopsy Protocol of Magee-Women's Hospital, and
Hannah Kinney, M.D., Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.)
Appendix 43
Fig. 1. Mean weights of whole body (A), crown-rump length (B), crown-heel length (C), toe-heel length (D), brain (E), and thymus (F) of
second trimester fetuses and neonates with 90th and 10th percentile ranges.
Appendix 43 (Continued)
Fig. 2. Mean weights of heart (A), lungs (B), spleen (C), liver (D), kidneys (E), and adrenals (F) of second trimester fetuses and neonates with
90th and 10th percentile ranges.
Appendix 43 (Continued)
Fig. 3. Mean weights of whole body (A), crown-rump length (B), crown-heel length (C), toe-heel length (D), brain (E), and thymus (F) of
second and third trimester fetuses and neonates.
Appendix 43 (Continued)
From: Hansen K, Sung J, Huang BS, Pinar H, Singer DB, Oyer CE. Reference values for second trimester fetal and neonatal organ weights and
measurements. Ped & Dev Pathol, Vol. 6, 2003, with permission.
Fig. 4. Mean weights of heart (A), lungs (B), spleen (C), liver (D), kidneys (E), and adrenals (F) of second and third trimester fetuses and
Appendix 44
Gestational Age and Mean Organ Weights and Measurements with 1 Standard Deviation (SD)
Gestation Body Crown- Crown- Toe-
age weight rump heel heel Brain Thymus
(wks) (gm) SD (n) (cm) SD (n) (cm) SD (n) (cm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n)
12 21 ±6.4 (8) 7.6 ±0.6 (10) 9.3 ±1.0 (9) 1.0 ±0.1 (11) 3.5 ±1.5 (6) 0.01 (3)
13 31 ±10 (21) 8.7 ±0.8 (21) 11.4 ±1.0 (16) 1.2 ±0.1 (27) 4.6 ±1.7 (11) 0.03 ±0.01 (9)
14 49 ±16 (18) 9.8 ±1.1 (18) 13.5 ±1.5 (17) 1.5 ±0.1 (18) 7.8 ±4.1 (12) 0.05 ±0.03 (13)
15 75 ±22 (49) 10.9 ±1.0 (43) 15.4 ±1.4 (40) 1.8 ±0.2 (50) 12.6 ±3.4 (31) 0.09 ±0.05 (37)
16 108 ±25 (36) 12.0 ±1.1 (37) 17.3 ±1.5 (36) 2.1 ±0.2 (41) 17.5 ±3.7 (23) 0.14 ±0.08 (27)
17 149 ±32 (50) 13.2 ±1.1 (48) 19.2 ±1.6 (47) 2.4 ±0.2 (53) 22.6 ±4.7 (34) 0.18 ±0.06 (41)
18 195 ±44 (44) 14.3 ±1.2 (47) 21.0 ±1.6 (44) 2.7 ±0.2 (50) 29.9 ±7.5 (40) 0.27 ±0.10 (39)
19 248 ±46 (52) 15.4 ±1.2 (51) 22.7 ±1.4 (44) 3.0 ±0.1 (57) 35.2 ±6.6 (43) 0.39 ±0.12 (41)
20 307 ±47 (66) 16.5 ±1.2 (65) 24.4 ±1.8 (64) 3.3 ±0.3 (67) 45.5 ±7.2 (54) 0.53 ±0.18 (56)
21 370 ±60 (38) 17.7 ±1.4 (36) 26.0 ±2.1 (35) 3.6 ±0.3 (38) 53.3 ±8.8 (33) 0.70 ±0.26 (34)
22 438 ±74 (50) 18.8 ±1.6 (50) 27.5 ±2.1 (50) 3.9 ±0.3 (50) 63.5 ±10.5 (45) 0.91 ±0.34 (45)
23 510 ±77 (39) 19.9 ±1.3 (40) 29.0 ±1.8 (40) 4.2 ±0.2 (40) 74.9 ±13.5 (34) 1.14 ±0.43 (36)
24 586 ±74 (29) 21.0 ±1.4 (30) 30.4 ±1.4 (30) 4.4 ±0.2 (30) 81.7 ±14.8 (28) 1.41 ±0.48 (22)
25 665 ±104 (24) 22.1 ±1.1 (22) 31.8 ±1.8 (24) 4.6 ±0.2 (24) 93.6 ±12.2 (23) 1.70 ±0.54 (17)
26 747 ±110 (13) 23.3 ±1.1 (13) 33.1 ±1.6 (13) 4.8 ±0.2 (13) 103.4 ±12.9 (12) 2.04 ±0.39 (10)
age Heart Lungs Spleen Liver Kidneys Adrenals
(wks) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n) (gm) SD (n)
12 0.15 ±0.02 (5) 0.5 ±0.3 (7) 0.01 (3) 1.0 ±0.4 (7) 0.16 ±0.04 (6) 0.10 ±0.04 (6)
13 0.2 ±0.1 (11) 1.1 ±0.4 (12) 0.01 ±0.01 (10) 1.4 ±0.5 (14) 0.21 ±0.08 (13) 0.15 ±0.04 (11)
14 0.3 ±0.1 (15) 1.8 ±0.7 (16) 0.03 ±0.02 (16) 2.3 ±1.1 (15) 0.35 ±0.11 (16) 0.22 ±0.11 (15)
15 0.5 ±0.2 (38) 2.6 ±0.9 (37) 0.06 ±0.04 (38) 3.3 ±1.2 (37) 0.61 ±0.20 (37) 0.33 ±0.11 (38)
16 0.8 ±0.2 (31) 3.5 ±1.3 (33) 0.09 ±0.05 (30) 5.0 ±1.4 (30) 0.97 ±0.33 (32) 0.48 ±0.19 (33)
17 1.1 ±0.4 (39) 4.6 ±1.5 (40) 0.14 ±0.07 (45) 7.1 ±1.9 (39) 1.33 ±0.46 (45) 0.65 ±0.22 (44)
18 1.5 ±0.4 (43) 5.8 ±2.2 (40) 0.19 ±0.10 (44) 9.5 ±2.5 (38) 1.75 ±0.51 (40) 0.83 ±0.31 (43)
19 1.9 ±0.5 (48) 7.1 ±2.0 (45) 0.27 ±0.11 (46) 12.1 ±3.2 (47) 2.28 ±0.56 (46) 1.03 ±0.34 (47)
20 2.3 ±0.6 (61) 8.6 ±2.6 (55) 0.36 ±0.17 (59) 14.9 ±3.8 (56) 2.89 ±0.63 (56) 1.23 ±0.38 (61)
21 2.8 ±0.6 (37) 10.2 ±3.0 (38) 0.47 ±0.20 (34) 17.8 ±4.1 (37) 3.46 ±0.96 (38) 1.43 ±0.45 (37)
22 3.3 ±0.8 (44) 11.9 ±3.5 (43) 0.60 ±0.18 (46) 20.7 ±4.3 (46) 4.20 ±1.33 (44) 1.64 ±0.48 (45)
23 3.8 ±0.9 (39) 13.8 ±3.8 (31) 0.73 ±0.27 (34) 23.6 ±6.8 (36) 5.01 ±1.16 (32) 1.83 ±0.50 (36)
24 4.4 ±0.9 (29) 15.8 ±5.3 (26) 0.89 ±0.31 (27) 26.4 ±5.9 (24) 5.66 ±1.47 (28) 2.02 ±0.57 (25)
25 5.0 ±1.0 (22) 18.0 ±5.3 (18) 1.05 ±0.25 (18) 29.1 ±4.7 (18) 6.52 ±1.25 (22) 2.19 ±0.54 (21)
26 5.6 ±1.1 (11) 20.2 ±5.4 (10) 1.24 ±0.36 (9) 31.6 ±6.3 (11) 7.50 ±1.60 (11) 2.35 ±0.63 (10)
From: Hansen K, Sung J, Huang BS, Pinar H, Singer DB, Oyer CE. Reference values for second trimester fetal and neonatal organ weights and measure-
ments. Ped & Dev Pathol, Vol. 6, 2003, with permission.
Appendix 45
Mean Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD) With 2 Standard Deviations (SD) at Each Gestational Age
Appendix 46
Faxitron Settings and Exposure Times for Embryos and Fetuses*
Gestational Age: 10–12 wk Gestational Age: 23 wk
Head: 28 KV/20 s Head: 37 KV/40 s
Chest and Long Bones 24 KV/18 s Chest and Long Bones: 30 KV/28 s
Hands and Feet: 23 KV/17 s Gestational Age: 24 wk
Gestational Age: 13 wk Head: 35 KV/40 s
Chest and Long Bones: 20 KV/17 s Chest and Long Bones: 32 KV/30 s
Gestational Age: 14 wk Hands and Feet: 26 KV/28 s
Head: 29 KV/21 s Gestational Age: 25–28 wk
Chest and Long Bones: 20 KV/17 s Head: 40 KV/40 s
Gestational Age: 15 wk Chest and Long Bones: 37 KV/40 s
Head: 34 KV/22 s Hands and Feet: 29 KV/28 s
Chest and Long Bones: 30 KV/22 s Gestational Age: 29 wk
Hands and Feet 25 KV/22 s Head: 30 KV/45 s
Gestational Age: 16 wk Chest and Long Bones: 28 KV/25 s
Head: 31 KV/23 s Hands and Feet: 20 KV/18 s
Chest and Long Bones: 31 KV/23 s Gestational Age: 30 wk
Hands and Feet: 27 KV/22 s Head: 48 KV/38 s
Gestational Age: 17 wk Chest and Long Bones: 40 KV/35 s
Chest and Long Bones: 30 KV/26 s Hands and Feet: 27 KV/24 s
Gestational Age: 18 wk Gestational Age: 31–32 wk
Head: 30 KV/35 s Head: 47 KV/31 s
Chest and Long Bones: 27 KV/35 s Chest and Long Bones: 36 KV/28 s
Hands and Feet: 24 KV/30 s Hands and Feet: 28 KV/26 s
Gestational Age: 19–20 wk Gestational Age: 33–39 wk
Head: 34 KV/31 s Head: 47 KV/55 s
Chest and Long Bones: 34 KV/31 s Chest and Long Bones: 34 KV/30 s
Hands and Feet: 26 KV/30 s Gestational Age: 40–41 wk
Gestational Age: 21 wk Head: 53 KV/60 s
Head: 35 KV/30 s Chest and Long Bones: 45 KV/60 s
Chest and Long Bones 35 KV/30 s Hands and Feet: 28 KV/32 s
Hands and Feet 26 KV/30 s
Gestational Age: 22 wk
Head: 35 KV/30 s
Chest and Long Bones: 30 KV/30 s
Hands and Feet: 26 KV/28 s
*Data from Department of Pathology, Magee Hospital for Women, University of Pittsburgh, PA. Courtesy of Dr. Trevor McPherson.
Appendix 47
Conversion Factors
To convert from To Multiply by
Metric to English
Centimeters (cm) Inches (US) (in) 0.394
Centimeters (cm) Feet (US) (ft) 0.033
Square meters (m2) Square feet (US) (ft) 10.753
Grams (g) Ounces (avoirdupois) (oz) 0.035
Grams (g) Pounds (avoirdupois) (lb) 0.002
Kilograms (kg) Ounces (avoirdupois) (oz) 35.274
Kilograms (kg) Pounds (avoirdupois) (lb) 2.205
Milliliters (mL)* Ounces (US fluid) (fl oz) 0.034
Liters (L) Quarts (US liquid) (qt) 1.057
Liters (L) Gallons (US) (gal) 0.264
English to Metric
Inches (US) (in) Centimeters (cm) 2.54
Feet (US) (ft) Centimeters (cm) 30.480
Square feet (US) (ft) Square meters (m2) 0.093
Ounces (avoirdupois) (oz) Grams (g) 28.350
Pounds (avoirdupois) (lb) Grams (g) 453.592
Ounces (avoirdupois) (oz) Kilograms (kg) 0.454
Pounds (avoirdupois) (lb) Kilograms (kg) 29.574
Ounces (US fluid) (fl oz) Milliliters (mL)* 473.179
Quarts (US liquid) (qt) Liters (L) 0.946
Gallons (US) (gal) Liters (L) 3.785
Pressure Conversion
cm H2O mm Hg 0.760
mm Hg cm H2O 1.316
Temperature Conversion
ºC ºF ºF = (1.8 ´ ºC) + 32
ºF ºC ºC = (ºF - 32)
Concentration Conversion for Ethyl Alcohol:
1,000 ug/mL = 100 mg/dL = 21.74 mmol/Liter = 1.0 promille = 0.1%
*For most purposes, cubic centimeter (cc) is equal to milliliter (mL).
From: Handbook of Autopsy Practice, 3rd Ed. Edited by: J. Ludwig © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.
Adequate examination and evaluation of the products of tal features such as the number of somites, branchial arches, limb
conception can yield important information that may benefit development, and retinal pigment. The embryo is measured in its
future pregnancies. A study of the fertilized ova within the natural position, from the curvature of the head to the curva-
embryonic period shows that about 16% exposed to sperm fail ture of the rump in younger embryos and from the crown to the
to divide and another 15% fail to implant. Grossly abnormal rump in older embryos as they begin to straighten (Fig. 4).
embryos (27%) may be spontaneously aborted at previous stages Not only can abnormalities be described with relative ease
(Table 1). Abortion is defined as the premature expulsion or in the embryo, but evidence also suggests that the developmen-
removal of the conceptus from the uterus before it is able to sus- tal status of the aborted specimen is valuable in predicting the
tain life on its own. Clinically, the term takes on many defini- outcome of future pregnancies. Furthermore, determinations
tions such as threatened abortion, incomplete abortion, missed of the developmental status of embryos together with careful
abortion, recurrent abortion, and induced/therapeutic abortion. analyses of complete histories of pregnancy may be more help-
Early spontaneous abortion occurs in the embryonic period up ful in detecting environmental teratogens and increasing our
to the end of the 8th developmental week. Late spontaneous knowledge of the pathogenesis of developmental defects than
abortion occurs between the 9th and 20th wk of development. epidemiologic and laboratory animal studies combined.
The development of the embryo is largely dependent on the The following information should be made available to the
quality of the gametes and events taking place at ovulation, fer- embryopathologist at the time of his/her examination:
tilization, and implantation. Pathogenetic mechanisms of early
1. Date of the first day of the last menstrual period and date
abortion are shown in Table 2.
of the miscarriage.
Accurate evaluation of the aborted products of conception
2. Maternal age at time of conception.
requires the complete specimen to be sent to the laboratory
3. A history of drug ingestion during pregnancy (including
accompanied by a complete obstetric, medical, and family his-
smoking and the use of caffeine, alcohol, hypnotics/seda-
tory of the mother. The stages of normal embryonic develop-
tives, and oral contraceptives).
ment have been described by Streeter (1950) and more recently,
4. Pregnancy illnesses.
using the same Carnegie Collection, by O’Rahilly. The most
5. Occupational exposures.
important feature in the accurate staging is the presence and
6. Previous reproductive history.
number of somites, external embryonic developmental hall-
marks, and the crown-rump length of the embryo (Tables 3, 4 Although there are probably few environmental teratogens
and Appendix 3). today that have the widespread effects of rubella or thalido-
Initial examination of the products of conception should mide, there is increasing evidence that the interactive effects
begin with assessing the villous component of the gestational of certain agents may induce a synergism that mimics a potent
sac. Normal villi are very lush, fine and hairlike, covering the teratogen. Thus, both complete and accurate documentation of
entire surface of the sac (Fig. 1). Abnormal villi can appear pregnancy history, especially intake of drugs, is necessary.
hydropic, clubbed, and/or thickened and are usually sparse. A Chromosomal defects are extremely high in spontaneous abor-
complete specimen consists of an intact chorionic sac that may tions. The incidence of serious chromosomal abnormalities is
be empty or may contain various embryonic or extra embryonic shown in Table 5. An estimated 50% of all embryos have chro-
tissues. It is usually surrounded by decidua and is ovoid or pear- mosomal defects from the time of conception, and most are spon-
shaped, retaining the shape of the uterine cavity (Fig. 2). Incom- taneously aborted so that at term only 1 in 200 infants has such
plete specimens consist of an opened or ruptured chorionic sac a defect (Table 6). The correlation between embryonic mor-
without an identifiable embryo (Fig. 3A). Curretted specimens phology and cytogenetic findings is shown in Tables 7 and 8.
are most often incomplete (Fig. 3B). When an embryo is iden- Sometimes the embryo cannot be staged because its general
tified, it should be measured and assessed for all developmen- development is so abnormal or because it does not show the
expected developmental markers. This is known as growth
disorganization (GD). Severely macerated and fragmented
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness embryos cannot be staged as well. It is useful to keep a table of
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ gross markers of embryonic development near the work area.
Table 1 Table 2
Fate of Fertilized Ova Pathogenic Mechanisms Causing Early Abortion
• About 16% of ova exposed to sperm fail to divide. • Abnormal uterine anatomy
• Another 15% fail to implant. • Hormonal dysfunction
• Some 27% are aborted spontaneously at previllous stages, • Autoimmune and alloimmune abnormalities
presumably because they are grossly abnormal. • Excessive genomic sharing
• Of the 42% of fertilized human ova that survive the first missed • Chromosomal abnormalities
menstrual period, about one-fourth are aborted spontaneously. • Infection of the conceptus
• 68.5% total reproductive loss. 31.5% of ova exposed to sperm • Dysmorphic and disruptive events
in women of proven fertility survive to be born alive.
Table 3
Summary of Embryonic Development
Crown-rump length (mm)
(mm) Days after
Days after ovulation
ovaluation Carnegie
Carnegie state
state Main
Highlights 0–35 d
0.1 0–2 1 Fertilized oocyte
4–6 3 Blastocyst
0.2–0.4 6–15 5 Trilaminar embryo with primitive streak
1.5–2.0 20–22 9 Heart tubes begin to fuse
2.0–3.0 22–24 10 Neural folds begin to fuse; heart begins to beat
3.0–4.0 24–26 11 Rostral neuropore closing
4.0–5.0 26–30 12 Upper limb buds appear
5.0–6.0 28–32 13 Four pairs of branchial arches
6.0–7.0 31–35 14 Lens pits and nasal pits visible
Highlights 35–60 d
7.0–10.0 35–38 15 Hand plates formed; retinal pigment visible
10.0–12.0 37–42 16 Foot plates formed
12.0–14.0 42–44 17 Finger rays appear; articular hillocks developed
14.0–17.0 44–48 18 Toe rays appear
16.0–20.0 48–51 19 Trunk elongating midgut herniation to umbilical cord
20.0–22.0 51–53 20 Fingers distinct but webbed
22.0–24.0 53–54 21 Fingers free and longer
24.0–28.0 54–56 22 Toes free and longer
28.0–30.0 56–60 23 Head more rounded; fusing eyelids
sound-scanning techniques, the sac surrounded by chorionic stages categorize the stages of development in the human embryo.
villi can be measured at 5 wk postmenstrual age or 3 wk post- There are 23 Carnegie stages.
fertilization. The amniotic sac is appreciably smaller than the Stages 1–3 begin with fertilization of a secondary oocyte by
chorionic sac. As the sac grows, the villi facing the uterine a sperm, resulting in the formation of a zygote. The zygote is
cavity lose their blood supply and degenerate, giving rise to a diploid cell with 46 chromosomes, containing genetic mate-
the chorion leave. At the same time, the villi associated with rial from both parents. Rapid mitotic cell division or cleavage
decidua basalis proliferate and branch rapidly (chorion fron- results in smaller cells called blastomeres. A solid sphere of
dosum), giving rise to the chorionic plate and the chorionic villi cells called a morula is formed as the embryo enters the uterine
of the placenta. The placenta develops into a circumscribed and cavity. The blastocyst is formed, separating the cells into an
discrete organ from about the 10th wk of gestation (8 wk post- outer cell layer, the trophoblast, and the inner cell mass. The
fertilization). trophoblasts give rise to the placenta, and the inner cell mass
Under the dissecting microscope, normal villi are seen as hav- gives rise to the embryo and extra-embryonic tissue. The tro-
ing a uniform diameter, with a symmetrical branching appear- phoblastic cells then begin to invade the endometrium.
ance. There are multiple buds along their length. Villi with Stages 4 and 5 make up the second week of development (Fig.
swollen tips are described as clubbed; villi with clear vesicles 5). A bilaminar embryonic disc forms, amniotic and primary
are referred to as cystic; and villi with few buds or thin irregular yolk sac cavities develop, and two layers of trophoblasts are
branches are described as hypoplastic. Microscopically, cystic formed. The cytotrophoblast is the inner layer and the syncy-
and clubbed villi are usually hydropic and avascular. Hypo- tiotrophoblast the outer layer. The trophoblast continues to pene-
plastic villi show fibrosis and vascular obliteration. trate deeper into the endometrium. The two layers of the embry-
Table 4
Time Periods
of Embryonic and Fetal Development in Humans
Developmental event age (d)
Somites first appear 20
Rostral neuropore closes 24
Caudal neuropore closes 26
Upper limb bud appears* 26–27
Lower limb bud appears* 28–30
Crown rump length, 5 min 29–30
Paddle-shaped hand plate 31–32
Paddle-shaped foot plate 33–36
Spiral septum begins 34
Herniation of gut 34
Eye pigment* 34–35
Crown-rump length, 10 mm 37
Ossification begins 40–43
Müllerian duct appears 40
Digital rays, upper extremity* 41–43
Cloaca divided by urorectal septum 43
Testes, histologic differentiation 43
Notches between finger rays 44–46
Digital rays, lower extremity* 44–46
Heart septation complete 46–47
Webbed fingers 49–51
Notches between toe rays 49–51
Free fingers* 52–53
Webbed toes 52–53
Eyelids closed 56–58
Palate closed completely 56–58
Herniation of gut reduced* 60
Urethral groove closed in male 90
*Important landmarks.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter's Pathology of the Fetus and
Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book Inc., 1997.
Fig. 3. Incomplete specimen. (A) A ruptured gestational sac that has been turned inside out with shaggy decidua protruding on one aspect,
and the shiny amniotic surface on the opposite aspect (yolk sac, arrow). (B) A specimen obtained by curettage, yielding multiple shaggy frag-
ments of tissue.
Fig. 4. Illustration of the correct way to measure an embryo at different stages of development.
Table 5 Table 7
Incidence of the Type of Chromosomal Correlation Between Embryonic
Abnormalities in 1500 Spontaneous Abortions* Morphology and Cytogenetic Findings
Percent Specimen morphology Frequency %
Autosomal trisomies 52.00 Complete specimens—50%
Triploidy 19.86 Embryos with growth disorganization 24
45,x 15.30 Normal embryos 10
Tetraploidy 6.18 Embryos with localized defects 8
Double trisomy 1.73 Degenerated embryos 8
Translocations 3.80 Incomplete specimens—50%
Mosaicism 1.08 Ruptured/fragmented sacs 38
Decidua only 12
*From: Boué J, Boué A, Lazar P. Retrospective and Prospective Epi-
demiological Studies of 1500 Karyotyped Spontaneous Human Abortions.
Teratology 1975;12:11.
Table 6 Table 8
Chromosomal Defects Correlation Between Embryonic
Morphology and Cytogenetic Findings
• At birth 1:200 have chromosomal defects
Embryonic morphology Abnormal cytogenetics %
• 38% of all 2 wk embryos have chromosomal defects
• 50% of all embryos from the time of conception are estimated to GD 1 60
have chromosomal defects GD 2 73
• High % of chromosomal defects represent trisomies GD 3 52
• Trisomy 16—lethal GD 4 37
• Most aborted 7–8 wk, although usually stop their development Normal 20
at approximately 4 wk Focal defects 92
Fig. 5. Bilaminar embryonic disc in the second week of development (stage 5), with amniotic and primary yolk sac cavities.
The mesoderm on either side of the midline of the embryo Folding of the head and tail give the embryo a slightly curved
(paraxial mesoderm) undergoes segmentation, forming somites. appearance during stage 11 (Fig. 8). The rostral neuropore con-
There are 43 pairs of somites. Each somite differentiates into tinues to close, and the optic vesicles are formed. The heart pro-
bones, cartilage, and ligaments of the vertebral column, as well duces a large ventral prominence.
as into skeletal voluntary muscles, dermis, and subcutaneous Three pairs of branchial arches are formed in stage 12, along
tissue of the skin. The intermediate mesoderm and the lateral with complete closure of the rostral neuropore. Recognizable
mesoderm give rise to portions of the urogenital system. The upper limb buds on the ventral lateral body wall appear. The otic
lateral mesoderm is involved in the development of pericardial, pits, the primordia of the inner ears, become visible (Fig. 9).
pleural, and peritoneal cavities, as well as development of the The embryo continues to fold in the longitudinal plane, result-
muscle of the diaphragm. ing in a C-shaped curvature. The head enlarges with growth of
During the third week of development, the mesoderm also the forebrain. Narrowing of the connection between the embryo
forms a primitive cardiovascular system. Within the extraembry- and the yolk sac produces a body stalk containing one umbili-
onic mesoderm of the yolk sac, the connecting stalk, and the cal vein and two umbilical arteries.
chorion, blood vessels begin to form and embryonic vessels Stages 13–15 represent the fifth week of development, with
develop 2 d later. The connection between the blood vessels rapid development of the brain causing rapid head growth. The
and the primitive heart tube occurs toward the end of the third embryo is 5–10 mm in length. Toward the end of this week, the
week, after which the circulation of the blood begins. upper limbs begin to differentiate, with the appearance of hand
The embryo now has a caudal and cranial end and changes plates. Lower limb buds are present by 28–32 d of development,
from a disc to a tube with a third germ layer, the endoderm, along with the fourth pair of branchial arches. Lens placodes of
incorporated into the interior of the embryo. the eyes are visible on the sides of the head. The attenuated tail
The formation of the chorionic villi takes place in the third with somites is a characteristic feature at the beginning of the
week. The cytotrophoblast cells of the chorionic villi penetrate fifth week (Fig. 10A–D).
the layer of syncytiotrophoblast to form a cytotrophoblastic Stages 16 and 17 take place in the sixth week of development.
shell, attaching the chorionic sac to the endometrial tissues. The crown-rump (CR) length of the embryo is approx 10–14 mm.
The fourth week of development makes up stages 10–12. The The nasal pits face ventrally, retinal pigment (37 d) becomes
embryo measures 2.0–5.0 mm. The embryo is almost straight visible, auricular hillocks appear, and the footplate is formed at
at stage 10 (22–24 d) and has between 4 and 12 somites (Fig. 7). stage 16 (Fig. 11A,B). The embryo is still curved in stage 17 with
These produce noticeable elevations on the surface of the embryo. development of the finger rays. Basic facial structure formation
The neural tube is closed opposite the somites but is widely advances, with the upper lip appearing when the medial nasal
open at the rostral and caudal neuropore. The first and second prominences and maxillary prominences merge. The nostrils
pairs of branchial arches become visible. become clearly defined, and the eyes are directed more anteriorly.
Fig. 6. (A) Ectopic pregnancy at day 17 showing an embryonic disc with opacity (arrow) representing the primitive streak. The amniotic
cavity (A) and the primary yolk sac cavity (Y) are present. (B) Diagram of the development of the primitive streak (a), notochord (b), and neural
folds (c) in a trilaminar embryo (stages 6–9).
Stages 18 and 19 make up the seventh week of development, The end of the eighth week of development (stages 20–23)
with the embryo reaching a CR length of 20 mm by the end of will mark the end of the embryonic period. The fingers are dis-
the seventh week. The embryo looses its C-shaped appearance tinct but are still webbed, and there are notches between the toe
as the head continues to enlarge rapidly and the trunk straight- rays. Toward the end of the week, the fingers become free and
ens. Elbow regions can be recognized on the upper limbs, and longer, and the development of the hands and feet approach each
tow rays appear on the feet. The nipples become evident. Physi- other. A scalp vascular plexus appears, and the head becomes
ologic herniation of the intestinal tract into the umbilical cord more rounded and shows typical human features (Fig. 13A–
occurs (Fig. 12). The intestinal loops normally return to the C). At the end of the eighth week the embryo will have grown
abdomen by the end of wk 10. 10 mm to reach a CR length of 30 mm. All major organ systems
Fig. 7. Diagram of a human embryo at stage 10. The neural folds are
partially fused, with the neural tube open at the rostral and caudal
are formed by the end of the eight week and the fetal period begins
(Fig. 14).
The sex of the embryo cannot be determined within the
embryonic period. Differentiation of male and female external
genitalia is complete at 12 wk of gestation (Fig. 15A–E).
specimen of an early abortion consists of a chorionic sac, decidua,
and blood clots. The chorionic sac may be intact but is usually
ruptured or even fragmented. A small embryo may be present
outside the damaged chorionic sac, indicating careful exami-
nation of all submitted material. The entire specimen is placed
into a petri dish that contains saline and is viewed under a
dissecting microscope, preferably on a black background (Fig.
16A–C). If a dissecting microscope is not available, a magni-
fying glass or an ocular removed from the microscope may be
helpful. When the embryo is not found, a ruptured chorionic
sac is noted as an incomplete specimen. The intact chorionic
sac is usually found as a fluctuant globular structure. Its dimen-
sions may vary from 1 to 8 cm in diameter. It may be totally or
partially covered by villi. The sac is opened under the dissect-
ing microscope with small dissecting scissors, and a small piece
is removed for tissue culture. The size of the amniotic sac and
its relationship to the chorionic sac should be noted. Fusion of
the amnion and the chorion before 10 wk of gestation is abnor- Fig 8. (A) Diagram of a human embryo at stage 11. (B) Human
mal. Full examination of the embryo is best done following embryo at stage 11 with a slight curve, two pairs of branchial arches,
fixation, especially if the embryo is macerated (Fig. 17A,B). heart prominence (H), optic vesicle (O), and somites (S). The rostral
neuropore (arrow) continues to close.
A ruptured chorionic sac has a collapsed corrugated appear-
ance as the result of loss of amniotic fluid. The presence or
absence of the amniotic sac should be noted, as well as its size
and relationship to the chorion, presence of a yolk sac, body The diagnosis of a defect present in an embryo depends
stalk, or cord. Together with histologic examination of villi, heavily on the correct evaluation of its developmental stage.
this allows evaluation of the specimen as a normally or abnor- Many anomalies are easily identified in the later embryonic
mally developing gestational sac. period (Fig. 18A–E), with those at early stages nearly impos-
Fig. 9. (A) Drawing of a human embryo at stage 12. (B) A human embryo at stage 12 with three branchial arches, optic vesicle (two arrows),
and otic pit (arrow) (ys, yolk sac). Note the increased curvature of the embryo.
Fig. 10. (A) Drawing of a human embryo at stage 13. (B) Human embryo at stage 13. Note the body curvature, four pairs of branchial arches,
heart prominence (H), and upper and lower limb buds (arrows). The lens placode and otic pit are identifiable, and the neural tube is closed.
(C) Drawing of a human embryo at stage 15. (D) Human embryo at stage 15 with well-defined lens vesicle and an area representing hand plate
formation (arrow). The cervical flexure is prominent.
sible to diagnose. For example, agenesis of the upper limbs an identifiable embryo and an umbilical cord is present, the end
cannot be diagnosed easily before d 26 to 27 of developmental of the umbilical cord should be examined, both grossly and
age; polydactyly of the hands cannot be diagnosed before the microscopically. Following death of the embryo, it may become
digital (finger) rays appear (41–43 d); cleft lip cannot be diag- detached from the umbilical cord, and then it becomes macer-
nosed before 47 to 50 d; and cleft palate cannot be diagnosed ated and is resorbed. The end of the cord can show a shaggy
before 61 d of developmental age. appearance or a somewhat smooth rounded end that may contain
ARTIFACTS Differentiating between an artifact and a true loops of bowel and/or a portion of liver (Fig. 20A,B). Micro-
defect can be difficult, particularly when dealing with embryos scopic examination will confirm this.
and early fetal death. A common artifact in the embryo and in Macerated embryos can be seen in multiple fragments within
the early fetal period occurs between 7 and 10 wk of develop- an intact gestational sac (Fig. 21). The fragments may not permit
ment. The embryo/fetus at this stage has a physiologic hernia- a comprehensive examination but can be examined to obtain as
tion of the intestine into the base of the umbilical cord. In some much information as possible. For instance, if there is recog-
cases, the cord is torn from the abdominal wall, leaving a defect nizable retinal pigment (37 d), are there identifiable limbs that
in the skin with intestinal loops protruding. The edges of the are synchronous with at least 37 d of developmental age?
defect are often ragged, and the embryo/fetus is often floating GROWTH DISORGANIZATION In most spontaneous
free in an intact sac (Fig. 19A–C), or it is received separate from abortions, some type of GD is present. The type and frequency
the gestational sac. A true defect will almost always exhibit of GD is listed in Table 8. Four types of GD have been estab-
smooth margins. If an intact gestational sac is received without lished by Poland et al. To adequately evaluate the inconsistent
Fig. 11. (A) Drawing of a human embryo at stage 17. (B) Human embryo with early formation of retinal pigment (black arrow), finger rays,
and foot plate (white arrow) (H, heart prominence).
morphologic development in aborted embryos, the specimen before 10 wk of gestation is abnormal. The chorionic villi are
must be complete. This consists of an intact chorionic sac or a abnormal and are often sparse. They are grossly clubbed or
ruptured sac with an embryo. cystic and microscopically are avascular and hydropic.
Growth Disorganization Type I (GD I) In type I GD, there Growth Disorganization Type II (GD II) In GD II, a chor-
is an intact chorionic or amniotic sac with no evidence of an ionic sac is present and contains a piece of embryonic tissue
embryo or body stalk. The yolk sac is absent (Fig. 22). The 1–4 mm in length. This embryo has no recognizable external
amnion and chorion are abnormal structurally and are usually features and is without an identifiable cephalic or caudal pole.
fused or closely apposed. Fusion of the amnion and chorion It is usually directly attached to the amnion or has a short body
Fig. 13. (A) Human embryo at stage 20 showing webbed fingers and notches between the toe rays. The vascular plexus is becoming visible
(arrows).(B) Human embryo at stage 21–22 with free fingers. The hands and feet approach each other. Note the intestine in the umbilical cord
(arrow) (ys, yolk sac). (C) Drawing of a human embryo at stage 23.
gest the need for chromosome analysis as well. Be aware that in the second trimester. Measurements of the limbs in relation
dysmorphic features are not always apparent in fetuses at such to the trunk length and development-related normal measure-
an early stage of development. Some specific features and some ments can be very helpful in determining developmental ages
facial characteristics of common syndromes may be only parti- as well as abnormalities. Following photographic documenta-
ally developed or may even be absent in previable fetuses. Fixa- tion, the internal examination is performed.
tion before arrival in the pathology laboratory may cause distortion. INITIAL INCISION The initial incision is performed as
This distortion can easily be confused as an anomaly. Fixation also described in the older fetus or infant. The skin and soft tissue
prohibits tissue culture for karyotype or biochemical studies. tends to be much more friable in these small fetuses, requiring
The external examination should proceed in the same sys- extreme care when dissecting.
tematic manner as in the older fetus or infant (see chapter 1). IN SITU EXAMINATION OF THE ABDOMEN AND THO-
The presence or absence of scalp hair, along with the shape of RAX The in situ examination of these small fetuses is per-
the head, should be noted. The position of the ears is examined. formed in the same manner as in the older fetus or infant, with
The nose, eyes, and mouth are assessed for abnormalities or a few special considerations. Any in situ abnormalities should
malposition. The limbs are examined for the number of digits be immediately photographed. Once the abnormality is dis-
and their position and the presence or absence of any flexion turbed by further dissection, it may be lost forever because of
deformities. Abnormal palmar and plantar creases are apparent the friability of the tissue. Organ sizes at an early gestational
Fig. 14. Human fetus at the end of the embryonic period, with more Fig. 15. Development of the external genitalia (A, anal fold; GS,
typical human characteristics such as a rounder head and completed genital swelling; GT, genital tubercle; UF, urethral fold; S, scrotum;
development of the face, hands, and feet. The intestine remains her- P, penis). (A) Appearance of the external genitalia at 8 developmental
niated into the base of the umbilical cord until 10 wk of development. weeks.
Fig. 15. (B) Appearance of the external genitalia of a female at 10 developmental week and (C) at 12 developmental weeks.
Fig. 16. Intact embryos found after examination under a dissecting microscope of a ruptured gestational sac floating in saline. These embryos
are at stages 11–12. The embryo in (A) shows the torn body stalk (white arrow). The optic disc (two arrows) and the otic pit (one arrow) are
forming (H, heart prominence). The embryo in (B) remains attached to the yolk sac (ys), with a collapsed amniotic membrane (arrows)
surrounding it.
Fig. 16. (C) An intact embryo (stage 12) that remains attached to the amniotic sac in a ruptured gestational sac. A body stalk (arrow),
containing the umbilical vein and arteries, is recognizable (ys, yolk sac; optic disc, two arrows; otic pit, one arrow).
(Fig. 36). The limbs often appear twisted and the head and chest be performed. The placental fragments should be separated from
flattened. There may be masslike lesions in the retroperitoneum the fetal tissues and kept in two separate groups. The fragments
and protruding from the abdomen or back (Fig. 37A–D). These should be sorted through at least twice to yield the maximum
are often mistaken for a tumor. When incised, they are filled with amount of fetal tissue. The best results are achieved following
cloudy gray-white material that represents macerated brain. The fixation in formalin. Once separated, the placental fragments,
liquefied brain has seeped through the soft tissue and aggre- including any identifiable membranes and umbilical cord, can
gated in one or more sites. This gray-white material can be seen be described and representative sections submitted for micro-
in the chambers of the heart or along the posterior pleural cavi- scopic examination. The fetal tissues may require a close examin-
ties, exhibiting a beaded appearance. ation and will usually consist of intact limbs and organs or pieces
of organs. When examining the fetal parts, look at them in sev-
EXAMINATION OF DILATION eral different directions and orientations. In some cases, a little
AND EVACUATION SPECIMENS imagination must be used to put fragmented parts back together.
Dilatation and evacuation (DE) specimens are valuable Knowledge of tissue texture and consistency should also be used.
pathologic specimens, especially when correlated with ultra- Important diagnostic information can be obtained, including num-
sound studies. The specimen should be received fresh, not in for- ber of umbilical vessels, FL to determine developmental age, sex
malin, allowing for cytogenetic analysis, and with an adequate of the fetus, and the presence of limb abnormalities or congeni-
prenatal and maternal history. After an adequate sample has been tal heart disease. X-rays are important in ruling out skeletal or
submitted for karyotyping, a meticulous examination should limb abnormalities and may confirm a diagnosis (Figs. 38–40).
Fig. 20. Umbilical cord identified in an intact gestational sac with Fig. 21. A fragmented, macerated embryo identified within an in-
no identifiable embryo. The free end of the cord is smooth and round tact gestational sac. Note the twisted, cystic umbilical cord (arrows).
with apparent loops of bowel (arrow) and a portion of liver (L) present. The head, with retinal pigment, has been separated from the body.
This was confirmed on microscopic examination.
Fig. 22. GD I. An intact gestational sac with scant villous tissues. The villi are fibrotic and hemorrhagic, and no yolk sac is identified.
Fig. 23. (A) An opened gestational sac with sparse villi. The sac contains a piece of embryonic tissue with no recognizable external features
(arrow). This is consistent with GD II. (B) A close-up of the embryonic tissue in (A). (C) Opened sac showing an amniotic sac (A) that is
considerably smaller than the surrounding chorionic sac. The amniotic sac contains a portion of embryonic tissue (arrow) consistent with a
Fig. 26. A fetus at 15 wk of gestation with Trisomy 21. Note the Fig. 27. A macerated fetus at 14 wk of gestation with molding
slight Mongoloid slant to the palpebral fissures and the cystic hygroma resulting from prolonged intrauterine retention. The left arm is dis-
at the neck. An atrioventricular septal defect was found at autopsy. torted, and the arm and hand have left an imprint on the flank. At
autopsy, right atrial isomerism or asplenia was documented.
Fig. 28. A macerated fetus at 18 wk of gestation, received fixed in formalin. The legs and arms were fixed in a curled up position, requiring
restraint to adequately perform the autopsy. A rolled paper towel or a piece of sponge can be used to raise the shoulders.
Fig. 29. A fetus at 28 wk of gestation with massively dilated ureters (RU and LU) and urinary bladder (UB). The bowel is pushed to the middle
of the abdominal cavity and is not normally fixed and rotated. The diaphragm, the heart, and the lungs are pushed upward, and the ribs are
pushed laterally. The right, cystic kidney (RK) looks as though it is in the chest (L, liver; H, heart).
Fig. 30. The appearance of the lungs when pleural effusion is present for a few weeks. Their margins are rounded, and the lungs are hypo-
plastic (R, right lung; L, left lung; H, heart).
Fig. 31. The appearance of the abdominal organs following persistent ascites. The intestine is pushed into a bunch that is usually centrally
located within the abdomen. There appears to be a lot of empty space below the diaphragm (D) and in the pelvic region (UB, urinary bladder;
L, liver,).
Fig. 35. An illustration showing the typical, normal gyral patterns at ten successive stages of fetal development from 16 to 40 wk of gestation.
Fig. 37. Following prolonged intrauterine retention, the brain will liquefy and seep through the soft tissue to form one or more masses in
the body cavities or subcutaneous tissue. (A) An intraabdominal masslike lesion (arrows) in a markedly macerated fetus at 15 wk of gestation
(D, diaphragm; L, liver). (B) A fetus at 16 wk of gestation with two bulges in the skin over the left scapula (arrows). (C) A fetus at 14 wk of
gestation with a subcutaneous mass over the sacrum. (D) A midsagittal section of the fetus shown in (C) showing the mass(white arrows) and
its gelatinous appearance. The spinal cord (black arrows) also has a broad, gelatinous appearance (RLE, right lower leg; LL, left lung).
Fig. 38. A DE specimen at 13 wk of gestation with thrombocytopenia aplasia radii. (A) A right upper extremity with radial aplasia. (B) The
X-ray of (A). (C) The opened right atrium and ventricle of the heart showing an atrial septal defect (arrow) of the secundum type (TV, tricuspid
Fig. 39. Fetal parts identified in a DE specimen that was submitted to rule out Meckel syndrome. The occipital skull defect (arrow) was iden-
tified, and the hands had five digits bilaterally. (E, eye; S, stomach; LUE, left upper extremity; RUE, right upper extremity; H, heart; I, intestine;
LLE, left lower extremity; RLE, right lower extremity.)
Fig. 40. A DE specimen submitted to rule out absence of the right kidney. It could not be seen on ultrasound examination. (A) A portion of the spine with attached ribs (R) , diaphragm
(D), esophagus (E), stomach (S), right (RA) and left (LA) adrenals, and a left kidney (LK). (B) The urinary bladder (UB) was identified anterior to the bicornate uterus (arrow) with two
equally sized ureters present (RU, right ureter; LU, left ureter). Two ureters and a normally shaped right adrenal led to the prediction that a right kidney was present but was destroyed during
the procedure. (C) The heart was also identified and exhibited a hypoplastic left heart. The arrows point to the epicardial coronary arteries that outline the small left ventricle. The pulmonary
artery (PA) is very large, and the aorta was hypoplastic (LAA, left atrial appendage).
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evacuation procedures. Am J Clin Pathol 1995;103:415. abortion predict the karyotype of a subsequent abortion? Evidence
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prenatal investigation. J Clin Pathol 1986;39:1049. pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1987;319:189.
Appendix 1
Specimen Evaluation and Collection
From Hospital
1. Previous Specimens:
Laboratory Date Accessions Number
2. Obstetric History:
Gravida Para Abortion Abortion Stillbirth
(Therapeutic) (Spontaneous)
3. Current Pregnancy:
D.L.N.M.P Gestational Age
• Bleeding:
• Illness:
• Drugs:
• Other:
4. Specimen Acquisition:
Spontaneous Elective/Technique
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 2
Instructions for Mailing Aborted Tissue
In order to ensure complete examination morphologically, 4. Sterile technique should be used in preparing the specimen
microbiologically, and cytogenetically, the following instruc- for transport.
tions must be followed: 5. The containers should be labeled appropriately and tightly
sealed to prevent leakage.
1. The whole conceptus (everything aborted) should be sub- 6. Specimens shipped from long distance should be insulated
mitted. This means the fetus and placenta and all the tissues with a cold pack. Do not freeze. To prevent tissue deteriora-
spontaneously expelled or removed surgically by either a tion, the specimen should be sent immediately by postal ser-
D&C or the suction method. vice First Class, Special Delivery, or by courier service.
2. The aborted material should be placed in a clean container 7. The requisition form should be completed and accompany
of appropriate size without additives. the specimen. The clinical history is important for it is that
3. Scant material should be kept moist by the naturally present information and the morphologic findings that dictate whether
blood or with a few milliliters of sterile normal saline. chromosome studies or other special tests are initiated.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter's Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 3
Appendix 3 (Continued)
Appendix 3 (Continued)
Appendix 4
Criteria for Estimating Fertilization Age During the Fetal Period
Age Crown-rump Foot length Fetal weight
(wk) length (mm) (mm) (g) Main external characteristics Microscopic appearance
Previable Fetuses
9 50 7 8 Eyes closing or closed, head more rounded,
external genitalia still not distinguishable
as male or female, intestines are in
umbilical cord
10 61 9 14 Intestine in abdomen, early fingernail Cartilage in trachea
®12 87 14 45 Sex distinguishable externally, well-defined Bronchial glands and
neck goblet cells evident
14 120 20 110 Head erect, lower limbs well developed Prominent duct system in
®16 140 27 200 Ears stand out from head Cartilage in segmental
18 160 33 320 Vernix caseosa present, early toenail
20 190 39 460 Head and body hair (lanugo) visible Lymphatics present in
lung, periarteriolar
lymphocytes in spleen,
thymic cortex equal to
medulla in thickness
22 210 45 630 Skin wrinkled and red
®24 230 50 820 Fingernails present, lean body
®, Important landmarks.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 5
Crown-Rump Length and Developmental Age In Previable Fetuses
Crown-rump length (mm) Days after ovulation Crown-rump length (mm) Days after ovulation
30–31 56 98–99 92
32–34 57 100–101 93
35–36 58 102–103 94
37 59 9th wk 104 95 14th wk
38–39 60 105–106 96
40–41 61 107–108 97
42 62 109–110 98
43–44 63
111–112 99
45–46 64 113–114 100
47–48 65 115–116 101
49 66 117–118 102 15th wk
50–51 67 10th wk 119–120 103
52–53 68 121–122 104
54 69 123–124 105
55–56 70
125–126 106
57–58 71 127–128 107
59–60 72 129 108
61–62 73 130–131 109 16th wk
63–64 74 11th wk 132–134 110
65 75 135–136 111
66–67 76 137–138 112
68–69 77
139 113
70–71 78 140–141 114
72–73 79 142–143 115
74 80 144–145 116 17th wk
75 81 12th wk 146–147 117
76–78 82 148–149 118
79–80 83 150 119
81 84
151–152 120
82 85 153 121
83–86 86 154–155 122
87–89 87 156–157 123 18th wk
90–91 88 13th wk 158 124
92–93 89 159–160 125
94 90 161–162 126
95–97 91
163–164 127
165 128 20th wk
Modified from McBride ML, Baille J, Poland BJ. Growth parameters in normal fetuses, Teratology 1984;29:185; supplemented with previously
unpublished data.
Appendix 6
Weights and Measurements of Fetuses of 8 to 26 Wk Gestation (Mean Values)
Gestation (wk) Weight (g) Crown-heel length (cm)* Crown-rump length (cm) Foot-length (cm)
8 10 2
9 11 3
10 14 4
11 18 6 4 0.9
12 25 7 6 1.1
13 27 9 7 1.4
14 38 10 8 1.7
15 53 13 9 2.1
16 73 14 10 2.2
17 122 17 12 2.4
18 161 19 13 2.6
19 188 20 14 2.9
20 227 21 15 3.2
21 303 24 16 3.4
22 384 26 18 3.8
24 389 27 19 4.1
26 394 28 20 4.5
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 7
Hand and Foot Lengths
Correlated With Developmental Age in Previable Fetuses
Developmental Hand length Foot length
age (wk) (mm) (mm)
11 10 ± 2 12 ± 2
12 15 ± 2 17 ± 3
13 18 ± 1 19 ± 1
14 19 ± 1 22 ± 2
15 20 ± 3 25 ± 3
16 26 ± 2 28 ± 2
17 27 ± 3 29 ± 4
18 29 ± 2 33 ± 2
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and
Infant, Mosby Year Book Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Appendix 8A
Body Measurements With Relationship To Fetal Age
Developmental age Gestational Lower Lower Between Inner Outer
age Weight CRL CHL FL HC CC Hand Humerus arm Femur leg nipples canthus canthus
d wk wk (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
77–83 11 13 29.5–37.5 7.4–8.6 8.0–10.0 1.0–1.5 8.5–9.0 6.0–7.6 0.8–1.3 1.5–2.0 1.3–1.8 1.5–2.0 1.1–1.8 1.1–1.6 0.6–0.7 1.5–1.7
84–91 12 14 31.0–93.0 8.9–10.2 8.0–13.0 1.4–2.0 9.1–10.1 8.4–10.0 1.2–1.7 2.0–2.4 1.6–2.3 1.9–2.5 1.5–2.3 1.7–2.0 0.8–1.2 1.8–2.4
91–97 13 15 65.0–94.0 10.3–11.4 11.0–15.0 1.7–2.0 10.4–11.9 8.7–10.0 1.6–1.95 2.4–2.8 2.1–2.6 2.4–2.8 2.0–2.5 1.8–2.3 0.9–1.1 2.0–2.4
Appendix 8B
Organ Weights With Relationship to Fetal Age
Developmental age Gestational Lungs Kidneys Adrenals Cord
age Brain Liver (paired) (paired) Heart Spleen Thymus (paired) Placenta length
d wk wk (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (cm)
77–83 11 13 4.8–6.3 1.2–2.3 0.5–1.4 0.15–0.28 0.12–0.31 0.005–0.02 0.015–0.025 0.105–0.20 42.4 11.3
84–91 12 14 7.0–13.5 1.8–2.88 1.6–2.94 0.29–0.58 0.19–0.48 0.015–0.05 0.017–0.03 0.116–0.294 56.1 12.9
91–97 13 15 10.2–18.4 3.6–5.4 2.3–3.8 0.48–0.86 0.30–0.65 0.028–0.078 0.03–0.11 0.22–0.44 69.7 14.5
98–104 14 16 13.1–22.4 4.3–7.1 2.5–5.5 0.56–1.48 0.42–1.14 0.029–0.097 0.039–0.21 0.33–0.61 83.3 16.1
106–111 15 17 19.4–29.0 5.87–10.6 3.75–7.8 0.99–1.55 0.62–1.49 0.042–0.167 0.078–0.24 0.486–0.95 96.9 17.7
112–118 16 18 26.2–38.0 6.4–12.0 5.58–9.88 1.37–2.47 1.16–1.55 0.09–0.28 0.09–0.318 0.58–1.59 110.5 19.4
119–125 17 19 33.3–45.2 9.4–14.7 7.19–11.95 1.81–2.82 1.19–2.4 0.12–0.29 0.27–0.45 0.79–1.62 124.2 21
126–132 18 20 37.5–56.8 13.8–19.9 8.48–12.5 2.1–3.5 1.76–2.89 0.19–0.32 0.31–0.63 1.15–1.76 137.8 22.6
133–139 19 21 48.0–59.0 17.2–23.8 9.15–13.9 2.2–3.65 1.90–2.92 0.367–0.58 0.375–1.07 1.16–2.07 126.0 35.0
Complied from multiple sources.
4 The Placenta
It has been estimated that between 25 and 50% of placentas diagnosis of many fetal disorders, including lipid, carbohydrate,
of abnormal pregnancies have some useful morphologic informa- mucopolysaccharide, mucolipid, amino acid, and organic acid
tion regarding the abnormality of pregnancy, and that between disorders.
5 and 15% of all placentas contain evidence of some abnormal
intrauterine or genetic event. In the case of intrauterine fetal
death, probable diagnoses of unsuspected infection, karyotype The placenta in its earliest stage looks like a fuzzy tennis ball
abnormality, and maternal systemic disease can be made in (Fig. 2). The villi are large, appear almost avascular, and have
more than one-third of cases. numbers of fibroblast-like elements and histiocyte-like cells in
All placentas should be saved in a refrigerator for one week an edematous stroma. The villus is covered by a basement mem-
postdelivery to ensure that placental examination is available brane, upon which lie the cuboidal cells of the cryotrophoblast
if recognizable abnormalities develop after birth or the infant and the outermost layer of syncytiotrophoblast. This stage
dies. This applies particularly to metabolic disorders and intra- reaches its maximum at the 15th and 16th wk. At this time,
uterine infections. there is a clear delineation of capillary vessels throughout the
villous stroma, a relative decrease in the stromal component, a
CUTTING THE PLACENTA relative attenuation of the cytotrophoblast that is present but
The general details of the internal structure of the placenta more difficult to see, and a progressive decrease in the number
are best approached by doing serial slicing of the whole organ of fixed or wandering macrophages or Hofbauer cells in the
(Fig. 1). For this, a completely flat and firm base measuring stroma.
approx 30 cm across is needed. A sharp long flat knife is used. Syncytiotrophoblast always arises from cytotrophoblast. Dur-
Each slice of the placenta must be examined in turn. ing the third trimester, detection of more than 125 or 150 knots
per hundred villi may reflect placental dysfunction. After the
24th or 25th wk, the tertiary villi become smaller. In the last
As it is usually impractical to examine all placentas from all half of the third trimester, the tertiary villi are largely composed
deliveries, the following recommendations have been suggested of marginal capillaries with villous stroma surrounding them.
by the American College of American Pathology. The trophoblast becomes attenuated, but some cytotrophoblasts
Placental evaluation is indicated if the mother has any of the may still be present even at term. Abnormalities in the chorionic
following: pregnancy-induced hypertension; premature rup- villi are shown in Fig. 3.
ture of membranes; preterm delivery before 36 wk; postterm Calcification is often seen at term. There is little correlation
delivery = 42 wk; unexplained fever; poor previous obstetric of calcification with any significant disorder of gestation, even
history; oligohydramnios; or history of drug abuse. when the calcification is extensive.
Placental evaluation is indicated if any of the following
occurs in the fetus/newborn: stillborn; neonatal death; multiple IMMEDIATE EXAMINATION
gestation; prematurity; intrauterine growth retardation; eryth- OF THE FRESH PLACENTA
roblastosis fetalis; transfer to a neonatal intensive care unit; Ideally, placentas should be sent to the laboratory in a sterile
ominous fetal heart rate tracing; presence of meconium; or Apgar container. Practically however, it is essential that each placenta
scores below 5 at 1 min or below 7 at 5 min. be placed in a separate clean plastic container or bag that is
The placenta should be examined if the placenta and umbilical clearly labeled. An appropriate history using a standard form
cord exhibit any of the following: infarcts, abruptio, vasa previa, such as a modification of the form developed by Benirschke
placenta previa, or abnormal appearance of placenta or cord. should accompany the specimen.
Chorionic villous sampling is a procedure for the early diag- The fresh placenta is needed for the following reasons:
nosis of many fetal disorders, including lipid, carbohydrate, 1. Tissue culture for karyotypic studies. With sterile instru-
mucopolysaccharide, mucolipid, amnio acid, and organic acid ments, a small piece of the amnion is placed in tissue cul-
disorders. Chorionic villous sampling is a procedure for the early ture medium. Tissue taken from the placental body itself
is invariably contaminated with maternal blood cells.
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness These must be carefully rinsed off with sterile isotonic
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ saline before the placenta is cultured.
Fig. 1. (A) A normal placenta with attached membranes and umbilical cord segment. (B) Serial sectioning of the placenta (bread loafing).
The sectioned umbilical cord is at the bottom and the separated membranes to the left.
2. To determine whether metabolic disease is present. The placed in the electron microscopy fixative, usually 2.5%
diagnosis of most metabolic disorders can be made by buffered glutaraldehyde.
appropriate studies of maternal and fetal blood or mater- 4. A study of the vessels on the fetal surface of the placenta
nal and fetal skin biopsies and tissue culture. is necessary in the twin–twin transfusion syndrome. The
3. Electron microscopy and fluorescent studies. After selec- vessels should be flushed out with saline and then injected
tion of the appropriate area, 1-mm sections are made and with a simple dye such as red ink or milk. The cannula
Fig. 3. Normal villi in first-trimester (right). Hydropic, hydropic and clubbed, and thickened and clubbed (left).
is then tied into place, and the vessel behind the cannula With small babies, any lesion seen needs blocking, but addi-
toward the umbilical cord is ligated. A pressure of about tionally, a block should be made through what seems to be the
2 feet of saline forces the colored fluid into the vessels most normal part of the organ for assessment of maturity.
over the surface of the placenta. The course of the blood Fixation of routine blocks in 10% buffered or alcoholic forma-
vessels can then be easily seen. lin is routine. However, fixation in alcoholic formalin assisted
by microwave oven treatment at 100–120°F for 10–15 min is
SECTIONING FOR HISTOLOGY In an apparently nor- suggested. Formalin fixation aids in the delineation of typical
mal placenta that is uniform, it is necessary to take blocks to or atypical acid-fast organisms by the Kinyouin stain; viral
cover the full thickness of the organ. These should include sec- inclusions stain best with Giemsa following Zenker-acetic acid
tions from the central and peripheral areas. fixation for at least 4 h.
Hematoxylin and eosin are adequate for most routine pla- Table 1
cental sections. Masson trichrome is useful for studying villous Normal Placenta Weights
structure and the maturation of infarcts and other features of Approximate Approximate
placental involution. Elastic stains aid in the detection of sig- range of range of Fetoplacental
nificant vascular disease. Gram stains, stains for spirochetes placental weight fetal weight ratio
(the Warthin-Starry stain), and the acid-fast stain for the study Weight (g) (g) (approximately)
of mycobacteria in typical and atypical acid-fast infections are 24 140–150 660–680 3.8–4.0
helpful, if indicated. 26 155–190 680–720 3.9–4.5
Immediate examination of the unfixed tissue is necessary 28 180–220 790–980 4.7–5.3
for study of chromosomal, metabolic, and infectious disorders. 30 270–290 1180–1200 4.6–5.5
32 290–320 1300–1600 4.9–5.5
Tissue may be quick-frozen for studies of biochemical but not
34 300–340 1600–2100 5.6–6.3
viral disorders; freezing makes impossible studies of karyo- 36 350–410 2150–2600 6.3–6.7
type, tissue culture, and electron or adequate light microscopic 38 400–420 2600–3000 6.5–7.0
From Perrin EV. Pathology of the Placenta.
SPECIAL PROCEDURES Because the placenta is fetal
tissue, except for the anchoring decidual portion of the septa,
Table 2
placental tissue or amniotic cells are useful for the examination
Umbilical Cord Lengths for Gestational Ages 8 to 43 Wk
of amniotic cell inclusions of stored substances. Placentas are
adequate to study inherited biochemical disorders and can be Fetal Age Mean cord length Fetal age Mean cord length
used to grow in tissue culture. (wk) (cm) (wk) (cm)
Tertiary villous development can be studied by means of phase 8 7 20–21 32
microscopy. Frozen fragments can be used for fluorescence 9 8 22–23 36
microscopy, particularly in the case of maternal systemic lupus 10 10 24–25 40
erythematosus and similar connective tissue-vascular diseases, 11 11 26–27 43
12 13 28–29 45
or for the study of organisms using specific antisera. The pres- 13 15 30–31 48
ence of minerals using spectrographic analysis and direct mic- 14 16 32–33 50
roscopy spectrophotometry can also be performed. 15 18 34–35 53
Transmission electron microscopy may be useful. Pieces 1 16 19 36–37 56
1 mm may be fixed in glutaraldehyde with appropriate buffers. 17 21 38–39 57
This technique is particularly useful in the presence of meta- 18 23 40–41 60
42–43 61
bolic diseases and placental dysfunction syndromes. Inclusion
of organisms such as cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma, or less Adapted from Kalousek DK, Fitch N, Paradice BA. Pathology of
common viruses may be diagnostically useful. Scanning elec- human embryo and previable fetus, 1990, Springer-Verlag; and Naeye
RL. Umbilical cord length. Clinical significance. J Pediatr 1985;107:278.
tron microscopy may be very useful to study villous maturation
and for the examination of surface areas.
Chorionic villous sampling is a procedure for the early diag- UMBILICAL CORD
nosis of many fetal disorders including lipid, carbohydrate,
LENGTH OF UMBILICAL CORD The umbilical cord is
mucopolysaccharide, mucolipid, amino acid, and organic acid
most easily measured with a tape measure. It should always be
disorders. It is necessary to examine the placenta systemati-
kept in mind that the pathologist can only measure what has been
cally. The umbilical cord, the membranes, and the placenta will
sent to the pathology department. It is usually assumed that about
be discussed.
5 cm of cord has remained with the body, and frequently approx
10 cm has been taken for estimation of blood gases (Table 2).
WEIGHT AND MEASUREMENT OF THE PLACENTA Excessive twisting of the cord (Fig. 4) may be a cause of fetal
The placenta at term contains up to 200 mL of blood after death, but in some cases it may be a postmortem event. Normal
delivery. The weight of stored placenta seems to decrease by umbilical cord coil index is one coil per 5 cm. Abnormal cord
about 5% within 2 wk. coiling is associated with thrombosis of chorionic plate ves-
The fresh unfixed placenta should be weighed after removal sels, umbilical venous thrombosis, and cord stenosis. Abnor-
of the membranes and umbilical cord and after blood has been mal cord coiling is a chronic state, established in early gestation,
allowed to drain away for at least half an hour. The weight of the that may have chronic (growth retardation) and acute (fetal
placenta should be related both to the maturity of the child and intolerance to labor and fetal demise) and other effects, includ-
to the infant’s weight (the fetal/placental or F/P ratio) (Table 1). ing fetal well-being. Cord coil index is part of the routine pla-
As a general estimate, the F/P ratio at term is approx 7:1, cental pathology examination. The frequencies of fetal death,
which is easily remembered if the normal newborn is consid- preterm delivery, fetal heart rate decelerations, and fetal anoma-
ered to be 7 lb (35 kg) and the normal placenta is considered to lies are significantly increased with undercoiled cords.
be 1 lb (0.5 kg). Proceeding to each earlier month of gestation, The mean length of the cord is approx 60 cm. Cords less than
the ratio is 6:1 (36 wk), 5:1 (32 wk), 4:1 (28 wk), 3:1 (24 wk), 30 cm are considered short cords (Fig. 5) and may be associated
2:1 (20 wk), 1:1 (16 wk). with complications that include abdominal wall defects and
The normal cord contains three vessels: one umbilical vein and
two umbilical arteries. A single artery occurs in 1% of placentas.
Of infants with a single umbilical artery (SUA), 15% are stillborn
and 15–20% have significant associated congenital anomalies
chiefly affecting the cardiovascular or genitourinary systems.
Fig. 5. Short umbilical cord. Varices, ulcerations, and discolorations should be reported.
Yellow plaquelike discoloration may be evidence of yeast infec-
tion, and small white spots may be indicative of squamous meta-
eventration of viscera (Fig. 6). With long cords (>20 cm), there plasia. Thrombosis of umbilical vessels may be found in associa-
is a greater frequency of looping. In addition, true knots and fetal tion with severe chorioamnionitis, intrauterine asphyxia, maternal
death may occur as a result of vascular occlusion by thrombi. diabetes, and extensive infarction of the underlying placenta.
WHARTON’S JELLY Cords contain variable amounts of See the Appendix for a checklist to use when examining the
Wharton’s jelly. Because the function of the jelly seems to be umbilical cord.
to prevent the compression of the vessels, any local or general INSERTION OF CORD The cord may insert centrally,
diminution or absence of jelly must be noted. Absence of eccentrically, at the margin, or on the membranes. The cord
Wharton’s jelly is most likely to occur near the umbilicus and may insert submarginally or marginally (battledore placenta)—
may result in constriction of vessels and fetal death. there is no pathologic significance—or it may insert into the
False knots must be distinguished from true knots, the former membranes (velamentous).
being a local irregularity or varicosity of vessels in Wharton’s Velamentous insertion (Fig. 7) can be of considerable clini-
jelly. A true knot is important when associated with diminution cal importance. There may be rupture of a vessel, but if the cord
in Wharton’s jelly. or a vessel passes into the lower uterine segment, the vessels can
Fig. 12. Section of amniotic membranes showing single chorion and Fig. 13. Two chorions and two amnions (dizygote).
two amnions (monozygotes).
a cut in the amnion, most easily over the placenta, and fold it
back and then make the slide scrape of the underlying material
(Fig. 16B). These slides can be stained with Gram’s stain.
Discoloration of the fetal surface, opacity (Fig. 17), and a foul
odor in fresh specimens are associated with infection. Bacterial
infections in the fetus are more frequently recognized than viral,
parasitic, or fungal infections. Acquisition of the infection in
most cases is from the maternal genital tract. Premature rupture
of membranes or sudden onset of spontaneous abortion are
frequently an indication of intrauterine infection. Direct infec-
tion from the maternal peritoneal cavity and iatrogenic infection
during prenatal procedures such as amniocentesis and hematog-
enous maternal infection may occur. Infection in the second
trimester caused by bacteria usually leads to pregnancy loss.
Chorioamnionitis causes loss of translucency of the membranes,
which are creamy yellow in color on gross examination. Most
bacteria affect the membranes diffusely. Inhalation and inges-
tion of infected amniotic fluid by the fetus can be diagnosed
microscopically by sectioning the fetal lungs and stomach.
When infection spreads to the fetus, it can cause intrauterine
aspiration pneumonia or it may develop into septicemia. Group
B streptococcal sepsis may be associated with a severe outcome
in neonates; it has a notably sparse inflammatory infiltrate seen
in the placenta.
Grading of inflammation is shown in Fig. 18 and can be used
to estimate the severity of the inflammation. In grade I, inflam-
Fig. 15. Twin-to-twin transfusion. Small donor twin (right) and recip-
ient twin (left). mation is in and about chorionic vessels; in grade II, the inflam-
mation extends through the chorion; in grade III inflammation,
the amnion and amniotic space are involved; and in grade IV,
the entire surface is involved. Careful and prompt culture of the
In a monochorionic twin placenta, the dividing membrane is placenta, membranes, endocervix, and vagina may yield more
characteristically thin and translucent and does not contain blood organisms if anaerobic and aerobic culture media are used along
vessels. In dichorionic placentas, the membrane is opaque and with cultures for atypical acid-fast bacteria and viruses. Orga-
contains vessels. nisms associated with ascending intrauterine infection are listed
Anastomoses occur in all monozygotic placentas in varying in Table 3. The most frequent organisms implicated in acute
degrees. If excessive, the twin-twin transfusion reaction may chorioamnionitis are group B streptococci, Chlamydia tracho-
occur, resulting in marked inequality in the size of the twins, matis, and Mycoplasma hominis. These may require special cul-
with a high risk of mortality for both twins. ture media. Candida (Fig. 19) may involve the membranes, but
In twin reversal arterial perfusion syndrome (Fig. 15), there more frequently involves the umbilical cord, resulting in funis-
is artery-to-artery anastomosis, whereby the donor twin is itis. Cytomegalovirus may also involve the placenta (Fig. 20).
deprived of blood supply principally to the upper half of the Severe chorioamnionitis may involve all layers of the mem-
body, resulting in an acardiac-acephalic twin or amorphous branes, including the deciduas (Fig. 21). The organisms that
twin. In utero, surface ablation of anastomotic vessels has been usually cause acute chorioamnionitis are not contaminants and
performed in hydramniotic twin gestations, and much of the therefore even if contamination has occurred or if the placenta
aberrant flow has been eliminated. has been kept refrigerated, it is always worthwhile to culture,
membranes can be best seen by holding them up and looking at Parvovirus B 19 infection has been related to spontaneous
them by reflected and transmitted light. The points to note are abortion of the fetus that may be hydropic. Hydrops fetalis in this
irregularities in the color, surface, and opacity. If any abnor- infection is the result of anemia caused by red blood cell destruc-
malities are noted, they can be examined. Amniotic cell culture tion. Histologic features consist of excessive iron pigment in
can be successfully carried out on placentas that have to be the liver, hepatitis, leukoerythroblastic reaction, and eosino-
stored routinely in the refrigerator for several days. philic changes in the hematopoietic cell nuclei. In situ hybrid-
INFECTION Routes of infection are shown in Fig. 16A. ization with radiolabeled viral DNA has been used to confirm
If infection is suspected, it is useful to obtain smears. To do this, the diagnosis.
take a microscopic slide and scrape one end over the amniotic The incidence and precise mechanism of transmission of
surface and then do a smear (as for blood smear) with the col- HIV infection is unknown. An estimate of in utero transmis-
lected debris. The chorion is smeared separately. For this, make sion is in the range of 50 to 60%.
Transplacental transmission is indicated by either positive been described. When severe inflammation is identified, the
viral culture from aborted 14- to 20-wk fetuses or from cord membranes of the placenta may be grossly white and devoid of
blood. Transplacental passage through either a cell or a cell their normal sheen. This finding should prompt culture of the
associated with the virus has been postulated. membranes in the delivery room. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cyto-
There are no well-documented cases of HIV infection caus- megalovirus, and genital herpes type 2 infections may cause
ing any dysmorphic features or malformations. chorioamnionitis and placental infections. In group B strepto-
The most frequent organisms that cause acute chorioamni- coccal infection, the inflammatory response may be minimal in
onitis are group B streptococcus, mycoplasma, Ureaplasma the membranes and lungs, where there is a neutrophilic infil-
urealyticum, Gardnerella sp., and fusiform bacteria. trate. Infected amniotic fluid is swallowed into the gastrointes-
The portal of entry is through the vagina. It may cause pre- tinal tract and may also infect the middle ears.
mature onset of labor and premature rupture of membranes. Meconium staining (Fig. 22) is usually indicative of fetal
The microscopic study is more valuable than routine cultures. distress. Meconium in the amniotic cells alone suggests that
Cultures should be taken under the amnion. less than 11 h has passed since the discharge; if it is within the
Acute chorioamnionitis may cause vasoconstriction through macrophages of the chorion, the meconium expulsion has been
the action of cytokines that may result in vascular compromise within 1 to 3 h (Table 4). This may be useful in medicolegal
to the fetus and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). timing of an anoxic event. Meconium is distinguished from
A strong association between premature rupture of membranes, heme pigment by special iron staining of the placental sections.
preterm delivery, and chorionic and umbilical thrombosis has Meconium stains with periodic acid-Schiff. Meconium stain-
Fig. 16. (B) Smear for identification of infection.
Fig. 17. Fetal surface of placenta showing opacification of the membranes in infection.
Table 3
Bacterial Pathogens Associated With Chorioamnionitis
Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Others
Group B. streptococci Bacterioides species Ureaplasma urealyticum
Listeria monocytogenes Coliform bacteria Chlamydia species
Staphylococcus epidermidis Hemophilus species Mycoplasma hominis
Viridans streptococci Brucella species Treponema pallidum
Group D streptococci Neisserie gonorrhea Borrelia species
Anaerobic Gram-positive cocci Campylobacter species Mobiluncus species
Lactobacilli Fusobacterium species Gardnerella vaginalis
Miscellaneous non-fermentative bacteria
(Pseudomonas, Aeromonas spp.)
Fig. 19. Candida infection. This frequently involves the umbilical cord. Fig. 21. Microscopic section of severe acute chorioamnionitis with
infiltration of polymorphonucleated leukocytes.
The result of early amnion rupture is external compression
and/or disruption; there are rarely any internal anomalies. The
cause is unknown. Generally, it is a sporadic event. Anecdot-
ally, a few cases have been associated with trauma; we have ob-
served an association with maternal exposure to radiation. Two
families with amniotic bands in relatives have been reported;
however, generally the recurrence risk is negligible. The tem-
poral relationship of abnormalities in early amnion rupture-
ADAM (amniotic deformities, adhesions, mutilations) complex
is shown in Table 5.
Amnion rupture may interfere with fetal development, result-
ing in severe defects of the body wall with extrusion of viscera
Fig. 20. Cytomegalovirus infection showing large intranuclear
and absence of an ipsilateral and contralateral limb, neural tube
inclusions. defects with scoliosis, postural deformations, growth defi-
ciency, and a short umbilical cord. These complex groups of
genitourinary system, with loss of renal function as in renal defects have been designated pleurosomas, with absence of
agenesis or infantile polycystic kidneys, resulting in oligohy- an upper extremity, and cyllosomas, with absence of a lower
dramnios and the Potter sequence. Other causes of oligohydram- extremity.
nios with amnion nodosum are leaking membranes (hydrorrhea The least severe end of the spectrum of amniotic band disrup-
gravidarum) and intrauterine death with loss of amniotic fluid. tion is a constriction groove on a limb (Streeter band) (Fig. 26).
Squamous metaplasia (Fig. 25) may mimic amnion nodosum. ADAM is a pattern of severe mutilating deformities caused
It appears as umbilicated plaques on the fetal surface that may by amnion rupture. The ADAM defect is caused by adhering,
not be rubbed off. They often are seen near the umbilical cord. constricting, and swallowed amniotic bands (Fig. 27). It is com-
Microscopically, it consists of hyperplasia of squamous epi- mon and may affect 1 in every 1,200 live and stillborn fetuses. In
thelium with or without keratin on the surface. the ADAM complex, amniotic adhesions are frequently attached
Small placentas deviate from the expected weight by more
than two standard deviations and weigh less than 300 g in a
term pregnancy, or have an F/P ratio of more than 7:1. Small
placentas may be associated with the following conditions:
trisomy syndromes (in particular trisomies 13 and 18), mater-
nal toxemia, maternal hypertension, maternal chronic cardiac
or renal disease, some chronic infections, severe hemolytic
anemia of the fetus, placental insufficiency syndrome of recur-
rent type, and maternal smoking.
Weight at term is 400–600 g; placental weight ratio at 24 wk
is 4:1; and placental weight ratio at term is 7:1.
Fig. 22. (A) Meconium staining of the fetal surface membranes. (B) An excessively bulky placenta may be as large as 25 18
Microscopic sectioning of membranes with meconium-laden macro-
phages. 3 to 4 cm. It is usually pale and swollen on its cut surface. These
placentas, also called hypertrophic, hydropic, or giant, have an
F/P ratio less than 1:3, and weigh more than 750 g. The villi are
Table 4 large as in the late first and early second trimester pattern. Both
Meconium Staining of the Placenta layers of trophoblast are easily seen. There is excessive stroma
Gross staining of membranes Immediate with considerable intravillous edema, and the mesenchymal
Meconium in macrophages in amnion 1h tissue is heavily infiltrated with Hofbauer cells. Nucleated red
Meconium in macrophages in chorion 3h cells may be seen in fetal vessels. This pattern may be seen in
Staining of fetal skin 4–6 h the following:
1. Hemolytic disease caused by immune sensitization
(e.g., Rh D, Kell).
2. Chronic intrauterine infection (toxoplasmosis, rubella,
to the band. Swallowing of amniotic bands may produce bizarre cytomegalovirus; parvovirus; syphilis)
orofacial clefts and distortions and disruptions of craniofacial 3. Intrauterine anemia of any type, including fetomaternal
structures, widely separated eyes, nose displaced onto the fore- transfusion anemia and twin transfusion syndrome (on
head, and exencephaloceles (Fig. 28). Whole limbs or parts of the side of the recipient)
limbs may be amputated. Exomphalocele may be present. Strands 4. Maternal diabetes and gestational diabetes
of amnion may still be present at birth. 5. Congenital malformations (particularly cardiac defects)
FETAL SURFACE 6. Multiple congenital anomaly syndromes
7. Alpha-thalassemia
What has been said about the membranes also applies to the
8. Fetal anomalies of the lung (eg, cystic adenomatoid
fetal surface of the placenta. Before removing the membranes,
they should be studied from their insertion.
9. Congenital neoplasms (eg, neuroblastoma, leukemia,
If the membranes emerge from inside the chorionic disk, the
and teratoma)
placenta is chorial. If the membranes arise without detectable
10. Fetal hydrops
thickening or discoloration, they are circummarginate (Fig. 29).
11. Chorangiomas
If there is a fold (or plica) with a ring of yellow fibrin, they are
circumvallate (Fig. 30). These abnormalities are not uncom- The causes of fetal cardiac failure are shown in Appendix 4.
Fig. 23. Method for sectioning of membranes (rollmop). (A) Using a forceps and a blade. (B) Using the umbilical cord as a rolling mechanism
with both shown on the microscopic slide.
Table 5
The ADAM Complex: The Temporal Relationship of Abnormalities in Early Amnion Rupture
Timing Craniofacial Limbs Other
3 wk Anencephaly, facial distortion, proboscis, Placenta attached to head and/or
unusual facial clefting, eye defects, abdomen
encephalocele, meningocele Short umbilical cord
5 wk Cleft lip, choanal atresia Limb deficiency, polydactyly, syndactyly Abdominal wall defects, thoracic
wall defects, scoliosis
7 wk Cleft palate, micrognathia, ear deformities, Amniotic bands, amputation, hypoplasia, Short umbilical cord,
craniostenosis pseudosyndactyly, distal lymphedema, omphalocele
foot deformities, dislocation of hip
Fig. 27. Amniotic bands with mutilation and clefting of face caused Fig. 28. Amniotic bands with mutilation and encephalocele.
by swallowed amnion.
placenta accreta (Fig. 32). In this abnormality, the placenta plate is absent, particularly at the margin, where degrees of
tends to overlie the cervical os, with placenta previa. Placenta accreta may have occurred and thus problems in the puerperium
accreta may lead to postpartum hemorrhage. of the mother might be anticipated.
In some cases, the villi extends into the myometrium. This Abruptio placentae (Fig. 33) is a clinical term. The patho-
is referred to as placenta increta (Fig. 32). logic event is a retroplacental hematoma or hemorrhage. The
clinical history is often very important in aiding the pathologist
PLACENTA PERCRETA in determining whether a true retroplacental hematoma is present.
In this type of abnormal placental implantation, the villi
extend entirely through the myometrium. The placenta cannot
be delivered because the uterus cannot contract, and hemor- Infarcts are areas of ischemic necrosis related to the blood
rhage may be severe (Fig. 32). This requires a hysterectomy. supply of the uteroplacental arteries. Thus, the basic form is
pyramidal or loaflike, with the base on the decidual plate. The
PLACENTA PREVIA color varies with age, recent infacts are dark red to brown, and
Placenta previa occurs when there is implantation of the the oldest infarcts are seen as pale, almost white. Often the
placenta in the lower uterine segment. As the placenta grows, center is completely necrosed. The age and extent of infarction
it may come to lie over the internal os of the cervix. Even before should be described.
onset of labor, massive hemorrhage will require cesarean sec- Early infarction (Fig. 34) is assessed by histologic observa-
tion. Variable degrees of placenta accreta often accompany tion of agglutination and congestion within villi. Later changes
placenta previa, probably because of the generally deficient of infarction further assist in the identification of a more chronic
endometrium in the lower uterine segment. process; however, the gross evaluation of the placenta is usu-
The form of the placenta after delivery is different from that ally more characteristic. Infarction of the placenta is very com-
in situ in the uterus; it becomes plumped up and appears cotyl- mon. Of critical importance are the size, location, and degree
edenous. Where there has been bleeding and old clot on the of infarction. Evaluation of the placenta generally reveals char-
endometrial surface, the delivery contractions will be affected acteristic findings for documentation. Acute or early infarction
and produce areas of apparent thinning. A search should be involves villous crowding and congestion and is subsequently
made for old or recent blood clot attached to the maternal sur- followed by necrotic changes and the deposition of intervillous
face of the placenta indicating ages and degrees of abruption. polymorphonuclear cells. Older infarctions are characterized
A search should also be made for any areas where the decidual by ghost villi without villous stromal fibrosis. The gross appear-
ance of infarction in the early stages is that of red, granular, and MATERNAL FLOOR INFARCTION
firm, and granular by palpation. Old infarcts are firm, white,
Maternal floor fibrin deposition (Fig. 37) is a grave and seri-
and fibrous (Fig. 35).
ous disorder of the placenta that results in fetal growth restriction
If infarction is more centrally located and involves more
and intrauterine fetal demise. The cause is not clear; however,
than 20% of the placental disk, there is an increased association
immunologic associations have been reported. The term mater-
of intrauterine fetal growth restriction, increased incidence of
nal floor infarction is a misnomer. Infarction is not identified
intrauterine fetal demise, and increased presence of hypoxic/
grossly or histologically in such cases. The characteristic appear-
ischemia-associated phenomena. The latter is seen commonly
ance is that of excessive fibrin deposition along the maternal
in gestations with an associated increased incidence of fetal
distress in utero during labor, when prominent infarction is pres-
Uteroplacental vascular insufficiency is caused by the fol-
ent in the parenchymal substance. Extensive placental infarc-
tion is associated with a high incidence of fetal hypoxia, intra-
uterine growth retardation, and fetal death. This may be seen in 1. Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
the placenta when the mother smokes (Fig. 36) and in the pres- 2. Hypertension
ence of maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. 3. Cigarette smoking
Fig. 32. (A) Normal placenta. (B) Placenta accreta without the decidual layer. (C) Placenta increta with patches of decidua and placental
extension into the myometrium. (D) Placenta percreta with extension of the placental parenchyma to the uterine serosa. (A, amniotic surface;
P, placental parenchyma; D, decidua; M, myometrium; S, uterine serosa.)
Fig. 35. Old infarcts of the placenta. They are white and retracted. Fig. 37. Maternal floor infarction.
Fig. 36. Small, flat, fibrotic placenta seen with maternal smoking. Fig. 38. Section of placenta showing villous edema.
vasculature and tissue allows for intervillous bleeding from the KLEIHAUER-BETKE TEST
fetus. Maternal and fetal blood mix and form a characteristic, The Kleihauer-Betke test is an acid dilution test for the detec-
usually diamond-shaped, thrombus. These thrombi have a gross tion of fetal red blood cells. Estimation of the volume of fetal
appearance, and after a short time, laminations form in the hemorrhage is determined by percent of fetal cells in maternal
thrombus. circulation times 50. If maternal blood contains 5% fetal cells
Retroplacental hemorrhage (abruption) appears as attached then:
blood Y compression of placenta, organized hemorrhage after
12 h, and hemosiderin after 3 d. 5% 50 = 250 mL of fetal hemorrhage
Fig. 39. Nucleated red blood cells in chorionic villous capillaries. Fig. 41. Chronic villitis, principally lymphocytes in the chorionic villi.
Chorangiosis (Fig. 40) is a pecularity of the villous vascu-
lature that is associated with chronic hypoxia, maternal diabe-
tes, and placental villitis. It is characterized by an increase in
the number of capillaries in the chorionic villi. There is an
increased association of perinatal morbidity and mortality and
Fig. 40. Chorangiosis of the placental villi. an additional association of fetal malformations. Chorangiosis
is defined histologically as 10 vessels per 10 villi per 10 micro-
scopic fields.
delivery, there is an extremely high incidence of stillbirth, The hallmarks of chronic ischemia in the placenta are the
neonatal death, and neurologic abnormalities, as well as a high presence of nucleated red blood cells in villus capillaries, chor-
incidence of motor abnormalities and severe mental retarda- angiosis, and an increase in syncytial knots.
tion at 7 yr of age. It may be associated with chorioamnionitis.
It appears to be caused by fetal hypoxemia. In addition, the VILLITIS
presence of a lysosomal storage disease results in villous edema In acute villitis (Fig. 41), the most common antigen identi-
and large vacuolated Hofbauer cells and trophoblasts. fied is that of Listeria monocytogenes. In such cases, prominent
microabscesses within the villous parenchyma are identified.
These may even be identified in the gross specimen as innu-
NUCLEATED RED BLOOD merable whitish dots throughout the placenta. Such placentas
CELLS AND FETAL VESSELS often have a sweet smell. Vertical transmission is expected in
After 30 wk of gestation, identification of nucleated red such cases. Other examples of acute villitis principally include
cells (Fig. 39) within the vasculature is decidedly abnormal. other bacterial infections of the villi.
The release of erythropoietin is considered causal and a physi- Chronic villitis refers to villous inflammation generally
ologic response to anemia in the fetus. Causes of such findings associated with nonbacterial infectious agents. In such cases,
include erythroblastosis, fetal anemia as in fetomaternal hem- syphilis and cytomegalovirus, as well as rubella, are the most
orrhage, infection, intrauterine growth retardation, and hypoxic common histologic correlates. In these cases, the villi take on
and ischemic events in utero. Attempts to establish a relation- an unusual appearance, especially in syphilis, where they may
ship between cord blood erythropoietin levels and fetal hypoxia appear club-shaped, and the mononuclear chronic inflamma-
have not been successful. Recent evidence suggests that the pres- tory infiltrate includes the presence of plasma cells. In the case
ence of cord blood erythrocytic precursors, normoblasts, and lym- of cytomegalovirus, the inflammatory infiltrate may be associ-
phocytes is a response to hypoxic and ischemic events in utero. ated with noncharacteristic cytomegalovirus inclusions.
Fig. 43. Hydatidiform mole. (A) The placenta is replaced by cysts. (B) The cysts are best seen under water.
Fig. 44. Microscopic appearance of complete mole. The chorionic villi Fig. 46. Microscopic appearance of partial hydatidiform mole. The
are large, edematous, and avascular, with trophoblastic proliferation. chorionic villus has a scalloped outline and a trophoblastic inclusion.
Table 6
Differential Features of Complete and Partial Moles
Feature Complete Partial
Clinical presentation Spontaneous abortion Missed or spontaneous abortion
Gestational age 16–18 wk 18–20 wk
Uterine size Often large for dates Often small for dates
Serum hCG ++++ +
Cytogenetics (40%), XXY XX (> 90%) or XY (<10%); Triploid XXY (58%), XXX (2%);
all paternal 2:1 paternal: maternal
Persistent gestational trophoblastic disease 10%–30% 4%–11%
Embryo/fetus Absent Present
Histologic features
Villous outline Round Scalloped
Hydropic swelling Marked Less pronounced
Trophoblastic proliferation Circumferential Focal, minimal
Trophoblastic atypia Often present Absent
–hCG ++++ +
–hCG + ++++
PLAP + ++++
PL ++ ++++
hCG B, human chorionic gonadotropin; PLAP, placental alkaline phosphatase; PL B, placental lactogen.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, eds. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, 1997.
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3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1991. Silverberg SG, eds. Pathology in Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2nd
Fox H. Morphological Pathology of the Placenta. In: Gruenwald P, ed. ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1977.
The Placenta and Its Maternal Supply Line. Baltimore: University Wynn RM. Fine structure of the placenta. In: Gruewald P, ed. The Placenta
Park Press, 1973. and Its Maternal Supply Line. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1975.
Appendix 1
A Checklist for Umbilical Cords
A section of the fetal end to confirm vessel number and evaluate inflammation.
Unusual vascular pattern
Areas of excessive helical twist
Torsion of true knot
False knot, varix
Attenuation, thinning
Surface discoloration, plaque
Cyst or tumor
Amniotic adhesion
Thrombus or hemorrhage
Appendix 2A
Complications of Short Cords
Delay in second stage labor
Inversion of uterus
Decreased intrauterine movement
CNS dysfunction
Psychomotor impairments
Congenital neuromuscular disease
Appendix 2B
Protocol for Gross Examination of the Placenta
The membranes are ruptured cm from the free edge of the body of the placenta. They are thin, delicate, supple, translucent, and
The umbilical cord measures cm in length and cm in average diameter. Its color is . It is attached cm from the free edge
of the body of the placenta. Sections reveal the fact that it contains vessels.
The trimmed body of the placenta weighs g and measures cm.
A series of sections through the body show the cut surfaces to be normally spongy, moist, and dark red with no apparent pathologic lesions.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc. 1997.
Appendix 3A
Complications of Long Cords (>70 cm)
True knots
High IQ
Appendix 3B
Microscopic Placental Report
(Please Score All These With Range 0–3, Except for #7 (Villitis), Which is 0–4)
1. F Chorioamnionitis 2. Membranitis
3. G Cord vasculitis 4. J Funisitis
5. H Perivillositis or intervillositis 6. Basal placental villitis
7. I Placental villitis 8. Acute intravillous hemorrhage
9. Tissue ischemia (acute ), (chronic ) 10. Infarction
(Acute is “Tenney-Parker” villous shrinkage with knots. Chronic consists of X cells in fibrinoid material.)
11. Calcification 12. Intervillous hemorrhage
(or severe sinusoidal congestion)
13. Intervillous fibrin strands 14. Fibrinoid material
(in and about the septa and villi)
(The following items are often incompletely or incorrectly diagnosed by general surgical pathologists.)
15. Thrombi in villi 16. Avascular villi
17. Hemorrhagic endovasculopathy 18. Hydrops
19. Intravillous hemosiderin 20. Amnion nodosum
(or diffuse amniotic squamous balls or degeneration)
21. Chorangiosis 22. Dysmaturity
23. K Fetal nucleated red blood cells 24. L Meconium staining
25. Sickle cells 26. Number of H & E slides
Pathology Diagnoses:
F Grade 1: Polymorphs confined to the deep connective tissue above the chorionic plate.
Grade 2: Polymorphs all the way through the placental amniotic and chorionic surface.
Grade 3: Necrotizing chorioamnionitis.
G (0.5) for each vessel involved and add an extra (0.5) for each severely involved vessel.
J (1): When focally present. (2): When diffusely present. (3): Necrotizing (with or without calcification).
H Perivillositis: Inflammatory cells closely about the villi: Intervillositis: Inflammatory cells between villi.
I Knox and Fox Classification:
Grade 1: Only one or two foci of villitis in four sections with, in each section, only a very few villi involved.
Grade 2: Up to six foci if villitis in four sections, each focus containing up to twenty villi.
Grade 3: Multiple foci of villitus, each occupying up to half of a low-power field.
Grade 4: Large areas of the villitis in most of the sections.
(From Knox WF, Fox H. Villitis of unknown aetiology: its incidence and significance in placentae from a British population. Placenta 1984;
K (1): Fetal nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) with an occasional erythroblast.
(2): Many NRBCs with readily seen erythroblasts.
(3): Numerous NRBCs and numerous erythroblasts.
L (1): Amniotic epithelial erosion.
(2): Many meconium macrophages in the membranes.
(3): Meconium macrophages deep in the umbilical cord and ballooning of amnion.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc. 1997.
Appendix 4
Fetal Cardiac Failure
Premature closure of foramen ovale
Premature closure of ductus arteriosus
Endocardial fibroelastosis
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Large atrioventricular malformation
Intrauterine heart block (maternal systemic lupus erythematosus)
or tachyarrhythmia
Appendix 5
Fetal Hypoproteinemia
Congenital nephrosis (Finnish type)
Chromosomal errors/partial molar change
Open neural tube defects
Metabolic storage diseases
Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome
Placental tumors, chorioangioma
5 Hydrops
Fetal hydrops is a generalized increase in total body fluid rare. It may occur with premature closure of the ductus arterio-
manifesting as edema and effusion in body cavities such as the sus or premature closure of the foramen ovale. The hydrops
pleural (Fig. 1), pericardial, and peritoneal spaces. Hydrops is may be present as early as 16–18 wk of gestation, but intrauter-
said to be present when subcutaneous edema is accompanied ine death usually occurs later in gestation (Fig. 3).
by effusion into two or more serous cavities. It can be divided Hypoproteinemia associated with abnormal development
into the immune type, which is caused by sensitization to blood of the kidneys and leading to early onset of fetal hydrops has
group antigens, resulting in anemia, and the nonimmune types been observed. In congenital nephrotic syndrome, evidence of
(Fig. 2). hydrops usually is not seen until 18–20 wk of gestation.
Obstructions to the fetal circulation in the fetal thorax, includ-
PATHOGENESIS AND CAUSE ing adenomatoid malformation of the lung or diaphragmatic
The three primary mechanisms associated with hydrops are hernia, are frequently associated with early fetal hydrops. Car-
chronic intrauterine anemia, intrauterine heart failure, and diac rhabdomyosarcomas have been identified antenatally in
hypoproteinemia. In addition to these three basic mechanisms, association with fetal hydrops.
fetal hydrops has a causal relationship with a variety of struc- Several chromosomal abnormalities such as monosomy X, tri-
tural abnormalities that interfere with the fetoplacental circu- ploidy, and trisomy 21, 18, and 13 have been commonly described
lation (usually obstructing blood return from the placenta). in association with fetal hydrops. The mechanism in each case
Chromosomal defects and skeletal dysplasia may also be asso- seems to be different, involving obstructions to the fetal circu-
ciated with fetal hydrops by a variety of mechanisms (Table 1). lation or intrauterine heart failure or hypoproteinemia. Severe
edema of the lower extremeties and dorsum of the feet is usu-
PATHOLOGY ally present in monosomy X (Fig. 4).
Fetal hydrops in previable fetuses varies from mild to severe. Laboratory studies for fetal hydrops are shown in Tables
Alpha-thalassemia, intrauterine infection, and the twin-to-twin 2–4. Studies that should be performed in the mother are shown
transfusion syndrome are the most common causes of intrau- in Table 2; ultrasonography studies are shown in Table 3. Stud-
terine chronic anemia. The morphologic findings in homozy- ies that should be done at birth are given in Table 4.
gous a-thalassemia consist of fetal pallor, severe hydrops, and
hepatosplenomegaly. The fetuses usually come to the patholo- POSTERIOR CERVICAL CYSTIC HYGROMA
gist for confirmation of prenatal diagnosis done by DNA hybrid- Posterior cervical cystic hygroma (Table 5, Figs. 5, 6) refers
ization techniques either on chorionic villi or cultured amnio- to one or more lymphatic cysts lined by endothelium located in
cytes. The best posttermination confirmation is by hemoglobin the nuchal area. It can be an isolated defect or it may be accom-
electrophoresis on cord blood, which will show the presence of panied by other anomalies. It is found in 1 in 200 spontaneously
large amounts of hemoglobin Barts. aborted fetuses.
Chronic twin-to-twin transfusion usually occurs through EMBRYOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS The lymphatic
arteriovenous anastomoses within the monochorionic placenta vessels of the normal embryo begin to develop at 5 wk from a
of monozygous twins. If fetal hydrops is present, it occurs in number of separate primordia, all derived from the venous walls.
the donor twin that is anemic and hypoproteinemic. These primordia subsequently lose their connections with the
Several viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections of the fetus veins and form a separate lymphatic system.
may be associated with fetal hydrops. The most common are The lymphaticovenous connection is maintained only in the
cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, and parvovirus infection. The juguloaxillary sacs by which the lymph drains to the venous
hydrops is usually caused by a combination of different factors system. The drainage of the lymph from the lower part of the
such as hemolytic anemia, hypoalbuminuria caused by liver body is accomplished by the asymmetrically developing tho-
disease, and myocardial infection. racic duct system. The left thoracic duct follows the aortic arch,
Intrauterine fetal heart failure as a primary cause of fetal crosses from right to left, dorsal to the aortic arch, and empties
hydrops and fetal death before 20 wk of gestation is exceedingly into the left juguloaxillary lymph sac (Fig. 7). The lymphatic
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness system in the juguloaxillary region develops along the aortic
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ arch; anomalies are often associated with anomalies of the tho-
Table 1
Conditions Associated
With Nonimmunologic Hydrops Fetalis
Severe chronic anemia in utero
Fetal-maternal transfusion
Twin-to-twin transfusion
Homozygous a-thalassemia
Fetal hemorrhage
Severe congenital heart disease
Large A-V malformation
Premature closure of foramen ovale
Cardiopulmonary hypoplasia with bilateral hydrothorax
Fig. 1. Hydrops with accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities. Premature closure of ductus arteriosus with hypoplasia of lungs
The lungs are compressed and hyperplastic. Fetal arrhythmias
Cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Pulmonary lymphangiectasia
Congenital hepatitis
Hepatocyte damage resulting in hypoproteinemia
Congenital nephrosis
Renal vein thrombosis
Chorionic vein thrombosis
Umbilical vein thrombosis
Angiomyxoma of umbilical cord
Maternal Conditions
Maternal diabetes mellitus
Developmental genetic disorders
Turner syndrome, monosomy X
Skeletal dysplasias (lethal congenital short-limb dwarfisms)
Multiple congenital abnormalities
Trisomy 13, 18, 21
Infections (intrauterine)
Coxsackie B virus pancarditis
Parvovirus B 19
Chagas disease
Miscellaneous conditions
Fig. 2. Generalized immune hydrops in Rh blood group incompatibility. Fetal neuroblastomatosis
Mediastinal tumor
Tuberous sclerosis
racic duct system. Nuchal cystic hygroma is a nonspecific mal- Storage diseases
formation that apparently reflects a delay in the development Dysmaturity
of a connection between the jugular lymphatic sacs and the Small bowel volvulus
venous system (Fig. 8). It is possible that there are several mech- Neuraminidase deficiency
anisms causing nuchal cystic hygroma. A primary abnormal Storage diseases
dilatation and/or proliferation of the lymphatic channels interfer- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
ing with a normal flow between lymphatic and venous systems Cardiac rhabdomyoma
may be an alternative explanation. When posterior cervical cys- Aneurysm of umbilical cord
tic hygroma is accompanied by hydrops, the maldevelopment Chorioangioma of placenta
Maternal nephritis
of the lymphatic system may include the lymphatic vessels of
Table 2
Laboratory Studies for Fetal Hydrops
Fetal hemoglobin (Kleihauer-Betke test) Antinuclear factor
Alphafetoprotein Autoantibodies
Abo, Rhesus and other blood groups UHD
Hemolysins, hemagglutinins
Serological tests for syphilis
Glucose tolerance test
Table 3
Laboratory Studies for Fetal Hydrops
Severity of hydrops and Placenta
polyhydramnios Thickness/abnormality
Multiple pregnancy Biopsy
Fetal heart rate/rhythm Virus culture
Fetal anomaly
Table 4
Laboratory Studies for Hydropic Infant
At Birth
Full blood count Viral antibodies
Blood group and antibodies Karyotype
Hemoglobin electrophoresis Echocardiogram
Fig. 3. Stillborn infant with hydrops and maceration. Clotting screen Radiological examination
Red cell enzymes Ultrasound examination
Liver function tests Effusions
Biochemical analysis
Torch screen Examination of placenta
Table 5
Conditions Associated With Cystic Nuchal Hygromas
Single gene disorders
Familial neck webbing (autosomal dominant)
Lymphedema distichiasis syndrome (autosomal dominant)
Roberts syndrome (autosomal recessive)
Bieber syndrome (autosomal recessive)
Chromosome disorders
45,X Turner syndrome
Fig. 4. Severe edema of lower extremities. X-chromosome polysomy
del (13q) syndrome
del (18p) syndrome
dup (11p) syndrome
the thorax, abdomen, and limbs. A jugular obstruction sequence Trisomy 18 syndrome
suggests that webbed neck, abnormal ears, and/or low posterior Trisomy 21 syndrome
hairline can be the result of a resolved cystic hygroma (Fig. 9). Trisomy 22 mosaicism syndrome
In Turner syndrome (45, X), it is known that peripheral lympha- Teratogenic disorders
tic vessels are poorly developed. It has been shown that the pro- Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal aminopterin syndrome
tein concentration in cystic hygroma fluid is high, thus contrib-
Fetal trimethadione syndrome
uting to generalized hypoproteinemia and hydrops. Disorders of unknown cause
CAUSE Approximately 85% of fetuses with cystic hygroma Noonan syndrome
have chromosome abnormalities. The most common is 45,X.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Opitz JM, Barness LA. The pathologist’s
Fetuses with 45,X also have generalized edema and preductal perspective of genetic disease: malformation and dysmorphology. Pediatr
aortic coarctation. A small number of fetuses with trisomy 13, Clin N Am 1989;36.
Fig. 5. Posterior cervical cystic hygroma. Fig. 6. Bilateral cystic hygromas in a fetus.
18, and 21 also have cervical cystic hygroma. It has also been with cleft palate and in association with ascites and edema in
described in XXY, duplication of 11p, 13q-, 18p-, 6q- and tri- siblings with normal palates. A dominant form has been reported.
somy 22 mosaicism. It has been detected in fetuses with congenital defects and in the
Posterior cervical cystic hygroma can be a component of fetal alcohol syndrome.
single-gene syndromes such as the lethal multiple pterygium PATHOLOGY The size of the cavities in the nuchal area
syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Roberts syndrome, and Cumming varies from small to very large. The cavities may be subdivided
syndrome. It has been described as a localized defect in siblings by thin septa or they may be multiloculated. Multiloculated cys-
Fig. 8. Patent connection between the jugular lymph sac and the internal jugular vein left. No lymphaticovenous connection, right.
Fig. 9. Mechanism and sequence of events in cystic hygroma. Fig. 10. (A) Ultrasound showing multiloculated cystic hygroma as
seen in chromosomal defects.
tic hygromas are usually associated with chromosomal defects Advances in sonography allow accurate prenatal detec-
(Fig. 10). The spaces are lined with endothelium and filled with tion of fetal cystic hygroma. If the decision is made to termin-
proteinaceous fluid that may be of either low or high viscosity. ate the pregnancy, every effort should be made to determine
Numerous dilated lymph channels are usually seen in the walls the cause of the cystic hygroma. Most cases are found in mon-
of the cavities in cystic hygromas of non 45, X fetuses, whereas osomy X; however, this diagnosis should be supported by
45, X fetuses show only occasional lymph vessels. The same chromosome analysis. When amniocentesis is not done or if
difference in number of lymphatics exists in other parts of the the fetal tissue culture fails to grow, one must rely on the fetal
body, specifically in the limbs. autopsy findings.
Bieber F, Petres R, Bleber J, Nance W. Prenatal detection of a familial
nuchal bleb stimulating encephalocele. Birth Defects OAS XV No.
5A, 51–61, 1979.
Byrne J, Blanc W, Warburton D, et al. The significance of cystic hy-
groma in fetuses. Hum Pathol 1984;15:61–67.
Chervenak F, Isaacson G, Blakemore K, Breg R, Hobbins J, et al. Fetal
cystic hygroma. N Engl J Med 1983;309:822–825.
Chitayat D, Kalousek D, Bamforth J. The lymphatic abnormalities in
fetuses with posterior cervical cystic hygroma. Am J Med Genet
Cowchock F, Wapner R, Kurtz A, et al. Not all cystic hydromas occur in
the Ullrich-Turner syndrome. Am J Med Genet 1982;12:327–331.
Kalousek D, Seller M. Differential diagnosis of posterior cervical
hygroma in previable fetuses. Am J Med Genet 1987;3:83–92.
Machin GA. Differential diagnosis of hydrops fetalis. Am J Med Genet
Fig. 10. (B) Bilateral cystic hygromas opened to show multiple locules. Machin GA. Hydrops, cystic hygroma, hydrothorax, pericardial effu-
sions, and fetal ascites. In: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathol-
ogy of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc.,
All previable fetuses with monosomy X have a triad of mor- 1997.
phologic findings, including nuchal cystic hygroma, general- Machin GA. Cystic hygroma, hydrops and fetal ascites. In: Gilbert-
ized edema, and aortic coarctation. Recognition of this triad Barness E, ed. Potter’s Atlas of Fetus and Infant Pathology. Phila-
can aid in making the diagnosis of monosomy X when chromo- delphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1998.
some analysis is not available. However, when the specimen is Shepard TH, Fantel AG. Pathogenesis of congenital defects associated
with Turner’s syndrome: The role of hypoabluminemia and edema.
fragmented or incomplete, the only way to support a diagnosis Acta Endocrinol 279(Suppl):440–447.
of 45, X is by histopathologic study showing cutaneous edema Smith D. Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformations. Philadelphia:
with peripheral lymphatic hypoplasia. Saunders, 1982, p. 472.
6 Chromosomal Defects
Table 1 Table 4
Indications for Chromosome Analysis Incidence of the Types of Chromosome
Abnormalities in 1500 Spontaneous Abortions
1. Maternal age > 35 yr.
2. Sibling with chromosomal defect; one parent a translocation %
3. Low birthweight or failure to thrive. Autosomal trisomies 52.00
4. Recurrent abortions (3)—both parents should be studied. Triploidy 19.86
5. Multiple congenital anomalies involving different organ systems. 45,X 15.30
6. Mental retardation associated with major or minor congenital Tetraploidy 6.18
anomalies. Double trisomy 1.73
Translocations 3.80
Mosaicism 1.08
Table 2
Indications for Chromosome Analysis From: Gilbert-Barness E, Opitz JM, Barness LA. The pathologist’s
perspective of genetic disease: malforma-tion and dysmorphology. Pediatr
7. Confirmation of clinically diagnosed or suspected chromosomal Clin N Am 1989:36.
disorder such as Down syndrome.
8. Multiple (two or more) unexplained spontaneous abortions. Table 5
9. Diseases or neoplasias known to be associated with chromosomal Incidence of Major Chromosomal
instability, deletion or rearrangement. Abnormalities in Live Born Infants
10. Ambiguous genitalia. • Trisomy 13—1 in 5,000
11. Short stature and primary amenorrhea. • Trisomy 21—1 in 300
• del(5p) (Cat-cry syndrome)—1 in 50,000
Table 3 • Klinefelter syndrome—1 in 500 male births
Chromosomal Defects • Monosomy X—1 in 2,500 female births
• Fragile X syndrome—1 in 1,000 mail births
At birth, 1:200 have chromosomal defects.
38% of all 2-wk embryos have chromosomal defects.
50% of all embryos from the time of conception are estimated to have Table 6
chromosomal defects. Mechanisms of Chromosomal Defects
High percentage of chromosomal defects represent trisomies.
Commonest-trisomy 16-lethal. 1. Non-disjunction—failure of chromatids (or chromosomes) in
Most aneuploid embryos are aborted at 7–8 wk, although they usually first meiosis to separate and migrate to opposite cell poles
stop their development at approx 4 wk. during anaphase.
2. Deletion—loss of portion of chromosomes following chromosome
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Opitz JM, Barness LA. The pathologist’s breakage.
perspective of genetic disease: malformation and dysmorphology. Pediatr
3. Inversion—a structural chromosome defect in which a segment
Clin N Am 1989:36.
of the chromosome is rotated 180º from its normal position.
4. Translocation—reciprocal exchange of genetic material between
or shortly thereafter, resulting in spontaneous abortion, or nonhomologous chromosomes following chromosome breakage.
(rarely) in the term delivery of a malformed infant. 5. Anaphase Lag—failure of separation of chromosomes at
Triploidy. Three copies of haploid set (69,XXX; 69,XXY;
6. Isochromosome formation.
or 69,XYY) as the result of an accident at fertilization, includ-
ing dispermy or failure to extrude the second polar body. Trip-
loidy is not viable and results in spontaneous abortion or
premature delivery of a nonviable infant with multiple malfor- wk stage of development are estimated to have a 78% rate of
mations. The finding most diagnostic of a triploid abortus is chromosomal abnormalities; however, this rate declines to 62%
molar degeneration of the placenta. for abortions occurring after the first missed menstrual period
Tetrasomy. Two extra chromosomes (of one pair). If they but before the 20th wk. The proportion of fetuses with chromo-
belong to two different pairs, the state is called double trisomy. somal defects drops continuously, with only 6% of stillborn
Translocation. Reciprocal exchange of material between two infants having a chromosome defect (Table 3). The incidence
chromosomes in which the unbalanced state of one or the other of major chromosomal abnormalities in spontaneous abortions
altered chromosome in offspring represents a duplication or defi- is shown in Table 4, and the incidence in live-born infants is
ciency, which can also arise through crossing over in a pericen- shown in Table 5. The mechanism of chromosomal defects is
tric inversion. Robertsonian translocation involves the acro- shown in Table 6.
centric chromosomes only. The breakpoints are in the short Abnormalities include multiple minor and major malforma-
arms, and the translocation arises from end-to-end pairing. tions, with the most severe effects being on the central nervous
Trisomy. One whole extra chromosome. system. Gross malformations frequently occur prenatally, and
mental retardation occurs postnatally. Mild malformations are
PATHOLOGIC ABNORMALITIES also common in aneuploidy syndromes (Table 7). Disturbance
IN CHROMOSOMAL DEFECTS of growth results in intrauterine growth retardation or a small-
Chromosomal abnormalities represent the largest category for-gestational-age infant. Aneuploidy has more or less severe
of causes of death in humans. Abortuses that have reached a 2- deleterious developmental effects on gonads. The Turner syn-
Table 8
System Abnormalities in Trisomy 21
General Disturbances of Growth and Development Hypogenitalism
Intrauterine growth retardation Penis and testes small
Diminished sucking and swallowing reflexes Cryptorchidism
Mental retardation Macrogenitosomia precox
Adrenal hyperplasia
Dermatoglyphics Testes: interstitial fibrosis, hypoplasia of seminiferous tubules
Palmar Ovaries usually small
Ulnar loops increased Hypoplasia with persistence of atretic corpora lutea
Third interdigital distal loops Development of axillary and pubic hair, and breasts deficient
Radial loops on digits 4 and 5
Decreased numbers of whorls and arches Immune System
Single palmar crease T-cell immunodeficiency
Extended proximal transverse crease (Sydney line) Thymus, usually small
Distal axial triradius Large Hassall corpuscles
Plantar Calcification and cystic changes
Fibular loops Spleen: lymphocyte depletion
Fourth interdigital distal loop Lymph nodes: depleted T-dependent zones
Subhalucal open field Hepatitis B surface antigenemia
Cardiac defects include ventricular septal defect, patent ductus Dermatoglyphic patterns include a low total ridge count and
arteriosus, and cor triatriatum. In 75% of patients, severe urete- increased number of arches, distal palmar triradius, and a single
ral and renal anomalies occur, predominantly obstructive urop- palmar crease. Skeletal malformations may include supernumer-
athy with hydronephrosis and resulting chronic pyelonephritis. ary skeletal and lumbar vertebrae, supernumerary ribs, small
Table 9
Abnormalities Observed in Trisomy 13
External Malformations Visceral Malformations
Intrauterine growth retardation Abnormal lobation of lungs
Microcephaly Pulmonary hypoplasia
Receding forehead Abnormal lobation of liver
Epicanthal folds Malrotation of intestines
Deep-set eyes Elongated, hypoplastic, or malrotated, or hydropic gallbladder
Absent philtrum Cholestasis
Sparse, curled eyelashes Focal hepatic calcification
Midline scalp defect at vertex of head Ectopic pancreases in spleen
Horizontal palpebral fissures Abnormally large fetal cortex of adrenals
Proboscis Omphalocele
Broad, flat nose Gastroschisis
Low-set, flat, poorly defined ears Accessory spleens
Midline facial defect, cleft lip palate Ectopic spleen
Dysmorphic ears Meckel diverticulum
Preauricular tag Absent mesentery
Incisor teeth present at birth Inguinal and/or umbilical hernia
Cranial line defect Adrenal hypoplasia
Hypotelorism Ectopic adrenal tissue
Prominent calcaneus Genitourinary Malformations
Rocker-bottom feet Micromulticystic kidneys
Talipes equinovarus Double kidney
Talipes calcaneovalgus Double uterer
Flexion contracture Hydronephrosis and hydroureter
Hexadactyly of hands and feet Renal dysplasia
Flexed fingers, retroflexed thumbs Horseshoe kidney
Clinodactyly of little fingers Renal hypoplasia
Abnormal flexion creases Male
Cleft hands with four digits Cryptorchidism
Narrow, hyperconvex nails Anomalies of scrotum
Hammer toes Small micropenis
Hemangiomas on face, forehead, nape of neck Hyperplasia of Leydig cells
Hypoplastic or absent 12th ribs Agenesis of testes
Hypoplastic pelvis with flattened acetabular angle Hypospadias
Placenta Biocornuate uterus
Single umbilical artery Hypertrophy of clitoris
Polyhydramnios Double separate vagina
Oligohydramnios Uterus didelphys
Table 10 (Continued)
Visceral malformations Bicuspid aortic valve
Abnormal lobation of lung Atrial septal defect (dysplastic valves disease)
Tracheo-esophageal fistula Coarctation of aorta
Esophageal atresia Double-outlet right ventricle
Meckel’s diverticulum Hypoplastic left heart
Heterotopic pancreas or spleen Abnormal coronary artery
Pyloric stenosis Persistent left superior vena cava
Omphalocele Absent right superior vena cava
Malrotation of intestine Transposition, great arteries
Common mesentery Tetralogy of Fallot
Hypoplasia of diaphragm Eisenmenger complex
Exstrophy of cloaca Dextrocardia
Anomalies of pancreas Dextroversion
Adrenal hypoplasia Hypoplastic left atrium
Thymic hypoplasia Parachute mitral valve
Diaphragmatic hernia Abnormal coronary arteries
Ectopic pancreas in duodenal wall Diffuse myocardial fibrosis
Imperforate anus Endocardial fibroelastosis
Accessory spleens Double inferior vena cava
Umbilical and inguinal herniae
Central nervous system malformations
Genitourinary malformations Meningomyelocele
Horseshoe kidney Cerebellar anomalies
Ectopic kidney Abnormal gyri
Hydronephrosis Hydrocephalus
Megaloureter or double ureter Arnold-Chiari malformation
Micromulticystic kidneys Corpus callosum defects
Severe hypoplasia of kidneys Holoprosencephaly
Bilateral duplication of ureters and pelvis Frontal lobe defect
Urethral atresia Migration defect
Megacystis Anencephaly
Patent urachus
Male: Cryptorchidism Ocular malformations (rare)
Female: Vaginal agenesis (rare) Abnormal retinal pigmentation
Hypotrophy of clitoris Cataract
Hypoplasia of labia majora Coloboma
Bifid uterus Clouding of corneae
Ovarian hypoplasia Microphthalmia
Streak ovaries (rare)
Placental abnormalities
Cardiovascular malformations Polyhydramnios
Ventricular septal defect (with or without overriding aorta) Small placenta with multiple infarcts (postmature)
Patent ductus arteriosus Single umbilical artery
Pulmonic stenosis/bicuspid valve
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Opitz JM, Barness LA. The pathologist’s perspective of genetic disease: malformation and dysmorphology. Pediatr Clin
N Am 1989:36.
abnormalities of the X chromosome. It has been suggested that XXY KLINEFELTER SYNDROME
it is the deletion of the short arm of chromosome X that pro- This syndrome should be considered in every man with small
duces the somatic features. The deletion of the long arm results testes and in the differential diagnosis of male hypogonadism.
in streak gonads and primary amenorrhea. Twenty percent of males seen in infertility clinics have Kline-
Banding studies of probands with 45X and their parents have felter syndrome. Early diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome in a
shed light on the origin of nondisjunction in Turner syndrome. child is clinically difficult, but it is of importance because tes-
In 75% of cases, the paternal X chromosome is lost. tosterone treatment can help with the development of a partial
In the fetus with Turner (45,X) syndrome, cystic hygromas male phenotype and alleviate social problems.
(Fig. 18) are characteristic, usually associated with generalized In 64% of XXY males, the extra X chromosome is of mater-
lymphedema particularly effecting the dorsum of the feet (Fig. nal origin. Chromosomal mosaicism is present in 15%. The
19). It results from generalized hypoplasia and partial agenesis testes are small, with hyalinization of seminiferous tubules and
of the lymphatic system that ceases to extend peripherally at an an increase in the number of Leydig cells (Fig. 20). Gynecomas-
early embryonic stage. tia is common and predisposes to breast cancer in 40%. Severe
Table 11A
Cri-du-chat Syndrome
(Partial Deletion of the Short Arm of Chromosome 5)
General Craniofacial
Low birth weight Microcephaly
Slow growth Round face
Cat-like cry Hypertelorism
Performance Downward slanting of palpebral fissures
Mental deficiency Strabismus
Hypotonia Poorly formed ears
Table 11B
Abnormalities Observed in Cri-du-Chat (Cat-Cry) Syndrome
At birth
• growth retardation
• microcephaly
• mewing cry
• full cheeks, round face
• depressed nasal bridge
• inner epicanthal folds
• downward slant of palpebral fissures
• short fingers
• clinodactyly of little fingers
• talipes equinovarus
• cleft palate
• preauricular fistulas
• hypospadias
• cryptorchidism
• syndactyly of second and third toes and fingers
• oligosyndactyly
• thymic dysplasia
• malrotation of gut
• small, narrow, often asymmetric face
• malocclusion
• scoliosis
• muscle tone normal or increased
• shortening of metacarpals three through five
• premature graying of hair Fig. 12. Trisomy 8.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and
Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
penis is usually of normal circumference, but it can be shorter Kidney cysts, hydronephrosis, hydroureters, and uretero-
than normal. There is aspermia, gynecomastia, elevated urinary cele have been reported. These kidneys have been described as
gonadotropin levels, and low concentrations of urinary 17-ketos- symmetrically enlarged, with small cysts 0.1–0.8 cm in diam-
steroids. eter throughout the parenchyma. The ureters may be very thin
Table 12
Abnormalities Observed in Trisomy 8 Mosaicism
Craniofacial anomalies • pectus carinatum
• scaphocephaly • radioulnar synostosis
• dysmorphic ears • normal or advanced growth
• hypertelorism Genitourinary malformations
• strabismus • hydronephrosis
• broad-bridged, upturned nose • ureteral obstruction
• thick, everted lower lip • horseshoe kidney
• micrognathia • unilateral agenesis of kidney
• high, arched palate Male
• coarse, pear-shaped nose • cryptorchidism
• down-slanting palpebral fissures • testicular hypoplasia
Limb and trunk malformations • hypospadias
• clinodactyly Cardiovascular malformations
• deep skin furrows on soles and/or palms • interrupted aortic arch
• camptodactyly Gastrointestinal malformations
• syndactyly of toes • diaphragmatic hernia
• narrow pelvis • esophageal atresia
• long, slender trunk • malrotation or absence of gallbladder
Skeletal malformations Ocular malformations
• hemivertebrae • microphthalmia
• extra vertebrae • iridal coloboma
• butterfly vertebrae • glaucoma
• spina bifida occulta • corneal or lenticular opacities
• broad dorsal ribs Central nervous system malformations
• narrow and hypoplastic iliac wings • hydrocephalus
• absent patellae • agenesis of corpus callosum
• kyphoscoliosis • large sella turcica
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 15. Triploid fetus: the hands with syndactyly and camptodactyly.
but not atretic; the bladder is small and cylindrical. Calyces and
papillae may not be recognized.
Gynecomastia develops after puberty in about 50% of these
patients. Facial hair is sparse, axillary hair may be deficient,
and 50% of patients have a female pubic escutcheon. Mosiac
Fig. 14. Triploid fetus: hypertelorism, bulbous nose, sloping fore- individuals may be less severely affected. An increased inci-
head, and small mouth. dence of diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary diseases, chronic
Table 13A
Abnormalities Observed in Triploidy
Maternal Features Ocular Malformations
Midtrimester preeclampsia Iris coloboma
Polyhydramnios Microphthalmia
Proteinuria, hypertension
Craniofacial Malformations
Placental Abnormalities Malformed ears
Partial hydatidiform mole Large, bulbous nose
Mild trophoblastic proliferation Cleft lip and palate
Hydropic villi with scalloping
Large cisternae within villi Genitourinary Malformations
Trophoblastic inclusions Renal hypoplasia and cysts
Fetal Malformation at Birth Cryptorchidism
Fetal growth failure Leydig cell hyperplasia of testes
Extremities and Skeletal Malformations Micropenis
Large posterior fontanelle Bifid scrotum
Incomplete ossification of calvarium Hypoplasia of ovaries
Syndactyly between third and fourth fingers
Talipes equinovarus Cardiopulmonary Malformations
Proximal displacement of thumbs Ventricular septal defect
Lumbosacral myelomeningocele Retroesophageal right subclavian artery
Traverse palmar crease Tetralogy of Fallot
Atrial septal defect, secundum type
Central Nervous System Malformations Persistent left superior vena cava
Arnold-Chiari syndrome Gastrointestinal Malformations
Meningomyelocele Malrotation of colon
Holoprosencephaly Aplasia of gallbladder
Hypoplasia of basal ganglia, cerebellum, and occipital lobe
Aplasia of corpus calosum Endocrine Malformation
Adrenal hypoplasia
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Table 13B
Two percent of all pregnancies:
Paternal origin of extra haploid set
Dispermy (2 sperm fertilize single ovum) 65%
Fertilization by a diploid sperm 25%
Maternal origin of extra haploid set
Fertilization of diploid ovum 10%
Table 14
45X—Turner Syndrome
• 50,000–75,000 with Turner syndrome in U.S.
• Most common chromosome abnormality in females—3% of all
females conceived
—liveborn 1 in 1,500–2,500
• 15% spontaneous abortions have 45X
—1 in 100 embryos with 45X survive to term
• Maternal X retained in 2/3
—50% are mosaic (45X/46XX) by FISH and PCR
• Mosaicism with a normal cellline
• Fetal membranes necessary for placental function and fetal survival
Bauld R, Sutherland GR, Bain AD. Chromosome constitution of 500
infants dying during the perinatal period. Humangenetick 1974;23:
Boue J, Boue A. Anomalies chromosomiques dans les avortements spon-
Fig. 18. Monosomy X: fetus with hydrops and large cystic hygroma. tanes. In: Boue A, Thibault CD, eds. Les Accidents Chromosomiques
de la Reproduction. Paris: Incerm, 1973, p. 29.
Boue J, Phillippe E, Giroud A, et al. Phenotypic expression of lethal
chromosomal anomalies in human abortuses. Teratology 1976;14:3.
DeMyer W, Zeman W, Palmer CG. The face predicts the brain: diagnos-
tic significance of median facial anomalies for holoprosencephlay
(arrhinencephaly). Pediatrics 1964;34:256.
Gilbert EF, Opitz JM. Developmental and other pathologic changes in
syndromes caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Perspect Pediatr
Pathol 1982;7:1.
Gilbert EF, Arya S, Laxova R, et al. Pathology of chromosome abnor-
malities in the fetus; pathologic markers. In: Gilbert EF, Opitz JM,
eds. Genetic Aspects of Developmental Pathology (Birth Defects:
Original Article Series, vol 23). New York: Alan R. Liss, 1987, p. 293.
Gilbert EF, Opitz JM. Chromosomal abnormalities. In: Stocker T, Dehner
L, eds. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott,
2001, pp. 81–112.
Gilbert-Barness E. Chromosomal abnormalities. In: Gilbert-Barness E,
ed. Atlas of Developmental and Infant Pathology. Philadelphia:
Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Atlas of Developmental and Infant
Pathology. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1998.
Machin GA, Crolla JA. Chromosome constitution of 500 infants dying
during the perinatal period. Humangenetik 1974;23:183.
Matsuoka R, Matsuyama S, Yamamoto U, et al. Trisomy 18q: a case
report and review on karyotype and phenotype correlations. Hum
Genet 1981;57:78.
Rushton DI, Faed M, Richards S, et al. The fetal manifestations of the 45,
XO karyotype. J Obstet Gynaecol Br 1969;76:266.
Szulman AE, Philippe E, Boue JG, et al. Human triploidy: association
with partial hydatidiform moles and nonmolar conceptuses. Hum
Pathol 1981;12:1016.
Fig. 19. Monosomy X: edema of foot.
7 Congenital Abnormalities
Establishing a correct diagnosis in the case of a malformed Midline as a developmental field: The midline is a special
or dysmorphic embryo, fetus, or infant can often be quite diffi- kind of field. It represents not only the plane of cleavage in
cult and, at times, impossible. Yet the diagnosis may have signif- monozygotic twinning but also the plane around which visce-
icant impact on genetic counseling for the parents of the affected ral position is determined. It is an especially vulnerable site of
child. The likelihood of arriving at the appropriate diagnosis weakness.
increases substantially with meticulous dissection and an exper- Disruptions are environmentally (exogenously) produced
ienced prosector. abnormalities of morphogenetic field dynamics and classically
include the rubella, thalidomide, accutane, and fetal alcohol
An International Working Group (IWG) defined a set of terms Dysplasias are disturbances of histogenesis (tissue differen-
that deal with human developmental abnormalities. Some of tiation), events occurring later and to some extent indepen-
the most important concepts were publicized at the 1980 birth dently of morphogenesis (organ development). Morphogenesis
defects meeting in New York and were subsequently modified. is an exclusively prenatal (embryonic) process; histogenesis
The concepts addressed by the IWG are of fundamental impor- continues postnatally in all tissues that have not undergone end
tance to all pediatric pathologists, pediatricians, and clinical differentiation (e.g., neurons) during processes of growth and
geneticists. Central to the core of the concepts is malformation. development, healing, and regeneration. Dysplasias may predis-
A schematic of developmental abnormalities is shown in Fig. 1, pose to the development of malignancy. Because of the dyssyn-
and categories of birth defects are shown in Table 1. chrony between morphogenesis and histogenesis, malformed
Congenital anomalies include malformations and malfor- organs usually are histologically normal, and malignancies rarely
mation sequences; disruptions (sequences); dysplasias and arise in malformed organs.
dysplasia sequences; deformities (and sequences), and minor Deformities are secondary changes of form (or shape) of
anomalies. They occur as isolated (nonsyndromal) anomalies initially normally developed organs or parts of the body that are
or in patterns of multiple congenital anomalies that may repre- caused by extrinsic forces and/or intrinsic defects. The oligohy-
sent syndromal pleiotropy The multiple developmental effects dramnios (Potter) sequence may lead to limb deformities (club-
are from a single cause, whether intrinsic (mutation) or extrin- foot), plagiocephaly, torticollis, and deformed jaw where a limb
sic. Malformations are intrinsic abnormalities of blastogenesis had been interposed between head and shoulder. Other extrin-
or organogenesis, affecting the morphogenetically reactive units sic causes of deformities are uterine malformations, peritoneal
(fields) of the embryo; hence, they are all developmental field implantation, interlocking twins, and amnion rupture. Intrinsic
defects. Malformations may occur singly or in combinations causes are the contractures and flexion crease abnormalities
with other anomalies as syndromes or associations. seen in congenital arthrogryposes, which are caused by prena-
The following terms were defined by the IWG: tal lack of movement or deformities caused by weakness (club-
Developmental field: That portion of the embryo that reacts foot in myotonic dystrophy and meningomyelocele).
as a coordinated unit to the effects of growth and differentiation. Sequences are the secondary consequences of malforma-
Monotopic field defect: Includes contiguous anomalies, such tions, disruptions, dysplasia, or deformities, and are a pathoge-
as cyclopia and holoprosencephaly, cleft lip, and cleft palate. netic concept. Thus, DiGeorge anomaly caused by either 22q11
Polytopic field defect: A polytopic field defect occurs when deletion or accutane teratogenicity may result in tetany; repeated
inductive processes result in more distantly located defects. infections; and heart failure caused by hypoparathyroidism,
For example, an acrorenal field defect (lack of, or interference absence of thymus, and conotruncal congenital heart defect.
with, the inductive effect of the mesonephros results in a defect The consequences of renal dysplasia may be the Potter oligo-
of limb-bud cartilage proliferation and differentiation with a hydramnios sequence.
renal defect).
For many years, no firm distinction was made between the
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness less and least severe malformations and the minor anomalies of
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ normal development seen in so many syndromes. In clinical
Table 1
Causes of Birth Defects
Category Types Usual characteristics Example
Chromosome abnormalities Polyploidy Multiple defects, mental retardation Triploidy (e.g. partial moles)
Aneuploidy Down syndrome
Mixoploidy Turner mosaicism.
Uniparental disomy Russell-Silver syndrome
(most UPD7)
Contiguous gene deletions DiGeorge complex
Mendelian abnormalities Autosomal-dominant traits Vertical patterns Achondroplasia
Autosomal-recessive traits Horizontal patterns Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
X-linked dominant traits Oblique pattern, male lethality Incontinentia pigmenti
X-linked recessive traits Oblique pattern, males affected Coffin-Lowry syndrome
Y-linked traits Vertical pattern, males affected Swyer (del SRY) syndrome
Abnormalities exhibiting Mitochondrial diseases Maternal inheritance MELAS syndrome
atypical inheritance Disorders of imprinting Parent-of-origin effects Angelman syndrome
Triplet repeat expansion Anticipation Myotonic dystrophy
Multifactorial abnormalities Common birth defects Environmental modification Cleft palate, spina bifida, etc.
Empiric recurrence risks
Sex predilection
Moderate twin concordance
(monozygotic > dizygotic)
Environmental abnormalities Chemicals (teratogen) Sporadic occurrence Fetal alcohol syndrome
Physical agents High twin concordance Hyperthermia sequence
Infectious agents Low recurrence risk Congenital rubella syndrome
Maternal metabolism High twin concordance Maternal PKU, diabetes mellitus
(monozygotic > dizygotic)
MAT, maternal; UPD, uniparental disomy; PKU, phenylketonuria.
parlance, both were collectively and indiscriminately referred and minor anomalies. Malformations are all-or-none traits; that
to as minor anomalies, and a reading of the current literature is, they are not graded, and their mild end does not shade into
shows that the difference was not clear to most writers on the normality. The least severe degrees of malformations or mild
subject. The proper distinction is between mild malformations malformations do not occur as normal variants in the population.
Table 2
Acrocephalosyndactyly Syndromes
Apert syndrome Saethre-Ohotzen Pfeiffer syndrome
Irregular thumb and toe Brachycephaly with high forehead Craniosynostosis of coronal and sagittal sutures
Mental retardation or normal intelligence Synostosis of coronal sutures Ocular hypertelorism
Short anterioposterior skull diameter Maxillary hypoplasia Antimongoloid palpebral fissures
with high, full forehead and flat occiput Facial asymmetry Small nose
Flat face Shallow orbits Cloverleaf skull*
Supraorbital horizontal groove Hypertelorism Broad distal phalanges of thumb and great toe
Shallow orbits Small ears Partial syndactyly of fingers and toes
Hypertelorism Large fontanels Radiohumeral synostosis*
Downslanted palpebral fissures
Small nose Ptosis of eyelids
Maxillary hypoplasia Cutaneous syndactyly
Cutaneous syndactyly of all toes with Single upper palmar crease
or without syndactyly Broad thumbs and great toes
Synostosis of the radius and humerus Mental deficiency*
Pyloric stenosis Small stature*
Ectopic anus Deafness*
Pulmonary aplasia Vertebral anomalies*
Anomalous tracheal cartilages Cryptorchidism*
Pulmonary stenosis and other cardiac Renal anomalies*
Cystic kidneys
Bicornuate uterus
*Occasional abnormalities.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
ment of the prosencephalon and the midline facial structures. facial hemangioma syndrome, and others. This malformation
See the CNS chapter. syndrome includes as the most prominent characteristics nearly
symmetric phocomelia-like limb deficiency, prenatal and post-
ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLY SYNDROMES natal growth retardation, microbrachycephaly, eye abnormali-
Acrocephalosyndactyly syndromes are caused by autoso- ties (shallow orbits, prominent globes, cloudy cornea), cleft lip
mal-dominant mutations. The abnormalities that occur in these with or without cleft palate, and prominent premaxilla.
syndromes are listed in Table 2. The phenotype of acrosyndac- Opitz Syndrome A heterogeneous condition, also known
tyly of the Apert type is shown in Fig. 3A,B. as hypertelorism-hypospadias, was described in three families
MALFORMATION SYNDROME A syndrome is a pat- by Opitz and associates and named using the initials of the sur-
tern of multiple anomalies thought to be pathogenetically related names of the three families. Affected males usually have ocular
and not known to represent a single sequence or a polytopic hypertelorism and hypospadias, but affected females have only
field defect. No structural component anomaly of any malfor- hypertelorism. Cardiac anomalies, cleft lip and palate, cranial
mation syndrome is obligatory, and none is pathognomonic of asymmetry, strabismus, and downslanting palpebral fissures
any syndrome. Malformation syndromes consist of two or more may be present.
developmental field defects or a single (major) field defect and Neonatally, infants can be recognized by their hypertelor-
several minor anomalies. ism, hypospadias, and other anomalies, such as cleft lip or palate
Seckel Syndrome Seckel syndrome (Fig. 4), or bird-headed and congenital heart defects. Most are less severely affected
dwarfism, is inherited as an autosomal-recessive trait. It is asso- than those with the Opitz-Frias (G) syndrome.
ciated with severe prenatal growth and mental deficiency with Brachmann-de Lange Syndrome (BDLS) The major mani-
microcephaly and premature synostosis; hypoplasia of maxilla festations of BDLS (Fig. 6) include mental retardation (100%),
with prominent nose, malformed ears, sparse hair, clinodactyly synophrys (94%), hirsuitism (84%), and thin, downturned ver-
of fifth finger, hypoplasia of proximal radius, dislocation of milion borders (80%). Other common anomalies are dental
hip, and hypoplasia or proximal fibula; 11 pairs of ribs; and cryp- abnormalities, such as late eruption of widely spaced teeth (93%),
torchidism in boys. Seckel and Seckel-like syndromes appear and male genital abnormalities, such as cryptorchidism and
to be variants of the same disorder. A specific genetic defect hypospadias (94% of males). Less common anomalies include
remains to be defined; however, an interstitial deletion of chro- myopia, microcornea, astigmatism, optic atrophy, coloboma
mosome 2 has been found. of the optic nerve, strabismus, proptosis, choanal atresia, low-
Robert Syndrome Robert syndrome (Fig. 5) has been set ears, cleft palate, congenital heart defects (most commonly
described as the pseudothalidomide or SC syndrome, SC- pho- a ventricular septal defect), hiatal hernia, duplication of the gut,
comelia syndrome, total phocomelia, hypomelia-hypotrichosis- malrotation of the colon, brachyesophagus, pyloric stenosis,
Table 3
Examples of Certain or Virtually Certain Human Teratogens
Agent Mechanism of action Effects Prenatal detection
Alcohol Increased cell death FAS/FAE Ultrasonography for growth
Aminopterin and antifolates Disrupted cell division Aminopterin syndrome anomalies
Angiotensin converting Decreased fetal perfusion, Oligohydramnios, hypotension Ultrasonography for anomalies
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors inhibition of kinase results neonatal skull hypoplasia; Ultrasonography
in second, third trimesters in excess bradykinin decreased renal function
Cigarettes Vascular IUGR Monitor fetal growth
Cocaine Vasoconstriction Prematurity, placental abruption, High-risk care, ultrasonography
GU anomalies for GU anomalies
Curare (chronic use) Lack of intrauterine movement Arthrogryposis Ultrasonography
Diazepam (Valium) Facial clefting Ultrasonography
Diethylstilbesterol Vaginal clear cell carcinoma None—follow daughters
(very rare)
Hydantoins Increased cell death Fetal hydantoin syndrome Ultrasonography; cleft palate
Iodine Uptake by fetal thyroid Thyroid function impairment None
(>10 wks)
Isotretinoin (Accutane) Excessive cell death Craniofacial, cardiac anomalies Ultrasonography; fetal
Lithium Affinity for right side of heart Right heart (tricuspid) defects Fetal echocardiography
at 3–4 wk gestation
Mercury Fetal minamata disease; ?Not detectable
cerebral palsy
Polychlorinated biphenyls Skin discoloration, growth Ultrasonography, growth??
(PCB) retardation
Radiation Cell death Microcephaly, mental retardation Ultrasonography
Streptomycin Acoustic nerve impairment Hearing loss None; test newborn
Tetracycline Tooth enamal staining —
Thalidomide (no Abnormal cell division Micro-, phoco-, amelia, other Ultrasonography
longer available)
Warfarin Impaired calcium and vitamin Fetal warfarin syndrome Ultrasonography; limb shortening,
K metabolism stippled epiphyses, abnormal
facial profile
FAS, Fetal alcohol syndrome; FAE, fetal alcohol effects; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; GU, genitourinary.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 10. Infant with fetal alcohol syndrome with short narrow palpe-
bral fissures, mild ptosis, small nose, anteverted nostrils, smooth phil-
trum, and narrow vermillion upper lip.
Fig. 11. Lissencephaly of the brain in fetal alcohol syndrome.
Table 4
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
• Incidence—1.9 per 1000 live births mia, cleft palate, micromelia, clubfoot, and other abnormalities
• Incidence of less severe clinical manifestations—1 per 300 live
after heavy maternal X-irradiation.
• 1200 childern with FAS are born every year in USA METABOLIC DISRUPTIONS Maternal diabetes may be
• Neuropathologic lesions: associated with fetal anomalies (Table 6). Defects include con-
• Decreased brain weight genital heart malformations, spina bifida, the caudal dysplasia
• Heterotopic neurons in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter (Fig. 12), sirenomelia (Fig. 13), imperforate anus, radius aspla-
• Agenesis of the corpus callosum sia, and renal abnormalities, including renal agenesis and dys-
• Deformity or agenesis of the cerebellar vermis plasia. Anomalies present may constitute the VATER association.
• Fusion and decreased volume of the thalami
• Abnormalities of dentate gyrus and inferior olive Major congenital anomalies are the most important causes
• Syringomyelia of mortality in infants of mothers with diabetes. The overall
• In vitro studies demonstrate that ethanol causes: incidence of major anomalies is 6–9% in large studies. A close
• Adverse effects on neuronal proliferation correlation has been found between hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
• Migration and the incidence of major congenital anomalies. HbA1c is a
• Morphologic differentiation normal hemoglobin that is distinguished from hemoglobin A
by the addition of a glucose moiety to the aminoterminal valine
Table 5
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome of the beta chain. Glycosylation of hemoglobin A occurs dur-
ing circulation of the red cell and depends on the average con-
Percent Occurrence of Abnormalities centration of glucose to which the red cells have been exposed
0 25 50 75 100% during their life cycle. Levels of HbA1c during pregnancy that
exceeded 11.5% resulted in increased frequency of malforma-
Perinatal growth deficiency 100
Performance Postnatal growth deficiency 100 tions, and less than 9.5% resulted in no increased frequency of
Developmental delay 100 anomalies in the infant.
Microcephaly 91 Maternal phenylketonuria, unless rigidly managed, leads to
Short palpebral fissures 100 defects in all fetuses conceived, including intrauterine and
Craniofacies Epicanthal folds 36 postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, mental retardation,
Maxillary hypoplasia 64 cardiovascular defects, dislocated hips, and other anomalies.
Cleft palate 18
Micrognathia 27
The defect in the fetus must be attributed to the maternal meta-
Joint abnormalities 73 bolic disturbance.
Limbs Altered palmar crease pattern 73 INFECTIOUS DISRUPTIONS Infections, particularly
Cardiac anomalies 70 the TORCH (toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytome-
Anomalous external genitalia 36 galovirus infection, and herpes simplex) group and parvovirus,
Other Capillary hemangiomata 36 may cause fetal disruptions. Most frequent are intrauterine
Fine-motor dysfunction 80
growth retardation, microcephaly and mental retardation, deaf-
Table 6
Major Congenital Anomalies in Offspring of Diabetic Mothers
Central nervous system Other abnormalities
Anencephaly Bilateral auricular atresia
Holoprosencephaly Cleft lip
Arrhinencephaly Omphalocele
Occipital encephalocele Unilateral renal agenesis
Cardiovascular system Hypoplastic lungs
Transposition of the great vessels Caudal regression
Ventricular septal defect Amelia of upper limbs
Atrial septal defect
Tetralogy of Fallot
Single ventricle
Mitral valve atresia
Pulmonary stenosis
Hypoplastic left heart
Ebstein malformation
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia:
Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 12. Pathogenesis of caudal dysplasia sequence. (From Jones KL. Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformations. WB Saunders,
Philadelphia, PA.)
Fig. 14. Twinning disruption. After the death of one twin, its necro-
tic products are absorbed by the living fetus, resulting in disseminated
intravascular coagulation and porencephalic disruption of the brain,
or swiss-cheese brain.
A sequence is a pattern of multiple preceding events derived
from a single known or presumed anomaly or mechanical fac-
tor. For example, the Potter sequence is initiated by oligohy-
dramnios (Fig. 16). Lack of amniotic fluid either because of a
lack of renal function (as in infantile polycystic kidneys or
renal agenesis) or because of leakage of amniotic fluid, leads
to restriction of fetal movement and fetal compression, with the
resultant typical phenotype of the Potter sequence (Fig. 17).
A deformation is an abnormal form, shape, or position of a
body part caused by mechanical forces. This may be extrinsic,
owing to intrauterine constraint (for example, lack of amniotic Fig. 17. Infant with atypical facial appearance of Potter sequence.
fluid), or intrinsic, owing to a defect of the nervous system
resulting in hypomobility. Examples of deformities are talipes
equinovarus and arthrogryposis.
DYSPLASIA An example of a nonmetabolic dysplasia (Table 8) is the
A dysplasia is an abnormal organization of cells into tissue Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome. Wiedemann and later Beck-
and the morphologic result. In other words, a dysplasia is the with reported a syndrome of exomphalos, macroglossia, and
process of dyshistogenesis. Dysplasia may be nonmetabolic or gigantism.
metabolic. Prenatally diagnosable connective tissue dysplasias WIEDEMANN-BECKWITH SYNDROME (WBS) WBS
are shown in Table 7. is a nonmetabolic dysplasia in which more than one gene and
Table 7
Prenatally Diagnosable Connective Tissue Dysplasia
Prenatal diagnosis
Disorder Inheritance Sampling Visualization Comment
Marfan syndrome AD Gene on 15, abnormal synthesis, Long-bone growth; Interfamilial heterogeneity
secretion, incorporation of unreliable
fibrillin, amniocytes
Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
Type I Gravis AD Pregnancy potentially lethal
II Mitis AD Mild
Type III Hypermobile AD
IV Vascular (A-D) AD, AR Pregnancy potentially lethal
V X-linked XL
VI Ocular-scoliotic (A,B) AR Enzyme
VII Arthrochalasis AD, AR Collagen?
multiplex A, B, C
VIII Periodontitis AD Mild
IX Vacant
X Fibronectin abnormality AR
XI Vacant
AD, Autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; XL, X-linked.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Table 8
Examples of Nonmetabolic Dysplasias
Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome (WBS)
Neurofibromatosis (NF)
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
Tuberous sclerosis (TS)
von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)
Basal cell carcinoma syndrome (BCCS)
Proteus syndrome
Pallister-Hall syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Table 9
Wiedmann-Beckwith Syndrome
Omphalocele Hemihypertrophy Polyhydramnios
Neonatal hypoglycemia Macroglossia Wilms’ tumor
Gigantism Splenomegaly Midface
Large for gestational age Hepatomegaly Mental retardation
Cytomegaly of Malrotation of Seizures
adrenal cortex intestine
Nephromegaly Large placenta Lobular creases
and helical pits
Nephroblastomatosis Prematurity Semilunar dent
on helix
Fig. 18. Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome. Infant with macroglossia.
aberrations of imprinted domains lead to the phenotype. A vari- motifs within the WT 1 gene have been found. A delayed muta-
ety of cytogenetic and molecular alterations of the 11p15 region tion of an unstable premutated gene has been postulated. The
have been found. Thus, WBS has three categories: sporadic with replication timing of imprinted insulin-like growth factor-2 may
normal chromosomes; chromosome abnormalities, most com- be essential for the pathogenesis.
monly duplication 11p15.5; and autosomal-dominant rare trait Cattle with double muscle trait may be a model for WBS. The
with expression almost exclusively in individuals born to female prevalence is undetermined. There is predisposition to malig-
carriers. Paternal isodisomy of region 11p15.3-p15.5, leading nancies, including Wilms’ tumor and hepatoblastoma. Abnor-
to lack of maternal imprinting, illustrates the nontraditional mode malities found in WBS are listed in Table 9. Craniofacial abnor-
of inheritance of WBS. Contiguous gene and zinc-finger protein malities (Fig. 18) include macroglossia, prominent eyes with
Table 10
Fig. 19. Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome. Ear with creases and pits. Types of Neurofibromatosis
Type Description Heritable CAL nf LN CNS
I von Recklinghausen + + + + V
II Acoustic + + + 0 +
III Mixed + + + ? V
IV Variant +/- +/? ? ? ?
V Segmental - L L - ?
VI CAL +/? - - - -
VII Late onset +/? + + 0 ?
VIII Not otherwise specified ? ? ? ? ?
CAL, cafe-au-lait macules; nf, neurofibromas; LN, Lisch nodules;
CNS, central nervous system neural crest-derived tumors; +, present; -,
absent; ?, possible or uncertain; L, limited distribution; V, variable.
Table 11
Major Clinical Manifestations of NF-1
Skin lesions Fibrous dysplasia of bones Café-au-lait macules Pseudoarthrosis Scoliosis
(more than 6
measuring >2.5 cm)
Cutaneous NFs Short stature Subcutaneous NFs Vascular dysplasia Plexiform NFs
Renal artery stenosis Various other hamartomas Moyamoya disease Pruritus Aneurysms
Xanthomatosis CNS Granuloma annulare Mental retardation Freckling in intertrigenous
Megalencephaly Learning disabilities Melanosis of palms, White matter lesions Seizures
soles, penis
Visceral NFs in Lisch nodules Pheochromocytoma Malignant degeneration Overgrowth of body parts
GI/GU tracts
Table 12
Clinical Manifestations of Neurofibromatosis 2
Acoustic neuromas
Brain meningiomas
Dorsal root schwannomas
Subcapsular lens opacities
Nuclear cataracts
Pigment epithelial and retinal hamartomas
Cranial nerve schwannomas
Café-au-lait macules (rare)
Plaguelike neurofibromas
Lisch nodules
Table 13
Major Clinical Manifestations of Tuberous Sclerosis
Facial angiofibromas Cardiac rhabdomyomas
Angiomyolipomas of kidney, liver,
lungs, gonads, adrenal gland
Mental retardation Ungual fibromas
Myoclonic seizures Shagreen patches
(1, 2, and 3 represent the Fibrous dysplasia of bones
classical Vogt clinical triad Cortical cerebral calcifications
found in <30% of patients) Subependymal glial nodules
Ash leaf hypomelanotic Pachygyria
macules Pheochromocytoma
Fig. 26. Glial nodules in the lateral ventricles of the brain in tuberous
Fig. 24. Angiofibromas of the face in tuberous sclerosis.
Table 14
Clinical Manifestations of von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
Retinal hamartomas/angiomas (with or without calcification
and ossifications)
Epididymal tumor (papillary cystadenomas)
Hemangioblastomas (cystic cerebellar and or spinal)
Pheochromocytomas with intermittent hypertension
Liver angiomatosis
Spinal cord compression
Pancreatic cysts/islet cell tumors with or without diabetes mellitus,
cyst-renal, hepatic, epididymal
Renal cell carcinoma
Table 15 Table 16
Clinical Manifestations of Marfan Syndrome Pathologic Abnormalities in Zellweger Syndrome
Dolichostenomelia (Marfanoid habitus) Brain
Arachnodactyly Cerebellar, olivary hypoplasia
Syndactyly Abnormal cerebral convolutions (microgyria, pachygyria)
Ectopia lentis Partial lissencephaly
Mental retardation (rare) Agenesis or hypoplasia of the corpus callosum
Atrophic striae distensae Cerebral or cerebellar heterotopias
Dilatation of the ascending aorta Enlarged lateral ventricles
Cystic medionecrosis of the aorta Sudanophilic leukoencephalomyelopathy
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta Gliosis
Aortic regurgitation Heart
Scoliosis Ventricular septal defect
Iridodonesis Patent ductus arteriosus
Cleft palate Patent foramen ovale
Ligamentous laxity leading to joint hypermobility Liver
Spontaneous pneumothorax Biliary dysgenesis
Myopia Cirrhosis
Inguinal hernia Siderosis
Dural ectasias Absent peroxisomes
Abnormal mitochondria
Diminished smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Multiple cortical microcysts; glomerular and tubular cystic dysplasia
Horseshoe kidney
Islet cell hyperplasia
Thymic hypoplasia
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and
Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
VATER ASSOCIATION VATER association is a nonran-
dom association of vertebral defects, imperforate anus, and
esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula. Quan and
Smith coined the acronym to include Vertebral defects, Anal
Fig. 36. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Syndactyly between the sec-
atresia, T-E fistula with esophageal atresia, and Radial and ond and third toes and polydactyly.
Renal dysplasia. Cardiac defects and a single umbilical artery,
as well as less frequent defects, have been included in the
expanded VATER association, which occurs sporadically.
It appears to be related to a common developmental patho-
genesis caused by a defect in mesoderm that occurs before 35
d of gestation. Prior to 35 d, the rectum and anus are formed by a
mesodermal shelf that divides the cloaca into the urogenital sinus
and the rectum and anus, a mesodermal septum separates the
trachea from the esophagus, the radius is formed by a conden-
sation of mesenchymal tissue in the limb bud, and the vertebrae
are formed by migration and organization of somite mesoderm.
Müllerian duct aplasia, Renal dysplasia, and Cervicothoracic
Somite malformation, resulting in cervicothoracic vertebral
defects, especially from C5 to T1. Absence of the vagina, absence
or hypoplasia of the uterus, and renal abnormalities may be Fig. 37. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Ambiguous genitalia in a
male infant.
present. It occurs sporadically.
Coloboma, Heart disease, Atresia choanae, Retarded Growth ness may be present. Many of the anomalies may be related to
and development. Associated anomalies include genital and altered morphogenesis during the second month of gestation.
ear anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, facial palsy, micro- A familial occurrence in some cases has suggested a pos-
gnathia, cleft lip, cleft palate, omphalocele, congenital cardiac sible genetic cause. With normal parents, there appears to be a
defects, and holoprosencephaly. Ear anomalies and/or deaf- low but not negligible risk of recurrence.
SCHISIS ASSOCIATION AND ITS VARIANTS Schisis talipes equinovarus, and camptodactyly are present. Absence
(midline) defects, including neural tube defects (anencephaly, of the flexion creases on the fingers and palms and sparse der-
encephalocele, meningomyelocele), oral clefts (cleft lip and matoglyphic ridges are frequent. The phenotype resembles that
palate), omphalocele, and diaphragmatic hernia are associated of trisomy 18, from which it should be distinguished.
with one another far more frequently than at the expected ran- Neuropathologic findings include thin cerebral and cerebel-
dom rates. Congential cardiac defects, limb deficiencies, and lar cortices, polymicrogyria, and multiple foci of encephalo-
defects of the urinary tract, mainly renal agenesis, are defects malacia, with loss of neurons and gliosis. There is usually spinal
that also have a high association. cord involvement, with reduction in the anterior motor horn
cells. Skeletal muscles show diffuse and group atrophy consis-
DEFORMATIONS tent with neurogenic atrophy.
PENA-SHOKEIR PHENOTYPE Pterygium formation is one of the manifestations of the
Pena-Shokeir Type I (Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence) Pena-Shokeir phenotype. The lethal form of recessive multiple
Pena and Shokeir first described early lethal neurogenic pterygium syndrome represents a severe form of the Pena-
arthrogryposis and pulmonary hypoplasia (Pena-Shokeir I syn- Shokeir phenotype (Fig. 3B).
drome, or fetal akinesia deformation) (Figs. 3A,B). Facial Prenatal diagnosis may be possible with prior occurrence
abnormalities include prominent eyes, hypertelorism, telecan- and a high index of suspicion. Pulmonary hypoplasia may be
thus, epicanthal folds, malformed ears, depressed tip of nose, detected by prenatal ultrasonography.
small mouth, high arched palate, and micrognathia. Pena-Shokeir Type II Sequence (Cerebrooculofacioskel-
Polyhydramnios, small placenta, and relatively short um- etal Syndrome) Cerebrooculofacioskeletal (COFS) syndrome
bilical cord are frequent findings. Infants are small for their is recognized as an autosomal-recessive disorder with degen-
gestation age; approx 30% are stillborn. Of the remainder, most erative brain and spinal cord defects that are usually manifest
die from complications of pulmonary hypoplasia within the at birth. Reduced white matter of the brain with mottling of the
first few weeks of life. Death occurs before 6 mo of life. gray matter associated with generalized hypotonia and hypo-
The sequence has an estimated frequency of 1 in 12,000 flexia or areflexia are characteristic. The clinical prognosis is
births, with a heterozygote frequency of 1 in 55. The pheno- progressive psychomotor deterioration and usually death before
typic malformations appear to be nonspecific and are caused by 5 yr of age.
decreased or absent in utero movements, resulting in the fetal
akinesia deformation sequence. There is genetic heterogene- SEQUENCES
ity. One-half of the cases are sporadic, and one-half are familial POTTER SEQUENCE A sequence is a pattern of multiple
and appear to be autosomal-recessive or X-linked. anomalies derived from a single malformation or disruption
Polyhydramnios occurs because normal deglutition fails. that leads to the pathogenesis and results in the final phenotype.
Neuromusclar deficiency in the function of diaphragm and inter- The Potter sequence therefore has a cause (lack of renal func-
costal muscles causes pulmonary hypoplasia. Multiple anky- tion or loss of amniotic fluid), a pathogenesis (oligohydram-
loses of elbows, knees, hips, and ankles, rockerbottom feet, nios), and a phenotype (Potter sequence).
PIERRE ROBIN SEQUENCE The defects in Pierre Robin Comes LJ, Bennett PH, Man MB, et al. Congenital anomalies and diabe-
sequence include micrognathia, glossoptosis, and cleft soft pal- tes in the Pima Indians of Arizona. Diabetes 1967;18:471.
Czeizel A. Schisis associations. Am J Med Genet 1981;10:25.
ate. Hypopalsia of the mandibular area before 9 wk of gestation
Duncan PA, Shapria LR, Stangel JJ, et al. The MURCS association:
causes the tongue to be posteriorly located, presumably pre- mullerian duct aplasia, renal aplasia, and cervicothoracic somite dys-
venting closure of the posterior palatal shelves. It may also be plasia. J Pediatr 1979;95:399.
a result of early mechanical constraint in utero, limiting growth Gilbert EF, Opitz JM. Congenital anomalies and malformation syndromes.
before palatine closure. The Pierre Robin sequence should alert In: Stocker T, Dehner L, eds. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. Philadel-
the clinician to the possible presence of the Stickler syndrome phia: JB Lippincott Co, 2001, pp. 113–158.
Gilbert-Barness E, Opitz J. Malformations. In: Perinatal Pathology.
and the possibility of blindness caused by high myopia. Gene- Wigglesworth JR, Singer D. Blackwell, Science Publications, Bos-
tic counseling is recommended to prevent recurrence. ton, 1998.
PRUNE-BELLY SEQUENCE AND RELATED DEFECTS Gilbert-Barness E, Spicer-Debich D. Color Atlas of Embryo and Fetal
Prune-belly sequence occurs sporadically as a triad of apparent Pathology with Ultrasound Correlation. Cambridge Press, 2003.
absence of abdominal muscles, urinary tract defects, and cryp- Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Phila-
torchidism. There is cephalad displacement of the umbilicus, delphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Hanson JE, Myrianthopoulos NC, Harvey MAS, et al. Risks to the off-
flaring of rib margins, Harrison groove, and pectus deformi- spring of women treated with hydantoin anticonvulsants, with empha-
ties, all apparently secondary to the muscle defect. There is a sis on the fetal hydantoin syndrome. J Pediatr 1976;89:662.
frequent association with talipes equinovarus. Herrmann J, Gilbert EF, Opitz JM. Dysplasias, malformations and can-
A presumed early mesenchymal maldevelopment between cer, especially with respect to the Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome.
wk 6 and 10 may be responsible for this defect. Burton and In: Nichols WW, Murphy DG, eds. Regulations of Cell Proliferation
and Differentiation. New York: Plenum Press, 1977, p. 1.
Dillard speculate that splitting of the abdominal wall in prune-
Opitz JM, Gilbert EF. CNS anomalies and the midline as a “development
belly syndrome occurs because of massive bladder dilatation. field” [editorial]. Am J Med Genet 1982;12:443.
This hypothesis is supported by the demonstration of attenua- Opitz JM, Gilbert EF. Pathogenetic analysis of congenital anomalies in
tion of smooth muscle elements, without differentiation into humans. In: Ioachim HL, ed. Pathobiology Annual, vol 12. New
circular and longitudinal orientations within the bladder, and York: Raven Press, 1982, p. 301.
with replacement by collagen. Renal dysplasia may occur. The Opitz JM, Zanni G, Reynolds JF, Gilbert-Barness E. Defects of blasto-
genesis, Am J Med Genet 2002;15(4):269–286.
urinary tract is greatly dilated, usually with urethral or bladder Quan L, Smith DW. The VATER association, vertebral defects, anal
neck obstruction. Neonatal death occurs in 20% of infants; atresia, T-E fistula with esophageal atresia. Radial and Renal dys-
however, long-term survival without significant renal impair- plasia: a spectrum of associated defects. J Pediatr 1973;82:104.
ment may occur. Megalourethra, megacystis, megaureters, renal Quan L, Smith DW. The VATER association: vertebral defects and atre-
hypoplasia, and hydronephrosis have been described, as well sia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, radial dys-
as decreased spermatogenesis, absence of spermatogonia, and plasia. In: Birth Defects: Original Article Series, vol 8(2). New York:
Alan R Liss, 1972, p. 75.
salt-wasting nephritis. Smith DW. Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformations, ed 5. Phila-
delphia: WB Saunders, 2000.
SELECTED REFERENCES Spranger JE, Opitz JM, Smith DW, et al. Errors of morphogenesis: con-
Claren SK, Smith DW, Harvey MAS, et al. Hyperthermia: a prospective cepts and terms. Recommendations of an international working
evaluation of a possible teratogenic agent in man. J Pediatr 1979;95:81. group. J Pediatr 1982;100:160.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2A
Appendix 2B
8 Cardiovascular System
THE HEART IN UTERO the atrial chambers, the ventricular chambers, and the great
By the eighth week of development (45–57 d), the heart arteries. In addition, how the heart itself and its apex are posi-
assumes its definitive structure. The stages of cardiogenesis and tioned within the body (Fig. 2) require description. The asso-
final development of the heart are listed in Table 1. ciated anomalies are then described. The standardized system
The right atrium (RA) and the auricular appendage are large of sequential segmental analysis will provide the basis for diag-
and prominent in utero because of their important role in fetal nosing and/or describing any type of congenital heart defect,
circulation. In contrast, the left atrium (LA) and auricular appen- no matter how complex.
dage are small in the fetus and infant. Fetal circulation is made SEQUENTIAL SEGMENTAL
possible by six structures that will disappear after birth. The ANALYSIS AND MORPHOLOGIC
blood flow between the placenta and the fetus is facilitated by CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HEART
four of these: the umbilical vein, the ductus venosus, and the
paired umbilical arteries. The remaining two are the foramen This purely descriptive system allows for accurate, descrip-
ovale (FO) and the ductus arteriosus (DA). They are designed tive diagnosis and is invaluable in complex cases.
to adjust the circulation through the right and left sides of the ATRIAL MORPHOLOGY
heart before birth and to restrict passage of part of the blood
The arrangement of the atrial appendages is of particular
through the lungs. If the FO or the DA closes in utero, the fetus
importance. The classifications are as follows: usual arrange-
cannot survive (Fig. 1A,B). In both early and late abortuses,
ment (situs solitus), mirror image arrangement (situs inversus),
these two structures should always be examined, particularly
or presence of bilateral morphologically right or left append-
when no other cause of death can be found. Premature closure
ages (isomerism). The most consistent morphologic feature of
of the DA usually occurs between 14 and 16 wk of gestation.
an atrium is the anatomy of its appendage and its junction with
the venous component. Many features within the atrium are
DESCRIPTION OF THE HEART variable and cannot be used as a criterion of atrial morphology.
The procedure for opening the heart in situ was described in A blunt, triangular appendage that has a broad junction with
chapter 1. Most pediatric hearts are left attached to the lungs to the venous component of the atrium represents a morphologic
preserve all of the vascular connections. This is particularly RA (Fig. 3A). Internal examination reveals the pectinate
important in hearts with congenital malformations and hearts muscles radiating from a prominent muscle bundle, the crista
that have had corrective surgery. Hearts that are status post- terminalis, which lies between the appendage and the smooth-
surgery will require additional time to dissect, as they may have walled portion of the atrium (Fig. 3B). The pectinate muscles
multiple adhesions. The method of opening the heart in situ can extend from the confines of the appendage and around the AV
be altered when it has been surgically repaired to preserve the junction.
integrity of the repair. These hearts can also be opened follow- A narrow, hooked appendage, with a narrow junction to the
ing evisceration as long as all vascular connections are identi- smooth-walled portion of the atrium, represents a morphologic
fied and preserved before evisceration. LA (Fig. 4A). There is no terminal crest, and the pectinate muscles
The heart with complex congenital malformations cannot are most often confined to the appendage, not extending around
be labeled with only the diagnosis of ‘complex congenital heart the AV junction as in the morphologic RA (Fig. 4B).
disease.’ With the use of sequential segmental analysis, even the
inexperienced pathologist can arrive at a correct, descriptive
diagnosis of any given congenital heart defect. With patience The bronchial morphology will, in most cases, correspond to
and attention to detail, congenital cardiac morphology can be that of the atria. Clinically, this can be used as a significant marker
made simple and easy to understand. The analysis of the heart for determination of situs. Postmortem X-rays can also be used
is dependent on the recognition of three segments of the heart: as a predictor for congenital heart disease (CHD) before beginning
the autopsy. The morphologic right bronchus is approximately
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness half as long as the morphologic left bronchus. The first branch
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ of the morphologic right bronchus is eparterial or above the
Table 1
Stages of Cardiogenesis
Carnegie stage Size (mm) Age (days) Development
1–8 1–20 The precardiac period between fertilization and beginning of cardiogenesis. The
blastocyst develops, followed by implantation at about 7 d, and development
of the extraembryonal structures.
9 1.5–2.5 20 Two primordial cardiogenic cords fuse to form a single heart tube from which
develops the sulci that determine the future components of the heart:
atrioventricular, interventricular, bulboventricular, conotruncal, and
infundibulotruncal. Thickened mesenchyme develops and is separated from the
lumen. The cardiac jelly forms the myocardium and epicardium; the inner tube
forms the endocardium. The pericardial cavity forms.
10 2–3.5 22 The pericardial cavity enlarges and looping of the heart to the right begins in a
d-loop pattern. The heart probably starts beating at this time.
11 2.5–4.5 24 The primitive tube elongates, looping to the right (d-loop); the ventricular apex is
to the right; and both atria empty into a LV through a common atrioventricular
canal. The first aortic arch appears and dilations in the heart tube form the bulbus
cordis, ventricles, atria, truncus, and sinus venosus.
12 3–5 26 The sinus venosus connects to the atrial end of the tube and circulation begins,
although in series (right atrium-left atrium-left ventricle-right ventricle). The
ventricular apex rotates from the right to the midline. The truncus continues from
the bulbus cordis to the aortic sac, and the sinus venosus receives blood from
umbilical (chorion), vitelline (yolk sac), and common cardinal (embryo) veins.
13 4–6 28 Circulation changes from series to parallel with the formation of the septa, the
endocardial cushions of the atrioventricular canal, the conal and septal cushions
of the semilunar valves, the pulmonary veins, and aortic arches III
(brachiocephalic and carotid), IV (aortic arch), and VI (pulmonary arteries and
ductus arteriosus).
14 5–7 32 The ventricles form and the trabeculae appear in the small RV. This has the
configuration of a cardiac malformation with a single ventricle and a rudimentary
right ventricular outflow chamber. A common pulmonary vein joins the atria to
the left of the septum primum.
15 7–9 33 The ventricular apex directs to the left, and the muscular ventricular septum appears
and grows cephalad. The undivided atrioventricular canal opens into both the RV
and LV. Fusion of the spiral truncal cushions with the semilunar valve cushions
divides the aorta and pulmonary arteries. The septum primum in the atria now has
an ostium secundum (the fossa ovalis or foramen ovale).
16 8–11 37 The tricuspid and mitral valvular orifices appear, and the ostium primum closes as
the septum primum fuses with the endocardial cushions of the atrioventricular
canal. The pulmonary artery arises from the RV and the aorta from the LV,
separating the systemic and pulmonary circulations. The anterior pulmonary
artery connects with the dorsal aortic arch; the posterior aorta joins the anterior
aortic arch IV, resulting in crossing of the circulations.
17 11–14 41 The semilunar valve leaflets appear as thick, cellular structures. Atrial septation is
complete, but the cephalad portion of the ventricle remains incomplete.
18 13–17 44 The membranous septum fuses with the endocardial cushions and the conal
cushions. Closure, which usually takes place at this time, may be delayed for
some time, even after birth, accounting for examples of postnatal spontaneous
closure of a clinically recognized ventricular septal defect.
19–23 16–31 45–57 Morphogenesis is complete. Subsequent changes in the heart involve growth,
differentiation of the valves, and organization of the conduction system. The
septum primum divides the atrium into right and left sides. Its caudal end (ostium
primum) is closed later by endocardial cushion tissue.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
pulmonary artery (PA) that extends to the lower lobe. The right used as an indicator in a majority of isomerism cases, it is not
lung is trilobed. The morphologic left bronchus is hyparterial always 100%.
or below the PA extending to the lower lobe. The left lung is
The situs of the abdomen, thorax, and atria often will corre- Analysis of the ventricles should be done in three parts: the
spond, and the prosector must analyze each area appropriately inlet component, the apical trabecular component, and the
in any case of CHD. Even though bronchial morphology can be outlet component. Single ventricles do exist but they are extre-
Fig. 1. (A) Premature closure of the FO. The FO (arrow) is a small slitlike depression in the atrial septum that is not probe patent (TV, tricuspid
valve; CS, coronary sinus). (B) Atresia of the ductus arteriosus (arrow) identified in a dilatation and evacuation specimen. Note the pulmonary
artery (PA) and the aorta (A) are of similar size (DA, descending aorta).
mely rare. A ventricle may not always possess all components, of indeterminate morphology may be encountered. The AV
and the apical trabecular component is the most constant mor- valves arise at the AV junction and correspond to the ventricles.
phologic feature. This component will be present in even the The AV component and the ventriculoarterial (VA) component
most rudimentary or incomplete ventricle and will determine can then be described in terms of how they are shared between
whether the ventricle is of right or left type. Rarely, a ventricle the trabecular components.
Fig. 2. Illustration of position of the heart within the chest. (A) Levocardia, (B) mesocardia, (C) dextrocardia. The direction of the cardiac
apex must be described separately because it does not always correspond with cardiac position.
There are five basic types of atrioventricular connection
(Fig. 8):
1. Atrioventricular concordance. This describes the con-
nection between the morphologic RA and the morpho-
logic RV and between the morphologic LA and the
morphologic LV.
2. Atrioventricular discordance. This describes the con-
nection between the morphologic RA and the morpho-
logic LV and between the morphologic LA and the
morphologic RV.
3. Ambiguous atrioventricular connection. Isomeric atrial
chambers are connected to separate ventricular inlet por-
tions. This renders the terms concordant and discordant
as inappropriate because of the isomeric atria.
4. Double inlet connection. Both atria and both ventricular
inlet portions connect to the same ventricular trabecular
component. The ventricular chamber may be of right,
left, or indeterminate morphology. If the chamber is of
left ventricular or right ventricular type, because both
inlets are committed to the chamber, the rudimentary
chamber will lack an inlet. A rudimentary ventricular
chamber is defined as a ventricular chamber lacking one
or more of its normal components.
5. One atrium connected to a ventricular inlet portion. The
Fig. 4. (A) External appearance of a morphologic left atrium with other AV connection is absent and should be described
its narrow, hooked appendage and a narrow junction (dots) to the as such. If a second ventricular chamber is present, it
smooth-walled portion of the atrium (PA, pulmonary artery; arrow, has no inlet portion and is recognized as a rudimentary
pulmonary vein). (B) Internal appearance of a morphologic left ventricle.
atrium, showing the narrow junction of the atrial appendage (LAA)
to the smooth-walled portion of the atrium and the pectinate muscles VENTRICULAR RELATIONSHIPS
(arrows) that are confined to the appendage (FO, foramen ovale; MV,
mitral valve). It is important to assess the relationships of the ventricular
chambers within the ventricular mass. In situs solitus with AV
nary arteries arise from the main pulmonary trunk. Variation in concordance, the morphologic RV is to the right and anterior
this branching pattern is rare. A truncus arteriosus must be dis- (normally related), whereas with AV discordance, the morpho-
tinguished from an aorta and consists of a single arterial trunk logic RV is to the left and side-by-side (ventricular inversion).
exiting the ventricular mass by means of a single arterial valve The ambiguous AV connections seen in atrial isomerism can be
and supplying the coronary, systemic, and pulmonary arteries. either normally related or can be inverted without altering the
Fig. 7. (A) Morphologic left ventricle with a mitral valve (MV) in its
inlet and fine apical trabeculae (PM, papillary muscles). (B) Smooth
septal surface and fibrous continuity between the anterior leaflet of
the mitral valve (MV) and the aortic valve (A, aorta; arrow, coronary
Fig. 6. (A) Morphologic right ventricle with a tricuspid valve (TV) ambiguous connection. Problems with description may arise
in its inlet and a coarsely trabeculated septal surface (RVS). The TV when the ventricular relationships are not as anticipated for a
has both septal (light arrows) and papillary muscle (black arrow) given connection. The heart may be rotated around its long axis
attachments (FO, foramen ovale). (B) The pulmonary artery (PA) is
in the outlet portion of the right ventricle, with muscle (I) separating or deviated horizontally relative to its long axis. Describing
the arterial valve from the atrioventricular valve (TV, tricuspid valve; inlet components, trabecular components, and outlet compo-
A, aorta). nents relative to one another in right-left, anterior-posterior,
Fig. 8. Illustration of the possible types of AV relationships.(A) One-to-one AV connections. (B) Atria connected to one ventricular chamber.
and superior-inferior coordinates gives the pathologist the ally present. The relationship of this chamber must be described
flexibility to describe all positional variables. Ventricular top- as to its position relative to the main chamber and in terms of
ology can best be described as a right-hand or left-hand pattern right-left, superior-inferior, and anterior-posterior position.
(Fig. 9). A ventricle with right-hand topology will allow for a The trabecular and outlet components of the rudimentary cham-
right hand to be placed on the septal surface of the ventricle ber should be described.
with the thumb in the inlet and the fingers in the outlet. The left
hand on the septal surface of the ventricle with the thumb in the ARTERIAL RELATIONSHIPS
inlet and the fingers in the outlet constitutes left-hand topology. The normal relationship of the aortic valve is posterior and
When there is a univentricular AV connection (double inlet to the right of the pulmonary valve. This is the usual arrange-
connection or absent connection) a rudimentary chamber is usu- ment with VA concordance. The usual pattern seen with VA
Analyzing the VA junction involves the assessment of three
components: the connection of the arteries to the ventricles, the
relationship of the arteries to one another, and the morphology
Fig. 9. (A) Right hand topology (SVC, superior vena cava; FO, of the outlet portions supporting the arterial valves. There are
foramen ovale; A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery; arrow, membranous four possible types of VA connection (Fig. 10).
septum). The free wall of the RV was removed in this heart. (B) Left
hand topology (A, aorta; AV, atrioventricular valve; arrow, coronary 1. VA concordance. The aorta arises from the morphologic
orifice.) LV, and the PA arises from the morphologic RV.
Fig. 13. Long axis method of dissection. Normal heart, showing the
left ventricular inflow and outflow tracts, the left atrium, the ascend-
ing aorta (A), and the right ventricular outflow (PA, pulmonary artery;
MV, mitral valve; LV, left ventricle; arrow, patent foramen ovale).
Fig. 15. Base of the heart method of dissection. (A) Heart from a 6-
yr-old female with hypercholesterolemia who received a heart and
liver transplant. Note the thickened aorta (A) and the prosthetic mitral
valve (MV) (PA, pulmonary artery; LA, left atrial appendage; RA,
right atrial appendage; arrow, right coronary artery). (B) A heart with
right atrial isomerism. There are bilateral morphologic right atrial
appendages (R, right sided, morphologic right atrial appendage; L,
left sided, morphologic right atrial appendage). The aorta (A) and
pulmonary artery (PA) are slightly compressed.
Table 2
Congenital Heart Defects in Chromosome Abnormality Syndromes
Chromosomal abnormalities % with cardiac defects Type of malformation
Dup 3q2 <75 Miscellaneous
Del 4p 30 50% ASD secundum, PSV
Del 4q3l,q32 60 85% VSD, PDA, ASD, COA
Del 5p 30–50 Isolated defects: VSD, ASD, PDA
Trisomy 9 80 Miscellaneous defects
Del 9p 40 Miscellaneous defects
Del 10q 50 50% VSD
Trisomy 13 80 50% VSD, ASD secundum, PDA, BAV, BPV
10% Miscellaneous defects
Del 17p (Miller-Dieker) 30 Miscellaneous
Trisomy 18 100 100% VSD
60% malalignment-type
35% membranous
Del 18q <30 Miscellaneous
Trisomy 21 40 60% complete AVC, ASD primum, canal-type VSD
20%–30% membranous VSD, ASD secundum, PDA, COA
5%-10% TOF and others
Del (22) (22 partial dup) 60 90% ASD secundum, VSD, PDA
Cat-eye 50 60% miscellaneous
XO (Ullrich-Turner) 35 80%-?95% BAV, COA, ASV, HLHS
20% VSD, ASD secundum, PDA
5%–10% aortic root dilation
XXXXX <40 90% PDA < VSD, and others
Triploidy 50 70% VSD, ASD, PDA
5% TA
ASD, atrial septal defect; ASV, aortic stenosis, valvar; AVC, atrioventricular canal; BAV, bicuspid aortic valve; BPV, bicuspid pulmonary valve;
COA, coarctation of aorta; CPVND, congenital polyvalvular nodular dysplasia; DAoA, double aortic arch; del, deletion; DORV, double-outlet right
ventricle; dup, duplication; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PSV, pulmonic stenosis, valvular, TA, truncus arter-
iosus; TAPVR, total anomalous pulmonary venous return; TGA, transposition of great arteries; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; VSD, ventricular septal defect.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
contains the peripheral portions of the left and right bundle in higher frequency than is seen in the general population. CHD
branches and should be sectioned horizontally, parallel to the accounts for more than 90% of all cardiac disease in childhood.
plane of the TV. In smaller neonatal and infant hearts, all of the Most of the disease is multifactorial, and a small percentage is
conduction tissue except the distal ventricular bundle branches caused by genetic or environmental factors.
can be examined in one tissue block, as shown in Fig. 19. The different types of CHD will be discussed below using a
Every tenth section should be examined with hematoxylin functional classification as listed in Table 4.
and eosin. Elastic-van Gieson or Masson trichrome stains may
be helpful in identifying conduction tissue. This study may
require 200 to 300 histologic sections. ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECTS (ASD) Approximately 50% of
all ASDs are said to close spontaneously by 5 yr of age. Although
CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS they are frequently associated with other congenital cardiac
Congenital cardiac malformations may appear as isolated defects, ASDs can occur as isolated defects and are relatively
single defects (approx 50%) or may exist as a part of complex common (Fig. 20A).
alterations involving component parts of the heart. Prenatal Ostium secundum defect is the most common type of ASD
and postnatal detection of CHD should initiate a search for (Fig. 20B). It appears as multiple perforations or as a defi-
associated extra cardiac malformations. Fetuses and children ciency of or total absence of the septum primum (valve of the
with malformation syndromes and chromosomal abnormalities foramen ovale). In patients with transposition of the great arte-
should be evaluated for CHD (Tables 2 and 3). A high percent- ries (TGA), a defect in the flap valve may have been created
age of infants with chromosomal abnormalities will have car- surgically (Rashkind septostomy) and may in some instances
diac defects, with the exception of those with sex chromosome be difficult to distinguish from a true ASD. MV prolapse is
duplications. Minor malformations occur in children with CHD present in 10–40% of patients with ASD.
Table 3
Congenital Heart Defects in Malformation Syndromes
Chromosomal abnormalities % with cardiac defects Type of malformation
Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Noonan 50–80 70% dysplastic PVS
10% nondysplastic PVS, ASD secundum
LEOPARD 50 100% PVS, usually dysplastic cardiomyopathy
Holt-Oram 70 50% ASD secundum
20% membranous VSD
Shprintzen 80 40% VSD
10% TOF
Townes 5 TOF
Apert <10 75% VSD
Alagille 100 90% PPS
60% isolated
30% associated with other CHD
10% miscellaneous
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
Ellis-van Creveld 50 80% common atrium, ASD primum, partial AVC, and ASD secundum
Saldino-Noonan, SRP, type 1 ?50 TGA, DOLV, and HLHS, COA, VSD
ASD, secundum
Fanconi Rare
Aase Rare
McKusick-Kaufman 10 VSD
Carpenter 40 variable
Baller-Gerold 20 VSD, subaortic stenosis
Meckel-Gruber 30 ASD, VSD, and others
Environmental Syndromes
Rubella 50 45% PDA
40% PPS, PVS
IDM 5–8 20% VSD
<10% TGA
30% cardiomyopathy
Maternal PKU 15–20 80% VSD, ASD, PDA, COA
15–20% TOF
Fetal alcohol 35 25% VSD
ASD, secundum type
Fetal hydantoin 5–10 variable
Fetal valproate 25 80% VSD, membranous
Thalidomide 10–15 50% TA, TOF
30% VSD
Retinoic acid 25 65% IAA, TGA, TOF, DORV, VSD, TA
ASD, atrial septal defect; AVC, atrioventricular canal; CHD, congenital heart disease; COA, coarctation of aorta; DOLV, double-outlet left
ventricle; DORV, double-outlet right ventricle; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; IAA, interrupted aortic arch; IDM, infant of a diabetic
mother; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PKU, phenylketonuria; PPS, peripheral pulmonic stenosis; PVS, pulmonic valve stenosis; SRP, short-rib
polydactyly; TA, truncus arteriosus; TAR, thrombocytopenia-absent radius; TGA, transposition of great arteries; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; VSD,
ventricular septal defect.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Isolated ostium primum defects are rare and occur most Complete absence of the atrial septum, or in other words, a
commonly as a component of atrioventricular septal defects single atrium (common atrium, cor triloculare biventriculare)
(AVSD). This defect will be discussed with AVSDs. is usually associated with multiple severe cardiac anomalies,
Sinus venosus defect is rare and is usually associated with usually with atrial isomerism.
anomalous pulmonary venous drainage on the right side. The AVSD OR ENDOCARDIAL CUSHION DEFECT The
defect joins the ostium of the SVC and has no real upper border, characteristic feature of AVSD is a deficiency of the AV sep-
with the communication formed by the anomalous connection tum. The structures that separate the RA from the LV, the mem-
of the right upper lobe vein to both the right and left atria. The branous part and a muscular component of the septum, are
defect occurs superior to the FO. absent. Although this group of defects has comparable mor-
Table 4
Functional Classification of Cardiovascular Defects
I. Arteriovenous Shunts
II. Venous-arterial Shunts
A. With increased pulmonary blood flow
Anomalous pulmonary venous return
DORV (with VSD-Taussig-Bing)
DILV (Univentricular heart)
Epstein malformation
B. With decreased pulmonary blood flow
Tricuspid atresia (Hypoplastic right heart synd.)
III. Obstructive
Right side of the heart
PS with intact ventricular septum
Pulmonary atresia
Left side of the heart
Mitral valve defects
Aortic atresia
Aortic stenosis
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Coarctation of the aorta
Interrupted aortic arch
IV. Ischemic
Anomalies of the coronary arteries
Origin of the left coronary artery from PA
Coronary AV fistula
V. Abnormalities of Situs
Right isomerism
Left isomerism
VI. Anomalous vessels
Vascular rings
Double aortic arch Fig. 20. (A) Types of atrial septal defects. In this illustration the free
Aberrant right subclavian artery wall of the right ventricle has been removed and the defects are shown
VII. Ectopia Cordis as dark areas: 1, septum secundum type; 2, ostium primum type; 3,
sinus venosus type; 4, at the coronary sinus. (B) Septum secundum
VIII. Cardiomyopathy
atrial septal defect (arrow) with deficiency of the flap valve of the
Dilated cardiomyopathy
foramen ovale in a heart with congenitally corrected transposition.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Note the mitral valve (MV) with attachments to only papillary muscles
IX. Endocardial Fibroelastosis and the smooth septal (S) surface of the morphologic left ventricle on
X. Prolapse of the Mitral valve the right side of the heart.
XI. Conduction defects with pathologic changes
Arrhymogenic RV dysplasia
Histiocytic cardiomyopathy morphologies of the AV valves. The typical scooped-out appear-
Noncompaction of the LV
XII. Myocarditis ance of the LV is the result of a characteristic disproportion
XIII. Infective endocarditis between the inlet and outlet dimensions of the interventricular
XV. Ischemic myocardial necrosis septum, the outflow tract of the LV not being wedged between
the two AV valves, and the AV valves, if separate, being attached
to the ventricular septum at the same level. The left ventricular
phology at the AV junction, there is wide range of variable mor- outflow tract is prone to obstructive lesions with all types of
phologic features. These include the extent of the septal defi- AVSDs. In AVSDs, the FO can be well formed and closed, probe
ciency, the degree of atrial septal commitment, and the different patent, fenestrated, or may have a secundum type of ASD. The
Fig. 22. (A) Complete atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), with a fenestrated foramen ovale (FO) (CS, coronary sinus; RV, right ventricle).
(B) AVSD as viewed from the right atrium (RA). The crest of the ventricular septum (sc) is easily visualized with the bridging leaflets (arrows)
of the AV valve extending over it. The right (R) ventricular chamber is anterior, and the left (L) is posterior (SVC, superior vena cava).
error, the left main pulmonary artery should be opened to the of blood between the two circulations, through either a patent
root of the lung and the ductus left intact for further examina- FO, an ASD, a VSD, or a PDA. Severe pulmonary vascular changes
tion following evisceration. occur in 40% of patients by 1 yr of age. Complete TGA may
PREMATURE CLOSURE OF THE DA This is a rare but occur with an intact septum or a VSD and pulmonary stenosis
important finding in neonates and stillborn fetuses and may be (valvular or infundibular). The latter form may protect against
related to excessive use of ibuprofen. It is best appreciated on the development of pulmonary vascular disease. Other defects
external examination of the great arteries and has a diminished can also be associated with TGA, including ASD, PDA, coarc-
external diameter. A pinpoint lumen may be seen on inspection tation of the aorta, and right aortic arch.
from the aortic and pulmonary aspects and is most marked on CORRECTED TRANSPOSITION OF THE GREAT VESSELS
the aortic aspect. The right heart chambers may have associated This anomaly can exist with situs solitus or situs inversus and
dilatation (Fig. 25). is characterized by AV discordance and VA discordance (Fig.
27A–C). There is no arteriovenous shunt in this defect. With
VENOUS ARTERIAL SHUNTS situs solitus, the aorta is most often anterior and to the left of the
COMPLETE TGA Complete TGA accounts for 6% of all PA. The morphologic RV connects to a right-sided morphologic
CHD and is defined as the combination of AV concordance LV, with the PA arising from it. The morphologic LA connects
with VA discordance (Fig. 26A,B). Usually the aorta is anterior to a left-sided morphologic RV from which the aorta origi-
and to the right of the PA. Variations occur include the aorta nates. The coronary arteries are an excellent guide to the septum,
being located directly anterior to the PA or the aorta being with the right-sided coronary artery giving rise to the anterior
located to the left of the PA. The coronary arteries arise from the descending and the circumflex coronary arteries, and the left-
sinuses of the aortic valve and thus receive blood from the RV, sided coronary artery giving rise to the posterior descending
resulting in a desaturated blood supply and ischemia of the myo- coronary artery. Congenitally corrected transposition usually
cardium. To be compatible with life, there must be an exchange is asymptomatic because the discordant arrangements cancel
Fig. 23. Types of ventricular septal defects. The free wall of the right
ventricle has been removed, revealing the septal surface. The defects
are illustrated with dark areas: 1, perimembranous; 2, muscular; 3,
subarterial (TV, tricuspid valve; A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery; SVC,
superior vena cava).
Fig. 25. Atresia of the ductus arteriosus (arrow) in a fetus that died
at 16 wk gestation (AA, ascending aorta; PA, pulmonary artery; SVC,
superior vena cava).
Type II: Left and right PAs arising close together with sepa-
rate origins from the posterior or dorsal wall of the common
trunk. (Fig. 28C).
Type III: Right and left PAs, arising independently from
either side of the ascending common trunk.
Type IV: No PAs identified, and there is apparent absence
of the sixth arterial arch. The bronchial arteries arising from the
descending aorta supply the lungs. This is now considered a
variant of pulmonary atresia with a VSD. Careful dissection for
intrapericardial PAs must be undertaken if this entity is sus-
pected. The pulmonary trunk is often a thin, fibrous, almost
threadlike structure. (Fig. 28D,E).
NECTION Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
occurs when blood from one or more of the pulmonary veins
drain into the systemic venous system (Fig. 29). It is one of
the most commonly missed congenital cardiac anomalies at
autopsy. This can be avoided by probing and identifying all
pulmonary venous connections in situ. They can then be pre-
served at evisceration for further description and photographic
NECTION In the supradiaphragmatic form of total anoma-
lous pulmonary venous connection all the pulmonary veins
drain into the systemic circulation without obstructed drain-
age. A vertical vein originating from a confluence of pulmo-
Fig. 26. Transposition of the great arteries. The aorta (A) exits the
nary veins posterior to the LA drains into the innominate vein morphological right ventricle (RV) (small arrow, coronary orifice;
at its junction with the left subclavian vein to a persistent left TV, tricuspid valve). (A) With an intact ventricular septum. (B) With
SVC to the coronary sinus before draining into the RA (Fig. a ventricular septal defect.
30A). Venous drainage may connect on the right, directly to the
RA, to the SVC, or to the azygos or hemiazygos vein. The pat- tal venous system or IVC (Fig. 30B). This too may be partial,
tern of drainage is variable, and both lungs may drain to the same bilateral, or unilateral.
site or to different sites. Total anomalous pulmonary venous Cor triatriatum describes an anomaly in which the atrial
connection may be infradiaphragmatic, draining into the por- mass is divided into three chambers. The pulmonary veins empty
Fig. 27. Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries. (A) External view of the aorta (A) and pulmonary artery (PA) with the usual relationship as they exit the heart. The aorta
is anterior and to the left of the pulmonary artery (RAA, right atrial appendage; arrows, interventricular coronary artery). (B) A right-sided, morphologically left ventricle (LV) with the
pulmonary artery (PA) arising from it. Note the smooth septal surface and the fine apical trabeculae. The mitral valve (MV) is in fibrous continuity with the pulmonary valve (A, aorta).
(C) A left-sided, morphologically right ventricle (RV) with the aorta (A) arising from it (arrow, coronary orifice). Note the muscle separating the tricuspid valve (TV) from the aortic valve
and the coarsely trabeculated septal surface.
Fig. 28. (A) The four types of truncus arteriosus: type I, single pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta arising from a common trunk; type II,
left and right PAs arising close together from the posterior or dorsal wall of the common trunk; type III, right and left PAs arising independently
from either side of the common trunk; type IV, no PAs identified and there is apparent absence of the sixth arterial arch. Bronchial arteries
supply the lungs. This is now considered a variant of pulmonary atresia with VSD. (B) Type I TA with a common pulmonary artery arising
from the common valve that branches into right (R) and left (L) main pulmonary arteries. Note the thickened valve leaflets, the coronary orifices
(arrows), and the VSD (large arrow). (C) Type II TA with the pulmonary arteries (PA) branching immediately from the posterior wall of the
common trunk. The valve leaflets are thickened and two coronary orifices (arrows) are identified. Note the VSD (large arrow) and the
hypoplastic morphologically RV; this heart also had tricuspid valve atresia. (D) An atretic, intrapericardial pulmonary artery (arrows) that may
be identified with careful dissection in what has been referred to in the past as type IV TA (PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; LAA, left atrial
appendage; A, aorta; L, left main pulmonary artery).
Fig. 30. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return. (A) Above the diaphragm. The right (R) and left (L) pulmonary veins form a confluence
(C) posteriorly with a vertical vein (black arrow) arising from it. The vertical vein extends over the left main bronchus to drain into a persistent
left superior vena cava (white arrow) (T, trachea). (B) Multiple pulmonary vein branches arise posteriorly to form a confluence (C) just above
the diaphragm (D). This confluent vein then extends below the diaphragm, around the lesser curvature of the stomach (S) and drains into the
portal vein (arrow). This patient had situs inversus with a right-sided esophagus (E) and stomach, a left-sided inferior vena cava (IVC), complex
CHD, and situs inversus of the bronchi. Repair of the TAPVR was attempted; note the sutures just above the diaphragm (white arrow) (T, trachea;
R, right lung; L, left lung).
sis, VSD, overriding of the ventricular septum by the aortic valve, ular septum, with anterior deviation of the infundibular (conus)
and RV hypertrophy (Fig. 35A–C). It is the result of a single septum that creates infundibular narrowing and a perimem-
embryologic defect resulting from malalignment of the ventric- branous VSD, with overriding of the aorta above the VSD. The
a dimple is frequently seen within the right atrial floor (Fig. 36).
The right atrial floor is muscular, and the dimple overlies a
portion of the AV membranous septum and the central fibrous
body. The RA is dilated, with a patent FO or ASD, usually of
the secundum type, providing the only outlet. The LA is dilated
as well and is otherwise anatomically normal. The RV is hypo-
plastic, and the VA connection is variable, with VA concor-
dance the most common arrangement. The pulmonary stenosis
occurs with a higher frequency than pulmonary atresia, which
can occur at the valve or at the infundibulum. A VSD is present.
Associated defects include TGA and coarctation of the aorta.
The coronary arteries will usually delineate the hypoplastic
RV on the epicardial surface. Using this outline and/or opening,
the RV in a retrograde fashion through the PA will adequately
demonstrate the hypoplastic RV and preserve the muscular AV
connection between the RA and RV.
SEPTUM Pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum
comprises 7% of CHD. Obstruction usually is valvular, with
RV hypertrophy and poststenotic dilatation of the pulmonary
trunk. The valve may be dome shaped, with fused cusps and a
single central orifice. An ASD or a patent FO allows shunting
of blood to the LA. TV dysplasia and Ebstein malformation are
common findings with critical stenosis. Endocardial fibroelas-
tosis (EFE) may be present (Fig. 37).
SEPTUM The pulmonary atresia can be of two types. In one
type, the infundibulum is patent and the pulmonary valve may
form an imperforate membrane (Fig. 38A) or the valve leaflets
will be fused into a dome, forming a nipplelike projection into
the artery. In the second type, the infundibulum is atretic, the
PA arising from the ventricular mass as a thin cord (Fig. 38B).
This cord gets wider as it extends toward the right and left PAs
because the DA supplies the circulation. The RV may be hypo-
plastic or normal in size and there is frequently EFE. Coronary
artery-ventricular fistulas are a frequent occurrence, and in
severe cases, the coronary arteries become dilated and tortuous.
Cyanosis occurs early because of the decreased pulmonary
blood flow, which is DA dependent.
MITRAL VALVE DEFECTS These defects result in an
obstruction of blood flow from LA to LV. Pulmonary venous
drainage is through the FO.
With parachute mitral valve, the chordae are inserted into a
single papillary muscle group, resulting in a funnel-shaped
valve. In Shone syndrome, there is a parachute mitral valve, a
Fig. 32. (A) Double outlet right ventricle with the free wall of the supramitral ring, subaortic stenosis, and coarctation of the
right ventricle (RVFW) lifted up revealing the aortic (A) and pulmo- aorta. Mitral atresia may exist as an imperforate membrane and
nary (PA) orifices as they exit the ventricular mass (RVS, right ven- is not associated with aortic atresia. Most often it is seen as a
tricular septum). (B) A double outlet right ventricle opened into the
aorta (A). The pulmonary outflow is markedly stenotic and is identi- consequence of absence of the left AV connection. Mitral atre-
fied by a probe before opening it (white arrow, pulmonary artery; sia is most commonly associated with aortic atresia and is
black arrow, ventricular septal defect). included in the spectrum of hypoplastic left heart complex.
Fig. 33. Double inlet left ventricle. (A) A long axis cut showing two atrioventricular valves (1, 2, and arrows) connected to a large morphologic left ventricle. A small portion of the
pulmonary valve is present (P). (B) Opposite half of the heart shown in (A). Half of the atrioventricular valve (AV) labeled 1 in (A), and the remainder of the dilated pulmonary artery (PA)
are seen. There is a ventricular septal defect (arrow) that communicates with an anterior rudimentary ventricle. (C) Anterior view of the heart showing the rudimentary ventricle. It is of
right ventricular morphology and gives rise to the aorta (A) (RA, right atrium).
Fig. 34. (A) External appearance of a heart with Ebstein malformation. The right atrium (RA) is markedly dilated (T, thymus). (B) The
tricuspid valve (arrows) is displaced into the right ventricle. The normal position of the annulus is illustrated with dots (FO, foramen ovale).
AORTIC ATRESIA Aortic atresia has a 2 to 1 male pre- 39B), segmental or tubular stenosis with diffuse hypoplasia of
dominance and has a poor prognosis. In isolated arterial atresia, the ascending aorta, and fibromuscular membrane. SVAS may
the LV cavity is hypoplastic, the MV may have severe stenosis, be sporadic or familial (Williams syndrome). The coronary
or there may be absence of the left AV connection. Most cases arteries may become dilated or develop premature atheroscle-
have an intact ventricular septum. The coronary arteries are rosis secondary to the high pressures generated by SVAS.
supplied in a retrograde fashion by the ductus arteriosus. Coarc- AORTIC STENOSIS: VALVULAR The valve may be bicus-
tation is frequently an associated anomaly. Secondary EFE and pid or unicuspid, and the leaflets are thickened and fused at the
hypertrophy of the LV wall occur. commissures. It often forms a domelike structure (Fig. 40). The
AORTIC STENOSIS There are three types (Fig. 39A) of LV is hypertrophied with EFE and subendocardial and papillary
supravalvar aortic stenosis (SVAS): hourglass deformity (Fig. muscle fibrosis or infarction. Infective endocarditis may occur.
Fig. 35. (A) Outward appearance of the relationship of the aorta (A) and pulmonary artery (PA) in a heart with tetralogy of Fallot. There was a right aortic arch and a right ductus arteriosus
(arrow) (SVC, superior vena cava; RA, right atrium). (B) Pulmonary infundibular stenosis (arrows) with a stenotic pulmonary valve and artery (PA) (A, aorta). (C) An opened right ventricle
with the free wall (RVFW) lifted up to view the ventricular septal defect (*), the overriding aorta (black arrow), and the stenotic pulmonary outflow (white arrow) (TV, tricuspid valve).
Fig. 40. Aortic valve atresia with the thickened valve leaflets form-
ing a nipplelike projection into the aorta. Note the marked dilatation
of the aorta distal to the obstruction and a dilated coronary ostium
Table 5
Some Malformation Syndromes Associated With Coarctation
Percent with
Syndrome Incidence cardiac defects Cardiac defects
Chromosome Syndromes
Trisomy 21 1:700 40 Atrioventricularis communis, VSD, CoA
Turner 1:2500 60 CoA
Trisomy 18 1:6000 85 VSD, PDA, CoA
Trisomy 13 1:5000 80 VSD, ASD, CoA
Wolf-Hirschhorn [del (4p)] 1:50,000 60 VSD, ASD, CoA
DiGeorge [del(22q)] 1:20,000 95 Interrupted aortic arch, CoA, conotruncal defects
Malformation Syndromes
Holt-Oram Unknown 85 ASD, VSD, CoA
Noonan 1:2000 65 PS, CoA
Velocardiofacial Unknown 80 VSD, right aortic arch, CoA, tetralogy of Fallot
Ellis-van Creveld 1:150,000 50 ASD, atrioventricularis communis, CoA
Marfan 1:20,000 95 Prolapsed mitral valve, dilated aortic root, CoA
Williams 1:10,000 100 Supravalvar AS, PPS, CoA
de Lange 1:10,000 25 VSD, ASD, CoA
Alagille (arterohepatic dysplasia) Rare 85 PPS, ASD, VSD, PDA, CoA
Teratogenic Abnormalities
Alcohol 1:500 25 ASD, VSD, CoA
Retinoic acid Extremely rare 50 Conotruncal defects, hypoplastic aortic arch,
Hydantion 1:500 2 Valve stenosis, septal defects, PDA, CoA
Valproate 1:1000 10 VSD, PDA, CoA
Lithium Extremely rare <1 Ebstein anomaly
Rubella Extremely rare 75 PDA, PPS, CoA
Maternal PKU CoA
VACTERL 1:3500 50 VSD, CoA
CHARGE Unknown 50 CoA, PDA, VSD, ASD
AS, Aortic stenosis; ASD, atrial septal defect; CoA, coarctation of aorta; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PKU, phenylketonuria; PPS, peripheral
pulmonary stenosis; PS, pulmonary stenosis; TGA, transposition of great arteries; VSD, ventricular septal defect.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 43. Interruption of the aortic arch just distal to the left subcla-
vian artery and proximal to where the patent ductus arteriosus (arrow)
enters the aorta (AA, ascending aorta; DA, descending aorta; RPA,
right pulmonary artery; LPA, left pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium;
T, trachea; PA, main pulmonary artery).
Fig. 45. A single coronary artery (arrow) arising from the right aortic sinus and giving rise to the right, the left anterior descending, and
circumflex coronary arteries (A, aorta).
Fig. 46. (A) Abnormally high take off of the right coronary artery
(arrow) from the aorta (A). (B) Right coronary orifice arising directly
above a commissure (arrow) (With the permission of Professor Rob-
ert Anderson, University College London). (C) Right coronary ori-
fice (arrow) arising at the edge of a commissure and under a ridge.
Fig. 48. (A) Atresia of the right coronary artery (black arrow) in a heart with pulmonary stenosis and intact ventricular septum. There are
multiple coronary artery-ventricular fistulas (white arrows) with large arteries diving directly into the myocardium (With the permission of
Professor Robert Anderson, University College London). (B) View of the same heart from the posterior aspect showing an absent connection
between the left main coronary artery (L) and the circumflex artery (C). There are apparent fistulous communications (arrows) supplying the
circumflex branch (A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery) (With the permission of Professor Robert Anderson, University College London).
Fig. 49. (A) Muscle bridge (arrows) of the left anterior descending coronary artery (PA, pulmonary artery) (With the permission of Professor Robert Anderson, University College London).
(B) A muscle bridge of the left anterior descending coronary artery (L) with substantial stenosis and discoloration between the arrows that caused sudden death in an infant. (C) A short
axis view of the same heart in B showing myocardial infarction within the interventricular septum (S) and along the anterior aspects of both the right (R) and left (L) ventricles.
Fig. 50. (A) Atresia of the left coronary orifice (arrow). (B) Atretic left main coronary artery (two arrows) with an adjacent, atretic arterial
twig (arrow).
Fig. 50. (C) The left anterior descending artery (LAD) becomes larger as it extends down the septum and is supplied in a retrograde fashion
(arrows) by the right coronary artery (R). (A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery).
Fig. 51. (B) Right atrial isomerism in a fetus at 14 wk gestation: A and B, bilateral morphologic right atria (arrow in B is a left superior vena
cava); C and D, bilateral, trilobed lungs with eparterial bronchi (not shown); E, double outlet right ventricle with the aortic (A) outflow opened
and a white arrow designating the pulmonary outflow. There is an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) (arrow, coronary orifice; RV, right
ventricle); F, Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (four arrows). There was a right aortic arch and no ductus arteriosus (A, aorta; E,
esophagus; LL, left lung; LPA, left pulmonary artery).
smear. In more than 50% of cases, the liver is symmetric with most important and consistent feature is thoracic situs. The
the gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, and pancreas on the right lungs are bilaterally trilobed with bilateral eparterial bronchi.
side, with varying degrees of malrotation of the intestines. The Both atrial appendages are of right morphology (Fig. 51A,B).
(Fig. 53). A single spleen may also be present in some cases and
a determination must be made as to whether it arises on both
sides of the dorsal mesogastrium. The liver is in its normal
location in 25% of cases. In the remainder, the major lobe is
more commonly found on the left side. The gallbladder is asso-
ciated with the major lobe, or it may be positioned in the midline,
or it may be absent. In most patients, the stomach, duodenum,
and pancreas are on the right (Fig. 54). It is frequently associ-
ated with biliary atresia. Malrotation of the intestines is com-
mon. Just as with right atrial isomerism, the thoracic situs is the
most consistent feature. The lungs are bilaterally bilobed with
bilateral hyparterial bronchi, and both atria are of left morphol-
ogy. The atrial septum is usually more intact than with right
atrial isomerism. Bilateral SVC is a frequent finding, with a
single cava, usually on the left, commonly draining via the cor-
onary sinus. The SA node is usually hypoplastic and misplaced,
usually found close to the AV junction. Interruption of the IVC
or azygos continuation (Fig. 55) of the IVC is a common asso-
ciation, with the venous drainage from the abdomen returning
to either a right- or left-sided vena cava. The pulmonary veins
commonly drain in the normal fashion, but this too is variable.
Polysplenia has been reported with normally structured hearts,
and the defects are typically less severe. AVSDs are a common
finding with DORV; pulmonary atresia occurs less frequently.
PERSISTENT LEFT SVC This anomaly is commonly asso-
ciated with other congenital cardiac malformations and can be
Fig. 52. Bilateral inferior vena cava (R, right; L, left) in an infant found as an isolated lesion. Persistent left SVC is a venous
with right atrial isomerism. There were bilateral morphologic right channel derived from persistence of the left cardinal vein and
atrial appendages and a common atrium with only a remnant of the draining of the systemic venous return from the left half of the
atrial septum (arrow) remaining (RS, right-sided atrium; LS, left- body. It extends over the back of the left atrium, between the
sided atrium).
appendage and the pulmonary veins, along the AV sulcus, drain-
ing into an enlarged coronary sinus. To preserve a persistent left
Usually the atrial septum is absent, with only a small midline SVC requires careful dissection. The integrity of the connection
strand of tissue remaining. Some cases may have a more intact must be maintained, especially when opening the LA. This
septum with a FO or secundum defect and an associated ostium venous connection is often quite adherent to the left atrial wall
primum ASD. Rarely, the atrial septum may be intact. Bilateral and in some cases covers nearly it entire outer surface. A per-
SVC is present, with bilateral SA nodes, and the coronary sinus sistent left SVC can be present with a normal, hypoplastic, or
is almost always absent. The hepatic veins connect isomerically absent innominate vein (Fig. 56A–C) and a normal right SVC
to the atria with one draining as the IVC venous return (Fig. or with a hypoplastic or atretic right SVC. On initial in situ
52). Pulmonary venous return is often totally anomalous, with examination of the thorax, when the innominate vein is hypo-
the infradiaphragmatic type being more common. The pulmo- plastic or absent, a persistent left SVC should be immediately
nary veins may rarely drain into one or both of the atria. suspected.
The cardiac anomalies found in right atrial isomerism are VASCULAR RINGS These malformations of the aortic
typically more complicated than those associated with left atrial arch system typically cause compression of the trachea and
isomerism. VSDs are very common, with a high frequency of esophagus. Distal origin of the right subclavian artery occurs in
double inlet AV connection via a common AV valve. The ven- 0.5% of the United States population and rarely causes symp-
tricular morphology may exhibit a dominant LV with a rudimen- toms. Inspecting the vessels arising from the aortic arch on in
tary RV, a dominant RV with a rudimentary LV, or an indeter- situ examination can easily identify it. If the right brachio-
minate ventricle. DORV and pulmonary atresia are common, cephalic artery is not bifurcated into the right subclavian and
with any VA connection possible. The heart is usually malposi- common carotid arteries, there is most likely distal origin of the
tioned within the thorax and may be found in the right chest, in right subclavian artery. It arises distal to the left subclavian
the midline, or in the left chest, with the cardiac apex pointing artery, coursing behind the trachea and esophagus (Fig. 57A).
in any direction. The position of the heart and its apex must be If not identified before evisceration, it is easily destroyed.
described. A double aortic arch encircles the tracheoesophageal pedicle
Left Atrial Isomerism Left atrial isomerism is associated and is the result of persistence of the right fourth aortic arch
with bilateral left sidedness and polysplenia, consisting of (Fig. 57B,C). The two arches may be of equal size, or one may
multiple splenules on both sides of the dorsal mesogastrium be significantly smaller or even atretic. Both sides may give rise
Fig. 53. Multiple spleens on both sides of the dorsal mesogastrium as commonly seen with left atrial isomerism (polysplenia) (S, stomach).
Fig. 56. (A) Persistent left superior vena cava (L) with a hypoplastic innominate vein (arrow) (R, right superior vena cava; A, aorta; RA, right
atrium). (B) Persistent left superior vena cava (L) with absent innominate vein (R, right superior vena cava; Ao, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery).
(C) A large coronary sinus (arrow) as a result of a persistent left superior vena cava draining into it (FO, foramen ovale; TV, tricuspid valve).
(Fig. 58). Thoracoabdominal or abdominal ectopia is associated EFE The cause of EFE appears to be related to an intrauter-
with a defect in the lower sternum, diaphragm, and abdominal ine viral infection, particularly adenovirus and mumps virus. It
wall (omphalocele). It is common in pentalogy of Cantrell. can be focal, but most commonly it occurs as a diffuse prolif-
Fig. 57. (A) Illustration of distal origin of the right subclavian artery. (B) Double aortic arch (RAA, right aortic arch; LAA, left aortic arch;
DA, descending aorta; A, aorta; RA, right atrium; T, trachea; E, esophagus). (C) A vascular ring caused by RAA and a large patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) on the left that joins the DA posterior to the T and E (A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery).
eration of fibroelastic tissue beneath the endocardium. The LV Primary EFE has an incidence of 1 in 6000 live births and in
is predominantly effected and may result in restriction of dilated some cases may be familial. Cases have occurred in siblings,
cardiomyopathy (Fig. 59A,B). twins, and triplets. It occurs in the fetus and is present in the
Fig. 58. Ectopia cordis (H, heart; L, liver; UC, umbilical cord).
Fig. 60. Mitral valve prolapse with a floppy appearance and thick, redundant leaflets.
Fig. 61. A microscopic section of arrhymogenic RV dysplasia showing lipid infiltration into the myocardium. (H&E ´100)
Fig. 62. Microscopic appearance of histiocytoid cardiomyopathy with large cells containing granular cytoplasm (PAS 250).
lack a T-tubule system, contain scattered lipid droplets, are rich development. It is also known as persistence of spongy myocar-
in atypical mitochondria, contain leptomeric fibrils without dium and is a rare form of congenital cardiomyopathy. The LV
sarcomeres, and bear desmosomes. hypertrophy is a result of the decreased cardiac output; the
Surgical intervention with good long-term survival has been aberrant LV trabeculae is prone to abnormal cardiac conduc-
reported, and radio frequency ablation of a conduction defect tion and potentially fatal arrhythmias. The pattern of blood flow
may be an effective treatment for dysrhythmias. within the LV results in fibroelastosis of the adjacent ventricu-
Noncompaction of the left ventricle is a developmental arrest, lar endothelium. Thrombus formation and secondary embolic
where the LV wall fails to become flattened and smoother as events may occur as a result of interstices within the finely
it normally would during the first two months of embryonic trabeculated LV (Fig. 63).
Fig. 63. Noncompaction of the left ventricle (LV) with deep trabeculae (arrows) within the myocardium and extending nearly to the
epicardium (A, aorta; MV, mitral valve).
Fig. 64. Dilated cardiomyopathy with endocardial fibroelastosis (A, aorta; MV, mitral valve). Note the thickened myocardium on the left
anterior wall in the subaortic region.
CARDIOMYOPATHY There are three functional types Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (Fig. 64). of the idiopathic
of cardiomyopathy according to the World Health Organization: type is characterized by cardiac dilatation and congestive heart
congestive, obstructive, and restrictive (constrictive). failure. It frequently follows a respiratory or diarrheal disease and
typically occurs before 6 mo of age, most commonly in patients developing myocarditis some time during the course of their
under 1 yr old. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy comprises illness. Diagnosis can be established by means of light or elec-
approx 5% of heart-related deaths in children. EFE is present tron microscopy, by identification of specific viral antigens in
in the majority of cases. The cause of death is cardiogenic shock, the tissue by fluorescein- or peroxidase-labeled antibodies, and
dysrhythmia, and pulmonary dysfunction. Histologically, there by the presence of a fourfold increase in a specific, viral-asso-
is interstitial myocardial fibrosis with perivascular and pericel- ciated antibody titer using acute and convalescent sera. Patho-
lular collagen deposition and, frequently, endocardial fibrosis gens can also be identified by polymerase chain reaction.
with focal myocardial cell hypertrophy. Carnitine deficiency The most common virus recovered in neonatal myocarditis
should always be ruled out, especially if there is a family history. is coxsackie B3. Coxsackie A (types 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 16)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Fig. 7A, Ch. 17) is a pri- and ECHO viruses also cause myocarditis. In infected infants,
mary disease of the myocardium with an incidence of 1 in 500. human immunodeficiency virus also causes myocarditis.
It is rare in the first two decades of life, although it has been Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes, macroph-
described in stillborn infants, newborns, and infants. There are ages, and plasma cells, sometimes with eosinophils and giant
many synonyms for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, occluding cells, compose the inflammatory infiltrate. Typically, the pre-
idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, hypertrophic obstruc- dominant inflammatory cells are lymphocytes in viral myo-
tive cardiomyopathy, muscular subaortic stenosis, and asym- carditis. This is also the case with human immunodeficiency
metric septal hypertrophy. virus infection. Large numbers of eosinophils suggest a hyper-
Approximately 50% of cases are familial and inherited as sensitivity or parasitic infection.
autosomal dominant traits, and the remainder represent new In neonates, a chronic myocardial infection is usually caused
dominant mutations. The disease can be caused by a mutation by coxsackie virus and may lead to severe heart disease. Epi-
in one of four genes that encode proteins of the cardiac sarcom- carditis and pericarditis may be associated.
ere. These are the B-myosin heavy-chain on chromosome 14q1, Congenital toxoplasmosis, usually caused by Toxoplasma
cardiac troponin T on chromosome 1q3, tropomyosin on chro- gondii, affects the heart as part of multiple organ involvement.
mosome 15q2, and myosin-binding protein C genes. It is now The necrotizing lesions contain lymphocytes and histiocytes
possible to diagnose hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in asymp- with pseudocysts of T. gondii organisms.
tomatic children and fetuses on a molecular level. Clinically, Idiopathic giant cell myocarditis rarely occurs in infancy.
mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C It is characterized by a prominent circumscribed myocardial necro-
often have delayed expression until middle or old age. Family sis, myocytolysis, and a florid infiltrate of histiocytes, polymor-
members can now be screened if there is a history of hyper- phonuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and numerous
trophic cardiomyopathy. multinucleated giant cells. The cause is unclear, and an associa-
In infants, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may masquerade tion has been made with a variety of immunologic abnormalities.
as pulmonary valvular stenosis, congenital mitral insufficiency, Congenital syphilis causes fibrosis with a perivascular infil-
VSD, EFE, or myocarditis. Sudden death is not uncommon (6%) trate. The inflammatory infiltrate extends from the epicardium
in patients less than 15 yr old. Death characteristically occurs into the underlying myocardium and consists principally of
following exercise from obstruction to the left ventricular out- plasma cells that surround the coronary arteries and arterioles.
flow. This obstruction is caused by the asymmetric hypertro- Myocarditis in congenital rubella is transient. The incidence
phy of the interventricular septum and the close proximity of of CHD with transplacental rubella infection varies from 30 to
the anterior mitral valve leaflet that slams shut against the bulg- 90%. The most common defect is PDA, followed by PA branch
ing septum when there is increased filling of the LV. At autopsy, stenosis, systemic arterial sclerosis, and myocarditis. The less
there is asymmetric septal hypertrophy with an abnormally high common defects are ASD, VSD, TOF, SVAS, retroesophageal
ratio of ventricular septal thickness to LV posterior wall thick- right subclavian artery, multivalvular sclerosis, coarctation,
ness (> 1.3:1, although ratios > 2.5:1 are not uncommon). The TA, TGA, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, and
ratio is not applicable when evaluating hypertrophic cardiomy- tricuspid valvular atresia.
opathy in the stillborn or neonate because the ventricular sep- Eosinophilic myocarditis is characterized by endomyo-
tum is thicker in the developing heart. The RV may also be cardial fibrosis with peripheral eosinophilia. Endomyocar-
involved with the hypertrophy, which is usually symmetric. His- dial fibrosis and hypereosinophilia syndrome are also associ-
tologically, the myocardial cells are short, stubby, and hyper- ated. Organized and organizing layers of mural thrombi cause
trophied, and the myocardial fibers are in disarray deep in the endocardial thickening, and the thrombi is rich in eosinophils.
septum. A characteristic whorled pattern is the result of the gross Degranulation of eosinophils may result in necrosis with eosi-
disorganization of the muscle bundles (Fig. 7B, Ch. 17). Con- nophilic myocarditis.
siderable interstitial fibrosis is present in affected myocardium. INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS Endocarditis is more
Electron microscopy shows the same features. Six criteria have likely to occur in CHDs with a shunt from a high-pressure to a
been suggested for the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyop- low-pressure area. The vegetations occur on the low-pressure
athy in infants. (sink area) side, and typical sites are the atrial side of the AV
Information on metabolic cardiomyopathies can be found in valve and the ventricular side of the semilunar valves (Fig. 65).
chapter 19, titled Metabolic Disorders (Table 7). Vegetations can be found on the endocardial surface of a septal
MYOCARDITIS Myocarditis, in most cases, is caused by defect, suture line, synthetic patch, or prosthetic device. It is
a virus, with 5–15% of patients who have a viral infection more common on the right side of the heart.
Table 7
Metabolic Cardiomyopathies
Disorders of amino acid metabolism Neonatal effects of maternal disorders
Alkaptonuria Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy
Homocystinuria Lupus erythematosus
Oxalosis Catecholamine cardiomyopathy
Hyperglycinemia Storage diseases
Carnitine deficiency Glycogen storage diseases types II, III, IV
Primary Mucopolysaccharidoses
Secondary Mucolipidoses
Mitochondrial disorders (with or without morphologically I cell disease
abnormal mitochondria) Gangliosidoses: GM1, types I and II, GM2, types I and II
Respiratory chain disorders Lipid storage diseases
Cytochrome-c reductase coenzyme deficiency Fabry disease
Cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency Gaucher disease
Cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency with “histiocytoid” Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
myocardial change Multisystem triglyceride storage disease
Kearns-Sayre syndrome Disseminated lipogranulomatosis (Farber disease)
MELAS syndrome Disorders of metal and pigment metabolism
MERRF syndrome Hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis
X-linked mitochondrial myopathy (Barth syndrome) Wilson disease
Neuromuscular diseases Menkes kinky hair syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Becker muscular dystrophy Hyperlipoproteinemias
Nemaline myopathy Tangier disease
Malignant hyperthermia Obstructive disorders
Familial periodic paralysis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Friedreich ataxia Infant of diabetic mother
Kugelberg-Welander Syndrome Hereditary HCMP with mitochondrial myopathy of skeletal muscle
Myotubular myopathy and cataracts
Connective tissue disorders Leigh disease (subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy)
Marfan syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
MELAS = myopathy, encehalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke; MERRF = myopathy, encephalopathy, ragged red fibers; DCMP, dilated cardio-
myopathy; HCMP, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Table 8 Table 9
Conditions Predisposing Disorders in Infants Predisposing
to Infective Endocarditis to Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
Congenital heart defects Congenital cardiac malformations
Ventricular septal defect Aortic atresia or stenosis
Tetralogy of Fallot Pulmonic atresia
Aortic stenosis Anomalous pulmonary venous return
Pulmonary stenosis Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery
Patent ductus arteriosus Transposition of treat vessels
Coarctation of aorta Hypoplastic left heart complex
Surgically created cardiac and vascular shunts Perinatal asphyxia
Intracardiac and intravascular prostheses Persistent fetal circulation
Cardiac catheterization Meconium aspiration
Long-term indwelling catheters Fetal hydrops
Immunodeficiency disorders (congenital or acquired) Maternal diabetes mellitus
Renal transplants Viral myocarditis
Prolonged antibiotic therapy Infective endocarditis
Ventriculoatrial shunts for hydrocephalus Sepsis
Sepsis Fetomaternal transfusion
Umbilical infection Fluid overload
Skin infection Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Meningitis Kawasaki disease
Pneumonia Periarteritis nodosa
Peritonitis Infective endocarditis
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and
Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997. Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
to the RA may be associated with RV ischemia. Left ventricular Normal heart weights are compared to age, gender, and body
injury occurs in infants with aortic atresia or stenosis, or those weight in adults, with body weight being the best correlate. In
with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pul- the pediatric population, it is important to remember that the
monic trunk. A child with severe bradycardia and shock may best correlation is made between the crown-heel length and the
have only left-sided injury. weight of the heart.
Sampling for microscopic examination should be from all The myocardial thickness is usually measured between 1.0
papillary muscles and adjacent free ventricular and atrial walls and 1.5 cm below the TV annulus on the right and the MV
and from the septal myocardium near the membranous septum. annulus on the left. Papillary muscles or trabeculae should not
Ischemia of the AV node or the bundle of His is not infrequent, be included in these measurements. The valves are usually
and isolated transmural or massive septal injury is rare. Tri- measured as to their circumference, rather than their diameter.
chrome stains are helpful for demonstrating the characteristic AV valves are measured along their annulus and the VA valves
wavy fibers (Majno effect). Other characteristic findings include are measured at the sinotubular junction of the semilunar valve
coagulative necrosis, contraction band necrosis, and myocyto- leaflets. It is important to remember that fixation may decrease
lysis or vacuolar degeneration. Dystrophic calcification is com- the valvular circumference by 10–25%. In contrast, when per-
mon in areas of myocardial ischemia. fusion-fixation is used, the valve circumferences may be
Contraction band necrosis is common in older children after slightly larger. This is especially evident on the right side of the
shock, reperfusion, and inflammatory myocardial injury. It is heart.
rare in perinates. Characterized by large transverse, hypercon-
tracted bands of shortened sarcomeres, it may be the only clue
to events surrounding the death of a stillborn or severely as- AND MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION
phyxiated newborn. Lendrum’s Martius scarlet blue, trichrome, Dissection and sectioning of pediatric hearts differs from
and modified Luxol fast blue are helpful stains for identifying those procedures used in adult hearts. The gross specimen in
contraction band necrosis (Table 9). hearts with CHD forms the basis for diagnosis. Microscopic
sectioning is usually limited and may depend on the clinical
WEIGHING AND MEASURING THE HEART history, certain gross findings, or special interests of the pro-
In adults, the aorta and pulmonary artery are cut off just above sector. Photographs of complex congenital anomalies are usu-
the valve ring, and the lungs are removed before it is weighed. ally more valuable than any number of microscopic sections.
Pediatric hearts are weighed in a similar fashion when there is When sections are required, they can usually be taken along
a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy or a metabolic disease. Other one of the cuts made when the heart was opened. Sections are
pediatric hearts are often left attached to the lungs to maintain transmural and with small hearts can often include atrium,
the integrity of the vascular connections or separated from the valve, and ventricle. This can be done on both the right and left
lungs with the aorta left intact posterior to the DA. sides, usually including a papillary muscle on the left. The
sections can be up to 1.5 cm wide and approx 0.3 cm thick. In can be used to hold the heart in the necessary position to obtain
hearts with cardiomyopathy, ischemia, and conduction abnor- the best view of any congenital defect. A portion of black velvet
malities, more sections are indicated. or velvetlike paper can be placed under the specimen or strips
The valves in cases with suspected endocarditis must be of the same material placed under the edges of the heart to hide
carefully inspected as the heart is being opened so that cultures the board.
can be taken. Following antibiotic treatment, microscopic sec-
tions can be stained with a Grocott methenamine silver stain to
better demonstrate the dead bacteria. Becker AE, Anderson RH. Cardiac Anatomy: An Integrated Text and
Color Atlas. London: Gower Medical Publishing Ltd., 1980.
Hearts with surgical repairs should have all grafts and anasta- Becker AE, Anderson RH. Pathology of Congenital Heart Disease. Lon-
moses documented and their patency noted. Any evidence of don: Butterworth, 1981.
synthetic graft infection requires a culture. Synthetic grafts Debich DE, Devine WA, Anderson RH. Polysplenia with normally struc-
should be evaluated with respect to adjacent structures because tured hearts. Am J Cardiol 1990;65:1274.
Devine WA, Debich DE, Anderson RH. Dissection of congenitally mal-
they may cause constriction or erode into them. All anastamoses
formed hearts, with comments on the value of sequential segmental
in transplanted hearts must be examined for thrombus or obstruc- analysis. Pediatr Pathol 1991;11:235–259.
tion. The coronary arteries require microscopic examination. Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant, ch. 18,
Communication with the surgeon before performing the au- 19. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book Inc., 1997.
topsy or dissecting the heart will make the process easier. Knowl- Gilbert-Barness E, Barness LA. Non malformative cardiovascular path-
ology in infants and children. Perspect Pediatr Pathol 2000;22:75.
edge of the more common surgical repairs is valuable. Some sur- Lenox CC, Debich DE, Zuberbuhler JR. The role of coronary artery
gical repairs are explained and described in the Appendix. abnormalities in the prognosis of truncus arteriosus. J Thorac Cardio-
vasc Surg 1992;104:1728–1742.
Ludwig J, ed. Handbook of Autopsy Pathology, 3rd ed. Totowa, NJ: Humana
PHOTOGRAPHY Press, 2002.
Sharma S, Devine WA, Anderson RH, Zuberbuhler JR. Identification
Fixing the heart in formalin for 5–10 min before photograph- and analysis of left atrial isomerism. Am J Cardiol 1987;60:1157–
ing will dull the surfaces of the fresh heart and still maintain the 1160.
color of the tissue. Some of the blood is removed as well. Allow Tauth J, Sullebarger T. Myocardial infarction associated with myocar-
dial bridging: case history and review of the literature. Cath Cardio-
the heart to dry for a few minutes in a paper towel following vasc Diagn 1997;40:364–367.
immersion in formalin. This technique allows for a much better Valdes-Dapena M, Huff D. Perinatal autopsy manual. Armed Forces
photograph with less glare. A corkboard and long straight pins Institute of Pathology, 1983.
Appendix 1
Autopsy Checklist for Evaluation of Congenital Heart Disease
Below Diaphragm To
Below Diaphragm To
Morphologic Right Ventricle Right-sided Left-sided Hypoplastic Hypertrophy
Atrioventricular Biventricular Concordant Discordant Ambiguous
Tricuspid Valve Normal % Right Ventricle % Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Normal Atretic Hypoplastic Absent Other
Pulmonary #Leaflets % to Right ventricle % to Left ventricle
Adapted from Ludwig J, editor: Handbook of Autopsy Practice, 3rd ed., Ch. 3, pp. 42–43.
Appendix 2
Operative Procedures for Correction of Congenital Heart Defects
Name Surgical procedure Objective Uses Complications Diagram
Blalock-Taussig End-to-side anastomosis, Increase pulmonary TOF Subclavian steal syndrome with brain
shunt (modified) R subclavian artery to blood flow PA atresia abscess and infarcts (original procedure)
ipsilateral PA (A) Enlarge valve and PAs PA stenosis Shunt failure: Anastomosis not expanding
Synthetic graft more with growth, thrombotic occlusion, kinking
common (B) or arterial deformities
Rare: Pulmonary hypertension, aneurysm
Pott’s procedure Descending thoracic aorta Increase pulmonary TOF Stenosis or obstruction of RPA anastomosis,
to LPA blood flow PA atresia excessive PA flow, CHF, PA hypertension,
PA stenosis difficult to take down
Rare: aneurysm
Glenn shunt SVC to RPA, PA transected Increase pulmonary Tricuspid atresia Abnormal perfusion of R lung, pulmonary
(redirectional: pulmonary blood flow Univentricular arteriovenous fistulas with R to L shunting,
confluence maintained) heart with SVC syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy
PA stenosis with intestinal lymphangiectasia, candida
sepsis, venous collateral channels
Blalock Hanlon Inoperative atrial Increase shunting at Palliative procedure Cerebral emboli
septectomy atrial level for TGA with intact
ventricular septum,
HLH, tricuspid atresia,
failure of a balloon
Rashkind Inflated balloon pulled Increase shunting at Palliative procedure Failure if FO is stretched, not torn
across FO, tearing septum atrial level for TGA with Rare: atrial perforation
(balloon atrial septostomy) intact ventricular
septum, HLH,
tricuspid atresia
Mustard Atrial switch—remove Redirect systemic TGA Systemic venous obstruction, pulmonary venous
atrial septum and create venous flow to LV obstruction, atrial arrhythmias, eventual RV
intra-atrial baffle with and pulmonary venous failure, tricuspid regurgitation, LV outflow
pericardium or Dacron flow to RV (hemo- obstruction, pulmonary hypertension, triscupsid
Senning dynamic correction endocarditis
with RV remaining
the systemic ventricle)
Transcatheter After echocardiogram Less invasive, Closure of ASD, Device pulling through the defect, dislodging
closure of ASDs, sizing of the defect, nonoperative repair VSD, and PDA of implanted device requiring emergency
VSDs, and an occluder and counter with decreased surgery, unsuccessful closure, bradycardia,
PDAs with occluder are inserted hospital stay hypotension, improper implantation
“buttoned” through a catheter
devices delivery system
Rastelli RV to PA conduit with Reestablish pulmonary TGA, VSD, and PA CHF, conduit obstruction, valve dysfunction
prosthetic valve, VSD flow and form a LV- stenosis, PA atresia, ventricular arrhythmias, heart block
repair such that LV is aortic connection TA, DORV, TOF
attached to aorta
Muller-Dammann PA banding Decrease pulmonary Large VSD (with or Inadequate pulmonary flow leading to cyanosis
blood flow, without PDA, and polycythemia, distal migration of band,
preventing pulmonary coarctation), TGA thrombosis, calcification, aneurysm, secondary
hypertension without subpulmonic thickening of pulmonary valve, RV hypertrophy,
Prevent massive PA stenosis or with adhesions may make debanding impossible
dilatation in TOF with large shunts, DORV, without arterioplasty
absent pulmonary TOF with absent
valve pulmonary valve,
univentricular heart
Fontan Conduit from RA to PA Bypass tricuspid Tricuspid atresia, Mural thrombi in RA, pulmonary thrombosis,
Jatene (great Transection of PA and Reestablish TGA PA stenosis; kinking of coronary artery or ostial
arterial switch) aorta reattaching them ventriculoarterial stenosis; residual VSD; aortic valvular
to form concordant concordance regurgitation; endocarditis
Implantation of coronary
ostia into pulmonary
trunk (“neoaorta”)
Norwood Ascending aorta is created To establish adequate HLH Atrial arrhythmias, regulation of pulmonary
from the main PA systemic and PA vascular resistance, regulation of systemic
RV becomes systemic blood flow from the to PA blood flow, aortic artch obstruction
ventricle and PAs are larger RV
supplied via a shunt
PA, Pulmonary artery; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; L, left; R, right; CHF, congestive heart failure; SVC, superior vena cava; TGA, transposition of the great arteries; HLH, hypoplastic left heart;
FO, foramen ovale; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; VSD, ventricular septal defect; TA, truncus arterioeus; DORV, double outlet right ventricle; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; RA, right
atrium; RAV, right atrioventricular; ASD, atrial septal defect.
Appendix 3
Female Fetus and Newborn Heart Weights and Measurements
GA, Mean Body CH Heart LV RV TV PV MV AV
mos SD wt, gm cm wt, gm mm mm mm mm mm mm
5 M 330 23.5 4.9 2.0 2.0 12 S 10 8
6 M 767 31.9 6.5 2.5 2.2 21 11 18 10
SD 2.3 1.0 0.6 6 4 4 4
7 M 1,110 35.4 9.2 3.0 2.3 23 13 21 12
SD 2.9 1.3 0.9 7 3 5 3
8 M 1,718 40.7 13 3.6 2.4 28 15 24 15
SD 3 1.1 1.1 6 4 5 3
9 M 2,476 45.2 16 4.2 3.0 33 18 29 18
SD 5 1.5 1.2 6 3 5 4
10* M 3,172 49.6 21 4.4 3.4 37 21 31 19
SD 5 1.4 1.4 7 4 6 3
10** M 3.085 49.7 21 4.5 3.2 38 22 32 20
SD 5 1.3 1.0 5 3
M, mean; SD, standard deviation. SD are not calculated when cases number < 5.
*, Stillborn; **, Liveborn to 1 week.
Schulz DM, Giordano DA, Schulz DH. Hearts of Infants and Children. Weights and Measurements. Arch Pathol 1962;74:244–250.
Appendix 4
Female Infant Heart Weights and Measurements
Age, Mean CH Heart LV RV TV PV MV AV
mos SD cm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 M 51.9 21 5.3 2.7 38 23 31 21
SD 5 1.0 0.7 5 4 4 3
2 M 54.0 26 6.3 2.8 40 25 34 22
SD 6 1.5 0.8 5 3 5 3
3 M 57.0 28 6.0 2.6 42 26 36 25
SD 4 1.2 1.1 5 3 4 3
4 M 59.0 30 6.6 2.5 45 28 38 26
SD 6 1.1 0.8 5 3 5 4
5 M 62.2 36 7.0 2.6 49 28 39 28
SD 5 1.6 0.8 6 3 4 4
6 M 63.0 37 7.1 2.5 48 29 40 28
SD 7 1.3 0.7 5 4 4 3
7 M 65.4 40 7.1 2.7 50 28 40 28
SD 9 1.7 1.1 7 5 4 4
8 M 66.5 41 7.2 2.5 50 29 41 29
SD 7 1.4 0.7 5 4 7 4
9 M 68.3 41 7.0 2.6 51 30 42 30
SD 5 1.2 0.7 6 5 5 4
10 M 67.5 43 7.2 2.5 53 31 45 30
SD 7 2.4 0.7 3 3 5 3
11 M 70.5 44 7.4 2.6 53 32 46 32
SD 8 1.4 0.7 5 3 3 4
12 M 71.5 49 7.8 2.7 54 32 46 33
SD 6 2.4 0.5 4 4 4 5
M, mean; SD, standard deviation. SDs are not calculated when < 5 cases.
It is important to remember that crown heel (CH) lengths, rather than age or body weight, are the standards against which expected measurements
are to be determined.
Schulz DM, Giordano DA, Schulz DH. Hearts of Infants and Children. Weights and Measurements. Arch Pathol 1962;74:244–250.
Appendix 5
Male Fetus and Newborn Heart Weights and Measurements
GA, Mean Body CH Heart LV TV RV PV MV AV
mos SD wt, gm cm wt, gm mm mm mm mm mm mm
5 M 312 22.7 4.6 2.o 13 2.0 8 12 9
6 M 729 30.6 6.2 2.8 23 2.0 12 20 10
SD 2.9 0.8 4 0.7 4 4 1
7 M 1,145 36.2 9.8 3.5 24 2.6 14 22 13
SD 4.8 1.0 5 0.8 2 6 2
8 M 1.778 40.6 14 3.9 31 2.8 18 26 16
SD 4 1.5 6 1.3 3 6 3
9 M 2,420 45.0 18 4.2 34 3.0 20' 29 18
SD 4 1.5 5 1.1 3 5 3
10* M 3,277 49.4 23 4.6 38 3.4 22 33 20
SD 6 1.5 6 1.4 4 7 2
10** M 3,171 49.3 23 4.6 38 3.2 22 32 20
SD 5 1.1 5 1.0 4 5 3
M, mean; SD, standard deviation (SD are not calculated when cases number < 5).
* Stillborn; ** Liveborn to 1 week
Schulz DM, Giordano DA, Schulz DH. Hearts of Infants and Children. Weights and Measurements. Arch Pathol 1962;74:244–250.
Appendix 6
Male Infant Heart Weights and Measurements
Age, Mean CH Heart LV RV TV PV MV AV
mos SD cm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 M 51.4 23 5.9 2.6 38 23 33 21
SD 7 1.5 0.7 5 4 4 3
2 M 54.0 27 6.0 2.9 42 25 34 23
SD 7 1.5 1.0 6 4 5 3
3 M 57.7 30 6.4 2.5 44 27 36 26
SD 7 1.7 1.0 5 4 5 4
4 M 60.4 31 6.5 2.3 47 27 38 26
SD 7 1.3 0.7 5 4 4 4
5 M 62.0 35 6.8 2.6 48 29 41 27
SD 5 1.9 0.8 5 4 5 4
6 M 64.2 40 7.4 2.6 50 31 42 28
SD 8 1.7 0.9 6 5 4 3
7 M 66.7 43 7.6 2.8 50 31 42 29
SD 8 1.9 1.1 6 5 4 4
8 M 68.2 44 7.6 2.7 52 32 44 32
SD 8 1.8 1.0 8 4 6 3
9 M 69.4 45 7.4 2.4 54 32 45 30
SD 7 1.6 0.6 7 4 4 3
10 M 69.7 46 7.5 2.6 54 34 45 33
SD 6 1.5 0.7 6 5 4 4
11 M 70.5 48 7.3 2.5 55 33 46 32
SD 7 1.4 0.4 4 3 3 3
12 M 73.8 50 7.9 2.8 55 35 47 33
SD 6 1.6 0.8 4 4 3 2
M, mean; SD, standard deviation. SD are not calculated when cases number < 5.
It is important to remember that crown heel (CH) lengths, rather than age or body weight, are the standards against which expected measurements
are to be determined.
Schulz DM, Giordano DA, Schulz DH. Hearts of Infants and Children, Weights and Measurements. Arch Pathol 1962;74:244-250.
Appendix 7
Perfusion Fixation of the Heart
The heart and lungs should be removed en bloc. Infant hearts will require smaller tubing and instruments. This procedure produces
excellent teaching specimens when dissected by the window method following perfusion.
1. For small hearts: An intravenous set from the nursery provides tubing of ideal size along with a clamp.
For larger hearts: A larger, pliable piece of tubing and a stout hemostat.
2. A plastic container or bucket at least 5 inches deep and 7 inches in diameter (larger hearts may require a larger container).
3. Nontraumatic, already threaded needle.
4. Suture material or heavier string for larger hearts.
5. A bottle with a spout near the bottom to connect the tubing. If the bottle has a stop-cock, a clamp will not be needed to occlude
the tubing.
6. Saline and formalin.
Tie off all of the vessels extending from the aortic arch, if not already tied during the evisceration process. The cut end of the
aorta above the diaphragm and the SVC are left open for now.
Using the nontraumatic needle and suture material, a purse string suture is placed around the IVC. Pull it tight to close the IVC
and tie it securely.
Elevate the bottle of saline approx 6 in above the work surface. The tubing should be clamped or the stop-cock on the bottle
turned off.
Insert the free end of the tubing (obliquely cut) into the opened end of the SVC, extending it well into the RA. A double tie
is placed around the SVC and the tubing to secure it in place.
Open the clamp on the tubing or turn the stop-cock to the on position allowing the saline to fill the heart. The specimen should
immediately begin to enlarge. If small leaks are found, tie them off or clamp them. Do not attempt to tie off all of the intercostal
arteries. Saline should flow from the cut edge of the aorta and should well up in the trachea.
Allow a second bottle of saline to run through, clearing the system of blood.
Tie off the open end of the aorta.
Fill the bottle with formalin and place it approx 2 ft above the work surface and the specimen. A sink is the optimal place to
perform the perfusion. The specimen is placed in the plastic container or bucket and will eventually be totally submerged in
formalin. Allow the formalin to run through and fill the bottle a second time. Allow the heart to sit 12 to 24 hr.
The tubing and ties are removed and the fibroadipose tissue and blood clot are dissected and cleaned from the specimen. Once
the specimen is adequately dissected, the windowing process can begin.
Appendix 8
Paraffin Preservation of Heart Specimens
1. The heart is perfused and fixed as described in Appendix 7.
2. The heart is placed in a solution of formalin and alcohol (1 part of 100% formalin and 1 part of absolute alcohol). The heart
is left in this solution for at least 24 h, for larger hearts up to 48 h.
3. Remove all of the ties and tubing as well as the crushed tissue that was beneath the ties. The heart is suspended in progressively
increasing grades of alcohol, leaving the heart in each solution from 12 to 24 h (depending on the size of the heart). The alcohol
solutions are: 70%, 80%, 90%, and absolute (100%) alcohol ´ 2.
4. The heart is placed in xylene for 12 to 24 h.
5. Drain the xylene from the heart and place it in a container of molten wax in the oven. The wax is changed three times over
a 48 h period.
6. The heart is removed from the paraffin and the excess was shaken off.
7. The heart can now be prepared by the window method, beginning with small windows that can become progressively larger
to demonstrate the anomalies.
8. The size and shape of the windows can vary and histologic sections can be obtained at this time. If the paraffin hardens before
windowing is complete, the heart can be placed in the oven/incubator for 15 to 20 min allowing the wax to soften.
9 Respiratory System
DEVELOPMENT the potential air spaces become dilated. Fixation of the lungs by
OF THE HUMAN RESPIRATORY TRACT the intratracheal introduction of fixing solution under low pres-
The first stage of lung development, which encompasses the sure similarly distends the alveolar ducts and alveoli and pro-
first half of intrauterine life, consists of elaboration of a system duces an appearance identical to that found in the lungs of
of branching tubules derived from a bud arising from the endo- infants who have died of anoxia before birth, except that when
dermal tube, the branches being widely separated by the mes- the distending fluid is artificially introduced, little or no debris
enchyme that proliferates simultaneously with the endodermal is present. Such intratracheal instillation dilates the potential
derivatives (Fig. 1; Table 1). The second stage begins at about air spaces and permits visualization of the normal structure of
midpregnancy and continues until after birth. It consists of vas- the lung in a way not otherwise possible. It allows observation
cularization of the tubular framework accompanied by progres- of the extent of alveolar development, the thickness of alveolar
sive reduction in the intervening mesenchyme (Fig. 2). septa, and the location of abnormal infiltrations of cells, which
Two types of cells are recognized among those covering the is often impossible in a lung handled by the usual methods. For
alveolar surfaces. Type I cells have greatly attenuated cyto- study, it is desirable to inject one lung, leaving the other in its
plasm that covers the greater part of all capillaries. Type II cells natural state.
have a prominent endoplasmic reticulum. They contain large If the fetus that is stimulated to respire excessively survives
numbers of mitochondria, lipid bodies, and myelin figures and and continues to breathe in utero, a constant absorption of fluid
are the source of the lipoprotein complex surfactant, which acts permits concentration of the solid material, and the alveolar
to lower surface tension and is required for lung stability. The ducts may become distended by epithelial cells and vernix
two types of cells are intermixed over the alveolar surfaces. caseosa. Such debris may seriously interfere with the breathing
The ingrowth of capillaries marks the gradual differentia- of air after birth.
tion of alveolar ducts and alveoli, and by the end of the 28th wk, Increased fetal activity in the presence of anoxia increases the
when the fetus weighs about 1000 g, the vascular development amount of particulate material in the amniotic fluid. At autopsy
of the lung is such that it can supply enough oxygen to the fetus examination, lungs that are filled with amniotic sac contents
for an independent existence. Because the capillary bed is ex- as a result of massive aspiration can be easily and completely
posed to the potential air spaces in the lungs, it continues to inflated with air under controlled pressures.
proliferate throughout fetal life. Each succeeding week of intra- RESPIRATION AFTER BIRTH Every infant whose cen-
uterine life increases the efficacy with which pulmonary venti- tral nervous system has not been depressed before birth will
lation can be maintained when the infant must oxygenate its breathe air immediately after delivery.
blood through the lungs instead of the placenta. EVIDENCE OF LIVE BIRTH To establish the time of death
RESPIRATION BEFORE BIRTH As long as the fetus is in in relation to birth may be impossible from evidence obtained
utero, fluid is present in the spaces of all portions of the grow- by postmortem examination. An infant is considered to be born
ing lung. Amniotic fluid is drawn into the lungs before birth by when it is entirely outside the mother’s body, even before the
active inspiratory movements. Squamous epithelial cells are cord is cut. If the heart is beating, it is live-born even if it never
found in a high percentage of autopsies of newborn infants, indi- breathes. If air does not enter the infant’s lungs after birth, there
cating that respiratory movements before birth are common. is no way of determining at autopsy whether the heart stopped
Abnormal stimulation of respiratory activity before birth, beating before or after delivery.
usually as a result of hypoxia, may distend the potential air The dilation of alveolar ducts and alveoli resulting from
spaces. If this occurs, much more fluid may be present than if breathing air after birth can generally be easily distinguished
the fetus had not been stimulated to inspire more deeply than from the uniform dilation produced by inhalation of fluid in
is normal. utero. If an infant, especially one who is premature, has breathed
If the fetus is stimulated to increased respiratory activity air for only a few minutes or even a few hours, the proximal air
because of anoxia, it aspirates more fluid than is normal, and spaces after death are proportionately more distended than the
more distal ones, and many of the more distal ones may be col-
lapsed and the walls approximated. The air-containing alveoli,
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness even though not fully expanded, tend to assume a rounded out-
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ line that is not seen in alveoli expanded by fluid.
Table 1
Developmental Stages of the Human Respiratory Tract
Embryonic stage
24 d Tracheal bud forms
26–28 d Stem bronchial buds form
35 d Lobar bronchi form
Glandular stage
5–12 wk Further bronchial branchings occur
5–16 wk Glandular development of lung
12–25/26 wk Tracheal glands develop craniocaudally
16 wk Terminal bronchioles form
Canalicular stage
16–24 wk Respiratory bronchioles form
Saccular stage
24–35 wk Saccules form
Fig. 1. Glandular stage of lung development: fetus at 14 wk of Alveolar stage
gestation. 35 wk–2 yr Alveoli begin to form
Table 2
Examples of Syndromes Associated With Isolated Cleft Palate: Presumed Inheritance
Chromosomal Autosomal-dominant Autosomal-recessive X-linked Sporadic occurrence
Trisomy 13; duplication Stickler syndrome Diastrophic dwarfism Oculopalatodigital Hanhart or
3P, 10P, 11P; deletion 4P, Apert syndrome Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome aglossia-adactylia
4Q, 7Q Marfan syndrome syndrome Braun-type nephrosis complex
Mandibulofacial Multiple pterygium Gorlin skeletovascular Congenital oral teratoma
dysostosis syndrome syndrome Buccopharyngeal
Spondyloepiphyseal Stapes fixation and Bilateral renal agenesis membrane
dysplasia congenita oligodontia Craniofrontonasal Oral duplication
Camptodactyly and Cerebrocostomandibular dysplasia (XLD) Caudal regression
clubfoot syndrome Orofaciodigital anomaly
Larsen syndrome Chondrodystrophia syndrome type I Klippel-Feil anomaly
Wiedemann-Beckwith calcificans congenita (XLD) Oligohydramnios
syndrome Dubowitz syndrome sequence
Wildervanck Campomelic syndrome Bilateral renal agenesis
syndrome Tel Hashomer Various chromosomal
Chotzen syndrome camptodactyly syndrome syndromes
CPLS† syndrome Acrocallosal syndrome Amniotic bands
Achondroplasia Bixler syndrome Clefting ectropion
Cleidocranial Juberg-Hayward syndrome Holoprosencephaly*
dysplasia Meckel syndrome
Brachmann-de Lange Miller syndrome
syndrome Orofaciodigital type II
Hereditary renal Roberts syndrome
adysplasia Rosselli-Gulienetti syndrome
Maternally transmitted Short rib polydactyly
myotonic dystrophy syndrome type 2
*Heterogeneous: sporadic, chromosomal, autosomal recessive, or dominant.
†CPLS = cleft palate–lateral synechia.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Laryngeal Stenosis Excluding laryngomalacia, stenosis of the disease. The papillomas are sessile papillary lesions. If these
is the most common laryngeal anomaly (Fig. 3). Types of laryn- lesions extend into the tracheobronchial tree, respiratory obstruc-
geal stenosis include supraglottic web, glottic web, subglottic tion and death may occur. The development of squamous carci-
web, and subglottic stenosis. A laryngeal web may occur behind noma in the lung has been reported.
the anterior commissure and has also been reported in associa- DEVELOPMENTAL ABNORMALITIES OF THE TRACHEA
tion with TEF. The normal trachea has 22 cartilage rings from the lower
Laryngeal Atresia Laryngeal atresia is very rare. Three border of the larynx to the carina. The most common cause of
patterns of laryngeal atresia have been reported. Type I is atre- short trachea is the Klippel-Feil anomaly, defined clinically as
sia of both subglottic and infraglottic portions of the larynx; the triad of short neck, low occipital hairline, and decreased
type II is infraglottic atresia; and type III is glottic atresia. mobility of the neck. Patients with the Opitz (Opitz-Frias, G)
Laryngotracheoesophageal Cleft Three anatomic types syndrome may have an abnormally short trachea. Diffuse trach-
of laryngotracheoesophageal cleft have been described. Poste- eal stenosis caused by napkin-ring tracheal cartilages (absence
rior laryngeal cleft (laryngeal fissure), which is the most com- of the pars membranacea of the trachea) associated with left
mon form, accounts for approx 50% of cases. Cleft of the larynx pulmonary arterial sling is associated with an abnormally long
and upper trachea occurs in approx 25% of cases, and complete trachea, which may have up to 26 cartilage rings.
cleft of the larynx and trachea to the level of the carina occurs Tracheal Agenesis Tracheal agenesis is a rare malforma-
in approx 25% of cases. This anomaly occurs in the Opitz syn- tion (Fig. 5). Most cases involve other malformations, includ-
drome and in the Pallister-Hall syndrome of congenital hypo- ing cardiac, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary anomalies.
thalamic hamartoblastoma, hypopituitarism, imperforate anus, Tracheomalacia Inspiratory collapse of the trachea at the
and postaxial polydactyly. level of the cervicothoracic junction occurs with high airway
Laryngotracheal Papillomatosis Multiple squamous papil- obstruction and is often seen with stridor (Fig. 6). Tracheal car-
lomas (Fig. 4) in laryngotracheal papillomatosis usually become tilage is defective, with mucoid degeneration.
apparent during childhood but may begin in infancy. Usually Tracheal Stenosis Tracheal stenosis with ring tracheal car-
confined to the larynx, about 5% extend into the trachea and tilages (absence of the pars membranacea of the trachea) and
rarely into the pulmonary parenchyma. Four subtypes of human abnormal carrot-shaped trachea is frequent in the left pulmo-
papillomavirus type 6 have been isolated from the lesions; human nary artery sling anomaly. Three patterns of tracheal stenosis are
papillomavirus-6C is associated with more aggressive spread described: 1) diffuse generalized hypoplasia (approx 30% of
Fig. 10. Diagram of bronchial patterns and relations of pulmonary artery to bronchi in pulmonary isomerism syndromes. (A) Normal
eparterial bronchus on the right; hyparterial bronchus on the left. (B) Asplenia, M-aniosplenia; eparterial bronchus bilaterally. (C) Polysplenia,
F- aniosplenia; hyparterial bronchus bilaterally. (D) Situs inversus; hyparterial bronchus on the right, eparterial bronchus on the left.
Fig. 12. Diagram of a normal cilium: nine peripheral microtubular doublets and two central microtubules. The peripheral doublets are
connected to each other by nexin links (not shown), and the central microtubules are connected by the radial spokes. Dynein arms containing
adenosine triphosphatase are attached to one of each of the outer microtubular doublets.
or all of the left lung. These are horseshoe lung and left pulmo-
nary artery sling.
absence of the lungs, a very rare anomaly, is incompatible with
life. Unilateral pulmonary agenesis may be associated with
diaphragmatic agenesis. PDA is the most common cardiovas-
cular anomaly seen with the absence of a lung.
HYPOPLASIA OF LUNGS Lung hypoplasia is best Fig. 14. Hypoplasia of the left lung. The left lung is small and com-
defined as the ratio of lung weight to body weight (Fig. 14). pressed due to a diaphragmatic hernia.
cells are not found in the type 2 lesion, but striated muscle fibers
may be present around or between cysts in 5–10% of cases. The
type 2 lesion is also seen in 40% of extralobar sequestrations.
The type 3 lesion is a bulky, firm mass that causes medias-
tinal shift in all cases. The cut surfaces rarely shows cysts larger
than 0.5 cm in diameter unless the infant has breathed. More
commonly, smaller cysts resembling evenly spaced bronchi
can be seen distributed throughout the lesion. The weight of the
involved portion of lung often equals or exceeds the expected
weight of the entire lung on the affected side. Microscopic
examination shows that the cysts are lined by a simple to intri-
cately folded ciliated cuboidal epithelium that extends into
adjacent alveoli. Cartilage and mucogenic cells are not present.
Type 4 CPAM is the peripheral cyst type with distal acinar
Fig. 21. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 2 showing origin. It is seen with equal frequency in males and females, with
solid and cystic areas. an age range from birth to 4 yr. It may be first seen as sudden
respiratory distress from tension pneumothorax.
Grossly, the cysts are located at the periphery of the lobe;
microscopically, they are lined by flattened epithelial cells (type
I alveolar lining cells) over most of the wall, with occasional
cuboidal epithelium. The wall is composed of loose mesenchy-
mal tissue with prominent arteries and arterioles.
PERIPHERAL CYSTS Peripheral cysts are small, air-con-
taining cysts that may be found at the periphery of the lung in
neonates, infants, and young children. The incidence is increased
in liveborn infants with Down syndrome who survive more than
4 wk and is notably greater in patients with Down syndrome who
have congenital heart disease than in patients with pulmonary
infarction who do not have Down syndrome. Grossly, subpleural
cysts and dilated alveoli are noted across the periphery of a lobe
or lung.
CPL is a rare disease, usually fatal within a few hours or days
Fig. 22. Microscopic section of congenital pulmonary airway mal-
formation showing cystic spaces lined by columnar epithelial cells.
of life. Its causes are heterogeneous (Fig. 23). Most cases are
sporadic. Occurrence in siblings indicates that some cases are
genetically determined, with autosomal-recessive inheritance.
CPL may also be part of an MCA syndrome such as Noonan,
The type 1 lesion is characterized by multiple large cysts or Turner, or Down syndrome.
occasionally a single dominant cyst with smaller cysts sur- Large, air-filled cysts are seen in those with CPL, with media-
rounding the larger structure. The cysts communicate with the stinal shift and occasionally pneumothorax. There is symmet-
bronchial tree of the affected lobe. A smooth, glistening mem- ric hyperaeration, and the linear and reticular density of the
brane lines the cysts. Microscopic examination reveals that cysts fans out from the hilum in a pattern corresponding to the
large cysts are lined by ciliated columnar to pseudostratified, pulmonary vascular distribution. Occasionally a ground-glass
tall columnar epithelium overlying a thin to moderately thick appearance and fine, diffuse granular densities are seen. Grossly,
fibromuscular layer. Elastic tissue is greater than normal. Lim- the cysts are located at the periphery of the lung and are lined
ited to type 1 lesions are clusters of mucogenic cells along the by type I alveolar cells.
walls of the larger cysts or in smaller cysts or alveoli in the CPL is subclassified into three main types: primary, secon-
adjacent parenchyma. dary, and generalized. The gross and microscopic features of
The type 2 lesion is composed of multiple, evenly spaced all three types are essentially the same: a firm and bosselated
cysts that rarely exceed 1.2 cm in diameter. The cysts commu- bulky lung with increased firmness and subpleural lymphatics
nicate with the bronchial tree and contain air if the infant has filled with clear serous fluid forming a prominent network over
breathed. The cysts are lined by a smooth or wrinkled glisten- the surface of the lungs on gross inspection. Microscopically,
ing membrane. The entire lesion varies from less than 1 cm in cystically dilated lymphatics are found that are largely con-
diameter to the size of an entire lung. Microscopically, the cysts fined to interlobular septa and subpleural spaces and are closely
closely resemble dilated terminal bronchioles. The cysts are lined associated with bronchi, bronchioles, and less commonly, with
by ciliated cuboidal to columnar epithelium overlying a fibro- alveolar ducts. The cyst walls have a thin endothelial lining with
muscular layer. Elastic tissue is also present. Mucus-secreting elastic, collagen, and rarely smooth muscle fibers. The spaces
Fig. 24. Cleared and fixed specimen of lung after gelatin impregna-
tion showing arteriovenous malformation in familial hemorrhagic
Fig. 26. Capillary alveolar dysplasia (malalignment of pulmonary Fig. 27. Primary pulmonary hypertension (persistent fetal circula-
veins). Sections of lung display abnormal lobular development and tion). The pulmonary arterioles show medial hypertrophy.
deficient capillary vascularity. Branches of pulmonary veins accom-
pany branches of the pulmonary artery near the airways. Not shown
is a reciprocal deficiency of pulmonary veins in the interlobular areas
where they are normally found.
are present. Occasional large pulmonary vein branches are evi- opment. Primary pulmonary hypertension usually progresses
dent in these septa but are rare. Pulmonary veins accompany inexorably to death within 2 or 3 yr; sudden death is not unusual.
small pulmonary arteries. These small, malpositioned veins are The basic lesion is a persistence of the fetal pulmonary arterial
thick walled. Pulmonary arterial smooth muscle extends into pattern, with prominent muscular media that has failed to invo-
small blood vessels in the air space walls. In contrast to the nor- lute after birth. Medial hyperplasia and an increase in elastic
mal pulmonary acinus that contains a pulmonary artery and a tissue are evident in the pulmonary arterial vascular tree. Degen-
bronchus/bronchiole near its center, the acini have pulmonary eration of elastic tissue ultimately ensues, with the formation of
veins associated with the artery and bronchus. Normally, pulmo- pools of metachromatic amorphous ground substance. All the
nary veins appear separately in the interacinar septa. Capillar- sequelae of pulmonary hypertension develop, with aneurysmal
ies that are normally very close to the alveolar surface are reduced dilations of the vessels and angiomatoid lesions. Pulmonary
in number and removed from the alveolar-air interface. hypertension may be associated with portal hypertension.
The sentinel finding in this disorder is misalignment of the PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE Massive bleeding into
pulmonary veins. Pulmonary veins accompany the artery and the alveolar spaces and into the interstitium affects predomi-
often share the same connective tissue sheath in the centroacinar nantly males and is more common in premature infants who
region. have had birth asphyxia or severe perinatal stress (Figs. 28 and
INTRALOBAR AND EXTRALOBAR SEQUESTRATION 29). It may occur in stillborn and liveborn infants. Symptoms
Pulmonary sequestration is defined as the presence of a mass of may appear immediately after birth or usually within the first
abnormal pulmonary tissue that does not communicate with the 48 h of life and may resemble those of severe respiratory dis-
tracheobronchial tree through a normally located bronchus and tress syndrome. The lungs are heavy and dark red and, on mic-
is supplied by an anomalous systemic artery. roscopic examination, show confluent areas of hemorrhage with
Intralobar sequestration (ILS) is a lesion within the visceral blood-filled alveoli. Infants with this condition usually die
pleura of a lung, extralobar sequestration (ELS) is outside the rapidly. It has been described in bacterial and viral infections,
visceral pleura. Ninety percent of cases of ELS occur on the cerebral edema, intraventricular hemorrhage, hypothermia,
left; ILS may occur on either side. The former typically show cardiac defects (particularly a large PDA and ventricular septal
systemic artery supply, but pulmonary artery supply may also defect), hypovolemia, and hemorrhagic disease of the new-
occur with venous drainage to the azygous system; the latter is born. In addition, HMD and BPD may be associated with mas-
a systemic artery supply with pulmonary venous drainage. Ipsi- sive pulmonary hemorrhage.
lateral diaphragmatic defect is frequent with ELS but rare ILS. AMNIOTIC FLUID AND MECONIUM ASPIRATION SYN-
PRIMARY PULMONARY HYPERTENSION Prolifera- DROME Spontaneous fetal respiratory movements occur in
tion of smooth muscle cells in the vascular media and frequently utero. Usually during gasping, particularly with intrauterine
in the intima results in reduction of the caliber of resistance of distress, relatively large volumes of amniotic fluid may be aspi-
the vessels and occlusion of medium-sized arteries (Fig. 27). In rated, and when stained with meconium, is indicative of fetal
infants with idiopathic primary pulmonary hypertension, there distress (Fig. 30).
is abnormal extension of muscle into small intraacinar arteries. Aspiration of amniotic fluid or meconium occurs mainly in
Patients with pulmonary hypoplasia or diaphragmatic her- mature or postmature infants and is not infrequently associated
nia, fetal hypoxia, and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus with cerebral hemorrhage, intrauterine pneumonia, congenital
may have increased pulmonary vascular smooth muscle devel- cardiac defects, or administration of drugs to the mother during
Fig. 32. Lipid pneumonia caused by inhalation of mineral oil nasal Fig. 33. Cystic fibrosis. (A) There is distension of bronchioles by mucus
spray. and inflammation caused by Pseudomonas aerogenosa infection. (B)
Microscopic section showing bronchiole filled with a mucus plug.
Escherichia coli, beta-hemolytic streptococci, group B Strep- seen in association with a thrombus. Peripheral subpleural cysts
tococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella sp., Aero- may result from pulmonary artery occlusion and lung infarction.
bacter sp., Proteus sp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the CYSTIC FIBROSIS Cystic fibrosis is the most common
most frequent causative organisms; Listeria monocytogenes and lethal recessive disorder in man (Fig. 33). It is a systemic dis-
Staphylococcus epidermidis are less frequent. On gross exami- order of exocrine glands with severe involvement of the respi-
nation, the lungs are firm, congested, and airless (resembling ratory tract. Hyperplasia of bronchial submucosal glands with
HMD); on microscopic examination, the distal airways are filled inspissation of mucus may be apparent in the newborn infant.
with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. However, fibrin is charac- Infection with pneumonia, usually caused by Pseudomonas sp.
teristically absent. Pseudomonas sp. infections are frequently or Staphylococcus aureus, progresses to bronchiectasis.
associated with septicemia. Chlamydia trachomatis may be the Diagnosis can by confirmed by the identification of the cystic
cause of perinatal pneumonia associated with ophthalmia neo- fibrosis gene by DNA mutation analysis. DNA can be isolated
natorum. Mycoplasma infections have occurred in stillbirths and and used in a polymerase chain reaction to detect the DF508
in abortions preceded by chorioamnionitis. (the most common mutation in the white population), D1507,
GASTRIC ASPIRATION Gastric aspiration in infants is G551D, R553X, and S549N mutations, which account for approx
most likely to occur in association with dysphagia, diaphrag- 80% of all cystic fibrosis mutations. DNA analysis can be per-
matic hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, or pyloric stenosis. The formed on small samples, including dried blood samples from
high acidic content of gastric fluid causes destruction of tra- Guthrie cards.
cheobronchial mucosa and diffuse necrotizing inflammatory SURFACTANT B DEFICIENCY (PULMONARY ALVEOLAR
reaction in pulmonary parenchyma. PROTEINOSIS) Surfactant B deficiency (congenital pulmo-
LIPID PNEUMONIA Lipid pneumonia is caused by the nary alveolar proteinosis) is an uncommon cause of respiratory
inhalation of oily substances, particularly mineral oil and oily failure in full-term newborns. All reported infants with con-
nasal sprays or drops (Fig. 32). It may occur in premature infants genital pulmonary alveolar proteinosis have died within the
who have received intravenous fat emulsion. first year of life.
PULMONARY EMBOLI Pulmonary emboli may occur in An absence of one of the surfactant-specific proteins, sur-
the lungs of infants. Foreign material used in life support can be factant protein B, and its messenger RNA (mRNA) has been
Atkins JP. Laryngeal problems of infancy and childhood. Pediatr Clin N
Am 1962;9:1125.
Avery ME. The lung and its disorders in the newborn infant, 3rd ed.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1976.
Chen JC, Hollinger LD. Congenital tracheal anomalies: pathology study
using serial macrosections and review of the literature. Pediatr Pathol
Chinwuba C, Wattman J, Strand R. Nasal airway obstruction: CT assess-
ment. Radiology 1986;159:503.
Davis ME, Potter EL. Intrauterine respiration of the human fetus. JAMA
Ey EH, Han PK, Towbin RP, et al. Bony inlet stenosis as a cause of nasal
airway obstruction. Radiology 1988;168:477.
Fig. 36. Diaphragmatic hernia. Loops of bowel are present in the Fuzesi K, Young DG. Congenital laryngotracheoesophageal cleft. J
left thoracic cavity as a result of herniation through the foramen of Pediatr Surg 1976;11:933.
Bokdalek, with compression of the left lung. Gilbert EF, Opitz JM. Malformations and genetic disorders of the respi-
ratory tract. In: Stocker JT, ed. Pediatric Pulmonary Disease, vol. 2.
Washington, DC: Hemisphere, 1989.
Gilbert-Barness E. Respiratory system. In: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book,
Inc., 1997.
Holinger PH, Brown WT. Congenital webs, cysts, laryngoceles and other
anomalies of the larynx. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1967;76:744.
Kavuru MS, Mehta AC, Eliachar I. Effect of photodynamic therapy and
external beam radiation therapy on juvenile laryngotracheobronchial
papillomatosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990;141:509.
Landing BH, Wells TR. Tracheobronchial anomalies in children. Per-
spect Pediatr Pathol 1975;1:132.
Langston C, Kida K, Reed M, et al. Human lung growth in late gestation
and in the neonate. Am Rev Respir Dis 1984;129:607.
Langston C, Thurlbeck WM. Lung growth and development in late ges-
tation and early postnatal life. Perspect Pediatr Pathol 1982;7:203.
Lubinsky M. Current concepts: VATER and other associations: histori-
cal perspectives and modern interpretations. Am J Med Genet 1986;
Parkin JL, Stevens MH, Jung AL. Acquired and congenital subglottic
stenosis in the infant. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1976;85:573.
Stocker JT, Dehner LP. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. Williams, Wilkins,
Lippincott, Philadelphia, 2001.
Stocker JT. Respiratory system. In: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Atlas
of Developmental and Infant Pathology. Philadelphia: Mosby Year
Book, Inc., 1998.
Fig. 37. Accessory diaphragm. The accessory leaf of the diaphragm
divides the right, middle, and upper lobes from the lower lobe.
Appendix 1
Lung Weights, Left and Right, Male and Female, From 1 D to 19 Yr of Age
Right lung Left lung
Mean + Confidence Mean + Confidence
Age n Limits p ³ 0.95 n Limits p ³ 0.95
1d 200 14.5 15.8 17.1 203 12.3 13.5 14.7
2–30 d 29 23.4 39.6 55.7 29 20.1 34.3 48.5
31–60 d 31 32.7 37.9 43.0 32 29.2 34.5 39.7
61–90 d 27 36.1 40.8 45.5 27 30.9 35.2 39.5
91–120 d 17 35.2 43.5 51.8 17 31.6 39.8 48.0
121–150 d 19 34.8 44.2 53.6 19 30.6 38.2 45.7
151–180 d 17 40.9 48.4 56.0 17 37.1 43.8 50.4
1 yr 13 38.3 54.9 71.5 13 32.5 49.9 67.3
2 yr 13 88.5 116.4 144.4 13 83.1 103.0 122.9
3 yr 13 107.9 121.9 135.9 13 86.5 104.3 122.0
4 yr 10 111.3 132.4 153.4 10 100.1 115.7 131.2
5 yr 6 106.1 156.1 206.1 6 101.9 142.0 182.0
6 yr 20 151.0 178.7 206.4 20 140.5 169.7 198.9
7 yr 10 145.0 211.0 276.9 10 124.4 159.8 195.1
8 yr 14 156.3 232.7 309.1 14 155.9 204.2 252.6
9 yr 9 165.3 212.2 259.0 9 136.4 175.5 214.6
10 yr 5 82.8 251.0 419.1 5 65.0 218.0 370.9
11 yr 6 214.6 247.5 280.3 6 196.7 232.5 268.2
12 yr 6 121.0 205.0 288.9 6 110.4 182.5 254.5
13 yr 12 286.3 345.8 405.2 12 253.1 297.0 340.9
14 yr 7 178.1 263.5 348.9 7 151.0 237.1 323.1
15 yr 11 299.9 363.1 426.3 11 237.4 282.7 327.9
16 yr 6 233.2 464.1 695.0 6 193.8 430.8 667.7
17 yr 14 360.3 475.0 589.6 14 305.2 391.4 477.6
18 yr 8 287.6 415.0 542.3 8 227.2 326.2 425.2
19 yr 13 327.7 456.1 584.5 13 290.7 377.3 463.9
1d 238 16.0 17.4 18.7 237 13.7 14.8 15.9
2–30 d 40 31.8 35.9 39.9 41 26.9 31.0 35.0
31–60 d 39 34.4 44.1 53.8 39 28.4 34.6 40.8
61–90 d 25 40.7 46.4 52.0 25 33.0 37.8 42.5
91–120 d 31 38.1 43.6 49.0 31 33.2 38.5 43.8
121–150 d 28 42.0 58.9 75.8 28 36.6 55.0 73.3
151–180 d 17 49.5 61.0 72.5 17 44.9 52.8 60.8
1 yr 16 54.4 73.1 91.7 16 44.7 60.2 75.7
2 yr 28 92.9 107.6 122.4 27 78.1 90.5 103.0
3 yr 20 100.1 128.5 156.8 20 88.4 118.4 148.3
4 yr 12 90.9 150.5 210.0 12 86.1 125.0 163.8
5 yr 14 125.8 160.6 195.3 14 106.8 141.5 176.1
6 yr 13 120.5 159.3 198.2 13 108.6 141.4 174.2
7 yr 12 174.6 203.1 231.7 12 160.7 189.6 218.5
8 yr 9 155.8 187.7 219.7 9 154.8 187.2 219.5
9 yr 8 162.5 253.7 344.9 8 129.6 228.1 326.5
10 yr 17 202.2 250.4 298.6 17 179.0 213.2 247.5
11 yr 7 238.6 270.8 303.0 7 177.9 257.2 336.6
12 yr 15 263.5 349.6 435.7 15 212.3 286.0 359.6
13 yr 9 272.3 375.5 478.7 9 244.8 328.8 412.8
14 yr 12 285.1 375.8 466.5 12 287.9 361.2 434.5
15 yr 15 347.9 448.0 548.0 15 309.8 420.0 530.1
16 yr 15 316.9 406.6 496.3 15 291.8 365.6 439.4
17 yr 18 450.7 527.5 604.3 18 411.3 487.7 564.2
18 yr 10 370.0 460.0 549.9 10 323.1 403.2 483.2
19 yr 18 498.3 593.8 689.3 17 435.7 497.0 558.3
From: Kayser K. Height and weight in human beings: Autopsy report. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1987.
10 Gastrointestinal System
EXAMINATION OF THE GI TRACT The formalin-fixed bowel should be left untouched for as
ESOPHAGUS To view tracheoesophageal fistulas, the long as possible. The bowel is soaked for another 24 h in 10%
esophagus should be left attached to the mediastinal organs. formalin solution. Instillation into the small bowel of mercuric
Open the esophagus along its posterior wall and open the trachea chloride in saline may counteract autolytic changes.
anteriorly. Strictures are best displayed on fixed specimens. PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS FOR STUDY
To demonstrate esophageal varices by mucosal eversion, UNDER THE DISSECTING MICROSCOPE
the esophagus should first be separated from the trachea. A
Postmortem autolysis causes the loss of the intestinal epithe-
string is passed through the gastroesophageal junction from the
lium. Thus, the dissecting microscope shows villi that appear
stomach, which should be opened along the greater curvature.
thinner than what is seen in biopsy specimens.
The string is tied to the upper end of the unopened esophagus,
In one method used for preparing specimens, 1:3 cm squares
and then pulled through to evert the esophagus. Varices will
of intestinal wall are gently rinsed in saline until they are free
project through the mucosa and are accentuated by subsequent
from surface contamination such as mucus or food particles.
formalin fixation. Injection of varices with methylene blue will
Specimens are pinned on cardboard and fixed in buffered 10%
further help to demonstrate the varices. To identify a varix by
formalin solution. After at least 24 h of fixation, the specimens
using a syringe, inject methylene blue and tie it off.
are put into one change of 70% alcohol and two changes of 95%
ANGIOGRAPHY Angiography is indicated where arteriove-
alcohol for 2 h each. The specimens are stained with 5% alco-
nous fistula, arteriovenous malformation, or familial hemorrha-
holic eosin for 4 min and subsequently treated with two changes
gic telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome) is suspected.
of absolute alcohol for 2 h each. The fixed, stained, and dehy-
Postmortem arteriography of the stomach can be performed
drated intestinal wall is placed in xylol.
after removal of the organs. The splenic and hepatic arteries are
Arteriography of the mesenteric vessels is best done by divid-
tied as far distally as possible. Barium or any other radiopaque
ing the specimens into three parts, as follows:
medium is injected through the celiac artery. The stomach is
isolated, opened along the middle of the anterior surface parallel 1. The celiac artery specimen includes all upper abdominal
with the longitudinal axis of the organ, spread out on an X-ray organs and the root of the superior mesenteric artery and
plate, and radiographs are taken. the first jejunal artery. The duodenum is rotated upward.
Arteriovenous malformations as in Osler-Rendu-Weber syn- The liver and spleen are removed from the specimen
drome and angiodysplasia can be demonstrated by this method. after the splenic artery and the hepatic artery are tied.
Routinely, the intestinal tract is opened with an enterotome. 2. The superior mesenteric artery specimen consists of intes-
This is greatly facilitated when the mesentery has been cut tine from the first jejunal loop to the midportion of the
close to the wall of the small intestine. transverse colon.
Perfusion of the small bowel with formalin may greatly facil- 3. The inferior mesenteric artery specimen includes the
itate the recognition of small polyps, erosions, ulcerations, and distal part of the transverse colon and the remainder of
vascular lesions. The apparatus used is the same as that for lung the large intestine, including the anus and the pelvic
perfusion. The glass tube at the hose from the elevated formalin viscera.
vessel is simply hooked to one end of the hollow viscus; the
other end is clamped or tied off. The whole preparation is sus- CONGENITAL ANOMALIES OF THE GI TRACT
pended in a formalin bath. Long strips of gastric or intestinal ANOMALIES INVOLVING THE STOMACH (Table 1) The
wall can be cut parallel with the long axis of the organ, fixed, incidence of esophageal atresia is 1 in 3000 live births. Most
and embedded in a spiral fashion with the proximal end in the occurs as part of a tracheoesophageal fistula, but esophageal
center. Isolated histologic specimens of gastrointestinal (GI) tract atresia may also occur in isolation. It arises early in embryo-
should always be fixed on cardboard or corkboard or placed on logic development and is thought to result from an abnormal
a strip of paper towel. interaction of mesodermal ridges and foregut, with failure of
normal separation of foregut into trachea and esophagus. Esoph-
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness ageal atresia is frequently associated with other malformations,
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ including midline defects (50%) and cardiac anomalies (30%).
Fig. 3. (A) Duodenal atresia (S, stomach; pD, proximal duodenum; dD, distal duodenum). (B) Jejunal atresia.
INTESTINAL DUPLICATION Duplications are tubular or tinal wall, with fusion between the muscularis propria of the
cystic structures composed of intestinal mucosa and muscle that duplication and that of the normal bowel. Intestinal duplica-
are usually closely adherent to some part of the GI tract (Fig. 7). tions are almost always on the mesenteric border. The mucosa
The wall of the duplicated segment is usually complete; only is often similar to that of the portion of bowel to which it is
rarely is there a communication with the lumen of the intestine. attached, but part or all may resemble the mucosa of distant
Occasionally, the duplication forms an intrinsic part of the intes- parts of the GI tract. Duplications vary in length from a few to
Fig. 6. Imperforate anus with (A) Illustration of a rectovaginal urethral fistula with a probe demonstrating the rectovaginal communication.
There are hypoplastic kidneys, a bicornuate uterus and ambiguous external genitalia. (UB, urinary bladder; V, vagina; RSO, right fallopian
tube and ovary; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney.) (B) Colovesicle fistula (C, colon; UB, urinary bladder). The arrow shows a probe within the
several centimeters. The lumen is generally cystic and is filled sal lining is usually similar to the anatomic level of the duplica-
with clear mucus secreted by the cells of the mucosal lining. tion or simplified epithelium; gastric mucosa, however, is present
GI duplications occur throughout the GI tract (Fig. 8; Table in approx 20% of duplications and occurs at all levels. Thoracic
4) but are most frequent in the ileum. Duplications are located duplications may cause respiratory symptoms, whereas abdomi-
on the dorsal (mesenteric) aspect and may be intramural (shar- nal duplications cause abdominal distension, intestinal obstruc-
ing muscularis propria) or extramural. Cystic duplications are tion, volvulus, and intussusception. If gastric mucosa is present,
more common than tubular duplications; tubular duplications peptic ulceration may occur. Duplications may cause inciden-
may occasionally connect with the intestinal lumen. The muco- tal findings. In 5% of cases, multiple duplications are present.
Table 3
Syndromes Associated With Anorectal Anomalies
No. Syndromes Features Inheritance
Cat-eye Ocular coloboma; ear, cardiac, and renal anomalies; Heterogeneous; some have
variable mental retardation an extra small metacentric
Tetrasomy 12 p Coarse face, sparse anterior scalp hair, hypertelorism, chromosome, possibly a
epicanthus, hypotonia, hypomelanotic spots, severe rearranged chromosome 22
mental retardation
176450 Anosacral defect Anterior sacral meningocele, teratoma, or cyst Heterogeneous; AD
147750 IVIC (acronym of Radial defects, strabismus, thrombocytopenia, deafness, AD
Instituto oculootoradial syndrome
de Venezolano
309000 Lowe Sensorineural deafness, nephritis AD
145410 Opitz G Hypertelorism, hypospadias, swallowing defects AD
313600 Hypertelorism Hypertelorism hypospadias (may be same as Opitz G XLR
hypospadias syndrome)
181450 Pallister: Ulnar ray defects, delayed puberty, oligodactyly or AD
ulnar-mammary polydactyly, hypoplasia of apocrine glands and breasts
genital anomalies
176450 Presacral teratoma Sacral dysgenesis AD
180500 Rieger Ocular anterior chamber anomalies, hypodontia AD
107480 Townes-Brocks Deafness, triphalangeal thumbs, overfolded helices, flat feet AD
218600 Baller-Gerold Craniosynostosis, radial defect, short stature AR
219000 Fraser Palate, ear, renal, laryngeal, genital, digital, and eye AR
(cryptophthalmos) malformations
277300 Jarcho-Levin Rib and vertebral defects, respiratory failure in infancy AR
243800 Johanson-Blizzard Hypoplastic alae nasi, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, AR
deafness, hypothyroidism
236700 Kaufman-McKusick Congenital heart defects, polydactyly, hydrometrocolpos AR
249000 Meckel Encephalocele, polydactyly, cystic kidneys AR
263530 Saldino-Noonan Short ribs, short limbs, postaxial polydactyly, visceral
(short rib abnormalities, lethality
polydactyly type F)
309620 Christian skeletal Metopic ridge, cervical fusion, dysplastic spine, abducens XLR
dysplasia palsy, mental retardation
305450 FG Macrocephaly, broad forehead, unswept frontal hair, XLR
hypotonia, mental retardation
Axial mesodermal Sacral dysgenesis, dysfunction of lower limbs, bladder, Sporadic
defect and bowel
Caudal regression Dysgenesis of lower spine; variable dysfunction of bladder, Heterogeneous, maternal diabetes
(sirenomelia-the bowel and lower limbs
extreme form)
Fuhrmann Polydactyly, heart defect Sporadic
146510 Pallister-Hall Hypothalamic, hamartoblastoma, hypopituitarism, postaxial Sporadic
Persistent cloaca In female, vagina and urinary tract empty into common Sporadic
cloacal pouch
174100 PIV Polydactyly, imperforate anus, vertebral anomalies Sporadic
Sirenomelia Single lower limb, renal agenesis, genital agenesis Sporadic
187600 Thanatophoric Micromelia, platyspondyly, early death Sporadic
19235 VACTER (VACTERL) Vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheoesophageal, renal, and Sporadic
radial limb defects
Isolated imperforate None Heterogeneous
AD, autosomal-dominant; AR, autosomal-recessive; XLR, X-linked recessive.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 7. Diagram of intestinal duplication. (From Palms BB. In: The gastrointestinal tract. Stocker JT, Dehner LP, eds. Pediatric Pathology,
2nd Ed. New York, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.)
Table 4
Site of GI Duplications
Ileum 40%
Thorax 20%
Jejunum 10%
Stomach 10%
Colon 10%
Esophageal rare
Duodenum rare
Appendix rare
Rectum rare
Thoracoabdominal rare
From: Dahms BB. The gastrointestinal tract. In:
Fig. 8. Opened bowel showing multiple duplications.
Stocker JT, Dehner LP, eds. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd
ed. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
Thoracic duplications (and rarely midgut and hindgut dupli-
cations) may be associated with vertebral anomalies and con- separation and diverticulum/cyst formation. The consistent
nections to the neural canal. These are called neurenteric cysts. presence of duplications on the dorsal aspects of the GI tract
The presence of neurenteric cysts suggests an abnormal persis- suggests that homeobox genes involved in dorsal-ventral pat-
tent adhesion of embryologic gut to notocord, with aberrant terning may be involved in the formation of duplications. The
Fig. 11. Omphalomesenteric duct malformation. (A) Persistent vitelline duct. (B) Vitelline duct cyst. (C) Vitelline sinus. (D) Meckel
diverticulum. (E) Vitelline band.
right side of the upper abdomen, bands of peritoneum (Ladd extend. It may contain several loops of intestine and cause
bands) may extend from it to the right posterior part of the obstruction. Small bands extending from two points of perito-
abdominal wall and, in extending over the duodenum, may inter- neum or between peritoneum and mesentery may also cause
fere with passage of material through that organ. With still less obstruction.
rotation, the cecum is present in the middle portion of the upper
abdomen, and the duodenum may be compressed by direct OMPHALOMESENTERIC DUCT ABNORMALITIES
pressure. Occasionally the entire length of the omphalomesenteric
duct remains patent and forms an open tubelike connection
MESENTERIC HERNIATION WITH OBSTRUCTION with the umbilicus (Fig. 11). It may be of approximately the
Congenital defects may occur in any part of the mesentery same caliber as the intestine, and may be either completely
through which the intestine may herniate. Loops of intestine lined by mucosa resembling that in the ileum or partially lined
may also pass through the foramen of Winslow or through any by tissue similar to gastric or duodenal mucosa. If the duct
of the preformed openings in the broad ligament or omentum. remains open at the umbilicus, it produces an umbilical fistula
One of the more common sites through which intestine may and permits escape of fecal material from the umbilicus.
herniate is an opening a short distance below the ligament of Meckel diverticulum occurs when only the portion of vitel-
Treitz. This is a defect left in the attachment of the mesentery line duct immediately adjacent to the bowel remains open, form-
to the posterior abdominal wall a little below the junction of ing a pouchlike diverticulum 1 to 2 cm long on the antimesen-
duodenum and jejunum. A pocket may exist behind the mesen- teric side of the ileum (Fig. 12). The mucosal lining may be
tery to either the right or the left into which intestinal loops may similar to that of the rest of the ileum, or it may contain areas
Table 5
Meckel Diverticulum
2% of the population
2 ft from ileocecal valve
2 in long Fig. 13. Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis. The bowel lumen is
Male predominance 3:1 plugged with meconium.
Most common variant is persistence of Vitello intestinal duct
Gastric mucosa in 50–80%
Colonic, jejunal, and pancreatic tissue less frequent
Symptoms: The consistency of normal meconium is fairly constant. Some
Usually asymptomatic otherwise normal infants have dense dehydrated meconium in
Painless rectal bleeding the left colon and rectum, the so-called meconium plug. This
Intestinal obstruction as a result of volvulus or intussusception may cause symptoms of intestinal obstruction. Infants with
Complications: meconium plug must be distinguished from those with meco-
Crohns disease nium ileus.
Carinoid tumor
If the hepatic or common bile ducts are obstructed or if the
Leiomyoma intestine is atretic at a point distal to the papilla of Vater, the
Adenocarcinoma meconium is gray instead of green-black. It is also firmer and
less viscid than normal meconium.
