ChristmasWreath Blogstars MB1
ChristmasWreath Blogstars MB1
ChristmasWreath Blogstars MB1
this Christmas
We have got together with the lovely Blogstars to bring you this gorgeous
Christmas Wreath. Nestled alongside the Christmas tree and gingerbread
man, you will find poinsettias, snowflakes, stars and hearts full of festive joy,
topped off with seasonal holly trimmings.
You will find our patterns for the ring, Christmas tree, gingerbread man and
poinsettias in these pages and links to the Blogstar’s patterns for all the other
elements, taking you on a magical Christmas tour around blogs, websites
and Ravelry.
We have also given you two ideas of how you could put your wreath together,
but there are so many combinations, yours will look completely unique.
Merry Christmas
from everyone at Stylecraft!
Ch(s) Chain(s)
Dc Double crochet
Dc2tog Double crochet 2 sts together
Dc3tog Double crochet 3 sts together
Dtr Double treble
mm(s) Millimetre(s)
Rep Repeat
Rnd Round
Sp(s) Space(s)
Ss Slip Stitch
St(s) Stich(s)
Tr Treble
tr/rf yarn round hook, insert hook from right to left around stem
of st on row indictated below, yarn round hook and draw a loop through
the work, (yarn round hook and pull through 2 loops on hook) twice
Wreath Cover
Using 4mm hook make 23 chains
(or enough stitches to cover the circumference of your ring).
1st Row: 1htr in 2nd ch from hook, 1htr in each ch to end, turn. 22sts.
2nd Row: 2ch (counts as 1htr), 1htr in each htr to end, turn.
Rep row 2 until work measures 55cm or enough to just cover your ring.
You want the cover to be quite snug so don’t make it too wide or long.
Hexagon Snowflake
by Polly Plum taken from her square Blizzard Warning.
I crocheted the first two rounds using Ecru and Silver
Spiky Snowflake
by Catherine Bligh taken from The Four Seasons, Winter.
I used Ecru and Silver
Small Stars
by Jane Crowfoot from new pattern Twinkle Bunting in Silver, Indigo,
Downpour and Surf. The pattern launches on 1st November on Ravelry
Yarn B: S
tylecraft Naturals Bamboo+Cotton DK Ecru 7128.
Darning/sewing needle.
Head (make 2) Making up
Using 3.5mm hook and A, make a magic ring, Sew 1 head piece to 1 Body piece by sewing
2ch (does not count as 1 tr). Do not turn. 4 sts together (2 sts either side of the last), ss.
1st Rnd (RS): 14tr into ring. 14 sts. Pull end Repeat this for the other head and Body pieces.
of magic ring to close.
Sew 1 Arm at each side of each Head and Body
2nd Rnd: *(1tr, 2tr in next tr) rep from * pieces at the joint between the Head and the
to last tr. 21 sts. Body as seen in the image
Fasten off. Sew 1 Leg at each side of each Body making the
Body (Make 2) legs meet in the middles as seen in the image.
Yarn B: S
tylecraft Naturals Bamboo+Cotton DK Citronellle 7125
or Spring Green 7126.
Darning/sewing needle
Using 3.5mm hook and A make 5chs. 12th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc),
dc2tog, 1dc in next 3dc dc2tog, 1dc to last
1st Row (RS): 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in
2dc, dc2tog, turn. 10dc
each ch to end, turn. 4dc
Rep 7th row once more. 8dc
2nd Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc to
end, turn. 14th Row: Make 3ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from
hook, 1dc in each ch and dc to end, turn. 10dc
Rep 2nd Row once more.
15th Row: Make 3ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from
4th Row: Make 7ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from hook,
hook, 1dc in each ch and dc to end, turn. 12dc
1dc in each ch and dc to end, turn. 10dc
16th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc),
5th Row: Make 7ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from hook,
dc2tog, 1dc in next 3dc dc2tog, 1dc to last
1dc in each ch and dc to end , turn. 16dc
2dc, dc2tog, turn. 9dc
6th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc to
17th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc),
end, turn.
dc2tog, 1dc, dc3tog, 1dc, dc2tog, turn. 5dc
7th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), dc2tog,
18th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc),
1dc to last 2dc, dc2tog, turn. 14dc
dc2tog, 1dc, dc2tog, turn. 3dc
8th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), dc2tog,
Rep 2nd Row twice more.
1dc in next 4dc dc2tog, 1dc to last 2dc,
dc2tog, turn. 11dc 21st Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc),
dc3tog, turn. 1dc
Rep 7th row twice more. 7dc
22nd Row: 4ch, ss in dc. Fasten off.
9th Row: Make 5ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from hook,
1dc in each ch and dc to end, turn. 11dc Sew in ends.
10th Row: Make 5ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from
hook, 1dc in each ch and dc to end, turn. 15dc
Rep 7th row once more. 13dc
Christmas Flowers
Yarn B: S
tylecraft Naturals Bamboo+Cotton DK Indigo 7152,
Spring Green 7126, Citronelle 7125, Downpour 7151.
Darning/sewing needle.
Flower Instructions 5th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc, 2dc
in next dc, 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous row,
Using 3.5mm hook and any A, make 8chs, ss to
2dc in next dc, 1dc, turn. 7sts
first ch to make a ring.
Rep 4th row once more
1st Rnd (RS): 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 12dc
into ring, ss to first dc. 12 sts 7th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc, 2dc
in next dc, 1dc, 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous
2nd Rnd: * 3ch, miss 1dc, 1dc in next dc, rep from
row, 1dc, 2dc in next dc, 1dc, turn. 9sts
* 5 times more, ss into first 3chsp. 6 3chsps
Rep 4th row
3rd Rnd: *(2ch, 3tr, 2ch, ss into same 3chsp, ss
into next 3chsp) rep from * 5 times more. 6 Petals 9th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc,
dc2tog, 1dc, 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous
4th Rnd: 2ch, 1dc (at back of petals) into missed
row, 1dc, dc2tog, 1dc, turn. 7sts
dc on 2nd row, *4ch, 1dc (at back of petals) into
missed dc on 2nd row of next petal, rep from * Rep 4th row once more.
4 times more, 4ch, ss into first 4chsp. 6 3chsps 11th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc,
5th Rnd: *(3ch, 1tr, 3dtr, 1tr, 3ch, ss into same dc2tog, 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous row,
3chsp, ss into next 3chsp) rep from * 5 times dc2tog, 1dc, turn. 5sts
more. 6 Petals Rep 4th row once more.
Fasten off. 13th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 2dc,
Leaf Instructions 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous row, 2dc, turn.
Using 3.5mm hook and any B, make 4chs. Rep 4th row once more.
1st Row (RS): 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in 15th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), dc2tog,
each ch to end, turn. 3dc 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous row, dc2tog,
turn. 3sts
2nd Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc to end,
turn. Rep 4th row once more.
3rd Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 2dc in first 17th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), d2tog,
dc, 1tr/rf around dc of 1st row, 2dc in last dc, 1tr/rf around relief tr on previous row, 1dc,
turn. 5sts turn. 2sts
4th Row: 1ch (does not count as 1dc), 1dc to 18th Row: Dc2tog, fasten off.
end, turn. Sew leaf at back of Flower and sew in all ends.
Making up of the wreath video
available here: