Virgo 2019

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Virgo 2019: Mystical Astrology. Technique. The Muses. Ian Anderson. Cohen & Cave.

Brazil &
Bolsonaro. Shamballa, Lemuria.

The Angel by William Blake

Virgo Keynote
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: September 14, 2019. 4.32 am UT.)

Our Mystical Understanding of Astrology

Virgo, a Sign of Technique
Virgo and the Muses
Virgo: Ian Anderson’s Soul Purpose
Virgo Songwriters: Leonard Cohen-Nick Cave
Virgo David Garrett: Violin Virtuoso
Virgo, Brazil, Bolsonaro and Amazon Fires
Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria
Extra article links to last month’s Leo newsletter
(Woodstock and Stockhausen)

Our Mystical Understanding of Astrology

Every year the Sun, Mercury and Venus pass through each of the twelve zodiac signs,
focusing and maginfiying the energy of that sign, making it available to human
consciousness. All the other planets are in various signs, according to their cycles. Most of
us know or intuit that astrology “works” but cannot explain why, hence we have a mystical

That is why astrology is derided by most modern scientists because there is no “tangible
proof”. Yet when considering the Science of Occultism, which necessarily embraces
modern science, the laws and explanations underlying astrology are given. It us up to
each individual as to how they apply that knowledge to further their understanding of the

We know that the visible planets are magnetic forces that have a subtle and unseen
dimension. Increasingly however, modern science is helping us to “see the unseen”
through various technologies that map the magnetic radiation and paths of planets,
including our Earth. This trend foretells the eventual merging of modern science with
occult science in the coming Aquarian Age. Already this is occurring – occultism is the
“science of the unseen” and modern science is allowing the unseen to be seen – through
telescopes, microscopes and other sensitive apparati.

More difficult to understand are the “invisible” zodiac signs that focus the forces of the
twelve zodiac constellations. This can be the source of much confusion for beginners and
advanced alike – the concrete mind has to give way to the imagination and the intuition –
hence our perceptions are often faulty but at least evolving toward greater truths.

The zodiac signs have been called “thoughtforms” and this is a true, simple way to express
From the book, “ The Seven Rays Made
Visual ” by Helen Burmeister. it; electro-magnetic patterns that interact with the electro-magnetism of the planets – and
of course the Seven Rays, but that is another consideration.

Whether it is a planet, ray or sign – they can all be regarded as great “Lives” that are
constantly interacting with all the planets in our solar system, evolving life within the
greater body. In Esoteric Astrology, the zodiac signs are called “Creative Hierarchies” –
they are, simply put, aggregates of “angelic lives” that have their own evolution and
which interact with human lives by the impartation of their various qualities.

It is only through understanding another facet of occult science that deals with the
deva evolution, including the great archangels and beyond, that a glimmer of
understanding starts to emerge. This angelic evolution is a parallel one to human
evolution. Generically speaking, the former is feminine and the latter masculine. Virgo
represents this feminine component, because the deva kingdom are responsible for the
building of all forms in nature, and the more subtle beyond that.

Leo-Virgo could be generically assigned to the these two streams – the human (Leo)
and the angelic (Virgo) – the combination of which produces the elusive Mystery of the
Sphinx. Leo-Sun represents the soul – the dual development of mind inextricably
entwined with the heart, whilst Virgo-Moon provides the form for the soul to incarnate
– symbolically speaking. All signs have a soul and personality expression.

The curious may well ask, “where” is the zodiac? Does it surround our Earth like the
astral (“starry substance”) body part of the Earth’s aura? Or does it reside within the
magnetic ethers of the North Pole? These rhetorical questions notwithstanding, the key
fact is that the zodiac signs are living Beings that interact with human evolution. As
evolving lives, they “harvest” human experience and this contributes to their eventual
liberation. All lives at whatever level in the universe are seeking some kind of liberation
from some kind of form, only to move on to the next evolution and begin all over again
on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral.

The seven rays are also great lives – and esoteric astrology is technically the science of
the seven rays. Esoteric astrology is “the science of all sciences”, describing the From the book, “The Seven Rays Made Visual “
by Helen Burmeister.
expression and interaction of all lives – be it a star, planet, city, nation, human, tree,
flower animal or kingdom. All individual lives have a measureable frequency that is
ruled by a zodiac sign, planet and ray – all have a purpose “under the sun” so to speak.

The rays are really the sum total of energies generated within the seven solar systems of which ours is part – the as yet unawakened
heart centre within the body of this greater being known as the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. The rays are constantly
streaming toward Earth, interacting with constellations, planets and zodiac signs. This is a very simple explanation of course and does
not do justice to the more detailed, complex and deepy occult laws. Nevertheless, the following three graphics have been recently
created to show how the progress of the seven rays from their “source to target” – Earth! A very esoteric quote for pondering:

“There must not be confusion as to the distinction between the Hierarchies of Beings [zodiac signs] and the seven Rays, for though
there is close connection, there is no resemblance. The “Rays” are but the primordial forms of certain Lives [seven solar systems] who
“carry in their Hearts” all the Seeds of Form. The Hierarchies are the manifold groups of lives, at all stages of unfoldment and growth
who will use the forms. The Rays are vehicles and are, therefore, negative receivers. The Hierarchies [positive] are the users of the
vehicles, and it is the nature of these lives and the quality of their vibration which under this great Law of Attraction brings to them the
needed forms.”1