Ileal obstruction from abnormal viscid and inspissated
meconium is meconium ileus. It is usually a manifestation of
cystic fibrosis (CF). The proximal ileum is dilated and filled
resembling the mucosa of the stomach, duodenum, or colon.
with more gelatinous meconium. The large bowel often has a
Small masses of pancreatic tissue may be present in the wall.
very small diameter, a so-called microcolon. On a microscopic
Features of Meckel diverticulum are shown in Table 5.
view, ileal and colonic glands are dilated and filled with hyper-
Meckel diverticulum is found in 2–3% of otherwise normal
eosinophilic secretions.
individuals and may be a leading point in intussusception. Other
Approximately 10% of newborns with CF are born with meco-
omphalomesenteric duct remnants include vitelline band, vitel-
nium ileus. Not all infants with meconium ileus have CF. Rare
line cyst, and vitelline sinus. These can be distinguished from
newborns with isolated abnormalities of the pancreas or pan-
urachal remnants because they have columnar or better-differ-
creatic duct may also have meconium ileus.
entiated intestinal epithelium. Structures derived from the ura-
Meconium peritonitis follows rupture of a viscus in utero
chus are lined by transitional epithelium.
and the release of meconium into the peritoneum, with dense
fibrosis and adhesions, calcified mucus and debris, bile, kera-
tinized epithelial cells, and foreign body giant cells. Approxi-
MECONIUM ILEUS, AND MECON mately half of newborns with meconium peritonitis have
IUM PERITONITIS meconium ileus from CF. Most of the remainder have intestinal
Normal meconium is a green-black viscid substance that fills obstruction from intestinal atresia, peritoneal bands, mesenteric
the colon at birth. The anal sphincter normally remains closed herniation, or volvulus.
and no meconium is evacuated during intrauterine life (Fig. Abnormally viscous meconium or decreased intestinal motil-
13). If the oxygen supply is reduced, the anal sphincter relaxes, ity, as in Hirschsprung disease, results in delayed meconium pas-
and peristaltic waves result in colonic evacuation. Meconium sage in the left colon and rectum, which may form a meconium
in the amniotic fluid is ordinarily a sign of fetal distress. plug. Deficiency of biliary or pancreatic secretions that occur in
Fig. 14. Hirschsprungs disease. The rectum is small and the colon
is markedly distended.
Table 6
Congenital Megacolon Findings
Manifestations of malnutrition; abdominal distention; growth
Necrotizing enterocolitis and perforation of the colon or appendix
(in neonates and infants)
Narrow segment in distal colon
Aganglionosis of narrow distal segment
Intestinal neuronal dysplasia
Intussusception consists of the invagination of one part of
the intestine (intussusceptum) into an adjacent portion (intus-
suscipiens) (Fig. 16). Any part of the large or small bowel may
be involved, but more than 90% occur in the region of the
ileocecal valve, with invagination of the cecum into the colon.
Fig. 17. Necrotizing enterocolitis. (A) The bowel is hemorrhagic
It is most often found in previously healthy, well-nourished and necrotic. (B) Segment of bowel with multiple perforations. (C)
infants, with males more frequently affected than females. Opened segment of bowel showing pneumonatosis.
This condition is rare in newborns. Although it may be found
toward the end of the first month of life, intussusception is most
common in infants 4–10 mo old, with a peak at 7 mo of age. The
cause is usually unknown. It is proposed that hypertrophied
Peyer patches resulting from viral infection act as a mechanical NECROTIZING ENTEROLITIS (NEC)
lead point for the intussusception. In approx 10% of cases, an NEC has significant mortality (Fig. 17A–C). It usually occurs
anatomic abnormality such as Meckel diverticulum can be dem- in premature newborns, especially those with a birthweight
onstrated as the lead point. less than 1500 g. It is related to intestinal ischemia. Bacteria play
Intussusception may occur as a terminal condition unrelated an important role in NEC. Bacterial colonization of the intes-
to another primary cause of death. In such cases, the process, tine has occurred in nearly all cases of NEC, and inflammation
called agonal intussusception, is often in the jejunum. Often, it is often prominent in surgically excised intestine. NEC devel-
is multiple, and the invaginated portion is easily withdrawn. ops most often in infants who have been fed an artificial milk
There is little or no histologic alteration. formula.
Table 7
Colitis in Children
Inflammatory bowel disease Hirschsprung enterocolitis
Ulcerative colitis Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
Crohn disease Typhlitis (neutropenic enterocolitis)
Infectious colitis Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
Infectious organisms Allergic colitis
Pseudomembranous colitis Short-gut/bacterial overgrowth
Clostridium difficile infection Henoch-Schönlein purpura and other vasculitides
Toxin-producing E. coli including 0157:H7 Autoimmune enteropathy
Shigella sp. and other shigatoxin-producing bacteria Lymphocytic colitis
Fungal infections Collagenous colitis
Table 8
Differential Pathologic Features for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn Disease
Distinguishing features Ulcerative Colitis Crohn Disease
Location Rectum, colon Entire gastrointestinal tract
Gross abnormalities Continuous involvement Segmental (skip) involvement
Left colonic and rectal predominance Ileal and right colonic predominance
Inflammatory pseudopolyps Variable polyps; cobblestone mucosa
No fissures, fistulas Fissures, fistulas
Little fibrosis Fibrosis
Aphthous ulcers absent Apthous ulcers
Microscopic abnormalities Granulomas absent Noncaseating granulomas
Broad-based ulcers Fissuring or broad-based ulcers
Mucosal, submucosal inflammation Transmural inflammation
Fever lymphoid aggregates Lymphoid aggregates and follicles
Crypt disorganization, atrophy Variable
Goblet cell depletion Variable
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Fig. 19. Ulcerative colitis with hemorrhage and pseudopolyps. Fig. 20. Crohn disease with fibrosis of the ileum and stricture.
CROHN DISEASE Crohn disease may arise anywhere in Unlike ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease is characterized by
the GI tract, from mouth to anus. In 50% of children with Crohn a segmental or skip pattern. The inflammation in Crohn disease
disease, the classic distal ileal and proximal colonic location of is transmural rather than mucosal, so that fissures, fistulas, intra-
the disease is seen. Approximately 15% of children have only mural abscesses, peritonitis, and fibrous adhesions develop.
diffuse small bowel disease, another 15% have only distal ileal Inflammation, edema, and fibrosis of the bowel (Fig. 20) and
involvement, and 10% have isolated colonic disease. The remain- regional lymph nodes may cause adjacent structures to mat
ing 10% have disease in another site of as the GI tract. Small- together and form an ileocecal mass. Perianal fissures, skin
bowel involvement may occur as diarrhea and malabsorption. tags, and rectal-perineal fistulas and abscesses are common.
Colonic involvement may occur as bloody diarrhea and may The histologic hallmark of Crohn disease is the presence of
mimic ulcerative colitis. noncaseating granulomas. Deep fissures and fistulas lined by
Table 9
Some Conditions Associated with Intestinal Polyps
No. Syndromes Features Inheritance
158350 Cowden Multiple hamartomatous polyps of colon, keratosis of palms and soles, AD
fibrocystic breast disease, thyroid disease
175500 Cronkhite-Canada Juvenile polyps of stomach, jejunum, ileum and colon; hyperpigmentation Sporadic
of exposed areas; hair loss; nail splitting
175300 Gardner Adenomatous polyps of colon, sigmoid, jejunum, and ileum; osteomas, AD
other malignancies; intestinal fibromatosis
174900 Juvenile polyps Juvenile polyps rectosigmoid Sporadic
175050 Juvenile polyps-pulmonary Juvenile polyps colon and ileum AD
arteriovenous malformation
175100 Familial polypsis Adenomatous polyps colon, adult-onset malignancy in polyps AD
175200 Peutz-Jeghers Hamartomatous jejunal polyps, mucocutaneous pigmented macules, AD
tumors of other systems
175400 Polyposis-exostoses Adenomatous polyps of colon, exostoses AD
180890 Ruvalcaba-Myhre Hamartomatous polyps of colon, macrocephaly, lipomas and AD
angiolipomas, pigmented macules of glans penis (may be same
as Bannayan syndrome)
175400 Solitary polyps Adenomatous polyps of sigmoid and rectum Sporadic
276300 Turcot Adenomatous colon polyps, cerebral tumors AR
Data from Parsarge EP, Stevensen R. Small and large intestines. In: Stevensen RE, Hall HG, Goodman RM, eds. Human malformations and related
anomalies. Oxford, UK, 1993, Oxford University Press.
AD, Autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
intussusception, and bleeding from the polyps. Malignant degen- from the colon. A brisk and significant upper intestinal hemor-
eration of Peutz-Jeghers polyps is rare but has been reported. rhage may occur similarly. Melena is a black, tarry stool asso-
ciated with bleeding proximal to the ileocecal valve or, less
commonly, in the ascending colon if colonic transit is suffi-
GI BLEEDING ciently slow to allow bacteria to denature the hemoglobin.
GI bleeding is not rare in children. Mucosal bleeding may A stool guaiac test is used to identify blood in the stool.
come from an anal fissure, from infectious or mild protein colitis, Guaiac is a leukodye that uses peroxidase-like activity found in
from oral trauma, or as the result of prolapse gastropathy. Con- hemoglobin to generate an oxidative reaction with a reagent to
ditions mistaken for blood in the stool are shown in Table 11. produce a blue color. Substances that interfere with the guaiac
Hematemesis implies a recent or ongoing hemorrhage proxi- test are shown in Table 12. Conditions associated with intesti-
mal to the ligament of Treitz. Hematochezia describes bright nal bleeding are shown in Table 13. Causes of upper GI tract and
red- or maroon-colored stool and suggests that the bleeding is lower GI tract bleeding are shown in Table 14 and Table 15.
Table 10
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Hamartomatous polyposis of gastrointestinal tract with melanin
spots on lips and buccal mucosa
Autosomal dominant
Location of polyps:
Small bowel; less frequently stomach and colon; rarely other
mucosal surfaces
Malignant potential:
Low (2–3% with intestinal carcinoma), often involving duodenum/
Extraintestinal manifestations:
Melanin spots on lips, buccal mucosa
Sex cord tumor with annular tubules (SCTAT) of ovary
Fig. 24. Familial adenomatous polyposis with multiple polyps.
Distinctive ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor with sexual precocity
Well-differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cervix
Bilateral breast cancer
In older infants and children, a sudden, unexpected, hemo- Fig. 28. Peutz-Jegher syndrome with patient showing pigmentation
dynamically significant hemorrhage may result from rupture of the mucosa of the mouth.
of esophageal varices, from gastric ulceration resulting from inges-
tion of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, from significant
physiologic stress (e.g., sepsis, shock, surgery, increased intrac- tify the patient who has portal vein thrombosis, which can re-
ranial pressure), from ingestion of alcohol, or from intestinal sult in portal hypertension and esophageal varices.
vascular malformations. A history of umbilical vein catheter- A history of facial trauma, tooth extraction, or nosebleed
ization in the newborn period or omphalitis may help to iden- suggests that the blood may originate from the nasopharynx,
Table 11 Table 13
Conditions Mistaken for Blood in the Stool Conditions Associated With Intestinal Bleeding
Hematemesis Condition Intestinal lesion
• Commercial dyes #2 and #3 (Frankenberry Stool)
• Swallowed maternal blood at delivery and during breastfeeding Turner syndrome Venous ectasia
• Bleeding from the nose, mouth, or pharynx Inflammatory bowel disease
• Swallowed nonhuman blood Epidermolysis bullosa Esophageal lesion
Melena Anal fissure
• Iron preparations Colonic stricture
• Licorice Down syndrome Hirschsprung disease
• Spinach Meckel diverticulum
• Blueberries Pyloric stenosis
• Bismuth (e.g., Pepto-Bismol) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Fragile vascular walls
• Lead Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome Inflammatory bowel disease
• Charcoal Platelet dysfunction
• Dirt Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome Vascular malformation
• Swallowed nonhuman blood Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome Vascular malformations
Hematochezia Epistaxis
• Menstruation Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome Vascular malformations
• Commercial dyes #2 and #3 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Fragile vascular walls
• Ampicillin Glycogen storage disease, Type Ib Inflammatory bowel disease
• Hematuria
From: Squires RH Jr. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Pediatr Rev 1999;20:95.
Table 12
Substances that Interfere also can occur with cow, soy, or human milk protein intoler-
With Guaiac Tests for Fecal Occult Blood ance, an anal fissure, or infectious enterocolitis.
In the older child, torrential rectal bleeding is uncommon,
False-positive results
• Meat (rare or well done) but it can occur in patients who have Meckel diverticulum or
• Horseradish severe ulcerative colitis. More commonly, blood is seen as
• Turnips streaks or flecks of bloody mucus on or within the stool, bloody
• Ferrous sulfate (stool pH < 6.0) mucus that dominates the stool, or fresh blood that may contain
• Tomatoes stool. A rectal fissure may develop following a recent episode
• Fresh red cherries of gastroenteritis or passage of a large bowel movement. Bloody
False-negative results
stools may occur with painful perianal cellulitis caused by group
• Vitamin C
• Storage of specimen > 4 d A -hemolytic Streptococcus infection. A history of antibiotic
• Outdated reagent or card exposure raises the possibility of C. difficile-associated diarrhea.
Although intermittent, colicky, abdominal pain associated with
From: Squires RH Jr. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Pediatr Rev 1999;20:95.
maroon-colored stools is the hallmark of intussusception caus-
ing occult blood in the stool. Intense abdominal pain with hema-
tochezia may precede the rash of Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
A colonic stricture resulting from necrotizing enterocolitis,
gums, teeth, or tonsils. Hematemesis following a paroxysm of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or prior surgical anastomosis can
vomiting suggests a Mallory-Weiss tear or, more commonly, ulcerate and bleed. Inflammatory or juvenile polyps commonly
prolapse gastropathy. The latter condition occurs when the gas- occur between 4 and 10 yr of age and may be seen as streaks of
tric fundus is prolapsed into the esophagus through the crux blood on the stool.
or the diaphragm, resulting in a traumatic injury to the fundic The Kielhauck Behrke test discriminates between blood of
mucosa and bleeding. Dysphagia, odynophagia, or a nighttime fetal or maternal origin. Nasogastric lavage identifies blood
cough suggests infectious, acid-related, or eosinophilic esoph- within the stomach and helps determine whether hemorrhage is
agitis; caustic ingestion; or an esophageal foreign body. Epigas- ongoing or has ceased. Dieulafoy disease is often difficult to
tric abdominal pain that awakens a child from sleep is associated identify. In this condition, there is acute, painless, often torren-
with peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, or esophagitis. A recent his- tial hemorrhage following rupture of a single large-caliber, mus-
tory of abdominal trauma may suggest sufficient hepatic injury cular artery situated just beneath the mucosal surface. The rea-
to cause hemobilia, a condition characterized by intrahepatic sons for the anomalous location of the artery and its bleeding
bleeding that escapes through the biliary tree into the intestine. are uncertain. Infectious agents include H. pylori, Candida sp.
Significant rectal bleeding is uncommon in infants, but it can (cytomegalovirus, herpes inclusions), or the dominant inflam-
occur in the presence of necrotizing enterocolitis, Hirschsprung matory cell (eosinophils, neutrophils, plasma cells, lympho-
disease, vascular malformations, Meckel diverticulum, or intes- cytes). Selective angiography detects the site of active, ongoing
tinal duplication. The appearance of bloody mucus in the stool bleeding if the rate is 0.5 mL/min or greater.
Table 14
Causes of Acute Upper Intestinal Bleeding
Common Uncommon
Infant Swallowed maternal blood Gastric ulcer
Human milk
During delivery
Older Child
Esophagus Esophagitis Esophagitis
Acid reflux Viral (herpes, cytomegalovirus)
Pill-induced Allergic
Mallory-Weiss tear Fungal
Caustic ingestion
Dieulafoy disease
Foreign body
Duplication cyst
Stomach Gastritis Gastritis
Prolapse gastropathy Crohn disease
Aspirin Portal hypertension
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Helicobacter pylori
Stress ulcer/gastritis Ulcer
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Cushing ulcer
Vascular malformation
Dieulafoy disease
Duodenum Duodenitis Ulcer
Crohn disease H. pylori
Curling ulcer
Vascular malformation
Foreign body
Lymphoid hyperplasia
Dieulafoy disease
Duplication cyst
Other Swallowed blood Swallowed blood
Oral/nasal pharynx Munchausen by proxy
Pulmonary hemorrhage
From: Squires RH Jr. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Pediatr Rev 1999;20:95.
Table 15
Causes of Lower Intestinal Bleeding
Common Uncommon
Infant • Anal fissure • Vascular lesions
• Milk protein intolerance • Hirschsprung enterocolitis
• Necrotizing enterocolitis • Intestinal duplication
• Swallowed maternal blood • Intussusception
• Infectious enterocolitis
• Inflammatory bowel disease (<4 yr of age)
Older child • Anal fissure • Vascular malformations
• Meckel diverticulum • Intestinal duplication
• Intussusception • Henoch-Schönlein purpura
• Infectious enterocolitis • Cecitis
—Salmonella • Infectious diarrhea
—Campylobacter —Cytomegalovirus colitis
—Escherichia coli O157 —Amebiasis
—Yersinia enterocolitica • Hemorrhoids
—Clostridium difficile • Colonic or rectal varices
• Inflammatory bowel disease (>4 yr of age) • Ulcer at surgical anastomosis
• Perianal streptococcal cellulitis • Solitary ulcer of the rectum
• Juvenile/inflammatory polyp • Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
• Sexual abuse
• Rectal trauma
Modified from: Squires RH Jr. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Pediatr Rev 1999;20:95.
SELECTED REFERENCES Laine L. Rolling review: upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Aliment Phar-
Adlung J, Gurich H-G, Ritter U. Uber Veranderungen am Pankreasgang- macol Ther 1993;7:207–232.
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Chomet B, Gach BM. Demonstration of esophageal varices in museum circulation of the gastrointestinal tract as ascertained in a dissection
specimens. Am J Clin Pathol 1969;51:793–794. of 500 bodies. Int Surg 1968;49:8.
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eds. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. New York: Lippincott Williams & Puri P, Wester T. Intestinal neuromal dysplasia. Semin Pediatr Surg 1998;
Wilkins, 2001. 7:181.
Garne R, et al. Gastrointestinal malformations in Funen county, Den- Silva VA. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemolytic uremic syn-
mark-epidemiology, associated with malformations, surgery and drome secondary to pancreatitis. Am J Hematol 1995;50:53.
mortality. Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002;12:101. Walker WA, et al., eds. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease, 3rd ed. Hamil-
Kobayashi H, O’Brian DS, Hirakawa H, Wang Y, Puri P. A rapid tech- ton, Ontario: BC Decker, 2000.
nique of acetylcholinesterase staining. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1994; Woolf AL. Techniques of postmortem angiograph of the stomach. Br J
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Laine L, Weinstein WM. Subepithelial hemorrhages and erosions of Zimmerman MR. Postmortem demonstration of esophageal varices (letter
human stomach. Dig Dis Sci 1988;33:490–503. to editor). Am J Pathol 1976;65:729.
11 Liver, Gallbladder,
Biliary Tract, and Pancreas
Before the liver is removed, the hepatoduodenal ligament 10% HCl and 5% aqueous potassium ferrocyanide. The speci-
should be dissected. In children over 2 yr the hepatobilliary men is then washed for 12 h in running water. In the presence
ducts can usually be dissected without difficulty. First, the of abundant hemosiderin, the tissue will rapidly turn dark blue.
common bile duct is incised and opened toward the hilus and In hemochromatosis specimens, the color tends to diffuse out.
the ampulla of Vater. The lowermost portion of the common
bile duct runs retroduodenally. The duodenum must be pulled
in the anterior direction and somewhat to the left if the full The liver should be removed together with the diaphragm,
length of the common bile duct is to be exposed without cutting the hepatoduodenal ligament, and a long segment of inferior
into the wall of the duodenum. Prior formalin fixation facili- vena cava. The vessels are cannulated and blood and blood clots
tates the dissection. In fetuses and newborns, dissection of the are flushed out with water.
common bile duct may be difficult, and its patency is easier to INJECTION OF RADIOPAQUE
check by opening the duodenum and observing whether bile
can be milked out through the ampulla. This is a useful test,
particularly when biliary atresia is suspected. Arteriograms, portal venograms, and cholangiograms can
The hepatic artery lies to the left of the common bile duct be prepared with Ethiodol and barium sulfate-gelatin mixtures.
and can easily be dissected from the anterior aspect of the Distortion or occlusion of vessels and dilatation or narrowing
hepatoduodenal ligament. The portal vein is found at the pos- of intrahepatic bile ducts are best studied by combined stereoro-
terior aspect of the ligament. In the presence of portal vein entgenography of the whole liver and of slices, and by histo-
thrombosis or tumor growth in portal veins or after portacaval logic examination.
shunt, dissection from the posterior aspect of the hepatoduo- PREPARATION OF CORROSION CASTS
denal ligament gives the most instructive results. OF HEPATIC VESSELS AND BILE DUCTS
Smooth cut sections of livers are difficult to prepare. A knife
which permits slicing of the whole organ with an uninterrupted The vessels are first perfused with saline and then with ac-
pulling motion should be used. etone. The injection requires high pressure. For the hepatic
Usually the liver is sliced in the frontal plane, each slice arteries, 8% Vinylite is used. When no more fluid can be intro-
being about 1 cm thick. The hilar structures may remain attached duced, a final filling of the larger vessels is achieved by inject-
to one of the central slices. ing concentrated (20%) Vinylite solution. Each vascular com-
Sometimes it is necessary to expose, on one cut section, a partment is injected separately, the artery first. After 1 h, blocks
large parenchymatous surface or to leave the hilar structures can be removed for histologic examination. After 2 d the speci-
intact. In these instances, a horizontal section through the liver men is macerated in concentrated HCl for 3 to 5 d. The cast is
is the method of choice. then rinsed in water, dried, and defatted in ligroin (Milton Hales
This method is used particularly in cases of hemochroma-
tosis or hemosiderosis. Hemosiderin storage in other organs Agenesis of the liver is extremely rare.
(i.e., pancreas, myocardium) also can be demonstrated by this ABSENCE OF THE LIVER Total absence of the liver is a
technique. lethal malformation. It occurs with absence of other abdominal
A slice of liver is placed for several minutes in a 1 to 5% aque- organs in the acardiac or amorphous twin disruption sequence
ous solution of potassium ferrocyanide and then is transferred owing to an artery-to-artery placental shunt (twin reversed-
to 2% hydrochloric acid (HCl)or a solution of equal parts of arterial-perfusion [TRAP] sequence) (Fig. 1).
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness LIVER Absence or hypoplasia of the left lobe of the liver may
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ be asymptomatic. Absence of the liver tissue to the left of the
short stature, developmental delay, lack of widening of the inter- monly by the hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D and E. The liver
pedicular distance in the lumbar spine, retinal pigmentary changes, changes are characterized by inflammation of the portal tracts
high-pitched voice, and delayed puberty. with acinar disarray the presence of acidophilic bodies and bal-
Bile duct paucity is defined histologically. Normal unaf- looning degeneration of hepatocytes. The disorder may prog-
fected livers, on average, have one or four bile ducts per portal ress to chronic hepatitis with periportal fibrosis and cirrhosis.
tract, whereas in paucity of the bile ducts there is only one duct LATE SEQUELAE OF VIRAL HEPATITIS POST-
found in every two to four portal areas. The standard number NECROTIC CIRRHOSIS (NODULAR HYPERPLASIA)
of portal tracts evaluated is 20. Nodular Cirrhosis Nodular regeneration produces numer-
PIHBD is usually apparent after 3 mo. The incidence of Ala- ous nodules uniformly throughout the liver, ranging in size
gille syndrome has been estimated at 1 in 100,000 live births. from 0.5 to 4 cm. Regardless, the liver weight is less than nor-
Approximately 60% of newly diagnosed individuals have a de mal. The nodules are clearly separated from one another by
novo mutation in a gene, Jagged 1, with the remaining 40% relatively narrow bands of grey scar tissue. The nodules them-
representing familial cases. The gene locus is a large deletion selves are yellow or green and may be seen bulging into hepatic
of chromosome 20p12. It appears to be autosomal recessive. and portal veins (Fig. 5).
Cholestasis Lesions that cause mechanical obstruction to
bile flow include choledocholithiasis, neoplasms, sclerosing
1AT) DEFICIENCY cholangitis, pancreatitis, choledochal cysts, and biliary atresia.
1AT deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder. The Bile plugs may be present in the biliary ducts. Drug-induced
heterozygous state occurs in 10–15% of the general population hepatotoxicity, viral hepatitis, and many metabolic diseases can
who have serum levels of approx 60% of normal; the homozy- be associated with extrahepatic cholestasis.
gous state occurs in 1 in 2000 persons who have serum levels THE LIVER IN SICKLE CELL DISEASE The liver is often
of 1AT approx 10% of normal. There are many alleles of the enlarged (2000 to 3000 g) and is a deep red-brown mahogany
1AT gene. An infant with 1AT deficiency may present at birth or deep purple, owing to the presence of hemosiderin, indistin-
with neonatal cirrhosis. Cholestasis is present in hepatocytes guishable from post-necrotic necrosis. Cholecystitis and chole-
and canaliculi. The portal areas may show fibrosis and bile duct lithiasis may be present.
proliferation that will progress to cirrhosis (Fig. 4). PAS-posi- DIFFUSE TOXIC NECROSIS Amanita phalloides (mush-
tive globules of 1AT accumulate in the periportal hepatocytes room poisoning) may result in acute massive necrosis of the
and can be demonstrated by immunostaining with antibodies liver in fatal cases.
for 1AT. Patients with this disorder usually have the P1ZZ phe- CONGENITAL SYPHILIS In newborns (often stillborn), a
notype. Liver transplantation is successful in the treatment of dull, grey, poorly circumscribed area is seen through the cap-
this disorder. sule of the right lobe. Sectioning through this reveals an exten-
See Chapter 7 for discussion of metabolic diseases affecting sive, fairly well-defined, firm area of dense, white, fibrous tissue
the liver. which completely replaces the parenchyma.
HEMOSIDEROSIS Excessive depositing of iron in the A commoner variant is the diffuse syphilitic interstitial fibrosis.
liver can occur in any condition of chronic excess red blood cell BENIGN TUMORS OF THE LIVER
destruction, particularly the hemolytic anemias. It also follows Hemangioma (Fig. 6) After skin, the liver is the most
repeated blood transfusions. common site of this lesion which has been said to be found in
ACUTE VIRAL HEPATITIS Acute viral hepatitis may be up to 10% of autopsies. Most of the tumors are of the cavernous
caused by a number of viruses including herpes virus, adeno- type. Most are between 1 to 3 cm across and are usually single
virus, Epstein-Barr (EB) virus, cytomegalovirus but most com- but may be multiple.
Fig. 9. Microscopic appearance of mesenchymal hamartoma with loose mesenchymal tissue hepatocytes and bile ducts.
ampulla of Vater may be useful in guiding the dissection) using in order to preserve the normal shape of the structures. The cys-
artery scissors, and the cystic duct can be found from this end tic duct is difficult to dissect because of its numerous folds. The
or by opening the gallbladder. Gallstones should be evaluated gallbladder is removed from its bed intact and opened in a fine-
and analyzed if needed. The collection of bile for toxicology meshed strainer. If liver and gallbladder are to be fixed in a
may be indicated. The pancreatic duct can be identified and block, it is advisable to first remove the bile from the unopened
opened along the length of the pancreas. Since the pancreas from gallbladder with a syringe.
tail to the head at intervals of no greater than 10 mm. AGENESIS OF THE GALLBLADDER (FIG. 12) Congenital
GALLBLADDER The gallbladder and the extrahepatic bile abnormalities of the gallbladder include agenesis and struc-
ducts are partially opened and filled with formalin-soaked cotton tural and positional variations such as intrahepatic gallbladder
Fig. 12. Agenesis of gallbladder. (A) Hilus of liver with common bile duct. (B) Entering directly into liver, PV, portal vein; D, duodenum.
(B) Dissection of liver showing bile ducts entering into liver with absence of gallbladder, D, duodenum; PV, portal vein.
and floating gallbladder. Agenesis of the gallbladder may occur system (CNS) anomalies, in some syndromes with chromosomal
as an isolated event discovered incidentally at surgery or autopsy. aberrations, and in rare familial cases.
The condition is usually asymptomatic in neonates and infants DEVELOPMENTAL DEFECTS OF THE GALLBLADDER
but may be symptomatic in older children. Agenesis of the gall- Absence of the gallbladder is usually associated with other
bladder has been found in association with a variety of congen- malformations and is a common finding in fetal triploidy. The
ital malformations, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal gallbladder may be embedded in the liver parenchyma. Double
(GI), genitourinary, craniofacial, skeletal, and central nervous gallbladders and a floating gallbladder are rare defects.
DISSECTION Open the splenic vein and the pancreatic
duct. Separate the pancreas from the duodenum. Weigh the pan-
Fig. 13. Biliary cirrhosis owing to biliary atresia with small nodules. creas and section it longitudinally or crosswise, taking blocks
from the head, body, and tail.
The stomach, the duodenum, and jejunum to the ligament of
Treitz with the pancreas are dissected together. After opening
the stomach and small bowel, the ampulla of Vater is identified
and free-flowing bile can be seen usually by gentle pressure on
the gallbladder. Parallel sagittal sections are preferred when
the pancreatic duct is dilated.
Lipomatosis of the pancreas can be demonstrated well by
staining a slice of the organ with Sudan II, Sudan Black or Oil
Red O.
Fat necrosis also can be stained. The tissue is fixed in 10%
formalin solution and subsequently placed in a concentrated
copper acetate solution. After 1 d in the incubator or several days
Fig. 14. Choledochal cyst. Probe is within cyst (left) gallbladder at room temperature, the areas of fat necrosis turns blue-green.
and cystic duct (right). Injection of the mesenteric and celiac artery system permits
good roentgenographic visualization of the pancreatic arterial
The retrograde injection of radiopaque medium from the
EXTRAHEPATIC BILIARY DUCTS papilla of Vater provides excellent roentgenograms of the pan-
creatic duct system. Cystic dilatations, stenoses, tumors, and
Accessory ducts, positional alterations, duplications, and
concrements can be identified by this technique.
anomalies of the gallbladder and extrahepatic ducts.
sory pancreatic tissue is not unusual, being found in 1 to 2% of
to be a post-inflammatory lesion and is preceded by neonatal
autopsies. In decreasing frequency, it is found in the duodenal
giant cell hepatitis that progresses to fibrosis, and ultimately, to
wall (generally submucosal and in the second part), stomach,
biliary cirrhosis (Fig. 13). The extrahepatic biliary ducts are
jejunum, ileum, Meckel diverticulum, gallbladder, splenic cap-
atretic and represented by fibrous cord-like structures that may
sule, esophagus, mesentery, and omentum. Heterotopic spleen
be completely obliterated. The gallbladder is absent, small, or
may be present in the pancreas (Fig. 15).
cord-like. The bile ducts in the porta hepatis may have lumina
ANNULAR PANCREAS (FIG. 16) A dorsal and a ventral
of sufficient diameter (300 µ) to surgically attempt reestablish-
bud from the duodenum are the anlagen of the pancreas, which
ment of bile flow by portoenterostomy. Liver transplantation is
normally fuse to form the head of the pancreas. Rarely, the ven-
the usual treatment.
tral anlage fails to rotate position. The anterior segment has its own
CHOLEDOCHAL CYST (FIG. 14) There are five types of
pancreatic duct which may enter the duodenum independently.
dilatation of bile ducts:
This anomaly may be without any symptoms. Duodenal ob-
1. Choledochal cyst, a localized cystic dilatation of the extra- struction at birth may occur and have an atresia of the duodenum.
hepatic bile duct. Pancreatitis is another complication.
2. Diverticulum of the common bile duct or gallbladder. In symptomatic fetuses and newborns, annular pancreatic
3. Choledochocele, a lesion that extends into the wall of the tissue may be either intramural or external to the serosa. Symp-
duodenum. tomatic annular pancreas in young children is frequently asso-
4. Multiple dilatations of extra- and intrahepatic ducts (Caroli ciated with other anomalies, including Down syndrome, esoph-
disease). ageal atresia, congenital heart disease, diaphragmatic hernia,
5. Fusiform extra- and intrahepatic dilatation. and malrotation.
Fig. 15. Heterotopic islands of splenic tissue in the tail of the pancreas.
True hypoplasia and hyperplasia occasionally occur, the pan- RELAPSING AND CHRONIC PANCREATITIS Repeated
creas otherwise appearing normal. damage to the pancreas progresses to a cystic, calcified, fibrotic
Agenesis of the pancreas is very rarely seen, occurs with other state.
very serious malformations, and is not compatible with life. A rare hereditary relapsing pancreatitis affects many mem-
TRAUMA AND HEMORRHAGE The pancreas is most bers of some families.
likely to be damaged by a direct blunt trauma, since its position PSEUDOCYSTS These are by far the most common cysts
is fixed. If the organ is lacerated, this can be followed by an in the pancreas. They are the result of trauma hemorrhage with
abscess, pancreatic fistula, pseudocyst, chronic recurrent pan- a thick or thin red-brown fluid. They may follow an attack of
creatitis, or malabsorption owing to lack of pancreatic digestive acute pancreatitis with hemorrhage, necrosis, or abscess for-
enzymes. Occasionally, birth trauma causes large pancreatic mation and may contain fluid which is cloudy, brown, or shades
hemorrhages. of yellow. Pseudocysts may be multiple. Their size varies and
ACUTE HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATITIS Some of the the fluid may be colorless, cloudy, yellow-green or hemorrha-
conditions associated with pancreatitis are obstruction of ampulla gic. More recent cysts contain semi-solid necrotic material.
of Vater; gall stones; cholecystitis; pancreatic duct obstruction, DERMOID CYSTS Dermoid cysts in the pancreas are rare.
recent surgery in the neighborhood. ECHINOCOCCUS CYSTS Echinococcus cysts are very
The complications of acute pancreatitis (suppurative pan- uncommon.
creatitis) in which bacterial infection produces small abscesses SHWACHMAN-DIAMOND SYNDROME Schwachman-
in the pancreas or a large one in the lesser sac; pseudocysts fol- Diamond syndrome (SDS) is an autosomal recessive condition
lowing necrosis of pancreatic tissue; pancreatic fistula, if the that occurs in early infancy and is characterized by growth retar-
duct is open and exposed. dation, steatorrhea, and frequent foul-smelling stools. Duodenal
fluid analysis shows absent or low trypsin amylase, and lipase
activity. the pancreas is normal in size but largely replaced by fat.
• Fat tissue necroses In SDS, the pancreatic ductal function (water and electro-
• Intraosseous calcification (femur and tibia) lyte release) is preserved, but the exocrine enzyme secretion is
• Exudate or abscesses in lesser sac or other peritoneal pockets; diminished, similar to Johanson-Blizzard syndrome. Histologic
ascites analysis of the pancreas shows preserved ducts and paucity of
• Pleural effusions acini with fatty replacement in the gland and manifests with
• Hypercalcemia or hypertriglyceridemia steatorrhea and has abnormal 72-h fecal fat studies.
• Cultures or serologic studies may be positive for cytomeg- A patient without low serum trypsinogen and without steat-
alovirus infection, infectious mononucleosis, mumps, scar- orrhea, but with a low serum isoamylase, indeed does have
let fever, typhoid fever, or viral hepatitis pancreatic dysfunction compatible with SDS.
Table 1 pancreas. They are single and multiple, have a thin, smooth wall,
Evolution of Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis and contain clear fluid. Their size averages 1 to 2 cm.
Pathological changes Clinical correlates JOHANSON-BLIZZARD SYNDROME This is associated
with pancreatic insufficiency and fat replacement. Hypothy-
Mucous-plugged cholangioles No clinical findings
roidism may be part of other Johanson-Blizzard syndrome,
Proliferation inflammation being a frequent finding in the Johanson-Blizzard syndrome of
hypoplastic alae nasi, deafness, prenatal growth retardation,
Focal biliary fibrosis and variable urogenital and anorectal abnormalities.
ISLET CELL TUMOR About two-thirds of benign islet
tumors cause hypoglycemic symptoms. The tumor is firm, pink,
Extension to adjacent triads
brown, or red-grey and well-defined, although not usually
Palpable, hard (nodular?) liver
encapsulated. In about one-tenth of cases, more than one is
Multilobular biliary cirrhoses
Nesidioblastosis may occur in infants and children. These
Portal hypertension Hepatosplenomegaly infants present with severe hypoglycemia.
Gastrointestinal bleeding Bates MD, Bucuvalas JC, Alonso MH, et al. Biliary atresia: pathogenesis
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solid, with a fine honeycomb breaking up the grey-white tissue. associated with Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. Nat Genet 2003;
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HEMOCHROMATOSIS The pancreas is enlarged, firm, Elmasalme F, Aljudaibi A, Matbouly S, et al. Torsion of an accessory
and brown, and becomes fibrotic with replacement of exocrine lobe of the liver in an infant. J Pediatr Surg 1995;30:1348–1350.
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In one-quarter of the cases, the gallbladder is hypoplastic Pathology with Ultrasound Correlation. Lippincott, Williams, & Wil-
and contains amber gelatinous material. The cystic duct con- kins, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
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12 Renal System
DISSECTION OF THE KIDNEYS 4. There are small or large cysts present either uniformly or
The kidney is composed of small reniculi, each with a papilla. in a patchy distribution.
The kidney grows by progressively adding nephrons to the 5. The texture of the kidney is irregular and firmer than
surface; thus the capsular and subcapsular levels have much normal.
greater importance in the developing organ. The first rule in 6. There are irregularities in coloration with pale and con-
examining the kidneys at autopsy is not to strip the capsule but gested areas.
to clear away the perineal fat and inspect the surface. Note any 7. There are abnormalities in the thickness and form in the
of the reniculi that are different from the others, and do this renal pelvis.
before the kidneys are separated from the inferior vena cava. Many syndromes are associated with renal dysplasia. These
Abnormal and dysplastic reniculi are sometimes associated are listed in Table 1.
with an abnormal blood supply.
If there is no obvious obstructive element, and the renal tract
has not been injected, a single cut through the kidney to the URINE SAMPLING
pelvis is made. The capsule can often be stripped. The follow- If no urine has been available before this time, it is necessary
ing points should be noted: to obtain some fluid at this point. The simplest method, if the
bladder obviously contains urine, is to place the mouth of a
1. The regularity of the reniculi.
small test tube over the urethral orifice in the vulva or over the
2. The shape of the papillae.
penis and then compress the exposed bladder from within the
3. The thickness of the cortex and of the medulla.
abdomen and pelvis. If the bladder is not distended, it is most
4. The appearance of any abnormal zones and at what level
convenient to collect a sample with a syringe and needle through
they occur (i.e., cortical necrosis or papillary necrosis or
the upper posterior muscle wall immediately below the urachus.
whether the lesions appear to be radial as often occurs in
If the bladder appears to be empty, it is always possible to
acute infections).
obtain enough urine for many tests, including abnormal amino
5. The presence of cysts and cystic areas.
acids, by opening the bladder with a scissors cut and applying
6. Presence or absence of fetal lobulations.
a piece of filter paper to the internal bladder surface.
The normal weights of kidneys in males and females is shown A small amount of urine can also often be obtained from the
in Appendix 1. pelvis of the kidneys. Such small amounts of urine on damp-
ened paper should be put immediately into a sealable container
to prevent drying.
Thin slices of kidney can be dissected fresh in a watch glass
of water, but both fixed and unfixed tissue can be used. The
most convenient is to use small fragments of kidney that have MALFORMATION OF THE KIDNEY
been left for a few hours in sodium or potassium hydroxide, AND UPPER URINARY TRACT
which softens the connective tissue and prevents the fluid from In renal agenesis, the corresponding ureter and vesical tri-
being clouded with hemolyzed blood. gone are usually absent. Usually it is sporadic, but it may occur
The features of dysplasia and multicystic dysplasia include as an autosomal-dominant trait with variable expression. Uni-
the following: lateral agenesis is more common and may be accompanied by
1. The kidneys are smaller or larger than expected. ipsilateral anomalies of mesonephric or paramesonephric duct
2. The reniculi are irregular, some large, some small, and derivatives, including absence of epididymus, vas deferens,
the edges are not smooth and abnormal in numbers. and ejaculatory duct in males, and absence of uterine horn,
3. The line behind the cortex and medulla is not distinct fallopian tube, and ovary in females.
(as in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome). Bilateral agenesis (Fig. 1) results in oligohydramnios, pre-
mature birth, and Potter sequence. Renal hypoplasia is a devel-
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness opmentally small kidney (more than two standard deviations
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ below the expected mean weight). Kidneys are normally differ-
Fig. 2. (A) Gross appearance of autosomal-recessive polycystic kidneys. (B) Cut surface. (C) Microscopic appearance of dilated tubules in
a perpendicular orientation to the capsule.
The infant grows in a smaller space and becomes compressed; children and even adults. As the age of first symptoms increases,
movement is restricted, resulting in a characteristic flattening the degree of renal enlargement tends to be less, and cystic
of the face and ears (Potter facies) and relatively immobile limb change is less diffuse whereas hepatic fibrosis tends to be more
joints with arthrogryposis. severe. The liver contains enlarged portal areas with an increased
ARPKD ASSOCIATED WITH CONGENITAL HEPATIC number of biliary profiles that form an array of anastomosing
FIBROSIS The spectrum of ARPKD has been extended to channels. However, the biliary structures are flattened sacs rather
include forms other than the classic variety that occur in older than ducts and occasional specimens contain gross cysts. Cysts
Fig. 4. Gross appearance of autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The cysts are large and irregular.
Table 2
Categorization of Glomerulocystic Kidneys
Glomerulocystic kidney disorders
Autosomal-dominant PKD in young infants
Dominant glomerulocystic kidney disease in older patients
Sporadic nonsyndromal glomerulocystic kidney disease
Familial hypoplastic glomerulocystic kidney disease
Glomerulocystic kidneys in heritable malformation syndromes
Tuberous sclerosis
Orofaciodigital syndrome, type 1
Brachymesomelia-renal syndrome
Trisomy 13
Short rib-polydactyly syndromes
Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy syndrome
Zellweger cerebrohepatorenal syndrome
Fig. 5. Glomerulocystic disease. The Bowman spaces of the glom- Familial juvenile neprhonophthiasis
eruli are distended. This may be a early manifestation of ADPKD. Glomerular cysts in dysplastic kidneys
Diffuse cystic renal dysplasia
Renal-hepatic-pancreatic dysplasia
in the differential diagnosis for this condition. ADPKD is char- tions) that disrupt expression of both PKD1 and TSC2 seem
acterized by nearly complete penetrance, but with highly vari- to explain the frequency of glomerulocystic disease in some
able expressivity. patients with TSC. Most of the remaining cases of ADPKD are
ADPKD is a polygenic disorder, of which 85–90% of cases associated with mutations in another gene, PKD2, located on
are associated with mutations in PKD1, a gene located on chro- chromosome 4q. The gene products encoded by PKD1 and PKD2
mosome 16P, immediately adjacent to one of the genes (TSC2) and transmembrane proteins are expressed in the epithelial cells
responsible for tuberous sclerosis (TSC). Mutations (e.g., dele- of developing nephrons. The dominant mutations that cause
ADPKD are generally germline mutations present in one allele forniceal development. These renal abnormalities bear a strong
in every cell of the affected individual. Some evidence sug- relationship to other urinary tract malformations, including ure-
gests that cysts arise from excessive proliferation of nephron teral atresia and urethral valves, suggesting that urinary obstruc-
epithelial, possibly caused by second-hit mutations in the other tion or urinary reflux during metanephric development leads to
normal allele. It is possible to perform mutational analysis or renal dysplasia.
linkage analysis to confirm a suspected diagnosis of ADKPD, Dysplastic kidneys are often cystic, and the most common
but this is not practical in most instances because of the cost. variety is the multicystic kidney. Multicystic dysplasia is char-
Most of the other forms of GCKD listed in Table 2 are easily acterized by an enlarged, misshapen, irregularly cystic kidney
distinguished from ADPKD based on additional phenotypic or (Fig. 6B). The seemingly disorganized structure of the multi-
cytogenetic data. Familial hypoplastic GCKD contrasts with cystic kidney is accounted for by the severity of cyst formation,
glomerulocystic ADPKD in that the kidneys are extremely small and both multicystic and aplastic kidneys contain rudimentary
in the former condition, not enlarged. lobes and lobules of metanephric tissue, with variable deficien-
Such cysts may occur in a wide variety of inherited and spor- cies of nephrons and ducts. Both contain relatively solid central
adic disorders, including early onset ADPKD, the Zellweger cere- areas, from which branching primitive ducts radiate to the periph-
brohepatorenal syndrome, tuberous sclerosis (TSC), trisomy 13 ery as incompletely differentiated branches of the ureteric bud.
syndrome, Majewski-type short-rib polydactyly syndrome, oro- The septa among the cysts in multicystic kidneys contain rudi-
faciodigital syndrome, brachymesomelia renal syndrome, and mentary lobules consisting of branching collecting ducts in close
some examples of renal dysplasia. A proportion of infants with relation to caps of cortical glomeruli and convoluted tubules.
glomerulocystic disease have no apparent abnormalities out- Cysts arise as ductal dilatations, usually in the periphery of the
side the kidneys or other syndromal associations, and in these kidney, and they communicate.
cases the abnormality appears to be sporadic. Multicystic kidneys are almost always associated with ure-
In infancy, approximately half the cases of glomerulocystic teral atresia and pyelocalyceal occlusion, and the ureter may be
disease are examples of early onset ADPKD. Of the remainder, partially absent. The presence of patent pelvis and calyces in a
consideration of associated features will identify syndromal asso- cystic dysplastic kidney indicates some other type of dysplasia.
ciations where appropriate and allow correct genetic counseling. Aplastic kidneys are hypoplastic dysplastic kidneys (Fig. 7),
In some examples of renal dysplasia, glomerular cyst for- and they also have atretic ureters, but the association is not as
mation can be a histologic feature. There is genetic heteroge- clear because several types of small dysplastic kidneys have
neity in familial GCKD; the hypoplastic subtype is a part of a been grouped together under that heading. Multicystic and aplas-
clinical spectrum of the renal cysts and diabetes syndrome that tic kidneys are nonfunctional, even though the multicystic kid-
is associated with hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 mutations. GCKD ney may concentrate contrast medium during high-dose excre-
has developed following hemolytic uremic syndrome. After pro- tory urography or radionuclide during renal scans.
longed peritoneal dialysis, severe hypertension and normal- The multicystic kidney is usually detected in the newborn as
sized kidneys without development of macroscopic cysts are a flank mass. Sonography shows large, spherical cysts with non-
common features. In these cases, cystic dilatation of Bowmans delineation of the renal sinus. Studies have shown that acti-
capsule may be the result of ischemic lesions leading to proxi- vated p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase may mediate
mal tubular obstruction. It has also been reported with Henoch- hyperproliferation and dysplastic tubules, resulting in cyst for-
Schönlein purpura. mation. There is a high frequency of contralateral renal and uri-
LOCALIZED CYSTIC DISEASE The lack of a capsule, the nary tract abnormalities, perhaps as high as 40%. Malformations
distinct nephronic and collecting duct derivation of the cysts, of other systems are common, especially congenital heart dis-
and the presence of normal parenchyma distinguishes localized ease and esophageal or intestinal atresia. Multicystic kidneys
cystic disease from the multilocular cyst. are usually unilateral, but occasionally they are bilateral.
Renal dysplasia is encountered in about 10% of refluxing
kidneys. The dysplastic changes in these circumstances are usu-
RENAL DYSPLASIA ally focal, consisting of clusters of primitive ducts and some-
Dysplastic kidneys are, by definition, abnormally differenti- times of cartilage bars, either in scarred and atrophic segments
ated, as shown by abnormal structural organization with abnor- or adjacent to them. The presence of dysplasia is interpreted as
mally developed metanephric elements. The features that can the result of intrauterine reflux during metanephric develop-
be regarded as clearly dysplastic are metaplastic cartilage, prim- ment rather than as acquired postnatal change.
itive ducts, and lobar disorganization (Fig. 6A). Metaplastic car- The cysts in diffuse cystic dysplasia arise principally within
tilage customarily appears within the cortex as bars and nests primitive collecting ducts, although portions of the nephron
of hyaline cartilage. Primitive ducts, which may be cystic, are also become cystic, as in Meckel syndrome. In many specimens,
altered collecting ducts lined with undifferentiated epithelium however, there is a striking paucity of nephrons. Some clusters
and surrounded by fibromuscular collars. Incomplete and abnor- of glomeruli and convoluted tubules are present among the
mal corticomedullary relationships and rudimentary medullary cysts, but normal cortical organization into medullary rays and
development constitute lobar disorganization. The incompletely cortical labyrinth is usually obscured. The association of Dandy-
developed medullary pyramids are deficient in vasa recta and Walker malformation and cystic dysplastic kidneys, as well as
Henles loops and are associated with incomplete calyceal and occipital encephalocele and polydactyly, may represent pleiot-
Fig. 6. Multicystic renal dysplasia. (A) Microscopic appearance showing dysplastic changes with formation of cartilage. (B) Both kidneys
are large and cystic.
ropy/heterogeneity; however, familial renal-hepatic-pancreatic The risk of inheritance of nonsyndromal dysplasia is small,
dysplasia and Dandy-Walker cyst appear to be a separate syn- empirically not significantly different from zero. Nonetheless,
drome. Likewise, Dandy-Walker malformation, cystic renal dys- there is minimal risk of recurrence of multicystic and aplastic
plasia, and hepatic fibrosis may be within the phenotypic expres- kidneys in subsequent siblings, in that both malformations occur
sion of Meckel syndrome or a distinct syndrome. Cartilage is in the hereditary renal adysplasia syndrome, which comprises
seldom present. Diffuse cystic dysplasia occurs regularly in unilateral dysplasia, unilateral agenesis, and lethal bilateral agen-
Meckel syndrome; it occurs less often in a group of disorders esis, usually in a dominant pattern of inheritance.
that includes several forms of short-limbed chondrodysplasia,
Zellweger syndrome, glutaric aciduria type 2, and renal-hepa-
tic-pancreatic dysplasia. In all of these syndromes, the liver con-
tains a biliary abnormality similar to that of autosomal-recessive Hereditary renal adysplasia is an autosomal-dominant trait.
PKD and congenital hepatic fibrosis. Specific diagnosis depends With some agenesis, there is a high frequency (40%) of con-
on recognition of the syndrome because the renal abnormality tralateral renal and urinary tract abnormalities, particularly with
is similar in all of them. aplastic and multicystic dysplasia (Fig. 8). Ectopic kidneys are
Fig. 9. Horseshoe kidney. Both kidneys are fused at their lower poles and the ureters pass anteriorly to reach the bladder.
Fig. 11. Congenital hydronephrosis from a stillborn infant. There is VON HIPPEL-LINDAU DISEASE
massive dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyces.
von Hippel-Lindau disease is a condition inherited is an
autosomal-dominant trait characterized by a variable combina-
tion of retinal angiomatosis, cerebellar angiomas, and cysts or
tumors of abdominal organs, particularly the pancreas and kid-
neys (Fig. 16). Renal cysts are common, they vary in number
but are often bilateral and sometimes sufficiently numerous to
mimic ADPKD.
The von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor cyclin
D1 gene maps to chromosome 3p25-26. Germline mutations in
the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene predispose the
patient to renal cell carcinoma, hemangioblastoma of the cen-
tral nervous system, and pheochromocytoma.
Renal cysts are found in two-thirds of patients with von Hippel-
Lindau disease. There are usually multiple bilateral cysts, which
are often lined with hyperplastic, atypical cells that form mural
nodules of intracystic carcinoma. Renal adenocarcinoma devel-
Fig. 12. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Microscopic appearance of ops in about one-third of patients, and in 15% of patients it is
large tubular cysts with dysplastic stroma.
bilateral. Diagnosis of renal adenocarcinoma is made on an
average of 15 yr earlier than in sporadic cases. The carcinomas
are usually well differentiated, with a relatively good progno-
sis. In a small subset of patients, pheochromocytomas occur
as a manifestation of von Hippel-Lindau disease. von Hippel-
Lindau-associated pheochromocytomas have a distinct histo-
logic phenotype compared with pheochromocytomas, which
are characterized by a thick vacular tumor capsule; myxoid and
hyalinized stroma, absence of cytoplasmic hyaline globules, and
lack of nuclear atypia or mitoses.
Fig. 14. Meckel syndrome. (A) The cut surface of the kidney shows irregular cysts. (B) A 14-wk fetus with multiple cysts. (C) Newborn infant
with large irregular trabeculated cysts.
lary sponge kidney and familial nephronophthisis–medullary focal calcified concretions in the ducts. The condition is fre-
cystic disease. quently asymptomatic unless complications such as urinary
MEDULLARY SPONGE KIDNEY (MSK) This relatively infection and urolithiasis occur, and this explains why the con-
common condition is characterized by ectasia of the intra- dition is rarely diagnosed in childhood, despite the fact that it
papillary collecting ducts, usually affecting all the pyramids of is probably a developmental anomaly. Its incidence is usually
both kidneys, but occasionally involving only one or two pyra- sporadic.
mids or only one kidney (Fig. 17). It is usually recognized FAMILIAL NEPHRONOPHTHISIS–MEDULLARY CYSTIC
radiologically by excretory urography; the dilated papillary DISEASE Medullary cystic disease and so-called juvenile neph-
ducts filled with contrast medium give a characteristic linear ronophthisis were first described separately. The major patho-
streaking of the renal papillae that is often accompanied by logic changes are of an essentially nonspecific tubulointerstitial
Fig. 15. Tuberous sclerosis; cystic kidneys. (A) Gross appearance of an angiomyolipoma. (B) Microscopically the cysts are lined by abundant
eosinophilic cytoplasm.
Fig. 16. von Hippel Lindau disease. (A) Cysts are present through-
out the kidneys. (B) The cysts are lined by vacuolated epithelium. Fig. 18. Medullary cystic disease.
nephritis with a varying degree of glomerulosclerosis (Fig. 18). lamination of tubular basement membranes. Dilated tubules and
There is widespread tubular atrophy, particularly of distal tubu- larger cysts are mostly located at the corticomedullary junction,
lar segments, accompanied by marked thickening and often and in contradistinction to MSK, they are not found at the papil-
Table 3
Causes of Congenital Hydronephrosis
Stricture of urethra
Posterior urethral valves
Duplication of pelvis or ureters
Ureterovesical stricture
Ureteropelvic stricture
Aberrant renal artery
Primary obstructive megaureter
Ureteropelvic junction
Ureterovesical junction
Collagen replacement of smooth muscle of ureter
Fig. 20. Renal tubular dysgenesis. There are no recognizable proxi-
mal tubular segments and the glomeruli are crowded together.
may contain crescents. Immunofluorescence studies may be esis, which should be confirmed by histologic and immunohis-
negative or may show mesangial staining for IgM, C3, and C1q tologic examination of the kidney.
in intact glomeruli, and IgM and C3 outline in sclerotic glom-
eruli. By electron microscopy, endothelial and mesangial cells
appear hypertrophic, and a marked increase in mesangial matrix The causes for congenital hydronephrosis are shown in
is seen. Table 3. Where there has been reflux from the bladder, dilated
and tortuous ureters occur. The renal pelvis can be inflated
RENAL TUBULAR DYSGENESIS through the ureters. In such cases, it is best to inflate the ureters
Renal tubular dysgenesis is an unusual cause of neonatal from the side without cutting them across. When detail of intra-
oliguria and usually occurs after a gestation complicated by papillary reflux is later required, the use of radioopaque mate-
oligohydramnios. Oligohydramnios may be delayed, however, rials is very helpful. However, the best results are obtained by
becoming evident after the 20th wk of gestation, which makes doing an initial infusion with formol saline and later replacing
early diagnosis difficult even when the condition is suggested the fixation by the radioopaque fluid.
by family history. The renal abnormality has been associated Most congenitally hydronephrotic kidneys contain normal
with widely patent cranial fontanels. The kidneys are commonly, parenchyma apart from the compression effects of pelvic dila-
although not necessarily, enlarged, containing an increased tation. That observation, namely, the lack of altered metaneph-
number of nephrons. The cortical tubules are lined with densely ric differentiation, suggests that the obstruction is commonly
packed columnar cells that histochemically bind peanut lectin. acquired late in gestation, possibly even after the cessation of
The immunohistochemical reaction for epithelial membrane nephrogenesis at 36 wk. The hydronephrosis may also become
antigen is positive, suggesting that the tubular segments are of more severe during the last month of gestation, with regression
collecting duct origin. As a result, the glomeruli appear to be postnatally. The obstruction is most often at the ureteropelvic
crowded together, and the medullary pyramids are smaller than junction. Congenital hydronephrosis is usually caused by an
normal (Fig. 20). intrinsic abnormality of a short segment of the ureteral muscle.
Immunohistochemical demonstration of very large amounts Aberrant branches of the renal artery crossing the upper ureter
of renin within preglomerular arteries suggests vasoconstric- or renal pelvis have also been implicated, but there is usually
tion and greatly reduced glomerular perfusion. Microdissection an associated intrinsic abnormality of the ureteral musculature,
study has demonstrated marked shortening of all the nephron so that the role of the vessels in causing obstruction is unclear.
segments from the glomeruli to the collecting tubules rather Patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction with a differ-
than showing an isolated abnormality of the proximal convo- ential function of less than 35% have a high probability of sig-
luted tubules. nificant histologic changes on biopsy and a low probability of
Recognition of this condition is of great importance for fam- postoperative improvement in differential function. Urethral
ily counseling, because it has been shown to have an autosomal- obstruction is considered the major causative factor in the devel-
recessive inheritance. The renal abnormality has also been linked opment of bilateral fetal uropathy
to treatment of maternal hypertension with angiotensin-con-
verting enzyme inhibitors and to maternal use of cocaine and CONGENITAL NEPHROTIC SYNDROME
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and to indomethacin. The term congenital nephrotic syndrome is used to describe
Late second trimester demonstration of oligohydramnios nephrotic syndrome that occurs in the first 3 mo of life (Fig. 21).
with structurally normal kidneys and with or without skull ossi- The syndrome includes minimal change disease, focal glomeru-
fication defects, allow the diagnosis of renal tubular dysgen- losclerosis, membranous glomerulonephritis, and infantile sys-
Epispadias is a congenital abnormality of the phallus caused
by separation of the pubic bones, almost always seen in con-
junction with bladder exstrophy and very rarely seen as an iso-
lated abnormality. In males, the urethra opens onto the upper
surface of the penis, and balanic, penile, and penopubic variet-
ies are described according to the position of the urethral mea-
tus. Most commonly, epispadias is complete, with the urethra
exposed as a mucosal strip on the dorsal aspect of a short, broad,
upturned penis. The glans is flattened and splayed open. In
patients with isolated epispadias, the bladder is usually of small
capacity, and bilateral vesicoureteral reflux is present. The
counterpart of epispadias in females is characterized by vari-
able deficiency of the distal portion of the urethra and a dupli- Fig. 23. Diagram of three types of posterior urethral valves.
cated clitoris.
Table 4
URINARY TRACT ANOMALIES Posterior Urethral Valves
(SEE ALSO GI TRACT) Anterolateral mucosal folds
Valves from verumontanum to bladder neck
Imperforate anus may be supralevator (anorectal agenesis) Mucosal diaphragm
or infralevator (anal agenesis). Anorectal agenesis is almost
always associated with a rectourethral fistula, or much less com-
monly, with a rectovesical fistula in males. In females, anorec- accompany imperforate anus, including renal agenesis, malro-
tal agenesis may or may not be associated with rectovaginal tation and ectopia, megaureter and ureteral duplication, ecto-
fistula. Occasionally in females there is a common cloaca into pia, and ureterocele.
which the bladder, urethra, vagina (which is often duplicated),
In anal agenesis, there may be no associated urinary tract URETHRA POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVES
abnormalities, particularly in females. Sometimes an anobulbar Three varieties have been recognized (Fig. 23; Table 4).
fistula joins the rectum with the distal urethra or extends for- Type I is the most common and consists of two prominent pos-
ward to the penoscrotal junction. In females, a low rectovaginal terior folds, thought to represent exaggerated plicae colliculi,
fistula extends from the rectum to the distal vagina. extending from the verumontanum downward to fuse anteriorly.
With anorectal agenesis, there may be partial sacral agen- In type II, valves consisting of mucosal folds arise from the
esis, and this may be associated with abnormalities of bladder verumontanum and pass forward and upward toward the blad-
innervation. Urinary tract anomalies apart from fistulas often der neck. This variety is very uncommon. Type III valves con-
Appendix 1
Kidney Weights, Left and Right, Male and Female, From 1 D to 19 Yr of Age
Right kidney Left kidney
Mean + Confidence Mean + Confidence
Age n Limits p 0.95 n Limits p 0.95
1d 662 7.1 7.5 7.9 662 7.3 7.7 8.1
2–30 d 137 14.6 16.2 17.8 137 14.4 15.9 17.5
31–60 d 110 60.0 17.4 18.8 110 15.9 17.4 18.8
61–90 d 93 17.7 19.4 21.1 93 18.0 19.8 21.5
91–120 d 87 19.6 21.5 23.4 87 19.5 21.3 23.0
121–150 d 74 19.6 21.8 24.1 74 20.4 22.7 25.0
151–180 d 56 20.9 23.8 26.6 56 21.3 23.5 25.6
1 yr 62 29.0 31.9 34.8 62 29.8 33.6 37.4
2 yr 70 40.6 45.7 50.9 73 42.2 47.3 52.5
3 yr 65 47.7 53.2 58.7 65 49.5 55.0 60.5
4 yr 37 47.9 53.8 59.8 37 50.7 55.9 61.1
5 yr 45 51.0 56.1 61.2 45 52.6 57.6 62.7
6 yr 40 59.5 69.4 79.3 40 62.4 72.3 82.1
7 yr 27 59.6 68.4 77.1 27 59.9 67.8 75.7
8 yr 38 66.9 76.3 85.8 38 68.2 77.7 87.1
9 yr 29 68.7 78.7 88.6 29 70.1 80.7 91.3
10 yr 40 76.7 87.2 97.7 41 80.3 91.2 102.2
11 yr 21 78.9 90.0 101.2 20 78.8 91.3 103.8
12 yr 32 95.9 106.1 116.4 32 97.0 106.6 116.2
13 yr 24 86.8 98.0 109.1 24 90.5 103.2 115.9
14 yr 29 102.2 113.4 124.6 30 103.8 116.8 129.7
15 yr 31 114.3 130.2 146.1 30 115.6 130.7 145.8
16 yr 43 122.7 134.0 145.2 42 121.3 133.8 146.3
17 yr 52 129.9 140.3 150.6 54 138.2 150.6 163.0
18 yr 57 141.3 153.4 165.6 56 145.3 156.9 168.5
19 yr 64 139.4 147.5 155.7 64 142.5 152.0 161.4
1d 561 6.4 6.8 7.2 560 6.4 6.8 7.2
2–30 d 91 13.1 14.7 16.2 91 13.2 14.7 16.1
31–60 d 78 14.5 16.7 18.9 78 14.7 17.1 19.4
61–90 d 72 16.0 17.7 19.4 72 16.1 17.8 19.4
91–120 d 49 16.8 19.5 22.1 48 17.3 19.9 22.6
121–150 d 50 19.5 22.8 26.0 51 19.8 23.0 26.2
151–180 d 46 20.6 23.2 25.8 46 21.3 23.9 26.5
1 yr 62 23.1 25.6 28.0 63 24.2 26.7 29.3
2 yr 36 34.2 37.4 40.5 37 36.1 39.5 42.9
3 yr 50 43.3 47.5 51.6 50 44.6 48.4 52.2
4 yr 34 46.3 51.1 55.9 34 47.2 52.8 58.4
5 yr 30 48.6 54.7 60.7 30 49.8 54.7 59.6
6 yr 46 54.9 62.3 69.8 46 56.6 64.2 71.8
7 yr 27 60.5 72.6 84.6 28 62.4 74.3 86.3
8 yr 29 63.1 76.3 89.6 29 63.4 81.2 99.0
9 yr 19 66.6 73.8 81.1 20 70.9 81.2 91.5
10 yr 15 65.4 89.3 113.2 15 64.4 88.6 112.9
11 yr 15 77.9 93.3 108.7 15 77.1 93.2 109.2
12 yr 12 67.9 91.5 115.0 12 68.8 93.0 117.3
13 yr 27 90.4 101.5 112.7 27 96.9 108.2 119.6
14 yr 16 97.0 105.2 113.4 17 104.0 113.8 123.7
15 yr 33 100.7 113.2 125.6 33 108.3 118.4 128.6
16 yr 18 105.0 122.3 139.7 18 111.0 127.6 144.1
17 yr 47 119.4 129.2 139.0 46 123.2 134.8 146.5
18 yr 37 116.6 123.9 131.3 37 121.3 129.3 137.7
19 yr 42 119.4 129.0 138.6 42 119.5 130.6 141.6
From: Kayser E. Height and weight in human beings: Autopy report. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1987.
Appendix 2
Renal and Urinary Tract Abnormalities in Genetic Disorders and Malformation Syndromes
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
101400 Acrocephalosyndactyly type 3 (Saethre-Chotzen syndrome) AD Duplication of one kidney
100300 Adams-Oliver syndrome (scalp defects and ectrodactyly), AD Cystic kidneys
aplasia cutis congenita, scalp defects, terminal transverse
defect of digits or limbs, lethal
175100 Adenomatous intestinal polyposis; Gardner syndrome AD Horseshoe kidney
105200 Amyloidosis, familial visceral; amyloidosis of Ostertag Probably AD Glomerular amyloid and giant cells; renal
failure in adult life
118450 Arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagille), cholestasis AD Glomerular lipidosis and sclerosis diffuse
secondary to intrahepatic ductular hypoplasia, calcinosis, single kidney, small kidneys,
peripheral pulmonary stenosis, hypertelorism, renal artery stenosis
straight nose, vertebral and ocular anomalies, lethal
173900 AD polycystic kidney disease AD Renal cysts; renal failure in adult life
191800 Bilateral renal agenesis, unilateral renal agenesis, hereditary AD, XL Unilateral agenesis, sometimes with
renal adysplasia contralateral hypoplasia or dysplasia;
bilateral renal agenesis
113650 Branchiootorenal syndrome AD Sharply tapered superior poles and blunting
of calices, renal hypoplasia
118300 Charcot-Marie-Tooth peroneal muscular atrophy syndrome AD Chronic interstitial nephritis, focal segmental
glomerular sclerosis
153650 Deafness-hyperprolinemia-ichthyosis syndrome AD Glomerular sclerosis renal failure
129900 Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft syndrome AD with variable Unilateral renal agenesis
163200 Epidermal nevus (ichthyosis hystrix; Jadassohn nevus AD Wilms tumor, renal hamartoma
sebaceus syndrome)
102500, Essential osteolysis ? AD Chronic glomerulopathy progressing to renal
259699 failure
152460 Familial lobular glomerulopathy Probably AD Proteinuria, progressive renal failure
137950 Fibrillary glomerulopathy AD Proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension
135600 Fibromuscular arterial dysplasia AD Renal artery stenosis, hypertension especially
in females
305600 Focal dermal hypoplasia (Goltz) syndrome AD vs XL with Renal, ureteral malformations
male lethality?
141200 Hematuria, benign familial (thin GBM disease) AD Hematuria, thin GBM
187300 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler) AD Vascular lesions of kidneys, bladder, urethra
cause hematuria
143400 Hydronephrosis, familial AD with variable Unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis with
expressivity or without ureteropelvic obstruction,
contralateral renal agencies; expression of
hereditary renal adysplasia (HRA)
148860 Klippel-Feil deformity, deafness, absent vagina syndrome AD Renal ectopia, unilateral agenesis
149000 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber angioosteohypertrophy syndrome AD Renal angiomas, renal artery aneurysm
149500 Kyrle disease (of skin) Possibly AD Diabetic nephropathy
151100 LEOPARD syndrome (multiple lentigines, pulmonic AD variable Unilateral renal agenesis or hypoplasia,
stenosis, mild hypertelorism, deafness) expressivity hypospadias
151660 Lipodystrophy, familial limb and trunk type AD vs XL Diabetic nephropathy
151680 Lipodystrophy-Rieger anomaly-short stature-diabetes Probably AD Diabetic nephropathy
syndrome (Aarskog lipodystrophy)
174000 Medullary cystic disease AD Probably primary tubulointerstitial disease
156610 Michelin tire baby syndrome AD Ureterocele
160010 Myoglobinuria, dominant AD Myoglobinuric acute or chronic renal failure
160900 Myotonic dystrophy AD Urinary retention, dysuria; note association
with malignant hyperthermia; renal tubular
necrosis, myoglobinuric nephropathy
161200 Nail-patella (hereditary onychoosteodysplasia) syndrome AD Thickening of GMBs, mesangial hyper-
cellularity, glomerular sclerosis with tubular
atrophy, chronic nephritis; focal deposits of
IgM and/or complement; collagen fibers
within GBM
162200 Neurofibromatosis type 1 AD Renal vascular involvement can cause
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
236730 Ochoa syndrome (urofacial syndrome), peculiar facial AD with variable Hydronephrosis and hydroureter, intravesical
expression, inverted smiling/crying expressivity stenosis of ureter, abnormal caliber of
and variable urethra urethral valves
307100 Opitz-Frias (G) syndrome, hypertelorism, hypospadias, AD vs XL Duplication of renal pelvis and ureters,
low-set or posteriorly rotated ears, anal anomalies, bilateral internal reflux, hypospadias
abnormalities of esophageal motility, posterior
laryngeal cleft
166300 Osteolysis (carpal-tarsal) with chronic progressive AD Nephrotic syndrome progressing to renal failure
glomerulopathy syndrome
169545 Pelvic lipomatosis, crossed renal ectopia AD Renal ectopia
175200 Peutz-Jeghers gastrointestinal polyposis AD Renal cysts
163700 Polythelia (accessory nipple[s] or mammary gland) Occasionally Unilateral renal agenesis; urinary tract
syndrome AD? obstruction
179800, Renal tubular acidosis-nephrocalcinosis-urinary tract AD and AR Nephrocalcinosis
267200 infection-renal failure syndrome
180700 Robinow fetal face-acral dysostosis syndrome AD Vesicoureteral reflux, renal scarring
270050 Russell-Silver dwarfism-asymmetry syndrome AD and XL Renal abnormalities
176450 Sacrococcygeal dysgenesis syndrome Possibly AD Neurogenic bladder and sequelae
187480 Tournes-Brocks syndrome deafness, lop ears, imperforate AD Renal hypoplasia, ureterovesical reflux,
anus, triphalangeal or hypoplastic thumbs, preauricular posterior urethral valves
ear tags or pits, lethal
191100 Tuberous sclerosis AD Cystic kidneys, renal angiomyolipomas
191900 Uriticaria-deafness-amyloidosis (Muckle-Wells) syndrome AD Renal amyloidosis
193300 von Hippel-Lindau syndrome AD Cystic kidneys, renal carcinoma
194050 Williams syndrome, hypercalcemia, supravalvular aortic AD submicro- Renal artery stenosis and other renal
stenosis, mental retardation scopic deletion abnormalities
subunit 7q11-23
(elastin deletion)
Autosomal Recessive (AR)
200170 Acanthosis nigricans-muscle cramps-enlarged hands AR Nephromegaly, mechanism?
102700 Adenosine deaminase deficiency, combined AR Glomerular mesangial sclerosis
102600 Adenosine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency AR Renal calculi
203800 Alström-Hallgren retinitis pigmentosa-deafness- AR Progressive nephropathy, tubulointerstitial
obesity-diabetes mellitus syndrome nephritis
204690 Amelogenesis imperfecta-nephrocalcinosis AR Nephrocalcinosis
(enamel-renal syndrome)
207410 Antley-Bixler syndrome, midface hypoplasia, humero- AR Renal malformations
radial synostosis, bowing of the femurs, fractures,
cardiac malformations, choanal stenosis, lethal
208000 Arterial calcification, generalized, of infancy AR Renal artery occlusion
301820 Arthrogryposis-jaundice-nephrocalcinosis AR Tubular degeneration, nephrocalcinosis
249600 Barakat mesangial sclerosis-ocular abnormalities AR Diffuse glomerular mesangial sclerosis
209900 Bardet-Biedl postaxial polydactyly-genital hypoplasia- AR Progressive tubulointestinal nephropathy
retinopathy-obesity-mental retardation syndrome
218650 Baraitser-Rodeck-Garner, craniosynostosis (coronal), AR Segmental renal dysplasia, cystic dysplasia
hypertelorism, choroidal coloboma, mild mesomelic
shortening of limbs, developmental delay, seizures
209930 Bartter syndrome with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis AR Medullary nephrocalcinosis
241200 Bartter hypokalemic alkalosis-hyperaldosteronism syndrome Probably AR Juxtaglomerular hypertrophy
263200 Caroli (renal hepatic-pancreatic) dysplasia, occasional AR Usually ARPKD, less often cystic renal
visceral heterotaxy, biliary dysgenesis, pancreatic dysplasia dysplasia
214150 Cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome (COFS Pena-Shokeir AR Renal anomalies
syndrome type 2), microcephaly, cataracts, joint
contractures, reduced white matter; cerebral calcification,
agenesis of corpus callosum, failure to thrive, lethal
236450 Cerebronephroosteodysplasia, Hutterite type Probably AR Nephrotic syndrome
210550 Cholestatic jaundice—renal insufficiency AR Proximal renal tubular dysfunction
302950 Chondrodysplasia punctata, rhizomelic type AR Microcystic kidneys
225500 Chondroectodermal dysplasia AR Urinary tract anomalies
(continued )
Appendix 2 (Continued)
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
216440 Cockayne syndrome AR Glomerular sclerosis, tubular atrophy,
interstitial fibrosis, immune deposits,
nephrotic syndrome
218650 Craniosynostosis-mental retardation-cleft lip palate- AR Dysplastic kidneys
choroidal coloboma syndrome
218900 Crome syndrome AR Renal tubular necrosis
219000 Cryptophthalmos, cryptophthalmia, cleft lip/palate, genital AR Renal dysplasia or agenesis, ureteric
anomalies, atresia of ear canal, anal atresia, syndactyly anomalies
219150 Cutis laxa, severe lethal form; neonatal cutis laxa; AR Urinary tract diverticula
diaphragmatic or other hernias; emphysema
Daentl Syndrome AR or XL Duplication of left renal artery, disparity in size
of kidneys, persistent fetal lobulations,
glomerular lipidosis, progressive focal
glomerulosclerosis, nephrotic syndrome
194080 Denys-Drash syndrome (ambiguous genitalia- AR Diffuse mesangial sclerosis, renal failure,
nephritis-Wilms tumor) Wilms tumor
305200 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome AR, XL Multiple renal and hepatic systs, renovascular
abnormalities, aneurysms of medium-sized
and small arteries
Elejalde syndrome (acrocephalopolydactylous dysplasia) AR Cystic renal dysplasia
226730 Epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia and AR Hydronephrosis
ureterovesical stenosis
248340 Facial clefting syndrome-gypsy type (Malpuech Possibly AR Renal hypoplasia, ectopia; vesicoureteral
syndrome) reflux; bladder diverticula
227280 Faciocardiorenal (Eastman-Bixler) syndrome AR Horseshoe kidneys
227290 Faciooculoacousticorenal syndrome Possibly AR Proteinuria, vesicoureteral reflux
227650, Fanconi pancytopenia, with several complementation AR Renal agenesis, renal ectopia, collecting
227660 groups system duplication, horseshoe kidney
219000 Fraser cryptophthalmos-syndactyly-vaginal atresia AR Unilateral or bilateral renal dysplasia,
syndrome hypoplasia, agenesis
229850 Fryns syndrome, cloudy corneas, hirsutism, absent or AR Cystic kidneys
hypoplastic fingernails, hypoplastic distal phalanges,
eventration and absence of diaphragm, bicornuate uterus,
holoprosencephaly lethal
277175 Gastrointestinal-renovascular hyalinosis AR Glomerular mesangial basement membrane-
like deposits
231060 Genitopalatocardiac syndrome, male pseudohermphroditism, AR Renal dysplasia, dysgenesis of bladder
micrognathia, cleft palate, conotruncal cardiac defect,
other anomalies
Gil-Gibernau syndrome (hypercalciuria with myopia AR Renal tubular malformation, hypercalciuria
and macular coloboma)
Goldston syndrome (Dandy-Walker malformation) AR Cystic dysplasia with biliary dygenesis
230740 Growth retardation-alopecia-pseudoanodontia syndrome AR Nephrocalcinosis
235400 Hemolytic-uremic syndrome AR, AD Microthrombotic ischemia, glomerular and
tubular necrosis
203300 Hermansky-Pudlak, albinism, hemorrhagic diathesis, AR Renal failure
pigmented reticuloendothelial cell syndrome
235740 Hirschsprung disease-polydactyly-deafness syndrome AR Unilateral renal agenesis
253200 Hunter-Jurenka (oculorenocerebral) syndrome AR Glomerular sclerosis, juxtaglomerular
prominence, basement membrane thickening
with granular deposits
211180 Hutterite microcephaly-abnormal facies- AR Horseshoe kidney, duplicated renal collecting
micrognathia syndrome, Bowen-Conradi type system
236500 Hydranencephaly, renal adysplasia AR Renal hypodysplasia
236680 Hydrolethalus, hydrocephalus; very small mandible; AR Unilateral renal agenesis, hypoplasia kidneys,
polydactyly; congenital heart defect; abnormalities of tubular cysts
trachea, bronchi, and lungs; cleft lip and palate, lethal
239800 Hypertelorism-microtia-facial clefting syndrome AR Renal ectopia
261100 Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome, pernicious anemia due AR Proteinuria
to intestinal malabsorption of vitamin B12
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
243800 Johanson-Blizzard syndrome, hypoplasia of nose, midline AR Caliectasia, hydronephrosis, single urogenital
cutaneous scalp lesions, imperforate anus, deafness, orifice
hypothyroidism, malabsorption; microcephaly, lethal
213300 Joubert hypotonia-tachypnea-mental retardation- AR Renal cysts
deficient cerebellar vermis syndrome
208060 Juvenile arteriosclerosis, severe, calcific AR Dilated Bowman spaces with shrunken
Juvenile nephronophthisis (Fanconi) AR Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis
236700 Kaufman-McKusick syndrome, hydrometrocolpos, AR Urethral stenosis, cystic renal disease
vaginal atresia, polydactyly (postaxial), imperforate
anus, congenital heart disease, malrotation of gut,
congenital intestinal adhesions, lethal
245210 Kousseff sacral meningocele-conotruncal head/neck AR Unilateral renal agenesis
anomaly syndrome
265000 Lethal multiple pterygium syndrome, type Chen; AR Megaureter, hydronephrosis
multiple pterygia involving chin to sternum, axilla,
elbows, hips, and knees; contractures of multiple joints;
small chest; hydrops, cystic hygroma; cardiac, pulmonary
hypoplasia; hypertelorism; low-set, malformed ears;
flat nasal bridge; lethal
147670 Lipodystrophy-coarse facies-acanthosis nigricans syndrome, AR Diabetic nephropathy
Miescher type
247200 Lissencephaly type II (Walker-Warburg syndrome) Chromosome 17 Unilateral agenesis, renal cystic dysplasia
(short arm kidneys
deletion) and
? AR
309000 Lowe oculocerebrorenal syndrome AR Renal failure
248700, Marden-Walker myopathy-mental defect contracture AR Microcystic kidneys
255800 syndrome (Schwartz-Jampel syndrome)
249000 Meckel-Gruber syndrome, posterior encephalocele, AR Cystic dyplastic kidneys and liver
polydactyly, microcephaly, microphthalmos, cleft palate,
ambiguous, lethal
249100 Mediterranean fever, paroxysmal polyserositis, AR Renal amyloidosis
recurrent fever
251300 Microcephaly-hiatus hernia-nephrosis syndrome, AR Proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure,
Galloway type abnormalities of GBM
Miranda syndrome (cerebral dysgenesis) AR Cystic dysplasia with biliary dysgenesis
226980 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia-diabetes mellitus AR, Diabetic nephropathy
249630 Mutchinick mental retardation-microcephaly-cardiac AR Hydronephrosis, hydroureter
anomaly syndrome
254900 Myoclonus-nephropathy syndrome AR Proteinuria, progressive renal failure
255120 Myopathy, carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency AR or XL Myoglobinuric renal damage
264090 Neonatal progeroid (Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch) syndrome AR Urinary tract reflux
256350 Nephrotic syndrome, familial (French type) AR Nephrotic syndrome with onset often after
birth; diffuse mesangial sclerosis; early
onset of hypertension and renal insufficiency
256300 Nephrotic syndrome, congenital (Finnish type) AR Severe nephrotic syndrome; eventual
glomerular sclerosis and renal failure early
in first decade
256520 Neu-Laxova syndrome, microcephaly, short neck, flexion AR Renal agenesis
deformities, peripheral edema, hypoplastic genitalia,
absent eyelids, sloping of forehead, hypertelorism, small
jaw, flat nose, cataracts, overlapping fingers, syndactyly,
agenesis of corpus callosum, lissencephaly, lethal
256690 Neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome AR vs XL Unilateral renal agenesis
257970 Oculorenocerebellar syndrome with mental retardation; AR Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, renal
choreoathetosis, tapetoretinal degeneration, spastiac failure
diplegia, proteinuria
211750 Opitz C (trigonocephaly) syndrome Probably AR Renal agenesis
277170 Oropalatodigital syndrome, Varadi type AR Unilateral renal agenesis
Ozer syndrome ? AR Proteinuria and aminoaciduria
(continued )
Appendix 2 (Continued)
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
242530 Passwe syndrome ichythyosis, dwarfism, mental AR Disparate size of kidneys, tubular fibrosis,
retardation, and renal disease) glomerular thickening and atrophy,
267000 Perlman macrosomia-nephroblastomatosis-metanephric AR Bilateral renal hamartomas and nephroblasto-
hamartoma-Wilms tumor syndrome matosis, renal dysplasia, Wilms tumor,
medullary dysplasia, hydronephrosis
163200 Polycystic kidney disease, infantile type AR Tubular renal cysts; nephromegaly; renal
(of liver and kidneys) failure common in infancy; hypertension
263100 Polycystic kidney disease-cataract-blindness syndrome Possibly AR Urinary tract infection, renal calculi, cystic
renal dysplasia
179280 Radial-renal syndrome AR and AD forms Crossed renal ectopia, unilateral renal agenesis
266910 Renal dysplasia-limb defects syndrome AR Severe renal dysplasia with oligohydramnios
266900 Renal dysplasia-retinal aplasia, Lken-Senior type AR Tubulointestinal nephritis (nephronophthsis)
with progression to renal insufficiency
Renal tubular dysgenesis, hypocalvaria, oligohydramnios AR Defective proximal tubular development
(similar to ACE inhibitor syndrome)
268300 Roberts (pseudothalidomide) syndrome, severe tetra- AR Horseshoe kidney, ureteral stenosis with
phocomelia owing to hypoplasia of fibulae and tibiae, hydronephrosis, occasional renal cysts
absence of radii, short ulnae, cleft lip and palate, joint
contractures, ambiguous or apparently enlarged genitalia,
congenital heart disease; chromosomes show characteristic
“puffing” around centromere, particularly chromosomes
1, 9, and 16; lethal
Sickle cell anemia AR Glomerular hypertrophy and sclerosis,
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,
papillary necrosis
Sinclair-Smith (familial hydrocephalus and nephrotic) AR Cystic kidneys (cortex and medulla),
syndrome excessively immature glomeruli with
congenital nephrotic syndrome
274000 Thrombocytopenia-absent radius, bilateral radial aplasia, AR Unilateral renal agenesis, hypospadias,
radial clubhands (with thumbs present), purpura, transposition of penis and scrotum
thrombocytopenia, congenital heart defects, lower limb
defects, lethal
236670 Walker-Warburg (Hard ± E syndrome, lissencephaly II) AR Unilateral agenesis, cystic kidneys
anterior chamber defects of eye, retinal dysplasia,
hydrocephalus, lack of gyral patterns, occipital
encephalocleles, lethal
277700 Werner progeroid syndrome AR Diabetic nephropathy
267400 Winter syndrome (renal, genital, and middle-ear AR Unilateral agenesis or hypoplasia, bilateral
anomalies) agenesis
X-Linked (XL)
104200, Alport nephritis-sensorineural deafness syndrome XL; similar Progressive glomerulopathy with distinctive
203780, AR and AD GBM abnormalities, interstitial lipid
301050 entities histiocytes (Fechtner type, with cataract
and May-Hegglin anomaly, is AD)
314300 Cervicodermagenitourinary syndrome XL? Cystic renal dysplasia in males; pyelonephritis
in both sexes; hypertension; renal failure
304150 Cutis laxa, X-linked (Elhers-Danlos syndrome type 9) XL Obstructive uropathy, bladder diverticula
305000 Dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser-Cole-Engman syndrome) XL Urethral stenosis, horseshoe kidney
305450 FG syndrome (Opitz-Kaveggia) macrocephaly, prominent XL Dilation of urinary tract
waxy forehead, frontal upsweep of hair (cowlick),
hypotonia, agenesis of corpus callosum, mental
retardation, anal anomalies, lethal
314300 Goeminne syndrome (congenital muscular torticollis, XL Renal dysplasia, chronic pyelonephritis with
multiple keloids, cryptorchidism, renal dysplasia) hypertension
307800 Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria XL Nephrocalcinosis, renal tubular dysfunction
(same as hypercalciuria, familial?)
