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Course: Core paper IV- HPHCR2042T, HPHCR2042P

Semester II
Paper HPHCR2042T, HPHCR2042P
Paper Title Waves & Optics
No. of Credits 06 (Theory – 4, Lab – 2)
Theory/Comp Composite
No. of periods Th: 4 periods/week
assigned Pr: 3 periods/week
Name of
Course The course introduces students to properties of waves, wave equation, superposition of
description/o waves and also discusses phenomena in optics. Interference, Diffraction & Polarisation are
bjective covered.

As enclosed

As enclosed

rence Lists As enclosed

Evaluation Total – 100 (Theory – 60, Practical – 40)

Theory – CIA – 10
Semester Examination – 50
Group A (25 marks) Group B (25 marks)
One 10 marks qs out of two qs One 10 mark qs out of two qs
Three 5 mark qs out of five qs Three 5 mark qs out of five qs

Syllabus :

HPHCR2042T - WAVES AND OPTICS (Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)

Module – A [26 lectures]
Superposition of Collinear Harmonic oscillations : Linearity and Superposition Principle. Superposition of two
collinear oscillations having (1) equal frequencies and (2) different frequencies (Beats). Superposition of N collinear
Harmonic Oscillations with (1) equal phase differences and (2) equal frequency differences. [5 Lectures]
Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations : Graphical and Analytical Methods. Lissajous Figures with
equal an unequal frequency and their uses. [2 lectures]
Wave Motion : Plane and Spherical Waves. Longitudinal and Transverse Waves. Plane Progressive (Travelling) Waves.
Wave Equation. Particle and Wave Velocities. Differential Equation. Pressure of a Longitudinal Wave. Energy
Transport. Intensity of Wave. Water Waves: Ripple and Gravity Waves [6 lectures]
Velocity of Waves : Velocity of Transverse Vibrations of Stretched Strings. Velocity of Longitudinal Waves in a Fluid in
a Pipe. Newton’s Formula for Velocity of Sound. Laplace’s Correction. [6 lectures]
Superposition of Two Harmonic Waves : Standing (Stationary) Waves in a String: Fixed and Free Ends. Analytical
Treatment. Phase and Group Velocities. Changes with respect to Position and Time. Energy of Vibrating String.
Transfer of Energy. Normal Modes of Stretched Strings. Melde’s Experiment. Longitudinal Standing Waves and Normal
Modes. Superposition of N Harmonic Waves. [7 lectures]

Module – B [26 lectures]

Wave Optics : Electromagnetic nature of light. Definition and properties of wave front. Huygens Principle. Temporal
and Spatial Coherence. [2 lectures]
Interference : Division of amplitude and wavefront. Young’s double slit experiment. Lloyd’s Mirror and Fresnel’s
Biprism. Phase change on reflection: Stokes’ treatment. Interference in Thin Films: parallel and wedge-shaped films.
Fringes of equal inclination (Haidinger Fringes); Fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau Fringes). Newton’s Rings:
Measurement of wavelength and refractive index. [8 lectures]
Interferometer : Michelson Interferometer-(1) Idea of form of fringes (No theory required), (2) Determination of
Wavelength, (3) Refractive Index, and (5) Visibility of Fringes. Fabry-Perot interferometer. [2 lectures]
Diffraction : Kirchhoff’s Integral Theorem, Fresnel-Kirchhoff’s Integral formula. (Qualitative discussion only)
[1 lectures]
Fraunhofer diffraction: Diffraction grating by a single slit, double slit, multiple slits, circular aperture, resolving power,
Resolving Power of a telescope. Resolving power of grating, Rayleigh’s criterion. Finesse. [8 lectures]
Fresnel Diffraction: Fresnel’s Assumptions. Fresnel’s Half-Period Zones for Plane Wave. Explanation of Rectilinear
Propagation of Light. Theory of a Zone Plate: Multiple Foci of a Zone Plate. [3 lectures]
Holography: Principle of Holography. Recording and Reconstruction Method. [2 lectures]
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Optics, F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White, 1981, McGraw-Hill
2. Optics, E. Hecht, Pearson
3. Optics, Ajoy Ghatak, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
4. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, H. J. Pain, 2013, John Wiley and Sons.
5. Principles of Optics, B.K. Mathur
6. Vibrations & Waves, A.P. French
7. Advanced Acoustics, D.P. Roy Chaudhuri
HPHCR2042P - Waves and Optics Lab (CreditS – 2) (39 periods)
1. To investigate the motion of coupled oscillators.
2. To study Lissajous Figures using CRO.
3. Familiarization with Schuster`s focusing and determination of angle of prism.
4. To determine refractive index of the material of a prism using sodium source.
5. To determine the dispersive power and Cauchy constants of the material of a prism using mercury source.
6. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s Rings.
7. To determine an unknown wavelength using Fresnel’s biprism
8. To determine wavelength of (1) Na source and (2) spectral lines of Hg source using plane diffraction grating.
9. To determine dispersive power and resolving power of a plane diffraction grating.
Reference Books
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia Publishing House
2. Optics, Ajoy Ghatak, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Advanced Practical Physics, B. Ghosh, K.G.Majumdar, Sreedhar Publishers

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