Graphic 1: Origin of the Seven Rays: The Seven Solar Systems of which ours (Sol) is one.
Graphic 2: The 7 Solar systems are focused initially through the 7 stars for the Great Bear constellation, which interact with the 7 stars
of the Pleiades and the star system of Sirius. Then they pass through the 7 stars of the Little Bear constellation, into our solar system –
where the rays find their vehicles of expression in the planets. The planets in turn transmit the rays through the various zodiac signs
with which they are affiliated, which pass through to our planet and its various centres. (Note the ray colourings touching the zodiac
circle are symbolic and do not necessarily relate to that sign. To show all the ray relations to the zodiac circle would result in many lines
reaching each of the signs.
Graphic 3: These rays first take their course through the planetary crown chakra, Shamballa – but, “The physical plane areas or
localities…through which…directed energies can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva,
Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern
civilisation… At each one of these five centres one of the Masters will be found present, with His Ashram … organising a major energy

Virgo, a Sign of Technique

Each zodiac sign is multi-faceted, having a lower, intermediate and higher
expression. And, even expressions that do not necessarily fall into the duality of
lower and higher. Virgo is esoterically the sign of the birth of the Christ or soul
and its ongoing gestation in the womb of time and space. The second ray of Love-
Wisdom pours through Virgo more powerfully than any other sign in this cycle.

As the second ray is that of the teacher and healer, it brings a most
complementary healing force to Virgo as the well known zodiac sign of healing.
This is another good example of why the science of the seven rays is the “missing
part of astrology”. Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Virgo and his symbol is the
magical caduceus with the two serpents entwined upon the staff of life,
surmounted by the wings of the soul.

The gifted Virgo healer is one who works unconsciously, but now increasingly
conscious, with the healing devas and their lesser counterpart, the form-building
devas of nature. These latter devas are lunar in their expression and this coincides with Virgo’s esoteric ruler, the Moon. But the moon
has no spiritual force esoterically, it is simply a biological influence on the tides and reproductive cycles. The moon does however “veil”
the planets Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, “depending upon the intuition of the astrologer”.

Virgo is a sign of mental discrimination – one of the expressions of Mercury who rules the higher and lower minds, plus the building of
the antahkarana or bridge in between. It is this mental discrimination that gives Virgo the skill of technique. Let us consider the
meaning of this word:
“The basic method for making or doing something, such as an artistic work or
scientific procedure. Skill or command in a particular activity: synonym: skill. Same
as technic: used especially in criticism of music and art.”3

Hence, as discussed when reviewing Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, Virgo can
make a great writer, lyricist or musician. (The late blues guitarist and Virgo rising,
Stevie Ray Vaughan (SVR) is a case in point and has been covered here.) Virgo is
the wordsmith or artisan who goes about their work. Note, “word-smith” – the
smithy is the one who works in the depths at his forge, refining, transmuting and
transforming metals into fine handicrafts. Also, the word artisan, a beautiful
description of Virgo and almost identical to “technique”:

“A person skilled in making a product by hand. One skilled in any art, mystery, or
trade; a handicraftsman; a mechanic. One skilled in a fine art; an artist.” Similarly,
the somewhat archaic word husbandman is appropriate to Virgo: “One that plows
and cultivates land. Virgo’s symbol is the Virgin holding a sheaf of wheat in her
hands – symbol of nurturement, the “house of bread”. At a higher level, nurturing
the seeds of mental development.

Virgo and the Muses

The Muses were ancient Greek, inspirational goddesses of literature, science and the arts in general; they were considered the source of
knowledge embodied in poetry, lyric songs and stories that were related orally for centuries. “Muse” can also refer to a person who
inspires an artist, musician, or writer – such as Marianne Ihlen, the “muse” of Leonard Cohen4

10 Muses here, perhaps the central figure is an androgynous Zeus!

The Nine Muses are naturally feminine in nature and have a very specific Virgo rulership. They can be seen in many ways as the
aforementioned devas or invisible angelic realm. In fact, the muses were associated with the satyr – a male nature spirit with the tail of
a horse – or sometimes Pan the god of nature. The Nine Muses were the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (“Memory”
personified), personifications of literature, dance and music.

The number 9 is associated with the 6th sign Virgo because it

represents the nine months of human gestation in the womb. Zeus is
usually attributed to Jupiter, the hierarchical ruler of Virgo – and ruler
of the second ray that pours through it. Mnemosyne-Memory is
Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Virgo that rules the mind. Memory is also
an attribute of the retentive nature of the Moon, esoteric ruler of Virgo.

Sometimes the Muses are referred to as water nymphs symbolic of the

fish goddess, the Pisces polarity of Virgo. The Greek mousa is a type of
goddess, literally meaning art or poetry … to carry a mousa is to excel
in the arts. Mousa derives from the root men – source of the Greek
Mnemosyne and mania = “mind”. The Sanskrit manas is the etymology
that lays behind all of them.

Ancient authors have always invoked the Muses when embarking upon
any writing task, poetry, hymns or history. The Muse is invited to sing
directly through the author, evoking the mediumistic symbolism of

Pythagoras, that great second ray teacher and previous incarnation of

the Master Koot Hoomi, advised those at Krotona to build a shrine to
the Muses at the center of the city – to promote civic harmony and
learning. Often the Muses were associated with springs or with
Satyr and Maenad.
fountains – more watery Pisces symbolism!