244200 Kallmann syndrome (congenital anosmia, hypogonadism, XL Unilateral renal agenesis
unilateral renal agenesis)
309800 Lenz microphthalmia, prominent ears, sloping shoulders, XL Urogenital anomalies
urogenital anomalies, lethal
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
308000 Lesch-Nyhan hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl XL Nephrocalcinosis, uric add crystals
transferase deficiency
249420 Melnick-Needles syndrome, unusual facial appearance, XL Unilateral stenosis, hydronephrosis
309350 micrognathia, “wavy” long bones, constrictions of ribs,
tall vertebrae, sclerosis of skull, severe exomphalos or
proptosis, micrognathia, low-set ears, absent or opaque
corneas, partial syndactyly, lethal
242700 Nezelof syndrome (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, XL Renal tubular cell degeneration, nephrocalcinosis
renal dysfunction, cholestatic liver disease)
311200 Orofaciodigital syndrome 1 XL with male Glomerulocystic kidneys in female
lethality heterozygotes
312870 Simpson-Golabi-Behmel overgrowth syndrome; cardiac, XL Cryptorchidism, penoscrotal hypospadias,
skeletal anomalies, umbilical and inguinal hernias; penoscrotal transposition
supernumerary digits; variable intelligence
306100 Swyer syndrome (46,X gonadal dysgenesis) with XL Glomerulosclerosis with tubular atrophy and
renal disease interstitial fibrosis
314000 Thrombocytopenia-elevated IgA-renal disease XL Glomerulonephritis
173800 Acrorenal anomalies including Poland anomaly Sporadic Unilateral renal agenesis and other renal
217900 Brachmann-de Lange syndrome, low birthweight, Sporadic Hypoplasic and dysplastic kidneys
microcephaly, characteristic face, synophrys, nostrils
anteverted, philtrum long, corners of mouth down-
turned, hirsutism, chromosomal defect (3q del; ring 9)
Caudal dysplasia, sacral agenesis/hypoplasia, lower limb Sporadic Renal dysplasia and agenesis; anomalies of
and skeletal anomalies, anal atresia, bladder anomalies uterus, urethra, and bladder
Cerebrorenodigital, digital, and limb anomalies; brain Sporadic Renal dysplasia, ectopy, agenesis, ureteral
malformations, other anomalies anomalies
Cystic hamartoma of lung and kidney, hamartomatous Sporadic Medullary dysplasia, cellular mesoblastic
pulmonary cysts nephroma
Exstrophy of bladder (exstrophy-epispadias complex), Sporadic Exposure of posterior wall of bladder,
Robinson defect megacystis, hydroureters, hydronephrosis
and cystic renal dysgenesis, bilateral renal
Exstrophy of cloaca Sporadic Duplication or atresia of ureter, anomalous
drainage of ureters into vagina or vaso-
deferentia, unilateral agenesis of kidney,
cystic hydronephrosis, pelvic kidney,
257700 Goldenhar complex (facioauriculovertebral syndrome, Sporadic Pelvic deformity, anomalous renal artery;
hemifacial microstomia) unilateral cystic kidney
Huber syndrome (carotid anastomosis and aplasia of Sporadic Bilateral cysts in cortex and medulla
internal carotid artery)
103300 Hypoglossia-hypodactyly (Hanhart syndrome), severe Sporadic Renal anomalies
limb abnormalities, hypoplastic or absent tongue,
micrognathia, facial palsy, lethal
242150 Ichthyosiform erythrokeratoderma with deafness syndrome Sporadic Urinary tract infection
149900 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber dysplasia Sporadic Diffuse bilateral nephroblastomatosis
215800 Laryngeal cleft Sporadic Unilateral renal agenesis, multicystic kidney,
malfunctioning left kidney, persistent fetal
lobulation, renal hypoplasia, pelvic ectopic
kidney, urethrorectal fistula, exstrophy of
Melnick-Fraser (renal anomaly syndrome) Sporadic Renal agenesis, hypospadias, oligomega-
nephronia, cystic dysplasia
146510 Pallister-Hall syndrome, hypothalamia, hamartoblastoma, Sporadic Renal dysplasia
postaxial polydactyly, imperforate anus, laryngeal clefts,
abnormal lung lobulation, multiple oral frenulae, hypo-
adrenalism, hypopituitarism, microphallus, congenital
heart defect, intrauterine growth retardation, lethal
(continued )
Appendix 2 (Continued)
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
268600 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, microcephaly, beaked nose, Sporadic Duplication of kidneys and ureter, absence
antimongoloid eye slant, short philtrum, glaucoma, of kidney, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis,
nasal septum extending below alae nasi, broad thumb abnormal bladder shape, posterior urethral
or big toe, congenital heart defects, lethal valves with hydroureter and hydronephrosis
108450 Russell-Silver syndrome, low birthweight, relatively large, Usually sporadic Bilateral chronic pyelonephritis, urethral
head (pseudohydrocephalus), small triangular face, limb pelvis obstruction with severe reflux
asymmetry common, short in-curved little finger,
café-au-lait spots, lethal
268750 Sirenomelia Sporadic Renal agenesis and renal cystic dysplasia
Thyroid-renal-digital syndrome, multinodular goiter, Sporadic Renal dysplasia, polycystic kidney
triphalangeal thumbs, preaxial polydactyly of feet
225600 Wiedemann-Beckwith (WB) syndrome Usually sporadic, Enlarged kidneys, persistent glomerulogenesis,
familial cases?, diffuse bilateral nephroblastomatosis,
delayed mutation metanephric hamartomas, hydronephrosis
of an unstable and hydroureters, Wilms tumor, duplication
premutated AD of collecting system, dysmorphogenetic
gene kidneys, disorganized parenchyma with
fissures and abnormal lobulations,
corticomedullary disarray
188400 DiGeorge sequence, hypoplasia of thymus and parathyroid Sporadic, Renal cystic dysplasia
glands, cellular immunodeficiency, hypoparathyroidism, deletion of
defects of aortic arch and VSD or PDA, hypertelorism, chromosome 22
antimongoloid slant to eyes, lethal
Early amnion rupture, digital and limb amputations, ring Sequence Renal dysplasia, agenesis, and ectopy; ureteric
constrictions, facial clefts, body wall defects, brain anomalies
Early urethral obstruction sequence Sporadic Renal agenesis, hypoplasia or double ureters,
posterior urethral valves, renal cystic
Potter (oligohydramnios) sequence, dysplasia, oligo- Usually sporadic, Renal agenesis, adysplasia, autosomal recessive
hydramnios, congenital contractures, micrognathia, occasionally polycystic kidney, bilateral aplasia, severe
placenta amnion nodosum, compressed face, lethal seen in AD hypoplasia, severe urinary tract obstruction
(causally nonspecific) renal dysplasia
and bilateral
renal agenesis,
ARPKD recessive
100100 Prune-belly sequence and related defects Mostly sporadic Developmental dysplasia of smooth muscle of
urinary tract, hydroureters and hydro-
nephrosis, urethral or bladder neck
obstruction, renal dysplasia, megalourethra,
megacystis, megaureters, renal hypoplasia,
salt-losing nephritis
158330 von Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster (MRK) sequence, Sporadic Renal agenesis, hypoplasia, double ureters
müllerian agenesis, Rokitansky sequence
151050 CHARGE association: coloboma, heart disease, atresia Sporadic-familial Duplicated upper pole of one kidney,
choanae, retarded growth and development; sometimes recurrence of hydronephrosis, unilateral renal agenesis
genital and ear anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, some of the
cleft lip/palate anomalies
MURCS association: müllerian duct aplasia, vaginal absence, Sporadic but Renal agenesis or ectopy; absence of both
hypoplasia of uterus, renal agenesis or ectopy, cervico- associated kidneys, ureters, and renal arteries; renal
thoracic vertebral defects, short stature, occurring together failure
more often than would be expected by chance alone, lethal
Schisis association; midline defects include neural tube Sporadic but Renal agenesis
defects, oral clefts, omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia, associated
congenital heart disease, occurring together more
frequently than would be expected by chance alone, lethal
192350 VATER association: vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, Sporadic Renal dysplasia or agenesis, persistent urachus,
tracheoesophageal fistula, radial defects, cardiac defects, renal ectopia hypospadias, caudally displaced
occurring together more than would be expected by chance dysplastic penis, ureterovesical reflux,
alone, lethal ureteropelvic obstruction, cross-fused ectopia
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
Environmental (Teratogens)
Alcohol (fetal alcohol syndrome) In utero exposure Small rotated kidneys, hydronephrosis,
horseshoe kidney, renal dysplasia,
microcystic dysplasia
Alkylating agents (busulfan, chlorambucil, cyclophos- In utero exposure Hydronephrosis, hydroureter
phamide, mechlorethamine): growth retardation; cleft
palate; microphthalmia; digit anomalies; cardiac defects;
anomalies of larynx, trachea, and esophagus
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor syndrome In utero exposure Renal tubular dysgenesis, postnatal renal
failure, hypocalvaria
Antithyroid drug syndrome In utero exposure Patent urachus
Cocaine syndrome In utero exposure Prune-belly syndrome, renal and ureteral
agenesis, hydronephrosis, hypospadias,
ambiguous genitalia
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors (NSAIDs) In utero exposure Oligohydramnios
Herpes simplex syndrome In utero exposure Renal hypoplasia
Indomethacin In utero exposure Oligohydramnios, tubular lesion in fetus/
Maternal diabetes: heart defects, facial clefts, limb defects, In utero exposure Renal agenesis, renal dysplasia, hydro-
sacral agenesis, neural tube defects, focal femoral nephrosis, ureteral duplication, cystic
hypoplasia, lethal renal dysplasia, caudal regression syndrome
Maternal phenylketonuria: microcephaly, mental In utero exposure Renal anomalies
retardation, congenital heart defects, occasionally to untreated
vertebral anomalies, cleft lip/palate, esophageal mother with
atresia, lethal phenylketonuria
Retinoic acid (vitamin A): malformed or absent ears, cleft In utero exposure Hypoplastic kidneys, hydronephrosis
palate, congenital heart defect, CNS malformations
(e.g., hydrocephaly decreased cerebral tissue, posterior
fossa cysts), lethal
Rubella: cataracts, microphthalmia, pigmentary retinopathy, In utero exposure Stenosis of renal artery, cystic kidneys,
prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, heart defects, duplication of ureters, unlateral renal
skeletal anomalies, sensorineural deafness, neurologic agenesis
impairment, microcephaly
273600 Thalidomide embryopathy In utero exposure Renal agenesis, hypoplasia, hydronephrosis,
horseshoe kidney, cystic kidneys, renal
ectopia, anomalies of rotation
132870 Hydantoin (fetal phenytoin [Dilantin] syndrome): growth In utero exposure Urinary tract malformations
retardation, hypoplastic bridge to nose, hirsutism,
hypoplastic, fingernails, cleft lip and palate, heart
defects, lethal
Trimethadione: growth deficiency, synophrys, midface In utero exposure Absent kidney and ureter, fetal lobulation of
hypoplasia, cleft lip and palate, ear abnormalities, kidneys, hypospadias
ambiguous genitalia, heart defects, lethal
Valproate: neural tube defects, metopic ridge, well-formed In utero exposure Hypospadias
philtrum, mild hirsutism, heart defects, hypospadias, pre-
and postaxial polydactyly, characteristic facies, lethal
Varicella zoster infection In utero exposure Renal agenesis, hydronephrosis
Warfarin embryopathy: depressed nasal bridge, nasal In utero exposure Unilateral renal agenesis, abnormal urinary
hypoplasia, groove between alae nasi, low birthweight, tract
CNS abnormalities, stippling of epiphyses, lethal
Metabolic Disorders
202900 Alaninuria-microcephaly-dwarfism-enamel hypoplasia- AR Diabetic glomerulopathy
diabetes mellitus (Stimmler) syndrome
241200 Bartter hypokalemic alkalosis-hyperaldosteronism syndrome Probably AR Juxtaglomerular apparatus hyperplasia
209930 Bartter syndrome with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis AR Medullary nephrocalcinosis
255120 Carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency myopathy AR Fatty change of renal tubules; myoglobinuric
renal damage possible
219800 Cystinosis and Fanconi syndrome aminoaciduria, AR Progressive renal tubular atrophy and
glucosuria, hypophosphatemic rickets interstitial fibrosis
220110 Cytochrome C oxidase deficiency, mitochondrial defect AR Hydroureter, nephrocalcinosis
(continued )
Appendix 2 (Continued)
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
222300 Diabetes insipidus/mellitus-optic atrophy-deafness AR Bladder neck sclerosis, megacystis,
syndrome hydroureter, hydronephrosis, renal failure
125700 Diabetes insipidus, neurohypophyseal type AD vs XL Urinary tract dilation
125800 Diabetes insipidus, vassopressin resistant XL more often Urinary tract dilation
than AD
301500 Fabry (lysosomal -galactosidase A deficiency) disease XL Glycosphingolipid deposition in glomerular
podocytes, distal tubular epithelium,
vascular media; glomerular sclerosis; renal
231670 Glutaric acidemia type II AR Bilateral cystic kidneys, cystic dysplasia
232200 Glycogenosis 1A (von Gierke) AR Nephromegaly, focal segmental glomerular
sclerosis, renal failure, gout, renal calculi
232200 Glycogen storage disease 1B (neutropenic form of AR Glomerulonephritis
von Gierke disease)
232600 Glycogenosis 5 (McArdle) AR Myoglobinuric renal failure
230500 GM1 (generalized gangliosidosis type 1), deficiency of AR Storage material in glomerular epithelial and
-galactosidase, hydrops, periosteal cloaking of long tubular cells
bones on x-ray films, Hurler-like dysmorphism
277900 Hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson disease) AR Renal calculi
236200 Homocystinuria AR Nephrotic syndrome
143870 Hypercalciuria, familial AD Renal calculi
167030 Hyperoxaluria AD Renal calculi
145000, Hyperparathyroidism, familial Uncertain Nephrocalcinosis
239400 Hyperpipecolic acidemia AR Renal tubular ectasia
241150 Hyperkalemic alkalosis-renal tubulopathy AR Normal juxtaglomerular apparatus (vs Bartter
(Gullner) syndrome syndrome); proximal tubular cytologic
307800 Hypophosphatemia, XL (vitamin D-resistant rickets XL Nephrocalcinosis
type I)
252500 I-cell (mucolipidosis type 2), deficiency of N-acetyl AR Storage material in glomerular epithelial and
glucosamine phosphotransferase, skin thickened, tubular cells; no renal functional impairment
alveolar ridge hyperplasia, marked periosteal cloaking
of long bones, Hurler-like dysmorphism, lethal
242600 Iminoglycinuria type 2 AD Oxalate renal lithiasis
245900 Lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency AR Proteinuria, glomerular lipid deposits and foam
cells, glomerular sclerosis, renal failure
308000 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (hypoxanthine guanine XL Gout, urinary calculi, nephropathy
phosphoribose transferase deficiency)
Lipoprotein glomerulopathy with elevated serum AR Glomerular capillary lipoprotein “thrombi,”
-lipoprotein and pre--lipoprotein nephrotic syndrome
309400 Menkes syndrome, severe retardation, seizures, failure XR Tortuous blood vessels, including renal vessels
to thrive, secondary hair lacks color and becomes coarse
and kinky, low serum copper, lethal
252150 Molybdenum cofactor deficiency type A AR Xanthine calculi
202370 Neonatally lethal adrenoleukodystrophy AR Renal microcysts
Nephrosialidosis due to deficiency of glycoprotein- AR Storage of sialyl-oligosaccharides and
specific -neuraminidase with Hurler-like phenotype glycoproteins in podocytes, tubular
epithelium, interstitial cells; nephrotic
syndrome and renal insufficiency
311850 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase abnormality XL Hyperuricemia, nephrolithiasis, urate
syndrome of spinocerebellar ataxia-sensorineural nephropathy
hearing loss
266500 Phytanic acid storage (adult Refsum) disease neuropathy, AR Fatty change of kidney tubules, lamellate
retinitis pigmentosa, peripheral cerebellar ataxia, microtubular epithelial inclusions in distal
deficiency of peroxisomal phytanic acid oxidase convoluted tubules
176000 Porphyria, acute intermittent AD Urinary retention, hypertension
263700 Porphyria erythropoietica AR Renal siderosis from hemolysis
176860 Protein C deficiency AD more often Renal vein thrombosis
than AR
179800 Renal tubular acidosis AD and AR Nephrocalcinosis, urinary tract infection, renal
failure, renal calculi
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
269920 Sialic acid storage disease, severe infantile type AR Free sialic acid in urine; enlarged, foamy
(Salla disease), sparse hair, coarse facial features, podocytes; nephrotic syndrome
hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, diarrhea, vacuolated
lymphocytes, ultrastructural and biochemical features,
256550 Sialidosis type 2 (see nephrosialidosis) AR Oligosaccharide and glycoprotein storage
270400 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, microcephaly, narrow AR Cystic renal dysplasia
bifrontal diameter, ptosis, epicanthic folds, broad nasal
tip, anteverted nostrils, long philtrum, posteriorly rotated
ears, small jaw, skin syndactyly between toes 2 and 3,
heart defects, polydactyly, failure to thrive, deficiency
of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, lethal
201910 Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (adrenal hyperplasia AR Renal anomalies
type 3)
Wochner syndrome (thyrotoxicosis and renal disease) Sporadic Subacute proliferative glomerulonephritis
with immunoglobulin deposits
278000 Wolman (acid lipase deficiency), vomiting, diarrhea, AR
hepatosplenomegaly, bilateral adrenal calcification,
enzyme deficient of acid lipase, lethal
278300 Xanthine oxidase deficiency AR Renal calculi
214100 Zellweger (cerebrohepatorenal) syndrome, peroxisomal AR Focal cortical glomerular and tubular cysts,
deficiency, hypotonia, tall and narrow forehead, cystic dysplasia, altered metanephric
Brushfield spots, cataracts (occasionally), contractures duct remnants, persistent fetal lobulations,
of limbs, nystagmus, seizures, punctate calcification horseshoe kidney, urethral duplication
around epiphyses, abnormalities of gyral pattern of brain,
peroxisomes absent from liver, lethal
Skeletal Dysplasia
200600 Achondrogenesis (type Parenti-Fraccaro), hydrops, AR Hydronephrosis
short trunk limbs, depressed nasal bridge, very poor
ossification of vertebral bodies, very short tubular
bones with metaphyseal cupping, cranium poorly
ossified, always lethal
208500 Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, narrow chest, short limbs, AR Tubulointerstitial nephropathy with tubular
occasional postaxial polydactyly, short horizontal ribs, dysfunction and progressive renal
spur on medial and lateral aspects of acetabulum insufficiency in children surviving infancy;
giving “trident” appearance, lethal occasional dysplasia and diffuse cystic
disease in newborns; frequent biliary
218600 Baller-Gerold syndrome, craniostenosis, dysplastic ears, AR Renal cystic dysplasia
radial aplasia, hypoplastic or absent thumbs, vertebral
anomalies, lethal
113470 Brachymesomelia-renal syndrome Langer New mutation Nephromegaly, glomerular cysts
211990 Campomelic dysplasia, flat face, micrognathia, short AR Renal cystic dysplasia
palpebral fissures, bowing of limbs, skin dimpling,
sex reversal, talipes equinovarus, small scapulae,
short clavicles, bent tubular bones (especially femora
and tibia), lethal
Campomelia-short gut polycystic dysplasia, severe AR Renal dysplasia
shortening and bowing of long bones, vertebral
anomalies, cystic dysplasia of liver and pancreas,
short gut, pulmonary hypoplasia, polysplenia,
other anomalies
302950 Chrondrodysplasia punctata (severe rhizomelic form), AR Renal cystic dysplasia
rhizomelia, flattened face, cataracts, ichthyosis and
skin dimpling, joint contractures, symmetric rhizomelic
shortening of limbs, stippling of epiphyses, peroxisomal
defect, lethal
256050 de la Chapelle neonatal osseous dysplasia, prenatal short AR Renal cystic dysplasia
stature, narrow chest, short ribs, hemivertebrae,
hypoplastic or bowed bones, lethal
(continued )
Appendix 2 (Continued)
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
222600 Diastrophic dysplasia, short-limbed dwarfism, severe AR Renal cystic dysplasia
talipes equinovarus, abducted “hitchhiker” thumbs,
shortening and metaphyseal widening of long bones,
cleft palate, micrognathia, cystic enlargement of
external ear, lethal
224400 Dyssegmental dysplasia, short bowed limbs, coronal AR Renal cystic dysplasia
clefts of vertebrae, great variability in size of vertebral
bodies, advanced carpal maturation, rib defects, lethal
200995 Elejalde syndrome, large birthweight, overgrowth of AR Cystic dysplasia with increased collagen tissue
subcutaneous tissue to give pseudohydrops appearance,
225500 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, polydactyly, heart defects AR Renal cystic dysplasia
(especially ASD), narrow chest, distal shortening of
limbs, small nails, multiple oral frenulae, lethal
228520 Fibrochondrogenesis, flat face, prominent eyes, cleft AR Renal cystic dysplasia
palate, narrow chest, short limbs, enlarged joints,
characteristic histology, short dumbbell-shaped, tubular
bones, short ribs, platyspondyly, small ilia, lethal
146000 Hypochondroplasia, short limbs and trunk, characteristic AR Renal cystic dysplasia
histology, flared metaphyses, delayed ossification,
flat vertebrae, lethal
277300 Jarcho-Levin syndrome; spondylocostal dysplasia; AR Renal cystic dysplasia
urogenital anomalies; contractures of limbs; anal
atresia; extremely crowded ribs, with very short,
broad thorax; lethal
245190 Kniest dysplasia (severe neonatal lethal form); short AD and AR Renal cystic dysplasia
trunk, neck, and limbs; dumbbell-shaped long bones;
coronal clefts of vertebrae, lethal
249700 Langer syndrome (brachymesomelia-renal syndrome) Sporadic Glomerulocystic kidneys
245600 Larsen syndrome: severe, multiple joint dislocations of AR Renal cystic dysplasia
elbows, hips, and knees, flat nasal bridge; prominent
forehead; broad thumbs; talipes equinovarus; long
spatulated fingers, lethal
308050 Limb reduction-ichthyosis (CHILD) syndrome Possibly XL Urinary tract malformations
250600 Metatropic dysplasia, severe short stature, progressive Both AD and Renal cystic dysplasia
kyphoscoliosis, prominent joints, narrow chest, short AR forms
ribs, tail-like projection of sacral region, lethal
Moerman-Vandenberghe-Fryns, short-limbed dysplasia, ? AR Renal dysplasia (hypodysplastic), hydroureters
spondylocostal dysostosis, cleft palate, heart defect,
duplication of uterus and vagina, Dandy-Walker cyst,
hydrocephalus, absent corpus callosum, lethal (similar
to achondrogenesis)
120150 Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita type II, soft calvarium, AD, most new Renal cystic dysplasia
blue sclerae, pinched nose, short bent limbs, multiple mutations,
fractures of long bones, wormian bones in skull, thin occasional
ribs with multiple fractures (beaded), lethal germline
269150 Schinzel-Giedion midfacial retraction-hypertrichosis AR Hydronephrosis
skeletal anomaly syndrome
181450 Schinzel ulnar ray anomaly syndrome (? same as AD? Unilateral renal agenesis
Pallister ulnar-mammary syndrome)
269250 Schneckenbecken dysplasia, macrocephaly, short limbs, AR Renal cystic dysplasia
edema, narrow thorax, dumbbell-shaped long bones,
wide fibula, platyspondyly, wide vertebral bodies,
characteristic “snail-shaped” pelvis, lethal
263530 Short-rib- polydactyly syndrome type 1 AR Renal cystic dysplasia, renal agenesis
263520 Short-rib- polydactyly syndrome type 2 (Mohn-Majewski) AR Renal cystic dysplasia
263610 Short-rib- polydactyly syndrome type 3 (Verma-Naumoff) AR Renal dysplasia
183802 Split hand (syndactyly-spina bifida-obstructive uropathy) AD Ureteral atresia, megaloureter, hydronephrosis
271520 Spondylocostal dysostosis-visceral defects-Dandy-Walker Possibly AR Renal hypoplasia, renal dysplasia,
cyst syndrome ureterovesical stenosis
No. Condition Inheritance Abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
271650 Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia AR (Irapa) and Hydronephrosis
AD (Minnesota)
183900 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (severe lethal Most are AD Renal cystic dysplasia
forms), short limbs and trunk, short neck, barrel chest,
flat face, cleft palate, delayed bone age, poor ossification
of pubis, coronal clefts in vertebrae with platyspondyly,
108720 Atelosteogenesis (spondylohumerofemoral hypoplasia); Sporadic Renal cystic dysplasia
rhizomelic limb shortening; bowing, dislocation of
elbows/knees; talipes equinovarus; depressed nasal
bridge; cleft palate; hypoplastic thoracic vertebral bodies
and ribs; short humeri and femora; absence of ossification
of some phalanges and metacarpals; lethal
187600 Thanatophoric dysplasia (and variants), very short limbs Sporadic Hydronephrosis, renal cystic dysplasia
and digits, large head, depressed nasal bridge, narrow
thorax, occasionally cloverleaf skull, very flat vertebral
bodies, shortening and bowing of long bones, short
ribs, lethal
Ulbright syndrome (renal dysplasia, mesomelia, radio- AR Renal hypoplasia, dysplasia
humeral fusion)
300300 Agammaglobulinemia, infantile (Bruton) XL Amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis (autoimmune)
120550, Complement deficiency C1q A chain and C1q B chain AD Glomerulonephritis
120570 (complement component 1) syndromes with lupus-like
306400, Granulomatous disease, chronic XL, AR Can cause glomerulonephritis
308240 Immunodeficiency, common variable Uncertain AD Autoimmmune changes (like SLE),
or XL amyloidosis
102700 Immunodeficiency syndrome, combined type, adenosine AR Glomerular mesangial sclerosis
deaminase deficiency
308230 Immunodeficiency, X-linked, with hyper-IgM XL Glomerulonephritis
137100 Immunoglobulin A deficiency Heterogeneous Scleroderma, SLE-like changes
Infantile (Bruton) agammaglobulinemia Heterogeneous Nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis
243340 Ischemic hypoplasia-renal dysfunction immunodeficiency AR Renal dysfunction, mechanism?
242900 Schimke spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia immune defect AR Immune complex glomerulonephritis, renal
(immunoosseous dysplasia) syndrome failure
GBM, glomerulae basement membrane; VSD, ventricular septal defect; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; CNS, central nervous system; ASD, atrial
septal defect; ARPKD, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Modified from: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Appendix 3
Renal and Urinary Tract Abnormalities in Chromosomal Defects
Name of syndrome Chromosomal defects
Trisomy distal 2q Urinary tract anomalies
Trisomy 3p Renal anomalies
Trisomy 3q Renal cystic dysplasia
Trisomy 3q, partial (de Lange syndrome) Renal, urinary tract anomalies
Trisomy 4p Renal anomalies
Trisomy distal 4q Renal anomalies
Trisomy 5p Hydronephrosis
Trisomy 6p Urinary tract anomalies
Trisomy 7 mosaic Renal agenesis, unilateral or bilateral
Trisomy 8 Obstructive uropathy with hydronephrosis, posterior urethral valves
with hydroureters and hydronephrosis
Trisomy 9 Bilateral cystic dysplastic kidneys, atresia of proximal ureters,
rudimentary atretic urinary bladder, microcysts of kidneys,
double ureters, bladder diverticulum
Trisomy 10p Renal anomalies, renal cysts, unilateral renal agenesis
Trisomy l0q Renal anomalies
Trisomy 11p Wiedmann-Beckwith syndrome
Trisomy 1lq Urinary tract anomalies
Trisomy 12p Renal malformations
Trisomy 13 Duplication of kidneys and ureters, unilateral renal agenesis, stenosis
of prostatic urethra, excessive renal arteries and veins, micro-
multicystic or pluricystic kidneys, adult-type polycystic kidneys,
excessive fetal lobulations, cystic dysplasia, segmental cystic
dysplasia, cystic dilation of collecting system, hydronephrosis,
ureteropelvic junction atresia, Wilms tumor
Trisomy distal l5q Renal agenesis, recurrent urinary tract infections
Trisomy 17q Renal anomalies
Trisomy 18 Cystic kidneys, horseshoe kidneys, ureteral duplication, renal
duplication, renal dysplasia, renal agenesis, renal ectopy, renal
glomerulosclerosis and cystic tubules, persistent metanephric
blastema, micromulticystic kidneys, reduction of fetal lobulation,
Wilms tumor
Trisomy 20p Renal anomalies
Trisomy 21-Down syndrome Renal dysplasia, nodular renal blastema, persistent fetal lobulation,
retardation of maturation of nephrogenic zone of cortex,
hemangioma, stricture of ureteropelvic junction, hydronephrosis,
focal cystic malformation of collecting tubules, immature
glomeruli, glomerular cysts
Trisomy 22 Unilateral or bilateral
5p (del(5p)) syndrome Unilateral renal agenesis
9p-(del(9p)) syndrome Hydronephrosis and horseshoe kidneys, micropenis, hypospadias,
and/or cryptorchidism in males
11p-(del(11p)) syndrome and Wilms tumor Wilms tumor, sometimes bilateral, disorganization of renal
parenchyma, medullary origin of Wilms tumor
17p-(del(17p)) (Miller-Dieker syndrome) Bilateral double collecting system, hydronephrosis and abnormal
caliceal patterns, fetal lobulations, cystic kidneys, agenesis
18q-(del(18q)) syndrome Cryptorchidism and hypospadias in males, horseshoe kidneys,
bilateral cortical nephroblastomatosis
del(21) Hypoplastic kidneys, unilateral renal agenesis, renal cystic
dup(lp) Ambiguous genitalia
dup(2p), dup(3q), dup(9p), dup(l5q) Horseshoe kidneys
dup(3q), del(4p), del(l1q), dup(3p), dup(10p), dup(l2p), r(13), Duplication of kidneys and/or ureters
dup(l3q), dup(14q) r(15)
dup(3q), del(4q), dup(4q), dup(5p), dup(6p) dup(8q), (10), Hydronephrosis
del (11q), dup(17p), dup(19q)
dup(3q), dup(10p), dup(lq), del(4p), r(22) Cysts in kidneys
MALE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM the kidneys, ureteral atresia, and posterior urethral valves and
The narrowest point of the urethra is at the junction of pro- duplication of the ureters are the most common anomalies (see
static and membranous portions. However, the lumen is just a Renal chapter).
slit except when urine is being passed. Running along the pos- CONGENITAL ANOMALIES
terior wall of the prostatic urethra is a 17 x 3 mm longitudinal Urethra Atresia, valves, phimosis and bladder neck fibro-
ridge, the verumontanum. At the midpoint of the verumonta- sis. Urethral atresia generally results in stillbirth; the bladder is
num is a rounded elevation, the colliculus seminalis, into which tremendously distended and compresses the umbilical arteries.
open the slits of the ejaculatory ducts and also the prostatic utr- To be of significance at autopsy, valves must be either complete
icle, a 6-mm diverticulum homologous with the lower vagina. diaphragms or mere pinpoint orifices. Most are in the prostatic
The membranous urethra is the segment that is surrounded urethra and should be located by probing. Congenital phimosis
by the sphincter urethrae. Many small urethral glands (of Littre) is a pinpoint stenosis of the external meatus. Bladder neck fibro-
open into the penile urethra. In addition, it receives the ducts of sis is much more common in boys than in girls; it is primarily
the bulbourethral glands (of Cowper) 2.5 cm from its origin. a submucosal fibrosis with secondary muscular hypertrophy
PROSTATE The prostate lies behind the lower part of the around it. This produces a raised collar around the urethral ori-
symphysis pubis. It is firm and rubbery. The urethra runs down fice in the trigone, with retention of urine.
approximately at the junction of the anterior and middle thirds Hydrocele (Fig. 1) is an effusion of serous fluid into the
of the prostate. tunica vaginalis testis. Hypospadias (Fig. 2) is predominantly
SEMINAL VESICLES The paired seminal vesicles lie above a male condition in which the urethra is too short, opening on
the prostate between the base of the bladder and the anterior the ventral surface of the penis or the glans, at the junction of
wall of the rectum, separated from the latter only by rectovesi- the penis with the scrotum or behind the scrotum in the peri-
cal fascia. Each vesicle consists of a single tube that is coiled neum. The urethral orifice may be small or may form an elon-
upon itself and forms diverticula. gated open gutter. In the perineal variety, it is hard to identify
VASA DEFERENTIA Each vas deferens is a continuation the sex because the penis is small and, if bent down toward the
of the canal of the epididymis. Ascending along the posterior scrotum as it often is, gives the appearance of the labia majora.
border of the testis medial to the epididymis, it becomes part of Epispadias is much less common. A complete epispadias is
the spermatic cord, coursing in the inguinal canal as far as the seen only in association with exstrophy of the bladder. The
deep inguinal ring. actual urethral opening is immediately below the symphysis
TESTIS AND EPIDIDYMIS The testis is ovoid. Attached pubis or somewhat closer to the glans. A variable length of the
to the posterolateral aspect is the epididymis. The rest of the urethra is open because its upper wall is absent. In the incom-
surface of the testis is free and smooth, being covered by the vis- plete variety, a urethral gutter runs along the dorsum of the
ceral layer of the tunica vaginalis. Between this and the parietal clitoris, which is bifid. In the complete variety, the entire length
layer (which lines the inner surface of the scrotum) is a poten- is open, nearly always as an accompaniment of exstrophy of the
tial space; this is where a hydrocele collects. Deep to this trans- bladder.
parent covering to the testis is the pearly white, 1 mm thick tunica Persistent cloaca (Figs. 3 and 4) is very rare and may be
albuginea. found with other, fatal, anomalies. In the male, there is a com-
PENIS AND SCROTUM The greatest bulk of the penis is munication between the urethrovesical junction and the rectum.
composed of the paired corpora cavernosa that form the dorsal Accessory urethral canal may be a true urethral duplication, but
aspect. Beneath them and in the midline is the single corpus one of the canals is likely to have a blind end. Congenital steno-
spongiosum, which transmits the urethra. sis of the urethra takes the form of a firm ring at, or just within,
CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Anomalies of the genito- the external meatus.
urinary tract occur in about 10% of the population and account The vas deferens may be absent or atretic on one or both sides.
for one-third of all congenital malformations. Hypoplasia of Prostate The prostate may be small or absent. Congenital
hypertrophy of the verumontanum is of greater significance.
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness TESTIS One or both testes rarely may be absent. A super-
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ nummerary testis is equally rare. Cryptorchidism refers to incom-
Fig. 2. Hypospadias. Fig. 4. Persistent cloaca with bladder exposed on abdominal surface.
plete descent of the testis so that it is found in the inguinal canal sites are the femoral triangle, the base of the dorsum of the
(70%), intraabdominally in the lumbar region or in the pelvis penis, and the perineum.
(25%), and at sites around the pubis (5%). The scrotum is empty Anomalies of the epididymis, other than absence, are not
on the same side. The testicle becomes atrophic and fibrous in significant.
adult life. The testes are in the scrotum in an infant at term in PENIS Penile abnormalities are rare and mostly unimpor-
90% of boys, and in a few weeks this figure reaches 95–97%. tant. The organ may be absent or, as in Frohlich’s syndrome,
The testes are still undescended by the time of puberty in 1.5% extremely small. Undue enlargement is caused by pituitary or
of males. adrenal cortical tumors. Duplication of the penis may occur.
An ectopic testis may be present. Most often the site is in the SCROTUM The most important anomalies are those of
anterior abdominal wall above the internal inguinal ring between obliteration of the processus vaginalis. This is the canal that
the external and internal oblique muscles. The less common allows the testis to descend from the abdominal cavity to the
scrotum. If this fails, it results in a congenital indirect inguinal layers of the broad ligament to the pelvic wall where each enters
hernia that reaches the scrotum. Such a hernia is found in 70– the deep inguinal ring. Passing through the inguinal canal, each
100% of cases of cryptorchidism. Sometimes a portion of the ligament reaches the labium majus and then ends.
processus remains patent while closed at either end. The result Each fallopian tube communicates with the uterine cavity at
is a hydrocele of the spermatic cord that produces a swelling in the cornu by traversing the myometrium. On emerging from
the inguinal canal. A bifid scrotum resembles the labia and is the uterus it forms a short cordlike portion called the isthmus.
generally accompanied by other genital anomalies as in the G The fimbriated end opens to the peritoneal cavity.
syndrome. The ovary is attached to the posterior aspect of the broad
ligament by a short mesovarium, and lies below the tubes. Its
THE FEMALE UROGENITAL SYSTEM medial aspect is connected to the uterine cornu by a cord, the
The female urethra has a length of up to 5 cm and a diameter ligament of the ovary. This together with the round ligament
of 6 mm in the adult, shorter in the child. Its course is almost per- is homologous with the gubernaculum testis. In the prepubes-
fectly straight, running downward and slightly forward behind cent girl, they are elliptical and measure up to 2 cm in greatest
the symphysis pubis, embedded in the tissues in front of the dimension.
anterior wall of the vagina. The external urethral orifice lies in The ovarian artery, like the testicular artery, arises from the
the vestibule behind the clitoris. Numerous small urethral aorta just below the renal artery. After entering the pelvic cav-
glands and recesses (lacunae) are present as in the male and, ity, it runs medially between the layers of the infundibulopelvic
close to the external meatus, there are somewhat larger periure- ligament. It courses towards the mesovarium, supplies the
thral glands of Skene. These are homologues of the prostatic ovary, and unites with the uterine artery. These vessels also
glands; the entire female urethra is homologous with the upper feed the fallopian tubes. The uterine veins form a large plexus
prostatic urethra in the male. The rest of the prostatic urethra in the broad ligament alongside the uterus and communicates
represents the upper or vaginal portion of the vestibule; the pro- with ovarian and vaginal plexuses.
static utricle is the homologue of the lower vagina, and the rest The anterior wall of the vagina approximates the base of the
of the male urethra is homologous with the rest of the vestibule. bladder above and the urethra below. Posteriorly, there is the
Finally, the male bulbourethral glands (of Cowper) are repre- rectouterine pouch above and below is a thick fascia that sepa-
sented by the vestibular glands (of Bartholin) in the female. Lym- rates the vagina from the rectum and anus. Arteries supplying
phatic drainage is chiefly to the internal iliac nodes, but there the vagina are from the vaginal uterine, internal pudendal, and
are connections with the vulvovaginal lymph vessels that lead middle rectal arteries, all of which are branches of the anterior
to the inguinal group. trunk of the internal iliac. Venous return is from a vaginal plexus
At birth, two-thirds of the uterus is cervix, and the upper on each side that communicates with the vesical and the uterine
third, representing the corpus uteri, is actually thinner than the and rectal plexuses. From it emerges a vaginal vein, which
cervix. The external cervix has a diameter of up to 1 cm, but is drains to the internal iliac vein.
plugged by tenacious mucin. At 6 mo, the whole uterus is half CONGENITAL ANOMALIES OF THE FEMALE GENITO-
the size it was at birth. The corpus does not become larger than URINARY TRACT In the first few years of life, a number of
the cervix for several years. girls show a fusion of the labia minora by a thin membrane,
A uterus is a symmetrical, smooth organ, related posteriorly which leaves only a small space for the escape of urine. This
to the bladder, the two being separated by the uterovesical synechia vulvae should not be mistaken for any sort of anomaly.
pouch of the peritoneum, the level of reflection of the perito- It appears to be the result of chronic low-grade inflammation.
neum being at the isthmus. Posteriorly, the peritoneum covers Imperforate hymen is important pathologically for its result-
the whole uterus and passes down to cover the upper portion of ing effect on the uterine cavity, but the fluids accumulated in
the vagina before crossing over to the rectum. This difference the vagina may also serve to compress the urethra, even in chil-
of serosal covering allows one to identify the anterior and pos- dren. This is called hymenometra (Fig. 5). Complete agenesis
terior aspects of the uterus after it has been removed unless of the cervix and ovaries may also occur (Fig. 6).
there are adhesions. The space between the uterus and rectum TUBES AND OVARIES Tubal anomalies are very uncom-
is the rectouterine pouch of Douglas. Within the pouch of mon. Unilateral or bilateral absence, atresia, or hypoplasia
Douglas, loops of intestine are usually present. rarely occur. There may be duplication of the whole of a fallo-
The cervix is conical or cylindrical. Its vaginal portion is pian tube or of just its distal end, or there may be multiple
covered by moist, smooth, white epithelium and usually shows peritoneal ostia. Although other genital malformations can be
a larger anterior lip and a smaller posterior lip. The cervical present, it is not unusual for tubal abnormalities to be solitary.
canal is narrow and is fusiform. The endometrial cavity is flat The only important ovarian anomalies are those associated
and triangular. with intersexuality. In addition, one or both ovaries may fail to
Usually the uterus in a child is about 1.5 ´ 1.0 ´ 0.5 cm. From develop.
each side of the uterus the broad ligament passes to be inserted UTERUS AND VAGINA Anomalies of the uterus are
into the lateral wall of the pelvis. The fallopian tube extends to shown in Fig. 7. There may be two separate uterine bodies (uterus
the free border of the ovary and is attached to the posterior didelphys or duplex) with a double vagina. Uterus bicornis can
surface. Just anteroinferiorly to the tubes are the round liga- be a double fundus and a single cervix; uterus bicollis is
ments. These course below the fallopian tubes, between the unicollis with two complete bodies fused in the midline except
Fig. 5. Imperforate hymen with hydrometrocolpos. Fig. 6. Agenesis of the cervix and ovaries.
Fig. 7. (A) Uterine fusion anomalies. (A) Double reproductive organs. (B) Bicornuate uterus with septate vagina. (C) Uterus arevatus. (D)
Septate uterus with septate vagina. (E) Septate uterus. (F) Uterus unicornis. (B) Gross appearance of a septate uterus, vagina, and cervix.
at the fundus, with a double vagina; and in uterus septus duplex, bodily configuration may appear to be male or female and does
there is a single or a double vagina. Hypoplasia, sometimes not have to match the external genitalia. Gynecomastia is com-
termed the infantile uterus, is recognized at maturity by the mon. Most hermaphrodites have a palpable gonad at least
corpus being smaller than the cervix. Vaginal abnormalities are as low down as the inguinal canal because an ovotestis can
uncommon. descend, although an ovary will not. Some form of uterus is
present in most cases, and all have a normal or rudimentary
INTERSEXUALITY vagina that may not communicate with the exterior. The phal-
HERMAPHRODITISM In the hermaphrodite, the gonads lus, even if large, is not usually as big as a normal penis and
of both sexes are present but the internal and external genitals generally shows hypospadias. Rarely, there is an ovary on one
may be predominantly female or male. Most often the hetero- side and a testis on the other.
sexual gonads are combined in an ovotestis, and gross exami- A variety of different syndromes are associated with ambig-
nation alone will not establish the diagnosis. Microscopy is uous genitalia (Fig. 8 and Table 1). An evaluation of the new-
required not only to determine the sex of the gonads but also the born with this condition is shown in Fig. 9. An approach to the
chromatin positivity or negativity of the somatic cells. The diagnosis of the patient with ambiguous genitalia is shown in
Fig. 8. Flow diagram illustrating disorders of sexual differentiation. From: Stocker JT, Dehnger LP. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 2001.
Fig. 9. Evaluation of the neonate with ambiguous genitalia. Data from Root AW. Abnormalities of sexual differentiation and maturation.
In: Kaye R, Oski FA, Barness LA, eds. Core Textbook of Pediatrics. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1988.
Table 1
Multiple Malformation Syndromes Associated with Ambiguous Genitalia
No. Syndrome Features Inheritance
200110 Ablepharon-macrostomia Absent eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, external ears; fusion ?AR
defects of the mouth, ambiguous genitalia, absent or
rudimentary nipples; parchment skin, delayed development
of expressive language
Wilms tumor-Aniridia genital Moderate to severe mental deficiency, growth deficiency, Deletion
anomalies, mental retardation microcephaly, aniridia, nystagmus, ptosis, blindness, Wilms at 11p13
(WAGR syndrome) tumor, ambiguous genitalia, gonadoblastoma
208530 Asplenia-cardiovascular Hypoplasia or aplasia of the spleen, complex cardiac AR
anomalies-caudal deficiency malformations, abnormal lung lobulation, anomalous
position and development of the abdominal organs, agenesis
of corpus callosum, imperforate anus, ambiguous genitalia,
contractures of the lower limb
209970 Beemer Hydrocephalus, dense bones, cardiac malformation, AR
bulbous nose, broad nasal bridge, ambiguous genitalia
Deletion 11q Trigonocephaly, flat and broad nasal bridge, micrognathia, Chromosomal
carp mouth, hypertelorism, low-set ears, severe congenital
heart disease, anomalies of limbs, external genitalia
194080 Drash Wilms tumor, nephropathy, ambiguous genitalia with Unknown
46,XY karyotype
219000 Fraser Cryptophthalmia, defect of auricle, hair growth on lateral AR
forehead to lateral eyebrow, hypoplastic nares, mental
deficiency, partial cutaneous syndactyly, urogenital
Lethal acrodysgenital Failure to thrive, facial dysmorphism, ambiguous genitalia, AR
dysplasia syndactyly, postaxial polydactyly, Hirschsprung disease,
cardiac and renal malformations
268670 Rutledge Joint contractures, cerebellar hypoplasia, renal hypoplasia, AR
ambiguous genitalia, urologic anomalies, tongue cysts,
shortness of limbs, eye abnormalities, heart defects,
gallbladder agenesis, ear malformations
312830 SCARF Skeletal abnormalities, cutis laxa, craniosynostosis, ambiguous Uncertain
genitalia, psychomotor retardation, facial abnormalities
263520 Short rib-polydactyly Short stature; short limbs; cleft lip and palate; ear AR
(Type 2) Majewski anomalies; limb anomalies, including pre- and postaxial
polysyndactyly, narrow thorax, short horizontal ribs; high
clavicles; ambiguous genitalia
270400 Smith-Lemli-Opitz Microcephaly, mental retardation, hypotonia, ambiguous AR
genitalia, abnormal facies, metabolic defect of 7-
dehydrocholesterol reductase
Trimethadione, Mental deficiency, speech disorders, prenatal onset growth Prenatal drug
prenatal exposure deficiency, brachycephaly, midfacial hypoplasia, broad and exposure
upturned nose, prominent forehead, eye anomalies, cleft lip
and palate, cardiac defects, ambiguous genitalia
192350 VATER association Vertebral, anal, tracheoesophageal, and renal anomalies; subjects Unknown
with ambiguous genitalia as part of the cloacal anomalies
Modified from Simpson JL, Verp MS, Plouffe L, Jr. Female Genital System is Human Malformations and Related Anomalies, p. 584. Oxford
Univ. Press Monographs. Oxford Univ. Press 1993.
**McKusick VA. Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 10th ed. 1992, John Hopkins Univ. Press Baltimore.
Fig. 10. The most frequently occurring syndrome is congenital Male Pseudohermaphroditism Male pseudohermaphro-
adrenal hyperplasia (Fig. 11 and Table 2). ditism is the commonest type of intersexuality. All patients are
PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITISM The pseudohermaph- chromatin negative (XY). The body habitus and external geni-
rodite has the gonads of one sex but has reproductive organs talia may be normal male, but a uterus and tubes are present. By
with some characteristics of the opposite sex. The prefix male contrast, others in this group appear entirely female externally,
or female is used according to the type of gonad. or have a large clitoris, poor breast development, and scanty
Fig. 10. An approach to the diagnosis of the patient with ambiguous genitalia. From: Smith DA. Recognizable Patterns of Human Malfor-
mation: Genetic, Embryologic, and Clinical Aspects, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1982.
Fig. 11. Ambiguous genitalia in congenital adrenal hyperplasia with clitoral hypertrophy.
Table 2
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Type of deficiency Genitalia Androgens Other
21-OH Virilized female Salt-losing, commonest
11-OH Virilized female Hypertension
Cholesterol desmolase Ambiguous male N Salt wasting
3-b-OH Virilized female Lethal
17-OH Ambiguous male ¯ Hypertension
17, 20-lyase Ambiguous male ¯ Isolated defect
pubic and axillary hair. On further examination, they have a Allpatients have ovaries, and the fallopian tubes, uterus, and
blindly ending vagina, poorly developed uterus, and abdomi- upper vagina are fully developed. At the base of the large cli-
nal or inguinal testes (testicular feminization syndrome). An toris is the urethral opening. The labia majora are enlarged and
intermediate variety also exists with a small penis, hypospadias, may be fused. The urethra and vagina may open into a urogeni-
bifid scrotum, rudimentary uterus and fallopian tubes, and some- tal sinus, or the vagina may open into the urethra.
times a vaginal opening to the exterior. There are abdominal or Some cases may be mistaken for male pseudohermaphrodites
inguinal testes. with hypospadias and undescended testes. Congenital adrenal
Female Pseudohermaphroditism This condition is prac- hyperplasia may be the cause. Those instances of the anomaly
tically always the result of excessive adrenocortical hormones caused by administration of androgens to the mother usually show
as in congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or the administration of only a large clitoris and minimal labial changes.
testosterone, progesterone, or stillbestrol in early pregnancy.
Very rarely it follows the development of a functioning mascu- SELECTED REFERENCES
linizing ovarian tumor (arrhenoblastoma) in the mother during Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Phila-
pregnancy. These mothers undergo a virilizing effect and are delphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1997.
Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Atlas of Developmental and Infant Pathol-
found to be chromatin positive (XX). Female pseudohermaph- ogy. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1998.
roditism caused by an intrinsic embryologic fault is the rarest Rezek PR, Millard M. Autopsy Pathology. Springfield, IL: Charles C.
of the anomalies. Thomas Publishers, 1963.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Urogenital Organ Weights of Infants and Children*
Ovaries Testes Seminal vesicles
Age Uterus combined combined combined Prostate
(yr) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
Birth 4.6 0.4 0.4 0.05 0.9
1 2.3 1.0 1.4 0.08 1.2
2 1.9 0.9 1.8 0.09 –
3 2.5 1.4 1.8 0.09 1.1
4 – 1.4 1.8 0.09 –
5 2.9 2.1 1.8 0.09 1.2
6 2.9 2.2 – – –
7 2.6 – – – –
8 2.6 3.1 1.6 0.1 1.3
9 3.4 3.1 1.6 0.1 –
10 3.4 3.1 1.6 0.1 1.4
11 5.3 4.3 2.5 – 2.3
12 5.3 4.3 3.0 0.12 2.8
13 15.9 – – – 3.7
14 – – 3.0 0.15 3.5
15 – – 13.6 1.5 5.1
16 43.0 4.0 – – 6.1
17 – – – – 11.4
*Data adapted with permission from Sunderman FW, Boerner F. Normal Values in Clinical Medicine.
WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1949.
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 347
TECHNIQUES OF BRAIN REMOVAL CNS malformations may arise from a number of causes
FOR EXAMINATION IN SUSPECTED whose effects on the developing brain tissue and cells may lead
MALFORMATIONS to morphologically similar gross and histologic lesions that can
only be demonstrated by a detailed examination of the brain at
In most cases of congenital central nervous system (CNS)
autopsy. Developmental brain anomalies can involve various
malformation, the usual techniques are applicable. However, a
components of the CNS, including the skull, blood vessels, mem-
few examples may require modification of these techniques
branes, brain parenchyma, and other elements.
(see chapter 2). In hydrocephalus, it is best to drain the excess
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) before opening the skull by placing BRAIN DEVELOPMENT
a wide-gauge trochar into the ventricles and aspirating the fluid The human brain undergoes several stages of intrauterine
gently. Once enough fluid has been extracted, either of the and postnatal development, each with specific and nonspecific
following techniques can be used. vulnerabilities to developmental anomalies (Fig. 1 and Tables
Proceed as normal with intermastoid incisions and scalp 1 and 2).
retraction, followed by skull incision along the periphery of the In primary and secondary neurulation, there is normal devel-
widened sutures, exposing the brain. Many times, placing the opment of the brain and spinal cord. The formation of the brain
head under water facilitates removal of the brain and spinal cord rostral to the lumbar segments is called primary
Replace the fluid with 20% formaldehyde and allow the brain neurulation. It occurs during the third and fourth weeks of ges-
to fix for about a week. This is especially useful when dealing with tation and begins at 18 d with the induction, by the notochord
a fetal specimen and a delay in releasing the body is not an issue. and chordal mesoderm, of the neuroectodermal plate derived
In an Arnold-Chiari type II malformation, it sometimes from the dorsal midline of the ectoderm. Its lateral margins
becomes very important to demonstrate the cerebellar pegs pro- invaginate and close dorsally to form the neural tube, which
truding beyond the cisterna magna. In those cases, a posterior gives rise to the CNS. The anterior end closes at about 24 d, and
approach is very useful. Make a midline incision dorsally from the posterior end, approximately at the lumbosacral level,
the occiput to the upper back. After retracting the scalp flaps, closes at about 26 d. The surrounding mesoderm gives rise to
you will encounter the vertebral arches. Perform a dorsal lamin- the dura and the skull and vertebra.
ectomy by cutting the vertebral pedicles and exposing the spi-
nal canal. Using rongeurs, create an occipital and suboccipital ABNORMALITIES OF BRAIN DEVELOPMENT
window to expose the cisterna magna and the caudal portion of Abnormalities of neural tube closure are shown in Fig. 2.
the posterior fossa dorsally. Open the dura mater and create Although recently it has been suggested that only two sites of
dural flaps laterally to expose the upper cord and cerebellum. closure are present—one on the rhombencephalon that pro-
Take photographs and proceed with CNS removal as usual. ceeds rostrally and caudally and one on the proencephalon that
Subcortical band heterotopias are best demonstrated by hori- fuses caudally.
zontal computed tomography scan angle or sagittal sections ANECEPHALY This is a failure of anterior neural tube
rather than by coronal sections. Schizencephaly is best demon- closure. There is absence of scalp, calvarium, and normal brain,
strated using coronal or horizontal sections but not sagittal sec- which is replaced by an angiomatous mass. The eyes are bulg-
tions. Coronal or horizontal sections, but not sagittal sections, ing because the frontal bones are absent and the orbits are shal-
best demonstrate the bundles of Probst in agenesis of corpus low. The sella turcica is small and shallow, and the pituitary
callosum (ACC). gland is hypoplastic. The medulla and spinal cord are hypo-
In dealing with any congenital malformation, it is always plastic and often hemorrhagic.
important to submit tissues for fibroblast culture and cryo- CRANIORACHISCHISIS TOTALIS This represents total
preservation if this is available because the number of inborn failure in neurulation (Fig. 3A). A neural platelike structure is
errors of metabolism responsible for specific malformations is present, but no overlying axial skeleton or dermal covering
increasing. forms. Its onset is no later than 20–22 d of gestation. Most cases
undergo spontaneous abortion.
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness MYELOSCHISIS This is a failure of posterior and neural
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ tube closure (Fig. 3B). The caudal spinal cord shows little orga-
nization and lacks a protective vertebral and dermal covering. is usually an isolated feature encountered in adults. Type II
Its onset is no later than 24 d of gestation. (Fig. 6) is characterized by spinal myelomeningocele associ-
ENCEPHALOCELE This represents a restricted disorder ated with cerebellar hypoplasia and displacement of the tonsils
of neurulation involving anterior neural tube closure (Fig. 4). and of the elongated distal brainstem through the enlarged fora-
It occurs in the occipital region in 80% of cases. The protruding men magnum. When Arnold-Chiari malformation is suspected,
occipital lobe shows dysraphic involvement of the cerebellum the spinal canal and posterior fossa should be opened from a
and midbrain. The Meckel syndrome (Fig. 5), an autosomal- posterior approach so that the dorsal part of the spinal cord,
recessive disorder, is characterized by occipital encephalocele, brainstem, and cerebellum are exposed and the malformations
large cystic dysplastic kidneys and polydactyly. can be seen in situ. The lower medulla overrides the upper
spinal cord posteriorly, resulting in a characteristic Z-shaped
ARNOLD-CHIARI MALFORMATION pattern on sagittal view. A mass of pseudoangiomatous men-
The types of Arnold-Chiari malformations are shown in ingeal tissue and choroid plexuses overlies the herniated cere-
Table 3. Type I is ectopia of the cerebellar tonsils; the anomaly bellar structures. The fourth ventricle is elongated and may
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 349
Table 1
Gestational Development of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Gestational age (wk) No. examined Sulci and fissures Gyri
10–15 6 Interhemispheric fissure, hippocampal
sulcus, sylvian fissure, transverse
cerebral fissure, callosal sulcus
16–19 13 Parietooccipital fissure, olfactory sulcus, Gyrus rectus, insula, cingulate gyrus
circular sulcus, cingulate sulcus,
calcarine fissure
20–23 41 Rolandic sulcus, collateral sulcus, superior Parahippocampal gyrus, superior temporal
temporal sulcus gyrus
24–27 46 Prerolandic sulcus, middle temporal sulcus, Prerolandic gyrus, middle temporal gyrus,
postrolandic sulcus, interparietal sulcus, postrolandic gyrus, superior and inferior
superior frontal sulcus, lateral occipital parietal lobules, superior and middle
sulcus frontal gyri, superior and inferior
occipital gyri, cuneus and lingual gyrus,
fusiform gyrus
28–31 36 Inferior temporal sulcus, inferior frontal Inferior temporal gyrus, triangular gyrus,
sulcus medial and lateral orbital gyri,
callosomarginal gyrus, transverse temporal
gyrus, angular and supramarginal gyri,
external occipitotemporal gyrus
32–35 29 Marginal sulcus, secondary superior, middle, Paracentral gyrus
and inferior frontal, superior and middle
temporal, superior and inferior parietal,
prerolandic and postrolandic, superior and
inferior occipital sulci and gyri, insular
36–39 31 Secondary transverse and inferior temporal Anterior and posterior orbital gyri
and cingulate sulci and gyri, tertiary
superior, middle, and inferior frontal and
superior parietal sulci and gyri
40–44 29 Secondary orbital, callosomarginal, and
insular sulci and gyri, tertiary inferior
temporal and superior and inferior
occipital gyri and sulci
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathology. Boston: John Wright, 1983,
with permission.
Table 2
Regional Development of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Lobe Fissures and sulci Gestational age (wk) Gyri Gestational age (wk)
Frontal Interhemispheric fissure 10 Gyrus rectus 16
Transverse cerebral fissure 10 Insula 18
Hippocampal sulcus 10 Cingulate gyrus 18
Callosal sulcus 14 Prerolandic gyrus 24
Sylvian fissure 14 Superior frontal gyrus 25
Olfactory sulcus 16 Middle frontal gyrus 27
Circular sulcus 18 Triangular gyrus 28
Cingulate sulcus 18 Medial and lateral orbital gyri 28
Rolandic sulcus 20 Callosomarginal gyrus 28
Prerolandic sulcus 24 Anterior and posterior orbital gyri 36
Superior frontal sulcus 25
Inferior frontal sulcus 28
Parietal Interhemispheric fissure 10 Cingulate gyrus 18
Transverse cerebral fissure 10 Postrolandic gyrus 25
Sylvian fissure 14 Superior parietal lobule 26
Parietooccipital fissure 16 Inferior parietal lobule 26
Rolandic sulcus 20 Angular gyrus 28
Postrolandic sulcus 25 Supramarginal gyrus 28
Interparietal sulcus 26 Paracentral gyri 35
Temporal Sylvian fissure 14 Superior temporal gyrus 23
Superior temporal sulcus 23 Parahippocampal gyrus 23
Collateral sulcus 23 Middle temporal gyrus 26
Middle temporal sulcus 26 Fusiform gyrus 27
Inferior temporal sulcus 30 Inferior temporal gyrus 30
External occipitotemporal gyrus 30
Transverse temporal gyrus 31
Occipital Interhemispheric fissure 10 Superior occipital gyri 27
Calcarine fissure 16 Inferior occipital gyri 27
Parietooccipital sulcus 16 Cuneus 27
Collateral sulcus 23 Lingual gyrus 27
Lateral occipital sulcus 27 External occipitotemporal gyrus 30
From: Gilles FH, Leviton A, Dooling EC. The developing human brain—growth and epidemiologic neuropathy. Boston: John Wright, 1983, with
that most often opens into a posterior sac. The base of the skull Aprosencephaly (Atelencephaly) This extreme form of
is abnormal, with a very small anterior fossa and a relatively holoprosencephaly is characterized by a rudimentary neural
large posterior fossa. Olfactory bulbs are absent. The cerebellum tube and prosencephalon, leading to extreme microencephaly
may be hypoplastic and dysplastic. Variations of this form of holo- (Fig. 15).
prosencephaly are pancake, cup, and ball types.
Associated migration anomalies such as subependymal and ABNORMALITIES OF MIDLINE STRUCTURES
cerebellar heterotopia are common, and the meninges at the base AGENESIS OF CORPUS CALLOSUM (ACC) ACC is the
of the brain and around the brainstem are thickened with glio- failure of formation or decussation of the corticocortical fibers
neuronal ectopias. The aqueduct of Sylvius is often dysplastic. (Fig. 16).
Arhinencephaly In arhinencephaly, the olfactory tracts In partial agenesis, the body and splenium are usually absent.
and bulbs and their sulci are absent (Fig. 11). Orofacial clefts ACC may be an isolated feature or it may be associated with
may be associated with arhinencephalies. other CNS or systemic malformations. ACC is associated with
Lobar Holoprosencephaly Lobar holoprosencephaly hydrocephalus in 23% of cases and with microcephaly in 15%.
is the most differentiated form, with two well-developed hemi- The CC is absent in holoprosencephalies, as are the anterior
spheres connected by a bridge of cortical tissue that may be commissure and/or SP. Other gross anomalies such as micro-
mistaken for a CC (Fig. 12). Olfactory bulbs are usually present. gyria, pachygyria, lissencephaly, and arhinencephaly have
SEMILOBAR The semilobar form is the most common form. been reported with ACC. Common microscopic disorders found
The hemispheres are separated by a fissure that widens poste- in ACC are heterotopias and polymicrogyria.
riorly (Figs. 13 and 14). The temporal and occipital lobes are Isolated ACC may be sporadic or it may be part of a chro-
usually well developed. The CC and septum pellucidum (SP) mosome aberration syndrome such as trisomy 18. Diagnosis is
are absent, and the thalami are fuse. Olfactory bulbs are incon- possible as early as the 18th wk of gestation by means of non-
stantly present. invasive techniques such as ultrasonography or magnetic reso-
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 351
In agenesis of the cerebellum, colliculi are undifferentiated
or fused. In Arnold-Chiari malformation, the quadrigeminate
plate shows on sagittal view a beaklike deformity above the cere-
bellum in occipital neural tube defects, the encephalocele may
originate from the quadrigeminate plate and includes part of Fig. 3. (A) Craniorachischisis. (B) Myeloschisis: open neural tube
the cerebellum. in the lumbosacral region.
Table 3
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Type I Medulla and cerebella tonsils displaced downward into
spinal canal
Type 2 Type I + low meningomyelocele
Type 3 Type I + high cervical meningomyelocele
Type I + occipito-cervical meningomyelocele
Type I + iniencephaly
Fig. 6. Arnold-Chiari type II malformation. The brainstem is elongated and protrudes through the foramen magnum.
Fig. 7. Spectrum of holoprosencephaly. (A) Facial features. (B) Development of normal (A) and holoprosencephalic brain (B). The primitive
prosencephalon undergoes cleavage then the two hemispheres rotate medially to form the interhemispheric fissure. From the primitive
ventricular cavity (PV), two separated lateral ventricles (LV) are formed. In alobar holoprosencephaly, failure of cleavage results in a single
ventricular cavity (H). The degree of subsequent inward rotation of the cortex determines the morphologic type, Failure of rotation results in
the pancake type, in which the membranous diencephalic roof bulges to form the so-called dorsal sac (DS). In the intermediate form, the cup
type, the cortex rolls over to partially cover the diencephalic roof. In the ball type, full rotation has occurred, and the single ventricle is
completely covered.
Fig. 8. Holoprosencephaly. (A) Midline facial defect with hypo- Fig. 10. Holoprosencephaly. Cyclopia with slitlike orbital groove
telorism. (B) Cebocephaly. Hypotelorism with single nostril. with proboscis.
vermis may be associated with various brain malformations and is often associated with other CNS and/or extra-CNS abnor-
is part of the Dandy-Walker malformation (DWM). malities, with a high frequency of total or partial callosal defect,
focal polymicrogyria, heterotopias, and malformed or ectopic
DWM includes dilatation of the fourth ventricle and hypo- The cause is heterogeneous. The malformation has been
plasia or absent vermis (Fig. 18). Hydrocephalus is usually described in Mendelian disorders, mainly in autosomal-reces-
associated with DWM, and there is a prominent occiput. DWM sive conditions (Walker-Warburg, Joubert-Bolthauser, and
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 355
Table 4
Holoprosencephaly Malformation Complex
Genetics 1. Sporadic
2. Recessive
3. Dominant
4. Component part of malformation syndrome 13
trisomy, 18 Q-
Cyclopia Single or partially divided eye in single orbit
Absence of nose—proboscis
Fusion of anterior lobes of brain
Ethmocephaly Severe hypotelorism with two separate orbits
May have absence of nose or a proboscis
fusion of forebrain
Cebocephaly Hypotelorism with separate orbits
Proboscis-like nose
Fusion of forebrain
Median cleft lip Hypotelorism with separate orbits
Hypoplastic nose
Absence of median portion of upper lip
Lobar or semi-lobar holoprosencephaly
Fig. 12. Lobar holoprosencephaly. There is a cleft of the frontal
Fig. 18. Dandy-Walker cyst. (A) Cyst of fourth ventricle and absence of cerebellar vermis. (B) Diagram of DWM.
SUBEPENDYMAL PSEUDOCYSTS matic form in the fetus and neonate (Fig. 19). AVMs of the vein
Subependymal pseudocysts may be incidentally found on of Galen consist of dilation of the vein of Galen, an aneurysm,
routine fetal autopsies. Located in the germinal matrix, they rep- and arterial feeding of various origins and patterns. AVM of the
resent a sequela of hypoxic-ischemic accidents or viral infec- vein of Galen is a true embryologic defect with male predomi-
tion, with loss of tissue, and glial scars. nance of 2:1, consisting of persistence of the embryonic vascu-
lar pattern and an arteriovenous (AV) shunt between the vein of
INTRACRANIAL VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS Galen and the embryonic choroidal arterial network of the
An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) or aneurysmal mal- velum interpositum. The enlarged ampulla of Galen does not
formation of the vein of Galen is the most frequent and dra- communicate with the deep venous system, and the venous
Fig. 21. (A,B) Cross-section of brain in hydrocephalus. The ventricles are markedly dilated, and the cerebral cortical mantle is extremely thin.
is 0.3–2.5 per 1000 births. Theoretically, the increased amount mantle is seen. Severe hydrocephalus is usually associated with
of CSF may be caused by overproduction of CSF, defective stretching of the CC and of the SP, which may be fenestrated,
absorption of CSF, or obstruction of the CSF pathway. The vast torn, or totally destroyed.
majority are caused by obstruction. There are many possible There is an X-linked condition with pure aqueductal steno-
causes of obstruction. The aqueduct of Sylvius may be narrowed sis and clasped (flexion-adduction deformity) thumbs. This is
or malformed. There may be malformations of the hindbrain called Bickers-Adams syndrome, X-linked hydrocephalus, or
such as ACM or the Dandy-Walker syndrome. ACM consists hydrocephalus-mental retardation syndrome. The foramina
of a herniation of the cerebellar vermis through the foramen of Luschka and Magendie or obliteration of the subarachnoid
magnum. The medulla is displaced past the foramen magnum, space may be present. In addition, an inflammatory process or
which obstructs the flow of CSF. Myeloschisis is commonly residual hemorrhage may occur in utero. Tetraventricular hydro-
associated. This has been detected as early as the 10th wk of cephalus is a common finding in DWM and in Walker-Warburg
gestation. The DWM consists of a small or absent cerebellar syndrome.
vermis, with the cerebellar hemispheres widely separated by a
large fourth ventricle. This ventricle is covered by a cystic mass DEFECTS OF NEURONAL MIGRATION
of connective tissue, ependyma, neuroglia, and blood vessels. These are considered primary malformations in chromoso-
Usually, the foramina of Majendie and Luschka are absent. mal or genetic disorders and may be related to radial glial cells.
Hydrocephalus may not develop until after birth. Secondary malformations are related to environmental factors
Hydrocephalus can develop early in the second trimester (teratogen, hypoxia-ischemia, infection). However, if the path-
of pregnancy, and may be associated with a wide variety of ologic event takes place during the first 16 wk of development,
other abnormalities or infections. Sometimes hydrocephalus is it may interfere with cell production and/or migration and may
genetically determined. Sex-linked recessive aqueductal steno- mimic primary malformations
sis occurs in about 2% of uncomplicated cases. Hydrocephalus
may also be inherited as a dominant or as a multifactorial con- HETEROTOPIA AND ECTOPIA
dition. It may also be part of syndromes such as in achondropla- Both terms, used interchangeably, refer to cells or groups of
sia, osteogenesis imperfecta, Hurler syndrome, or tuberous scler- cells that have failed to migrate from the ventricular zone (sub-
osis. It occurs rarely in trisomy 12, trisomy 18, and trisomy 21. ependymal matrix) to their assigned place. Heterotopias may
Congenital hydrocephalus (CHC) exists when the CSF expands be found anywhere in the brain, in the brainstem, and in the
during intrauterine life. Excessive production of CSF, pathway cerebellum. The term ectopia is preferentially used to desig-
obstruction, or insufficient resorption may cause hydroceph- nate neurons and/or glial cells that have extended into the lepto-
alus. Obstruction of the CSF pathways by malformations or meninges. The term is also applied to nodules of olivary nuclei
lesions, tumors, infections, or hemorrhage is the most common misplaced in the pons.
cause. It is unexplained in 30% of cases. Isolated hydrocephalus Subependymal heterotopias of neurons or glial cells may be
is rare, occurring in approx 0.6 per 1000 births. Classically, iso- found in normal brains bulging into the ventricle, and only
lated CHC is related to aqueduct of Sylvius abnormalities. histologic study can differentiate them from tuberous sclerosis.
The brain has flattened convolutions (Fig. 21A,B) and an White matter heterotopias are often found in association with
unrolled hippocampal gyrus. A peculiar microgyric pattern is polymicrogyria in any malformed brain or in various malfor-
seen in ACM and is associated with CHC. Ventricular enlarge- mative situations.
ment without cerebral mantle distention is a common finding Meningeal ectopias or heterotopias are nests of neurons and/
in fetuses of less than 18 wk of gestation. Distention of the CSF or glial cells that have herniated into the arachnoid spaces.
pathways occurs first in the occipital horns, followed by dila- Focal ectopias may be incidentally found in normal brains but
tion of the frontal horns, third ventricle, aqueduct of Sylvius, are most common in malformed brains. They are a characteris-
and fourth ventricle. On section, the thinning of the cerebral tic feature of lissencephaly type II.
Polymicrogyria is an abnormal cortical pattern, either focal
or diffuse, characterized by excessive folding of all layers (Fig.
22). Over the polymicrogyria cortex, the surface of the brain may
be microgyric, agyric/pachygyric, or normal. Histologically,
two major types of polymicrogyria have been described: four-
layered and unlayered. Both types may coexist in the same brain.
a molecular layer that infolds along with the cortical plate but
usually maintains a smooth surface. The second cellular layer
corresponds to laminae II and III or the normal cortex. The
third layer is devoid of neurons. The fourth cellular layer is
continuous with a normal layer VI of the adjacent cortex. The
four-layered cortex is thought to follow a laminar necrosis and Fig. 24. Lissencephaly. The brain is smooth, with absence of the
to be the result of intrauterine hypoxic-ischemic injury. normal gyral pattern.
gyria is polymicrogyria without the clear, sparsely cellular
layer. This type is most common in severely malformed brains
This distinct anomaly characterizes the lissencephaly type I of
and in constitutional disorders such as Zellweger syndrome
Miller-Dieker syndrome. It consists of reversal of the normal
and osteochondrodysplasias.
gray-white matter ratio with a four-layered cortex.
ance of the cerebellum may be normal or there may be large
The most striking features are obliteration of the arachnoid
folia. Histologically, the external granular layer and the molec-
spaces with ectopic neurons and glial cells and the chaotic cor-
ular layer are disrupted. The disorder may be found in associa-
tex. Ectopic cells extend into the subarachnoid space through
tion with other brain malformations.
multiple pial-glial gaps and are responsible for the thick and
milky appearance of the meninges and hydrocephalus. The
AGYRIA/PACHYGYRIA/LISSENCEPHALY entire cortex is malformed.
Agyria or lissencephaly, smooth brain, means total absence CORTICAL DYSPLASIA OF LISSENCEPHALY TYPE III
of convolutions. Pachygyria refers to an intermediate form, char- Micrencephaly and agyria/pachygyria is present and consist
acterized by rare and broad gyri (Figs. 23 and 24). mainly of loss of neurons, immature lamination, focal areas of
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 361
Microcephaly means a small head, and the term micrenceph-
aly would be more appropriate to designate a small brain. The
term microcephaly is commonly used. Microcephaly is consid-
ered to represent a head circumference below 3 SD.
Fig. 25. Hydraencephaly.
genic mutations, recessive, dominant, or X-linked, may cause
microcephaly. More than 100 distinct familial syndromes with
microcephaly have been documented. Classically, 20–30% of
microcephalies are estimated to be genetic. They are a common cephalus. The cerebral hemispheres become an empty sac cov-
feature in chromosomal disorders. ered by the leptomeninges. Porencephalic cysts are the result of
SECONDARY ACQUIRED MICROCEPHALY Various cystic encephalomalacia.
exogeneous causes such as maternofetal infections, CNS circu-
latory impairment, intoxication, or radiation may cause micro- HYDROLETHALIS
cephaly during fetal life. In intrauterine malnutrition with growth This is an autosomal-recessive disorder with a distinct ap-
retardation, the brain is less affected than the other organs. The pearance of hydrocephalus (Fig. 26). It consists of microgna-
brain weight of the fetus is above the mean compared with body thia, polydactyly, abnormalities of the tracheobronchial tree,
weight but is often below 2 SD compared with gestational age. congenital cardiac defects, abnormally lobuated lungs, and nor-
ISOLATED MICROCEPHALY Most cases of isolated micro- mal kidneys. The foramen magnum has a distinctive keyhole
cephaly have autosomal-recessive inheritance. However, cases configuration (Fig. 27).
of autosomal-dominant and X-linked inheritance have been
reported with isolated microcephaly and less severe mental SCHIZENCEPHALY
retardation. Schizencephaly is a term that has been applied to a malde-
velopment with a cleft that is probably related to a vascular
MICROGYRIA AND ULEGYRIA disruption in the distribution of the middle cerebral arteries that
Microgyria describes small gyri that appear increased in occurs before 20 wk of gestation (Fig. 28). A preferred term to
number. It is classically found in Arnold-Chiari type II malfor- describe the defect is mantle defect.
mation, but the underlying cortex is rarely abnormal. Ulegyria
consists of small and shrunken gyri, most pronounced at their INIENCEPHALY
base, with enlarged sulci. This feature is a sequel of a hypoxic In this condition there is a deficiency of the occipital bone
ischemic accident. with cervicothoracic spinal fusion (Fig. 29). Other visceral anom-
alies occur in 84% of cases. Vascular abnormalities include throm-
HYDRANENCEPHALY, PORENCEPHALY, bosis of the sagittal sinus (Figs. 30 and 31).
Hydranencephaly is complete destruction of the cerebral SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE
hemispheres with preservation of the cerebellum and brainstem Sites of brain hemorrhage are shown in Fig. 32. Blood extra-
(Fig. 25). Infants frequently have macrocephaly and hydro- vasates from the fine vessels of the arachnoid meshwork and
Hemorrhage between the periosteum and the calvarium
occurs mostly over the parietal bone. Cephalhematoma is con-
fined by the attachment of the periosteum and never overrides
the sutures. Difficult delivery with forceps is usually the cause
of the injury, which may be associated with skull fractures.
Fig. 34. Subdural hemorrhage. (A) A large blood clot is present
Epidural hemorrhage is a rare complication of traumatic beneath the dura. (B) A fresh hemorrhage is seen beneath the dura.
delivery in full-term infants. Blood collects in the virtual space
between the inner table of the calvarium and the dura (occipital
Meningoencephalitis caused by Gram-positive cocci, most
commonly group B streptococci, is usually an acute process
preceding early labor and delivery or developing soon after
birth, almost always associated with septicemia, and leading to
rapid fetal or neonatal death. Classic features of meningitis,
ventriculitis, choroiditis, and vasculitis are common to all orga-
nisms. The leptomeningeal exudate, if scanty, tends to accu-
mulate along the contours of subarachnoid veins. If CSF flow
is obstructed, hydrocephalus may develop.
In Listeria monocytogenes infection, characteristic nodules
are found in the meninges, ventricular wall and ependyma,
choroid plexuses, and vessel walls. Meningitis, ependymitis,
and choroiditis are found. Meningoencephalitis caused by Gram-
negative bacilli such as Serratia marcescens, Enterobacter and
Proteus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli are
usually associated with septicemia. Fig. 35. Periventricular leukomalacia caused by birth anoxia.
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 365
Table 5 nisms may be found in the necrotic areas but most often are found
Periventricular Leukomalacia in cysts. Bilateral chorioretinitis is present.
Asphyxial lesions—failure of perfusion
Predisposing causes: SYPHILIS
Respiratory distress Congenital syphilis may result in fetal or neonatal death.
Congenital heart disease
Meningoencephalitis is characterized by a mononuclear infil-
Sepsis tration, and spirochetes may be identified.
Intrauterine growth retardation
Infant diabetic mother TORCH (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes
Postmaturity simplex) infections in utero may result in severe necrosis, peri-
50% in infants <2,500 grams
ventricular calcifications, microcephaly, and hydrocephalus.
When extensive necrosis occurs, hydranencephaly may result.
Table 6
Pathology acute phase: Both agyria and pachygyria may coexist in different parts of
3 h—edema the same brain and overlie an abnormal cortical plate. Three
8 h—necrosis with retraction balls
types are recognized.
12 h margination by reactive microglia
2 wk reactive astrocytes Type I lissencephaly, Miller-Dieker syndrome, is rare, with
Chronic phase: a frequency of 1 per 100,000 live births. Miller-Dieker syndrome
Gliosis—gitter cells is characterized by a small agyric or pachygyric brain, associ-
Cavitation ated with a series of craniofacial abnormalities (microencephaly
Mineralization—CA and FE with high narrow forehead, low-set ears, and small mandible),
and neurologic impairment. The ventricles are usually enlarged,
with subependymal heterotopic nodules. Calcifications in the
region of the cavum septum pellucidum occur in about half of
the patients.
Histologically, the cerebral mantle consists of a thickened
cortex and reduced white matter. The cortex displays abnormal
lamination with four layers instead of six. There are abnormali-
ties of the brainstem and cerebellum. There are always hetero-
topias in the cerebellum. Cytogenetic analysis may disclose
microdeletion 17p.
Type II lissencephaly (Walker-Warberg syndrome) is an
autosomal-recessive disorder that is associated with other CNS
abnormalities including hydrocephalus, agyria, retinal dyspla-
sia, and encephalocele. On gross examination, agyria, thick
meninges with milky appearance, and subependymal nodules
Fig. 36. Germinal matrix hemorrhage. bulge into the lumen of enlarged ventricles. The entire cortex
is dysplastic. Eye anomalies, including microphthalmia with
Hemophilus fluenzae may be associated with otitis media but optic chiasm hypoplasia, coloboma, cataract, abnormal ante-
is less common since the advent of immunization against this rior chamber and retinal dysplasia occur.
organism. Neisseria meningitidis may follow an upper respira- Type III lissencephaly includes lissencephaly, arthrogrypo-
tory infection. sis, and micrencephaly. In the large group of cases of fetal
akinesia and arthrogryposis described under various eponyms
FUNGAL MENINGOENCEPHALITIS of Pena-Shokeir type II, cerebrooculofacioskeletal, and Neu-
The most common fungal infection is by Candida albicans. Laxova syndromes, type III lissencephaly may represent a dis-
With septicemia, mycelia diffuse from the meningeal and cere- tinct clinicopathologic sequence.
bral vessels into the parenchyma. Hansenula anomala, Asper-
gillus sp., and Malassezia furfur may be the causative organisms. CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS
A severe destructive process may result in micrencephaly, Craniosynostosis is heterogeneous (Fig. 38). It may be caused
hydrocephalus, or hydranencephaly. Free Toxoplasma sp. orga- by an autosomal-dominant mutation or be associated with a
nisms can be found in necrotic cavities. malformation syndrome as well as numerous teratogens, chro-
mosome defects, and metabolic diseases. Synostosis may affect
T. GONDII a single suture (coronal, sagittal, metopic), or it may involve
T. gondii causes a meningoencephalitis with necrosis and more than one suture. Some conditions with known causes of
calcifications in the periventricular area. Free Toxoplasma orga- craniosynostosis are listed in Table 9.
Fig. 37. (A) Intraventricular hemorrhage. (B) Intraventricular hemorrhage grades I–IV.
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 367
Table 7
Germinal Matrix and Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Germinal matrix—very little supporting stroma
34 wk gestation—vessels thin—single layer of endothelial cells
Rich vascular supply
Direct damage to endothelial cells by hypoxia
Increased cerebral blood flow in hypercarbia
Table 8
Germinal Matrix and Intraventricular Hemorrhages
1. Organization of hemorrhage
Gliosis ® scarring
Obstruction ® hydrocephalus
2. Necrosis ® cysts ® encephaloclastic porencephaly
Table 9
Some Conditions With Known Causes of Craniosynostosis
Monogenic b-Glucuronidase deficiency
Autosomal dominant
simple craniosynostosis Hematologic disorders
Apert syndrome Thalassemias
Crouzon syndrome Sickle cell anemia
Pfeiffer syndrome Congenital hemolytic icterus
Jackson-Weiss syndrome Polycythemia vera
Boston type craniosynostosis Teratogens
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome* Aminopterin
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly* Diphenylhydantoin
Chromosomal syndromes Retinoic acid
Numerous (17) Valproic acid
Metabolic disorders Malformations
Hyperthyroidism Microcephaly
Rickets Encephalocele Fig. 38. Types of craniosynostosis.
Mucopolysaccharidoses Shunted hydrocephalus
Hurler syndrome Holoprosencephaly
*Molecular defect not understood to date. Greig cephalopolysyn- DeLange S. Progressive hydrocephalus. In: Vinken, Bruyn. Congenital
dactyly was mapped to 7p13 by Vortkamp et al. (119) on the basis of three Malformations of the Brain and Skull. Handbook of Clinical Neurol-
balanced translocations in different families. The translocation break- ogy 30, p. 525.
points disrupted the zinc finger gene GLI3. Saethre-Chotzen syndrome Laurence K. Hydrocephalus and malformations in the central nervous
was mapped to 7p2l (8,55,86,88,116). Reid et al. (88) suggested that there system. In: Keeling W, ed. Fetal and Neonatal Pathology. London:
may be more than one locus for Saethre-Chotzen syndrome on 7p. Springer Verlag, 1987, p. 463.
From: Cohen MM. The Child with Multiple Birth Defects, 2nd ed., Norman NG, McGillwray BC, Kalousek DK, et al. Congenital Malfor-
Oxford Univ Press, 1997. mations of the Brain. Oxford Univ Press, New York, 1995.
Appendix 1
Defects of Closure of the Neural Tube
Malformation Mechanism Causes Time Comments
Craniorachischisis Total neurulation failure Multifactorial 20–22 d Most cases abort
totalis gestation spontaneously
Anencephaly Failure of anterior neural Multifactorial, genetic, 24 d 75% stillborn
tube closure and environmental gestation
Myeloschisis Failure posterior neural Multifactorial 24 d Often associated with anom-
tube closure gestation alous formation of skull
Encephalocele Disorder of neurulation Multifactorial (genetic 26 d Occipital 70%–80%,
involving anterior neural [i.e., Meckel syndrome] gestation associated with hydro-
tube closure and environmental cephalus, Arnold-Chiari
[i.e., maternal malformations, agenesis
hyperthermia]) of corpus callosum,
migration disorders
Meningomyelocele Disorder of neurulation Multifactorial (genetic 26–28 d 80% lesions occur in lumbar
involving posterior and environmental gestation area; commonly associated
neural tube closure influences [i.e., folic with hydrocephalus,
acid]) Arnold-Chiari
malformation, and
migrational disturbances
Migrational Disorders
Schizencephaly Complete agenesis Destructive lesions Beginning of Neurodevelopmental
of a portion of the involving germinative migrational events disorders: Motor
germinative zone zones and migrational (third month of 77%–86%, seizures
neurons; mutation in gestation) 60%–72%, cognitive
homeobox EMX2, 24%–100%
Lissencephaly: Diffuse cellular layer Isolated (linked to No later than the Normocephalic and hypotonia
Pachygyria contains neurons chromosome 17 or X- third or fourth at birth, later hypertonia,
type I that never arrived chromosome [e.g., month of gestation seizures (commonly
at their final Miller-Dieker infantile spasms, Lennox-
destination syndrome]) Gastaut syndrome)
Lissencephaly Autosomal recessive Walker-Warburg syndrome, Third to fourth Macrocephaly; retinal
type II (deficiency in Muscle-eye-brain month of malformation, congenital
merosin, laminin disease, Fukuyama gestation muscular dystrophy,
a-2, and other congenital muscular cerebellar malformations
proteins) dystrophy
Polymicrogyria Probably postmigrational- Vascular lesions, Postmigrational Associated with postnatal
(layered) “classic” related to e.g., laminar neuronal 20–24 wk hypoxic events. Focal
a destructive process; necrosis; infections, of gestation lesions are associated with
postnatal evolution e.g., cytomegalovirus, and beyond seizures and learning
in preterm babies toxoplasmosis disabilities
Disorders of Neuronal Proliferation
Microcephaly vera Normal number of cortical Genetic; teratogenic Approximately Mental retardation, seizures
neurons, but neuronal (irradiation, alcohol, 18 wk of
complement of each cocaine, infections); gestation
column is decreased sporadic
Radial microbrain Disturbance in the number Genetic autosomal Second month Die in first month of life
of proliferative units recessive of gestation
(reduction in the number,
but normal number of cells
per unit)
Macrocephaly Prolongation of time of cell Sporadic, isolated During third to Isolated familiar cases without
proliferation or excessive familiar (autosomal fourth month neurologic deficits, other
rate of proliferation dominant or recessive); of gestation clinical manifestations
associated with growth depending on etiology
disturbances (cerebral
gigantism, Beckwith
Neurocutaneous syndromes
(neurofibromatosis, tuberous
sclerosis, Sturge Weber)
CHAPTER 14 / CNS 369
Appendix 1 (Continued)
Malformation Mechanism Causes Time Comments
Hemi- Focal disorder of cell Sporadic, linear nevus Third to fourth Severe seizure disorder
megalencephaly proliferation also affecting sebaceus syndrome month of usually in neonatal period;
neuronal migration and gestation severe developmental delay
Disturbance in Neuronal Myelinization
Cerebral white Marked deficiency in Unknown Third trimester and Nonprogressive clinical
matter hypoplasia cerebral white matter, postnatal life syndrome of spastic
most conspicuous in quadriparesis, seizures,
centrum ovale and cognitive deficits
Undernutrition Reduction of 20%–30% Poor feeding in the From birth Severe undernutrition
in cerebrosides and first months and to 4 mo of age
15%–20% in years of life results in a permanent
plasmalogens reduction in IQ
Normal myelin composition
Prematurity Sequelae of periventricular Hypomyelinization, Third trimester Quantitative volumetric
leukomalacia or other loss and destruction and postnatal MRI has delineated the
insult associated with of oligodendrocytes decrease of myelin in
prematurity preterm babies
Abbreviation: MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging.
From: Acosta M, Gallo V, Batshaw ML. Brain Development and the Ontogeny of Developmental Disabilities. In: Barness LA. (Editor-in-Chief),
Advances in Pediatrics, Vol. 49, Mosby, 2002.
Lymph nodes may be partially or completely replaced by position of the abdominal segment of the inferior vena cava and
metastatic tumor or by a lymphoma or by Hodgkin’s disease the aorta may occur. In some cases, the right and left pulmonary
(Table 1). veins connect to their respective sides of the atria; in others the
ACCESSORY SPLEEN right and left pulmonary veins connect to one of the atria. In the
majority, there is an atrial septal defect. An endocardial Cush-
Accessory spleen (Fig. 1) is the most common congenital ing’s defect is present in approx 50% of cases. Two ventricles
anomaly, encountered in about 16% of pediatric splenecto- are almost always present, with a high frequency of double-out-
mies. Accessory spleens are usually solitary and are most com- let right ventricle. Pulmonary vein anomalies are rare.
monly located in the splenic hilum, although they may be found CYSTS Congenital splenic cysts are rare. Hydatid or echin-
in the omentum, gastrosplenic and splenocolic ligaments, or ococcal cysts are the most common splenic cysts worldwide
retroperitoneum. The primary importance of accessory spleens but are very rare in the United States. Primary cysts are lined by
is that they must be removed along with the spleen in therapeu- epithelium, whereas false cysts or pseudocysts lack a cellular
tic splenectomies for diseases such as idiopathic thrombocy- lining and are thought to arise after trauma. Splenic cysts can
topenic purpura to prevent recurrence. become quite large (>20 cm) and are typically filled with serous
SPLEEN fluid.
Frontal or horizontal sections are prepared by the same prin- THYMUS
ciples used for sectioning the liver. A careful search for acces- The normal thymus (Fig. 3) is located in the anterior media-
sory spleens, splenicula, and polysplenia should be made. stinum. The very important role that the thymus plays is in
ASPLENIA Bilateral right-sidedness (right atrial) is asso- normal T-cell development and immunologic response. The
ciated with an absent spleen (Ivemark syndrome). Nucleated superior aspect of the third pharyngeal pouch forms the inferior
red blood cells in the peripheral smear suggest the diagnosis lobes of the parathyroid glands. The inferior aspects of the third
when there is a congenital heart defect. In over 50% of cases, pharyngeal pouch and sometimes part of the fourth pharyngeal
the liver is symmetric with the gallbladder, stomach, duode- pouch develop into the thymus. Because the parathyroid glands
num, and pancreas on the right side, with varying degrees of and the thymus are derived from the same pharyngeal pouch,
malrotation of the intestines. Bilateral trilobed lungs with bilat- it is not unusual for the lower lobes of the parathyroid gland to
eral eparterial bronchi are associated with severe cardiac defects be enmeshed within the thymus. The thymus passes behind the
including bilateral superior venae cavae that drain to the respec- thyroid gland and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Remnants
tive atria. The abdominal part of the inferior vena cava ascends of the thymus may remain in the neck and can develop into cysts
on either the right or left side of the spine and enters the atrium or thymic tumors. The organization of the thymus into cortex
on its corresponding side. Total anomalous pulmonary venous and medulla begins around the 12th gestational week.
connection is the rule. The two atria show isomerism and appen- ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY Histologically, the thy-
dages of the morphologic right type. The coronary sinus is usu- mus consists of two lobes that form a V-shaped structure extend-
ally absent. ing from the thyroid gland into the anterosuperior mediastinum.
POLYSPLENIA In most the inferior vena cava connects to The thymic lobes are joined in the midline by connective tissue
the azygos venous system and drains into the superior vena at a site over the pericardium. The thymus weighs 10–35 g at
cava (Fig. 2). Separate common hepatic veins usually connect birth and continues to grow to a maximum weight of 20–50 g
the liver to the right of the morphologic left atrium; a suprahe- at puberty. Normal thymic involution progresses from puberty
patic common channel is found in about one-third of cases. Juxta- through old age.
Each thymic lobule is separated into cortical and medullary
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness regions, and both cortex and medulla are composed of lympho-
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ cytes and epithelial cells. In addition to the subspecialized thy-
Table 1
Benign Causes of Lymph Node Enlargement
Nodular/follicular proliferations
Nonspecific germinal center hyperplasia
Rheumatoid arthritis-related lymphadenopathy
Lupus lymphadenitis
HIV-related generalized lymphadenopathy
Angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia
Progressive transformation of germinal centers
Luetic lymphadenitis
Toxoplasma lymphadenopathy
Diffuse and paracortical proliferations
Postvaccinial lymphadenopathy
Acute infectious mononucleosis
Non-Epstein-Barr virus-related viral lymphadenopathy
Drug hypersensitivity lymphadenopathy
Kimura disease
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorder (fas mutation)
Sinusoidal proliferations
Sinus histiocytosis
Foreign material accumulations
Storage disorders
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Sinus histiocytosis with massive adenopathy
Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy
Whipple disease
Granulomatous proliferations
Granulomatosis disease of childhood
Nodal Crohn disease Fig. 2. Polysplenia. Multiple small spleens.
Mycobacterial infection
Histoplasma infections
Necrotizing proliferations
Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease
Cat-scratch lymphadenitis
Lymphogranuloma venereum mic epithelial cells and T lymphocytes, mononuclear phago-
Acute bacterial lymphadenitis cytes, myoid cells, mast cells, eosinophils, plasma cells, and a
Acute viral lymphadenitis small population of mature B cells are present within the nor-
Kawaski syndrome mal thymus.
The epithelial cells provide much of the stroma and frame-
work for lymphocyte maturation. Hassall corpuscles are con-
centric whorls of keratinizing epithelial cells that have under-
gone cystic degeneration. Their location in the thymic medulla
and their function and significance are not fully understood
(Table 2).
Acquired hypoplasia results from rapid involution in young
patients during severe stress, malnutrition, or irradiation, or
following the administration of cytotoxic agents. The morpho-
logic changes seen in the thymus are similar following a num-
ber of stresses.
The lymphocytes undergo rapid karyorrhexis, and the cor-
tex is infiltrated with macrophages and presents a starry-sky
appearance. Thymic atrophy may be caused by malnutrition
and the administration of corticotrophin or radiation. Hassall
corpuscles usually remain and become multicystic large struc-
tures within the medulla. Thymic hypoplasia is associated with
primary or secondary immunodeficiency.
LYMPHOID DEPLETION Immunodeficiency disorders
result in lymphoid depletion or thymic aplasia. The sites of block-
age in immunodeficiency disorders are shown in Fig. 4. The
Fig. 1. Accessory spleen. Usually a small 1–2 cm nodule. a, acces- classification of thymic immunodeficiencies is shown in Table
sory spleen, s; main spleen 3, and examples of infectious agents in immune deficiencies
Fig. 3. Normal thymus. The thymus may be deficient or absent in immunodeficiency disorders. (A) Normal thymus in situ (T, trachea; c,
clavicle; H, heart; RL, right lung). (B) Normal thymus following dissection.
Fig. 5. Waldeyer ring with absence of tonsils and lymphoid tissue Fig. 6. Normal mesentery showing prominent lymph nodes in infancy
in immunodeficiency diseases. and childhood. There may be absent or inconspicuous in immunode-
ficiency diseases.
Table 3
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
Category/disease Synonym(s) Primary defect Associated defect(s)
Differentiation Defects
Severe combined SCIDS Developmental failure Defects in T- and B-cell receptor gene
immunodeficiency arrangements (defective recombinase)
Figs. 21-4 to 21-6
X-linked SCIDS Severe decrease in T B cells may be present but are abnormal;
Fig. 21-7 lymphocytes gene defect is located at Xq13 and is
responsible for IL-2Ry or IL-RC for
IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15
Agammaglobulinemia, Bruton disease Differentiation block at pre-B- B cells absent; slg and secreted Ig
Fig. 21-8 XLA cell developmental stage absent; no plasma cells. Cytoplasmic
Ig present. Pre B cell present.
Hyper-IgM disease Type I dysgamma- Ig switch defect secondary to T- Failure in synthesis and secretion of IgG
globulinemia cell defect; abnormality is due and IgA, IgG and IgA subclasses, and
to a mutation of gene at Xq26 IgE; normal or high serum levels of IgM
that codes for CD40 ligand
Thymic aplasia DiGeorge syndrome Failure of development of third Cardiac and facial anomalies, hypopara-
or dysplasia and fourth pharyngeal pouches, thyroidism, with hypocalcemia and
(DiGeorge syndrome) thymus, parathyroid, aortic convulsions; partial or total decrease
Figs. 21-9, 21-10 arch, rarely thyroid of thymus and T lymphocytes, but
normal B-cell numbers
Inhibition or Lymphocyte Proliferation or Activation by Toxic Metabolites
Adenosine deaminase Accumulation of 2-deoxyadenosine Nicotinamide depletion; increased DNA
deficiency inhibits ribonucleotide reductase breakage; inhibition of S-adenosyl-
(ADA deficiency) and DNA synthesis in developing methionine leading to failure in DNA
lymphocytes methylation; pseudochondrodyplasia;
T and B cell immunodeficiency
Purine nucleoside Accumulation of dGTP with sub- Progressive T-lymphocyte deficiency;
phosphorylase sequent inhibition of nucleotide neurologic abnormalities
(PNP deficiency) reductase and DNA synthesis
Defective T Lymphocyte Activation
Wiskott-Aldrich WAS WAS protein abnormal or absent Decreased T-cell activation by CD2 and
syndrome, CD3; decreased B-cell activation;
Fig. 21-11 eczema; thrombocytopenia; small
platelets; autoimmunity; increased risk
of lymphoma; loss of membrane sialo
protein on blood lymphocytes
Defective T Cell Effector Function
X-linked Barr-Duncan-Purtilo Uncontrolled proliferation of B Uncontrolled EBV-induced polyclonal or
lymphoproliferative syndrome lymphocytes in response to EBV monoclonal B-cell proliferation;
disorder by signaling through CD21 (C3d arthropathies secondary to persistent
receptor) owing to CTL deficiency mycoplasmal infection; early death
in controlling EBV-infected B cells
Chronic granulomatous CGD Defective oxidative burst leading Normal chemotaxis and phagocytosis
disease to defective production of toxic with defective intracellular bacterial
Figs. 21-12, 21-13 O2 radicals and absense of killing of catalase and organisms; RBC
cytochrome b 558 membrane defects (McLeod phenotype)
AR, autosomal recessive; BMT, bone marrow transplantation; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes; dGTP, deoxyguanosine triphosphate; DTH,
delated-type tetrazolium; PEG, polyethylene glycol; RBC, red blood cell; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism; XL, X-linked; XLR,
X-linked recessive.
Table 3A
Mode of inheritance location Diagnosis Treatment
AR 11 Frequent severe opportunistic pyogenic BMT-HLA-matched sibling, haploidentical,
infections; virus and fungal infections; HLA-matched, unrelated, liver, or
profound lymphopenia <1000/µL nm cord blood transplantations
XLR Xq13 RFLP analysis BMT-HLA-matched sibling, haploidentical,
MHC-matched unrelated, cord blood
XL Xq22 B cell and plasma cells absent; frequent Ig replacement therapy
or chronic bacterial respiratory (staph,
strep, Haemophilus) infections, chronic
enterovirus infection; absence of
gammaglobulins; Giardia
XLR (90%) or AR Xq26 mutation Deficiency, abnormality, or absence of BMT
(~3%) or acquired in gene CD40 ligand. Autoimmune disease, IVIg therapy
(secondary to of CD40 ligand neutropenia, opportunistic infection,
congenital in XL form lymphoproliferative disease
rubella infection)
AR Frequent association Characteristic facies; hypoparathyroidism; None; thymus transplant reported as
with partial deletion deficiency of T cell development; effective
in long arm of no lymphopenia; fluorescent
chromosome in situ hybridization chromosome
22q.11 22 abnormality
AR 20qter Prenatal; fetal blood or trophoblast BMT; transfusion of ADA-rich RBCs or
sample for enzymatic activity ADA-PEG; retrovirus-mediated ADA
(10 wk+); ADA in RBC lymphocytes; gene; gene transfection of lymphocytes
fibroblast culture in neonates or stem cells and precursor cells;
Amniotic or fetal blood cells first gene therapy
AR 14q3.1 (17–20 wk+) for analysis of enzyme BMT
activity and immunologic function;
XL X-chromosome Clinical signs: thrombocytopenia; small Splenectomy; BMT, IVIg minimally or
Xp11 platelets; poor IgM responses to not effective
polysaccharides; low serum IgM;
high serum IgE with atopic disease;
decreased DTH; progressive defect
in lymphoproliferation and CTL
XLR Xq26 Clinical signs, family history; T cell BMT
and B cell deficiency in response
to EBV
XLR (1 form) Xq21, 16q24-p22, Clinical history; negative NBT dye BMT; gene therapy begun
or AR (3 forms) 2q11-p47, lq25-p67, reduction test; failure to generate
activated activated states of O2; absence of
membrane cytochrome b 558
EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; Ig, immunoglobulin; IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin; MHC, major histocompatability complex; NBT, nitroblue.
Table 4
Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies
Pathogen type T-cell defect B-cell defect Granulocyte defect Complement defect
Bacteria Bacterial sepsis Streptococci, staphylococci, Staphylococci, Neisserial infections,
Haemophilus Pseudomonas other pyogenic bacterial
Viruses Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Enteroviral encephalitis
virus, severe varicella,
chronic infections with
respiratory and intestinal
Fungi and Candida, Pneumocystis carinii Severe intestinal giardiasis Candida, Nocardia,
parasites Aspergillus
Special features Aggressive disease with Recurrent sinopulmonary
opportunistic pathogens, infections, sepsis,
failure to clear infections chronic meningitis
From: Cotran RS, Kumar V, Collins T. Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed., WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1999.
Appendix 1
Spleen Weights, Male and Female, From 1 D to 19 Yr of Age
Males Females
Mean + Confidence Mean + Confidence
Age n Limits p ³ 0.95 n Limits p ³ 0.95
1d 488 5.9 6.6 7.3 426 5.1 5.8 6.4
2–36 d 126 11.0 12.4 13.8 76 9.6 11.5 13.4
31–60 d 113 14.2 16.3 18.4 83 16.4 22.9 29.4
61–90 d 80 14.8 17.4 20.0 64 12.3 16.3 20.2
91–120 d 83 14.8 19.1 23.4 58 12.7 14.6 16.5
121–150 d 68 17.9 23.0 28.0 49 15.4 19.9 24.4
151–180 d 47 16.6 20.0 23.4 42 14.8 18.2 21.6
1 yr 61 26.6 31.1 35.7 47 19.9 23.5 27.1
2 yr 62 38.2 42.6 47.0 38 34.8 42.0 49.2
3 yr 47 44.7 54.8 64.9 45 36.2 41.8 47.3
4 yr 37 46.3 58.7 71.2 22 40.0 49.3 58.5
5 yr 29 46.9 56.8 66.7 20 41.5 50.7 59.8
6 yr 28 57.2 69.3 81.5 34 56.5 67.2 77.8
7 yr 25 66.5 103.3 140.1 14 48.4 64.2 80.0
8 yr 23 60.8 73.1 85.3 23 66.9 94.3 121.6
9 yr 23 61.9 90.9 119.9 21 66.9 80.9 94.9
10 yr 29 82.7 111.3 139.9 8 60.7 90.0 119.2
11 yr 14 62.0 90.0 117.9 6 62.8 87.5 112.1
12 yr 23 90.6 114.7 138.8 11 68.8 89.0 109.3
13 yr 12 83.3 138.7 194.1 19 98.3 129.0 159.6
14 yr 24 111.1 151.2 191.3 18 110.8 162.8 214.9
15 yr 24 119.2 155.3 191.4 22 97.3 129.2 161.0
16 yr 30 135.4 165.1 194.8 21 160.0 219.0 277.9
17 yr 33 164.5 212.7 260.9 40 140.7 158.0 175.3
18 yr 37 155.9 181.0 206.2 25 121.3 146.4 171.5
19 yr 46 166.6 195.6 224.6 34 116.5 156.5 196.4
From: Kayser K. Height and weight in human beings: Autopsy report. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1987.
16 Skeletal System
Anomalies of the skeletal system encompass a broad range Adequate pathologic evaluation of the skeletal system in a
of defects, including various chromosomal syndromes, inher- case of lethal osteochondrodysplasia requires, at a minimum,
ited metabolic disorders, a multitude of congenital anomaly sections of ribs, vertebral bodies, and proximal or distal femur
syndromes, and the osteochondrodysplasias. Teratogenetic dis- or humerus with preservation of the cartilage-bone junction.
orders include thalidomide embryopathy with phocomelia, val- These sections are usually sufficient in most instances. Addi-
proic acid embryopathy with limb reduction defects, warfarin tional sections from bones with significant radiologic changes
embryopathy with growth plate abnormalities and epiphyseal are helpful. The costochondral junction, iliac crest, and proxi-
stippling, and isotretinoin embryopathy and aminopterin. mal tibia have been the preferred sites for biopsy specimens.
The specimens are sectioned while they are fresh; sectioning
after 4% neutral phosphate-buffered formaldehyde fixation or
decalcification will result in poor fixation of the tissue and poor
RIBS These are easily obtained and cut in a horizontal quality of the microscopic slides. Each tissue block must be
plane. The section should include costal cartilage, costochon- 2–3 mm thick for adequate formaldehyde fixation. Care must
dral junction, and bony rib. be taken to avoid damaging the cartilage-bone junction, which
VERTEBRAE Prepare a section through the center of a is vulnerable to fracture.
vertebra after the anterior half of the spinal column has been For the rib sections, the fifth and sixth ribs are preferred.
removed to expose the spinal cord. Intervertebral disk tissue Those are sectioned longitudinally across the cartilage-bone
should be part of the slice selected for histologic study. junction with a scalpel blade. For the vertebral sections, two or
ILIAC CREST This site is particularly recommended for three lumbar vertebral bodies including the intervertebral disks
the study of metabolic bone disease. A slice of iliac crest tissue are sectioned sagittally, again with a scalpel blade by holding
can easily be removed with an oscillating hand saw. The plane the specimen with a pair of heavy forceps. The sections of prox-
of sawing should be perpendicular to the iliac crest surface. imal or distal femoral or humeral heads with cartilage-bone
CALVARIUM This is an important bone to study in meta- junction are obtained by cutting with a scalpel blade or sawing
bolic bone diseases, neoplastic involvement and histiocytosis, roughly parallel to the plane of the neck-shaft axis.
and certain hemolytic anemias (thalassemia). A strip of calva- All bone specimens should be fixed in 4% neutral phos-
rium should be removed so that it includes the external and phate-buffered formaldehyde solution for 24–48 h. After fixa-
internal tables and the diploe. tion, they are decalcified overnight. Several commercially avail-
BONES OF EXTREMITIES Removal of the femur requires able rapid decalcifying solutions are suitable for this purpose;
a long lateral skin incision. The knee joint is exposed by flexing any of them can be used satisfactorily by following proper direc-
the knee and cutting the quadriceps tendon, the joint capsule, tions. Overdecalcification will result in poor staining qualities.
and the cruciate ligaments. The muscular attachments are dis- After decalcification, the specimens are rinsed with water and
sected from the shaft of the femur, starting at the distal end and processed for paraffin sectioning. It should be reiterated that
continuing toward the hip. The capsule of the hip can be pal- only the tissue blocks for paraffin sectioning are decalcified, and
pated and then incised by flexing and rotating the femur. it is always useful to save the remaining formaldehyde-fixed
The humerus can be dislocated anteriorly in the humeroscap- bone tissue undecalcified for subsequent studies, if necessary.
ular joint. In this way, the muscle attachments of the proximal Generally, hematoxylin-eosin, stain after diastase digestion,
humerus can be dissected away from the whole circumference Gomori’s or Masson trichrome stain, and alcian blue stain (at
of the bone without additional skin incisions. The upper shaft a pH of 1.8) are sufficient to demonstrate pathologic abnor-
of the humerus is then exposed and sawed off. For removal malities. These stains are available in the laboratories of most
of the complete bone, a skin incision down to the elbow is hospitals.
necessary. Some laboratories do not decalcify the bone tissue and rou-
tinely use plastic embedding techniques (e.g., glycol methacry-
late) because more cellular details can be observed without decal-
cification. For these techniques, the specimens are trimmed into
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness smaller blocks before formaldehyde fixation. However, not all
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ laboratories are equipped for this method.
Table 2
Prenatally Diagnosable Bone Dysplasias
Prenatal diagnosis
Disorder Inheritance Sampling Visualization Comment
Thanatophoric dysplasia Sporadic None Polyhydramnios, very short limbs, Usually premature stillbirth
bowed femurs, prominent forehead,
narrow thorax
Thanatophoric dysplasia AR None Cloverleaf skull, straight, very Rarer than above—lethal
short femurs
Achondrogenesis AR ¯Ossification, extreme shortening of Lethal
(several types) limbs; detected w/+ family history
Osteogenesis imperfecta
I AD None Usually normal If recurring: ? cesarean
section: mild
IIA AD Possible; mutations IUGR, micromelia, angulation Severe, lethal, gonadal
detectable; not plus bowing, hypomineralization mosaicism vs. mutation
recommended also of skull, rib fractures
IIB AR As for IIA As above; normal bone Lethal
IIIC AR As for IIA Moderate shortening normal Lethal
III AR As above Short femurs, decreased Severe
IV AD None Few (no) findings, normal Mild—see type 1
Chondrodysplasia punctata
Rhizomelic AR Peroxisomal 3-oxacyl Micromelia, plus contractures; Very severe; early death
coenzyme A-thiol abnormal vertebral bodies,
ase; defective stippling
plasmalogen biosyn-
thesis, no phytanic
acid oxidation
Conradi-Hünermann XLD Punctate calcification, asymmetric Milder
long bone shortening,
ichthyosiform rash, cataracts
XLR type XLR Similar to Conradi-Hünermann, Not lethal
mental retardation
Tibiametacarpal type AD Punctate calcification; sacral, Not lethal
tarsal, and carpal length of
long bones variable
Short-rib polydactyly AR Severe micromelia, narrow thorax, All lethal; see Fig. 7-35
syndromes polydactyly; oligopolyhydramnios,
fetal hydrops (some), cystic renal
Asphyxiating thoracic AR Mild rhizomelic shortening, Variable expression;
dystrophy* (Jeune) narrow thorax, renal dysplasia survival possible
Diastrophic dysplasia* AR Severe micromelia, bowing, Survivors tend to improve;
“hitchhiker” thumb, severe see Fig. 7-34
clubbed feet
Spondylo-epiphyseal Short thorax, short limbs,
dysplasia* bowing, abnormal vertebrae,
Congenita AD decreased ossification Severe
Tarda AD Milder
Heterozygous AD Gene on 4p16.3 Fall-off long-bone growth >26 wk,
mutation disproportionately (but normal)
larger head
Homozyous* AD As above Fall-off long-bone growth <20 wk, Lethal in early childhood;
similar to thanatophoric dysplasia both parents have
*Patients at risk for spinal cord compression or other forms of airway compromise.
AR, Autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; XLR, X-linked recessive.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 3 Table 4
Osteochondrodysplasias Identifiable at Birth* Fibroblast Growth Factors
Chondrodysplasias† FGF Chromosome locus Associated functions
Usually lethal before or shortly after birth
Achondrogenesis type I (Parenti-Fraccaro) (AR)‡ FGF1 5q31 Endothelial cell migration and
Achondrogenesis type II (Langer-Saldino) (AR)‡ proliferation, angiogenesis,
Hypochondrogenesis‡ astrocytomas
Fibrochondrogenesis (AR)‡ FGF2 4q25 Angiogenesis, astrocytomas
Thanatophoric dysplasia‡ FGF3 11q13 Oncogene (mouse mammary
Thanatophoric dysplasia with cloverleaf skull‡ carcinoma), inner ear spatial
Atelosteogenesis‡ patterning
Short-rib syndrome (with or without polydactyly) FGF4 11q13 Oncogene (human stomach
Type I (Saldino-Noonan) (AR)‡ cancer, Kaposi sarcoma,
Type II (Majewski) (AR)‡ melanoma, teratoma, germ
Type III (lethal thoracic dysplasia) (AR)‡ cell tumor), spatial patterning
Usually nonlethal dysplasia processes, limb development
Chondrodysplasia punctata FGF5 4q21 Inhibition of hair elongation
Rhizomelic form (AR)‡ FGF6 12p13 Oncogene
Dominant X-linked form (XLD, lethal in male)‡ FGF7 15q13 Keratinocyte growth factor,
Common mild form (Sheffield) epidermal growth, wound
Excluded: symptomatic stippling (warfarin, chromosomal healing, branching of lung,
aberration, etc) salivary glands, and prostate
Campomelic dysplasia‡ FGF8 10q25 Androgen-dependent tumor cell
Kyphomelic dysplasia (AR) proliferation
Achondroplasia (homozygous and heterozygous) (AD)‡ FGF9 13q11 Glial cell proliferation
Diastrophic dysplasia (AR)‡ From: Gorlin RJ. Fibroblast growth factors, their receptors and recep-
Metatropic dysplasia (several forms) (AR, AD)‡ tor disorders. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1997;25:69.
Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-Van Creveld) (AR)‡
Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune) (AR)‡
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita‡
Kniest dysplasia (AD)‡
Dyssegmental dysplasia (AR)‡ Short rib dysplasia with or without polydactyly includes
Mesomelic dysplasia Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia and Ellis-van Creveld
Nievergelt type (AD) syndrome (chondroectodermal dysplasia). Also included is
Langer type (probable homozygous dyschondrosteosis) (AR) Saldino-Noonan (type I short rib dysplasia, Majewski (type II
Robinow type
short rib dysplasia), Verma-Naumoff (type III short rib dyspla-
Rheinardt type (AD)
Others sia), and Beemer-Langer (type IV short rib dysplasia). The
Acromesomelic dysplasia (AR) underlying genetic defect has not been established for the short
Cleidocranial dysplasia (AD)‡ rib dysplasias, but the gene locus for Ellis-van Creveld syn-
Otopalatodigital syndrome drome has been mapped to chromosome 4P16 in the vicinity of
Type I (Langer) (XLSD) the mutant FGFR3 gene in the achondroplasia group.
Type II (Andre) (XLR)
Other multiple dislocation syndromes (Desbuquois, etc) (AR)
Other lethal constitutional diseases of bone confused with above ACHONDROGENESIS TYPE I (PARENTI-FRACCARO)
entities This is the severest form of chondrodysplasia, with extremely
Osteogenesis imperfecta (several forms) (AR)‡ short trunk and limbs (Fig. 3). It is uniformly fatal in the peri-
Hypophosphatasia (several forms) (AR)‡ natal period. It is an autosomal-recessive defect of FGFR3.
*For the complete classification, consult the international nomen- Radiologic Findings The skull is underossified, and there
clature (2). is absence of ossification in the vertebrae and pubic bones. The
†Definition from Rimoin and Lachman (9).
‡Osteochondral pathology reported in the literature; mode of genetic
ribs are thin with multiple fractures, and the femur is wedge-
transmission appears in parentheses; AR indicates autosomal recessive;
shaped with metaphyseal spikes.
XLD, X-linked dominant; AD, autosomal dominant; XLSD, X-linked Pathologic Findings The physes are extremely retarded and
semidominant; and XLR, X-linked recessive. disorganized with large cytoplasmic inclusions within vacuoles.
From: Yang SS, Kitchen, Gilbert E, Rimoin DL. Histopathologic Exam- TYPE IB ACHONDROGENESIS (FRACCARO)
ination in Osteochondrodysplasia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1986;110:10–12.
Radiologic Findings The skull is underossified, and there
is absence of ossification in the vertebra bodies, ischia, and
TYPE II COLLAGENOPATHIES pubic bones. The ribs are thin without fractures, and the femur
Type II collagenopathies include lethal achondrogenesis is trapezoid.
type II and hypochondrogenesis, and nonlethal spondyloepiphys- Pathologic Findings Abnormal physes with fibrous bands
eal dysplasia congenita, Kniest dysplasia, and Stickler dysplasia. are present at the cartilage bone junctions. Collagenous rings
Table 5
Short-Trunk Osteochondrodysplasias
Radiography Histopathology Clinical
Short Vertebral Physeal
limb body Metaphysis alm Resting cartilage Prognosis Genetics
Achondrogenesis IA ++++ Absent Spikes +++ Chondrocytic, inclusions Lethal AR
(see Fig. 3) (PAS positive)
Achondrogenesis IB ++++ Absent Spikes +++ Perichondrocytic collagen Lethal AR
rings, matrix deficiency
Achondrogenesis II ++++ Absent and Cupping +++ Matrix deficiency Lethal AD
(see Fig. 4) small oval
Hypochondrogenesis +++ Small oval Large +++ Matrix deficiency, focal Lethal AD
(see Fig. 5)
Spondyloepiphyseal ++ Small oval Slightly + Chondrocytic inclusions Compatible AD
dysplasia (see Fig. 6) (PAS positive) with life
Kniest dysplasia ++ Small oval Large + Chondrocytic inclusions, Compatible
(see Fig. 7) focal matrix degeneration with life AD
(PAS positive)
Dyssegmental ++ Irregular Large +++ Puddle-like spaces Lethal AR
dysplasia—HS type segment (campomelia)
(see Fig. 8)
Dyssegmental ++ Irregular Large — Foamy Kniest-like Lethal (survive AR
dysplasia—RD type segment degeneration beyond neo-
natal period)
Atelosteogenesis +++ Absent and Small distally ++ Giant cells Lethal Sp
(see Fig. 9) small oval (club-shaped)
Boomerang dysplasia ++++ Absent and Absent or +++ Irregularly distributed cells Lethal . Sp
small oval misshapen with giant cells
Fibrochondrogenesis +++ Small pear- Large with Dysplastic chondrocytes and Lethal AR
(Fig. 10) shaped spikes interwoven fibrous septa
Schneckenbecken ++++ Flat (AP) Flared and ++ Hypercellular, lacunar spaces; Lethal AR
dysplasia irregular absent, large central nuclei
Mild; ++, Moderate; +++, Severe; ++++, Extreme; AP, anteroposterior view; AR, autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; segment, segmen-
tation: Sp, sporadic.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Disorders of Collagen Metabolism. In: Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics
and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
surrounding chondrocytes are prominent using trichrome, sil- I collagen predominating in the most severe form and type II
ver methenamine, and toluidine blue stains. collagen predominating in the less severe forms. It is sporadic.
ACHONDROGENESIS TYPE II (LANGER-SALDINO) The Radiologic Findings Changes similar to those of SED
clinical findings are similar to type I. It is an autosomal-domi- congenita are present, especially the shape of the vertebral bodies.
nant mutation (Fig. 4). Pathologic Findings These are similar to achondrogene-
Radiologic Findings The skull is normally ossified. Ossi- sis type II, with matrix deficiency and large ballooned chon-
fication is markedly deficient or absent in the vertebral bodies, drocytes. Chondrocytic inclusions are usually not seen.
pubic bones, and ischia. The femoral metaphyseal ends are cupped. SPONDYLOEPIPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA CONGENITA The
Pathologic Findings There are large chondrocytic lacunae head is large, with a flat face, short neck, short trunk, protuberant
in the physis, and the cartilaginous matrix is markedly deficient. abdomen, and moderately short limbs (Fig. 6). This condition is
HYPOCHONDROGENESIS (ACHONDROGENESIS TYPE compatible with life. Mutations in the collagen A2A1 gene have
III) This condition has been considered a mild form of achon- been described. There appears to be a direct correlation between
drogenesis type II (Fig. 5). The clinical appearance is simi- phenotypic severity and ratio of type I to type II collagen in the
lar to achondrogenesis type II and a severe form of spondylo- type II collagenopathies, including achondrogenesis II, hypo-
epiphyseal dysplasia (SED) congenita. Patients do not survive chondrogenesis, and SED congenita. It is autosomal dominant.
beyond several months. The condition has been also classified as Radiologic Findings The vertebral bodies are small and
achondrogenesis type III. There is a spectrum from achon- oval and the ilia are vertically shortened and reniform; the limb
drogenesis II hypochondrogenesis to SED congenita, with type bones are mildly dysplastic.
Fig. 6. SED congenita. (A) Neonate with moderately shortened limbs, short trunk, and large head. (B) Radiograph showing small oval vertebral
bodies, reinform ilia, and slightly dysplastic limb bones. (C) The physeal growth zone is slightly disorganized. (D) Several chondrocytes
contain variably sized cytoplasmic inclusions. (E) Electronmicrograph of a chondrocyte with dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
The largest cisterna with finely granular material corresponds to an inclusion in D. (Original magnification ´8780.)
Pathologic Findings The cartilage bone junction is irreg- Radiologic Findings The ribs are extremely short, and
ular, and the growth plate shows patchy disorganization. the vertebral bodies, ilia, and limb bones are small and dysplas-
Type II ATD tic. The limb bones have pointed and jagged ends.
Radiologic Findings These are similar to type I except for Pathologic Findings The physes are markedly retarded
the metaphyseal ends that are smooth. and disorganized. A large zone of focal fibrosis is seen in the
Pathologic Findings There is diffuse physeal retardation, center of the proximal femoral, and there is humeral physes
which is organized in the central zone and disorganized in the with premature ossification centers.
peripheral zone. SRPS TYPE II (MAJEWSKI) The clinical appearance is
SRPS TYPE I (SALDINO-NOONAN) The infant is hydro- similar to type I SRPS including a median cleft lip, hypoplasia
pic with markedly small chest, severely short limbs, postaxial of the larynx and epiglottis, and ambiguous genitalia (Fig. 13).
polydactyly, and severe visceral anomalies (Fig. 12). It is incom- There is preaxial and postaxial polydactyly. It is uniformly fatal.
patible with life and is autosomal recessive. It is probably autosomal recessive.
Fig. 7. Kniest dysplasia. (A) Infant with large head, prominent eyes, short limbs, cleft palate and blue sclerae. (B) Radiograph of neonate
with markedly enlarged metaphyses of limb bones. Other findings are similar to those of SEDC. (C) The cartilage of the same neonate is
hypercellular and the physeal growth zone disorganized. (D) Myxoid change of resting cartilage. (E) Many resting chondrocytes contain
cytoplasmic inclusions.
Radiologic Findings There are extremely short ribs, with Pathologic Findings The physes are markedly retarded and
relatively normal vertebral bodies, ilia, and tibiae. disorganized.
Table 6
Short-Rib Polydactyly Chondrodysplasias
Skeletal radiography
Clinical Short Vertebral Histopathology
Genetics prognosis Dwarfism ribs bodies Ilia of physes
Asphyxiating thoracic AR Frequently Mild Severe Normal Vertically Patchy proliferation
dysplasia, type I lethal shortened
(see Fig. 11)
Asphyxiating thoracic AR Frequently Mild Severe Normal Vertically Diffusely abnormal
dysplasia, type II lethal shortened with lattice-like
primary spongiosa
Chondroectodermal AR Usually Mild Mild to Normal Vertically Retarded
dysplasia nonlethal nonlethal severe shortened
(see Fig. 12)
Short rib-polydactyly AR Perinatal Severe Extreme Abnormal Very small Markedly abnormal,
syndrome, type I death and focal fibrosis in
(Saldino-Noonan) abnormal proximal physes
Short rib-polydactyly AR Perinatal Severe Extreme Normal Normal Diffusely abnormal
syndrome, type II death
(see Fig. 13)
Short rib-polydactyly AR Perinatal Severe Extreme Abnormal Vertically Diffusely abnormal
syndrome, type III death shortened
Short rib-polydactyly AR Perinatal Severe Extreme Abnormal Vertically Prominent zone of
syndrome, type IV death shortened hypertrophy
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Disorders of Collagen Metabolism. In: Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics
and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Fig. 11. Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. (A) Neonate with narrow chest and mild acromelic shortening of the limbs. (B) Radiograph of
the same neonate showing severe shortening of the ribs. The vertebral bodies are unremarkable. (C) The physeal growth zone with patchy
distribution of endochondral ossification. ATD, type II.
trophic zone and abundant cytoplasmic glycogen in the prolif- dominant nonlethal type; and lethal type, probably autosomal-
erating cartilage zone. recessive.
METATROPIC DYSPLASIA The limbs are short, and the Radiologic Findings Severe phatyspondyly, barbell-like
joints are large, with a taillike sacral appendage (Figs. 16 and limb bones caused by large metaphyses, and battle-axe–shaped
17). Patients have a resemblance to Morquio syndrome with ilia are characteristic of this condition.
short trunk and severe kyphoscoliosis later in life. There are at Pathologic Findings Grossly, the long bones, particularly the
least three genetic forms: autosomal-recessive, nonlethal type; femora, resemble barbells. There are prominent physes with irreg-
Fig. 12. SRPD type I. (Saldino-Noonan). (A) Infant with short limbs,
narrow chest and polydactyly. (B) Radiograph of a premature neonate
showing extremely shortened ribs. The vertebral bodies, ilia, and
limb bones are also severely dysplastic. (C) Section of long bone
showing long tongue of cartilage extending into the metaphysis.
Fig. 13. SRPS type II. (A) Neonate with hydrops, extremely narrow chest, protuberant abdomen, and short limbs. (B) Radiograph of the same
neonate showing extremely shortened ribs and unremarkable vertebral bodies and ilia. The metaphyseal ends of the limb bones are smooth.
(C) The physeal growth zone is markedly retarded and disorganized.
Table 7
Chondrodysplasias with Significant Platyspondyly
Clinical Skeletal radiography Histopathology of physes
Large Platy-
Genetics Prognosis head spondyly Tubular bones Disorganization Retardation
Achondroplasia, AD Perinatal death + +++ Slightly curved femora +++ +++
Achondroplasia, AD Usually nonlethal + ++ Slightly curved femora – +
Thanatophoric Perinatal death + +++ Telephone receiver-like +++ +++
dysplasia femora
Thanatophoric Perinatal death + +++ Straight femora +++ +++
dysplasia with trilobed Increased number
cloverleaf skull of ossified cartilage
Metatropic AR Usually nonlethal, – +++ Dumbbell shape Irregular vascular
dysplasia short trunk later penetration
in life
Opsismodysplasia AR Severe hypotonia, + +++ Very short and square + –
susceptible to bones of hands and feet Irregular vascular Wide
respiratory penetration hypertrophic
infection zone
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Disorders of Collagen Metabolism. In: Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics
and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Fig. 14. Thanatophoric dysplasia. (A) Neonate with large head, frontal bossing, depressed nasal bridge, narrow chest, and rhizomelic
shortening of the limbs. This case was previously labeled as achondroplasia. (B) Radiograph showing prominent platyspondyly, vertically
shortened ilia, and the characteristic telephone receiver-like short curved femora. (C) A horizontally oriented band of fibrosis at the periphery
of the physis.
ular vascular invasion and unusually large osseous metaphyses Radiologic Findings Thin lamellar vertebral bodies and
of long bones. The resting cartilage cells are vacuolated with markedly short bones of the hands and feet are present.
metachromatic inclusions. With survival beyond 2 mo, a discon- Pathologic Findings The hypertrophic zone of the physis
tinuous band of bone at the chondroosseous junction develops. is wide, with large groups of chondrocytes separated by wide
OPSISMODYSPLASIA The hands are short; the nose is bands of matrix, and irregular vascular invasion. Type I col-
short, and nasal bridge is depressed. Type I collagen has been lagen has been found in the hypertrophic zone.
detected in the hypertrophic zone of cartilage, suggesting a Schneckenbecken (Snail Pelvis) Dysplasia This is a
defect in synthesis of type II collagen. It is autosomal recessive. platyspondylic dysplasia with autosomal-recessive inheritance.
A number of new osteochondrodysplasias have been described
(Table 8). The entities are single reports and are not discussed
This group of disorders is characterized by calcific stippling
of the physes, epiphyses, and periarticular tissues (Fig. 18). It
is a heterogeneous group with four recognizable types: autoso-
mal-dominant (Conradi-Hunerman tpe); recessive (rhizomelic);
dominant sex-linked; and recessive sex-linked. Two missense
mutations in the PEX7 gene on chromosome 4 (4p16-p14) are
the underlying genetic defects in rhizomelic chondrodysplasia
punctata. Abnormal cholesterol biosynthesis has been identi-
fied in Conradi-Hunermann syndrome. A candidate gene for
sterol-delta 8-isomerase, located at Xp11.22-p11.23, has been
proposed as the site of the mutation in X-linked dominant Fig. 16. (A) Heterozygous achondroplasia. The head is large and
Conradi-Hunermann syndrome. Mutations in the SOX9 gene the extremities are short. The growth plate is short. (B) Homozygous
on chromosome 17 (17q24.3-q25.1) have been documented in achondroplasia. The head is large and the extremities short. Both
campomelic dysplasia, including heterozygous mutations that parents were achondroplastics. The growth plate is disorganized.
account for the autosomal-dominant inheritance. An autoso-
mal sex reversal locus (SRA1) has been mapped to the campo-
melic dysplasia locus.
CONRADI-HUNERMAN TYPE The face is flat, the nasal Pathologic Findings Focal myxoid degeneration is present,
bridge is depressed, and there is asymmetric shortness of the and there is calcification in the cartilage in and adjacent to the
limbs with joint contractures. It is heterogeneous, and most physis.
cases appear to be new dominant mutations. RHIZOMELIC TYPE The face has a chipmunk-like appear-
Radiologic Findings There are punctate calcifications at ance, with marked microcephaly, severe symmetrical rhizomelic
the end of long bones, vertebral processes, and pelvic bones. shortness of the limbs, psychomotor retardation, and cataracts.
Death occurs in infancy. This disorder is caused by a deficiency Pathologic Findings Grossly, the cartilage is disrupted
of multiple peroxisomal enyzmes. It is autosomal recessive. at the ends of the long bones. Subarticular cystic degeneration
Radiologic Findings There is stippled calcification in the and dystrophic calcification occurs. The physes are usually un-
epiphyseal region. Coronal clefts of vertebral bodies are pres- remarkable.
ent, as is symmetric shortness of the humeri and, to a lesser a CAMPOMELIC SYNDROME There is mesomelic short-
degree, of the femora. ness and bowing of the limbs, dolichocephaly, hypertelorism,
Table 8
Miscellaneous Osteochondrodysplasias
Radiography Histopathology of cartilage Genetics
Chondrodysplasia punctata
Rhizomelic Stippled epiphyses Myxoid and cystic degeneration of AR
(see Fig. 14) (symmetric, spine spared) subarticular cartilage with
Conradi-Hünermann Stippled epiphyses Calcification adjacent to physis; XLD
(extensive and asymmetric) myxoid degeneration in physis
and adjacent resting cartilage
X-linked recessive Multiple stippled epiphyses, ? XLR
also paravertebral and
MT Multiple stippled epiphyses ? Sp
including sacral, tarsal,
and carpal regions
Campomelic dysplasia Curved tibias, fibulas, Unremarkable AD
and/or femora
Kyphomelic dysplasia Curved short femora AR
Diastrophic dysplasia Hitchhiker thumbs and great Matrix deficiency with myxoid and AR
toes microcystic degeneration especially
in subarticular region
Larsen syndrome Multiple joint dislocation Unremarkable AR
Desbuquois syndrome Multiple joint dislocation Narrow disorganized physeal growth AD, AR
zone, the cells in ovoid groups; small
hyperplastic cells; resting chondrocytes AR
increased and large
AR, autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; Sp, sporadic; XLD, X-linked dominant; XLR, X-linked recessive, MT, metacarpal-tibia.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Disorders of Collagen Metabolism. In: Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics
and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
prominent occiput, micrognathia, short neck, small flared chest, contractures. Cleft plate is present in 50% of cases. The trachea
small larynx, and narrow trachea (Fig. 19). Males may have is narrow. It is autosomal recessive.
defective development of genitalia (pseudohermaphroditism). Radiologic Findings The limb bones are short, with meta-
It is autosomal dominant, with familial cases representing ger- physeal widening, flattening of epiphyses, small oval first meta-
minal mosaicism. Mutations involve the Sox-9 gene on chro- carpal bones, and progressive kyphoscoliosis.
mosome 7. Pathologic Findings The physis is short. There are irreg-
Radiologic Findings The limb bones are bowed; the sca- ular aggregates of resting chondrocytes with condensed rims of
pulae are hypoplastic; the chondrocranium is small, and the matrix encircling the lacunae, cystic degeneration of cartilage
neurocranium is large, with eleven parallel thin ribs. Vertebrae with fibrovascular tissue, and ossification.
pedicles may be underdeveloped. LARSEN SYNDROME The phenotype is characterized
Pathologic Findings The cartilage, including the physis, by multiple congenital joint dislocations, flat face, depressed
is unremarkable. There is laryngotracheal malacia in fatal cases. nasal bridge, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, and cylindri-
The brain is large, with absence of olfactory bulbs and tracts in cal fingers with short nails. There is a more prominent short
50% of cases. Abnormal development of the genitalia and stature. There are autosomal dominant and recessive forms of
gonads is variable with XY gonadal dysgenesis in severe phe- this disorder.
notypically female patients who lack the testes organizing fac- Radiologic Findings Radiologic changes include mul-
tor H-Y antigen. tiple joint dislocations, abnormal spinal curvatures, abnormal
KYPHOMELIC DYSPLASIA The appearance of limbs is segmentation of cervical vertebrae, lack of tapering of proxi-
similar to campomelic dysplasia. This condition has a good prog- mal and middle phalanges, and double ossification center of
nosis. It is probably autosomal recessive. calcanei.
Radiologic Findings The femora are severely angulated Pathologic Findings The physes vary from normal to mild
and short with mild-to-moderate platyspondyly. disorganization. By electron microscopy, the rough endoplas-
Pathologic Findings No pathologic reports have appeared mic reticulum of the chondrocytes is dilated and contains pro-
so far. teinaceous material. The tracheal cartilage rings are small, thin,
DIASTROPHIC DYSPLASIA There is shortness of the and soft, with deficiency in hyaline matrix.
trunk and limbs, club hands and feet, hitch-hiker thumbs and OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA (OI) Six types of OI type
great toes, cauliflower ear deformities, and multiple joint have been clearly identified (Table 9) (Fig. 20).
Fig. 18. Chondrodysplasia punctata. (A) Neonate with rhizomelic shortening of the arms. (B) X-ray showing clefting of the vertebral bodies
on the lateral view. (C) Postmortem X-ray of bone showing stippling calcifications in the epiphyses.
OI Type II Three types of OI type II have been distin- The lethal type II of OI accounts for approx 10% of autopsy-
guished. The disorder is characterized by multiple fractures, confirmed skeletal dysplasias and almost 25% of lethal osteo-
large globular soft calvaria, deep blue sclerae, hyperlaxity of chondrodysplasias. It is characterized by a genetic defect in the
joints and hernia, and beaded ribs caused by multiple fractures. synthesis and assembly of type I procollagen by osteoblasts,
The long bones develop multiple fractures in utero. Type IIa is which are the archetypes of the type I collagenopathies. A diag-
heterogeneous. Most cases are sporadic caused by new muta- nosis of OI can be made prenatally by molecular identification
tions of a dominant gene. Type IIb is autosomal dominant; type of the mutation in chorionic villi. The bone may appear hyper-
IIc appears to be also autosomal dominant. cellular and the mosaic lines or osteoid seams may be increased.
Fig. 18. (D) Postmortem X-ray showing cyst like changes in the head of the humerus. (E) Microscopic section of the growth plate showing
cystic changes.
The apparent hypercellularity is caused by a reduction in oste- ribs; IIb, similar to IIa with wavy thin ribs and minimal or no rib
oid matrix as a result of defective type I collagen. The physis fractures; and IIc, fractured slender femora and thin beaded ribs.
may be normal in many respects or may be markedly disorga- Pathologic Findings The pathologic features of the three
nized. Chondrocyte columnation often appears normal, but types of type II OI are similar. The physis is normal. There is
osteoid forms directly on the cartilage without orderly endoch- severe deficiency of ossification in both metaphysis and dia-
ondral ossification. Neuropathologic changes include periven- physis. Meager woven bone covers the calcified cartilage spi-
ous microcalcifications and impaired neuroblastic migration. cules in the metaphyses. There is calcification but lack of osteoid
Radiologic Findings On the basis of the radiologic appear- and normal ossification. Callus at fracture sites is exuberant.
ance, three types have been distinguished: IIa, a severe osteo- Hypophosphatasia (Congenital Lethal Type) (Fig. 21)
penia with multiple fractures of thick (broad) limb bones and The appearance resembles OI type II. The limbs are dispropor-
Table 9
Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Type Fragility Sclerae Bowing Deafness Dentigenesis Genetics Abnormality
IA + Blue - +/- + AD Reduced synthesis of pro-a(1) low-type 1 collagen;
short a2 chain
IB + Blue - +/- - AD
II ++ Blue - AD Abnormal pro-a1(1) chains; low type 1 collagen
because of delayed secretion
III ++ Blue-White + ? +/- Heterogenous Structurally abnormal, mannose-rich pro a1 (1) chain
AR Nonfunctional a2 gene; type I = (a(1))3 trimer
AD Defective a2 chain; normal type I collagen
production; defective crosslinks
IVA + White ± - + AD Low a1(1) chain, low type 1 total collagen
IVB + White ± - – AD Normal a1(1) chain, normal type collagen
V + White - - - AD Increased alkaline phosphatase during callus
formation. No mutation in collagen type 1 genes.
VI + White or - - - ?AD Increased alkaline phosphatase without rickets.
faint blue No genetic mutation identified. Type I collagen
protein analysis normal.
Fig. 20. Osteogenesis imperfecta. (A) Neonate with short distorted limbs. (B) Ribcage with innumerable fractures.
Fig. 20. (C) Femur removed at autopsy with multiple fractures. (D)
Head with scalp removed. The dark areas, which are asymmetric, are
the only bones present in the calvarium. The calvarium is poorly
ossified. (E) Microscope section of calvarium with areas of calcifica-
tion but no ossification.
Appendix 1
Appearance of Ossification Centers From 1 to 40 Wk
Week Week
of gestation of gestation
Head Vertebrae
Mandible 7 Arches
Occipital bone (squamous portion) 8 All cervical and upper first or second dorsal 9
Occipital bone (lateral and basilar portion) 9–10 All dorsal and first or second lumbar 10
Superior maxilla 8 Lower lumbar 11
Temporal bone (petrous portion, mastoid and zygoma) 9 Upper sacral 12
Sphenoid (inner lamella of pterygoid process) 9 Fourth sacral 19–25
Sphenoid (great wings) 10 Bodies
Sphenoid (lesser wings) 13 From second dorsal to last lumbar 10
Sphenoid (anterior body) 13–14 From lower cervical to upper sacral 11
Nasal bone 10 From upper cervical to upper sacral 12
Frontal bone 9–10 Fifth sacral 13–28
Bony labyrinth 17–20 First coccygeal 37–40
Milk teeth (rudiments) 17–28 Structural arrangement 13–16
Hyoid bone (greater cornua) 28–32 Odontoid process of axis 17–20
Body Costal process
Clavicle (diaphysis) 7 Sixth and seventh cervical 21–32
Scapula 8–9 Fifth cervical 32–36
Ribs Fourth, third and second cervical 37–40
Fifth, sixth, seventh 8–9 Transverse processes
Second, third, fourth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh 9 Cervical and dorsal 21–24
First 10 Lumbar 25–28
Twelfth (very irregular) 10 Lower Extremity
Sternum 21–24 Femur (diaphysis) 8–9
Femur (distal epiphysis) 35–40
Upper Extremity Tibia (diaphysis) 8–9
Humerus (diaphysis) 8 Tibia (proximal epiphysis) 40
Radius (diaphysis) 8 Fibula 9
Ulna (diaphysis) 8 Os calcis 21–29
Phalanges Astragalus 24–32
Terminal 9 Cuboid 40
Basal third, second 9 Metatarsals
Basal fourth, first 10 Second, third 9
Basal fifth 11–12 Fourth, fifth, first 10–12
Middle third, fourth, second 12 Phalanges
Middle fifth 13–16 Terminal first 9
Metacarpals Terminal second, third, fourth 10–12
Second, third 9 Terminal fifth 13–14
Fourth, fifth, first 10–12 Basal first, second, third, fourth, fifth 13–14
Pelvic Girdle Middle second 20–25
Ilium 9 Middle third 21–26
Ischium (descending ramus) 16–17 Middle fourth 29–32
Os pubis (horizontal ramus) 21–28 Middle fifth 33–36
Potter EL, Craig JM. Patbology of the Fetus and the Infant, 3rd ed. Chicago: Year Book Medical, 1975.
Appendix 2
From: Patten BM. Human Embryology, 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 1968.
Appendix 3
From: Caffey J. Pediatric X-ray Diagnosis, 6th Ed. Year Book Medical, Chicago, 1972.
METHODS FOR REMOVAL AND SECTIONING After removal of the brain, three saw cuts are made. One cut
VITREOUS SAMPLING Sampling of the vitreous for is made vertically downward opposite the cribriform plate
toxicologic and other forensic investigation or for microbiologic of the ethmoid; the second is made downward and medially,
studies is best performed on an eye that is intact and without immediately anterior to the lateral end of the lesser wing of the
known structural intraocular disease such as a retinal detach- sphenoid; the third joins the two cuts on the anterior aspect.
ment (Fig. 1). A 15-gauge needle is inserted at an oblique angle This roughly triangular piece of bone can be removed with
through the sclera at a point 5 mm lateral to the limbus (corneo- scissors in fetuses and small infants. In older infants, the orbital
scleral junction). The needle will traverse the pars plana and plate is broken with a chisel and hammer and the bone is removed
enter the vitreous body. Damage to the retinal cells will result piecemeal with the aid of bone forceps (Fig. 2). Care must be
in a falsely high potassium value (the correct vitreous potas- taken not to damage the optic nerve and other contents of the
sium concentration can be used for a rough estimation of the optic foramen because this area is exposed. Curved scissors are
postmortem interval), and thus gentle aspiration of 2–3 mL of used to free the globe and its attached muscles. The superior
vitreous is required. The material is drawn into a 10-mL sterile oblique muscle is cut from the body of the sphenoid bone, and
syringe and may be stored at 4°C for up to 48 h. the inferior oblique muscle is cut from the floor of the medial
In suspected child abuse, vitreous should never be aspirated orbit. Freeing of the conjunctival attachments must proceed
because there is a risk of artifactual damage to the retina. Instead, with caution to avoid damage to the eyelids and anterior cham-
before removal of the eye, the fundus should be photographed. ber of the eye.
It is the retina that bears the brunt of the injury in child abuse The eye with optic nerve, surrounding nerves, muscles, and
and the assessment and position of retinal hemorrhages is of fat, is freed from the walls of the orbit. Tenon’s capsule is left
prime importance. intact to avoid leakage into the empty socket. The orbit and
REMOVAL OF THE EYE AND ORBITAL CONTENTS lacrimal fossa should be palpated after the exenteration proce-
Anterior Approach In the vast majority of instances, the dure to determine the presence or absence of any abnormality
eye is removed by the anterior approach. The eyelids are held such as a neoplasm.
apart with the aid of retractors. Using curved scissors, the con- After Removal It is preferred that the enucleation take
junctival attachments to the limbus are severed, being careful place before the general autopsy procedure has begun. The eye
not to cut the eyelids. is removed by the anterior approach under aseptic conditions
Tenon’s capsule is left intact to avoid leakage into the empty as soon as possible after death but within 24 h. The eye is placed
socket. The four rectus muscles are cut so that approx 5.0 mm with the cornea directed upward in a glass receptor that contains
of muscle is left attached to the globe; this allows orientation of sterile saline. The specimen is kept at 2–6°C in a refrigerator.
the globe at a later time. The inferior oblique muscle is then
severed. Rotation of the eye temporally by traction on the stump EYES FOR TRANSPLANTATION
of the inferior oblique muscle allows access to the optic nerve The Eye Bank Association of America and the Food and
and ensures that a long piece of the intraorbital portion of the Drug Administration have stringent standards and regulations
optic nerve is obtained. for tissue that is to be used for transplantation. Therefore,
Posterior Approach This method is advisable when there trained personnel are usually responsible for the retrieval and
is disease of the orbit and the eye. Such conditions include in- processing of such tissue. The Eye Bank Association of Amer-
flammation, neoplasia, vascular disease, and disease of the orbital ica has a list of absolute contraindications that includes human
portion of the optic nerve. The method consists of first cutting the immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C, Creutzfeld-Jakob
conjunctival attachments at the limbus by the anterior approach disease, ocular and intraocular inflammation, rabies, malig-
as outlined earlier and using the intracranial approach to expose nant tumors of the anterior segment, leukemia, lymphoma, and
the orbital contents. retinoblastoma.
Table 1
Malformations of the Eye and Adnexal Structures Classified by Developmental Events
Abnormalities in prosencephalon (forebrain) development Failure of regression of hyaloid vascular system
Cyclopia Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)
Synopthalmos Persistent pupillary membrane
Failure of optic vesicle to form Bergmeister papilla
Anophthalmos Mittendorf dot
Failure of optic vesicle to invaginate Persistent hyaloid artery
Congenital cystic eye Failure of retinal ganglion cells to develop
Neuroectodermal abnormality at anterior folded edge of optic cup Optic nerve aplasia
Aniridia Optic nerve hypoplasia
Congenital ectropion of iris Defects in migration and differentiation of neural crest cells in
Defect in invagination of surface ectoderm (lens placode) anterior segment
Congenital aphakia Anterior chamber cleavage syndrome (anterior segment dysgenesis)
Failure or incomplete closure of optic fissure (embryonic fissure, Posterior embryotoxon
ventral fissure) Axenfeld anomaly
Colobomatous microphthalmia Rieger anomaly
Cystic coloboma Posterior keratoconus
Uveal coloboma (iris, ciliary body, choroid) Iridogoniodysgenesis
Coloboma of lens (secondary to coloboma of ciliary body with Peters anomaly
absent zonules) Developmental (congenital) glaucoma
Optic disc coloboma Congenital microcornea
Optic pit Congenital megalocornea
Contractile peripapillary coloboma Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy (CHED)
Morning glory syndrome Congenital hereditary stromal dystrophy (CHSD)
Failure of formation of lid fold
Lawrence M. The Eye, Chapter 32 in Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
cut is made parallel to the first. This midsection of the globe, ric deformities of the nose, skull, orbits, and brain. There is usu-
approx 3 mm thick, is submitted for processing. ally a rudimentary, tubular-shaped nose (proboscis) above the
Synophthalmos is a less severe condition resulting from
Routine stains include hematoxylin and eosin and the peri- fusion of the paired optic vesicles. The fusion of the two ocular
odic acid-Schiff reaction. The latter gives adequate examination structures occurs in varying degrees. This condition is also
of Descemet’s membrane, the lens capsule, Bruch’s membrane, lethal because of the associated nonophthalmic abnormalities.
and other materials such as glycogen. A number of chromosomal abnormalities are associated with
ocular anomalies (Table 4).
The eye is opened immediately upon removal from the body, STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITIES
and the specimen is placed promptly into a 3% solution of RETINA The normal histologic appearance of the retina is
glutaraldehyde. With the aid of the dissecting microscope, sec- shown in Fig. 3. Aberrant differentiation of the retina, retinal
tions that are 2 mm square are cut from the area selected for dysplasia (Fig. 4), is characterized by tubular and rosette-like
examination. configurations forming the abnormally proliferated retina. The
developmental defect involves the inner layer of the optic cup.
MAJOR ANOMALIES OF THE EYE Teratogenic causes include radiation, prenatal trauma, intra-
Malformations of the eye caused by abnormalities of devel- uterine viral infection, and Agent Orange and LSD exposure.
opment are listed in Table 1. Optic and systemic conditions Genetic causes usually associated with microphthalmos are bi-
associated with optic nerve hypoplasia are listed in Table 2. lateral and have associated systemic abnormalities such as tri-
MICROPHTHALMOS In microphthalmos, the globe is somy 13 to 15, trisomy 18, and Warburg syndrome. Conditions
small and often disorganized (Table 3). It results from a devel- associated with retinal dysplasia are listed in Table 5.
opmental failure of the optic vesicle. A cyst is formed that is RETINAL CYSTS Discrete retinal cysts, usually 3 to 4 mm
lined by primitive retinal elements. in diameter, may be noted in various locations throughout the
CYCLOPIA AND SYNOPHTHALMOS Cyclopia is a retina. Retinal cysts are lined with gliotic retina (not epithe-
rare consequence of the development of a single optic vesicle. lium) and filled with degenerated, periodic acid-Schiff–posi-
It is a lethal condition and is associated with dramatic symmet- tive retinal elements.
Table 2
Ocular and Systemic Conditions Associated With Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Reported Cause Optic nerve glioma
Idiopathic causes Cerebral atrophy
Autosomal dominant (rare) inheritance Mental retardation
Autosomal recessive (rare) inheritance Seizure
Trisomy 18 and 21 Endocrine Associations
Maternal causes Deficiency of growth hormone
Hepatitis infection Hypothyroidism
Cytomegalovirus infection Sexual infantilism
Young age Neonatal hypoglycemia
Diabetes Hypoadrenalism
Alcohol use Diabetes insipidus
Phenytoin use Hyperprolactinemia
Quinine use
Lysergic acid (LSD) use Ocular and Other Associations
Phencyclidine use Albinism
Cocaine use Aniridia
Chorioretinal colobomas
Neurologic Associations Retinal vascular tortuosity*
Septooptic dysplasia (de Morsier) Duane syndrome
Absence of septum pellucidum Goldenhar syndrome
Agenesis of corpus callosum Hypertelorism
Dysplasia of third ventricle Blepharophimosis
Anencephaly Orbital apex syndrome
Porencephaly Chondrodysplasia punctata
Cerebral atrophy Meckel syndrome
Hydraencephaly Hemifacial atrophy
Colpocephaly Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
Encephaloceles Median cleft face syndrome
*Especially in fetal alcohol syndrome.
Lawrence M. The Eye, Chapter 32 in Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
CATARACTS A cataract is an opacity of the lens that may PTOSIS Ptosis (blepharoptosis) is a congenital or acquired
cause visual impairment (Fig. 5). The classification of causes drooping of one or both eyelids. It may be present in some chro-
of infantile and developmental cataracts is shown in Table 6. mosomal defects, particularly T21.
PETER’S ANOMALY In Peter’s anomaly, there is central
corneal opacity and iris hypoplasia (Fig. 6). Histologic sections
of the cornea show thickening and incorporation of pigment- RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY
containing cells in the stroma. INCIDENCE Of infants weighing less than 1 kg at birth,
DIAMOND CYSTS Diamond cysts are typically located 82% develop some degree of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
in the superior temporal lid (Fig. 7). On histologic study, seba- ROP develops in 47% of those between 1 and 1.25 kg. Most
ceous glands and hair follicles are found in the connective tis- cases undergo spontaneous regression so that serious vision-
sue and the cyst is line by stratified squamous epithelium and threatening ROP develops in only 9.3% of infants and in 2.0%
contains keratin. of those weighing 1–1.25 kg.
ASTROCYTIC HAMARTOMAS Astrocytic (glial) hama- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ROP involves injury to immature
rtomas of the retina and optic disc are most frequently seen in retinal vessels that results in neovascular proliferation (Fig. 8).
the phakomatosis group of anomalies, including tuberous sclero- It occurs at a rate proportional to the degree of retinal vascular
sis, rarely with neurofibromatosis. They may calcify, becom- immaturity at the time of birth.
ing chalky-white in appearance. The tumor arises from the nerve STAGING OF ROP Five stages represent a gradual con-
fiber layer and is composed of well-differentiated astrocytes. tinuum of the peripheral vascular response observed in ROP:
short interpupillary distance; hypertelorism is a wide interpupil- Stage 1: Demarcation line
lary distance. Telechanthus indicates a wide intercanthal dis- Stage 2: Ridge
tance with a normal interpupillary distance. Stage 3: Ridge with extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation.
EPICANTHUS Epicanthus (epicanthal fold) is a vertical Stage 4: Partial retinal detachment
crescent-shaped fold of skin covering the caruncle. Stage 5: Total retinal detachment
Table 3
Classification of Microphthalmos
I. Isolated microphthalmos (d) Humeroradial synostosis
A. Nanophthalmos (e) Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome
B. Inherited (f) Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
C. Idiopathic (g) Kartagener syndrome
II. Microphthalmos associated with ocular disease (3) Autosomal dominant
A. With congenital cataracts (a) Basal cell nevus syndrome
B. With PHPV (b) Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
C. With retinal dysplasia (c) Sticker disease
D. With coloboma (d) Crouzon syndrome
1. Coloboma with cyst (e) Tuberous sclerosis
2. Coloboma without cyst b. Chromosomal abnormalities
III. Microphthalmos associated with systemic and/or ocular disease (1) Triploidy
A. Infectious etiology (2) Trisomy 8, 13, 17, 18, XXX, XYY
a. Congenital rubella (3) Duplications 4q, 7q, 9q, 9p, 13q, 22q
b. Epstein-Barr virus (4) Deletions 4p, 4r, 11q, 13q, 18q, 18r, XO
c. Cytomegalovirus c. Unknown etiology
d. Varicella (1) CHARGE association
e. Herpes virus (2) Cat-eye syndrome
B. Drug etiology (3) Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
a. Fetal alcohol syndrome (4) Goldenhar syndrome
b. Anticonvulsants (5) Linear sebaceous nevus syndrome
c. Thalidomide (6) Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
d. Retinoic acid 2. Noncolobomatous microphthalmos
C. Genetic or unknown etiology a. Monogenic syndromes
1. Colobomatous microphthalmos (1) X-linked
a. Monogenic syndromes (2) Autosomal recessive
(1) X-linked (a) Fanconi syndrome
(a) Lenz microphthalmos (b) Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
(b) Goltz focal dermal hypoplasia (3) Autosomal dominant
(c) Incontinentia pigmenti syndrome b. Chromosomal abnormalities
(d) Aicardi syndrome (1) Duplication 10q
(2) Autosomal recessive c. Unknown etiology
(a) Meckel syndrome (1) Oculodentodigital syndrome
(b) Warburg syndrome (2) Cryptophthalmos syndactyly syndrome
(c) Sjögren-Larsson syndrome
Lawrence M. The Eye, Chapter 32 in Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 4
Chromosomal Conditions With Ocular Anomalies
condition Ocular anomalies
Trisomy 13 Microphthalmia-clinical anophthalmos,
cyclopia, coloboma: iris and ciliary body,
cataract, retinal dysplasia, dysgenesis: cornea
and iris, primary hyperplastic vitreous
Trisomy 18 Microphthalmia, orbital and soft tissue changes
optic disc hypoplasia and coloboma, pupillary
membrane, corneal opacity
Trisomy 21 Epicanthus, Brushfield’s spots, nuclear/cortical
cataracts, keratoconus
47 XYY Subluxed lenses, coloboma: iris and choroid
Triploidy Microphthalmia, coloboma: iris and cornea,
microcornea, retinal dysplasia Fig. 3. A microscopic section of the retina defining the different layers.
Table 6
Etiologic Classification of Infantile and Developmental Cataracts
Table 6 (Continued)
Engelmann syndrome (AD-131300) Microphthalmos
Lanzieri syndrome Anterior chamber cleavage syndrome
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (uncertain-268600) Coloboma
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (AR-225500) Persistent pupillary membrane
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome (AR-214150) Interuterine Infection
Nance-Horan syndrome (XLR-302350) Rubella
Associated With Chromosomal Abnormalities Varicella
Trisomy 21 Toxoplasmosis
Trisomy 13 Rubeola
Trisomy 18 Poliomyelitis
Deletion 5p Herpes simplex
Deletion 11p Cytomegalovirus
Ring 4 Uveitis or Acquired Infection
10q+ Juvenile rhuematoid arthritis
Turner syndrome Pars planitis
Associated With Ocular Disease Toxocara canis
Leber congenital amaurosis Drug-Induced
Aniridia Corticosteroids
Retinitis pigmentosa Others
PHPV Trauma
Peters anomaly Radiaton-Induced
Posterior lenticonus Prematurity
PHPV, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. McKusick numbers are in parentheses.
Lawrence M. The Eye, Chapter 32 in Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Fig. 6. Peter’s anomaly. A histologic section of cornea shows it to Fig. 7. Dermoid cyst. The cyst lining is necrotizing stratified squa-
be thickened and irregular, with incorporations of pigment-contain- mous epithelium with keratin in the cyst.
ing cells in the stroma.
Fig. 8. Retinopathy of prematurity. A proliferation of new small Fig. 9. Cytomegalovirus retinitis. Microscopic section of the retina,
vessels can be seen in the inner retina and breaking into the vitreous. which is necrotic and has numerous cytomegalic cells and leukocytes
Hemorrhage can result, and a further fibrovascular proliferation and and much inflammatory debris.
membrane formation can occur.
Table 7
Ocular Findings in Metabolic Storage Diseases
Diagnoses Ocular findings Conjunctival biopsy (EM)
Mucolipidosis I (sialidosis; Corneal clouding, CRM
CRM-myoclonus syndrome)
Mucolipidosis II (I cell disease) Mild corneal clouding Fibrillogranular and lamellar inclusions;
fib and lamellar rings; end
Mucolipidosis III (pseudo-Hurler’s Mild corneal clouding Fibrillogranular and lamellar inclusions;
polydystrophy) fib and lamellar rings; end
Mucolipidosis IV Dense corneal clouding,
retinal degeneration *Lamellar whorls; fibrillogranular
inclusions; e-luc regions; epith
Ceroid Lipofuscinoses
Infantile (Hagberg-Santavouri) Corneal lipopigments *Serpentine lamellar inclusions; small
granular inclusions; end, nerves, fib,
epith (few)
Late infantile (Jansky-Bielschowsky) Corneal lipopigments *Dense, curvillinear lamellar inclusions;
end, nerves, fib, epith (few)
Juvenile (Spielmeyer-Vogt) Corneal lipopigments *Fingerprint profiles, end, nerves, epith
GM1 gangliosidosis (generalized) Corneal clouding, CRM, optic atrophy Lamellar inclusions; epith, fib, end, nerves
GM2 gangliosidosis I (Tay-Sachs) CRM, optic atrophy *Dense granular and parallel lamellar
inclusions; nerves
GM2 gangliosidosis II (Sandhoff’s) CRM, optic atrophy *Dense granular and parallel lamellar
inclusions; nerves
Metachromatic leukodystrophy Mild GWM, optic atrophy *Geometric herringbone and honeycomb
(dense) inclusions; epith, nerves
(fracture easily)
Gaucher’s CRM Unknown
Krabbe’s (globoid cell leukodystrophy) Optic atrophy *E-luc geometric, spicular, rectangular,
polygonal inclusions; nerves
Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (Fabry’s) Corneal clouding *Pleomorphic leaflets, spherules, tubules
and lamellar inclusions; epith, end, fib
Neimann-Pick infantile A Mild corneal, clouding, CRM, optic atrophy *Lamellar whorls with vacuoles and e-luc
areas; granular debris; epith, end, fib,
Neimann-Pick infantile B Normal Few lamellar whorls, vacuoles, e-luc
inclusions; epith, end, fib, nerves
Neimann-Pick infantile C Normal Pleomorphic: granular, vacuolar, and
multivesicular inclusions; fib, some
Farber’s lipogranulomatosis GWM Unknown
MPS I-H (Hurler’s) Diffuse corneal clouding. glaucoma, rapid Fibrillogranular and lamellar inclusions;
retinal degeneration epith, fib, end
MPS I-S (Scheie’s) Peripheral corneal clouding, cataracts, slow Few fibrillogranular and lamellar
retinal degeneration inclusions; epith, fib, end
MPS IH-S (Hurler-Scheie) Diffuse corneal clouding, slow retinal Fibrillogranular inclusions; epith, fib
MPS II (Hunter’s) Clear cornea, progressive retinal Fibrillogranular and lamellar inclusions;
degeneration epith, fib, end
MPS III (Sanfilippo’s) Clear cornea, rapid retinal degeneration, Fibrillogranular and lamellar inclusions;
optic atrophy epith, fib, end
MPS IV (Morquio) Mild corneal clouding Few fibrillogranular and lamellar
inclusions; epith, fib, end
MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy) Peripheral corneal clouding Few fibrillogranular and lamellar
inclusions; epith, fib, end
MPS VII (Sly) Mild corneal clouding
Macular corneal dystrophy Corneal clouding Fibrillogranular inclusions; end, fib,
*Biopsy is diagnostic.
EM, electron microscopy; CRM, cherry red macula; GWM, gray-white macula; e-luc, electron lucent; MPS, mucopolysaccharidoses; end,
capillary (lymphatic) endothelium; epith, corneal epithelium; fib, corneal stromal fibroblast.
Table 8
Conditions With a Cherry-Red Spot
Storage diseases
Generalized gangliosidosis <50%
Tay-Sachs disease (GM3 Type I) Always
Sandhoff disease (GM3 Type II) Usual
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (sulfatide lipidosis) Occasional
Niemann-Pick disease (sphingomyelin-cholesterol Usual
lipidosis Type A)
Farber's lipogranulomatosis (ceramide lipidosis) Frequent
Cherry-red spot myoclonus syndrome Always
(sialidosis Type 1)
Sialidosis Type II Always
Conditions with Macular Lesions Resembling a Cherry-red Spot
Adult Niemann-Pick disease (Type B) Occasional Fig. 10. Retinoblastoma. Microscopic appearance of a typical retino-
blastoma. The Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes mimic outer segment dif-
Gaucher disease Occasional
ferentiation of the retina.
Reproduced with permission from Robb RM.Ocular Abnormalities
in Childhood Metabolic Diseases and Leukemia. In Nelson LB, Calhoun
JH, Hanley RD, eds. Pedialric Ophthalmology, 3rd ed., WB Saunders,
Philadelphia, 1991.
They show varying degrees of differentiation. Flexner-Winter- Green MA, Lieberman G, Milroy GM, Parsons MA. Ocular and cerebral
trauma in non-accidental injury in infancy: underlying mechanisms and
steiner rosettes mimic the outer segment differentiation of the
implications for pediatric practice. Br J Ophthalmol 1996;80:282.
retina (Fig. 10). Lawrence M. The eye. In: Gilbert-Barness EF, ed. Potter’s Pathology of
A number of metabolic diseases affect the eye (Table 7). In the Fetus and Infant. Philadelphia: Mosby Yearbook, Inc., 1997.
Tay Sachs disease, a cherry red spot of the retina is seen (Table Lee WR. Examination of the globe: technical aspects. In: Lee WR, ed.
8). This may also be present in other conditions. Ophthalmic Histopathology. London: Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 1–23.
Ludwig J, ed. Handbook of Autopsy Practice, 3rd ed. Totowa, NJ: Humana
Press, 2002.
McKinney PE, Phillips S, Gomez HF, Brent J, MacIntyre M, Watson WA.
SELECTED REFERENCES Vitreous humor cocaine and metabolite concentrations: do post-
Beauchamp GR, Varley GA. Corneal abnormalities. In: Isenberg SJ, ed. mortem specimens reflect blood levels at the time of death? J Foren-
The Eye in Infancy, 2nd ed., St. Louis: Mosby, 1994. sic Sci 1995;40:102.
Eye Bank Association of America Medical Standards. Washington, DC: Mietz H, Heimann K, Kuhn J, Wieland U, Eggers HJ. Detection of HIV
Eye Bank Association of America, 1996. in human vitreous. Int Ophthalmol 1992;17:101.
Forrest AR. Obtaining samples at post-mortem examination for toxico- Parson MA, Staut RD. Necropsy techniques in ophthalmic pathology. J
logical and biochemical analyses. J Clin Pathol 1993;46:292. Clin Pathol 2001;54:417.
18 Metabolic Diseases
The metabolic diseases autopsy is shown in Appendix 1. A that result from mutations in a multiplicity of genes encoding
classification of metabolic diseases is shown in Table 1. Pre- enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of glycogen.
natally diagnosable metabolic diseases are shown in Table 1A. As a result, diverse tissues are the sites of the massive accumula-
A number of inborn errors of metabolism may cause fetal or tion of either a normal or an abnormal glycogen. The large num-
neonatal hydrops (Table 1B). Inborn errors of metabolism can ber of glycogenoses is a reflection of the many genes involved
be divided into two major groups (Table 1C). in glycogen metabolism (Fig. 2).
basic defect resides in a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase
GALACTOSEMIA Galactosemia is an autosomal reces- (G6P), which is manifested in the neonate as hypoglycemia,
sive disorder with a frequency of 1 in 60,000 live births. The convulsions, and hepatomegaly. Liver and tissue reveal a mas-
classic form of galactosemia is attributable to a deficiency of sive accumulation of glycogen in the cytosol of hepatocytes or
galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, which results in the tubular epithelium; the histochemical Chiquoine stain for G6P
accumulation of galactose, galactose-1-phosphate, and galac- confirms the pronounced deficiency of the enzyme. Children
titol in the tissues. Less frequently, galactosemia may be attrib- are subject to the development of hepatic adenomas; hepato-
utable to galactokinase or galactose epimerase deficiency. If cellular carcinoma has occurred in some. Renal function is
the newborn infant is fed lactose, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperbi- impaired in some children and may lead to severe renal insuf-
lirubinemia, hepatosplenomegaly, renal tubular dysfunction, ficiency and death. Successful liver transplantation has been
liver failure, and cataracts develop. Galactose is present in the performed.
blood of affected newborns. Diagnosis is confirmed by the Other types of glycogenoses include type IB, which features
assay of red blood cell galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, a defect in the G6P transport system that shuttles G6P across
which is reliable unless the infant has received red blood cell the microsomal membrane. Another, type IC, stems from defects
transfusions. in translocases. While these share clinical features of the classic
The pathologic changes are pronounced steatosis of hepato- type IA, those with transporter defects may also manifest neu-
cytes, with a progressive pseudoacinar change of hepatic archi- tropenia, recurrent infections, and Crohn disease.
tecture (Fig. 1), bile duct proliferation, cholestasis, focal GLYCOGENOSIS TYPE II (POMPE DISEASE) The con-
necrosis, and finally cirrhosis. Other features are pancreatic dition stems from mutations in the gene encoding a-1,4-glu-
islet cell hyperplasia and vacuolization of renal tubular epithe- cosidase (acid maltase) leading to the profound reduction of
lial cells. At autopsy the brain is edematous, and gliosis and this lysosomal enzyme. The infant has poor muscle tone at birth
neuronal necrosis have been attributed to hypoxic–ischemic with a floppy appearance (Fig. 3), and the tongue is large (Fig.
damage. 4). Glycogen accumulates in the heart, liver (Fig. 5), skeletal
The pathologic changes of hereditary fructose intolerance muscle, brain (Fig. 6), and many other cells, including lympho-
and tyrosinemia are similar. cytes. The condition is uniformly fatal, because of intractable
fructose intolerance and fructose-1,6-phosphatase deficiency GLYCOGENOSIS III (FORBES’ DISEASE, CORI’S DIS-
are autosomal recessive disorders that present in the newborn EASE) Glycogenosis III, stems from a deficiency of amylo-
or in infancy when fructose is introduced into the diet. Mani- 1,6-glycosidase, the glycogen debrancher enzyme. Both liver
festations include vomiting, hepatomegaly and liver failure, and skeletal muscle are involved. Hepatomegaly and hypo-
hypoglycemia, and lactic acidosis. glycemia, muscle weakness and wasting, and, rarely, only the
Steatosis, cholestasis, portal fibrosis, and ductular prolifera- heart may be involved. Hepatic fibrosis and even cirrhosis may
tion progress to cirrhosis similar to galactosemia or tyrosinemia. develop.
(TABLE 2) Glycogen storage diseases, except for glycogen- DEFICIENCY) This disease stems from mutations of the gene
oses O which is X-linked, are autosomal recessive conditions encoding amylo-(1,4 ® 1,6) transglucosidase (brancher enzyme)
with a deficiency of this branching enzyme. Portal hyperten-
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness sion and cirrhosis develop in early life after the massive hepatic
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ accumulation of this abnormal glycogen.
Table 1
Classification of Metabolic Diseases
Carbohydrate Disorders Hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, homocitrullinuria syndrome
Galactosemia Argininosuccinicaciduria
Storage Diseases Argininemia
Glycogen storage diseases (glycogenoses) Peroxisomal disorders
Lysosomopathies Zellweger syndrome
Mucopolysaccharidosis X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Lysosomal lipid storage diseases Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy
Sphingomyelin storage diseases Hyperpipecolicacidemia
Gangliosidoses Hyperoxaluria type I
Mucolipidoses Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata
Amino acid disorders Mitochondrial disorders
Phenylketonuria Disorders of metal metabolism
Hereditary tryosinemia Neonatal iron storage disease
Alcaptonuria Wilson disease
Cystinosis Menke syndrome
Homocystinuria Other metabolic disorders
Maple sugar urine Neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Batten disease)
Lesch–Nyhan disease Infantile NCL (Santavuori–Haltia
Fatty acid b-oxidation defects Late infantile NCL (Jansky–Bielschowsky)
Carnitine deficiency Juvenile NCL (Spielmeyer–Sjögren)
Urea cycle defects Adult NCL (Kufs disease)
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency Cystinosis
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase deficiency a1-Antitrypsin (a1-antiprotease) deficiency
Table 1A
Prenatal Diagnosis of Some Metabolic Disorders
of Heterozygote
Metabolism Disorder Enzyme deficiency inheritance Technique CVS Amnio detection Approx locus Comment
Amino acid PKU Phenylalanine AR Cells, molecular + + + mutation 12q24.1 Beware maternal PKU
Maple syrup Branched chain AR Fluid, cells + + RFLP 19q13.1 Odor of maple syrup in urine
urine disease 2-ketoacid enzyme linkage of affected patients; several
dehydrogenase types
Homocystinuria Cystathionine-b- AR Linkage + + + 21q22 Several types; responsive to
synthetase vitamin B6
Organic acid Propionic acidemia Propionyl-CoA AR Fluid, methylcitrate + + + Mutations 13q32 Different mutations, types A
carboxylase mutations and B + more?
Glutaric acidemia
Type I Glutaryl-CoA AR Fluid, glutaric - +
dehydrogenase acid
Type II Fatty acid oxidation AR Fluid, cells, + + 15q14 Dysmorphism in affected
glutaric acid infants; more than 1 type
Methylmalonic Methylmalonyl-CoA AR Fluid, cells, + + 6p21
acidemia mutase methylcitrate,
B12 defect AR Fluid, cells, + + Effective prenatal maternal
methylcitrate, treatment with vitamin B12
Mucopoly- MPS I-H a1-Iduronidase AR Cells, enzyme + + a.b. 4p16.3 MPS I-H and S are allelic
saccharide Hurler
MPS I-S a1-Iduronidase AR Same linkage? + + Milder course than I-H
MPS II Iduronate sulfatase XLR Cells + + a.b. Xq28
MPS III A Heparin sulfatase AR Cells, enzyme + + b.b
MPS III B a-Glucosaminidase AR Cells, fluid + +
MPS III C Acetyl-CoA-a- AR Cells + +
N-acetyl transferase
MPS III D Acetylglucosamine-6- AR Cells + + 12q14
A N-acetylgalactoseamine- AR Cells, enzyme + + Type A placental Variable expression; more
6-sulfate sulfatase enzyme cloned forms possible
B b-Galactosidase
Table 1A (Continued)
of Heterozygote
Metabolism Disorder Enzyme deficiency inheritance Technique CVS Amnio detection Approx locus Comment
MPS VI Arylsulfatase B AR Cells, linkage + + a.b. 5q11-q13
MPS VII b-Glucuronidase, AR Cells + + 7q21.11
Sly incorporation of S
Multiple sulfatase Iduronate sulfate AR Cells + + a.b. Xpter-p22.32
deficiency sulfatase, aryl-
sulfatase A, B, C
Carbohydrate Glycogen storage
Type I von Gierke Glucose-6-phosphatase AR AFP? ? ? Liver dysfunction
Type II Pompe a-Glucosidase AR Enzyme in cells, + Cells + 17q23
EM on uncultured fluid
cells enzymes
Type III, IV AR + + Rare forms
Galactosemia Classic Galactose-1 AR Enzymes in cells + + b.b. 9p13
Glycoprotein Mannosidosis a-Mannosidase AR Enzyme in cells + + a.b. 19p13.2-q12
Mucolipidosis Neuraminidase + AR Enzyme + + a.b. Not a single entity
I-Sialidosis oligosaccharides
Mucolipidosis Multiple lysosomal AR Multiple enzyme + + 4q21-q23 Total elevation of Hex A and
II-I cell disease enzymes deficiencies in B in maternal serum during
cells, EM pregnancy
Sphingolipid Niemann-Pick A, B Sphingomyelinase AR Enzyme in cells + + 11p15
Gaucher b-Glucosidase AR Enzyme in cells, + + b.b. in some 1q21 Many mutations; population
(several forms) molecular forms screening, possibly feasible
Fabry a-Galactosidase XLR Enzyme, + + Xq22
GM, gangliosidosis b-Galactosidase AR Enzyme in cells + + 3p21-p14
Tay-Sachs Hexosaminidase AR Enzyme in cells, + + b.b. 15q23 Population screening feasible
(several forms) molecular
Sandhoff Total hexosaminidase AR Enzyme in cells, + + a.b. 5q11
Peroxisome Adrenoleuko- Lignoceroyl-CoA XLR VLCFAs in + + a.b. Xq28 Variable expression
dystrophy ligase deficient amniotic cells
in peroxisomes
Zellweger AR As above + + a.b. 7q11
Other Congenital adrenal Steroid 21- AR VLCFAs + + 6p21.3
hyperplasia hydroxylase
VLCFAs, Very long chain fatty acids; a.b., detectable after birth of affected child; b.b., detectable before birth of first affected child; MPS, mucopolysaccharidosis; EM, electron
microscope; AR, autosomal recessive; XLR, X-linked recessive.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, ed. Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 1B
Inborn Errors of Metabolism The material that accumulates is a starchlike linear glucose
that May Cause Fetal or Neonatal Hydrops
polymer with distinctive histologic and histochemical features
MPS 7 (Sly disease) (strong periodic acid-Schiff [PAS] stain, resistant to diastase,
MPS IVA (Morquio type A) positive iodine stain imparting a bluish color to the deposits,
Mucolipidosis I (Sialidosis)
and positive colloidal iron stain).
Mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease)
Gaucher disease GLYCOGENOSIS V (McARDLE DISEASE) Glycogene-
Niemann–Pick C sis V, a pure myopathy, stems from a deficiency of skeletal mus-
Farber disease cle glycogen phosphorylase. Molecular studies of chromosome
GM1 gangliosidosis 11 have shown considerable molecular heterogeneity of the
Sialic acid storage disease phosphorylase gene. Clinical features are rather mild, manifest-
Primary carnitine deficiency ing with muscle pain, myoglobinuria, and muscle weakness.
Fumarase deficiency
Respiratory chain disorders
Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein Syndrome sole site of glycogen accumulation resulting from the hepatic
Neonatal hemochromatosis deficiency of glycogen phosphorylase. Histologic changes in
Deficiencies of red cell glycolytic / pentose phosphate pathway the liver resemble type 2 glycogen storage disease.
enzyme, for example, G6PDH deficiency, pyruvate kinase GLYCOGENOSIS VII (TARUI DISEASE) Glycogenosis
deficiency VII, a rare myopathy, stems from deficiency of phosphofruc-
Zellweger syndrome
tokinase. Clinical features mimic those of McArdle disease.
Table 1C
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Organic acidemias
Maple syrup urine disease
Propionic, methylmalonic, isovaleric acidemia
Multiple carboxylase/biotinidase deficiency
Pyruvate dehydrogenase/carboxylase deficiency
Glutaric aciduria type 1
Fatty acid oxidative disorders/glutaric aciduria type II
Urea cycle disorders
Hereditary tyrosinemia
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
Carbohydrate metabolic disorders
Hereditary fructose intolerance Fig. 1. Galactosemia. Microscopic section of liver showing pseudo-
Galactosemia glandular pattern of hepatocytes and cholestasis. Similar changes are
Glycogen storage diseases seen in tyrosinemia and hereditary fructose intolerance.
Lipid metabolic disorders
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome
Bile acid synthetic disorders
Mitochondrial disorders (respiratory chain)
Lysosomal storage disorders
Peroxisomal disorders on the onset, severity of symptoms, clinical phenotype, radio-
Endoplasmic reticulum disorders logic findings, characterization of the urinary mucopolysac-
a1-Antitrypsin deficiency
charide, and, if need be, characterization of the specific enzyme
Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein disorder
Cell membrane transport disorders defect in blood leukocytes or fibroblasts cultures. All are trans-
Cystic fibrosis mitted as autosomal recessive disorders except for MPS type II,
Lysinuric protein intolerance which is X-linked. Bone marrow transplantation has been per-
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis formed for many of these conditions with variable results.
HURLER SYNDROME The prototype and most severe
condition, Hurler syndrome (Fig. 7), mucopolysaccharidosis
type 1H (MPS-1H), results in faulty degradation of mucopoly-
saccharides, stemming from the deficiency of a-L-iduronidase.
Coarse features, corneal clouding, gingival hyperplasia, hepato-
splenomegaly, upper airway obstruction as the result of thicken-
Some patients experience hemolysis, a fact explained by the ing (Fig. 8) of the nasal mucous membranes, cor pulmonale, heart
presence of a closely related mutated enzyme in the erythrocyte. valve thickening, cardiomyopathy (Fig. 9), central nervous
GLYCOGENOSIS VIII The variant glycogenosis VIII system deterioration, mental retardation, and diffuse radiogra-
represents the only X-linked glycogenosis. The defect, a defi- phic bony changes (dysostosis multiplex) ensue. Bone lesions
ciency of hepatic phosphorylase kinase, results in one of the include an elongated, enlarged skull (dolichocephaly), a thick
mildest of the glycogenoses. In addition to hepatomegaly and calvarium, an abnormally shaped sella, hypoplasia of the ante-
growth retardation, there is mild elevation of serum cholesterol rior–superior lower thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies, dorsal
and triglycerides. kyphosis, thick ribs, metacarpal thinning and thickening, and
GLYCOGENOSIS O The rare condition glycogenosis O abnormal angulation of the distal humerus and ulna. The accu-
features fasting hypoglycemia and hyperketonemia because of mulated mucopolysaccharides can be demonstrated by special
a deficiency of hepatic glycogen synthase. There is a sharp stains such as colloidal iron (Fig. 10). On electron microscopy,
reduction of glycogen stores in the liver, hence the condition the stored material appears finely granular and in contained within
has been named glycogenosis O. vacuoles. Death usually occurs from cardiopulmonary involve-
MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS (TABLE 3) Mucopoly- ment. Other types of MPS are shown in Table 3.
saccharides (MPSs) are large molecules with a protein core to FUCOSIDOSIS Deficiency of a-fucosidase leads to the
which are attached repetitive units of sulfated hexuronate or multisystem accumulation of fucose-containing sphingolipids,
hexosamine disaccharides. Gene defects negating specific enzyme glycoproteins, and oligosaccharides. Fucosidosis presents in
activities result in diverse phenotypes stemming from the accu- infancy and is manifested by short stature, dysostosis multi-
mulation of partially degraded fragments. The nature of mate- plex, epilepsy, coarse facial features, diffuse angiokeratomas,
rial that accumulates may be correlated with specific tissue sites. hepatosplenomegaly, and cardiac problems.
Hence, bone involvement is associated with keratan sulfate MANNOSIDOSES Deficiency of a-mannosidase leads to
storage; visceral and bone involvement are seen with dermatan mannosidosis, characterized by the accumulation of mannose-
sulfate; central nervous system involvement reflects heparan containing glycoproteins. In the severe form, multiple systems
sulfate accumulation. The diagnosis of these conditions is based are affected, resulting in hypotonia, hepatosplenomegaly, cata-
Table 2
Glycogen Storage Diseases
MIM no. Type Inheritance Enzyme defect Clinical/pathologic features Pathology Tissue for diagnosis a
240600 0 AR Glycogen synthetase Hypoglycemia, failure to thrive, Glycogen is present Liver, muscle, RBC
liver fibrosis (0.5% after meal)
232200 Ia (von AR Glucose 6-phosphatase Hepatosplenomegaly, hypoglycemia, Uniform distribution of glycogen Liver
Gierke) hyper-lipidemia, acidosis, eruptive with distension of liver cells, mosaic
xanthomas, hepatic adenomas, pattern, small and large fat vacuoles,
hepatocellular carcinoma, no nuclear glycogenation, electron
response to glucagon epinephrine, microscopy—uniform increase in
kidney and GI mucosa involved normal-appearing glycogen, lipid
droplets with glycogen particles
within them, muscle—normal
232210 Is (Iasp) AR Stabilizing protein for Very early clinical onset Liver
glucose 6-phosphatase
232220 Ib AR Glucose 6-phosphate Like Ia plus neutropenia, recurrent Similar to type Ia Liver
transporter protein infections, Crohn disease
232240 Ic Microsomal phosphate Hepatomegaly Uniform distribution of Liver
transporter glycogen, mosaic pattern
232500 Id Microsomal glucose Hepatomegaly Uniform distribution of Liver
transporter glycogen, mosaic pattern
232300 II (Pompe) AR a-1, 4-Glucosidase Cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, Uniform slight distention of liver cells, Liver, muscle, WBC,
(acid maltase) hypotonia, no hypoglycemia, microvacuolation due to glycogen amniocytes, fibroblasts
macroglossia, generalized accumulation, nonmosaic pattern,
glycogenosis, CNS involvement, fat absent, electron microscopy—
death usually by 1–2 yr glycogen vesicles surrounded by
membranes (so-called lysosomes),
muscle-marked glycogen deposition,
muscle electron microscopy—
excessive glycogen (free and in
vesicles), loss of myofibrils
232330 IIb ?AR vs. Not established Cardiac glycogenesis with survival Similar to type II Liver, muscle, WBC,
XLR to second decade amniocytes, fibroblasts
II (Antopol) AD Not established Survival to second, fourth decades Similar but milder changes than type II Liver, muscle, WBC,
amniocytes, fibroblasts
II (Skeletal AR Acid maltase Childhood/adult onset, muscle Changes in muscle similar to type II Muscle, WBC,
muscle weakness, cerebral aneurysms amniocytes, fibroblasts
type) in adults
232400 III AR Amylo 1,6-glucosidase Liver, skeletal muscle, heart Uniform distension of liver cells due to Liver and muscle, WBC
(Forbes/ (debrancher enzyme) involvement, hypoglycemia glycogen, mosaic pattern, nuclear
Cori/Limit response to glucagon glycogenation, fibrous septa formation,
dextrinosis) small droplets of fat, electron microscopy
—same as type I (lipid vacuoles less
frequent), muscle electron microscopy
—glycogen subsarcolemmal and between
232500 IV AR Amylo 1, 4-1, 6 Cirrhosis, Jayndici hepatosplenomegaly, Liver—pale, amphophilic, hyaline, or Muscle, WBC,
(Andersen- transglucosidase CNS involvement, portal hypertension, vacuolated, PAS-positive, diastase- amniocytes,
amylopecti- (Brancher enzyme) sudden death in infancy, adult females resistant material (amylopectin) fibroblasts
nosis) with cardiomyopathy are heterozygotes, particularly in periportal hepatocytes
allelic form with clinical picture like variable, large lipid vacuoles, prominent
muscular dystrophy in adults septa formation progressing to cirrhosis;
electron microscopy—fibrillar appearance
of amylopectin; muscle—amylopectin
232600 V (McArdle) AR Myophosphorylase; Muscle pain, weakness after exercise, Muscle—subsarcolemmal glycogen; Muscle enzyme
(1, 4a-D-glucan: myoglobinuria, good prognosis electron microscopy—same as in light histochemistry
orthophosphate-a- microscopy; liver—normal
D-glucosyl transferase
232700 VI (Hers) AR Hepatophosphorylase Hepatomegaly, mild-moderate Liver—nonuniform distention of hepato- Liver, WBC, RBC
hypoglycemia, good prognosis cytes due to glycogen, mosaic pattern,
septa formation, small fat droplets;
electron microscopy—burst appearance
of glycogen, rosettes, lipid vacuoles
with glycogen, muscle—normal
232800 VII (Tarui) AR Muscle phosphofructo- Muscle cramps, myoglobinuria,
kinase good prognosis Muscle—subsarcolemmal glycogen; Muscle enzyme
electron microscopy—same as in light histochemistry, WBC
microscopy fibroblasts
261750 VIII AR XLR Hepatic phosphorylase Hepatomegaly, growth retardation, Nonuniform distention of hepatocytes Liver, CNS glycogen in
306000 b kinase lipidemia, progressive neurologic due to glycogen, mosaic pattern; electron axons and synapses
deterioration microscopy—same as in type VI, less
frequent lipid vacuoles with glycogen
in them; muscle—subsarcolemmal
glycogen; electron microscopy—same
as in light microscopy (continued)
Table 2 (Continued)
MIM no. Type Inheritance Enzyme defect Clinical/pathologic features Pathology Tissue for diagnosisa
306000 IX AR Hepatic phosphorylase Marked hepatomegaly, mild hypo- Nonuniform distention of hepatocytes Liver
kinase glycemia, good prognosis due to glycogen, mosaic pattern, septa
formation, small lipid droplets; electron
microscopy—same as in type VI, frequent
lipid vacuoles with glycogen in them;
X AR Cyclic 3',5', AMP- Hepatomegaly, liver and muscle Nonuniform distention of hepatocytes Liver, muscle
dependent kinase involvement, good prognosis due to glycogen, mosaic pattern, septa
formation, small lipid droplets, electron
microscopy—same as in type VI, muscle
—subsarcolemmal glycogen
Other Forms of Glycogen Storage Diseases
261740 Cardiac AR Cardiac, phosphorylase Causes early death Cardiac glycogenosis Cardiac muscle
glycogenesis kinase
Glycogenesis Hepatomegaly, muscle weakness Glycogenosis of liver and skeletal muscle Liver, skeletal muscle
or liver/
(a) AR Phosphorylase kinase
(b) AR Phosphoglucomutase
Glycogen AR Hexokinase Muscle weakness Glycogenosis of muscle Muscle
with hemo-
lytic anemia
Hepatic AR Aldolase 1 (aldolase A) Hepatomegaly hemolytic anemia Hepatic glycogenosis Liver
138550 Cerebral AR Brain glycogen CNS symptoms Involvement of cerebral cortex deep Brain
glycogenosis phorphorylase nuclei, cerebellar cortex, glycogen in
neurons and astrocytic processes
PAS-positive diastase sensitive
Glycogen AR Unknown (defective Failure to thrive, hepatomegaly, Glycogen accumulation in liver and Liver, kidney
storage galactose oxidation) hypophosphatemic rickets proximal renal tubular cells
disease with
renal tubular
AR, Autosomal recessive; XLR, X-linked recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; RBC, red blood cells; WBC, white blood cells; CNS, central nervous system; PAS, periodic acid-
a Tissues should be fixed in alcohol for preservation of glycogen. Lipid stains should be done on frozen sections. Absence of myophosphorylase in type V and phosphofrutokinase
in type VII done on snap-frozen (-70°C) muscle biopsy by enzyme histochemistry. Biochemical studies doen on tissue wrapped in aluminum foil fresh-frozen (-70°C) (liver and/or
muscle). Transport on dry ice by overnight mail to reference laboratory. WBC skin fibroblasts and amniocytes should be shipped at room temperature—avoid freezing or overheating.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
racts, dysostosis multiplex, deafness, and coarse facial fea- ous effusions, and cultures of fibroblasts or other cell types. In
tures. The condition is lethal during the first decade of life. some conditions, DNA analysis often characterizes mutations.
dwarfism has been ascribed to the accumulation of an as yet eral conditions are characterized by abnormal serum lipid or
undefined glycoprotein. The children who inherit this defect lipoprotein levels, with nonlysosomal lipid in macrophages,
were described as having “laughable faces”; hence the name walls of blood vessels, cornea, and other cell types. The lipids
“geleophysic” (from geloios, laughable, humorous and physis, present in increased amounts in affected cells in this group of
nature) dwarfism. Phenotypes vary, yet most feature dysosto- disorders are the neutral lipids, triglycerides, and cholesterol or
sis multiplex and storage material in the liver, skin, and heart cholesterol esters.
valves. The material accumulates within lysosomes and has the
staining properties of a glycoprotein.
LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISEASES spot-myoclonus syndrome, formerly considered in this group
(TABLE 4) (FIG. 11) of conditions, is now coded as mucolipidosis 1.
In the storage diseases the material stored in the various Infantile sialic acid storage disease with sialuria is consid-
types of affected cells can be demonstrated by pathologic ered not to result from lysosomal acid hydrolase deficiency but
methods such as histologic and histochemical staining proce- from a defect in transport of sialic acid out of lysosomes; the
dures and electron microscopic methods. These techniques can abnormal gene is presumably in allelic relation with that for the
be applied to biopsy or autopsy specimens or to cells in the Finnish Salla disease. In each, patients store excessive amounts
urine, or airway secretions, peripheral blood, spinal fluid, ser- of unbound N-acetylneuraminic acid in lysosomes and excrete
Fig. 2. Metabolic enzyme defects in the glycogen storage diseases. From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations
of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology. Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Fig. 5. Glycogen storage disease type 2. Microscopic section of liver Fig. 6. Glycogen storage diseases type 2. Microscopic section of brain
showing vacuolization and distention of hepatocytes after formalin showing huge distended neurons due to accumulation of glycogen.
fixative. To preserve glycogen the tissue should be fixed in alcohol.
Table 3
location MIM no. MPS type Enzyme defect a
4p16.3 252800 I (Hurler and Scheie-Hamrick-Barness) a-L-Iduronidase
X.q28 309900 II (Hunter) Iduronate-2-sulfatase
252900 IIIA (Sanfilippo A) N-Sulfoglucosamine sulfase
252920 IIIB (Sanfilippo B) a-N-Acetylglucosaminidase
252930 IIIC (Sanfilippo C) a-Glucosamine N-acetyltransferase
12q14 252940 IIID (Sanfilippo D) N-Acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase
16q24 253000 IVA (Morquio A) N-Acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase
3p21-cen 253010 IVB (Morquio B) b-Galactosidase
5q11-q13 253200 VI (Maroteaux-Lamy) N-Acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase (arylsulfatase B)
7q21.11 253229 VII (Sly) b-Glucuronidase
Not assigned 253230 VIII (DiFerrante) Glucosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase
a Enzyme detectable in white blood cells, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, chorionic villi, and cultured amniotic fluid cells.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Fig. 7. Hurler disease (mucopolysaccharidosis 1H). Infant with fron- Fig. 8. Hurler disease. Heart shows thickening and distortion of the
tal bossing and coarse facial features. mitral valve.
motor delay in the first year of life. Although the life span is LIPIDOSIS
only slightly affected, intelligence is severely impaired. CHOLESTEROL ESTERS/TRIGLYCERIDE STORAGE Chol-
Nephrosialidosis produces cytoplasmic storage with vacu- esterol esters and triglycerides are hydrolyzed by lysosomal
olation in a very wide range of cell types; the pattern of glom- acid lipase. A deficiency of two allelic forms of the enzyme
erular crescent formation seen in the disease is distinctive. results in Wolman disease and cholesterol ester storage disease.
Fig. 9. Hurler disease. Microscopic section showing distention of Fig. 10. Hurler disease. Microscopic section of liver showing vacu-
myocytes due to accumulation of mucopolysaccharide. olated hepatocytes with granular deposits of mucopolysaccharides
(colloidal iron stain).
Table 4
Classification of Lysosomal Storage Disorders
Disease Enzyme deficiency
Glycogen storage disease
Type II (Pompe disease) a-Glucosidase
MPS I Hurler
MPS II Hunter a-I-Iduronidase
MPS IIIA San Filippo A Iduronate sulfatase
MPS IIIB San Filippo B Heparan sulfate sulfamidase
MPS IIIC San Filippo C a-N-acetyl glucosaminidase
Acetyl CoA: a-glucosaminide acetyltransferase
MPS IIID San Filippo D N-Acetylglucosamine 6-sulfatase
MPS IVA Morquio A N-Acetylgalactosamine 6-sulfatase
MPS IVB Morquio B b-Galactosidase
MPS VI Morateau Lamy N-Acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase
MPS VII Sly b-Glucuronidase
a-Mannosidosis a-Mannosidase
b-Mannosidosis b-Mannosidase
a-Fucosidosis a-Fucosidase
Sialidosis Sialidase
Schindler disease a-N-Acetyl galactosaminidase
Aspartylglucosaminuria Aspartyl glucosaminidase
Wolman disease Acid lipase
Nieman–Pick type II Cholesterol esterification defect
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase
Other Unknown
Gaucher disease b-Glucosidase
GM1 gangliosidosis b-Galactosidase
Tay–Sachs disease b-Hexosaminidase, a-subunit
Sandhoff disease b-Hexosaminidase, b-subunit
Krabbe disease Galactocerebrosidase
Metachromatic leukodystrophy Arylsulfatase A
Niemann–Pick type A Sphingomyelinase
Fabry disease a-Galactosidase
Farber disease Ceramidase
Lysosomal transport defects
Sialic acid storage diseases Sialic acid transporter
Cobalamin disease Cobalamin transporter
Cystinosis Cystine transporter
Multiple enzyme deficiencies
Multiple sulfatase deficiency Unknown
Galactosialidosis Protective protein
Mucolipidosis II/III Phosphotransferase to multiple lysosomal enzymes
Mucolipidosis IV Unknown
Modified from: Stocker JT, Dehner LP. Inborn Errors of Metabolism. In: Pediatric Pathology, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
The most severe form is Wolman disease, which presents in early deformity). In the bone marrow, Gaucher cells, large histio-
life and its lethal by 6 mo of age. Clinical features in children cytes with abundant “wrinkled” cytoplasm (Fig. 12A,B), are
are failure to thrive, hepatosplenomegaly, adrenal calcifica- present and on electron microscopy, the lysosomal inclusions
tions and necrosis, and widespread deposition of cholesterol have an elongated, tubular shape. Similar cells are seen in the
esters and triglycerides. On electron microscopy, the material spleen and liver. Serum acid phosphatase is elevated.
features homogeneous lipid with cholesterol clefts. The allelic Type II disease, an acute, infantile neuropathic form, pre-
form, cholesterol ester storage disease, presents much later, sents in early infancy with the systemic reticuloendothelial
with atheromas, hepatomegaly, and portal hypertension. The involvement of type I disease and rapid central nervous system
foam cells, characteristic of Wolman disease, are not a feature dysfunction. The brain is the site of extensive neuronal cell
of the mild allelic version of this gene defect. death, reactive gliosis, and the perivascular accumulation of
FARBER DISEASE A deficiency of ceramidase leads to the Gaucher cells. Death occurs by 2 yr of age. The condition is
accumulation of ceramide and other gangliosides in the skin, believed to stem from an unstable enzyme precursor.
lymph nodes, brain, and viscera. The histologic response to these The hybrid form, type III, blends features of types I and II.
extraneous substances is the production of a lipogranuloma. This subacute neuronopathic or juvenile form has been described
The defect may present at any age. As with all conditions, early in ancestry from Norrbotten, a country in northern Sweden.
onset implies a more widespread and even lethal condition. Patients present in childhood with hepatosplenomegaly, fol-
Specimens of periarticular tissues are particularly diagnostic. lowed later by central nervous system deterioration. Death
GAUCHER DISEASE Gaucher disease is caused by defi- occurs in early adulthood. Patients with type II and III disease
ciency of a b-glucocerebrosidase and results in the accumula- share the same mutation (Leu 444 to Pro 444) in the gene. The
tion of glucocerebroside in the reticuloendothelial system. phenotypic differences are ascribed to a nonfunctional allele in
The most common, indeed the most frequent of the sphingo- type II patients.
lipid disorders, is type I, adult, chronic, nonneuropathic Gaucher KRABBE DISEASE In the form of “globoid cell” leukodys-
disease. A typical presentation is that of hypersplenism, pancy- trophy called Krabbe disease, the deficiency of b-galactosidase
topenia, and splenomegaly, as well as a characteristic radio- leads to the accumulation of galactosylceramide in the periph-
logic expansion of the distal femoral cortex (Erlenmeyer-flask eral and central nervous systems. The “glogoid cells,” micro-
Table 5
Features of ML II (I-Cell Disease)
Clinical features
Hurler-like facial appearance
Small for gestational age
Brushed-out appearance of hair
Hypertrophy of gingiva
Thick tongue
Dermal nodules
Short neck and thoracic cage
Broad and flat ribs
Prominent costochondral junctions
Cardiovascular pathology
Pericardium thick and opaque
Valves thick, rigid and retracted
Subendocardial lipid streaks
Lipid plaques in aorta and major vessels
Storage histiocytes in pericardium, endocardium and heart valves
Vacuolation of myocardial fibers
Aortic subintimal nodular accumulation of lipid
Table 6
Clinical Indications for Amino Acid Analysis
Clinical abnormality Abnormal amino acid Presumptive diagnosis
Severe developmental delay Phenylalanine ++ Phenylketonuria
Myopia/ectopia lentis, +/- Free homocystine and mixdisulfide ++, Homocystinuria
marfanoid appearance, vascular methionine ++
occlusions, +/- mental retardation
Liver dysfunction Tyrosine Tyrosinemia type 1
Acute neonatal presentation Leucine, isoleucine, valine and Maple syrup urine diseases
with ketosis alloisoleucine elevated
Progressive spastic quadriplegia Arginine +/++ Arginase deficiency
with ammonia +/++
Acute neonatal presentation Citrulline low Urea cycle disorders:
with hyperammonemia +++ Carbamylphosphate synthase deficiency
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
(orotic acid present in urine organic acids)
Citrulline high Argininosuccinate synthase deficiency
Citrulline high, argininosuccinate present Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency
Seizures/hypotonia with Glycine elevated in blood and CSF Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
normal metabolic profile Low plasma cystine, sulfocysteine present Sulfite oxidase deficiency
Gyrate atrophy Ornithine +++ Ornithine aminotransferase deficiency
+, Slight; ++, moderate; +++, marked.