The Muses were regarded highly in the Valley of the Muses near Helicon, as well as the famous temple of Delphi and the sybil oracle.
Greece is also a Virgo soul and the Muses were part of its soul purpose. (See here for previous analysis on Greece.)

The Muses were both the embodiments and sponsors of performed metrical speech, hence musicians and artists benefit greatly from the
influence of the Virgoan Muses. The science of Mantra Shakti is involved here: The Hindu mother goddess Shakti (Virgo) is evoked by
the repetitive recitation of a single syllable, word or series of phrases.

Virgo: Ian Anderson’s Soul Purpose

Ian Anderson is a Scottish musician who was the lead vocalist, songwriter and flute
player for the band Jethro Tull; that band was one of the crop of amazing musicians who
incarnated on second ray love-wisdom sub-cycle of the mid 20 century – mainly in
Britain and the USA. Anderson still constantly tours around the world, with the cream of
musicians from a younger generation; his birth horoscope has Virgo rising, his soul

The band was named after JethroTull (March 30. 1674), the 18th century British
agriculturist and inventor who helped bring about the British Agricultural Revolution.
Here is the Virgo husbandman theme – the “original” Jethro Tull had no placements in
Virgo, but a strong moon in earthy Capricorn.

Anderson is skilled on many instruments – keyboards, bass guitar, bouzouki, balalaika,

saxophone, harmonica, and a variety of whistles. Legend has it that he traded his guitar
for a flute, after realising that, “He would never be as good as Eric Clapton”!

He had only been playing for a few months before he entered the studio to play flute on
the 1968 album, This Was. This is an astonishing fact, given Anderson became a flute
virtuoso – another Virgo word: “one who excels in the technique of an art especially; a
highly skilled musical performer”.

It is more than likely that Anderson had developed these skills in past lives and picked
them up intuitively in this incarnation. Not unlike musical prodigy Mozart at the age of
four. Paradoxically, Anderson did not learn to play the flute in a traditional way – mainly
Ian Anderson in his heyday, early 70’s. by ear, and some of his errors were pointed out later by his daughter when she was
learning the flute. Rather Chiron-ically, he also has a deformed pinky finger that made it
difficult to reach some keys.

Anderson’s music and especially his earlier styles have the unmistaken flavour of Renaissance music from the 1400-1600’s, including
the latter Elizabethan period. This may be another indication, like selecting the name Jethro Tull, that he and band members hearken
from that period – continuing their soul’s journey of creative music. Indeed, Anderson has helped produce a record for the British folk
group, Steeleye Span. (Other bands in the same vein from that era include Pentangle, Fairport Convention etc.)

Ian Anderson: Virgo Rising, Leo Sun, Moon in Taurus.

Anderson has the Sun and several planets in Leo – giving him the inclination in his early days to play court jester and, “wear outlandish
stage costumes, pink tights, jockstrap, top hat and vest … “the Pan of Rock.””5

There is that Virgo-Pan theme again! With a Sun-Pluto conjunction in Leo, Anderson is able to command powerful and riveting
performance. His original Leonine performances were flamboyant (and still are!) – a word that derives from the old French, to blaze,
from flambe, flame. How appropriate for a Sun-ruled Leo – highly inflammable, even inflammatory! Also, Mars in Gemini conjunct
Uranus likes to jump about and stand on one leg – just like dancing Shiva.

Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull were so successful financially in the early 1970’s that he was able to purchase a 74-acre country estate in
Buckinghamshire outside of London. The original Jethro Tull would have been pleased! The author’s first exposure to Jethro Tull was one
of their greatest albums Stand Up (1969) followed by a live concert in 1972 in Sydney – at the height of Tull’s skill and success.
Anderson was so dynamic on stage – casting his flute 20 feet into the air, cavorting like a crazed ballerina and catching his silver stick
without missing a beat – a staggering concert!
Anderson’s soul
purpose has been well
and truly realised – a
songwriter who clothes
ideas and feelings in
beautiful lyrics – and a
musician who applied
“due diligence”
(another Virgo phrase)
to practicing various
instruments. And there
is The Muse, or his
personal muse – the
soul – the blending of
words and music is a
divine alchemy. Saturn Jethro Tull in full flight, 1970’s.
is the ruler of the
middle decanate of
Virgo, contributing to Virgo’s self discipline and work ethic as discussed later with Leonard

A wild red lion, Scottish satyr! In Anderson’s horoscope, Virgo’s exoteric ruler Mercury is placed in the last degree of
Cancer, a sign of receptivity to divine inspiration, the “channel”, or amanuensis (as in Alice
Bailey’s case). Mercury sextiles the north node in Taurus, a sign of music – the “Nada Brahma”, or “Sound of god”. Likewise, the Moon as
esoteric ruler of Virgo is placed in Taurus, the sign of its exaltation. Here again, is the familiar theme of earthy, sensuous Taurus – the
rustic English countryside (Britain is a Taurus personality), and the expression of music and beauty.

Moon most likely veils Vulcan which is also the esoteric ruler or this sign. Vulcan “hammers out” the lyrics to a song, the keys
(hammers) on the flute. Moon is opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, giving great depth and exhuberance of expression, enhancing the Leonine
performer. Anderson has made an enormous contribution to modern music and is worth seeing.