Patients treated for phenylketonuria who reach reproductive intermixed with myelin-like figures may be seen. Mitochondria
age may give birth to an infant with severe abnormalities includ- may appear edematous.
ing microcephaly, growth retardation, and congenital cardiac Hepatic encephalopathy, meningitis, or liver failure is the
defects. usual fatal outcome. Liver transplantation has been the treat-
HEREDITARY TYROSINEMIA Type I hereditary tyrosine- ment of choice.
mia has an incidence of 1 in 100,000–200,000 except in Que- ALCAPTONURIA Alcaptonuria, inherited as an autosomal
bec, where for unknown reasons the incidence is 8 in 100,000 recessive trait, is attributable to the accumulation of homogen-
live births. This autosomal recessive disorder is attributable to tisic acid, a byproduct of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabol-
deficiency of fumaryl acetoacetate hydrolase. Acute tyrosine- ism. It is attributable to a defect or absence of the enzyme homo-
mia is evident within the first weeks of life, with failure to gentisic acid oxidase. The connective tissues are pigmented,
thrive, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, hepatomegaly, and decreas- usually gray to bluish-black grossly but ochre microscopically.
ing liver function. Patients with chronic tyrosinemia carry a Usually, pigment deposition does not occur until the end of the
risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Infants with this first decade of life. Pigmentation is visible in the sclera, ears,
disorder have increased levels of plasma methionine, prolonged cartilage (Fig. 17), and joints. Deposition of homogentisic acid
prothrombin time, increased a-fetoprotein, and urinary excre- in the connective tissues results in arthritis. Pigment is depos-
tion of succinyl acetone and succinyl acetoacetate. Prenatal ited in the endocardium, heart valves (Fig. 18), and in the aorta
detection is possible by definitive enzyme analysis of cultured where it augments the atherosclerotic process. Cardiac failure
amniotic fluid cells or from chorionic villous sampling. The may occur. Homogentisic acid itself is not colored, but oxida-
presence of succinyl acetone in amniotic fluid and high con- tion of the homogentisic acid forms the ochronotic pigment.
centrations of a-fetoprotein in cord blood of affected newborn HOMOCYSTINURIA Three distinct pathophysiologic
infants is suggestive that liver changes may occur in utero. mechanisms may underlie homocystinuria, an autosomal reces-
Pathology Tyrosinemia principally affects the liver and sive disorder. The classic, type I form is attributable to a defi-
kidney. The liver is large, with pseudoacinar arrangements of ciency of cystathionine b-synthetase. The type II form is attrib-
hepatocytes. Regenerative nodules, which are frequently dys- utable to defects in methylcobalamin reactions, whereas type
plastic, may give rise to hepatocellular carcinoma. A lobular III reflects a deficiency of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase.
fibrosis, diffuse fibrosis, or cirrhosis may develop. The kid- In each, homocysteine and other metabolites of methionine
neys may be enlarged with cortical tubular ectasia and focal accumulate in the body. Patients are usually tall and marfanoid
tubular calcifications. Islet-cell hyperplasia of the pancreas, and develop dislocated optic lenses, osteoporosis, mental retar-
hypophosphatemic rickets, and mineralization of blood ves- dation, and thromboemboli in small and large vessels.
sels may occur. Infarcts are found in the brain and elsewhere. Arterial walls
The skin biopsy of patients with tyrosinemia type II may show pronounced fibrous thickening of the intima, splitting of
show acanthosis or hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis. Ultra- the muscle fibers of the media, and elastic fragmentation result-
structurally, 2- to 3-µm lipid-like granules with 10-nm filaments ing in a basket-weave pattern (Fig. 19). The vascular change
Fig. 18. Alkaptonuria heart. The endocardium and valves are deeply
may progress to advanced arteriosclerosis. Treatment includes Fig. 20. Lesch–Nyhan syndrome. This child shows self-mutilation.
dietary restriction of sulfur-containing amino acids, supplemen-
tal vitamin B6, folate, and betaine. Death is frequently related to
the severe degree of atherosclerosis. be fulminant with severe central nervous system dysfunction,
LESCH–NYHAN SYNDROME (L-NS) L-NS is an X-linked coma, seizures, and death.
disorder resulting from a deficiency of the enzyme hypoxan- Major organic acidemias are attributable to the accumula-
thine–guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). It is charac- tion of isovaleric, propionic, methylmalonic, or glutaric acid.
terized by hyperemia, choreoathetosis spasticity, mental retar- These disorders are suspected if serum acid concentrations are
dation, and compulsive self-mutilation with biting of the fingers elevated. The diagnosis is verified by enzyme analysis of fibro-
and lips (Fig. 20). Uric acid nephrolithiasis may progress to blasts, leukocytes, or amniocytes. Pathologic changes are non-
obstructive uropathy and renal failure. specific although hemorrhages may occur in the viscera and
steatosis in the liver. Congenital anomalies may accompany
ORGANIC ACIDEMIAS (TABLE 7) glutaric acidemia.
Organic acidemias are usually manifested during childhood. MAPLE SUGAR URINE DISEASE Maple sugar urine dis-
If symptoms begin during the neonatal period, the course may ease, so named because of the odor of maple syrup in urine,
Table 8
Characteristic Features of Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects
MIM no. Disorder Tissue distribution location Symptoms and signs Laboratory findings
212140 Carnitine deficiency Kidney, heart, muscle, Cardiomyopathy, coma, muscle Glucose (P) ¯, ammonia (B) , acidosis+,
FB, liver weakness, Reye-like syndrome, carnitine (P) , long-chain acylcarnitine
sudden infant death (P) n, cellular carnitine uptake ¯
255120 Carnitine palmitoyl Liver, FB 11q22–q23 Coma, liver insufficiency, Glucose (P) ¯, ammonia (B) n-,
tranferase I hepatomegaly acidosis +, carnitine (P) n-,
long-chain acylcarnitine (P) n
212138 Acylcarnitine FB, liver, heart muscle Coma, cardiac abnormalities, Glucose (P) ¯, ammonia (B) , acidosis ±,
translocase liver insufficiency, vomiting free carnitine (P) ¯, myoglobin (P) ,
long-chain acylcarnitine (P) , seizures ±
255110 Carnitine palmitoyl Muscle, heart, liver, FB 1p32 Coma, Reye-like syndrome, Glucose (B) ¯, ketosis, liver enzymes (P) ,
transferase II hepatomegaly, exercise creatine kinase (P) , myoglobin (P,U),
intolerance, myalgia, dicarboxylic acids (U) ± carnitine (P) ¯,
cardiomyopathy, developmental long-chain acylcarnitine (P)
delay ±, sudden death
Very-long chain Cardiomyopathy, coma, Glucose (B) ¯, acidosis +, CK (P)
acyl-CoA respiratory arrest, Reye-like dicarboxylic acids (U) , C 14:1 fatty
dehydrogenase syndrome, muscle weakness acid (P) , C14:1 acylcarnitine (P) ,
muscle pain carnitine (P) ¯, long-chain acylcarnitine (P)
201450 Medium-chain Liver, muscle, FB, WBC 1p31 Coma/lethargy, hepatopathy, Glucose (B) ¯, ketosis ±, acidosis +, trans-
acyl-CoA hypotonia, apnea/respiratory amines (P) , ammonia (B) , uric acid (P) ,
dehydrogenase arrest, sudden death, dicarboxylic acids (U) n-, glycine
seizures ±, mental retardation, conjugates (U,P) , decanoate (P) ,
attention deficit disorder acylcarnitines (U) , carnitine (P) n-¯,
long-chain acylcarnitine (P) n
201470 Short-chain acyl-CoA Muscle, liver, FB, WBC 12q22–qter Muscle weakness, lethargy, Ketosis +, acidosis +, ethylmalonic
dehydrogenase failure to thrive, mental acid (U) n-, carnitine (P) ¯-n
143450 Long-chain 3- Liver, muscle, heart, FB, 7 Coma/lethargy, hepatopathy, Glucose (B) ¯, acidosis, lactate (P) ,
hydroxyacyl-CoA WBC cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, myoglobin (P,U), CK (P) , dicarboxylic
dehydrogenase retinopathy, muscle weakness, acids (U) , hydroxy-dicarboxylic acids (U) ,
sudden death long-chain 3-hydroxy-fatty acids (P) ,
carnitine (P) ¯, long-chain acylcarnitine (P)
600890 Short-chain 3- Muscle, FB — Cardiomyopathy, muscle Glucose (B) ¯, myoglobinuria +, CK (P) ,
hydroxyacyl-CoA weakness, lethargy AST/ALT (P) , ketosis +, ketones (U) ,
dehydrogenase dicarboxylic acids (U) n-
B, Blood; U, urine; P, plasma; FB, fibroblasts; WBC, white blood cells; AST, aspartate transferase; ALT, alanine transferase; n, normal.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Table 9
Urea Cycle Defects
Table 10A
General Characteristics and Specific Biochemical Findings in Peroxisomal Disorders
Zellweger Infantile
X-linked Refsum syndrome Neonatal Refsum Chondrodysplasia Hyperpipecolic
Characteristics ALD disease Acatalasemia disease ALD disease punctata acidemia
Inheritance X-linked AR AR AR AR — AR AR
Sex Male M&F M&F M&F M&F Male M&F Male
Survival Variable— Adult Adult Usually 1 to 6–8 yr — Usually 2 yr Mostly 2 yr
usually 1 yr
Minor facial Absent Absent Absent Present Absent Minor Typical facial Present
anomalies anomalies appearance
Renal cysts Absent Absent Absent Present Absent — — —
Patellar calcification — — — Present — — — Calcific stippling
Eye abnormalities
Cataracts — — Cataracts — — Cataracts Cataracts
Retinal degeneration Retinal + — + + +
Oral involvement — — + — — —
Pathologic changes
Adrenals Atrophy Not Not Not Atrophy Small Not involved Not involved
involved involved involved
Fibrosis and Absent — — ++ Periportal Absent — —
micronodular fibrosis
cirrhosis (mild)
Hepatic siderosis Absent Absent Absent + Absent Absent Absent Absent
Brain demyelination + — — + + — — —
Neuronal heterotopia — — — + — — — +
Ultrastructural In brain/ — — — ++ — — —
lamelar inclusions adrenals
Liver Normal Normal Normal Absent Decreased Absent Decreased Decreased
or absent,
Biochemical abnormalities (body fluids)
Very-long-chain Elevated Normal — Elevated Elevated Elevated — Elevated
fatty acids
Pipecolic acid Normal Elevated Elevated Elevated Elevated — Elevated
Phytanic acid Normal Elevated — Elevated Elevated Elevated — Elevated
Intermediates of Normal Normal — Elevated Elevated Elevated — —
bile acid
Plasmalogen Normal — — Decreased — Decreased Decreased Decreased
contents in tissues
De novo synthesis Normal — — Decreased — Decreased — —
Enzyme activity
Dihydroxyacetone Normal — — Deficient Deficient Deficient Deficient Deficient
acyl transferase
Alkyl dihydroxy- — — — Deficient — Deficient — —
acetone synthetase
ALD, Adrenoleukodystrophy; AR, autosomal recessive; M & F, male and female; —, not reported.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
chondria are normal. Symptoms usually do not occur until after very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Abnormally high levels
infancy in this disorder. of VLCFAs in tissues and body fluids occur in many patients
with peroxisomal disorders.
PEROXISOMAL DISORDERS (TABLE 10A,B) Peroxisomal disorders can be subdivided into two major
The peroxisomal diseases are genetically determined disor- groups. In the first, the organelle fails to form or is not main-
ders, caused either by the failure to form or to maintain the peroxi- tained, resulting in the defective function of multiple peroxiso-
some or by a defect in the function of a single peroxisomal enzyme. mal enzymes. This defect is observed in Zellweger syndrome,
Peroxisomes play an important role in fatty acid oxidation. neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, infantile Refsum disease, and
Peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation is not dependent on carnitine hyperpipecolic acidemia. In the second group there is a geneti-
and is of particular importance for the oxidation of saturated cally determined deficiency of a single peroxisomal enzyme,
Table 10B
Clinical Symptoms of Peroxisomal Disorders Related to Age
Symptoms Disorder
Neonatal period
Hypotonia, areactivity, seizures ZS, ZS variants
Craniofacial dysmorphia Neonatal ALD
Skeletal abnormalities Pseudoneonatal ALD (acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency)
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia Bifunctional enzyme deficiency
RCDP (typical/atypical)
THC acidemia
Pipecolic acidemia
First 6 mo of life
Failure to thrive IRD, pseudo-IRD
Hepatomegaly, prolonged jaundice Pipecolic acidemia, neonatal ALD, milder forms of ZS
Digestive problems, hypocholesterolemia Atypical chondrodysplasia
Vitamin E deficiency
Visual abnormalities
6 mo to 4 yr
Failure to thrive IRD, pseudo-IRD
Neurologic presentation Pipecolic acidemia, neonatal ALD, milder forms of ZS
Psychomotor retardation Atypical chondrodysplasia
Visual and hearing impairment (ERG, AEP) DHC and THC acidemia
>4 yr of age
Behavior changes X-linked ALD
Deterioration of intellectual functions
White matter demyelination
Visual and hearing impairment Classical Refsum
Peripheral neuropathy, gait abnormality
ZS, Zellweger syndrome; ALD, adrenoleukodystrophy; DHC, dihydroxycholestanoic acid; RCDP, rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata; THC,
trihydroxycholestanoic acid; IRD, infantile Refsum disease; ERG, electroretinogram; AEP, auditory-evoked potentials.
Adapted from Poll-The BT, Saudubray M. Peroxisomal disorders. In Fernades J, Saudubray JM, Van den Berghe G, eds: Inborn Metabolic
Diseases, 2nd ed., Springer, 1996, Berlin.
and the peroxisome structure is intact; examples include X-linked X-LINKED ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY X-linked adre-
adrenoleukodystrophy, acatalasemia, and others. nonoleukodystrophy was the first peroxisomal disorder to be
Several diagnostic procedures aid the diagnosis of peroxi- described and is the most common. The basic defect in X-linked
somal disorders: adrenoleukodystrophy is a specific impairment in the capacity
to degrade VLCFAs, a function that has been localized to the
1. Increased levels of saturated VLCFAs in plasma, red blood peroxisome. Evidence indicates that the defect may involve the
cells, or cultured skin fibroblasts. Elevated levels of impaired capacity to activate VLCFAs, that is, defective func-
saturated VLCFAs are the main abnormality in X-linked tion of the enzyme lignoceroyl-CoA synthetase.
adrenoleukodystrophy, and this assay is indispensable Development is usually normal until 4–8 yr of age. Males
for the diagnosis of this disorder. VLCFA levels are also exhibit a behavioral deficit that is progressive, with emotional
elevated in peroxisomal disorders, except rhizometric outbursts. Later, there is progressive deterioration until death,
chondrodysplasia punibata (RCDP). usually by 10 yr.
2. Diminished levels of plasmalogen in red blood cells and Adrenal insufficiency is the presenting manifestation in 15–
defective plasmalogen synthesis is a feature of all the 30% of boys. The adrenal glands are small, and cells in the zona
disorders of peroxisome biogenesis and represents the fasciculata contain cytoplasmic lipid inclusions with a charac-
most striking single abnormality in RCDP. teristic lamellar structure (Fig. 26). These inclusions consists
3. Elevated pipecolic acid levels in plasma are present in of cholesterol esterified with saturated VLCFAs, such as hexa-
nearly all patients with disorders of peroxisomes. cosanoic (C26:0) and tetracosanoic (C24:0) acids. The same type
4. Elevated levels of plasma phytanic acid are the prime of lipids accumulate in the central nervous system, causing severe
and characteristic abnormality in Refsum disease. demyelination that initially affects the posterior parietal or occip-
5. For the demonstration of absent or abnormal peroxi- ital regions. Perivascular infiltration by lymphocytes is similar
somes in liver biopsy specimens by electron micros- to that observed in multiple sclerosis. White matter involvement
copy, an elegant procedure has recently been described causes characteristic abnormalities in computed tomographic
in which peroxisomal enzyme activities and immunoblot (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies caused by
studies of peroxisomal fatty acid of oxidation enzymes demyelination in the posterior portion of the brain, with a gar-
are performed in a rectal mucosal biopsy specimen. land of accumulated contrast material.
Fig. 26. Adrenoleukodystrophy. Microscopic section of adrenal Fig. 27. Oxalosis. Oxalate crystals in bone marrow with a sunburst
showing lamellar pattern of cells with lipid inclusions. appearance.
The X-linked ALD gene has been mapped to the terminal seg- is infrequent. Their biochemical abnormalities are similar to
ment of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq28). It is linked those in patients with Zellweger syndrome.
to an anonymous DNA probe (DXS52), and this is of diagnos- HYPERPIPECOLIC ACIDEMIA The clinical features of
tic value, particularly for the identification of heterozygotes. hyperpipecolic acidemia closely resemble those of Zellweger
ZELLWEGER SYNDROME Zellweger syndrome is inher- syndrome in which there is also excretion of pipecolic of per-
ited as an autosomal recessive trait characterized by the absence oxisomes in the liver, suggestive of a functional disorder of the
of peroxisomes. Newborn infants with the Zellweger syndrome peroxisome. Complementation studies have suggested that
have a typical facies, neonatal seizures, and eye abnormalities. hyperpipecolic acidemia is allelic, with one form of Zellweger
Infants with the Zellweger syndrome rarely live more than a few syndrome and with the infantile form of Refsum syndrome.
months. HYPEROXALURIA TYPE I There are two types of geneti-
Some atypical cases of the Zellweger syndrome (Versmold cally determined hyperoxaluria. The type 1 form is somewhat
variant) have hypertonia and may live longer. Increased serum more common and exhibits hyperoxaluria with increased excre-
iron content and evidence of tissue siderosis are diagnostically tion of glycolic and glyoxylic acid, whereas the type 2 form is
helpful. accompanied by increased excretion of L-glyceric acid. The
Major abnormalities are present in the liver, kidney, and mode of inheritance is autosomal recessive.
brain. The hallmark finding is the absence of peroxisomes in Patients have a deficiency of the enzyme alanine:glyoxylate
the liver and kidney. The defect is also present in cultured skin aminotransferase, which is localized in the peroxisome and cata-
fibroblasts and amniocytes. The brain shows a striking and lyzes the conversion of glyoxylate to glycine. This reaction
characteristic disorder of neuronal migration involving the results in the accumulation of glyoxylate, which is also con-
cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, and the inferior olivary verted to oxalic acid.
nucleus. Other brain abnormalities include focal lissencephaly In hyperoxaluria type 1 renal calculi are common, with
and other cerebral gyral abnormalities, heterotopic cerebral deposition of oxalate crystals (Fig. 27) in the kidneys, bones,
cortex, olivary nuclear dysplasia, defects of the corpus callo- conduction system of the heart, and testes. Patients experience
sum, numerous lipid-laden macrophages and histiocytes in progressive renal failure, multiple fractures, and death before
cortical and periventricular areas, and dysmyelination. 20 yr of age. Diagnosis depends on demonstration of excessive
The liver is usually enlarged and fibrotic with micronodular quantities of glyoxylate, oxalate, and glycolic acid in the urine.
cirrhosis in one-third of cases. The kidneys show persistent fetal The specific enzyme defect can be demonstrated by percutane-
lobulations, and cortical renal cysts are frequent. Numerous ous liver biopsy.
other abnormalities have been described.
NALD is a slightly less severe illness than the Zellweger syn- MITOCHONDRIAL DISORDERS (TABLE 11)
drome, with fewer dysmorphic features. Peroxisomes in hepato- Mitochondria are unique cytoplasmic organelles by virtue
cytes or cultured skin fibroblasts are not so severely diminished of having their own genome, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
in number; thus VLCFA accumulation is less severe than in The mtDNA of all cells has its origin in the unfertilized ovum.
Zellweger syndrome. Patients may have micropolygyria or only Although spermatozoa contain mitochondria, no paternal mtDNA
mild neuronal migrational defects and heterotopias. Renal cysts has been demonstrated in the human zygote. Consequently,
are not observed in NALD. mtDNA is inherited exclusively from the mother. Maternal or
Most NALD patients have an impaired adrenal cortisol cytoplasmic inheritance has several unique features differing
response to ACTH stimulation, but overt adrenal insufficiency from the Mendelian traits.
Table 11
Classification of Mitochondrial Disorders
Disorder Systemic lesions CNS lesions
Luft disease Ragged red fibers (muscle) None reported
Leigh disease None reported Deep and periventricular gray matter: spongy change;
vascular proliferation; cystic lesions
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
Pyruvate decarboxylase None reported Cerebrum; deep and periventricular gray matter:
cystic lesions in white > gray; Leigh disease
Pyruvate carboxylase Hepatic steatosis Cerebral white matter; neocortex: paucity of myelin;
neuronal loss
Glioneuronal dystrophy Hepatic fibrosis Neocortex: spongy change and neuronal loss
(some Alper disease)
Respiratory chain enzymes Cardiomyopathy
Biotin-dependent enzymes:
Biotinidase Skin rash; alopecia Insufficient data
Carnitine deficiency Lipid myopathy None reported
Carnitine palmitoyl transferase Rhabdomyolysis None reported
Ragged red fiber–related diseases:
Kearns-Sayre disease Ragged red fibers Brainstem, cerebellar white matter: spongy change
MERRF Ragged red fibers Dentate nucleus; brainstem: neuronal loss; tract degeneration
MELAS Ragged red fibers Neocortex: microinfarcts
For fatty acid oxidation disorders, see Chapter 6.
CNS, Central nervous system; MELAS, mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke; MERRF, myoclonic epilepsy with
ragged red fibers.
Adapted from Powers JM, Haroupian DS: Central nervous system. In Damijanov I and Linder J, eds: Anderson’s Pathology, St. Louis, 1996, Mosby.
The contemporary classification, based on the biochemical arranged in blocks of parallel crystals, “parking lot” configu-
defects, is lined with the molecular genetic findings of the ration. They contain proteins, and at least two different types of
patients. All disorders caused by mitochondrial DNA defects crystals are known.
and intergenomic signaling defects impair respiratory chain or SUBACUTE NECROTIZING ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHY
oxidative phosphorylation. (SNE) Subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy, or Leigh
Pathology Clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings syndrome, is relatively common in association with defects of
in mitochondrial disorders are diverse (Table 12). Lactic acide- oxidative phosphorylation. It is characterized by symmetric
mia is a common laboratory finding in mitochondrial dysfunc- basal lesions extending from the thalamus to the pons, inferior
tion. Diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders is multidisciplinary. olives of the medulla, and posterior columns of the spinal cord.
The key diagnostic procedures include detailed enzyme deter- Histologically, SNE shows necrosis astrocytosis and vascular
minations and molecular analysis of mtDNA. The enzyme proliferation. A few cases of SNE have been described in asso-
defects are usually assayed in fresh muscle samples, but cul- ciation of defects of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, but
tured fibroblasts have proved very rewarding in problematic most are caused by dysfunction in the respiratory chain, often
cases, and they provide fresh cells for repeated enzyme mea- a COX defect.
surements. Analysis of mtDNA is a relatively easy procedure A distinctive pattern of destructive brain lesions is seen in
in modern laboratories. With the aid of the polymerase chain mitochondriopathies caused by deletions and point mutations
reaction it is possible to show the changes in the mtDNA from of the mtDNA, Kearns–Sayre, myopathy–encephalopathy–lac-
very small samples. Old paraffin-embedded tissue specimens tic acidosis–stroke (MELAS), and myclonic epilepsy–ragged
are an excellent source of mtDNA. red fibers (MERRF) syndromes. Status spongiosus, neuronal
The morphologic changes associated with mitochondrial dys- degeneration, gliosis, demyelinization, necrosis, and mineral
function are divided into two groups. In the first, abnormalities deposits are seen in various grades and localizations of brain in
are associated directly with altered number and structure of the these disorders.
mitochondria. Secondary degenerative and destructive changes
are attributable to impaired function of the mitochondria.
Electron Microscopy Electron microscopy reveals an DISORDERS OF METAL METABOLISM
increased number and size of mitochondria. Especially charac- NEONATAL IRON STORAGE DISEASE Neonatal iron
teristic are giant mitochondria, with concentric tubular, reticu- storage disease, or perinatal hemochromatosis, is an uncom-
lar, lamellar, or otherwise dissociated cristae. The mitochon- mon disorder. It is clinically and pathologically defined by
drial matrix may be swollen and contain large spherical dense severe liver disease of intrauterine onset associated with extrahep-
bodies, vacuoles, or crystals. The rectangular crystals are often atic siderosis that spares the reticuloendothelial system. Attempts
Table 12
Clinical and Laboratory Findings of Mitochondrial Disorders
General Congenital anomalies and dysmorphic features
Respiratory difficulties
Failure to thrive
Symptoms are episodic, related to fasting,
strenuous exercise, and infection
Nervous system Migraine-like headache
Stroke-like episodes
Hearing impairment
Eyes Ptosis
Progressive external ophthalmoplegia
Pigmentary retinopathy
Optic atrophy
Skeletal muscle Myalgia
Muscle cramps
Heart Conduction defect
Kidney Fanconi nephropathy
Liver Fatty liver
Endocrine function Short stature Fig. 28. Neonatal iron storage disease. (A) The liver is cirrhotic. (B)
Delayed puberty Microscopic section of liver showing iron accumulation (iron stain).
Diabetes mellitus hypertrophy of the islets of Langerhans are constant findings.
Laboratory findings Lactic acidemia Iron may accumulate in extrahepatic sites.
Nonketotic hypoglycemia WILSON DISEASE Wilson disease is an inborn error of
Dicarboxylic aciduria copper metabolism with autosomal recessive inheritance. The
Organic aciduria
basic defect has not been defined, but copper metabolism is abnor-
Myoglobinuria mal. Elevated levels of serum and hepatic copper and decreased
liver serum ceruloplasmin are characteristic, although in some
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations
cases the serum ceruloplasmin values may be normal. Although
of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
a normal serum copper concentration excludes Wilson disease,
an elevated concentration is not diagnostic because serum cop-
per may be increased in other forms of liver disease, especially
cholestatic disorders and chronic active hepatitis. Incorpora-
to identify a primary disorder of iron handling in neonatal hemo- tion of radioactive cooper into ceruloplasmin is considered the
chromatosis have not been successful, and evidence now indi- most reliable test for Wilson disease. A pigmentation of the
cates that hemochromatic siderosis in the perinate may be a outer cornea of the eye–the Kayser–Fleischer ring (Fig. 29)—
sequel of intrauterine liver disease. Several laboratory abnor- is characteristic.
malities are present. Pathology The pathologic effects on the liver, kidneys,
The presence of hyperferritinemia supports the diagnosis of and brain are considered to be directly related to the accumu-
neonatal hemochromatosis. An autosomal recessive or condom- lation of copper ions.
inant inheritance has been postulated. Grossly the liver (Fig. In the precirrhotic stage of Wilson disease, the changes
28) weighs less than normal, is fibrotic and cirrhotic, and may resemble a chronic, active hepatitis with focal necrosis, scat-
be bile stained. Cholestasis and giant cell transformation are tered acidophilic bodies, and moderate to severe steatosis. Gly-
found in all cases, and there is massive accumulation of iron in cogenated nuclei in periportal hepatocytes are a typical finding
liver cells with lesser quantities in biliary epithelium and in Wilson disease. Kupffer cells are hypertrophied and may
Kupffer cells. Diffuse interacinar fibrosis, cholangiolar prolif- contain hemosiderin. In later stages, periportal fibrosis, portal
eration, and cirrhosis my be present at birth. Hyperplasia and inflammation, and finally cirrhosis occur (Fig. 30).
Table 13
Clinical, Neurophysiological, and Morphological Features of NCL in Childhood
Eponym Santavuori–Haltia Jansky–Bielschowsky Spielmeyer–Sjögren Kufs
Age at onset 8–18 mo 2–4 yr 4–8 yr 30 yr
Mental retardation Early Early Late Late
Visual failure Relatively early Late Early, leading symptom Not present
Ataxia Moderate to marked Marked Marked Variable
Myoclonia Constant Constant Mild to moderate Severe symptoms
in some patients
Nonambulant 8–30 mo 3–5 yr 13–28 yr Over 35 yr
Retinal pigment Negative Rare Positive Not present
EEG Isoelectric by 3 yr Spikes inducible by low Nonspecific Sensitivity to low
photic stimulation photic stimulation
VEP Abolished by 2–4 yr Early high Early abnormal High
SEP Low High Variable Variable, high
Vacuolated lymphocytes Negative Negative Positive Negative
Ultrastructure of storage Amorphic granular CCP CFP Curvilinear profiles
particles GROD
Age at death 8–14 yr 6–15 yr 13–40 yr Over 40 yr
EEG, Electroencephalogram; VEP, visual evoked potential; SEP, somatosensory evoked potential (cases from the past have been diagnosed by
this method); GROD, granular osmiophilic deposits; CCP, cytosolic curvilinear profiles; CFP, cytosolic fingerprint profiles.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Table 14
Electron Microscopic Types of Cytosomes in NCL
Cytosome disease Abbreviation Predominant association
Nonspecific electron-dense inclusions All types
Granular osmiophilic deposits GROD INCL
Cytosomes with curvilinear profiles CCP LINCL
Cytosomes with fingerprint profiles CFP JNCL
Combination of CCP and CFP Adult NCL, variant types
GROD, Granular osmiophilic deposits; CCP, cytosolic curvilinear profiles; CFP, cytosolic fingerprint
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics
and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Fig. 32. Batten disease (neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis). Electron develop polyuria, growth failure, rickets, photophobia, and
micrograph of heart shows curvilinear bodies.
decreased pigmentation. Renal failure is a common cause of
death. The juvenile form has similar signs and symptoms, only
occurs later in life. Benign cystinosis is characterized by mini-
mal cystine accumulation and a normal life expectancy.
Cystine crystals form within the lysosomes of most organs
but particularly in cells of the reticuloendothelial system (Fig.
34). Cystine is soluble in formalin and therefore fetuses should
be placed in alcohol for preservation of all the cystine cytology.
Cystinosis is diagnosed by elevated cystine content of leuko-
cytes or cultured fibroblasts. Cystine crystals can be seen in the
cornea and in the bone marrow. The retina may demonstrate
retinopathy with depigmentation. Hypothyroidism occurs in
some children with cystinosis. Renal transplantation is effec-
tive in treating the renal disease. Prenatal diagnosis is possible
by amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling.
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Williams, & Wilkins, 2001. of 4-hydroxy phenyl pyruvate dioxygenase. Lancet 1992;340:813–817.
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disease in pregnant women. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1723–1731. Schwab M, et al. Down syndrome, transient myeloproliferative disorder
Jaffe R. Liver transplant pathology in pediatric metabolic disorders. in infantile liver fibrosis. Med Pediatr Oncol 1998;31:159–165.
Perspect Pediatr Pathol 1999;21:24–39. Shneider BL. Genetic cholestasis syndromes. J Pediatr Gastrointest Nutr
Jevon GP, Dimmick JE. Histopathologic approach to metabolic liver dis- 1999;28:124–131.
ease. Parts I and II. Perspect Pediatr Pathol 1999;21:40–69. Silver MM, et al. Hepatic morphology and iron quantitation in perinatal
Jevon GP, Finegold X. Reliability of histological criteria in glycogen hemochromatosis. Am J Pathol 1993;143:1312–1325.
storage disease of the liver. Pediatr Pathol 1994;14:709. Tavill AS. Clinical implications of the hemochromatosis gene. N Engl J
Kay MA, et al. Hepatic gene-therapy: persistent expression of human Med 1999;341:755–757.
alpha-1-antitrypsin in dogs after autologous transplantation of retro- Wilson JM. Ex vivo gene therapy of familial hypercholesterolemia. Hum
viral transduced hepatocytes. PNAS 1992;89:89–92. Gene Ther 1992;3:179–222.
Appendix 1
The Metabolic Disease Autopsy
The metabolic autopsy should be performed as soon after death as For electron microscopy, samples of both gray and white matter of
possible, preferably within 2 h. the brain, skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, heart, and, if available,
placenta, should be finely diced into 1-mm cubes and fixed in 2.5%
FLUID SAMPLES glutaraldehyde. In the case of a chondrodysplasia, cartilage should
1. Blood. Blood centrifuged for serum and the sediment saved also be sampled and exmined by electron microscopy, biochemical
for red blood cells, or first add an anticoagulant for preserva- analysis, histochemistry, and molecular studies.
tion of plasma. Molecular and DNA analysis. For molecular and DNA analysis,
2. Urine. Urine should be obtained by aspirating any urine tissue samples from liver and spleen should be obtained, placed in
present in the bladder or by pressure on the bladder after expo- plastic labeled vials, snap-frozen in isopentane, and retained frozen.
sure and collecting the specimen in a test tube held over the Enzyme histochemistry. For enzyme histochemistry, tissues are
urethral opening. The latter is frequently more satisfactory than snap-frozen and processed for enzyme analysis. This is usually
needle aspiration. performed on skeletal muscle specimens.
3. Cerebrospinal fluid. In an infant with an open anterior fon- Radiologic studies. Radiologic studies with a complete skeletal
tanelle, aspirate by needle from a lateral ventricle. In an older survey are best done using a FAXITRON if the patient is a fetus or
child, aspirate by cisternal puncture with the child sitting up- small infant; otherwise conventional X-ray films can be taken.
wards with hyperflexed neck. A needle can be inserted between Chromosomal analysis. Chromosomal analysis is performed
the atlas and axis vertebrae and cerebrospinal fluid aspirated. from cultured fibroblasts or cultured blood or bone marrow. Other
This method yields more fluid than a lumbar puncture. tissue can be used, for example, lung, kidney, or cartilage, if mosaic-
4. Vitreous humor. Vitreous humor can be aspirated from the ism is suspected.
Microbiological, virologic, and toxicologic studies. Micro-
eye through a needle inserted through the sclera.
biological, virologic, and toxicologic studies may be performed on
body fluids and tissue samples when appropriate. Of paramount
TISSUE SAMPLES importance in the metabolic autopsy is good photography of the
Tissue samples for enzyme histochemistry, immunocytochemistry, external appearance with multiple views including whole body, face,
and electron microscopy should be obtained as quickly as possible. hands, feet, ears, genitalia, and pictures of the external and cut surfaces
These samples should be cut into 5-mm cubes and collected into of the organs.
plastic vials, labeled, snap-frozen in isopentane, and stored frozen at Histology. For histology, one should be aware of the use of specific
–70°C. Samples should include brain, kidney, skeletal muscle, liver, fixatives for specific types of metabolic diseases. For examples, for
heart, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve (sural or sciatic). Other tissues glycogen storage diseases and cystinosis, tissue should be fixed in
may be useful depending on the type of suspected metabolic disease. alcohol because glycogen and cystine are soluble in water-based
One frontal lobe of the brain should be retained frozen. fixative such as formalin. In the case of mucopolysaccharidosis, the
Skin or fascia lata. Skin or fascia lata should be taken and placed best fixative is cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB).
in tissue culture medium for fibroblast culture. Blood and bone To retain the original color of the organs, particularly for photog-
marrow may also be cultured. raphy, the organs can be placed in Jores solution.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Appendix 2
Handling Tissues for Molecular Diagnosis
Molecule Type of test Example Requirements
Protein Immunohistochemistry Infections (CMV, parvovirus) Fixed; Frozen in OCT
Myopathy (typing, dystrophin)
Electrophoresis Thalassemia Frozen; refridg. blood
Western blot HIV testing Frozen; refridg. blood
ELISA/RIA TORCH serology Frozen; refridg. blood
HPLC Amino acid metabolic defect Frozen; refridg. blood
GC/MS Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome Frozen; refridg. blood
Enzyme assay Glycogen storage disease Frozen; refridg. blood
Protein processing Osteogenesis imperfecta Culture
DNA Southern blot Specific genes Frozen; culture
PCR Specific mutations Frozen; culture
(CF, MEN 2B)
FISH Aneuploidy Culture,
Deletion (VCFS) tough prep
Cytogenetics Aneuploidy Culture
(Confined placental mosaicism)
+ breakage study Fanconi
+ puffing assay Roberts
Flow cytometry Triploidy/tetraploidy Fresh; fixed
Comp. Genome Hybridization Deletions, amplifications Frozen
RNA RT-PCR ± sequence Specific genes (Achondroplasia) Frozen (<12 h)
Northern blot Expression level, mutation screen Frozen (<12 h)
ELISA/RIA, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/radioimmunoassay; HPLC, high-pressure liquid chromatography; GC/MS, gas chromatog-
raphy/mass spectrometry; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; RT-PCR, reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction; CMV, cytomegalovirus; TORCH, toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, and herpes simplex; CF, cystic
fibrosis; MEN 2B, multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B; VCFS, velocardiofacial syndrome; OCT, Tissue-Tek™ embedding medium.
From: Gilbert-Barness E, Barness L. Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology, Eaton Publishing, 2000.
Appendix 3 Appendix 4
Tissues Used for Diagnosis of Metabolic Disorders Biochemical Tests for Metabolic Disorders
Skin Urine
Fibroblasts Amino acids
Lysosomes (EM) Organic acids
Enzymes Carbohydrates
Conjunctiva Indoles
Lysosomes (EM) Imidazoles
Intestinal-neurogenic plexus (rectal biopsy) Mucopolysaccharides (random specimen)
Gangliosides Metachromasia
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Methemoglobin, myoglobin
Sphyngolipidosis Carnitine and esters
Niemann–Pick Plasma
Peripheral nerve Amino acids
Fabry Cerebrospinal fluid
Niemann–Pick Amino acids
Metachromatic leukodystrophy Lactate
Muscle Blood
Carnitine Chemical
Glycogen Lactate
Enzyme histochemistry Ammonia
Peripheral lymphocytes Pyruvate
Bone marrow Vacuolated lymphocytes in blood and bone marrow
Cystinosis Other
Gaucher Chromosomes
Niemann–Pick DNA technology, RFLP, probes
Amniocytes Serum (no anticoagulant)
Gaucher Enzymes
Mucopolysaccharidoses a- and b-galactosidase—a: Fabry, b: GM1
Gangliosidoses Arylsulfatase—A: Metachromatic, B: Maroteaux
Brain biopsy Biotinidase—Biotin enzymes
Severe neurologic deterioration when no other method available Hexosaminidase A & B—Tay-Sachs (GM2 type I
Cartilage-bone biopsy gangliosidosis)
Mucopolysaccharidosis —Sandhoff (GM2 type 2)
Skeletal dysplasia b-Glucuronidase—MPS VII
a-Glucosaminidase—Sanfilippo B
Oligosaccharidases—Mannosidosis, fucosidosis
MPS, Mucopolysaccharidosis; RFLP, restriction fragment length poly-
Appendix 5
Laboratories Performing Specialized Studies
A list of a number of laboratories performing metabolic studies can be accessed at:
Contains a web list of biochemical genetics laboratory services
A directory of medical genetics laboratories
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Filter paper screening for more than 25 metabolic diseases may be obtained from:
NeoGen Screening, Inc.
110 Roessler Road, Suite 200D
Pittsburg, PA 15220-9749
Laboratories that offer molecular testing for the specific genetic disorder:
Helix: a directory of medical genetics laboratories
Genline: a medical genetics knowledge database provides information on genetic tests for diagnosis, management, and counseling of
patients with inherited disorders.
Both services are free to healthcare providers but require registration.
Internet: http://healthlinks.washington.edu/helix/ http://healthlinks.washington.edu/genline/
Phone: 206-527-5742 206-221-4674
Fax: 206-527-5743 201-221-4679
e-mail: [email protected] Not available
A catalog of genetic syndromes with updated references is available through On-Line Mendelian Inheritance in Man OMIM (http://www3.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/). In general, OMIM does not provide specific testing sites, but often discusses the potential for molecular testing and
gives references than can be used to contact experts in the field.
Appendix 6
Reference Laboratories for Studies of Metabolic Liver Disease
Disease or metabolite Laboratory director Phone number
Mitochondriopathies Michaael Bennett (214) 648-4103
Fatty acid b-oxidation disorders U.T. Southwestern
Charles Leslie Hopple, M.D. (216) 791-3800 ex. 5657
VA Medical Center
Cleveland, OH
Salvatore Dimauro, M.D. [email protected]
College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, NY
Galactose metabolism Dr. Ernest Beutler (858) 784-8040
Scripp Clinic & Research Foundation
Porphyrias Dr. Joseph R. Bloomer (205) 975-9698
University of Alabama
Urea cycle diagnosis Dr. Saul Brusilow (410) 955-0885
The John Hopkins Hospital
Glycogen storage disease Y. T. Chen, M.D., Ph.D. (919) 684-2036
Duke University Medical Center
Crigler–Najjar Dr. J. Roy Chowdhury (718) 430-2265
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Wilson disease gene Diane W. Cox, Ph.D. (780) 492-0874
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
MDR-3 (flippase) deficiency R. P. Oude - Elferin K [email protected]
HMG-CoA lyase Mike Gibson (214) 820-4533
Baylor Research Institute, Dallas
Glutaric aciduria Stephen I. Goodman (303) 315-7301
Univ Colorado Health Science Center
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Daniel Hale, M.D. (215) 590-3420
The Children’s Hospital of Philadephia
Appendix 6 (Continued)
Disease or metabolite Laboratory director Phone number
Peroxisomal studies Dr. Paul Lazarow (212) 241-1505
Mt Sinai School of Medicine
Glutathione synthease Dr. Alton Meister (212) 472-6212
Cornell University Medical Center
Peroxisomal disorders Dr. Hugo Moser (410) 550-9405
The Kennedy Institute, Hopkins
Galactosemia Won G. Ng, Ph.D. (213) 669-2271
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles
Niemann–Pick disease type C Peter G. Pentchev, Ph.D. (301) 496-3285
National Institute of Health
Glutaric aciduria William J. Rhead, M.D., Ph.D. (319) 356-2674
b-Oxidation disorders University of Iowa Hospital & Clinic
Medium chain Acyl-CoA Piero Rinaldo, M.D. (507) 284-5859
Dehydrogenase deficiency Mayo
Lactic acidosis Brian Robinson, Ph.D. (416) 598-5989
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Carnitine assay Dr. Charles Roe (214) 820-4533
Acylcarnitine profile Dallas
Bile acids K. Setchell (513) 559-8442
SCHAD, LCHAD, VLCAD Arnold Strauss (314) 454-2058
Washington University
MPS oligosaccharidoses fucosidase Jerry Thompson (205) 934-1081
U. Alabama-Birmingham
Medical Genetics
Hereditary fructose intolerance Dean Tolan (617) 353-5310
Boston U
Mitochondrial disorders John M. Shoffner, M.D. (404) 250-2650
Emory University
Enzyme assays for biotin- Larry Sweetman, Ph.D. (214) 820-4533
dependent carboxylases Baylor University—Dallas
PFIC-2 (BSEP deficiency) Richard Thompson [email protected]
Copper studies Tonne Tonneson, Ph.D. 45-42-96-86-12
Menkes John F. Kennedy Institute FAX 45-43-43-11-30
Lysosomal storage disease Georgirene D. Vludatin, Ph.D. (716) 878-7513
Children’s Hospital of Buffalo FAX (716) 878-7980
Leukocyte lysosomal enzyme screen David A. Wenger, Ph.D. (215) 955-1666
Jefferson Medical College
3-Ketothiolase deficiency Seiji Yamaguchi, M.D. 81-582-65-1241 (X 2289)
Gifu University School of Medicine FAX 81-582-65-9011
Amino acids and organic acids, argininosuccinic William O’Brien, Ph.D. (713) 798-5484
aciduria carbamylophosphate synthetase Baylor College of Medicine
deficiency, citrullinemia, galactosemia Gaucher’s Biochemical Genetics Laboratory
disease, MCAD analysis, multiple carboxylase
deficiency Niemann–Pick disease, OTC deficiency
plasma and CSF, sialidosis, urine succinyl-acetone
(tyrosinemia), urine carnitine, urine, Wolman’s
and cholesterol ester storage
Genetic testing for hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis, Ben Roa, M.D. (713) 798-6584
a1-AT Baylor College of Medicine
DEFINITION • Age younger than 1 yr but outside the 3-wk to 8-mo range.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a postmortem diag- • Similar deaths in siblings or other close genetic relatives
nosis that identifies an infant, usually less than 1 yr old, who dies that are not considered suspicious for infanticide (genetic
a sudden and unexpected natural death during sleep and the consultation indicated).
cause of death is not apparent after autopsy. The differential • Inflammatory changes or other abnormalities somewhat
diagnosis of SIDS from other causes of infant death is often greater than usual for Category I but not sufficient to be
difficult. Even after an adequate autopsy, approx 85% of cases an unequivocal cause of death.
of sudden death in infants (including SIDS) remain unexplained; • Cases in which accidental asphyxia is considered possible
the other 15% comprise a variety of explained disorders. but not certain.
The accepted definition of SIDS is the sudden death of an Depending on specific features of each case and the prefer-
infant less than 1 yr of age that remains unexplained after a thor- ence of the certifying pathologist, such cases can be designated
ough case investigation, including performance of a complete as Category I or II SIDS, or as undetermined cause. A diagnosis
autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clin- of suffocation or asphyxia in a case that would otherwise fit Cate-
ical history. gory I SIDS should be made only with strong supporting evi-
A recent proposed definition by Beckwith for SIDS is the dence. At times infants may, during a death struggle, experience
following: The generic definition is the sudden and unexpected effects that falsely suggest mechanical asphyxia.
death of an infant younger than 1 yr and usually beyond the CATEGORY III SIDS Although performance of a com-
immediate perinatal period, which remains unexplained after a plete autopsy is a mandatory prerequisite to a diagnosis of SIDS,
thorough case investigation, including performance of a com- in some developing nations, religious groups, or economic set-
plete autopsy and review of the circumstances of death and of the tings, it is difficult or impossible. Category III SIDS is suggested
clinical history. Onset of the lethal episode presumably occurred solely for purposes of developing statistical data from such
during sleep (i.e., the infant was not known to be awake). Minor situations and is intended to apply to those cases that seem to
inflammatory infiltrates or other abnormalities insufficient to fit the generic criteria for SIDS but in which no autopsy is per-
explain the death are acceptable. formed. It should not be considered an acceptable alternative to
Subset definitions follow. autopsy in most developed societies.
CATEGORY I SIDS An infant death that meets the generic A complete international standardized autopsy protocol for
criteria and in addition all of the following standards: sudden infant death has been formulated. The characteristic
• Age between 3 wk and 8 mo. features of SIDS are shown in Table 1.
• No similar deaths in siblings, close genetic relatives, or Sudden, unexplained infant death continues to be the sec-
other infants in custody of same caregiver. ond leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. As
• No evidence of significant trauma, abuse, neglect, or with total infant mortality rates, rates of SIDS have been slowly
accident. declining in recent years. However, they remain disproportion-
• No evidence of unexplained moderate or severe stress in ately higher among blacks than among whites.
thymus, adrenals, or other organs and tissues. Several risk factors have been identified (Table 2). The major
risk factor is the prone sleeping position. In 1999, the incidence
Intrathoracic petechial hemorrhages are a supportive but of SIDS was 1.6 in 1000 live births in the United States. In the
not an obligatory or diagnostic finding. United Kingdom the incidence was 2.5 in 1000 live births.
CATEGORY II SIDS An infant death that meets the crite- After adoption of the supine sleeping position for infants, the
ria for Category I SIDS except for one or more of the following incidence fell to 0.7 in 1000 live births.
features: A diagnosis of SIDS for infants younger than 1 mo and older
than 6 mo should be made with caution and only after all pos-
sible causes are excluded, particularly metabolic diseases.
Eighty-five percent of deaths from SIDS occur in infants between
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness 2 and 4 mo of age, and 95% occur in those under 6 mo of age.
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ The lower incidence of SIDS in infants under 1 mo of age may
Table 1 diseases that can result in sudden infant death, for example,
Characteristic Features of SIDS muscle disorders, seizures, and so forth. The circumstances of
• Occurrence between 2 and 4 mo: 85% death define the manner as natural or unnatural, for example,
• Occurrence less than 6 mo: 95% accident, homicide. The autopsy examination uncovers lethal
• Occurrence between midnight and 9 A.M. 90% lesions, for example, myocarditis, septicemia.
• Increases with birth order
• Males affected more than females ROUTINE AUTOPSY PROTOCOL
• Race: In the United States, incidence higher in Native Americans 1. Speak with the coroner and obtain detailed investigation
and African Americans specifics of the death scene and circumstances of death.
2. Photographs of the body including front, side, and back
Table 2 views.
Risk Factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 3. X-ray films including full skeletal survey.
4. Complete autopsy with complete anatomical dissection
Prone sleeping position a
including brain and spinal cord.
Apgar scores < 6 at 5 min 5. Cultures for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, viruses,
Intensive neonatal care requirement and if indicated fungi of:
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia a. Blood from left heart (reduce chance of postmortem
Anemia contamination form intestinal flora).
Twins b. Lungs.
Previous acute life-threatening event
c. Epiglottis.
Sibling with SIDS
Maternal d. Gastrointestinal tract including tests for botulism if
Anemia indicated.
Smoking a e. Tracheobronchial tree.
Alcohol and drug abuse f. Cerebrospinal fluid by cisternal tap. Sterilize the skin
Maternal age < 20 yr of the lower posterior skull and upper neck with
Other Betadine followed by 70% isopropyl alcohol or other
Soft bedding
technique. Using a sterile needle (spinal, or at least
Ethnicity 1 1/2 in long), enter the midline at the level of the
Socioeconomic status second cervical posterior spine, angling upward approx
Cultural influences 10°, aiming for the foramen magnum. Usually, a slight
Lack of breast feeding a “give” will be felt when the needle enters the sub-
Co-sleeping dural space. Deeper penetration should be avoided.
a The most important risk factors. Typically, 5–10 mL of sterile fluid can be aspirated.
g. Urine. Analysis of abnormal fatty acid metabolites in
urine is the major diagnostic tool used to detect a
be explained by the effectiveness of gasping during the first disorder of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Only
month and not thereafter. 0.1 mL is required. Most of the defects present with
dicarboxylic aciduria; the only exceptions are carni-
ENVIRONMENTAL VS GENETIC DISORDERS tine transport (CT) and carnitine palmitoyl transferase
The initiating events for most deaths from SIDS do not (CPT) deficiencies. Some defects (e.g., medium-chain
appear to be related to a single major gene segregating in a acyl-CoA dehydrogense [MCAD] deficiency) dem-
Mendelian fashion. However, siblings of SIDS victims do have onstrate in addition a characteristic excretion pattern
a slightly higher frequency of SIDS than is present in the gen- of acylglycines and acylcarnitines. Unfortunately,
eral population. Maternal cigarette smoking, third trimester urine often is not available at postmortem examina-
decreases in maternal diastolic blood pressure to values < 60 tion; in a recent study of SIDS, urine was found to be
mmHg, the use of cocaine or amphetamines during pregnancy, present in only 40% of subjects even when the blad-
and pregnancy with twins have been risk factors for SIDS. Fetal der was opened at autopsy. However, swabbing the
hemoglobin has been found in the blood of many victims of bladder wall with a cotton ball often provides suffi-
SIDS, an evidence of predeath hypoxemia. In addition to SIDS, cient material for metabolite analysis. Urine and swab
maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy and pregnancy samples should be stored -20°C.
with twins also increase the levels of fetal hemoglobin in the h. Vitreous humor. This material is always available at
blood of neonates. autopsy. It has been postulated as a useful alternative
body fluid for the detection of abnormal metabolites
THE SUDDEN INFANT DEATH AUTOPSY in the diagnosis of diseases presenting with organic
SIDS cases are under the jurisdiction of the medical exam- aciduria.
iner/coroner. Each case is diagnosed after evaluation of the i. Examination of the middle ears. The middle ears may
information obtained from medical records, circumstances of be a source of sepsis. To examine the middle ears,
death, and autopsy. The medical history indicates underlying remove the petrous portions of the temporal bones.
Incise the lateral aspect of the petrous ridge where it Galactose, fructose, uridyltransferase
is continuous with the temporal bone with bone scis- Triglycerides, urate
sors, and if necessary, a mechanical saw. Incise the A blood sample may be frozen as whole blood for future
bone near the sella: extend the incision anteriorly and DNA analysis; the remainder should be separated and
laterally to meet the lateral incision. After these inci- stored at -20° or -70°C as plasma and cells.
sions are completed, the petrous bone may be removed, 2. On the perchlorate sample:
exposing the middle ear cavity. Take cultures of puru- Lactate, pyruvate
lent exudates if they are present. Acetoacetate, b-hydroxybutyrate
j. Myocardium if suspicious for myocarditis. 3. On the urine sample:
6. Blood sample, 1.5 mL in anticoagulant (purple top tube) Quantitative aminoacids
for fetal hemoglobin. Detailed organic acid analysis (GC/MS)
7. Urine in bladder. Obtain a sample for amino acids by 4. Skin biopsy samples, part to be stored frozen, and part
chromatography. for fibroblast culture. For genetic studies and for the
8. After removal of the brain, take the specimen from level evaluation of some defects that cannot be performed in
of mamillary bodies to include brainstem and cerebel- other tissues, a small skin biopsy specimen should be
lum. Freeze immediately at 70°C. collected under sterile conditions into tissue culture
The Global Strategy Task Force (GSTF) was organized jointly medium containing 1% dimethyl sulfoxide and frozen at
by members of SIDS International and the National Institute –70°C.
of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of the US Samples of tissues should be taken as soon after death
National Institutes of Health. as possible or even prior to autopsy:
An International SIDS autopsy protocol (ISAP) was formu- a. A sample of liver.
lated and has been published. (See Appendix 1 at the end of this b. A sample of skeletal muscle.
chapter.) c. A sample of hair.
5. Samples for the diagnosis of fatty acid oxidation defects
METABOLIC STUDIES are particularly important.
The investigation of this group should consist of withdrawal Specimen Metabolites Enzymes
of blood samples prior to the commencement of the autopsy. Blood (whole) X
Plasma (serum) X
1. A heparinized blood sample. The volume of blood Urine X
obtained will depend on age and other factors, but should Vitreous humor X
be at least 5 mL if possible. A “dipstick” test for glucose Liver Xa X
may be performed on an aliquot taken at this time. Heart muscle Xa X
2. A sample for acid–base and blood gas measurement. Skeletal muscle Xa X
3. A sample placed perchlorate acid for the measurement Skin fibroblasts b X
of intermediary metabolites. aAcylcarnitines; bessential for carnitine transport studies.
4. A urine sample, as large a volume as possible, as soon as
possible after the acute event, if necessary by catheter-
ization or suprapubic aspiration. BED-RELATED DEATHS
5. If a CSF sample is obtained, a portion should be stored AND THE PRONE SLEEPING POSITION
at -20°C. Infants may die unexpectedly in the prone position. In pro-
vocative experimental work, Emery and Thornton in 1968 stud-
The initial assays should include:
ied the cadavers of infants between the ages of 6 and 9 wk who
• Electrolytes and urea had been found dead in their cribs. They measured resistance
• Glucose to the flow of air pumped through the upper respiratory tract
• Ammonia (this should be available as an emergency) when the body of the infant was placed face down on a pillow.
• A transaminase If the pillow was damp, as may occur from the moisture of
• Simple “spot” tests: Cinitest, Clinistix, 2:4 DNPH, cyanide/ respiration or vomitus, the mean increase in pressure was 235%.
nitroprusside An exceptionally low rate of sudden infant death has been
• Phenostix observed in Asian countries, with an incidence of 0.04 in 1000
• Chromatography of amino acids, sugars, organic acids live births. In Asian cultures, the supine sleeping position is
almost universal.
Further investigations will depend on the results of these
Beal and others observed the incidence of SIDS in New Zea-
initial tests. These include the following, which is not an exhaus-
land to be increased among the Maoris, who almost invariably
tive list:
used the prone position for their babies. The recommendation
1. On blood/plasma: to change sleeping position resulted in a decrease of more
Amino acids (quantitative) than 50% in the SIDS rate among infants in New Zealand, and
Insulin/cortisol Australia.
The three major risk factors for sudden infant death in Great
Britain, Australia, and New Zealand were found to be the prone
sleeping position, maternal smoking, and absence of breast feed-
ing. Among those, the prone position was the most significant.
All three factors were independent but appeared to account for
70% of deaths.
Even when the sleeping surface is not markedly compress-
ible, an infant who has the physiologic capacity to respond
appropriately to a challenge, such as an elevated carbon diox-
ide level, might die if there is failure to lift and turn the head,
a response of which most newborn infants are capable. This
may explain why a compromised infant may die in the prone
position (with nose down) even on a surface not perceived to
be particularly dangerous. The exact position of the baby’s face
at the time of death, the surface on which the infant is found, Fig. 1. Petechial hemorrhage on the surface of the thymus.
whether the baby was lying prone, and whether the face and
nose were pressed should be ascertained in any case of sudden
infant death in the prone position.
For infants asleep on waterbeds at the time of death, the
following information should be ascertained: the filling and
tenseness of the mattress and whether it is free-floating or
baffled; whether the infant’s head could create a sinkhole in the
mattress, and whether the infant’s head was trapped between
the mattress and the bed frame. The hazards of mattresses, beds
(particularly waterbeds), and bedding have been reported in a
series of 52 sudden infant deaths in which 20 resulted from
suffocation owing to the design of the mattress or bedding.
If the infant is discovered some appreciable time after death,
the pattern of livor mortis will usually be of help in establishing
which part of the infant’s face was compressed when death
In light of present understanding the pathologist must con-
sider the following:
1. The nature of the surface on which the baby was resting,
Fig. 2. Gross appearance of hyperinflated lungs.
that is, was it soft and compressible? Could it have been
indented by the weight of the baby’s head? Would it
have caused obstruction of the airway because it was
nonporous, or re-breathing had the infant’s nose been
“trapped” in it?
2. The position of the baby’s nose. Was it straight down are said to be classic findings or typical of SIDS and include
into that surface so that either occlusion or re-breathing thymic (Fig. 1), pleural, and epicardial petechiae. Petechiae
was inevitable? limited to the thoracic cavity are seen in approx 80% of SIDS
After a 2-yr intense investigation, the U.S. Consumer Prod- cases. This is the single most frequent and positive finding in
uct Safety Commission in 1995 concluded that at least 30% of SIDS, although their absence does not exclude the diagnosis.
SIDS deaths each year are most likely caused by suffocation. Furthermore, their presence is not pathognomonic for SIDS.
The petechiae are found on the visceral and the parietal serosal
RISK FACTORS VS PREDICTION surfaces of the thorax. They are not seen on the peritoneal side
Maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy, maternal ane- of the diaphragm. The lungs are frequently hyperaerated (Fig. 2)
mia, and prone sleeping position should be avoided. Premature with pulmonary congestion and pulmonary edema; extrame-
babies have a higher risk than do full-term babies. Approximately dullary hematopoiesis is usually present in the liver (Fig. 3). The
75% of infants with SIDS have had no clinical risk factors. pathologic changes seen in suffocation/asphyxia cannot be
clearly distinguished from SIDS although hemorrhages in the
GROSS AND MICROSCOPIC AUTOPSY FINDINGS lungs and thymus tend to be larger (Fig. 4) and the face blanched
In the typical SIDS autopsy no disease process that accounts with compression of the nose (Fig. 5) if the infant is found in
for death is found. There may be very little pathologic alter- the prone position.
ation in any of the organs that is detectable by ordinary means. The chambers of the heart usually contain liquid blood. The
Nevertheless, certain lesions are commonly encountered. These thoracic veins may be engorged. Mild interstitial lymphocytic
Fig. 4. Multiple large hemorrhages in the thymus in asphyxial death Many of the abnormalities found in SIDS may be related to
due to suffocation. hypoxemia, as first suggested by Naeye. Evidence of chronic
hypoxemia includes: elevated blood levels of fetal hemoglo-
bin, normoblastic hyperplasia in the bone marrow, increased
hepatic erythropoiesis, abnormal retention of brown fat around
abdominal organs, and increased numbers of neuroendocrine
cells in the epithelial lining of the airways. Evidence of chronic
alveolar hypoventilation include increased muscle in small
pulmonary arteries, retained or reappearance of arterioles in
the pulmonary circulation, and increased muscle in the wall of
the cardiac right ventricle.
Eighty percent of the victims of SIDS have increased levels
of hypoxanthine in the vitreous humor, a well-recognized con-
sequence of severe, sustained hypoxemia. Victims of SIDS
have had high lactic acid levels in the vitreous humor, another
marker of antecedent hypoxemia.
Elevated or normal numbers of lymphocytes and normo-
Fig. 5. Blanching of the forehead and cheek with mucus extruding
from the nose in an infant who died from asphyxia in the prone position. blasts in the infant’s blood can sometimes be used to determine
the time at which severe hypoxemia began before death. The
time that these two types of cells enter an infant’s blood in large
numbers is an accurate indicator of the time that severe hypoxe-
infiltrates and a few intraalveolar neutrophils may be found but mia began. Lymphocyte counts have been observed to increase
are insufficient to be considered the cause of death. The adrenal to >10,000/cc within 1 h and normoblasts to >2000/cc within
glands are normal but the periadrenal adipose tissue has a fetal 2 h of the start of severe hypoxemia. Counts of both cell types
Table 4
Genetic Defects of Long QT Syndromes
Type Inheritance Chromosome Gene Protein Features
LQTS1 Autosomal dominant 11p15.5 KVLQT1 K+ channel Sudden death with excitement
LQTS2 Autosomal dominant 7q35 HERG K+ channel Exacerbated by hypokalemia
LQTS3 Autosomal dominant 3p21 SCN5A Na+ channel Resting and exercise bradycardia
LQTS4 Autosomal dominant 4q25-27 ? ? Prominent U waves on ECG
LGTS5 Autosomal dominant ? ? ? ?
Jervell/Lange-Nielsen Autosomal recessive 11p15.5 KVLQT1 K+ channel Congenital deafness
Fig. 7. (A) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heart with bulging of the left ventricular outflow tract. (B) Microscopic section showing stubby
myocardial fibers in disarray.
chamber. These single masses are not associated with other Two distinct forms of congenital LQTS have been described.
congenital cardiac abnormalities. The Romaino–Ward LQTS is inherited in an autosomal domi-
The multiple rhabdomyomas of the heart in tuberous sclero- nant pattern with no associated phenotypic features. The Jervell
sis may be a cause of sudden, unexpected death in infants. Pre- and Lange-Nielson LQTS is associated with congenital senso-
sumably, one or more of the hamartomas cause death by pro- rineural deafness, and follows autosomal recessive inheritance.
ducing a fatal arrhythmia because of their close proximity to To date, autosomal dominant LQTS has been separated into
the conduction system. five groups (LQTS1–LQTS5) (Table 4), in four of which dis-
On gross inspection the rhabdomyomas are seen scattered at tinct loci have been identified on chromosomes 11p15, 7q35,
random about the wall of the heart, sharply demarcated and 3p21, and 4q25. Likely candidate genes identified for three of
strikingly paler than the surrounding myocardium. They range these loci code for two different potassium channels (LQTS1,
from microscopic size to 2 cm in diameter. On microscopic LQTS2), and a voltage-regulated sodium channel (LQTS3). The
inspection they are seen to consist of many large, vacuolated, autosomal recessive form (Jervell and Lange-Nielsen LQTS2)
clear myocardial cells, the cytoplasm of which is filled with has been shown to be due to a homozygous novel mutation (as
glycogen. These are called spider cells and are characteristic of opposed to heterozygous in the dominant LQTS1) in the same
the lesion and unique to it. KVLQ1 potassium channel gene responsible for LQTS1. The
CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS A variety of cardiac arrhyth- LQT4 remains unknown.
mias have been recorded in infants who become victims of sud- There is strong evidence of an association between SIDS
den infant death. Cardiac abnormalities that may precede death and the LQTS. Electrocardiograms on the third or fourth day of
in SIDS victims include bradycardia (sometimes preceded by life in 34,442 Italian newborns were prospectively followed
tachycardia), impaired cardiac repolarization, multifocal atrial for 1 yr. During this period, 34 of the children died, 24 of them
tachycardia, short R–R interval on electrocardiogram during from SIDS. The victims of SIDS were found to have longer QT
REM sleep, and prolonged QT interval on electrocardiogram. intervals.
Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) The LQTS is a heterogene- OTHER CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS
ous group of disorders characterized by a prolongation of the THAT MAY RESULT IN SUDDEN INFANT DEATH
corrected QT interval (Qtc) on the surface electrocardiogram, Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy Histiocytoid cardiomy-
seizures, syncope, and sudden death. Mortality is presumably opathy is characterized by cardiomegaly, incessant ventricular
due to cerebral hypoperfusion during a malignant ventricular tachycardia, and frequently sudden death in the first 2 yr of life.
tachycardia known as torsades de pointes. Female preponderance is approx 4:1. Most cases (90%) present
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UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION Large numbers of Hopkins University Press, 1988.
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Appendix 1
International Standardized Autopsy Protocol for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
Decedents Name Local Accession Number
Age/Sex Ethnicity
Date of Birth Date/Time of Death
Date/Time of Autopsy Pathologist
County/District Country
Decedent’s Name
Accession Number
The circumstances under which a death is reported to the guishes medicolegal issues from those of private medical prac-
medical examiner or coroner vary by locality. In most instances tice. Only five possible manners of death are identified (Table 1).
the death is reported by a physician, police officer, paramedic, or When the initial autopsy is conducted by the pediatric path-
hospital nursing supervisor. Familiarity with local laws regard- ologist prior to determination of the medicolegal issues, an
ing reporting is especially important for the pathologist. awareness of basic forensic concepts is imperative to preserve
Unexpected deaths include: the medical facts and evidence for future analysis. Competent
infant death investigation requires careful coordination of the
1. Deaths from unnatural causes, including accidents and
many disciplines participating in health care delivery, emer-
acts of violence (homicide, suicide).
gency responders, law enforcement, and the medical examiner
2. Deaths associated with burns or chemical, electrical, or
or coroner’s office. Many states have developed comprehen-
radiation injury.
sive infant death investigation guidelines. Individuals responsi-
3. Maternal deaths resulting from abortion.
ble for infant autopsies should be familiar with these guidelines
4. Deaths under suspicious circumstances.
before initiating the postmortem examination.
5. Deaths that occur during, in association with, or as a
The pediatric forensic autopsy begins with an investigation of
result of diagnostic, therapeutic, or anesthetic procedures.
the death scene (Table 2), the cornerstone of competent foren-
6. Deaths due to neglect.
sic medicine. In many instances, this may be performed by, or
7. Stillbirths of 20 weeks’ or longer gestation unattended
in conjunction with, law enforcement officials. These individu-
by a physician, or in which maternal drug use is suspected
als may need assistance or guidance from the pathologist. Exten-
or documented.
sive details are required in a thorough death investigation. A
8. Sudden deaths of persons not disabled by disease (sud-
scene investigation usually starts where the body is discovered.
den infant death syndrome [SIDS] deaths are reportable
In situations of child abuse, several “scenes” may be examined,
under this guideline).
including where the assault took place, the site from which the
9. Unexpected deaths of persons notwithstanding a history
body was moved, the hospital or emergency room (ER) where
of underlying disease.
death may have taken place, the victim’s and (when known) the
10. Deaths occurring outside a hospital or nursing home, or
suspect’s clothing, and trace and physical evidence.
any deaths not attended by a physician.
To confirm child abuse at autopsy, the pathologist must
11. Any death of a child who has not been seen by a physi-
establish the cause of death; document all injuries, both lethal
cian within the preceding 90 d.
and nonlethal; and exclude natural disease as the cause of death.
The cause of death is the disease or injury responsible for Body height, weight, head circumference, and organ weight
initiating the chain of physiologic events resulting in death. should be compared to normal standards for age and height. All
The proximate cause of death is the disease or injury that ini- bruises, skin lesions, and internal injuries should be measured,
tiates an uninterrupted series of events terminating in death (the described in detail, drawn or sketched, and photographed; it is
event that leads to death). The immediate cause of death is the not adequate to record that the child suffered “multiple bruises”
responsible or foreseeable complication of the initiating dis- or “multiple fractures.” Although each injury must be described
ease or injury (what killed the individual at a particular time in detail, when presenting the information to police, lawyers, or
and place). The mechanism of death, on the other hand, refers a jury, it helps clarify the injuries by grouping bruises in some
to the physiologic derangement or biochemical disturbance way, for example, “ten recent bruises on head and five old
produced by the cause of death that is incompatible with life. bruises on the head.” Printed diagrams or free-hand sketches of
On a typical death certificate the mechanism is listed first, fol- external surfaces of the body, skeleton, and skull are useful for
lowed by the cause. locating injuries and should be identified with the victim’s name
The manner of death refers to the circumstances in which the and date and place of autopsy and signed by the prosector. All
death occurred. Determination of the manner of death distin- body orifices and the genitals should be examined. The thick-
ness of the subcutaneous fat should be recorded. Because deep
bruising may not be evident on the skin surface, incisions into
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert-Barness the buttocks and soles of the feet are advisable, especially when
and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ skin pigmentation prevents identification of bruising.
Table 1
Manners of Death
Natural causes Death resulting from disease
Accident Death resulting from an unforeseen, inadvertent or otherwise unintentional action, by
either the deceased, another person, or act of God
Suicide Death resulting from the deliberate action of self-damage by the deceased, where
anticipated or expected result is death
Homicide Death of one individual as the result of the actions of another, either lawful or unlawful
Undetermined Death where circumstances cannot be established with reasonable certainty
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-
Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 2
Investigation of the Death Scene
Home or Incident Site Body
Geographic location Terminal position
Comparison to other neighboring dwellings Was it moved or altered?
Appearance of dwelling Pattern of lividity
State of repair Presence of rigor mortis
Degree of cleanliness Evaluate body and room temperature
State and appropriateness of furnishings Odor
Dangerous environmental conditions Hygiene
Presence of paints, solvents, or other chemicals Apparent state of health
Presence of rodent or insect infestation Resuscitation attempted
Interior and exterior ambient temperature Type and extent, duration
Weather conditions Attire or bedding
Nature and quality of clothing Toys or objects near body
Amount and type of available food Hairbrush
Condition and appearance of siblings Belt
Behavior of parents and others present Utensils
Presence of paraphernalia suggestive of drug abuse Tools
Condition and safety of electric and plumbing fixtures Presence of purge or exudates
Scald cases Trauma
Water temperature at faucet Odors
Water temperature at water heater Obtain evidence
Heights of tubs, sinks, and fixtures Stains
Photographs, measurements, and drawings of the general and Blood
specific scene Medications
Fall cases Objects
Surface impacted Documentation
Footing or evidence of tripping Photograph
Height of fall Sketch
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year Book,
Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Unless the dura is stripped from the base of the skull, basal until analysis can be performed because these analyses are
fractures can be missed. The middle ears should be examined impossible once tissue is fixed in formalin.
for infection and any exudate should be cultured. The spinal Proper handling of specimens includes placing and sealing
cord, particularly in the cervical region, must be examined by damp articles in clean, dry, labeled paper bags to avoid mildew
removing the vertebral arches posteriorly. All viscera, includ- growth and contamination. Photographs are valuable in track-
ing brain (which should include cortex, basal ganglia, thala- ing and supporting the reconstruction of evidence.
mus, several levels of brainstem, and cerebellum) and spinal An adequate history explaining the circumstances of death
cord, thymus, lungs and upper airway, heart, liver, spleen, kid- is of vital importance.
ney, gut, endocrine glands, lymph nodes, pancreas, gonads, Radiologic examination (Table 3) is necessary, especially
bone marrow, skeletal muscle, and any lesions should be exam- in suspected child abuse cases. Adequate studies are often per-
ined microscopically. Vitreous humor should be analyzed for formed before death in children who survive for a time in the
electrolyte concentration. Blood, urine, and tissue should be hospital; these need not be repeated if the films are available.
saved for microbiological study and toxicologic analysis. All Any death not due to “natural causes” must be reported to
specimens, including swabs, should be analyzed as soon as the appropriate legal authority: the coroner or medical exam-
possible or stored in a refrigerator or frozen, as appropriate, iner. Physicians caring for a child should have complied with
Table 3
Suggested Radiographic Views to Confirm
Suspected Child Abuse at Postmortem Examination
AP and lateral skull
AP torso to include chest, abdomen, and pelvis
Decubitis views of torso may be useful if free air is suspected
AP of upper and lower extremities
Arms and forearms should be done separately; hands and feet are
not usually included
Extremity joints (individual AP views)
Right and left shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle
Lateral view of entire spine
Individual views of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine
Radiographic examination during course of autopsy may provide
additional documentation, e.g., removal of ribs, high-detail
radiography for metaphyseal fractures
AP, Anteroposterior.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Fig. 1. Subperiosteal new bone formation in callus owing to frac-
ture of humerus.
the law and informed the child protection agencies while the of the hands and feet raise suspicion of abuse. Abuse after the
child was alive, or the coroner if the child’s death was known neonatal period is a likely etiology for single or side-to-side
to be due to negligence, manslaughter, or murder. The coroner compression that produces midaxillary rib fractures.
issues a warrant for an autopsy, and the autopsy may be per- Healing of skull fractures does not usually become evident
formed either by a forensic pathologist associated with the radiographically until 4–6 wk after the injury, whereas peri-
coroner or by any pathologist or other physician, depending on osteal new bone or callus becomes evident following fractures
local arrangements. of other bones within 7–10 d in infants and 10–20 d in children.
Once radiograph evidence of healing appears, radiographic
criteria may be applied for estimating fracture age (Table 4).
RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION Radiographically detectable extraskeletal injuries include
Premortem radiographs reveal sites of osseous and soft tis- subdural, epidural, and intracranial hematomas; lung contu-
sue injury; sonographs and computerized tomographs locate sions and lacerations; duodenal or jejunal hematomas, bowel
injuries to the brain, heart, and abdominal and pelvic organs; and rupture, pancreatic pseudocysts; liver, spleen, and kidney lac-
radionuclide scans demonstrate unsuspected skeletal fractures. erations; retroperitoneal hematomas; ruptured thoracic duct;
A skull fracture or sutural diastasis secondary to a subdural and pericardial effusion.
hematoma could result from abuse or accident, but a skull frac- Adequate photographs are of vital importance and often used
ture associated with a metaphyseal injury or multiple rib frac- for review by other experts, as well as in court.
tures indicates an abused child. Metaphyseal injuries to long In the external examination (Table 5), confirmation of iden-
bones in infants due to violent shaking or swinging by the tification, evidence of therapy, and the presence of injuries
extremities are diagnostic of child abuse. Small metaphyseal must all be detailed. Internal examination (Table 6) should
avulsion fractures or uneven and fragmented metaphyseal sur- document internal injury, evidence of therapy, and disease.
faces are early radiographic signs of trauma. Within 7–12 d Appropriate quantities routine sampling of tissues and fluids
after an injury, periosteal new bone, often in abundance, forms are shown in Table 7.
about the metaphysis and extends along the length of the shaft Histopathologic examination consists of routine micro-
(Fig. 1). New bone may continue to form around the junction scopic sections from visceral and soft tissue injuries, placental
of the metaphysis and the epiphysis, producing a “bucket han- studies, and other special studies as indicated. Histologic exam-
dle” appearance. Multiple metaphyseal fractures in various stages ination of the tissues may help establish the time of death (Table
of healing as may be present in the ribs (Fig. 2A,B) are pathogno- 8), as can biochemical examination of blood and cerebrospinal
monic of abuse. fluid (Table 9). Additional routines considered standard in the
Transverse, oblique, and spiral fractures (Fig. 3) of the long forensic examination include collections of specimens for post-
bones in infants, especially if multiple and without a history of mortem chemistries and toxicologic analysis, and other special
major trauma such as a motor vehicle accident, are highly sus- studies as necessary.
picious for abuse. Fractures in unusual sites such as the ster- All facilities that perform sexual assault examination should
num, lateral end of the clavicle, scapula, spine, or small bones have protocols for maintaining the chain of custody.
Table 4
Guidelines for Dating of Fractures
• A fracture without periosteal bone formation is usually <7–10 d
old and is seldom >20 d old.
• A fracture with exuberant periosteal reaction or callus
formation is >14 d old.
• A fracture with slight periosteal formation may be as recent as
4–7 d.
• Loss of the fracture line definition takes longer than new bone
formation, approx 14–21 d.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
ALGOR MORTIS Algor mortis is the cooling of the body.
The rate of cooling is affected by a wide variety of external
agents, such as ambient temperature, conductive surfaces in
Fig. 2. (A) Radiograph showing multiple posterior lower rib frac- contact with the body, clothing, body fat, air flow across the
tures. (B) Posterior rib fractures with callus formation seen at autopsy. body, premortem conditions such as hyper- or hypothermia,
and humidity. Typically, little cooling takes place during the
first hour after death; in fact, the core temperature may rise
when death is due to heat stroke. As a general rule of thumb, the
Special studies in the forensic autopsy are shown in Table 10. body cools at approx 1–1.5°C per hour for the first 6–12 h and
The important history (Table 11) and report documentation subsequently loses 0.5–1°C per hour for the next 12–24 h. The
(Table 12) must be included in the final report. rate of cooling slows as the body approaches the ambient envi-
Table 5
External Examination of the Body
Evidence of Injury Clothing Examination and Description
Careful examination of all body areas Catalog and describe general appearance of clothing and personal
Scalp items
Nape of neck Describe and document tears and stains with collection of trace
Surface of hands/between fingers evidence
Soles of feet Collection of Evidence
Back and buttocks Sexual assault examination when indicated
All body orifices and genitalia Oral, rectal, anal, skin, and clothing
Conjunctiva, inner eyelids Bite mark evidence
Inner surfaces of oral cavity/frenulum Hairs, fibers, or other trace evidence
Incisions into suspicious soft tissue areas
External Examination: General
Use of diagrammatic sketches
Calculate child’s age
Description of recent, healing, and healed injuries
To nearest ½ mo < age 3 yr
Location of injuries in relation to anatomic landmarks (measured)
To nearest 1 mo > 3 yr
Measured dimensions of injuries and/or lesions (´3 axes)
Record weight
Examination for pattern
To nearest 1–2 oz or ~50 g < 2 yr
Description of color
To nearest 1 lb or 0.5 kg > 2 yr
Use of standardized descriptors or language
Estimation of degree of dehydration must be included
External Evidence of Therapy Record length
Evidence of resuscitation (CPR) To nearest ½ in. or 1 cm
Catalog and describe therapeutic paraphernalia Estimation of degree of shortening due to postmortem contracture
Site or location or change
Indwelling vascular lines Record OFC
Chest tubes To nearest ½ in. or 1 cm
Catheters Plot weight, height, OFC, and ‘weight for height’ on standard
Venipuncture marks curves
Tape marks Comparison of growth and development with normal values and
Therapeutically induced trauma previous records
Assessment of state of nutrition
Confirm Identification Assessment and description of postmortem changes
If unknown, obtain footprints Livor
If decomposed, forensic odontology specimens, radiologic analysis, Rigor
and anthropologic analysis may be indicated Body temperature
General state of hygiene
CPR, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; OFC, occipital frontal circumference.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year Book,
Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 7
Routine Sampling of Tissues and Fluids
Table 8 Table 10
Determination of Time of Death Special Studies
Histologic Features in Stillborn Examination Postmortem chemistry
Good predictors of death-to-delivery interval Vitreous humor—collect and analyze electrolytes and other
Kidney: loss of tubular nuclear basophilia a ³4 h chemistries
Liver: loss of hepatocyte nuclear basophilia ³24 h Serum and CSF—obtain as indicated
Myocardium: inner half loss of basophilia ³24 h Microbiology
Myocardium: outer half loss of nuclear basophilia ³48 h Lung, blood, spleen, CSF for culture when appropriate
Bronchus: loss of epithelial nuclear basophilia ³96 h Toxicology
GI tract: maximal loss of nuclear basophilia ³96 h Blood, urine, bile, liver, gastric contents, other tissues as indicated
Adrenal: maximal loss of nuclear basophilia ³1 wk Bite mark analysis
Trachea: chondrocyte loss of nuclear basophilia ³1 wk Recovery of serologic specimens before contamination can occur
Kidney: maximal loss of nuclear basophilia >4 wk Forensic odontology examination prior to any disruption of wound
Black and white and color photography
Examination of Placenta in Determination of Time of Death Impression castings when appropriate
Histologic Features in Placenta Examination Neuropathology
Good predictors of death-to-delivery interval When head trauma is suspected, brain should be examined only
Intravascular karyorrhexis ³6 h after complete fixation
Stem vessel luminal abnormalities Blood and body fluids
Multifocal (10–25% of stem villi) ³48 h Specimens preserved for special analysis by forensic laboratory,
Extensive (>25% stem villi) ³14 d as indicated (e.g., antigen testing or DNA analysis)
Extensive villous fibrosis ³14 d Sexual assault examination
Examination of Stillborn in Determination of Time of Death CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.
External Fetal Examination in the Stillborn From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Good predictors of death-to-delivery interval Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Desquamation ³1 cm ³6 h
Cord discoloration (brown or red) ³6 h
Desquamation face, back, or abdomen ³12 h
Desquamation ³5% of body ³18 h
Desquamation 2 or more of 11 zones ³18 h
Skin color brown or tan ³24 h
Moderate or severe desquamation ³24 h
Mummification (any) ³2 wk
Table 11
a Loss of nuclear basophilia means at least 1% of nuclei are totally pink; History
the presence of nuclear basophilia means all nuclei are partially blue.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s Premortem Background Information
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year Medical history General and recent state of health
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997. Medications
Physician and hospital records
Birth records
Growth rate charts
Developmental level of child
Insurance reports
Table 9 Family history Family size and structure
Synopsis of Optimal Age distribution of siblings
Biochemical Examination of Blood Socioeconomic conditions
and Cerebrospinal Fluid in Determining Time of Death Recent change or stress
Medical background of parents
Maximum Medical background of siblings
time since death (h) Welfare, police, and child protection records
Aminonitrogen School records
Not exceeding 14 mg/dL 10 (when appropriate)
(plasma and cisternal fluid) Postmortem Statements
Nonprotein nitrogen Parent or guardian explanation and reaction
Not exceeding 40 mg/dL (plasma) 10 Siblings and other witnesses
Not exceeding 70–80 mg/dL 24 Investigative reports
Creatine Police
Not exceeding 6 mg/dL (cisternal fluid) 30 Fire/rescue
Not exceeding 11 mg/dL (plasma) 28 Paramedic
Ammonia Others as available
Not exceeding 3 mg/dL (plasma) 10
Not exceeding 2 mg/dL (cisternal fluid) 10 From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
From: Coe JI. Medicolegal Autopsies and Autopsy Toxicology. Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
Table 12 Table 13
Documentation and Report Preparation Autopsy Findings in Hypothermia
Photography 35-mm color transparencies Pink lividity and internal tissues
Appropriate color balance Coarse macular hemorrhages of gastric and intestinal mucosa
Light source without distortion (flash or flood) Gastric or intestinal erosions, Wischnevsy ulcers
Ruler present in all fields of view Pancreatic (fat) necrosis from autodigestion
Identifying tag in all photographs Multiorgan infarcts
Entire body and all surfaces including face Intrapulmonary hemorrhages in majority of children
Wounds photographed before and after cleaning Depletion of hepatic glycogen
Gaping wounds (incised or stab) photographed Fatty degeneration of renal proximal tubular epithelium
open and artificially closed with Subpleural and subpericardial hemorrhage
transparent tape Lipid depletion of adrenals and brown fat in infants
Scalp hair shaved as indicated (save hair) Muscle hemorrhage in body core, especially iliopsoas muscle
Injuries photographed with anatomic landmarks
Magnification capabilities for necessary details From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
(macro-type lens) Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Body charts Standardized charts and diagrams facilitate Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
and diagrams documentation of multiple injuries
Autopsy protocol Report contains information regarding conduct Table 14
of procedure, to include: Autopsy Findings in Hyperthermia
Name of deceased Brain Generalized hyperemia, fine macular
Case number hemorrhages in cerebral medulla, cerebral
Name of facility edema, extravasation in pia and arachnoid,
Name of pathologist paraventricular focal necrosis, degenerative
Name(s) of person(s) assisting changes of cortical neurons, signs of shock
Name(s) of all persons in attendance Lungs Severe vascular congestion, focal edema and
Time and date of death or when found hemorrhage, interstitial edema, subpleural
Time and date of autopsy hemorrhages, signs of shock
Report written clearly in language Liver Focal hepatocellular necrosis, hepatocellular
understandable by lay personnel swelling, signs of shock
Injuries listed clearly Kidney Congestion, interstitial edema, signs of shock
Pertinent negatives documented Cardiac muscle Interstitial edema, focal myocardial necrosis
Opinions regarding cause of death Adrenal gland Interstitial edema, focal epithelial necrosis,
Include reports of any special studies:
decreased lipids in outer cortex
Neuropathology, odontology, crime
Spleen Perifollicular hemorrhages in spleen and
abdominal lymph nodes
Pathologic diagnoses
Petechial Pleura, pericardium, endocardium, thymus
Radiologist report and X-rays
Toxicologic reports
Laboratory analyses From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Investigative reports Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997.
The simple Mortiz formula is as valuable an estimate of the
postmortem interval as any:
ronmental temperature. Calculations based on these figures
may be confounded by extremes of temperature, the amount of Postmortem interval (hours)
clothing the person was wearing, ventilation, and environment;
98.6 - rectal temperature (°F)
thus a body in a river will reach the temperature of the sur- =
rounding atmosphere much more quickly than one on dry land. 1.5
If parasites, such as fleas or body lice, are present, an entomolo- or
gist may be of assistance in determining whether these crea- 37 - rectal temperature (°C)
tures are still alive, and, if so, how long it takes to revive them. =
Usually an initial postmortem elevation in body temperature as
measured rectally is evident, probably as a result of continuing The onset of rigor mortis and of postmortem lividity are of
tissue and bacterial metabolism in the absence of the usual little use in placing the time of death accurately.
heat-dispersed mechanisms. In children, rapid antemortem temperature instability and cool-
Postmortem temperatures return to premortem levels approx ing can occur during resuscitation, especially in circumstances
4 h after death and decline further thereafter. associated with severe shock. Interpretation of body tempera-
Rectal temperature in the first hours after death can be expected ture must take into account the available information regarding
to be greater than the last recorded premortem temperatures. On the circumstances of death and environmental temperatures.
average, postmortem rectal temperature reaches its premortem Autopsy findings in hypothermia and hyperthermia are
level about 3–4 h after death. listed in Tables 13 and 14.
LIVOR MORTIS Livor mortis is the purple discoloration The onset of rigor is delayed or occasionally even absent in
of the skin and organs that develops on the gravity-dependent some emaciated individuals or in those who are extremely obese.
portions of the body after death. It is the direct result of the Conversely, infants routinely have a rapid onset of rigor. After
blood settling or pooling into capillaries that dilate after circu- strenuous exercise or convulsions in muscular individuals,
lation stops. It is typically absent where the weight of the body complete rigor may develop within a few minutes after death.
against a supporting object, such as the mattress, or tight-fitting Postmortem lividity is caused by the sinking of fluid blood
diaper or bedclothes compress the capillaries and inhibit them into the capillaries of the gravity-dependent parts of the body
from filling with blood. after death. It may be seen routinely in the postmortem room
The onset of livor mortis begins at death with the cessation when a body is turned over.
of circulation. It is first observed, generally within an hour of
death, as purple blotches in gravity-dependent points. It is well THE FORENSIC AUTOPSY PROTOCOL
developed within 4–6 h, peaking at 8–12 h. It is commonly A standard autopsy protocol for forensic and accident path-
considered to become fixed in 6–8 h and to be established ology has been developed by the Registry of Accident Pathol-
completely in 8–12 h, that is, the lividity will not blanch on ogy (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC).
finger pressure and will not disappear on changing of the posi- This autopsy report form (1) permits a checklist-recording of
tion of the body. Livor mortis can be invaluable in determining medicolegal data in detail and (2) allows the placement of all
the terminal position of the body and may be useful in identi- data into a computer for automatic data processing
fying discrepancies in the historical account of the death. IDENTIFICATION OF THE BODY All identifying features
The color of the livor may also indicate the cause of death. must be entered into the autopsy protocol. Overall and close-
Deep purple livor is often seen in asphyxial deaths, whereas up photographs of the face are important. For the identification
bright cherry livor is characteristic of carbon monoxide poison- of dismembered, decomposed, or burned bodies or parts of
ing, cyanide poisoning, or a death in ice water or snow. Brown bodies, assistance of State Crime Bureau should be requested,
livor is characteristic of methemoglobinemia. The absence of for example, for proper fingerprinting or serologic studies to
livor can be noted in cases of severe anemia or exsanguination. differentiate between human and animal tissues. Fingerprint-
Livor may also be absent externally in drownings when the body ing may become difficult if the skin is shriveled. This may be
remains submerged for a number of hours. A special form of overcome by injecting air in the subcutaneous tissue of the
livor known as Tardieu spots, which are confluent petechial fingertip. Blood typing should be carried out. Roentgenograms
hemorrhages that represent leakage of blood from congested may permit positive identification when compared with roent-
capillaries, is frequently seen in asphyxial deaths. Postmortem genograms taken during life. They may also help in determina-
hypostasis occurs internally, most typically involving depen- tions of sex, age, and race.
dent bowel loops and lung. In temperate climates, the slow diffusion of potassium into
RIGOR MORTIS Rigor mortis is postmortem stiffness or the vitreous humor provides a longer postmortem interval dur-
rigidity of the muscles. With onset of rigor, muscles no longer ing which changes in the potassium level can be used as a mea-
respond to electrical or chemical stimuli. The process is not sure of time after death than is true with any of the substances
completely understood but coincides with the loss of adenosine studied thus far in blood or cerebrospinal fluid. Although the
triphosphate (ATP) from muscle cells with simultaneous increase accuracy of the procedure using a single measurement of potas-
in lactic acid. sium in the vitreous humor is subject to great error, it would
The body normally begins to stiffen 2–3 h after death. Ini- appear to be at least as reliable as any of the other existing tests.
tially the small muscle groups are involved. Externally, these The postmortem interval may be calculated from the following
include the eyelids and muscles of mastication. These muscle formula:
groups are then followed by the shoulders and arms, and lastly
Postmortem interval (hour) =
by the bulky leg muscles. It may also be observed as cutis anserina
(7.14 ´ K+ concentration [meq/L]) - 39.1
(goose bumps) as it develops in the erector pili muscles. This
progresses to complete stiffness of the body in 6–8 h. The stiff- It should be remembered that estimations based on the potas-
ness of the body usually remains for 12–36 h, and then recedes sium concentration in the vitreous humor become erroneous
in the early stages of putrefaction, when the muscles once more when the body temperature is brought above that existing dur-
become flexible in approximately the same sequence in which ing life.
the initial stiffness occurred. Cold delays the onset of rigidity, In general bodies decompose more rapidly in air than they
whereas a hot environment hastens it. do in water and more rapidly in water than when buried. Putre-
The development of rigor in children is typically more accel- faction is slow in newborns and may be delayed indefinitely by
erated than in adults owing to their small muscle mass. Com- extreme cold or dryness.
plete rigor has been observed in infants dying of SIDS within Cyanide reacts chemically with formaldehyde to the extent
2 h of their having been put to bed. Rigor may be poorly or that it can no longer be identified.
incompletely developed in infants and in circumstances when EXHUMATION AND OTHER SPECIAL PROCEDURES
there is decreased muscle mass, such as in severe malnutrition, The degree of decomposition will depend on the length of the
either primary or due to chronic disease. postmortem interval, the weather at the time of death, and the
nature of the coffin and the surrounding soil. For the study of 4. Decomposition pattern:
mummies or old bones, the carbon-14 method and other special Similar to the low-salt pattern—with low vitreous sodium
techniques can be used. and chloride but with decomposition there will be a
high vitreous potassium level (>20 meq/L).