Jethro Tull: Bourée

Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave: Virgo Songwriters

“There’s a crack in everything – That’s how the light gets in.”

“Writing begins with an appetite to discover my self-respect. To redeem the day.

So the day does not go down in debt. It begins with that kind of appetite.” (Leonard Cohen)

Leonard the Elder and Nick the Younger have much in common – born one
day and 23 years apart. Recently departed Canadian Cohen is a multi- Cave and Cohen: Looking like mugshots of wanted desperado’s!
Virgo: Sun, Venus, Neptune and rising sign – with a Pisces moon opposite.
His work explored religion, politics, isolation, sexuality and romantic
relationships. Here is the wordsmith, musician and performer par excellence, with his many brilliant, beautiful, sad and deeply stirring
songs and melodies. On his writing principles, it appears that Cohen’s muse was parsimonious with inspiration, evoking the famous
adage by Edison: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”:

“I just have the sense of work. I have the sense of hard labor.” Cohen’s inspiration is definitely there in the chart – Pisces moon in the
6th house of work (hard labour) – opposite inspirational and intuitive Neptune. Moon is also square to Chiron in Mercury-ruled sign of
communications – Gemini, in the ninth house – there also is his “hard labour”. But the Virgo work ethic is extraordinarily strong:
Leonard Cohen

“Cohen approaches his work with extraordinary doggedness reflecting the notion that work ethic supersedes what we call “inspiration” …
I’m writing all the time. And as the songs begin to coalesce, I’m not doing anything else but writing. I wish I were one of those people
who wrote songs quickly. But I’m not. So it takes me a great deal of time to find out what the song is. So I’m working most of the
time.”6 Here is the dogged Vulcan-Virgo smithy hammering away in his forge – hitting that hot iron hard! Shaping it into a form of
beauty, a series of apothegms or polished jewels.

Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song (Live in London)

“To find a song that I can sing, to engage my interest, to penetrate my boredom with myself and my disinterest in my own opinions, to
penetrate those barriers, the song has to speak to me with a certain urgency. To be able to find that song that I can be interested in
takes many versions and it takes a lot of uncovering.” Virgo the perfectionist, many drafts and re-drafts!

“But why shouldn’t my work be hard? Almost everybody’s work is hard. One is distracted
by this notion that there is such a thing as inspiration, that it comes fast and easy. And some people are graced by that style. I’m not.
So I have to work as hard as any stiff, to come up with my payload.” Virgo the common man, the husbandman, the artisan.
“When asked whether he ever finds that “hard labor” enjoyable Cohen says, “It has a certain nourishment. The mental physique is
muscular. That gives you a certain stride as you walk along the dismal landscape of your inner thoughts. You have a certain kind of tone
to your activity. But most of the time it doesn’t help. It’s just hard work.”

Echoes here of the pessimism and even depression into which Pisces moons can sink, evoking the lyrics of one song, “I fell into an
avalanche, it covered up my soul”. “Cohen delved into despair, unmet desire, and the anhedonia7 of desire fulfilled. His music is dark,
sometimes comically.”8

And another sixth house statement, “But I think unemployment is the great affliction of man. Even people with jobs are unemployed. In
fact, most people with jobs are unemployed. I can say, happily and gratefully, that I am fully employed. Maybe all hard work means is
fully employed.” Great humour here, the mutable signs, particularly Pisces, can be very funny.

Cohen’s years spent as a Zen Buddhist monk saw him go into a five year retreat of seclusion in 1994. He took the Dharma name Jikan,
meaning “silence” and served as personal assistant to Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi.

“If I knew where the good songs came from, I’d go there more often. It’s a mysterious condition. It’s much like the life of a Catholic
nun. You’re married to a mystery.” (LC)

Nick Cave
“I discovered Leonard Cohen with Songs of Love and Hate. I listened to
this record for hours in a friend’s house. I was very young and I believe
this was the first record that really had an effect on me. Leonard Cohen
was the first one I discovered by myself. He is the symbol of my
musical independence. The sadness of Cohen was inspirer, it gave me a
lot of energy.”9

“Australian musician, singer-songwriter, author, screenwriter, composer

and occasional actor, best known for fronting the rock band Nick Cave
and the Bad Seeds. Cave’s music is generally characterised by
emotional intensity, a wide variety of influences, his baritone voice and
lyrical obsessions with death, religion, love and violence.”10

Nick Cave in concert, Hammersmith Apollo, London, Britain – 2 Nick Cave was influenced deeply by Cohen, as he developed his own
May 2015 style of songwriting, musicianship and performance. He has an
extraordinary stellium in Virgo: Sun, Mars, midheaven, Mercury, Moon
and Pluto. There is his emotional intensity – Moon-Pluto. But of course, also his extensive song and screen writing. Nick Cave’s surname
is apt because one symbol of Virgo is the cave or womb:

“Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in the form to the
death of the form—deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple—the human being goes. But into that same place, the new
life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light.”11

Nick Cave

Born in the Pluto in Virgo generation with the Moon conjunct Pluto, has certainly allowed Cave to “descend into hell” – Pluto’s realm. He
has written many songs inspired by Old Testament stories in particular, exploring the Plutonian depths. He had no contact with Leonard
Cohen during his life, except at the recent accidental death of his 15 year-old son: “When my son died, Leonard Cohen emailed me: ‘I’m
with you, brother.’ It was one of the most meaningful messages I received at the time. He was compassionate.”