BLOOD Blood is removed under sterile conditions from
Glass containers should be treated with sulfuric acid–dichro-
the right atrium and from a peripheral vein. If the heart blood
mate and cleaning solution, rinsed with distilled water, dried,
is clotted, the vena cavae or the aorta should be punctured. In
and stored in an area protected from dust. Rubber inserts should
cases of drowning, 10 mL of blood is removed from each side
not be used. Polyethylene bags or containers are widely used and
of the heart for separate sodium chloride or magnesium deter-
are preferable. However, volatile poisons may diffuse through
minations. For barbiturate and ethanol poisoning, toxicologic
plastic. Containers for material from cases of suspected lead
examination of blood from the portal vein is best. Any antico-
poisoning need special preparation.
agulant other than heparin may be used. The preservative is
Samples should be stored in a locked refrigerator or freezer.
sodium fluoride, 250 mg/30 mL of fluid.
A common misconception is that it is necessary to analyze only
BILE Bile is best removed by puncturing the gallbladder
gastric contents to establish whether poisoning has occurred in
in situ.
a given case. The gastrointestinal tract is not the only route of
GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT The stomach can be saved
entry of poisons into the body. Furthermore, if significant period
with its contents by placing ligatures around the lower end of
(4–6 h) elapses from the time of ingestion until death or treat-
the esophagus and upper end of the duodenum or the ligated
ment, the poison will have passed out of the stomach.
stomach can be opened so that the stomach contents and walls
Blood, bile, and urine should be kept refrigerated. Sodium
can be inspected and described and tablets of other solid material
fluoride may be added as a preservative to some samples (250
mg/30 mL of fluid). If tissues had been stored in a fixative, it
HAIR Hair should be pulled from the scalp, not cut. This
is essential to submit both tissues and fixative to the toxicolo-
is an important source of evidence of arsenic poisoning.
gist. For longer storage periods, toxicologic material is best
SKIN If it is suspected that a poisonous substance had
kept in a deep freeze.
been injected, the skin around the needle puncture mark is
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID Cerebrospinal fluid is removed
excised at a radius of 2–4 cm from the injection site. If a poi-
by suboccipital or lumbar puncture, preferably before the inter-
sonous substance might have been taken up by absorption, the
nal examination is begun. The technique does not differ from
skin is excised in the area where the absorption is thought to
the one used under clinical conditions. The preservative is
have occurred, and in a distant, preferably contralateral area as
sodium fluoride, 250 mg/30 mL of fluid.
a control specimen.
VITREOUS HUMOR Vitreous humor can be used for deter-
URINE Urine is best collected with a sterile needle and
mination of alcohol and for other toxicologic studies, particu-
syringe through the dome of the bladder. The sterilized wall is
larly when other body fluids are not readily available. Two to
stretched between two hemostats and then punctured. Urine
three milliliters of vitreous humor of one or both eyes are gently
may be of utmost importance for toxicologic examinations,
aspirated from the lateral angle of the eye with a 10-mL sterile
and every effort should be made to collect it. When the urinary
syringe. The tip of the needle should be near the center of the
bladder appears to be empty, the urethra should be tied or
eyeball. Forceful aspiration must be avoided because it may
clamped and the dome of the bladder widely incised between
detach retinal cells, which cloud the specimen and give spuri-
hemostats, which then are used to hold the bladder open. Often
ously high potassium values. Before dilution, the specimen must
with this technique, a few drops of urine can be collected from
be inverted more than 10–12 times to ensure thorough mixing.
between the trabeculae of the wall or at the internal urethral
The vitreous humor may be stored in a refrigerator at 4°C for
orifice. Urine should be saved in 50-mL aliquots. The preser-
up to 48 h.
vative should be sodium fluoride, 250 mg/30 mL of fluid.
Postmortem Vitreous Chemistry
1. Dehydration pattern:
Elevated vitreous sodium (>155 meq/L) POSTMORTEM DECOMPOSITION
Elevated vitreous chloride (>135 meq/L) Postmortem decomposition takes two separate forms, auto-
2. Uremia pattern: lysis and putrefaction. Autolysis refers to fermentative processes
Marked vitreous and serum urea and creatinine without that occur without the participation of bacteria. Histologically,
a significant rise in sodium and chloride values. these processes involve the disintegration of cellular structures.
3. Characteristic low-salt pattern: Biochemically, this corresponds to a loss of orderly metabo-
Low vitreous sodium (<130 meq/L) lism. Factors influencing autolysis include body and environ-
Low vitreous chloride (<105 meq/L) mental temperature (most pronounced at 37–40°C) and hepatic
Relatively low vitreous potassium (<15 meq/L) atrophy leading to metabolic disturbances, both of which can
(Concomitant slight rise in serum bilirubin and low accelerate autolysis. Autolysis occurs very early in enzyme-
blood urea nitrogen [BUN]—below 5 mg/dL) producing organs, such as the pancreas and adrenals, and occurs
This pattern is common in chronic alcoholics. last in the reproductive organs.
EXAMINATION OF A DECOMPOSED BODY unusual. They can be discarded later if not required. Plain not
serum-coated swabs should be used, as serum interferes with
X-RAY EXAMINATION This may assist in estimating age grouping techniques. Seminal fluid may remain identifiable in
by the presence of ossification clusters (see Table in Appendix). body orifices for several months after death. Therefore vaginal,
X-ray examination may be a valuable aid to identifying a body anal, and mouth swabs should be taken from any female body,
by disclosing old fractures, or permitting comparison of a radio- and anal swabs from male bodies in case death occurred during
graph with one taken of a known person during life. Compari- a homosexual practice or assault.
son of the shape of frontal air sinuses may be particularly useful. HEAD The scalp and skull need to be scrutinized for signs
DEGREE AND TYPE OF DECOMPOSITION Putrefac- of injury, notably fractures. Infiltration of soft tissues by hemo-
tion, with green marbled swollen body, distorted features, and lyzed blood makes it impossible to determine whether an injury
protruded blood-stained tongue, begins at average tempera- occurred before or after death. The shape of a fracture, espe-
tures 3–4 d after death and is pronounced at about 10 d. Hair is cially when it is depressed, may indicate its cause.
loosened and may be easily pulled out after 2–3 wk, but nails BRAIN The brain will be semi-liquid and green-gray in
remain attached to fingers and toes, which become dried and color. It usually retains its shape until touched. It should be
reddish brown in color, except in bodies immersed in water, examined externally as its remains in the skull, and any evi-
when the nails are lost after 3–4 wk. dence of swelling, abnormality of shape, or extradural, subdu-
Adipocere formation may be complete in bodies in water or ral, or subarachnoid hemorrhage noted. The brain should then
buried in very damp soil, or partial in bodies lying exposed to be scooped or poured into a clean container in case it is required
the air. Adipocere may hinder rather than help, for the hydro- for toxicological analysis.
genation of body fat is notoriously variable; it may take place Since the face is swollen and discolored from decomposi-
in 3 or 4 wk (with warmth), or may be delayed well beyond 4 tion, bruises cannot be distinguished.
or 5 mo. Conversion to a skeleton is not usually completed NECK Dissect the neck structures in situ, because finding
within a year, and may take much longer. Exceptionally, for a fracture of the hyoid bone or thyroid cartilage may be the only
example, in a child’s body exposed to flies and other infesta- way of showing that the neck had been compressed as in stran-
tion, it may occur in as short a period as 3 mo. Mummification gulation. For this purpose a V-shaped skin incision on the neck
is variable and is to be expected only in bodies concealed in hot, is necessary.
dry parts of buildings. The thoracic and abdominal cavities usually contain moder-
ANIMAL DAMAGE Ants and beetles can rapidly cause ate amounts of hemolyzed blood resulting from putrefaction. A
very superficial damage, that when dry, looks like abrasions. hemorrhage into a body cavity that occurred during life, how-
Rodents cause severe damage with sharply defined margins to ever, will contain a blood clot. A hemopericardium due to rup-
the damaged areas. Cats, dogs, and foxes produce severe destruc- ture of a cardiac infarct is likely to contain large blood clots
tion of soft tissue, with ragged margins often bearing charac- among the blood-stained fluid. Most organs will be easily rec-
teristic small holes or tooth marks. Maggots will ultimately eat ognizable. The spleen will be semiliquid and the liver often con-
away the skin, producing small rounded holes initially. It is use- tains numerous holes due to gas bubble formation. The brain
ful to preserve a representative sample of any maggots, pupae, may show a similar change. Gram stain will show the rod-shaped
or beetles found on the body in alcohol, as a possible aid to Clostridium in the cavities. In bodies that have been dead for a
determining the time of death. Some entomologists prefer to be long time the organs, notably the heart, are dried and shriveled.
supplied with living maggots from which the flies can be bred Inner linings such as the endocardium may bear numerous
for identification. creamy white small nodules. These are fungal colonies. Fat often
WOUNDS Stab wounds and lacerations are easily detec- becomes semiliquid but occasionally may form off-white pla-
table and distinguishable from the effects of putrefaction. Gun- ques as a result of fat necrosis.
shot wounds, especially those caused by small-caliber bullets, It is always worth submitting portions of tissues for micro-
may be very difficult to identify. scopic examination. Fixation is likely to be imperfect and the
SCARS These, especially surgical scars, may be difficult traditional hematoxylin and eosin stains often reveal little more
to see, and so likely sites such as the groins and the right iliac than a fairly uniform, pale pink-staining mass. But trichrome
fossa should be searched, as they may aid identification. stains show structures more clearly. Van Gieson’s staining is
TATTOOS Tattoos may be important in identification. also often worthwhile. Fibrous tissue may be seen more easily
They may be hidden beneath blistered, opaque, discolored skin. under polarized light. External genitalia are often undetecta-
It is wise to wipe away such skin from likely areas of the body ble. They are among the first tissues to putrefy and are especi-
such as arms and chest. Tattooing will then be disclosed as clear, ally prone to attack by animals and insects.
vivid patterns in the underlying dermis and may be photo- TOXICOLOGY The stomach contents should be preserved.
graphed for a permanent record. There is likely to be no urine, but some blood remains in vessels
COLOR Hypostasis will have vanished, but the charac- for a surprising length of time, especially in the gravity-depen-
teristic color of, for example, carboxyhemoglobin may be easily dent part of the thoracic aorta. Bloody effusions in cavities may
seen in the nail beds of even badly decomposed bodies. be analyzed. Enough of the liver and kidneys should be avail-
SWABS Genital swabs are always worth taking if the cir- able to provide samples for measuring tissue concentrations, and
cumstances in which the decomposed body is found seem at all whenever possible brain tissue should also be sent for analysis.
Table 15 Table 16
Agents Commonly Used in Nonaccidental Poisonings Average Time of Death
After Ingestion or Inhalation of Fatal Dose of Poison
Laxatives Poison Time (h)
Black and red pepper
Salt poisoning and water deprivation Carbon monoxide <1h
Water intoxication Cyanides <1h
Acetaminophen and aspirin Nicotine <1h
Insulin and oral hypoglycemics Strychnine 1–3
Household substances Kerosene 1–4
Caffeine Fluorides 1–5
Nicotine Alkyl phosphates 8–12
Industrial compounds Salicylates 12–18
Prescription drugs Morphine 5–15
Alcohol Barbiturates 12–48
Illicit drugs Methanol 2–36
Phenol 1–2 h and 2–6 d
From: Monteleone JA. Child maltreatment: a comprehensive photo- Chloroform 1–2 h and 2–6 d
graphic reference identifying potential child abuse, St. Louis, 1994, GW Carbon tetrachloride 1–2 h and 2–6 d
Publishing; with permission. Arsenicals 1–2 h and 2–6 d
Mercury compounds 1–2 h and 2–6 d
Phosphorus 1–2 h and 2–6 d
Lead 1–3 d
Postmortem vitreous electrolyte abnormalities: toxicity. In other children presenting with neurological symp-
toms of seizures and ataxia, the symptoms were due to admin-
1. Dehydration pattern (hypertonic pattern) characterized
istration of diuretics and hypnotics.
by increased vitreous sodium and chloride with a mod-
Toxicologic analysis is indicated when a child dies, even in
erate elevation in urea nitrogen.
the hospital, with an obscure disease, characterized by episodes
2. Uremic pattern, with increased vitreous urea nitrogen
of altered levels of consciousness and biochemical values that
and creatinine without a substantial increase in sodium
do not characterize a known disease. Infants born to alcoholic
and chloride.
or drug-addicted women can suffer withdrawal symptoms after
3. Low-salt pattern (hypotonic pattern), which shows de-
creased vitreous sodium and chloride values with con-
Heavy metals analysis and postmortem drug or toxicologic
comitant high vitreous potassium value (> 20 meq/L).
screening play a critical role in evaluating unexplained illness
ENZYMES Enzymatic quantitation is highly erratic in all or unexpected death in children. The average time of death
sites with the exception of cholinesterase, which remains stable after ingestion or inhalation of a fatal dose of a poison is shown
during the postmortem period. in Table 16.
HORMONES Cortisol levels in blood reflect the premor-
tem state and remain stable for approx 18 h. Catecholamines HYPOTHERMIA
tend to rise rapidly in blood and reflect premortem stress. Thy- Hypothermia, defined as body temperature <35°C, is recog-
roid levels fall slightly with the postmortem interval, while nized more and more frequently as a contributing factor in
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels remain relatively childhood death. Body core temperatures 10–15°F lower than
stable, although care must be exercised in overinterpretation of normal are associated with decreased tissue oxygenation and
low values. Initial studies were promising in finding elevated increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias. The highest risk to the
levels of triiodothyronine (T3) in children dying of SIDS, but newborn occurs in the first weeks after birth.
this was subsequently determined to be most likely a postmor-
tem change.
Hyperthermia is defined as core body temperature >40°C.
POISONING AND TOXICOLOGY Children with impaired sweating mechanism are also at special
Agents commonly used in nonaccidental poisonings are listed risk. These include those with cystic fibrosis, congenital anhid-
in Table 15. rosis, and quadriplegia.
The most common toxic exposures reported in children are Infants dying of heat stroke have sudden onset of fever,
analgesics (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, narcotics), clean- convulsions, shock, hepatorenal disturbance, acidosis, diarrhea,
ing agents, plants, cough and cold preparations, vitamins, alco- and bleeding tendency. Autopsy findings reveal cerebral edema,
hols, hydrocarbons (gasoline), lead, and carbon monoxide. focal necrosis and fatty change of the hepatocytes, dilation of
Hypernatremia may be due to oral salt administration or water the renal tubules, and (in some cases) unusual change of the
deprivation or both, or neonatal hypoglycemia due to salicylate intestinal villi.
Table 18
Patterns of Oral Facial Trauma in Child Abuse
Facial injuries
Hand injuries due to slapping or grabbing by fingers
Pattern injuries reflecting blow with instrument such as a belt
Perioral bruises due to gagging
Fractures of facial/jaw bones
Eye injuries
Ear injuries
Pinch or grab marks to auricle
Soft tissue lacerations from pulling ears
Cauliflower ear, tympanic membrane perforations
Injuries to teeth
Traumatized or avulsed teeth
Discolored teeth indicating repeated trauma
Multiple heated fractures of tooth roots Fig. 5. Bite mark on the buttock of a child.
Injuries to mouth
Pattern injury/petechiae—erythema to soft and hard palate
suggesting sexual misuse
Sexually transmitted disease
Burns resembling instrument/scalding liquids or toxic chemicals over bony points. Children fall frequently: down stairs; out of
Marks indicating blunt trauma from instrument or finger, especially high chairs, beds, and trees; off swings, slides, porches; on bi-
on palate, vestibule, and floor of mouth cycles and rollerskates—but injuries from these are usually not
Detached labial or lingual frenulum indicating blunt trauma fatal.
Neck injuries OTHER SKIN LESIONS Rope burns consisting of circum-
Rope or restraint marks ferential marks around the extremities, neck, or trunk indicate
Abrasions and contusions reflecting choking injury
abuse. Bite marks (Fig. 5) which suggest sexual abuse, have
Vocal cord injuries
Scalp injuries been matched to the “bite” of the suspected abuser. Human
Contusions reflecting blunt trauma bites bruise deeply, while dog bites puncture and tear. Scars with
Pattern injuries reflecting blow with an instrument their diminished or exaggerated pigmentation may indicate an
Lacerations and abrasions old injury.
Traumatic alopecia—hair pulling may result in massive subgaleal Rectal bleeding and discharge can result from objects inserted
into the rectum. Genitals and buttocks can be injured in non-
Subgaleal hemorrhage—may be sufficient in caliber to cause
hypovolemic shock sexual attacks, usually provoked by the infant wetting or soil-
ing his diapers.
From: Ophoven JJ. Chap. 35, Pediatric Forensic Pathology. In: Potter’s LACERATIONS Lacerations are splits or tears in the skin
Pathology of the Fetus and Infant (Gilbert-Barness E, ed.), Mosby Year
Book, Inc., Philadelphia, 1997. produced by blunt trauma that results in tissue shearing or
exces-sive stretching. This may be caused by either a blunt
instrument or by impact that delivers a force on the tissue that
sonable explanation are strongly suggestive of nonaccidental exceeds the elasticity of the skin. Lacerations are often seen
trauma. Infants who do not walk or move about are unlikely to in crush injuries, applied over a relatively small area. Crush
sustain unexplained bruises. Black eyes; bruises over the jaw; injuries to the abdomen delivered by blunt trauma may result
and injuries to the cheeks, trunk, genitals, and thighs are fre- in laceration of the internal organs without external signs of
quently seen in abuse. trauma.
Children who cannot crawl or walk are very unlikely to have
bruises, so bruises on them, particularly when multiple, sug- FRACTURE OF THE SKULL
gest abuse. An accidental fall produces a bruise on the part A hammer may produce crescent-shaped defects or may
making the first impact. A person walking or running will put simply punch out a circular defect if the vector is nearly perpen-
out a hand to break the fall, abrading and bruising the palms and dicular to the bone. The propensity of a bone to fracture varies
knees. Once the major impact of the fall is broken, large areas with the age of the individual and the bone involved. Because
of bruising are unlikely, even if the body tumbles after the fall. of the increased pliability of the infant skull, complex fractures
Because the head is more or less round, a bruise in more than are observed only in severe trauma (Fig. 6). In the very young,
one area by one single fall or hit is unlikely unless it is held an impact to the skull may produce only a momentary defor-
against another object, in which case both the area hit and the mity. The “ping-pong” fracture, a deformity similar to that left
part of the head that had been fixed may be bruised. Thus bruis- on a ping-pong ball that has been depressed and popped back
ing on both sides of the body or on the front and the back sug- out, is unique to this age group.
gest nonaccidental injury. Children usually do not hurt them- The finding of multiple bony injuries of varied ages is vir-
selves seriously from falling down stairs, and bruises are mainly tually diagnostic of child abuse.
Injuries are the most important cause of death in children
1–14 yr of age, accounting for 44% of all deaths in children
1–4 yr of age. Approximately 10,000 children aged 0–14 yr die
Fig. 6. Comminuted stellate fractures of the skull. of injuries each year. Most of the deaths are related to motor
vehicle accidents (37%), drowning (14%), house fires (12%),
and homicides (10%).
INCISIONS (about 97%) were not restrained properly and 55% had been
seated in the front of the vehicle. Head injuries were most com-
Incisions show well-defined margins without bridging. Vari-
mon in children <2 yr of age. The highest death rates in children
ous patterns are observed, ranging from a surgical appearance
are for those under 6 mo of age (9 in 100,000) with an especi-
caused by an extremely sharp instrument to a clefted appear-
ally high risk at 2–3 mo and decreasing mortality with increas-
ance caused by a chopping injury from an instrument such as
ing age and ejection of the unrestrained child after falling
a hatchet.
against or opening of an unlocked door. The severity of injury
STAB WOUNDS is highest in victims who are ejected from the vehicle.
Stab wounds occur when a relatively sharp object penetrates FALLS Insignificant falls are common in childhood and
the body. They are typically much greater in depth than in width fortunately seldom, if ever, cause serious injury.
and are much more dangerous to internal tissues. Stab wounds Trivial events such as falls from beds, couches, and against
are infrequently found in classic child abuse. coffee tables produce trivial injuries; significant events such as
blows, shaking, and forced impact produce potentially lethal
Erythema can occur within minutes of injury and may last Lethal injuries produce progressively more severe injuries
for several hours. Tissue swelling, coloration or settling of a almost immediately; no significantly “lucid” or asymptomatic
bruise, absence of scab formation (by about 24 h in small period occurs.
wounds), or beginning epithelialization (about 36 h) may indi-
cate antemortem injury with varying reliability. ASPHYXIA
Asphyxia is cessation of effective respiration and is the lead-
4–8 h The first reliable microscopic sign of vital reaction
ing cause of accidental death in children under 1 yr of age. The
is leukocytic infiltration. The timing of a distinct
hypoxia and increased carbon dioxide stimulate the respiratory
leukocytic infiltration is controversial, but is the
center and initiate the struggle to breathe. As the process con-
earliest expected time interval after injury.
tinues, cyanosis deepens, veins become engorged, and showers
8–12 h Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), macro-
of petechial hemorrhages may appear on the skin, conjunctiva,
phages, and activated fibroblasts may be detected
surface of the lungs, and heart. Eventually, consciousness is lost,
in a distinct peripheral wound zone. Monocytes are
convulsions may occur, and terminal vomiting is common.
seldom seen infiltrating the wound <12 h after
Typically the individual loses consciousness within 2–3 min,
and death may occur within 4–5 min.
15 h Mitotic activity can be observed in fibroblasts.
The postmortem appearance of an individual who has died
2–4 d Frank fibroblastic infiltration of the wound is
from asphyxia typically shows intense venous congestion and
cyanosis with pronounced lividity, petechial hemorrhages,
36 h Necrosis is apparent within the connective tissue at
pulmonary congestion and edema, and fluidity of the blood.
the center of the wound in some circumstances.
Petechial hemorrhages are common to all true forms of asphy-
3d Vascularized granulation tissue develops.
xia and appear as a fine shower on the scalp, brow, and face in
2 to 3 d Hemosiderin deposition develops.
strangulation, and above the zone of compression in traumatic
4 to 6 d Collagen fibers may be observed.
asphyxia. They are most numerous where the capillaries are
1 wk In small wounds, scar formation may be evident.
least supported, such as subconjunctival tissues, under pleural
The presence of a distinct fibrin network, especially at and pericardial membranes, and anywhere the degree of conges-
the margin of a hemorrhage, is an indication that the hemor- tion is sufficient (brain, lungs, mucous membranes, eardrum).
Table 19
Classification of Burns
Classification Characteristics
First degree Partial-thickness burns
• Characterized by erythema (localized redness).
• Appear sunburn-like
• Are not included when calculating burn size
• Usually heal by themselves
Second degree Partial-thickness burns
• Part of skin has been damaged or destroyed
• Have blisters containing clear fluid
• Pink underlying tissue
• Often heal by themselves
Third degree Full-thickness burns
• Full skin has been destroyed
• Deep red tissue underlying blister
• Presence of bloody blister fluid
• Muscle and bone may be destroyed
• Require professional treatment
Fourth degree Full-thickness burns Fig. 7. Punctate erosion of the skin of the abdomen due to cigarette
• Penetrate deep tissue to fat, muscle, bone burn.
• Require immediate professional treatment
From: Burn Injuries in Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice, Office
of Justice Programs, 1997.
Choking on a food and foreign objects and unsafe sleeping touching the container is not burned by the hot water provided
circumstances are the main causes of asphyxial death. The risk the container itself is not hot. If the buttocks are immersed with
to infants sleeping prone on a waterbed and soft bedding should hips maximally flexed, the hot water cannot reach and there-
be investigated in any sudden infant death fore spares the skin of the thigh and abdomen on either side of
Distinction between SIDS and accidental or homicidal asphy- the line of flexion at the inguinal region. Splash burns from
xia is difficult. Any case in which the postmortem examination thrown or poured hot liquids tend to have an arrowhead shape
demonstrates unusual livor, orofacial or other marks suggest- from the effect of gravity on the falling liquid.
ing external compression, scalp or facial petechiae, or evidence If a child is claimed to have been burned by reaching up and
of unexplained cervical hemorrhage should raise suspection of pulling over a kettle of hot water, and the scald excludes the
homicide. submental and axillary regions one can conclude the child in
actuality had not been reaching up.
An exposure to 58°C will produce a full-thickness burn.
Deliberate suffocation does not produce petechiae in thy- Deliberate immersion burns (Fig. 8) can often be recognized
mus, epicardium, and pleural surfaces as in SIDS. In an instance by one of the following characteristic patterns:
of deliberate suffocation from a plastic bag placed over the
infant’s head, petechiae are present in the sclerae of the infant’s 1. Doughnut pattern in the buttocks. When a child falls or
eyes. Ligature marks or bruises around the neck suggest stran- steps into a hot liquid, the immediate reaction is to thrash
gulation. DiMaio described petechiae of conjunctivae, forehead, about, try to get out, and jump up and down. When a
cheeks, and furrow marks on the neck in two infants acciden- child is held in scalding hot bath water, the buttocks are
tally strangled by pacifier cords worn around the neck. Exter- pressed against the bottom of the tub so forcibly that the
nal and internal bruises of the mouth and nose may indicate water will not come into contact with the center of the
pressure sites. buttocks, sparing this part of the buttocks and causing
the burn injury to have a doughnut pattern.
BURNS 2. Sparing of the soles of the feet, when buttocks and feet
A classification of the degree of burns is shown in Table 19. are burned. If a caretaker’s account is that the child was
A characteristic aspect of nonaccidental scalds and burns is left in the bathroom and told not to get into the tub, and
delay in seeking medical care. The shape of a burn may reflect that the caretaker then heard screaming and returned to
the object producing it. Cigarette burns (Fig. 7) have a charac- find the child jumping up and down in the water, absence
teristic size and shape. Burns of the buttocks, full-thickness of burns on the soles of the child’s feet is evidence that
burns of the lower extremities, and isolated burns of the feet the account is not true. A child cannot jump up and down
suggest abuse. Immersion burns from dunking the child in hot in hot water and not burn the bottom of the feet.
water tend to have a distinct margin with the burned area sur- 3. Stocking or glove pattern burns. Stocking and glove
rounding a central spared area, as the skin held against and patterns are seen when feet or hands are held in the water.
The syndrome of neonatal narcotic withdrawal is well docu-
mented. Onset of labor with abruptio placentae has immediately
followed intravenous use of cocaine. The rate of spontaneous
abortion in pregnant women using cocaine is high, and exposed
infants are at increased risk for congenital anomalies, intracra-
nial hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and perinatal mortality.
Infants exposed to the drug in utero show significant depres-
sion of interactive behavior, and prenatal exposure to drugs is
a significant risk factor for SIDS. Phencyclidine (PCP) has been
identified in cord blood of newborns.
Table 20
Differential Diagnosis of the Manifestations of the Battered Child Syndrome
Radiographic similarities Helpful distinguishing features
Scurvy Massive subperiosteal hemorrhage Generalized osteoporosis; dense “Wimberger’s” line around
(clinically, hemorrhages in gums, the epiphysis; lucent submetaphyseal zones; dense
skin, mucous membranes) metaphyseal lines with healing phase (clinically, rare;
usually diagnostic history; diagnostic serum changes;
dramatic clinical improvement after 24 h of therapy)
Osteogenesis imperfecta Multiple fractures, exuberant calcified Generalized, marked osteoporosis; multiple sutural bones
callus formation, limb deformity in the skull; platyspondyly in congenital form (clinically,
well-defined clinical changes in eyes, skin, appropriate
family history)
Rickets Irregular metaphyses and metaphyseal Generalized disease with symmetrical involvement of many
avulsions metaphyses and radiographic involvement of the entire
length of the metaphysis. Generalized osteoporosis
Caffey’s disease Multiple sites of periosteal reaction, Absence of fractures; 95% of cases involve the mandible
soft tissue swelling (clinically, fever, nonhemorrhagic soft tissue swellings,
leukocytosis, increased sedimentation rate, elevated
alkaline phosphatase)
Syphilis Periosteal reactions; metaphyseal lesions Metaphyseal lesions are erosive; no fractures (clinically,
characteristic physical findings, positive serology)
Neurogenic sensory deficits Metaphyseal fractures; periosteal reaction, Degenerative and proliferative changes around joint;
multiple fractures osteoporosis; X-ray changes may follow institution of
physical therapy on paralyzed limb
Congenital insensitivity Multiple fractures, with varying stages Destruction of terminal phalanges, changes of osteomyelitis;
to pain of healing; deformity particularly in mandible, fingers, toes; aseptic necrosis in
the juxtaarticular regions of the weight-bearing bones in
older patients
Menke’s syndrome Metaphyseal avulsion; diaphyseal periosteal (Clinically rare; sex-linked recessive disease; characteristic
(kinky hair syndrome) reaction and thickening; subdural effusion hair changes; widespread abnormal arterial tortuousity
angiographically and pathologically; copper deficiency)
Physiologic periostitis Periosteal elevation of the long bones Mild, smooth, single layer of periosteal elevation; symme-
of infancy in infacts trical; limited to the diaphysis; no metaphyseal avulsions
(clinically inapparent, often an incidental finding)
From: Coe JI. Medicolegal Autopsies and Autopsy Toxicology.
SKELETAL INJURIES Periosteal bone formation may be a Periosteal thickening is not a normal finding in childhood
metabolic disorder such as in Caffey disease, osteogenesis imper- and is not representative of normal infant care practices. In the
fecta, vitamin A intoxicity, scurvy or rickets, leukemia, or mye- absence of medical or historical information to explain the
lodyplasia. It can also be due to trauma from birth, accident, or thickening, the findings suggest rough handling and should be
abuse. considered an indicator of abuse.
Subperiosteal hemorrhage lifts the osteogenic layer of the Metaphyseal injuries have become virtually diagnostic of
periosteum. It can be caused by difficult breech deliveries, twist- child abuse.
ing or shaking without direct application of force to the extrem- FRACTURES Fractures are often seen in association with
ity, extreme acceleration–deceleration forces, and direct blows. abuse. The two most common sites of long bone fractures are
Subperiosteal hemorrhage is a frequent finding in abused infants. the femur and the humerus. The incidence of femur fractures in
Fig. 14. Hemorrhage into the liver. This child was kicked in the
Fig. 16. (A) Hemorrhage into the bowel. (B) Hemorrhage into the
muscularis of the bowel wall following abdomen trauma.
tion. Duodenal perforation and intramural intestinal hematoma described subgaleal hematoma resulting from pulling braids or
are frequent sequelae. handfuls of hair.
Hepatic contusions are typically not diagnosed in the absence Skull Fracture Skull fractures will be evident on radio-
of significant bleeding or hepatic failure. Pancreatic pseudo- graphic and gross examination. Microscopic sections at the
cysts, which may have an occult presentation in the absence of edge of the fractures may help date the fracture. Basal fractures
a history of pancreatitis, should be assumed to be posttraumatic. are unusual in abuse. Great force is required to fracture the base
HEAD INJURIES Head trauma is the most common cause of the skull, even in an infant, and needs almost, but not quite,
of death from child abuse and the leading cause in all trauma- the kind of force generated when a child pedestrian is hit by a
related deaths among children. motor vehicle.
All studies indicate that infants under 2 yr of age appear to An infant or small child has soft, elastic pliable skull bones
be at greatest risk of craniocerebral trauma. and unfused sutures; the bones “give” considerably before they
There are four mechanisms causing death: (1) comminuted break, so a fracture indicates considerable force. The parietal
fracture of skull, with laceration of scalp and brain; (2) severe bone is a common site of fracture in abuse, and parietal frac-
concussion-type injury; (3) increased intracranial pressure; and tures may be bilateral. These fractures usually result when the
(4) anoxia and cerebral edema caused by cardiorespiratory arrest. infant is held by a limb and swung against a wall or the floor.
The scalp should be examined for lacerations or abrasions. Stellate fractures of parietal and particularly occipital bones
Bruises may not be seen because of the thickness of the scalp, indicate abuse (Fig. 6).
but a boggy sensation may indicate underlying bleeding; frac- A fall from 3 ft or less will result in only minor injuries and
tures may be palpable. Cephalohematomas, harmless birth inju- up to 4½ ft minor fractures but no serious head injury results .
ries, heal by ossifying at the edge and may give the mistaken Accidents resulting in skull fractures and lethal head injury
appearance of a depressed fracture of the skull. Both radio- are rare in infancy. Skull fractures can be birth injuries and may
graphic and gross autopsy examination will demonstrate that the be difficult to differentiate from those resulting from abuse
inner table of the skull is not displaced under a healing cephalo- requiring microscopic evidence of reaction at the fracture edge
hematoma, as it would be under a depressed fracture. Kempe has to help date the injury.
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21 Special Procedures
Table 2
Examples of the Use of Molecular Methods in Pediatric Pathology
Application Frequently used techniques Clinical examples
Demonstration of monosomy, trisomy, CC; FISH Diagnosis of Down syndrome, Turner’s syndrome,
sex chromosomal disorders or Klinefelter’s syndrome
Demonstration of an abnormality of a CC; FISH; SB; PCR Diagnosis of trinucleotide repeat syndromes (such
chromosomal region as fragile X syndrome of Huntington’s chorea)
Demonstration of translocation of a gene CC; SB; PCR; FISH Diagnosis of malignancies (especially hematologic
malignancies and soft tissue tumors)
Demonstration of gene rearrangements SB; PCR Diagnosis of hematologic malignancies (especially
B- and T-cell lymphomas); detection of minimal
residual disease
Demonstration of the presence or SB; NB; FISH; PCR; RT-PCR Diagnosis of infectious diseases; identity
absence of a gene determination
Detection of fusion genes NB; RT-PCR Diagnosis of malignancies (especially hematologic
malignancies and soft tissue tumors)
Detection of point mutations PCR; SEQ; SB Diagnosis of inherited diseases, familial cancer
syndromes, or sporadic malignancies
CC, Conventional cytogenetics; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; NB, Northern blotting; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR,
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; SB, Southern blotting; SEQ, DNA sequence determination.
Modified from: Stocker JT, Dehner LP. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed., Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams, 2001.
sary to use the alkaline–diaminobenzidine reaction for catalase fluorescent emissions from each cell are separated according to
activity to verify the identity of morphologically abnormal wavelength by appropriate filters and mirrors. The emissions
peroxisomes. are then directed to detectors that convert them into electron
An ultrastructural special stain that is very helpful is the ura- signals that are displayed on a video screen and analyzed and
naffin reaction. It can be used to establish the identity of neuro- stored by a computer. Through the process of gating (the place-
endocrine granules in tumors and serotonin granules in platelets. ment of electronic boundaries around specific cell populations
The evaluation of cilia morphology requires electron micros- that are of interest), data can be acquired on only a subset of
copy. Cilia from a biopsy of the upper respiratory tract can be used. cells of interest, a technique that can be used to take full advan-
Standard electron microscopy has a role in the identification tage of multiparametric analysis. After the data are collected,
of viruses and is usually accomplished by immunohistochem- they can be displayed as a frequency histogram (i.e., number of
istry, in situ hybridization, and polymerase chain reaction. The cells vs intensity of fluorescence). Examples of the use of molec-
identification of viruses in fecal specimen and body fluids can ular methods in pediatric pathology are shown in Table 2. Com-
be accomplished by the use of a Beckman “Airfuge” ultracentri- monly used cytogenetic and molecular methods are compared
fuge to help concentrate the virus onto the grid surface. Immuno- in Table 3.
logic techniques are more cumbersome. The negative staining APPLICATIONS Flow cytometry is widely used clinically
technique can be used with a variety of specimens urine, blood, in the diagnosis of leukemias and lymphomas; definition of the
vesicle fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, and respiratory prognosis, stage, and need for therapeutic intervention in HIV-
tract secretions, but its major application is in the diagnosis of infected patients; determination of DNA-ploidy and prolifera-
acute viral gastroenteritis. It not only provides the most reliable tion fraction in various neoplasms; detection of cell markers
means of detecting rotavirus but also simultaneously enables that provide prognostic information; numeration of reticulo-
the detection of other important viral pathogens that, taken cytes; and detection of autoantibodies to platelets or neutrophils
together, account for nearly as many cases of pediatric gastro- and cell surface antigen analysis in the diagnosis of lymphoid
enteritis as rotavirus. The technique can be performed in a few and other hematopoietic malignancies.
A wide variety of tissues can be analyzed, including prod-
MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES ucts of conception (small fragments of placenta usually retain
The principle of flow cytometry is as follows. After staining viability for cell culture), fetal cells from amniotic fluid (includ-
with the appropriate fluorochromes, a suspension of single cells ing those derived from the amnion, skin, and the respiratory
in an aqueous buffer is passed through a flow chamber designed and alimentary systems), chorionic villi, and fetal blood. Periph-
to align the stream of cells so that each cell is struck individu- eral blood is one of the easiest and most accessible specimens
ally by a focused laser beam. Simultaneous multiparametric for analysis. Skin fibroblasts, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and
analysis is possible by using two or more fluorochromes that solid tumors can be used.
emit light of different wavelengths, in combination with mul- APPLICATIONS Analysis is performed to diagnose syn-
tiple lasers of different wavelengths. The scattered light and dromes associated with abnormalities of chromosomal number
Table 3
Comparison of Commonly Used Cytogenetic and Molecular Methods
Method Purpose Advantages Disadvantages
Cytogenetics Low-resolution analysis of 1. Does not require a priori 1. Requires fresh, sterile tumor
metaphase chromosomes knowledge of genetic tissue for growth in culture
of cells grown in culture abnormalities 2. Low sensitivity; detects only
2. Available in most diagnostic large structural abnormalities
centers 3. No direct histologic correlation
4. Slow and technically
demanding (takes up to
several weeks to perform)
In situ hybridization Detection of chromosomal 1. Can be applied to chromosomal 1. Cannot detect small deletions or
rearrangements, including preparations, as well as point mutations
translocations, amplications, cytologic specimens, touch 2. Interpretation can be difficult,
and gene deletions preparations, and paraffin sections especially with formalin-fixed,
2. Morphologic correlation paraffin-embedded material
is possible 3. Only a limited number of specific
3. Multiple probes can be assayed nucleic acid probes are available
at the same time commercially
4. Rapid (usually requires only
several days)
Filter hybridization Southern blots: detection 1. Very high sensitivity and 1. Requires fresh tissue
(Southern blotting of chromosomal specificity 2. No direct histologic correlation
employs DNA; rearrangements and 2. Presence of normal tissue
Northern blotting mutations; linkage usually does not affect
employs RNA) analysis test results
Northern blots: detection 3. Rapid (usually requires
of mRNA transcripts from only several days)
novel fusion genes;
measurement of mRNA
PCR and RT-PCR Extremely sensitive detection 1. Highest sensitivity and 1. Formalin fixation diminishes
of DNA sequences and specificity of all the molecular sensitivity
mRNA transcripts for the diagnostic techniques 2. Combinatorial variability within
demonstration of fusion 2. DNA sequencing of PCR fusion gene partners requires
genes, point mutations, products can confirm result appropriate redundant primer
and polymorphisms and provide additional design to avoid false-negative
information test results
3. Requires minimal tissue 3. Extreme sensitivity requires
4. Versatile; can be applied to exacting laboratory technique to
fresh tissue as well as avoid false-positive test results
formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded tissue
5. Morphologic correlation is
6. Presence of normal tissue
usually does not affect test
7. Rapid (usually requires
only several days)
PCR, Polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR.
Modified from: Stocker JT, Dehner LP. Pediatric Pathology, 2nd ed., Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams, 2001.
or structure, establish the chromosomal sex in cases of sexual natal cytogenetic testing include advanced maternal age, pres-
ambiguity, evaluate cases suspected of exposure to certain ence of a chromosomal abnormality in either parent, and iden-
carcinogens or mutagens, and screen for karyotypic abnormali- tification of a fetal abnormality in a previous offspring.
ties in patients with multiple birth defects. Cytogenetic studies are used in the evaluation of neoplastic
Cytogenetic analysis is an important tool in prenatal diagno- disorders, particularly leukemia and lymphoma. The Philadel-
sis. Chromosomal studies can be used to determine the karyo- phia chromosome, or t(9;22)(q34;q11), is usually associated
type of a fetus beginning at the 8th to 12th wk of gestation by with chronic granulocytic leukemia and t(8;14)(q24;q32) is asso-
chorionic villus sampling, or at approximately the 16th wk of ciated with Burkitt lymphoma. T(11;22)(q24;q12) in Ewing
gestation by amniocentesis. The numerous indications for pre- sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor t(2;13)(q35;q34)
and t(1;13)(p36;q14) in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, and A PCR reaction mixture includes the DNA sample to be
t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) in synovial sarcoma. assayed, the thermostable polymerase, and short oligonucle-
Conventional cytogenetic analysis lacks the sensitivity to otide primers specifically designed to be complementary to the
detect subtle chromosomal abnormalities, such as small dele- region that flanks the DNA sequence of interest. With each
tions, point mutations, and abnormalities of fine chromosomal PCR cycle, the DNA region of interest is enriched twofold.
structure at the site of translocations. The versatility of PCR is reflected in the wide range of tem-
In situ hybridization (ISH) allows the direct detection of plate DNA that can be amplified, including DNA extracted
messenger RNA (mRNA) within the cells of intact tissues and from fresh or frozen tissue, cultured cell lines, and even forma-
so is an extremely valuable tool for determining patterns of in lin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue.
vivo gene expression. In essence, the technique involves a For reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), mRNA extracted
modified Northern hybridization on an actual tissue section from the sample is reverse-transcribed into complementary DNA
fixed on a glass slide, rather than on a membrane filter. (cDNA); the cDNA then forms the template in a subsequent PCR
The technique of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) amplification. The use of RT-PCR therefore permits straight-
involves the hybridization of labeled DNA probes to metaphase forward amplification of multiple-exon DNA sequences by elim-
chromosomes deposited on microscope slides, or to the chro- inating the intervening introns. Sequence analysis of the PCR
matin of intact interphase cells in routinely prepared tissue product can indicate whether the target mRNA harbors muta-
sections. The results of hybridization are detected with a tions likely to be of functional significance, and quantitative
fluorophore and visualized with a standard fluorescence micro- RT-PCR can provide an indication of the expression level of
scope. Concurrent hybridization with two or more haptens or the target mRNA. RT-PCR can be performed on formalin-fixed,
fluorophores permits the simultaneous detection of two or more paraffin-embedded tissue as well as on fresh or frozen tissue.
DNA regions. The PCR can also be the initial step of a variety of investiga-
FISH FISH is widely used in investigative and diagnostic tional techniques, such as loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies
pathology, as in the detection of infectious agents, diagnosis to determine if a particular disease process is clonal and there-
and characterization of inherited diseases, diagnosis of tumors, fore likely neoplastic or polyclonal and likely reactive.
provision of prognostic information, and determination of iden- The extreme sensitivity of PCR makes it possible to detect
tity in forensic and parentage testing. a broad range of chromosomal abnormalities, from gross struc-
Southern blot hybridization is most often used to detect geno- tural alterations, such as translocations and deletions, to point
mic rearrangements, especially those of genetic loci involved mutations in individual genes. The capacity of PCR-based
in consistent karyotypic abnormalities of certain tumors. Fol- analysis to document chromosomal abnormalities not detected
lowing DNA digestion by an appropriate restriction enzyme, by routine cytogenetic analysis or hybridization techniques is
Northern blots are employed to detect abnormal gene expres- well documented. Because amplification of a specific gene or
sion in the absence of gross karyotypic abnormalities, or to deter- specific exons of a gene is easily accomplished by PCR, the
mine cell lineage on the basis of gene expression. In general terms, technique provides a straightforward method to test for point
both ISH and FISH are useful to diagnose certain neoplasms, mutations characteristic of inherited metabolic disorders and
identify carriers of inherited diseases, and assess prognosis. familial cancer syndromes.
FISH is especially useful for mapping loci on specific chromo-
somes, detecting chromosomal rearrangements (particularly small GENE CHIPS OR MICROARRAYS
rearrangements not detectable by standard karyotypic analy- (GENE EXPRESSION ARRAYS)
sis), and documenting numeric chromosomal abnormalities.
BASIS OF THE METHODOLOGY “Chip” technology is
With the development of techniques for performing FISH
based on the principle of nucleic acid hybridization, but it
on interphase nuclei, with subsequent application to routine his-
facilitates the rapid analysis of the level of expression of thou-
tologic sections from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue.
sands of genes in parellel. The fundamental design of the cDNA
A wide array of clinical materials can be subjected to analysis.
microarray or gene chip employs multiple sets of DNA frag-
LIMITATIONS OF FISH Genetic abnormalities (includ-
ments or oligonucleotides complementary to the thousands of
ing small deletions and mutations at the base pair level) that are
genes to be investigated, attached at known locations on a glass
characteristic of many sporadic tumors, familial cancer syn-
or nylon membrane substrate the size of a computer chip. Each
dromes, and other hereditary diseases cannot be readily ana-
gene or cDNA fragment to be investigated is presented on the
lyzed by FISH. Hybridization techniques to the probes there-
chip by as many as 20 pairs of oligomers; each oligomer pair
fore do not survey the entire genome as conventional cytoge-
consists of one perfectly matched (PM) and one mismatched
netics does. Finally, because only a limited number of probes
(MM) member complementary to a specific region of the gene
are available commercially, a sophisticated molecular biology
of interest, so that the overall sensitivity and accuracy of inter-
laboratory is required to generate many probes of clinical inter-
pretation are increased.
est, so the technique is labor intensive and expensive.
APPLICATIONS Gene chips are intended to demonstrate
specific and reproducible differences in gene expression between
POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) distinct tissues or cell types in an attempt to classify patterns of
The PCR is a remarkably rapid and highly sensitive cell-free gene expression. Applications of chip technology include the
technique for molecular cloning. identification of novel genes, linkage analysis (through the
detection of mutations and polymorphisms), mapping of geno- Defects of the electron transport chain—cytochrome oxi-
mic libraries, and elucidation of alterations in gene expression dase deficiency, cytochrome deficiencies
secondary to environmental manipulations.
LIMITATIONS The technology is currently applicable PROCEDURE AT AUTOPSY
only to fresh or frozen tissue or cell lines and cannot be success- The objective is to obtain a range of specimens for storage
fully applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material. so that a full complement of appropriate investigations can be
undertaken later if required. As it is usually not known until
THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT later if such investigations are indicated, the specimens need to
The elucidation of the organization and DNA sequence of be taken prospectively and routinely.
the human genome was effectively attained in June of 2000. FLUID SAMPLES
The second ongoing component of the HGP is sequencing the
1. Blood: Blood centrifuged for serum and sediment saved
genome of several model organisms, including the bacterium
for red blood cells, or first add an anticoagulant for pres-
Escherichia coli, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the nema-
ervation of plasma.
tode Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruit fly Drosophila melano-
2. Urine: Urine should be obtained by aspirating any urine
gaster, and the common laboratory mouse.
present in the bladder or by pressure on the bladder after
The HGP will allow physicians to gain greater insight into
exposure and collecting the specimen in a test tube held
the genetic component of a variety of disease processes and
over the urethral opening. The latter is frequently more
will lead to numerous new diagnostic tests and therapies.
satisfactory than needle aspiration.
3. Cerebrospinal fluid: In an infant with an open anterior
METABOLIC INBORN ERRORS fontanelle, aspirate by needle from a lateral ventricle. In
THAT SHOULD BE EXAMINED an older child, aspirate by cisternal puncture with the
IN UNEXPECTED INFANT DEATH (U.I.D.) child sitting upwards with hyperflexed neck. A needle
Metabolic defects likely to be involved with unexpected can be inserted between the atlas and axis vertebrae and
child deaths include: cerebrospinal fluid aspirated. This method yields more
fluid than a lumbar puncture.
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
4. Vitreous humor: Vitreous humor can be aspirated from
Tyrosinemia (fumarylacetoacetate lyase deficiency)
the eye through a needle inserted through the sclera.
Lysinuric protein intolerance
Urea cycle enzyme defects (mainly deficiencies of carbamyl TISSUE SAMPLES Tissue samples for enzyme histochem-
phosphate synthetase, ornithine carabamoyltransferase, istry, immunocytochemistry, and electron microscopy should
argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinate lyase) be obtained as quickly as possible. These samples should be cut
Glactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency into 5-mm cubes and collected into plastic vials, labeled snap-
(classical glalactosemia) frozen in isopentane, and stored frozen at 70°C. Samples should
Fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase deficiency include brain, kidney, skeletal muscle, liver, heart, spinal cord,
Hereditary fructose intolerance (fructaldolase deficiency) and peripheral nerve (sural or sciatic). Other tissues may be
Glycogen storage disease type I useful depending on the type of suspected metabolic disease.
Glycerol kinase deficiency with adrenal hypoplasia Skin or fascia lata: Skin or fascia lata should be taken and
Maple syrup urine disease placed in tissue culture medium for fibroblast culture. Blood
Propionic acidemia and bone marrow may also be cultured.
Methylmalonic acidemia For electron microscopy, samples of both gray and white
Biotinidase deficiency matter of the brain, skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, heart, and, if
Holocarboxylase synthethase deficiency available, placenta, should be finely diced into 1-mm cubes and
Isolated 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde. In the case of a chondrodyspla-
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency sia, cartilage should also be sampled and examined by electron
3-Ketothiolase deficiency (3-hydroxy-2-methylbutyric microscopy, biochemical analysis, histochemistry, and molec-
aciduria) ular studies.
Glutaconic aciduria Molecular and DNA analysis: For molecular and DNA anal-
Isovaleric acidemia ysis, tissue samples from liver and spleen should be obtained,
Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation defects (ETF dehydro- placed in plastic labeled vitals, snap-frozen in isopentane, and
genase deficiencies (glutaric aciduria type 2) and retained frozen.
(ethylmalonic adipic acidurias) Enzyme histochemistry: For enzyme histochemistry, tissues
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency are snap-frozen and processed for enzyme analysis. This is usu-
Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency ally performed on skeletal muscle specimens.
“Hydroxydicarboxylic acidurias” and other undefined fatty Radiologic studies: Radiologic studies with a complete skel-
acid oxidation defects etal survey are best done suing a Faxitron if the patient is a
Carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency fetus or small infant; otherwise conventional X-ray films can
Defects of the lactate dehydrogenase complex be taken.
Chromosomal analysis: Chromosomal analysis is performed larly in the heart, kidneys, or other muscles, further studies are
from cultured fibroblasts or cultured blood or bone marrow. indicated.
Other tissue can be used, for example, lung, kidney, or carti-
lage, if mosiacism is suspected. MICROBIOLOGY
Microbiologial, virologic, and toxicologic studies: Micro- All fluids are concentrated by centrifuging for 15 min at
biological, virologic, and toxicologic studies may be performed 2000 rpm, and cultures and smears are made from the sediment.
on body fluids and tissue samples when appropriate. Of para- A Millipore filter (0.45-µm grid) may be used for filtering.
mount importance in the metabolic autopsy is good photogra- Lymph nodes: There is no satisfactory method of removing
phy of the external appearance with multiple views including lymph nodes aseptically for culture. Lymph nodes are usually
whole body, face, hands, feet, ears, genitalia, and pictures of cultured for fungi and acid-fast bacteria, which allows the use
the external and cut surfaces of the organs. of antibiotics and NaOH treatment to inhibit contaminating
Histology: For histology, one should be aware of the use of bacteria.
specific fixatives for specific types of metabolic diseases. For Intestine: It is best to tie off 2-cm segments of bowel and to
example, for glycogen storage diseases and cystinosis, tissue send these immediately to the microbiology laboratory. There
should be fixed in alcohol because glycogen and cystine are the serosal surface can be seared and the bowel is opened asep-
soluble in water-based fixative such as formalin. In the case tically. A portion of the bowel wall is suspended for culture. A
of mucopolysaccharidosis, the best fixative is cetyltrimethyl- sample of the lumen contents is also taken for culture and smears.
ammonium bromide (CTAB). If ulcers are present in the mucosa, a portion of one should be
To retain the original color of the organs, particularly for taken for culture. The smears are stained with Gram’s, Kinyoun’s
photography, the organs can be placed in Jores solution. acid fast, Grocott’s modification of Gomori’s methenamine-
GENERAL silver, and Bodian’s stains. The latter is particularly useful for
demonstrating the trophozoites of amebae. The silver stain
The specimens listed in the preceding subheading are ideal
demonstrates fungi and also stains the cysts of amebae.
and not likely to be carried out on all babies except in centers
Urinary bladder and urine: Removal of urine for culture is
doing research on unexpected child deaths. If only limited facil-
best accomplished by aspirating the bladder contents in situ
ities are available, then the specimens needed as an optimum
with an 18-gage spinal needle after the anterosuperior surface
minimum are: urine, blood, skin for culture, and liver. Which
of the bladder is seared.
cases require full study where the study of all is not possible?
Blood: Blood is aspirated for culture by inserting an 18-gage
Certainly children with prior clinical illness with hospitaliza-
needle attached to a 20-mL syringe into the right atrium. The
tion, or with a family history of IUD should be included. Some
epicardial surface of the atrium is exposed by reflecting the peri-
infants dying unexpectedly show the presence of gross disease
cardium and is sterilized by searing. An 18-gage spinal needle
such as fulminating infection and gross malformations. In such
is used; 10 mL of blood is aspirated. Manipulation of the bowel
cases, while the possibility of a metabolic error still exists, the
should be avoided before obtaining the blood cultures, as this
further examination of such cases may not be indicated. How-
will increase the number of false-positive blood cultures.
ever, in children with less gross lesions further examination
Heart valves, pericardium, and mycocardium: Every prac-
may be warranted; when there is a slightly dilated heart with
ticing pathologist has had the experience of opening a heart and
some thickening of the endocardium, the possibility of a disor-
finding an unsuspected endocarditis. Aseptic removal of veg-
der involving carnitine metabolism is suggested. Such a find-
etations or valve tissue in this situation is virtually impossible
ing is a positive lead to a diagnosis in one metabolic field.
because the methods used in opening the heart will undoubt-
Likewise it is clear that Reye syndrome may be caused by a
edly contaminate the valves. However, a specimen still should
number of inborn errors of metabolism, especially involving
be taken and labeled as being contaminated. In addition, three
fat oxidation.
smears should be made from the valve vegetation and sent to
Other features may be suggestive of a metabolic disorder;
the laboratory with the tissue specimen. The specimen should
these include:
be processed and the plates streaked as soon as possible to
1. Any type of dysmorphism (if such are suspected, a true minimize the opportunity of the contaminating organisms to
AP and lateral photograph needs to be taken). overgrow the infecting organisms. Correlation of the culture
2. Pale flabby muscles. results with the smears and with fixed sections stained with Kin-
3. Enlargement of the liver or spleen. youn’s acid fast, Gram’s, and Grocott’s modification of Gomori’s
4. A pale and fatty liver. methenamine-silver stains will usually allow the identification
5. Alteration of the texture of the liver—fibrosis or of the infecting organism.
scarring. In the case of a known endocarditis, the following technique
6. Cardiomegaly. can be used. The major vessels are clamped to prevent contami-
7. Edema of the brain. nation of the interior of the heart, and the heart is removed. For
The more critical assessments follow microscopy. Sections this technique it is necessary to use two prosectors for aseptic
of liver, brain, heart and skeletal muscle, kidneys, and adrenals removal of valve tissue. Each valve is opened separately. For
are stained for fat. The presence of general fatty change in the examination of the mitral valve, the heart is placed on its ante-
liver if severe and accompanied by similar changes, particu- rior surface. An approx 3- by 10-cm rectangular area is seared
just to the left of ventricular and atrial septa and extending over with a 15- to 18-gage spinal needle. Several aspirations
the posterior surface on the left atrium and ventricle. A sterile should be attempted if the first does not yield enough
scalpel is used to incise the atrium and ventricle in the center of material for culture and smears.
the seared area of epicardium. In cases of meningitis, the inferior surface of the base
The valve is carefully examined with sterile forceps, scis- of the brain will frequently yield suppurative fluid that
sors, or scalpel, and representative tissue samples are removed can be aspirated with a sterile dropper after the brain is
and sent for cultures. reflected posteriorly.
Myocardium: Myocardial tissue can be removed before or 3. Spinal cord tissue: Aseptic removal of spinal tissue for
after the valves are examined, as long as care is taken to avoid culture is not an easy procedure. With a Vim-Silverman
contamination of the endocardial surface adjacent to where the biopsy needle, a sterile specimen of the cord can be
myocardial tissue is to be removed. A 1-cm portion is obtained obtained by inserting the needle through the spinal col-
by first searing the epicardial surface and then cutting out the umn posteriorly in the thoracic region. The skin must be
block of tissue with a sterile scalpel and forceps. If the myocar- properly prepared. An alternative is to take at least a 5-
dium is contaminated, it is possible to sear the epicardial sur- cm portion of cord and submerse it in boiling water for
face and cut out a portion of myocardium that does not include 2–3 s to decrease the contamination. Fortunately, in the
the endocardium. This is best accomplished with a small sterile majority of cases, brain specimens will be adequate for
forceps and scissors. An alternative approach is to submerge a diagnosis of infections of the nervous system without
large portion of myocardium in boiling water for 2–3 s before study of the spinal cord. If spinal tissue is cultured, it
removing the tissue and then streaking the tissue suspension on usually is studied for viruses, so the antibiotics present
plates for culture. Frequently, cultures of myocardium are for in tissue culture medium may be adequate to suppress
viruses, so the antibiotics used in the tissue culture medium the growth of contaminating bacteria and yeasts.
may inhibit the contaminating organisms. 4. Bones: Petrous bone and middle ear. If an infection of
Cerebrospinal fluid and brain and spinal cord tissue: In cases the middle ear is extensive, aspiration can be accom-
of meningitis of undetermined cause, it is important to remem- plished by a sterile 20-mL syringe with a 15- to 18-gage
ber that removal of the calvarium with an electric saw is hazard- needle attached. The dura overlying the middle ear
ous, particularly if the case proves to be tuberculous meningitis. should be seared before the needle is inserted. If the
bone is too firm for insertion of this needle, a bone-
1. Cerebrospinal fluid: A spinal or cisternal tap is best. Care
marrow aspirating needle can be used. After the bone in
must be taken to prepare the skin by adequate cleansing
the middle ear is sawed and removed, it is virtually im-
with soap and water and then with tincture of iodine and
possible to obtain an uncontaminated specimen, but one
alcohol; the alcohol must be allowed to evaporate.
could then resort to the method used in studying a con-
2. Brain tissue: Aseptic removal of brain tissue for culture
taminated specimen, that is, making three direct smears
is difficult not only from a technical standpoint but also
for special stains and sending the specimen labeled as
because it is desirable to fix the brain by perfusion. To
obtain tissue for culture without significantly impair-
ing the perfusion of the brain, a 1-cm cube of brain can Other Bones: In a case of osteomyelitis with a draining sinus
be removed from one cerebral hemisphere or from the tract, a specimen is removed by first cleansing the external
abnormal-appearing area. During removal of the cal- orifice thoroughly with alcohol. After the alcohol has evapo-
varium, care must be taken to avoid contaminating that rated, a sterile curet is inserted into the tract and vigorous curet-
portion of the brain to be cultured. If the dura is left tage is performed to remove material from the lining of the
covering this area, it is carefully reflected before the tract. The routine use of swabs for removal of a specimen is not
specimen is taken because it usually becomes contami- recommended because in some cases the swabbing will not
nated on its external surface during the removal of the obtain the infecting organism.
calvarium. If the brain surface is contaminated, searing In closed osteomyelitis, the lesion usually has been located
the surface before the specimen is taken is sometimes by roentgenography; thus a specimen can be obtained with a
successful. It is difficult to sterilize the surface with sear- Vim-Silverman or Jamshidi needle. If a saw cut has been made
ing because the contaminating bacteria may be implanted through the lesion, it is virtually impossible to obtain an uncon-
deep in the sulci. taminated specimen, but again the three direct smears will be
Brain abscess: If a brain abscess is suspected, it may useful in interpreting the culture results.
be advisable to remove a tissue specimen from deep in Joints: The skin is prepared by cleansing with soap and
the brain, even though this will interfere with perfusion water and then with iodine and alcohol. Joint fluid is aspirated
fixation. In this instance, the tissue is removed with ster- by inserting a 15- to 18-gage sterile needle attached to a 10-mL
ile forceps and scissors aseptically after the brain sur- syringe into the synovial cavity. If no fluid is aspirated, a few
face is seared. Pus from the cavity, collected with a sterile milliliters of nutrient broth can be injected and aspirated as
dropper, and three direct smears should be included for synovial washings.
study. Another method, which is less satisfactory, is to Tissues and stains to be selected for microbiologic studies: A
aspirate the abscess with a 20-mL sterile syringe fitted Gram stain is recommended for detection of bacteria, and Grocott’s
2. Cap the vial, and mix the heparin and blood by gently ments usually are made in 15- to 30-s intervals. Over-
swirling the vial. (This vial may be mailed directly to a staining or understaining also may result in poor banding
cytogenetics laboratory, or it may be refrigerated for a quality.
day or two if it is not possible to plant a culture.) 14. Once the optimal trypsinizaiton and staining times have
3. With a Pasteur pipet, add 18 drops of blood to a Difco been determined, prepare three or four slides for analysis.
macroculture vial containing chromosome medium. Mix
Several banding techniques are used in chromosome analy-
the medium and blood by gently swirling the solution.
sis. The G-band method described above is the most common
4. Incubate the culture for 71 h at 37°C. With a Pasteur
because it is rapid, provides consistent results, and permits a
pipet add one drop of 0.01% demecolcine (Colcemid)
thorough examination of the chromosome structure. In addi-
(0.5 µg/mL of culture solution) to the culture. Incubate
tion, the slide preparations are permanent, are photographed
the culture for 1 h.
easily and can be examined with a transmitted light micro-
5. Transfer the culture solution to a 15-mL conical centri-
scope. In special situations, however, it may be desirable to use
fuge tube. Centrifuge at 100g (about 500–700 rpm on
the Q-band, R-band, or C-band technique.
most centrifuges) for 8 min and aspirate the supernatant.
6. Add 12 mL of 0.075 M KC1 hypotonic solution pre-
blood is contaminated or clotted, lymphocytes from thymus or
warmed to 37°C. Use a Pasteur pipet to force air bubbles
spleen can be obtained for culture. The method recommended
through the suspension to resuspend all the cells com-
is reported by Weinberg and Purdy:
pletely. Incubate the suspension in a water bath at 37°C
for 10 min. 1. Using sterile procedures, remove about 3 cm3 of the
7. Centrifuge at 100g for 8 min and discard the supernatant. spleen or thymus. Place the tissue in 30 mL of Hanks’
To fix the cells, first add 2 mL of a mixture of freshly balanced salt solution.
prepared methanol and glacial acetic acid (3:1) to the 2. Macerate the tissue with a scissors to dislodge lympho-
centrifuge tube with a Pasteur pipet. Immediately force cytes into the balanced salt solution.
air bubbles through the suspension with the pipet to 3. Permit the large piece of tissue to settle to the bottom.
prevent the cells from clotting. Add 6 mL more of fixa- Slowly pour the cell containing solution into two 15-mL
tive and again bubble air through the suspension to re- conical centrifuge tubes.
suspend all the cells thoroughly. 4. Centrifuge for 8 min at 100g and pour off all except
8. Centrifuge at 100g for 8 min. Aspirate and dispose of about 1 mL of the supernatant. Resuspend the cells in the
the supernatant. Add 8 mL of fixative. Resuspend the remaining supernatant.
cells. Change the fixative in this way two more times. 5. With a Pasteur pipet, transfer about 18 drops of the cell
After the final change refrigerate the suspension for at suspension to a Difco macroculture vial containing the
least 30 min. chromosome medium.
9. Centrifuge the refrigerated suspension at 100g for 8 min 6. The rest of the procedure is identical to steps 4–14 for
and dispose of all the supernatant except for 1–2 mL whole-blood chromosome analysis.
of fixative. Resuspend the cells in the remaining super-
10. With a Pasteur pipet, place three to five drops of the
mixture of fixative and cell suspension on clean, wet, This method requires a 2- to 4-wk culture period and pro-
refrigerated microscope slides. Prepare as many slides duces fewer metaphases for analysis than do the techniques
as the material will permit. Allow the slides to dry at described for lymphocytes. Chances for a successful culture,
room temperature overnight. however, are great. Fibroblasts will grown from almost any
11. To obtain G-banded chromosomes first treat one slide type of tissue and can be grown from tissue collected after a
postmortem interval of several days. This technique is recom-
for 60 s with trypsin at 37°C (one part of 10 Gibco
mended whenever the lymphocyte method is expected to fail,
trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid to eight parts
if mosaicism is suspected, or if chromosome analysis of a par-
of Hanks’ balanced salt solution). Rinse the slide with
ticular organ is desired. The following method is recommended:
cold running tap water.
12. Stain with 2.5 Giemsa for 3–5 min (prepare the stain in 1. The skin of the anterior thigh is sterilized with 70%
a Sorensen phosphate buffer, pH 7.2). Rinse briefly with ethanol. (Any disinfectant that does not contain iodine
cold running tap water. Allow the slide to dry at room or formaldehyde can be used.) In a sterile fashion,
temperature. remove a portion of fascia lata (5–15 mm2) along with
13. Examine several metaphases to assess the quality of a 2- to 3-mm thickness of the underlying muscle.
banding. If the chromosomes are stained uniformly, the 2. Wrap the specimen in sterile gauze moistened with Hanks’
trysinization time is too short. If the chromosomes are balanced salt solution and place it in a small, sterile vial.
swollen and the bands are indistinct, the trypsinization Transport the tissue to the cytogenetic laboratory.
time is too long. Several trials with different slides usu- 3. Handling the specimen with a sterile forceps wash the
ally are necessary to achieve sharp band patterns. Adjust- tissue in three different Petri dishes containing a wash
solution (200 U of penicillin, 200 µg of streptomycin, 15. Wash the culture with 1 mL of medium twice. Each time
and 2.5 µg of amphotericin B [Fungizone] per 1 mL of add the medium and cell solution to the centrifuge tube
Hanks’ balanced salt solution). containing the medium and cells.
4. Place the specimen in a dry, sterile Petri dish. Cut the tis- 16. The rest of the technique is identical to steps 6–14 for
sue into tiny fragments using a sharp scissors or scalpel. the method of whole-blood chromosome analysis.
Distribute the fragments evenly over the bottom of two
or three 25-cm2 disposable plastic tissue culture flasks. CHEMISTRY
5. Loosely cap the flasks and incubate them at 37°C for The vitreous humor is usually preserved despite serious
10–20 min to permit the tissue to adhere to the surface trauma to the head and is much less subject to contamination or
of each flask. putrefactive change than either blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
6. Slowly add 5 mL of McCoy’s 5a medium (modified) Most important, chemical changes in many substances occur
with 30% fetal calf serum to each culture, trying not to much more slowly in vitreous humor than in blood or cere-
dislodge the tissue fragments. The medium should con- brospinal fluid.
tain 100 U of penicillin, 100 µg of streptomycin, 100 µg Blood: Postmortem studies of glucose, insulin, pH, oxygen
of kanamycin, and 0.25 µg of amphotericin B per 1 mL tension, and certain drugs such as digoxin demonstrate consid-
of solution. erable differences between blood specimens taken from the two
7. Change the medium every 3–4 d, or more frequently if sides of the heart or between cardiac blood and that obtained
the pH varies from 7.2 (the medium contains phenol red from peripheral blood vessels. As increasingly sophisticated
indicator). Cells resembling fibroblasts will be observed studies on hormones, blood gases, or enzymes are conducted,
growing from most of the fragments in 7–10 d after the it will undoubtedly be more important to be able to identify accu-
primary explant. rately the source of the material to be analyzed. Use of blind
8. When the cultures are nearly confluent, either harvest cardiac puncture or a pool or mixed blood from the heart will
the cells for chromosome analysis (step 12–15) or sub-
not be satisfactory. A variety of peripheral vessels is available to
culture to produce more cells (steps 9–11).
the prosector or pathologist whenever an autopsy is performed;
9. To subculture, first aspirate the medium and rinse the
such specimens most closely resemble the blood that is obtained
cells with 1 mL of 0.25% trypsin. Discard the medium
routinely from living individuals.
and the trypsin wash solution.
Cerebrospinal fluid: Cerebrospinal fluid is most easily
10. Add 0.5 mL of 0.25% trypsin to the culture and incubate
obtained from the cisterna magna.
for about 15 min to free the majority of cells from the
flask surface. Add 5 mL of fresh McCoy’s 5a medium
with 30% fetal calf serum to the flask to inactivate the
digestive action of the trypsin.
11. Divide the cell suspension between two culture flasks Hyperglycemia in nondiabetic patients: In blood obtained
and incubate the flasks for approx 3 h. Then slowly add from the right ventricle, the level of serum glucose is usually
2½ mL of fresh McCoy’s 5a medium every 3 d, or more very high because of glycogenolysis in the liver. Even in blood
often if the pH varies from 7.2. If the medium becomes from peripheral vessels, there may be a substantial increase in
acidic after only 1 or 2 d, add 1 mL of 7.5% sodium glucose terminally when death has been caused by acute asphy-
bicarbonate when the medium is changed. Each subcul- xia, cerebral hemorrhage, or electrocution or when cardiopul-
ture flask usually becomes confluent after a few days. monary resuscitation has been attempted. After unsuccessful car-
12. Cultures should be harvested for chromosome analysis diopulmonary resuscitation, postmortem peripheral blood glu-
when the flasks are about 80% confluent. At this time, cose levels may exceed 500 mg/dL in nondiabetic individuals.
the maximum number of cells should be undergoing Because of the difficulty in interpreting postmortem serum
mitosis. Replace the medium with fresh medium 24 h glucose values, a diagnosis of diabetes can be made more easily
before harvesting the cells. by examination of cerebrospinal fluid or vitreous humor. Of
13. Treat the culture with colchicine or demecolcine (0.5 these two sources, the vitreous humor is easier to obtain and less
µg/mL of culture solution for 1 h to disrupt the spindle subject to change from terminal conditions that produce appre-
fibers of mitotic cells). Gently shake the flask to induce ciable elevation of the serum glucose levels. Glucose values of
loosely attached dividing cells to become suspended in more than 200 mg/dL in the vitreous humor have been associ-
the medium. Pour the medium into a 15-mL conical ated with antemortem hyperglycemia caused by diabetes or pro-
centrifuge tube. longed intravenous administration of glucose. A diagnosis of
14. Rinse the culture flask with 1 mL of 10 Gibco trypsin- acidosis can be established easily by demonstrating ketone bodies
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at room temperature. in the serum, spinal fluid, vitreous humor, or urine. Results of post-
Pour the rinse solution into the 15-mL conical centri- mortem examination of vitreous humor in diabetic individuals
fuge tube containing the medium. Free the remaining are similar before and after embalming; thus, even though bio-
cells in the flask by treating them with 3 mL of the same chemical artifacts may be produced by the embalming proce-
trypsin solution for 20 s at room temperature. Add these dure, it is possible to determine whether a diabetic condition
cells to the centrifuge tube with the rinse solution. had been controlled.
Hypoglycemia and lactic acid: Unfortunately, extensive viduals, postmortem serum bilirubin values accurately reflect
studies on blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and vitreous humor have the antemortem degree of jaundice. An apparent slight increase
all demonstrated that glycolysis occurs in each of these media in postmortem values, however, makes use of the bilirubin
after death and may be rather precipitous. Thus, postmortem value unsatisfactory as a method for evaluating minimal chemi-
glucose levels in blood obtained from peripheral vessels usu- cal jaundice in equivocal cases of liver disease. Testing of urine
ally are lower than the level present during life. (Glycolysis for urobilinogen and bile is of value, because protein values
occurs at the appropriate rate of 12 mg/dL per hour during life.) after death correspond to antemortem values. Inversion of the
Early workers believed that vitreous glucose values of less than albumin/globulin ratio would have the same significance after
25 mg/dL could be considered indicative of hypoglycemia; death as it would clinically before death. Unfortunately, all
however, the glucose concentration in vitreous humor tends to enzymes that would be of value in demonstrating liver disease
fall very quickly after death, and a low vitreous humor glucose increase erratically after death and thus are uninterpretable.
concentration in no way indicates antemortem hypoglycemia. Enzyme studies: Extensive studies by many workers have
A normal or high vitreous glucose concentration usually can be shown that postmortem variations occur rapidly in most enzymes
taken to imply that hyperglycemia was present at the time of (acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, transami-
death. An exception is where the body is rapidly chilled after nase, lactic dehydrogenase, and total creatine phosphokinase);
death. Under such circumstances, the vitreous humor glucose thus, postmortem determination of antemortem abnormalities
concentration may be of the same order as that found during is not possible. In contrast to the enzymes listed, both true cho-
life. High vitreous glucose concentration may be a resuscita- linesterase and serum cholinesterase remain stable for pro-
tion artefact, particularly if glucose, adrenaline or glucagon longed postmortem periods. This is of great significance to the
have been used during resuscitation. forensic pathologist, who may establish the presence of orga-
Hypoglycemia can be diagnosed by finding concomitant low nic phosphorus poisoning by a decrease in cholinesterase values.
values for lactic acid and glucose in cerebrospinal fluid or vitre- Enzyme studies also have proven to be of value in diagnosing
ous humor. Lactic acid levels in the vitreous humor tend to be death in utero and clinical brain death.
much lower in individuals dying suddenly compared with values Hormone studies: The levels of epinephrine increase rap-
obtained from individuals having prolonged agonal periods. idly after death, which makes evaluation of antemortem levels
Urea nitrogen and creatinine in uremia and related condi- impossible from postmortem specimens. In contrast, serum
tions: Evidence of nitrogen retention is easily obtained from levels of cortisol after death correspond to the values obtained
examination of serum, spinal fluid, or vitreous humor. Post- during life and remain constant during the early postmortem
mortem blood levels of both urea nitrogen and creatinine accu- period.
rately reflect terminal antemortem blood levels in both the
normal and the uremic range. Moreover, these substances have ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION
been found to be stable through the entire prehemolytic inter- Major organ transplantation has become an acceptable alter-
val and probably into the early stages of putrefaction. A recent native treatment for a variety of childhood diseases. Children
study revealed that uremic levels of urea nitrogen also will be <1 yr of age have undergone successful heart, liver, and kidney
demonstrated in vitreous humor from an embalmed body. as well as corneal and pancreas transplantation in recent years.
Nonprotein nitrogen for estimation of the postmortem interval: A major limiting factor to the expanded use of transplantation
In contrast to urea nitrogen and creatinine, nonprotein nitrogen in infants and children is the supply of donor organs.
increases with increasing postmortem intervals; this is caused, Although adult kidneys can be successfully transplanted
in part, by the increase in both amino acid nitrogen and ammo- into neonatal recipients, because of obvious size incompatibili-
nia in the body after death. The increasing value of nonprotein ties, this would not be feasible for either heart or liver trans-
nitrogen with increasing postmortem time has been used as a plantation. Two principal indications for neonatal heart trans-
method of estimating the time of death. plantation are hypoplastic left heart syndrome and endocardial
Cholesterol and other lipids in various diseases: A number fibroelastosis, although some infants with a variety of other
of investigators have demonstrated the stability of total choles- congenital lesions may be candidates following unsuccessful
terol esters decrease with increasing time, because of the action surgical correction or palliation. The incidence of hypoplastic
of esterases in the serum. Enticknap has shown that other lipid left heart syndrome is approx 0.16 in 1000 live births and the
substances such as total serum fatty acids, total lipoproteins, incidence of endocardial fibroelastosis is approx 0.17 in 1000
and -lipoproteins are all remarkably stable, with little reduc- live births. These estimates suggest that 1200 infants per year
tion caused by autolysis. Interpretation of postmortem values in the United States would be potential transplant candidates
is difficult because the postmortem blood samples frequently from these two conditions alone.
are from individuals who were not in a fasting state at the time The principal indications for liver transplantation in chil-
of death. Elevated values can be given consideration only if the dren are biliary atresia and congenital metabolic disorders. In
stomach is empty at the time of autopsy. the series of infants described from Pittsburgh, 12 of 20 trans-
Cholesterol is stable after death and can be used in the study plantations (60%) were for biliary atresia and five (25%) were
of liver function and in cases of questionable thyroid dysfunction. for a variety of metabolic disorders. The incidence of extrahe-
Liver function studies: Evaluation of liver function from patic biliary atresia was approx 0.07–0.09 in 1000 live births,
postmortem chemical tests remains limited. In jaundiced indi- suggesting that the number of children born annually in the
United States with this defect is approx 300. If these children forebrain itself is missing. Hence, logically, they maintained
represent half of the prospective recipients, a need for approx that, if, in the adult, brain death plus apnea is recognized as
500–600 neonatal livers for neonatal recipients per year could death, by analogy the absence of the forebrain in these infants
be anticipated. plus apnea would similarly be recognized as death. This would
The procedure for harvesting organs is performed under allow harvesting of organs from anencephalic infants who may
sterile conditions in the operating room and the preservation of exhibit eye movements, pupillary response to light, spontane-
the organs is the responsibility of the transplant team. The ous or induced movements of the face, limbs, or digits, includ-
pathologist’s role is usually an insignificant one from this view ing reflex swallowing, and whose corneal, gag, cough, sucking,
point of harvesting organs or tissue. Should an infant who has and rooting reflexes may be present. Short of new legislation
recently died be transported to the autopsy room and in whom this new definition of death for one specific congenital defect
permission for organ donation has been granted by the parents would not be permissible in the United States.
it becomes the responsibility of the pathologists to expedite the Given the medicolegal impasse, a Canadian team at the Chil-
harvesting and preservation of the organs. dren’s Hospital in Western Ontario has developed a research
With the introduction of preserving solution such as U.W. protocol to determine the best method to use anencephalic
(University of Wisconsin) solution which is a type of serum newborns as donors following declaration of death by estab-
substitute, organs can be preserved after harvesting for several lished standards. Their protocol calls for parents to agree, before
hours before grafting. Organs are now being transported over birth, that the infant will be resuscitated and periodic testing
long distances. The pathologist needs to be available to prepare will be done to determine brain death (removal from the ven-
emergency frozen sections because the transplant surgeon tilator at 6- to 12-h intervals for a 10-min period to determine
needs histological confirmation of the normality and viability ability to breath spontaneously). After a definite time limit (to
of the donor tissue. be determined by the parents but not more than 14 d) the infant
The organs from victims of trauma may be ideal for trans- will be removed from the ventilator and permitted to die.
plantation if preservation of the organs can be done promptly.
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22 Infection Control
and Biological Hazards in the Autopsy
The disease that has become most important in infection HIV AND HEPATITIS B
control is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the HIV and hepatitis B viruses have been detected in blood, blood
most severe manifestation of infection with the human immu- components, urogenital secretions, urine, saliva, and cerebro-
nodeficiency virus (HIV). It has been diagnosed in more than spinal fluid (CSF). Of these materials, blood presents the great-
1000 children younger than 13 yr of age throughout the United est potential for transmitting infections.
States, 80% of whom have been infected in utero or perinatally Potential routes of infection are by parenteral or percutane-
secondary to maternal infection. ous inoculation and direct contact with skin broken by cuts,
Thus, HIV infection in childhood is becoming more wide- scratches, abrasions, or dermatitis, as well as exposure of muc-
spread. Because the cause of AIDS is a virus transmissible ous membranes to droplets. Direct inoculation from contami-
from human to human, personnel in contact with patients or nated needles, instruments, or broken glassware presents the
tissues from infected individuals should follow guidelines such greatest hazard.
as those set out by the American Academy of Pediatrics and HIV has been isolated from blood (including lymphocytes,
CDC for handling all human blood and body fluid specimens, macrophages, and plasma), other internal body fluids such as
as well as tissues. CSF and pleural fluids, human milk, semen, cervical secretions,
saliva, and urine. Epidemiologically, only blood, semen, cervi-
HIV INFECTION cal secretions, and (rarely) human milk have been implicated as
the means of transmission of the virus from one person to another.
The CDC and the NIH have accumulated data showing that
Whereas body fluids, such as tears, saliva, urine, and stool, may
the risk of infection to healthcare workers from parenteral or
contain HIV in low concentration there is no evidence that
mucous membrane exposure to the blood of patients with AIDS
transmission has occurred by contamination with these fluids.
is very low. Nevertheless, the severe sociological, emotional,
No studies reported in the literature or cases reported to the
and possible physical consequences of infection make it impe-
Centers for Disease Control suggest transmission of HIV by
rative that adequate precautions be followed when handling all
urine, feces, saliva, tears, or sweat.
human blood, blood components, and body fluids. Further-
The HIV virus survives for approx 7 d in the most commonly
more, certain tissues (placenta or cell cultures of lymphoid tis-
used media. Currently recommended is the Isolator blood cul-
sues) should be handled with equal precautions.
ture system (E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, DE),
It should be noted that, in addition to HIV, other primary as
which contains saponin for lysis of blood cells that inactivates
well as opportunistic infectious agents can be present in blood
HIV in a manner similar to that reported for Triton-X 100. If
of AIDS patients. These include the hepatitis viruses (B and C)
infected cells are held in the Isolator tube for 60 min, no virus
and members of the herpesvirus group, as well as other patho-
has been detected after conventional broth incubation. The Iso-
gens from AIDS cases and patients undergoing renal dialysis
lator system will inactivate HIV if blood from infected patients
or immunosuppressive therapy.
is held in it for 60 min or longer.
The risk of HIV acquisition by accidental needle stick with
Children who have been ill but in whom HIV infection has not
contaminated needles is less than 1%, and the risk from other
yet been diagnosed, as well as children who have an asymptom-
types of exposure appears to be considerably smaller. The imme-
atic infection, may nevertheless carry infectious virus in their
diate cause of death in 200 cases with AIDS at autopsy is shown
blood. Therefore, it is preferable to take precautions and handle
in Table 1, particularly in patients undergoing renal dialysis or
all autopsy material in children in high-prevalence areas as poten-
immunosuppressive therapy.
tially carrying infections that are communicable by blood or
blood-contaminated body fluids. Such a policy would also reduce
the trnsmission of other more common contagious diseases,
such as hepatitis B and C. The decision to consider an area “high
From: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology. Edited by: E. Gilbert- prevalence” must be a local decision and made in consultation
Barness and D. E. Debich-Spicer © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ with local health departments or centers for disease control.
native disinfectant such as a quaternary ammonium compound moved from the contaminated room must be placed in
(Roccal) can be substituted when autoclaving. Other alterna- a container that is uncontaminated on the outside.
tives to chlorine disinfectants are the iodophors (Wescodyne), 7. Effusions, ascites, and so forth, will be mopped with
the phenolics (Amphyl), and glutaraldehyde (Didex or Wavi- towels that will be incinerated.
cide). These should be used according to the manufacturer’s 8. A second autopsy will be available so that persons
instructions. Alcohol, because of its limited pathogen spectrum involved in performing the autopsy do not leave the room
and volatility, is not recommended for general use. during the procedure.
Other wastes and blood collection equipment should be 9. As complete an autopsy as possible should be per-
decontaminated in a properly functioning autoclave that is formed. This would depend on the type of case and the
regularly monitored with biological spore strips. After decon- permission granted. The brain should be removed when
tamination, materials can be discarded in the normal trash, permission for the brain is granted.
provided that containers are designated as safe for housekeep- 10. Suitable cultures may be taken and marked BIOHAZARD.
ing personnel to handle; for example, color-change autoclave 11. Tissues removed should be fixed for a suitable period of
tape should be used, and the biohazard symbol on the container time in formalin.
should be defaced. 12. In cases of Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease any skin contact
Alternatively, incineration is an excellent method for both with possibly infectious material should be followed by
decontamination and disposal of biohazardous materials. washing with sodium hydroxide for several minutes.
Doors to the autopsy room should be closed and access lim- 13. Brain cutting in suspected/proven HIV infection cases
ited to autopsy personnel. A gown covered by a plastic dispos- may be delayed until complete fixation.
able apron should be worn. The necessity for wearing gloves, 14. The following recommendations are important both for
foot and head coverings, or mask is predicated by the organ- the autopsy assistants and for all other persons involved:
isms involved. All protective clothing, including gloves, should a. Disposal, cleaning, and disinfections: Walls, floor,
be removed and left within the autopsy room before existing. table, counters, sink, viscera pails, and all other con-
All aerosol-producing procedures such as shaking, grinding, taminated surfaces should be disinfected. Before
sonicating, mixing, and blending should be performed in a these surfaces are disinfected they should be rinsed
properly operating biological safety cabinet. Centrifuging of thoroughly with water to remove as much of the for-
materials containing infectious agents should be performed in malin and organic matter as possible. Special care
unbreakable tubes. These should be placed in machines with should be given to flush the sink and the hose leading
sealed heads or screw-capped safety cups. Following centrifu- from the embalming table to the flush sink. For dis-
gation, the tubes should be covered with plastic-backed dispos- infection of contaminated surfaces in the prepara-
able paper to absorb spills. Work surfaces should be wiped with tion room, an available disinfectant that has proven
an appropriate disinfectant after the completion of the autopsy. to be effective should be used. Disposable items should
Procedures that should be followed in performing an autopsy be incinerated or disposed of in accordance with the
on highly infectious cases such as HIV, hepatitis B, or infection funeral home policies for disposal of infectious waste.
with Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease are as follows: b. Needles, syringes, and other instruments: Needles
should not be recapped, purposely bent or broken by
1. The entire autopsy procedure should be completed in
hand, or otherwise manipulated by hand as acciden-
the special autopsy room. The prosector may or may not
tal needle punctures may occur. In facilities in which
dissect the organs in fresh state depending on the cir-
disposable needles are used, the use of needle cut-
cumstances of the case. When cases suggest Mycobac-
ting devices is not recommended.
terium tuberculosis infection of lungs, the lungs may
c. Solid clothing and linens: Soiled clothing, linens,
immediately be placed in formalin for fixation and dis-
and other laundry should be bagged, appropriately
sected at a later time.
labeled, and processed according to the existing
2. The bodies will be placed within plastic body bags where
policy regarding “Blood/Body Fluid Precautions.”
the entire dissection can be performed.
d. Hand washing and hygiene: All personnel involved
3. The prosector and all present in the room should wear
in postmortem examinations should wash their hands
proper attire, including Gore-Tex gowns, aprons, shoe
following completion of activities, removal of protec-
covers, mask, and goggles or protective glasses. Two
tive clothing, and before leaving the autopsy room.
pairs of gloves should be worn for the dissection.
4. Only one set of instruments will be used for the whole Hazards associated with chemicals and physical agents used
procedure. The instruments will be cleaned with 5% at the autopsy are listed in Table 2.
bleach solution. The cleaning will be performed by the
autopsy assistants. REFERENCES
5. Once the body is opened, avoid using a scalpel and use Bachanas PJ, Morris MK, Lewis-Gess JK, et al. Predictors of risky sexual
scissors ONLY for all dissections. behavior in African American adolescent girls: implications for pre-
vention interventions. J Pediatr Psychol 2002;27(6):519–530.
6. During the performance of a contaminated autopsy, the Centers For Disease Control—Apparent transmission of human T-lym-
table, the instruments, and immediate area around the photropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus from a
table are considered contaminated. Anything to be re- child to a mother providing healthcare. MMWR 1986;35:76–79.
A α1 Antitrypsin deficiency
Abdomen diagnosis, 440, 441
abdominal wall tear artifacts, 33 genetics, 440
external examination, 12 incidence, 293
in situ examination, 14, 15 liver effects, 293
Abdominal circumference, age correlation, 46 Aortic atresia, features, 218
Achondrodysplasia Aortic stenosis
heterozygous, 390 features, 218
homozygous, 390, 391 sudden infant death syndrome, 457
metatropic dysplasia, 391, 392 Apert syndrome, features, 168
opsismodysplasia, 392, 394 Argininemia, features, 433, 434
Achondrogenesis Argininosuccinicaciduria, features, 433
type I, 383 Arnold-Chiari malformations, types, 348, 349
type IB, 383, 384 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), sudden
type II, 384 infant death syndrome, 459
type III, 384 ARVD, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
Acrocephalosyndactylyl syndromes ASD, see Atrial septal defect
Apert syndrome, 168 Asphyxia, forensic pathology, 485, 486
malformation syndromes, 168–170 Atelosteogenesis
Pfeiffer syndrome, 168
type I, 386
Saethre-Ohotzen syndrome, 168
type II, 386
ADAM complex, see Amnion deformities, adhesions,
Atrial isomerism
mutilations complex
left atrium, 232
Adenomatous polyp, features, 285
overview, 225, 230
Adrenal insufficiency, sudden infant death syndrome, 461
right atrium, 230–232
Alcaptonuria, features, 428
Alcohol, intoxication, 487, 488 Atrial septal defect (ASD), features, 204, 205
Algor mortis, forensic pathology, 474, 477 Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), features, 205–207
Amino acid analysis, indications, 428 Austin disease, features, 425
Aminopterin, teratogenic features, 170 AVSD, see Atrioventricular septal defect
Amnion deformities, ahesions, mutilations (ADAM) complex
birth defects, 174 B
features, 128, 129 Batten disease, features, 439
temporal relationship of abnormalities in early amnion Benefits, autopsy, 3, 4
rupture, 128, 131 Bile, forensic toxicology testing, 479
Amnion nodosum, features, 127, 128 Bile ducts
Amnion rupture contrast media injection, 291
birth defects, 174 corrosion cast preparation, 291
features, 128, 129 dissection, 294, 295
Anatomical gift, guidelines, 4 extrahepatic biliary ducts
Anomalous pulmonary venous connection atresia, 297
partial, 210 choledochal cyst, 297
total, 210, 213 intrahepatic biliary duct atresia and hypoplasia, 292, 293
photography, 243 I
sudden infant death syndrome causes, see Sudden infant Immunodeficiency, see also Human immunodeficiency virus
death syndrome infectious agents, 377
VA connection types, 198, 199 primary diseases, 375
ventricular relationships, 195–197 Imperforate anus, urinary tract anomalies, 317
weighing and measuring, 242, 248, 249 Incision, initial incision and exposure, 12–14
Helicobacter pylori, detection, 283 Infection
Hepatitis birth defects, 172, 174
hepatitis B as biohazard, 513 control during autopsy, see Biohazards
late sequelae, 293 endocarditis, 240–242
virus types, 293 eye, 409
Hermaphroditism, evaluation, 340, 342 immunodeficiency diseases, 377
HGP, see Human genome project inflammation grading in chorioamnionitis, 124, 127
HHH syndrome, see Hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, meningioencephalitis
homocitrullinaria syndrome bacterial, 364, 365
Hirschsprung disease, features, 281, 282 fungal, 365
Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy, sudden infant death syndrome, parasites, 365
458, 459 routes, 124, 125
HMD, see Hyaline membrane disease smears for identification, 124, 126
Holoprosencephaly tissue sample microbiology, 505–507
alobar holoprosencephaly, 349, 350 Inflammatory bowel disease
aprosencephaly, 350 Crohn disease, 284, 285
arhinencephaly, 350 differential diagnosis, 284
causes, 349 ulcerative colitis, 283
features, 167, 168 Iniencephaly, features, 361
lobar holoprosencephaly, 350 Inner canthus, measurement and age correlation, 50
semilobar holoprosencephaly, 350 Interrupted aortic arch, features, 223
types, 349, 355 Interstitial pulmonary emphysema, features, 260, 261
Homocystinuria, features, 428, 429 Intervillous fibrin deposition, features and forms, 137
Human genome project (HGP), overview, 504 Intestine, see Gastrointestinal tract
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Intraventricular hemorrhage, features, 363, 367
biohazard safety, 513 Intussusception, features, 282
causes of death, 513, 514 Iron storage disease, neonatal, 437, 438
transmission, 124, 125, 513 Ischemic myocardial necrosis, features, 241, 242
Hurler syndrome, features, 418 Isotretinoin, teratogenic features, 170
Hyaline membrane disease (HMD), features, 259 Isovaleric acidemia, features, 430
Hydranencephaly, features, 361
Hydrocephalus, features, 358, 359 J
Hydrolethalis, features, 361 Johanson-Blizzard syndrome, features, 299
Hydrops, see also Posterior cervical cystic hygroma Juvenile polyps, features, 285
etiology, 145, 146
laboratory studies, 145, 147 K
pathogenesis, 145 Kidney
pathology, 145 abnormalities in associated genetic disorders
Hyperglycemia, postmortem interpretation, 509 and malformation syndromes, 322–333
Hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, homocitrullinaria chromosomal defects and abnormalities, 334, 335
(HHH) syndrome, features, 433 circulatory disturbances, 315
Hyperoxaluria type I, features, 436 congenital hydronephrosis, 314
Hyperpipecolic acidemia, features, 436 congenital nephrotic syndrome, 314, 315
Hyperthermia, autopsy findings, 477, 482 cystic diseases
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sudden infant death autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, 304–306
syndrome, 457 autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, 302–304
Hypoglycemia, postmortem interpretation, 510 classification, 302
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, features, 221 glomerulocystic disease, 304–306
Hypoproteinemia, differential diagnosis in fetus, 142 localized cystic disease, 306
Hypothermia, autopsy findings, 477, 482 medullary cystic disease
Hypoxia, fetal nucleated red blood cells and lymphocytes familial nephronophthisis, 312, 313
in timing, 136 medullary sponge kidney, 311, 312