NICK CAVE - Leonard Cohen's Suzanne

David Garrett: Violin Virtuoso
Briefly, another extraordinary musician who probably represents the pinnacle of the
Virgoan art of Technique. German-born David Garret (his stage name) is a
classical, pop and crossover violinist, recording artist – and child prodigy:

“When Garrett was four years old his father bought a violin for his older brother.
The young Garrett took an interest and soon learned to play. A year later, he took
part in a competition and won first prize. By the age of seven, he studied violin at
the Lübeck Conservatoire. When he was nine years old he gave his debut at the
Festival Kissinger Sommer, and by the age of 12, Garrett began working with the
distinguished Polish violinist Ida Haendel, often traveling to London and other
European cities to meet her. After leaving home at 17, he enrolled at the Royal
College of Music in London, leaving after the first semester … Garrett received his
first Stradivarius violin at the age of 11, courtesy of German president Richard von
Weizsäcker, after having performed for him.”12

David Garrett

Garrett is a Cancer rising with Moon also in this sign. The expression of the feeling nature via music – and naturally the stimulation of
the emotional nature of others is part of his soul brief. Like Cave, Garrett has a stellium of planets in Virgo: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and
Saturn. Saturn in Virgo is extraordinarily disciplined in technique. Jupiter is the hierarchical love-wisdom ruler of Virgo and squares
Neptune in Sagittarius, the esoteric ruler of his ascendant. There is his broad musical repertoire, inspiration and passion – the latter
augmented heavily by Mars in Scorpio, trine to intuitive Moon in Cancer in the twelfth house!

Garrett has played with many orchestras all over the planet, and seeks to arouse young people’s interest in classical music. He also has
his own band that plays classical, rock and movie themes; he holds the Guiness Book of World Records for fastest violin player – with
his rendition of Flight of the Bumble Bee.

David Garrett - Vivaldi - Winter

Virgo Brazil, Bolsonaro and the Amazon Fires

(Note previous astrological commentaries on Brazil.)

In a previous newsletter for 2016, during a Saturn transit to Brazil’s Sun,

it was stated,

“The Lord of Karma Saturn squaring the Sun is a moment of great

opportunity to bring about a purge based upon right ethics and principles
(Saturn in Sagittarius). This purification (Virgo) must extend throughout
the Brazilian culture as well, in reinstating and strengthening the morals
and morale of the people. This transit should bring about a greater
integration of Brazil’s personality, which will of course lead to a better
alignment with its Leo soul. The transit of Saturn in Sagittarius to Brazil’s
Virgo sun creates a point of tension where a deeper discrimination can
be developed.”13

In 2019 that purging process is underway and it will take some time for the dust to settle and the smoke to clear – so to speak. Recent
sensational headlines about extensive fires in the Amazon have focussed the global environmental crisis, but the problem extends
beyond Brazil into several neighbouring countries. Brazil is a Leo soul with a Virgo personality, hence the Amazon is part of her
expression: A virgin rainforest that contains a vast variety of flora, fauna and ancient tribes – a veritable Garden of Eden.

The Amazon news headlines occurred on the Virgo new moon

period of August 30, 2019 – an extraordinary stellium of
placements in Virgo: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Uranus, the planet of radical change, science and revolution –
was in trine aspect to this stellium. If Saturn in Capricorn is
included, there was a wide grand trine between the three earth
signs – the element of the environment and mother earth.

In the new moon horoscope, Ceres-Demeter, the asteroid

goddess of the grain and co-ruler of Virgo, was placed in
philosophical Sagittarius square to the Virgo stellium, indicating
the challenge to formulate new laws for care of the environment
– globally, the Amazon rainforest is merely the tip of the
Amazon fires from space.
iceberg. Virgo-Ceres is the virgin mother who presides over care
for the environment – that has been devoured by the rapacious
demands of human greed.

Hence, the focus on Brazil blew the global picture out of proportion, motivated internally by opponents of President Bolsonaro – and
externally by the selfish interests of some Western nations who have used an environmental pretext to mask and maintain their access
to Brazil’s resources and other trade deals. Scientific bodies such as NASA, claim that the current fires in the Amazon are less than the

Elsewhere in Indonesia and South-East Asia, during the annual rice fields burn-off, an appalling blanket of smoke covers the entire
region for several months, closing airports, degrading air quality and compounding respiratory illnesses. Even the Arctic, Greenland and
northern Sweden have been experiencing devastating fires in recent years. Several other European countries such as Portugal and
Spain; the devastating fires in California. All these factors have been bought on by natural cycles such as magnetic pole-shift, human
interference via weather manipulation, pollution and overuse of natural resources. Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance.
Jair Bolsonaro: Cancer Rising, Aries Sun
Bolsonaro’s attitudes to controversial issues are an affront to many –
he is known for his strong opposition to left-wing policies of same-sex
marriage, abortion, affirmative action, immigration, drug liberalization
and land reforms; he has defended torture practices by the Brazilian
military, privatization, pro-corporate sell-outs etc. Money, political
propaganda and crime are a very large component of the Amazon
furore/firestorm – whipping up emotional reactions that are not
helping Brazil move forward.

Recent reports state that Bolsonaro claims a, “profound love” for

Amazon rainforest as criticism toward him intensifies. This may be
sincerely the case, since he has Virgo-linked, mother earth sign
Cancer rising, plus Jupiter and Uranus in this sign. Currently his
progressed moon is precisely conjunct Jupiter, rousing him to take
action on the forest. In many ways Bolsonaro is “besieged” amongst Indonesia fires from space.
the myriad responsibilities he has taken on – and working with
restrictive health issues, such as wearing a colostomy bag since his
near fatal stabbing in September 2018.

Jair Bolsonaro

Over the next four months to December 2019, the progressed moon will pass over his Uranus-Ascendant conjunction, awakening further
his soul destiny, but also putting into conflict with his own shadow – outdated ideas and ultra-conservative principles that will need
reviewing. Interestingly, Cancer is a sign of conservation and conservatism!

Worldwide public scrutiny is currently bringing these issues into sharp

focus. The testing for the very masculine-military Aries Bolsonaro is to
develop the nurturing Cancer rising “mother” of his nation. Brazil is also the
only nation in the world given as a second ray of love-wisdom personality,
adding further to its feminine expression:

“It is useful to bear in mind that some nations are negative and feminine
and others are masculine and positive. India, France, the United States of
America, Russia and Brazil are all feminine and constitute the nurturing
mother aspect. They are feminine in their psychology — intuitive, mystical,
alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour, and with the faults also of the
feminine aspect, such as over emphasis upon the material aspects of life,
upon pageantry, upon possession and upon money or its equivalent as a
symbol of the form side of existence. They mother and nurture civilisation
and ideas.”15

Bolsonaro was born in the first degree of Aries the leader, and has the
Moon and Venus in populist Aquarius – opposite Pluto, the planet of power.
Venus was aspected by Aries ruler Mars at his victory. Venus is also in a T-
square to Saturn in Scorpio (hard line policies) and Mars in Taurus.
Bolsonaro is of strong Italian heritage – from both sides of the family – and
Carnivale in Rio.
was congratulated on his election win by Italy’s new far right leader. Here
we see the fourth ray soul connection of Brazil with Italy, a fourth ray

Bolsonaro is somewhat crude and bombastic; not subtle, expressing an Aries bluntness that is not politically correct. This is not an
uncommon feature of politicians influenced by the first ray of will or power that pours through Aries. Bolsonaro does not have much of a
sense of diplomacy – as an Aries personality, he often reacts and blurts out statements in anger – giving plenty of ammunition to his
He is however, a highly trained soldier with a well deveoloped intellect and a deep devotion to solving
Brazil’s many problems at hand. Bolsonaro finds himself in an unenviable “a damned if he does,
damned if he does not” position; he was elected on the basis of cleaning up a deeply corrupt Brazil. A
recent speech by a Brazilian dignitary said of Bolosonaro’s election, “A victory of truth over lies,
honesty over corruption, principles over expedience.”

Rising above bi-partisan politics and preferences, one might say there was a victory of the soul over
the personality, or quality over appearance. It may well be an indication that the fourth ray, Leo soul of
the nation has begun to swing into greater power – to start cleaning house. Whenever this happens to
any entity, quite often conflict and confusion arise as the shadow of the nation is activated, and the
fight between the Angel and the Dweller rages.

“Brazil (or rather what that country will then be called, for the time of this expression lies thousands of
years ahead) – will represent a linking interpreting civilisation, based on the unfoldment of the abstract
consciousness, which is a blend of the intellect and the intuition, and which reveals the wisdom aspect
of love in its beauty.”16

Bolsonaro’s team states that he is a man of principles and that he is pure,

indicating a certain naivety. Esoteric observers have stated that within the
government team, there is a group of true disciples unknown to the public and
dedicated to their mission. Bolsonaro is so common and unexceptional, that it is
almost surreal that he won the elections. He is devoted to serve the nation, and is
probably a sixth ray personality. His slogan is “Brazil above us, and God above all”.

Bolsonaro does not have the political ambition for re-election and has dedicated
himself to rooting out corruption; he is attempting to dismantle a huge chain of
connections within Brazil and abroad who are acting against the interests of many
groups – some well motivated, many not. This has caused a large reaction –
together with the political groups linked to Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba, there are
close ties with the drug cartels that make enormous profits.

Because of his stated aim of rooting out corruption, Bolsonaro attracted many
enemies, a seething hatred – to the point where one fanatic emerged and stabbed
him almost fatally on September 6, 2018. One year later he has successfully
passed through a five-hour operation to consolidate the extensive damage to his
liver, lung, and intestine. Can any of us imagine what it must have been like to
take over the leadership of a gigantic nation and have to endure what he has gone
through in the past year? He certainly has a first ray toughness, combined with his
sixth ray martial spirit.

There are many groups that form a very well organized criminal web that has
spread all over South America, establishing a network for the main source of drugs
globally. There are associations with politicians and the extensive Brazilian borders
(Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay) – that allow
groups to act clandestinely in inaccessible areas, under the cloak of forest.
Drug cartel routes.
Because Bolsonaro and his ministers are dismantling the criminal web, it gives
them massive support from the populace, but at the same time – counter attacks from the forces resisting the purging process to which
the nation has been submitted. As to be expected, there is a lot of propaganda within and without the nation against the Brazilian

Behind it all is the true cause of money, one facet is groups that
represent foreign interests in the Amazon region, capable of
going to any lengths to retain profits. All that has occurred has
been with permission from the previous political party that was
in power, whose leader Lulu is now in prison. Bolsonaro lives
under constant death threats, as do the judges that have
sentenced criminals to prison. These leaders all live in a state of
virtual siege.

Brazil just signed a trade agreement with the EU, but France
opposed it – Macron’s motives appear as profit motive, to benefit
France’s economy. And probably several other European nations
such as Germany and Norway. NGO’s often masquerade for
corporations. As an example of emotive propaganda, Macron
Amazon rainforest. used a photo from 1998 to talk about the Amazon and “our
house, our lungs” – to take the issue to the G7 meeting. Brazil
was not part of it, and did not attend. Bolsonaro called Macron a colonialist and asked, “why you do not re-forest your country instead of
trying to intervene here”? Pictures are in circulation depicting scenes with burnt animals – only to be revealed that they were pictures
from the California fires, some years ago. All is not what it seems these days, and nothing in any media can be taken at face value.

Money is where Humanity is sorely tested, where it is forced to make choices. The difficulty is to identify motives behind outer
appearances, usually they are disguised by beautiful wrapping and a politically correct environmental stance – amplified by emotion and
exaggeration through media. Hence it is an enormous challenge to see through appearances, to find where the truth dwells. Truth is the
second aspect of manifestation, the Christ, the soul.
Brazil: Note, this exoteric chart corresponds to the esoteric chart, Leo soul, Virgo personality. Currently there has been several
planetary transits in Virgo passing over the Virgo sun. In fact, its annual solar return.

Bolsonaro is backed by the immense success of “jet wash”, the “car wash” operation that is cleaning up corruption, and which has
already given back billions to the state – that had previously been sent to offshore tax havens. All has been uncovered, and Bolsonaro
has been surfing this wave of purification.

Brazil’s personality is Virgo whose main objective is purification, hence the corruption crackdown, however crude or repulsive in its
methods, may be a good sign of Brazil’s soul awakening. When the Christ enters the temple and “turns the tables” the traders are
driven from the temple. Paradoxically, Bolsonaro’s fiscal policies are perceived by many as for short term gain and selling out to
corporations. But that is another issue to be confronted after the “cleaing of the stables” has taken place.

The Leo soul of Brazil has Uranus as its hierarchical ruler, promoting a
“reversal of the wheel” and treading the way of the soul. For people on
the street and all layers of society, the majority is polarised in mass
consciousness and do not know how to tread the “middle way” – hence
taking sides and fighting. Those who have been removed from power
have vast resources of stolen money to fund fake news and
propaganda. Hence, they are able to manipulate Bolsonaro’s verbal
incontinence, creating clouds of maya and illusion that make it difficult
to see through.

In these kind of situations, world disciples can be neither pro or con

Bolsonaro – they must transcend political duality and try to see the
meaning behind outer appearance, to continuously see the light inside
darkness – and to fan its flame. It is the work of the esoteric groups
and meditators to disperse dark clouds as soon as they start forming,
and to strengthen the light when it appears.

On the controversial Brazilian guns issue, laws have been recently proposed to be relaxed – to allow people to arm themselves against
assaults, although it has not yet been approved. Bolsonoaro stated that “criminals will die in the streets like cockroaches”. The previous
government was lenient with crime because they were supported by criminals; they wanted to disarm the population, leaving the
criminals heavily armed.

Brazil in 2016 saw 61,600 die from homicide, 4,224 of whom were killed by Brazilian police. The number of civilians killed by stray
bullets when outdoors is massive; it has generated fear and a general anxiety, to the point where people avoid going out – for fear of
being assaulted in the streets or killed in gangster wars that occur in broad daylight. False propaganda and fear are the main weapons
of the Forces of Materialism.

Organized crime became a parallel power in Brazil, defying the state,

the people and the institutions; they are highly weaponised and want
guns with a far reaching power that exceeds that of their enemy – the
police. These criminals now even have advanced weapons to shoot
down police planes when they try to watch their activities around the
hills and favelas of Rio. These gangs are numerous, composed of
many factions functioning under the cover of support from corrupt
politicians and even the police – all motivated by the primordial
money-survival instinct. Organised crime campaigned against
Bolsonaro before the election, did not want him to be elected and
hate the judges that put them in prison.

Hence, it is almost unimaginable what is happening in Brazil – many

things are being uncovered as the purge continues. Criminals knew that civilians were defenceless and they felt free to do what they
wanted. Hence, Bolsonaro proposed a law based on an appeal to the people (a million voted for a referendum asking for it), to allow
them to also have guns for protection, and to not have only the criminals armed.

Unlike USA, in Brazil citizens have to apply for buying a gun, to submit to a psychological test before being allowed to buy it. The
number of guns is also limited depending upon the case. Under legal age people can not have permission. Farmers have their land
invaded and taken by criminals and they could not defend themselves – a scenario not unlike the wild west. After Bolsonaro and judge
Sergio Moro (a man of great integrity) gained power, crimes and murders dropped significantly as a result of the psychological change
that began within the nation.

Perhaps therefore, we can view the current hysteria over the Amazon fires in a
different light – given this broader picture of Brazil’s many problems? There has been Solar plexus chakra.
a massive emotional reaction – not much critical thinking, just instinctual emotional
response, that cannot perceive the real that lies behind appearances. Part of the
learning curve for the Virgo personality of Brazil is to become far more discriminating. Virgo is the sign of discrimination, yet Brazil’s
general public is easily swayed by populist propaganda:

“The solar plexus centre is, at this time, highly active among men and women everywhere. In every country millions of people are over-
sensitised, emotional frequently to the point of hysteria, full of dreams, visions and fears, and highly nervous.”17

Hysteria means that the solar plexus or emotional body is in control – an indication of the polarisation in the world in general. As The
Christ and Hierarchy approach the astral plane in preparation for their Externalisation after 2025, His presence may express as a wave
of crimes and non-sense, indicating astral consciousness of the masses, plus absence of the mind factor. Similarly, at the end of the Age
of Taurus, “the children of Israel” (the masses of humanity), kept worshiping the golden calf.

Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria

Brazil is an ancient remnant of not only the more recent Atlantean rootrace, but much earlier it was part of the continent of Lemuria.
Hence, there are still many ancient tendencies that influence this modern nation – which will be in 25,000 years time, the seed for the
first subrace of the Sixth Rootrace

“The thoughts of men since the middle of the Atlantean period have
steadily been attracted toward the destructive or left-hand path,
because selfishness has been the motive, and self-interest the
dominant factor. Part of the work of the Christ when He came 2000
years ago was to offset this tendency by the inculcation, through
example and precept, of sacrifice and unselfishness, and the martyr
spirit (tinctured as it oft was by hysteria and a heavenly self-
interest) was one of the results of this endeavour.”18

The centre of Brazil is in the state of Matto Grosso, also the

geographical centre of South America. This was the location of one of
the original outposts of Shamballa – that presided over the
development of the early Lemurian humanity. This centre is now in
the process of reactivation as the Sixth Rootrace unfolds over the
next 25,000 years; its first subrace is prophecied to be in Brazil,
hence the Virgo cleansing process in this nation today, has
ramifications for the long term future. There are many purifications
needed to destroy ancient activities throught this continent:

“The powerful thought-forms built up in the early Ibezhan mysteries

and which (particularly in America) are as yet undestroyed. This gigantic “Dweller on the Threshold” of all the true Mysteries has to be
slaughtered before the aspirant can pass on.”19

Brazil is somewhat of an enigma, reflected by its soul and personality signs – Leo-Virgo – the Mystery of the Sphinx! The body of a lion
and the face of the virgin has several interpretations, one of which is the unification and synthesis of all current races into a new future
race – both in consciousness and physical type – this is already occurring now.

Extra article links to last month’s Leo newsletter

Stockhausen and Sirius
Woodstock: A Leo-Aquarius, Sirian Event

Phillip Lindsay © 2019.


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Books by Phillip Lindsay

The Shamballa Impacts

Masters of the Seven Rays

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays II

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays III

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays IV

Destiny of the Races & Nations I

Destiny of the Races & Nations II

Destiny of the Races & Nations III

The Hidden History of Humanity I

The Initiations of Krishnamurti

Songs to Varuna

Unveiling Genesis


Esoteric Astrology
Hidden History of Humanity

1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1195. [ ]

2. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.675. [ ]
3. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. [ ]
4. Covered here briefly in an earlier newsletter. [ ]
5. Wikipedia. [ ]
6. [ ]
7. A diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure. [ ]
8. [ ]
9. [ ]
10. Wikipedia. [ ]
11. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384. [ ]
12. Wikipedia. [ ]
13. [ ]
240959 [ ]
15. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.55. [ ]
16. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.387. [ ]
17. Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.539. [ ]
18. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [ ]
19. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.352. [ ]


4 Responses to Virgo 2019: Mystical Astrology. Technique. The Muses. Ian Anderson. Cohen &
Cave. Brazil & Bolsonaro. Shamballa, Lemuria.

Anna Louisa Taylor says:

September 10, 2019 at 1:17 pm

Excellent in depth look at our current situation and it’s origins and progression. Thank you for your “beyond the apparent”

Louise Langdeau says:

September 10, 2019 at 4:03 pm

I read with great interest your article on Bolsonaro. That reminds me that the Hierarchy uses the available vehicles to carry
out some “missions”. At times, those vehicles may not be the most sophisticated. On the other hand, to attack the
appearance of Mrs. Macron and compare her to his much younger wife in order to explain Mr. Macron’s position is rather
mean. It shows someone who lacks the ability to debate ideas. When he cannot get his point on a mental level, he attacks
the person. Anyway, it is rather important, as you wrote, to have an esoteric vision of what is really and deeply at stake in
this country and in the world at large.

By the way, are you planning to post something on the young Greta?

Phillip Lindsay says:

September 10, 2019 at 5:28 pm

Yes its easy to slip into ad hominem in the heat of battle, Bolsonaro was sorely incensed at what he perceived as French
colonialist interference.

suzanne says:
September 11, 2019 at 9:03 am

Again, a WONDER-full presentation…and featuring the “Mystical, Mysterious Muses”, with whom many of us hold consort–and
may now intend due tribute…so helpful to give Virgo her full tribute, in this regard…had not thought of it quite that way
before.. thanks, Philip!

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